#kissing her hand like a courtier
vigilskeep · 11 months
one thing that i think is true about anora is that she’s so accustomed to ruling as anora-and-cailan she’s forgotten that it wasn’t just her. it’s so typically mac tir to forget that diplomacy and winning hearts actually matter instead of simply being the meaningless frippery of politics that someone has to do before we can get to the cold hard work. cailan’s contribution to the partnership was his charm and popularity. anora is blunt, as direct in her ruthlessness and betrayals as she is in her leadership, and too proud to lie or apologise, all of which is her greatest shortcoming as a ruler and certainly the number one reason players and wardens keep her from the throne. and that’s not players and wardens being superficial; this is a major deficiency for a ruler. having the charm to easily convince the warden to like and back her is a skill she could have and doesn’t. having staunch allies in denerim that answer to her not her father is a skill she could have and doesn’t. there’s a reason the epilogue slides for a partnership with alistair emphasise him contributing with the kind of travelling and people pleasing fundamental to medieval kingship, which anora never seems to bother with on her own
i don’t say any of this to put down anora; from a player’s perspective all of it strengthens her character, and from an in-world perspective, alistair’s equally as incapable of doing what she does. i just like to discuss that her style of ruthlessness and directness has its strategic drawbacks—people react to being betrayed and talked down to—and by contrast being friendly and likeable has its strategic value. i like that the mac tir abrasiveness has genuine political consequences left and right, and how especially applicable it is in a choice-based game where the personal response these characters manage to get from you really matters. i also think it’s one of the most compelling arguments for a joint ruler ending that, as the epilogue slides suggest, they can potentially fill in for each other’s lacks
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casuallyanidiot · 9 days
Yandere knight who wants you instead of the princess.
Dead dove Do not Eat Tw. For noncon, MDNI, Fem pov
Yandere knight who has been training in the palace for a very long time. It's an honor for a commoner like him to even set foot into the castle walls, so he works earnestly.
Yandere knight who's been catching glimpses of not only the lovely princess throughout the years, but her handmaidens as well. You're a daughter of a somewhat lesser noble house, and therefore you have essentially been given to the royal family until you're eventually married off to another courtier.
But of all the noble ladies, who often ignore him, he finds you to be the most approachable and kind to him and the other squires. He's developed a bit of a crush on you over the years, and he eventually found it in himself to express his feelings. They were innocent and pure then, and he stood there blushing and awkward waiting for you to accept or deny. He would've taken a no from you. Really, he would have.
But then that pompous bitch got in the way.
The princess had you pulled away by her other attendants before you could answer, and she all but sneered at him.
"My maids are not for common rife like you to sully," she spat, a look of disdain carved on her delicate features.
Yandere knight who was deployed to the battlefront soon after. He spent years in misery knowing it was that royal woman's meddling that had both sent him here and stopped him from knowing how you truly felt.
Yandere knight who carved through foe upon foe with the flash of his sword while thinking of you. He would wipe blood from his face and wonder what it would take to have you. He resolves to become so renowned that he could have you and the respect he deserved all those years ago anyways.
Yandere knight who comes back as the hero of the nation. A parade is thrown for him upon his return, and flowers are thrown at his feet by the masses of people. He is awarded a noble title, a duke (impressive), a territory of land to manage, and the blessing to have the hand of any eligible lady in the land from the king.
The implication was for him to go for the princess, sitting there in a gown befitting of an engagement party. She wasn't the heir to the throne, and having a young, impressionable Duke to have and father a potential crown prince or princess was certainly a draw for her to act so sweet and lovely despite her previous attitudes. He had to use all the will in his body to hide his disdainful glare towards her. Instead, he strode up with a near giddy grin, breezed past the waiting royal, and knelt before you.
"[Name], I shall have you as my wife," He says with a beaming smile. You try to protest, but he's already sweeping you into his arms. The king seems surprised by his choice, but as he stares between Yandere Knight, lovestruck and beaming, and you, squirming and utterly shocked, he realizes that he cannot simply go back on his word. The king waves his hand, and your fate is sealed.
Yandere knight feels bad for not giving you a proper wedding. In fact, he feels bad about not taking you to your new home before he's pulling up your skirts. He's a dog, he knows, but you're just so tempting now that you're all his. He shoving you down onto the plush upholstery of the carriage seats, and you let out a startled cry.
Yandere knight who cannot claim he's chivalrous. He wishes he could, but he loves the way your breasts look pushed up so tightly in the laced bodice of yours. He lets out a groan, petting your hair and shushing you as you whimper under his wandering touch. Button after button becomes undone.
"Love, you'll never wear such stifling clothing again. You hear me? All robes and lace from now on. None of this nonsense," He murmurs into your skin. He pulled your corset and chemise from your body, and he pressed fervent kisses to the crook of your neck. He grasps at your breasts, kneading them experimentally. He's had time to experience women on the battlefield. A fling or two in some field on the outskirts of a freshly liberated village. He would think of you the whole time and imagine what he was latching his lips around the stiff peak of your nipple while a random girl cried out underneath him. But this was real. Your warmth beneath his much heavier form was on of the most beautiful feeling he had ever had the pleasure of witnessing.
He parted your legs, and he could feel you shy away from him. He laughed. As if you had a choice. He knew you would love him eventually, but for now you can't blame him for how ravenous he was as he felt between your shaking, parted legs. He smirked as his lips met yours. His fingers slid against your folds, gathering slick arousal on his digits with a curious hum. He grinds his thumb against your clit as he slowly pushes his way into your warm, spongy walls.
"Oh? Is it good there? Or here? Where, love? You gotta use your words," He teases and licks the tears rolling down your cheeks, peppering your soft skin with kisses. He feels you pulse and stretch around his hand, and he relishes the way your back arches when he curls his fingers just right against that sweet little spot. Desperate noises tumble out of you, and he smiles.
He pulls his fingers out, and you cry out at the sudden sensation. Your chest is heaving with small moans, and your pretty pussy is drooling onto the carriage cushions. He pushes your legs up to your chest for a better grip, and his shudders at the way your twitching feels against the head of his cock.
Yandere knight knows that, as he thrusts into you, he's going to enjoy the luxury of finally having you both under his body and under his control.
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annwrites · 2 months
remind them i shall.
— pairing: aegon ii targaryen x fem!reader
— type: one-shot (i'd like/intend to write more for this pairing in the future, however!)
— summary: aegon seeks your sage advice in what he should do about the incessant disrespect his small council heaps upon him, as his tolerance for it grows ever-shorter. and then he utilizes it.
— word count: 1,847
— a/n: i'm so sick of everyone disrespecting my baby boy.
— tagging list: @tvangelism
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"What would you do, if it were you?"
You tighten your arms round his right one, your chin atop his shoulder, watching as the sun casts his silver waves in light, making them appear near-translucent as they sway softly in the breeze. His violet eyes cast off into the distance, past King's Landing, toward the north-east. Toward Rook's Rest.
He slides his forearms further forward, hands clasped atop the marble railing of the balcony while he awaits your response.
"I would remind them of who you are to them, precisely, first and foremost: their king. The king. Not brother, not son, not friend. But the righteous head which wears the Conqueror's crown. The voice of the Seven Kingdoms. Their strength. And their comfort."
You press a feather-light kiss to the soft material of his black velvet tunic. "Each member of your Small Council is of importance, I will not deny this. But, mayhaps, they need be reminded that—just as your grandsire was when he dared take his disrespect too far—they, too, can be replaced."
He thinks on the advice you have offered him for a moment, and then he gives a single, solemn nod. "Remind them I shall."
He turns toward you then, your arms falling away as he leans down, taking your face between his gentle hands and kissing you long, deeply, his plush lips spreading your own apart as he slips his tongue inside, flicking against yours before he pulls away, his mouth hovering a breadth's width from your own.
"Do you love me?" He whispers.
Your lips turn upward into an amused smile as you press your body to the front of his own—strong and sturdy and yours. "With all my heart."
His lip twitches, eyes stinging. He will never tire of hearing it, for you are the only one who speaks it.
He had so feared such confirmations—such words—would never grace his ears again after the night of Jaehaerys' murder—when he had been taken by a wild rage stemming from grief—but he had won you back, even after shouting those horrid, hateful words toward you after one of the Kingsguard fled his chambers in search of you to hopefully soothe him.
He had been screaming of war, and if the wrong courtiers had heard...
It had been a mistake, however, when you had uttered his name from the doorway. He'd looked at you with loathing then. And those venomous words spilled from his lips—disparaging you; your origination.
The look of heartbreak across your features was instead quickly overtaken by shock—betrayal. He would never forget it.
More things broken by his destructive hands.
He harms each thing he touches.
The poison drips through.
Mayhaps that was why Jaehaerys...
The monstrous cunt Rhaenyra—he would never refer to her as 'sister', for she is no blood of his—was solely to blame.
Her and her cronies.
But how he had made one of them pay.
Blood had been an apt name indeed, once he had finished with him in the dungeons of the Keep. Blood had poured. From every crevice. His mouth, his eyes, unspeakable orifices.
And still it had not been enough.
Hanging the rat-catchers had done little to soothe his fiery temper, either. Watching their bodies swing from the walls of Flea Bottom as crows came to pick at their corpses had instead filled him, eventually, with regret.
How many innocent lives had he taken that had done naught wrong? And then he considered himself no better than those cutthroats which had taken his beloved little boy from him.
He'd briefly—but for only a moment—considered mounting Sunfyre and taking to the skies as he razed the capitol to the ground, until it was naught more than a pile of smoking ash, taking his life last as he commanded his dragon—dracarys.
But he had refrained, knowing not even he could go a step that far. Could stomach it.
He'd summoned you to his chambers again later that night, and you'd found him sitting before the fire, lost within madness.
The moment you stepped toward him, though, he fell to his knees, clutching at your skirts like a child might do with its mother when it knows it has done wrong, and he wept until he could hardly breathe, begging for your forgiveness.
For you not to leave him, too.
To please stay.
Gods, please stay, he'll do anything. If only he could take it all back.
You had forgiven him in an instant then, understanding why he had done it. Even if the knowledge had not made those hateful words much easier to digest.
And then he had gone to bed, his body curled against your own, head resting on your stomach as you ran your fingers through his hair, humming to him The Song of the Seven until his quiet, sobbing hiccups turned, instead, to steady breaths of rest.
He kisses you one final time, before telling you to wait for him. To entertain yourself as you liked in his absence, as he convened an emergency Small Council session.
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Aegon stares down each person seated at the table before him, giving each a long, leveling look, hand idly toying with the stone seated in its small marble dish before him, considering throwing it at Aemond's smug face.
Alicent sighs dramatically. "Aegon—"
He turns his head sharply toward her, eyes full of fire as he stares into her own. "You will address me properly as 'Your Grace', or not at all."
She quickly shuts her mouth.
He stands then, pushing in his chair, gripping the back of it, his eyes continuing to roam.
"For too long have I allowed the disobeyance of this Council. It ends today. Here. Now. By order of your king."
Aemond raises a brow, and Aegon takes note of it, doing the same in challenege.
"It seems as if you have all forgotten who I am to you first."
He raises his chin, crown resting comfortably atop his head for perhaps the first time since his mother placed it upon his brow.
His eyes flit to her first. "I am not your son."
Then to Aemond. "Not your brother."
To Martyn. "Not your friend."
He licks his lips. "And while he, the Ser Otto Hightower, is not present—which each of you should most certainly take note of why that is: due to his own disrespect—not his grandson."
He levels a gaze of austerity. "I am your king," he states in a resolute tone.
"I did not ask for this. Was not named my father's heir, despite the pleasant lies you may tell yourselves. And yet here I stand, doing my duty."
A beat of silence.
"Mayhaps at times I need guidance," he states with a slight shrug.
"And I intend to listen to that which is given. For that is the purpose of each man and woman here. But when it is given demeaningly," he glances to his mother. "It shall not be considered."
She bristles.
"I will not be a political puppet to be flouted about at any person here's leisure. If you wished for different?"
His jaw twitches.
"You had that opportunity. And you forsook it in place of me instead as your sovereign. You made your choices. And now you will either live with it, or other arrangements will be made."
Ser Tyland lets out a nervous chuckle. "Which we should take to mean what, Your Grace?"
His eyes flit to him. "I mean to give this warning only once to each of you. It shall not be repeated again. If you fail to obey, you will either be returned to whence you came and replaced—and I assure you, you are each indeed replaceable; for The Hand has already been, not only under me, but by my late father as well—or you shall meet the King's Justice."
Alicent and Jasper's eyes widen.
"I do not desire to rule as a tyrant, but I will not rule as craven, either."
He considers for a moment. "I do not wish to belittle the importance of any one person present today. You have each earned your place at this table. But, mayhaps, you have all grown too comfortable, and now instead feel entitled to the chair from where you sit."
He briefly considers having their own replaced by those comprised of swords as well. No member of the court should sit easily while war is brewing.
Why should he be the sole body to suffer?
"To plot covertly without my input? Without my knowledge? It reeks of sedition. How am I meant to lead if I am not so much as made aware of the current state of things as they are? How should I be referred to as incompetent as those I am meant to trust above all else scheme without my leave?"
He stands tall, hands resting behind his back. "It ends today. Any further whispers of such behavior shall be met with punishment befitting the crime."
"Now," he claps his hands together, causing Grandmaester Orwyle to jolt in his seat. "I will hear, from each of you, acknowledgment of what we have discussed here today."
He looks to Jasper on his left.
He nods. "Of course, Your Grace. You have my obeisance."
Orwyle meets his eyes, and Aegon gives him a small nod, knowing he is the one person at this table whom his trust has not wavered in. "Of course, Your Grace."
He gives him a small smile before his eyes flit to Ser Tyland, who gives him a nervous grin. "Y-yes, Your Grace. My office is at your complete disposal."
Aegon gives him a sardonic look, pleased by the sound of fear which laces his voice. "I did not doubt it," he replies flippantly.
And then Aemond, who merely 'agrees' with a hum.
Aegon's hands tighten. "You will speak your agreement, or you may be dismissed to join our grandfather in Oldtown, if you so wish."
Aemond leans back. "And who would fight your war for you, atop the largest dragon in the world?"
All remain quiet.
Aegon leans forward, resting his forearms atop the back of his chair, clasping his hands. "Dragons can be reclaimed, as you well know."
Aemond glances to Alicent then, who keeps her eyes downcast, then back to Aegon. "Yes, Your Grace," he states flatly.
Lord Larys gives him a pleasing smile. "I am ever your humble servant, Your Grace. Such whispers will be reported to you at once, you have that with my surety."
Aegon gives him a brief nod.
Finally, Alicent's eyes trail slowly upward, to her son. Unsure of whether to be frightened...or proud.
She briefly, in this light, sees his father looking back at her.
"Yes, Your Grace."
He takes in the moment then, briefly—satisfaction flooding his veins—knowing: it is the first step in this new, right direction for his regency.
A conqueror they desired? Then one they shall have.
For more than just ostentatiousness.
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llamagoddessofficial · 2 months
How about headcannons for fae Nightmare are fav Winter King??
You're in a relationship with two Nightmare's, really.
The first Nightmare is the King. Overwhelmingly powerful, aloof, wickedly intelligent, stern but with a strong sense of justice, (privately) very caring and gentle. This Nightmare is the one you spend the vast majority of your time with. He flirts like a courtly prince... he ballroom dances with you on glittering midwinter nights, he reads you poetry by dwindling firelight. He gifts you the finest gowns and furs, matched only in craftsmanship by his own, he puts crystal necklaces around your neck and silver rings on your fingers. He kisses your knuckles and takes you on long romantic horse rides, he has a winter flower garden made for you, he wraps his cloak around your shoulders when you're tired. This is the Nightmare that has been tempered by hundreds of years of rule. The man he shows the world; the man he wants to be, for you.
... Then there's the other Nightmare. The one underneath. The one that never recovered from the wound to his skull, nor the betrayal he felt after.
That Nightmare is furious. Ragged. Desperately tired, hates everything but you. Wildly possessive - barely holding back from clawing out the eyes of anyone who looks your way. Starving for your love, but absolutely terrified of what that means. Wants to sink his teeth into you and never let go.
Generally, the first Nightmare is excellent at covering up the second, he's had centuries to practise. But you catch glimpses. That's the Nightmare who sees a courtier aggressively flirting with you at a feast, and takes them outside to beat them within an inch of their life and leave them bleeding in the snow. That's the Nightmare that drinks a little too much wine and won't let go of your wrist all evening. The Nightmare who draws you like he's trying to capture you forever in the paper; the one who pulls you closer to him in the middle of the night. The Nightmare that stares jealously at people who make you laugh, only just covering his tracks and laughing along when he realises he's being intimidating.
He's very gentle with you. He'll never raise his voice at you.
He's got a surprisingly playful side. For all his gloomy seriousness, he seems to take quite a bit of joy in teasing you. The other skeletons are jarred by the sight of you teasing him back - that's a luxury no one else in either kingdom can afford.
Killer has his stray cats. Nightmare has his beloved horse, the eighteen-hand beast that bites off hands and kicks in heads. She has an obvious soft spot for you. Only you and Nightmare can mount her.
Nightmare also has some (equally beloved) massive hunting hounds who resemble dire wolves more than dogs. They look terrifying and vicious, coming and going from the castle as they please, often disappearing as a pack into the wilderness for days. When Nightmare isn't around, alongside the usual trio of Killer Dust and Horror looking after you, you'll have some massive fluffy good boys as excellent bodyguards.
Nightmare can be... difficult. He isn't very good at expressing himself; he lies about how he feels to make you feel better, getting the truth out of him is getting blood from a stone. He's a romantic, he wants to look after you, he wants everything to be about you. He's happy when you're happy and his own wants are far too messy and scary to unpack. Gifting you another set of sapphire earrings is much easier than admitting he's massively insecure and just wants you to stay in bed with him all day, cradling his skull and telling him you care.
... All that being said... you will never know loyalty like his. Many people say they would 'wait a thousand years' for their partner.
He actually would.
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mcuamerica · 3 months
Only You | Azriel x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Azriel doesn't like seeing you dance with Cassian. Requested by @tincanhat here.
Warnings: 18+ only, jealousy, SMUT (fingering, p in v, creampie, slight dom Az (?), spanking like twice, slight size kink, rough sex, petnames), little angst, mostly smut, aftercare and fluff, lightly proof-read
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
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You were dancing in the living room, laughing as Cassian twirled you around. Nesta was in the corner, not even noticing as her mate spun another female around. To be fair, it was a courtier’s ball. And it wasn’t unusual for you to dance with members of your family.
Azriel couldn’t stand it, nonetheless. You and him had an on and off again thing. While you had feelings for him, wanting to be more than just fuck buddies, you didn’t want to ruin what you had. Not when Azriel, in your mind, was still getting over Elain since her and Lucien’s official mating. And Azriel, unbeknownst to your feelings, was tiring of just making love to you. The minutes, or sometimes hours, of sex you two had did nothing to satiate his need when you eventually left his room. Or he yours.
He tried pushing it, tried falling asleep. But he felt too guilty. He didn’t want to stay the night unless you asked him to.
This might be the last straw. Seeing you laugh at Cassian’s bad jokes, his horrible dancing. And even grab his arm as you held your stomach in a fit of giggles. This wasn’t fair. That should be him. Why were you looking at Cassian like you should be looking at him.
He didn’t even ask you before he walked straight up to you and Cass, whispered a quick “excuse us” and picked you up by your thighs.
Your yelp echoed against the walls as you hung upside down across Azriel’s shoulder. “Azriel! Let me down,” you said and lightly tapped on his back.
He let out a growl that went straight to your core, shutting you up and making you go limp in his hold as he hauled you up to his bedroom.
“What is your problem?” You asked when he finally set you down.
His eyes revealed nothing but deep, dark lust as he immediately kissed you. It was nothing like the passionate times he’s brought you to his room before. This was desperate. Angry almost.
“Azriel-“ you started as you pulled away for air.
“Don’t. Speak.” He growled again. You’ve never seen this level of possessiveness in him before. What came over him to need you this badly?
“Az-“ he shut you up with a quick, but light, smack to the bum. Your eyes widened as he kissed you again, backing you up against the bed. He pulled away momentarily, silently asking if this was okay. The Az you knew finally showed for a moment.
You answered his curious gaze with a deep kiss of your own, your hands finding their place tangled I’m his hair. You weren’t going to say no to a quickie with the most handsome male in Prythian.
Azriel made quick work of ripping, literally ripping, off his shirt. His buttons falling to the floor behind him. His shadows, flustering around him, came over to pin your hands of your head.
“Don’t you dare rip this dress, Shadowsinger.” You let out a growl of your own. You had spent months getting it just right, and you planned to wear it many more times.
His eyes narrowed, you again spoke when he didn’t ask you to, but he let it go, pulling you up to untie the dress and tug it off you.
When he realized you weren’t wearing anything under it, his gaze darkened again. “Talk out of turn again, and I’ll make sure to deny you exactly what you want.”
And then he plunged two fingers into your core, causing you to arch your back. His shadows fluttered around you again, a cold sensation washing over you as they pressed you into the bed. You let out an ungodly loud moan as Azriel pressed his thumb against your clit.
Soon enough, his fingers curled against the right spot and caused you to let out another moan, his name falling off your lips.
He gave you a good two seconds from coming down from your high before he slipped his large cock in you. Your hips bucked, hands coming to rest on his biceps. Your nails dug in, drawing the slightest amount of blood. “Az-Azriel.” You panted and rested your head on his shoulder as he thrusted relentlessly.
“No one can fuck you like this, huh? No one can make you feel this good. Who makes you feel this good, baby?” He growled, nipping below your earlobe.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you couldn’t form words, completely blissed-out with his girth sheathed inside of you. Another light smack landed on your ass, causing you to let out a moan.
“Words, babygirl… who makes you feel this good? Fucked so good that you can’t even speak?” He growled, his thumb returning to rub your clit.
It was his turn to moan as you squeezed around his cock. “You, you Azriel. Only- only you.” You said, forming a mantra of “only you” as he continued to thrust.
His free hand took your leg and lifted it over his shoulder, causing him to go even deeper into your core. He could even see the slight bulge of his cock as he slid in fully.
“You’re close, baby girl. Cum with me.” He whispered, his lips finding that spot beneath your ear, sucking on it as you spasmed around him.
Your head fell back as he released his cum in you, slowly coming to a stop before pulling out completely. You caught your breath, not even noticing as he walked away and grabbed a wet wash cloth to clean you up. He offered you water, watching as you gulped it down.
When you were finally fully conscious again, you looked over to Az. He was sprawled out beside you, pushing wet strands of hair out of your face. “What was that for?” You asked, searching his eyes.
That desperation, the darkened lust, had disappeared and was replaced with what you knew to be his softened stare.
“I can’t do this anymore.” He whispered.
Your throat tightened, glanced down as you felt as if you’d done something wrong. “You-“
“Not… this this…” he said and cupped your cheek, noticing your worry. “I can’t just keep… screwing around with you. I couldn’t stand seeing you with Cassian today. Laughing. Like you enjoyed his company more than mine.” He said, his thumb stroking your cheek.
Your gaze softened, relief flooding over you. “You were jealous?” A playful tone on your lips, a giggle falling out as he narrowed his eyes. “If you don’t want to keep screwing around, as you say, what do you want, Azriel?” You asked.
He sucked in a breath. Never in all your years of knowing him was he at a loss for words. Even when your mouth was around him and you had him literally by the balls. He always knew what to say.
“I want to be yours.” He whispered, perching himself on his forearm to look at you closely. “And I want you to be mine.”
You stared into his eyes, pretty sure that you were dreaming. The man you had loved for years… finally wanted to be with you? And not just for fucking?
“I would like that very much.” You whispered, leaning up to close the gap, your mouth on his in a deep, loving kiss. “I really thought you were never going to ask me.” You said when you pulled away.
“If you ever, ever, laugh with Cassian like that again, I might just take it back.” He said with a serious look, though his tone was teasing.
“Okay, tough guy. Seeing how well you handled it tonight, I don’t think that’s an option.” You said, patting his arm as you laid down, feigning to turn your back towards him.
You squealed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into his lap. “I didn’t hear you complaining.” He teased, nipping at your shoulder.
Your giggles filled the room as he peppered kisses along your shoulders and neck. Azriel knew in that moment that he could die happy if your laugh was all he heard for the rest of his life.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this!!! I’m honestly not very used to writing smut (or angst for that matter) so I hope it was to your liking! Requests are always open!
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Loose Lips — Part Two (Eris Vanserra x Reader)
Finally got round to writing a part two to this after a sudden burst of inspiration. Here is Part One if you missed it.
This isn't proofread, so sorry if it's a pile of dicks. Enjoy!
Warnings: smuttysmutsmut 🌶️
✧: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・
The forest was undoubtedly beautiful. A place of sure serenity. Somewhere you’d always found peace.
Right now, you felt like nothing short of a thunderbolt in its flawless midst.
You shifted on your feet for what felt like the millionth time, pressing your back against a tree and crossing your arms over your chest. You wouldn’t be able to relax until this meeting was over with.
Rhysand’s violet eyes flicked over you, and he frowned. “Are you alright? Why are you so restless?”
Because we’re here to meet with Eris and the last time I did that I somehow, kind of, maybe ended up fucking him—
“Fine.” You quickly answered. “Pain. My cycle is coming.”
Rhys’s eyes softened. “We’ll make this as quick as possible. Once the prick actually deigns to show up.”
You didn’t have a shred of doubt that Eris’s tardiness was deliberate — a power play. And he could play all the games he liked, so long as he kept his damn mouth shut.
As if you’d summoned him with a thought, the Autumn male appeared out of a chill-kissed breeze, his crackling-fire-and-cinnamon scent enveloping you. You tried desperately to block it out — and the sinful thoughts that accompanied it. Of bare skin. Panting breaths. Moans—
“Afternoon.” Eris smirked, sliding his hands into his pockets. He offered Rhysand a cursory glance before turning his attention on you. “You’re looking radiant today, Y/N.”
You pursed your lips. Kept your mouth shut. You weren’t getting into it with him — weren’t giving him any ammunition to spill the truth of what had transpired a month earlier.
His lips twitched as he studied you. “What, no smartass response?”
“Cut the shit, Eris.” Rhys rolled his eyes. “Share your information so we can get out of here. We don’t wish to be subjected to your tedious company for any longer than is necessary.”
He cocked his head, and you hated that you noticed he’d cut his hair since you’d last seen him. “Do you not like my company?”
You knew his words were directed at you. He’d come here to play games, and you were having none of it. He allowed his gaze to linger on you for a second longer before turning to your High Lord.
“Well?” Rhys cocked an eyebrow.
Eris folded his arms. “The King of Hybern…”
You didn’t allow yourself to hear the rest of his sentence. For the first time in your career as Rhysand’s courtier, you tuned out, taking in none of the information that was being given. You didn’t hear a word of their discussion as you stared fiercely at a fallen leaf on the ground. You couldn’t.
Because it tortured you on a daily basis that you knew what the redhead’s voice sounded like when he was falling off that precipice into blissful release. The way it had hitched when he’d groaned deeply and spilled into you. It was all you could think about, and you couldn’t bear it.
Guilt had eaten away at you ever since. Guilt and regret. You should never have given yourself to Eris fucking Vanserra.
You only felt safe enough to tune back in when Rhys turned his gaze on you. He gave a subtle dip of his chin, and you returned it — the signal the two of you shared when you’d gleaned useful information to tuck away.
Never mind the fact that you didn’t have a single clue what that information may be.
“Alright, then.” Rhys spoke tersely to the Autumn lord. “Keep me updated. I’ll be in touch when I next need to meet with you.”
“Will it be you, High Lord?” Eris’s lips turned up. He glanced at you. “Or her? I must say, I find her far more appealing to look at.”
“I’ll keep it a surprise. Something to look forward to in your sad little life.” Rhys turned to you, holding out a hand. “Ready?”
You shook your head. “You go. I promised Madja I’d collect some herbs for her while I’m here.”
A small, pathetic part of you wanted to beg Rhys to stay; to keep you company and not leave you alone with Eris. But he was a busy male — far too busy for the drama you’d created for yourself. You plastered a smile on your face.
“I’ll see you at home, then.” He smiled. And without a goodbye to your tentative ally, he disappeared before your eyes.
Eris smirked as he turned to you. “And then there were two.”
“Leave me alone.” You pulled your foraging knife out, turning on your feet. You didn’t look back as you began to kick through leaves and twigs.
But, of course, he was hot on your trail. “That’s not a very nice thing to say to somebody who made you cum not once, not twice, but three times.”
You clenched your jaw, ignoring him as you knelt down in front of a cluster of plants. You would do better this time. You wouldn’t allow your mouth to run you down a path you couldn’t come back from.
He didn’t make it easy, though. Not as you tried to focus yourself solely on gathering the herbs Madja had listed. Despite the lack of conversation — or even acknowledgement of him — Eris pressed himself against a tree and watched you, absentmindedly cleaning his nails with the point of a dagger.
How could you ever have fallen into bed with him? You were such a damn idiot, risking everything for a few fleeting moments of passion. You tucked the herbs neatly away, pushing to your feet and brushing dirt and leaves from your breeches. You turned—
And stopped as Eris appeared in front of you. He smirked. “I’m still waiting, Y/N.”
You cocked an eyebrow. “For what?”
“For you to thank me for not spilling your dirty little secret.”
Prick. You shoved past him, ignoring his warmth, his scent.
He was at your side in seconds. “Aren’t you so relieved that I didn’t slip up and tell Rhysand about your little ride? I still could.”
Every last drop of your sensibility fizzled out. You couldn’t stop yourself from rounding on him. “Are you truly in a position to be threatening me? Both of us fucked up that night. What do you think Beron would have to say if he found out you’d bedded someone from the Night Court, of all places?”
“My father doesn’t care who I bed. I’m free to do whatever I please, so long as it doesn’t distract me from the ultimate goal.”
“Which is what, exactly?”
His amber gaze glittered, catching the sun. “World domination.”
You rolled your eyes. “How very cliche.”
You made to push past him again, to get the fuck out of there, but his hand was suddenly gripping onto yours. In seconds, he had you pressed against the body of a tree.
You clenched your jaw. “Get. The hell. Away from—”
The remainder of the sentence didn’t have a chance to so much as form as Eris’s mouth found yours.
The press of his kiss was hot and needy, and as his lips moulded with yours, he groaned.
It was that action that made you realise just how little space existed between your bodies. His hips were pinned to yours, keeping you in place, and the warmth of him seeped into you as your breasts brushed his chest. Within seconds — mere seconds of him kissing you — you felt him harden in his breeches. His groan seemed to vibrate through every part of him and into you.
And then he was tearing his lips from yours. Staring down at you. “Fuck, you taste amazing. I’ve thought about nothing but this,” he rolled his hips against you, making sure your attention went exactly where he wanted it, “for over a month, now. Tell me you’ve been just as crazed.”
You had been. Perhaps more so. But you swallowed. “I can’t.”
That didn’t deter Eris from slanting his lips over yours again. His tongue swiped out, brushing against the seam of your lips, and you were powerless against your need as you opened your mouth and allowed him to dip in.
You gasped at the first taste of him; something cool and crisp and smoky. And you knew you were done fighting, telling yourself you didn’t want this, as you grabbed him by the lapels of his jacket and hauled him more firmly against you.
He grunted as the hard evidence of his arousal pressed against your stomach. His lips slid from yours, dragging slowly over your cheek, and then the cut of your jaw, down to your neck.
“You’ll be the death of me.” He panted, pressing quick, chaste kisses to the hollow of your throat. “Tell me to stop.”
You swallowed, knowing there was no chance in hell of that. “No.”
And that single word — as much as it pained you to say it — dragged such a delicious, guttural noise from him, that you forgot entirely about who you were and why this was wrong. Nothing else mattered in that moment other than what Eris was doing.
Your mouth went so very, very dry as he pulled away to meet your gaze. And then lowered himself to his knees before you.
He was utterly uncaring of the dirt and leaves that stuck to his breeches as he clasped your legs. And the hard press of his hands felt scorching through your own pants. You wouldn’t be surprised to find that he’d turned the clothing to mere ash he dragged his palms up the backs of your legs and cupped your ass.
“You’re fucking mouthwatering.” He dipped in, pressing a kiss to your stomach through your shirt. “I need to taste you.”
“Holy gods.” You cursed, your head falling back against the tree. “Do it, then.”
Like a male entirely starved and desperate, his nimble fingers moved to the buttons on your breeches, making quick work of getting them undone. The second they were loosened enough, he yanked them down with a feral command that had heat rushing between your legs.
And he could scent that. You knew it. He inhaled deeply, and his responding moan was sinful.
“This is wrong.” Your voice was weak, useless, as your head fell back.
“So wrong.” Eris hooked his fingers into the thin waistband of your undergarments. Tugged them down..
You made no move to stop him. “And stupid. And selfish. And—”
Your words turned into a moan as he dipped in and dragged his tongue up the very centre of you.
A satisfied grunt left him, and he lifted your leg, hoisting it over his shoulder. It had you at a better angle, closer to him, so he could feast on you.
And feast, he did.
His mouth and tongue were renowned for wielding wicked, barbed words, but this was a different language entirely. His fingers dug into your legs as he buried himself between your thighs, licking and lapping and fucking devouring. He made his way up, scraping teeth over your clit, the sensation both pleasant and unpleasant. Before you had a chance to react, he soothed over the area with the pad of his tongue, and a bolt of white-hot pleasure surged through you.
“Oh, gods.” Breathy words escaped your lips. Thank the Mother above for the mammoth tree at your back that gave you the support to move as you wished to move, undulating your hips, grinding against Eris’s face.
And from the way he growled and feasted on you harder, you knew he liked it. He was becoming coated in you, painting himself with your wetness. With the roll of your hips picking up pace, he didn’t falter once.
“Look at you.” He breathed, eyes flicking up to drink you in. “You’re a fucking vision.”
“Stop talking and make me—oh.”
Your hips bucked as he slid a finger into you, the friction of his callused skin like a sinful bite you wanted more of. You didn’t know if you vocalised that, or if Eris simply read you well, but he quickly added a second finger, pumping them in and out.
“Just as you felt around my cock that night.” He panted. “Squeezing me like that.”
You threaded your fingers through his hair, needing to just…to just grab onto something. He seemed to like it as you pulled, and he thrust his fingers faster in return.
“I’m going to make you come on my fingers.” His tongue stroked at you. “And again on my cock.”
Somewhere, some steeled part of you wanted to give a smartass retort. But you were far too gone, splintering into tiny shards of pleasure against that tree. There was nothing, in that moment, besides the sensations Eris Vanserra dragged from between your thighs. No long-lived feuds or tentative alliances or right or wrong.
It was just him. His fingers. His tongue.
And it sent you hurtling right off that blissful cliff edge into release.
As you came, you thought you maybe shouted loud enough to frighten the birds from the trees. Your pleasure was a fearsome force as it stormed your body, your mind, your soul, until you weren’t sure who you’d be without it. How you could survive not experiencing this weightlessness again.
And Eris…he seemed to enjoy your pleasure as much as you did. Even though his cock strained through his breeches, touched by nothing but torturous fabric, his tongue and fingers continued to guide you through your climax, and he peppered in filthy, scandalous words that you were far too fractured to make sense of.
Until he pulled back to look up at you again. “I’ve wanted you since the second I first saw you.” He said.
You weren’t sure you could deny, any longer, that this truly had been going on for that long. It didn’t start with that one night of bad decisions driving you into bed with him. It had been years and years of thinly-veiled threats and barbed words and insults and vitriol soaked in lust.
Every bit of hatred you’d ever directed at each other had been to try and avoid this — giving in to a carnal need that had existed between you since the first ever time your eyes had met.
You knew you didn’t have that strength, that resolve, anymore.
“I need you inside me.” Your voice was rough, raw. You reached down, shamelessly yanking Eris to his feet by the fabric of his jacket, not caring that your desperation showed. “Fuck me.”
You wanted it — him — hot and hard and fast and certainly not gentle. You wanted the bark of the tree biting into you as he pounded you from behind. You wanted him roaring as unguarded as you had.
“You’re a little brat.” Was all he responded. And then he was kissing you again.
You allowed him the control of your lips as your fingers tore at the front buttons on his breeches. Nothing was moving fast enough, and you were hot all over, desperate to feel him pulsing deep inside you—
Y/N. I need you back here.
Rhysand’s voice in your head was akin to be plunged in ice-cold water. Damn daemati. You froze in place, your hands falling still.
Eris didn’t seem to notice as he kissed his way along your jaw.
Y/N. Rhys spoke into your mind again. Get back as soon as you can. Need to discuss Azriel’s report.
You sucked in a breath, planting your hands on Eris’s arms. You pushed him off you. “I have to leave.”
He paused, surprise crossing his face. “What?”
“I can’t — I’m needed back home.” Clarity was dawning on you more and more, paired with guilt. You’d fucked up again. You tried to shake the feeling off as you yanked your underwear and breeches up in one go. “I can’t do this.”
“Seriously?” Eris cocked an eyebrow. “You’re leaving now?”
It was an effort not to glance down at the very unsatisfied bulge still pressing through his breeches. “Rhys just spoke into my thoughts. He needs me back.”
“How convenient.”
Of course he didn’t believe you. You had to admit, it didn’t look great — getting an earth-shattering orgasm out of him and then leaving.
But perhaps it was a blessing from the Mother. Perhaps she was stopping you taking it too far a second time.
“Believe what you want.” You pushed past Eris, buttoning your breeches up. “I answer to my High Lord first and foremost.”
“Go running back to him then.” Eris shrugged. And if you weren’t mistaken, you thought that a strange quality lay in his tone. Perhaps hurt, or…or jealousy. “He says jump and you say how high, right?”
“You have your High Lord, Eris,”  you smoothed over the wrinkles in your clothes, “and I have mine.”
He pressed his back against the tree, watching with an unreadable expression as you checked yourself over.
And then the corner of his mouth tipped up. “You’ll be back, sweetheart.”
You shot him a glance over your shoulder. “That is a very, very bad idea.”
You winnowed out of there before he could respond.
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daycourtofficial · 7 months
My Valentine
Summary: you ask Eris to be your valentine
Author’s note: giving Eris some love bc my boy deserves it idc he needs to be treated so kindly this is pretty short but he deserves to be kissed so tenderly
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“What’s this?”
Your mate came home to your cabin, leaving the forest house for the weekend. You had left a note on his desk asking for him to meet you here when he was done with his duties for the day.
He arrived to find you in his favorite gown, a deep red that adorns your body just perfectly. He walks further in, taking in the room before him. Your cabin was quaint, a cozy escape for the two of you away from prying courtiers, nosy advisors, and annoying brothers.
The room is an explosion of color, various varieties of flowers littering the room. Sunflowers, orange lilies, red roses, pink daisies. The room is a color study of shades of warmth. A box sits in the middle of the small dining table, a card sitting on top.
He walks forward, gesturing toward the box laid out in front of him. You nod for him to open it, and he removes the bow, opening the lid of the box.
Inside is a stunning portrait, a moment from your mating ceremony. The two of you are gazing at each other, love shining through your shared gaze.
“How did you-?”
“I asked Lucien if he could let Feyre see it so she could paint it.”
Eris mumbles under his breath at his baby brother’s actions, but you see it for the ruse it is. Eris wasn’t exactly fond of the ruling leaders of the night court, but you got along quite well with Feyre, and he could never be upset with you for sharing this tender moment with her to have her immortalize forever.
“I know we wanted it to be as private as possible, but I really thought you’d like to have a physical reminder of the day.”
He continues looking at the portrait, and it transports him back to the exact moment. You had told him, “who you had to be does not scare me, because I know who you truly are.”
He hadn’t been able to stop the tears at your words, overwhelmed with your love in his chest. He was far from easy to love, but you had done it, and chose to do it every day.
In the portrait you’re wearing one of his mother’s diadems, which adorned your head perfectly. You had understood and even suggested that your ceremony only include Lucien and the Lady of Autumn in attendance.
He wants to reach out, to feel you in that moment again. The silk of your dress as his thumbs grazed over your hips, afraid you would finally grow some sense and leave him. Once his eyes had moved up to yours, he knew you would never part from him.
The fae lights glowed over your face, illuminating the love that was shining off of you, and Eris was quite impressed at the High Lady’s ability to capture your emotions so well.
Eris wants to be upset - he was staunchly private, your relationship a well-guarded secret for so long it was hard for him to open up to anyone about it.
But seeing the way you look at him, immortalized forever by Feyre’s hand, he feels what anger should be there dissolve. Feyre was a good friend of yours, the both of you mated to very complex and powerful males.
He didn’t care for the friendship, but he’d never deny you access to anyone that cares for you as much as she does.
He looks over the portrait again, noting to send Feyre a thank you gift for the work she put into the portrait.
“This is incredibly thoughtful,” he tells you, placing it back into the box. “We will have to decide on a place to put it.”
You beam up at him, his chest full of the pride you feel at how good this gift was.
You nod towards the card on the table, and he grabs it, his long fingers undoing the wax seal. Inside the envelope is a paper in the shape of a heart. He pulls the card out with a smirk, your juvenile efforts warming his heart.
“Hmm,” he ponders, his eyes scrutinizing your neat script, the question will you be my valentine? on the page. “I’ll take your proposal into consideration and I will let you know.”
He places the card back into the envelope, placing it on the table. Eris, the master of masks, doesn’t let his face convey a thing. The bond betrays his mask of indifference, your chest full of the love he wills his eyes not to show.
Beron’s death was a catalyst for many things, but above all, Eris began letting the mask fall. Slowly, over years of work and allowing himself to be seen, he let cracks show in the mask.
That doesn’t mean he can’t still wield it.
You step closer to him, not faltering under his scrutinizing gaze. “Do you have an idea as to when you will be able to give me an answer?”
He smirks down at you, his hand cupping your face. “I am not sure, but I can be persuaded to make it more of a priority.”
His mind wanders back to the portrait as your lips meet his, and he thinks about all the years it took for him to get here. The loneliness, the fear, the cruelties he endured. They all wash away with the wave that is your lips crashing into his.
But by gods he’d do it all again for you.
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helionpegasus · 3 months
Cassian x Reader
summary: reader and Cassian had a happy marriage, 'till their love wasn't enough. inspired by loml by taylor swift.
warnings: angst.
words count: 3338
author's note: this is big and sad :)
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Who’s gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames? If we know the steps anyway.
Me and Cassian have been riding on the line between acceptable and an official couple recognized by the priestess and The Mother for a long time. 
I don’t know when exactly it started. It couldbe when we met for the first time on a Day Court Ball, and we both couldn’t hold our laughter after one of the courtiers slipped during the dance. It could be when i spent my first Starfall as a Night Court member, and he told me that he was gonna “Teach me how to properly drink”, but ended with the two of us drunk enough to sleep sitting side by side in the hall of the House of Wind. Or it could be when he arrived of the Illyrian Camps directly to my room and with tear in his eyes, saying that his heart could not handle seeing how children and females were treated there maintaining a stone face.
We embroidered the memories of the time I was away.
The first time we kissed was when I returned home hurt from a mission. Cassian stayed the whole night by my side, telling me things that happened when I was away, or tracing random shapes with his finger on my hand and arm.
“I was scared that we would lose you. I would lose you.” He said almost whispering, like he was telling me a secret.
“You’ll never lose me, Cass.” I said back to him.
I was staring at the window when I felt him pull his hand away. Once I turned my head back, our lips met. It was so gentle. The hands holding my face, and his lips silently asking if he could deepen the kiss or not.
I remember stopping to breath and giggle like two teenagers, just to look at each other with love eyes and start kissing again. And again, and again, the whole night.
I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed
“You’re not gonna officialize things?” Mor asked one day.
“What do you mean?” Was my answer.
“You and Cassian. Everyone sees the way you look at each other, and we also know that you crossed the “only starring” line. And if you want me to be honest, I think you two would make each other really happy.” The blonde said, bumping her shoulder onto mine. We were having tea while sitting on the House of Wind’s balcony.
“I don’t know… Cassian is a good male, Mor, and I’m not the only one that sees this. I think I’m just afraid, perhaps. Or just too insecure.”
“About what?”
“Maybe I will not be enough for him. He can find someone better, that maybe would match his soul, and I’ll not be able to endure that kind of heartbreak.”
“That sentence is full of maybes. Do you even know how he looks at you?” She asked. “There’s love in his eyes. There’s love in his body language when he’s next to you, and love in every single word he says toward or about you even though ‘love’ is not one of them.” Mor placed my tea cup on the table next to her to hold both my hands with hers. “Don’t waste a chance of happiness just because you’re afraid.”
I felt aglow like this. Never before, and never since
After that talk, it did not take a lot of time for me to build the courage to phrase my feelings to him. And it was a surprise - at least to me - that he felt exactly the same.
If you know it in one glimpse, it’s legendary
“Did I ever tell you?” Cassian asked me some weeks after we started dating.
“What?” I closed my book to give him my full attention. My legs are still resting in his lap while we are on the couch.
“That I fell in love with you the day we met?” He gave me one of those grims.
“Like those teenage romance books?” I asked, mirroring his smile.
“Yeah. I think it was when one of Beron’s sons asked to dance with you but you said no, and you put him in his place when he tried to talk shit about you.”
“That would have started a war.” He both laugh.
“You are the most incredible female that I know.” His hand squeezed my calf, like he was reassuring his words. “You are smart and so strong. I’m really lucky to have you.”
You and I go from one kiss to getting married
Nervous was too little to what I was feeling at the moment. 
“Your entrance will be in 3 minutes.” Mor said before returning inside.
My hands were sweating, my stomach was hurting and I felt like throwing up. But I didn’t have time to overthink how anxious I was feeling, because within seconds the double doors opened.
It was a small wedding, only close friends invited. My eyes immediately searched for him, and he was beautiful as always.
In the middle of the entrance, my eyes met our friends, and I swear I saw Rhysand shed a tear but he will never admit it.
We both agreed to have a quick ceremony, not having enough patience for something too long or with too much bureaucracy. But the little time was enough for him to say things that will be marked in my heart to the rest of my life.
“People can say that the way that led us towards this moment roamed quite rapidly. But right here, on this day that will be remembered forever by both of us, even though we have hundreds of years after us, I promise to love you ‘till we are nothing more than dust traveling in the universe.”
I couldn’t control the river of tears that I cried hearing his vows. It didn’t take a long time for us to feel a burning sensation on our wrists. The image of a little firefly, so small that it could go unnoticed, but a forever sign to the biggest decision of our lives.
You said I’m the love of your life, about a million times
Our eternal happiness lasted the whole three years. Then Under the Mountain happened.
Who’s gonna tell me the truth when you blew in with the winds of fate?
“Cass, this is a lot for all of us. We’re all scared and worried, but I can’t help you ease your tension or worries if you don’t tell me how you’re feeling.” 
We were twenty years into Under the Mountain.
“And could you even understand?” He stormed out.
“I can try.” I answered ignoring how his words felt in my heart.
“Rhysand is my family. And he’s in such a dangerous situation that he prohibited us from reaching him. How could I not feel worried and angry?”
“I know, because I am worried too. But I’m also your family, and you can share with me how you’re feeling, you don’t have to carry this all by yourself. We don’t have to carry this all by ourselves.”
“If we were mates we didn’t have to. We would just feel.”
I couldn’t hide my hurt expression this time. Of course I knew that we were not mates, even though we had a beautiful relationship that everyone claimed would be a Mate one, it’s been almost thirty years that we’ve been together and no bond clicked.
“I’m sorry, that was rude.” His expression softened once he realized what he said. “We don’t have to be mates. It’s really rare after all, and we have a perfect relationship.” He hugged me and I had to hold back tears. “And most importantly, we love each other.”
When your impressionist paintings of heaven turned out to be fake?
Thirty years later we met Feyre.
And everything seemed to be perfectly fine, like the sun before a storm. And I wish my heart was only warning me about the war coming.
And all at once the ink bleeds
Cassian returned from Archeron's house a little air-headed. So I was trying to be really careful on how to approach him with questions about how it went.
“So, everything worked well?” I asked massaging his shoulders trying to ease the tension.
“Yeah, yeah. It was fine I guess, we sent the letter. Why?” His eyes were closed, voice soft.
“Nothing. You just returned, seeming a bit unsettled, so I thought something may have happened.”
I could feel his shoulders tense up again.
“Attor showed up there. I guess that just took us by surprise, but everything ended up fine, don’t worry, sweetheart.”
His response made total sense, so I tried to forget about it. It was a surprising threat, and a long trip flying back home, I thought.
But when we went to the Queens meeting, my heart felt a bit uncertain again.
There was something about how he looked at Nesta, a look that I could not translate. And also how he uncomfortably kept switching his weight to one leg for another everytime she was next to him or even just spoke.
She was certainly capable of saying some hateful words, so I was just thinking that maybe they had a wrong start. At least that was what I was trying to convince myself.
But I felt a hole, like this. Never before and ever since
“She is his mate isn’t she?” I asked Mor when we were alone.
I felt terrible by putting her against the wall, even more after everything that just happened in Hybern. But my heart was hurting too much for an answer.
Mor looked at me with wide eyes, trying to wrap her mind whether to tell me the truth or not.
“I saw the way you looked at her and then between both of them. And I think Cassian also knows, for Mother’s sake, I think already felt. So, please, tell me.”
“Yes… I believe so.”
I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. The hot tears fell down my face. And I wondered if the King’s power also didn’t affect the middle of my chest from how much pain I was feeling at the moment.
I didn’t see Mor kneeling besides me, didn’t feel her arms wrapping around my shoulders, and didn’t hear her comforting words trying to console me at my worst moment. All I felt was pain.
If you know it in one glimpse, it’s legendary. What we thought was for all time, was momentary.
The conversation with Cassian was nothing close to easy.
He admitted that he felt the bond the first time he saw her. And once she turned fae it only got stronger.
“Do you want to end things to try to pursue something with her?” It took me a while to be able to ask this. Not only because it hurts, but also ‘cause I couldn’t stop crying.
“No. Definitely not. We’ve been married for fifty four years, I’m not gonna just throw it all in the air. It will be hard to endure the feeling, yes, but we’ll keep our relationship. I love you, and that’s a forever promise.” He grabbed my wrist to caress his finger on the ink that sealed his vows.
Still alive, killing time at the cemetery. Never quite buried.
The next two years were not easy ones.
The plans we had for our future never made out of paper and conversations, because the whole situation never seemed to get better.
When Rhysand and Feyre announced that Nesta was coming to live with us, I felt like all the blood in my body freezed. Mor tried to help with the situation, proposing other ways to deal with her, since she was the only one to know, but her efforts had no success.
And once she started living with us, Cassian’s feelings got harder and harder to hide.
“Did you lose a bet with one of your brothers?” I asked one night. A smile already pulling up my lips at the thought of it.
“No, why?” He seemed confused.
“This one is new.” I traced my finger at the new ink on the end of his spine.
His whole demeanor changed when I said that. And he was quick with putting a shirt to sleep, a thing that he never does.
“What is it for?” I asked, scared for the answer.
“Nothing important.” He said going to bed. “Goodnight, sweetheart.”
You shit-talked me under the table. Talking rings and talking cradles. I wish I could unrecall how we almost had it all.
I quickly got up the couch in our room once Cassian opened the door.
“Hey, are you ok? Rhys told me that you three found a Kelpie, anyone got hurt?”
I rushed in his direction. My eyes scan his body for any scratch.
And then I felt the smell, like a slap in my face, making me stop in my tracks.
“No… No, you didn’t.” I started to go backwards. My vision started to get blurry with tears forming.
“I can explain.”
“Oh, yes.” I said with a sarcastic laugh. “Please explain to me why you had sex with another person while you’re married.”
“Don’t make this even harder for me.”
“Hard for you? Have you ever thought about how hard this situation is for me?” Tears were going down my face copiously. “I gave you an option, Cassian. Two years ago I asked if you would like to end things, for the sake of us both. And you said no, you said that we’ll keep going with our marriage, we had to try. But did you tried?
We had plans, Cass! It’s been fifty six years. We talked about buying our home, having kids! It’s been two years since you said for us to keep going but honestly we just stopped in our tracks.”
“Don’t do this to me. You know how much I wanted a family. You know how much I love you. But do you know how hard it is to fight this feeling? I feel like I’m going mad.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me? I made myself so open for you to seek your happiness, whether it was with me or not. But today you chose to cheat on me, and that hurts more than if you called to end things.”
Are they second-hand embarrassed that I can’t get off the bed? ‘Cause something counterfeit’s dead
It’s been three weeks since Nyx borned. 
With everything happening no one had time to process what happened properly. Rhys and Feyre immediately offered to let me stay in the River House with them. But I had to find my own way again, and after many days of not leaving my room, I was on my way towards the High Lord’s office.
“Hello, what a relief seeing your face again. How are you feeling?” He asked once I sat on the chair in front of his table.
“A bit better. Still a long way to go, though. How’s your almost a month of being a father?”
“It’s less tiring than doing this office work, I promise.” I laugh at his words, the first one in days. “But Feyre is definitely more tired than me, I try to help her all I can.”
“I came to say goodbye. It’s time for me to go to my own place, I’ll see Feyre after this.”
“Did you find a place in the city? We told you that you could have the Town House.”
“I actually decided to go back to Day Court. I already talked with Helion.” I said and  a shocked expression appeared on Rhysand’s face.
“If you think we’ll pick a side and that you’re not welcome here, you’re completely wrong. You are part of this family.” He says with a serious face.
“It’s nothing of that. I just think that I need some space and time to clear my mind of everything. I’m so grateful for all of you, but I need to do this for myself. I’ll be available for any help you need, though.”
It was legendary. It was momentary. It was unnecessary. Should’ve let it stay buried
Mor wanted us to have our last drink at Rita’s together. So here we are, at one of the tables with our drink in our hands.
“It surprises me that the vows mark stay there.” She said looking at my wrist. I look at it too.
“Love can come in different ways, and he didn’t specify.” We both laugh.
“I don’t think he’ll ever stop loving you.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving him either.”
“I’m sorry.” She said and I gave her a confused look. “You were right all those years ago, about him finding a soul match.”
“Unfortunately, I was.”
“Why a firefly?”
“I always asked myself this. But now with the outcome, I think it makes sense. Wanna know a fact about fireflies? They only live about 56 days. And our marriage lasted 56 years.”
Oh, what a valiant roar. What a bland goodbye
“Hi.” I said when I saw Cassian make the corner of the living room. “I’ll be quick. Just didn’t want to go without saying goodbye.”
“Go?” His brows scrunched.
“I’ll go back to Day Court.”
“You don’t have to.” He says surprised. His body came closer like he was ready to stop me.
“I know. I want to. I’ll visit after some time, I have to see Nyx growing up afterall.”
“You have to see everyone. We’re your family.”
I’m combing through the braids of lies. I’ll never leave, nevermind
I was back in Velaris after a whole year. It wasn’t in my plans to stay away for this long. But I really needed the time.
It was Nyx’s birthday party, and I was slightly surprised that the High Lord made it only for the family. I was expecting for the most pampered baby in Prythian to have a whole festival for his first birthday, but his parents clearly had other plans.
“I loved your hair.” I heard someone beside me, and found Elain sitting on the chair next to me in the garden. “You fit the short hair really well.”
“Thanks, I had to cut it. Hair holds memories.” She only smiled at my answer and we kept observing everyone in silence.
“Did Cassian always have been good with kids?” She asked, looking at him playing with Nyx.
“Yeah, he always dreamed of having kids.”
“Well good thing his dreams are coming true, then.”
“I’m sorry?”
She looks at me wide eyed, like she just told the Night Court highest secret.
“You didn’t know? Nesta's pregnant.”
My world spinned for a moment. When I really thought I was over it. Will I ever get over it?
“If you excuse me.” I gave her a fake smile and got up to get inside.
Feyre and Mor must have seen me, because they walked behind me right after I entered the house.
“You didn’t tell me.” I turn to both of them.
“Would you come if we did?” Feyre asked and I couldn’t answer.
“I just… I thought it didn’t hurt anymore.” I started crying. And Mother, how I started hating seeming so vulnerable. “I really need to get over it.”
I felt them both hugging me. A warmth passing from their heart to mine.
“No one expects you to get over more than half a century of memories in such little time.” Mor says.
Our field of dreams engulfed in fire
“Do you think I’ll be able to find something like this again?” I ask but cut them in the middle of their thoughts. “Don’t answer, I’m scared of what it will be.”
The only thing they could do was hug me harder and stay there with me for the whole ten minutes that allowed me to have a weak mind.
And I still see it, until I die. You’re the loss of my life.
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throneofsapphics · 3 months
I’ve been waiting for you to open your requests 😩I had to write my ideas down as to not forget them lol
But could you write a Rowaelin x Reader where Rowan accidentally calls Reader Aelin? and Reader gets upset and kind of jealous 😁
falling behind 
Rowaelin x Reader 
Summary: Rowan keeps calling you Aelin
Warnings: jealousy
A/N: thank you for the request!!
Rowan heard the door swing open, his magic singing to the breeze flowing in, the combined scents of his two favorite people. 
“Aelin, could you take a look at -” 
“Try again,” he heard your voice, not raised but sharp and short, a tone he wasn’t used to hearing directed at himself. No, that was usually saved for courtiers that pissed you off royally. 
The door slammed shut, a muscle in his jaw ticked. He hated slammed doors and you knew that. 
Aelin’s scent had been so strong, you must’ve just come from spending time with her. He’d figure out what was wrong later - no, later didn’t feel right. Later wasn’t good enough. 
He frowned at the papers in front of him. Military movements and plans, not needed til the end of the week. Rowan shoved them to the back of his desk, placing a heavy glass paperweight on top. He hated paperwork anyway,a nd you’d always come before it if he could help it. Right now was one of those times. 
You found Fenrys first. He read the fury lining your features and dismissed the guard he was speaking to, and ushered you back towards one of your favorite secluded gardens, far away from prying eyes and ears. 
“Are you sure you weren’t -” he hesitated at the end, with good reason. 
“If you say overreacting I will throw something.” 
He fixed you with a look. You sighed. 
“It was the third time. This week. He always assumes it’s Aelin, that’s the problem.” 
“You sound jealous.” 
“I am,” the words slipped out before you could think better of them. It’s true, it always felt like there was something they had together and you wouldn’t be able to share with them. 
“Have you communicated this?” Fenrys prompted. 
“No,” you sounded a tad too petulant. 
“I don’t know much about triads but that does seem important,” he said dryly. You wanted to smack him, mainly because he’s right. “Speaking of communicating,” Fenrys continued, “you can stop hiding Rowan.” 
Fenrys disappeared before you could make good on your thoughts of violence. 
Rowan, per usual, didn’t look even the smallest bit ashamed at being so damn nosy. 
“That was a private conversation,” you said - accused. He shrugged. Asshole. 
Turning your back, you took a few steadying breaths. He waited. “I’m assuming you heard everything.” 
“Yes.” Footsteps. Rough hands gripping your shoulders, turning you gently. Green eyes meeting your own. “I’m sorry.” 
Your lips parted, before slamming shut. You were surprised at the rare apology from him, although you thought it was well deserved. 
“Just stop calling me Aelin.” 
“I think it’s deeper than that, love.” His hand slid around your back to pull you closer, warmth enveloping you. A kiss to the top of your hea. 
He wasn’t entirely forgiven, not yet, but you could lean into his warmth for now. 
“We need ot talk,” you murmured, “the three of us.” 
“I hope you don’t think you’re leaving,” his voice was teasing but his body tensed. 
Your immediate “no” relaxed him. 
“Communication is important,” you parroted Fenrys and Rowan had the good grace not to comment on it.
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azsazz · 10 months
Tamlin x Reader
Summary: Anon Request: Ooooo I’d literally love it so much if you’d write for Tamlin again😩 I feel like I’ve been seeing so much hate for him recently and I really just need more people doing my sweet misunderstood boy some justice :((( honestly anything that just has him being sweet and soft… hurt comfort is always a solid winner.
Warnings: Angst, foreplay.
Word Count: 1,712
Notes: Of course this would turn into something steamy, that's just who I am.
“Tam?” you call softly, pushing the cracked door to his office open further. The room is dark, moonlight shining through the large windows. You spot him right away, and the warmth of the bond in your chest would tell you that he’s here even if you weren’t able to make out his form, slumped in his chair, elbows resting on knees and head in his hands.
He doesn’t answer but doesn’t turn you away either. Stepping into the room, you make your way towards him. His home is silent, almost eerie with lack of Tamlin practicing his fiddle, without the chatter of the chefs, courtiers, and handmaidens. It’s late, and they’ve all vacated the property. It’s only you and him now, and Tamlin hadn’t sought you out once the sun dipped behind the grassy knolls of the Spring Court.
Your footsteps patter softly against the wooden floors, the only sound in the manor besides your shallow breathing. Your heart kick starts along with your nerves, worry wracking your mind as you move closer and he doesn’t answer or shift. You can see the way his broad back heaves.
Timidly, you reach out your hand, brushing some of his long, blond hair from where it’s falling around his downturned head. Again, Tamlin doesn’t move as you tuck it gently behind his pointed ear.
“Tamlin?” you ask, running your hand down the back of his head. He’s starting to worry you, all silent and brooding like this. Lowering yourself beside him to your knees, you crane your neck to see his face, solemn with worry, usually bright green eyes dark. “Tam, are you okay, honey? What’s going on?”
Your mate doesn’t respond for a long while, and you don’t ask again. He reaches out, taking your hand in his. His fingers are cold, but his cheek is warm when he presses it against his skin, needing to be touched by you.
You stroke your thumb along his smooth skin, and his sigh startles the quiet of the midnight painted room. The moon paints his rosy, sun-kissed cheeks, his skin glowing with it, and for a male born for spring, he surely looks ethereal basked in the night.
His green eyes are piercing as he finally looks up at you, drinking you in. The soft look of concern on your face, knitting your brows together. That look in your eyes, the one that tells him that you will do anything for him, even if it means doing something you may regret. The downturn of your mouth, he can see your teeth nibbling at the inside of your mouth with worry, can feel that niggling down the bond too.
You remind him so much of her sometimes. When you’re reading up in the library in your favorite chair in your favorite spot in the manor, pushed right in front of the windows so you can look out into the garden and at the fountain while you lose yourself in your book. In fleeting moments when he’s playing his instrument and you wander your way into the ballroom, lured by the fantastical sounds drifting throughout the house. The way you fist your skirts and let the music consume you, twirling about the room with your head thrown back, laughing, until eventually you force him from his chair and plant his hands on your hips, the both of you dancing to the music of your bond, the push and pull of loving emotions shared between you.
Or when you strip your pastel dresses away and beckon him into the moonlight pond with your bare body. The silver water slipping against your skin like beads of the Mother’s tears. Only your envious beauty could make her cry. The way he can’t resist himself, eager to have his hands on you.
“I don’t deserve you.” 
His admission is a whisper that, if you were outside, would be whisked away on the breath of the wind. But you’re not, and Tamlin damns the silence, for being so weak, so fucking comfortable in your presence that his mouth has unleashed this secret without his permission. 
Your heart falters, and he feels it, splintering in his own chest. The burn reverberates in his bones, branding his soul with the flash of sadness you release down the bond before pulling those weaving vines taught so no more of your emotion can slip through the tight knit.
“What do you mean?” You ask, and you hate how your voice shakes. Your hand slackens against Tamlin’s cheek and he tightens his grip on the hand he’s holding as if he’s afraid you may pull away from him.
You’d never pull away from your mate. Instead, you move closer, parting his knees and sliding between them, staring up into those beautiful emerald eyes of his. They remind you so much of the plains that make up his court, the grasses taller than your knees, ones you had to wade through to pull him out of his self-loathing rut after Spring had fallen to shambles, making him see the sun shining again.
Tamlin drops your hand in favor of cradling your face in both of his hands. They’re shaking, as is his voice when he speaks answers. “You’re too good for me, petal, too good for this court. You are so bright, so caring and loving and you deserve so much more than to be trapped here—” His voice breaks a little, and you understand exactly what’s happening. Today is the anniversary of the downfall of Spring. The final day of the High Lady of Night’s plan to ruin everything Tamlin has never wanted but was bestowed by his bloodline. “You can go anywhere, do anything, you’re destined for so much better, so much better than me…” 
Tears prick your eyes and you squeeze his wrists, hard. “Stop it right now, Tamlin. Don’t—don’t do this because you think it’s right. Don’t dismiss our love because of the past. You deserve to love and to be loved, to cherish and to live life freely and without dwelling on what happened because some illiterate little female got a taste of power. I will love you until every flower in this court shrivels and until the Mother returns us to the earth. You are mine and I am yours, forever. Is that not what we committed to by accepting this bond?”
“It is,” he hisses painfully, tugging you up. His movements are effortless, lifting you into his lap with an ease that makes your stomach twist. You’d clench your thighs together but Tamlin is spreading them on either side of his thighs so he can pull you as close to his body as he can. Now isn’t really the time to be acting like this, but your body reacts to the slightest thought of your wolfish mate, and with the way his large hands soothe up the sides of your thighs to settle on your waist, he can smell it on you too. “I love you so much that it makes me question everything. How can I head a court when all I want to do is steal you away into the night and force you somewhere no one can find us?” His teeth are sharp at the juncture of your throat and shoulder, making you shiver. 
Tamlin couldn’t have admitted something like this long ago, hadn’t wanted to. He thought he might love the human female the way she’d initially loved him, but it was nothing compared to the burning passion he feels for you. The raw and unyielding power that sears his body when you’re near. He would give up this court in an instant if it meant saving you, keeping you for himself. He needs you like his gardens need the rain, the sunlight, the air. All of the best moments in his life don’t even compare to any of those you’ve given him. You are it, from dusk until dawn, from flesh to ash.
“Do it,” you gasp, fingering the hair at the nape of his neck. You tug on it, throwing your head back at his words, the sheer truth of them. You rock your hips against his, feeling his hard length pressing up to meet your cunt. “Take me Tamlin, whisk me away or bend me over this desk and take me right here. It doesn’t matter where we go or who we’re with as long as we’re together.”
“Fuck, petal,” he growls against your skin. He’s leaving marks but you don’t care, neither of you will be leaving your bed for days, not while Tamlin allows himself this freedom. His subordinates will keep the court running, and they know better than to disturb their High Lord. “This is what I’m talking about. The way that you move, that you love…this can’t all be for me.”
“It is,” you whine as he roughly grabs a fistful of your ass. He lifts his lips, grinding into you as your fingers scrabble against the fabric covering his muscular chest. “Gods, Tam. Take me upstairs, please!”
“Thought you wanted me to take you right here,” his breath is hot against your lips. He bites at your lower lip, pulling on it and causing you to gasp. “What happened to that?”
“Anywhere,” you’re all but babbling now. Tamlin’s fingers slide between your thighs, brushing across your panty-covered cunt. “Anywhere, take me anywhere.” 
He pulls back and you want to whimper but the fire in his piercing eyes makes it catch in your throat. His lips are swollen, glistening from your kisses and his rough tongue on your skin. The way he’s staring up at you…it’s consuming. You slacked the tight reins on your barriers and are hit with his feelings full force. It almost feels like you’ve been struck, the way you rock back and Tamlin has to catch you, tuck you closer to his chest with those possessive hands you adore so much.
“Let me take you anywhere, then,” he whispers and you nod against his heated skin, forehead pressed to his. “Anywhere, Tamlin,” you agree, brushing your mouth sensually against his, pairing it with a swift roll of your hips that makes you both groan and his hands tighten on your skin. “I will love you everywhere.”
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gureumz · 2 years
rating: explicit
member: jungwon
notes: fem!reader, reader is a couple years older than him, acquaintances to lovers, medieval/renaissance (?) royalty au (i made the time period as vague as possible so anywhere from the 1500s to 1700s should be fine i guess), talks of marriage, loss of virginity, unprotected sex
a/n: IMPORTANT! i was hesitant to put this out at first because i know there's tension when it comes to explicit content regarding jungwon, but i didn't make this out to be anything too crazy, so no hard/taboo kinks as i don't feel quite okay writing those for him as of now. i did enjoy writing this piece as i'm a history buff and love the drama. of royal courts so,,,please enjoy!
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it was getting too much.
the stares, the "innocent" touches, the silences that followed each strained conversation.
you had been patient. you had been steadfast. you had stood your ground.
but the flicker of desire inside you was slowly catching on, and you know, it would soon be roaring fiercely despite your efforts to tamp it down.
you gather your skirts and trudge on out of the library, knowing the princess would be looking for you, given the length of time you've been away. the hallway is quiet, as you expected. the end of supper time is drawing near, and everyone in the castle would soon retire to their private chambers.
the princess was dining with her family in her father's royal suite, along with a handful of courtiers and ladies-in-waiting, much like yourself. you had excused yourself for a moment under the guise that you were in need of the privy, but in truth, you could not bear to be in the room with him any longer.
he'd been staring, longer than he should be, and you were afraid that someone would take notice.
you had stood behind the princess, curtsying briefly before asking to take your leave. she waved you off without a second thought, though you did not miss the questioning glint in her eye as she did so.
you caught his gaze briefly just before you left.
prince jungwon had smiled in your direction, seemingly amused at your flustered state.
you suddenly blank as you turn a corner, your shoulder colliding with something, causing you to stumble backward. you reach out instinctively to steady yourself, just as a hand grabs you by the arm.
"my lady," a voice croons in your ear, and you feel your dinner churning inside you.
you straighten yourself out, smoothing down the wrinkles in your dress as you look jungwon in the eye.
"your grace," you begin. "i was just on the way back to supper."
"no need," jungwon informs with a tilt of his head. "supper has ended. my sister does seem to want to know where you've wandered off to, though."
you swallow thickly. "i will return to her chambers right away."
you bow, hoping he would drop the conversation, but you feel his hand lay gently on your shoulder. you freeze, acutely aware that no man who isn't your lover or husband should be touching you like this in public.
"i'm sure she would not mind if you stayed out a little longer?" jungwon says as you fiddle with the lace trim on your bodice.
"doing what, your grace?" you question, turning back to look at him.
jungwon smiles, his dimples prominent in the firelit hall.
"take a walk with me," jungwon offers.
"if she asks where you've been, you can always say you were with me."
you draw in a breath. "i don't think that would be wise."
"my sister has five other ladies-in-waiting to attend to her. one would not be amiss," jungwon tries to convince you, taking your hand in his.
"what i meant was, it would not be appropriate to be left alone with you," you protest, watching as he lifts your hand to his lips, brushing them gently over your knuckles.
your skin tingles with a feeling you can't quite place.
"and why not?" jungwon asks, running his thumb over the spot where he had kissed your hand.
you look into his large, cat-like eyes. you're bewildered at how dashing he looks in this proximity, the sharp line of his nose exaggerated by the shadows cast by the torches around you. his lips curve into another one of his handsome smiles, and the way he looks at you is more than enough cause for you to shake inwardly with want.
"you know why," you finally answer. "it is not proper."
jungwon cocks his head to the side as if waiting for you to continue.
"we're not betrothed, or known lovers, for that matter. the direction we're heading..."
you pause, hoping jungwon would understand what you're talking about.
"it's dangerous."
"do you not hold any affection for me, lady ______?" jungwon addresses you formally, perhaps a jest, given the smirk playing on his lips.
"i had thought you did," jungwon continues, reaching out to toy with a loose strand of your hair that seemed to have fallen from the intricate braids that decorate your head.
"why would you think that?" you challenge. your heart beats twice as fast now.
the flicker of flames begins to crackle.
"you do not throw yourself at me like the other ladies in this castle do," jungwon replies, his thumb ghosting over your cheek and down your jaw.
"you avoid me, make any excuse to separate yourself from me," jungwon goes on.
"but when you do find yourself in my presence, your eyes cannot seem to leave mine."
you inhale sharply.
it's true. much like earlier, you make such efforts to create as much distance as possible between you and jungwon. like a fox slinking away from its predator.
but to you, jungwon was like a city cat: sly and clever. despite the couple of years you had on him, he was always one step ahead. you could never escape him. it didn't matter how grand his family's castle was, you will always find your way to each other.
"do you hold any affection for me, your grace?" you ask, raising a brow.
jungwon chuckles at this.
"of course."
your eyes widen at his admission and a laugh escapes the prince's lips.
"you thought i would shy away from such a confession?" jungwon taunts, stepping closer, his hands resting on your waist.
the fire burns brighter, still.
jungwon leans in and panic fills you. you were not in one of the castle's secluded corners where shadows are ready to conceal whatever is to come next. anyone could walk by and find you and the prince in this compromising position.
but all is forgotten when jungwon presses his lips against yours, gentle and cautious, as if wary that he might scare you off.
as a lady of a respectable background, you have always been reminded by your family to keep your virtue with you. you are not to mess with boys and no such inappropriate behavior shall be tolerated from you.
as a lady of a respectable background, you had your way around this.
this is not the first time you've been kissed, but the weak peck of lips against your own when you were but a young girl was nothing compared to the way jungwon's lips seems to be melting against yours.
you pull jungwon closer by the front of his tunic, feeling the firm muscles shifting beneath.
"we mustn't," you protest weakly against his lips. "not here."
jungwon pulls away, breathing heavily, eyes dark as he gazes at you. you stare back at him, anticipation coursing through your body.
what now?
"to my chambers," jungwon whispers, grasping your hand in his. you start to protest as he pulls you along, but he shushes you.
"quickly," jungwon urges, dashing down the hallway towards his room.
luckily for both of you, your destination had been nearby, and no guards are on patrol on this side of the castle. you arrive in front of the heavy double doors of jungwon's room, both of you out of breath and brimming with feelings you did not care to address.
jungwon pushes you against the hard wooden doors, lips pressing up against yours once more. you let out a surprised sound, but it's caught in your throat when you feel jungwon's hand running down the side of your leg. he dips down, grabbing the back of your knee, before hooking your leg around his waist.
you gasp, feeling him press up against you. you feel something hard beneath his breeches.
the flames are catching on, moving up farther and farther.
"your grace," you start, increasingly worried that someone would see you.
"forgive me," jungwon says with a sheepish grin. "restraint is hard to come by when you're around."
you flush at his words, but before you can reply, jungwon turns the knob to one side of the door, hurriedly pushing you inside before letting it close behind him. he turns the lock in place and lets the second steel bar fall across the wood, ensuring the utmost privacy for the two of you.
"your grace," you begin once more.
"jungwon," he says pointedly. "you may call me by my given name."
you gulp, the situation finally catching up to you. "jungwon."
"i...i do not wish to give myself to someone i will not marry," you explain, holding jungwon at arm's length. he examines your face, gently brushing your hair away from your forehead.
"we won't do anything you don't want to," jungwon reassures, placing a kiss on your forehead.
"but that's precisely it," you say, circling your arms around jungwon's neck.
"i want to do everything," you whisper.
"i want to do everything with you."
jungwon raisies an eyebrow, a grin tugging at his lips.
"are you the one proposing to me, my lady?" jungwon teases, his hand pressing gently on your lower abdomen. he travels down further between your legs, rubbing you through your gown.
you sigh, clutching at jungwon's clothes. you lean forward to leave a trail of kisses down his neck, enjoying the way he groans softly.
"is there any other woman you wish to marry?" you ask, smiling against his neck.
"no," jungwon answers simply, taking you by surprise as he pushes you towards his perfectly made-up bed, plush with the finest covers and blankets.
you stumble backward onto the cushiony surface, propping yourself up on your elbows as you watch jungwon undo the strings of his breeches. you gasp as he lets them fall, exposing all of his lower body to you.
jungwon catches your eye and leans down, kissing you with newfound vigor.
the fire crackles, just shy of bursting into wild flames.
"we can stop," jungwon murmurs as he pulls away. "whatever you want, my love, i will follow."
you shiver at the endearment, your fingers gently threading through jungwon's hair. with your other hand, you reach down to gather your skirt around your waist.
"i want you," you whisper, kissing jungwon sweetly.
you lay back down on the mattress, watching as jungwon eyes your exposed core with undeniable lust. jungwon bites his lip, guiding his straining length to your entrance. you feel a mild burn as he pushes in, the wet squelch of your arousal reaching your ears as he slips further into you.
you have had a man down there before, but merely with his fingers. the thickness of jungwon's cock contrasts with anything you've felt before, stretching you painfully, but you urge yourself to persist, clawing at jungwon's sleeves.
"my love, my dear," jungwon says, stilling over you.
"wait," you plead. "just, wait."
jungwon kisses you tenderly, stroking one side of your face with his thumb, perhaps in an effort to soothe you. you take increasingly deeper breaths, letting yourself relax in jungwon's embrace.
jungwon gives an experimental thrust, barely there, and you groan, but at this moment, the pain is mixed with a feeling that has you curling your toes.
"again," you pant, looking directly at jungwon's eyes. "slowly, my love."
jungwon moves again, carefully watching your expression. you gasp, lips parting as the sting gives way to a delicious throb within you.
"more," you beg this time. "please, i need to feel you."
jungwon groans, his hips snapping up as he gives in to his instincts.
"oh!" you cry out as the sensations come crashing down on you at once. it feels good, much better than your own fingers or anyone else's. you watch as he disappears and reappears with each thrust, the image so lewd and new to you that it keeps you in a trance.
"look at me, ______," jungwon says lowly. you obey, peering up at the young man. he has a frenzied look in his eyes, wild with something burning inside him.
the flames roar, engulfing you, him, your bodies.
jungwon grabs your hips, forcing you further down his bed. you throw your head back, relishing in the way he seems to go even deeper. you lock your legs around him, never wanting this feeling to end.
the bed creaks with the effort of holding up your passionate lovemaking, and you worry for a fraction of a second if anyone can hear. as if reading your thoughts, jungwon places a lingering kiss on your forehead.
"i think...i plan to marry you within the year," jungwon supplies between labored breaths. "hell, before the next moon if father allows."
you giggle, elated at jungwon's words.
"hardly a choice now that i've given my maidenhood to you," you comment mischievously. one side of jungwon's mouth raises in a smirk before he dives down to latch at one side of your neck.
"you're mine, love," jungwon declares. "all mine."
you preen at his words, his pace picking up. you're left breathless as he thrusts madly in and out of you. your world is spinning but at the very center of it is jungwon. sweet, handsome jungwon.
"i'm about to—"
"inside," you blurt out without second thought. jungwon's mouth hangs open at your decision, a question evidently making its way out of him.
"you'll get it on my dress, otherwise, and that would raise more questions," you interrupt once more, your breath hitching as jungwon's nails dig into your side.
"by the gods," jungwon curses beneath his breath. "i might have to wed you within a fortnight."
"please," you mewl. "want nothing more than to be your wife, to be yours."
jungwon grunts, pressing a hand down on your abdomen. you yelp, feeling a sudden pressure inside you. it had been a slow thrum of something minutes before, but now a strange sensation grips at you from within.
"s-something's happening," you worry, grasping jungwon's shoulder.
"you're about to finish, my love," jungwon says, pressing down even harder on your belly. you writhe, feeling as if you're about to explode.
"it'll feel good, i promise," jungwon reassures, pressing his lips to your temple. his movements are turning erratic, sweat dripping down his forehead with effort.
"fuck, i'm—"
before jungwon can finish his sentence, he moans loudly in your ear, sinking fully to the hilt inside of you. you feel him spasm inside you and the movement brushes against a spot that has you coming undone, pleasure coursing through every vein in your body.
you cling onto each other, trembling and moaning each other's names.
a minute passes by as you both calm down, skin glistening in the dim light of the dying flames in the fireplace. jungwon is the first to pull away, watching you as you try to catch your breath.
"you look absolutely stunning, my love," jungwon praises, kissing you on the cheek.
you smile, the ache in your body starting to make itself known.
"let me call one of the servants to have a bath drawn for you," jungwon offers, reaching over to the row of service bells next to his bed.
you sit up, letting your gown fall over your legs, concealing any indication of the past hour.
"i think i should be the one to call for them from my own room," you suggest, pulling jungwon back. you snake your arms around his torso, kissing him behind his ear.
"they might grow suspicious," you add, laying your cheek against his firm back.
"very well, then," jungwon agrees, prying himself from your arms. he swiftly dresses, straightening his disheveled hair. he sees you watching and he smiles, taking your face in his and giving you what seemed to be the hundredth kiss that night.
"i suppose you don't want me walking you to your room, either?" jungwon asks, helping you up from his bed.
you shake your head, working out the creases in your skirt and sleeves.
"let's not push our luck, my prince," you warn, patting jungwon's cheek.
you enter your bedroom, exhausted and slightly worried. you tried to find the princess to provide a semblance of an explanation but she was nowhere to be found. not in her own chambers, not in the library, not in the parlor. you decided after nearly half an hour of looking that you would handle the situation tomorrow.
you slide the large metal lock of your bedroom door into place, securing you in your bedroom for now. you turn, nearly screaming at the figure standing before you.
"gods!" you shriek, backing into the door, painfully banging your head against the wood.
"oh, shut it," the princess says, pulling you away from the door. she maneuvers you toward your quaint sitting corner, pulling a chair back and urging you to take a seat.
"now," she begins. "i'm not mad. i'm thrilled, to be honest."
"have you worked out a wedding date with my brother, yet?"
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helvegen-s · 5 months
Rage, rage | one
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Pairing: Azriel x Hybern!Princess!OC
Summary: Nimue was a gift for the King of Hybern. His shining jewel, the perfect heir. However, she is clear about who the villain of the story is. When she saves her father's enemies from a tragic end, she realizes that now it's the Cauldron who has a gift for her: a mate.
Warnings: PTSD, description of injuries, bad language, the King of hybern (jumpscare), if there is anything more, please let me know.
A/N: so here it is, the first part. I really hope you enjoy it and that you get to love Nimue just as much as I do. Any kind of support is greatly appreciated! 🥰
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Standing in the middle of that enormous training ground, Nimue counted the scars on her hands one by one: first her left hand, tracing each one with her right thumb; then her right hand, tracing each one with her left thumb. It had become a ritual, something that anchored her back to the physical world, slowly pulling her away from her daydreams.
Once again, she felt the weight of her body on her own bones, on her own muscles. A couple of deep breaths, and with the short sword in her hand, she began the series of exercises again. The same series of exercises as yesterday, the day before, and for the last twenty years.
Twenty years in which Nimue had grown accustomed to her new life. New, because she knew she had always been there, inside the Cauldron, and against her will those hands had torn her away from her place, her home. She had ended up in Hybern, locked in a castle and with a princess title she didn't know where it came from, as she shared no genetic bond with the man who called himself her father, the King of Hybern.
The King of Hybern, who with the Cauldron in his hands and desperate to conceive a powerful heir, had submerged his poor and naive concubine in the poisonous water of the Cauldron. The woman, pregnant with the king's offspring and terrified of disobeying the cruel king's orders, obeyed.
Thus, the liquid of the Cauldron separated skin from muscle, muscle from tendon, tendon from bone, and the poor woman who screamed dissolved like salt in water. Before the eyes of the entire court, the King had burned one of his concubines alive, and in return, a young girl had emerged from the Cauldron. Nimue, The Radiant, the daughter of the king, created by the Cauldron.
Nimue knew all this because in the depths of her bones, and only when she let her guard down, she felt the despair of her mother when she was submerged. If she closed her eyes and concentrated, she could feel her own muscles dissolving, melting, the bones crunching and bursting, the muffled screams, the life of the poor woman extinguishing.
That only filled her with rage. A rage that boiled inside her, in every fiber of her being. Sometimes she let it grow, let it spread through every drop of her blood, like poison disguised in wine: she shaped it to her liking, gave it the form she wanted. She shaped her rage into swords, laying waste to entire legions with her rage, burning entire forests with her rage...
One could only imagine that in the face of such destruction, her "father" would be angry. No one wanted a daughter who killed hundreds of soldiers every time she trained. However, the reaction was completely opposite: a smile, some congratulations, a pat on the back, a kiss on the forehead, a small hug...
Small displays of affection that Nimue drank as if she were dying of thirst. After all, he was her "father".
Children are meant to make their parents proud. Or that's what she told herself every night before falling asleep.
She stopped abruptly before finishing her last set of exercises and looked up.
Above her, in the corridor surrounding that enclosed training ground, courtiers of her father, guards, servants, people who stopped to admire her if they had the time, kept passing by. Sometimes they made comments about the natural grace with which her movements seemed to defy gravity itself. Every gesture of hers was fluid and harmonious, as if she were in perfect harmony with the universe around her. It was so, because after all, the world around her had come from the Cauldron. And she was the Cauldron.
Sometimes, however, they made comments about the monster the King had created. An aberration.
With a flick of her wrist, her weapon disappeared into the air, she spun around, and left that training ground. She walked through the halls of the Palace, navigating intersections and crossing doors until she reached the very center of her home. The great stone cavern where the throne was situated. Even before entering, she could hear the voice of the King, and without entering the room, she listened.
"My patience is running out, filthy rats. If you don't know how to do your job, I'll have you thrown to the nagas, and let them do whatever they please with you, you pack of useless scoundrels."
Nimue entered the cavern, her gaze forward and her chin high, those airs of superiority she knew belonged to her. She walked among those present, who made way for her, feeling the hairs on their necks stand at attention in the presence of the princess. With a determined step, she approached her father, who only raised and lowered his eyebrows in response.
"What's the problem, father?" Oh, that mask of innocent girl that many swallowed. She might even dare say that sometimes, the King himself took her for naive, for innocent. When she was anything but, far from it.
She carefully observed the situation: before her father, and kneeling before the steps of the throne, were four of the six spies she knew her father had designated in Prythian, specifically in the Night Court. Among them, two bodies completely mutilated, almost unrecognizable. However, Nimue recognized them as the other two spies that were missing. She lifted her head and let the smell of blood penetrate her nose, savoring it on her palate. That's when she noticed the slightest hint of cedar and mist. She frowned and looked at her father.
"It's nothing, my sweet child. I'm just dealing with these useless ones," the King turned sharply towards those men, who, under the scrutiny of father and daughter, only sank deeper into their shame. With their heads bowed to the ground, they trembled so much that Nimue could hear the chatter of their teeth. "Do your job and find out everything. Everything. And if you have to kill that petty High Lord, you will."
Nimue did everything to hide her smile. She knew those four useless men stood no chance against that High Lord her father spoke of. She knew, because in the Cauldron, she saw the shadow of Rhysand: a vast pit, as deep as the greatest of lakes, and as black as darkness itself, so dark that Nimue saw her own scarlet eyes reflected in it.
By the Mother, Nimue doubted if her own father, without the aid of the Cauldron, would be a match for that vast darkness that undulated within High Lord Rhysand.
The King raised his hand, and with a gesture, all those present in the throne room bowed respectfully and left the without a word.
Nimue turned, ready to leave, but the King pointed at her and shook his finger. With the same hand, he made a gesture, as if pulling on a leash.
A leash that Nimue had worn around her neck since she had been torn from the Cauldron, and whose end her father held, with an iron grip. It was invisible, but when she even thought about how happy it would make her to leave the confines of the Palace, to see the world, she felt its weight around her neck, as if the King was her executioner and the leash his axe.
"Yes, father?" Her tone, completely compliant, made a fleeting smile cross the King's face.
"You will fight for me in this war, won't you, my dear?" he asked, voice so poisonous she almost gagged. Nimue felt her blood boil, her rage consuming her. "You will fight for me and win for me. I will release you onto the battlefield and you will descend upon them like rain upon dry earth. You will sow the fields with their blood, because that's what I've made you for, my Radiant jewel."
The marks of her nails digging into her palms turned into wounds, and when her magic closed them, she clenched her fists again, reopening them.
"Yes, father. I will be your weapon."
She felt the leash loosen, and with a pleased smile on his face, her father gave her permission to leave.
When she was out of the King's sight, Nimue imagined the thousand ways she would slit that old, rotten man's throat.
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Azriel let out a sigh, his own breath forming clouds in front of his face.
What was that pressure in his chest? Where was all that irrational rage coming from, burning his chest and taking his breath away?
His shadows swirled around his shoulders, buzzing and whispering to each other.
He did everything he could, searching in the depths of his being for the calm he needed at that moment.
Yes, rage, rage. We are furious.
Yes, that's it, furious.
Azriel clicked his tongue and shook his head, trying to rid himself of the incessant fluctuations of his shadows. He seemed like a horse shaking itself to get rid of the flies that tormented it so much.
"What's troubling you?" Cassian asked. A playful smile on his face while his gaze was fixed on some point in the city spread out before them. "It seems like your shadows are giving you a hard time."
"Never," Azriel replied without hesitation. He sighed again, rubbing his chest with one hand, right where that pressure seemed like it was about to pierce his body. "I feel like hitting something, someone. But it's not my desire, it feels strange."
Cassian burst into laughter as he leaned on the balcony rail. He closed his eyes for a moment, sinking into that brief moment of peace and enjoying the sunlight, before turning to look at his lifelong brother.
"I think we should call Madja. The spirit of Amren seems to have gotten into you and we'll have to get rid of it before you start giving us all dirty looks," he said, with a serious expression all of a sudden.
Azriel looked at him, raising an eyebrow and then sighing, ignoring the usual delusions of the Illyrian.
Both let the topic pass when they heard footsteps coming from inside the house. Cassian crossed the balcony threshold first, and while Azriel enjoyed a few last seconds of calm and sunshine before going back inside, he felt a pain in the palms of his hands. Stabbing, throbbing.
How strange, it had been a long time since the old scars on his hands had caused him sudden discomfort.
He would ask Madja for some ointment.
Because that's what it was, right?
As Cassian and Morrigan's voices echoed in the dining room, Azriel continued to prolong that moment of stability as much as he could. He felt like he was on the edge of a precipice, about to take a step forward without looking at what lay beyond. So as long as he could, he would enjoy those rays of sunshine, that scent of home, those views of the city they were rebuilding after Hybern's attack, hearing his friends laugh, and knowing that this was his place.
He went over the plan day and night since he and his family had conceived it: arrive, enter, break the Cauldron, and get out of there before the King even realized that they had snuck in.
It was perfect. There were variables, of course, but for the hundreds of unforeseen events Azriel had imagined, hundreds of solutions had been devised. It was perfect, and he trusted the plan.
But he felt so out of sorts...
Rage, it consumes us. It burns us.
Rage, rage.
It wasn't him, it wasn't his rage. He felt his own skin, his body, filled with emotions that weren't his. Like a container of some chemical mixture about to explode.
By the Mother, maybe he had eaten something strange at yesterday's dinner. Or perhaps it was the wine afterward, or maybe the countless drinks that followed at Rita's...
Because that's what it was, right?
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yaralulu · 5 months
Thinking about how much better cassian and eris’s conversation at the end of acosf would’ve been if it was nesta instead of cassian’s dumb ass.Cassian literally had to have it spelled out for him that eris is wearing a mask and might actually be a good male and even then he still missed the mark completely and called him a coward.I think nesta would’ve been a lot more understanding especially when she realized her and eris might not be so different after all.It could have been a defining moment to show nesta’s growth and the whole scene just would’ve been a lot more captivating if it was nesta involved 🤷.
This goes hand in hand with how I’ll literally never get over SJM fumbling so hard when it came to nesta and eris and I’m not just talking in the romantic sense.I’m talking nesta playing courtier with eris and being the only who can deal with him because he only seems to like her.Nesta seeing past eris’s cunning mask and cruelty and him seeing past her tough exterior and harsh words.Them slowly developing a silent sort of understanding of each other and eventually becoming allies.Maybe sharing a kiss here and there because they’re both hot and single and they want to.Their relationship genuinely had so much potential and their chemistry was off the charts.I’ll forever be in mourning.
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themotherofhorses · 1 year
When handmaid!reader was pregnant, did Aemond ever suck on her titties? Did Aemond do the thing where the husband is behind na pregnant woman and carried the weight of the baby?
oh of course he did. c'mon, aemond's totally a boob guy (do not argue with me on that). in fact, here is a small drabble over that:
pairing: aemond targaryen x handmaid!reader
warnings: tiddy sucking and simp aemond.
his handmaid's tales | main masterlist
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She’s begun to tire more easily as the children grew within her.
Twins, the maesters and midwives alike had declared, while pouring over moon charts and estimations. She is carrying twins- maybe two boys, maybe two girls, or maybe one of both. The latter would be absolutely lovely, she decides.
Prince Aemond’s dismissed her back to his bedchamber with strict commands to rest abed. In truth, a day of rest is most welcoming to her. Her poor feet feel so swollen, and she’s taken to waddling like a little pond duck around the Keep, heavy and aching with her first hatchlings.
The courtiers pay her special attention too, as she feels their eyes on her everywhere she goes. No doubt their comments are much worse. Alas, her Prince Aemond can only do so much to protect her.
So safe within his room, she lays atop the cool, clean sheets, curled on her side and cradling the dragon egg her prince had chosen for one of their children in the hollow between her swollen belly and tender breasts.
It is a beautiful thing, with a deep purple shell, speckled with tiny golden flecks on its scales that shined like gold, and holding it close made her feel a lot better- stronger and braver. Perhaps her babies sense the dragon inside, a siren call only the golden blood of Old Valyria could hear. Or perhaps she’s turning into a dragon too.  
“Oh, but I really am carrying little dragons,” she giggles to herself, brushing her fingertips against the tight swell of her belly. Saying those words aloud makes her feel giddy and proud and beyond anxious to meet them. “Two sweet little dragons…”
“Indeed you are, my love.”
She startles, glancing up to see Aemond looming over her with a small smile. There is a fierce pride in his violet eye as it rakes over her breasts and the curve of her bump. “I sent you back to find sleep, not strike up a conversation with the dragon egg...again.”
“The babes enjoy feeling the egg near them,” she shrugs. “That is why I do it.”
Aemond clicks his tongue, crawling alongside her onto the bed. “Did they tell you that?” he asks, voice thick with teasing.
One hand rests on her bump, fingers drawing small circles as she hides her head within his neck, feeling the children suddenly stirring in her womb. “Ah, seems my babes know their father is now here.” And the other drifts down to her breast, cupping and giving it a gentle squeeze.
She sighs.
Her dear prince, he’s taken quite the fancy to her breasts, now heavy and swelling with milk. Most nights Aemond sleeps with his head pillowed comfortably on her chest, face buried between her tits. They bring him comfort, he says a lot. He enjoys fondling and nursing from them too- as hungry for her soft gasps and moans as he is with her milk and cunt (his words not hers).
She cannot understand why, nor can she ask around for an answer.
A baseborn servant carrying royal babies is enough scandal for a terrible headache, and she can do without that.
She closes her eyes and shivers when he leans to kiss her clothed breast ever so tenderly. “I suppose this is good practice,” he murmurs as he tugs down her neckline, eye darkening at the delicious sight before him, “-for when our little ones finally arrive.” He then blows on her swollen nipple, smirking at the cute little whimper she lets out.  
"Look at you. Gods, you are so fucking gorgeous."
Aemond shushes her before taking her nipple in his hot mouth. Her head flings back on the pillow as he suckles, flicking it back and forth with his tongue. “Ach! My prince…!” she cries, hips grinding down on the bed, desperate for some release, while her pretty face scrunches up in sheer pleasure. “Please- please- please…!” Yet all her lurching, to his delight, just brings her breasts closer to him.
“You’ll feed my sons so well, my pretty girl,” and he slaps her breast, “I’ve known you’d give me fine heirs the moment I first laid eyes on you.”
She pants. “-want them, ah, to grow nice and strong like their father. All for you, my prince, tis what you deserve…!”
His other hand squeezes her other breast, tweaking and pinching the nipple until little beads of milk fall and she’s withering beneath him, a putty mess of cries and moans and shudders. Aemond smiles, her tit dropping out of his mouth with a pop.
“My lady- my sweet girl,” he tells her, lapping up the milk around her chest. “Pretty, pretty girl, all mine.”
By the time he's finished, his handmaid is fast asleep, with a sweet smile twisted across her pink lips. Her chest, now bruised and marked, heaves up and down with slow breaths. Aemond lays there, kissing her nipple and listening to her steady heartbeat. He swears it matches his.
"Mmm, works every time," he chuckles to himself.
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tag list for "his handmaid's tales": @aemondsblog @dc-marvel-girl96 @neobanguniverse @missalycat21 @enchantingcupcakecollectionfan @padfooteyes @alexizodd @avidreader73 @the-common-cowgirl @inlovewithhisblueeyes @elegantsplendour @katzarantos @fan-goddess @okfashionista @randomdragonfires
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novaursa · 17 days
Hello, could I order a Targaryen Dareon x Reader Velaryon They are ex lovers She did not speak to him again after Lucerys' death. She even married Jacerys without loving him, but she did so for his dever. But Dareon still Loves her but he can't just give up. Reader is a warrior personally trained by Raenys and has Canival, a dragon that should never have been tamed, capable of hurting the enemy Vhegar. He would probably be able to kill her if she didn't retreat. reader invades his thoughts he misses her his kisses his hands his body He knows that even if she gets hurt, she will put duty over love. how to stop someone like that who is not afraid to give his life for what he believes
Scorched Hearts
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- Summary: You meet Daeron after years of silence.
- Paring: velaryon!reader/Daeron Targaryen
- Note: The reader is only daughter of Rhaenyra and Laenor and is bonded with Cannibal. For more of my works, visit my blog. The list is pinned to the top. I hope this was what you had in mind. 🙂
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff
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The air is filled with smoke and the acrid stench of blood. The shrill cries of the dying echo through the battlefield as you soar above it all, atop Cannibal, the ferocious black dragon, your bond with him forged in fire and fury. You look down at the chaos below, your eyes cold and hardened from years of war. This is no longer the realm of nobles and courtiers; this is the battlefield, where only the strong survive.
Tumbleton is aflame. It’s a trap, you know it. The Greens had been waiting for you, baiting you with fire and screams to draw you into this mess. They knew you’d come—knew you could never resist the call of battle, the call of vengeance. Cannibal growls beneath you, his enormous wings cutting through the air, his rage mirroring your own. You tighten your grip on the reins, your jaw clenched in grim determination.
The army swells below, but you're not afraid. You've faced worse odds. You’ve trained with your grandmother, Princess Rhaenys, herself a warrior and dragonrider. You’ve battled Aemond and Vhagar, forced them to retreat. But the past weighs heavily on you, the wounds that have never quite healed. Lucerys... The memory of your brother’s broken body flashes through your mind like lightning. His death had been a turning point for you, the moment you had truly hardened, cutting ties with the part of you that dared to love.
Including Daeron.
The thought of him stirs something deep within you, a flicker of something long-buried. Daeron Targaryen. The ex-lover who still haunted your dreams despite all the years of silence. You never spoke to him after Luke’s death. You couldn’t. Not after everything.
But there’s no time to think of him now. Not when you have a battle to win.
Cannibal lets out a roar that shakes the very air around you as you dive, flames scorching the earth beneath you. Enemy soldiers scatter, their green banners fluttering in the chaos. The Greens are like ants beneath you, but you see it too late—the trap.
Spears launch from the ground, ropes suddenly tangling around Cannibal’s wings, pulling taut. The dragon roars in fury, thrashing, but it’s no use. You feel the jerk as the nets tighten, dragging Cannibal down. You curse under your breath, feeling the inevitable pull of gravity. You’ve been caught, the Greens had planned this.
Before you can react, Cannibal crashes to the ground, shaking the earth beneath you. You’re thrown from his back, landing hard on the ground, your sword clattering from your grasp. Groaning, you try to push yourself up, but rough hands grab you, dragging you across the battlefield. You struggle, kicking, but the soldiers are many, and your body is bruised from the fall. You can feel the cold steel of chains being brought toward you, hear the laughter of your captors.
And then, suddenly, everything changes.
The ground trembles beneath you, a shadow sweeping over the battlefield as another dragon descends. You know that dragon—Tessarion. You don’t have to see him to know it’s him. The blue scales gleam in the dim light, and your heart clenches in your chest.
You look up, breath catching in your throat as he lands in front of you, dismounting with swift grace. His white hair is tousled from the wind, his violet eyes blazing with fury. He shouts, barking orders at the soldiers dragging you. 
"Let her go!" His voice is a whip crack, commanding, cold.
The soldiers hesitate for a moment, unsure, but his gaze burns into them. They release you, backing away as if they’ve been scorched. You scramble to your feet, breathing heavily, staring at him—this man who you once loved, this man who still makes your heart ache despite everything.
Daeron steps toward you, his face a mask of fury. "What in the Seven Hells do you think you’re doing, treating her like this?" His voice is low, dangerous, as he turns his wrath on the soldiers. "If any of you ever touch her again, I will feed you to Tessarion myself."
They scurry away, leaving the two of you alone on the blood-soaked battlefield.
You meet his gaze, your heart hammering in your chest. It’s the first time in years you’ve been this close to him, and the air between you is thick with all the things left unsaid. His eyes, those familiar eyes, search your face, and for a moment, he looks like the man you once knew. The one you had loved so fiercely.
"Y/N," he murmurs, and his voice is softer now, almost pleading. He steps closer, reaching out as if to touch you, but then he stops, his hand dropping to his side. "I thought you were dead."
You don’t know what to say. Your throat feels tight, and for a moment, all the pain and anger you’ve buried threatens to rise to the surface. You try to shove it down, try to remind yourself of why you left him behind. Why you married your brother Jaehaerys out of duty, not love. Why you chose to forget the way Daeron’s kisses felt, the way his hands moved over your skin, the intimate moments you shared beneath the stars.
But standing here, facing him now, all of that seems impossible to forget.
"You shouldn’t have come," you say, your voice rough with emotion. "You should’ve let them chain me."
He shakes his head, a bitter laugh escaping him. "Do you think I could stand by and let them hurt you? After everything?" His eyes lock onto yours, filled with something raw and unspoken. "I never stopped loving you, Y/N. Not for a single day."
The words hit you like a physical blow, and you take a step back, your chest tightening. You want to deny it, to tell him that it doesn’t matter anymore, that too much has happened. But the truth is, you feel it too—the pull, the undeniable connection between you.
"You should have stopped," you say quietly, your voice trembling. "We’re on opposite sides of this war now, Daeron. There's no place for what we were."
He steps closer, his voice a whisper now, filled with longing and regret. "We could’ve been more, Y/N. We were more once. And I would’ve given anything to have you back."
You shake your head, your throat tight. "Lucerys is dead. My brother is dead, and I can’t—" Your voice breaks, and you turn your head away, unable to look at him. The weight of everything—the war, the loss, the love that never died—presses down on you, threatening to crush you.
Daeron’s hand finds your arm, gently turning you back to face him. "I know," he whispers, his breath warm against your skin. "But I’m still here. And I still love you."
The world seems to fall away, the sounds of the battle fading into the background as you look at him. His face, etched with years of pain and longing, is so achingly familiar. You remember his touch, the way his lips felt against yours. You remember the nights spent in each other’s arms, before the war tore everything apart.
For the first time in years, you feel the urge to close the distance between you, to let yourself remember what it felt like to love him.
But you can’t. Not now. Not here.
"I can’t," you whisper, stepping away from him, the weight of duty pulling you back. "I’m not yours anymore, Daeron."
His eyes darken with sorrow, but he doesn’t move to stop you. Instead, he watches as you turn away, his heart breaking all over again. 
And as you mount Cannibal, his roar filling the sky, you feel the ache of what could have been, of a love lost to time and war.
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 2 years
Number eight with Azriel please!
Hi, love! Here you go. A mishmash of angst, fluff and smut. Hope you enjoy!
Number eight: “I want my mate to tell me where the hell he was. Then he can get his comfort.”
Warnings: Depictions of toxic family relationships. Smut. 🌶️
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“Are you alright?”
A warm hand landed on your arm, the pleasant scent of Mor’s perfume hitting you. The hint of vanilla was a source of comfort, a feeling of home.
Over your shoulder, you offered her a smile that didn’t meet your eyes. Nodded. She saw right through it.
Nobody understood better than she did — what it was like to return to the poison of the Court of Nightmares, where your estranged family lived. It had taken you years to get out of their vitriolic clutches, and the unexpected mating bond between you and the High Lord’s spymaster had been a saving grace; a reason to leave, a place to go. Life had been so colourful and vibrant since he’d taken you to live in Velaris with him; you’d never looked back. 
Until tonight. 
It had been entirely your choice. You knew nobody would have judged you if you’d chosen to stay behind. But a couple of months earlier, you’d grown sick of feeling useless and idle. You’d asked — begged — Rhysand to give you some sort of official role in his court; something for you to do. He’d been more than happy for you to play courtier, to perhaps even strengthen relations between the Night Court and the Court of Nightmares that had become strained over the years. Yes, you’d insisted, you could do it, and take away that sort of pressure from Mor, too. You’d sooner face your family than she have to face hers.
And perhaps you’d been a tad naive about how easily that might come to you. You’d had confidence in yourself, right up until you’d come face-to-face with your father, your brothers. They’d sneered at you at Azriel’s side and sneered at the Night Court attire you were decked head-to-toe in and sneered at your confidence. And sneered and sneered and sneered.
And suddenly you’d found yourself to be that cowering, tongue-tied victim again. You felt like an utter farce, parading around in such clothes and pretending to be confident. You weren’t sure you’d ever really gotten away from them, or ever really would. 
And when your brother had feigned leaning in to kiss your cheek, and had uttered words that had sliced you all over, you’d known — you had failed. 
“Whore.” He’d growled, his lip curling at the form-fitting, revealing dress you’d once felt comfortable in. “Mother would be ashamed of you, whore.”
You didn’t know if anybody else around you had heard. But the way your mate had tensed was indication enough that he was on high alert and ready to strike out if necessary. He remained that way for the entire evening.
You turned to face Mor, now, all of you having returned to the Town House. You didn’t bother to force a convincing tone as you answered, “I’m alright.”
“Let’s open some wine.” Her arm linked through yours, and she tried to pull you towards the doors to the kitchen. You planted your feet.
“Where is Az?”
The beautiful blonde pursed her lips, glancing over at Rhys and Cassian, who had also heard your question. You stared between the three of them, awaiting an answer. Your mate was nowhere to be found; had disappeared after setting you down on the doorstep.
“Where’s Azriel?” You repeated.
“He’s probably gone flying — to let off some steam.” Cassian said, not sounding at all convinced by his own words.
You heaved a sigh. What you needed, right now, was your mate with you. To hold you through the echoes of what had been an awful night. His absence was just another horrible layer. 
“Come.” Mor tried to pull on your arm again.
“I’m really tired.” You slunk back. “I think I’m just going to head to bed.”
Her gaze swept over you for a moment, before she nodded, leaning in to kiss your cheek. “Sleep well, then.”
It was as you passed Rhys and Cassian that you stopped, utter exhaustion weighing you down.
“When he gets back,” you said, “tell him to just come to bed. Please.”
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Hours passed. You didn’t sleep. Couldn’t. And still Azriel did not return. 
You’d settled yourself at the glass doors that opened out onto the balcony, noting that you were as cold there as you had been in your empty bed, without a hard, warm body and wings to warm you. You tugged on that golden, glimmering cord of your bond, waiting for some response. But…nothing. Anxiety bloomed in you like nothing you’d ever felt. 
It shaped a little into anger when you finally glimpsed a passing black form and, moments later, heard the front door opening and shutting downstairs. Relief was a weak flame snuffed out by irritation. Perhaps a little bit of hurt. 
You caught the deep tenor of the three male voices below, deliberately lowered to make their words indiscernible. Perhaps it was that which snapped your tether and had you pushing to your feet. If he wasn’t going to come up and speak to you right away, give you some sort of explanation as to why he’d taken off and blocked you out, you would go to him and demand the answer.
You shucked a robe on, practically ripping your bedroom door off its hinges. There was a pause in the murmurs below, and you knew Rhys, Cassian and Azriel had all heard you leave your room and were awaiting your appearance. You hoped your footsteps padding loudly down the stairs were warning enough that you weren’t happy. 
As you appeared in the doorway to the sitting room, all three males looked up. Azriel’s eyes swept over you — your nightgown and robe — and he looked just about ready to jump up and shield you from sight. You held a hand up, cutting that thought off before it could properly form.
“Don’t even start with the territorial male bullshit.” You said coldly. “No one’s staring at my tits.”
Both Cassian and Rhys cleared their throats, very deliberately making sure that their gazes were anywhere but on you. Azriel’s jaw ticked as you turned to him.
“Where have you been?” You demanded.
He said nothing, his eyes boring into yours. You raised an eyebrow in expectation, but it was Cassian who spoke up.
“…it’s been a long, tense night for everyone.” He reasoned. “Visiting the Court of Nightmares is never a pleasant experience. What you both need right now is each other’s comfort. Surely you just want to forget about tonight and—”
“I want my mate to tell me where the hell he was.” You snapped, not tearing your eyes from Azriel. “Then he can get his comfort.”
Cassian slunk back in seat, raising his eyebrows as he lifted his glass to his lips, drained it, and then reached for the bottle. You folded your arms over your chest, waiting.
Finally, Azriel shrugged. “I went back to the Hewn City to have a catch-up with my wonderful brother-in-law.”
You clenched your jaw. “Why.”
“Because he’s a cunt.”
You almost flinched at the utter venom in his tone. He was always soft-spoken, always guarded, precise and measured in the words he used. It wasn’t like him to just…let his anger speak for him.
“I didn’t ask you to do that.” You stared at him. “Why would you—”
“Nobody talks to — or about — my mate like that.” He seethed. “Nobody.”
So he’d heard exactly what your brother had said. And he’d bided his time — before striking. 
And of course, a part of you, somewhere beneath the anger, adored him even more for it. But it would just make things worse in the long run. It would make it harder for you to return to the Hewn City and represent the Night Court without your family seeing it as their personal mission to terrorise you whenever they could. You’d left to get away from that. To grow.
“So…what?” You shrugged. “You killed him?”
Azriel stared at you, his eyes molten. “I could have done, you know. The Mother knows, I wanted to. But that kill is yours, should you ever want it. I just took the time to remind him that his death could come a lot sooner if he chooses to disrespect you like that.”
“You had no right, Azriel—”
“He called you a—”
“I know precisely what he called me. What he said.” You spat. “I grew up around it. I’m used to it. But you’ve gone and made it worse.”
Az’s jaw clenched. “How.”
“Do you know what they think?” A lump formed in your throat that you swallowed down hard. “They think me weak and foolish. They think you seduced me away from them. They think that I was brought to the Night Court merely to service you, and Cassian and Rhys.” 
You took a shuddering breath, your eyes pricking with tears. “And those thoughts? I couldn’t care less about them. They’re pathetic, and they mean nothing to me. But I do care that they think I’m weak. I care that they think me too much of a pathetic, cowering female to speak up for myself, because I’m not.”
Azriel’s eyes softened. “I know you’re not.”
“But by dealing with my brother on my behalf, you’ve only confirmed that for them. It’ll only make it ten times worse the next time I visit.”
You could see understanding dawning in his eyes. And a rational part of you knew that he’d acted on the carnal impulse of a male protecting his mate — that he hadn’t stopped to think about any of this. That he loved you.
But you…you couldn’t give over to that rationality right now. Not when you were still so angry, still so shaken by what had happened. You didn’t blame Azriel for wanting to protect you; to act without speaking to you first, however, made you feel as weak as your family thought you to be. 
You wiped your tears away, shaking your head. “I’m going to bed.” 
“I’ll come with you—”
“No.” You turned. “Stay and enjoy your drink.”
The words hit their mark, and you saw the scathing hurt in his eyes as he slumped back. You’d probably regret it later. 
But in that moment, you were too tired to care.
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Despite your exhaustion, sleep didn’t find you properly. You drifted in and out fitfully, every little noise seeming to jolt you awake. Every single time, you found yourself glancing over to the empty space beside you.
You weren’t sure how long you lay there for, but your anger steadily morphed into loneliness, and trying to sleep without Az curled around you left you feeling as empty and cold as arguing with him had. You hated fighting with him.
And you knew he’d meant well. That he’d just been defending you because he loved you. Already, you were wishing you hadn’t been so hard on him. 
You jerked awake again as you heard the door slowly creak open. You watched through heavy eyes as Azriel filed in, making a conscious effort to be as quiet as possible — before noticing you were awake.
He studied you for just a moment, and then dragged his feet to the end of the bed. He slumped down onto his front, his long body stretching from the foot of the bed, right up to where you lay. You watched, allowing him to slot himself between your legs. He rested his head on your belly.
“I’m sorry.” He murmured, pressing a kiss against it. He gazed up at you through thick, dark lashes. “Really sorry.”
You breathed a soft sigh, your hand reaching out to brush strands of hair from his face. “I’m sorry, too.”
“What could you possibly have to be sorry for?”
You shrugged. Your fingers toyed absentmindedly with his hair as you said, “I shouldn’t have been so hard on you. I know you were only defending me.”
“I was blinded by my own rage at your brother, though. I should have thought more about how you felt. You must never, ever think yourself weak. You’re the furthest thing from it.”
A soft smile played on your lips. Az’s chin dug into your lower belly as he peered up at you, his fingers brushing indolent circles on your outer thighs. Your own eyes were hooded as you stared back at him — your mate. You loved him so ferociously. 
He hadn’t even thought twice about defending you, even against a baseless insult. 
“I really am sorry.” He pressed another kiss to the soft skin of your belly, the muscles there contracting at the sensation. “It’s such an honour for me to defend you that I sometimes forget you don’t need me to.” 
“Don’t get me wrong, Az.” You watched him — watched his nose graze the silk of your nightgown. “I love it when you stand up for me. And had that been anyone else, I would have left you to it. But with them, it’s just…complicated. I suppose I still feel like I have something to prove.”
“You don’t. But it’s going to take time for you to realise that.” His tongue poked out, licking the fabric of the indentation where your belly button was. “You know, don’t you? That what your brother said was ridiculous. The only people your mother would feel disappointed in are them.”
Your breath hitched at the sensation of his tongue moving through the fabric. You tried to stay your thoughts, to remain on subject. “I…I know.”
“You’re incredible.” He shifted down, pulling your nightgown up as he did. “Beautiful.” He pressed a kiss to your now-exposed navel. “Strong.”
The cold air of the room brushed over your bare sex, and you jerked as Az nuzzled his face against your fine dusting of hair just above. He grazed his lips there, breathing in your scent. 
“Why don’t you come to bed?” You breathed, brushing his hair back. “It’s late. You must be tired.”
“Mm.” He hummed. “After I’ve apologised.”
You had no objections as he finally dipped his head, levelling his face with the very centre of you. His eyes flicked up momentarily to meet yours, and then he dove in.
Your head fell back, a low moan escaping you as his tongue swiped out and licked a stripe right up you, from your entrance, up, up to your clit. He kissed the area first, his lips a sensuous scrape against the sensitive nub of nerves. Your hips lifted off the bed, and he slid his hand up, pressing them back down. 
“I love you.” He breathed the words onto the damp heat of you — a place he had worshipped time and time before, and would continue to do so as the world and its stories changed around you.
“I love you too.” You breathed, and another moan broke from your throat as his tongue swirled around your clit. “Gods, Az.”
You felt him smile against you, and you utterly melted into the bed as he began his expert worship of your body, always knowing which areas drew which sensations from you, which touches had you moaning the loudest.
His tongue built up its pace, working at your clit as he slipped a hand down, gathering up your wetness on his fingers. He slipped one into you, pumping a few times, curling it inside you, and you gasped.
“Another?” He murmured against you, teeth grazing just slightly.
A small whimper left you. “Yes. Yes.”
And so he slipped a second finger in, and you were happy to give over to every sensation in your body as he began to pump in and out, his fingers moving in tandem with his tongue. Tension coiled low in your stomach, a dull, pleasant ache that was building and building until your legs were trembling. 
“Az.” You groaned, hips lifting again. “Fuck, I’m gonna…”
“Take it.” He lapped at you, lapped and lapped as if he might never get another taste. “Take everything you need. Cum for me.”
Only a few more thrusts of his fingers, a few more strokes of his tongue, and you were tumbling off that precipice into place of weightless elation, stars bursting in your eyes, your ears ringing, your body shaking. Az continued to lick and stroke you through it all, murmuring encouraging, soothing words.
And when the force of your climax subsided, and you were utterly spent, he pulled his fingers out of you. Sucked your wetness from them. And then climbed up the bed to lay beside you.
He was very clearly hard as a rock, the outline of his straining cock visible. You made to reach for him, but he gently took your hand.
“No.” He said softly. “This was about you. We have tomorrow. And the day after that.” He leaned down, kissing your head. “And all the ones after that. But now it’s time for sleep.”
You didn’t protest as he lay properly beside you, tugging you against him and pulling the blankets around you. His fingers laced through yours, both your hands resting on your stomach. 
“I’m so proud of you.” He whispered into the darkness, kissing the nape of your neck. “So fucking proud.”
You smiled, relaxing into him. Closed your eyes.
You were just drifting off as you heard him murmur, beneath his breath: 
“My mate. My entire world.”
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azriel tag list: @hanasakr @positivewitch @ruler-of-hades @brekkershadowsinger @nightscourtt @imperfect0angel @luna-1-3-5 @hyacinthoideshispanica @lucyysthings @lahoete @littlemoonash @blacksstarrynight @azriels-mate123 @ghostly-poetic @frieddesigninspiringquotesslime @a-frog-with-a-laptop @illyriansimp @morrie-rose @passingthroughfireandshadow @illyrian-dreamer @azrielsbabyg @96jnie @mich0731 @mulansaucey @truthtellerfanclub @acourtofbooksandmagic @insightsonmylife @basicbittywitty @curbside-cyanide @acourtofchaosandmess @123345566 @starrynights-frostbites @eos-princess @thesillyyogourt @ona-raising-07-l @acediahamartia @dontfollowmepleaseitsannoying @polli05927 @asdfjklbooks @azriel-luvr @amysangel @humanpersonlasttimeichecked @wildflowernightmere
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