#kodai Tatta
so-many-fandoms-here · 3 months
Hello. I just recently started watching Alice in Borderland. During that time, for some inexplicable reason, two people grew close to my heart - Takatora Samura and Shuntarō Chishiya. I don't know if you can write scenarios too…if not, pick one of them and do a oneshot. How would he react/How would they react if their girlfriend had a nightmare?
Time for another multi-character post!
(English isn’t my first language so feel free to correct any mistakes you notice.)
• Characters: Shuntarō Chishiya, Suguru Niragi, Takatora Samura, Hikari Kuina, Kodai Tatta, fem!Reader
• Genre: fluff
• Warnings: none
Reacting to you having a
♦️Shuntarō Chishiya
Chishiya was still up, his mind wandering, thinking about this and that when suddenly you started to flinch in you sleep. He looked over and watched how you threw your head from left to right, your hair one big mess.
He knew what was going on, you’re most likely having a nightmare, nothing health related. Still he was thinking about intervening, not wanting to watch you suffer trough the pictures your brain was showing you.
Right as he wanted to wake you up, you open your eyes, sleepy but still scared. You caught his gaze that was eyeing you thoroughly. It was like he was sucking up your discomfort, like a towel sucking up water. Making the place less messy, taking the water in, not taking any damage by it and being able to be wrung out at a different place where it won’t bother anyone.
Chishiya didn’t have to try to comfort you, he did it by simply being his calm self. His relaxed expression took over you, making you realize that there is nothing to be afraid of.
„You alright?“, he asked, eyes still fixated on you.
„I think so“, you said, shifting closer to him.
His arm found its way around your shoulders, inviting you to let your body rest against his.
„You wanna talk about it?“, he asked next, right after your head found its spot on his chest, listening to the beat of his heart and feeling the rising and sinking of his chest.
„Not right now“, you answered, getting more drowsy by ever second passing.
He hummed in agreement and tangles is fingers on your hair, massaging your scalp while watching you drifting back to sleep again.
♦️Suguru Niragi
Niragi has never been faster on his feet when he heard your pleading and crying. Still naked from your evening activities he jumped up and grabbed his gun that leaned next to him against the wall.
Without knowing where to aim he just swung his weapon from left to right, joining in on your screaming. „What the fuck is going on?“
He was still scanning the room when he reached over to the lamp on his bedside table and turned it on.
„What are you doing?“, you mumbled, awoken from the loud noises. „What I‘m doing?“ Niragi asked appalled. „You screamed! I thought someone tried to-“ harm you, he wanted to say but swallowed this part of the sentence. No way he would admit that he actually cared about you.
He secured the gun and leaned it against the wall again before sitting down on his side of the bed. „I thought someone was inside.“
You shook your head, embarrassment flooded through your whole body. „I had a nightmare“, you mumbled rather quietly and turned on your left side to face away from Niragi.
„Oh“, he answered, unsure how to react. He was conflicted of what to do next and crept extra slowly under the sheets so he would have some extra time to think.
The room went dark again and you tried to close your eyes again, but you couldn’t, the nightmare still in front of your eyes.
„If I could shoot dreams and thoughts, I would“, Niragi suddenly whispered next to you.
If you would have turned around you would have seen how he lifted his arm, thinking about wrapping it around you, before he let it sink on the mattress again.
You smiled, touched by his words. For his standards, this was a really heartwarming thing to say.
♠️ Takatora Samura (Last Boss)
Your shifting in bed alone made Last Boss wake up from his light sleep. His first instinct was to grab the katana next to the bed but he realized instantly that there was no intruder. At least not a human one.
Tense you laid next to him, legs pulled to your stomach and your hands were clenched to fists.
He let go off his katana, sat up and watched how your face was formed to a struggling grimace. That’s when he decided to wake you up.
With his hand on your shoulder he shook you slightly to pull you out of your discomforting sleep.
Your eyes flew open and you grabbed his hand as if it was a reflex. You let go of it just as fast but he didn’t move it, in case you decided you want to grab it again, which you did after getting rid of the last bit of drowsiness.
You sat up, his hand in yours and felt the gaze of his eyes on your face. Last Boss‘ head was cocked to the side, waiting for you to explain what was going on just seconds ago.
The minutes that flew by weren’t minded by him, he gave you all the time you needed before you finally spoke. „I dreamt bad again.“
He nodded, his dark eyes never leaving your face that was brightened by the moonlight falling through the window, while you slowly but surely caught yourself again, the steady grip of his hand being more helpful than he might have thought.
„Let’s just lay down again“, you suggested while doing exactly that.
With silent agreement Last Boss laid back down too, his hand still in yours. It comforted him just as much as it comforted you.
♠️ Hikari Kuina
Kuina was woken up by your turning and shifting in her arms and by the pleading words that left your lips, single words swallowed by the sleep you were still in.
„Baby?“, she whispered tiredly but was bright awake as soon as you mumbled another „No, please no“.
It was the first night ever that you slept in Kuinas room, but she knew about the nightmares that haunted you.
„Baby“, she said, now louder, to wake you up and softly stroke over your hair. „Wake up.“
It took a few seconds and one light shaking from Kuina to get you to wake up but when you did, you took one deep breath, as if you just breathed for the first time in minutes.
„Dreams again?“, Kuina asked before you had to recall the events and explain. You nodded while Kuina went back to petting your hair.
„Everything’s okay, sweetheart“, she whispered into your ear, giving your cheek a quick peck. „I‘m here.“
Those sweet words were like a lullaby, that send you right back into your drowsy state and finally you fell into the first relaxing sleep of the week, thanks to Kuinas reassuring whispers.
♣️ Kodai Tatta
You scared the living shit out of Tatta when you suddenly started to loudly beg for help in your sleep.
He shrieked out of his sleep and sat up straight in a heartbeat, while you still squirmed next to him.
„Hey“, he said, unsure what to do. He worried that it he touched you he would just scare you more, but when his words didn’t cut through the layer of sleep you were in, he decided to place his hand on your shoulder.
„Hey“, he tried again, this time bringing his head closer to yours. And indeed, your eyes finally opened. Your look was a mix of fear and tiredness.
„You screamed for help. Did you dream bad?“, he asked while watching you how you pushed yourself up to sit. Still a little bit overwhelmed you nodded and searched for Tattas hand.
He reacted almost stressed when he saw your hand searching for his and with a speed like his life depended on it, he grabbed it and linked his fingers with yours.
„It’s all right. You’re awake now“, he tried to sound supporting, but failed. He wasn’t good at this.
„Yeah“, you nodded, happy that he was there, even though he was just as overwhelmed as you. „I‘m awake now.“
You guided his hand around your shoulder and snuggled up against his body, your head on his chest while listening to his steady, always a bit fast, heartbeat.
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skullpie · 2 years
3:37 pm
tatta x fem reader smut
[cw: tummy bulge, riding, spit, the l word, doggy, begging, creampie, spanking]
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you ride his dick, slowly, letting the shaft drag along your walls in deep strokes. tatta’s head is thrown back against the head board, an arm thrown across his eyes and forehead like it’s too much for him–and it almost is.
you let your hands slip under his tshirt, gliding up and caressing his torso. his skin is hot, and he squirms at your feather-light touch. you brace yourself by planting your hands firmly on his chest just underneath his collarbones.
he moans at the slow pace. it sort of makes his brain go fuzzy. he’s never felt this good before and you know this. his mouth hangs open in an o shape. you look down, watching him slip in and out of you deliciously when you notice you can see the imprint of the movements in your belly.
the sight alone causes you to groan, and you speed up suddenly to watch the outline of his dick move. when you change pace, tatta jolts, not having expected the speed change. this makes you giggle.
“baby look,”
you urge, reaching up and moving his hand from his face, which is scrunched up in pleasure. is eyes flutter open, and he directs his attention down to where your bodies connect, following your eyes, and he lets out pathetic whimper at the sight of it.
“look at how deep you are.”
still holding onto his hand, you bring it down to your abdomen, applying pressure which makes tatta throw his head back again, knocking his head against the head board.
you roll your hips in a circular motion, eyes still trained on the bulge in ur tummy when he takes his hands and snakes them up your body, squeezing your hips and slipping them underneath your bathing suit bottoms to squeeze your butt.
he groans, sitting up more. he grips your back side so tightly but makes no move to guide your movements, though you wish he would. you look back up and make eye contact with him. his face is flushed red and what little you can see of his hair peeking out from underneath his cap is sticking to his forehead with sweat.
you lean down, still grinding your hips, and begin pressing open mouthed kisses to his neck, sucking and licking his skin while he writhes under you. you travel up, kissing him on the mouth and reaching a hand up to yank his hat off of him so you can run your hands through his hair.
“love you so much.”
he manages to get out between the kisses. you feel his dick twitch inside you when you bite down on the juncture between his neck and shoulder, and he bucks his hips uncontrolled at the feeling.
you yelp at the sudden movement, pulling away from the kiss. you see his face shift into an apologetic expression. he thinks he’s hurt you for a moment, but before he can apologize, you stop him when you spit onto your fingers and reach down to rub your clit.
“do that again, please,”
normally you’d find his obliviousness cute and all, but when you’re approaching orgasm, you feel frustrated.
“tatta, fuck me,”
you keep rubbing at yourself, watching the gears sort of turn as he processes the request-no-the demand. and, once again, he’s cute, but he’d be cuter if he was drilling you right now instead of thinking about logistics.
"please pound my pussy, wanna cum for you,”
your lewd language flusters him, but lights a fire in him.
“want you to come for me too.”
you add, leaning down close to his ear.
at your words, tatta groans, then slips out from underneath you, causing you to fall forward, chest pressing into the mattress. he’s behind you now, and you feel him caressing your butt briefly before he’s yanking your swimsuit bottoms all the way off, and pressing his hard dick into your backside.
you whine, wiggling your ass in an attempt to gain friction, but before you know it, he’s in you again, pounding your cunt with a speed you hadn’t expected out of him, causing you to let out a guttural moan.
“oh my god, yes.”
you pant, gripping the sheets. though you can’t see it, his eyes are trained on his own dick sliding in and out of your pussy.
“you’re so good.”
he praises, raising a hand to push his hair out of his face. when his hand comes back down to grip your hips again, he lands it much harder than he means. you expect him to apologize, but you realize your words must have gotten to him more than you thought when he does it again, intentionally this time, and harder.
“you’re so perfect, angel.”
he compliments again, smacking your ass again and again, fixated on the way it turns red and jiggles when he does so. you feel your stomach sort of knotting, getting tighter, and the pleasure you feel increases.
“tatta ‘m so close please please please.”
you don’t exactly know what you’re begging for. you know he’d never stop–he’s not the edging type–but you feel so good and your brain is so fuzzy that the words come spilling out anyways.
“yeah, gonna cum for me?”
he asks, and hearing him talk so dirty almost pushes you over the edge alone. you whimper an ‘mhm’
“where should i cum?”
he asks, sincerely, and you can tell his confidence he’s gained in the short time beings to fade once he becomes unsure. you think (as much as your foggy mind will allow) and pleasure takes over when you answer.
“inside. give me your cum. need you to fill me up.”
it doesn’t take more than a couple strokes after that for tatta to shoot off inside you, shaking from orgasm. the feeling of being filled with his load pushes you over as well, and you’re open-mouthed moaning into the sheets beneath you.
you both stay there for a moment, breathing heavily and coming down from your orgasm highs. you push yourself up onto your hands, prompting tatta to finally slip out of you. he watches his cum drip out of you, and almost gets hard again from the sight.
you roll over onto your back, and see him still kneeling there, hair messy and skin flushed. you smile up at him. he flops down next to you, also on his back.
“hmm i need you do that again sometime.”
“do what?”
“fuck the shit out of me.”
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24hlevi · 2 years
new stills of the characters from alice in borderland season 2 including arisu ryohei, usagi yuzuha, chishiya shuntaro, rizuna ann, niragi suguru, kuina hikari, kodai tatta, morizono aguni, kuzuryu keiichi
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luvsae · 1 year
alice in borderland characters if you asked them to buy you pads [pt 1] . . !
disclaimer: this is just for fun !! ♡
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niragis-thot · 1 year
Things from the manga I wish we got to see in the AIB live action (Manga Spoilers)
-Kyuma’s three of spades game, where he and the band were hunted by mascots
-Niragi in the church. We technically got the part of the scene under the bridge, but Niragi comparing himself to Jesus was such a moment. The symbolism also set up a lot of the ending really well.
-Tatta going back into the Beach after the ten of hearts ended to confront Last Boss
-Someone suspecting Banda might be the Jack because he was able to give directions around the prison immediately after he got there
-Niragi’s reaction to getting burned alive
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poisonedprose · 2 years
Tatta x reader but the reader is rich (I'm dirt poor)
₊˚✧ its sugar, baby
tatta kodai x gn!reader fluff
warnings: pre/no borderlands, established relationship
AN: me having to look up what rich people do with their money bc im also poor LMAO
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It was date night, or rather, 'Tatta gets his monthly shopping spree' night. It became acustom for you to take Tatta to a mall, or some store he really wanted to go to, followed by a dinner. Neither of you knows how this started, your guess is the little gifts you always give him. 
Every time you saw something you thought he'd like, you bought it without even checking the price tag. Tatta's happiness can't be dwindled down to a mere tag on an item. Not when you were privileged to have such money to spend, or as Tatta called you, 'filthy rich.' 
It would be a waste to spend all this money on yourself, and quite frankly you didn't want to. There was never much joy for you when you bought something for yourself. Even if it was cheap, part of you always felt guilty, but with Tatta, the joy was immense when the cashier charged your card.
The way his face lit up when he got something he's really been wanting. The praise that follows, thank you's profusely and calling you the 'best ever.' It was all quite sweet. 
Though, nothing could beat the time when you got Tatta a Mazda RX-7 in a cherry red color for his birthday. The pure shock on his face and how he smiled when it finally set in. It was surreal to watch how excited he got. His 'thank you's lasted months, practically anytime you rode in the car together. 
Tatta loved when you spoiled him but he also made sure you knew, even if you didn't he would love you just the same. If anything, when he did that, it made you want to spoil him more. 
There were, of course, times when Tatta would get mad at you for spending your money so irresponsibly. Like the time when you bought him a really expensive jacket in the middle of summer.. in a heatwave.. on vacation in Florida. But you just couldn't help yourself, you knew he'd just look good in it. You were right.
"Y/N, look!" Tatta's voice brought you out of your thoughts as he showed you a pair of shoes. "You should get those." You smiled. Sure sometimes Tatta felt guilty for letting you spend all this money on him, but you always reassured him it made you just as happy as it made him. "You think?" He asked looking at them closely. 
"They'd look so good on you." You leaned your head against his shoulder and examined the shoes as well, though not nearly as close as Tatta was. He turned the shoes over, looking for a price tag before you snatched them out of his hand. "Nope." You laughed and put the shoes on the cashier's counter. 
"But, Y/N, what if they're expensive." He tried to grab them but you had already handed the cashier your card. "Then, we are giving the manufacturer a lot of money." He rolled his eyes at your comment while you grabbed your card and the shoes that the cashier had put into a slick black bag. 
"I hate you." He mumbled but it was counteracted with small kisses on your cheek. "Mhm, sure. Dinner now?" You asked. "Yes. Thank you, baby." Always so polite with wonderful manners. 
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misty-doodles · 1 year
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Some designs from my fic, Laying into winter music, a winter AU that very much spiraled out of control. I'll do the other designs at some point
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wishfuldr3aming · 1 year
Tatta : Don't you just love how mental disorders are buy one, get seven free?
Kuina : I didn't even want one, my dad made me buy it.
Usagi : Mine's a family heirloom. Been passed down for generations.
Arisu : And that's why we're in group therapy.
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chishiya-of-diamonds · 8 months
Has anyone seen Tatta? If anyone does run across him, send him my way, please. Or, just bring him to me.
I want to show him my new squirt gun.
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garbagefirelol · 10 months
What do you think Tattas showing him
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Anyways Arita<<33
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More Tatta appreciation <3
• Characters: Kōdai Tatta, fem!Reader
• Genre: smut
• Warnings: explicit content, sexual content
Aftercare: (What they’re like after sex)
Tatta is so sweet, you might get diabetes. He will make sure you’re all good, will clean you up and will cuddle as long as you please with you. Lots of kisses too.
Body part: (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your breasts, thighs and belly. Absolutely loves how soft these are.
Favorite parts of himself are probably his hands and lips. To touch and kiss you yk.
Cum: (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
The first few times he was unsure. He was a little worried you might find it disgusting but after some time he got more confident. Usually cums on your stomach.
Dirty Secret: (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Absolutely obsessed the way you look with his cum on you. Also the thought if getting caught kind of turns him on.
Experience: (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I believe he was a virgin before.
Favorite Position: (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Goofy: (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
You two definitely laugh together during it.
Hair: (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Shaves regularly since you two are intimate so he is at least trimmed when you do it.
Intimacy: (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
You can see the love in his eyes the whole time. He fucking worships you. Sometimes when he cums he tells you that he loves you but not all the time.
Jack Off: (Masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates quite often.
Kink: (One or more of their kinks)
Praise kink. Please tell him how good he makes you feel
Location: (Favourite places to do the do)
Bed and shower.
Motivation: (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you whisper things to him.
„You are my good boy, aren’t you?“ - „You can excuse yourself/thank me later properly.“ - „I’m a bit tense, wanna help me relax?“
NO: (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Hitting and choking you. It’s fine when you hit or choke him just don’t be too rough but hurting you? No.
Oral: (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He learnt quick how to please you with his tongue. Loves receiving and giving equally.
Pace: (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually you are the one in charge and therefore you decide. Sometimes tho you two just want to make love and go fully vanilla, then he is slow and sensual.
Quickie: (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Wouldn’t say no but prefers proper sex.
Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Absolutely down for risks.
Stamina: (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can go surprisingly long. Since he’s the submissive one you are the one who decides when to stop. (Except he uses the safe word!)
Toy: (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He usually doesn’t use toys but is down for it when you suggest it.
Unfair: (how much they like to tease)
He is the one getting teased and oh boy, you don’t have mercy.
Volume: (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He moans so loud.
Wild Card: (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
After you two are finished his mouth is always dry as the desert.
X-Ray: (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He is average size and you can see some veins.
Yearning: (How high is their sex drive?)
Higher than most would think.
Zzz...: (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Snuggled up beside you he falls asleep rather quick.
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gg-force · 2 years
Just woke up from a nap and had a dream that Chishiya and Tatta wrote Bee Movie fanfic together
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ctrlchar · 2 years
Can I please request Tatta sweet headcanons?
Feel free to do it if you want it or not 🙏🏻
Hello!!Thank you for the request!!🫶
Tatta Headcannons
-Loves physical touch,hugs,kisses,etc
-Since he’s a mechanic he has connections and can get your car detailed for you if that’s what you want
-Under normal circumstances hes a alright driver like he’s not careful but you’ll atleast come back in one piece
-Gets jealous very easily and it’s also very noticeable
-Has a photographic memory,he can remember anything anyone anywhere. This also means for dates he’s amazing at finding a place both of you can enjoy
-Totally into matching,like matching pants for Christmas or getting couples necklaces or bracelets
-He loves to spoil you but he also knows how to have a good time without spending a bunch of money
-Loves cooking/baking with you even though he sucks at it
-Likes cats and dogs the same and would probably name it something like “sparky or rover” and he’ll treat it like it’s practically y’all’s kid like man will buy clothes shoes and anything this pet needs or wants
-Sometimes when he knows you’re having a bad day he’ll bring you some flowers and snacks to your job/school when you go on your lunch break and will eat lunch with you
-Loves watching award shows like the Grammys or oscars with you like he will make you stop what you’re doing even if it’s just so he can see one specific award
-If he ever sees you with another guy he’ll get so self conscious:( like he won’t directly talk about it until it’s literally eating him alive and he can’t take it anymore but it’s definitely obvious,his whole demeanor changes when this happens
-Sometimes he’ll wake up earlier then you and he’ll just stare at you in a endearing way asking himself how he got so lucky and he mumble how much he loves you while his arm lay on your waist
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luvsae · 2 years
"your hair is pretty," you told your boyfriend as you ran your hand through his hair. "you should take your hat off more often."
"you think so?" tatta suddenly got up and went over to the mirror. he looked at his long-ish black hair. "hmm."
you now stood behind him, wrapping your hands around his stomach. you were shorter than him but you loved doing this. "i think you look so handsome."
tatta laughed softly before turning around and placing a kiss on your forehead. "i'll wear it down for you, sweetheart."
your cheeks went flush due to the name he called you, which he noticed since he pinched your cheeks.
"let's go lay down again," you suggested. "i feel kind of tired but i don't want to sleep yet."
"me too." tatta said as he lay down, patting the spot beside him for you.
you followed him with a smile on your face before snuggling beside him. he was warm and cuddly which you loved about him, he was always so warm. "hi." you looked up at him.
"hi," he replied. "are you warm enough?"
"mhm,' you mumbled, getting closer to him. "are you warm enough?"
he copied your hum. "so warm."
"good," you said. "always need to make sure you're warm enough."
tatta placed another kiss on your forehead. it was his favorite spot to kiss you and you loved it as well.
you decided to kiss him on his chest - even though he knew, you loved him dearly and wanted to kiss him always.
"i love you, tatta." you blurted out.
"i love you too," he smiled. "so very much."
you giggled at the familiar words. tatta was head over heels for you (even if he wouldn't admit it, you already knew) and you were the same back.
and so, you repeated those words.
"i love you."
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kxjbr · 2 years
Don’t leave me.┆Yandere! Kodai Tatta x GN! Reader
[A/N: I got bored and decided to do this instead of the other tatta fanfic LOL/ (I have little to no motivation so you better enjoy this before I barge into your house and find you.)]
Requested by: no one
Characters: Y/N, Tatta
Summary: Yandere tatta, thats it
Word count: 395 [sorry 😔]
Warnings: Kidnapping, Obsession, Stalking. Do not read if you’re sensitive to these topics. Also ooc tatta SO DO NOT COMPLAIN OR I WILL LEAK YOUR ADDRESS.
You’ve always felt like you were being watched. Everywhere you went you felt like eyes were on you. From your work to your home. Anywhere. You just wanted it to stop, you wanted to feel at peace, but the feeling won’t leave you alone. You even contacted the police, but they couldn’t do anything about it.
You had talked to your one and only friend, Tatta, the only one who never left you. All your other friends had left, if you can even call them friends. Ever since they left all you had was Tatta. He was there for you, he was there every time another friend left. But you could only see him as a brother, not a lover. He was enraged knowing that. He was trying so hard to make you love him the same way he does for you, but you just wouldn’t. So, he had to use his other ways. If he can’t have you, no one else should.
He tried everything to make you love him the same way he does for you, but you just wouldn’t. He let it slide, until recently. You had just found a new lover. He can clearly see you fall in love with your s/o. You haven’t even shown your new s/o to him. He was even more furious at this. There was only one way he can do to fix this. 
You were walking down the sidewalk till you heard footsteps behind you and you blacked out.
"I'm sorry, my beloved, but this was the only way." Someone said, it sounded familiar, but you couldn't hear well with a bag on your head. "Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" You yelled. The bag was pulled from your head. The kidnapped revealed to be Tatta. You could hardly believe what was happening! I mean, your best friend, your only friend, kidnapped you? For what reason?! Why would he do this?! Your thoughts were cut off with him continue to speak. "Please don't leave me, Y/N, I love you more than that s/o of yours." He said, dreamily (I HATE WRITING FANFICS but anyway) You couldn't speak, you had tape covering your mouth as you let out muffled sounds trying to speak. "There's no use in escaping, dear." Hearing that sent shivers down your spine. "You're mine."
◈The End...or not
blankly stares at you @tattasgf
Wrote this at 3 am
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kr-ing · 4 months
Tattas grave
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