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gutachter · 1 year ago
Weilheims ganz besonderes Haus – mit Kanten aus Gold
Weilheim: „
In einer Serie stellt die Heimatzeitung die KĂŒnstler aller zehn neuen Werke vor, die fĂŒr den im Oktober 2023 eröffneten Skulpturenweg Weilheim geschaffen wurden – und bittet sie um Antworten auf kurze Fragen zu ihrem Werk und zu Weilheim. Heute: Basilius Kleinhans, dessen Skulptur „Haus“ in der Au zu sehen ist – am Weg zwischen der BMX-Anlage und dem Au-Weiher. „Das Haus ist Symbol

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chalipo-all4sims · 9 months ago
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worldspotlightnews · 2 years ago
Israel’s military joins nationwide protests over judicial overhaul
Comment on this story Comment JERUSALEM — Eshel Kleinhaus, a former commando in Israel’s Sayeret Shaldag special ops military unit, has battled Hezbollah gunmen in Lebanon and Palestinian militants in the West Bank. But nothing prepared him for his current mission: to block Israel’s new far-right government from overhauling the judiciary, a move he says will put his country on the path to

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parolim-prlm · 2 years ago
Israel’s soldiers join protests against Netanyahu’s judicial reform
Comment on this story Comment JERUSALEM — Eshel Kleinhaus, a former commando in Israel’s Sayeret Shaldag special ops military unit, has battled Hezbollah gunmen in Lebanon and Palestinian militants in the northern West Bank. But nothing prepared him for his current mission: to block Israel’s new far-right government from fundamentally overhauling its judiciary, a move that he says will slide

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casaplaner-modulhaus · 2 years ago
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annafontacasanna · 7 years ago
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aVOID project by Leonardo di Chiara at Bauhaus Campus. . . . #bauhauscampus #tinyhouses #architecturephotography #archilovers #architecture #thespacesilike #archigram #archidayli #aVOIDtinyhouse #plataformaarquitectura #indoors #innenraum #kleinhaus #minicasas #minicases #minimalism #wood #holz #madera #fusta #acanthusmagazine
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netzrate · 5 years ago
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Small hike with the family 😀 . #eifel #wehebach #wehebachtalsperre #hĂŒrtgenwald #dĂŒren #kleinhau #urlaub #familie #wandern #Ausflug #leben (hier: Wendebach-Stausee) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1WQPBQiCxv/?igshid=176bb0ucnaxzx
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lagoonreefer · 5 years ago
Scientists say it is time to save the red sea's coral reef
An international group of researchers led by Karine Kleinhaus, MD, of the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), calls upon UNESCO to declare the Red Sea's 4000km of coral reef as a Marine World Heritage Site and recommends additional measures critical for the reef's survival. Published in Frontiers in Marine Science, the article cites that while Rapid Ocean warming due to climate change is predicted to decimate 70 to 90 percent of the world's coral reefs by mid-century, the coral reef ecosystem in the Red Sea's Gulf of Aqaba is strikingly resilient to rising sea temperatures....
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gopalvasani · 4 years ago
SKVARO entwickelt, plant und baut alternative Wohnkonzepte. Dieses beinhaltet sowohl Tiny Houses, ModulhÀuser, und auch FerienhÀuser. Hierbei wird sehr viel Wert auf ökologische und nachhaltige Baustoffe gelegt, um ein bestmöglichstes Raumklima zu schaffen.
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glineurjl · 5 years ago
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Die neue Ausgabe der "Eifel aktuell" September 2019, wie immer toll gestaltet und interessant. Besonders angesprochen haben mich Artikel ĂŒber die hilfreichen HĂ€nde der Caritas und einer ĂŒber den MSC Kleinhau, und vor allem ein Bericht ĂŒber den Reparaturtreff Kall. Das aktuelle Magazin, das Bert van Londen zusammengestellt hat, ist gewohnt gut. #simmerath #dedenborn #nordeifel #eifel #schleiden #gemĂŒnd #eupen #verviers #Francorchamps #hollerath #roetgen #rott #wald #natur #ardennen #fotografie #monschau #erkensruhr #einruhr #huppenbroich #rurberg #rursee (hier: Dedenborn, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mbk3gnPKu/?igshid=1jz7q4qaw7d9z
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alohacyclist · 6 years ago
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Look at these two beauties 😋 #newbikeday #cycling #eifelcycling #goneriding #rosebikes #sundaybikeride #fromwhereiride (at Kleinhau, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtInFjGlToO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10ay7vuhz6ygr
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casaplaner-modulhaus · 2 years ago
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Ihre beste Vorsorge
Bauen Sie ihre Altersvorsorge mit einem Kleinhaus oder Tiny House auf ihrem bestehenden GrundstĂŒck. Wir prĂŒfen Kostenlos die Möglichkeiten mit den baulichen Möglichkeiten.
#modulhaus #kleinhaus schweiz #tiny house 
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airborn64 · 6 years ago
Touratech West Travel Event 2016 Wer seine Reiseenduro jenseits der Straße bewegen möchte, ist beim TOURATECH West Travel Event mit KOHL Motorrad genau richtig.
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franzis-photo-world-blog · 8 years ago
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kathleenseiber · 5 years ago
This coral reef is super resilient. Here’s the plan to save it
The coral reef ecosystem in the Red Sea’s Gulf of Aqaba is strikingly resilient to rising sea temperatures, say researchers.
Rapid ocean warming due to climate change is predicted to decimate 70 to 90% of the world’s coral reefs by mid-century, cite the researchers in their appeal to UNESCO to declare the Red Sea’s 2,500 miles of coral reef as a Marine World Heritage Site. They also recommend additional measures critical to the reef’s survival in their paper, which appears in Frontiers in Marine Science.
Corals in the Gulf of Aqaba, at the northernmost portion of the Red Sea, withstand water temperature irregularities that cause severe bleaching or mortality in most hard corals elsewhere. This uniquely resilient reef employs biological mechanisms that are likely to be important for coral survival as the planet’s oceans warm. But while the Gulf of Aqaba could potentially be one of the planet’s largest marine refuges from climate change, its reef will only survive and flourish if serious regional environmental challenges are addressed.
“Corals of the Gulf of Aqaba, in the northern Red Sea, may constitute one of the last reefs to survive the century, so it’s crucial that countries coordinate on Gulf-wide research and conservation efforts despite regional political tensions,” says study leader Karine Kleinhaus, visiting associate professor at the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS).
The authors point out that coral reefs of the Red Sea provide food and a source of livelihood to a rapidly growing population of over 28 million people living along its coastline, and are a uniquely rich potential source of new medicines.
However, as towns and cities continue to grow along the Red Sea, these areas generate substantial local pressure on its reefs. Some portions of the reef have already been heavily damaged by uncontrolled tourism, human population expansion, overfishing, and coastal development that has led to pollution and a decline in coastal water quality.
Despite existing environmental stressors and newly emerging threats, there are currently no coordinated scientific research or management efforts that encompass the entire Red Sea reef complex.
The researchers assert that the most urgent objective is to advance immediate protection of the Gulf of Aqaba as a World Heritage Site as part of an initiative involving Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia.
Ideally, they say scientists, conservationists, and policy makers should advocate strongly that UNESCO recognize the Red Sea’s entire coral reef as a Marine World Heritage Site. Regional scientists and governments should work together to implement transnational research, monitoring, and conservation efforts and seek UN support for a long-term scientific monitoring program.
Considering political realities, the authors affirm that the Transnational Red Sea Center, a neutral organization established in March 2019 and based at the Swiss Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), can effectively facilitate regional collaboration.
The researchers recommend several additional measures including:
Full regional cooperation under the directive of high levels of government;
Informing governments of the monetary value and vast medicinal potential of the reef to each nation;
Long-term regional monitoring of the threat to the reefs from new coastal development and the accompanying population expansion; and
Sustainable development of the Red Sea coastline
Coauthors of the study are from Bar-Ilan University’s Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, along with a group of scientists who have studied the Red Sea’s corals while based in Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Australia, the United States, and Switzerland. The Swiss Ambassador to Israel also contributed to the article.
Source: Stony Brook University
The post This coral reef is super resilient. Here’s the plan to save it appeared first on Futurity.
This coral reef is super resilient. Here’s the plan to save it published first on https://triviaqaweb.weebly.com/
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thescientificinquirer · 5 years ago
Let's save the Red Sea coral reef
Let’s save the Red Sea coral reef
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An international group of researchers led by Karine Kleinhaus, MD, of the Stony Brook University School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS), calls upon UNESCO to declare the Red Sea’s 4000km of

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