#klaroline is coming
willowhistle · 9 months
caroline bringing out the humanity in klaus, and klaus encouraging the vampire in caroline. and them both being better for it. both characters pushing away a part of themself out of fear, but all it takes is the exact half of themselves they’re hiding from embodied in a person to draw them out.
caroline being this beacon of morality and light and empathy for klaus
while klaus is a symbol of strength and unapologetic acceptance of their nature for caroline.
them not ending up together is tragic not only because they would be so good WITH each other but because they were so good FOR each other.
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marxandangels · 4 months
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philtatosbuck · 10 months
the thing about the thing is that any klaus ship makes more sense than kl*roline and those people have to act like that to compensate. and i do mean literally any klaus ship.
the originals edition? klaurora ate. would've done great things if not for elijah. klamille? ain't everyone's cup of tea but it still makes more sense for klaus to have an interest in her than that other blonde girl at the very LEAST from a psychology aspect and to get at marcel and kieran. klayley? even if the only thing they Ever did was hate fuck, it still would've been more in character. klaus and lucien, klaus and genevieve, all of them make at least some sense from a narrative point of view.
tvd? klaus and elena? would've been a dark and twisty ass romance, but would've been great to witness. klaus and bonnie? not only would it have been eagerly accepted, but it was WANTED by the actors too. klaus and katherine? c'mon. (if you come to me about 'he killed her family!!' i'm sorry but i do not care they would've been so fucking funny). klaus and stefan.
even in the fucking BOOKS, klaus and vivianne were so, so much better. it's just.
like i'm SORRY but no matter what other ship it is kl*roline falls flat. he liked her because why? he has a weird complex about his sister and he wanted to assert dominance over tyler. there was literally no other reason for that man to give a shit about her.
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theshipdiaries · 6 months
Saw someone say they were angry at Caroline for not fighting for Klaus during TVD.... DUDE SHE OBVIOUSLY WASNT GONNA FIGHT FOR HIM. HE was the one courting HER. And during that courtship he tried to kill her twice, killed her boyfriend's mom and had previously killed her best friend and her aunt. SHE WOULD'VE BEEN A FOOL TO NOT BE SCARED OF HIM. like wtf? Caroline isn't stupid. She was and I quote "intrigued" but before she could ever give him a chance he had to show actual GROWTH and earn her respect because she knew her value (obviously she lost sight of it when she started dating stefan)
One of the things that makes Klaroline so good is the fact that she never pretended he was something he wasn't. She always called him out and never compromised her morals for him. She stayed true to who she was and he fell for her anyway and he changed on his own accord. That's why they work. Because she knows who he is and when he was a villain she treated him as such and expected him to act as such and when he wanted to be" friends" with her (after 4x14 when he realized he would never be able to kill her or harm her again) she explained what she expected of him and she wasn't gonna settle for less. AND SHE DIDN'T! She wasn't swayed by pretty things or pretty words. SHE WAS SWAYED BY ACTIONS
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 1 year
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Stopped by Mystic Falls (aka Covington, GA) today on my drive home from my vacation. Utterly surreal. Totally recommend going. I wish I had had longer than an hour to spend there!
Also I did gasp out loud when I saw THE Klaroline newspaper article. Totally surprised the girl making a TikTok in there.
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jillvalentineismother · 8 months
“He followed her around the woods until she agreed to have sex with him. She only had sex with him to get her to leave her alone.”
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I have never heard such an ignorant statement in my entire life. 😢༼ಢ_ಢ༽
I only watched 5x11 once and that was when I first watched the show. Which was December 2022. And I know full and damn well that that is not how it went down. I have a clear memory of what happened. And that ain’t it.
Klaus did not say to Caroline, “I’ll leave you alone and leave Hellhole Falls forever if you let me eat your coochie/let me fuck.” 🙄
No. I specifically remember him asking her for her confession about him. About her feelings for him. Not once did he ever imply that he wanted her to have sex with him in exchange for him leaving Mystic Falls. He asked for the truth. It was not a transaction for sex in exhange for him fucking leaving Mystic Falls.
Klaus: I want your confession.
Caroline: About what? I didn’t do anything!
Klaus: About me.
He asked for her honesty. He promised her that he was leaving town for good and the only thing that he asked her for was her honesty. He had always respected Caroline for her honesty and he asked to be real this last time.
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Stop making it out to be like he coerced her into sleeping with him. As I recall, Caroline was the one who kissed him. Not the other way around. She said in 5x15, that it was her choice to sleep with Klaus and she even told Kat that it felt good to kiss him. It was HER choice. Not once did he ever force her into doing something that she did not want to do. Nor did he compel her. You must be getting Klaus mixed up with the town’s number one sexual predator. ⬇️🙄
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⬆️ He sleeps with the women he compels by the way. *cough cough* They have no free will meaning that they cannot consent. *cough cough* He also tries to kiss women after they reject him. But Caroline is called a thot for what happened to her, for hating Damon, and for actually feeling disturbed that Elena was with him. Even though Caroline was coming from a place of worry. Wouldn’t you be worried if your friend was hooking up with your abuser? Wouldn’t you be concerned if your friend was sire bonded to the guy who is possibly abusing your friend the same way he abused you? And people act like what Damon did to Andi is isn’t an issue because she’s “irrelevant,” although the shit he did was disturbing. Just because Andi wasn’t a huge character like the main gang doesn’t mean that what Damon did to her should be brushed over. It was disturbing. And if y’all lie and say that what Damon did to Care and Andi was not SA, then you and your mother will be receiving the blocked button. I will not argue with you. Keep it in the fucking drafts.
Klaus is not the same as Damon. Sorry not sorry. And don’t y’all dare bring up the scene that happened in the woods in 4x01. He gave her a warning. “Wrong place, wrong equipment,” or something like that. If he wanted her only for sex and was a creep like Damon, and had no respect for Caroline, then he would have acted as if he was Tyler and slept with her while he was in Tyler’s body or fucking compelled her. But he didn’t do either of those things. Klaus respects Caroline. Period. You can come up with whatever bullshit excuse you want. I don’t give a damn. Also, the Damon is a Demon gif is not mine.
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galvanizedfriend · 10 months
Fic Update: Speed Dating [3/4]
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Roomates!AU. Friends to lovers. Rom-Com Vibes. AH/AU
I don't know if anybody still remembers this one. A billion years later, and habemus update! I had to split the chapter in two because it was too long, so here's part 3/4.
Read the next chapter here
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morningstargirl666 · 6 months
So, this is part of some flashbacks of the new chapter 10 of tbbw, first draft but still...I may have dumped the angst glitter on the Mikaelsons. Particularly Elijah. Oops.
[shrugs in a what-can-you-do gesture]
However, the reason this flashback has been added in the edits is because it also helps set up next plot arc I'm going to be writing from chapter 36 onwards. So like, take from that what you will - you guys know I love a good teaser.
Pisa, Marquisate of Tuscany, Italia. Le Estate, 1114 A.D.
“KOL!” Elijah yelled, struggling to rip the sharp, broken chair leg from his brother’s grip, yanking it away only to face another battle - stopping Klaus from grabbing anything else. “HELP ME HOLD HIM!”
“Elijah, please, don’t let them do this to me-” Klaus begged, eyes wild and unseeing, lost to yet another hallucination. 
“KOL!” Elijah screamed again, just as their brother appeared around the corner, cursing upon seeing the scene, Klaus’ chambers in disarray, tables and chairs toppled where he had tried to fashion the wood into stakes. Elijah wrapped his arms firmly around Klauss chest, holding him back and leaning forward to hiss in his ear. “Niklaus, we’re only trying to help, you are hurting yourself-”
Kol rushed to Elijah’s side, leaping over the toppled chairs to grab Klaus as he thrashed in Elijah’s arms.
“Please, I can’t! Don’t let her take him from me-”
Kol glanced between his brother and Elijah, grimacing as Klaus tried to slip out of his grip, nearly succeeding - he had always been stronger than his siblings. “What is he talking about?”
Elijah shook his head. “I don’t know, he’s not lucid-” He swallowed, trying to catch Klaus’ eye. “Brother, please, we don’t mean to harm you-”
“NO!” Klaus roared, lashing out and throwing his elbow back, right into Kol’s face, smashing his brother’s nose on impact. In the next moment, he’d pushed Kol with so much force his brother was thrown across the room, slamming into shelves and cracking the wall. Kol fell to the floor, blood dripping from his brow. Eyes wide, Elijah’s grip slipped and his brother nearly managed to flash away but he caught his jacket at the last second, snagging the fabric and hauling Klaus by the neck into the wall behind them.
“NIKLAUS!” he bellowed, pinning him across the stone and shaking him for good measure. “That is enough,” he snarled.
Klaus shrank away, terrified, frantically shaking his head, so terribly unlike him that it made Elijah pause. For the first time, he noticed the tear tracks on his brother’s cheeks.
“I can’t lose him, please, don’t let her take the wolf away-” he begged, but he wasn’t looking at Elijah, but to the side, talking to whatever hallucination standing there. “Please, ‘lijah, don’t let them do this to me-”
Elijah’s grip slackened, his anger exhaling from his body in a single flood of horror. He remembered the night Klaus was currently reliving, remembered the heat of mother’s fires, the roar of Mikael’s orders. His hands pinning Klaus down, enclosing his wrists in tight shackles, and eventually, Elijah doing the same. 
Now, Elijah looked down at his hands, clenched around his brother’s shoulders, holding him down and suddenly felt sick, releasing his brother as if burned.
“Brother, I-” 
Klaus didn’t give him the chance to work through the ball of emotion in his throat, releasing a yell of fury, grabbing Elijah and flashing them both across the room, slamming him into the opposite wall. Elijah gasped, looking down where Klaus’ hand had impaled his chest, fingers grasped around his heart.
“You took everything from me,” his brother snarled, eyes bleeding red, seeing not his brother, but another enemy entirely. Even so, it felt like he was saying the words to Elijah all the same. His grip tightened, fingers squeezing around Elijah’s heart and in that moment, he didn’t doubt Klaus would tear it from his chest. 
Suddenly, hands grasped the side of Klaus’ head and his neck snapped to the side, body falling to the ground like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Kol stood behind him, his chest heaving with adrenaline, nose bloody as he stared down at her brother’s unconscious body in shock and horror. Elijah slumped against the wall, a hand over his chest where the wound was already beginning to heal, sliding to the floor.
Neither of them moved for a long while. ______________________________________________________________
Elijah bolted the door to the cell shut, glancing through the barred window of the door to Klaus inside, their brother laid out on the cold, straw-lined floor where they had left him. There was no furniture for him to break and use as stakes, no windows and curtains to open and let in sunlight, the daylight ring on his brother’s finger noticeably absent. Elijah didn’t know where he had discarded it this time. He’d have to search through the wreckage in the room to find it.
“Make sure the door remains locked,” he said to Kol, turning to leave the dungeon, a numbness settling into his bones that felt suffocating. “When he wakes, he may try to escape.”
“If that’s what you think is best,” Kol said as he passed him, lips curled in a bitter snarl.
Elijah stopped in the middle of the cells, his entire body freezing as Kol’s words cut into his skin. He hadn’t known how much Kol had overheard upstairs - they had carried Klaus down here in silence, neither of them knowing how to break it. But now, now he knew. 
Skin itching with Kol’s judgement, slowly he turned around, teeth gritted as he looked at his brother, daring him with his glare to speak up. “Do you have something to say to me, Kol?”
Kol looked away from him, fists clenched as he stared instead at the wooden cell door currently locking their brother away.
“Do you know why Finn had to snap my neck to stop me from going after you and Nik that night?” he asked eventually, taking Elijah off-guard. When his gaze met his brother’s, there was agony there that was not unlike Klaus’ own. “Because I understood even then what you were going to help them take from him. Maybe not fully, but I understood enough.”
Elijah swallowed around the ball in his throat, trying not to remember Kol’s wails of grief the night they were turned, and later, Klaus’ screams as his wolf was ripped away. “Losing your magic was not same as what happened to Niklaus-”
“How would you know, Elijah? You were never a witch. And last time I checked,” Kol spat in his face, shoving past him, “You were never one of the wolf-folk either.”
On his way out, Kol slammed the door to the dungeons behind him. Elijah couldn’t stop his flinch.
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klayleyism · 1 year
Michael narducci (one of the show runners): Klaus is attracted to Hayley and they both have very complicated feelings for each other
Joseph Morgan : there's romantic tension between Klaus and Hayley/ also admits there's sexual attraction
Daniel gillies: implies there's a love triangle in season 1
The 3x02 writer: Klaus is jealous
The literal show: never once even hints klayley is platonic, is full of obvious romantic moments
The fandom for some reason: platonic friends best friends no romance
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averseunhinged · 6 months
wip wednesday! i am returned from the pits of lung ick and doom.
this is for @purplesigebert and @trueromantic1, but idk if this is remotely what you had in mind. it veered off to angstville a teensy bit along the way. it's also klaus/caroline/stefan in its soul, but stefan's hella dead. so.
it's sort of a sanctuary/the librarians/warehouse 13 theme fusion in which caroline is a research librarian in a sentient, extradimensional library. no magic babies. klaus still went to new orleans and got all grabby hands over it. the entire cast of tvd, minus caroline, died at the end of season 5 when the other side collapsed and took mystic falls with it.
He was silent on the stairs as they descended and remained that way as she lead him through the rabbit's warren of echoing hallways lined with closed, barred doors, part of the Library's natural defense system.
At the first checkpoint, she finally broke. “What do you want, Klaus? You did not donate enough to get an all-access pass just for a tour of the Bodleian from me. You don't need a tour of the Bodleian. You probably helped build the Bodleian.”
“I like the hair," he ignored her question. "The glasses. Very clever. Makes you look older. Authoritative.”
“And don't start with the flirting." She pulled her flexible ID chip in its retractable holder with more snap than necessary and held it out to the reader. A row of tiny lights turned green and the door unlocked with a muffled click. She opened the door and felt the distant brush of the Library greeting her, soothing despite its natural inclination to grumpiness and her own Original-induced temper. "I haven't just made myself look older. I'm seventy-four. I have more degrees than anyone can fit at the end of my name and a gaggle of grad students waiting for me. I have a warlock's extensive estate scheduled to begin arriving from Cumbria this afternoon," she opened the door, ushering Klaus through, "in distressingly soggy condition, because he was well over two hundred years old and absentminded about preservation."
He trailed after her at an easier pace than her own, forcing her to slow down if she didn't want to leave him behind. “That sounds like an interesting challenge.”
“Are you making small talk? What the hell, Klaus.”
"I—" he tilted his head toward her, as though to hear her better, but his arms were perfectly still at his sides, hands wooden, “—yes. I am attempting to draw you into conversation about your work."
Caroline once had to remove a dead witch from the Bodleian proper during Trinity reading week in nearly an hour of awkwardly harrowing Weekend at Bernie's reenactment. At one point, she'd had to hurl the body behind a display case to help a first year in crisis over a missing source article that had, nevertheless, been referenced in four subsequent sources. She'd still never been so relieved to see the last checkpoint before the entrance to the Library as she was with Klaus at her side.
She placed her hand in the center of the door's intricately carved medallion and waited for it to acknowledge her. The Library skimmed over Caroline's being, lazy from decades of connection and more than comfortable with her presence. It was less gentle with Klaus, if his sudden, pained breath was any indication, but the door warmed under her touch, a golden glow spreading molten into the runic array, seeping out to the edges until the door shimmered away to nothing, leaving the entrance of a circular, brass cage.
"Interesting," he murmured, discomfort brushed aside by fascination. She'd always enjoyed that about him. It had never been the promises and the gifts and the flattery that made her wish he hadn't been otherwise impossible. His curiosity, the variety of interests and depth of knowledge, had been like no-one she'd ever known. She remembered every conversation she'd ever had with him, a claim that couldn't be shared with anyone else she'd known briefly nearly a century prior.
She stepped into the cage and beckoned him with a hand to her left side. "Coming?"
"What is this, exactly?" he questioned, even though he did as she'd indicated.
"A lift," she answered and swung the curved gate around, completing the circle, "of sorts. Or so we refer to it. It's really a gateway, but people get a little nervous when you start talking about dimensional travel."
Any further questioning was cut off when the brass cage sparked with the same light as the door had, spreading until its occupants were engulfed. Caroline breathed through the lurching tremble of distortion and the squeezing yank in every direction, the terrifying weightlessness of momentarily ceasing to exist in time or space.
When reality reasserted itself, Klaus was crouched, one hand on the ground, gasping. Caroline stood primly, hands clasped in front of her.
"Welcome to the Library," she stated, impassive as any bored tour guide. "The Bodleian entrance was created during World War II, the result of a casual agreement between adversaries to avoid destroying key universities."
Klaus gritted out her name as he stood, unsteady and even paler than typical, veins darkening around his eyes.
Caroline ignored him, staring straight ahead. "I've learned things, gone places, met people even your millennium couldn't have shown you." She unfolded her hand to gesture around in a smooth, practiced motion to the rotunda's warm brass and red-toned wood structure, its mercurial filigree detailing and shifting aurora of the dome above. "Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm still that little girl you tried to tempt away into the woods."
That barb was one that clawed into him. "It was not like that." He looked away from her, eyes darting around the room without truly seeing, in an attempt to control his temper. "Don't make it sound so tawdry." Caroline slowly turned her entire body to stare at him, unimpressed. He shut his eyes for a moment, longer than a blink, but not long enough to give the impression that she wasn't his entire focus. He made a small, beseeching move towards her, and his eyes were as intense as they'd always been, begging some question she’d never known the answer to. "That afternoon was the happiest I can remember being."
When she laughed, it was an ugly sound. "Good for you. If you'll follow me, I'm afraid you'll have to endure a morning of dull administrative tasks. You are, of course, welcome to leave at any time."
“I'm sorry, Caroline!” he called out after her. He sounded strained and desperate. She halted, lungs seizing and abdomen clenching. “I'm sorry they died.”
Every day. She missed them every day. She missed Bonnie's tenacity. Her quiet grace. Elena's wild, foolish bravery and deep well of compassion. She missed Matt's honesty. His so human morality. Enzo and his halfway-to-crazy attempts to help her grow up, whose death broke her heart far more than she would have expected. She missed her mom's steady practicality. Those moments of kindness bridging the gap between them that never quite went away. Her father, Tyler. They hadn't been very good at loving her in the end, but they had loved her. That’s what she remembered.
She even missed Damon. Sometimes. A little bit. Maybe.
“I'm sorry Stefan died,” he continued, and that one hurt.
Stefan. Stefan. Stefan of the gentle touches and soft, encouraging words. The late-night-early-morning whispers to each other in her bed, forehead to forehead, cuddled up as close as two people could be. Who preferred being the little spoon and understood how afraid she was to love him, because he was just as afraid to love her back. After all, they knew the people they loved would always, always leave them.
Her best friend. Her almost lover. She took care of him, even when he thought she shouldn't. He protected her, even when it was from himself.
Last one standing was a dog shit bonfire of a title to hold.
And he was sorry.
“Don't talk about Stefan.” She walked away from him. Her heels sounded like bullets as they struck the floor. “You don't have the right.”
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cynthiav06 · 1 year
If there was a love triangle between Hayley/Klaus/Caroline in The Vampire Diaries, who do you think Klaus would prefer?
Let's consider this scenario for after he sleeps with her. I am certain Klaus would choose her, it would take time but he would definitely choose her not because she is pregnant with his child but because eerily enough she accepts him and understands him without judgement, is his mirror in fact and it's not just a one sided thing, they both complete each other.
Caroline "Klaus is root of all evil until I need something" Forbes would manage to string him along only so long. If he wasn't so intent on getting back at Tyler and so caught up in the thrill of playing hard to get he wouldn’t look at her twice. Caroline has on multiple occasions betrayed his trust, used his affections for her own gain and demeaned and disrespected him. Let's be real it would take Klaus two months tops, my bet is one really to get bored of Caroline, (when I say bored I mean irritated, annoyed, disappointed at Caroline).
Yes Klaus would initially be furious he lost precious hybrids due to Hayley's schemes but he would come to admire it instead.
Her ambitions to do everything under the sun and otherwise for the sake of mere information on her family(she was born to be a Mikaelson), her exceptional cunning, wit and survival instincts all stemming from roots of abandonment leaving her to face the world alone quite like his very own and her strength and perseverance despite it? It would awe and mesmerize him, I would say he would be falling for her so fast and so hard given their compatibility and chemistry.
Plus Hayley has what it takes to stand on equal grounds with Klaus Mikaelson and she would also get along swimmingly with his family (and if he have any evidence to go off of from The Orignals she would even unite them like never before). Caroline would be nothing short of a frivolous and insignificant distraction in the grand scheme of things between Klaus and Hayley.
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serethereal · 7 months
my mutuals and i should be hanging out and reading subpar tropey bullshit on fanfiction dot net together forever but instead we must work and pay bills. this world is so sick
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allbridgesburn · 8 months
Love all your wasteland flowers so much you don’t understand!! Thank you for blessing us with such an exciting story!!
I have to know - was the vanity scene the first time they’ve had mean/competitive sex or was this common for them back in 12? Part of me thinks this is a new kink they need to explore 🧐
oh, that is a question! and the answer is no, it wasn't common. their sex life used to be pretty vanilla since coriolanus was 1) on his best behavior, 2) lucy gray was his first, so obviously he had a lot of stuff to learn and see what worked and what not. so it was mostly lovey dovey stuff, sometimes rougher, most times less, but it never crossed into anything particularly adventurous. like, they thought about trying other things! sure! but it was a fresh, delicate relationship, and they were really just happy to take their time and start slowly. they had all the time in the world for anything else!
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eeepgrove · 2 years
I honestly think the intensity of Klaus' feelings and their unwavering caliber unnerved Caroline. Pure love & affection was what she craved the most and when it finally made its way to her in the form of Klaus she didn't know what or how to process it. It overwhelmed her, it made her anxious, frightened even but beyond tempted.
Like a moth to a flame , both found themselves drawn to the light in each other.
I have thoughts beyond thoughts about Klaus and his motivations but I can say simply that he wasn't solely driven by "power" like the show tries to push but what he craved the most : love.
They're characters driven by love, born from illicit affairs , and both suffered from the ostracization of their conceptions. Yet in the face of adversity persevered to live, to be free from the cage the world tried to trap them in!
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
"Pack your bags. We'll get the doppelganger and leave."
"There's nothing holding us here anymore."
"But tonight's the decade dance."
"I'm the chair of the committee. We have to go."
"I'm not going to any dance."
"Caroline will be there."
two hours later
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He is ridiculooooooous!
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morningstargirl666 · 11 months
Chapter 35 of The Big Bad Wolf is up. Excuse me while I go have an existential crisis over the fact I'm 378,535 words in and somehow only halfway there.
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