#knowing those rivalries those guys are going to destroy each other
kananjarus · 4 months
@ nfl y'all trying to kill every single man in the afc north? is that what you're doing?
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m-ilkiee · 4 months
Monsters: Mikey Sano x Reader x Izana Kurokawa
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Chapter 1: Warning Signals
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series summary: your grievous sin was Emma standing up for you to her brothers. and now you’re going to pay the heavy price for destroying their perfect family dynamic.
chapter summary: being friends with Emma Sano is nice, until you get on the wrong side of the Sano brothers.
content warning: DARK CONTENT, NSFW, misogyny, alcohol/drug use, brief mention of violence, religious and purity culture themes, classism, slutshaming, p*rn mention, sexual assault, noncon, public initimacy, fingering (fem recieving), dacryphilia, gaslighting, manipulation, mention of vomitting, victim blaming.
r-18+ (not suitable for 17 and under)
word count: 10.1k words
note: this chapter has been edited and the storyline shifted to the original plan for the series. consequent chapters 2-5 will follow suit and vastly vary from the og series i posted before.
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KNOWING how big both the TENJIKU and TOMAN fraternities were on campus, it was a bit awkward being friends with the youngest sister of two of the most popular guys in this school.
Any where you two went, she would always be the center of attention. You didn't really mind being in her shadow because as long as you have her, you’ll be fine. People called you a lost puppy, riding on Emma’s cocktails just to get by in university.
They didn’t know how you both have self-care days where you would paint your nails, wear facial masks and watch “Mean Girls” or “Clueless” on her laptop because you weren’t allowed to watch it when you were young. Or how the both of you always have study dates with hot coffee and exchanging annotated notes so that you both remain at the top of your game. They don’t know about the secrets you both share and the trust you both have for each other.
You don’t have to explain anything to anyone.
Emma is a pretty satisfied girl. Her college tuition is paid for in full and her time here has always been smooth. As far as you knew, she grew up being loved by all three of her brothers and they doted on her to the point she thinks they spoiled her.
-You don’t think they spoiled her -okay maybe a little with the way she spends money, but everyone has a vice. Right?
You could tell she knew what familial love is with how sweet and kind she was to you when you opened up about your family troubles.
The only issue is that her two brothers, Mikey and Izana, have been at each other's necks for some years now. Mostly Izana inciting violence at Mikey and Mikey retailiating; it’s the number one concern in the Sano household the way those two fight and argue.
From what Emma told you, Izana’s provocative nature was the gasoline to Mikey’s volatile mental state, akin to fire. Even the littlest of things that no one would bat an eye for could incite a bloody brawl between them. And as they grew older, more people were involved in their petty rivalry, since neither Emma nor Shinichiro agreed to take their side.
Despite the looming hostility, Mikey decided to throw in the towel and agree for a truce. At first, Emma couldn’t believe it. Until two weeks had passed and they hadn’t fought.
"They haven't gotten along at a stretch like this, I tell ya!" Emma had said excitedly while selecting what she would wear that day. You let out a small smile as she tossed multiple clothes on her large bed. Being the youngest had its perks, like how her oldest brother, Shinichiro paid for her to have the biggest room in one of the dorms all to herself.
You heard that on the front, he had one of the biggest Motorcycle brands and behind all of that, his real business was handling the black dragons, one of the biggest gangs in Japan.
You wonder how Emma feels about her brothers' lifestyle, but judging from her huge wardrobe and expensive jewelry, you don't think it bothers her too much.
Not like you cared either. To you, she was just Emma. Nothing more or less.
The blonde haired girl swiftly turns to you with two options in her hand, a pink sequined dress and a white halter crop top and a pink mini skirt with ruffles at the bottom. "I need to look really good today, which one says 'I'm so happy my brothers are not at each other's necks for once?' " She asked animatedly.
You've never seen her this happy since you met her, unless Draken was involved and somehow it made you happier too. It must be nice to be so close to your family members all the time and be able to mend your relationship with them.
You've never had that. You don't think of your family much. You don't wish to either, ever since your father cursed you out for rejecting a marriage proposal from one of his friends to pursue higher education and your mother stayed quiet, complicit -all the while silently seething that all her training went down the drain. The first time you ever went against their old fashioned ideals after years of obedience was met with immediate punishment.
You don’t regret it, though. Because you wouldn’t have met Emma.
"The second one is a better choice." You said with a smile, gazing at her with adoration in your eyes. “The skirt ruffles makes your legs look good. Pair it with the white strap heels and you’re good.”
The blonde broke out into a wider grin, the clothes pooling at her sides as she rested a hand on her hips. “Look at you giving me fashion advice.” She teased lightheartedly. “I feel like a proud mother growing up!”
“I learned from the best.”
You both fall into a comfortable silence and you take that time to admire her. You’ve always thought Emma was gorgeous, from her bright smile, to the twinkling of her eyes when she’s mischievous, to her enthusiasm for life in general. It was a no-brainer that guys would gravitate towards Emma and try their luck into dating her. Eventually the threat of her brothers or the threat of her equally terrifying friends with benefits who just happened to be the vice president of Toman, Ken Ryugi, would be enough to back off.
You wished you were as likeable and as beautiful as she was. You were always too shy to do anything or talk to people, let alone guys that you liked.
“So have you picked your outfit for the party?”
You’re snapped out of the trance-like state to see Emma standing in front of you, her body so close, you could smell her vivienne westwood. “Me?” You asked her, your tone laced with confusion. “I don’t think I’m gonna go.”
“And why is that?”
You paused, trying to organize your thoughts on how to break this to her without ruining her mood tonight. “I don’t think…” you took a deep breath before saying. “Your brothers would want me there.”
There’s a shift in her look, so minor but you could pick out the way her smile faltered. You both knew that her brothers could be… weird around you. It was something Emma couldn’t understand for the life of her.
Izana was usually very displeased with your presence and makes it very well known he doesn't want you there with snide remarks and forgetting your own order. His friends, for the fear of him, wouldn't speak to you either. It took Emma angrily yelling at him for him to be civil towards you. But the second she turned her back, Izana would go back to his usual self, being rude and peppering it with little acts of violence like pushing your hand so that your drink spilled all over the floor and even pushed your laptop bag to the ground, destroying the device you saved money to buy for months.
Mikey was on the other end of the spectrum. He would ignore your very presence and talk to everyone else but you and the rest followed suit. You’ve tried to at least make small talk with him, anything but he would talk over you. You heard from other people that he’s the nice brother and he’s usually so easy going- you’ve seen it with your very eyes the way he interacts with Emma’s other friends, Hinata and Senju.
And it hurts you. You’ve had a crush on him for so long, longer than you even knew Emma, so you don’t understand why he’s acting so differently with you. Seeing him talk with other girls sweetly makes you green with envy, wishing that it was you. Craving for just a piece of his attention.
Maybe he just doesn't like shy girls.
Only some guy named Takemitchi would try and explain that they don't hate you. It was surprising, considering that you knew people like Hakkai - whom you attended the same confirmation class and high school with- and even he made no effort to at least speak with you whenever you came to the frat house or met on the road.
You stopped bothering to make either of the Sano brothers like you, so long as they let Emma keep hanging out with you. It was obvious that they hold some animosity for you when you’ve done nothing to them.
Before you could say anything, Emma pulled you up by your arm and dragged you off the bed towards her closet. “That’s a load of bullshit. There’s no way I’m leaving my best friend to rot in her room when there’s a Sano party going on.”
“Nope!” She cut you off stubbornly, before pulling out some clothes from her closet, trying to match them with your skin tone. Satisfied with the outfit she picked, she puts the clothes in your arms and practically shoves you into her bathroom.
“Don’t Emma me, (name). You’re going to take a shower and by the time you’re out, I should be back with a makeup kit that suits you.” You tried to speak again but she silenced you by pressing a finger on your lips. “We’re going to be the hottest girls at that party, whether they like it or not.”
“But these look very short-”
“Sorry, can’t hear you, bye!”
You sighed when Emma shut the bathroom door in your face, locking it so that you would do what she said.
There was no winning with Emma when she made her mind up. Might as well follow through with it.
YOU had no idea how big this party would be.
You've come to the Toman frat house before with Emma to see Mikey and Draken once, and admired how large and spacious the three story building was. Now imagine that large of a space being cramped up with nearly the whole school's population.
Somewhat, you’re grateful that the outfit Emma lent you was as short as it was. The house was so hot, you could faint from how stuffy it was.
You hold on tightly onto Emma's hand, intertwined with each other as the both of you push through the big crowd, ignoring the sweaty, drunk students as you headed for the stairs. She, being used to parties like this, was able to navigate through the raging crowd with some form of ease.
After a few more squeezes, you both finally make it to the stairs.
As you both climbed up, you could see different people, all having fun in their own way. You're rarely invited to parties, so this was still more of a nouveau experience for you. A girl is asking for a light, a tiny blunt in between her teeth until another person lights it up for her. You see some guy shotgunning another girl, before melting into a hot kiss, tongue melding with each other. Someone else is drowning shot after shot and a couple is practically dry humping for everyone to see, a poor excuse to dance with the music.
The obscene sight surprisingly doesn’t disgust you, knowing your background, it just makes you curious. How would it feel to try one of those things? Smoking? Drinking? Making out with someone? Emma had told you about her own experiences; as long as you took it easy, it could be fun. Her first time with anything was with Draken and he was always gentle with her, plus her brothers were fine with it, even making sure whatever she took wasn’t laced with anything.
However, you were taught differently. That your body is a temple that you should keep clean for God and doing any of these things will sully you.
You didn’t believe that as much as you did when you were younger, but you didn’t want to test your luck either in case it ended up being true. Besides, you would look like a complete moron if you tried anything with them.
You tried as much as possible not to make it obvious that you're staring, but that failed when you caught the attention of a tall silhouette smoking. Sharp golden eyes stared you down and you instantly looked away, not wanting to get in trouble with some random guy.
You've heard rumors about Toman or Tenjiku guys absolutely beating anyone up for just staring at them wrong. You don't want to be victim number seventy-five this year.
Finally, you both reached your destination; a room on the second floor where Mikey had asked Emma to meet him. The ground floor was always the place where non-members stayed, trashed and partied. The first is accessible to all members of Toman (and now, Tenjiku) to hang out, have a private party and smoke. The second floor is only for executives and their girls or sisters.
You're a bit worried for yourself as Emma spoke to the person guarding the door. Mikey never said YOU could come along with Emma. You're no executive. You're no girlfriend of their executives and you are definitely not related to any of them. You had told Emma to leave you on the ground floor but she insisted that no one would be angry with your presence.
You've suspected that Emma has been trying to hook you up with someone in either of the fraternities. She was always insistent that you at least get to know them.
"(Name) come on."
Without waiting for your protest, Emma yanked you into the rather pristine room that housed the executives. Your eyes drank in the sight briefly, thanking God that it wasn't filthy or smelly as you had imagined it. The execs were all playing a game of poker, with an orange haired girl -Hinata Tachibana, his girlfriend, perched on Takemitchi's lap, laughing at his bad luck.
Emma's eyes quickly scanned around the room for a brief moment until she saw her two brothers sitting side by side, both engrossed in the game. Mikey’s blonde hair is tousled, like he’s been running his hand through it repeatedly. His baggy white shirt is unbuttoned half way and slips down his shoulder, revealing a black tank top and large jean trousers. Izana is different, white hair falling across his handsome face, leather jacket discarded on the back rest of the chair, leaving him in only a tight red shirt and tighter leather jeans, various chains and accessories hanging from his neck. Two earrings dangle from his ears- you can’t remember the name or significance.
‘They’re really good looking. Really-’
Without a warning, she lets go of your poor arm and jumps on top of Mikey and Izana, tackling them into a hug. Cards fly as she squeezes them hard, to which they discard their initial anger of losing their deck and hugging her back.
"Emma, next time give us a warning, will you?" Mikey pouted. You thought it looked cute, but immediately discarded that stupid thought. The guy hates your guts, don’t think he’s hot. "You ruined my game."
"As if you weren't losing dipshit." Izana teased, his face more relaxed than you’re used to seeing. "She did you a favor. You were down to 100 chips."
"You were down to 50. Who's the loser?"
"Still you."
You could see a smile tug at the corner of her lips lift up as she stands up. "Finally glad that two of you aren't strangling each other for once." She said triumphantly, hands on her hips. Her voice has a pep to it. "Last time both of you were in the same room, it didn't end well."
"Doesn't mean I'm not thinking about it." Izana scoffed. Suddenly, his purple eyes left his sister's face and trailed onto you who just stood a few feet away, awkwardly. You watched in real time as his smile fell, his features darkening the moment he locked gazes with you.
Dear God.
"What is SHE doing here?"
His harsh tone made everyone in the room shift their attention towards you. Your blood ran hot with embarrassment, feeling Izana’s purple eyes scan you up and down in disgust while everyone else just looks at you. Mikey’s gaze burned holes into you as well, silently asking you what the fuck you were doing here.
It was obvious. They never wanted you here. This entire thing was a mistake from the beginning.
"I-I'm glad I could walk with you all the way here, Emma" you stuttered, lying through your teeth. You didn't like the way both brothers were staring at you, like they could walk over to you and wring your neck at any moment. "I'll go join the party downstairs now, so I guess I'll see you soon-"
Pulling away from her brothers abruptly, the blonde girl rushed over to you and grabbed your arm, halting your attempt at running away as she dragged you back in place. You cursed underneath your breath at Emma’s desperate attempt to try to get you to stay.
“Hold on, now (name). I’ll talk to them” Emma whispered reassuringly, before turning to her brothers and increasing her voice in full volume. "She's here with me, is there a problem?”
There was a tense silence in the room as everyone stared at you. Mikey's tone was ice cold as he directed his angry gaze at you, dark eyes scanning down your body. You shuddered when his gaze settled on your legs just briefly before snapping back at Emma’s face.
"Emma. When I sent you that text, I specifically said you should come ALONE."
You felt your heart twist in your chest at the emphasis of that word from none other than Mikey. He really hated you.
"Come on Mikey. This is ridiculous." Emma plead your case. You don't realize you're shaking until your friend squeezed your hand gently in an attempt to calm you down and you squeezed back, wanting this to be over as soon as possible. "Why would I leave her downstairs?"
"Because that’s where all the beggars like her stay."
Your eyes widened the second the words left his mouth, Emma following suit at his words. The shock was soon replaced by embarrassment as Izana looked at you with a devious smile on his face, continuing his verbal assault. "What? I was just making an astute observation. You did say she was poor, so am I really wrong?”
“What the fuck is wrong with you Izana-”
“Wait-” Mikey cuts in again, holding a hand to silence her, his eyes fixated onto your outfit, the wheels in his brain turning as he scanned your clothes from head to toe. You suddenly felt naked in the simple white top and jean skirt you wore, as he actually looked at you properly for the first time.
Your shyness is quickly short lived as his facial expression morphed from one of neutrality to nothing but pure rage.
“Is that the jean skirt I bought for you, Emma?”
Your heart dropped at how loud he barked, completely silencing everybody in the room. All eyes fell on you now, putting you at the center stage of attention. Emma quickly pushed you behind her, trying to shield you from their staring the moment she realized what was about to happen.
“Mikey, wait, I was the one who insisted she should wear it, not her.” Emma started to explain, her tone apologetic. “She had nothing to wear and i gave her those since you complained she dressed like a nun-”
“So you decided to dress her up like a cheap hooker instead?” Izana scoffed nonchalantly, his eyes flickering over to your outfit. “You know your clothes looks so cheap and washed out on her. She looks like she stands on the streets and asks for sex in exchange for money.”
Emma started to reprimand her brother when Mikey cut in again to join Izana in practically insulting you. “Come on Emma, look at your friend. One wrong move and she’ll flash her panties. Don’t you think she’s looking a bit too desperate?”
Your hand flies to the edge of your skirt, dragging it down to try and cover up your legs as the gazes of the men leering at your legs. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Mikey, who is quick to point it out. “See? Even your friend knows she looks like a hooker. She’s trying to pull your skirt down because she knows she’s guilty...”
Each word seemed to stab you in the heart multiple times. You quickly averted your eyes to the ground as he continued to berate you about your looks, tearing down your confidence bit by bit with each word until you're reduced into nothing but nerves and silent tears. Everyone was staring at you now, scrutinizing gazes drinking in the sight of your exposed flesh, snickering quietly.
Unwanted attention.
"Next time, she shouldn't dress like this if she wants to tag along with you…"
Emma’s voice rang through the entire room, anger evident in her tone. The two brothers sat there in silence, stunned at the kind of tone Emma had just used on them right now, as if they’ve never heard or seen her this angry in their life before. You could feel her tremble violently, her grip on your hand tightening as fury radiated from her body.
You were sure she’s holding back things to say with how badly she is shaking. Like she doesn’t want to say anything that she might regret saying. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it immediately, as if biting her words back.
"We're leaving."
“Oh come ON-”
Emma threw an arm around you and guided you out of the room amidst her brothers yelling at her to come back. Your friend is gentle with you, hiding your teary face from prying eyes as she leads you through the stairs. The loud music was enough to mask your uncontrolled sobbing, but it didn’t stop people with prying eyes from turning their gazes towards you, wondering what the hell happened to you.
You had never felt this embarrassed in your life. As much as Emma tried to comfort you on your way to her room, their words kept on reverberating in your head. You knew how hard it was to get out of that mindset and now, every confidence you worked for, has crashed down like a pile of cards. Even the way they looked at you made you feel so sick to your stomach.
You've been drilled into as a young child that you're dressed the way you're addressed and because of that, you have always made sure you looked modest enough. You were used to your brothers calling innocent girls whores because of what they wore, that they were asking for it.
And now witnessing it first hand just made you feel so dirty. From the way they looked at you, to how they spoke about your body. It made you ill to the core.
You’ve never been so humiliated in your life.
The two of you managed to walk back to Emma's room, since hers was closer. Her phone never stopped buzzing all through your journey, even when you got back to her room. You could see the pain in her eyes as she ignored each call, only worsening your guilt. You wished you had stayed back in the dorms instead of ruining her night; she was supposed to be having fun, not walking you back to your room prematurely because you couldn’t take criticism.
"You should pic-"
"No (name)." Emma was quick to assert as she helped you lay down on her queen sized bed, the soft surface. "You don't need to feel pity for them, you're the one they hurt, not the other way around."
You wanted to protest when she fell on the bed beside you, yanking her covers over you both and encasing you in a hug. "You don't have to worry about them. I just want you to feel better." She whispered in your ears, rubbing your back gently. "You looked good tonight."
You could only nod in response at Emma's affirmation, wanting to so badly believe her. You want to believe what Emma thinks about you but you just can’t when you feel like abject filth. Your lips began to wobble, tears rolling down your cheeks once again as their words rang in your ears.
Months of unpacking that trauma, flushed down the drain by a single action.
Emma didn't say anything in response to your fresh tears, she only hugged you tight and rubbed circles on your back to soothe you until you cried yourself to sleep.
   “YOU implied that she’s a fucking prostitute Mikey, what the hell did I misunderstand?”
You woke up with a start on hearing Emma’s harsh tone echo throughout the room.
You opened your eyes groggily, rolling the covers down a little bit to see what was going on. She was standing at the open door, changed into her pink nightgown, her hair cascading down her shoulder as she argued with someone in the hallways. You push the covers a little further to see who she was talking to, catching a glimpse of a blond haired male standing in the hallways, blocking the only source of light filtering into the room with his body.
“Don’t yell at me, I’m still your older brother.”
You perk up at his voice, instantly awake hearing his irritated tone. What was Mikey even doing in the female dorms by this time of the night? You glance at Emma’s sanrio clock on her nightstand that reads 00:00am. By now, no male student is supposed to be here, but knowing how influential Mikey is, he might have bribed the security to let him in.
His quiet sigh interrupted your thoughts and you turned your attention back to them, wondering what was going on. He started talking again, taking a tone much softer than before. “You’ve changed Emma. You blow me off to spend time with a stranger-”
“She is not a strang-”
“She is to me. You have enough friends Emma, what do you need this one for? What’s so fucking special about her?” His voice grows harsh again as he goes off a tangent about you. “You’re gonna get tired of her Emma. She’s a new thing but sooner or later you’ll get sick of her.”
Your heart broke at Mikey’s words. Is that what he thinks of you? This was supposed to be the easy going guy on campus that helped girls cross the street and everyone liked?
What did you ever do to him?
“Stop it!” Emma hissed underneath her breath, trying to keep her voice down but drive her point across simultaneously. “Stop talking about (name) like she’s a pet or a fucking toy Mikey. I care for her and I won’t stand you talking shit about her.”
“Em for fuck sake, just get dressed and get your ass back to the party.” Your jaw nearly dropped at how he’s quick to switch topics, ignoring what she just said. “Draken’s waiting downstairs and Izana’s gonna be pissed if you don’t come back.”
“You’re gonna ignore everything I just said right now, huh?”
“You and Izana can go fuck yourselves.”
“You can’t be seriou-”
Emma didn’t let him finish when she slammed the door in his face, turning the key as fast as possible. Her body sagged on the door, a quiet ‘god’ escaping her lips. Her silhouette stayed in that position for two full minutes before she walked to the bed again.
In silence, she laid beside you, wrapping an arm around your body and dragging the blankets over you both once again. You felt safe.
   THE next few days after the party were eventful.
Emma had spent them with you, hanging out in the library to study and going to your work place after a hard day at school, just sitting and talking with you when there was no customer around. You ended up in your dorm room or hers afterwards, eating the snacks you both got from shops around the school.
It was nice. Emma was usually busy with other things, so having her with you all the time seems so perfect. You enjoy the quality time you spend with her, really.
But guilt wouldn’t let you do so.
She had isolated herself from her friend group affiliated with either of her brothers, ignoring their pleas to at least talk to either Mikey or Izana. Hina or Senju would try to walk up to her on her way to class and Emma would outright ignore them. In a span of days, you’ve seen countless plushies, perfumes, expensive jewelry thrown into the dustbin, either from Mikey or Izana at the back of her dorm- their apology ripped letters ripped to shreds.
You had taken the time to piece one from Izana together and felt your heart bleed at his begging for them to “please work it out. We may not be siblings by blood but you’ll always be my little sister” and Mikey’s “Em I’m sorry for everything. Please let’s talk, I’ll listen to you.”
Your brothers had never done anything like that before. Usually, they would tell you to suck it up or even laugh at you for being too ‘sensitive’.
Then and there, you decided to talk to either of the Sano brothers in hopes you would mend their relationship. A naïve part of you thinks that this is the right thing for you to do; Emma has done so much for you, it’s time to return the favor.
You hadn’t told Emma what you planned on doing, knowing very well that it would make the poor girl far more furious than she was already. She would tell you that you have nothing to apologize for and get angry with you for suggesting to make peace with them, claiming you did nothing wrong.
The last thing you want is to escalate the issue. You just wanted Emma’s happiness.
You gripped the strap of your tote bag firmly, your eyes fixated on Mikey’s Chevrolet that was outside your department, possibly waiting for Emma to come out so that he would talk to her. Gathering all your courage, you walked towards the car and gently knock on the passenger’s seat tinted window to get his attention.
It wound down immediately, revealing the blonde haired man staring back at you with an annoyed expression.
“Are you trying to break my window?”
His rude tone made you instantly regret even trying to talk to him. Unfortunately for you, the decision was made and you stuck to it. ‘The letters, remember the letters’ You whispered to yourself. “I’m sorry Mikey I didn’t mean-”
You blink twice at his interruption, trying to make sense of what was going on. “Huh?”
“Only my friends call me Mikey and as far I’m concerned, you aren’t one of them.”
There it is. That same attitude of that night. It almost made you angry with the way he was talking to you. You had every right to walk away from him - he was the one consistently harassing you, not the other way around, so who does he think he is?
Instead, you took a deep breath, thinking about just being the bigger person and how you want to make peace with him, so that everything returned to normal. “Okay, I’m sorry about your window Manjiro.” You added politely. “Can we talk?”
He narrowed his eyes at you suspiciously and you expected him to roll up his window and just drive away after that.
“Get in.”
You were shocked, but that quickly wore off when he opened the door for you to enter. You settled in quickly, snapping the seatbelt on after closing the door behind you.
There’s tense silence between the two of you as the car moved towards a more secluded part of the campus. You anxiously looked at your lap while he drove, wondering how you were going to start the conversation with him without instantly setting him off. Your gaze eventually drifted up to his face; from his half-lidded dark eyes to his straight nose, down to his soft pink lips.
You could see the resemblance between him and Emma, from their facial structure to genuinely good skin -not to mention they were both attractive. Despite his height, you knew a large amount of girls that crushed on him religiously, you included. You heard he treated any girl he was with, from his ex-girlfriends to his situationships, down to his one night stands with utmost respect and care. And despite everything he’s said to you, unlike his brother, he never hurt you violently or physically.
You just wished he was just as polite with you as he was with other girls. Maybe you could bring it up in discussions.
The car stops, bringing you back to reality. You realized that he had parked behind an abandoned class far behind the rest of the school. According to the university’s history, this was the first ever lecture hall that was built for the school, and eventually they decided not to renovate it as a remembrance from their little beginnings.
Or they didn’t want to spend any money on it.
Mikey switched the engine off, completely silencing the environment between the two of you. It is then that the realization hits you. You’re all alone with one of the most dangerous guys in this school, in a place where no one could hear you even if you scream. The thought makes you nervous, hoping to high heavens that Manjiro doesn’t want to hurt you.
“Well?” He asked, breaking the ice between the two of you. Mikey leaned back on the driver’s seat, turning to look at you. “You wanted to talk? Start talking.”
‘Okay. I can do this’ You whispered gently, exhaling through your lips. You can do this. “Mike- I-i mean Manjiro, I know it’s awkward, after everything that happened at the party and now it’s all a mess.” You cringed at the way you’re jumbling your words, this was not how it was meant to go. “We still haven’t resolved things yet-”
You’re taken aback by his shocked tone as if he didn’t remember what both he and Izana had said to you, but when he doesn’t elaborate further, you take matters into your own hands. “Yes. You both said some unsavory things to me that hurt me that day, and it made Emma mad.” You paced yourself, not wanting to start rambling again. “I also want to apologize for disrupting your party by taking those words to heart and if I have offended you in any way, please forgive me.”
There’s an unreadable expression on his face, as if he’s slowly processing all the words you had just said. You watched his reaction morph from surprise to blankness, nothing on his face, which scared you more than any other expression.
“Get out of my car.”
You quickly turned to the man, trying to understand what you had done wrong. This wasn’t how the conversation was supposed to go in your head. You expected that Manjiro would be civil enough to at least apologize for his actions too or talk, not this.  “Wait, Manjiro, what did I say wrong-”
“You don’t even realize you’re the problem!” You nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden increase in his pitch as he bares out his frustration with you. “Em can never fucking shut up about how I need to apologize to you whenever I try to talk to her! It’s always about you, you, you! It’s frustrating.” he snapped. “Ever since you came into Em’s life, she just can’t help herself bringing you up. It’s always shit like ‘Oh, (name) is such a nice girl, you should talk to her, she’s a good listener.’ ‘Sorry I can’t come to the outings, I have to study with (name), you know she can’t go alone anywhere’ ‘Oh, this reminds me of (name), she can’t even say the word sex without hiding her face, she’s so innocent.’ She’s so fucking enamoured with you and we’re sick of it.”
You knew the brothers were extremely family motivated, but you had no idea that you were getting in the way of them spending time together. “I didn’t know...” Your voice shakes, tone apologetic as your gaze falls onto your lap. “I…I didn’t know I was causing a rift between you guys, I’m so sorry. I just want to make up for everything and put this behind us.”
A tense silence followed, and you didn't look up from your lap to look at Manjiro, still intimidated at his sudden outburst. You could understand their aversion to you, their family is quite close and their bonds intertwined; so for a stranger to barge in and attempt to tear things apart, even unknowingly can be frightening for them.
Not like you would know what it is like for family to love you.
Eventually, you feel Manjiro turn his gaze towards you, dark eyes scanning your figure until settling on you. You held your breath as he finally cleared his throat, turning his attention to you fully for the first time, ever as he began to speak.
“You want us to make up.”
His tone was plain, as opposed to how angry he sounded a few moments ago. Somehow, you feel weird, slightly more alert than before as he pauses again, goosebumps littering your skin. ‘What’s wrong with me? Why do I feel so scared as he’s staring at me?’ you questioned yourself, before shaking your head, clearing your thoughts. ‘This is Mikey I’m with. Sure, he’s intimidating, but he would never hurt a girl. He’s a good guy.’
You decided to push your odd feelings aside. You were here for peace, not to think ill of him, not especially when you have a soft spot for him in your heart. And you wanted it to happen by any means necessary. Maybe showing him you were not a threat to his place in Emma’s life would make him feel much better around you. “I know that you may not trust me, but maybe if you got to know me better, and I also got to know you and your friends, you’ll see I mean no harm.”
“Is that so? You want us to know each other better?”
It was slight, but you could hear it. The slight mocking tone in his voice and instantly you felt stupid. It was clear he wasn’t taking you or your request seriously as you hoped he would, opting to see right through you instead as he stared at you, his gaze lingering to your hands lying in your lap.
“I-i feel like you’re not taking me seriously-"
“If you wore a longer skirt, then I wouldn’t have gotten so distracted.”
You instantly felt self-conscious when you realized where his gaze truly was from that moment on, and started dragging down your skirt to cover the space between your thighs and socks. The action only seemed to annoy him. “This is my problem with you. If you knew it was short, why did you wear it then?”
“I thought it was cute-” You felt stupider, uttering those words, but before you could say anything else, Mikey cut you off. “I never said it wasn’t cute, (name). It’s a cute skirt. It looks good on you.”
Your heart jumps in excitement at his compliment, your entire body getting warm at his words. “Really?” You uttered shyly, letting your guard down as a small smile crawls up your pretty lips.
“Yeah, real cute. You’d fit as one of the actresses featured in the schoolgirl category on a porn site.”
Your smile dropped instantly as the words left his mouth. “I’m not a slut.” your voice trembled, but just like arguing with your father, it’s no use. He let out a loud scoff, his gaze flickering from your face to your lap, settling between your legs. “But you dress like one. So might as well just perform for me, hmm?”
Your body tenses as you feel a hot palm grab at your exposed thigh, crawling underneath your skirt. You quickly push his hand off your thighs, earning a somewhat shocked reaction from him, as if he’s not used to being rejected. “I’m not…” you start to explain to him, slowly reaching for the door in a bid to escape. “... I don’t do things like that-”
“Does it look like I fucking care?” The blonde man snapped back at you, his surprise giving way to annoyance and he started to grab at your thighs again, only to be brushed off by you, angering him further. “I know you’re not as “innocent” as you claim to be. Stop fucking pretending. I know you want this!”
“I said I don’t do stuff like that! Stop it!” You yelled back at him, frustrated that he can’t just take no for an answer. You try to pry the door open or undo the latch, only to discover that it was stuck and that there was no way out.
‘No, no, no, no…’
Your heart starts hammering loudly in your chest, dread filling your veins when you realized how alone and utterly fucked you are.
You’re beginning to realize that Manjiro driving the both of you to a secluded place in the middle of nowhere was most likely intentional. He must have planned this so that no one would hear you both.
“Manjiro open the door or I’ll- I’ll-” 
“Or you’ll what?” He spat back, dangling the keys before your very eyes before putting it somewhere you couldn’t see. “You wanna open the door so bad? Get the key from me then.”
You’re quick to react, lunging forward in an attempt to snatch the key for him. He easily resisted you grabbing at his body while laughing at your repeated screams to stop. It was like the more you begged and pleaded for him to let you go, the more he liked whatever game he was playing.
Your screaming did nothing to deter him from practically jumping on you and pinning your arms against your chest with one firm hand, a leg separating your thighs. You twisted and turned, trying to fight your way out of his tight grip but to no avail. He was heavy and stronger than you had imagined, holding onto you like you weighed nothing at all.
His other hand reached underneath your skirt, skimming through your panties, making you squirm in your position at the feeling. Panic rises against your chest as he pushes the crotch part aside, revealing your pussy. “Wait! Wait, please Manjiro, I’m a virgin-” you try to reason with him as he traces through a streak of your hairy vulva, curling a strand in one finger before moving to your clit.
“You don’t shave?” His tone is so casual, like he isn’t doing something very abhorrent and wrong right now. His question is left hanging in the air as his finger starts to slowly circle around your clit. "Not like I care, it's better this way, anyways."
You’ve never been touched before. You’ve never touched yourself there either. You grew up in a household that taught you that anyone who isn’t your husband touching you is wrong. Your body is a temple to be kept for your husband.
So when Mikey’s slow and sensual movement against your clit begins, your body nearly seizes up with sensitivity. A loud gasp escapes your lips, followed by heavy breathing, your body shuddering with something unfamiliar and electric, sending signals that you didn’t know how to respond.
He strokes you faster, rubbing your sensitive nub in circles that has your eyes glazing over and your hips moving to feel more of his touches, wetting his car seat and your skirt with arousal. Mikey watched with interest the way you closed your eyes tight, your head lolled towards the side as your chest rises and falls, quiet ‘oh’ leaving your lips. He started to take it a step further, leaning over to your neck and trails kisses from your pulse point, to your jawline. He moved up to your ear and his long tongue darted towards the shell, licking it.
“Manjiro-” You gasped at the foreign wetness, with each flick of his tongue, sending pleasurable shivers down your body to your very core. Encouraged by your somewhat positive response, he continues licking your earlobe, his teeth occasionally grazing the shell as his fingers progressively leaves your clit, gathering your slick between his two fingers and tracing the outline of your hole.
“Shit” he groaned, feeling how wet you were. “You’re so wet right now, I could just slide in your pussy with ease.”
You wanted to protest when you felt two thick fingers inch into your unused hole. You wanted to push him off you and run out of the car until you were far away from him. Every part of your mind, your heart, everything in you wants Mikey OFF you as he forces your hole to accept his fingers.
And yet, you couldn’t even scream, you couldn’t claw at his face to scratch his eyes out for doing this to you. No. Instead, you’re arching your back and breathing his name into his ears over and over again, your hands clenched tightly in his grip as his fingers stretched your pussy out. All you do is tear up and let this sick pervert lick the salt rolling down your cheeks off, before going back to kissing the sensitive spot behind your ear.
“You’re so pretty when you cry f’me. Come on, keep making those noises.” 
He curled up his fingers, experimentally looking for that spot as the burn graduated to a pleasurable stretch, repeated moans leaving your lips. He fingered you, progressively increasing his speed and pleasure overriding your senses as he circled his thumb over your poor nub, simultaneously with him curling up your g-spot.
Your body responded to his touches, lips kissing up and down your neck, licking your pulse point before sinking his teeth and mouth on it, making you gasp loudly.
Everything was too much. Your pussy tightened around his fingers, thighs trembling as he brought you closer to the edge. His lips left your neck and kissed up to your jaw, then the corner of your lips, pumping into you faster until you started to spasm.
“M-manjiro I-i feel, I feel- hngh-”
You arched your back uncomfortably with a strangled cry, soaking his fingers as your vision went blinding white. Your body trembled as he fucks and kisses you through your orgasm, shaking in his grasp until you fall limp on the chair, well spent.
You’re catching your breath as his fingers slid out of your pussy, a string of your cum connecting them. Manjiro looked at his soaked fingers with interest, before popping them in his mouth and humming to himself in approval. The sight feels so wrong to look at and you can’t find the strength to look away as he licked his fingers clean of your musky taste.
You don’t say anything when he let go of your wrists and adjusted your panties so that it covered your pussy. The blonde haired man climbed back to his seat, starting up the engine of his car again.
He doesn’t say anything when you start sobbing.
   “I GOT you food.”
You didn’t respond to Manjiro, hanging your face as tears rolled down your face. It’s the position you had assumed since he climbed off your body, something he couldn’t get you out. He thought that maybe if he got you some food, maybe you’ll ease up and eat.
He couldn’t have been more wrong.
Kissing his teeth, he entered back into the driver's seat before closing the door behind him, tossing the food at the back seat. You could tell from the way he was muttering underneath his breath that he was growing more annoyed with you. “Honestly, I don’t know why the hell you’re crying. You’re still a virgin. I didn’t force myself on you.”
You didn’t know what else to expect from him. That he would even offer you a shred of apology for what he did? The way his words are so callous, lacking any form of tact in the way he’s brushing off what he just did tore you apart.
Emma had painted this man as someone who would hang the moon and stars for her. Someone she knew she could call if anything was going to happen to her, who would fight through hell and back for her safety. She had told you of how he beat up anyone that touched her wrongly and how he would try to make her forget anything unpleasant. To Emma, Mikey was her knight in shining armor, her hero.
This was a man you had loved with all your heart. Manjiro was your first ever crush, and the more good you heard about him, not just from Emma, but from other girls too, the deeper you fell for him. You had admired him from afar, your heart set onto him as you hoped to be at least close to him. Despite everything, he was the sun in which everyone revolved around, the heart throb of your dreams.
But when you turn to look at him through your teary gaze, watching him rev up his car engine with a nonchalant expression on his face, all you see is a vile soul.
You felt sick.
“I’m going to tell Emma.”
Your voice was quiet, hoarse from all the sobbing but the anger was evident. There was no way you were going to let him get away scott free. You knew that the police would be as good as useless because you’ll have no evidence by the time you manage to file a complaint. The school authorities won’t help you either as Shinichiro Sano was one of their biggest benefactors and everyone in the faculty loved Manjiro despite his tendency to be disrespectful.
But if you told Emma, you know she’ll believe you. Even if the entire world was against you and for him, you would still be able to get her to take your side and stand with you.
You’re sure name dropping his little sister would make him scared at the very least. Mikey loved her to death, she had this perfect image of her sweet older brother that he has to uphold at the very least.
Without skipping a beat, he dropped his own phone straight onto your lap before continuing to focus on the road. Eyes wide, you turned your head to Mikey to see any form of reaction, even him flinching slightly.
Your mouth hung open at how he just blankly stared at the road ahead of him, his grip on the steering wheel normal as he drove you back to campus. As if he’s innocent, like he didn’t force his fingers into your panties and violate you.
His nonchalance irritates you; it’s as if he doesn’t care what you say or do to him.
“What?” you questioned him, wondering where the hell he dropped his humanity? Any other person would have reacted; begging you, threatening you or even giving a flimsy apology. “-why did you drop this on my lap?”
“You wanna call her? Go ahead.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Not like you told me no when I was fingering you.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“Then how does it work?” He cuts you short, taking a right turn to park outside of your faculty building. He puts the car in park before turning to face you. “You walk up to my car to ask me if we could talk, wearing that kind of skirt that gave me access to you. When I told you to get out, you didn‘t leave. You never told me to stop and you didn’t struggle. You know what you did instead?”
“Ah ah- Manjiro” he mocked you in a high pitched voice, making you cover your ears in humiliation, not wanting to hear anything from him. You wanted to throw up, ruin his car. You want the ground to swallow you whole, anything that would take him far away from you. “Ah, mmh Manjiro, mmh mhhh ah ah- you moan like a pornstar by the way. You seem like you enjoyed being treated like that.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but all you felt was bile rise up to your throat. A part of you nagged that he had a point; you never said anything that sounded like ‘stop’ or ‘no’ and how you positively responded to his touches. ‘You even orgasmed.’ A gnarly disgusting voice bubbles up in your head, in defense of Mikey. ‘It was obvious you enjoyed it. Every second of it.’
You tried to deny it. Try to block out that voice as you attempt to remember everything you were told about assault. You’re fighting a war in your head, against the intrusive voices as you picked up the phone to tell Emma. ‘She’ll believe me. She’ll believe me-’
“Face it. You’re just overreacting because you liked what we did.”
Those words were the final nail to the coffin. The phone lies in your limp hand, finger just above Emma’s line to call her. Everything that led up to this point involved your choices. To stay in his car. Not fighting harder. Never screaming no.
You let him dirty your temple.
Mikey spared you one more look, dark eyes scanning every inch of your crumpled form. He slides the device out of your hand, placing it back in the middle of his car before grasping your hand in his.
“Alright, stop crying.” he soothed in faux sympathy, thumb tracing over the back of your palm. “I’ll take you shopping and buy you new clothes, hmm? And I’ll buy you anything else you want. Okay?”
You should known better to believe him. After everything he has done to you, from consistently insulting you, to assaulting you and then making you feel guilty for giving him the opportunity to do so.
And yet, you’re nodding along, agreeing with him and letting his warmth engulf you. “Okay.” You said in a small voice, your free hand grasping the hem of your skirt tightly.
“Look at me.”
You felt another hand grasp your chin, forcing you to look at his face, dark eyes peering at your face. “I don’t like that look on your face.” You wince as his fingers tightened around your jaw, your heart hammering against your chest when he commanded you once again. “Smile.”
You don’t know what else to do. With Mikey, it’s like going to a war knowing fully well you would lose.
And so you do as you’re told. Your lips lifted at the corners forcefully and you gave your best smile. He returned it with a smile of his own, genuine to the point his eyes dilated.
“Good girl. You look so much better.”
Your mouth went dry at his statement when he withdrew from your body and unlocked the door for you. Deciding not to ponder on it, you reach for the handle to leave. You had a class in an hour’s time and you were supposed to meet up with Emma beforehand to return her laptop that you borrowed for her project.
You paused in your tracks, your hand hovering above the door handle. What else does he want from you?
“Your makeup is ruined. Fix it. You don’t want to give anyone the wrong idea that I hurt you when we were just playing with each other.”
Bile rose into your mouth once again at his words, but you hold yourself from doing anything that would set him off. You only nodded in response before opening the door and exiting the car. Tears threatened to escape your eyes as you hurried off to class, your throat burning with anger as you gripped both your tote bag and the food he had gotten for you, hard. Your body shook with each step feeling the intensity of his dark eyes burning into you.
You never touched the food, throwing it in the trash bin due to your appetite eluding you, replaced with a sinking feeling of pain and humiliation into your stomach. You don’t make it to the rest of your classes either, opting to lock yourself in a toilet, a loud cry ripping from your throat into your palms as your heart breaks into tiny pieces.
How could this have happened?
Bonus Scene:
MIKEY never tore his gaze from you as you disappeared into the building. Dark eyes watched as your ass bounced in that jean skirt you had worn today, nearly reviving the boner he had prior. He had to admit, notwithstanding his absolute disgust for you, you were a sight for sore eyes - pretty, naive, inexperienced and tight. So goddamn tight.
He’s never been with an inexperienced girl before. Not even when he lost his virginity in high school. It didn’t hurt that you also had the sexiest thighs he’s ever seen either, soft and doughy underneath his touch.
You weren’t as stupid as he thought -far from it. Mikey knew your strategy; picking your battles carefully. You’re rightfully afraid of both him and Izana. You were even more afraid of losing face with Emma, the only friend you managed to make here, which is why you came to him because you felt guilty for making her mad at them.
If played right, they could have you underneath their thumb like they do with the rest of Emma’s other friends. All this was to keep an eye on their little sister in the long run, to restore the natural order and balance that was their system. Family came first, then the gang, then their friends and finally, if they cared enough, their lovers. It’s a cycle that Mikey is used to, being the center of attention in Emma’s life and sharing that space with Izana. Even Draken knew that there are times he shouldn’t intrude when the two brothers are with her.
But you had no regard for the order of things. You just tried to insert yourself into his and Izana’s circles, as if you were somebody of any importance and not just another, a little gnat.
To Mikey, you deserved to be crushed like the annoying gnat you are. Seeing you cry and tremble underneath his touch, hearing you moan and beg him like a slut made him feel good.
Mikey looked at the building again before looking at his watch. He had to attend his criminology lecture by 3pm since he had a presentation today and it was already 1:30pm, having taken out time to talk to you. The frat member he gave his presentation to edit must be waiting for him at the coffee shop.
“I might not be able to meet up with ‘Zana.” He muttered, picking up his phone to dial him up instead. Finally, after the fifth ring, his line went through, his rough voice echoing through the phone.
“Mikey? What is it?”
Mikey could hear a bit of shuffling from the other end of the phone, and a quiet “Izana” spilling from a rather feminine voice, only for Izana to bark at the girl to shut up, effectively silencing her.
“Did I catch you at the wrong time?”
“No.” He grumbled. “Do you have any updates on Emma?”
“In a way, yes. I do.”
“In a way?”
“I have a feeling you’re not going to like my plan, regardless.”
Izana sighed from the other side of the line, probably sick and tired of the constant mind games Emma was playing with them and to be fair, even he was sick of it as well. Their little sister was easy to annoy but easier to please; so for her not to be as forgiving this time was frustrating. Mikey had played every game in the book he knew to please Emma and even Izana had put in far more effort than he cared to, but nothing worked.
“It involves her, doesn’t it?”
Mikey could hear the irritation in his brother's voice, but then again, if they wanted peace to reign and for Shinichiro not to get directly involved in this issue in your favour, they were going to have to play it the smarter way.
“Not like we have a choice. Emma’s attached to that girl by the hip. You’ll just have to trust me on this one.”
Also, it doesn't hurt to have a little fun on the side.
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author's notes: reblogs, comments and asks are highly appreciated. my taglist for all my fics are wide open, so do ensure to sign up. please be very patient with me as for updates, school has started and i may not be able to be consistent, but i will try my very best to finish this story this year.
I do not consent to my works being promoted, published or translated on any site or social media without my permission.
taglist (please turn on your mentions in 'settings' before filling the form.): @officiallyjaehyuns @haikyuusboringassmanager @ilybbg @merrymerrykiss @cockonoi @Rindou24689 @short-cxke @kokoch4n3l @GenAwi @ryuguji-sana @nuyoo @getonite @anxious-chick @reiners-milkbiddies @kiwixpi @gh0stgirl333 @brisssaaa009 @fushiqruo @kawaiikoalagarden @damidamimongalam @raven-nevra
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papil0nglegs · 19 days
Sweet n’ Sour 👛 (pt.2)
Tf2 x “nice”Reader
A/n: Here’s pt.1 if you don’t know what this fic is abt, ik I said I was going to do my own fic after the last one I made but I couldn’t think of anything sooo I’m just doing this. I might do a ‘tf2 x Snooki!Reader’ cuz I just started watching jersey shore and I love it (also you could tell I put my whole heart and ass into snipers section)
warnings: Slut shaming, Reader and Sniper banging, enemies to lovers, hatefuck (sorry this one’s wild)
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Pyro quickly took a liking to you because of your girly nature, he loved your style
He’s only ever been on your good side, painting nails reading magazines gossiping etc.
He’s such a girls man. No, not a ladies man, a girls man
“Holy fuck! Snooki got arrested”
“Mm mffmm mmm?”
*from jersey shore??
“Yes from jersey shore!!”
Of course you two are duos on the battlefield, skipping happily around the blu teams base as it burns down
Def owns one of those heart friendship necklaces
About him being a girls man, he always makes sure you look good on the battlefield
Loves picking out outfits with you and always carries around something he knows you’ll forget
“Shit! I forgot to put on lipgloss..”
“Mmm mmphm mm?”
*here, cherry bomb right?
“gasp Omg I love you so much 💕”
You and Pyro would have the loving best friend relationship, kissing each others cheek and shit
Doing makeup on mask>>>>
Imagine the fake lashes along w the blush 😭 he loves it
lol put big anime girl eyes on him pls
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“You’re fucking chewing right now P.”
“mmm mm!!!”
*thank you!!
He hated you when he first saw you omg. Sniper is introverted cuz he got bullied and school, so now he automatically thinks any girl with even a slightly feminine style is bitchy
To be fair you were.. to him
Srry but he got annoyed with you so fast, it started a hefty rivalry between you and snipes
“Where’s princess prissy?”
“Uhm I know you’re not talking about me, at least I actually go down there to fight unlike you in the sidelines.”
It’s always something with you guys istg
He has to admit (but won’t) , he loves watching you destroy the enemy team the way you do from afar. Blood and guts getting in your hair and pretty face. Whenever you catch him staring at you you always give him the finger, makes him chuckle despite how much he ‘hates’ you
Sometimes he has to leave more than piss in his jars
He still kept the enemy streak but it was just to hide his feelings
The mercs get so sick of your guys’s attitude, they practically begged Miss Pauling to send you and sniper off to a mission so they can get a break. She obliged
“Yeah I’m not working with him, sorry! I’d rather go back to juvie than go sleep in his musty van.”
“Bonzy, wouldn’t want to smell your bloody strong perfume all over me van ya whore.”
“I’d rather smell like strong perfume than someone who hangs around piss jars and has coffee breath!!”
Miss Pauling immediately understood why the mercs wanted you guys to go away. And so she forced you to stay in his ‘musty van’ for a week so that you both can go assassinate god knows who. Safe to say it wasn’t an easy trip.
“Ay, I’m gonna go hunt for dinner, you comin’?
“Why the fuck would I wanna go with you?? Bye.”
damn, you didn’t have to end him like that 😭
You felt something when this bitch came back with a 14ft alligator, dragging it by the tail back to the van. You bit your lip staring at him as he wiped the sweat from his forehead
You asked him to hook up, you tried to be subtle but it just turned out uneasy to say the least
“Hey I liked the way you um.. dragged that crocodile back there”
“Chuckle it was a alligator, Sheila”
“Of course you know the difference..”
You blushed, along with him, laughing awkwardly, biting your pink painted thumbnail while he scratched the back of his neck
Cut to you guys waking up naked in his bed all sweaty
Hate fucking or not, now instead of the mercs being annoyed of you hating each other too much, they hate how much you love each other
“Cmon guys not in the goddamn break room..”
“Sorry, I just love his black coffee breath”
“And I love the smell of the perfume I got ya”
“God I fucking hate it when you use Australian slang..”
You still did your thing in the break room
He has so much hate in his heart for you, and it shows
The difference between him and sniper is that he doesn’t like ANYTHING about you, especially the way you fight
Sure it surprised him when you showed off how you fought, but he didn’t take a liking to it
While trying to sneak up on an enemy sniper, you immediately bashed their head in with your pink hammer. He glared at you so hard
“What shitface?? Say something. I got impatient you were taking too long.”
This guy wants nothing to do with you, if you get assigned to a mission together he’ll have his way to sneak out of it.
In the expiration date short you wrote
Fuck you <3
On the paper he handed to everyone along with a drawing of a middle finger for the bucket thing he did
How did he know it was you? You made the hand look exactly like yours, acrylic nails and all.
You and scout started giggling like school girls
“..would anyone else like to insult me??”
soldier slowly raising his hand
Posting on your story in the middle of a battle is such a good way to mess with him, just doing the peace sign while he stays frustrated in the background
‘This old fuck really expects me to kill this big bitch alone 😹😹 Lol he fucking wishes, anyways I’m prob gonna get in trouble bcuz of this but IDRC 💜 #ellieandmasonhouse’
He wants to kill you so bad, sadly you’re one of the most useful mercs on the team. But if you weren’t he’d be so down to kill you
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norazingrid · 4 months
Testmic analysis because people don’t get their relationship, like, at all
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I’ll go over these points below
why test tube and microphone aren’t actually toxic
test tubes character arc and how it involves mic
their great potential and similarities with each other
I do NOT ship these two because they’re both “girls” and I am NOT picturing them as “what if they didn’t hate each other”
I've always considered their complex relationship and so called “hatred” towards each other, but I’ll explain more of it below
Test tube and microphone don’t actually have a “toxic” relationship
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Now the word “toxic” can be a very strong word when describing a dynamic and I personally think that it is not the right one to use when describing their relationship because the both of them haven’t shown actual deep hatred towards each other. Sure, their dynamic isn’t exactly on “good terms” and test tube has made it pretty clear that she hates microphone, but has microphone actually shown any hatred back? No. She has always stayed quiet whenever test tube complains about her, which could be a sign on guilt. That means microphone knows the reason why she hurt test tube and understands why she’s upset about that. The lab and inventions were very dear to test tube, and microphone was convinced to steal from her and somehow “leak” her secret lab, but its pretty clear microphone regrets all of those things, and therefore she does not hate test tube.
And I would like to talk about how test tube would actually be able to forgive microphone at some point in the future, I’ll go over it in-
test tubes character arc and how it involves mic
Test tube’s character is very interesting to me because it has changed a lot during the seasons, but I’ll try to summarise it as quickly as possible. In s3 she has been seen to be pretty average and calmed down from the events that happened in episode 14, which is understandable since it happened a long time ago, but this started to change when cabby and test tube started to develop their rivalry. I’m not gonna dig too deep into this but I want to focus on how test tube STILL forgave cabby after learning her true intentions at the end of the season and I believe this could be a sign of how test tube stars acknowledging that she could learn not to judge everyone right away if they did something wrong, and I believe test tube could be starting to feel guilty aswell, not only for how she treated microphone but basically all bad moments she has had in past situations with other contestants. May I also remind u guys that test tube is stated to be socially awkward, so I don’t want to blame her for the way she acted with other contestants, but there’s always room for improvement and I would be happy to see test tube prove herself more, just like she did after forgiving cabby and voting for her to win iii.
their great potential and similarities with each other
Now I personally think that their arc could be one of the most interesting ones in the series if just given some more chance, because these two are actually very similar if you think about it. They both have been somewhat been turned down by their teammates, which gives them more willingness to prove them wrong. Test tube has been seen to be too “into the role” especially in episode 14, which might also be because her best friend was literally kidnapped by aliens, but when fan was saved, she was still not satisfied, which destroyed her respect she had from others. And the reason why she wasn’t satisfied is because microphone got all the credit. But microphone didn’t mean to steal her reputation, since she was against hurting anyone in the first place. The plot-twists in their arc’s are so entertaining, it makes it even more fun to study. And if we get to see these two characters making up somewhere in the future, it would complete their arc perfectly. Happy ending yay
Microphone doesn’t hate test tube, but rather feels guilty for what she did to her.
Test tube has now proved us that she is willing to forgive someone if knowing all point of views.
Their arc hasn’t ended yet, and much more depth could come out in the future between these two characters.
thanx for reading please correct me if there were any mistakes in my takes 😁
end of analysis✌️
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batsplat · 3 months
from the stuff i’ve heard marc’s former honda teammates (dani jorge and pol in their media careers but joan also i guess) say about him now that they’re racing is generally quite positive, both on a professional/riding level but also seemingly on a personal level? i’m wondering what you make of that given that, yeah, marc doesn’t seem like a very good teammate (unless you’re alex who i’ve left off this list). like MARC wants to separate on and off track stuff and it seems like all of these guys are willing too at least in retrospect, so he can’t have truly burned bridges with them. do you have any thoughts on that
(x, x) most riders are quite good at not burning bridges with each other! it's not like marc's competitors don't know that this stuff is kinda part of the game. I mean, all of marc's past teammates were also trying to assert themselves within the internal hierarchy... you can say that certain teammates engage in 'worse' behaviour than others, but, like, these people do understand they're supposed to be fighting each other! a baseline degree of nastiness is factored in and will be accepted to a greater or lesser extent by your rivals - especially when it comes to asserting yourself in intra-team power struggles. you might hate the other guy in the moment, but generally speaking once the active part of the rivalry is done with... you will probably get over it. marc's fellow riders are aware of how ultra-competitive marc is - and to a certain point they do respect it, not least because they're aware that this is part of the reason why marc has ended up with all those titles. it's like dani said, right, it's marc's strong suit. and in general, you do have to say that there's relatively few teammate pairings that devolve to the level of toxicity that it completely destroys the interpersonal relationship. you might need some level of preexisting animosity... most of the purely competitive sins can be healed with a little time
on the 'separating on-track and off-track' thing... well. this is kind of a question of how you define these things, you can say that marc generally speaking isn't going to massively hold grudges over isolated on-track incidents or whatever... but he doesn't just leave his fighting to the track, and personally I've also never felt he can entirely separate these things out in his mind. can you really say his professional and private relationships with other riders are completely detached from one another? mostly, he's opted to be pretty disengaged from his fellow riders as a collective, and obviously that's a good way to not take things too personally... it's all part of the game, isn't it? sometimes it's good to go with the straightforward approach: marc tells you he will make your life hell, he does indeed make your life hell, and then you both move on with your lives and can maybe actually have a pretty amiable relationship with him in years to come. he's not really defying your expectations at any point here, is he now? it's still a question for each of them as individuals as to whether they think that kind of behaviour is above board and acceptable or not... but everyone by now knows that marc plays these games, so it's not like they're going in blind
and it's not like other former teammates are constantly badmouthing each other. I mean... look, let's just cut to the chase here and bring in valentino as our reference point (as he is for the sport as a whole, which by the way does also help create a certain baseline of acceptability for marc's antics - maybe goated riders are just supposed to be dicks who knows). vale's premier class teammates were 1) nobody (2000-01), 2) tohru ukawa (2002), 3) nicky hayden (2003; 2011-12), 4) carlos checa (2004), 5) colin edwards (2005-2007), 6) jorge lorenzo (2008-10; 2013-16), 7) maverick vinales (2017-20), 8) franco morbidelli (2021), and 9) andrea dovizioso (2021). of these eight men (let's just exclude 'nobody' for now), do you know how many had serious complaints at any point about valentino as a teammate? that's right, it's one guy. one. some of valentino's other teammates, like hayden, checa and edwards, were even quite actively positive about their whole experience. this is the thing - you do need some specific circumstances for teammate rivalries to escalate from 'being kinda bitchy every other month' to 'actively fantasising about stabbing each other'. not accounting for natural interpersonal animosity, let's list some circumstantial factors that you need to get a bridge-burning-worthy level of feud:
you need a competitive bike. it is possible to beef about development direction when you're in the trenches (cf late 2010's yamaha, 2020's honda)... but generally speaking this is going to be quite low-level petty stuff, not actual war
you also need something that approaches competitiveness between teammates. if one teammate is unquestionably stronger than the other one, then it is very unlikely that you are going to get any open hostilities. the tension comes when the two sides are close enough to each other for the internal hierarchy to actually be a contentious issue (this is also basic self preservation... if you're the far weaker teammate then you do not want to make the situation troublesome, because then you will be the one to be fired)
following on from those first two things... well, it doesn't hurt to have a title fight in the mix. there are also other ways you can generate competitive stakes, like, for instance, if you and your teammate know that one of you will be out of a job soon. basically, it helps to have something to squabble over
it is maybe easy to forget how rare it is this century for teammates to be fighting directly for a title, let alone over the course of multiple seasons. only two 1-2's since the year 2000 and they're both for the factory yamaha's (though 2006, 2011-13 and 2017 did all prominently feature two factory hondas). which means that for valentino, the prerequisites were met just the once in his premier class career... and yes, the results were pretty memorable, but (topic! for! another! post!) it's worth pointing out that even that relationship was pretty much 'fine' whenever there was a sizeable disparity between the two of them performance-wise (2008 and 2013 are the most clear cut examples). I think the way I'd frame it with marc is that he has a bunch of mildly dubious strategies up his sleeve to assert himself within the team, which don't really deviate that far from what you'd expect from a rider of marc's calibre and only need to be escalated under specific circumstances. that doesn't mean he doesn't have the potential to be ruthless, but up until now it's mostly been a fairly 'acceptable' level of ruthlessness on the intra-team level... and not something that is likely to make other riders actually hate him
taking marc's teammates one by one... dani was the closest to meeting the bridge-burning prerequisites, though he was only a title rival in marc's rookie season. and marc did go further with him than he did with anyone else, and dani has made some pointed comments about marc's style as a teammate... but yes, he is fonder of marc these days. partly I'd just emphasise again that this is a fairly natural progression when you've stopped directly competing for long enough, and partly it's also just a question of individual personality - dani's not massively into holding grudges. then there's jorge, who... I mean, they might as well not have been teammates, given that jorge was either too slow or too injured to even be sharing any track space with marc. you have to put that one down primarily to circumstance, seeing as jorge's own track record on the teammate front isn't exactly spotless. marc and jorge beefing in 2019 would have been pretty dumb and also a massive waste of everyone's time in a year in which marc singlehandedly won the team's championship. even those two needed more to get things going
moving on to the dark years, pol and marc had an extremely stop-and-start partnership on a honda that was generally pretty uncompetitive... so the only stuff they could get ever so mildly irritable about were riveting incidents like 'marc saying pol wasn't the biggest championship threat' (neither of them were) or 'pol saying he'd copy marc's set up' (which proved entirely useless). not exactly title decider territory, is it now, and marc very much had pol covered as a challenger throughout their partnership. also, those two do have a longer history! they've known each other since they were kids and hold a pretty significant place in each other's careers. now that pol's more or less retired, it's natural there'll be quite a lot of sentimentality there - which will paper over any small cracks that appeared during those two years. and joan was a one year teammate at a time in which the bike was consistently close to offing them both. they only managed to start a sunday race together as teammates on thirteen occasions. it would take some serious effort to engineer a feud with that little opportunity, and, really, why on earth would you bother. maybe if honda had gone for rinsy rather than joan for the factory seat, it could've been a bit more prickly, but it's unlikely that it would have escalated beyond that
this is the thing, right, the only one of these partnerships that would have been worth burning bridges over was dani, and even there marc pretty much had him handled after the first season. in general, marc has been pretty clear on how he's not interested in making friends with the other side of the garage while the teammate relationship is ongoing... which is fine! there's some prominent-ish teammate pairings that are actually good friends, some teammate pairings where one of them is actively helping out and advising the other one, but some riders prefer to just keep their distance. it would have been a little silly of marc to start a feud with a teammate who is galaxies away from being a competitive threat, let alone a title rival, but generally it is possible to toe the line between 'attempting to suppress your internal rivals enough to stop them from becoming a problem for you' and 'taking radical enough action to make your internal rivals despise you'
especially in the post-dani era, marc never really had any need to push things too far... and, let's face it, how many of your teammate relationships end up with burnt bridges is also quite frankly a question of luck and circumstance. do you want to guess which top rider on paper has the worst track record this century with premier class teammate feuds, in terms of a) how many they've had, and b) how little public reconciliation there has been since the end of the rivalry?
yes, that's right, it's the first name that comes to mind when you're thinking of toxic and conflict-prone riders: andrea dovizioso. that old devil, constantly causing trouble. just couldn't stop undermining his poor, innocent teammates. can somebody please stop this ruthless bully before it's too late
I think you get the point. I would personally suggest that dovi is not in fact the worst teammate it is possible to have in a motogp top team. he just happened to find himself in a situation where he was teammates with two separate guys he did not click with at all, in situations that involved a pairing of riders who were (or had the potential to be) competitive with each other, as well as some proper stakes attached to the rivalry. in general, situational factors are going to determine this stuff more than anything else... and marc more often than not does have a reasonably good feel for picking his battles. he's flirted with the line, but he's mostly avoided crossing it. he hasn't had to
#'joan also i guess' hold on now anon that's his former teammate relationship that's most important to ME i love them...#elephant in the room is 'let's revisit this in 1.5 years time'. ik people will try to make that just about the vr46 factor but *shrug*#i kinda feel like maybe i should have mentioned in the casey/marc post that casey is arguably more of an outlier than marc is#like his alienation with the sport ran deep which is how you get him engaging in melandri slander who was pee one million in 2008#y'know casey/jorge ducati was a real possibility for a hot second and my take on that would ALSO be 'hm yeah maybe not <3'#ESPECIALLY given that it's quite likely the incoming jorge would've been paid way way more than casey was ('09 ducati... let's not even)#AND given how yamaha had repeatedly burnt casey and then handed jorge the seat on a silver platter... like idk man!!#genuinely fascinating '10 counterfactual... i do like casey/marc but i've also game planned casey/vale and casey/jorge i'm a completionist#(either dani or vale would've likely won the title in that timeline. but crucially casey/jorge interpersonally would've been. well)#//#brr brr#alien tag#batsplat responds#i need an ask tag so badly but i can't be bothered to back tag... i'll do it at some point#in my notes i did once actually rank the aliens by how much they'd suck as teammates but the order might be a wee bit controversial#i'm sorry to the guy i ranked number one but he did objectively have the worst track record like... it has to be said#i think u have like. different modes right. where how bad u are as a teammate is scaled to how big the threat ur facing is#now EYE actually think marc's not got a particularly *great* neutral mode either but it's not bridge-burning mode#also what even is a burnt bridge... i mean god knows even valentino and jorge are taking photos together these days...#jorge's still conducting autopsies of old beef every fortnight but otoh he's joking about motegi on instagram which is crazyyyyyy#you genuinely cannot. CANNOT convince me that if marc/jorge had had a title fight as teammates it wouldn't have been a MESS#there is literally no way. none whatsoever#and if i said dani had a higher number of strained premier class teammate relationships than valentino did... what then...
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sailorsplatoon · 3 months
Chapter 8 is here! I was pretty excited to post this one. If you've been following my blog, you'll get to see a few familiar names in this chapter that haven't shown up in the fic until now!
First (prologue)
Read it on ao3!
(Fanfic under cut)
The door slowly creaked open as Four made their way inside. As usual, there were people everywhere. When Four entered, every head turned towards them. 
“I’m home,” they said, as if asking a question.
A roar of elated shouts filled the room as every member of Four’s family rushed over to hug them as once.
“My baby is home! Where were you?”
“Are you alright? We missed you so much.”
“What are these?” Aunt Shina noticed Four’s scars immediately. 
“Don’t worry, I’m okay. There just some scars—” Four’s voice was drowned out by the worried shouts that followed. “I’m okay now, really. Its a long story…”
“Hey, Four, I know you wanted to do a big reveal thing but Deep Cut is outside vandalizing your car.” Acht poked their head through the door.
“They’re what!? How do you know!?”
“They’re streaming it. People are trashing both of us in the live chat. I think they’ve convinced their fans that we have a rivalry with them.” Acht held up their phone, on the screen was Shiver and Frye destroying Four’s car and a very worried Big Man in the background.
“Okay I’m going to go deal with them, while I’m gone you guys get to know each other. Acht, this is my family. Family, this is Acht, my partner. Okay I’ll be back soon bye!” Four rushed out the door.
Acht could feel everyone’s eyes on them.
“Partner?” A woman asked, who they assumed was one of Four’s moms.
“Yes.” They shifted around awkwardly. “It’s nice to meet you all.”
“Come on in. My name’s Nancy, I’m Four’s mom. This is my wife, Alex.” A different woman said, gesturing to the first one as she introduced her. She stepped to the side to let Acht in. “Then there’s my sister Fran and her son Ash, my other sister Artemis, her wife Luna, and their kids Wanda, Ember, Raine, and Jace, Alex’s sibling Birch and their child Kai, her sister Quinn and her kids Vi, Silvia, and Rini, and Alex’s other sister Shina.” Nancy introduced everyone in the family at once, leaving Acht to memorize all their names as if studying for a quiz. She showed Acht to a sitting area with enough cushions for everyone in the family and more. As Acht sat down, they felt like they were on trial.
“So, tell us about how you and Four met.” Nancy sat across from them.
“And maybe how they got all those scars?” Alex said sharply.
“I think that maybe they should be here for this conversation.” Acht was getting nervous. How were they supposed to explain everything to Four’s family on their own? Suddenly, they felt a set of small gentle hands picking theirs up. A young child had crawled over to them and was holding their hand in front of her face.
“Why are you green?” The kid asked.
“Uhh…” Acht didn’t know how to answer. How were they supposed to make sanitization kid friendly?
“Rini, come back over here.” Her mom— Quinn was her name— called her back over and she returned.
“That’s a good question, why are you green?” Alex narrowed her eyes. Acht felt like they were being interrogated. 
“Okay, Deep Cut’s gone but the car is in bad shape. It’s going to cost a ton in repairs.” Four strode in, not bothering to knock. They caught sight of the upset faces throughout the room. “Oh shoot what did you talk about without me.”
“Nothing. We’ve been waiting for you. What exactly happened while you were gone,” Alex said, fuming. Nancy put a hand on her arm to try and calm her down.
“Okay. Kids go play outside.” Four sighed.
“But we wanna know.” A different child spoke up now. Acht was pretty sure his name was Ash.
“I’ll explain it to you all later, but right now the adults need to talk privately, okay?”
“Okay!” With that, the children got up and rushed out the back door. It led to a huge yard adorned with swing sets and stick forts. They would be busy out there for a while.
Four found a seat next to Acht and looked around at the remaining people in the room. “Do you remember when I introduced you all to Captain and Eight? And how we talked about the Deepsea Metro? And sanitization?” Realizing that Four was starting with their story, Acht tensed. Four grabbed their hand, squeezing it tight.
“Yes, why?” Another one of Four’s aunts replied, their name was Birch. 
“Well, that’s where Acht was before we met. They were sanitized. That’s why they look the way they do.”
“So they’re okay now?” Shina said slowly, cautiously.
“Oh yeah yeah yeah, absolutely. They still have some physical effects, but mentally they’re totally fine! It’s actually because of that project I was helping Marina with, the Memverse. It was made to help bring back the minds of sanitized octolings.” Four squeezed Acht’s hand harder, not ready to talk about the Memverse again. Acht squeezed back.
“So what happened to you?” Alex asked. Her words were harsh, but it was because she cared.
Four took a deep breath and began. “When I went into the Memverse for a beta test, there was a glitch in the code that caused a being to be formed called Order. Well, technically Smollusk but Order when I met it. But that’s not important. It did this thing called greyscaling to me. What that means is it took away my memories, my thoughts, and my emotions so that it could use me to fight.” Four’s words grew shaky. They felt tears burning behind their eyes. Acht let go of their hand and wrapped their arm around them. “Thank you,” they muttered. “Eight, Acht, Pearl, and Marina were able to save me. They had me climb the Spire of Order— the thing in the Memverse that allows sanitized octolings to regain their memories— and it worked for me too. I met Acht in the memverse while I was still greyscaled. As I regained my memories, I started to realize how amazing they are. They are one of the biggest reasons I’m even here right now.” Four’s tone was softer now, it’s shakiness nonexistent. Acht blushed at their kind words.
“You make it sound like you didn’t do any work to regain your memories. You fought hard. And it’s because of you that I’m even out of the metro.” Acht pulled Four closer.
“And what about the scars?” Nancy asked.
“Oh, we don’t actually know. Marina’s current theory is that because I was in the Memverse for so long, it caused my headset to overheat and burn me. But I’ll be alright, you all really don’t need to worry about me!” Four waved off their family’s concern.
“We’re going to worry about you. But right now I’m just glad you’re home safe,” Shina said.
“Should I go call the kids back in? They’re going to want to play with you, Four.” Birch stood up, walking over to the door.
“Ooh I’ve missed them so much!” Four joined them, dragging Acht close behind.
“I don’t think I like that Acht person,” Alex muttered to Nancy, out of earshot of everyone else. “I’m worried Four is just so attached to them because they were the first person they met after a traumatic experience.”
“I was thinking the same thing. We’ll make sure to talk with Four about it later,” Nancy muttered back.
Every child ran inside at once, practically tackling Four. They all had a million questions, only a small portion of which actually had to do with the topic at hand. Four introduced Acht to each child individually, giving them a refresher on their names. The two ended up being pulled in different directions. Acht was dragged into a room full of instruments by a group of older teens who, upon learning they made music, wanted their help with their band. Four was called over by Jace to see all the stuff he got for his birthday. They felt so bad about missing it, and decided to make it up to him by letting him tell them everything about how it went. They’d buy him an amazing gift later.
“And I got this cool Super Squid action figure, oh and I also got this!” He ran into a corner and unplugged something. Four couldn’t see it yet from where they sat. “Mom got it for me. It’s a VR headset, so you can play all kinds of games on it!”
Four’s hearts sank into their stomach. It was clearly a different headset than what they had used, but it just felt so similar. The memories of that digital world bubbled in their mind. They couldn’t keep the worst ones from resurfacing. “That’s really cool.” Their voice cracked. “You can tell me more about it in a minute, I have to go to the bathroom.” They stood up and ran to the restroom as fast as they could. They refused let their cousins see what they feared was about to happen to them.
Acht felt a light buzz in their pocket just as the kids stopped playing. 
“Did you like it?” One of them asked with enthusiasm.
“Yeah, it was amazing. I’m impressed by how good you all are already. Sorry, I think I got a text and I have to make sure it’s not something important,” they said, whipping out their phone. Their eyes widened when they saw the message. It was from Four.
“I need you.” That was all it said. Not good.
“I’ll be right back.” Acht stood up and walked out the door, trying to stay calm.
“Acht, are you alright?” Nancy asked, seeing Acht wandering around the house aimlessly.
“Where’s Four?”
“The bathroom. Why?”
“I think they’re in trouble.” Acht ran down the hall to where they prayed the bathroom would be. They didn’t understand the layout of the house at all and were just hoping they weren’t about to run straight into a closet.
“In the bathroom?” Nancy called back, confused. She ran after Acht, the other family members following close behind.
Acht rushed to the door, now certain they had found the right room. They practically rammed their body into it when they knocked. “Four, are you alright?” 
No answer.
“They’re an adult they can handle themself in the bathroom,” Alex remarked.
Acht ignored her comment. “Four if you don’t answer me I’m going to assume you’re not okay and come inside.” 
Still no answer.
Acht ripped open the door, thankful that it wasn’t locked because they certainly would have knocked it down if necessary. Four was crouched on the ground, staring at nothing, their face blank.
“Shit it happened again. Get the kids out of here, they don’t need to see Four like this,” Acht instructed, joining Four on the floor and kneeling down in front of them. Birch led the children into a different room.
“What’s happening to them?!” Nancy asked, frantic.
“They’ve lost control.” Acht gently placed their hands on Four’s shoulders, ignoring the worried shouts from Four’s family. They didn’t have time to explain. They had to help their partner. “Hey Four,” they spoke soft and calm. “I know you can hear me in there. We’re going to get through this just like we did last time, okay? Just focus on my hands, and my voice, and your breathing. Ready, we’re going to breathe together. In…” they took a deep breath, waiting for Four to take one in return. They did not. Acht kept going. “Out… again in… out… in…”
Four suddenly inhaled sharply, as if gasping for air after nearly drowning. The life returned to their face and tears began to form in their eyes. “Acht…” they squeaked. 
“Good morning, gorgeous.” Acht choked. They wrapped their arms around Four, pulling them into a hug as they began to sob. “It’s okay. I’m here for you. You’re safe,” Acht whispered as Four bawled into their shoulder. 
Four’s family watched from the doorway, unsure of wether or not they should go in. Noticing their hesitation, Four reached out their arm to them as if to say, “Please come, I need you all right now.” They each slowly made their way over, pulling both them and Acht into a hug.
Acht hadn’t noticed when Four’s relatives walked over, they were too focused on Four. But they certainly felt each of them joining in their embrace. And was was amazing was that they didn’t just hug Four. They wrapped their arms around Acht too. 
“Thank you for working so hard to protect them,” Alex whispered into Acht’s ear. “I’m sorry I judged you so harshly. Four cares about you, and it’s clear you care about them. As far as I’m concerned, you’re a part of the family now.”
Acht smiled wide. They hadn’t really had a family since being sanitized. And now, they got one of the best ones.
Four’s sobs slowly died down. While the method wasn’t great, they were still able to get their family to like Acht. This was certainly a success.
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safic4-m · 2 years
❤️‍🔥Lady Lesso
Pairing: Lady Lesso x Fem Lector
Author's Note: I honestly feel like Leonora is a little thing in need of affection, who just plays hard to get.
Word count: 859
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~Master list~
He who does not know his history is condemned to repeat it, but how can you know the history if it was erased from the mind of each person to forget that great tragedy. Many years ago there was a villain with enough power to put an end to good and evil and sincerely did not hesitate to do so.
Except that when she destroyed everything, there was no one, everyone had died because of what she did so she decided to remedy things by returning everything to normal and make each person forget about her existence, because although she was a villain she could not stand the idea of having ended all those lives, so many innocent people who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Opting to stay away from society so that you would never hurt anyone again.
You had been living all this time in a small cabin in the middle of the forest where you had the opportunity to connect with the earth and exist in perfect harmony.
The rumor about the destruction of good and evil had reached every person in this place so you had chosen to leave your retreat to investigate what had really happened. Thanks to your great power you managed to live all this time maintaining a youthful appearance, doomed to maintain stability between good and evil.
But you were surprised to realize that both schools had united, there was no more rivalry, they were in harmony with each other, so there was no reason for you to be there, you could return to your hut avoiding interactions with the rest of the world.
Unfortunately before you could leave you ran into a rather attractive, curly-haired red-haired woman with a dark aura about her.
-I'm not supposed to be in class,- says the woman with a touch of arrogance.
-I don't think so, besides I was on my way out, Reader,- walking past her, but being stopped by a strong grip on your wrist.
-Excuse me?- referring to the term you called her with.
-You're excused,- flashing a smirk.
The woman pulls you by the wrist and leads you around the academy to the dungeon, chaining you to a chair.
-I would enjoy this if it were in a different situation and you were the one chained to this chair,- you say with a sly smile.
-Who are you?
-The question is who are you Leonora?,- you say in a rather deep voice.
-How do you know my name?- you ask with annoyance.
-I know everything honey, and please don't play the bad guy with me,- sounding condescending, -because you have no idea who you're messing with,- seeing her take an axe.
-That's for me to decide,- standing behind you and putting the blade of the weapon on your neck.
Suddenly you disappear leaving the handcuffs on the chair and reappear behind Lesso with a knife on her neck.
-I warned you my dear,- sensing the woman's fear.
You take some distance letting her regain her composure.
-I am T/N/C better known as "The Mind Flayer"-seeing the surprise written all over her face.
-I thought I wasn't real, just a fairy tale to scare the ever
-You're wrong, I'm very real, but no one remembers anything about me,- walking around the place.
-Why?- she questioned confused.
-I made everyone forget, I killed innocent people because of my thirst for power,- passing your finger over the edge of a sword, -I just came to find out what happened here,- turning your attention back to the woman.
-Rafal,- she says as if that explains everything.-Of course,- you say sarcastically.
You run your hand along one of the walls and images of what happened in the place come to you.
-Even though I enjoyed our BDSM game I have to go and if anything happens again call me,- leaving behind a ring of a black sun, you say sarcastically.
There was something about her that you found charming, but you couldn't fall in love, love only makes you weak and you couldn't allow that.
- - - - -
You wake up suddenly when you hear someone calling your name, you turn to look around without finding anything, you hear your name again this time recognizing the voice. You find yourself in a vintage gothic style room but your attention goes straight to the woman writhing on the bed.
-Please Rafal," she pleads as she sobs.
It breaks your heart to see the woman in this state, she looks so small and vulnerable, as she is tormented in her dreams, hearing your name come from her lips brings you back to reality, pulling you closer to her.
-Shh...it's okay honey, you're safe,- running your hand through her hair, calming her mind with your power.
The woman starts to wake up, startled by your presence.
-What are you doing here?
-You called me,- you answer giving her a smile.
-I'm so sorry,- wiping her tears aggressively.
-You have to apologize,- not knowing what to do next.
You wanted to hold her in your arms and tell her that everything was going to be alright, that you were there to protect her from whatever.
-Well...I'm leaving,- leaving the woman alone before saying something you shouldn't have said.
-Stay,- she says to the nothingness, feeling alone again.
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thawthebeez · 1 year
ah yes, home at last... ON TONIGHT'S SPECIAL: What The Hell Is Tumblr User Thawthebeez Going Crazy Insane About Today?
The winning point Karasuno scored against Inarizaki.
Let's discuss this real fast, because this is once again another VERY IMPORTANT MOMENT that is overshadowed because "omg kagehina touched hands for like 2 frames."
For those who have NO IDEA what the hell I'm talking about and care for a summary: Karasuno is at match point against Inarizaki, a powerhouse school that's favoured to win the Spring Tournament. Stakes are high and the tension in palpable. The ball is on Inarizaki's side, and they're about to send it over. Now, what attack do they choose? Well, it's none other than the Miya twins with their minus-tempo attack. You know, the same one that Kageyama and Hinata do.
This attack is fast. Like, very fast. It literally occurs within the blink of an eye. This isn't an attack that can break through blocks. Speed is its main weapon. It's also an attack that relies on trust. You know, a certain bond between the two players. Because of its speed, the setter and the spiker need to have absolute faith in one another.
All throughout the series we see Kageyama and Hinata figure this out. Hinata isn't a heavy hitter, but he is fast, making this kind of attack perfect for him. And it works for a good long while. It's faster than all the other fast attacks and can evade blocks pretty well. Until it doesn't. And that's when they regroup, developing this attack so Hinata can have some more freedom.
Essentially, Hinata and Kageyama learn that while this freak quick they do is strong, it's not invincible. It's fast, but not unstoppable.
Now what gets me is the fact that the only characters in the ENTIRE SERIES to pull off the minus-tempo attack are Hinata & Kageyama, and the Miya twins.
Just two guys, and twins.
Atsumu and Osamu have known each other their entire lives. That's sixteen years of bonding for you. Not to mention the fact that they're bounded by blood, too. Of course the chemistry they're going to have on the court is going to be insane. They literally have, like, twin-telepathy. Of course they can pull off an attack that happens within the blink of an eye. Of fucking course. The faith that's needed between the setter and spiker has been established since the dawn of time for them.
Kageyama and Hinata met for the first time in Junior High. Their third year of Junior High, by the way. They were also on separate teams, and they played a whopping 31 minute game against each other. They were reunited again at Karasuno, but were immediately at each other's throats. They saw the other as a rival (and they still do now, but it's more of a friendly rivalry as opposed to "I need to utterly destroy this guy"). They weren't even officially on the same team until after they pulled off their freak attack. At the point in which Karasuno plays against Inarizaki, Kageyama and Hinata have only been playing on the same team for less than a year.
The freak quick was developed in a single day. By this point, they don't even have faith in one another, just the point, the "I trust that the ball will come my way" and "I trust that he'll score," and even then, the trust Kageyama put into Hinata was iffy.
Allow me to state this again: the only people to have pulled off the minus-tempo quick attack in the entirety of the Haikyuu series are the Miya twins, and Kageyama and Hinata.
Like, if we're going back to the first ever quick attack, we're dealing with a Hinata that has been told all his life that a guy like him playing volleyball is a waste, and we've got a Kageyama that's still coping with the events of Junior High. They have absolutely ZERO REASON to trust one another, even if it's just for the single point, but they do anyway because there's at least a subconscious voice- an instinct, maybe, knowing how much these two rely on instinct- that this one, for whatever fucking reason, is okay to trust.
And I think that Tsukishima sums it up perfectly when he mentions that only Hinata and Kageyama could have blocked that attack- that out of anyone, they were the only ones who truly understand that while the attack is strong- while the speed of it is an absolute weapon- it's not invincible.
(the fact that it was both of them, too- the fact that both of their hands were on the ball in that moment- the fact that after everything was said and done they still bickered about who scored that point because that's just who they are, and the fact that in the reality it was both of them who scored. ugh. they just. you get it. you understand)
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blossoming-sun · 1 year
Why I think the Miraculous Movie is amazing
First of all, the Kwamis and the miraculous. When the miracle box is introduced in the movie, the only Miraculous in it are the Ladybug, Black cat, turtle, fox, and bee. If there are any of the other miraculous, we aren't shown them. Honestly praying that those are the only ones, because the other ones kind of suck.
Also, another thing that I found interesting was that Hawk Moth seems to be impacted from using his miraculous, even though it's never said that the butterfly miraculous is broken. He has visions of destruction when he looks at it at the start. He passes out on the floor after akumatising someone for the first time. He lets himself go over the course of the movie- either because of his obsession or the effects of using the miraculous.
Anyway, I love how the kwamis and miraculous are so connected in this. Nooroo poking his head out of Hawk Moth's button in the song he sings, and Tikki actually shifting between the two at the very end of the movie. And speaking of the end of the movie-
The akumatised people:
No objects for you, an evil butterfly is going to crawl inside of you and painfully turn you into a monster. Ladybug and Chat Noir actually have to fight till the end. they can't take the easy way out and just... rip their notebook or something. Also loving how (as far as we know) the akumatised victims are just random guys. Always hated how in the show out of over 2 million people in Paris, Hawk Moth always chose to go after one specific group of teenagers. And can we talk about how Hawk Moth akumatised himself at the end of the movie? He turned himself into a literal GOD. No magic notebook for him, he literally destroyed all of Paris and turned a river into lava. Why didn't he do that in the show?
The characters:
Chloe still sucks at the start of the movie, but she isn't weirdly possessive of Adrien, which is good. Also, Marinette isn't a stalker in this, which is an upgrade. Chloe and Sabrina seem to have a somewhat-healthier than canon dynamic, especially at the end of the movie. But tbh in canon Chloe literally locked Sabrina in a closet at one point, so there isn't much competition. Also she seems to have more of a rivalry than bully dynamic with Marinette at the end of the movie, which i wish had been explored more. But oh well.
I love chaotic Tikki. Imo "WE'RE GOING TO GO ON ADVENTURES AND ALMOST DIE" is way better then "Oh, I believe in you!" Which Movie Tikki does as well, but it definitely felt like she had more personality than canon Tikki. Plaggs characterisation I'm not a massive fan of. I like his apathy and how he likes rotten things (ties in with him being destruction) but they didn't need to turn him into a fart joke. Seriously. Something I do like about both the kwamis is how their personalities are so different- because they represent opposite things. From the start of the movie, it seems like they also hate each other (Master Fu begs them not to fight when he opens the box) which is neat.
Agreste drama:
Adrien telling his father that he sucks in that one scene gives me life. I also really like how Gabriel is a bad dad, but not actually terrible. He lets Adrien leave the house. But he still sucks in the sense he pays 0 attention to his son. Even Nathalie calls him out on it. But unlike in canon, Gabriel seems like he's actually trying. He just lost himself trying to get Emilie back. And with the Hawk Moth vs Chat Noir and ladybug scene at the end, I 100% think that Canon Hawk Moth would have just taken Chat Noir's miraculous and made the wish instead of stopping. He's definitely not perfect, but he's more of a good guy than in canon.
Also, with the timing, yes I feel like it was rushed, but tbf the creators of this movie managed to do the same thing the show's done in 5 seasons in an hour and a half. Also the animation was amazing.
Uh and thats all I have to say, so here are my hopes for the sequel:
Gabriel redemption. I want to see him be a good father and try and move on from what happened
Main Villain Mayura. (I also want her to frame Gabriel for her evilness)
More Chloe screentime. She was an Icon.
Queen Bee, Carapace and Rena Rouge
More Agreste drama
A bunch of cute couple stuff between Marinette and Adrien
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oc-aita · 11 months
AITA for not wanting to form an alliance with my rival, and for the way I treated him during the past?
(CW Death/Violence, inc to minors)
For background, I (19 X) used to attend a very prestigious school for magic-users and was among the best of their students. The only student ahead of me was C (21 M), and we were constantly fighting for our favorite teacher/mentor (Who I'll call E, M, 200s)'s attention. We were always really close in grades for the 8 years I attended (ages 6-14 for me), and though it was a seriously rivalry/we really didn't like each other (when I was younger I thought of him as a role model but he was really rude to me), we didn't wish each other harm or anything.
Anyways, when I was 14, the teachers chose the "best student" of the school for a ritual, which really stung me when I heard about it (I mean, I know he was technically the best student but he was also 2 years older than me and the difference between our grades REALLY wasn't that much at all, like less than 1%, so I had more potential IMO). So one night, E, C, and all the other teacher at the school set up this ritual while everyone else is asleep. They were trying to summon a god, M, (M, Immortal), and bind him to a vessel with a lot of magical potential. D During the ritual, something went wrong though. The whole school exploded, leaving most of the students injured or dead. It was the middle of the night, so it was really cold, too. All around it was just awful and that night haunts my nightmares. As I walked around the debris, trying to figure out what was going on, I found C. He wasn't hurt, though the teachers were all dead (drained of life) beside him.
I talked to him, and found out that in the ritual he had refused M, who, in trying to force C to become his vessel, had caused something of an arcane explosion, and left C partially fused with his spirit. C also admitted to having the teacher's souls and arcane abilities fused with his.
I was furious at him! He had caused all of these people to get hurt and die, and kept the power of the teachers for himself but he still denied the deity that had tried to grant them to him! If I had been chosen, I wouldn't have denied M, and none of this would have happened btw.
And anytime I tried to reason with C, he just looked back all emotionless, like he didn't care that he had just killed the man that had basically raised him. He just sat there, so I kicked him. It was just to get him to react, so I ended up kicking him a lot, but he still didn't react. I ended up just kicking him until I was too tired to do it again, and eventually wandered off to find someplace to recover, and maybe start a new life someday. A few years after the school was destroyed I ended up making a pact with M. In exchange for his powers, I would punish those who intended to misuse them.
Anyways, now I'm actually traveling with a party of other adventurers. The problem is, our current mission is to overthrow a king, X, who has allied with another god, A (50s M, and Immortal F). If it was just for gold or recognition, I'd just leave and avoid this whole situation, but unfortunately X is very powerful and has a bounty on all of my party's head and even if I fled the kingdom A would be able to find me for him.
The main problem is my party stumbled across C, who also has issues with X, apparently, and wants to join our party. Most of my party except me sees no problem with allying with him and thinks he's a swell guy. But he hasn't seemed to change at all in the 5 years it's been. He's still so cold and distant and he doesn't really care about anything at all. And allying with him would be going against my pact with M, because he is CLEARLY misusing M's power.
I told my party about all of this and they decided I was TA for attacking C after he destroyed our home and for not allying with him now, since we share a common enemy. They told me that if I don't agree with C joining the party then I'm welcome to leave. I don't think that's at all fair since I've been adventuring with them for over a year and they have absolutely no reason to trust C!
(It should be noted that a lot of my party doesn't like my pact with M/don't like M as a deity, so I kinda feel like they're trying to replace me with someone who has similar powers but isn't allied with M)
So, AITA for how I've treated C and for not wanting him as an ally?
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unmeisenshi · 2 months
Solaris remained relatively quiet as Ross looked over his knee. She lightly felt the wound with her paws at first, then flushed the wound out. She gave Solaris some of the antibiotics she had, then began to stitch the cut. The Charizard had tried to keep his knee still, though occasionally it would jerk up suddenly. He didn't quite like needles all that much, and chose to keep his eyes shut so he didn’t watch Ross work.
As Ross was about halfway done, and she began another round, Solaris’ face contorted in pain for a moment, his knee jerking up again. “Ow…” he muttered.
Ross couldn’t help but chuckle. “Come on. A big guy like you shouldn’t be wincing this bad. Where’s your muscle?”
“About three years in the past. I haven't been in the field in a while.” Solaris said, a slight smile on his face. Though the smile faded after a while, and he opened his eyes briefly, and made sure to keep eye contact with Ross so he didn’t see the needle. “Hey, Ross… I’m… Sorry for flipping out on you earlier… And for being a bit cold to you. I… No, all of us are a bit on edge right now.”
Ross shook her head. “Water under the bridge… Solaris, I believe I’ve heard you called by? I shouldn’t have assumed you were the same bandits that stole from me without hearing you out first. And besides… I’m just as on edge as you are.”
Solaris closed his eyes again. “The bandits… What did they take?”
The Sylveon looked up, a slight frown on her face.. “They… They took meds, and…” She paused for a brief moment, trying not to cry and failing. “... And they took some of the birthing pods downstairs. No doubt to bolster their numbers. Ever since LaPlante killed everyone else, these remaining folk have taken to ransacking the city any chance they get. They live in the west. They have a rivalry with another gang in the east. It always feels like they’re just trying to one-up each other.”
Audie listened intently, and looked and sounded visibly frustrated about what he just heard. It was a frustration that everyone except for Avett and Ross heard, the former two being busy with their work. The Charizard opened his eyes, and looked intently at the Espeon. He knew he couldn’t stop Audie, and he knew that Audie was more than capable of handling things. He gave Audie a nod, telling him to go. He didn't need to be told to twice, as he stood up and stormed out of the building.
The Charizard sighed, and looked back at Ross, who was almost done with the stitching. “You mentioned LaPlante a bit ago… What can you tell us about her?”
Ross paused for a moment, and looked up at Solaris. “Why? What’s going on…?”
“LaPlante is back on Gaea, our world. She’s in the process of destroying our planet and the entirety of the known universe to form Infinity. And we need to know anything about her if we stand a chance at fighting her.” Solaris said, his gaze firm at Ross.
The Sylveon could see that he was telling the truth, and she took a moment to gather her thoughts as she finished stitching Solaris up. ‘She’s a monster… I don’t know too much of how she got here, since that was before my time, but… She escaped captivity, and fled this planet, Gemini.”
Solaris tilted his head, as his knee jerked up once more. “Captivity? Where was she being held?”
Ross shook her head. “I couldn’t tell you. What I do know is that she was in a pocket dimension of sorts, a prison we called Seibu. It was a white void, no other life in it but herself and any other prisoners. We reserved that spot only for our worst criminals. There was a portal to it, but it was destroyed when LaPlante escaped.” She paused, setting the needle down and grabbing scissors to cut the string. “It was discovered that she had broken free from her restraints - restraints that limited her power. She was taking the souls of the prisoners to regain her strength. From what I’ve read… She seemed to liquify those prisoners. It was gruesome, seeing those pictures.” She shuddered for a moment, cutting the stitching string, smooshing an Oran Berry over the wound, and beginning to wrap Solaris’ knee. “She escaped and fled the planet, then came back and killed everyone on the planet. Well… Almost everyone.”
Ross smiled, then gently patted Solaris’ knee. “Okay, be easy on your leg. You can walk around, but no running for a while. You put a lot of stress on your knee, and you tore your muscle pretty bad.” She moved up, and lightly bapped Solaris’ head. “Don’t be a bone head.” She added, giving Solaris a light smile.
“Yes ma’am.” The Charizard said sheepishly, giving a smile back in response. “Avett. How’s it coming along?”
“Just finished up,” Avett said. He moved to the sink to wash his hands. “We just have to wait for the kids to wake up. If you guys want to walk around, feel free to. We’ll be here for a bit.”
Morello stood up, stretching his body out. “I’m going to take a walk around town. Maybe I can find some supplies we could use.”
Solaris nodded. “That may be a good idea. Ross… Is there anything here we could use? Food, water… That kind of stuff? We have a years long trip ahead of us.”
The Sylveon nodded. “We do. In the bottom floors of the hospital, there’s a greenhouse. Here at the hospital we developed it, to keep food in supply. You guys can take as much as you need. I’ll lead you there. I want to make a stop on the sixth floor too.”
“Okay. Lead the way.” Solaris stood up, and followed Ross downstairs, while Morello walked downstairs and went into town.
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glapplebloom · 7 months
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Can Ian Flynn do what Penders failed to do?
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Julie-Su’s first Flynn appearance is in #164, which was just a cameo. A proper appearance is in #165, where she’s interrogating Rouge with Knuckles and Vector. And when the guys are away, Yandere Julie-Su shows up. And we have a reason she loves Knuckles. He makes her feel like something other than a soldier. You could argue that was shown with her acting less serious, but it is nice that there’s an explanation other than “I don’t know why I’m feeling this way”. Rouge proceeds to kick Julie-Su’s butt. 
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While it is for petty reasons, at least it is more interesting than Vector hating her because she was a villain. Next issue, ignoring the new 25 Years Later storyline, Julie-Su is now rescuing Knuckles. Now she’s showing her prowess as a soldier. Her next appearance is in 172, where she is shown training Amy Rose. That Amy asked her to help train her shows that she is a trusted teacher among the Freedom Fighters. And she even expands upon why she likes Knuckles when Amy reveals she thinks this will get her closer to Sonic like Julie did with Knuckles.
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#173 has her upset about being a satellite uplink so Knuckles can communicate with Sally, so that’s funny. I was thinking it was about Knuckles talking about Rouge but she stole the Master Emerald. #174 has her not liking to dress up for ceremonies. We also learn that she doesn’t believe in ceremonies like marriage and Knuckles agrees with her. #175 continues the Julie/Rouge rivalry. And then she gets captured. To be fair, everyone is there except the Sega Four: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy.
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Next issue she’s free and shown worried about Charmy who because of brain damage will be acting like his game counterpart. Not everything was good under Flynn. #177, Julie-Su is part of the team that defeated Eggman’s Mech that defeated Sonic one on one. Next issue, she’s trying to convince Knuckles that he shouldn’t go back alone to the Island. Even asking Vector to help talk him out of doing a Solo run. This shows she cares and the two squashed their beef with each other.
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#180 has her spying on the Mobotropolis Council when they find out nobody is going to look for Knuckles. And while Julie-Su was okay with leaving them behind since the Chaotix is Vector’s team, Vector assures her that they are going with her to find Knuckles. Too bad to escape they got to take on the Mobotropolis Army. And now it's the Chaotix Vs Sonic who is trying to de-escalate the current situation. While Sonic is easily handling them physically, Julie-Su is winning the war of words. 
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Luckily Sally is here to tag in and convince the Chaotix to stay as Sonic and Tails do the searching. Even though there are more Chaotix Members, Sonic is faster than all of them and Tails with that Nanite Camera could probably search better than all of them combined. #181 has Julie-Su worried. Especially so when she sees Enerjak attack the Dingo City. Julie continues to worry since Sonic and Tails hasn’t found Knux yet. After all, the last time he faced Enerjak he was vaporized and the Ancient Walkers aren’t here to bring him back.
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When she hears Enerjak is coming to Mobotropolis, she fears the worst since that means he’s done with Angel Island and Knuckles is likely dead. Too bad for her the worst is not what she thinks it is. Knuckles is Enerjak. #182 has her trying to convince him to give up the power. He had it before and it only brought pain and suffering. He tries to force her out of her Cybernetics (since he can undo those effects), but Sonic saves her. I don’t see her in the final all out attack, but I presume she’s among them. 
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She looks so happy when Sonic immediately went to wanting to help Knuckles after Eggman captured him, but an old jerk dragged her and Sonic out of Mobotropolis. #183 has Julie-Su rightfully call out his father for trying to make them destroy Enerjak. Say what you will about Julie-Su but even in the Penders era there is no doubt she cares for Knuckles. The same couldn’t be said about Locke.
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While Sonic said “let me see this weapon that can take out Enerjak”, the three face the Destructix which includes Green Evil Sonic. Sadly the numbers aren’t kind of Julie-Su and Locke, not to mention their constant bickering. Luckily the Fire Ant saved the three. While the Ant sides with Julie-Su about not destroying Knuckles, Sonic destroys the weapon.#184 has Julie-Su and the Ant give Locke the verbal beatdown he should have had years ago. The two go on to confront the Echidna responsible for the current situation.
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When she finds out the only way to break the Hex is for a sacrifice, she was the first to volunteer. And her and the ant’s speech convinced Locke to do the sacrifice. When Knuckles returned, she tearfully told him what happened to his father. Luckily the guy to blame came back just in time. After he escaped, Julie-Su wanted him to return so they could see he’s alright. He refuses, going back to being the Guardian of the Master Emerald full time. 
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#186 has her and the Chaotix look for Knuckles as they build a bridge between the Master Emerald and the main island. And thanks to Rouge talking to Knuxs, the group are reunited. #189 has her joining Knuckles, the Chaotix and Sonic attacking Eggman’s new Dark Egg Legion. Her mechanical quill is also a communicator. So as Sonic leaves, they have to handle the backup the Dark Egg Legion got: Dimitri.
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Next issue continues their attack, with Julie-Su pointing out how Dimitri sold the Echidnas to Eggman. Julie-Su takes out her sister and everyone is successful. #191 has Julie-Su talking to Knuckles after a little argument with Sonic. Knuckles is in deep emo and Julie-Su tries her best to talk him out of it. Sadly it didn’t work out and she’s upset she argued with him instead of trying to calm him down. Luckily, thanks to Charmy, Knuckles apologizes. And so does she. This comic also has a tie-in comic with the Sonic RPG that was basically the cause of Penders going berserk.
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Her next appearance is in #198. Sadly, she’s part of the crowd and doesn’t do anything noteworthy. Next issue, she has a speaking line and is part of an assault against the Dark Egg Legion. Sadly, it does look like Vector and Julie still have a grudge, but they’re so in sync that they don’t want people to find out they like each other. As friends. When on the final stretch, she shows she’s worried about Knuckles after his emo phase. She does nothing of note in #200 other than kiss Knuckles.
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Nothing in 201. In 212 it's the Espio show. 221 she was in the crowd when Mina sang that song. And 232 has her siding with Knuckles as she is back to being exposition. Though she does show concern since Sally was a friend of his in the past. And that’s her last appearance in Sonic Archie proper. But now there’s one more spinoff we have to look into: Sonic Universe.
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In Issue #4, it is setting up for the next four issues where it is the 30 Years Later story. In #5 Julie-Su is glad Lara-Su is an only child. In Issue 9, we’re back to the present as Julie is with Knux and Mighty at the Dingo Refugee Camp. They’re looking for Finitevus after that Enerjak deal. She doesn’t seem to care about archeology like Knuckles is, since this is not part of the mission. They get trapped thanks to Knuckles by the end of the issue.
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Issue #10 continues this story as Julie-Su sees a possible exit that she can take and hopefully stops the trap. She also jokes about any of them wishing to swap Master Emerald Guarding duties with the others. Her tail gets caught in the laser grid but otherwise she escapes. She finds the controls and desperately tries to hack it but fails. In a last ditch effort, she blasts the controls. She’s emotional but is happy when she finds them safe. 
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They find Fin but he’s too much for Mighty and Julie-Su. Knuckles got him, but then someone is trying to bring the Floating Island back down to the lands. #11 has the Chaotix regroup as they are forced to work with Fin to stop the Robotic Flying Dingos. After being rescued by the Downunda Freedom Fighters, Knuckles asks Julie-Su to go back home with Ray. Because she’s the best fighter to protect the Master Emerald. 
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#12 finishes this story as Knuckles is almost killed by Fin. Luckily Julie-Su saves him. By the end she’s proud of him for not buying what Fin was selling. And sadly, that’s the last of Julie-Su proper since #27 and #28 are of the Dark Enerjak timeline. There she's a robot slave to Enerjak. So that was Julie-Su under Ian Flynn. Overall, a huge improvement for her as a character. If I knew she was like this, I probably would have done things differently with Juliet Suter. But next week, what I did with her.
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getmemymicroscope · 9 months
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Go big or go home, right? Might as well start of 2024 by finishing my watching of the Fast & Furious series. After watching (well, finishing) F8 last night/this morning, it was time to go on to the next movie (after, of course, a night's sleep): the spin-off that builds on the Statham/Johnson buddy rivalry/friendship and their chemistry. Plus, this one also gives us Idris Elba and Vanessa Kirby (and, missing from the poster & previews, but definitely present in the movie - Ryan Reynolds and Kevin Hart!)!
There is, of course, some plot about a threat to humanity, as we have seen in multiple recent F&F movies - in this case, it's some lunatic rich person (still unknown) who desires to "advance humanity" by releasing a virus that will kill the "weak." What that means, and how this virus would know, and how the "non-weak" (whomever they are) would survive are, quite honestly, immaterial. This unknown person also has a half-man, half-machine Idris Elba doing the fighting for him (the person behind the plan, of course, hides behind a voice modulator and never shows themself), using some Sherlock Holmes'ian level fighting prediction (though, with a machine and not just superior brain power/intellect).
The movie, of course, mostly just gives us a chance to watch Statham & Johnson bicker, until they really need to be friends, and fight (lots of fighting), both with each other and with the baddies. Vanessa Kirby also gets to kick ass, multiple times; she sort of takes a backseat to the 3 guys at times, but when she's on the screen, she's being equally awesome.
Rich folk who are destroying the world and then trying to blame it on the "weak" because they can't see far enough past their own noses to realize that they are the problem - they suck.
It's fun. It's furious. It's, at the end, even fast. Enjoyed it.
And Ryan Reynolds, especially with those end credit sequences, is absolutely hilarious! I could go for seeing more of him in this series (or any spin-off series that develops). Kevin Hart, too! However - "Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw" is such an odd way to frame the title. Hopefully the sequel will have a less odd name choice.
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joytraveler · 2 years
13. Space Paladin
Space Paladin begins with fast paced rock and a montage of the hero suiting up, with their gold and white power armor they're quite imposing as they jet off towards what will be the first stage!
A side-scrolling shooter similar to Gradius, though made a bit easier by your ability to deflect shots with your sword and knock them into enemies.
HNV: Ooh, superheroes in space, an underused video game archetype! DueyDecimal: I believe this is more like a KNIGHT in space! Syrupentine: I hope it's not the kind that can only move in an L shape
You can even knock enemies into each other for extra damage! Because of this, you have to time your attacks right and being aggressive usually yields you only a swift demise.
aroseahorseboy: ping pong those meteor monsters! aroseahorseboy: whoa they knock each other back at you too, that's not fair
"Space Knight is really kind of Space Pong but you know what, I get to put on a fancy robot suit and go out in the universe, and that's what I- WHOAH!! Slow up there, Dragonfart!"
The first boss rushes past from the back of the screen, a mechanical dragon that flaps up and down quickly, spitting homing fireballs. "Oh he's cool looking! I hate him also, he's hard, ow!"
Klickitat_Street: Hey, she’s just trying to defend her family! Look at all the eggs you destroyed on the way! Syrupentine: I wouldn’t want to lay meteors. :( HNV: That would probably give you hemorrhoids... Klickitat_Street: Or assteroids. :P Baconnaise: Bea is it okay if you have two less fans soon
She also discovers she can charge up her slash attack. This lets her create a shockwave when she swing, and lets her knock back projectiles twice as fast!
"He's like, 'You know as a knight I was really worried I wouldn't find a dragon in space and I'd just have to settle for slaying a space manticore or something.' "
"And the dragon's like 'Ahh no lousy stinkin' knights up here in the black reaches of- D'OH!!' "
Her final blow chops its head clean off.. and then the head flies away, apparently cackling! "Hey, I'm going to put you on the hood of my car next time I see you!"
aroseahorseboy: you thought you could hoard all the space damsels and astro-gold you wanted? aroseahorseboy: THINK SPACE-AGAIN DueyDecimal: I love when ‘space’ is used as a prefix in the future! HNV: That’s mostly the fault of dictation soft where failures comma Dewey. Glockroach: So is he dead or is he gonna show up later attached to a battleship or a dump truck or something
"I mean, he's bound to show up later, I kind of like when games get a rivalry going between- oh.." The next stage has begun without warning. This time you're flying through a long tunnel lined with statues that appear to be other Space Paladins? The music is much more soft and somber, and Bea finds herself being attacked by ghostly warriors.
"Whoah, the Hall of Ancestors? And none of them are happy to see me, it seems! 'I remember youuu.. I gave you twenty bucks and you never gave it back and then I DIED!' And my guy's just like 'but you're dead now you'll never need it' and they're like 'nope, nope, don't care, we're haunting you, we called up all them dead relatives and we're gonna use 'em' "
berd_snurglar: hey, harsh but fair DueyDecimal: The makers of this game were definitely going with the super overblown portrayal of paladins, huh! With the deep religious themes and asking for spiritual guidance and stuff Meanwhile in every game I run, the Paladin ends up being “The Terminator, except he can turn water into wine“
The vengeful ghosts really test Bea’s ability to reflect shots, and she finds herself using her special spin move more to clear the screen of projectiles than to attack!
A giant knight statue kneels at the end of the stage. There's a bit of dialogue here! Unfortunately none of the text is legible, it's like an alien language. "Huh. Anyone got the secret decoder ring or possibly Google Translate"
Glockroach: It says ''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Syrupentine: Oh, it’s Woodstock! berd_snurglar: dude got big and joined the space guild I guess wait is the statue also talking or is it knightdude just introspecting
Bea is then presented with a choice- two options, but both in the same abstract "language".
"Uuuuhhhhhhh... Guess we'll do a vote? How many for nonsense A vs. nonsense B?"
DueyDecimal: OK, hang on, maybe it’s a cryptogram? Can we figure out which of these characters is the ‘E’ and work it out from there? aroseahorseboy: that would be the one that looks like ‘ Baconnaise: you are already nonsense, Bea HNV: What was the name of this show again? Syrupentine: i just call it Bea Time Oh jeez duh. PRESS BEA!
"First option is usually 'Yes' with these things, but what am I agreeing to here?" She flips back and forth, moaning and groaning before she makes her choice.
Instantly, the statue's eyes light up and it rises to its feet, pulling a giant sword down from offscreen. "Y'okay, I clearly just agreed to take a look at your cool sword! Done, let's go! Bye!"
HNV: I’m going to assume that he offered to rule the universe with you as father and son and you just said no? snerd_buglar: 'look around lad, all this could be yours' 'what the statues?' 'no not the statues lad!'
This battle feels more dire because there’s no projectiles to reflect, just clashing swords as Bea flies through the endless tunnel of moaning ghosts! Bea still has her own shots, but can’t seem to land a hit on the giant statue with them, it’s even better at blocking than she is!
"I really don't know what to do, nothing seems to get through!" After several minutes of clashing blades, Bea's getting ready to give up, until she realizes she's no longer in control. The warriors have lowered their weapons. Then, they clasp each others hands, and shake.
Syrupentine: Oh. berd_snurglar: oh. Bee52: oh Llord_Kuruku: Oh...
The screen slowly fades to black, but as it does, some sort of energy appears to flow between the giant knight and their smaller successor..
"See I knew I was worthy of the...thing, you guys all worried for nothing!"
DueyDecimal: Why is everyone saying “Oh?” Oh. HNV: The only thing I was worried for nothing about was that Screen 2 wouldn’t match how crazy Screen 1 was...
Screen 3 opens with a legion of ships flying by in the background, over an Earth-like planet. A single while pixel can be seen darting between them- and several are split clean in half! The pixel then flies directly into the camera, and we see it's our knight again! The stage truly begins as they fly low over what looks to be the mothership, touching down to run along its surface.
"Oh dang, a run-em-up now? Okay! Gravity shmavity, it looks cool as hell"
berd_snurglar: this is kind of like someone make an NES lords of thunder and i'm diggin it Llord_Kuruku: I’m starting to to dig this game for real, it’s got a really epic sense of scale
"Yeah me too, Kuru. Wish I knew just what was going on but that's kind of part of the fun I guess!"
HNV: That’s part of the appeal of all of these games, isn’t it? There’s something under the surface, even with the bad and unplayable ones!
Bea can't fly here but she can jump, and she has to to clear some of the turrets and missiles that fly by. "Just, just chop it up already, what's the hold up?"
TaichouSenseiKun: Drama!
She doesn't need to fight much until the miniboss appears, a robotic manticore with an unpleasantly human face-plate and literal stinger missiles!
DueyDecimal: DUDE! Bee52: this is the Monster Manual in space!! berd_snurglar: dewey did you make this one DueyDecimal: Did I?? We’ll see if you have to fight a mechanical hook horror next! HNV: A Robotyugh aroseahorseboy: CPU flayer
This stage is basically a gauntlet of minibosses. After the manticore comes a somewhat underwhelming robo griffin, but its more than made up for by the robo beholder!
Glockroach: B-H0LD R DueyDecimal: This isn’t just a game I’d make, this is what I see when I close my eyes
Approaching the bridge at last, there is no crew visible beyond the windows. Only a glass dome containing the head of the dragon from stage 1. It seems to cackle before turning as much firepower on Bea as possible!
Syrupentine: He’s back!! I love this dragon HNV: Do we get to name him or is that only for heroes Glockroach: Called it btw Llord_Kuruku: Congratulations! You won Space Paladin.
This last boss battle puts Bea’s reflection skills to the test. Some projectiles must be batted back, while new ring-shaped ones must be caught on an outstretched sword and then matched with an opposing color before launching them back to crack the dragon’s dome!
And that's only the first phase- as the battleship itself is finally destroyed, the bridge detaches to become a huge chimera, the dragon head topping off its tail!
"Aaaaahhh.... I did- NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING?"
aroseahorseboy: frippin dang dude! DueyDecimal: This game is grueling but at least it keeps rewarding you with new stuff! Bee52: yeah but come on! that was like kids making up rules in a pretend game! Bee52: POW I got you! Yeah, but, um, my head flies away and gets a new body and also it’s got more heads this time!
"Nu-uh, I got invisibility which not only makes me invisible but if you hit me your arm just goes through anyway! And also the floor is lava and I have the lava boots but you don't"
She can only get a few hits in, but that's all that's needed with her newly empowered sword! "Ahaaaa, eat a big pile of fu- WHAT???"
The last phase seems to be just the dragon head flying about, and she's too distracted by the chat to dodge in time!
She glares at the screen, slowly turning to the chat window. "YOU!!!!" "No big deal, we can always just.. just.. Game over?! What???" Bea squints at the screen. "They give you ONE life to do all that??"
TaichouSenseiKun: one life to live Klickitat_Street: Well now I'm just amazed at Bea's gaming prowness. All that on one life! Syrupentine: "Prowess" TaichouSenseiKun: Prowness: having qualities resembling the prow of a ship Klickitat_Street: ...I was so ready to come back at you with the dictionary, but no, it is prowess. Everyone's been laughing at me behind my back when I say 'prowness', haven't they. -_-; aroseahorseboy: no you're just in smart company, in real life people probably don't know the word
"Well in spite of how awesome I am, I dunno if I can do that all again, not right now. We'll come back to this one, I have a score to settle!"
aroseahorseboy: any robot dragon that thinks it can mess with Bea has got another think coming probably at least two more thinks since it seems to have several heads
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hella1975 · 2 years
hey you guys seem to like my atla wips and im currently ignoring my lecture notes on exponential and logarithmic functions so here's another one for you:
i have an au that surrounds an Object - currently it's a necklace bc i think the 'overpowered magical necklace' trope fucks astronomically - that has the power to enhance any bending by tenfold. it's the equivalent of comet-powered bending except you can have it All The Time bc it's a necklace. traditionally, it was handed down through the avatars just bc it's so powerful that in the wrong hands it could become very dangerous (👀) so obvs it goes to the peaceful symbol of balance. it's very draining and most benders can only use it once IN THEIR ENTIRE LIFE because that's how fucking overpowered this necklace is, so it's more of a keepsake that the avatars have. THIS IS WHY AZULON GETS OZAI TO MARRY URSA. her grandfather is roku and since aang wasn't on the scene, the necklace stayed in ursa's family and they were charged with protecting it. azulon then took the necklace for his own gain. he didn't actually use it for years bc it's one of those 'knowing you can only use it once actually just makes you hoard it and never use it at all' things but he became OBSESSED with it and ozai was nervous of confronting him for a very long time but he wants that necklace. eventually, when zuko is 11 (aka the canon timeline for this), ozai makes a deal with ursa. now when i say her family were charged with protecting the necklace, i mean it becomes their whole thing. ursa was raised to believe this necklace came before her own life and it's one of the reasons she stays with ozai, bc she refuses to stray from it. ozai says to her that if she kills azulon and takes the necklace, then ozai will let her hold onto it as long as she remembers that it's HIS. she agrees bc at that point she's just desperate to get it back and she's very worn down by ozai at this point also, so she does as she's told, but instead of going straight to ozai, she hesitates, and goes to zuko instead. she gives HIM the necklace, tells him she's sorry, tells him to run. he doesnt understand what's going on but ursa is a mess (she's pretty hysterical and not making sound decisions hence her going 'hey im gonna give the most powerful object in the world to my eleven-year-old child who very easily could have stayed out of this') and eventually zuko runs with the necklace. to buy him some time, ursa confronts ozai and says that she's destroyed the necklace and thrown the remains in the fire. ozai is enraged and kills ursa. zuko sees this all happen and realise just how much danger he's in, and leaves.
he's 11 with absolutely nothing to keep him alive aside a hastily packed dagger and some money that he immediately has to spend on buying clothes that aren't immediately recognisable as imperial fire nation clothing. he goes to the earth kingdom, hungry and desperate and scared, and notices a stall selling food. he goes to steal, but he meets another boy trying to steal at the same time and they almost get caught. the other boy is very much 'fuck you i was here first this is MY town i know all the hot digs when it comes to stealing' and zuko's like 'my brother in christ NO ONE ASKED'. they're the same age and they're both angry, and they HATE each other at first. the other boy can tell zuko is fire nation and tries to kill him, but zuko already has quite a bit of training under his belt so it's not a fair fight. they both leave bruised and with their tail between their legs, but it starts a rivalry because they both keep coming to the same food stall. in the end, an unlikely friendship starts when zuko extends an olive branch by stealing from the stall and giving half of what he stole to the boy. they're both way too hungry to refuse. there's a comradery to it. it's a VERY slow-to-build friendship bc the other boy is soooo against being friends with a fire nationer, but zuko is still just so scared and alone and he just lost EVERYTHING and watched his mother die at his father's hands, so he's stubborn with it and keeps persisting in his growly, abrasive way. in the end, the other boy caves, and they start to talk. zuko finds out his name is jet, and that he very recently just lost his family to firebenders (it's very brutal bc while i dont think jet NEEDS a tragic backstory to hate firebenders so much i also think he must have seen something really awful to make him as extreme as he is). zuko is honest with jet and tells him he got kicked out of the fire nation, that his dad was a dick and killed his mum, and jet is like 'oh you're a victim of the fire nation too'. it takes a little longer for zuko to reveal exactly who he is, and jet is naturally furious and betrayed. they fight (like PROPERLY) and dont speak for a long time bc jet actually kicks zuko out of town and zuko's like 'fair enough' and goes, but at that point they're already kinda reliant on each other bc they're literally CHILDREN who witnessed horrific trauma and have no one else in the entire world, so jet comes after zuko. in this au, jet isn't as much of a jerk and he would never hurt normal civilians, and that's zuko's influence on him and what he learnt from this firebender who's actually good, but on the other end of that, jet's influence on zuko in this au is that zuko is a lot more brutal and sarky. he's kind of a bitch actually <3. jet teaches him how to steal. zuko teaches him how to fight. they become SUPER fucking close and start the freedom fighters together. it's very much steddie parenting the kids in stranger things like they're literally like an old married couple together (bc jet and zuko's friendship is based around just pure insulting each other) and act very much as the Adults despite only being teenagers at this point.
by the time canon catches up with us and the gaang arrive, jet knows all about zuko, from his royalty to his bending to the necklace. he's sworn to protect him. now, in this au the gaang actually catch wind of this necklace, and monk gyatsu spent a lot of time teaching aang about it bc he was meant to be the next inheritor of it. aang is VERY aware of how powerful it is and almost everyone knows the story now of how the lost fire nation prince stole it from his grandfather in the night, killing his mother when she caught him, powerhungry and cruel. sokka and katara are both very much WE CANT LET THIS NECKLACE STAY IN THE HANDS OF SOME CRAZY FIRE NATION PRINCE WTF WE HAVE TO FIND HIM so that's actually part of their whole mission. cut to them meeting the freedom fighters. sokka and zuko IMMEDIATELY hit it off bc what is an atla wip without zukka, and sokka's actually having a whale of a time bc he's finally with guys his age and zuko teaches him swordfighting and jet isn't murderous in this so things are actually Good, but then one day when zukka are sparring, zuko's living it up in some slutty low cut top and sokka SEES THE NECKLACE (bc zuko never takes it off, this is relevant). now normally it wouldnt be a big deal but sokka's a genius AND very cynical AND already hunting this necklace down, so he starts questioning when zuko left home - bc he's clearly fire nation - and all that and realises the timeline is exactly right. there's a whole betrayal there and zukka argue AND THEN THE GAANG TAKE ZUKO PRISONER EXCEPT IT'S A REALLY ODD SITUATION BC THE FREEDOM FIGHTERS ARE READY TO GO TO WAR FOR HIM RN AND THE GAANG ARE READY FOR A FIGHT BUT ZUKO KNOWS THAT THE AVATAR IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE NECKLACE ANYWAY AND HE'S ALSO KNOWN FOR A LONG TIME THAT HE CANT RUN FROM THIS FOREVER, SO HE JUST STOPS EVERYONE FROM SCRAPPING LIKE 'IT'S OKAY I'LL GO'. so he's a prisoner but he's also?? willing?? basically everyone thinks he's a prisoner except zuko who knows he could leave at any time if he put his mind to it. jet is reluctant bc those two have the STRANGEST relationship like they are more than besties it's not romantic but it's very much 'we have silent conversations based purely on the twitch of your eye or a nod of your head we are telepathic at this point' and they've not been separated since they were kids and had that fight, but it's for the good of the world so it happens.
so there we go! we get zuko travelling with the gaang from jet's episode onwards! except he's a 'prisoner' and zukka already have a pre-existing relationship before zuko became their prisoner so it's SUPER awkward for them and also because zuko has worn this necklace non-stop for five years his bending is now FUCKED (rainbow fire but also zuko is insanely powerful with very poor control) and it's just a whole canon rewrite on all that basis /\/\ it's so fun <3
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bonsai62 · 3 years
I just realized something... I was talking to this person one time on a post before and as I was typing that’s when i realized something:
This is for my fellow Nobamaki & Itafushi shippers! If you guys don’t ship it then it’s okay! This is just like a small analysis in my eyes and the way I read things! I can be wrong or just love reaching on a shit ton of things but this is all for fun and I love sharing with you guys!
Let’s get started! Also, this contains spoilers!
Do you guys realize that Nobamaki/Itafushi actually parallel to each other? Let me explain in shitty English and basic grammar and vocabulary lol:
As I watch and read Jujutsu Kaisen I see a lot of parallels between characters; Gojo with Megumi or Yuji, Getou with Megumi and Yuji or Nobara and Maki... but what I want to parallel between characters is:
Yuji & Maki
1. Raw strength:
Both are hella fucking strong and for people who don’t have cursed techniques, they know how to kick fucking ass. What made me realize that both of them are the same is honestly during the baseball game. I like how we were able to see Maki and Yuji making a home run... okay well Momo fucked up Maki’s groove! Haha! But during the Tokyo vs Kyoto event, Maki and Yuji go ham on their enemy.
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Yes, Maki used weapons but still, we can’t deny she got good speed and strength that is similar to Yuji’s. That’s why I wish I can see them both doing a bad ass duo fight together.
I have a small headcanon that Yuji actually enjoys training with Maki the most because I feel like he can understand someone who shares similarity in natural raw strength and speed. And Maki feels the same way and it’s a good excuse to bully Yuji as a joke. I would honestly love to see that! Lol!
2. Their story:
Yuji and Maki honestly have it bad. Yuji loosing his only family member (his abuelo) and becoming Sukuna’s vessel which leads him to a future execution. For Maki is the fact that her family treated her like garbage and having to leave her sister behind and eventually her sister dying.
Both Maki and Yuji share that same pain when it comes to loosing someone. We saw Yuji with Junpei and in the Shibuya Arc with Nanamin and Noabra. Again, Maki the same with Mai.
I think what made me even realize it MORE on how alike and how they parallel with each other are these images right here and how they worded their final saying:
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In the Shibuya Arc, Yuji lost it. He lost it with Nanamin and Nobara (but luckily for Todo, he was able to pick his feet back up).
If I was Yuji, I would’ve reacted the same way because imagine having the idea you want to save people no matter what but people keeps dying around you or by you? It’s tiring and I would’ve had a mental breakdown too.
After kicking Mahito’s ass, Yuji says there is no reason anymore. For me, when Maki’s arc came it really reminded me of this:
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When Mai died and was killed by her own dad. Her dad took away someone who was precious to Maki no matter how much they didn’t get along. Maki really wanted to create the Zenin clan just for Mai to be safe and free.
Again, same with Maki, I would’ve killed the whole clan too because of how in general the Zenin clan is and how they treat people.
3. Having a “curse”:
Nanamin to Yuji: “You’ve got it from here”
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Mai to Maki: “destroy everything”
I don’t necessarily mean a curse curse but it’s more like final words that someone important to them said before dying.
For Yuji, he won’t die because Nanamin believes that Yuji can move forward and save the world.
As for Maki, Mai tells her to destroy everything in order for things to change (I might be wrong). It’s for the Zenin clan to start fresh. That is another way I kinda Interpreted (again, I can be wrong). Maki still isn’t done with destroying things plus she is going to move forward just like Yuji. 
I have a thing that if the higher ups find out about Maki, she would be on the verge of being executed as well. So imagine both Maki and Yuji together being executed.
Now on to the next pair!
Megumi & Nobara
Again, this is just me analyzing. But if you ship Itafushi and Nobamaki, you can actually see another pair that parallels to each other but so far I haven’t seen anyone compare them yet, or it’s just me lol!
1. No rivalries:
I think what I love about these ships so damn much is that there is NO RIVALRIES. Even if you don’t ship them you have to admit it is amazing seeing a m/m or f/f getting along without being damn rivals. I’m glad Gege decided not to do that especially towards the women because it does get so tiring that two women don’t like each other for no damn reason or fighting over the main guy or other main guy. At least when Nobara didn’t like Mai or Momo, she had a reason for not liking them.
And don’t get me started with Megumi and Yuji. I was so happy to finally see two boys be friends instead of the usual, boring rivalries. I’m a be honest with you, I was pretty shocked that Gege was able to make Megumi and Yuji be so close and trust each other as friends. It’s a breath of fresh air for the two ships like omg I was happy not seeing the basic shonen bullshit with the f/f and m/m relationship.
2. Hyping up their pairs:
What I mean by hyping them up, I’m talking about the potential that Maki and Yuji has that Nobara and Megumi sees from them. Nobara since the start acknowledge that Maki is strong and vice versa with Megumi with Yuji. What made me see that Nobara knows that Maki is just amazing and strong was during the baseball when Maki was able to hit almost a home run. Nobara just knew that Maki would be able to make that home run but again Momo ruined her moment! Lol!
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As for Megumi, we see while the Tokyo students came up with a strategy to win against the Kyoto students, we see him saying that Yuji can actually beat all their asses without curse energy or energy(one of those). Megumi reassures to people that Yuji can take care of himself and is very useful. Another time Megumi reassured that Yuji is strong is when he was in his bed healing from Hanami’s attacks and when they fought tiger against that one dude (forgot his name)
3. Thinking about them/defending them:
Now… this is really what made me think why Nobara and Megumi parallel with each other
It’s becasue I feel like they’re the ones who are more attached and over protective with Yuji and Maki than how Maki and Yuji are with them.
Now, I’m not saying it’s vice verse with Maki and Yuji. But I’m talking about how Nobara and Megumi expresses it. Let me explain:
While reading and watching JJK, we see how Nobara is with Maki compared to anyone else. And no, I’m not saying that Nobara isn’t overprotective with Megumi or Yuji but just the way she is towards Maki. I would honest love to see how these girls got along and how they became close!
Ever since Maki and Nobara had that deep conversation about why Maki choose to be a sorcerer, that is when I actually started shipping them because of how much respect Nobara has towards Maki and it continues to develop more and more with the two of them. We saw how Nobara got super defensive when she fought against Mai (First time) and started dissing Mai. The second time was with Momo, when she was straight up talking shit about Maki.
I love how when Nobara was talking about Maki and Yuji when fighting against Momo. However, I felt a different vibe towards it as well. What I mean by that is that I got more of a “big sister vibe” toward Yuji and a “I love and respect Maki”
But again, I feel like Nobara had some sort of feeling and attachment toward Maki ever since that fight with Momo and more than anyone else too. However, that is just me though! You do t have to agree with my reaching!
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For Megumi and Yuji… First of all… Megumi would not hesitate to pull a trigger if anyone is trying to harm Yuji. What made me see that was against Kamo and the Kyoto students. I swear that day Megumi was literally about to commit murder.
Yeah, Nobara got pissed but she went easy on them, but Megumi didn’t. Oh no, he was about to commit a felony. He wanted all the smoke. He wanted that curse. I swear I even felt how pissed he was. I just feel like every time and separates, shit goes down the wrong way and everything goes wrong.
For me, shipping Megumi and Yuji is a whole ass different post but I won’t do that lmao same with Nobamaki because I can write a whole ass essay why I love how compatibly/perfect for each other lol
But guess what… during the Kyoto and Tokyo event, same shit happened with Megumi like Nobara: Megumi was thinking of Tsumiki and Yuji. And again, I felt like it was still different when Megumi was thinking of Tsumiki and Yuji. I find it crazy how Nobara and Megumi were thinking about two people during that event:
Nobara: Maki & Yuji Megumi: Yuji & Tsumiki
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This is my personal favorite image of Nobara and Megumi. *wink wink* it’s basically the same image on who is important to to them.
Again, for Nobara and Yuji’s relationship, I just love the way it is. She gives me “big sister” energy towards Yuji and vice verse. Yuji and Nobara are those chaotic siblings that are the hyper ones while Megumi and Maki are the chill ones that can actually keep them down. There has been one occasion where both Megumi and Maki calms Yuji and Nobara down because of how they were acting and I’m not gonna lie it’s kinda cute lmao:
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4. Not leaving them:
During the Shibuya Arc, Maki and Nobara separates but at one panel, Nanamin was telling Nobara and Nitta that he was going to join the Zenins. Nobara quickly picked her head up and suggested that she wanted to join him in order for her to be with Maki (this is a stretch but hey Iike being dramatic) however, Nanamin quickly declines her and tells her that it’s too dangerous. I think she was disappointed that she couldn’t go, but hey, Nanamin is a gentleman and he knows when a child is gonna end up getting hurt. I thought it was cute that she was super worried about Maki and just doesn’t care and wanting to join her.
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Now, up the recent chapters, Megumi really shows us that he doesn’t want Yuji leaving him or he wants to stay by his side. Those few chapters really made my heart feel some type of way because it just the way Megumi is for Yuji and I can honestly feel how much he cares for him. As I mentioned above, I feel like everything goes to shit when those two aren’t together and I hope that they develop more and more. There has been two more occasions where Fushi doesn’t want Yuji to be left behind; one during when they were in prison and the second during the fight against Hanamin. The eyes that Fushiguro gives Yuji is full of trauma and careness.
In conclusion, I can’t wait for Nobamaki and Itafushi to develop more and more in future chapters. Again, you guys don’t have to agree with me on this. This is just for fun and sharing is fun too! If I’m overreaching then I’m sorry I just can’t help it :(!!
I hope you guys enjoyed my lil analysis! I’m sorry for the bad writing, I’m not very good at translating my feelings as I’m typing because my brain goes all over the place lol! But please, feel free to comment or give me an ask! I’ll be happy to elaborate more for you guys!
Stay safe y’all! And good night or morning!
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