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livealittleoc-cb · 1 year ago
Anubis Rut Update!
Anubis’ rut is from the 6th to the 10th, he will become a lot more aggressive and clingy. His nose becomes a lot more sensitive and will not be happy if he smells another scent on you. He will also not hesitate to bear fangs at someone that’s too close to you! He gets cold and hot flashes at random so be prepared to maybe see him naked~
Piper is in her corn snake form and will not hesitate to bite you if you get too close to Nubis. Just give her a little snack, an apple slice preferably, and head pats and she’ll back off~
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⚰️: *whines and huffs* it’s fucking hot- *kicks the blanket down a bit and flops onto his stomach*
@evicted-oc @folklore-cb @welcome-to-maniac
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r0manticthe0ry · 2 years ago
that’s so funny! I come back and nothing’s changed! literally nothing! we’re still abandoned and we’re still alone that’s so funny!
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livealittleoc-cb · 5 months ago
⚰️: *he smiles softly shaking his head* I don’t think I would be much fun especially right now but I’m glad you’re having a good time make sure to get as much relaxing as you can habibi. I can’t wait to see you too. *chuckles softly* More favors? Aren’t you lucky~ hmm thank you for thinking of me *holds up Piper* She’s alright, keeping me company. I’m alright I have an infection so I couldn’t go to work, I’ll be okay in a week though
🐍: *Does a little hello wiggle*
💀: Yes I will I have the ability and strength to don’t test me or I’ll show you my strengths *tries to grab at the phone* Kim Seungmin- *whines*
♥️: *pushes her face away with a laugh holding the phone away* Stay away~ It’s my phone *snorts* How do you handle her, sometimes I wonder
*smiles a little weary at Felix but nods* If you say so…everything is okay, I’ve been put on leave which is not ideal- but I pulled I muscle in my back during training I just hoping they’re paying me still *pouts* I need to take Claw to the vet
🍷: Mhmmm better have *grumbles and smirks proudly* Good that’s what I thought *puffs his chest out* I am the best company after all
♥️: *mumbles through the phone* Not when you’re sassy *yells* Yah! Hyunjinnie, tell your boyfriend to stop sassing me today! I am of sickly health *laughs, taking a puff of from his vape*
💀: *snorts* Such sickly health
Thirsty Thursday — 00' line
🍾. Two weeks of birthday celebrations, wonderful business and a two-day VIP event? Gentlemen we are living life right now *he laughs, drying his hair with a towel, a second towel wrapped around his waist*
🍸. I almost feel bad leaving Jeongin with the hyungs, but hey *he shrugs, chuckling* we fucking earned this, cashing in on client favours has never felt so good.
🍷. If they give us any more wine I think I'm gonna get drunk~ *he twirls his wine glass, his cheeks already red* god~ that pool party was heaven, think we can convince Chan hyung to host one?
🍸. He doesn't have a choice~ that's what *he hums, smug as he gets up to grab a bottle from the mini-fridge* I'm putting it on his schedule, today was too much fun... where's Hyunjin?
🥂. Speak of the devil and here I am darling~ *he grins, draping himself over Seungmin's back, clearly drunk* missed me~? There's a pretty stash of 9-mark M-Dent coming our way when you're ready, courtesy of our host~
🍾. *he mock-gasps, pouring himself a glass* You tease, who told you that?
🥂. The organiser, of course~ *he winks, stealing Seungmin's bottle to take a swig of the beer, grimacing before handing it back* fuck, that's why I steer clear of beer- anyway~ I exchanged a little... affection for the information. You're welcome, by the way~
🍷. Mhm, thank you very much, Hyunjin-ah~
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roflbosslegend · 4 years ago
how do you guys go "#prev prev prev prev prev tags" on here thats peer reviewed new york times best seller neighbor recommended and doctor approved can you just post the screenshot
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8008135-deactivated · 6 years ago
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enbylet · 3 years ago
oh yeah and happy pride month! i almost forgor
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viscetine-a · 2 years ago
im so fucking sorry to tack this onto this post but when i saw "blizzard hq" i said "its called fucking dairy queen you idiot" to myself
i go back in time to blow up blizzard hq before overwatch ever enters development
i look down at my gold locket with a picture of winston in it and hold it tight while shedding a tear, knowing it will shortly fade away from existence
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almagestarchive · 6 years ago
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i spent all day on this
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honeycomb-peach · 7 years ago
why can’t i just stop
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fab four headcanons lets go!
ghoul has a shit ton of scars. i mean, they all do, but ghoul has the most.
transfem jet star 🤝 transmasc kobra kid
party is the designated chef. they’re really good at cooking with like. feeling. you know? like how much salt? dc. just chuck some in. which therefore means:
kobra is a really really bad chef, because it’s not an exact science!!!! what is he supposed to do!!!
speaking of kobra! autism!!!!!!!! AUTISM!!!!!!
none of them are NT but. kobra is SOOOOsuperdupermega autism. if you even care.
ghoul loves those cringy ass shirts and stuff with sayings. like live laugh love. sunshine on the mind. he has a kiss the cook apron for when he makes bombs. you decide whether its ironic or not.
ghoul is also hard of hearing because i said so
the four have one big huge shared wardrobe that they all use, if stuff fits. like jet has a cool t-shirt that party steals, puts a funky belt on and wears as a dress. leather jackets and stuff are all communal. party and ghoul share the most, cause they're the closest in size.
kobra loves those silent cartoons, like tom and jerry, looney tunes, all that stuff, and he watches them with the girl all the time
while girlie's here, all of the four carry her differently. she sits on party's shoulders, jet puts her on their hip, kobra does piggybacks and ghoul will either scoop her up bridal style or firemans lift.
funkobra are in love by the way and they're t4t and autism4autism
this is random and not really in universe but kobra kid would LOVE rhythm games. like project sekai and bandori and stuff like that.
ghoul bites
^ that was going to be ghoul bites the skin around his nails but also. no he just bites.
he also has heterochromia
jet is the assigned medic of the gang and she's also the sharpshooter
speaking of which, jet star did kobra's top surgery
ghoul and kobra got drunk married one time and then didn't bother to fix it so they were married before they actually dated
ghoul has like. three shirts. and one pair of pants. that he never washes. and the other three hate it SO much. they're all begging him to get new clothes or at the very least fix the holes in the ones he has but he doesn't budge
ghoul sings the girl lullabyes
party can sew really well and makes clothes and stuff
jet loves dangly earrings and big clunky grandma bracelets, she has a whole jewellery box that party made for her and it's dark blue with light blue stars stuck onto it
anyway 👍 im normal about them
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years ago
The Gods Command ⚔️ [Daily Tasks]
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[Di is maybe more of a workaholic then Jooheon is- He tends to be at the cafe very often making new recipes for menu and making new types of coffee concoctions. So being at the cafe tends to be one of his daily tasks!]
🍷: Hm~ *writing something down* Two pumps of vanilla and some hazelnut? How would that taste… *brewing some more coffee*
[As a break from work and stressful stuff from being one of the rulers of the Down Under, he likes to play and take care of his hellhounds. He has many hellhound babies and he loves every single one of them!]
🫐: *throws a ball* Let’s go Bud!~ I’ll give you treats if you bring it back~
❤️‍🔥: *barks happily and runs after the ball*
[Apollo normally needs a minute to himself after work. He normally gets really tired everyday from using his powers but he tries to make it a habit to dance a bit to get some exercise in along with some movement after sitting down all day at the music studio. He normally does ballet or hip hop but tries other forms of dance from time to time.]
🎧: *doing the splits, stretching out his legs with a hum as he scrolls through his phone* oo~ I didn’t know this was happening today! *big smile* Boba Event time!~ After this last dance-
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[Artemis makes sure it’s a habit to read often so she drives off every day after work to a cliff, forest area and sits in her car and reads quietly.]
🏹: Man this princess could do better *shakes her head* like you have the hot, maid chick why do you need some guy princey for-
[Eros doesn’t have many hobbies because he doesn’t have the energy to do anything other then nap and work but when they do they like to sew for fun. Sometimes if they feel up to it they make Cupid’s concert outfits!]
❣️: *concentrated eyebrow furrow* Let’s see…pink vest…skirt… I think I have everything pieces out just need to sew them together~ *smiles* Cupid is gonna have the best stage outfits this year!~
[When not working or doing whatever bullshit he does Ares is constantly on his skateboard. He rollerblades too but Apollo won’t let him on those anymore. He skates for a couple hours every day and it just slowly became apart of his routine. Fun Fact: He has dislocated his wrist from falling off his skateboard along with breaking his ankle-]
🗡️: *lands a trick and screams* oh my OLYMPUS FOCKING YES! *happy Australian baby*
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[Hecate doesn’t tend to take a break when it comes to work, she loves what she does and makeup is a big part of what she enjoys to do. So everyday she searches for a silly makeup tutorial or a fun new makeup trend and does it with some music playing in the background. She gets easily overwhelmed at work so doing this in the comfort of her home makes her happy.]
🔮: *doing a little quiet dance and doing her makeup*
[Cupid’s daily tasks tend to be more normal considered tasks. Things like grocery shopping, getting the mail, etc. mean a lot more to him then other things. He’s constantly on tour so when he’s got a break he just likes go bare faces, freckles all out, baggy sweater and maybe some sweats or a skirt with her glasses on and she’s quietly doing some grocery shopping. She tends to get overwhelmed sometimes so he goes on days with less people.]
💘: *humming and looking through the beer* should I get a case of beer? *looks down at his phone fixing her glasses* I also need coffee creamer…
[It is a daily process and habit to be with Piper. Piper is able to shift and change into different snake breeds depending on Anubis’ mood and what he needs on that day. Bigger snake breed for better hugs and squeezes while small snake greeds when she is being carried outside for walks or daily need to dos.]
🐍: *in small snake form doing a wiggle dance in Anubis’ pocket*
⚰️: *humming softly putting on his mask ready to go out to get some take out and bandages*
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[Set doesn’t normally have a settled daily routine. He’s constantly walking around, hoping from place to place and never staying still. The one thing that’s an everyday or well night thing for him is working at a bar in the underworld, his work at the club in the human world is also daily but less consistent. He’s constantly hearing gossip and they’ve learned to flirt their way through getting extra tips along with free drinks.~]
🌪️: *shaking a drink in a cocktail shaker before pouring it into a glass* Order up!~ *grins, tail swishing as he takes another order*
[Hel’s mind is always running with new designs to put out on the run way or in stores so she tries to make it a habit of drawing out some sketches while she has her breakfast.]
🪦: *sketching out while eating some fruit salad* Hmmm~ I think this season some red should be in fashion, let me check~ *looks at her phone and starts scrolling*
[Even though they stream video games some times video games are something he plays off and on stream. They’re a big stress relief for her and she really loves playing them with his babies, he’s always always on some kind of console be it handheld or a game on his PC.]
🐍: *smiles, fangs out with a laugh* Butch is trying to show me where to go in game~ You silly Dane~ Come here~ *snaps and signals the Great Dane over* where’s LaLa? She better not being getting into trouble-
🐾: *happily runs over and hops onto her lap*
🐈: *meowing and lounging on the top of the couch*
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac​ [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa​ [💚🐈 💍&& 💎☀️] @fantasydreamcb [🔪❤️‍🩹] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @dawnswonderland-entertainment @beastfights-starting @starhunters-reign @divineblood-cb @urtwice @welcometosector1​ @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @beaconhillsxbot @hoteldelluna-rp @league-of-assassins​ @dreampodcast @enhanced-cb @lostwoods-cb @boyzplanet @kimheebby @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @thedevoted-cb @rapperracha-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @crimson-l [DM + / -]
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r0manticthe0ry · 2 years ago
it’s like I said. we’re not worth keeping around
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roflbosslegend · 6 years ago
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livealittleoc-cb · 5 months ago
⚰️: Hmm *pouts a little and starts to sign* ‘I like talking to you.’ *smiles big and lets out a little sigh* ‘Okay, only this one time. I’ll owe you.’
🐍: *happy hiss and moves to give lil snek kisses to the screen*
💀: *sticks their tongue out at him, getting up and walking away*
♥️: *snorts and waves* Okay! See you Seungminnie
I will I will don’t worry *smiles softly* I don’t really think anyone cares if I am or not *mutters rubbing at his face* I’m pretty sure he will~ He’ll be alright I made sure he’s well taken cared of *nods a little* Yeah I’m fine…just got a bad feeling *moves to lay on his side with a little wince*
🍷: I don’t know what you’re talking about…they’re liars- *smiles and looks at him with a raised brow* Hm…
♥️: There’s a couple things that can still be inflated~ *winks with a laugh* It is it’s why I make it my job to kick it down a little *smiles* good I’m glad, have a drink for me I’m not being allowed to by my at home nurse
🍷: hey~ Don’t be dirty when I can’t do anything about it *rolls his eyes* and it’s cause alcohol won’t clash well with your meds- *whines* I’m notttt I will later when Ace takes a nap *pouts* Oh no what will I ever do, being scolded by my precious moon~ *grins*
Thirsty Thursday — 00' line
🍾. Two weeks of birthday celebrations, wonderful business and a two-day VIP event? Gentlemen we are living life right now *he laughs, drying his hair with a towel, a second towel wrapped around his waist*
🍸. I almost feel bad leaving Jeongin with the hyungs, but hey *he shrugs, chuckling* we fucking earned this, cashing in on client favours has never felt so good.
🍷. If they give us any more wine I think I'm gonna get drunk~ *he twirls his wine glass, his cheeks already red* god~ that pool party was heaven, think we can convince Chan hyung to host one?
🍸. He doesn't have a choice~ that's what *he hums, smug as he gets up to grab a bottle from the mini-fridge* I'm putting it on his schedule, today was too much fun... where's Hyunjin?
🥂. Speak of the devil and here I am darling~ *he grins, draping himself over Seungmin's back, clearly drunk* missed me~? There's a pretty stash of 9-mark M-Dent coming our way when you're ready, courtesy of our host~
🍾. *he mock-gasps, pouring himself a glass* You tease, who told you that?
🥂. The organiser, of course~ *he winks, stealing Seungmin's bottle to take a swig of the beer, grimacing before handing it back* fuck, that's why I steer clear of beer- anyway~ I exchanged a little... affection for the information. You're welcome, by the way~
🍷. Mhm, thank you very much, Hyunjin-ah~
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8008135-deactivated · 6 years ago
tvch>>>> aeovian
URL CHANGE!!! please reblog!!
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