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ukyou-kuonji · 6 months ago
Every Rumic boy protagonist is either a cat boy or a dog boy. In the sense that they either love that animal or are literally a cat boy/dog boy.
Godai? Dog boy. Ranma? Cat boy. Inuyasha? Dog boy. Rinne? Cat boy. Ataru is a dog boy although you have to watch the Ranma anime for the joke. I haven't read MAO yet but I'm pretty sure he's a cat boy.
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knrsolutions · 3 months ago
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Last one in 24 with Ubix cru🎄
See ya in 25
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cerosin-bis · 2 years ago
does nikto knows about HansKrueger were a thing?
I think he does. Because Armistice and then Allegiance/Coalition are like small villages in my mind - everyone knows everything really quickly, even the things that are meant to remain "classified" and such. I also like to imagine that the dossiers were declassified when Armistice split into Allegiance and Coalition.
More specifically, in my headcanon, Krueger uses his relationship with Golem as a mean to make Nikto jealous because they still occasionnally mess around (golemkrueger are like, a married couple. but they're divorced, and the divorce was messy as fuck. and actually they never were official to start with. exes but still fucking type beat). Not that Nikto really minds, it feeds into his and krueger's 'territorial' relationship and gives him more reasons to be possessive as hell, while knowing exactly how Krueger works 👍 and also Nikto does the same with Rodion (only difference is that Krueger doesn't mind but Nikto likes thinking he does). It's all balanced and everyone's getting what they want.
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karlstad · 1 year ago
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knr | funk
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homemademustard · 1 year ago
For day 2 of @rumicworldweek I wrote a silly little thing to show my love for one of the many doomed Rumiko Takahashi love rivals out there
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Summary: Tsubasa ponders an intriguing change in Sakura and what this means for his love quest. Set post-manga finale. 628 words. Gen.
Read under the cut. Also available on AO3.
The more Rika and Miho chit-chatted beside him, the more Tsubasa Juumonji furrowed his brow. Feigning ignorance, he decided the decades-old exorcism journal he was holding in his hands was more worthy of his attention.
“Sakura-chan has been smiling more since she made up with Rokudou-kun, don’t you think?”
“I told you! They are so dating, they can’t even hide it anymore”
And it was this exchange the one that made him finally take his eyes off the carefully annotated instructions on how to create a special blend of holy ashes. He went on to scan the classroom, as he normally did, in search of the object of his affection. Sakura Mamiya was handing the aforementioned redheaded Shinigami an additional bento box. The memory of the recent embrace those two had shared in the Spirit World –as seen through Annette-sensei’s crystal ball– burned in his mind. Thus, Tsubasa stared intently at the rumored couple, curious to see if the consequences of whatever had happened between them were a threat to his own love story.
His world momentarily sank as he contemplated how the normally stoic Sakura was indeed smiling the sweetest smile he had seen thus far. And she was dedicating that smile to Rinne of all people. He could almost swear he’d noticed a hint of a blush in her perfectly soft-looking cheeks.
But Tsubasa was, of course, a man of logic. This has an easy explanation, he told himself. The additional lunch was at this point a tradition of the friendship between Sakura and the financially broke Rinne Rokudou. And it’s not like the food itself was carefully cooked by Sakura herself, no. Perhaps her mom (age 39) had overdone her cooking portions once again. And the blush? Merely a trick of the mind, a most treacherous doubt that the bumbling Rika and Miho had planted in him with their constant gossiping.
His pulse violently accelerated the moment he noticed Sakura had returned to her normal expression and was staring back at him. He saw her –oh so charming– lips moving, muttering an excuse to Rinne as she strode towards the lovestruck exorcist.
“Is there anything wrong, Tsubasa-kun?” He could honestly never grow tired of the way her voice sounded whenever she pronounced his name, no matter the tone she used. Each of the syllables was his own private concerto.
“M-Mamiya-san” he initially spouted, a sudden confidence growing in his chest as he came up with a solution to disguise his stalking. “My father got me an exorcism job downtown this afternoon and I wondered if you wanted to come along, that’s all”
“Oh, sure”
And then the smile came back, and with it Tsubasa could feel his heart melting in real time. He failed to notice that this version of her facial expression was subtler –polite, even– compared to the one offered to his rival moments ago. After all, if he could elicit the most exquisite upturn of Sakura Mamiya’s lips, then Rinne Rokudou wasn’t as special as the girl’s friends had claimed.
I still have a shot with Mamiya-san, he internally shouted with glee, both of his fists up in the air. Today we’ll go on a date and maybe I’ll get to see more of her adorable smiles!
Or maybe not so internally…
“Juumonji-kun, you said that out loud. Again”, he heard an exasperated Rika say.
But Tsubasa Juumonji, young master of Western-style exorcisms (and self-delusions) paid no attention whatsoever. Not even to the stinging pain the tip of one irritated Rinne’s Shinigami scythe was inflicting on his head as he bluntly hit him, nor to the chilly and tight embrace of the long-distance traveling disembodied spirit of one Ayame Sakaki.
There was nothing for him to be worried about in the end.
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webawards-com · 2 years ago
...And The Web Award Goes To:
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And the Web Award goes to Modalova.fr created by KNR Agency thanks to its excellence in quality, originality, design and content. Congratulations @moda.lova & @knr.agency
Modalova is a fashion search engine which allows its visitors to instantly find the most relevant products on the web concerning style and lifestyle.
You can find +2,000,000 daily fashion and luxury products (more than hundreds of new products every day) and +10,000 brands (of course certified and approved e-shops where you can buy safely.)
More details can be found in WebAwards.com
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avakkins-alter · 5 months ago
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👾秋(Autumn season)🎃🦋🍁💜 | ねるこ🐾💤
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theflyingkipper · 2 years ago
sorry I have been very inactive!!! I am in Korea right now. Here's a KORAIL unit I saw 2 days ago :]
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I probably won't get to see any preserved steam (static or active), but if I do I will post about it!!
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shadowscommand · 6 months ago
i actually didnt have enough unhappy throuple images.
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yumedoca · 1 year ago
Having a 'Missing Kyoukai no RINNE hours' moment rn...
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kirexa · 9 months ago
I need to own more skirts
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ukyou-kuonji · 6 months ago
Favorite Anime
This is my first of the three prompts for Rumic World Week! I do want to address everything but it will probably be a slow process.
My favorite anime has got to be Kyoukai no Rin-ne. I think it succeeds most as a Takahashi adaptation. Without straying to far from the intentions of the manga, it really captures the spirit of the work well, which is something I was skeptical of due to the presence of the narrator. However, the show utilized even his presence for comedic effect in a great way! Additionally, it didn't merely animate manga scenes shot for shot (like the remakes), nor did it deviate and start writing ooc anime only arcs (like many of the older adaptations). Instead it streamlined the work, focused on the best stories, and maximized audience favorites. All in all it's the best adaptation I have yet seen!
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knrsolutions · 4 months ago
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“The Fr8 Slayer 3 “-100% freight power inside 2024 / sold out
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cerosin-bis · 1 year ago
Cero I am on my knees begging for some more Krueger/Nikto/Rodion HCs if you have them. I've loved the little moments of the dynamic in your writing and I just HAVE to know more.
Basically, Nikto has a very conflicted view of Rodion because Rodion is 1) normal 2) interested in him 3) emotionally smart while Nikto has an adverse reaction to any form of normalcy (in both life and any kind of relationship) while being obsessive by nature. As for Krueger in this... Krueger likes to use that to play with Nikto's conflicted jealousy. And also because Rodion's a good lay. He's less interested in Rodion than in the effect Rodion has on Nikto. In short, it's not really a poly relationship it's just a bit of a mess summarised well by the og niktodim shipper @modernghostfare in this post here.
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leomacgivena · 1 year ago
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XユーザーのKNR | AI×プロダクト紹介さん:「アンチがエモい..」
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 1 year ago
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XユーザーのKNR | AI×プロダクト紹介さん: 「どうして契約はWebでサクッとできたのに、解約時は電話だけなんですか https://t.co/5rxLlckGH5」 / X
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