#kissy listing where a kiss happens. Kissie being lips kisses & listing who initiates
orcelito · 2 years
I finished discacc chapter 32 and
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Can u tell who's the more openly affectionate one between them? Lol
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
Under the Mistletoe with the Akatsuki // Part Seven // “Tobi”
Expendable. This is the word that Obito Uchiha hears most frequently from his “savior” and Master, Madara: Expendable. “Everyone in that group is expendable, Obito. Pawns. A means to an end. Getting attached is pointless; they are not your family; I am.” And maybe he’s right, but ... it’s already too late for Obito. He IS attached to this group; they’ve become the family that he’s never had. They weren’t Expendable by any stretch of the imagination, and Obito lives just to be around them ... even when he’s forced to act like the simpleton that Tobi is. Still, there are times when the Uchiha can have a lot of fun with these people — and this Mistletoe game is definitely one of them.
Itachi is a difficult one for Obito to read , and even harder to understand. On one level, he’s positive that Itachi knows (or at the very least suspects) that “Tobi” isn’t who he portrays himself to be. But on the other hand, two things that Obito can read for sure are that Itachi is sick, and his depression is so immense that it crushes out almost all other thoughts. Itachi is the sole reason Obito keeps presenting himself as the idiotic Tobi, because to reveal himself would mean death, swift and sweet. He’s not even sure that Madara would have the power to stand up to Itachi. Nevertheless, the time and place for such thoughts isn’t standing under the mistletoe. “Heya, Itachi-san! Ya ready to kiss Tobi now?” Itachi merely nods, but makes no move to approach Tobi. So Tobi walks up to him instead, moves the mask just slightly off his lips, and kisses his cheek. “There ya go!” Itachi goes, and Obito breathes out a sigh of relief. Still, though, he can’t help but feel a little sad, at what he feels to be the impending demise of his fellow clansmen.
Sasori has mixed feelings about Tobi. On the one had he feels that he’s just a simplistic moron who doesn’t really warrant a second thought. But on the other hand — Tobi seems really, really attached to his Senpai, and Sasori’s partner, Deidara. Attached in a way that seems, at times, in a way that’s more than purely friendly. Almost like he — but wait, why does Sasori even care what Tobi may or may not feel for the young blonde? It’s not as though Sasori has (or desires) any kind of claim on Deidara, right? The fact that Tobi is standing in front of him right now and Sasori wants nothing more than to murder him and toss his body to the wolves has absolutely nothing to do with Deidara, right? The fact that Pein keeps Sasori back at the hideout more and more to help with strategizing, and sends Tobi out with Deidara in Sasori’s place ... it was all for the best, right? “Oh boy! Tobi gets to kiss Sasori-san!” Sasori grimaces, as he always does, at the grating voice coming from behind the mask. Instead of waiting for Tobi to kiss him, Sasori takes the initiative by leaning up and quickly kissing his cheek. He walks away feeling inexplicably angry ... and it’s not until much later that night, as he’s sitting at his desk working on a puppet while everyone else sleeps ... that he realizes that when he kissed Tobi, he smelled the shampoo that Deidara used. He continues working but doesn’t get much accomplished, as he spends half the night pondering why the idea of Tobi being around Deidara makes him feel so unsettled.
Ugh; this kid. Or was Tobi older than that? Kisame honestly had no idea how old Tobi actually was; he doubted that any of them did. Granted he acted like a tall 10 year old — but surely that’s just an act. He’d have to remember to ask Deidara later — did Tobi have any special combat skills? Did he know any useful jutsus? What was his fighting style like? So many unknowns, so many things to wonder about. And throughout it all, wafting from Tobi and straight into Kisame’s nostrils, that unmistakable scent of a predator. But in the wild, the only way to show superiority to a predator was to show that you weren’t afraid. Kisame walks confidently up to him, and flashes him a wide smile that showcases all of his razor-sharp teeth. “You ready, kid?” Tobi nods, and to Kisame’s credit, Tobi actually DOES seem intimidated by the death-trap mouth. That, and the fact that samehada, who is currently strapped to Kisame’s side, has his head up and staring directly at the man in the mask. Kisame steps forward and kisses Tobi’s forehead, then quickly walks away again, before his own fear can leak through his brave facade.
Zetsu flat-out declines to kiss Tobi. Partially because he knows exactly who he really is, and the two have been “friends” for so long that a kiss would just be strange. The other reason is because he hasn’t eaten in two days, having just returned from a long-term mission about an hour ago. He’s so hungry that anything and everything looks delicious, and if he were to try and kiss “Tobi” right then — there’s no doubt that he would have eaten him. And Madara would surely skin him alive for that. So he simply nods at Tobi, and nobody questions why the two don’t exchange a kiss.
Mysterious and concealed. That’s how Pein (or rather Nagato) would describe “Tobi”; mysterious and concealed. Being around Tobi gives him a strange feeling deep in his sunken chest, that maybe, just maybe, Nagato isn’t the one running this show. That Tobi is actually someone he needs to watch out for. Still, though, it is unfitting to show one’s misgivings to one’s (possible) enemy. As far as Tobi knows, Pein just thinks of him like one of his “children”. Pein approaches him and kisses the cheek of his mask, not giving Tobi time to remove it. “Thank you, Leader-sama!” Pein nods and walks away, wondering whether he just imagined a hint of condensation in Tobi’s voice upon calling Pein “Leader”.
When Obito was growing up, like many of the kids in Konoha, he didnt’ have a household with a mother and father in it. He was raised by his grandmother who, although loving and kind, didn’t really provide Obito with the kind of matronly emotional support that he needed. When he came to the Akatsuki, Konan more or less filled that role for him. As she did with everyone else, she cooked for him, she washed his clothes, she cleaned up after him. She scolded him when she felt he did something reckless and foolish, and, most importantly, she cared about him. To have someone care about you in a reality where you sometimes don’t even care about yourself is an amazing feeling. Konan approaches him with a shy smile on her face, her tiny dimples showcasing the young girl she had once been. Aside from Rin, Konan is probably the warmest person Obito has ever met. He moves his mask, thinks about it, and gives Konan a gentle kiss on the tip of her chin, then another on her forehead. Then he pulls her into his arms, embracing her warmly. “Thank you, Konan,” he says, in a low, almost-Obito-like voice. “For what?” “For being Tobi’s friend.” Konan blushes and smiles; as she leaves she tells Tobi that when he’s done with his turn, to come and get some of the pie she’s made, to which Tobi happily agrees.
Hidan is blushing pretty damn hard as he walks up to Tobi; after what happened when it was Hidan’s turn under the mistletoe, it’s understandable why. “Listen, you orange fuck — don’t pull any of that shit you did last time, alright?” Tobi tilts his head and studies him as if confused. “What do you mean, Hidan-san? Didn’t you like kissing Tobi?”, he asks, and then, his voice dropping into a somewhat playful whisper, “Tobi sure liked kissing YOU.” Hidan blushes even harder, and mutters a “Just do it already, weirdo.” Tobi removes his mask enough so that Hidan can see the flash of his teeth, smiling before tilting Hidan backwards ((and Hidan is surprised at how strong Tobi is)) and giving him a soft kiss on the lips. As it was last time, Hidan is visibly flustered. Tobi smiles even wider; in truth, Hidan is one of the few in the Akatsuki that Obito likes the least. He finds him to be emotion-driven and overly violent, and these things don’t make for a very good teammate. Still; there’s no denying that to be able to shut Hidan up, even for a few moments like now, is indescribably satisfying. Hidan is still standing there in a daze as Tobi slides his mask back into place, and Tobi can’t keep the glee out of his voice as he asks, “Aww Hidan-san; do you wanna marry Tobi now?” This snaps Hidan out of it, and his loud cursing and stomping off can be heard throughout the entire house.
“Isn’t this ridiculous game over yet??” “No, Kakuzu-san! Don’t be shy; come get a kissy from Tobi!” Kakuzu just rolls his eyes; he’s never really been sure what to think of Tobi. He’s been on zero missions with him so he had absolutely no knowledge of his battle prowess or combat skills (but judging by the way Deidara complains about him, they can’t be all that good). Also, there’s the thing with him covering his face with that mask. Kakuzu isn’t really one to judge that; HE wears a mask as well. But with Tobi it’s not just a mask; it’s the long black clothing underneath the long Akatsuki robe. It’s the thick gloves. It’s the way not a single piece of skin save his toes ever sees the light of day. What’s he hiding? Kakuzu strongly suspects that Tobi might be one of the more elite ninjas listed in the Bingo Book, and if that’s the case, all Kakuzu has to do is wait for the right time to catch him off guard, capture him, and collect a (hopefully substantial) bounty for him. He approaches him and lets Tobi press his mask against Kakuzu’s mask in their version of a kiss. He resolves to study the Bingo Book in-depth tonight before bed; surely Tobi’s identify must be in there somewhere.
The look on Deidara’s face is as he approaches Tobi is indecipherable, even to the one who has the sharingan. Fear, anxiety, excitement — and something else Obito just can’t read. And as for Obito himself — what exactly IS it that he feels for Deidara?? He’s nothing more than a pawn, right? A means to an end, as Madara would say. But ... there have been times. Times away from the various hideouts, out in the middle of nowhere with nothing but their packs and their thoughts, that Deidara has shown himself to be remarkably different from the Deidara that the others (except, likely, Sasori) sees. A quiet young man. A deep thinker. Sensitive and kind. And — “Oi, Tobi; can I ask you something?” “Yes, Senpai?” “When — when I was under the mistletoe ... did me and you kiss? Or did I really faint like you said?” A beat of quiet, and then, “Senpai always says that the past doesn’t matter, so why should it matter if we kissed or not?” Deidara chuckles and shakes his head. “You always choose to remember the most random things I tell you, hm. Damn you — I can never tell what goes on in your brain, Tobi.” “You wanna know what Tobi’s thinking right now? Tobi thinks that Senpai — Senpai is one of the most beautiful creatures Tobi has ever seen.” Deidara blushes fiercely at this, and tries to cover up his embarrassment by saying, gruffly , “Let’s just get this over with, Tobi, hm.” So Obito obliges him. He moves his mask to expose his mouth, sweeps Deidara’s long hair back, tilts him, cups his chin with his thumb and forefinger, and gently leans into him with his lips. Deidara resists at first, hesitant, but eventually he finds his arms circling Tobi’s broad shoulders, holding him tightly. He HAS to hold on because he’s terribly dizzy; he’s not quite sure what’s happening to him, but Deidara feels as though he’s falling down a very deep hole inside of his mind, and Tobi is the only thing keeping him anchored to reality. The kiss finally ends when (and only because) Sasori suddenly comes out of his room, yelling “Brat! I’ve been calling for you for ten minutes; you know I don’t like to be kept waiting!” Deidara steps away from Tobi, and he’s stumbling as though he’s a bit disorientated. “G-Goodnight, hm.” “G’nite Senpai! Sweet dreams!” Obito watches Deidara walk away, just barely conscious of the strange glance Sasori pitches in his direction when Deidara reaches his room.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Different Kisses with Ken / Lee Jaehwan
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Thanks so much for requesting Ken’s kisses too! Jaehwan is so much fun as a person that I’m hopeful you enjoy his kisses!
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(I’m sorry I couldn’t find a better gif yet we all know he has plenty of kissy moments. If you find a better one that Tumblr will allow let me know!!)
Kissing Jaehwan happens so often you can always taste him on your lips.
First kiss:
Your first kiss with Jaehwan happened very early into your relationship. Jaehwan classes physical connection just as important as emotional, and he had already started holding your hand and hugging you incessantly right away, which you had readily accepted. He was smitten with you from the beginning; everything you did made his heart swoon. The one thing he couldn’t cope with is how adorable you could be without even intending to be. And that’s how he ended up kissing you, falling for your charms when you least expected it. He chuckled as he leaned over, the smile fading as he placed his hands on your face and met your lips for the first time. The kiss, apart from shocking you initially, was very soft and slow, his luscious lips further imprinting against yours the longer they were attached to you. And when you pulled back to catch your breath it wasn’t long until the first kiss was followed up by several more as if Jaehwan couldn’t quite decipher what he thought of your lips. When it was officially finished, he brushed the hair away from your face, surprisingly quiet for someone who normally talked so often. His eyes were shining though, and you could tell he was just as affected as you were from this stellar first kiss.
Public kisses:
Because physical connection is high on Jaehwan’s priority list, of course it makes sense he has a strong PDA game. Lots of holding your hand, hugging you at all times and endless kisses to your cheeks or forehead are common when out with Jaehwan. He’s a love-fool for you, his eyes are often just soaking you in and this lazy smile crosses his lips the longer he swoons over you. I’m certain you’ve often seen the hearts being emitted from these gazes towards you and equally shot them back, right? If there was a definition of totally being in love regardless of the environment, it would be you and Jaehwan!
Unlike some idols I write for, Jaehwan encourages you to shower him in physical attention when out together too. He is very open to loving on you and expects it back; teasing you until it’s gone too far and you’re both looking for an enclosed space to sweat out the loss of control you’re both facing together. Whilst stepping too far into this dangerous territory doesn’t happen often, when it does, you can count on Jaehwan enjoying the thrill of this semi-public lovemaking.
Private kisses:
Much like Hyuk, private life is lively. Jaehwan is loud, excessive and naturally playful so there is always something going on when you’re home together. Even if it’s something as simple as playing games or watching TV together, it’s hard for the atmosphere to be all that serious. I’m not saying Jaehwan can’t be serious, he most certainly can and knows exactly when to be so, but for the most part, it’s light and carefree. Kisses fill every space of your time together, from the moment you wake up, till the time you close your eyes, Jaehwan’s lips are often busy kissing you. The majority are soft and brief, followed with the cutest smiles that make his eyes crease up and you reach over to give him another kiss for being so darn adorable. Most kisses are initiated with his hands finding your face and holding you steady so you can enjoy the full experience. 
Domestically though, Jaehwan is a chore. It’s not that he’s not good at doing tasks around the house; he’s pretty decent at most things. But this doesn’t make him all that dependable. Tasks that should only take five minutes can sometimes take thirty due to his energetic moods and constant need to lock lips. You’re cleaning the dishes? You need a kiss. He’s sweeping the floor and sees you over the room wiping down the coffee table? You need a kiss. Even one time he tried to kiss you whilst you were cleaning the toilet but you stopped that one before it came into fruition. If you allow him to, he’ll slow the entire schedule down just so he can love on you. And whilst it can be rather endearing, getting your chores done when he’s not home feels like a breeze and you wished it was like this more often. Everything you do excites him, and he feels a constant need to be touching you in some way, not teasingly or anything, just to be in connection with you no matter what you’re doing. Kissing you is just an added bonus that really brings you closer to one another in his mind and he isn’t ashamed with how often he does it, enjoying every chance he gets to lock lips with you.
He spoils you more than just with his affection, an avid lover of setting up date nights at home if you can’t go out and using all the most sentimental touches. You often come home to find little gifts waiting for you and when he’s overseas he’ll send care packages if he’s away for too long. Even if he’s not at your side, you can always feel his love.
Making out:
Jaehwan meets the opportunity to make out with you often. Even though his lips are on yours so frequently, there’s always an underlying hunger to taste more of you when you’re together. He’s an energetic lover and making out sessions are always heightened with a playful, teasing aspect. He isn’t one to take charge all the time, he’s too busy losing himself with your mouth upon his. Whatever happens isn’t planned, sometimes it’s slow and sensual with endless kisses all flowing one into the other until you feel like you possibly couldn’t have his mouth against your swollen lips any longer. Others it’s fast paced, with open-mouthed kisses being pressed into every inch of exposed skin he can find on your upper body, his hands roaming all over you at the same time. Either way, there is a heavy element of body worship from Jaehwan, making sure you know just how much he loves you with every kiss and touch. Jaehwan doesn’t have the best resilience and soon he’s too lost within the lust of making out with you that this session is definitely going to head to complete pleasure and connection in the bedroom (or if you can’t make it there in time, wherever you find yourselves positioned comfortably enough). The great thing about this is you equally need further attention by this point and rocking it out together is the only path you have left to travel.
Morning kisses:
When you go to bed at night, Jaehwan insists in holding you within his arms as if you’re cuddled into a giant teddy bear full of comfort and warmth. And that’s where you wake up most mornings as well, sleeping so peacefully in his arms that he whines grumpily if you try to disturb this to get up for the day. He’ll sleepily hold you hostage for as long as he possibly can, and in the process, he’s becoming alert that the new day has begun, smiles gracing his lips as he grows playful instead. You can expect a shower of kisses like little love bullets all over your face until you’re whining and he’s chuckling at how adorable you are getting worked up. Conversation is light, and any time you tried to talk about the day ahead he’ll change the topic, even covering you in more kisses just to avoid what needs to happen. Aegyo is often displayed in the mornings, his way of trying to sway you for five more minutes of cuddle time, until you’ve had enough, flinging him and the covers off and starting your day with him at your side or not! He’ll soon be up at the smell of breakfast, full of adoration for all you do for him. Naww.
Making up:
Arguing is actually rather rare with Jaehwan because despite all the crazy banter, he’s actually an excellent communicator. He’s observant enough to know when to approach things before they become a problem and if one slips through, he’ll quickly try to solve it so you don’t start arguing. For Jaehwan, he holds a lot of insecurities over who he is as a person and actually pretty self-critical, so letting things get to the point of an actual argument makes him anxious that he’s not doing a good enough job as a partner to you. If things get to this point, and you start to yell or worse, shut off from him, Jaehwan is going to do everything to stop it right there and then. He can’t stand disconnection and will try to cling to you both in a figurative and literal sense, attempting to pull you into his arms to calm you down and using soothing language to slow your thoughts too. But sometimes you really just need to let off steam and he’s not sure how to deal with it, retreating back into himself and taking it on as a personal attack. He’s sensitive by nature, and arguing really doesn’t sit well with him unless it’s the playful bickering you both express on a regular basis. It might take a few attempts on his behalf to placate you or if it’s gone too far, it will be you reaching out for him, but once reconciliation is on the table, Jaehwan is immensely relieved. Although he trusts in you and your relationship, he is still plagued by doubt that you might eventually leave him for someone better. You assure him he’s the only one for you and he’ll be desperate for physical connection, kissing you softly until he’s certain you’re not going anywhere.
I feel Jaehwan would be 50/50 over make-up sex. Sometimes he’d crave that complete connection to settle his nerves entirely, but other times he’ll know you’re his with all the kisses and cuddles you’re both giving each other.
Aegyo and Stop it! Kisses:
Here we go, the section I’m sure you all expected to see! Whilst Jaehwan does have a serious side and he does exercise that with you in all the appropriate points in life, he’s mostly this adorable dork, who acts waayyy too obnoxiously cute on a regular basis. Like Hyuk, Jaehwan is excessive in talking and at acting out – he’s more adept at it than his maknae! You want to say you’re used to it, and in some instances, you can carry on with life without batting an eye at his antics. But this just evokes a challenge in him and he drives you insane with his cheesy lines, puns and excessive cuteness. Aegyo is something you don’t mind too much, after all, you had to have some acceptance of it in your life to be with Jaehwan, but he can get too much and you only have two options left – to find a way to make it all stop or leave him for good. Knowing full well that you need your daily dose of Jyani much like you need your morning beverage to kick-start your day, you turn to him and pout heavily, asking him to quit it. Of course, he’s going to love this, knowing you’ll fight fire with fire and attempt to out-cute him until all he can think about is rewarding you with kisses. Sometimes you might need to kiss him hard to shut him up when all else fails, but kissing away all that cuteness with something a little more passionate will surely change the mood.
Needy kisses:
Like most needy idols, having your attention is a must. He is naturally affectionate and often at your side, but when feeling particularly needy for more of you (honestly is there more to give?!) he will literally encase you in his body and hold you to him, mumbling that you’re his and keep you hostage. Like in the mornings, he can get this needy and clingy at any stage of the day and night, holding you to him and planting kisses on the parts he can easily reach, whether it be your face, the crown of your head or if he’s nestled lower, your shoulders, upper chest – just anywhere he can get his lips on! Even if it’s sometimes a nuisance when you were busy doing something, it’s such a rush to you to be bundled up in his affections, unable to hide the smile that is now wide across your face. Equally, Jaehwan feels the same rush of emotions and love for you whenever you get needy yourself, babying you with affectionate touches and endless talking about how much you love him and need him. Of course, you definitely are not going to refute something that is so accurate so you merely look up at him and pucker your lips up, ready for his to start kissing you into a realm of pure bliss.
Lazy/ relaxed kisses:
I know I normally write some soft scene where not much is spoken about, with gentle kisses and a healing experience for this section, but with Jaehwan lazy days are rarely like this. I mean, there are endless snuggles and lots of kisses – this wouldn’t be Jaehwan if either of those are missing. But lazy moments are louder, there is something playing on the TV and whether you’re watching it or not is down to the focus you both have at that time. You could spend hours just stationed on the sofa curled up in each other, talking about anything and everything, lots of light laughter and affectionate nose bopping or nuzzling one another. Warm and gentle rubs of your arm with his hand as he holds you to his chest, and kisses on your forehead that make you swoon with every one that is delivered. And sure, this could have gone under private kisses, because you do a lot of hugging, kissing and swooning most days, but having the time to actually enjoy this for long periods isn’t as frequent. And even though it’s decidedly louder than most idols, it’s still a healing experience to let go of the schedule and just submerge in each other instead.
Reassuring kisses:
Being the communication king that Jaehwan is, whenever something is troubling him, he won’t hesitate to tell you. Sure, he holds his values of being the best boyfriend to you pretty high and with some idols I’ve written for who are like this; they would mask their concerns as not to worry their partner. Jaehwan is far too open with you for this to happen. Connection is huge for him (I keep saying this but it’s really true) and emotionally being able to express himself is rewarding when he knows you’ll so readily let him lean on you. Physically, he’ll place himself in your lap and tell you of his woes, glancing up at you often to gauge your response. You’ll mindlessly play with his hair in a rhythm that is soothing for both of you, and share your thoughts when you can. If it’s something you can’t quite help him with, you support him the best you can and that is enough as it is. Just speaking his problems into the universe makes the weight of them bearable. Kisses happen softly throughout, Jaehwan grabbing your other hand that you had rested over his torso and brings it up to anchor his lips there when he isn’t talking, making you smile down at him when he nuzzles into your stomach too. When he starts to be needlessly affectionate, you know you’ve settled most of his concerns and he’ll reluctantly peel himself out of your lap and then thank you before kissing you in a slow and lingering kiss.
I Love You kisses:
Jaehwan tells you often that he loves you. He loves the way you look in his clothes, how you cook him delicious food and even the cute messages you send him throughout the day to remind him to eat well and on time make his chest swell with love and pride that you’re his. So he has something to say I love you for every day. Not that he needs a reason for it, of course! And usually when he says this he doesn’t leave room for you to say anything back, instead he dives in for your lips, kissing you with demand or pecking you excessively if he’s in a playful mood.
But when you get the chance to say it, wow. It’s generally at night when you’re both in bed together with no distractions to throw off the weight of your words, uttering them out with such conviction that sometimes they make you emotional too. Jaehwan gets overwhelmed every time you tell him that you love him. Although he knows you’re his, hearing you proclaim how much you love him and want to do so forever literally makes him combust with all the feels. He wraps you up in his arms further, allowing no space between you and whispers back that he loves you too before kissing you. It’s soft, as if he’s barely touching you but soon builds into a heated and passionate embrace that you’re both breathing heavily when you fall apart, smiling at each other with complete adoration for each other. Stop it, I’m jealous.
 You never expected to love living in such a squishy, fluffy ball of warmth and love, but now that’s all you want to do. Jaehwan is the ultimate boyfriend, he’s thoughtful, cheesy and fun, and he knows when he needs to be serious with you too. Although he kisses you so often you’re forever buying chapstick to keep up with the demand, you know that you’re ready for a lifetime’s supply of his luscious lips on yours.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
Other VIXX members: Hakyeon // Taekwoon // Ken // Hyuk
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