#knapp thyme
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widespot · 1 year ago
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Knapp invites Rhein, on whom he has a crush, over, and she brings Laika along. His parents approve - finally, he's trying to make friends.
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art-of-manliness · 10 months ago
Odds & Ends: March 22, 2024
Thymes Frasier Fir Reed Diffuser. Our family took a spring break trip this week, and the lodge we stayed at had this amazing, manly smell — a mixture of fir, cedar, and sandalwood. I loved it and wanted my house to smell like that, too. I asked a clerk at the hotel what the smell was, and she told me it was from a Thymes Frasier Fir Reed Diffuser. You fill a reed diffuser (a jar, essentially) with fragranced oil and then put the reeds in the diffuser, and the sticks absorb the oil and waft its scent into the air. When I got home, I immediately bought a bundle for our den. Can’t wait for our house to smell awesome.  Books Are Cheap. Upcoming AoM podcast guest Jake Knapp makes the case that books are a bargain. They’re usually $15 to $25 each. And think about all the value you get for that money: Books synthesize months and often years of research and thinking into an accessible package. If it’s a non-fiction book, you’re likely to get one or two good ideas that can improve your life. If it’s a fiction book, it can provide hours of entertainment and might help you see the world in a different way. You can get books for free at the library, of course. But when I see a book that interests me, I don’t hesitate to buy it. It’s a great return on investment.  The Chief: The Life of William Randolph Hearst by David Nasaw. William Randolph Hearst created a publishing empire that spanned the country in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He pioneered yellow journalism and was a lightning rod figure who attracted the ire of business leaders and Theodore Roosevelt. I didn’t know much about the guy, so I picked up this tome of a biography about him by David Nasaw. I couldn’t put it down. I learned that Hearst came from money (his dad was a 49er who struck gold), a mama’s boy (he depended on his mother financially all through his life), and ran for the US House of Representatives, mayor of New York City, governor of NY, and even president of the United States (he lost all of those elections except the first, but played a huge role in transforming the Democratic Party). There Will Be Blood. There Will Be Blood is a character study in what happens to a man who becomes ruthlessly consumed with besting his fellow man — with winning at all costs. Daniel Day-Lewis, in what may be his finest performance (though his turn in Gangs of New York comes close), at first garners the audience’s sympathy and admiration, only to invite their repugnance as he loses his humanity in the pursuit of ambition. This hauntingly-produced movie leaves a lasting impression, and it’s just as good on subsequent watchings as it is on the first. One of my all-time favorite flicks. Quote of the Week Measure your health by your sympathy with morning and spring. If there is no response in you to the awakening of nature, if the prospect of an early morning walk does not banish sleep, if the warble of the first bluebird does not thrill you, know that the morning and spring of your life are past. Thus may you feel your pulse. —Henry David Thoreau Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T4Tf2J
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nerianasims · 7 years ago
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penig · 7 years ago
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Knapp is such a good kid! He deserves that parrot. 
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markgraeflerin · 6 years ago
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Nachdem die Markgräflerin und der Markgräfler im November den Angelschein gemacht haben, waren wir neulich das erste Mal zum Angeln. Naja, wir haben selbst noch nicht geangelt, aber wir waren immerhin dabei und haben als Helfer die ersten Fische gekäschert und jeder durfte einen Fisch an der Leine an Land holen, um ein Gefühl für die Praxis zu bekommen. Denn bisher haben wir nur die theoretische Fachkenntnis.
Die von den erfahrenen Anglern in der Runde gefangenen Fische bekamen wir geschenkt und durften 5 Forellen und einen Saibling in unserer Kühlbox mit nach Hause nehmen. Vor Ort bekamen wir gezeigt, wie man die Fische waidgerecht betäubt, schlachtet und ausnimmt.
Zu Hause haben wir dann vier der Fische eingefroren (unter fließendem kalten Wasser gründlich abspülen, mit Küchenpapier trocken tupfen und möglichst luftdicht verschlossen in Gefrierbeutel verpacken- nach Möglichkeit vakuumieren. Bei mindestens Minus 18 °C einfrieren. Länger als etwa 8 Monate sollte man den Fisch jedoch nicht im Gefrierschrank lagern.)
Zwei Forellen wurden am selben Abend noch verspeist. Ich habe die Forellen im Backofen auf Gemüse zubereitet. Dazu gab es Spargel – den hatten wir samstags schon besorgt, bevor wir wussten, dass wir am frühen Sonntagmorgen zum Angeln mitgehen durften.
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Gebackene Forellen
Zutaten (Für 2 Personen)
• 1 Zwiebel • 300 g Bio-Frühkartoffeln • 200 g Karotten • 3 Lorbeerblätter • geräuchertes Paprikapulver • Rapsöl mit natürlichem Butteraroma • Salz, Pfeffer • 2 Forellen
Zubereitung Backofen auf 180 °C mit Umluft vorheizen. Zwiebel halbieren und in Spalten schneiden, Kartoffeln je nach Größe halbieren. Karotten gut abbürsten je nach Größe längs halbieren oder vierteln. Karotten mit Kartoffeln und Lorbeerblättern, etwas Paprikapulver und 1 Esslöffel Rapsöl mischen. Mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Fische mit kaltem Wasser abspülen, trocken tupfen und rundum mit Rapsöl bestreichen, innen und außen mit Salz und Pfeffer würzen. Gemüse und Forellen auf einem mit Backpapier belegten Blech verteilen. Ca. 30 Minuten backen.
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Zutaten • 200 g Mayonnaise • 100 g Schmand • 1 Bio Zitrone • etwas Thymian, gehackt • Dill, gehackt • Salz • Pfeffer
Zubereitung Die Zitrone heiß abwaschen, abtrocknen. Die Schale abreiben und den Saft auspressen. Mayonnaise, Schmand, Zitronenabrieb, Zitronensaft und Kräuter verrühren. Die Mayo mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.
Baked trouts
Ingredients (For 2 persons)
1 onion 300 g organic potatoes 200 g carrots 3 bay leaves smoked paprika powder Rapeseed oil with natural butter flavour Salt Pepper 2 trouts
Preparation Preheat oven to 180 °C with circulating air. Halve onion and cut into slices, halve or quarter potatoes according to size. Brush carrots well, then lengthwise halve or quarter depending on size. Mix carrots with potatoes and bay leaves, some paprika powder and 1 tablespoon rapeseed oil. Season with salt and pepper. Rinse fish with cold water, pat dry and brush with rapeseed oil all around, season inside and outside with salt and pepper. Place the vegetables and trouts on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for about 30 minutes.
Lemon Mayonnaise
Ingredients 200 g mayonnaise 100 g sour cream 1 organic lemon some thyme, chopped Dill, chopped Salt Pepper
Preparation Wash the lemon hot and dry with kitchen paper. Grate the zest and squeeze out the juice. Mix mayonnaise, sour cream, grated lemon zest, lemon juice and herbs. Season the mayonnaise with salt and pepper.
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Spargel, klassisch 
Zutaten (für 2 Personen)
• 1 kg Spargel • Salz • 1 Stück Würfelzucker • ein kleines Stück Butter
Zubereitung Die Spargelstangen waschen, mit einem Sparschäler schälen, am unteren Ende ca. 0,5 cm abschneiden. Die Schalen nicht wegwerfen – diese können im verbleibenden Spargelwasser ausgekocht und als Basis für eine Spargelcremesuppe verwendet werden.
Dann in einen Topf legen und soviel Wasser angiessen, dass sie knapp bedeckt sind. Salz, Zucker und Butter hinzufügen und ca. 15-20 Minuten (je nach Dicke) kochen.
How to prepare asparagus
Ingredients (for 2 persons) 1 kg white asparagus Salt 1 sugar cube 1 small piece of butter
Preparation Wash the asparagus, peel with an asparagus peeler, cut off approx. 0.5 cm at the lower ends (do not throw away the peels-these can be boiled in the remaining asparagus water and used as the basis for a creamy asparagus soup). Then put the peeled asparagus in a pot and pour in as much water as you need to cover them. Add salt, sugar and butter and cook for about 15-20 minutes (depending on thickness)
#Food #Rezept #Freitagsfisch - frisch gefangen: Gebackene #Forelle mit Spargel und #Zitronenmayo #Backofen Nachdem die Markgräflerin und der Markgräfler im November den Angelschein gemacht haben, waren wir neulich das erste Mal zum Angeln.
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widespot · 1 year ago
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I still don't have a real story going on at the Thyme house. It's the weekend, and Knapp and Phil start off the day playing darts in Hi's old room; but then Winter invites the frat over and Knapp's in the background again, getting work done.
Phil has spring fever and got in an apple tree and turned over some of the yard for a vegetable garden; but I don't hold out much hope of his discovering a latent farming gene. Knapp'll probably wind up taking care of it like he does the parrot.
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widespot · 3 months ago
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It doesn't take Ivan long to locate the Just Off Campus Arcade, the place to go for anyone on campus looking for a game (other than chess).
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"The great thing about that game is, they got input from actual astrophysicists when designing the planets!"
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"Hi, Ivan!"
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"Think you might be up to rethinking that virginity scenario?" "I'm not going to worry about it. Girls just want to have fun, you know?"
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widespot · 3 months ago
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"I met you at the frat, I think?" "That's right, kid. I'm the lesbian from the sorority." "Okay?" "I just like to make that clear up front."
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It's a beautiful day to blow off class!
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"It's just that I don't give a damn about my bad reputation."
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"Stop hogging the hot chicks, Knapp!" "She's a lesbian! And we need to get inside. Hot tubs draw lightning."
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widespot · 3 months ago
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"Hi, River. Haven't you had enough of this place?" "Knapp had some furniture he needed moved. He's dating my niece - I need to keep an eye on him."
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"Bye, Janis. I'll see you around?" "Oh, probably."
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"You finished your term paper already? That's hot?" "It is, isn't it?" Hi warned Knapp about the cow mascots, but Dana seems nice enough.
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"Morning. Some disgusting slob left this bowl out there on the patio, drawing flies." "Thanks for fetching it in. Nice nightie." "Yeah, it's important to be styling, even in your sleep."
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widespot · 3 months ago
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"Garrett, what is so urgent you called me in class?…Yeah, okay, I guess you don't know my schedule. But anyway - what? Both of 'em? Oh, man, that is rough!" Orphaned three times in one life - Ivan feels for his friend, and suddenly thinks maybe he should check in on Dad and Matthew.
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Orientation was boring, but at least it gave Janis time to plan her approach. First she'll dance the nerves out, then she'll call up Sharla and tell her she's ready to pledge!
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"Janis! Welcome to campus! I hope you haven't unpacked, because the girls are gonna love you and you'll have to pack right back up again."
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Mary Ann's the quiet one, per Sharla, so Janis starts with her. "Yeah, I'm thinking maybe Drama? Or Art? Something creative, you know? But I've got time. No point in rushing." "I admire your peace with uncertainty."
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"Yeah, my sister's in a band. It's kind of a big deal."
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Now, the senior member. "Slip me some skin, head of household!"
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Les, it turns out, is easily persuaded! She is in!
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widespot · 5 months ago
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Oh, yes, and Knapp went to college. Winter is distraught and promises to get him moved to a different dorm ASAP. This one is just so - tacky!
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widespot · 5 months ago
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Well. It's quite the party! Why is Christine the maid so mad at everybody she works for?
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widespot · 5 months ago
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Then it's home for the party - not his, Winter's.
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widespot · 5 months ago
Thyme, Hi
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Hi still has no word from the majors - what in hell are they waiting for?
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The hot girl Knapp claims to be going steady with goes to public school and lives all the way out in Widespot, so despite that and college testing, he still finds time to drop by and have a drink fairly frequently.
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"Crystal, hi! What a pleasant surprise!" "Well, you did say drop by any time, and my husband has the day off." "Husband. Sure! Both very welcome. Um, possibly I should get dressed." "Don't fuss on my account."
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Dot's old man may be a fraud, but he does know how to lay down a groove.
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For someone who claims to hate Hi, Helen sure drops in a lot.
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"You skank!" "Hey! It's not my fault Dot and I had the same dating pool!"
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Helen and Crystal seem to have some kind of beef, but Hi doesn't have to stand by and let it happen. He does his best to distract Crystal and run interference.
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His best is not good enough. "Maybe we need to let them settle it for themselves." "Maybe. Are these machines actually weatherproof?" "I presume so?" "Guess you'll find out."
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"Did she hurt you, baby? Let me kiss it all better!"
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widespot · 3 months ago
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"Obviously, they have plenty of eggs, or they couldn't make so many pancakes. So why don't they ever just serve up eggs?"
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Knapp's confident of all his intro courses, and starts prepping for his second semester, when he'll have declared his major and taking more specialized subjects.
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"It's really nice out here. Somebody should probably rake those leaves."
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"I'm ignoring you, Dana." "I'm Christina. I'm much nicer." "I doubt it."
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"If I can catch and serve up a fish dinner, and serve it to Rhein and maybe her folks,I bet that would make a good impression."
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"Oh, shoot! I almost lost track of time!"
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Ivan doesn't know why people worry about studying and stuff. That final was easy peasy!
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"I made dean's list!" "That's great, dude. I didn't." "I am sorry to hear that."
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"What kind of cheese even is this?" "I think it's that powdery stuff?" "Powder?"
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Knapp has taken this first semester to really think about what branch of science he wants to study, and has definitely, absolutely settled on Physics.
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"Did you know that cow mascots make the best astronauts? True story!"
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widespot · 3 months ago
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"No one knows the real me behind the mascot head, you know?"
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"Ha! I did catch something! What is this, a catfish?"
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"A bass! Wow! Pros fish for bass, don't they? They've got a shop and everything."
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"I didn't expect your folks'd let you come all the way out here by yourself!" "My mom is a trusting soul, which is why I exist, and my dad taught me how and where to strike in self-defense."
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Rhein looks so young among all the college kids; and yet she's relaxed and confident. She really is amazing, and worth waiting for.
(She's all over his wants panel, all day.)
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"Hm…the light is maybe a little off for painting."
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"Our family parties are visible from space!"
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"Wait, you know my Aunt Delta, don't you? You're that Ivan!" "What Ivan would that be?"
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"Thank you, thank you, my juggling skills are indeed impressive!"
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