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Oh unhinged Barry Allen... you both terrify me and delight me in equal measures. You are everything to me.
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Love me a guy who says "fuck the timeline, I'm getting my son back"
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I mean...he... uhhh.. should probably stop fucking with time because he's on attempt #97 to save Wally and he keeps failing and it's making him insane and distorting his body and slowly turning him into the monster that kills Wally in the first place buuuuuuut still... I'm here for the energy of it. "Love is the opposite of choice" and "But for Wally? Anything." are absolutely VIBES.
This is an entire dad. This is an unhinged overpowered father.
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jackdawdottv · 2 months ago
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Hello tumblr, I'm doing the biggest stream of my life on Friday the 31st and I'd love for you to be there! Join me as I put Pat Gill aka pizza_suplex, Charlotte McDonnell aka coollike, Libby Watson aka libtron and Ricky Peacock aka Ricky Peacock through the stupidest dungeon of all time. I think this will kick ass
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stinkylandersuwu · 5 months ago
elviess part 2
i know one or two of these aren't like the others, but Knightmare still had the ears, and Head rush is clearly a Goliath drow.
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i meant to draw Bushwack with different ears but I already lined it so here's a bonus doodle
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memesandtvshowthings · 11 months ago
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loveaxolotls · 5 months ago
Happy 10th anniversary of Skylanders Trap Team
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wwprice1 · 5 months ago
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The new BvS line from McFarlane! 🔥🔥🔥
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genderbinaryisforlosers · 7 months ago
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A Favour from Ademara; in which Somnus forgets to act hostile to the dream druid who's stalking him and now he's in a devil's bargain that parallels his previous delusion about being the Chosen of the Lord of Storms (whoops)
Ademara's dialogue and design by my benevolent DM @iknikblackstonevarrick!!
IDs below (copied from alt text)
1: A comic page with five panels, showing Somnus in a dark room with the Cloak of Elvenkind rendering him partially invisible. He is a built South/East Asian man with shoulder-length brown hair. In the first panel, he swats at a dragonfly buzzing around his head. The text box reads: "Wish these things would leave me alone..."
In the next panel, his attention is still on the dragonfly, but a pair of hands reaches out of the dark, one of which is gripping a knife and positioning it in front of his throat.
In the next panel, his throat has been slashed, with the other mysterious hand holding his forehead in place. He is wide-eyed and slack-jawed as blood sprays all over the panel. The text box reads, "What?"
In the next panel, he has been stabbed again by a different hand, this time through the back of the throat. The hood has been dropped from his cloak and is losing the enchantment, while he reaches for his sword in its scabbard.
In the last panel, he has fallen to the floor, blood pooling under him and eyes rolling back in his head. The colour has begun draining from his face, and a dragonfly is resting on his cheek. The page around the panels gradients from white to black as he goes unconscious.
2: Continuing from the previous page, the first panel is a close-up of Somnus' eye, slightly bruised, half-closed and rolling back. A golden dragonfly rests on his cheek. The next panel is similar to the first, but the colouring of the scene has changed, his eye has widened in shock, and the blood and dragonfly are gone.
The eye panels are set on a background of a stormy sky, which becomes a full-page illustration of Somnus lying in a grassy field with Ademara sitting perpendicular to him. Ademara has her legs crossed and her chin resting in her hands, and is smiling at him. She is a skinny, pale woman with bright red hair and a perpetually dreamy expression.
3: A page with five panels, in which Somnus sits up and talks with Ademara. Somnus touches his neck, where there is no trace of the wound but his previous lightning scar is pale and prominent.
Somnus: What happened?
Ademara: You would know better than me.
Somnus: I really wouldn't-- I didn't see anyone-? We were in there less than a second. I-- Send me back. Please. Bring me up?
When he makes the request, he leans in to Ademara pleadingly, catching her by surprise. Lightning strikes in the background of the final panel.
4: A page with seven panels. Ademara appears thrilled by Somnus' request, her eyes alert for the first time. She hooks a lock of his hair behind his ear and asks, "Can I count on you to do something for me?" He looks uncomfortable, watching her hand.
He turns away from her and says, "I won't hurt anyone," to which Ademara pouts and thinks, "You're no fun," only for him to continue, "...that I care about." She smiles, satisfied.
Taking the back of his head in her hand, she leans in closely to whisper in his ear, "I'll keep that in mind." An even bigger lightning strike throws them into shadow.
The final two panels cut back to the material plane, where Somnus is lying unconscious. Blood has continued pooling under him, but colour is returning to his cheeks and his black eye is gone. The lightning scar visible on his neck is glowing. In the final panel, he explodes into lightning, hair and eyes crackling bright white. The sound of thunder cracking is shown with the word, "KA-THOOM!"
5: Somnus as the Tempest, with his eyes and hair filled with white lightning and electricity crackling around his drawn sword. He is dripping with blood from his neck although the wound is closed, and the lightning scar glows through the blood. There is also blood on his sword, his cloak, and the rim of his shield. He is mid-motion, one foot lifted from the ground and glaring out towards the viewer. The backdrop is dark, and he is surrounded by swirling wind.
6: The same as the previous image, Somnus as the Tempest, with text making it into a comic book cover. The comic is titled "Somnus" and shows the issue number 27. The logo is "ISG" in a crescent moon, and the artist is "gender binary is for losers". The tagline reads, "Return of the Tempest!" and there is also a fake barcode.
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comicchannel · 5 months ago
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DC Multiverse Batman vs Superman (Knightmare) - McFarlane Toys
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3YDFgCX
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coolcomicbookcovers · 3 months ago
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yourlocaltoad · 11 months ago
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Banner assets used for the gacha segments of Skylanders: Ring of Heroes (Skylanders: Ring of Heroes, 2018) (pt7)
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picspammer · 2 years ago
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Fighting the Devil and his army... in Hell
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fennwox · 1 year ago
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So since y'all seemed to like Keisho, here's another Kamen Rider OC: Knightmare. He's a teacher and horror movie fanatic. But during a sudden rash of 'Sleeping Disease', a fellow teacher he has an affinity for (and is also the mother of a gifted student in his homeroom) falls under the disease. While visiting her one night, he's approached by a strange creature calling itself 'Life'. A wispy creature, it tells him that the cause of the disease is a race of beings called Sweet Dreamons, creatures who seek to seal humans away in an eternal happy dream, with their dwindling life being devoured by the invading Dreamon. Dreamons can invade multiple people, but the more they spread themselves, the less inspired the dreams they give out are. So Life gives the protag the Knightmare Driver, a device created by it to allow the user to invade dreams and force the Dreamon out by using the power of phobias and fears in the form of SomneCandles, to become the black spot in a perfect dream. By doing this, he can ruin the sweet dream and force the Dreamon out by terrifying the victim. Once the Dreamon is exposed and out of a person's dream, it can be killed. He says that every Dreamon has something it causes the victim to dream about because it's something they themselves seek. And Life is no different, except that his goal is to make sure humans LIVE their lives, not waste them away dreaming, which is why he betrayed his own kind. Knightmare's power relies on these phobias, but a downside is that it requires him to temporarily take on aspects of those phobias, when he de-transforms, to use them and he can't change them while he's inside someone's Dream. Such as 'Snake' making him more reptilian and Blood making him anemic. A sacrifice for the greater good. Eventually, the main villain is revealed to be Peace, a Dreamon who seeks to use his underlings to create permanent peace on Earth by putting all humans into dreams. His super forms use the Chandefear, equipping the Unknown candle and four candles of a similar theme (Psyche, Beast, or Self) to become the Death, Famine, or Pestilence Knightmare. His Final Form, Phobic Knightmare, is created by using no candles with the Chandefear attached. Literally a form based on pure fear itself with no definition, beyond even the fear of the Unknown. But in order to be used, he must, himself, have no fear. Its effect allows him to appear as and utilize the fears of his enemies instinctually. When fighting Peace for the final time, he only appears as his normal self, because by that time Peace is terrified of him.
His catchphrase is "Live for the real world. This sweet dream must end."
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olvaheiner · 19 days ago
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The Last Knights by cristianjianu7
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xolor · 6 months ago
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vetersseveraart · 1 year ago
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Лелуш и его найтмер в фэнтези-стиле. Я подумала, что все найтмеры могли бы быть фантастическими драконами!
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(The Dark Skylanders are staring at an unconscious Villain)
Hood Sickle: Can we kill him?
Nightfall: No.
Hood Sickle: I can make it look like an accident.
Nightfall: ...How?
Knight Mare: Nightfall!
Nightfall: Alright, no...
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