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[ patch ] sender carefully patches one of receiver's wounds — from alicent @hightcwers
Aemond flinched as his mother cleaned the wound. She had watched the maesters do this every day but it didn’t make it any easier on Aemond. The loss of his eye was fresh and navigating the Keep seemed much harder now. All Aemond wanted to do was be with his dragon. Having Vhagar change everything and get up in the clouds felt like a freedom he had never felt before. “Mother, may I ride Vhagar once you are done?” He asked knowing how his mother somewhat seemed wary of the dragons her children had flown. There was something he couldn’t explain about how right it felt to fly. He didn’t feel so different now. Yet, the night stuck in his head seeing how his mother had defended him before all of them. How she had done more than his father ever done for them and even Aegon had stood up to their father. Viserys had chosen Rhaenyra and her blood over him. Despite losing his eye, Aemond could fully see how his father was and it would never change. This was the way of the world. His blood didn’t equal Rhaenyra’s. He was not loved like she was and now all could see that. “It hurts less today..” @hightcwers
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[ 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 ] : receiver notices sender looking at them longingly. /// from tyr
Aemond had been looking over the maps when he felt her eyes on him. The prince gave a small smile to his wife. Sometimes he thought that was odd to think or say. “Everything alright, my lady?” He asked before sitting back in his chair and giving her more of his attention. It was an adjustment being married but he truly had come around to enjoying her company still letting his guard down wasn’t always so easy. Never had Aemond felt what love was and had always struggled to understand it. His mother had always done her best and he figured at times he could have been her favorite. Yet, as he got older that wasn’t always the case or so he was starting to believe. Regardless, Aemond had Tyrianne to think of now and was trying to build more with her despite how their marriage had been arranged. They didn’t have to have a marriage that was filled with nothing but duty even if it was something that Aemond was all too familiar with. “Is there anything on your mind?” Aemond asked as he crossed his leg over the other. Curious to know why she was looking at him in such a way. There was a bit of warmth to his cheeks as he observed her.
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❝ I am a lady in distress. You refuse to help a lady in distress? ❞ — from alys.
Taking Harrenhal had been a victory Aemond was most proud of and he was determined to keep Harrenhal for Aegon. The Greens would keep the Harrenhal as their toehold but the war was still not over. Yet, there seemed to be more treasures in Harrenhal as he looked to the woman who had been brought out before him. “Well, my lady, you won’t be in distress any longer. The Pretender and her army have been taken from this place and you are now free. What is your name?” The prince asked while circling the woman while his men seemed to be searching Harrenhal for any supporters of Rhaenyra. Vhagar roared in the background while Aemond felt more and more like the rightful King of the realm. It was a feeling he wanted to hold onto. “I will need someone to show me around Harrenhal. Someone who knows the Riverlands and their lords.” He mused while he continued to observe her. Wanting to know just how she felt about all of this and if he could truly trust her. Perhaps it would be unwise but he would need some sort of a guide to keep him in good respect with those around him if not then he would have to take matters into his own hands and that wasn’t a problem. Not for him at least. “Are you of House Strong, my lady?” Aemond asked. There was no love for House Strong where Aemond was concerned. A House that could barely keep its upkeep on their castle. Larys's whispers ran through the Keep and the toad often forgot his place if Aemond was honest with himself. Not to mention how his half-sister had flaunted her bastard children around the Keep as if they were proper children.
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Aemond wanted to make her feel at home and perhaps he had taken the initiative to learn more of her language but he would not tell her that just yet. He wanted to make her feel comfortable and he figured this was one of the ways. Watching the handmaidens leave, he nodded his head at them in acknowledgment. “Of course, you are my wife and I wanted to make sure all was well..” He spoke while giving a little smile to her while she took his arm. The garden was always one of the greatest places to walk and he would often find himself admiring the floors that were in bloom. It was odd to think of himself married. It had been for the duty of his family but it was something entirely new to him and he had to think of his duties to Maryse as well. She was now part of his family. Yet, part of him wondered how she truly felt about all this and being so close to dragons. Not just his family but the actual winged creatures that ruled the skies. Their children should they have them would be expected to have a cradle egg and he would be the one to pick them out and place them close. There were many traditions in his house and he wanted to honor them, unlike his father who didn’t seem to truly care. Aemond would be a better father should the chance ever present itself. “I believe that will be an excellent idea, my Lady..” He nodded and began to head towards the garden. “Would you like to see more of the Keep…?”
DORNISH, from what maryse has been told, is not an easy language. she wouldn't know ( bless the SUN and its influence -- she has spoken it since birth ), but aemond was surprisingly growing adept at it. suspisciosly quickly. maryse was almost positive she hadn't taught him half of those words -- but she wasn't COMPLAINING.
as the handmaidens leave, maryse steps out of her chambers. she switches to common, just in case. " you were ? and why is that ? " she takes his arm. in truth, if aemond had not come searching, she would have done the same to him. maryse instinctively starts to wander towards the garden at her husband's side.
her HUSBAND -- an odd sentiment. forever ago, as a child, maryse had been terrified of the targaryens, and their dragons. she can hear her mother's voice still, speaking life into the myths of balerion, vhagar, meraxes. showing maryse the ring her house had made of one of meraxes' smaller teeth, before sending the head back to king's landing in a gesture of peace. her mother had put so much fear into her when it came to the winged beasts that each time there was a thunderstorm, maryse would fear that the thunder itself was the BLACK DREAD. the only targaryen that maryse liked in any capacity was HAEDON.
and now that list had grown at least by one addition. " shall we go get some fresh air ? it seems a nice enough day. "
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Plenty were working to improve the health of Aegon and Aemond didn’t truly know if any would be successful. Meleys had been a worthy opponent and had nearly killed Sunfyre and Aegon. Every day he wondered if he would wake and hear of Aegon’s death thus making him King. He would be king and trying to defeat the Blacks. They were all trying to end this war but no one seemed to be making any effort. King’s Landing was safe with him and Vhagar here but how long would be able to stay here? The efforts outside of the area would soon call for him and he wanted to be able to do as much as he could. Yet, looking at the red priest who now seemed to be in the Keep put him even more on guard. All strangers made him uneasy since the loss of his nephews. “The Queen is her mother. Anything you might need can be handled by me.” He spoke with his arms crossed behind his back. His eye never left her.
a starter for @merelaes
Aegon was blessed by fire. It was a sign of the lord. It had come to her in a dream many moons before. A silver-haired monarch - who would be a key figure in the greatest war to come - would step into fire and would emerge gloriously, enveloped by a the very beast with embers in its lungs. Word of a foreign battle had reached Braavos and Asteria was quick to follow the Lord to Westeros.
She had found herself by the King's bedside. Whispering words of enlightenment and bringing relief to his smouldering burns. Red priests were not common in Westeros, let alone the Red Keep. The dark haired foreigner anticipated some sort of trouble upon her arrival.
Eyes met a heavy emerald hidden behind leather and her chin lifted a little as she was drawn to this male with slow, careful steps. "One eye upon surroundings and the other upon opportunity." she mused. "I wish to speak to the queen."
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Tell me how you do pretty colors.
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This wasn’t what most ladies would want when it came to their wedding. There was still another for them that would be much preferred by all but this was something Aemond had wanted. It meant more to him to have this than anything else. A smile tugged at his lips when she thanked him and he gave a nod of his head. It meant something to him that Tyrianne was doing this. It couldn’t have been easy to do or even understand but she was still trying. It impressed him. Perhaps more could come from this union. The ritual was far more intimate than most would ever give it credit for. Another queer custom to many but it was a tradition of his House. From Old Valyria. It made him feel closer to those who came before him and he wanted to continue the tradition. It worried him at first what she might say or do, fearing the rejection of it all. Yet, here she stood before him following his lead with this whole ceremony and doing the best she possibly could. Aemond kept in mind this wasn’t something known by all and rarely was it practice. The sting on his lip brought him back to the present as he continued to guide her through it all. She was doing her best. It was going well for the most part. They were becoming one in this way, more than they could in other ways. Aemond tried to keep himself respectful and calm during all this. His temper was in check while they worked through it all. Both of them were giving up things and performing a duty to their House. Perhaps they weren’t so different.
cont. @merelaes
Tyrianne gave Aemond a tight little smile and mouthed a 'thank you' as he fixed the crown on her head. It was such a kind gesture that cut right through the stressed tightness in her chest and if she dwelled more on it, she might just cry. It was that moment she realised that mayhaps this whole thing was more real and more heavy on her than she had expected.
Yes, she had known, logically, that her life was about to change significantly, but the reality was suddenly sinking into her bones - a jarring feeling of clarity. Most of this ceremony, she considered almost heathen, the exchange of blood an almost grotesque idea to her Westerosi sensibilities, but as they were going through the ritual, she had to recognize the intimacy of it. In many ways, it felt like she played a more active part in binding herself to him, than she would in the Sept. Their hands were conjoined now. With shaking hands she accepted the dagger from him and delicately pressed the sharp knife into his lip. As she did so, she tightened her grip around his hand, hoping it came across as a comforting gesture. Luckily it took little more to draw blood.
As he cut her lip she held his gaze, trying to ignore the sting of the cut. All things considered, she could count herself lucky. He was respectful and comely. Things that she seldom sensed from husbands at weddings.
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There were plenty of Kingsguard and knights to protect them all but that wasn’t enough for Aemond. They weren’t trained like he was. Only Criston was and even he had been outsmarted by lowly ratcatchers and that didn’t sit well with Aemond. After a conversation about his mother with Criston, something else nagged at Aemond but he didn’t venture into that. Criston spoke in a way that most wouldn’t dare when it came to his mother and that alone was an answer for him. Regardless, the Prince had his duties where he needed to make sure everyone else was safe and even if he had to keep them in these walls then he would. They would not be taken by the Pretenders. Vhagar had been what changed it all for him and even helped with keeping the others away. She protected them just as much as he did. Her words made him freeze. He could not imagine a world without Helaena. They had been so close in age and plenty might think them twins but to know she could be gone from here was a lot on his mind. “Do not say such things. You still have Jaehaerys’s memory. He lives on through his family..” He tried to make those words make sense even if he wasn’t sure that they did. He wished he could do more… “I am here for you… Tell me what I can do…”
HER BROTHER HAD FACED THE LOSS OF HIS EYE WITH BRAVERY - in truth , Helaena had never known him to not show courage in the face of adversity , but then she knows that even she does not see everything. LILAC EYES FLICKER ACROSS HIS FACE & for a moment , she is glad he has Vhagar. After all , the signs all point to certain doom. Perhaps the dragon could offer him one last bout of protection when the time came. PERHAPS SHE MIGHT EVEN SAVE THE PRINCES' LIFE.
" To see my son again." FOR IT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MAKES ANY SENSE TO HER. She had witnessed herself step out of the window , had felt it - the rush of the fall. The pain which eventually ebbed away to nothing. It made sense in Helaena's mind & if there was one thing she could always count on , no matter how sorrowful these dreams might be ; it was the future.
"I do not know."
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" This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep. " // vhagar :) btw: the dragons can't talk so this is more of a telepathy thing lol
It might not be the last but it still bothered Aemond. “I want to make sure you are well rested.” He spoke aloud while he ran his hand over her snout, looking into her eyes. Truly, he cared for Vhagar and wanted the best for her. She was truly remarkable and had endured so much in her life. Yet, she was about to be in another war once more. Something he truly couldn’t prevent and she was the biggest dragon other than Vermithor. The Blacks had gotten more riders and it put him in a very hard position. “We will both need rest to be at our best..” He knew this would be harder than he thought and perhaps he would be passing out from exhaustion just a little more in the coming months but his family needed him. “But I know I will be asking a lot of you.” She was having to do more and more for him and his house when she deserved nothing more than to rest and enjoy her life.
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" they'll never understand our connection. " // mar
It was true. No one would ever understand them and Aemond adored that. Truly she understood him and he didn’t understand when or how she had done it. It was something that had even surprised him but he did enjoy it. She was able to see a softer side of him that no one was ever able to see. Rarely did his walls come down but Maryse was different. She had always been different. “They will not and I will never wish them to,” Aemond spoke while he stood before her. Never did he want someone to understand what he believed was only his and he wanted to protect it with everything he truly had. Maryse is everything to him and he couldn’t lose her. She was his better half. These thoughts were never voiced but he was trying to process them all. Love was complicated. Love was something he had never fully understood or experienced. It somewhat scared him given that his duty had controlled his whole life. His honor.
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I just think it would be cute if Helaena also took her dragonless little brother Aemond to ride upon Dreamfyre, like Rhaena did with Aegon years before 🥺💖
#no#the way i am sobbing this early in the morning.#this is beautiful and i know he would ride with Helaena before anyone else#she doesn't make him feel lesser because he doesn't have a dragon yet#thwy literally could have been twins. they are so close
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Listening to her words, Aemond felt some relief. “Why are the princes in the Vale?” He wondered aloud. That seemed like something careless. “Perhaps we should seize the Vale after Harrenhal.” He looked to the map in front of him or perhaps they could take the Vale then march on Harrenhal. There were options…
"I've no issues with your brother as king," Marin assures. "Without Mistweaver, the Vale is without a dragon to protect it. Lady Rhaena and the youngest princes are currently wards of Lady Arryn's. Their dragons are no bigger than hounds; they don't pose any true threat."
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our end is always self made.
so it seems.
prints + merch + commission info pinned to profile :)
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OBSESSED with curly aemond art i saw on tiktok
credit: strangleendraws on tiktok
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I think I'm gonna add open starters to my queue.
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EWAN MITCHELL - In The Modern World
#modern aem had a phase.#tell me I'm wrong#|| lowkey tho this was a wonderful song and ewan's acting was great
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