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Weilheims ganz besonderes Haus â mit Kanten aus Gold
Weilheim: ââŠIn einer Serie stellt die Heimatzeitung die KĂŒnstler aller zehn neuen Werke vor, die fĂŒr den im Oktober 2023 eröffneten Skulpturenweg Weilheim geschaffen wurden â und bittet sie um Antworten auf kurze Fragen zu ihrem Werk und zu Weilheim. Heute: Basilius Kleinhans, dessen Skulptur âHausâ in der Au zu sehen ist â am Weg zwischen der BMX-Anlage und dem Au-Weiher. âDas Haus ist SymbolâŠ
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Israelâs military joins nationwide protests over judicial overhaul
Comment on this story Comment JERUSALEM â Eshel Kleinhaus, a former commando in Israelâs Sayeret Shaldag special ops military unit, has battled Hezbollah gunmen in Lebanon and Palestinian militants in the West Bank. But nothing prepared him for his current mission: to block Israelâs new far-right government from overhauling the judiciary, a move he says will put his country on the path toâŠ
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Israelâs soldiers join protests against Netanyahuâs judicial reform
Comment on this story Comment JERUSALEM â Eshel Kleinhaus, a former commando in Israelâs Sayeret Shaldag special ops military unit, has battled Hezbollah gunmen in Lebanon and Palestinian militants in the northern West Bank. But nothing prepared him for his current mission: to block Israelâs new far-right government from fundamentally overhauling its judiciary, a move that he says will slideâŠ
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Rendite mit Salus Aussensauna
Unsere RenditehĂŒtteÂ
makes Rendite great again. Bis 20% Rendite
Sie erwerben ein einzigartiges Wellness-Ferienhaus in höchster
QualitÀt und einzigartiger AtmosphÀre.
Im Ruheraum befindet sich ein 1,40 m breites Bett mit anliegender Coffeebar KĂŒchenzeile und FrĂŒhstĂŒckstresen. Daneben angeordnet befindet sich eine wunderschöne Sauna mit exclusiver Salzwand und schöner Aussicht.
Im hinteren Teil der LaubenhĂŒtte befindet sich ein vollwertiges Badezimmer mit bodenbĂŒndiger Dusche in Sichtbeton Optik.
Warum ist Casaplaner Salus Aussensauna ein gutes Investment?
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Ardagger - FrĂŒhstĂŒcksnews - Dienstag, 5.10.2021
Ardagger â FrĂŒhstĂŒcksnews â Dienstag, 5.10.2021
Sehr geehrte GemeindebĂŒrgerin! Sehr geehrter GemeindebĂŒrger! ZunĂ€chst darf ich Dich heute auf ein besonderes Immobilienangebot aufmerksam machen. In Stephanshart wird in der ChristophorusstraĂe ein âsmartesâ kleines Einfamilienhaus mit 60m2 FlĂ€che und 3 Zimmern verkauft. Es ist fast neu und muss leider wegen eines persönlichen Schicksalschlages verĂ€uĂert werden. Auf willhaben.at lĂ€uft es unterâŠ
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#Betreutes Wohnen fĂŒr Behinderte Menschen#Containerhaus#EVN Bonusaktion#FundgegenstĂ€nde Schule#Immobilie#Jobangebot#Kleinhaus#Mitarbeitersuche#Neue Buslinien#Personal#Personalsuche#Raumplanung#Spende fĂŒr BĂ€ume#Stephanshart#Technisches Zeichnen#Tiny house#Verlorene Sachen
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aVOID project by Leonardo di Chiara at Bauhaus Campus. . . . #bauhauscampus #tinyhouses #architecturephotography #archilovers #architecture #thespacesilike #archigram #archidayli #aVOIDtinyhouse #plataformaarquitectura #indoors #innenraum #kleinhaus #minicasas #minicases #minimalism #wood #holz #madera #fusta #acanthusmagazine
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Small hike with the family đ . #eifel #wehebach #wehebachtalsperre #hĂŒrtgenwald #dĂŒren #kleinhau #urlaub #familie #wandern #Ausflug #leben (hier: Wendebach-Stausee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WQPBQiCxv/?igshid=176bb0ucnaxzx
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Scientists say it is time to save the red sea's coral reef
An international group of researchers led by Karine Kleinhaus, MD, of the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), calls upon UNESCO to declare the Red Sea's 4000km of coral reef as a Marine World Heritage Site and recommends additional measures critical for the reef's survival. Published in Frontiers in Marine Science, the article cites that while Rapid Ocean warming due to climate change is predicted to decimate 70 to 90 percent of the world's coral reefs by mid-century, the coral reef ecosystem in the Red Sea's Gulf of Aqaba is strikingly resilient to rising sea temperatures....
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SKVARO entwickelt, plant und baut alternative Wohnkonzepte. Dieses beinhaltet sowohl Tiny Houses, ModulhÀuser, und auch FerienhÀuser. Hierbei wird sehr viel Wert auf ökologische und nachhaltige Baustoffe gelegt, um ein bestmöglichstes Raumklima zu schaffen.
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Die neue Ausgabe der "Eifel aktuell" September 2019, wie immer toll gestaltet und interessant. Besonders angesprochen haben mich Artikel ĂŒber die hilfreichen HĂ€nde der Caritas und einer ĂŒber den MSC Kleinhau, und vor allem ein Bericht ĂŒber den Reparaturtreff Kall. Das aktuelle Magazin, das Bert van Londen zusammengestellt hat, ist gewohnt gut. #simmerath #dedenborn #nordeifel #eifel #schleiden #gemĂŒnd #eupen #verviers #Francorchamps #hollerath #roetgen #rott #wald #natur #ardennen #fotografie #monschau #erkensruhr #einruhr #huppenbroich #rurberg #rursee (hier: Dedenborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mbk3gnPKu/?igshid=1jz7q4qaw7d9z
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Look at these two beauties đ #newbikeday #cycling #eifelcycling #goneriding #rosebikes #sundaybikeride #fromwhereiride (at Kleinhau, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtInFjGlToO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ay7vuhz6ygr
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Ihre beste Vorsorge
Bauen Sie ihre Altersvorsorge mit einem Kleinhaus oder Tiny House auf ihrem bestehenden GrundstĂŒck. Wir prĂŒfen Kostenlos die Möglichkeiten mit den baulichen Möglichkeiten.
#modulhaus #kleinhaus schweiz #tiny houseÂ
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If there was any doubt that jails are horrific places that only serve to debase and dehumanize people, let the Milwaukee County Jail serve as a prime example. Over the last few years, there have been deaths of several inmates at the jail as well as hideous allegations of abuse of pregnant women during their incarceration. Meanwhile, Sheriff David Clarke remains completely unbotheredâfollowing Donald Trump and the Republicans around the country, parroting conservative talking points and making himself the go-to black face of their party, despite being a Democrat.
Supposedly, his loyalty (and we all now how big Trump is on loyalty!) had gotten him a job in the administration that was never confirmed, which if it happens might mean that his term as sheriff is coming to an end. Letâs hope so because he has proven incredibly unfit to hold any office, never mind be responsible for the lives of incarcerated human beings.
On Wednesday, a jury agreed that the jail is liable for some of the ways that it has abused inmates and decided to award a woman $6.7 million after she was raped repeatedly by a guard when she was held in custody in the jail back in 2013. She was pregnant at the time and also one of the women who was shackled during childbirth, a practice that seems to have been commonplace at the jail.
The guard, Xavier Thicklen, was acting under his scope of employment when the sexual assaults occurred and therefore Milwaukee County is liable for the damages amount, the jury determined.
The jury also found there was "no legitimate government purpose" to shackle the woman during childbirth labor, but jurors did not find she was injured and therefore awarded her no monetary damages, according to Theresa Kleinhaus, a Chicago attorney who litigated the case with other attorneys from the firm.
Itâs incredible that sexual assault is acknowledged as having caused damage but the actual bondage of this woman, against her will, while giving birth was somehow not seen as harmful. Who exactly was on this jury, anyway? What is their standard for what causes injury?
And since shackling, as they understood it, did not contribute to injury in this case, what does that decision mean for future cases? There is currently an active lawsuit against the jail by another woman for this very thing. Hopefully, this outcome does not foreshadow how future juries might rule.
Just to be clear, shackling during childbirth is inhumane and unsafe. It not only has the potential for harm to the mother, it can harm the fetus and is a violation of human rights. But you know who thinks shackling is perfectly okay? Sheriff David Clarke. Of course, during the trial, Clarke was nowhere to be found.
In a deposition, Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. defended the practice of shackling, saying it is required to protect hospital staff. [...]
The trial comes as the Sheriffâs Office deals with multiple legal issues and Clarke plans to leave for a job in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Clarke did not testify in the three-day trial.
The victimâs attorney stated that while the jury found that there was no physical harm caused by shackling the woman during childbirth, she suffered psychological trauma as a result. While jail is never pleasant and not meant to be, it sounds like the entirety of her encounter in the Milwaukee County Jail was traumatic and terrifying. Though it is hard to quantify, $6.7 million doesnât sound like nearly enough for a lifetime of damage. And with David Clarke still having his job, it feels like there is more justice that needs to be done.
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Touratech West Travel Event 2016 Wer seine Reiseenduro jenseits der StraĂe bewegen möchte, ist beim TOURATECH West Travel Event mit KOHL Motorrad genau richtig.
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