#kobra kid hcs
Kobra Kid headcanons ★
He/him pronouns because its easy and he doesn’t particularly care. Zi/zir because it sounds cool. They/them because it’s also easy.
They might be trans. Nobody knows. Not even Party Poison. Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t. It’s nobody’s buisness really.
Nobody knows if he and Poison are biological siblings or not, except him and Poison.
He’s such a bad shot because somebody needs to recognize that he’s left-handed.
They have their tongue split.
Has tongue pierced as well as ear lobes and septum.
In strict platonic marriage to Jet-Star.
Ze has symbols of luck tattooed across zir body, most of them fairly small, all drawn for zem by Poison. Has a bigger lower back piece, no one has seen the full thing except Cherri. (And Poison)
Loves lights. Especially red lights.
Likes snakes. Do not get near them with a snake.
Contrary to popular belief, ze are allowed to drive the trans am. (That’s Ghoul.) Zir not as good as ze are on zir beloved bike, but zir good enough.
Can become overwhelmed with too much visual stimulus pretty easily. Don’t talk to them if they’ve got their good luck helmet on. They don’t want to talk to you.
Owns several pairs of cowboy boots. Mostly to annoy Poison.
Missing the ring finger off their right hand.
The subject of many a Cherri Cola poem. Specifically horny ones when Cherri decides to branch out from depression and trauma.
Is pretty much straight-edge after an Incident awhile back.
Likes mechanics and building stuff, until they get frustrated and won’t touch anything to do with it for months.
Likes songs with no words.
And warm mornings.
Hates zir hair to touch zir neck.
Has more love than he’ll ever express to the people he’s closest too 🧡
(up next: me explaining how kobra and jet did not in fact die in traffic report.)
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montypng · 2 years
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poison gets to know their crew’s new mechanic

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fab four headcanons lets go!
ghoul has a shit ton of scars. i mean, they all do, but ghoul has the most.
transfem jet star 🤝 transmasc kobra kid
party is the designated chef. they’re really good at cooking with like. feeling. you know? like how much salt? dc. just chuck some in. which therefore means:
kobra is a really really bad chef, because it’s not an exact science!!!! what is he supposed to do!!!
speaking of kobra! autism!!!!!!!! AUTISM!!!!!!
none of them are NT but. kobra is SOOOOsuperdupermega autism. if you even care.
ghoul loves those cringy ass shirts and stuff with sayings. like live laugh love. sunshine on the mind. he has a kiss the cook apron for when he makes bombs. you decide whether its ironic or not.
ghoul is also hard of hearing because i said so
the four have one big huge shared wardrobe that they all use, if stuff fits. like jet has a cool t-shirt that party steals, puts a funky belt on and wears as a dress. leather jackets and stuff are all communal. party and ghoul share the most, cause they're the closest in size.
kobra loves those silent cartoons, like tom and jerry, looney tunes, all that stuff, and he watches them with the girl all the time
while girlie's here, all of the four carry her differently. she sits on party's shoulders, jet puts her on their hip, kobra does piggybacks and ghoul will either scoop her up bridal style or firemans lift.
funkobra are in love by the way and they're t4t and autism4autism
this is random and not really in universe but kobra kid would LOVE rhythm games. like project sekai and bandori and stuff like that.
ghoul bites
^ that was going to be ghoul bites the skin around his nails but also. no he just bites.
he also has heterochromia
jet is the assigned medic of the gang and she's also the sharpshooter
speaking of which, jet star did kobra's top surgery
ghoul and kobra got drunk married one time and then didn't bother to fix it so they were married before they actually dated
ghoul has like. three shirts. and one pair of pants. that he never washes. and the other three hate it SO much. they're all begging him to get new clothes or at the very least fix the holes in the ones he has but he doesn't budge
ghoul sings the girl lullabyes
party can sew really well and makes clothes and stuff
jet loves dangly earrings and big clunky grandma bracelets, she has a whole jewellery box that party made for her and it's dark blue with light blue stars stuck onto it
anyway 👍 im normal about them
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blood-injections · 1 year
Currently thinking some thoughts about the Jet Star and the Kobra Kid traffic report and how ‘killjoys never die’ and how there’s canonical powers. The killjoy’s different powers in national anthem, the girls power, the energy in the desert that Cherri does his weird focus thing with to never miss a shot that he tells her about. If they all have powers, why can’t the Fab Four? Maybe their power is that they never die.
They don’t know it yet, though. Maybe Doctor D does, maybe that’s why he drilled that phrase into their brains, maybe that’s why he always tells them that they can end this war, maybe that’s why he entrusted the girl to them, because he knows that they all have something magical in common.
But they don’t know it yet, if he knows he hasn’t told them, none of them have figured it out despite the weird close calls they all seem to have had, like when Fun Ghoul was young in battery city and woke up fine from an overdose that should’ve killed him or when Jet Star was bitten by that rattlesnake when she was a pup and got really sick and swore they couldn’t breathe. She says she must have passed out, because when Doctor D found her out back she was just waking back up and healthy as could be.
And then it happens. Kobra and Jet went on a supply run and didn't come back. Back in the diner, the radio was playing. Party was drawing lazily and Ghoul was fiddling with Kobra’s power glove that had been a bit on the fritz lately while they waited for the pair to return. Instead the song on the radio fizzes out, replaced by static and then Doctor Death’s pebbly voice.
Bad news from the zones, tumbleweeds…
They're frozen in shock but they quickly scramble to their feet, terrified and in denial. Poison makes a beeline for Kobra’s bike and Ghoul can’t make himself speak, a lump of horror lodged in his throat. It’s a silent, terrified ride down route guano for the two of them, keeping their eyes peeled for signs of a fight.
It isn’t hard to spot the bodybags.
They’re a startling black and white contrasting to the orange-brown tones of the desert sand. And there’s two of them.
When they’re unzipped, two familiar faces are revealed, their skin off-coloured, pale and lifeless. Poison shatters and Ghoul tries hard to keep it together for the one friend he has left
They take the bodies up to that one vista that Kobra loved because he could see all around for miles and keep watch over the desert and that Jet loved because it was the best spot to stargaze. The sun is nearing the horizon when they start digging. They work in silence and it isn’t hard to hear when the movement starts.
At first it’s a shifting of fabric that goes unnoticed, then it’s perplexed mumbles and then it’s a zipper sliding open. Poison and Ghoul have both stopped digging to stare at the body bag thats now open and the person that’s sitting up.
“What the fuck.” Jet Star says, looking from the two of them armed with their shovels and then down at themself. She looks at her hands and then at her stomach, where her shirt is matted with dried blood. Her hands press at where she can remember there being a wound but where there’s now no pain, no fresh blood, no nothing.
The other body bag wiggles, muffled curses sounding. All the killjoys turn to stare at it. Poison rushes over, unzipping it and pulling their somehow alive brother up into their arms.
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chemevan · 1 year
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it's them it's the gay california desert pew pew people
also for their pronouns and shit:
Party Poison: they/them non binary transfem, 19
Kobra Kid: he/they transmasc, 17
Jet Star: any pronouns transfem, 20
Fun Ghoul: she/her cis boy, 16
also bonus transparent version down below
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loooongfurby4444 · 2 months
Fab Four Queer and Disabled Headcanons:
Party Poison: (They/They) Nonbinary, Transfem, pansexual, demiromantic
What they actually call themself: Nonbinary Queer
They have OCD (especially contamination ocd), Cyclothymia, C-Ptsd, and adhd
Fun Ghoul: (He/It) Transman, bisexual
What it actually calls himself: A gay transexual
They have a schizoaffective bipolar disorder, almost completely deaf in his right ear, and restless leg syndrome.
Jet Star: (Any) Queer in general
Xe’s not one for labels so he wouldn’t call themself anything really.
They have Autism and Epilepsy
Kobra Kid: (He/Him) Panromantic Sex Indifferent Ace
What he calls himself: Not into sex like that
They have Autism, Selective-Mutism, Did, and Tourette’s (mostly visual).
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ymbly · 1 year
random danger days hcs since my dd autism has returned
-none of the fab 4 are cis
-everybody thinks ghoul was zoneborn because Look At Him but he’s just like that (it doesn’t help that they spent a lot of time in zones 6 and 7)
-Do Not let cherri drive he has crashed too many times to count
-jet is the only one who doesn’t dye their hair. ghoul is the total opposite, very few people know his natural hair color cuz it’s always dyed and fried
-jet’s the only one at first who has any idea how to take care of the girl. The age gap between party and kobra is too small for party to remember how to take care of a young kid and ghoul was an only child
-party has POTS but always goes ‘yeah i can handle this’ before promptly collapsing. she will never learn
-ghoul has by far the most scars out of the fab 4. it’s in the dozens at this point
-jet knows his age pretty closely thanks to keeping track of the seasons, kobra and party have good estimates, and ghoul stopped keeping track a long time ago
-battery city has almost no color it’s kinda freaky. new zonerunners often get overwhelmed when seeing how bright everything is
-kobra and party chose their killjoy names on the spot, jet spent a lot of time thinking about hers, and ghoul just thought his sounded cool
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crazy-together-reddie · 4 months
love thinking up lil backstories for the killjoys especially Party
like for example before becoming a killjoy she was THE perfect bat city citizen the fuckin poster girl for BLI
and that’s what made her rise to the leader of the fab four so interesting
cause to everyone it was like she bacame a totally different person after escaping to the zones she goes for this generally pretty quiet well mannered citizen to just wild like stirring shit at every concert, sluttin it up, blowing shit up and just being THE rebel yk
but she really wasn’t a different person at all she was the same as she’s always been just with the freedom to show it and only Kobra could see this cause they were the only one who saw how fake his sisters entire personality was in the city
and he was very happy that she could finally be herself but also sick of seeing her out with some new killjoy all the time cause they’re definitely the kind of ‘no one’s good enough for my sister’ kinda guy
(i also imagine when Ghoul and Party finally get their shit together and start dating Kobra gave Ghoul some big talk like ‘you hurt my sister and i’m taking your bombs and blowing YOU up’)
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danger-days-fanatic · 5 months
in addition to my post about good water and bad water in the zones, bad water is often called city water even if it doesn’t come from the city because juts you can tell the water’s only clean because of the chemicals, inside the city is only clean the BL/inds because of the chemicals
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transbeamrooikat · 1 year
some killjoy hcs/rambles :3
big fan of the HC that Ghoul has hearing loss like. look at that fella and tell me he has any sense of safety precautions
i also think he knows how to shoot his raygun and obviously has his explosives but if a fight ever becomes close range she just starts Biting
and that fucker can bite HARD he has dogshit dental heath (but that's pretty much a given if you live in the zones, i think) but his bite is so strong he often would rather use his teeth than scissors
also playing around (like. considering) with the hc of him being bigender? idk, thinking about that
cause i hc him as being raised in the zones + his crew died when he was young, i think he doesn't really have like. a strong idea of binary sex/gender/sexuality? like, i feel like labeling people is mostly a City concept, and killjoys just do whatever (although some killjoys do label themselves, it's just not an often occurrence)
SPEAKING OF THE CITY!!! i think Party and Kobra where both raised there and escaped together
Party realized they were NB and probably some flavor of queer when they were pretty young and tried to repress it at first, but that's obviously not health so it lead to them having really shit metal health/had a mental health crisis, but eventually they told Kobra and he tries to give them advice/ just be someone for Party to talk too
i also think they stopped talking their pills pretty young (like, i think Party stopped around puberty? so 10ish) and Kobra stopped a bit before Party came out to him (which is why he didn't report them and was able to help them)
Party's queerness is kinda what led to them leaving the city (i think there also may have been a confrontation with their parents that narrowed down their options to either running away or getting turned over for "reprogramming" but hey ho)
i think they would've met Jet Star and his crew pretty soon after them leaving the city, and they helped them to get to Dr. D
Jet couldn't convince the crew to let Party and Kobra stay any longer so they parted ways there
i actually don't have many Jet specific hcs other than that his eye patch is probably either due to an accident Ghoul caused or due to a clap with a drac
i think about a year after meeting Party & Kobra he leaves his own crew to go form his own/traverse the desert
which kinda leads to a general killjoy hc that they tend to be in crew with their families till they leave to form/find their own at around 15-20 (although some killjoys do stay in their original family crew)
there's probably zone-wide gatherings/parties where a tone of killjoys meet up to relax and have a good time
i flip flop between Party and Ghoul meeting at one of these and them meeting in some abandoned area while Party's doing a supply run
Ghoul speaks Afrikaans because i said so :3 (don't ask how it makes sense in canon - it doesn't really)
He reverts back to speaking it when angry/feeling very strong emotions (although it tends to be very choppy cause although speaking afrikaans is like his coping mechanism, he wasn't taught much of it by his family before they died)
I think she'd try to teach the other killjoys at some point cause it'd make communication easier, but Party's the only one who's remotely good at it cause they're the only other person in the group who can roll their r's
Party & Kobra r very shocked when they learn that other languages is a thing like. at all. cause growing up in the city they wouldn't have been taught that other languages r like. a thing ++ they would kinda also be taught at the same time that "everyone only speaking english is better cause then there's no error in communication ^_^" or something like that
idk whether or not i want Ghoul to be the reason they find this out… it'd definitely make for a good fic idea
like I said, I hc Ghoul as having bad dental health, but I think that also applies to Jet
Party and Kobra's good dental health is actually pretty unusual -- people tend to be able to tell they're from the city because of it
I also think they all have some kinda acne/acne scarring
for Party (and to a lesser extent, Kobra) it was a (bad) way to cope with the stress and anxiety of living in the city, and it became a habit that's still very hard for them to break
for Ghoul and Jet i think it's more a background thing they've never thought too hard on? like, oh there's red spots on my face now and some of them hurt? slay /pos
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wink-1-8-2 · 2 years
Superstitions/Customs in the desert:
There's a superstition in the desert that you can never have more than one clock at the same time in the desert. There are several clocks in the Diner, and they all have different times on them (it's not like anyone knows which one's right anyway)
On the longest night of the year, 'joys leave raven feathers (that magically appear near the mailbox) on doorsteps, as a small gesture of love for the lonely in the desert. Prayer beads are gifted to loved ones, to try and get through the night, and the desert is watched warily, through wide-eyes. Sleep doesn't seem to be an option.
Similarly, on the longest day of the year, the sands in the desert are streaked with vibrant colours and fruit, and whether it's 'joys who do it, or the Witch, no one knows. It's a huge day for celebration, and most Zonerunners let go of grudges and fighting for a day. Sometimes it even rains.
Giving someone a dyed lace signifies romantic attraction, and love, while tying a black or white laces around someone's possession or door frame signifies an omen of death or revenge. You should hit the red lines if you get an uncoloured piece of lace. If a 'joy receives a colourful piece of lace, though, they'll signify their feelings by wearing the piece of last around their thigh or their bicep. Often, these laces are woven into commitment bands several years later.
Love for a crew or family is signified through many things, though a popular custom includes giving family a piece of china, creating bracelets out of soda tabs, or even giving a piece of fabric to a loved one- different colours and designs signify different things (e.g. yellow or green or red soda tabs/fabrics signify blood-relations, while purple flowers signify friendships. The Four all have bracelets made from little purple flowers that were forged from different soda tabs, and Poison and Kobra each have a piece of fabric from each other in yellow, Poison's got theirs wrapped around their calf, Kobra wears his as a bandana).
Like during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, some 'joys will cut open the stomachs of dead snakes and hang them by their necks, during droughts or bad weather.
Photographs are a shockingly valuable thing to have, if they're from before the Bombs. Several photographs are stung out and hung up around homes and baby-cribs as a way of protection, like all the ghosts of the people smiling in the photos will project the place from harm. It's a way of honouring the dead, keeping a photograph and trying not to let the sun ruin it, through any means necessary. The Witch receives many of these photos, and similarly, they are handed down to younger crewmates (The Girl got a lot of these photographs). Photographs are also a way of escapism, and 'joys will pretend that things aren't so bad, pretend that they know and love these strangers to ignore the outside world for a while.
It is customary to get a tattoo or something permanent for crewmates after a couple of years. Often, 'joys get their crewmates' symbols, or small messages scrawled out (messily, mostly) on their skin. Often, crewmates design the tattoos themselves. As well as that, if a crewmate dies, it's possible that the tattoo will fade, or turn a different colour, as a message from the Witch. Separating completely from a crew means the ink will fade, and the tattoo will scar, though many people still have ex-crewmates' tattoos - a signal that a 'joy has not moved on.
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redfish-blu · 2 years
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Recently Zoned terrible tweens Kobra and annoying teenager Party Poison. Only one of which knows how to dress. Party burns in the sun and Kobra tans. Don’t let them in your residence.
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ravenxbones · 1 year
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updated kobra kid design! as i mentioned in my party poison post i’m redoing all of my killjoy designs so i have nice clear fullbody refs and can therefore be more consistent moving forwards!
untextured plain version for accurate colors & details under the cut!
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blood-injections · 1 year
Okay so I had an idea. A zones daycare. A zones kindergarten. No way there ain’t one. A school in the zones in general thats open to anyone not just kids because we all know most killjoys didn’t get any advanced schooling. And the Fab Four are have been like trying to teach the girl some stuff but at some point they’re like okay out of the four of us only one of us can read and write(poison) one can read and not write(Jet) and one can’t read or write(ghoul) and one has shit vision in general and no glasses and is also dyslexic(Kobra) also none of us know how to do long division. Or ever graduated high school. Actually we don’t know what a ‘high school’ is. So instead of dragging the girl to every clap they’re in(dangerous.) and having her blow shit up(dude she’s like six do not give her a rocket launcher Jesus Christ), well she still does just not as much because they start dropping her off at daycare.
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your hcs have intrigued me immensely and i would also like to know about funkobra if its not too much trouble :]
'if it's not too much trouble' babygirl i am literally in love with you shut up
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ghoul is Never Ever Ever Ever Allowed to drive Python [kobra's bike]. well, he's not allowed to drive the Am either, but kobra enforces the rule so much harder than party. its fine though, ghoul likes riding with his arms around kobra's waist anyway :) [< oneshot idea hello.]
kobra's such a simp, like when ghoul puts even the teeniest tiniest effort into how he looks [even just like. cleaning the grease and sand and blood off his face] kobra's like. oh. hi. hello. who is this beautiful person i see. and incredibly embarrasses himself blushing. god forbid ghoul puts on eyeshadow, kobra'd DIE
one time they tried to bake together. the oven blew up.
they like watching the stars on the roof above the diner
ghoul has nightmares a lot, and kobra often wakes up in the middle of the night to find him crying, so kobra has to comfort him. usually the best way to fix it is to just hug him really really bone crushingly tight until he falls back asleep.
that's also why they never sleep in the dark, there's always a few candles on, or the blinds open so the stars light up the room
ghoul's really religious, but kobra and the witch are tight, which makes for some... interesting dynamics. ghoul's all 'kobra you have to respect her!!!' "if you're praying tell that bitch to stop resurrecting party on witchfucker wednesday"
kobra has a tattoo gun, and he's always adding ones for ghoul. the most recent ones, he got all their joy symbols done down his collarbone. kobra kisses those.
they make dumb bets all the time, like 'if this coin flip lands heads then i get all your rations for a week' "if you dont clear this jump you have to sleep outside tonight" and then jet has to come in and be like. no no. you don't get to starve eachother just because you lost a bet. you dont have to commit to the bit that hard.
kobra teaches ghoul to read, but he still likes kobra reading to him best
ghoul will only ever use petnames in spanish [i read in a fic somewhere that he was half spanish and i love that so much and now its canon to me] like, he'll never say babe or sweetheart or anything, only hermoso and los querido and mi corazon
ghoul loves bright colours and stuff, so he has a bunch of necklaces and beaded bracelets and stuff that kobra made him which he wears everywhere, even if they're under his shirt or whatever and you can't seen them. his favourite one's red and yellow.
kobra def gets really avoidant when he's anxious, and he just closes himself off from everyone, getting into a 'what if they all secretly hate me' mindset. ghoul always has to remind him no :( i dont hate you :(
they find an abandonded tin of nitrous and try to make ice cream one time, it actually works out better than they expected. buuuut then the girl gets sad because IT'S SO GOOD WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE'S NO MORE
one time ghoul //accidentally// left his bomb wip in their room. he slept in the diner booths for a week after that.
when ghoul started dressing more fem, kobra was GONE. like party has had to leave the room several times because the staring was getting embarrassing. kobra kid simp agenda!!!! im so serious!!!
:D it is literally. eleven thirty so i need to Stop but !!!! the sillies ! !!!
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fic-and-hcs-i-like · 2 years
All of the Killjoys have something they kinda specialize in,
Party Poison is really good at driving and planning missions, attacks, routes, etc. They're also weirdly good at finding places that haven't been totally scavenged by other killjoys.
Kobra Kid is a good mechanic and as we know, is great at hand-to-hand combat. He's really good with tech, like hacking vending machines and other BLI stuff. Kobra also has a thing for pre-war tech like vhs and DVDs.
Fun Ghoul knows his way around a bomb. Doesn't matter what type, Ghoul can make it. He's also good with guns, but not the way Jet Star is. He's got a thing for old pre-war tech like Kobra does.
Jet Star is one of the best gunslingers in zone 5, it's not often he misses. It's not uncommon for him and Poison to pass the time with a little bit of target practice, Kobra joins sometimes too. Jet's also skilled in wound care and general medical needs. All of the Fab Four have basic medical knowledge, but he's the one who stabilizes someone while they get to Dr. D's.
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