whatisshelties · 1 month
Some jumping + conditioning resources for @wyrddogs
The Truth About Jumping by Carolyn McIntyre
This one doesn't get specific, but the last paragraph does explain the concepts behind conditioning for jumping and why it's important. She does mention that you need to target the front limbs, rear limbs, and core. That message I got there was conditioning all over will help, lol. From what I grasp, strengthening the front end helps with the forces from landing, while strengthening the rear will help add power to the take off. The core holds everything together.
Canine Conditioning Coach Video Library
You can sort the videos by using the tags. There are videos behind a paywall, but you can sort to find the free videos only. I think a lot of the beginner/foundation exercises are free. You can also sort by the body region the exercise targets as well. I feel like I need to make an obligatory mention of the FB group Canine Conditioning and Body Awareness. CCC owner is also an admin on this group and sometimes will review videos. You could also search the group for discussion about jumping related exercises. What I think is really cool about her site is that if another program has an exercise your dog is struggling with, you can see if there's a foundation level video available on CCC that might help you build up to that other exercise.
Movement Puzzles
Not specifically jump related, but I do think Mud had a lot of fun with this concept and I did notice his coordination improved while working on them. I need to get back into it. I think there are videos on her FB page that can give you ideas. The foundation 2 Bowl Game is free. I paid for the class (after she changed it to lifetime access, lol) and never worked through it it as written. I just sort of got the concept and ran with it.
Focus on Jumping by Bobbie Lyons on Clean Run
This appears to be a purely conditioning based self study course on Clean Run. Just the list of skills the class says it will address gives you an areas and movements you can work on. I think I actually had this class bookmarked at one point for Mud when it was only on Bobbie's website. I believe that was a working class with no audit option, so it cost more and I didn't see myself following along when I didn't know if Mud was sound. Now it's on my radar again.
I follow a good chunk of canine fitness or rehab pros on FB and other dog sport people sometimes share stuff. I saw this two part webinar series shared a couple weeks ago. Like I said in my comment, I was having a hard time thinking of things that weren't behind a paywall. There seem to be plenty of those. I'm going to guess that's partially the fitness trainers protecting themselves. They don't want people saying they found this exercise plan on the internet and then it injured their dog. Most of them will only work with sound dogs. I think some of the conditioning pros might have a video or post here and there that get a little more specific on their FB, but trying to track them down would be challenging.
Edit: I also feel like I should mentioned that you shouldn't feel like you need to buy all kinds of inflatable equipment. I honestly use board like items the most. I actually picked up a couple of these things (not this exact brand, but same item) after someone posted about them and they get used the most. They happen to be wide enough for Mud to sit on, but not really long enough, so I really should make boards, but we've been making due with what I've got. Any exercise is better than nothing.
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border-collie · 1 year
I think I want to make a knock off cato board for place stations bc I refuse to pay that kind of prices for a hunk of plastic
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twogriffons · 10 months
during our rally o course last night the trainer and a more advanced owner commented on how close eries heel is (for a small dog)
so its like a compliment
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artcalledtattoo · 5 months
Old Funk & Porno Seka Debbie well some songs play continuously All of us here together Let’s love Old funk & porno Old funk & porno They fight against you plenty No right to the womanly selves We put cap on aids Let’s go The dance floor full of lights Dance lady John or maybe Bronson The songs begins to play Hand in hand Let’s spin you around Just hold onto the fan Old funk & porno Would have better If you and I agreed to disagree Let’s lady Old funk & porno Let’s play in disco days The drugs are hype Hypnotizing The colors play in my minds eye Let the lady just dance Just watch her Dance For her own sake Control Abortion The Men Have spoken, going back to old Laws Old punks and so no’s Old funk & porno Piggies living phat They were cancelled out by Women Politics Let me law first Lawyer Law degrees It’s hot baby girl I control everything in a room Now I’m In the higher ups atmospheres That bungalow was closed down Where do they find it now! Old funk & porno Sex training trafficking cost money for the know how’s, their paid richly We see the news What happened to the place for the rich to Play!? If allowed by higher ups It all trinkets down To a disco lighted floor Old Funk & Porno Let’s fight someone No lay Here I am Old funk & porno leadership Old funk & porno leadership’s Never high definition-ed Ol funk and his porn I will be representing myself I’ll talk in the box of mic stand Will it fill my size ass Ronald McDonalds A Ralph recovered No apologies OF & Popularity in White House The sands own stocks in fast foods Don’t forget the golf It plainly wrapped and seen Conglomerates we own in them also TP Old Funk & Porno Needs toilet paper in folds of gold The piss shit basen of Gold Rump of Trump size plaza O F & P Oh fuck and pee In Golden Arches My Man T Most people not grooved For play They love the oil But vinyls They need hide out places In the higher ups Money can take away your corks Or feed you in the Starships Money granted Old funk & porno My per view Not all men get dance And some ladies love it! They left theirselves from vhs to dvd to wireless connectivity In the clouds for a recalling Allow the Covid Shutdown America Storm a Capitol People are not seeing my eyes I must attack Or softly pressed against you I felt some thing Let me without allowance Hold you It’s a binding of my arsenal The bag had items You never smiled For the Glad Suffocation G Trump Old foe & pro Fessional today! Digital Tension Dementia Now you found it Take us back too You know the rhythms The tunes I found the Caustic Grip Wrong album With me now FLA Front Line Assembly Back with me I don’t burn to ground This will me added to I meant it for later DTD Gashed Senses & Crossfire FLA Look Up Dear Trump One did flare up for cooking
Thus Far
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filya-the-dog · 6 months
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What happend next? idk Kadokura probably tried to klimb a tree but it fell and killed the bear
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1902-1903 Postcards
In December 1902, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig began his trip to India and Egypt. During his journey, he sent his daughter, Princess Elisabeth of Hesse, numerous postcards, which are preserved in the Hessian State Archives in Darmstadt.
When he departed in December 1902, Ernst Ludwig left his first “Gruss Haus Darmstadt” postcard for his beloved daughter, where he wrote in English: “Goodbye my darling. God bless you. Papa’s love is always near you, sleeping or walking."
On the outward journey, Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig sent numerous postcards to Elisabeth, e.g. “tender kisses” from Paris or a picture of his hotel in Marseille with details of his balcony.
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On the postcard above, written on board the Arabia on December 16, 1902, Ernst Ludwig told his daughter: "I send you a big kiss. Till now the weather was bad & I was seasick but now it is lovely & the sun is shinning & it is warm. I saw flying fish. A big kiss from Papa.” He celebrated Christmas on board the "Arabia" and Elisabeth sent him and his entourage a Christmas card.
On January 1, 1903, Ernst Ludwig enthusiastically reported to his daughter about his impressions from Delhi: “All those many people dressed in every color of the rainbow. It was lovely. A big kiss from Papa.” The cards are mostly in black and white, but for her daughter to get a better impression, he also described the colours of everything he saw.
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On the postcard above, written on January 15, 1903, he wrote: "This lovely place is all in white marble with a blue (sky ?) & lots of green parrots flying about & screaming. They are green with red beak & a red ring round their necks. Papa"
Almost every day he sent his daughter postcards with picturesque pictures and short, sweet greetings. Postcards with motifs that were exotic to Elisabeth document his journey to destinations in northern India that are still classic today, such as Benares, Agra with the Taj Mahal, Jaipur and Fatehpur Sikri.
At the end of February, Ernst Ludwig finally began his return journey - but made a stopover in Egypt. On March 5, 1903, on a postcard from the Shephard's Hotel, the most famous luxury hotel in Cairo at that time, Ernst Ludwig announced to his daughter what should not be missed on a trip to Egypt: “Today, I go for a week up the Nile.”
On March 11, 1903, he sent birthday greetings to Elisabeth on a card from Aswan. He also visited Luxor and Karnak and, of course, the pyramids of Giza at the end.
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On the postcard above, written on March 22, 1903, he proudly reported to Elisabeth about his climb to the pyramids: "I klimbed (sic.) up the pyramid yesterday & got very out of breath. Today I krept (sic.) into the inside. It was very difficult because all was so very slippery. Papa."
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On the postcard above, written on March 23, 1903, Ernst Ludwig sent his daughter "a big hug from Papa".
He finally returned to Darmstadt via Genoa on April 3, 1903. In the following months, Ernst Ludwig continued to send postcards with loving greetings to Elisabeth from his travels through Germany. In one of his last cards, written on August 6, 1903, he told her: “Next time you must come with me.”
source: landesarchivhessen.de Thank you Thomas Aufleger for sharing this little treasure with me!
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bionicdogs · 11 months
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i got a klimb, is my training real now
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killed-with-hammers · 9 months
Radical Anti Klimbing Aktion has since disbanded after spurious claims of embezzlement, Usury and Racketeering were made against it's disgraced founder
but Killed with Hammers never dies
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hazard-and-friends · 1 year
post is getting super long so @behaviornerdwithahat:
Can I ask how you set up searches to practice “navigating to hides from the wrong side of a barrier”? I am very curious. Definitely a hole in our training right now.
YES. I use x-pens. start by putting the pen in an open U. hide goes in the center--I don't give a shit if the dog looks for it with its eyeballs. I want the dog thinking "how do I get in the pen". I want the dog (and many of mine Don't Like X Pens due to use as time out places as puppies) to want to get in the pen. If they're on odor it's odor, if they're not it's food, it might be in a box, it might just be a tin on the floor. Not the point.
The point is that if the dog finds the hide from the wrong side (ie, any side but the open one) I stand there and act stupid. Huh! Looks like you found something buddy! Gosh there's nothing there! Weird.
If I did it right the dog works their way around the pen, finds the hide, and I throw a party.
Then I work through the following:
X-pen still in a U shape but the entry is just wider than the dog's shoulders
X-pen dividing the search area in half; hides can be on either side of the x-pen
X-pen in a very loose spiral (dog has to do a 180 to reach the hide)
X-pen in a tighter spiral
MAZE TIME. In a 6 week class, I do the first two pens on week 2, the third and fourth on week 3, the fifth (tight spiral) on week 4, and mazes on week 5. Mazes just means I take all my x-pens and get wild with them. There will be a dead end. There will be different ways into the center. Usually I use a klimb or a chair (or both) to block entries so the dogs have to go up/under (or, shoutout to T the labrador, shove their way through).
if at any point the dog has obviously found the hide but can't figure out how to get to it, I'll help by either walking into the pen myself or luring them in. if the dog is too worried to go in, I'll make the entry wider. (with maze week especially I will wait to put the hide IN the maze until the dog has explored it on its own during a previous search.)
X-pens are great for this imho because I can wiggle them around at the drop of a hat, adjust for dog sizes and sensitivities, etc. potential drawback is that they don't block the odor and don't make the dog think about that change, but they're a great way to get everyone started on the idea of "you can get to the hide but you have to go around first"
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slytherinsarcasam · 1 year
Tw! Mentions of suicide, depression and anxiety and mentions of abuse.
So its a bit over a month since i tried atempted to take my own life, and this was after i was a visit to mental hospital for 5 days.
This wont make a lot of sense but i will try. It was the first attempt i tried, but suicide thoughts is something ive had since i was about 14. I dont know how long ive been struggling with depression and anxiety but its a long long time.
I honestly felt like nobody cared, or loved me. I was so deep in these thoughts daily, i even had nightmares about my abusive parents actually caring about me. I cried myself to sleep and slept so little and honestly could not tell you what day it was.
And i was so so angry, for not trusting my siblings, and i somehow still dont. For not telling more people, but also for those i cared about and spoke to and for a few of them how i broke their hearts, how i made them cry. Mabye it made me more depressed i honestly cant answer that.
So i actually tried to kill myself, i still do, just not as strongly. But my sister saved me buy calling the ambulanse for me (dw it dont cost a fortune as i live in Norway)
And while i dont regret trying it was the aftermath that truly broke me. Not only did i see family and friends cry, people i love with all my heart. But what broke me was my oldest sister, my younger brother and my best friend. Seeing my older sister and best friend cry hurt me alot. But my baby brother, a person i have basicly raised since i was 8 hearing him cry over almost not having me around, was the one thing that made me into a sobbing mess. And i made a promise that day, for him. I will never try again, for him.
Sometimes i wish i tried to ask for help more, that i fought a little harder, and yet i could not and would not. I did not want to be saved in a sense. I am so used to the pain and not getting the help i need that the only thing i could think about, was ending it all.
I wish i was a better person, so that i regret my actions, so that they can feel safe it wont happen again.
But i think deep down we all know i am still a danger to myself and the only thing keeping me here is a promise to a brother only so i know he wont kill himself in response. Bc even if i now live a safe place and have a job, i dont want to be here. I cant see myself becoming old.
I hope i can read this back once, that ive healed enough from that abuse to not go back at where i am today. I hope i can keep that one promise, and become a better person only if it is for my brother that ive raised.
I hope i find joy in those little things, that at the moment looks like giant hills to klimb, bc i will never be able to do this for myself, only for others. And it might be wrong for me to only doing things for others. But until i find away to do it myself its the only reliable way for me to stay on this earth.
I hope i heal enough not to hurt others, bc i know it will be my downfall eventually.
And somehow i find hope in that, that i can eventually heal, i hope i do bc i have not been living since i was 14, i was surviving in a world i wanted to get away from, and i hope one day i can say im actually living. That ive apologise to those i hurt and also left behind this who hurt me...
Thats it for my little rant, if you read so far thank you!
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pawsitivevibe · 2 years
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The little baby man was even more confident at puppy play group this week. Racing around, socializing with lots of puppies and people, playing with children, climbing the various Cato boards and Klimbs and platforms and wobble boards they have set up, running through the tunnels. Such a brave little man. He's moved on from his Lab girlfriend, this week's girlfriend was a Goldendoodle. He was also playing mostly nicely with a really shy Bichon, and I think he's really helping that puppy's confidence because they were starting to wrestle and chomp on each other.
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chubbychummy · 1 year
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Fucking AWESOME active day today after work
18:30-19:30 lifting for the first time in a long time!
Bench 20kg 1x10 warmup, 30kg 5x10
OHP 20kg 3x10, 10kg (or 15?) 1x7 behind the neck OHP
DB incline bench 8kg 3x12
Skull crushers 10kg 3x10 superset with…
DB lat raise 3kg 6x15kg superset with…
Tricep cable pulldowns 14kg 3x12 (+3 on the last set)
Went with an Egyptian NB I met off of bumble!! I helped them with form. I’m SO stoked tho bc I have been WANTING to get back into lifting for MONTHS but didn’t know how to get access to a gym without paying for a separate membership. And I find out that they can invite me as a guest omg it’s so perfect. It’s fate.
19:30-20:00 biking to the climbing gym
20:00-22:00 doing my physical therapy exercises and stretches and hangboard exercises
10x10s hangs with 50s pause between
Pull-ups 10, 6, 6, 6
I think I’ll try doing pull-ups twice a week and maybe adding load to it???? I have never done weighted pull-ups in my life, but my Klimbing Krush is a big tryhard and inspires me to actually try harder
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twogriffons · 6 months
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if your outfit doesnt match your klimb, we dont want to know you
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rust-run · 1 year
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Spatial reveals sponsor list for Rust Run 2
The next puzzle piece in the Rust Run 2 saga is finally here!
In a short press release and with updates to their company sites Spatial has dropped a list of ten names that make up the sponsors for Rust Run 2. No news on the participants is yet to be announced but just this list is sure to keep the public busy for a while. So, let’s have a look at it!
Jet Strike
Klimb Motors
Moth Productions
Nocturne Arts
Raptor Rd.
Ret Jackson
Tia Bea Ent.
Tigress Inc.
It’s a list with several notable names and we’ll have a quick look at them all, starting with the most surprising one: Klimb Motors. What is one of Spatial’s biggest competitors doing sponsoring their show?
Klimb Motors is the name you always see next to Spatial on any racetrack, their teams run up against each other at every turn, they are not known for cooperating. KM was even one of those criticizing the first Rust Run for being an unethical, pandering, spectacle (their words). So, what happened since? What talks have been going on behind the curtains to see them on this list now, as one of the very exclusive sponsors? We wish we knew! Is it a gamble to not only pick a substantial sum out of Spatial’s pocket while getting free publicity (again on Spatial’s dime) or an aim to mend relationships through a show of camaraderie, or even to use the promised collaboration to sabotage their competitor? Speculations are already running wild, and the announcement is only mere hours old.
The next big shocker on the list is Nocturne Arts, a game development company known for their elaborately crafted MMO’s, but more in the dragons and knights area than in cars and racing. Still, one can see why they’d be interested, and maybe this means Nocturne Arts are looking to branch out?
Jet Strike, Marlington, Raptor Rd. and Ret Jackson appeared as sponsors in the first Rust Run, so seeing them return is not surprising. Notable is that Ret Jackson is the only private sponsor this time, we know he has the funds, so who will he send?
Moth Productions feels like a natural companion to Rust Run, they have even worked closely with Spatial before.
That leaves Portlight, Tia Bea Ent. and Tigress Inc. Portlight doesn’t need the money or the publicity but having them on the list is sure to pull in audiences. Tia Bea is the kind of company you’d see in any other reality show (in fact they’ve been involved in several!) but they seem to stick out in Rust Run’s setting. Tigress stands with Nocturne as the relative underdogs here, with smaller companies among giants. Still Tigress Inc. is not to be underestimated, whomever they send is sure to look the part!
What this list makes clear is that Spatial are focusing on lending Rust Run some much needed credibility. For these companies to have signed on, there must be a solid foundation in place. When has Marlington ever dared take a risk?
Worth noting is also what a huge shift this is from the first Rust Run, which started out with some sponsors but had the ability for sponsors to opt into any chosen participant during the show. This was what created the disparity among the participants as the more popular and successful ones garnered more and more sponsors, and though them better perks for each event. This was great for pulling in funds and whipping up excitement, less so for the fairness of the competition. This time the sponsors are set, and there are only ten of them. Will this mean they’ll have more power? As they’re each sending in their own champion, that seems likely. But how much power is Spatial going to offer the sponsors? Will they even-out the playing-field this time?
And, the most pressing question, who will represent these sponsors?
Written by: Joaster, 2089, 5th Dec
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moonlight26posts-blog · 8 months
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In Baltimore County, MD: FINAL PLEA: Tetrus Needs Rescue ASAP!
Baltimore County Animal Services is urgently seeking rescue placement for Tetrus. Tetrus is estimated to be 3 years old, 57 pounds, and came to us as a stray back in November. Tetrus was extremely fearful when he came to us and a lot of work was put in to socialize him to make him safe for volunteers to walk and to make him available for adoption through the shelter.
Tetrus was going to go to one of our shelter partners, as he was a long term resident here without any adoption interest, but unfortunately, he was whale eyeing officer who came to pick up. When trying to get in truck he started trying to bite at the officer's face. Wouldn't jump up into truck even with treats. Brought back in. A staff member took him back out to truck and he was wiggly towards them, but turned on when she went to lift him onto truck. He was jumping up towards face but when unable to get that high he redirected onto hand.
Two days later, our behavior consultant took Tetrus out for car games following incident when trying to load up for transport. He was quite excitable so, before doing anything, she took him to the small fenced area outside of yard 5 to work on some pattern games to lower his arousal, then allowed some off leash run time in the large part.
“He was still intermittently jumping, but it was more inhibited. On the way he showed loose/wiggly body language towards multiple people that we encountered. I introduced him to a Klimb platform in the BE room first, just to make sure he was comfortable getting on and off of it. Aside from being a bit sloppy with his food placement, he was eager to participate in the game. We then moved out to my car, with the platform placed in front of the trunk. This turned out to be unnecessary b/c he jumped right in the back w/out hesitation. I had him snuffle around for some treats and targeted him in and out multiple times, before repeating the same sequence in my back seat to see if he hesitated to have a narrower area to jump in an out of. He was relaxed, eager to get in and, at one point, lay down in the back. He also allowed me to offer pet/scratches throughout, showing no discomfort w/ body handling. I do feel that a significant component to the incident on Tuesday was due to past trauma upon arrival, specifically with being handled on a control pole and potentially having negative associations to the ACO in uniform, resulting in some trigger stacking which spiked when MM tried to pick up and he no longer had an opportunity to move away. While not ideal, despite his heightened FAS, he did demonstrate bite inhibition as he did not break skin.”
Due to Tetrus’ attempted bite, he is now only available to a rescue group and must be pulled quickly. Tetrus is up to date on vaccines, heartworm negative, and neutered. He has shown social interest in other dogs and does well when appropriately introduced. If you are interested in pulling Tetrus, or have any questions, please let us know!
Thank you,
BCAS Rescue Team
Baltimore County Animal Services
13800 Manor Road
Baldwin, MD 21013
To see other animals in need of rescue, visit here: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/rescue-partners
Adoptable pets: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/adoption#/
Foster Information: https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/departments/animal-services/foster/
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nomadismrecords · 1 year
Bart Blankman doing the closing of Madam with his new track Klimbing Up 😍
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