#kitchen king saucepans
kingcookware · 2 years
Food Warmers, Trays, Serving Dishes and Pots Seller in United Kingdom
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fp-am · 6 months
Alan: My friend and I got into a huge fight over the question “how deep can a pan get before it becomes a pot?” It took half an hour before we realized what we were arguing about.
Second: Pan has one handle, pot has two.
Blue: I definitely have pots with one handle..
Yellow: ..Oh shit.
Green: I always thought a pan has the long handle and pots had no handle or two looped handles.
Blue: No handle? That’s like cooking on expert, yeah?
Chosen: Never seen a pot with two handles in my life.
Second: It’s the FIRST image on Google for pot! Have you ever been in a kitchen?
Purple: Once sauce becomes soup, obviously.
Red: But if you make soup in a saucepan, is it still soup? Would sauce in a soup pan become soup?
King: Pan is square, pot is circle.
Green: ????
Blue: 3 inches is sauté pan, 4 inches is a pot.
Purple: What if it’s 3.5 inches? Is it.. a… bloody jacuzzi.. for.. bloody jacuzzi for… bloody guinea pigs?!
Chosen: Every pan is a pot, not every pot is a pan.
Second: You have it backwards though. Every pot is a pan, not every pan is a pot.
Red: Get wrecked! Are you saying I cook my baked beans in a fucking pan? You daft wanker.
Yellow: Too lazy to reason with you all, but once the height of the pan is more than ⅓ of the radius of the bottom, it’s a pot, not a pan.
All: ….
Second: How curved can a frying pan be before it becomes a wok?
source: https://youtu.be/Oo2xvC0xuoY?si=Hn8sR5XYho4loQyA at 5:09
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asunsetgrace16 · 4 months
Cutoffs and Tan Lines ⎥ BC55
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Pairing: Brandt Clarke x fem!reader
Summary: It is a good thing that Canadians find California warm enough for shorts and swimsuits for the majority of the year because Brandt likes nothing better than to come home to find you in a bikini top and cutoff shorts.
Warnings: none. Just a flirty, hopelessly in love Brandt Clarke
Notes: Headcanon: "thanks the L.A. weather for getting to see you in bikini tops and shorts for most of the year"
masterlist⎥ navigation
Word Count: 1k
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70 degrees and sunny in the middle of March. A far cry from growing up in Northern Ontario. Y/N and Ines Kopitar, who has taken Y/N under her wing as Brandt gets more and more games with the Kings, are lounging by the pool at Ines’ house. 
“God, I can’t believe it is this nice out. I keep expecting a blizzard any time. I can definitely get used to this.” Y/N says, eyes shaded by sunglasses.
“Yeah, I’d imagine Northern Ontario is much colder this time of year.” Ines replies, a smile gracing her face. 
“But I am not one to complain.” They clink their glasses of margarita, share a laugh, and the conversation flows on. Before long, however, Y/N gets a text from Brandt, saying that they are on their way back from practice.
“The boys are on their way back.” She announces. Ines checks her watch.
“It is that time. You two will stay for supper?” She asks. They gather their towels and books, making their way inside.
“Of course. What were you planning?”
“I was thinking fish tacos, something light. The boys can snack on something before if they need.”
“I can make a dip, if you like. They can bend the nutrition plan rules a little.” Y/N offers, pushing her sunglasses up on her head as they step inside.
“That would be great, actually. I’ve got the recipe down pat, so I can get it going fast. We should be ready to eat an hour after the boys get back.” Ines directs Y/N to the fridge, and they start gathering all the ingredients and supplies to make dinner. Y/N pulls out a saucepan and tosses thinly sliced onions in with butter to caramelize. Ines pulls mangoes, red onion, jalapenos, cilantro, lime juice, and red pepper to make a salsa. While the onions cook down, Y/N blends an avocado, some jalapeno, and lime to make a sauce, before mixing together the base for the dip. The fish is battered and frying when the Anze calls out their arrival.
“In, we’re home. It smells fantastic in here.” He and Brandt stop short in the doorway. They wear identical looks on their faces, as both Y/N and Ines simply pulled on a pair of cutoff denim shorts after the afternoon in the sun, leaving their bikini tops on. He swings around to the stove and captures Ines for a kiss, “What creation are you making tonight?”
“Fish tacos and Y/N is making a dip.” Ines answers, flipping a piece of fish.
Brandt goes over to Y/N, mimicking Anze. He kisses her neck. With warm hands on her hips he says in his ever playful manner, “You look even better than the food does, baby. Is that french onion dip?”
Y/N laughs, her head is back resting on his shoulder and teases, “Yes it is. Not even five minutes and you are already thinking about food?”
“Hey, you can’t blame a guy, no one makes it better than you do.” Brandt swipes some of the dip, “Besides,” he whispers in Y/N’s ear, “It would be rude to leave early, as much as I want to.”
A shiver runs down her spine at the silent promise. She swats him with the towel draped over her shoulder and sets him and Anze to making the mango salsa for the tacos. Somewhere, Brandt procures a speaker and starts a random playlist playing. A playful energy fills the kitchen, and a towel war breaks out. The group eats standing around the kitchen island, the conversation never ceasing. As the saying goes, many hands make light work as the dishes are washed and put away, leftovers tucked safely in the fridge for tomorrow’s lunch. 
Anze lights a fire outside when the sun begins its descent. They move outside with hoodies on and quilts bundled in their arms. Almost as an afterthought, Anze sprints back inside and grabs marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers to make s’mores. Both Y/N and Ines crack a  yawn. The night is dark and a chill is settling in before Brandt and Y/N notice the time. 
“I guess it’s time to head out.” Brandt says, “Nice that we have an off-day tomorrow.”
“Yeah, it’s later than I thought. Thank you for dinner, as always. And the company. It was wonderful.” Y/N follows up, folding her borrowed blanket as she stands. Stretching, she yawns once again. 
“Oh any time. We like you guys. You restore some youthful energy.” Anze jokes.
“You’re not that old yet. You can still skate circles around half the league.” Brandt comments as they make their way inside. Goodbyes are said and Brandt’s hockey bag is loaded into the back of their vehicle. The late hour makes the drive home faster than usual. Y/N dozes off not long after buckling up. The moonlight streaming through the window throws shadows over her face, silvery highlights make her look so peaceful. It makes Brandt’s breath catch in his throat. He is so in love it hurts.
“C’mon sweetheart, we’re home.” Brandt murmurs, reaching over Y/N to unbuckle her seatbelt. She climbs out of the car and leans into him. The walk to their apartment is short.
“I think I could fall asleep standing up at this point,” She mumbles, face tucked into his shoulder as the door to their apartment is unlocked.
“Me too. I vote we get ready for bed as fast as we can, and then we can just fall into bed.”
Sounds like a plan.” They move quickly through their nighttime routines. Brushing teeth, washing faces, grabbing pajamas. He flicks off the big light and turns on the bedside lamps. Y/N tosses her hoodie out the open bathroom door and changes into more comfortable shorts. Denim is cute, but not all that comfortable to sleep in and certainly not her choice of sleepwear.
“Babe, can you come untie me? There’s a knot now and I can’t quite get it undone.” Y/N calls. He comes back into the bathroom and gets the knot out of her bikini top.
“You’ve got some tan lines, baby.” He kisses her shoulder.
“Hmmm. You can appreciate them tomorrow.”
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snapdragoned · 3 months
wcif the cute kitchen tops, cooker, mini fridge, microwave and clutter from junes tiny kitchen please? ty
hey! sure, let's see what i can find:
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These are the Maxis ones that came with University!
Detached Stove Top by CrispsandKerosene
The mini-fridge from the 4t2 Smeglish Set by Ravasheen, converted by Thimblesims (not pictured in the preview)
Another maxis one! Not sure which EP/SP it came with.
Paper towels from the 3t2 Bayside Set by Veranka
The Kings Cookware from this 4t2 Cottage Living set by Thimblesims
Dish stack from the Vintage Crockery set by leaf-motif, converted by moocha-muses
Cutting boards from the Vintage Crockery set again!
Small saucepan from the Kitchen Basic Clutter set (my beloved!)
I could've sworn I'd screencapped everything in this image, but apparently not this one. I'll try to figure it out the next time I open my game, sorry!
Large Pasta Jars from the New Vintage Kitchen Set by Veranka.
Loaf of Bread by Crackfox, converted by pixelry. Looks like the original tumblr is deactivated, so here's a link to a reblog.
Beans from elvisgrace's conversion of faesims4's makin magic set.
Three Bowls from the Vintage Crockery set from #7 & 8.
BBs Superbowling Kitchen Bowl from the Kitchen Basic Clutter set. It looks like this is one of Anna's colors, but I couldn't find the recolors anywhere. I assume we all have this in a billion recolors anyway. Sorry about that!
Baking Mix from elvisgrace's makin' magic conversion from #13.
Small Pasta Jars from the New Vintage Kitchen Set by Veranka.
Bakery Flour Sack from the 3t2 Deliciously Indulgent Bakery Set by Veranka.
I numbered this separately but I'm pretty sure this is actually the dish stack from #7 again.
whew! that was a doozy. let me know if I missed anything 😸
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useless19 · 1 year
It takes Bowser three tries to find a cupboard with food in it and it's only a measly bag of oats at that. Hopefully, Kamek's just behind on the shopping and they haven't been living like this the whole time Bowser's been away. There's a handful of spice jars in the next cupboard; Bowser swipes the lot and then finds a saucepan hiding under the sink.
Oats, water, and a good dollop of fire flower powder to start with on the stove. Porridge is easy and having food on hand always makes it easier to talk things over with people.
Little claws scramble up the back of Bowser's shell before he can turn around to greet his son. A moment later, Junior drops his chin on Bowser's shoulder and smiles. Bowser ruffles his hair, unable to stop his own grin.
"Hey, kid. Been keeping Kamek in one piece?"
"Urgh, he doesn't let me go fast anywhere," Junior complains. "I have to go as slow as a snail so his shrivelled old toes can keep up."
Bowser laughs. "Atta boy, Junior."
"Are you back for real this time?" Junior asks.
Bowser winces. Junior catches him and whines.
"Junior, we've talked about this," Bowser says firmly. "I have to stay away for now."
"But I miss you," Junior says.
"I know, buddy." Bowser picks Junior off his shell and stands him on the kitchen counter in front of him. Junior is at eye-level, which hadn't been the case the last time Bowser had spoken to him like this. "This job's important, okay? If I keep it for a while longer we'll be set for life." Theoretically, anyway. "You're always number one, but I can't just do what I want and still have things like food and shelter. Sometimes I've gotta do things that aren't fun so you can get tasty stuff every now and then."
Junior looks away mulishly. Bowser sighs. He's been over this several times, but it's never easy to argue against kid logic.
"I miss you," Junior repeats.
"I know." Bowser risks a hug and is relieved when Junior clutches back. "Speaking of food, did Kamek forget to do the shopping this week? Or have you hidden all the good stuff to keep it away from me?"
"I'm hiding it from Wendy," Junior says, exasperated, frustration at Bowser's absence already forgotten. "She steals my choco-mango nuggets and replaces them with rabbit poop and then tells me I've got a diseased tongue because it tastes funny. But I know she did it! My tongue's normal, isn't it, Dad?"
Bowser barely manages to move his head out of the way before Junior sticks his tongue in his eyeball. He scruffs Junior by the shell and drops him down to the ground.
"Your tongue's fine." Bowser waves the sticky spoon at Junior. "If you want anything tasty in your breakfast, you better get it now. It's nearly ready."
"Be right back!" Junior shouts, sprinting out of the pokey kitchen.
Bowser finds Kamek's fine china in pride of place. It's more magic than china now, given that Bowser wasn't the most careful koopaling growing up and now Junior is following almost exactly in his clawed footsteps.
A thundering of feet announce Junior's reappearance. He's got a paper bag with a mushroom logo on it clutched tight in one hand.
"Who's that guy in your bed?" Junior asks. He wrinkles his snout. "He screamed when I saw him."
"Did you wake him up?" Bowser says.
"No, he was already awake," Junior blatantly lies.
Bowser lets him get away with it this time. He waves a bowl in Junior's direction, it's snatched out of his hand in a second by energetic kid claws. Junior sits at the table (when did he get big enough to not need a booster?) and carefully rations out a small handful of chocolate nuggets into his bowl.
"So who is he? C'mon, c'mon, c'mon."
"It doesn't matter, Junior."
Junior scowls and shoves a spoonful of porridge into his mouth. "He looks like the king, but he's too messy."
"Too messy?" Bowser snorts.
He catches sight of a flash of green at the doorway. Luigi hovers, uncertain, and makes some confusing gestures at Junior. Bowser might have gotten better at reading Luigi's body language and deciphering what he's actually saying behind his fancy words, but this intentional signalling is lost on him. Bowser shrugs.
"Yeah. His hair was all stuck up and he was drooling on your pillow! Eww!" Junior says through full cheeks.
Bowser grins at Luigi, who buries his face in his hands.
"Well, maybe you should introduce yourself and see what he says." Bowser points across the room.
Junior turns and waves. Luigi slinks in, still wrapped in Bowser's blanket. He stands awkwardly by the table until Bowser kicks a chair out for him.
"Hi!" Junior says brightly, cheeks still bulging, "I'm Bowser Junior!"
"Good morning," Luigi says with an awkward wave, "I'm Luigi."
"Like dad's boss, the king?" Junior screws up his snout. "Doesn't that get confusing?"
"I… no?" Luigi says, bewildered. "Why would that be confusing?"
Junior spoons more porridge into his mouth, getting a red smear on his chin in the process. His next protest comes with a spray of oats over the table. Kamek can clean that up later.
"But if you've got the same name as someone it gets confusing!"
"He is the king," Bowser clarifies.
"No way!" Junior says, slamming the end of his spoon on the table in emphasis. "He's too short!"
Bowser laughs as Luigi's bemusement turns into surprised offence. The tip of Junior's topknot barely brushes Luigi's nose. But then, the royal family aren't much for strolling through the castle town without a toad retinue and standing next to toads makes anyone look tall.
"Eat your breakfast," Bowser tells Junior. "If you share your mango-choc bits with the king then maybe he won't have you beheaded for insulting him."
Luigi starts, wide-eyed. "I wouldn't —"
"They're mine!" Junior shouts.
"Right off at the neck," Bowser says. He tweaks Junior's neck with his claws. "And he'd hang your dry shell up as a warning to other cheeky koopalings."
"No way!"
"I really wouldn't," Luigi says, worried.
Junior looks at Luigi suspiciously, and then back to Bowser, calculating.
"He says he's not going to do that," Junior says, testing. He looks between Luigi and Bowser again and then finally takes a nugget out of his bag and pushes it across the table to Luigi. "You can have one. And only because you're nice."
"Thank you," Luigi says, as stiffly polite as if he were meeting a diplomat. "I will reciprocate your generosity when I get the chance."
"Reciprocate?" Junior scrunches up his snout. "Dad, what does that mean?"
"It's just a fancy way of saying he's going to repay you," Bowser says.
"Oh," Junior says. "Why didn't he say that?"
"Because sometimes fancy people have to talk fancily."
"That's stupid."
"Believe me, I know," Luigi says wearily.
"Alright, Junior, off you trot," Bowser says, taking his empty breakfast bowl. "Leave his royal sleepiness alone and go wake up Kamek or something."
Junior hops off his chair, but doesn't run off immediately.
"Will you still be here when Kamek's awake?" Junior asks.
Bowser tugs on his topknot. "You know I don't leave without saying goodbye."
"Okay! Be right back!"
Junior sprints out of the room with his usual hyperactive energy. Has he always been that fast or is Bowser going to regret feeding him chocolate so early?
"He's a nice child," Luigi says.
"He's a brat," Bowser says fondly. "Gets that from me."
"I'm sure if he turned out half as well as you have, the kingdom will be grateful," Luigi says.
His slight smile vanishes when Bowser slams a bowl of porridge down in front of him.
"I don't care what the kingdom wants," Bowser growls. "He'll grow up how he grows up — and that's gonna be awesome. Leave your politicking away from my son."
"I didn't mean…" Luigi slumps. "Sorry. That's just my default response to meeting kids. I should have known better."
"Damn right," Bowser says, less happy with Luigi's misery than he wants to be. "How dare you give a default response to my son."
"I haven't had the chance to get to know him," Luigi says, for once getting Bowser's gist without needing it completely spelled out for him.
"He'll want me to take him down to the river before I go," Bowser says. "You should tag along so I can keep an eye on you too. Don't want you wandering obliviously into danger again."
A wistful longing passes over Luigi's face. Bowser usually sees that when he's thinking about his brother. It only lasts a second, then Luigi shakes his head firmly.
"I have to return to the castle," Luigi says, ignoring his breakfast. "I've been away long enough as it is. I can't — won't — leave the kingdom's fate uncertain for any longer than absolutely necessary."
"Eat your food," Bowser orders.
Luigi makes a wordless noise of frustration. "I can't just —"
"You're not doing anything until you've had breakfast," Bowser says firmly. "Whatever royal planning you want to do can wait five minutes."
Luigi pointedly spoons porridge into his mouth. He coughs, grimaces, then forces himself to swallow. Oh yeah, humans are funny about hot sauce. Delicate constitutions the lot of them.
"I think there's some milk," Bowser says. He opens the cold cupboard to find a handful of potatoes and not much else. "Somewhere."
The last cupboard holds a bottle of milk, spelled to stay fresh. Junior's adamantly against drinking the stuff, so it's not a surprise that there's only a little missing; probably for Kamek's tea. Bowser thumps it on the table in front of Luigi along with a battered tin cup. Luigi gratefully drinks.
"You need a plan," Bowser says. "You always do better with ten minutes to think things through, so take ten minutes."
Luigi looks mutinous, but he continues to eat his breakfast (after mixing in some of the milk). Bowser relaxes by inches.
"Okay." Luigi pushes his mostly empty bowl away. "I'm done. Thank you for breakfast. Can we go to the castle now?"
Bowser gives him a look. Luigi slumps in his chair, looking far more like Junior than royalty. Bowser puts the bowls in the sink and sits down across from Luigi. He taps his claws on the table and Luigi averts his gaze for some reason.
"You need to know what you're going to say to your council before you get there. What do you need to do?" Bowser asks.
"I need to find a way to show the Last Realm that they shouldn't attack," Luigi says. "To do that I have to find the professor, but I don't know where he is right now, so that's going to be a lot of work. And I also need to figure out a polite way of asking the Kongs if they expect the Kremling Empire to attack again soon. They can hold their own, but I have to be able to use our alliance as part of my deterrent methods and I can't do that if they're in open war." He sighs and puts his face in his hands. "Those are just the big two things, and I can't do both at once."
Bowser rolls his eyes. "Of course you can't. That's why you delegate."
"But they're too important to mess up!"
"And you'll mess up both of them if you try to do everything," Bowser says.
"I know…' Luigi's fingers tighten in his hair. It's a wonder he isn't bald from all the tugging. "I realised — yesterday, so it wasn't something I've intentionally been ignoring — I realised that I'm used to doing everything with Mario. We compliment each other really well and since he went missing I… I can't do it on my own."
That makes a lot of sense from what Bowser's observed of Luigi's workload so far. Why everything gets divided into two sets of tasks which Luigi flips between frantically when he remembers that the other exists.
"If I was just half the king Mario was…"
"Stop trying to be Mario, you'll never be Mario," Bowser interrupts. "And you know why?"
"Because I wasn't raised to be king?" Luigi says.
"Because Mario had a Luigi and you don't," Bowser says. "So stop trying to be Mario and figure out how to make being Luigi work for you."
Luigi smiles (Bowser mentally awards himself a point). "I don't suppose you would be interested in being my L—"
"Absolutely not," Bowser snorts. "I'm your knight, not your weedy younger brother. So, how are you going to use the fact that I'm your loyal knight and I have connections that you don't?"
"Loyal," Luigi repeats, amused. He shakes his head to get himself back on track. "Are you saying that you have someone with ties to the Jungle Kingdom?"
"I've got spymasters, pirates, entertainers, and plain old guerrillas." Bowser ticks them off on his fingers as he lists them. "You've got a whole passel of knights who'll do whatever you tell them to and advisors coming out your ears. You're not the best person for every job."
"It still feels like giving up, somehow," Luigi says slowly.
"Come on," Bowser huffs. "You hired me because you knew you weren't awesome enough to be a good deterrent. This is the same thing. Do you want to throw yourself a pity party or do you want to help your kingdom?"
Luigi nods. "I'm sure there are people who will be better than me at searching out the professor. If I write a letter explaining things, that should clear up any confusion he might have. Then I can plan a trip to the Jungle Kingdom to —"
"Not a chance," Bowser says. "Last time you left the castle you walked right into a ninji ambush."
"Which you saved me from," Luigi says. He smiles wryly. "Have I thanked you for that already?"
"At least twice." Bowser crosses his arms. "Give yourself some credit — I've never seen anyone get up a tree that fast."
"Sorry I wasn't more use. I —"
"Nope," Bowser interrupts. "Staying out of danger is your job. Dealing with enemies is mine. I want you up a tree or cowering in a closet at the slightest hint of danger."
Luigi nods. "As long as you're sure you can handle it."
"I can handle anything," Bowser says with confidence. "Don't worry your pretty little head about me."
Luigi chokes a laugh and bats his eyelashes. "Aww, you think I'm pretty?"
"You're the prettiest human I've ever seen," Bowser's mouth spills out before he can hold his tongue.
Luigi's smile freezes. Blood fills his face in that way humans get when they're embarrassed or exerting themselves (in lots of ways, but one particular type of exertion does its best to stick in Bowser's stupid horny head).
"You probably get that all the time," Bowser says, brushing it off. "Now, about —"
"When was the last time you saw someone compliment me?" Luigi interrupts.
"Probably because you spend your time doing less blatant fishing," Bowser says.
Luigi lets the subject drop, but he looks far too pleased with himself. Now he gets Bowser's dropped hints, when they can't do anything because Junior's going to drag Kamek into the kitchen any second now and no doubt Kamek's going to raise a fuss over the food supplies that he hadn't budgeted for and Junior will start asking to go out. Relentlessly.
"Let me fetch a couple of my guys," Bowser says. He thinks Wendy and Lemmy are around somewhere and he's almost certain Wendy has a friend or two amongst the Kremlings. "We'll knock out a plan of action and have you back at the castle in time for lunch."
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hugsandchaos · 8 months
Viper unrolled the scroll across the table and, with Danny’s help, placed four small pebbles on each side to ensure it didn’t roll in on itself again. She gave him a toothless smile as he pulled out what he called a notebook and his odd pen, ready to write anything he thought he’d forget. He opened the book in a way that would’ve torn it, but the metal spiraling through it kept it in place. The page he stopped at had multiple attempts of writing in the Chinese alphabet and notes of what they translate to in his own written language, which he called English, but the lower half of the paper was empty and available for use. She took a look at the practiced writing.”You’re getting very good.” Viper said with a small nod. Danny smiled as she turned her attention to the characters on the scroll.“We’re going to take a look at something else. These aren’t exactly letters, they’re characters. Symbols that actually mean something like a tree or love.” She said.
“So you don’t always spell a word out? I guess that’s why Mister Lancer always called them characters instead of letters.” Danny said. Viper nodded in agreement to his guess, knowing that this “Mister Lancer” is apparently a human teacher at a school he used to go to who taught English, which was most likely not teaching his students how to the language itself, but rather explain parts of it in more detail.”Yes. I only brought a few for you, and these are all things you’ll see around here.” She said.
“This one means woods, and this one is field.” Viper explained, using her tail to point at the specific symbols. Danny was rather quick to write down the symbols and a translation. Then she pointed to the other two symbols.”Day and Month.” She said. Danny wrote those down, too. Once he was done, he turned it to show it to the serpentine king fu master. She was impressed with how much better he’s gotten at writing Chinese characters. The way he writes the Chinese characters and the English translation next to each other, but not too close, also gave her the chance to learn some of how English is written. Vioer wasn’t too surprised to see that instead of a symbol, Danny’s English version of these four words were written with letters spelling them out. She looked them over a few times.”You spell “woods” with two o’s? And “tree” with two e’s?” She questioned. Danny nodded.
“In most English words, they’re often spelled how they’re pronounced, but sometimes words have letters that are silent. Usually they’re just to differentiate between words like “know” and “now”. The word “know” is spelled with a K at the front, but “now” isn’t.” He explained. Viper hummed and moved her tail in front of her chin in slight thought.”I see.” She said.
Shifu took a right turn down into another hall and eyed the room with the kitchen and table. The scent he had been following since the training room was much closer and still smelled very pleasant. As he neared the doorway, he heard bits of the conversation.
“Are you almost done?! It smells so good!” That whiny voice was definitely Po. Clearly, he wasn’t the one cooking.
“Just a minute!” Danny’s irritated voice said back.
Shifu rounded the doorway and stood watching Danny use a saucepan with two wheat yellow objects in it. That must be where the smell had been coming from. Was it some kind of food from Danny’s place of origin? Po looked almost miserable the way he was knelt next to him with his head against the kitchen counter. Danny was nudging a spatula underneath it and flipped it over. The underside was a shade darker than the top, but it looked surprisingly good regardless. The young human looked a little pleased with himself as he did the same with the others. The second one had the same results. Seeing this, Danny grabbed the plate Po was holding in front of himself and used the spatula to pick the food up again.
Po practically leapt to his feet as the food was placed on his plate. He gladly accepted the plate and immediately started eating it. Danny paid no attention to his slightly-less-than-ideal manners and grabbed his own plate to eat the second food item. He blew on it to cool it down a little, and by the time he had his first bite, Po had devoured his food.”That’s was awesome!! It was so fluffy and the berries inside made it so sweet!!” Po said. Danny smiled as he ate his food at a slower pace. Po gave his usual big, excited smile.”You have to make some with me immediately!! The others have to try this!!” He insisted. Danny shrugged and swallowed his food before speaking (something Po could learn from him).
“Making more pancakes sounds fun and all, but haven’t they already eaten?” He asked. Po waved his paw dismissively and began rummaging through the cabinets for ingredients.”Bahh, a little early lunch never hurt anyone! Now come on, they’re going to love this.” He said. Shifu felt like smiling, but didn’t allow himself to. Regardless, he was pleased to know that Danny was getting used to his new environment.
Tigress tried not to see Danny as odd or strange, but rather as just different from them. That’s what he is, after all. Different. Different in a way that unfortunately led people to believe that he was a monster. She still had a little skepticism towards him, but that was simply because he had appeared out of nowhere. There was no known record about his family or friends, or his home, all of which he doesn’t usually talk about. It was a fair reason to be a little suspicious of him, but Tigress had to remind herself not to push too much or jump to conclusions because judging by the way he acts when he does talk about it, something happened. Something that might’ve left a wound, either physical or non physical.
And just because she’s the “hardcore” member of the group doesn’t mean she doesn’t recognize how much it might’ve affected him or care about it. As Shifu said, before the battle of the fist comes the battle of the mind. Both were important.
Tigress continued down the hall to where Danny was staying. He had eagerly offered to answer some of her questions about the night sky after her midday training, and it apparently gave him time to sort through his bag as it carried quite a bit of information. He seemed really excited about it despite claiming that he doubted he knew more than the average human who went through school. Despite it, she had no doubt that he’d be able to teach her a thing or two. Tigress walked into one of the more empty rooms of the palace, one that had a table and couch against the right wall. Danny was sitting on one end with his eyes closed and a couple of books on the table. He had a small habit of dozing off that he was starting to break now that he’s had better rest, so she wasn’t too upset about this. Especially since he wasn’t in the rafters again. They still had no idea how he got up there. She walked over to him, but as she got closer, she noticed something that made her heart stop for a second.
He wasn’t breathing.
Tigress quickly closed the distance between them and grabbed him by the shoulders.”Danny?!” She asked. She didn’t yell, but it was enough for him to suddenly start breathing again and open his eyes.
He gasped and his eyes shot open, panicked before processing who was in front of him.“Huh -- What happened?!” Danny asked. He looked over at Tigress sat up straight. He glanced out a nearby window to see how long he’d had his eyes closed. Yet again, another habit that came with his random napping.”Oh, good, it’s still daytime.“ He said under his breath. He turned back to her and glanced at her paws.”Uh, is something wrong?” He asked.
Tigress was confused. It wasn’t normal for a creature to stop breathing and then continue like nothing had happened. She hardly knew much about humans despite Danny explaining “biology” to her and Po when he was asked how humans even survived so long, but she was sure that shouldn’t have happened.”You stopped breathing.” She said. She sounded surprisingly calm for how she actually felt. Danny’s expression shifted to discomfort. Confusion and horror were evident in his expression.”What?” He asked in slight disbelief. He sounded like he didn’t even know he’d stopped. Didn’t he, though? How would anyone not notice? He shook his head ever so slightly and blinked as if to bring himself back to reality.“That... shouldn’t happen. Are... Are you sure?” He asked. The kung fu master thought about it for a moment.
She was ready to say yes, but she’d only been watching him for a few seconds before she jumped into action. There was a small chance that he was breathing, but slower since he was asleep, and she had just been too fast to the conclusion that he was in danger. Still... maybe she should think about it more later. For now, she’d try to keep him calm. She’s seen what happens when he freaks out too much.“No. Perhaps you were just slow and I missed it.” Tigress replied. The stress on the young human’s face quickly melted away. He almost smiled.“Oh, thank goodness. You made it sound like I had died for a second and didn’t realize.” He said. Tigress nodded. It would be scary if she suddenly woke up from what she thought was a nap, only for someone to tell her that she had lost her life for a moment. She released her grip on him and he turned to the books on the table.
He picked up the one on the top. The cover had a picture of the night sky and had something written in English in big, bold letters.”So, what do you wanna know first?” He asked.
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Word prompt: promulgate
Why did it always start with chickens, Sarah wondered, rummaging through the contents of her sock drawer. It was better to check for feathers and paperclips and the occasional egg before upending the whole thing into her laundry basket. She'd learned that the hard way.
But chickens were usually just the first sign of an impending goblin infestation. Whenever the incessant clucking started up from the direction of her dresser, Sarah knew that it was going to be a very long week. She'd already salted all her windowsills and covered the mirrors with plywood.
Not that it helped very much.
But chickens meant that she had a day or two at most before she found a group of goblins in her kitchen. Probably drunk off her vanilla extract or making snow angels in her whole wheat flour. Again.
She'd taken to scouring garage sales for any cast iron cookware she could find. It wasn't foolproof, but a good dutch oven worked better than those cheap, plastic child-safety locks.
But that still didn't explain why it always seemed to start with the chickens or how they even got there. She'd tried questioning a goblin once, the green one with the tusks that liked to wear a funnel for a hat and use up all of her shampoo because it smelled nice.
"It's in book," the goblin said, making a tea tree mint-smelling puddle in the middle of the bathroom floor. She'd switched to cheaper shampoo after that.
The closest she'd gotten to a coherent answer had come from the goblin with the bright orange dreadlocks and the somewhat disturbing fascination with falling off the spinning ceiling fan.
"It regularation!" the goblin insisted, mouth full of half-chewed potato chips that Sarah used to bribe the more talkative ones into telling her things when they could be distracted long enough to stop destroying her apartment. She'd already resigned herself to never seeing her security deposit again. "King make speech. Wear swooshy cape. King sparkle."
Not that that had cleared anything up. She'd spent a week vacuuming up potato chip crumbs from her couch cushions. She tried not to resort to bribery very often.
And then there was Hoggle. Sarah had asked him about it after the third time it happened, chickens pecking at her nice lingerie, the particularly loud grey one with her favorite bra hanging half off its head like one of those Russian fur hats with the ear flaps.
"Really, Sarah, don't you know anything?" Rather than actually explain the sudden, repeated, appearance of poultry in her bedroom, Hoggle had gone off on a tangent, something about goblin parliamentary procedure, and how the wearer of the saucepan would--honestly, Sarah had stopped listening.
Which left her, once again, trudging to the laundromat with most of the contents of her dresser. At least they hadn't laid anything this time.
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herbanwytch · 2 years
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Every year on Christmas morning I would walk into my mothers kitchen where she would be making the same breakfast that she had cooked and eaten for almost her entire life. Creamed Chicken a la King on buttered toast points, egg strata with cheese and smoky bacon, a fresh pecan roll , stewed fruit and a pot of coffee . Since she's been gone I make it every year (my family would riot if I didn't!) and it's a wonderful way to spend my morning thinking of her. All of the aromas of that breakfast are wonderful, simmering onions and warm yeasty sugary dough , but the stewed fruit is especially amazing. It's a simple recipe too, water and about 5 different sorts of dried fruit go into a saucepan along with a cup or two of mulling spices, two cups of brown sugar, a cup of sherry and a sliced lemon and orange. It simmers for hours until the whole thing is a syrupy , delicious mess of fruity spicy goodness. There's always plenty left over because a little goes along way. Around New Years I'll put it back on the stove, add an onion or two and simmer it down some more and serve it with a pork tenderloin and some crispy roasted potatoes. It’s one of the flavors of my childhood that was a constant, and although I couldn’t stand it as a child, I grew to love it. This is so easy to make and smells just like Christmas, kind of a fruitcake without the cake. Sometimes I’ll add onion to it when ai want it to be savory and it’s absolutely delicious. Any leftovers can be served with some good cheddar, bread, ham and ale for a pretty terrific lunch….#preserves #chutneys #driedfruit #christmasbreakfast #magic #enchanting #homespunmagic #jams #porkloin #kitchenwitch #blessed #gratitude (at The Herban Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmbV8YNg5Cj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Rent Chateau Cendrillon France
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Nestled amidst the picturesque Loire Valley, Chateau Cendrillon offers a serene escape for families seeking a week-long self-catering holiday. This family-owned château, conveniently located between Nantes and Cholet, promises a perfect blend of tranquillity and convenience. For those desiring culinary indulgence, arrangements can be made for a chef to deliver delectable meals or cater elegant dinner parties within the comfort of the château. Set within 20 acres of idyllic rural parkland, Chateau Cendrillon ensures guests a high degree of privacy, making it an ideal retreat for relaxation and rejuvenation. The fully heated outdoor pool, operational from May to September, invites guests to unwind and soak up the sun in a serene setting. Meticulously restored to an exceptional standard, the château exudes the charm of a traditional French estate while offering modern comforts and conveniences. Whether lounging in the elegant interiors or exploring the sprawling grounds, guests are enveloped in a sense of timeless luxury and refinement. Accessing Chateau Cendrillon is effortless, with Nantes airport just a 45-minute drive away. Well-maintained motorways ensure smooth journeys, with convenient travel times of 3 and a half hours from Caen, 4 hours from Le Havre and Cherbourg, and 6 hours from Calais. This seamless accessibility allows guests to embark on their enchanting getaway without hassle or delay. The château boasts 9 bedrooms, and 11 bath/shower rooms, and comfortably accommodates up to 15 guests (excluding infants in cots). A generously sized heated swimming pool (5m x 12m), exclusively reserved for guests, is nestled within the property, enclosed by hedging and gates for privacy and safety. Within the château, guests enjoy the convenience of a fully equipped kitchen, laundry room, dining room, and two reception rooms, including a dedicated games room. Additional amenities include a spacious entrance hall, a downstairs shower room and WC, a separate downstairs WC, and a lift facilitating access to a first-floor bedroom. A mirrored dance studio and two expansive porches cater to various recreational needs, providing ample storage for swimming gear, footwear, and bike helmets. The inviting outdoor pool area features abundant lounge chairs for relaxation, surrounded by hedging for added privacy and safety. Accessible through two gates, the pool is equipped with a key-operated electric cover. Guests can also make use of the built-in barbecue, with briquettes readily available from local supermarkets. While linen and towels for the château are provided, guests are kindly asked to bring their own swimming towels. The château offers a versatile accommodation layout, comprising 6 double bedrooms (including 1 super king, 1 king, and 4 double beds), 2 twin bedrooms, and 1 family room featuring a queen bed alongside 2 singles. This arrangement caters to the diverse needs of family groups. The first floor hosts 7 bedrooms, while 2 additional bedrooms are situated on the second floor. One of the second-floor bedrooms is a twin room without an ensuite bathroom, although a neighbouring ensuite is conveniently located. This particular room is thoughtfully adorned with a captivating underwater mural, making it ideal for children. The kitchen is a spacious and luminous area, comfortably seating 8-10 guests at the table, with additional seating available through window seats and a breakfast bar. Equipped with an electric range oven, gas hob, separate ‘croissant’ oven, and griddle plate, the kitchen ensures culinary convenience. Other amenities include a full-size fridge and freezer, microwave, 2 sinks, dishwasher, mixer/blender, and an array of saucepans, frying pans, and cooking utensils. A separate pantry offers ample storage space, while an adjoining turret houses a well-equipped laundry room, complete with a full-size wine fridge. A side porch adjacent to the kitchen serves as a convenient storage area for shoes, bike helmets, and swimming paraphernalia. Connected to the kitchen, the dining room comfortably seats 14 guests at a bespoke table, with room for 16 if necessary. An impressive glass chandelier adds a touch of sophistication, enhancing the dining experience. The first reception room invites relaxation with three comfortable three-seater sofas, complemented by two occasional chairs, ideal for unwinding after a day of exploration. A satellite television, equipped for DVD viewing, ensures entertainment, with a diverse selection of DVDs catering to both adults and young children. Additionally, an iPod docking station and speakers offer customisable music enjoyment, easily relocated to the kitchen or any preferred room at guests' discretion. In contrast, the second reception room transforms into a lively games haven, featuring a versatile table tennis/pool table for spirited competitions. A plethora of children’s toys and games, along with engaging puzzles and board games for adults, guarantee endless amusement. Conveniently, the lift access is situated within this vibrant space. Ascending to the second floor, guests encounter the dance studio, adorned with a mirrored wall, fostering an ambience of elegance and creativity. Complete with an ensuite shower room, this studio provides a private retreat for dance enthusiasts or those seeking serene moments of reflection. Beyond the château walls, the sprawling parkland beckons exploration, offering guests exclusive access to observe the region's diverse birdlife and wildlife in their natural habitat. With ample space for outdoor activities, including leisurely bike rides, the parkland promises memorable moments amidst nature's beauty. Please be aware that Chateau Cendrillon offers accessibility for those with limited mobility through a lift, conveniently installed in one of the turrets. This lift provides access to a first-floor bedroom, featuring a king bed and an ensuite wet room equipped with a shower, WC, and basin for added convenience. However, it's important to note that accessibility on the ground floor is restricted for wheelchair users. The doorway between the kitchen and dining room measures 60cm in width, which may not accommodate standard-width wheelchairs. In such cases, collapsing the wheelchair to navigate through the doorway may be necessary. Please be advised that all other entry points into the Chateau involve steps. For guests seeking provisions and amenities, the nearest village with shops is Villedieu la Blouère, merely a 2-minute drive away, offering a post office, bakery, and a small supermarket. Additionally, St Philbert en Mauges, located at a similar distance, lacks shops. However, St Macaire en Mauges, reachable within a 10-minute drive, presents a bakery, patisserie, and a larger supermarket for essential supplies. For comprehensive amenities, Cholet is a mere 20-minute drive away, boasting a hypermarket and an impressive leisure centre featuring several pools and an ice rink, ensuring a plethora of entertainment options for guests. In addition to savouring the idyllic atmosphere of Chateau Cendrillon and its environs, guests are spoiled for choice with an array of captivating excursions. Here are just a few enticing suggestions: Embark on delightful day trips to renowned cities like Nantes, Angers, Tours, and Saumur, each boasting majestic châteaux, ancient abbeys, and captivating museums, promising a journey through history and culture. Venture into the enchanting Saumur region, celebrated for its mesmerising troglodyte caves transformed into captivating tourist attractions. Perfect for inclement weather or scorching days, these dry caves maintain a constant temperature year-round. Explore the fascinating Zoo de Doué, nestled within an ancient quarry, where 500 animals thrive amidst the unique cave setting. Discover the innovative Museé du Champignon (mushroom museum) in St-Hilaire-St-Florent, showcasing mushroom production within the caves. Nearby, the Parc Miniature Pierre et Lumière offers a truly one-of-a-kind experience, featuring intricately sculpted tufa stone replicas of renowned Loire Valley sites, meticulously crafted by a skilled Breton sculptor. Be awed by the stunning bas-relief of Saumur, stretching 12 meters in length and 2 meters in height, depicting the town's essence in exquisite detail. Immerse yourself in the equestrian heritage of Saumur, home to Le Cadre Noir, one of the world's most prestigious horsemanship schools. Witness captivating performances by the renowned equestrian display team, showcasing unparalleled skill and artistry. Indulge in the renowned wines of the Loire region with visits to its myriad vineyards, offering wine tastings ranging from expansive commercial wineries to quaint family farms. Delight in the diverse flavors and aromas of the region's exquisite vintages, each sip is a testament to the rich viticultural heritage of the area. With these enticing excursions and more, guests of Chateau Cendrillon are sure to create unforgettable memories amidst the beauty and splendour of the Loire Valley. Chateau Cendrillon offers more than just a luxurious retreat; it serves as a gateway to a plethora of captivating attractions and activities. Here are some enticing options: Le Puy du Fou: Less than an hour away lies one of France's premier tourist destinations. The medieval-themed park transports visitors back in time with its grand Roman amphitheatre, featuring thrilling spectacles such as chariot races, gladiatorial combat, jousting knights, and mesmerising falconry displays. During the summer, the park dazzles with enchanting sound and light shows, promising an unforgettable experience. Seaside Excursion to Pornic: Just an hour and a half away lies the charming seaside resort of Pornic. Here, guests can bask in the sun, stroll along the sandy beaches, and indulge in delectable fresh French seafood, including the famed moules et frites. A delightful day trip offering relaxation and culinary delights awaits. Loire à Vélo: Cycling enthusiasts can explore the picturesque Loire Valley along the Loire à Vélo, a network of 400km of meticulously maintained trails and cycle routes. With plans to extend the route to cover 800km, cyclists can traverse the unspoiled rural landscapes and quaint villages at their leisure, renting bicycles from numerous rental places along the way. Clisson: This medieval town, renowned for its charming ambiance, hosts a popular food market on Fridays. Guests can meander through its picturesque streets, marvel at the ruins of the Château de Clisson, and immerse themselves in the town's rich history and culture. La Séguiniere: Shopaholics will delight in exploring La Séguiniere, home to an expansive factory outlet village boasting 80 major brands spanning fashion, sports, kitchenware, and more. Additionally, a tempting chocolate shop offers complimentary samples, adding to the shopping experience. Japanese Gardens at Maulévrier: Families with young children can escape to the serene Japanese Gardens, where children under 12 enjoy free admission. Originally built in 1899, these gardens have undergone meticulous restoration, showcasing Japanese architecture, tranquil water features, and traditional trees, making it the largest of its kind in Europe. Glissé Leisure Centre in Cholet: Adventure seekers can make a splash at the Glissé leisure centre in Cholet, featuring an array of spectacular sports facilities, including an ice rink and an 8-pool indoor/outdoor swimming complex complete with slides, diving pools, and a beach, promising endless fun for all ages. From bikes of different sizes to a diverse selection of books, Chateau Cendrillon caters to children of all ages. The swimming pool's shallow end and an array of floats and toys provide endless entertainment, while the sprawling lawn and woodland area beckon young adventurers to explore and play amidst nature's beauty. Whether seeking relaxation or adventure, Chateau Cendrillon promises an unforgettable family getaway. SUMMARY Sleeps: 15-18 Bedrooms: 9 Bathrooms: 11 OVERVIEW Pool Chateaux & Castles Heritage Collection Ideal for Kids Walk to Village Ideal for Parties ABOUT THIS PROPERTY Private Pool Child-Safe Pool Heated Pool Wi-Fi/Internet BBQ Bicycles Provided Gym/Fitness Room Games Room Indoor Games Outdoor Games Table Tennis Table Football Pool/Snooker DVD Working Fireplace/Woodburner Heating THE LOCAL AREA Walk to Village Rural Location Walking/Hiking Paths Wine Tasting Golf Nearby Horse Riding Outstanding Landscapes Outdoor Pursuit & Activities Tourist Towns & Villages KIDS Ideal for Kids Ideal for Teens Local Amenities NEAREST TRANSPORT Nearest Airport: Nantes (51-60 km) Nearest Ferry Port: St Malo (Over 100 km) Nearest Village: Villedieu la Blouère (1 km) Nearest Town/City: Cholet (4 km) Nearest Golf: Cholet (16-20 km) BABY AND TODDLER EQUIPMENT Booster seat Mattress protector Baby bath Bath toys Bibs Changing mat Baby monitor Pushchair Potty Plastic crockery Cot(s) High Chair(s) KIDS ACTIVITIES CLOSE-BY Walk to Village Horse Riding Outdoor Pursuit & Activities Tourist Towns & Villages ONSITE FACILITIES Xbox/Playstation/Wii Children's videos/DVDs Children's books Child-Safe Pool Heated Pool Bicycles Provided Games Room Indoor Games Outdoor Games Table Tennis Table Football Pool/Snooker DVD Toys Fenced Grounds Read the full article
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kingcookware · 2 years
King Cookware Store: Gold Cookware Seller In United Kingdom
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gadgetsaudit · 1 year
Cook Like a Pro: The 5 Cookware Set That Chefs Wear Buy in 2023
Best Cookware Set: Pots and pans are a must-have in every kitchen, whether you cook a lot at home or just like to eat out. Buying a cookware set can be hard because there are so many different materials and ways to put the pieces together. Many sets come with different sizes of saucepans and frying pans, as well as large Dutch ovens or similar pieces like stock pots or casserole dishes.
We found that less is more when it comes to cookware based on our own experiences and conversations with chefs, food editors, and leaders of the Cookware Manufacturers Association. Buying a cookware set can save you time and money, just like getting the best knife set. Finding a versatile set will help you get all the essentials for your kitchen at once, so all you have to do is start cooking.
1. Tramontina 12-Piece Tri-Ply Clad Stainless Steel Set
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Pieces: 10- and 12-inch fry pans, a 6-quart covered deep sauté pan, 1.5- and 3-quart covered saucepans, a 5-quart covered Dutch oven, and an 8-quart covered stock pot.
Dishwasher safe: Yes
Oven safe temperature: 500 degrees F
Induction safe: Yes
PFOA free: Yes
When we asked King Phojanakong, a chef at the Institute of Culinary Education, which pots and pans were must-haves, he said a 5-quart Dutch oven, a 12-inch saute pan, and a 3-quart saucepan, all of which are included in Tramontina’s cookware set. The best thing about these pieces is how many things you can do with them. Phojanakong uses the saute pan to make chicken dishes or baby bok choy, and he uses the 3-quart saucepan to heat up leftover soups and sauces, cook rice, or make small portions of pasta.
One of the best things about the Tramontina set is that it comes in a wide range of sizes, with cookware that can be used for both small meals and large gatherings. Its durable construction is also a big plus.
“The most useful material is stainless steel. You don’t have to be gentle with it,” said Lisa Chernick, author of “Your Starter Kitchen.” Each piece in the Tramontina set is made of 18/10 stainless steel on both sides of an aluminium core. This three-layer design has the strength of stainless steel and the ability to conduct heat well like aluminium. Even though the set can go in the dishwasher, it will stay shiny longer if you wash it by hand.
You can buy each piece separately, but getting the whole set is the best deal. There are also smaller and bigger sets, but the 12-piece set has everything you need and nothing you don’t.
Pros: It has all the necessary parts and is made of three layers to make it last longer.
Cons: Low end of safe oven temperature
2. All-Clad D3 Stainless Steel Cookware Set
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Pieces: 8-inch and 10-inch fry pans, a 2-quart saucepan with a lid, a 3-quart casserole dish with a lid, a 3-quart sauté pan with a lid, and an 8-quart stockpot with a lid.
Dishwasher safe: No
Oven safe temperature: 600 degrees F
Induction safe: Yes
This All-Clad set is our best overall choice. It is also made of stainless steel, but it is less expensive and has many of the same benefits. But, if you cook a lot, the All-Clad D3 line may be worth the extra money because it lasts longer and is more durable.
The All-Clad D3 cookware set can go into an oven as hot as 600 degrees, which is the highest temperature in this guide. The casserole dish or stock pot works better as a substitute for a Dutch oven because it can handle such high heat. And, as Chernick said, more experienced cooks might want to brown something on the stove and then put it in the oven.
Even though these All-Clad pots and pans work well in the oven, you should wash them by hand instead of putting them in the dishwasher. This is something to think about if you want to spend as little time as possible cleaning up.
Pros: High temperature that can be used in the oven, thick aluminium core
Cons: Small fry pans that can’t go in the dishwasher.
3. Williams Sonoma Thermo-Clad Copper Set
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Pieces: 10- and 12-inch skillets, 1.5- and 4-quart covered saucepans, 4.5-quart covered sauté pan, and an 8-quart covered stockpot with lid.
Dishwasher safe: Yes
Oven safe temperature: 450 degrees F
Induction safe: Yes
Copper is the best metal for cooking because it heats quickly and evenly. Because copper is a reactive metal, most cookware is lined with tin or stainless steel, which are not reactive. The Williams Sonoma Thermo-Clad Copper Set has an interior made of stainless steel, which makes it easier to cook acidic foods.
This set has everything we think is needed for a well-stocked kitchen, and the copper exterior is beautiful enough to show off when you’re not cooking. Thermo-Clad cookware can go in an oven up to 450 degrees, but you should never heat a copper pan that is empty. Check out our guide to copper cookware for more information on how to take care of your copper pots and pans.
Pros: Insulated lids with two walls and an interior that doesn’t react
Cons: Even though the copper isn’t the thickest gauge, the stainless steel lining keeps some of the heat from escaping.
4. T-fal All-in-One Hard-Anodized Cookware Set
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Pieces: 11-inch and 12-inch fry pans, 10-inch deep saute pan, 1-quart stewpot, 2-quart covered stewpot with fridge lid, 4.2-quart covered stewpot, and three cooking tools.
Dishwasher safe: Yes
Oven safe temperature: 400 degrees F, lids to 350
Induction safe: No
All of the pots and pans in T-cookware fal’s set are made of hard-anodized aluminium, which is scratch-resistant. The insides of the pots and pans are coated with a nonstick coating and strengthened with titanium. We chose this T-Fal set as the best budget pick in our guide to the best hard-anodized cookware because of how long it lasts and how cheap it is.
James Brains, an insider reporter, has used a T-fal set like this since 2018. He said that the pieces have held up well even though they are used every day. To keep the nonstick coating on the fry pans, he suggests washing them by hand.
The biggest pot in this 12-piece set is only four quarts, but if you’re not having a party, that should be enough for pasta night. The set also comes with a serving spoon, a spatula, and a spatula with a hole in it, so you’ll be ready to serve dinner. And if you have leftovers, the 2-quart pot comes with a lid that you can put in the fridge to store them.
When the pans get hot, thermo spot indicators in the shape of a ring turn red. This can help less experienced cooks figure out how to properly heat the pans. When you’re done, it’s easy to put these pieces back together.
Pros: Large frying pans, can be cleaned in the dishwasher, stewpot can be used as a Dutch oven.
Cons: There is no pot bigger than 4 quarts, and the saute pan doesn’t have a lid.
5. Caraway Ceramic Coated Set
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Pieces: 10.5-inch fry pan, 3-quart saucepan with lid, 4.5-quart saute pan, and 6.5-quart Dutch oven.
Dishwasher safe: Yes
Oven safe temperature: 550 degrees F
Induction safe: Yes
Even though this set isn’t very big. It has everything you need to start cooking. The 6.5-quart Dutch oven can be used to cook pasta or serve big meals. And the 4.5-quart saute pan is perfect for making a lot of fried food. I put the Caraway Home set to the test and found that each piece kept heat well. And had useful design details. But I don’t think the storage system that comes with the set adds much to it.
Caraway is known for its ceramic coating that doesn’t stick. Ceramic coatings are nonstick just like traditional ones, but they don’t have any PFOA, PFTE, lead, or cadmium in them. Caraway cookware has an aluminium core that heats quickly and evenly. The coating makes the surface easier to clean and reduces the amount of oil you need to use.
The Caraway Home set is shipped without any plastic bags, in recycled cardboard. Also, making the ceramic coating uses less CO2 than making other nonstick coatings. (But keep in mind that ceramic, like all nonstick coatings, is not as durable as stainless steel or other metals.) All together, this set is made to keep your kitchen clean, well-stocked, and free of clutter.
Pros: Includes a storage system and an aluminium core that heats up quickly.
Cons: There isn’t a bigger fry pan, and the ceramic coating isn’t as tough as stainless steel or other metals.
Read More: Cook Like a Pro The 5 Cookware Set That Chefs Wear Buy in 2023.
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dogwelder · 2 years
Okay, ChatGPT is blowing my mind. Look at this:
Could you write a story that follows the hero's journey structure about a spatula that becomes the king of Burbank?
Sure, here is a possible story that follows the hero's journey structure:
Title: "The Spatula King of Burbank"
Act 1:
In the small town of Burbank, there lived a humble spatula named Speck. Speck was a simple kitchen utensil, content to flip pancakes and stir sauces in his owner's home. But deep down, Speck longed for something more. He yearned to be recognized and admired, to be more than just a simple spatula.
One day, a strange and mysterious visitor came to Burbank. It was a wise old spoon named Spooner, who had traveled from far and wide to seek out the chosen one. Spooner had sensed a great power within Speck, and he knew that Speck was destined for greatness.
Spooner revealed to Speck that he was the chosen one, the spatula who would become the king of Burbank. But first, Speck would have to undertake a perilous journey, filled with challenges and obstacles. He would have to face his fears and overcome his doubts, and he would have to learn the ways of the spatula king.
Act 2:
Speck was hesitant at first, unsure of whether he was truly worthy of the title of spatula king. But with the encouragement of Spooner, he decided to embark on his journey. He left his home and set out into the unknown, determined to prove himself and become the king of Burbank.
As he traveled, Speck encountered many challenges and obstacles. He had to cross treacherous rivers and scale tall mountains, and he had to battle fierce foes and overcome great dangers. But through it all, Speck remained brave and determined, using his spatula skills to overcome every obstacle in his path.
Along the way, Speck also met many new friends and allies. He encountered a loyal frying pan named Fry, a valiant whisk named Whisker, and a brave saucepan named Saucie. Together, they formed a band of kitchen utensils, united in their quest to help Speck become the spatula king.
Act 3:
As Speck continued on his journey, he grew stronger and wiser. He honed his spatula skills and mastered the ways of the spatula king, and he became a true hero. But his ultimate test came when he reached the kingdom of Burbank. There, he was confronted by the evil spatula Dark Spoon, who ruled over the kingdom with an iron spatula.
In a fierce and epic battle, Speck and Dark Spoon clashed, using their spatula skills to the fullest. The battle raged on for hours, and it seemed as though neither side could gain the upper hand. But in the end, Speck emerged victorious, defeating Dark Spoon and becoming the true spatula king of Burbank.
Act 4:
As the new spatula king, Speck ruled over the kingdom of Burbank with wisdom and fairness. He used his spatula skills to protect the kingdom and its people, and he became a beloved and respected leader. And with the help of his loyal friends and allies, Speck brought peace and prosperity to the kingdom, and he lived happily ever after.
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Day 29, Story #1 is by @floreatcastellumposts
Title: In Vino Veritas Author/Artist: Floreatcastellum Pairing: Gen (Harry - Molly platonic/parent-child) Prompt: In Vino Veritas Rating: T Trigger Warning(s) (if any): Heavy alcohol consumption, mild language.  Molly Weasley was not stupid, and was well aware that young men enjoyed going out and getting drunk. She was not even particularly opposed to it - in principle - and she had to admit that she was very relieved to see George so excited about something. He hadn’t been excited in several long months.
‘Just don’t be too silly,’ she told him.
‘Us? Silly?’ he said, affronted.
‘I mean it, things might be safer but you’re all still targets - especially Harry, he needs to be particularly aware-’
‘I think he is more than aware that people out there want him dead. What he needs is a lot of alcohol to forget that.’
‘No, George.’
She knew he was winding her up, but she also knew that they were planning a big night out, because Ron and Harry had never really had one before, and in all honesty as much as she couldn’t help her disapproval, she did also feel that it was a shame they had missed out on such a rite of passage.
All the same, since George had let it slip, she knew she was going to worry, and her way of coping with that twisting, maternal anxiety was to insist that after their night out they returned, not to the flat in Diagon Alley they shared, but to the Burrow so that she could make them a full English in the morning.
She had also intended to stay up waiting for them, and to call the Law Enforcement Patrol if they were not back by half one to go and search for them, just in case something terrible had happened. But it was an awfully cold Halloween, and so she had got into bed next to Arthur so that she could have the warmth of the duvet, propped herself up against the headboard, and started knitting. The next thing she knew, she was being woken by an almighty crash.
‘Oh, fuck!’
Both Molly and Arthur had already grabbed their wands in a panic before they heard their son’s exasperated voice.
‘Get up - get up, you idiot - George, hold him - oh for crying out loud-’
‘Ssh! Don’t shout-’
‘Get him some water-’
‘He needs more than water - ahhh I have a brilliant idea-’
‘No, you don’t, whatever it is, abandon it-’
‘That’ll be the boys back, then,’ said Arthur, turning on the bedside lamp and giving her a wry smile. The clock on the table said that it was approaching three in the morning.
‘Sounds like it, what on earth is all the shouting about?’ she asked, pulling on her dressing gown. Tying the cord tightly about her waist and slipping her feet into slippers, she listened to the commotion echoing up the stairs, and tried to figure out what exactly they were doing.
She could hear snorting laughter as she descended the creaking stairs, and Ron’s voice again, sounding remarkably grown up, saying, ‘don’t encourage him, stop it - put that down-’
She could hear saucepans clattering and tins falling, and the hissing spit of the gas; she looked over her shoulder to exchange a bewildered look with Arthur. ‘Are they cooking?’ she whispered, though there was no need, because there was no chance of them hearing her above the noise of George hooting.
‘Beans on toast, beans on toast!’
‘BEANS ON TOAST!’ came Harry’s echo.
‘Shut up, shut up, shut up, both of you, shut-’
Molly had heard enough; she threw open the kitchen door so violently that George jumped and threw an open tin of baked beans several feet into the air. They landed with an impressive splatter across the slate floor. Harry, meanwhile, reached for his wand, but had instead seized a loaf of bread which he now brandished threateningly as he leaned against the counter. Ron had frozen in the middle of filling a glass of water, which now flowed over his hand. All three of them were still streaked with smears of paint from what she assumed were their Halloween costumes.
‘What on earth is going on in here?’ she demanded loudly.
Ron gave a heavy, exaggerated sigh. ‘You woke Mum and Dad,’ he told George and Harry pointlessly.
Harry lowered the bread, and held it sheepishly in both hands, like a child with a toy. George, in a carrying, apologetic whisper, said, ‘...sorry. We’re a bit drunk. Go back to bed.’
‘We can see that,’ said Arthur. ‘Harry,’ he added sharply. ‘What’s wrong with your foot?’
‘Oh, I… I fell on it. It doesn’t matter.’
‘He was dancing on a table!’ exclaimed George, with an accusatory point.
‘I wasn’t dancing, I was standing-’
‘Look at the state of you all!’ she said furiously, as Arthur calmly went over to Harry and guided him, hobbling, to a kitchen chair. ‘So irresponsible-’
‘I’m not that bad!’ said Ron defensively, and in truth Molly was rather surprised and a little proud at how he was being the responsible adult of the group, but there was no denying the heavy slurring, and the slight sway as he towered above her.
'You're not going to lose your bones,' she could hear Arthur saying reassuringly.
‘Mum,’ George was saying urgently, ‘Mum, can you make us beans on toast?’
‘No I will not make you beans on flipping toast! I’ll make you breakfast at a reasonable hour, right now you need to-’
‘Molly,’ Arthur called, ‘Molly, I think we’ll need some Skele-gro-’
‘Noooo - no, Mr Weasley, it’s fine, look, I can-’
Arthur gave a horrified yelp. ‘Don’t do that!’
‘I’ll get it,’ said Ron loudly, and, weaving erratically, he crossed the room to the Healing kit on top of the cupboards.
‘Mum,’ George continued, ‘if I hover up those beans, they’ll be all right, won’t they? Ten second rule, and if I let them boil for a bit?’
In short, it was chaos. Noisy, drunken chaos. In truth, she found it rather amusing, though it was still equally easy to frown and scowl at them. Somehow, and she could not muddle through the boys drunken logic, rooms were assigned and she found herself - and, again, she could not quite see how she had ended up in this situation, guiding Harry into Ron’s attic room and trying to help him into pyjamas. She had noticed before that Harry was a little more open, a little more affectionate, when he’d had a drink, but she had never quite seen him drunk before, and though the first time he had stopped her on the way up the stairs so he could hug her had been rather endearing, by this point she was getting rather fed up.
‘Mrs Weasley,’ said Harry loudly. ‘Mrs Weasley - I-’
‘Come on, dear,’ she said, more grumpily than she had ever spoken to him before.
‘I love you so much, Mrs Weasley-’
Her heart melted in an instant, she tried very hard to hide her smile, continuing to hold out the pyjama top. ‘You need to get into bed, dear.’
‘I love this whole family-’
‘That’s very sweet, Harry,’ she said patiently.
‘Bes’ family in the world-'
‘All right…’
‘Sorry, sorry,’ he slurred, and, though he was usually a very shy boy, he pulled his shirt off over his head, knocking his glasses half off in the process.
She looked politely away, but a few muttered swearwords made her look back, and, with a tut, she proceeded to help him untangle himself from the twisted shirt. ‘Hold still - this arm this way- that’s it-’
She had never realised just how covered in scars he was. On his chest, his arm…
The shirt fell to the floor, and she caught his glasses as they tumbled off his ear, and set them on the windowsill. When she turned back, he had one arm in the pyjama shirt, but was missing the other arm and twisting dramatically to try and get at it.
‘Silly boy, here you are,’ she said, helping him, and he started telling her thank you, over and over and over again. When it came to the pyjama bottoms, he seemed to realise that she was there, and gain a sense of shame, and he loudly asked her to turn away and not look, but when she went to the door to leave him to it, he shouted again.
‘No - no wait - Mrs Weasley don’t go, just don’t look - hang on-’
Finally, after the sounds of heavy, staggering hopping and a few more muttered swear words, she said, ‘can I look now?’ and he mumbled an agreement.
‘Oh, no, where are are my glasses?’ he asked, as she guided him to the bed. He sounded very worried.
‘They’re on the windowsill, and look-’ She pointed her wand at the bedside table, and a large jug of water and a glass appeared. ‘You’ve got water, and in a few hours you’ll have some food too, you just need to sleep some of this off. All right, dear?’
He collapsed heavily onto the bed. ‘You’re like the mum I never had,’ he mumbled into the mattress. ‘Mrs Weasley. My aunt never was this kind. Wish I’d been here all ‘long.’
She swallowed, and perched on the bed beside him, and reached out to brusy back his messy hair. ‘I wish you had too,’ she said quietly. ‘But you’re part of the family now, aren’t you? For good. I love you too, we all do.’
'I'm sorry,' he whispered suddenly, rolling onto his side with what must have been considerable effort.
'It's all right, you're just a bit drunk, you know I play the grumpy Mum act up a bit.'
'No. I… I’m sorry for everything I put you and your family through.'
She placed her hand against his face, and looked into his bright eyes. ‘I’d do it all again,’ she told him. ‘In a heartbeat.’
‘Would you?’ he asked quietly. ‘If you knew? If you knew everything that would happen?’
‘I absolutely would still talk to the little boy alone in Kings Cross,’ she said firmly. ‘In fact, I think I would probably go looking for him.’
His eyelids drooped, he sighed heavily. ‘Kings Cross… Thank you.’
Within seconds, she was sure that he was asleep, gone to the world, utterly unwakeable. She smiled, kissed him on the temple, and left the room. From the sounds of it, Arthur was still arguing with George about beans on toast.
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100yearoldcomics · 2 years
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April 23, 1922 Gasoline Alley by Frank King
TOP PANEL [ID: Skeezix, dressed in the uniform of a fire captain, directs Walt to the scene of a presumed fire. Walt has a fireman's helmet on and carries a fire hose that snakes off to his truck. On his back is a backup unit, a small canister with another hose attached. He's also got a lace apron tied around his waist. Wafts of smoke billow out of the garage - but once we get to the open door, we see it's just Avery smoking a cigar while he replaces his tires' inner tubes. /end]
MAIN COMIC [ID: Walt stands at his wood stove, cooking something in a saucepan. He pulls off the lid and steam billows out. In his other hand, he holds a bottle of milk. He's startled into distraction by a noise. /end] Walt: Great Juniper! What was that racket?
[ID: Walt runs into the living room, where Skeezix has opened a glass-doored bookshelf and pulled out one of the shelves, knocking a pile of books onto the floor. /end] Walt: Skeezix! Skeezix: Book! Book!
[ID: Walt gathers the books together to put them away. Skeezix wanders around behind him. /end] Walt: He just can't be alone a minute, but what, he's up to his neck in something!
[ID: Walt takes notice of a book and sits down, happily reading on the floor. /end] Walt: Old Huckleberry Finn! I haven't looked inside this book for fifteen years! Gee, how I used to eat it up!
[ID: Rachel carries a large basket of laundry outside to the clothesline. She drops it in fright as she sees a plume of black smoke wafting out the kitchen window. /end] Rachel: Lawdy gracious, looka that! Fire! Fire!
[ID: Walt lifts himself off the floor. /end] Walt: What's that? Who's yelling fire?
[ID: Walt runs around the room, calling out for Skeezix. /end] Walt: Skeezix! SKEEZIX! Where are you? The house is on fire!
[ID: Walt swoops down on Skeezix, who's currently trying to crawl into an overturned wicker wastepaper basket. /end] Walt: Quick, honey, quick. Never mind that.
[ID: Walt throws Skeezix over his shoulder as he sprints out of the house. The wastepaper basket flies behind him - evidently Skeezix wasn't too eager to let go. /end] Walt: Now! Before the roof tumbles in!
[ID: Walt runs down the front porch steps, carrying a Tiffany floor lamp with him as he goes. Doc and Avery run up to the house, alerted by Rachel's cry. /end] Walt: Thank heavens, Skeezix. You're saved! Rachel: Fire!
[ID: Walt rushes back into the house, carrying a kinked-up garden hose knotted up on the ground behind him. Doc follows behind with a bucket, Avery and Bill stand by. Rachel holds Skeezix on the lawn. /end] Walt: Now men, follow me!
[ID: Walt stands, deflated, in his kitchen. The apron tied around his waist is in tatters. The smoke pours out of his saucepan. The rest of the alley bunch stand behind him. /end] Walt: O, yes. That reminds me. I forgot the gruel!
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sevfanfic · 4 years
A Touch in the Dark - Chapter 13: A Different Perspective
Word count: 1,964
(This first part is Irma’s POV)
A gurgling croak sounded overhead from a raven that soared high in the sky. The bird circled above a cluster of buildings before nose diving into a dark alley. The passage was narrow and cluttered with garbage. A cluster of dark feathers formed a swirling cloud as the shape of a woman emerged. Irma straightened her neatly tucked shirt and stepped out of the alleyway and into a bustling crowd of people. She approached the cold white edifice across the street. Her thin frame weaved between the pedestrians with ease, her face a mask of indifference. Her path led her through a heavy revolving door. The sound of her footsteps echoed sharply against the white walls of the entrance hall. She approached a closet at the end of the hall, inside stood tall shelves lined with assorted office supplies. 
“Revelio.” She waved her wand in a small arch in front of her, the shelf began to tremble. A door revealed itself as if a mist was being blown away. Irma entered through the opening and proceeded into a dark corridor lit by dim blue hues emanating from large sconces.   
“Mrs. King, you’re early. The Minister isn’t expecting you for another hour.” A short man with a stout frame seemed to emerge from the air. 
“I will see him now,” Irma swiftly passed the man and continued speaking as he struggled to keep up with her pace, “where is he?”
“I must insist that you wait, he is in an important meeting and is not to be interrupted.” The man spoke rapidly, attempting, unsuccessfully, to stop the tall woman. Irma continued to make her way through the winding corridors of the Ministry of Magic. She mulled over the Minister's possible whereabouts and concluded he’d most likely be in his favorite conference room. Her determined footsteps could be heard from inside the room she was approaching. 
“Ah, Mrs. King,” Kingsley Shacklebolt turned from his spot at the head of a grand table, “I will be done shortly. Please wait in my office.” He turned back to the circle of confused faces. 
“It’s. Important.” The severe look in Irmas eyes sent a shiver of realization down the spine of the minister as he glanced at her again. He promptly stood and neared the silver haired woman. 
“We shall resume this meeting when I return.” 
The Minister’s office was furnished with cushioned chairs with large pillows and tall framed paintings. No windows meant the only light came from small lamps and candles. It was cozy and Irma’s frigid statuesque demeanor cut into the warmth. She reported her findings and spoke adamantly about further interrogating the newest professor of Hogwarts.
“She has the support of Severus Snape. We cannot trust either of them.” Irma spoke firmly.
“She has given us no reason to mistrust her,” Kingsley shook his head, “I agree we must keep an eye on her but there is no need to turn to extremes at this time.” He paused and then stood from his chair, “And as for Severus, he was given immunity and has proven his true loyalties.”
“We are to wait for the inevitable then?” Irma raised a brow, “you know what she’s capable of, Severus is also highly skilled.”
“I understand your concern, but we have no evidence to justify taking any action. We will watch them and the others.”
“Very well.” Irma gave a nod of defeat as she watched the man leave the room. She knew she couldn't go against orders but had a pang of uneasiness in the pit of her stomach. The Minister had put together a task force to track down any potential threats, such as witches or wizards with unexplainable powers. Irma King was named head of the force, a general of sorts. She was pitiless and calculating with a taste for authority. 
Irma instructed two of her best practitioners to keep watch at Hogwarts. They were to report back with any new developments or interesting findings. The two, a witch and a wizard, were both animaguses so staying hidden was not an issue.
“What if I were to substitute boom berry with powdered bone?” You picked up a few glass vials from the shelves against the back of Severus’ classroom. As you walked back to your table you noticed him standing over your bubbling cauldron. 
“It’s possible that could work.” Severus turned to you as you approached him. You set the supplies down and began to measure out a gray powder. Severus watched you with a fond look in his eyes.   
“You’re so pessimistic, Severus.” You grumbled sarcastically. It was late in the evening and the moonlight trickled in through a small window. The chilled air lingered with the faint smell of the potion you were working on. Severus placed a hand on the small of your back.  
“Maybe you’re just too optimistic,” he whispered, “however, I do enjoy watching you experiment.” Severus spoke close to your ear in a husky voice that sent a shiver down your spine. You smirked and nudged him away playfully. 
“Don’t patronize me.” The teasing lilt in your brought a smile to Severus’ face. He kissed your cheek softly and made his way back to his desk. He began to work on some grading. Occasionally he would look up at you and watch you concentrate. A small smile remained on his face as he worked.
The evening went on in silence, you focused on your potion and when you began to clean your area Severus got up to help. When you finished he walked with you back to your quarters. 
“Would you like to see this new crimson asphodel I’ve been growing?” You asked Severus with a smile. He looked at you suspiciously and you pushed open your door. 
“Does such a thing exist?” Severus watched you carefully.
“It might,” you giggled and took his hand, “but I definitely haven’t seen one.” You then pulled him through the doorway. He let you do this but then he took you into his arms and kissed you. When he pulled away from you he brought his hands to your cheeks. His thumb grazed against your bottom lip. 
“If you want me to stay, all you have to do is ask.” He murmured. The warmth of voice brushed against your skin.
“It’s that easy, hm?” You pursed your lips.
“Yes.” Severus smiled and kissed you again intensely. 
 Severus woke before you. He ran his fingers lazily over the bare skin of your back, tracing small scars and worshiping the curves and dimples of your body. It was early in the morning, the sun had barely risen above the horizon. He watched the slow rise and fall of your breaths. He admired the mess your hair had become, having become fond of the unkempt look that you always woke up with. These moments gave him the most peace, he felt his heart swell with love. The softness of your skin reminded him of satin sheets. He moved closer and kissed your shoulder. 
“Venus in her shell was never so lovely, and Diana in the forest never so graceful as my Lady when she strides through Paris.” Severus whispered in a low breathy voice, his lips hovered close to your skin. The verse resonated with him and he imagined holding you in his arms like this for an eternity. Your sleep was deep but the warmth against your shoulder pulled you closer to a wakeful state. You shifted towards Severus. His arm found its way around your waist. 
“That was beautiful.” You groaned sleepily. 
“I thought you were sleeping,” he moved a lock of hair from your face, “I said it because you’re beautiful.” The tenderness in his voice lulled you back to sleep with a small smile on your lips. He kissed your forehead and pulled you against his chest. With your cheek against his skin you listened to his heart beating rhythmically. 
The winter swallowed the countryside and the students were preparing to leave for holiday. You cleaned your classroom and helped some of the younger Slytherins get their belongings together. You began spending most of your free time with Severus. One evening after most of the students left, you invited him to have dinner. You asked the elves for permission to use the large Hogwarts kitchen and set up to cook. 
“Do you like Italian?” You asked while chopping a small onion.
“I suppose,” he replied, “I didn’t know you could cook.” 
“It is one of my many talents, Professor.” You twirled the knife in your hand before dumping the onion in a hot saucepan. He followed your movements with a raised brow. When you finished cooking you handed Severus a plate and he smiled gratefully.
“Thank you.” He watched you fondly as you ate. Over dinner you two spoke about the visit from the Ministry. Severus expressed his distaste for their obvious lack of discretion and self-restraint. 
“Maybe she just wanted to be thorough,” you spoke carefully.
“Doubtful,” Severus scoffed, “they’re watching us, that is how thorough they like to be.” He pushed his empty plate aside and took your hand in his. With an earnest look in his eyes, he brought your hand close and kissed your wrist. “Nonetheless, I will protect you. I promise.” He kissed your wrist again then pressed it against his chest just above his heart. 
“And you call me a hopeless romantic.” The redness in your cheeks made your face warm and you smiled brightly. Afterwards, Severus helped you clean up the mess you had made. He walked beside you down one of the many shadowy corridors that you learned to memorize. You came upon his door first and he stopped. 
“Would you like to join me for tea?” 
You agreed and he invited you in. You sat at the small coffee table where you first had dinner together. It was lit by three small candles that rested upon a stack of books. Soon he brought two cups of hot tea and handed you one. He sat across from you, his index finger tapping relentlessly against the cup. You noticed this habit of tapping his finger occurred when he was nervous about something. 
“Are you okay?” You asked between sips.
“Yes, I’m fine,” he looked down at his hands then slid them into his lap. He gazed down at the cup and then sighed softly. 
“I need to tell you something.” Severus spoke up and you nodded for him to continue. You heard him tapping against his leg, then he went on, “You have shown me that happiness is attainable even with the darkest of pasts,” he looked into your eyes, wanting you to see that he was opening his heart to you, “It would make me even happier if you would grant me the privilege of being your partner, in this life and the next.” 
You felt your heart flutter in your chest as you looked into Severus’ dark eyes. At that moment nothing else mattered, only how much you wanted to kiss him and tell him that you'd love nothing more than to be with him. Your movements were brisk as you stood and closed the distance between you two. He was quick to notice your movements and pushed away from the table creating a space for you which you gladly filled by straddling his lap. You then took his cheeks in your hands and pressed your lips against his. He grasped your waist and kissed you back passionately. You pulled away and admired the man who had stolen your heart. 
“Is that a yes?” 
“Yes.” you smiled and pressed your forehead to his. The smile on Severus’ face beamed and for the first time in his dreary life, he was genuinely happy. 
TAGS: @ayamenimthiriel @marvelschriss @debiraquel @mitsuhkai @the-not-so-iconic @darkthought15 @rubym13 @4everflowercore @otherxstories @thottywithoutthebody @setsuna-meiou31
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
[TRR] Kairos
Kairos - Prologue
Book: The Royal Romance Pairing: Liam x Riley, Liam x OC Series Rating/Warnings: 18+; language; series will include ns*w 🍋 scenes Chapter Rating/Warnings: Language/swearing, alcohol consumption Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * Kairos (καιρός) is a word in Greek that translates to “the right time” or “the right moment to act” * This is a submission for @wackydrabbles​​ Prompt 62 - prompt will be highlighted in bold text * Author’s Note 2: This was a miniseries I planned for my 31 Days of Summer series from Jasmine’s summer prompts in August 2020, but I burnt myself out after writing for 2 weeks straight; this series will include prompts from friends on my request list, along with Wacky Drabbles prompts (if and when I can edit them into chapters). Word Count: +/- 825
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed for this miniseries tag): @ao719​ @blackcatkita​ @debramcg1106​ @everythingchoices​ @gibbles82​ @hustacks​ @loveellamae​ @ofpixelsandscribbles​ @smalltalk88​ @aestheticartsx​ @aworldoffandoms​ @bbrandy2002​ @burnsoslow​ @choiceskatie​ @darley1101​ @dcbbw​ @gardeningourmet​ @hopefulmoonobject​ @iplaydrake​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @leelee10898​ @liamxs-world​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @superharriet​ @texaskitten30​ @theroyalheirshadowhunter​ @the-soot-sprite​
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Liam stood in front of the stove in the kitchen of Valtoria, stirring the contents of a saucepan with a spoon. He hummed a melody to himself as he hovered between stirring the sauce and checking on a pot of pasta on the neighboring burner. After spending a little more time in the kitchen, he carried a tray of two dishes with him to a small table he’d set up in view of the waterfalls. He checked on the sparkling wine, which was chilling in a bucket of ice nearby, before heading inside and calling out to his wife. “Love? Dinner’s ready!”
Riley descended the staircase in a floor-length airy green dress, her hair down in loose waves. Liam smiled softly as he took in the site of his wife, cheeks dimpling when she wrapped her arms around his neck. She pressed her toes to the ground, giving herself an extra couple of inches to try and match his height, and kissed him sweetly on the lips. “Happy anniversary, baby,” she cooed.
“Happy anniversary, my queen. I hope you’re hungry.”
The King and Queen of Cordonia walked hand in hand to the simple setup for dinner. Liam helped Riley to her seat, kissing her on the cheek as she scooted her chair closer to the table. With a tiny flourish, he removed the domed lid over her plate, before doing the same to his plate and joined her at the table. Riley grinned at him as he poured wine into their glasses, and they toasted to celebrating the anniversary of their first official date.
Liam had prepared the same pasta dish – one that he quickly learned to perfect, following their wedding – from their date at Ramsford, just before the Beaumont Bash. It was simple but filling, and allowed them both to just enjoy each other’s company. Halfway through the meal, Riley chewed thoughtfully on a bite of pasta. “I’m curious about something you said that night at the Beaumont’s,” she said, running a finger around the rim of her wine glass.
“Do you remember how you told me you thought you were once serious about a woman before you met me, but it lacked a spark?”
Liam coughed harshly, choking on the bite of pasta he’d just swallowed. “Yes.” He dabbed a linen napkin to the corners of his mouth. “Wouldn’t you rather talk about something else on our anniversary?”
“Not really, no,” Riley answered, her finger still circling the glass. “You never brought her up again.”
Liam reached across the table to hold her free hand in his. “Because I met you, and you’re the only woman that matters.”
Riley plastered on a smile. “Bullshit,” she grit through her teeth, before feigning a smile at him again. “I told you all about my exes and past relationships, it’s your turn now.” She drew her hand back and stabbed one of the remaining bites of her meal on the plate.
“I…met a young woman while I was on vacation, and she was vacationing as well. We spent the remainder of our trips together, getting to know one another, and in that short time, my feelings for her grew until I thought I might have been in love. In retrospect, it was infatuation more than anything else, because we knew that our time together couldn’t turn into anything more once we had to go our separate ways. We were both caught up in the idea of a summer romance, idealizing one another as an escape from life.”
Riley blinked several times at Liam’s confession, holding her fork in the air. She set it down on the plate again and looked over to him; he’d gulped down the remainder of the wine in his glass, and his skin was a blotchy pink as the rush of alcohol flushed through his body. “Okay, wow, you just dumped a lot of information on my lap and gave me no time to process it.” She smoothed the napkin across her lap, palms damp from nervousness. “This wasn’t one of your arranged meetings, monitored by the court?”
Liam shook his head. “It wasn’t, no.”
“No one was around to act as a chaperone, or look out for you? Not even to make sure you weren’t photographed?”
“Not to my knowledge.” Liam cleared his throat and glanced over to the falls. “Any press attention was focused on Leo, as he was the Crown Prince at the time.”
Riley breathed in deep, exhaling slowly before speaking again. “Care to start at the beginning?”
Liam wanted to jump off the cliff instead of answering her question. One stupid, white lie. There was no spark. It was a cataclysmic explosion over a few short weeks one summer. He refilled his wine glass and took a long sip, wishing for something stronger. “It happened a couple of years ago, when Leo and I planned a trip to one of Greece’s smaller islands,” he began.
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