#kit baby face effects me the most
springpassion · 7 months
the baby faces of the hs cast at s1 never fails to make me cry, like, omgggg they were KIDSA 😭😭
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wileys-russo · 7 months
filling the void II a.putellas x sister!reader
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biiiig thanks to @girlgenius1111 for brainstorming this lil fic with me and listening to my rambles - would recommend listening to after the storm by mumford and sons for max angst as that was the soundtrack in my ears as i wrote this. filling the void II a.putellas x sister!reader
you'd known you were taking a rather large risk the moment you'd arrived to the event with your friends and realized just what it was. this was of course followed by the staggering domino effect of knowing who ran and organised it lingering in the back of your mind.
you'd not been responsible for the tickets, only accepting the invitation of a night out with your co-workers turned friends, your older friends to say the least with most of them in their early to mid twenties and you still only at seventeen, though majority of people would never guess so if meeting you for the first time.
having grown up with a significant age gap between you and both of your older sisters you'd only had so many years living in your childhood home with them before suddenly they had lives and jobs and partners all of their own, and one day it felt like you blinked and suddenly you were left behind.
weekly family dinners slowly strayed to become monthly or just on occasion, trying desperately to find any sort of common ground with your sisters which might attract them back to spending time with you like you all used to.
but time stood still for no one and they got older while still seeming to refuse to accept you did too, the things they enjoyed doing together not something you ever seemed to be included in.
gone were the nights you'd all spend curled up together arguing over what movie to watch, often followed by the spontaneous late night drives you were snuck out for afterward once your mami was asleep.
bribed with the promise of ice cream the three of you would sit on the beach and listen to the waves, talking about everything and nothing for hours and hours.
sometimes when you were much younger you'd fall asleep on the sand with your head on either alba or alexia's lap, their fingers carding gently through your hair they spoke softer as to not wake you.
when it came time to leave they'd argue for a moment over who was carrying you back to the car, alexia nearly always losing as she very carefully returned you to your seat, alba sliding in the back with you as your head was cradled safely into her shoulder, arm draped protectively around your back.
you'd stir a little as the engine roared to life, lifting your head slightly as alba softly pushed it back down to slump on her shoulder again. "go to sleep fresa." your sister would coo, kissing your forehead as you'd drift off again.
fresa, little strawberry.
the small red berry your favorite fruit growing up meant as a baby your face was always stained red with the juice, finding endless amusement in smushing them against your lips rather than eating them properly.
the nickname given to you by alexia who would always laugh as she tried to feed you one and you'd almost take her finger off in your eagerness, having to be extra careful once your teeth came in and suddenly the small nips hurt.
as a small child your affinity for the fruit continued, t-shirt often stained with blotchy red patches to your lack of care when eating, your entire family now dubbing you as fresa, the name affectionate and loving and sweet.
but now, now it felt like ashes in your mouth.
growing up with such a large age gap had made both your sisters fiercely protective over you. your first year of school an eighteen year old alexia walked you there hand in hand every single day, often leaving the barcelona academy early to make sure she was there on time to pick you up again at the end of the school day.
her heart would swell as your face lit up everytime you saw her, waving goodbye to your friends and sprinting over toward her, the footballer often still in her training kit would drop down as you launched at her in a tight hug.
swinging your tiny little hand in hers she'd smile in amusement at your bookbag which was nearly the same size as you as she listened to your excited little ramble about your day, waiting patiently while you forced her to stop so you could pick a bunch of wildflowers from a small park near your home which blossomed every spring.
sometimes they were a gift for her, sometimes for your mami, even sometimes for alba though that was a lot less as your fifteen year old sisters unpredictable mood swings could be truly terrifying at times.
the year your father died was hard for the entire family, but it seemed to fall hardest on you. still too young to understand why suddenly one day he just stopped coming home, and no one really knew for awhile how to explain it to you in words which made sense among dealing with their own grief.
it confused you that as you asked when he was coming home again everyone just seemed to cry, your sisters often pulling you into a hug so bone crushingly tight at times it hurt your chest a little as your shirt became damp from their tears.
of course with time you eventually understood why he no longer came home and had instead made a new home in heaven.
the tight hugs with your sisters you now offered to them rather than they just be taken from you at will as you all did your best to move forward together in this new scary norm.
back then you'd been a tightly knit family unit, bonded by a loss which would always leave a hole in that unit. but overtime with a support system full of love and care it began to close a little, relishing in the time you got to spend with your two older sisters who were your biggest idols and in turn your biggest protectors.
you cheered very loudly and very proudly when alexia played her first senior game for barcelona, sitting on alba's shoulders and watching in awe as your sister blazed up and down the pitch so fast she was like a superhero.
and back then to you both of your sisters were your superheros.
but now dismissed and brushed off by the two women you'd always looked up to and held on such a pedestal growing up left you with a wound carved a lot deeper than you cared to admit or either of them cared to notice.
though of course nothing was missed by eli who with now only you at home to look after meant the pair of you grew even closer. though even eli's subtle attempts to hint to her two eldest that maybe you were feeling a little neglected and left out were waved off.
as far as alexia and alba could see by your instagram you had an active social life and a good handful of friends you hung out with regularly. why would you want to hang out with them anyway if you had friends your own age? what teenager chooses their sisters over their peers.
but what they failed to see was all the over posting and the near forceful attempts to shove a healthy social life down the throat of your followers was to try and prove you weren't a loser.
prove you went out and had fun with your friends, so it hurt even more to not be able to answer the question of why wouldn't your own sisters deem you worthy enough to invite you to do the same with them anymore?
instead now on your own you'd been forced to watch on through a phone screen as the pair of them seemed to grow closer and you suddenly felt a million miles away, some days even on a different planet despite both their homes being a mere twenty or so minutes from yours.
you'd always been smart, you weren't by any means cocky or arrogant you were just intelligent. both emotionally and logically you found yourself head and shoulders above your peers, excelling through school and graduating a whole year early at only sixteen.
you'd hoped maybe this display of maturity and achievement might allow you a small crack to slither through to spend more time with your sisters, and for the weekend following your graduation it seemed to work with both older girls plastered by your side for the entire 48 hours of celebration with your loved ones.
but of course the moment monday rolled around they were nowhere to be found when you'd woken that morning, returning to their own lives and their own homes which just didn't seem to hold a place for you in them anymore.
discussing with your school careers advisor from afar the options which were laid out in front of you now you'd finished school, you found yourself put forward for a junior position with a local pathology lab.
at first they were quite firm they were looking for someone older and with more experience, but with a gentle forceful push from your advisor you were offered the chance to interview anyway.
you'd spent the days leading up to it doing your research, you'd always had an uncanny knack for retaining information and this was no different.
you'd reached out to both your sisters for some advice, hoping they might be proud enough to come see you and help you prepare. though when all you got back were simple texts wishing you luck and not even asking you call them afterwards with how you went, you deflated like a balloon someone had taken a pin to.
the day of the interview came and passed.
it hurt that neither of your sisters bothered to check in, though given they were on yet another weekend away together with a few of alexia's teammates you tried to tell yourself they were just busy and hadn't realized, deluding yourself as the days passed that anytime your phone went off it could be them.
but it never was and you knew deep down they'd likely forgotten all about it, and in turn it felt like they had forgotten all about you.
and when after a few days you'd not heard anything back from the lab you emailed your advisor thanking her for the support but that you were unsuccessful in the position.
but not even five minutes had passed before your phone started to ring and you clicked accept, your eyes widening as you were offered both the job and even an apology.
your chest swelled at the positive feedback that you were the ideal candidate and that in fact your age was an advantage, you might have been young but you were eager to learn with a good mature head on your shoulders and that was exactly what they sought out in a junior position.
that had been twelve months ago and now you were qualified to both take and test the blood with careful supervision, having assumed you might stay in the role only a few months while you worked out what you wanted to do next you found yourself quite drawn to pathology.
over those twelve months you'd found yourself withdrawing from your school friends, struggling to find common ground now you seemed to be in an entirely different life phase to them and through no malice you all just seemed to drift apart.
with a large chasm opening in your chest at the breakdown in relationship with your sisters, your sisters who at some point in time you'd go to for everything and anything, you sought that out elsewhere.
from your very first day you'd felt welcomed and looked after, everyone assuring no question you had was stupid and that the very best lessons came from mistakes made.
so taken under the wing of a few of the more senior girls working you found yourself invited out for dinners, then to parties and birthdays, then just to hang out as that chasm lessened a little with your new older friends offering you the life advice and comfort you'd lacked with alexia and alba stepping back.
which brought you back to now as you chattered eagerly with your coworkers turned friends, all of you grateful for the weekend off since the lab only operated monday through friday.
your heart started to race and you felt your head spin as you looked up at the very large manuelas banner stretched out across the top of the entrance, though that could be attributed to the large amount of alcohol you'd already consumed at pre drinks.
you'd tried to plead with your friends before you entered the line outside the club, already able to hear the thundering bass and laughter coming from inside but all you could focus on was the knowledge your sisters girlfriend was likely already inside.
you knew at least your sister herself wasn't going to be here, having seen on her instagram that alexia was out for dinner with her agent and management team celebrating a brand new deal she'd just signed with nike for a further three years under them.
of course you found that out through instagram as well, as you did with most updates about their lives or careers. the text thread with both of your sisters pushed right down at the bottom of your contacts, rarely speaking to them much these last few months.
you’d stopped going to alexia’s football games, she hadn’t seemed to notice which only solidified she didn’t care if you were there or not. instead you spent your weekends with your new older friends, the ones who actually wanted you around and cared for you in a way you hadn’t felt from either of your sisters in a long time.
though no matter which way you explained the olga situation and your worries you'd be caught out for being underage your friends were not taking no for an answer. promising they'd look out for you and that the chances of you being noticed among the hundreds of women crammed into the club was slim to none.
so with a sigh you allowed yourself to be pulled into the line to get in, your friends doing their best to distract you as your nerves were obvious, though they eased a little by the time you finally made it to the front.
you all had your tickets scanned, that was easy enough and without an issue you stepped forward, hovering in the middle of the group as you tried not to look nervous when you handed the bouncer your fake ID.
really it wasn't all that much of a stretch and you knew you passed for nineteen always having looked a little older than your peers, especially with the amount of makeup slapped on your face right now as you shifted and subtly tugged your dress down a little as it hitched up your ass.
when you'd bought the ID you knew better than to age yourself up more than a few years, nineteen was reasonable, achievable, anything more and you knew you'd be pushing it.
before anything else you'd contemplated just stealing alba's ID, but trying to pass for twenty seven was laughable and a disaster waiting to happen so you'd abandoned that thought quite quickly.
flashing the rather hulking and stern looking bouncer a smile as charming as you could manage, you withheld your sign of relief as he handed the ID back to you and nodded for you to proceed.
your friends dragging you inside your body sagged and they all announced this called for shots before you were even a few feet into the club.
you blinked a few times as you were pulled and jostled toward the bar, slightly disorientated from the tequila pumping through your blood stream, the amount of insanely attractive women surrounding you and the flashing strobe lights which pulsed above your head as the bass vibrated the floor beneath your feet.
a shot of something shoved into your hand you couldn't help but grin as the cheers rang out celebrating you, having been given a pay raise today at work on the anniversary of your first year with the lab.
"vamos!" you all yelled and downed the drinks, your nose scrunching at the sambuca which burned its way down your throat.
doing your best not to cough or gag one of your friends clapped you on the back and kissed your cheek, grabbing your hand and tugging you with her onto the dance floor.
your friends following suit and yet another drink placed into your hand you found yourself finally able to relax a little, calmed by the mass of sweaty drunken bodies crammed into the room you'd all but dismissed your fears of being found out.
but really, you were caught out long before that first shot passed your lips.
olga had been stood on the second floor with her team, watching with eager grins as the line to enter grew longer and longer and the cheers rang out, glasses of champagne clinking as one by one her partners slipped downstairs to continue the celebrations.
olga however relished in the gentle evening breeze fanned with the fresh fragrant air of summer, having spent what felt like the last month packed into that club organizing every little detail to be as perfect as could be, so understandably she was in no rush to go and join the party just yet.
she had always enjoyed people watching, a smile curling on her lips watching the groups of atendee's below. some clearly already maybe a little too drunk she trusted her security team to keep everything at bay, in olga's mind as she did with all of her events she'd prepared a solution to any possible problem which might pop up.
well, she thought every single problem that could have arisen.
eyes scanning faces and nursing the now lukewarm glass of champagne in her hands olga's gaze passed you by without a second thought, making it a further seven faces before suddenly she snapped to attention as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over her head.
her grip on the half empty glass tightened and eyes narrowed as they locked in on you, the sound of your laughter floating through the air confirming her fears as her chest tightened watching you make your way easily through the security team and disappear inside.
the moment you did her phone was already pressed to her ear, champagne abandoned as she paced back and forth, olga dismissing one of her colleagues who popped her head out to check in with a wave of her hand.
"hola, amor?"
your worries were now long gone as you downed your third drink of the hour, bodies packed against you from all angles as you and your friends sang screamed along amid your laughter.
"your round chiqui!" you felt a poke to your cheek and rolled your eyes playfully, one of your friends shoving you halfheartedly. "vale vale i'm going!" you laughed at their insistence, shuffling and jostling your way through the crowd toward the bar.
finally busting out of the throng of drunken sweaty patrons you were able to breathe properly again, standing in line and running a hand through your hair tugging out a few loose knots.
"hola." you turned your head at the new voice, a tall brunette grinning down at you, the alcohol coursing through your veins impairing your judgement a little as you smiled back and returned the greeting.
"can i buy you a drink querida?" the girl asked, tone clearly flirty as you raised an eyebrow at her forwardness. you opened your mouth to reply however a different pair of eyes caught yours from the bar and suddenly your heart dropped into your stomach.
"no, lo siento." you apologised before turning to make your way away, the girl shrugging and turning to another woman on her other side, repeating the question as you pushed your way back in trying to find your friends.
though the longer your eyes searched the more desperate you became and so abandoning your plan you decided to just make a break for it.
"oye! pequeña?" your blood ran cold at the familiar voice calling out behind you, eyes widening as you ignored the urge to turn around, instead making a beeline for the door, mumbling apologies as you elbowed your way through the crowd.
you flashed a nervous smile to the bouncer whose eyebrows furrowed but before he could say a word you'd taken off, the man deeming he had other priorities as he made no move to follow you.
by the time olga made it to the front you were already gone, the security team confirming you'd left as olga dismissed their questions as to why she was looking for you, the older girl needing to keep this as under wraps as possible as she hurried upstairs already on the phone to her girlfriend.
your uber account linked to eli's you couldn't call one of those, so it was looking like you were walking home considering you didn't have the faintest idea of what bus would get you there.
you were grateful that the club itself was in the centre of town, plenty of people wandering around the warm summer night as the time had now passed midnight.
you were so caught up in your own head you hadn't noticed the car pulling up on the curb behind you, the slam of the door pulling you from your thoughts as you glanced behind you out of curiosity.
but the sight which met your eyes had them widening and the breath quickly snatched from your lungs, the furious hazel orbs burning a hole in your head.
"tienes muchos problemas." your sister growled, both of you locked in a stand off as you sized one another up and you swallowed hard, eyes darting around nervously.
"no!" alexia warned as she took a step closer and you bolted, quickly snatching your heels off and sprinting away as your sister took off after you.
"mierda!" alexia swore as you quickly disappeared, returning back to the car and instructing olga to drive as it was now suddenly a race to see who got home first.
your chest heaved, calves throbbed and lungs burned as you finally stopped running, almost home now and profusely sweating out the alcohol which was pumping through you.
adrenaline and fear having carried you to your final destination everything started to catch up as a wave of nausea washed over your body and you careered over, throwing up the remaining contents of your stomach onto the grass.
wiping your mouth with the back of your hand you forced yourself to your feet, darting around the back of the house and moving the trash bin as quietly as you could, shaking your head to try and remove the dizziness as you climbed up.
meanwhile back around the front alexia and olga arrived right as alba was dropped off by one of her friends, having been at manuelas herself and by the luck of god not running into you she'd only just checked her phone while in the bathroom.
"where is she?" alba asked confused as alexia jumped out, kissing her girlfriend goodnight and promising she'd be home soon, olga sensing this was now a family matter as alba waved and she was gone.
"joder when i get my hands on her, ten foot under in a grave!" alexia warned coldly, body tensed with rage as the two made their way to the front door, alexia pounding her fist against it and tapping her foot impatiently.
"ale!" alba pushed her hand away as she did it again, the door swinging open before another word could be said. "Dios mío. what is wrong?" eli questioned worriedly, alba paling a little as alexia rolled her eyes unfazed.
"mami do you know where your daughter is right now?" alexia asked coldly, eli frowning at the question. "i know two of them have just woken me up at nearly one in the morning." the woman responded calmly, raising an eyebrow as alexia huffed and gently moved the shorter woman out of the way striding inside.
"alexia what-" eli started, the blonde making a beeline for your bedroom as alba closed the front door, alexia all but kicking your door open as you froze like a deer in headlights, halfway through the window.
"oh que perfecto!" your sister was hauling you the rest of the way inside as you stumbled and almost fell, wincing as she grabbed your ear and twisted hard causing you to hiss and try to pull her hand off to no avail as you were dragged across the room.
"alexia? let her go ya mismo!" eli ordered as your sister shoved you to sit down on the sofa, towering over you with a murderous glare as you tried to stand again, quickly abandoning that idea as you slouched backwards with a frown, crossing your arms over your chest.
"mami do you know where she has been? where we found her? what she has been doing?" alexia was on the brink of exploding, and there was a time where perhaps you'd have teased her for the vein in her head looking ready to pop but long gone were those days.
"hija?" eli sighed tiredly, raising an eyebrow as she took a seat in the armchair in the corner of the room, alba and alexia's glares trained on you as you refused to meet their eyes.
"i was out with my friends mami, like i told you i was." you answered with a shrug causing your sisters to scoff. "tell her where." alexia continued to probe as you rolled your eyes, digging your grave a little deeper but beyond the point of caring now.
"at a club." you mumbled, picking at a loose thread of your dress. "más fuerte!" alexia growled in warning. "no, i heard her." eli held up a hand and you chanced a look up to meet her eyes, face unreadable.
"she was at manuelas mami, at olga's event in a club drinking with women twice her age! drinking, at seventeen in a club!" alexia hissed, fists balled by her side as once again your eyes rolled.
"you roll your eyes at me one more time hermanita and i will turn them black!" alexia exploded, taking a step toward you as alba grabbed her wrist and tugged her back.
"some friends hermana, sneaking you into a club and buying you alcohol? group of idiotas!" alba snarked adding in her two cents as your jaw clenched and you bit your tongue.
"do you have any idea how much trouble olga could be in if someone reported that there was minors at the club and drinking? she could lose her license, maybe lose her business, her team would be investigated-" alexia ranted on and on as you sighed quietly.
"no one would have found out alexia, stop being so dramatic." you muttered, and if you were all in a cartoon you were sure steam would have poured from her ears.
"pequeña since when are you this stupid? this reckless? this selfish!" alba spoke up again, shaking her head in disbelief, disappointed in you while alexia remained angry.
the last word caused a bitter smile to be painted across your face, body vibrating with a chuckle as alexia's eyes widened. "is this funny to you hermanita? are you laughing right now? because i will give you something to laugh about if-" alexia warned, cut off by eli clearing her throat in a silent warning.
"i went out with my friends and did a few shots, lock me up alexia!" your voice dripped with sarcasm as you pouted and held up your wrists mockingly as if ready for them to be cuffed.
"hija." eli's stern tone cut through that as your hands dropped and you sighed. "mami por favor i am tired and it is late, can i go to bed?" you asked quietly, eli's face softening as the older woman took pity and nodded.
"sit your ass down hermana we aren't done here!" alexia warned as you stood, her words ignored as you moved to kiss eli's cheek as she drew you into a hug, murmuring an apology to her as your sisters watched on in disbelief.
"mami. really?" alba scoffed as she gestured for you to head to your room and you shot your sisters a filthy glare. "you ruin my night, alexia's night, olga's night and you have nothing to say pequeña?" alba accused as you only shrugged.
"i was fine, i was safe, you had no reason to come here. you ruined your own night!" you snarled back, the sudden tone catching your sister off guard, not used to you pushing back like this and certainly not expecting that as a response.
"sit. down." alexia's larger form blocked you from moving, glaring down at you as you both stood chest to chest. "no. move, puta." you growled, the blondes eyes widening as you tried to push past her and she grabbed the material of your dress in her hands and shoved you back harshly into the wall.
"go on la reina, hit me!" you challenged with a twisted smile at the pure rage in her eyes as you raised your chin up, daring her to make contact.
"alexia! déjala ir, now." eli stood and warned firmly, alexia's grip loosening as you pushed at her chest sending her stumbling backwards. "you don't scare me anymore alexia. i hate you both! stay out of my life." you hissed, both your sisters eyes widening further at the venom in your tone.
but at your words and obvious lack of remorse toward the situation all the midfielder could see was red.
"careless, stupid, selfish little accident!" alexia hurled back angrily as you paused by your door, hot tears burning at your eyes as her words cut you deep like a dagger dragged down your back.
but you wouldn't let her see that they hurt so you refused to turn around and give her the satisfaction.
your anger deflating and now numb and tired you stepped into your room, door closing with a gentle click and a thud of your lock as alexia stood chest heaving with rage watching you go.
"she's seventeen drinking in a club and she gets a kiss on the cheek and sent to bed? mami!" alba echoed her sisters thoughts with a scoff as alexia watched your door for a moment more, your light turning out before she stepped away.
"she's a baby mami! our baby. she is out drinking and dancing and doing god knows what with older women, who don't know that she is a minor! are you blind? deaf? do you not care about her? her safety? she needs rules, consequences, discipline! she is out of control." alexia struggled out, eli fixing her with an unimpressed stare at her words.
"she is not a baby anymore and it would do the two of you some good to remember that hija's, if you have any hope of fixing this." eli spoke calmly as both your sisters faces scrunched up.
"fix it? por favor we have to be sorry? for what mami you are joking!" alba laughed bitterly, shaking her head and shooting a glare at your door with half a mind to kick it in and lay into you herself if no one else would.
"both of you. venga aquí." eli nodded for them both to follow her as she lead her two eldest daughters out onto the balcony, ordering they take a seat as she firmly closed the doors, your ears not needing to catch wind of any of this if you were still awake.
you were, sobs muffled into your pillow as your eyes stung from the salty tears pooled in them and the smeared makeup not yet wiped off your face, mascara stained tears carving their destructive little path down your cheeks as your body shook violently at the effort to try and stay as quiet as possible.
"mami it is late we-" alexia started, the night air cooling her flushed cheeks as eli took a seat across from them. "no, you woke me up and caused all of this, and now you will both listen to me." the woman warned as both girls nodded.
"before tonight, when is the last time either of you saw your hermana?" eli asked calmly as alexia and alba both shared a look, clearly struggling to remember.
"maybe your birthday? but mami-" alexia started, silenced by a hand held up her way. "my birthday was three weeks ago hija's, and it was just dinner. what did you do afterwards?" eli's tone was a little sharper now.
"we went to ale's house, i wanted to see olga since she returned from her trip." alba answered this time as eli nodded. "and did you invite your sister?" both girls hesitated before shaking their heads, starting to sense where this conversation was headed.
"but mami-" "no, i will ask the questions."
"tell me ale, how long has your sister worked at the lab?" eli asked quite casually as alexia opened and closed her mouth a few times. "eh, a couple of months?" she guessed, even alba wincing at that as eli hummed.
"no, one year. one year today, well yesterday. that is why she went out with her friends, to celebrate. i knew she was going to drink, she was honest with me about that as she always is. we went to dinner together on friday to celebrate her achievements." eli informed as alexia and alba shifted a little uncomfortably.
"she didn't tell us." alba dared to speak up, eyes dropping to the table at the fierce look from the older woman across the table. "no she didn't. i asked if she wanted to and do you know what she said said?" eli questioned, neither girl daring to answer.
"your sister said why mami? they won't care, they don't have time for a stupid dinner." eli's tongue cut like a sword through the tense silence rolling in like a fog around the table. "time. something the both of you no longer have for your sister it would seem." eli hummed, crossing her arms and resting them on the table.
"mami we-" "no, i am not done."
"growing up the pair of you have always had one another, three years apart and always close. always filled with love, always looking out for each other like we raised you to. always together." eli started as alexia awkwardly fiddled with the hem of her shorts.
"i know your sister is younger, much younger. but never did i think that would ever mean the two of you do not care for her and look out for her the way you looked out for one another growing up. you had each other, but when you both moved out she had no one but me." eli's tone became harsher as both girls sank deeper into their chairs, both on the verge of throwing up with guilt as her words hit home.
"i am partially at fault as i should have said something sooner. i know you both love her, i do. but she does not, she does not think you care and i can see why. i watched her try desperately to gain your attentions once you both left, i watched her heart crack that little bit more when she was rejected again and again. and it broke my heart because that is not how i raised any of my girls to be!" eli continued as alexia swallowed a hard lump in her throat and alba stared blankly down at the ground.
"i am getting older hijas, and so is she. i can see her now going backwards, she pulls away from you both and if you do not make attempts to fix this then she will pull too far and she will be out of reach. is this what you want?" both girls were quick to shake their heads.
"then do better, find a way to fix this. go to your own homes and think about why your sister does not feel she is welcome in them anymore, and why she no longer feels she holds a place in your life or that either of you deserve space in hers. before it is too late all together, you both need to fix what you have broke."
part two
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honeytonedhottie · 19 days
micro glow up part one⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🧁
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in this post we'll be talking about habits and little ways in which u can improve ur health and appearance without doing anything too drastic. a micro-glow up to stay polished…💬🎀
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dry shampoo helps with smell and reducing oil and all in all just a rly super useful tool that i hope we're all taking advantage of! so to use it simply divide ur hair into sections and shake the canister before application.
make sure that u hold it at least 10-12 inches away from ur roots. and then just brush it out and voila. just get the dry shampoo that matches ur hair color. so for me i have black hair so i'd purchase a dry shampoo that is designed specifically for dark hair.
create a protective barrier around ur hair at night to prevent frizz. with things like silk wraps and bonnets etc. treat ur hair LIKE A BABY. be super gentle to it so it can be soft and moisturized. if ur hair is more coarse or thick use the dominican tubi wrap.
so theres a difference between ur everyday shampoo and a CLARIFYING shampoo. a clarifying shampoo is simply more of a deep clean so if ur using a clarifying shampoo EVERY single day you'll find that ur hair is lowkey straw-like and thats not the move.
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clarifying shampoo is a super deep cleanse for ur scalp and u shouldn't be using it every single day…💬🎀
furthermore using a scalp scrub once a week or two weeks to stimulate ur scalp is rly rly wonderful. to just kind of do a deep clean of ur scalp and stimulate blood flow which can also help hair growth.
i used to have bad acne so i think im qualified to talk EXTENSIVELY on this subject but i won't make this section of the post too lengthy but i think these tips are valuable if ur struggling with acne…💬🎀
♡ invest in a pimple popping tool kit
u can literally get these off of amazon and u can learn to use them via youtube but as long as u store them properly and use them properly u can get rid of whiteheads and black heads safely and most effectively.
when doing an extraction wash ur hands and the area that ur about to extract from to make sure u have a super clean base. also make sure to soften the skin with a warm washcloth before starting. i've found that it minimizes pain.
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hot tip : warm water opens pores and cold water tightens pores which is why when doing an extraction its important to use warm water and when ur done wash with cold water…💬🎀
♡ use blotting papers if u have oily skin
♡ invest in adorable and effective pimple patches
make sure to understand ur skin type/skin concerns before committing to a specific face masks. for example if u have more oily skin use a clay mask once or twice a week, if u have dryer skin go for a hydrating face mask. i rly rly LOVE sheet masks.
wash ur brows with a gentle cleanser and make sure to keep them groomed cuz it makes ur eyes look bigger and gives u a more rejuvenated look. plus it makes u look very clean. dont forget to wash ur brows because washing them stimulates growth + prevents ingrown and painful pimples within or around ur brows.
DONT OVERLOOK UR EARS. make sure to clean in and around ur ears. like when ur showering just take ur finger with a little bit of gentle cleanser and just clean the shell of ur ear, the lobe, behind ur ears etc. do this on a daily basis. it literally takes 2 seconds.
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and to clean ur ears DONT use a cotton swab. ik it feels rly good sometimes but what it does is just push the wax back into ur brain or whatever so instead take a cotton ball and soak it in some warm water, hydrogen peroxide and mineral oil and just tilt ur head to the side <- so that the opening of ur ear is facing up and hold for about a minute and then tilt ur head back and let the fluid drain out.
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SCREAM - 1996
Part two is in the works!!
Looking down at the offending bloodied blade I grinned sharply.
“Oh, if you wanted to kill me you shouldn’t have missed.” I turn my puppy dog eyes to the man in the ghost face. I grip the blade and pull it out with a soft whine. Lifting my shirt to see the entry wound, “next time don’t miss, baby boy.” I say teasingly, my words obviously have an effect as he stands still with heavy breathing. Clearly startled.
I reach across the counter nearest to me and grab a rag before packing the entry. The killer flinches back at how brutally I’m treating my own body.
“If you came here to kill me because I’m part of her friend group then you clearly have me mistaken.” I look up at him again. “I’m just a punching bag, mr killer.”
When he still gives no reaction I turn away from him and half limp to the living room where I try the phone. “Damn.” I Mutter when I hear the dead line. In response a blade is placed under my throat making me hiss. “Put that thing down I was just trying to order a damn pizza.” Then quieter I mumble, “I get munchies when I patch myself up. And if I don’t eat I’ll just pass out and bleed to death.”
With a sigh I let myself fall to the dusty couch and bend over the side to grab the ever present med kit that I had stashed there. “Are you just gonna stand there and watch or are you going to get me a warm bowl of water?” I order the male, I can tell he’s male from whatever deodorant he’s using. That and his shoes are too big to be female, same with his hands. He’s shocked enough to actually do as I said and returns with a bowl of water. I dip my finger in it and sigh at the warmth.
I shake my head, gotta stay awake. Reaching over I turn on the tv and switch it to the channel playing horror movies. The killer beside me instantly becomes entranced making me bark a laugh. “Horror fan too, my good sir?” I joke and he shakes his head yes. This whole time he hasn’t spoken and maybe it’s the adrenaline or the blood loss but I teasingly say, “cat got your tongue, baby boy?”
“No.” A distorted voice responds.
“Voice modulators in the suit, nice.” I say as I turn my attention back to the open med kit. I struggle to thread the needle but eventually get it. All while the ghost faced killer sits on an opposite arm chair with divided attention between the movie and me. By the credits I have stitched the wound closed. I’m wrapping it in gauze when he finally stands up.
He’s almost nervous like he doesn’t know what to do. He’s holding that bloody knife again and pointing at me. “Don’t tell anyone.”
I throw my head back in a laugh, “who would I tell, baby boy.” At this point I’ve called him that couple times and while most of the jocks at our school would feel threatened. This man seems to almost preen at the words like they’re a compliment.
It’s a week later and I’m visited again. I don’t ask how he got in I just lean against the wall with a soft smile. “Back again, Baby boy?” I realize my mistake when I see his gait. “Not baby boy. So there’s two of you, smart.” I say with a shrug turning to walk back into my living room.
I hear the floorboard behind me creak under pressure and I lean hard left barely avoiding a knife stab. I grab the males arm and lift it up while turning. Pulling his arm to his back and pushing him against the wall with force. I hiss at the pull in my abdomen and press him into the wall harder. “Don’t get pissy or your going to rip my stitches.”
I Take the blade out of his hand and while I’ve taken a visible weapon away I don’t doubt he has more hidden on his person. “I don’t trust you so I’m going to pat you down.” I move one hand around and over his shoulders and then down his back and around his waist. I find another knife and a concealed cellphone that I stuff back in his pocket. The hard part was checking his legs because I couldn’t reach down and still hold his arm up.
So I do something mildly stupid and let his arm go to crouch by his legs. I give another hiss at the stretch but check him thoroughly. When the pat down is done I use the wall to try and get back up but I feel something tear and curse under my breath.
When I’m standing again I let my head rest against the wall with a sigh as sweat is already coating my brow. The second killer had backed away to watch me. I put my hand on the wall and continue to limp my way to the living room. Halfway there I take my bloody shirt off and throw it in the opening of the laundry room.
Being shirtless exposes my thin but muscular frame covered in patchy white scars. I’m really thankful I was wearing my sports bra too or I’d be more concerned taking my shirt off around the serial killer. “Getting undressed for me already sweetheart.” He flirts through the Modulator.
“In your dreams, brat.” I lower myself into the couch with a Hmpf. I reach my hand underneath and blindly search for the medkit like last time. This time I’m thankful I also stashed a bottle of scotch. I take a Long sip of the amber liquor before I even bother to look at the damage.
Two stitches had ripped and began to needlessly bleed. The second ghost face killer comes closer to the couch with interest. Kneeling beside me his dips an ungloved hand in the blood puddling my chest and slips his fingers under his mask. A little bit of the blood catches on the white face and I can just barely make out his chin.
I roll my eyes at his behavior and grab the alcohol to pour over the wound. When the skin is well and numb I smile and take the broken stitches out before restitching them. When I’m done I let my head fall back into the cushions with a sigh.
“You didn’t go to the hospital?”
I quirk a lazy grin. “No, they wouldn’t have helped me anyway. Because I don’t have money to pay them.” I say the words slowly to make my point. “Can I please order a Pizza this time?” My response is silence that I then try to fill. “I already told your partner, I get the munchies when I’m hurt. If I don’t eat I will fall asleep.”
“What’s your favorite scary movie?” The man asks through distortion.
“My bloody valentine, next?”
“Um duh, because it was good. I liked the idea of people dying on Valentine’s Day it was a little ironic ya know with the whole death do us part vow.”
The ghost face killer gives a breathy chuckle and begins to run his fingers through my hair. It’s not that bad and I kinda sink into his hand. “Your really not scared, are you?”
“I’m really hungry if that helps?” I tease through a yawn.
Soon I’m falling asleep with a killer stroking my hair. I wake up ten or twenty minutes later to the smell of warm pizza and when I open my eyes there’s a pizza box on my living room table.
I slowly position myself to kneel next to the low table and I open the still warm box of pizza. Cheese pizza <3
Hungrily I dig in to fill my appetite and sway side to side happy.
“Look at that.” A Voice says to my left. I turn and see the same killer as before. His new defining marker being the tinge of red at the bottom of the mask from where he tasted my blood.
“Don’t tease me, brat, I was hungry, I haven’t eaten since…well shoot.” I blink rapidly at the realization. Was it really that long.
“Shoot, What?” Another modulated voice asks. I turn my head with a perky smile. “Baby boy!” Excitedly I wave him over. “Pizza!” I hold up a slice for him and I can tell he rolled his eyes at me. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.” I snuff turning back to my pizza. The second man chuckles.
“She really isn’t scared at all?”
“What? Do you seriously want me whining and crying like some dumb girl in a horror movie?” I lift my lip in a snarl. “Hate when they do that, it does nothing for the movie.” I mumble around a mouthful of pizza.
A silent conversation goes on behind me and then both killers move to opposite ends of the couch and sit down putting their feet on the table in synch. “Cute.” I tease again. “You should really get a slice, boys, before I eat the whole damn thing.”
The one on the left moves to get a slice and I notice it’s the same one with red on the mask. That lets me assume the other is the first one I met.
I reach across the table and there are two electronics barely in arms length. The phone and the remote. I feel brave for some reason and pick up the phone, two bodies tensing behind me. Visibly, so both can see me, I take the batteries out. I then reach for the remote with a giggle. “You boys are way too tense, cops couldn’t catch ya even if I pointed you out, dumb hicks they are. And like hell I’d do that,” I lean back against the couch to see them both. “That lady you guys killed a couple years back had it coming, so did those kids.”
“And what did they deserve, sweetheart.” The one on my left that I had been calling brat said.
“Well you gutted them but I would’ve cut out their tongues and broke their fingers. Casey was a cheater, cheated on my tests and on her boyfriend. Dunno how he’s doing but she was sleeping with the dumb jock while datin Macher.” I dip my lips into a frown. “He didn’t deserve a bad girlfriend, I think he’s dating Tatum, I don’t like her either. She was involved in a hit and run that was never investigated. Suspicious!” I say the last part in a high pitched voice.
The one on the right speaks up this time. “What did miss Prescott deserve?”
My grin dips before realigning. “Bitch had more kids than she had marriages, I know that. But if that’s true then why does little ol Sydney have no siblings in the house.” I pause and the one on the left is the first to catch on.
“You don’t mean?”
“What—that she killed them? No, Miss Prescott had a set of twin girls. I’m Sydney Prescott’s twin, I don’t look it do I?” I reveal to them and both seem startled at the information. “I got put up for adoption and was adopted by my lovely parents.” I stretch the word lovely and rub a scar over my shoulder. They pick up on the message and leave it at that.
“Not that my twins a Saint either. She has a porn blog about herself. All that talk about virginity and not giving it up but she’s got a blog selling her body. Her boyfriend, Loomis, the shit I could tell you about him. Okay so like her mom, my mom. Totally slept with his dad and fucked up the entire marriage. I mean, what a Home-wrecker. If I were Loomis…”
A hand is placed under my chin and my head is turned toward a smiling face. Billy-fucking-Loomis. “You’d do what, Sweetheart?”
“Mother-fucker!” I curse sharply in shock. “No fucking way, I mean it only makes sense. She would’ve been your first kill, then…” I can’t stop the sharp open mouthed smile. “Sydney’s so fucked!” I give a disbelieving laugh. I turn to the other killer with a smile. “If he’s Billy,” I get up and put my knee on the couch to steady myself and take off the other killers mask. “Stu Macher, you son of a gun.” I put my hands on both sides of his face and give him a quick kiss. I turn to Loomis to do the same. Before pulling away I bite his lip drawing blood making him pull back with a hiss.
“What was that for sweetheart?” Billy asks.
“Payback, you had my blood,” I then lick his blood off my lip.
“No hard feelings about the stab?” Stu asks.
“None,” I turn to him with a teasing smile, “you were so cute when you were confused.” I let my eyes drift back to Billy. “He couldn’t kill me so you were sent to finish the job but I’m clearly not dead.” There’s a question somewhere in there and Billy nods running a finger through my hair.
“You’re interesting.”
A month passed and both boys had continued to visit, my stab wound was still aching and I couldn’t move much. I was really thankful I had graduated early because I could not imagine how I would’ve gotten around school with a stab wound. Billy or Stu would drop off after school to see me. Eventually becoming affectionate, I was a little confused at first and asked about their girlfriends. When I did, both boys looked at each other over my head before saying in synch that they dumped them.
I guessed as much when stu couldn’t keep his arms from around me during a scary movie marathon. Billy would give short kisses to my hair while keeping an arm over my shoulders. It was strange at first but I shrugged it off and soaked in the affection with a bleeding heart.
We have been dating for three months and It was hot. My ac had broke again, so I was lounging in my sports bra and free flowing pajama shorts. We were watching a horror movie, Stu had his face buried in my lap facing the movie while I leaned against Billy. Stu moved and rolled to face my stomach and began to bury his nose in my bandages with a sigh.
“Your blood smells so good.” He whined clenching my hips. He began to leave love bites and hickeys along the available skin.
Billy began to take control of my lips and make out. He pressed a hand lightly to my throat when he let up and he too began to mark me up.
I rolled my head back with a sigh, “couldn’t we have finished the movie first?”
“You already know how it ends,” Billy murmured against my skin. Stu chuckled as well, sending vibrations of his voice against my stomach.
“You both suck,” I whined after missing my favorite part.
“And bite,” Stu added with a sharp bite to the skin over my ribs. I held his hair tightly in my fist at the pain he caused. I could feel a drop of blood then running down my stomach which he hungrily licked up. Billy did the same with my collarbone and I hissed.
“Like vampires.” I said sarcastically.
Billy pulled away to smile, my blood staining his teeth. “We were watching Dracula.” He says smartly.
“Then allow me to return the favor?”
Stu nods quickly and sits up in front of me to expose his throat with excitement. I side eye Billy for reference and as much as I can tell, he didn’t hate the idea.
I start by leaving kisses up Stu’s neck until I find where I want to bite and I suck on the spot first giving it a purplish bruise. I lick the spot again and bite down, metallic liquid drips into my mouth. I leave his neck with a few soft kisses to the reddened area. When I pull away his eyes are misty and drunken.
I let my hands softly trace his face and speak softly. “Are you okay, Baby boy?”
“So good.” He whispered back. He leans forward and begins to make out with me, he holds a thumb over my throat and cuts off my air slightly to make me pant. To get back at him I let my cold hands explore under his jumper, nails scratching his skin as I hold his waist.
“Sharing is caring, sweetheart.” Billy says as he tries to get our attention.
“Never watched Care Bears.” Stu jokes under his breath and continues to kiss me. He straddles me and rolls his hips against me for friction. I let one of my hands move from his waist to grip his thigh making him groan through a hiss.
Billy decided to watch while he waits his turn as patiently as a psychotic boyfriend could. It was not very long. Not long at all. He shoves stu away and pushes me down to cover me with his body. “It’s my turn.” He says but both me and Stu can hear the whine he tried to hide.
I reach up to let my hand run though his hair before pulling his neck back. Leaning up I begin to mark his skin like I had done with Stu only more aggressively. Nipping at his Adam apple as I went. “Are you happy, brat?” I question against his throat and he puts pressure on my wound in response.
“Don’t Call me that.” He demands.
I bite again at his throat with an open mouth while one hand moves down from his hair to dig my nails sharply into his shoulder. “Don’t be a brat then.” I say back with a smirk.
“Guys!” Stu whines wanting our attention.
Billy sighs and gets off of me letting Stu again shower my face in kisses. His stubble makes me giggle “Your so pretty.” Stu says in amazement as he hears me.
“No, your pretty, baby boy.” I nip at his ear and his face gains a reddish drunken hue. A combination of the compliments, teasing and calling him Baby boy make him go misty eyed.
More months pass and the end of their school year is fast approaching. “We should finish what we started.” Billy says out of the blue over breakfast. After another bad beating from my parents, Billy and Stu helped move all my belongings to Billy’s cabin. From there we all kinda started living together.
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“I want to finish what I started. It’s not over yet.”
I hold my spoon pointing it at him, “let me guess, the principal, Tatum. Your not really gonna leave Sydney alive, are you?”
“We could frame her dad. Not that hard.” Stu adds.
“That would be a hit, local father now suspected for the murder of his wife four years prior and the killing of 5 teenagers and the Highschool principle. More tonight at 6.” I add sarcastically making us all share matching grins. With a nod we all disperse from the half eaten breakfast. “I’ll gather the dirt,” I say over my shoulder on the way to our room to change. Before I leave I kiss Stu’s shoulder in passing as he sharpens the blades. I also give a quick Kiss to Billy’s jaw as he holds my coat out to me, it’s actually his, but semantics.
“Be safe.” Stu yells.
“Come home before dark.” Billy adds.
I stand over the principle with a sneer. “Sick bastard, Little Kids, really?” I pull back my leg and kick his nose, hearing it snap brings but little satisfaction.
The boys take care of the body by literally hanging him up by the flag pole. School is canceled and we plot how to get Tatum away from Sidney.
While both boys had finally agreed that Sidney must die, they still wanted her to be the last possible victim.
Tatum is easily killed at a party and it is covered up by police to look like drugs. The reason it was so easy is because it was a ghost face party, literally everyone dressed in the dime store costumes to mock or commemorate the killer.
Slowly I had been releasing dirt on those that were killed, enough dirty secrets and bad decisions that people began to praise the killers.
“We’re like Batman!” Stu said throwing his fist into the air.
“That means your Robin,” Billy teases Stu with a light shove.
“What does that make bunny,” Stu says calling my nickname for me.
“Cat woman?” I ask aloud. Stu agrees and buried his head in my neck, shaking with excitement as he left pecks on my throat.
“Our girl is so smart, and pretty.” Stu gushes before chuckling. Sometimes he got into moods where he couldn’t sit still and would be twitchy when he did move. Usually it was from being over excited. I did like always and began to run my hands through his hair while humming soothingly. He sank into me while pushing me to lay down on the couch. Soon I was laid down with his head barely below where my bust ended while he tried to calm down. “You always treat me so well.” He said full of affection as he rubbed his face into my stomach.
“Where’s my kisses and cuddles?” Billy jokes with little heat to it. I lift my upper body as much as I can and he slides under me. My head resting on his thigh as he leaned against the arm rest. I teasingly bite his thigh through the jeans.
“Is my brat satisfied?” I say and he gives a groan.
“The buttons you push…” he exhales.
Soon it’s time for the final kill. Because I’m the smart one of the three of us; I decided that taunting her was not the best option. It would’ve only felt good for a moment and the more we taunt the more likely she could learn who was the killer. Bad idea.
So while Billy called her, Stu chased her through the house much like what was done with the other murders. But this time I was also there for backup in case my twin got too brave. I had already switched the bullets on the gun in the house so it would be useless. All the knives were thrown into the dryer where she couldn’t find them.
Unfortunately there was a complication as gale was also there at the time. I heard Gales scream and ran to the scene where she was. Quickly I dispatched her by stabbing her through the back of her neck.
Stu was wrestling Sydney on the ground and when he saw my display he gave an audible groan, “that was soo hot Bunny.” He said breathily.
“Focus!” I said back and Sydney looked between us back and forth with confusion.
“Right!” Stu said through the modulator and banged her head against the floor making her black out. Jumping into action we posed the bodies to make a more clear murder. I had stabbed gale a few more times before he fully passed to really sell it.
Sydney was posed in her room, scantily dressed and tied to the headboard with her blood on the walls spelling slut. Her computer was also pulled open to show off her porn site. “Like mother like daughter,” was written on a note I left behind.
The three of us planted the evidence and left before the cops ever arrived. And when they did they found Mr Prescott passed out drunk with a bottle of scotch close to him and covered in blood.
“Billy you should’ve seen it! She fucking stabbed that bitch like it was nothing! I almost came just from seeing it! So so hot!” Stu gushed as he held me in his lap. In between sentences he’d give me feverish kisses and touch me lovingly like something divine.
“Oh I saw, saw everything our sweetheart did. Damn hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” Billy said tightening his grip on the steering wheel while speaking huskily. He leaned over to squeeze a hand on my thigh and stroke the inside of it.
“Cmon, it’s not over until it’s on the news. Don’t celebrate yet.” I admonish them both. Then taking the conversation a complete 180 I say, “So what college are we going to?”
A sequel following the Scooby doo movies here
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romcomxb · 3 months
Nicks family, and how he got his callsign (kinda)
To say that the Bradshaw family home was chaos would be an understatement. Goose is the eldest of four. He’s got two sisters and a baby brother, who he loves equally but fuck they could be annoying.
The youngest, Billy, was turning four the year Goose died, and he is an absolute devil. Don’t get me wrong, he’s adorable, but fuck does he know it. If anything doesn’t go his way, that kid is not afraid to burst out screaming, crying, throwing a tanty on the floor, but the second he gets what he wants, it’s back up dancing around, giggling, flashing those doe eyes whenever he had the opportunity.
Alice is the second eldest. She’s just turned seventeen, and Nick and her get along fantastically. She’s quite mature for her age, more mature than Nick at some points, and is real soft spoken. She can’t cook to save her life, but she tries. Ever the romantic, she’s the kinda girl you’d expect to see in little women. However she’s extremely strong, and ain’t easy to push over. (mentally, not so much physically)
Nina’s eleven, and is absolutely mental. in an endearing way, but she’s still mental. Nick used to joke that his parents needed one of those backpacks with a lead on it for whenever they left the house. Within seconds she could be up a tree, swinging from a doorframe, petting a stray cat, or unsuccessfully trying to pickpocket a stranger. The best way Nick could describe her was ‘firecracker’, and there was no doubt in his mind that if she were to become a pilot, that would be her call sign.
The four kids had intensely different personalities, all seemed to mesh together when they really tried too. But most of the time they never stopped arguing.
The siblings were part of the reason Goose got called Goose. Maverick was invited over one day early on in their careers, and he’d never really seen a close knit family, let alone experienced one. Growing up an orphan and an only child can have that effect.
Walking into the Bradshaw family home could be quite the experience. When Mav arrived it was particularly instense. Billy was running round with his pants around his ankles, giggling and screaming with laughter as his mother Ruth chased him round the house, attempting to get his diaper on him.
Nina was sniffling at the kitchen bench, having just scraped her knee on the pavement outside, after attempting to race one of the neighbours boys down the street. She had proclaimed that one of the boys had tripped her cuz she was gonna win.
And Alice was standing at the stove, attempting to keep the soup from boiling over. It wasn’t going so well, but mum was busy, so she was struggling in silence.
The house was so loud, no one really noticed that the two aviators had arrived. Goose lit up at seeing his family, and immediately went to turn the heat off on the stove, giving Nina a quick peck on the cheek.
He then grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink, its spot from which it hadn’t moved in over ten years. It was the easiest spot to grab whenever someone (Nina) hurt themselves.
Nick quickly slathered some antiseptic on her wound and fixed it up, and have her a tight hug. As he turned around, he was nearly bowled over by Billy jumping into his arms, still pants less.
Maverick laughed as he watched the scene unfold, the grins on the whole family’s faces were infectious.
Ruth swears Goose is like a second mother, when he was home all the time, it was chaos but it was more enjoyable for sure.
Mav quickly became at home with the family, and they all lived happily ever after (until they didn’t)
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nerdieforpedro · 3 months
WIP Wednesday and Thursday
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So…my brain has gone horny and then too many WIP ideas (when isn’t it?!) and then starting more bullet points. This is Nerdie and her WIPs. This is their story: (Dun Dun! If you know, you know. 😆)
I was tagged by @604to647 and @secretelephanttattoo Wednesday, ran into Thursday. They touched and agreed that this is totally fine. 😀
Preview One: From my Marc Spector fic I’m writing slowly 👀
“Oh, you’re awake. Hold on, I’ll grab your glasses, carino (sweetheart).” The same velvet voice she’d heard earlier spoke to her and soon appeared above her face and slipping on her glasses. “Hey, how do you feel, Stelle? Can you move at all?” A calloused hand touches her cheek and she leans into it, sighing from relief. Happy to be touched and that Marc could still have this effect on her after not seeing him for years, Estelle shuts her eyes and tries to calm herself through her deep breaths. Marc watches her, it's transparent. Did she always react like this to him? He doesn’t remember touching her much during their service but he’s never seen her like this. She can’t think he’s her husband. Marc had found that during his search as well, about his death. This is why Khonshu was worried, how could that old bird have known?
I’ll put it on Tumblr one day. lol
Preview Two: I had a thot where an OFC is a client of Oberyn Martell as a sex worker. 🤔 For reasons.
“I’m here to give to you my queen. You have to accept it. Don’t worry about time. We have all we need. I’ll not have you leave me unsatisfied. The provocative cloth will be the last barrier between us. We should let your most cherished hole get some air, no?” Pushing Selene’s legs forward, Martell pulled her panties off and they were thrown with the other clothes. He was greeted by her glistening cunt leaking into the sheets of the mattress. “Such a vision, the temptation to drive right in is great, but I am a man of my word. Fingers first, then I’ll taste you.”
I feel like he would talk like this, I’ve only written Oberyn once and it wasn’t modern. So…here we are.
Preview Three: I blame this on a flurry of ideas that @angelofsmalldeath-codeine and I messaged about a few months ago, one stuck and now we’re here.
“Because I love you I want to put a baby in you. Maybe two or three, we’ll see how the first one goes. You know I’d take care you and our kid right? Aisha you’re one of the few good things I have besides my Kit Kats, sobriety and my robe.” He turns to lay on his side and kisses her breast then forehead. “Now if you want me to continue, that nightgown is coming off, you’re keeping your legs open wide and I’m kissing both sets of lips.” Bringing the two fingers he had inside of her, Dieter licked them slowly as she removed her nightgown and tossed it on the floor. Wordlessly, Aisha slipped a leg under Dee’s side and put her other one on his hip to flip him from his lateral laying position to on top of her.
Yeah…the smut was strong with Nerdie this week 💀💀💀
Preview Four (because this week is going hard - all puns intended): In a galaxy long, long ago @alltheglitterandtheroar asked me about a Din who was a little rough. Well…I dunno how inspiration came for this, but it can stay. It’s bullet points and dialogue- not really written out. How my notes normally look 🤣🤣🤣
Sola begins to remove her dress, but Din brandishes a knife from his boot and pulls at the neck of it, cutting down to her hip.
The dress falls to her feet and she’s exposed with her bra and thong. A shudder from the air chills her body and he sets a hand on his, staying his knife.
“I can remove the rest Mando. Will I see your body as well?”
“Not this first time. Sit.” Has her sit in the large armchair with her legs spread on each arm of the chair.
Slices her panties off. “Such a soaked cunt of the people. Were you like this after your late meeting today? Dripping at the thought of me arriving in your home?”
‘Cuz again horny reasons. Just horny hours and reasons.
Preview Five (if you’ve read this far, I love you and I give you the head pats 💖): I promised myself I was gonna be nice to Frankie, next time just give him something nice. I guess. 🤗
His baseball cap shook along with his head, “It’s fine miss. Should I put your box inside?” Hazel nodded again and showed him the counter to which he set the box down. “My name’s Frankie. I live three doors down. I was coming out to see which old man was winning chess when your scarf caught me in the face.” He snuck his hands in his pockets, contemplating asking but the worst she could say is no. “Did you want to meet some of your neighbors? If you need some rest, that’s fine too. They’re out in the common grounds most days. Only if you feel up to it.” He added that last line so she won’t feel pressured. She already has some man she doesn’t know in her apartment.
I swear nice to Frankie (I sometimes have written his PTSD) 😭😭
Last preview- Seven? No Six. I lost count 😭😭 Javi G and Sadie meet at Star Wars in Orlando. Aboard a certain vessel: also bullet points. Bad Star Wars puns are imminent!
Sadie begins flipping buttons saying it’s what she’s seen Han and Rey do in the movies. Javi tried to make a Chewbacca noise and it sounds way too much like a growl. 👀 Sadie grips one of the levers very hard and has her mouth slightly open.
“My name is Javi, what’s yours hermosa (beautiful)?” He knows that look, he was going to try and entice her after they got off the ship but The Force is with him today.
“I-It’s Sadie. Nice to meet you Javi. Is that short for Javier?” She needs to distract herself. Sexy eyes should not be made in a Millennium Falcon, even in a fake one. But he also smells like sandalwood, sweat and hints of jasmine and rose. He has no business looking good and smelling good. He’s gotta be a con artist or swindler or just a bad dude right? Those are the men she finds.
“Sí. When this ride is over? Did you want to go on another one with me?” Sadie blinks and Javi grins, “Maybe in the DeathStar. To see that one critically weak spot it has.” Her friends may dumb choices and hooks ups all the time. Hell, she couldn’t sleep in her own bed last night. He could be an axe murderer. But they smell bad and they’re bald. He’s got a full head of hair and smells like a dream so maybe not?
So silly and ridiculous 😆😆😆 I cackled when writing it.
So finally at the end, if you made it here, I’ll love you a long time, take a nap and get back at it 😘😘😘
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andromedaexists · 3 months
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𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚊𝚢, 𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚎 𝟸𝟷𝚜𝚝 || 𝙳𝚒𝚍 𝚢'𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚜 𝚖𝚎?
It's been a while since i've been around, for a couple reasons! I don't want to get too into depth on this post since "life updates??" had the least votes in the poll, but it more or less boils down to a rough start with the first half of the year. but i'm back! (hopefully for a longer period of time this time!)
y'all wanted to hear what was going on with our resident Mess™️ and boy do i have some news to share:
Firstly, we're coming up on one year of Icky baby being in the world! I can't believe we're approaching October already, it's like just yesterday I released that ball of messed up morals onto the world!
Speaking of book 1 being released, it's currently half off on my itch.io for pride month! due to my health complications and all that i haven't really been promoting this sale but i would like to push it a little bit before the end of the month!
that brings us on to the other end of CMI announcements: book 2 information
I am still focusing the majority of my attention on finishing Desecrate and getting Incorrect Eyes ready for publication, but I wanted to let y'all know that I have started drafting CMI book 2. I already made an intro post about it a while ago, but ΔΙΑΦΘΟΡΆ has started to take shape! I've shared a handful of lines with the Shit Show as they've come to be, and soon y'all will see them too as i start filling up my queue with tags that i've missed in really the past year (i have a lot to catch up on!)
I think the most exciting part of the drafting process for me has been getting to incorporate my own pain back into a story. I forgot how much of a crutch CMI was for that on my end. Sure, Kit may be a great way for me to process emotional pain, and Hunter may be great for writing about my mental illnesses and all, but Icarus? Icky baby has always been the way that I process physical pain. And hoo boy have I been in a lot of that recently! He's not having a great time right now!
Finally, i'm just gonna leave this screenshot from discord to really drive home how the drafting of book 2 is going:
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(thank you @written-in-starlight for your kind contribution to my fuckery)
hi hello so you clicked on the keep reading button, you might as well get a treat for that! here are the snippies that illicited these responses:
Achilles wakes up first, adorably wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his—or is that Icarus’?—hoodie. He looks up at Icarus, the exhaustion and residual grumpiness of being woken up being chased away by unbridled happiness as he practically yells, “He’s awake!” He doesn’t stay in bed, jumping to the ground and rushing out into the living room as the words leave his mouth. Apollon takes longer to rouse, grumbling and trying to go back to sleep by curling around Icarus’ waist and pressing his face into his stomach. Icarus smiles down at him, a surprisingly genuine small smile, one that holds years worth of carefully hidden love and affection. He takes a moment to look at Apollon in a way he hasn’t had the chance to since the blond showed up in his apartment. Apollon has grown a lot in their time apart, that much was obvious. He is all harsh angles, sharp edges where Icarus distinctly remembers soft curves that he always loved to trace. He looks good, despite looking less human than ever. An effect of the Elysian Program, no doubt, looking like a spectre that has known never-ending stress for the past 10 years instead of love and care. His olive skin is glowing, his hair splayed out on Icarus’ charcoal sheets like a golden halo. His face is soft with sleep, his lips slightly parted and oh so tantalizing. They look soft, Icarus knows they’re soft. He reaches a hand up, moving to touch them but diverting at the last moment to reach up to his own cracked and dry lips. He wishes he had the chance to see his person grow into this gorgeous man, wishes that he could have ever had a chance to exist at his side.
and (this one is very rough, like this is still in my outline level of detail kinda rough)
Apollon uses Icarus’ neck as a chew toy on the one side, biting down hard as Icarus moans, bucking his hips up into Apollon’s. Icarus knots his hand in Apollon’s hair, tugging hard on the blonde strands, trying to re-gain dominance. Apollon growls at that, biting down hard again before saying “You are mine.” Icarus pushes Apollon’s hips forward as he backs against them again, getting so incredibly turned on by the possessiveness. That is, until he whispers in agreement, saying “I’m yours.” Then, Apollon pulls away, wiping his mouth as he looks down on Icarus with disdain or disgust. A sneer on his lips as he turns away and says “I thought you said I didn’t own you.”
ANYWHO thanks for checkin out this update! I can't wait to talk more about book 2 as it takes form!! I'm hoping to have it ready to go in 2026 at the latest, if not ready to publish by the end of 2025!
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chiptaylorsfirst · 2 years
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A/N: Sure thing. This is the part one if anyone would like to see it: https://www.tumblr.com/chiptaylorsfirst/701769792120602625/pls-could-you-write-a-smut-with-sub-kit-walker-x?source=share and I hope you enjoy part 2. 
Word Count: 2,386
Pairing: dom!Kit Walker x sub!fem!Reader
Warning: Smut, bdsm, overstimulation, spanking, oral sex (male and female receiving), aftercare
Summary: After a long day of work, Kit finds you breaking one of his rules and has to teach you a lesson.
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You had been waiting on Kit to come home like you did on most days. You never understood why he worked so much and you swore that there were other jobs that could hand him a paycheck that didn’t take as much time. You missed him greatly and you couldn’t continue doing other tasks to distract you from the ache that was between your legs for him. You wanted him but he wasn’t available right now. You got out of bed to check the time and sighed. You had 30 minutes to do anything you wanted.
You always would break his rules more than he ever broke yours and you were slightly upset that this was his month of dominance instead of yours. Why couldn’t the agreement have been two months instead of one? You crawled into the bed, closing your eyes as you thought about your most recent sexual encounter with Kit. “Baby, I haven’t even laid a finger on you yet and you’re soaking.” Kit’s voice was dripping with amusement. “Kit, anyone could walk in and see us.” He pulled your legs closer to him as you adjusted yourself on the car you were propped up on. “That’s the point.” He unzipped his pants, letting them go down just enough to reveal his hard cock. 
You decided this was the time to slip a finger inside of you, your other hand occupied on playing with your nipple. “Kit,” you moaned out as you slipped in another finger. Your fingers curled and you were deep in thought as you continued, imagining how much more pleasure you’d experience if your fingers were replaced by Kit’s long and pretty length. Your pussy clenched just from the thought and you started to buck against your fingers. The images that filled your head were the best thoughts you’ve ever had. 
They were so good that you didn’t hear the front door open or the steps of your husband in the hallway. He had walked to the cracked doorway, beginning to speak but closing his mouth immediately. His eyes went over your form and what you’d been doing. Your hair was spread out over the pillows as you squirmed all over the bed, your fingers buried inside of you. The sight made Kit’s mouth go dry. He hadn’t expected to find you like this at all and you were only effecting him worse the more you moaned out his name. “Kit,” you cried out.
He’d decided that it was time you knew he was there and cleared his throat. “Didn’t know you were so desperate for me that you couldn’t even wait for 15 minutes.” Your face instantly became flushed with worry and shock. You removed your hand from yourself, your mouth parting to speak but closing because you have nothing to say. “I got out early today as you can see.” “Kit, please don’t be too rough on me. I just missed you so much.”
He sighed as he looked at you. You would’ve pulled of the look of innocence had he not seen what you were doing a few seconds ago. “Baby, rules are rules and you need to follow them, especially when they’re mine.” You looked like a scolded child. You weren’t supposed to masturbate unless he’d given you permission to. It was one of the few rules he’d given you for the periods he had of being your dom. You always managed to break at least three rules each time. You could never seem to fully obey him no matter how much you wanted to be good for him and now you were going to have to suffer the consequences like you did on so many days.
“Strip all of your clothes off now then go to the floor and get on your knees. I want your hands behind your back. You understand?” “Yes,” you responded. “Yes, who?” “Mr. Walker.” He smiled at you and watched as you removed the oversized shirt you’d been wearing. You were stark naked beneath it and you walked to him, lowering on your knees and put your hands behind your back. He looked down at you and bent down to kiss your forehead. You knew that was going to be the only kindness he would show during this whole thing. “Look up at me and open your mouth.” 
You did as he asked, watching him take off his belt and unzip his bottoms. He pulled them down until he got what he needed to be exposed. You pressed your thighs together and he noticed this quickly. “Spread your legs as far apart as you can and keep them that way. I promise you that you’ll be getting off very very soon. For now, put that mouth to work and suck.” You obediently opened your mouth, feeling the tip on your tongue. You started to suck gently, struggling not to move your hands from behind your back as you did so. 
You kept your eyes on Kit, watching as his mouth opened and his head leaned back just a little before he looked down at you. “You have such a good mouth.” You moaned around him at the praise. He tugged your hair, using it as leverage to fuck into your throat. His pace was gentle at first but soon diverted into a rough one that had you choking on the long length of his cock. “Fuck, honey. Just like that.” The more you were spurred on, the more turned on you became. You made it your life mission to satisfy him the best you could in that very moment from how good he praised you.
You felt him twitching eventually, ready for his cum to spill in your throat and surprised when he pulled you off of him. “You don’t get the privilege of tasting my cum, not after what you’ve done.” He knew how much you loved it and craved it during sex. He watched you and now it was being used against you. Damn him for being the good observant husband he is. He smirked as you looked at the floor. “Please, Mr. Walker.” He took your hand from behind your back, giving you a sign to get up. “Not now. Get on the bed. I’ll tell you exactly what I want you to do later.” 
He started to strip himself of his clothes and you noticed the fact that he kept his belt in hand. He turned around, his eyes boring into yours as he sat on the bed. “Get over my knee.” You crawled to him, bending over him. You shivered from the feeling of his hand meeting the skin of one of your cheeks. He rubbed his hand over it, simply appreciating how round and soft your ass was. “I’m going to spank you and finger you. You can make as many noises as you want but if you try to squirm away from me, you will get a worse punishment than the one I’m carrying out for you.” 
You weren’t used to this version of Kit except for when he’d had a tiring day and by the tone in his voice, you believed that his day must have been way more than tiring. He started to finger you, slipping two of his fingers in until they were knuckle deep. Your body jolted from the feeling but you were soon greeted with a smack to your ass. You weren’t used to this version of Kit except for when he’d had a tiring day and by the tone in his voice, you believed that his day must have been way more than tiring. 
He started to finger you, slipping two of his fingers in until they were knuckle deep. You let out a soft gasp, making Kit delighted as he continued his assault on you. You were bucking against his hand and fingers at the same time, enjoying the pleasure and pain equally. Your cheeks were now changing into a pretty shade of pink and it made your husband almost not want to stop. Your moans and reactions were the absolute best and he loved to witness it again and again. Eventually, when you were on the verge of crying from how good his fingers felt and the recurring pain from the force he applied on your arse, he slowed down. 
You came on his fingers, your mouth opening to say an apology but too much of a mess to do so. “I K-Kit,” was a small moan from you that you could manage to get out. “It’s okay, baby. You can cum all you want tonight. As a matter of fact, we’re not done until you do it 5 times. You okay with that?” “Yes, Mr. Walker.” He hummed to himself at the name, almost purring from the sound of it. He rubbed over your now thoroughly bruised ass, tapping your thigh and watching as you got off of him. “Lay on your back and spread your legs.” You did as he asked, your eyes looking into his. “Now just relax for me and let me know if you ever want to stop. I don’t want to hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable at all.” “It’s okay, Kit,” you reassured him. “You’ve never done that to me and I know you won’t.
He smiled, diving his head between your thighs, his hands wrapping around them and spreading you open. “Fuck, you’re so good and wet for me.” You moaned once you felt him start to lap at you and lick. He did small flicks and patterns with his tongue, making you wrap your thighs around his head even tighter. He didn’t mind. He loved whenever you did that. You were squirming all around, trying to escape him as he started to finger you. He slapped your thigh, lifting up. “Do that again and you’ll be edged instead.” You stopped, taking all that he gave you and soon meeting your second release. You were already tired and spent but you were going to allow him to continue. 
“Now, you’re going to put those little fingers of yours inside of that pretty pussy you have, okay? I want to see you cum on your fingers.” He got off of the bed, giving you space to do the exact action that was the purpose of all this. You closed your eyes as your hand roamed down. “Uh uh, sweetheart. You were so desperate to do this while I was gone and now I want you to look me in my eyes while you do it.” Your eyes fluttered open as you continued to grant him his orders as he wished. It didn’t take much before you were spasming and gushing out on your fingers. You were overstimulated and ruined and unfortunately for you, Kit wasn’t done yet. He hadn’t even fucked you. 
He picked up his belt, a smile on his face as he walked to you. You watched the look of concentration on his face as he skillfully bound your wrists together. You hated it already and he knew it. You loved physical touch and now he was using that against you. He used the belt as leverage, flipping you onto your stomach before slipping himself inside of you. You both moaned as he started to fuck you, not even bothering to start at a slow pace for you. “All you had to do, fuck, was be a good girl.” He started to pull your hair as he spoke into your ear, his voice a bit hoarse and raspy.
“You couldn’t do that for me, hmm? Answer me.” He was fucking you into the mattress deep and rough. “Y-Yes, Mr. Walk-Walker. I c-could’ve.” You were already close and it hadn’t even been 5 minutes yet. “Why, tell me why you did it.” “I m-missed y-you so m-much. Mm, fuck. You-You’re so deep, Kit.” He let go of your hair, kissing your collarbone. “You look so pretty and pathetic for me right now. Mm, you’re so tight.” You were whimpering and moaning, trying to grab onto the sheets although the belt made it difficult. “Awe, is my pretty girl gonna cum?” “Y-Yes, mm, fuck, yes.” You came around him, covering the sheets in your essence. He followed a little bit after then flipped you onto your back.
He removed the belt from your wrists, throwing it onto the ground before he looked into your exhausted eyes. You were thoroughly broken and ruined, your arms wrapping around him. A small relaxed sigh escaped your lips as you hugged him, happy to finally touch his skin. “One more,” you breathed out. His eyes softened when he looked at you and he was scared he would hurt you. “You sure?” “Mhm, one more like you said. I need to get 5.” He placed a kiss on your cheek before he lazily fucked you. He wasn’t rough this time. He was going at a gentle and slow pace but your overstimulated cunt was already clenching around him and you met your peak rather quickly, calling out his name as you milked his cock. 
He didn’t bother riding you out from your high because of how sensitive you were. He just pulled out, a whimper escaping your lips as he did so. Your legs were numb and your eyes closed. “I’ll be back, okay?” A small nod was all you did to acknowledge his presence and he went away to grab a washcloth and some lotion. He came back, turning you over onto your stomach, massaging your sore bottom using the lotion he’d grabbed. You let out soft moans at the feeling, already relaxing into his touch. 
“Does that feel better?” “Mhm.” He softly turned you over, cleaning your inner thighs and your weeping cunt with the damp cloth he had. “Ah, Kit, Kit,” you pleaded. “I know, I know. I just have to clean this bit and it’ll be over.” When it was over, he cleaned a little bit of your shared room, getting the clothes off the floor and putting them in the washer along with the cloth. When he got back to you, you were already asleep. He placed a kiss on your cheek before crawling into bed with you and stayed like that, looking at your peaceful face.
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x-ceirios-x · 4 months
City of Fallen Angels, Chapter 11: Our Kind
please see the masterlist for notes about this series/collection of works
“You know, you really should be more careful,” said Andy, putting away the first aid kit with a flourish. They were in one of the Institute’s many spare rooms, meant to house visiting Clave members. Each was plainly furnished with a bed, dresser and a wardrobe, and a small bathroom. And, of course, each had a first aid kid, with bandages, polutices, and even spare steles included. Very gently, she ran her finger over the expertly wrapped bandages. “These will take a little while to heal, but rest will make it work faster. They’ll probably be gone by tomorrow. If not, give me a call.”
She nodded. “Thank you, Andy.” Clary looked down at her hands; there were bandages around the right one, and her shirt was still torn and bloodstained, though the runes had healed the cuts beneath. She supposed she could have done the iratzes herself, but it was nice to have someone take care of her, and Andy, while not the warm and fuzzy type, could be much kinder than she pretended to be. When she felt like it. “And thank you for showing up and, you know, saving my life from whatever that was.”
“A Hydra demon, dear,” she said, leaning back on her hands for a moment. She stared at her, and Clary swore she could see gears in her head turning, when she suddenly stood and began rummaging around the room. “They have a lot of heads, but they’re stupid. And I liked what you did with that book—clever girl,” she said, sparing a second to turn back and wink at her. 
She came back to the bed with a shirt that she’d pulled out of a drawer—a very cropped shirt, that on Clary, probably fit normally save the shoulders. It was a dark green color, one that she’d always liked. “Here,” Andy said. “I don’t wear this much. To replace the torn one.” 
She paused for a moment, and very clearly made a face of some kind, making Andy laugh. “It’s not going to bite you, Clary.”
She looked around, seeing the lack of decoration or personal effects anywhere in the room. There was no sense of Andy anywhere in the room—then again, this was similar to her bedroom in Amatis’s place. Her lab was plain, too, and seemed to be more styled for efficiency than expression. She didn’t strike her as a practical person by any means, but Jace’s room was incredibly plain, too. Maybe it ran in the family. 
Her eyes drifted to the small wardrobe in the corner, where she saw a familiar weapon resting on top. It was the only thing that showed anyone lived here. Everything was meticulously folded and neat, like she was ready to pack up and leave at any moment. She hoped that wasn’t true. 
“Thank you,” she said, taking the shirt from her. She walked into the bathroom and closed the door most of the way, inspecting the thin lines on her stomach that, a few hours ago, were gaping wounds. Everything seemed to be healing well, which she would always appreciate. 
“This Church of Talto stuff is messy, love. I’m glad I caught you when I did,” Andy said from the bedroom, and from the sounds of her movement, she was probably putting away the first aid kit. 
She’d told her as much as she could about why she’d been at the church, even about the demon baby at the hospital, though she’d pretended she was the one who’d been suspicious, and had kept her mother out of the story. Andy deadpanned when Clary had described the way the baby had looked exactly like a normal baby except for its open black eyes and the little claws instead of hands. She expected her to look sick, but maybe that was her poker face. 
“I think they were trying to make another baby like—like my brother. I think they experimented on some poor mundane woman,” Clary said, “but she couldn’t take it when the baby was born, and she lost her mind. It’s just—who would do something like that? One of Valentine’s followers? The ones who never got caught, maybe trying to carry on what he was doing?”
“Perhaps,” Andy said with a sigh. “Or it could just be some demon-worshiping cult and be completely unrelated. I took one of those down in France, once, actually.”
The way she spoke so nonchalantly about taking down a demon cult made Clary crack a smile. “You know, I never know if you’re exaggerating all these adventures. You’re awful young to be doing all these things.”
“I’m just that good, my dear. Can’t spend your whole life cooped up in a library.” She chuckled and continued, “speak of the devil…”
Clary opened the door again, now clean and more comfortable in a not-torn shirt. She saw Andy, still sitting on the bed, and Rowan in the doorway. She frowned slightly, seeing the bags under their eyes and how pale they looked. By the way they acted the last time they saw each other, she knew something was wrong, but she had no idea if they would open up, even if she asked. 
A beat of silence passed, one which Rowan simply stared at her. She walked over slowly and, choosing her words carefully, said, “are you alright?”
“No,” they said in a half-whisper, “but I’m glad you’re here.”
She tilted her head slightly. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Their eyes flitted to Andy in a distrustful way. “Not really. It’s just nice to see you.”
Clary smiled softly and nodded, watching as they began to fidget with the ring on their finger. Their mother’s ring, she remembered, and it was something that soothed them when they were anxious. She placed her hand over both of theirs and squeezed, hoping they’d find some kind of encouragement from her. She turned and sat back on the bed. 
Andy rolled her eyes, a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth. Whatever that was about, she didn’t know. “Back to our initial conversation—” she looked toward Rowan— “you’re welcome to join us or leave, dear, but please do close the door.”
They did so, though they didn't move far from their place against the wall, leaning against it silently. Clary noticed how they didn’t look away from Andy and she wondered if the issue was that they didn’t like her. As far as she knew, Rowan didn’t like anyone, not new people, anyway. They didn’t like her in the beginning either. 
Andy ignored this, as she thought she did whenever anyone didn’t like her. “So, did you find anything in the Church before that demon attacked you? And why would people be trying to create another Sebastian? I heard he was a pain in the ass the first time—”
“His name is Johnathan,” Rowan said, reaching their hand up to scratch at the side of their neck. She noticed they left a faintly red mark. “Sebastian was my family, who—”
“Oh, by the Angel,” Andy said, rolling her eyes. Annoyance rose in her voice. “You and Isabelle need to decide who this guy is. Call him Alan for all care, but he’s Johnathan to you because Sebastian was your…whatever, and he’s dead and you’re all butthurt about it, but Izzy says he’s Sebastian because Jace is Johnathan and she’s being protective or whatever. Get over yourselves.” She punctuated the sentence by falling backward on her bed with a dramatic sigh. 
Something flashed across Rowan’s face. “God, you just come in and take over everything, don’t you? Sorry that you have a shitty relationship with your mom, but you acting like you want to be Maryse’s golden child is just sad.”
Andy sat up sharply, a hard glare pointed directly at Rowan. Clary watched as her eyes narrowed, her face unmoving and unflinching. Rowan, after a beat, turned on their heel and slammed the door on the way out. “Insufferable teenagers,” she muttered, rolling her eyes again. That seemed to be something she did frequently, especially when irritated. “Please, don’t lecture me about being nice to your girlfriend.”
Clary took a deep breath and shook her head. Whatever tension was between the two of them, it wasn’t her place to get involved. 
“Anyway,” she said in a plain voice, “I’m supposed to go downstairs now for a Conclave meeting, something about your vampire boy.”
“Simon is with the Conclave?” Clary was astonished. She had noticed the Institute had seemed more empty than usual when they’d arrived. Jace, of course, wasn’t there, but she wasn’t expecting him to be—though she hadn’t known why. “I talked to him this morning and he didn’t say anything about doing something for them.”
“Downworld politics, is all. Less you know the better.” She stood and adjusted her skirt, pulling it down much further than it had been hiked up a moment ago. “Must look professional, you know,” she said with a smile, chuckling to herself. “Please rest. You need it.”
She nodded and Andy opened the door. “Hey, Andy?” she asked, catching her before she got too far away. She hummed in response, so she continued, “has Jace told you anything about what’s bothering him?”
Her expression softened slightly at that. “I wish I knew, Clary. I’d tell you everything I could if I knew anything. But he’s very much not alright.” She thought for a moment. “Are you?”
Clary shook her head. 
“I didn’t think so,” Andy said.
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abihastastybeans · 2 years
Ten lines tag game
Sweet thanks to @turanga4 for tagging me❤️ this is a very nice idea to get people to know about my fics haha
Rule: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy--share anyway ❤️.
(i only have 5 fics so I've listed a few of my favourite microfics from January 😊)
"It’s fair knowledge that when one is out and about in public, one becomes privy to others’ conversations." - Lily Evans, my Fake Girlfriend
Jily meet-cute written for the Jilymicrofics valentine's gift exchange.
"James found her in the west side corridor, leaning on a windowsill, facing the grounds." - Don't tell me it's not worth dyin' for
Lily thinks they should break up; James never even considered it.
"Falling down ungracefully onto the seat next to Lily Evans on the Gryffindor table, Sirius Black gestured at the empty seat on Evans' other side and gave a satisfactory nod when Remus took his place there." - Jilymicrofics Prompt 'Rumour'
Sirius and Remus have some exciting news for Lily.
"“And with an impressive throw from our very own Kit Brenner, James Potter almost loses the Quaffle!”" - Jilymicrofics Prompt 'Overwhelm'
Quidditch Commentator Lily Evans.
"The Gryffindors found Lily Evans in the centre of the Common Room, balancing precariously on top of a table." - Jilymicrofics Prompt 'Balance'
Drunk Lily Evans.
"“You’re doing it! You’re doing it, Harry- oh,” James said, catching the baby as he tumbled into his arms." - Jilymicrofics Prompt 'Tumble'
A sweet baby Harry moment.
"Lily took a sip from her tankard, letting the butterbeer warm her from inside." - Jilymicrofics Prompt 'New'
Lily buys James a Christmas gift. James is happy.
"“Alright, Evans?”" - Ask me again
Written for the prompt 'Decorating the Great Hall for Christmas' as part of the Jilychallenge December Advent Calendar.
"James regretted his decision to disregard the weather lady’s warning and trundled through the air that was effectively pushing him back as he walked down the pavement, from the bus stop." - November Rain
James Potter seeks haven in a stranger's house when he finds himself stranded on the pavement because of a storm.
"“That's it?”" - Summer sun, something's begun
Lily (and others) have the best summer of their lifetime at Camp Hogs.
I'm tagging (no pressure!) @annabtg @practicecourts @charmsandtealeaves @soloorganaas @jmagnabo92 @prongsfootandco @blitheringmcgonagall @wearingaberetinparis @gryffindormischief @petalstofish :)
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vetiverriver · 1 year
That was such a record scratch moment! And Jade's flower landing on Kit and the "you'll always be remembered" ended me. Gone. Finished. I'm writing this ask from a different plane of existence.
Sadly not a trust fund kid either but I totally get the thinking that if you fall in line, you'll be happy enough, but then finding out being happy enough isn't enough, and facing blowing everything up that you've known or expected your life to be, because you've had a taste of truly being happy for once. I'm on the edge of my seat seeing how you'll resolve this with Kit and Jade.
And yes please!! I'm very curious and would love for you to discuss what other alternatives you had in mind for the ending once this is completed.
Are you planning on any more Tanthamore multi ch fics or one shots after this?
Side note to your side note: On behalf of myself and all the other angst gremlins out there, I'm glad you've enjoyed digging in the mud with this one and I thank and salute you for joining us with your amazing writing 😈
Yessss, I’m so glad the strawflower had the right effect. 😈
Hit me up when the last chapter drops and I will gladly lay out the alternatives and why I didn’t like them! The fact that you’re interested has me on cloud 9
I told myself I absolutely have to finish my bly fic before I start another Tanthamore. I was supposed to be alternating chapters and I abandoned that immediately in favor of banging out this one. They just have such a grip on me. I feel diseased.
I have 3 very undeveloped ideas that I am not allowed to develop until bly is done
1) Accidental baby acquisition. I think it’s funny every time. Probably cannon over modern. Not a single other thought about this one rn. Short multi
2) Jade moans: kit pulls her hair too hard while braiding it for her. Spends the rest of the day trying to make her moan again. Most likely to be next. One shot
3) The palace gossip about Tanthamore. One shot most likely
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pointvee · 2 years
ive seen a few akari has internet on the arc phone posts but hear me out:
ingo, his divine xtransceiver, and moderated social media
moderated so he doesnt break the time line ofc
it starts after the inital fuss of ingos fall into hisui, after being rescued and be selected as Lady Sneaslers warden. when the dust settles, ingo finally has time to look at the belongings that came with him. the odd watch like device he had that doesnt tell time he sets aside at first, its original position taken by the warden bracelet that is a sign of his position. but somehow its face flares with light, and it is transformed, slightly. golden lines and white planes replace black and red faces, and what he had assumed to be blank instead shows... him? 
anyways he figures out it take photos! and the first post (why he’s posting and how he knows how to post is handwaved pls, idk myself lol) is a verrrrry close up photo of his eye. the handle is wardeningoPC which i bet would confuse some people on what the PC means. pokemon center? pokemon coordinator? (its pearl clan) 
the account starts small back in the future, mostly pictures of the mount coronet landscape at different times, with captions in a weird mix of galarian and old sinnohan. the posts garner a small following, some rather concerned when ingo posts a picture from lady sneaslers cave of the raging blizzard outside. ingo can see the comments, mostly, but doesnt tend to reply. anyways he takes alot of these pics, and they look really nice. divine cameras have really nice resolution yknow
and then lady sneasler has kits. and what else would he want to take pictures of after that?? the people in the future are going absolutely bananas because this random guy is posting pictures of a completely extinct variant of pokemon, and babies at that. this is where the moderation comes into effect, as research inquiries, bribes, and even threats flood the account wanting to know about/obtain these rare mons. ingo sees none of this, most explicit mentions of the future are removed anyways. not sure if that moderation can be seen in the future though? ingo replies so rarely people would be unable to tell what he sees and doesnt see anyways
the sneasel pics skyrocket the account to internet fame in a week. people are speculating on who the account belongs to, what kind of pokemon are shown in the photos, where the owner is, etc. 
(mmm i have more thoughts but thats for later i think)
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haitaniapologist · 2 years
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pairings — bonten!sanzu haruchiyo x assassin!female!reader
word count — 4.3k
chapter song — i wanna be your slave, maneskin.
warnings — (there's a lot in this chapter, so let me know if i missed any!) explicity s*x, oral (f receiving), fing*ring, n*pple play, master k*nk, breeding k*nk, pet play (kinda - yn is called bunny), finger s*cking, baby trapping (from both sides), a tiny bit of angst towards the end.
☆ previous chapter ! ☆ next chapter ! ☆ masterlist ! ☆ taglist is currently close, but if i know you're someone who interacts with the chapters and want to be part of it, shoot me a message and i'll add you <3
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your heart has never beaten so quickly as it was now. 
sanzu's words had an effect on you, for better or worse. you were anticipating him from coming from sachi's room to the kitchen, where you were trying to wash the dishes with shaken hands and an annoying heat between your legs. you felt pathetic for feeling aroused after just a kiss, but you hoped what he was saying was what you interpreted — haru said he wanted to have sex with you once, then why not now? at first, you thought his words were just from the heat of the moment, as he never acted on such desires after the gala. 
he had plenty of more beautiful women to ease his manly desires, it made sense why he never started anything with you again. and you couldn't understand why he wanted to do it now if you were right — shanghai had even more beautiful women than tokyo. 
why you, then? 
you sighed, closing your eyes for a few moments — and opening them in panic when you felt two hands sneaking around your waist. 
“it's just me, sweetcheeks.” haru whispered, his voice muffled by the flesh of your neck, and you hummed, relaxing against his chest. you missed that — having him close to you, his warm chest against your back. and by the way he kept pressing kisses against your skin, you knew he missed it too. “you're so fucking gorgeous.” his voice was like honey to you, dripping with a sweetness you never heard before coming from his mouth — and it made your cheeks heat up and you almost dropped the plate you were trying to clean. 
sanzu chuckled, but made no attempt to get away from you, finishing his ministrations with a kiss to your neck and then nuzzling his head against your name skin. you let him stay there, until all the dishes were clean. 
as soon as he noticed you were finished, his lips were sucking and marking your neck once more. “h-haru…” you whimpered quietly, aware that sachi was sleeping upstairs. you wanted what was coming, you really wanted, and you didn't want her interrupting you two. your husband turned your around on his hold, lips assaulting yours as soon as you were facing him. your hands soon found their places on his pink hair, while his were dangerously close to reach beneath your skirt. 
haruchiyo couldn't get tired of you. of your warm mouth, of your sounds, of your skin. you were the most beautiful woman he ever saw, and he didn't know how he was able to control himself sleeping at your side for almost two months without doing anything. but now, he had you caged between his arms — obedient and adorable, just like a little pet. his little pet. “fuck, y/n, i need—” he started to say against your lips, hoping you would let him fuck you senseless, but his voice died on his throat when a sharp pain passed through his middle. 
you gasped, brown furrowing as soon as you saw a blood patch on his purple button up. “i can't believe you were trying to fuck me while being hurt.” you tried to chastise him, intertwining your fingers with his and pulling him with you to your shared bedroom and bathroom.
“how can i resist my beautiful wife?” you tried to ignore his attempts to woo you once more, making him sit in the toilet and searching for the first aid kit. sanzu was a pro already, and when you turned with the small bag between your hands, he was already shirtless, and you could see his whole chest.
he had more scars than you remembered, and the stitches kakucho gave him were healing better than you thought. for something made by a gangster inside a hotel room, you needed to praise kakucho for his medical skills. you were supposed to be well versed on it, too, but you were always a scared cat when it came to your own blood. you started to clean around it, carefully to not make it more painful than it was, admiring the way the faint white lines blended with his skin as if they always belonged there. it was funny how all the other bonten’s members had tattoos over their bodies, probably to hide from others the horrors they went through, but your husband used his as a crown. 
especially the ones besides his mouth. you tried not to pay much attention to them — you were sure he probably felt self-conscious about it, but you always made sure to make him know how much you loved them. would he be your haru if he didn’t have them? 
probably not. 
you didn't even notice you had started your ministrations until you heard a hiss coming from his mouth. “i'm sorry.” you whispered, trying to be more gentle — you were lost on your thoughts about him before, not focused on the fact he was right in front of you. how many times did you dream of it when he was away? how many times have you dreamed of feeling his skin beneath your fingertips again, or to hear his voice in person and not through your phone? 
yet, now that he was with you again, you didn't know what to do. 
you sighed, trying to not dwell inside your head. your husband was bruised right in front of you, and you needed to make sure you would nurse him back to health. you were sure mikey would give him some days off. 
“penny for your thoughts, y/n?” his face was much closer than you expected, and a shiver ran down your spine, hands trembling against his skin. you would never stop being mesmerized by his beauty — how his pale skin glowed, or how his green eyes had a mesmerizing shade, or how his pink hair complemented his physic better than any other color. “i hope you're thinking about me.” he whispered, and you could feel his warm breath tickling your skin. 
“i'm always thinking about you.” you admitted, yelping when one of his cold hands creped up on the skin of your back. “my mind is filled with nothing but you, haru.” you knew your boldness was coming from the weeks without him, but you were in need of telling your true feelings for him. it was bottling up to a point that you couldn't think about anything else. 
he hummed, seeming pleased with your answer. “and what do you think about me? do you think about me touching you?” a nod coming from you prompted him to grab you by your waist, caging you between his arms. “do you thinking about my hands tracing your skin?” another nod. “of me whispering against your ear? about my lips on yours?”
you whimpered at his words, ashamed of how needy you sounded for him — the cotton with antiseptic long forgotten. you could only think about him. you needed his hands on you, his lips on yours, his body closer to yours. unbeknown to you, haruchiyo’s feelings were even worse than yours. his hands were almost shaking just from feeling your warm skin beneath it, his cock twitching at the needy expression adorning your features. you would be his death, and maybe you even knew it. 
“please.” you begged, head dipping low to look at him better, thumbs resting against his twin shaped scars. haruchiyo said nothing, just crooked his head to meet your lips halfway. as much as he wanted to play and tease you a bit more, to make you beg and beg for his touch, he was as desperate as you — almost a month without you by his side was driving him crazy. 
the kiss was anguished, all teeth and animalistic instincts taking control of your bodies, all the feelings you both bottled up being spilled on it — the pain, the longing, all the love. haruchiyo wanted you to feel how much he longed for your presence, aching to be at your side again for almost twenty years. you would never know, of course, thinking his desperation was just because of the mission, as yours were. but he didn’t care, he couldn’t care. not when you were finally between his arms. 
he got up, lifting you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist, hands coming from his cheeks to rest on his shoulders, lips still glued together — though the need to breathe was becoming stronger with each passing moment, you didn’t want to break the kiss. but haru did, his lips attaching themselves to the skin of your neck while he caged you between his body and the bedroom wall. you bite down on your lip, trying to muffle your sounds to not wake up sachi and make her go thought another traumatizing event, but it seemed that sanzu didn’t care much for it, biting down hard on your neck, bruising and marking yourself forever as his. 
a small moan was what elicited him to stop his ministrations and look at you. “you’re gorgeous.” he said again, drinking in your appearance — messy hair, glossy eyes and a line of red bruises coming from besides your ear to the middle of your throat. “i’m the luckiest man in this fucking planet for having you as my wife.” the reddish color your cheeks gained at his words made haruchiyo chuckle, and he pecked your lips, softer than he was before. 
you hid your head in the crook of his neck, too embarrassed to say anything — however, you took that chance to return the favor, biting as hard on his skin as he did with yours. your husband just chuckled again, but made no intentions to move his body. 
you enjoyed being close to him — it made you feel safe. you never felt like that before meeting him, always sleeping with an eye open and a knife under your pillow, too afraid that someday someone would do what you did to others. however, being married to sanzu made you more relaxed, more at ease. you had someone to protect you now.
his hands started to rub your ass, bringing your clothed pussy closer to his crotch. you could feel how hard he was, and you wondered if that was only because of you — but that feeling was becoming too much for you, and you knew he wasn’t going to be the first to indulge in the desire. someday  you would make him beg for you like he wanted you to beg for him, but it wouldn’t be now — now you just needed him. “haru, please.” 
“please what, sweetcheecks?” you knew your husband was just taunting you, that he wanted to fuck you as much as you wanted it. you pressed a kiss on his adam’s apple, watching as he swallowed hard at your actions. 
you just batted your eyelashes. “fuck me, master, please.” two could play that game, right? 
as soon as the words left your mouth, your back was pressed against the mattress, haru’s lips fervorously kissing yours. his hands roamed your body, helping you take your shirt and shorts out with the fattest movements you ever saw — it seemed like your words flipped a switch inside him, and you tried to smile, but a moan left your lips when he took off your bra and latched his lips around your nipple. 
he let go of it with a smirk on his face, fingers playing with the other. “does my little bunny like when her master plays with her nipples?” you only nodded, hands trying to bring his face close to your breasts again. but haru nodded in disapproval, an almost maniacal grin on his face — you were the most beautiful woman he ever saw in his entire life. he already knew that, of course, but seeing you under him, wearing only your panties while your neck and collarbone were littered with bruises made by him, made something primal inside him awake. 
he was a devil, a killer, who was searching for redemption and found it in you, in your body. 
“i do, master.” you answered shyly, heat pooling between your legs. you could feel how wet your pussy was, and even though you felt as if you were supposed to be embarrassed by it, you weren’t. haru was your husband, wasn’t he? it was his duty to make the ache between your legs disappear. “master is taking care of me so well.” you sighed when he started to kiss the valley between your breasts, living a hickey here and there, and trailing lower. your hips trembled in anticipation, knowing what he was going to do. 
“my good and perfect bunny.” haruchiyo whispered against your skin, his strong hands ripping the material of your panties off your body. he wasted no time in opening your lips and shoving the damaged material down your lips, to prevent any loud sounds to come from your mouth. he couldn’t have anyone interrupted him right now — let alone yours and his daughter —, not when he finally had you right where he always wanted. 
he gave you cunt an experimental lick, nodding at how your body reacted to it — you liked, and you wanted more. 
your hand was on his hair, pulling it to bring his face closer to your pussy while he started to play with your clit, two fingers entering inside your gummy walls. haruchiyo couldn’t wait until he was inside you, making your pussy to shape into the form of his cock, but, for now, he wanted to see how you looked while you came — and to taste you. your juices were as sweet as he imagined nectar to be, and now that he got a taste of you, he knew he would never be able to live without it.
you came on his tongue with a muffled cry, and he drank all you had to offer as if he was a starving man in a desert. “m-master…” you whispered, voice muffled, bringing his body and face closer to you. your husband let you taste yourself on his lips while your hands tried to deal with his belt and pants, but they were still shaking from your previous orgasm. 
he broke the kiss, and you pouted, earning a chuckle from him. “my pretty bunny is already this fucked out? you only hummed, mouth salivating at the sight of the outline of his cock on his boxers. “will you be able to take master’s cock, little bunny?” 
you whined while his fingertips traced the flesh of your thighs. “yes, please, master. i want you, i need you inside me, please.” you only knew how to beg for him, how to make him see you desperate you were for him — you didn't even know if what you were saying was making sense because of your panties muffling your voice, but your husband understood. and that seemed to work, as his hands left your flesh and yanked his boxers down his body, cock now free and pink tip leaking with pre-cum. 
haruchiyo didn't waste a second and started to rub his head between your folds, hissing at the thought of your juices coating his cock. you, on the other hand, could only moan at the feeling, hands gripping the white sheets in anticipation. 
but nothing, nothing, could ever compare to the feeling of his cock entering your walls. you’ve had sex with plenty of men before, both because of your work and because of your own pleasure, men with longer and thicker dicks than sanzu’s — though his was prettiet you ever saw — but none of them made you feel so full, so… happy. 
was it the feeling of making love, and not just sex?
you whined when his head touched your cervix, eyes rolling to the back of your head. “fuck, you’re so tight, love.” you heard him say, which prompted a whine to escape your lips. you didn’t even remember the change of petname, too engrossed in the feeling of him inside you to care for anything else. 
with each thrust in and out of you, haruchiyo knew he was losing himself. the way your gummy walls were welcoming him in was so addicting, more than any drug he ever used in his whole life. if he knew how good your pussy was going to be — he had a feeling it would already — he would’ve fucked you sooner. that day, in the hotel, probably. but maybe it was better this way. maybe you would believe what he was going to say. 
“fuck, i love your pussy, bunny.” haruchiyo knew his high was coming, but he wanted to feel you cumming around his cock first — and he wanted to hear you, too. he took the ripped panties from your mouth, soaked with your drool, discarding it on the ground, replacing it with his fingers for a few moments before finding your clit. the high-pitched moan that left your mouth only prompted him to rub your bud harder, hips gaining a more erratic pace with each thrust inside your pussy.
“h-haru, can i cum? please..” you whined, dainty fingers scratching his shoulders, and he knew you were close to cum. and he was too. 
“of course, love. you’re being so good to me, my good girl.” you nodded, hands gripping even harder his skin. he rubbed your clit harder, and you came undone under him, walls clenching even harder his cock. haruchiyo almost came inside you from just the feeling — he wanted nothing more to just fill you to the brim with his seed, to impregnate you and give sachi a sibling. as twisted as it sounds, if you were pregnant with his child you would never leave him. he couldn’t bear losing you again. 
but before he could say anything, you beat him to it. “cum inside me haru, i want to feel y-you.” you managed to say due to your overstimulation, and he smirked. 
“wanting me to make you a mommy, sweetcheeks? you want to give sachi a baby sibling?” you hummed, legs intertwined on his back to bring him impossibly closer. you wanted — oh, how you wanted — to give sachi a sibling. you knew how she sad she looked whenever she saw a pair of siblings together, or how her eyes would light up when she saw babies. and, of course, if you managed to get pregnant — you doubted sanzu would really be willing to take that risk by coming inside you — you would still have a place in the family. 
you were selfish and a horrible person for thinking a child would make sanzu stick with you, but maybe it would make him love you as you loved him. 
“yes! please, make a mommy!” you begged, bringing his face closer to yours to kiss him properly on the lips. 
haruchiyo groaned, feeling spurts of his seed leaving his tip and finding a place inside your walls. it was the best high he ever had, the best sex he ever had — ans he hoped he managed to put a baby inside you. “fuck, i love you, y/n.” he whispered against your lips, body falling on top of yours. he felt your arms encircle his shoulders and a kiss to his hair. “i love you so much. don’t leave me when the mission ends, please.” he closed his eyes, afraid of your answer — you couldn’t love someone like him, and you probably couldn’t wait until you were free of him. 
but you giggled. “i love you too, haru.” you kissed his forehead, and he opened his eyes, almost tearing up at the love reflecting on yours — and it was directed for him. “and it isn’t in my plans to leave you or sachi after this. you two are too important for me.” 
you woke up to the smell of eggs and bacon. 
did you oversleep? it was a rare occasion. but you were pretty tired after last night's shenanigans with your husband, making sure that isn’t any trace of what happened in the room, knowing that sachi would crawl under the blankets with you two before 3AM. you didn’t mind sharing a bed with her, but you also didn’t want her to see what happened — even if she wouldn’t understand, but you wanted to preserve her innocence.
the last thing you remembered doing was resting your head on your husband’s chest, listening to his heartbeat before sleeping. you rubbed your eyes, getting up from the end with sore legs, hearing giggles and voices coming from the kitchen, making your way to where your husband and daughter were. 
most time you didn’t feel worthy of the life you have now — your hands had more blood than anyone else's, you worked for a guy who kidnapped little girls to make them his weapons, and you killed people like you were in the line to buy bread. why were you blessed with the riches and luxuries sanzu could offer you? why were you blessed with sachi’s love? with his love?
“mama!” a tiny voice and tiny feet running towards you was what took you out of your thoughts, and you promptly opened your arms to welcome sachi between them. she nuzzled her face on your neck, and you smiled. “you’re smelling like papa, mama.” she commented while you walked to the kitchen, stopping close to haru. he kissed your forehead while he flipped an omelet. 
“it’s because mama slept with papa’s shirt.” you explained, looking at your husband cooking. it was the nearest thing you found that could cover yourself, and the kisses haru gave you skin each time he buttoned a button made it worthy of sleeping with a tailored shirt and a pair of old panties.  “i couldn’t find my pajamas last night. i think a fairy took them away.” you told her, in a rushed and quiet tone — so the “fairies” couldn’t hear it. 
sachi nodded, her eyes shining with mischief. “i’ll make a fairy trap, mama, so i can retrieve your pajamas for you!” 
you kissed her cheeks. “thank you, baby. but before the fairy trap, i think we should eat breakfast!” you put her on her high chair, her favorite cartoon playing on the TV, and you smiled at the sight for a few moments, before going to the kitchen to help your husband. 
“good morning, love.” he greeted you and your cheeks grew warm with the new petname, but you felt as if your insides were becoming putty — did haru had a right to look so handsome in the morning? even with his shoulders and back with red lines because of your nails and purple bruises on his neck, he looked almost like a painting. 
you hummed, passing your arms through his middle and resting your head on his warm back. your husband only chuckled, returning to do his cooking with you glued to his skin. 
when you noticed he was finishing, you let him go, starting to take the eating utensils. “stop pouting, haru.” you giggled at his expression. “i need to put the table, or sachi will become a little monster if we don’t feed her.” 
“you have a good point.”
“i always have a good point.” you winked at him, walking to the table to make the table ready for when the omelets were truly finished.
“god, i love you.” you heard him say, giggling at his words. he had whispered them on your skin as many times as he could last night, but you would never grow used to them. sachi seemed to have heard it too, a big smile on her and her green eyes not on her cartoon anymore. 
“i knew papa loved you, mama.” she said, voice dripping with excitement. 
“you did? then you are talking with fairies?” your husband intervened, putting the omelets and the bacon on the table. you started to serve their plates while they bickered, and you couldn’t be happier with your life now. 
sachi was playing in her room when she heard her father’s voice. 
you were taking a bath after dinner, and she tried to join you, but you said she couldn’t, because you needed to do some adult things in the bathroom — with time she would understand, you told her, and she hoped wasn’t something to do with blood coming from your girl parts she saw a few weeks ago. but you were her mama, and she knew she could trust you. you weren’t like her belly mom, who left her with her papa. you would stay. 
but her papa sounded annoyed, and she hoped it wasn’t because of you. 
sachi knew how her papa could be. he was always loving and kind to her, but sometimes, with other people, he could be freezing and angry — sometimes he was like that with uncle omi, and she couldn’t understand why. 
she followed the sound of his voice, staying still when she stopped her papa inside his and yours bedroom. 
“shut up, rindou. i'm not becoming soft.” oh, so he was talking with uncle rinrin. sachi should’ve been relieved, but she didn’t like the words her papa was saying. “she’s no one important, are you listening to me? i’m going to divorce y/n as soon as this mission finishes, for god’s sake.” 
sachi’s eyes widened, her tiny heart beating fast inside her body. was her papa going to divorce mama? and what he meant about a mission? she didn’t understand what he was saying, but she knew what divorce meant — it meant that someday you wouldn’t be ehr mama anymore, that you would leave her and never see her again. 
such thoughts brought fat tears to her shiny eyes, and her tiny legs took her to the living room, where the house’s phone was. she pressed numbers her papa made known by heart, in case of danger, wobbly voice crying for her dear uncle. 
“uncle omi? can you date mama, please?”
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taglist — @etheralyonn @ily-inupi @princessatoru @1900-aria @toobsessedsstuff @outthev01d @haitanic @cherry-berry-6 @nyapnyat @rayfuyu @lonnie19 @nanamis-wifey-reye ​ @audreys-works @ploylulla @dckzs @hinatayandrella12 @wakasa-wifey @rinduos @royal-shinigami @hiimviolet @r-xochitl @pinksilk @cinnanmonmochi @tomooras @hibiscus-san @fl4mepillar @porceiains @noohpais @qiaipia @kirakirakill @yeehawnana @wack0-genius @ittosbighonkers @prettynui @chiaki3nanami @awkwardaardvarkforever @sanzuhachoo @krowedes @adoxra @jeanksluv @shinobus-footstool @ibiggiecheese @tsugikunisaisei @softbajis @blvkeverest @cherriomilkmangos @furiousturtlespyfire @jaegerslutx
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frogtanii · 3 years
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this was... weird.
the house was completely quiet, for the first time in what felt like weeks and osamu felt very out of place.
despite being so far removed from everyone besides his girlfriend, he enjoyed the noisiness and bustle that came from all the other members.
osamu never had been a fan of the quiet.
all it did was remind him that he was alone — that he was the lesser twin, the one always left behind, the one that would remain alone while his brother basked in the limelight.
but now, that wasn’t the case! osamu had meiko and he used to have daichi and iwaizumi but ever since iwa was fired and daichi disappeared off the face of the planet, he was down two friends. that was okay! his was doing what he loved with the woman he loved and that was all that mattered.
a loud clang followed by a quiet curse shook osamu from his thoughts. he gently placed the knife he was using to prep his vegetables down before following the noise to the pantry where he found... you.
you were sitting on the floor of the pantry wearing hello kitty patterned pajama pants, fuzzy socks, and a hoodie with your hand in a bag of chips and a pan sat by your foot. belatedly, osamu recognized that you must’ve knocked over the pan after falling while trying to grab your snack.
you were cute, with your sleep mussed hair and confused expression, he briefly thought but he swiftly squashed that line of reasoning down.
he was in a happy, committed relationship and he didn’t need you to change that like you changed everything else in his life. after all, you were the reason atsumu hated him now and never spoke to him anymore. you were the reason he had to avoid going home for fear of his grandmother asking what atsumu was up to because he had no idea. you were the reason he and his twin drifted apart. it was all you.
before osamu knew it, that moment of endearment had passed and was instead replaced by anger.
“what the hell are ya doin’ here?” osamu scoffed coldly, staring down at you with fire in his eyes. you sighed and stood before skirting past him and walking out into the kitchen.
“i live here asshole,” you muttered, searching for your phone in order to go back to hiding in your room until the boys got back. you wanted to avoid conflict as much as possible but unfortunately, osamu had different plans.
he slid out in front of you, keeping you from leaving the kitchen and effectively trapping you in the encounter. “ya know that’s not what i meant. what were ya doing spying on me? gonna report back to yer little harem?”
you felt your face curl up in confusion which osamu apparently wasn’t a fan of, judging by the deepening of his sneer. “i have no idea what you’re talking about osamu, now let me go.” you attempted to push past him but he was too tall, too large, too strong and you were forced further back behind the island.
“no, i know ya tell em things about me. what were ya gonna make up this time, hm? what were ya gonna say to tsumu to make him hate me even more?” he spoke down on you, his words filling with more and more venom, and as much as you hated it, you couldn’t keep yourself from cowering in front of him, your eyes filling with tears.
“osamu, please let me go, i don’t know what’s happening and i don’t know what to tell you to make you leave me alone,” your voice came out as a whimper, despite your best efforts and osamu faltered.
he’d never seen you like this, not once in your whole time living in the house, not even when most of the members were against you. you never showed weakness — you had a quiet strength most of the time and when you really got mad, as evidenced by your fight with meiko, you got violent.
but this? this was nothing like you. you were practically curling in on yourself, your arms wrapped around your chest protectively as if you were afraid he would... hit you.
oh god, oh god, osamu thought as he took a step back. what the fuck was he doing? he’d just been yelling at you, cornering you and not giving you room for escape, even though your body was clearly begging for it. you viewed him as a legitimate threat to your safety and that thought chilled him to the bone.
“yn, i—“ osamu was interrupted by the door slamming open, revealing everyone returning from the mall with atsumu at the head of the group.
“tsumu!” you choked out before pushing past a now distracted osamu and running right into his twin’s arms. he wrapped them protectively around you while whispering reassurances to you before pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
the two of you held a quiet conversation that no one else could hear but osamu could guess the contents when atsumu glared up at him, looking absolutely furious.
sakusa, kuroo, and kenma gently took you into their arms, allowing you to cry quietly while atsumu stomped over to osamu before jamming his finger into his twin’s chest.
“what the hell did ya do to her, samu?” he growled, shoving osamu’s back into the island behind him. osamu allowed him to, too in shock and ashamed to protest, much less fight back.
that didn’t stop atsumu from pressing, asking question after question, none of which osamu could answer. “answer me! open yer fuckin mouth asshole and answer me!”
“atsumu, i-i’m sorry, i-“
a force barreled into his chest, thin arms wrapping around his waist and shoving her face in between his pecs. “it’s okay baby, i’m here,” meiko whispered in between kisses to his collarbone, her presence doing little to soothe him as his eyes darted around the room.
atsumu still looked as angry as ever but he kept his mouth shut as meiko rubbed more of her makeup on osamu’s black t shirt in her attempts to comfort him. you were staring him down as well with tear tracks staining your cheeks as sakusa rubbed circles into your back and kenma wrapped his arms around your waist. sugawara, bokuto, and kuroo were standing at your sides, eyeing him with contempt while oikawa and akaashi were deep in conversation with yachi who seemed to be stressed out of her mind.
osamu searched further and his eyes landed on daichi standing the furthest away, his eyes fixed on where meiko lied in osamu’s arms, his face full of hurt and... disdain? anger? disgust?
it was confusing so osamu quickly averted his eyes, instead choosing to focus on the woman in his arms who was now whimpering and shaking in her 4 inch heels. hesitantly, he lifted his arms to hold her closer before bending his head to breathe her in, his eyes fluttering shut at her unique smell of hairspray, brown sugar perfume, and chinese food.
“osamu,” sugawara spoke up after a moment of silence, “there’s something i need to tell you. we saw meiko ki-“
“babe? what’s going on?” a new voice rang out from the still open doorway, meiko clearly recognizing it as her head darted up to watch as the group moved from the door to reveal...
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℗ poker face
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an - AHAHAHHAAH >:3 i was wayyy too excited for this chapter muahahha also so many of y’all guessed suna right but i couldn’t answer cs i rlly wanted it to be a surprise!!!! soooo if u guessed it right, feel like a baddie :) KSJ m so so excited to see y’all’s reactions so don’t forget to feed me ;)))))
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Yes to Heaven.
Ransom Drysdale x Housekeeper!Reader AU 
Run-through: You work for Ransom Drysdale. And the spoiled, notorious bad boy has had his eyes on you since day one. He wants you, bad. But you keep telling him no in the fear of losing your job should he be displeased by something you did. And it drives him insane because the one thing Ransom Drysdale isn’t used to hearing is ‘no’. You try resisting him, but not for long. He can be arrogant and bossy, but also charming and seductively persuasive. Ransom makes it his mission to make you give in. Then again, how long could you say no to such a man, one whose deep, ocean blue eyes held nothing but mischief and a little bit of heaven… 
Themes: smut, teasing, spanking, dom!ransom, fluff, edging using toys, dirty talk
a/n: this is long. 
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“Good morning, Mr. Drysdale.” 
You greeted him the moment you saw him entering the kitchen, already dressed up for the day.  He showed up wearing a particular cream colored sweater - one you thought suited him a lot. Ransom always had the ability to make your heart race, mainly because you and him always had this strong, intimate tension in between you two, and also because he was a shameless flirt and he made it very clear that he wanted you. Bad. 
He sighed. “Ransom. Call me Ransom.” This would be probably the hundredth time he said so. He was dying to hear his name fall off your lips, but you never quite gave him the satisfaction. You just nodded and went back to doing whatever it is you were doing, he couldn’t tell what you were busy with because he himself was busy eyeing you up and down like it was no one’s business. 
He took a seat at the kitchen island, pouring himself some coffee from the fresh pot you had just made; like you did each morning. The more he looked at you, the more he had to shift around in his seat. You always looked so damn good. And the little apron you always wore was like a cherry on top; unknowingly teasing the hell out of him. 
As you kneaded the dough, you could tell he was too quiet today. Usually by now he would have complimented you endlessly, or asked you out shamelessly, or passed some sort of flirty commentary. So you waited for it. 
He got off the stool and walked over to where you stood. “You look gorgeous.” He spoke. And his voice sent shivers dancing down your spine. Not just because of the tone he used, but also because of the proximity. He was closer, you could tell. And something told you that if you took a small step backwards, your back would hit his strong chest. You froze in place. 
Ransom always made you nervous. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t have a crush on the handsome man as well. Whenever he was around, the butterflies in your stomach came alive again, out of nowhere. It didn’t help at all that he was in fact, drop dead gorgeous. He could have any woman he wanted, but for quite a while now he was persistent - making it very obvious that he wanted you. Just you. And you didn’t quite know how to act around him now that you had that information. 
But you had to keep saying no because, well, you worked for him. You couldn’t risk this job, nor could you afford to make things awkward between you and your boss. 
You were knuckle-deep into the dough when you felt his strong arms wrap around you from behind. He inched closer and closer until his chest pressed against your back. He had done this before, so you tried to get over the sudden display of affection and kept on kneading the dough. You heard him groan under his breath. 
“Why do you always ignore me like this?” He asked softly, his lips so close to your ear that with each word you felt them brush faintly against the shell of your ear. 
You cracked a little smile, feeling just a little ticklish. “I don’t. I just have a lot of work to do.” You spoke as you shaped the dough into a ball and wrapped it to let it rest, for later use. You moved away from the counter and he let you go for a moment. But when you moved to the sink to wash your hands, he walked over and hugged you from behind again. 
“Your hair always smells so sweet.” He took the liberty of burying his face into your hair and inhaled the scent of your shampoo. 
You smiled and chose not to encourage him by keeping quiet. You reached for a towel to dry your hands while turning around to face him. “Will you be having breakfast, or are you leaving for work?” Most days, he left without breakfast but since he was still lingering around and being all touchy and feely this morning, you assumed that he had time to eat. 
He gave you a playful smile. “I’ll eat.” 
“Alright then, give me a few minutes.” The chef didn’t come to work today, so it was all up to you. You got to work immediately, avoiding his eyes and grabbing all the appliances and utensils you would need for his go-to breakfast - buttermilk pancakes topped with peanut butter, fresh fruit and whipped cream. Despite the broody man he was normally, Ransom Drysdale actually had a sweet tooth. 
He lingered around for a bit more, then left the kitchen. You assumed he must have gone upstairs to his study. You let out a sigh as you assembled the pancake batter into a bowl. He was definitely making it hard for you. Something about the way he touched you made you all crazy inside. This had been going on for months now. And each day you pretended like you weren’t affected by him at all. When in reality, you probably wanted him just as much as he wanted you. But it wasn’t so easy. You worked for him, this could never work the way he wanted it too. 
A little while later, you had his breakfast ready and brought it upstairs to him. Extra whipped cream too, just how he liked it. You knocked on the door before stepping in and you found him deep in concentration, dealing with paperwork. His brows furrowed as he focused on some paper in his hand. 
You cleared your throat. He turned his head to look over at you. “Hi.” He spoke softly. 
You gave him a smile and walked over to him, placing the tray down on his desk while carefully avoiding any important papers. “Would you like some more coffee?” You asked. 
He shook his head, “No. Thank you, Y/N.” He noticed the way he caught you off guard when he uttered your name. 
Somehow he made it sound magical. You tried your hardest to maintain your calm and composure, and not make it obvious while you checked him out because he sure did look irresistible in the cable-knit sweater he wore. 
You smiled and turned around to leave but then he called out after you. 
You turned and walked up to him again. “Yes?” you asked, politely as usual. 
So polite in fact that it only made him want to undress you and take you to his bed and make you scream his name for hours on end. “You’ve got a little something there,” he pointed at your mouth, or chin. You couldn’t really tell. You reached up to touch your face with the back of your hand and tried to wipe away whatever there was, but when you checked the back of your hand again, there was nothing on there. 
“I’m pretty sure there’s n-,” 
Ransom cut you off by dipping his forefinger into the whipped cream then shamelessly smearing it on your face, right by the side of your mouth and down till your chin. “Right there, see.” He pulled his hand away from your face and smirked. “Such a messy girl,” he circled an arm around your waist and pulled your closer. “Now I have to clean you up, don’t I?” He whispered quietly before leaning in with nothing but mischief in his baby blue eyes. 
Your hands instinctively rested upon his shoulder and the other slid into his hair as you felt his soft, warm lips against your face. Gently licking your skin clean. You gasped as he licked and sucked and nibbled on your skin, from the side of your lips down to your chin and back up again. You felt tingly all over, especially in between your legs. His hands wrapped around your body, pressing you further into him while his lips purposely didn’t touch you right where you wanted him to. 
You craved to know what he tasted like. You wanted his lips on yours, so much so that when he teasingly licked along the side of your mouth, you let out an involuntary moan. He smirked, moving his lips right on top of yours. Not close enough to kiss you, but enough to make your heart race in need. You could feel each puff of his breaths, mingling with your own. 
Ransom knew what he was doing. You keep resisting him, even though he knew that you wanted him just the same. So he was going to do what he does best; tease you in the most sensual ways for as long as it takes for you to give in to him, as well as your own desires. 
He planned on teasing you until you cannot take it anymore. Until you beg him to satiate your burning desire. To take care of your sinful needs. He wanted you to willingly ask him to fuck you and not stop until you can’t physically take it anymore. 
“There,” he mumbled in a satisfactory tone, “all cleaned up.” His lips brushed against your own very faintly as he spoke. And it only fueled the fire inside you, which you didn’t know had been burning since the moment you stepped into this room. 
He had barely touched you and here you were, all hot and bothered. You pulled away first, breathless and a little disappointed. Looking up into his blue eyes you found nothing but victory, mischief and a little bit of heaven in there. 
He knew the kind of effect he had on you for sure. He was teasing you, on purpose. Waiting for you to give in. But you didn’t plan on doing so that easily. 
Ransom smirked, waiting for you to break. But you didn’t. You stepped out of his embrace. “Well then, thank you Mr. Drysdale. Anything else?” you asked, pretending as if the past few minutes didn’t happen and ignoring the sweet ache in between your hips as best you could.  
Ransom knew you would still play it cool, and he did expect that you would pretend as if he hadn’t just set your whole body on fire just with the touch of his lips. “No, that would be all.” He answered with a smirk.  
You left the room at once, rushing to the kitchen and trying to calm your short breaths and your racing heart. You grabbed a paper towel and wet it under the tap before wiping the stickiness of the whipped cream from your face. Fuck… you could still feel his lips on your skin. So close, so close to your own lips. 
Ransom walked around with a smug look on his face for the entire day. And each time he saw you, all he had to do was stare at you for a bit and you would visibly shiver under his gaze. Each time you saw him, the scene in his study replayed in your head. He was so much harder to resist now. 
You thought of him on your way home that day. Despite the slightly colder winds of the evening hitting your face as you walked home, you could still feel his soft, warm lips on your face. You could tell he was going to make this very hard for you. 
Indeed he was. 
The next day, you walked into his home feeling all nervous and tingly. Mainly because you knew you’d see him in just a few minutes, but also, you were lowkey looking forward to seeing how he’d choose to mess with you today. 
Surprisingly, you didn’t see him all morning. The butler let you know that he was rather busy today, and had been all morning. Oh, you thought, perhaps if he was so engrossed in work he wouldn’t pay you much attention. So when time came to go up and bring him his lunch, you went without any worries or nervousness. 
If he was drowning in paperwork, he would barely notice your presence. As everyone knew, nothing else mattered to him when he was working. The world around him could be burning to ashes and he wouldn’t care as long as it allowed him to get work done. 
You walked upstairs and found Ransom, as expected, working in his study. You tried to make as little noise as possible as you walked into the room and placed his tray of food on the coffee table by the couches, not far from his desk. 
You picked up a glass and were filling it with water when you suddenly felt a warm puff of breath against the back of your neck. 
“You look cute with your hair up in a ponytail like this.” Ransom murmured into your ear, his voice low and deep; enough to make your hands shake and cause you to spill some of the water onto the wooden flooring of his study. He tsked at your unintentional mistake. “You made a little mess, sweetheart.” He pointed out. “Won’t you clean it up?” he cooed, urging you do so. 
You could pick up on the mischievous tone of his voice. You refused to talk, because you were sure that your voice would shake just like your hands if you did. So you just nodded. He was too close, barely touching you and yet, he was making you go all crazy. 
You leaned down to pick up a paper towel and then lowered to your knees to wipe the mess on the floor. You noticed he remained standing by you as you did so. 
“Look at me.” He spoke again. His voice was soft and gentle, yet demanding. And you remained on your knees as you tilted your head up to look at him. He tilted his head down, and to the side a little and admired you with a playful smirk on his face. 
He reached out and touched your face gently, his knuckles stroking your cheeks lazily. You shivered again. All he did was touch your face, yet he was able to make you feel things you had never before. 
“So pretty…” He looked into your eyes intensely as his thumb soon moved to touch your soft lips gently. He traced the shape of your mouth and slowly pushed his thumb past your lips, into your warm mouth. “You like this, don’t you?” He said as you instinctively took his thumb into your mouth, wrapping your lips around it and stroking it with your tongue immediately. “That’s a good girl…” he muttered quietly, breathlessly, as you sucked on his finger with nothing but a nervous, yet playful look in your eyes. “Something tells me you like being on your knees, sweetheart.” He cooed, and something grew hotter and hotter inside you. Ransom chuckled at how you almost whimpered. 
“You look so pretty,” those words from him made you almost squirm. “But,” he removed his thumb from your mouth and traced your lips again; a little harsher this time, “You’re being such a messy girl lately. You need to be reminded that that’s not acceptable behavior, hmm?” He spoke in that soft, yet stern voice. 
Messy? Both times you were ‘messy’ these past two days have been because of him. What does he mean, ‘messy’? 
“But you-,”
He cut you off quickly. “Ah,” he placed his forefinger against your parted lips, asking you to stay quiet. “Don’t talk back.” He moved his hand from your face and held it out for you to take. “Now come on, up.” 
You took his hand and stood up, ignoring the ache in between your hips again. 
“Bend over.” He said, pointing towards his desk, not far from where you stood. 
You were a little surprised, a little turned on, and just a little bit nervous. “I… what?” 
Ransom smirked. “You heard me. I said, bend over.” He pointed to the desk again. Without another word said, with every fibre of your body on fire and every part of you wanting him, you walked over to his desk and bent over the side of the large, sturdy wooden desk of his. You placed your elbows down on the surface of the desk and supported yourself up, sticking your butt out. 
Your heartbeats rang in your ears, and you let out a whimper when you felt his hands on either side of your butt; caressing it gently. 
He heard your whimper and leaned over to whisper in your ear, “Do you want me to stop, sweetheart?” 
Fuck no. 
“No.” You answered a little too quickly. And he chuckled. 
“Good girl.” He stood up straight again. He noticed you were wearing a cute, little white sundress today. Perfect, he thought. He slowly lifted the skirt of your dress up and you shivered again when the slightly colder air hit your legs. 
But then you felt his warm hands massaging your butt cheeks through your flimsy, white underwear. You knew instantly what was coming. And your heart raced just waiting for it. 
“Count to five for me, sweetheart.” He spoke softly. You nodded. 
You waited. He lifted his hand up in the air and brought it back down to spank your ass. You yelped in surprise, and almost giggled right after. It didn’t hurt at all, in fact it left behind pleasant tingles. Oh, you forgot you had to count. “One.” 
Pleased with the response he got, Ransom did it again, allowing his hand to linger on your skin a little longer this time, caressing where his hand landed. “Two.”
“This will teach you not to be such a messy girl, hmm?” 
“Three.” You said, almost moaning at how good it felt, and heard him chuckle. You knew that he could very well see just how drenched your underwear had gotten, since you stepped into this room a while ago. 
“You’re dripping already.” He pointed out. 
You could hear him smirking. He lifted his hand and spanked you again. “Four.” You whined, in pleasure. Again. “Five.” You whimpered again, in pleasure and at the tingly sensation which took over your whole body. Oh how you wanted more… 
He allowed his hands to linger on your butt for a while longer, just massaging your now hot skin. “Such a good girl,” he whispered as he pulled your dress back down and pulled you up against him, pushing his face into the crook of your neck, kissing your skin incessantly. “I know you want more, sweetheart. Just say it.” he kissed along your throat, up till your ear. “Just ask for it, and I will take really, really good care of you.” His voice gave away his fervent need. 
His words made you whimper again, in need. You could just say yes right now and let him give you all that you wanted. But then, your job… 
“Ransom…” you gasped as he nibbled on your skin. “We can’t…” you forced yourself to resist him yet again. 
He was reluctant, but he let you go. He allowed you to step out of his embrace. And eventually let you walk out of the room. He let out a loud, defeated and frustrated sigh once you left. There was so much he could give you, so much he could show you. Why do you keep pushing him away when you want him just as much as he wants you? 
For the rest of the day, each time you saw him you either turned the other way and pretended to be busy or you lowered your eyes; unable to face him and groaned internally as you walked past him as fast as you could. 
He could tell you were conflicted regarding your own feelings. But each time he tried to start a conversation regarding it, you would just make up some excuses and leave the room. Almost like you were punishing him for something he hadn’t done. 
And that only made him want you even more. So much so that his mind concocted more devilish ways to mess with you. 
The following morning, Ransom was up early and excited. He came downstairs and found you dusting in the extravagant dining room which he never used. 
“Good morning.” He greeted you first, given you hadn’t yet acknowledged his presence. 
You turned around sheepishly and whispered, “Good morning, Mr. Drysdale.” You sounded more shy than you intended, then again that was probably just the effect of him being in the same room as you. 
Also, his voice brought back the memories of yesterday. Of the time spent in his study. You thought about it all night long, and it made you all hot and bothered again. 
Ransom walked up to you, with something in his hand. But you were under the spell of his deep blue eyes and you didn’t dare look down. He approached you and leaned in to kiss your cheek, dangerously close to your mouth. You almost groaned out loud. 
“I’m gonna be gone all morning,” he trailed his nose along your cheek, “and I want you to miss me.” He sounded so cocky it almost made you crack a smile. 
“I assure you, you will be missed.” You tried your hardest not to let your voice shake as you spoke - because he was making you nervous as hell, but also him being so close to you made your body tingle. 
He smirked. “I know, I know.” He waved a small, bright pink, oblong shaped device in front of your face. “I just have to make sure of it.” You tried to get a look at what that was as he slowly pushed your against the wall behind you. “Come on, spread your legs for me.” 
Oh dear God. He brought a toy. 
“Ransom…” you sounded frustrated. 
“Babygirl…” He mimicked the tone you used and smirked when you let out a frustrated sigh - much like he did yesterday after you turned him down. 
“Anyone could walk in right now.” You looked right in his eyes and you could tell that he did not give a flying fuck. He had other people handling his household; butlers, and chefs and lawn maintenance people. And they were all at work today. 
“Well, I don’t care.” He spoke in that cocky, bossy voice of his. “Besides, the quicker you do as you’re told, the lesser chance we have of somebody catching us.” He stepped closer to you, breathing right into your ear, “Now come on, spread those legs for me.” 
You did as you were told, your heart racing as he reached down to shamelessly touch you in between your legs. You closed your eyes and let out a quiet moan as you felt him push your underwear aside and press the toy against your wet folds. He slowly moved it around your clit, making your buck your hips forward discreetly. 
You pushed your face into the crook of his neck as he slid the toy up and down your slit until he found your entrance. “Breathe,” he cooed as he slowly pushed the toy into you. You gasped and whimpered as he pushed it all the way in. He slowly pulled his hand from in between your legs and took a step back. “You did so good. Now for the fun part,” he pulled his phone out and tapped on it a few times and soon you felt the toy vibrating inside you, pressing right on your G-spot. 
You let out an involuntary squeal. “Oh!” You breathed through your parted lips as the gentle and steady buzzing of the toy made you feel like your whole body was on fire. You gasped and held back another moan as he turned it up just a little, barely noticeable but your body reacted to the new setting immediately. You whined, quietly; very much aware that there were people everywhere around the house. 
Ransom chuckled at your reaction. Perfect. He leaned in to kiss your cheek again, “Have a good day, sweetheart.” 
He left. And yet, he didn’t leave you in peace. 
His little toy tormented you all morning. For some minutes, the vibration would be practically non-existent, but then he’d turn it up whenever he pleased and you would let out gasps, and squeals and moans randomly all throughout. 
You couldn’t focus on anything, other than the pressure in between your legs, and the sweet pain which came along with it. One of the butlers tried having a small talk with you and you could barely process any word he said. It was difficult to go about your day in peace when all you could think about was being absolutely railed by the man you worked for. 
Ransom got home in the early afternoon. And he was particularly excited to see you, knowing damn well that you must be utterly spent by now. You would be surely dripping, your arousal flowing out of you incessantly. Fuck… he couldn’t wait. 
He walked inside and searched the house until he found you in the sun room. You were watering the plants in there. Your messy bun was messier than it was this morning. 
“Hello.” He knew that his voice would get some reaction out of you. And he was right. He heard you let out a weary sigh when you heard him. 
You turned around; flushed and frustrated. You were burning just at the sight of him. “You’re back.” You sounded almost defeated. Ransom walked further in, right up to you. 
“How was your day?” he placed both his hands on either side of your waist, and pulled you closer. “Had fun? I hope you remembered to miss me.” He leaned in to kiss your cheek. Once he pulled away, you leaned forward and placed your forehead against his shoulder as though your body went limp. 
You let out a whine. “Please… it’s too much,” you pouted but he couldn’t see it. 
“Oh?” He mocked you, using the same tone you did previously. “What, you can’t take it for a few hours?” he grabbed you by the chin and made you look up at him. “What about all those times I spent pining for you, longed for you to give me even a tiny bit of attention? This is nothing compared to that.” 
You gasped loudly, realizing that he had turned it up again. You looked down and found his phone in his hand. Of course. 
“Ransom, please…” you whined. 
He fake pouted, looking down at you. “Aww angel, is it hard?” he cooed. “I bet you want me to just,” he leaned closer to your ear, “reach down there and touch you, hmm? And make you cum? Because you can’t bear the idea of having to walk around whining in need for another hour or two, can you?” 
You whimpered at his words, your walls clenching around the toy as you looked up at him, pleading. “Please…” 
“No. Not so easily. You can wait some more.” 
With that, he walked out of the sunroom and left you there, whimpering and throbbing. With the toy buzzing steadily down there. 
You were a little on the edge as you went to bring him his cup of coffee later in the afternoon. Would he tease you again, or just toy with the settings of the vibrator and make you make a mess again? With Ransom, one could never tell. 
You found Ransom in the room he called his workshop; which was where he spent his free time painting. 
Your plan was to give him his cup and then walk out of there as soon as you can. You found him standing in front of a canvas which was on an easel stand. His forearms were covered in shades of blue, some matching the sweater he had on. 
You placed his cup on the nearby table and were about to walk out when you heard him speak up again. “Wait. Come here.” 
You walked over to where he stood. This was the first time you noticed just how orderly this room was. Normally one would expect a workshop to be a mess, but no, not when it came to Ransom. 
He reached out and touched your cheek. “You look flushed. It’s driving you crazy, isn’t it sweetheart? Your body can’t take it anymore, can it?” he murmured softly. 
You looked up at him and shook your head. He melted at the look of desperation in your eyes. You were desperate, all for him. At last. 
“Want me to make it better? Hmm?” 
You nodded quickly. 
“Good. Kneel.”
You did so immediately. Ransom ran his knuckles across your cheek lovingly. “Now come on, show me how bad you want it.” 
You rapidly unzipped his pants; lowering the waistband of his underwear to free his erected cock. You whimpered again at the sight of his cock, thick and girthy. It made you wet, even more than before. You reached out and wrapped your hands around his base, stroking along his length; your tongue slowly circling his tip. He groaned and spread his legs further apart, inching his hips slightly forward as you took more of him into your mouth. 
“That’s it… good girl,” He threw his head back for a moment. The sound of his voice made you clench around the toy. 
You gave him your all; bobbing your head around him and licking around his tip. You took him inch by inch until he hit the back of your throat; hollowing your cheeks and letting his raw taste fill your senses. His cock twitched against your tongue and you tasted some of his pre cum. He bucked his hips forward very gently into your mouth, and loved the sight of your spit coating his cock. 
“Come on angel, make me cum.” He said and you sped up your actions until he came undone all over your tongue; moaning and making your clit throb even more than before just by hearing his moans and growls as he came into your mouth. You swallowed all that he gave you before zipping his pants back up. 
Ransom gently stroked your cheeks again. “Such a good girl.” He held his hand out for you to take, then he helped you stand up. He leaned in again, kissing you at the side of your mouth. “I think you deserve a little reward, don’t you angel?” 
You looked up at him in hope, almost whining again at the sound of him providing you with some sort of release. It sounded too good. 
“Yeah you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
You spoke up finally. “Yes please.” 
Ransom smiled down at you and pushed you back until your back hit something solid. You figured it must have been the table where he kept all his brushes and everything. He pushed you back onto the desk, most of his stuff falling over but he didn’t mind. 
He sat you down on it and spread your legs apart while holding your stare. His eyes remained focused on your face as he settled in between your legs. His hand reached out and he ran his knuckles along your wet folds through your underwear, making you shudder at his mere touch.
“You’re so wet, sweetheart.” He commented, slowly sliding your underwear down your legs. He grabbed the toy by the end and pulled it out with ease, your arousal leaking out of you and the sight of it all made him almost moan again. 
Ransom leaned down and placed a kiss on your inner thigh and you gasped. He reached out with two of his fingers and gently circled your clit, gathering your wetness from your folds and smearing it around. He got down on his knees; his face dangerously close to your core. You bit your lip, waiting and anticipating his next moves. He couldn’t possibly leave you on the edge again, could he? 
Ransom spread your legs further apart and attached his lips to your core; the lower half of his face completely submerged into your dripping core. You let out a loud moan as you felt his warm mouth on top of your dripping core. 
His tongue slipped past your folds and teased your entrance; occasionally flicking your clit mercilessly. Your hands gripped his hair and tugged gently at his roots. His tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit, parting your wet folds with ease. 
“Such a sweet girl…” he whispered and got back to assault your sensitive spot with his warm and wet tongue, relishing your taste. Your taste drove him wild, so did your soft whimpers. You whimpered under his touch, you enjoyed each and every second of it and craved for more.
His deep blue eyes watched you in awe and how you lost control under his touch; legs shaking as he teased your entrance with the tip of his tongue. Your arousal drenched the lower half of his face as he ate you out relentlessly until you were nothing but a moaning, hot mess, squirming above him. 
“Ransom…” you moaned out loud; your eyes shut and your head tilted back as you felt a wave of toe-curling pleasure wash over you. You were so close… But he didn’t let you enjoy it. The moment you moaned and bucked your hips against his mouth, he lifted his lips off you, smirking. 
“What…” You looked down at him in absolute surprise and desperation; wide eyes and parted lips, breathing heavily with a pleading look in your eyes. You watched how he stood up again. 
Ransom leaned in and his lips brushed against your lips faintly. “You taste heavenly,” he mumbled, “but you don’t get to cum just yet. You had me going crazy after you, I can’t let you have what you want so easily, sweetheart.”
And with those words, yet again, he left you wanting more and you grew even more desperate. 
 The next morning, Ransom was a little surprised when he hadn’t seen you around. He knew you were at work, given he heard you come in and also heard you talking with one of the butlers. But when he came downstairs, he couldn’t find you anywhere. He also had a lot of work to be done that day so as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t spend all his time searching for you around the house. 
He got back to his study eventually, wondering when you would show up. But you didn’t. It got to a point where he could no longer focus on what he was doing because he was busy overthinking everything. 
Could it be that you were avoiding him? Was it something he did, or said yesterday? Did he overstep a line? 
By the early hours of the afternoon, he was restless. He tried to go downstairs to find you, and he did but you were in the kitchen helping his chef out at the time so he couldn’t talk to you. He didn’t even make his presence known, he just slowly backed out of the room, disheartened. 
He felt miserable. He hadn’t seen you properly all day, hadn’t heard your voice, hadn’t teased you like he loved to. He almost didn’t feel like himself. 
The rest of the day went by agonizingly for him. He had made up his mind to confront you before you leave though, he couldn’t tolerate this suspense any longer. 
In the evening, around the time you usually left his home, Ransom searched the house until he found you again. You were in the sun room, finishing up some remaining work. The floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the sun room also allowed him to look at the terrible, almost stormy weather outside. It looked like it would rain violently all through the night. 
“The weather’s gonna get worse, let me drop you home.” 
You froze at the sound of his voice. You had done your best to keep a distance from him all day long, but you knew that wouldn’t work for much longer. It wasn’t because of something he did, it was you. 
You couldn’t help but overthink everything. Was he just toying with you because he’s bored? What would happen once you slept with him? Would he just cast you aside and pretend it never happened? And if he does, wouldn’t that make everything awkward at work for you? After he did have a history of being quite the playboy. 
“No that’s alright. Don’t bother, I’ll manage.” 
Your answer didn’t sit well with him. He stood there at the doorway while you moved around the room, wrapping up your last bits of work. 
“What do you mean ‘don’t bother’? It’s pouring outside I-,”
You cut him off, calmly. 
“I mean it Ransom, truly. I’ll manage.” 
He sighed. “Alright, is it something I did? Something I said? Why are you avoiding me? Tell me so I can fix it!” He did sound a little hyper but that was only because he couldn’t figure you out. 
Your reply frustrated him even more. “No, nothing.” 
Alright, that’s it. He walked over to you and grabbed you gently by the elbow, turning you around so you faced him. Even despite the gloomy weather, the sight of your face made him the happiest he had been all day.  “I haven’t seen you all day. Then you avoid me like it’s nothing. And now you’re acting like… this. What’s going on? If it’s me, I’m sorry. I never meant to-,”
You were quick to cut him off at that. “No, it’s not you. It’s… I don’t know. I just… I work for you. I don’t think it’s wise for us to be this close and intimate. It’s wrong. Isn’t it?” You hadn’t thought about how hard it would be to say that to his face, when in reality you wanted him more than anything. 
His dreamy blue eyes, the thoughts of which kept you up till late at night lately, stared down at you with an unexplainable emotion in them. He was surely taken aback by what you had just said, because to him this was never a problem. And he didn’t want it to be a problem for you either. 
“Does it feel wrong, babygirl?” He asked. If you said yes right now, he would let you go and never touch you again. But the look in your eyes gave him the answer he wanted to hear. “Say it, Y/N. Does it feel wrong when you’re with me?” He leaned down to gently press a kiss at the side of your mouth. You were dying to kiss him. “Does it feel wrong when I touch you, when I tease you…” he kissed along your jaw. “When you get on your knees like my good girl to please me, does it feel wrong then?” he whispered against your skin. 
You shivered. He waited. “Answer me, Y/N.” 
You whimpered at the sound of his voice. How could you not, he had been teasing you for days now. 
“No. It doesn’t.” You murmured, and gasped as he gently nibbled on the skin along your throat. You heard him chuckle quietly. 
“That’s all I needed to hear.” 
Next thing you knew, his mouth was on yours. Kissing you properly for the first time. His kiss started out all gentle and loving, and got progressively more and more heated. Your lips moved perfectly against each other’s. You sighed in delight. He deepened the kiss by stroking the top of your mouth with his tongue, and you were on the edge just by that. 
Ransom kissed you deeply as he walked to two of you back until your back hit the glass window. You let out a gasp and before you could process anything else, Ransom was on his knees in front of you. 
“I’m sorry for teasing you for the past days. I’ll make up for it, I promise.” He whispered as he kissed along your thigh, your skirt gave him easier access. He loved it. Next, he dragged your underwear down and quickly urged you to spread your legs further apart. You did. 
Ransom made you cum all over his tongue, more than once. He only stopped when your legs visibly started shaking. You were a moaning and whimpering mess when he finally stood back up again. 
His mouth found yours again. He kissed your open mouth with ardor, like he owned it. His hand slipped under your thin sweater and he caressed your warm skin with his large hands; tracing the skin right under your breasts, leaving goosebumps where his fingers touched you so hungrily. 
Without breaking the kiss, he picked you up and slammed your back against the glass window behind you. You couldn’t even form a proper thought as his tongue slipped into your mouth, making you moan wantonly into the kiss. Your hands slid into his hair. Your core pressed against his firm body as his mouth alone drove you crazy.
He moaned into the kiss as your hand gently tugged on his hair. He smiled and spread your legs apart just a little more so he could be closer to you, as if you weren’t already. His hands held you up, securely against him; he had a very firm grip on your thigh, his other hand placed right under your ass. 
“I want you. So bad…” he mumbled breathlessly against your lips. He sounded so… hot that it made you moan and whimper again. 
Fuck… “I want you too.” You managed to whisper in between kisses. 
You felt him smirk, then he bit your lower lip; tugging on it gently. Ransom pulled away to look into your eyes again. He waited for a moment, just savouring the hunger in your eyes before he leaned in for a kiss again. You could no longer take it. So you reached down and undid his pants, while he slipped his hand in between your legs again. 
He ran his knuckles along your wet folds, smearing your arousal around in the process. He groaned in pleasure as you gently pulled his cock out and stroked it gently. “Eager now, are we?” 
He slipped his two fingers past your entrance with ease and grunted in your ear as he felt your walls instantly welcoming him in. He curled his fingers inside of you, hitting all the spots you wanted him too. You almost came again, but you didn’t want his fingers anymore. 
“Please… I need you to fuck me, Ransom. Please…” you begged. 
He was pleasantly surprised. “Anything for you, angel.” 
He set you down and pulled down your skirt, letting it all fall and pool around your ankles. You stepped out of it before he picked you up again and kissed you deeply; your legs wrapped around his waist. His cock briefly brushed against your wet folds in the process and you moaned wantonly through the kiss.
He kissed down your neck as he aligned his throbbing tip with your entrance. He pushed himself into you, stretching you out as he went. His nails dug into your skin as he held you by your hips, and yours clawed at his shoulders as he filled you up nicely. You were both panting by the time he filled you up entirely. 
“Fuck… you feel so good, sweetheart,” He moaned, breathlessly into you ear. And that earned him a loud moan out of you. There was just something about him whispering in your ear which drove you completely insane. 
He grunted as he rocked in and out of you. You felt all of him, and he was perfect. He stroked your walls with his throbbing cock and you were a moaning mess in no time. He enjoyed every second of it, each sound he earned from you felt satisfying. 
“You feel better than I imagined, angel…” he moaned.
He held you securely against him, as he sped up into you like he had dreamt of doing so many times before. He dipped his head into the crook of your neck and let out a loud moan and he fucked you. Hearing him moan was the hottest thing you had ever heard. You whimpered again as he slammed into you relentlessly.
“This is what you wanted, isn’t it? For me to fuck you like I own you, hmm?” he whispered against your skin. 
His mouth soon found yours and he nibbled on your bottom lip and you let out shaky breaths. He was taking over all your senses and you were more than happy to surrender to him. A thin layer of sweat formed on his face, as he fucked you relentlessly; earning more and more moans out of you each time his cock stroked your walls.
“Ransom…” you gasped. 
You felt a sweet pressure forming in between your hips; fiery, burning and pressing inside you. Ransom nibbled at the skin under your ear and you lost all control you had left. Your thoughts became cloudy and all you could focus on was how his body brought you immense pleasure. You had craved this for so long. You craved him. 
“Please…” you whined. 
Your sensitive clit rubbed against his pelvic bone each time he buried himself completely in you. He growled in your ear as he pounded into you as fast as he could, your back slamming into the large glass window with each thrust. Your body moved along with his like a rag doll. And you never complained once. You could hear the wet sounds that he caused each time he pushed himself into you and the sounds of your skin slapping against each other was downright sinful. 
“Cum for me, baby. Come on…” he growled in your ear. 
He moaned against your ear and the sound sent shivers down your back. Your legs started to shake around him as he quickened his pace; pounding into you mercilessly. You felt like you were losing your mind. The pleasure was too much and you couldn’t hold back anymore. So, you came undone around his cock; screaming his name in the process.
Once you recovered from your high, he fucked you again. And again, on the couch. Then upstairs in his bed. Which was probably where you passed out as well; worn out and satisfied. 
 You woke up in his soft, warm bed the next morning. You peeled your eyes open and realized that the weather was just as gloomy as the previous night. Only this morning, you felt much better than you had these past days. You felt tingly still, and the butterflies in your stomach came alive again as you thought of Ransom… 
Speaking of, where was he? 
You sat up in the middle of the bed, clutching the sheets around you. You could tell your hair was a mess even without looking at it. And just as you were trying to tame it, you felt the bed dip right next to you. And the next moment you felt a pair of lips kissing on you; along your neck and across your cheek making you giggle. 
“Good morning.” You whispered, pulling away to take a look at him. 
He smiled at you. “Good morning, angel.” He sounded excited. “I made something for you.” Only then did you notice that he had something in his hand. 
He placed it in front of you and you let out a little gasp. “Ransom… this is beautiful.” You picked up the canvas and admired the painting on it. It was a bunch of Forget-Me-Nots, beautifully painted in several shades of blue. “What’s the occasion?” 
He placed a gentle kiss upon your exposed shoulder. “It’s a farewell gift. I don’t want you to work for me anymore.” 
You scoffed at how extra he was. “Then what?” 
He shrugged. “I don’t know yet, we’ll figure it out, together.” 
You shook your head at him, turning a little more towards him while still clutching the sheet around you. “So what, you want me to be your little stay-at-home plaything?” your words made him smirk, “So you can spend your time plotting new ways to torment me, and tease me for however long you’d like?” 
“Baby… you have no idea how good that sounds.” He said so just to mess with you. He was kidding of course. 
You leaned in and kissed him, smiling. “You’re sick, Ransom Drysdale. I love it.” 
He smirked through the kiss, pushing you back until your back hit the bed again. He was on top of you once again, “Hmm, I love you too.” He mumbled in between kisses. 
And in that moment, you were glad you finally said yes to him.
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football-writing · 3 years
Jack Grealish - real smooth
Note: I haven't seen the david and liza vid that this request was based on, and I have the attention span of fresh gravy so I didn't watch it either lmao. But I had a bit of an idea in mind for this more like Mason's fifa forfeit vid with Chunkz (let's be honest that vid was hilarious I still watch it sometimes for laughs lmao) anyway I hope that's okay. Also this features other players too bc why not
Warnings: contains some curse words probably, slight mentions of sexy times at the end, also I have no idea how waxing actually works as my only knowledge comes from that Mason vid so,, this is probably not accurate sorry xoxo
Hope you enjoy babes x
It wasn't unusual for Jack to invite some of his friends over whenever he had a day off. In fact, his days off were usually spend either with you or with his friends, most often opting for eating out with you before getting back and playing fifa with the boys for well past midnight. Today was no different. You had occupied yourself with a book and and cup of tea in your shared bedroom, while Jack was downstairs with his friends playing fifa. Their yelling and laughter could be heard even from behind the closed bedroom door. Not that it bothered you too much: as long as they were having fun and cleaning up after themselves once they left, it was fine by you.
However, it surprised you to hear footsteps coming up to the stairs, then down the hallway to your room. They had everything they needed downstairs, and never before had they bothered you upstairs, so why would they now?
A knock sounded on your bedroom door and you yelled out a quick 'yeah' as you closed your book and sat up on the bed, curious as to what it was they needed.
"Hey angel." Jack said as his head popped through the door before making his way into your bedroom, sitting down defeatedly onto the edge of your bed. He had a slight pout on his face, and bit his bottom lip nervously as he looked at you.
"What's wrong, baby? Please tell me you didn't break anything down there." You said, a stern look plastered on your face.
"No, no, it's nothing like that. It's just- uhm." He hesitated as he looked down, playing with the hem of his shirt instead of maintaining eye contact with you. Worry took over your features. What was he up to now?
"We were playing fifa forfeit, right. And Ben said I had to wax my legs if I lost-"
"Oh my god, Jack!" A releaved sigh left her lips. It was never gonna be anything serious with these boys anyway. She should've known better. "Did you lose, though? Please tell me you did."
He only nodded in response, and she let out a squeel as she fell back on the bed.
"That's hilarious, I was worried there for a second, but this is great."
"Don't get too excited. The boys asked if I'd ask you if you had any wax. But I just came up here to chat for a bit and then I'll go back down saying you didn't."
"Now, why would you do that?" She said as she looked at him with raised brows, challenging him.
"You know, I actually do have some strips left, I'd be more than happy to wax your legs. Besides, a bet is a bet, Jack. You can't just back down now." She smiled thriumphantly and he groaned in response.
"Why won't you just have my back with this?"
"Oh, I can wax your back too, no problem."
"Not what I meant sweetheart."
"I know." She smiled cheekily as she leaned forward to kiss his cheek, before telling him she'd be downstairs in a bit with all the necessities to wax his legs.
"Hey boys!" She hollered as she rushed down the stairs with her wax kit, the boys looking up at her. Jack was already sitting on the chaise longue with his legs up. His shorts ridden up a bit more than usual to expose his muscular thighs. The others sitting next to him on the couch, ready for the action that was about to unfold.
"Ready, babe?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him as she sat down her kit.
"Oh I sure am!" Ben replied with a big boyish smile on his face.
"I'm sure you are, Ben." She chuckled as she ruffled his hair. He'd usually have it gelled back whenever he had a game, but kept it natural and curly when he came around theirs. It was her favourite look of his, perhaps partly because she could mess with his hair more easily.
"I remember when I had this done, hurts like hell. Good luck bro!" Mason interjected, patting Jack's shoulder in mock-sympathy.
"Yeah, I cannot wait to see you cry like a baby. I love you for coming up with this, Ben."
"Babe!" He whined. "You're supposed to support me here."
"Well I am supporting you, I'm the one waxing you. Trust me, you do not want to have this done by someone who has no idea what they're doing." You said as you warmed up a few strips of wax between your hands.
"Seconded." Declan replied with a serious face. Everyone looked at him in confusion; he had never told them about getting waxed before, but it sounded like an intriguing story.
"I'm not even gonna ask, mate." Jack said. Horror stories would not make this experience any more bearable for him. It left Dec pretending to be upset, eager to tell the - no doubt ridiculous - story.
"Alright, I'm gonna get these on." You interrupted their banter, tearing the strip to reveal the sticky substance underneath.
She put the strips on his leg as the boys chatted away. Just as she was putting the fourth strip on, Jack swatted her hand away.
"You have to put all those on?" He questioned her.
"Well the forfeit did say 'legs'. As in, both legs. Completely." Declan argued.
"I did say that. But that's a bit too harsh innit?"
"Yeah, there's already three strips on now, let's see how he gets through those first." Mason offered.
"Will hurt like hell with that much hair." Declan hit Jack's leg for emphasis.
"No doubt." You laughed as you smoothed out the strips once more.
"Ready, Jack?" You asked as you hold the edge of one of the strips, ready to pull it off.
"Wait, wait I gotta film this!" Declan was quick to exclaim as he took out his phone, much to Jack's dismay, who had his hands in front of his face as he waits for the inevitable pain of ripping off the strips.
"Alright, 3. 2. 1!" The boys count down in unison as you rip off the first strip.
"Jesus, Y/N!" An array of curses leave Jack's mouth as he yelps, gripping his leg in pain, his eyes wide with shock. Clearly he had underestimated how much this was really going to hurt, which has all of you rolling over with laughter. Mason is gripping his stomach as he's sitting on the floor, barely able to breathe between his giggles. You're trying to ease Jack's mind and soothingly rub the sensitive skin on his leg, but you're shaking too much from the laughter leaving your lips.
"Oh my lord, and look at the hair that's come off!" Declan hollers as he takes a step closer to properly film the strip that was, indeed, covered in Jack's leg hair. You held it up for the camera as you shrieked at the sheer amount of hair. It's like a lion's mane got glued on the strip.
"Jeez, Jack, you hairy lad." Declan laughs, which earns a grumble from dissatisfied boy. You're pretty sure if Dec wasn't responsible for filming the whole ordeal, he'd be on the ground just as Mason was.
"Oi, what are you crying for, mate? I'm the one in pain here." Jack points a finger accusingly at Ben, and when you turn around you see he has tears in his eyes, breathing coming out in desperate gasps as he shakes his head no, signalling he can't take any more of this banter. It seemed like everyone had at least slightly calmed down, but looking at Ben made everyone burst out in laughter yet again. Mason had tears streaming down his face now too, and you're sure he might piss his pants if he laughs any louder. It even makes Jack chuckle.
"Just get it over with, alright. I don't wanna be in pain any longer." Jack asks you nonetheless, guiding your hand to one of the other strips.
"It can't be that bad." Ben's voice is higher than usual from his earlier laughing fit, but he's wiping the tears from his eyes as he seems to have calmed down considerably. Mason can only nod in confirmation, still unable to form words without giggling.
"I have no problem waxing you lot too, babes." You smile up cheekily at them, which results in loud protests from the boys.
"Now that I would love to see." Jack replies, before looking down at his leg and rubbing the spot that was now rid of any hairs. "Perhaps this would be funnier if there weren't two other strips on me leg." He sighed in despair, staring at his leg with sad eyes. It made you chuckle, but seeing Jack's stern look dericted at you, you quickly focused on the task at hand.
"Alright, next one Jack."
"Lord have mercy."
The next strips don't have any other effect than the first one. It sends all of you rolling on the floor laughing, and Jack with tears in his eyes and red skin on his leg. Dec leaves the room at one point because he genuinely can't breathe, and Mason has to sprint to the bathroom, like you predicted. Meanwhile your hands get shakier and shakier from laughing, and you can barely see what you're doing due to the tears prickling at the corner of your eyes. Jack's decided to rip the last strip off himself, and you're shrieking with laughter as he pulls at it but chickens out from the pain, resulting in it only coming off halfway. When it is finally off, and all the hairy strips are disposed of, everyone slowly but certainly calms down. You're getting some lotion from upstairs to soothe the stinging, and when Ben orders pizza, it all seems long gone.
Yet when you're watching tv, and Mason steals a sneaky glance at Dec, the both can't help but try - and fail - to surpress their giggles.
It's how the rest of the night continued until the three other boys finally left in the late hours of the night.
"I'll clean, love. Get in bed and I'll see you in a bit, yeah?" Jack's offering once they're gone, and you're accepting gratefully as you kiss his cheek. The night was fun, but the laughing fits had you beyond tired.
So when Jack slips into bed next to you, you're already in bed with your eyes closed, dozing off.
"Hey, babe."
"Hm?" You mumble as you open your eyes at Jack's whisper.
"Wanna feel my leg?" He asks, but he's already draping his freshly waxed leg over your legs, wiggling his eyebrows at you.
You've known the guy long enough to know that he won't stop bothering you if you decline, and the request makes you think of the many times you've asked him to feel your legs after - finally - shaving them again.
So you decide to humour him and softly carress his smooth leg.
"Feels pretty good, huh?" His voice cocky as he questions you.
"Sure, real smooth Jack."
"Wanna have sex with a sexy smooth beast like that?"
You snort loudly at his inappropriate request, shoving his leg off of you in a joking manner.
"Oh come on, don't tell me I went through all that for nothing!" He exclaims in agony.
"No, you went through all that because you suck at Fifa." You deadpan as you grin at him.
His eyes are darker as he watches you intently, and the knowing smirk on your face makes you apprehensive of what he's up to now. He's moving closer, hovering over you and effectively trapping you as his muscular arms hold himself up on either side of you. And next thing you know, he's placing a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth, before trailing down to your jaw. A gasp involuntarily leaves your lips as he nibbles at your earlobe.
"You know with how soft my leg is and all." He starts to whisper in your ear. His voice is husky and smooth - and normally you know what it means. But you have no clue where he's going with this sentence. "Would you mind if I-" And he's pausing again for dramatic effect as his lips graze over your hot skin. "Slitherin." He finally whispers in your ear, accentuating the 's'.
And just like that, you're back rolling over with laughter just like you had been that very afternoon.
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