#kiss wa me ni shite
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periwinkla · 9 months ago
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In my mind they were searching for evidence in the mess of flowers and were so exhausted that they both kinda collapsed and Phoenix just leaned over Miles' lap without a care in the world. While he was at it, he thought it fair to (s)mooch off a kiss. Later, Miles would sneeze to death. Explanation of flowers meanings under the cut <3 Print will probably be available tomorrow/the day after tomorrow.
I got the meanings from this hanakotoba site: https://hananokotoba.com/hananonamae/ Hanakirin - Crown of thorns 早くキスして ‘hayaku kisu shite’ kiss me quickly 逆境に耐える ‘gyakkyo ni taeru’ endure/withstand/brave adversity Petunia あなたと一緒なら心がやわらぐ ‘anata to issho nara kokoro ga yawaragu’ when I’m with you my heart softens/calms down 心のやすらぎ ‘kokoro no yasuragi’ my heart is at peace/my heart soothes/your presence soothes me Nanten - heavenly bamboo ‘私の愛は増すばかり 'watashi no ai wa masu bakari'  my love only grows 難を転する 'nan o tenzuru' transforming difficulties, turn hardship into fortune (Four) leaf clover 私のものになって 'watashi no mono ni natte' be mine 私を思って ‘watashi o omotte’ think of me 幸運 'kouun' good fortune 約束 'yakusoku' promise
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 8 months ago
(Honkai: Star Rail) Stelle, March 7th, Himeko, Natasha, Seele, Bronya, and Firefly missing you
Alternate title: "From the Aqueous Star with Love"
A song from Zeta Gundam got me feelin a certain way, so we doing a song fic. Whether reader is dead or not, tis up to interpretation. (Song: Mizu no Hoshi he Ai wo Komete - KOM_I)
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Aoku nemuru mizu no hoshi ni sotto Kissing softly the star of water that sleeps in blue,
Stelle watches the waves of the ocean crash against the shore.
This time, the Astral Express took her to a planet mostly consisting of water, it was a beautiful sight that she got to indulge herself in, along with her companions.
She instinctually looked to her left, about to make some witty comment regarding how such a romantic view was so cliche-
...Only to remember you aren't here with her.
The smile that was originally forming vanishes quickly, her expression growing more somber.
As much as the pain in her heart aches, she knows that you wouldn't want her to dwell on your absence.
Forge ahead, that was the way of the Trailblazer.
(Stelle) "One day, I'll get to tell you about this planet."
Fists clenching, she walks along the path, not looking back.
Stelle's phone wallpaper of you and her smiling together is what reminds her to keep pressing on.
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Kuchizuke shite inochi no hi wo tomosu hito yo A person who lights fire of life,
March sits on the side of her bed, staring at her wall of photos, each one bringing a bright smile to her face as she recalled each memory.
But it was shortlived, as her sight inevitably caught sight of the side of you and her together.
Throughout her journey on the Astral Express, she had met countless individuals. Plenty of which she cherished like dear friends and missed them dearly, and plenty more she hoped to never see again in the vast universe.
And there was no one March missed more than you at this very moment.
The photos she took of you two ranged from hilarious to lovey-dovey, to kinda inappropriate for the situation, but each one inflicted a pang of sadness and joy.
Standing up from the bed, March walked over and grabbed one of her favorite photos: One where she was dramatically kissing your cheek as you were laughing, a moment she recalled with perfect clarity.
(March 7th) sigh "I'll add some new photos onto this wall, just you wait!"
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Toki to iu kin'iro no sazanami wa The time, the golden ripple,
Himeko put down her coffee as the Astral Express was still in transit, watching as the stars slowly passed her by.
Her eyes glanced to her left, feeling something missing in her usual routine.
And of course this moment didn't feel right: after all, her lover was currently absent.
But that didn't stop her from always putting your favorite teacup next to hers, in some small hope that you'd take your spot like always.
Himeko knew better, logically it made no sense for you to show up right now.
Even so, it was a sign, that she'd be waiting to see you again, no matter where the Astral Express takes her, she'll be able to have you in her arms sometime, somewhere.
Instead of saying anything, she quietly chuckles to herself, going back to her coffee.
Yet, there was a hint of sadness in her recognition, one that her friends could always sense everyday that you were gone.
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Ozora no kuchibiru ni umareta toiki ne is sigh from the lips of the sky,
Natasha slumps down on her bed, sighing as she felt how cold it was to the touch.
Another long day taken care of, with many more patients out of her office.
Usually it didn't bother her as much, but these days the solitude was starting to become deafening.
Especially when you weren't here to greet her like always.
Natasha's hands massage her temple, knowing that spiraling wouldn't bring you home, any more than her patiently waiting.
Even the Moles could tell that Natasha wasn't the same without you here to wrangle them in, or give her a loving embrace.
Rolling to her side, she turns to the empty side of the bed, her hand reaching out and feeling only a cold sheet.
(Natasha) "...Just be patient, Nat..."
Saying nothing else, Natasha eventually falls asleep, the only warmth coming from her blanket.
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Kokoro ni uzumoreta yasashisa no hoshitachi ga hono age yobiau The stars of kindness buried in heart flame up and call to each other,
Seele just kept herself busy instead of thinking about how much she missed your voice.
There was plenty to do, but every now and then, she would catch herself thinking that she couldn't wait to tell you a story from that day, or something interesting she found.
Only for the excitement to be culled instantly, remembering that you aren't here.
(Seele) sigh "Damn it..."
Pinching the bridge of her nose, Seele shakes her head and looks up to the sky longingly.
(Seele) "...Don't keep me waiting too long before I see you again."
Next time she saw you, it'd probably result in both a punch and a kiss.
Seele thought you drove her insane when you were actually here.
She had no idea how much she'd miss that feeling when you were gone.
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Namima sasurau nampasen no yo ni Like wrecked ships wandering on the waves,
Being the Supreme Guardian was no easy task, but it was work she found satisfaction in.
Especially now that her people didn't have to live in constant fear anymore.
She had help from the Astral Express, Seele, Natasha, and so much more.
Yet, it was your aid she craved the most, and was one she wouldn't be able to receive or reciprocate it.
Bronya exhales from her nose, putting down her pen for just a moment.
Looking at the picture frame of you and her smiling brought a small tear to her eye, one she quickly wiped off.
It wasn't goodbye, not really. At least to her.
(Bronya) "You're not gone…You're…just not here right now."
One way or another, she'll be able to tell you everything that's happened when she sees you again.
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Mo nakanaide ima anata wo sagashite iru hito ga iru kara Don't cry, any more, because now there is a person looking for you, Omae ni aitai yo to Dying to see you...
Firefly strolled quietly through this planet's field, feeling the wind against her skin blow gently.
It was nights like these that usually got her thinking about plenty of things that brought all sorts of emotions out.
This night being no exception, especially since you were on her mind.
Firefly closed her eyes as a pang of sadness tugged at her heart, but that wouldn't stop her.
Even if it took the rest of her life, she would wait for you.
...No, she would find you first. She'd burn so bright, that it'd be impossible for you to miss her, no matter where you are.
(Firefly) "There isn't anyone in this world who can live alone...Not even you."
Taking a deep breath, she let her armor rapidly form, before the thrusters let her take off at blinding speeds, shooting off towards the stars.
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koizumicchi · 5 months ago
HALLOWEEN KISS (LIP×LIP) English Translation
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HALLOWEEN KISS LIP×LIP  (Aizou & Yuujirou)
Lyrics: ドゥー,shito Composer: ドゥー Arrangement: HoneyWorks
MV here.
T/N: Keep in mind that Japanese and English aren’t my first language. I never claim my translation (attempts) to be error-free. As always, if you’re going to use or reference my translations, please do not claim it as your own and credit me.
Ah やっと会えるね もう我慢できないね
Ah yatto aeru ne Mō gaman dekinai ne
Ah, we finally meet I cannot control myself any longer
0時この世に戻る 君をもらいにお邪魔する
Rei-ji kono you ni modoru Kimi o morai ni ojamasuru
I will return to this world when the clock strikes twelve I shall come and get you then
Ah おめかしをして 乾く喉我慢して
Ah omekashi o shite Kawaku nodo gaman shite
Ah, dressing myself to the occasion Enduring the thirst I feel
0時ドアノックする 君の血で乾杯をしよう
Rei-ji doa nokku suru Kimi no chi de kanpai o shiyou
I will knock on your door at midnight And I will make a toast with your blood
ねぇ逃げないで 怖がらないで 君の叫びで 心が躍る
Ne nigenai de Kowagaranai de Kimi no sakebi de Kokoro ga odoru
Hey, don’t run away Don’t be afraid Your cries make My heart dance in excitement
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS akuma to no KISS LIPS keiyaku o yakusoku shiyou Gokujō no kairaku
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS, let us make a KISS LIPS contract with a demon, and make a vow It is the finest pleasure
KISS EYES kuruoshī KISS EYES keiyaku o Koyoi musubareru Seinaru HALLOWEEN NIGHT
KISS EYES crazily KISS EYES the contract will Bind us tonight On this sacred HALLOWEEN NIGHT
もっと味わってたい 何者にも敵わな
Motto ajiwattetai Nani mono ni mo kanawa na
I want to taste it more Nothing is beyond my power
君というご馳走を 奪われるわけにはい��ない
Kimi to iu gochisō o Ubawareru wake ni wa ikanai
I cannot let anyone take away The sweet treat that is you
君はもう僕のものだからね 他のやつになんかあげないよ 
Kimi wa mō boku no mono dakara ne Hoka no yatsu ni nanka agenai yo
You already belong to me, understand? I won’t hand you over to anyone else
俺のものになったんだ 絶対離さないからな
Ore no mono ni nattan da Zettai hanasanai kara na
You have already become mine I will never let you go
おいで Oide Come here
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS 甘い声 KISS EARS ささやいて 約束しよう 永遠の束縛
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS amai koe KISS EARS sasayaite Yakusoku shiyou Eien no sokubaku
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS, a voice so sweet KISS EARS, whispering Let us vow to each other An eternal tie
KISS EARS itooshii KISS EARS kurai tsuku Koisuru kaibutsu Seinaru HALLOWEEN night
KISS EARS, adorably KISS EARS, I sink my teeth I am a monster in love In a sacred HALLOWEEN NIGHT
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS akuma to no KISS LIPS keiyaku o yakusoku shiyou Gokujō no kairaku
HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS, let us make a KISS LIPS contract with a demon, and make a vow It is the finest pleasure
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS 甘い声 KISS EARS ささやいて 約束しよう 永遠の束縛
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS amai koe KISS EARS sasayaite Yakusoku shiyou Eien no sokubaku
HALLOWEEN KISS EARS, a voice so sweet KISS EARS, whispering Let us vow to each other An eternal tie
KISS EARS 愛おしい KISS EARS 喰らいつく 恋する怪物
KISS EARS itooshii KISS EARS kurai tsuku Koisuru kaibutsu 
KISS EARS, adorably KISS EARS I sink my teeth I am a monster in love
Boku to Ore to Seinaru HALLOWEEN night
Together with me With me It is a sacred HALLOWEEN NIGHT
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starling-song · 2 months ago
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(photo: lyrics as printed in the vinyl edition of I Am Mortal)
ギニョル // Guignol
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi | Music: Miyo Ken
Un. Deux. . Un. Deux. Trois Celluloid Onnn…one foot A slow and pirouetting music box let’s…dance
Lean back beside the window let’s ravish each other Your eyes roll back The moon is turning inside-out^
Why is it…I… don’t understand Love Neither tears nor blood can flow It isn’t…working
Roll up your dress let’s make love My eyes are a desiccating jelly` Lapsing into darkness
Who aaare you Teach me love Hollow eyes Glass jewels Who aaam I Make me dance on Let me dream And also be cut to thousands lullaby I had forgotten completely Grand Guignol Theatre
Un, Deux, Trois, Let us dance Halt time Un, Deux, Trois, Let us dance The same as that day Un, Deux, Trois, Let us dance Stop, O time Un, Deux, Trois, Let us dance Just like that day On one foot…well…
Roll up your dress let’s make love My eyes are a desiccating jelly` Lapsing into darkness
Who aaare you Teach me love Hollow eyes Glass jewels Who aaam I Make me dance on Let me dream And also be cut to thousands
Teach me love Give me a kiss Make me dance on Unto forever lullaby I had forgotten completely Grand Guignol Theatre Well, that concludes it
Un. Deux . . Un. Deux. Trois SERUROIDO Kataaa . . ashi de Yukkuri to mawaru ORUGORRU Odori . . masho
Madobe ni motare koi wo shiyou Kimi no hitomi ga gururi Tsuki wa uragaeru yo^
Doushite Ai wo shiranai Wata . . shi wa Namida mo chi mo nagarenai Koware . . teiru
DORESU wo makuri ai wo shiyou Boku no hitomi wa dorori` Yami ni ochiteyuku yo
Anata wa daare Ai wo oshiete Utsuro na hitomi GARASU dama Watashi wa daare Odoraseteite Yume wo misasete Chigirete mo lullaby wasuresarareta GURAN • GINYORU Oshibai
Un, Deux, Trois, Odorou Toki wo tomete Un, Deux, Trois, Odorou Ano hi no mama Un, Deux, Trois, Odorou Toki yo tomare Un, Deux, Trois, Odorou Ano hi no you ni Kata-ashi de . . saa
DORESU wo makuri ai wo shiyou Boku no hitomi wa dorori` Yami ni ochiteyuku yo
Anata wa daare Ai wo oshiete Utsuro na hitomi GARASU dama Watashi wa daare Odoraseteite Yume wo misasete Chigirete mo
Ai wo oshiete Kuchizuke wo shite Odoraseteite Itsumademo lullaby wasuresarareta GURAN • GINYORU Oshibai Oshimai da ne
Oshimai sa
^ The verb in the second half of this line is a doozy and can mean at least three very vivid, different things- to turn inside out, to defect to a different side/team (aka betrayal), and to give a high pitched cracking voice like a broken falsetto. After spending quite a bit of time on it I sold out and went with the most common usage of the word, but knowing Atsushi he could have very well meant all three. I hope this better colors the understanding of this line (especially considering the context).
` The word "dorori" doesn't have a great english equivalent. It is essentially an onomatopoeia that means something disgustingly sticky and gooey, like sticking your hand in the mystery bowl when you're blindfolded at halloween and someone tells you you're touching guts or eyeballs or brains or something. Because of this I decided to insert 'desiccated' because the vibe is weird enough here to suggest he may well be dead, freshly dead, or half dead, etc. Atsushi is taking a seductive, sexy moment, drawing you in, and then pulling away the curtain to show you you've been lusting over a 4h old corpse.
T/N: Going off the beaten path tonight to do this song from Atsushi's last side project, The Mortal. Atsushi has taken advantage of some unique Japanese character stylizations that don't translate terribly well but that I have tried to preserve and reflect in different ways with italics. It felt like skipping ahead in the textbook doing this one, so I'll probably come back to it whenever I reach this album. This song sees Atsushi using a poetic device I've not seen since 'Chiisana mori no hito' which is the poetic 'yo'. This 'yo' functions rather like the Elizabethan english emphatic 'O', such as 'O Time! O Sea!' that sort of thing. The spacing of the lines is also interesting- some given space, others smushed together (so if they seem that way in places it's because they are). Like slowly unraveling thoughts that someone is still trying to hold together but not doing a very good job of it. But let's talk about the title and where we're at in this song....
Welcome to Le Théâtre du Grand-Guignol- a very real theatre spectacle that saw its heyday from the late 1890s until WW1. At the Grand Guignol, guests were treated to short form extreme special-effects horror that specialized in the worst possible thing that could possibly happen to you in real life- grusome rapes, petty murders, rebelling psychiatric patients who kill everyone, slashers, revenges, disfigurement, you name it. It was said to be so graphically depicted on stage and the special effects so realistic that people would vomit, scream, cry, faint, and run from the performances. It was also, apparently, such a turn-on that the theatre kept special box rooms containing small windows beneath the stage that patrons could rent to rent to jack off in or have sex during the performances. Apparently folks got so worked up in said boxes that the performers would sometimes break character to stomp on the floor and tell them to keep it down.
And this, friends, is the world Atsushi has decided to take us to in this song. The line, however, it seems is rather blurred. You begin as a guest watching the 13th Floor With Diana-esque stage show, while also fucking in one of the sex boxes beneath the stage. But something is...not quite right. Your beau seems off.....almost dead- either physically or spiritually (or even both)....suddenly, you are part of the horror play yourself. Suddenly you are the performance. The spectacle of the play, the sex, the over-stimulation, the gory horror shocking everyone there, how can anyone feel anything after all this? Who are we- do we even know each other, in this box? Is it just an anonymous fling? "Teach me love". The viscous eyes staring sightlessly back at you as you fuck. The bloody debauchery concludes. The curtain falls. Oshimai sa. NEXT.
What a charming date night.
EDIT: After reading an interview Atsushi did for this album, it seems he merged the earlier concept of the Guignol (a puppet show archetype) with the later one (ie the theatre), which explains a lot more about what exactly is instinctively wrong about our beau in this song. So *originally* Guignol was a french marionette stock character, much like punch and judy are, who was generally a poor guy who did menial labor but was extremely honorable and always came out on top. So while his job and role and relationships to other stock characters might change from puppet show to puppet show, this was the core basis of him. Atsushi, in this interview, initially stated when asked about this song that it was about "how to make a feelingless doll feel" (so, focusing more on the puppet angle than the stock character itself) but neatly dodged the next question about the Grand Guignol Theatre references with simply "I like that sort of thing lol" which....sir....😂 So I think we may say that that our beau in this song is off because he's a fabricated person (atsushi apparently calls him a doll but let's be real here- considering what's going on in this song that is a stretch of a label at best)- perhaps crafted from the celluloid mentioned at the start, but also, judging by the eyes, organic matter. And this is the Grand Guignol Theatre after all- if this was some sort of frankenstein creation, passable enough as human in the dimly lit shadows of a candlelit theatre house at, say, midnight, but a bit of a gruesome horror up close or if you made the mistake of looking at him a little too long...well, the gross jelly eyes get the idea across well enough. This creature has happened upon the theatre looking to learn about human emotion, and the theatre's antics disguise him perfectly until the horror of him unfolds and the sex box encounter becomes another gory performance piece in and of itself. Atsushi really seems to have gotten to dump all his most favorite toys into the sandbox for this one- insatiable yearning, broken emotions, seduction, sex, slow horror, uncomfortably familiar shock- and a shameful desire to want to do it all over again. He really was in his element with this song. It's definitely become one of my favorites.
Disclaimers: Please do not use my translations, commentary, or photos without express permission. All photos of lyrics are mine- these are from my own collection, even if potato quality.💗
v. 1.1 (12.31.24)
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shoujo-dump · 1 year ago
Manga recommendations for people who love Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai manga, dedicated to @aengelren and all the other readers that enjoy the series ❤️
I have listed some categories below that are similar to the genres & subgenres of Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai. Hopefully there might be some new series there that will be added to your reading list. Please note that not all series are obviously identical to Hikaeme, however I have used a ⭐ to indicate series that I think share most similarities with the series either in more than one genre or if the series have a similar atmosphere/general vibes to Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai.
If you love the art style of Hikaeme, then I recommend checking out other series created by the same mangaka:
Hatsukoi ni Kiss (omnibus of 8 oneshots)
Kanjuku Summer End (oneshot)
Koi Wazurai no Ellie
Machiko wa Oborekake (oneshot)
Fast Romance:
Kare Kano (has anime adaptation!)
Koi no Mae ni, Amaku Hajimete. Hikaeme Elite-kun ga Watashi ni Dake Hatsujou shite imasu 🌶️
Museru Kurai no Ai wo Ageru ⭐
Ore Monogatari!! (has anime adaptation!)
Suki tte Ii na yo. (has anime, movie and live action adaptation!)
Atashi no Banbi
Boku ni Hana no Melancholy
I My Me Mine ⭐
Hajimete Koi o Shita Hi ni Yomu Hanashi (however doesn't seem to be an official nor fan English translation anywhere, the series has live action adaptation though!)
Hana yori Dango (has anime and several live action adaptations)
Hana Nochi Hare: Hanadan Next Season (has live action adaptation)
Haru no Ogawa wa Dokidoki Suru yo. (oneshot)
Iincho to Furyou-kun
Junai Tokkou Taichou!
Kimi ni Koishite Ii desu ka.
Kokuhaku Suru Aite o Machigaemashita
Megane, Tokidoki, Yankee-kun
Me no Tsukedokoro ga Deep Desho
Mikansei Demo Koi ga Ii
Mochizuki-san ka no Yankee ⭐
Raou-kun wa Watashi ni Kamau
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun (has anime and live action adaptation!)
Webcomic: Kono Yankee wa Ubu Sugiru!
Love Interest Changes:
Futari de Koi wo suru Riyuu
Koukou Debut (has live action adaptation!)
Male Lead Falls in Love First:
Batsuichi ga Moteru nante Kiitemasen
Chorokute Kawaii Kimi ga Suki
Einheli no Hanayome 🌶️
Furare Girl 
Hananoi-kun to Koi no Yamai (anime adaptation is going to be released in 2024!)
Kanojo ga Kawaii Sugite Ubaenai
Kimi wa Kawaii Onnanoko
Mainichi Kiss shite ii desu ka?
Sakura wa Watashi wo Sukisugiru ⭐
Slow Jet Coaster
Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoushi (has live action adaptation!)
Webtoon: A Good Day to Be a Dog (available on webtoons.com)
Webtoon: The Fantasie of a Stepmother
Webtoon: As You Wish, Prince
Webtoon: The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion (also has anime adaptation!)
Webtoon: Writer's Block of Romance 
Webtoon: Your Ultimate Love Rival
Straightforward Male Lead:
Hamuko to Gao-kun
Kuchibiru ni Kimi no Iro
Living no Matsunaga-san
Midori no Himitsu (oneshot)
Neko to Kiss
Takane no Ran-san
Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi
Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki ⭐
Yubisaki to Renren (will have anime adaptation in 2024!)⭐
Opposites attract:
Beast Master 
Kimi ga Kirai na Koi no Hanashi 
Kimi ni Todoke (has anime, live action )⭐
Webtoon: Midnight Poppy Land (read the official English translation on webtoons.com, it currently has over 100 chapters) ⭐
Kuudere Female Lead:
Akuma to Love Song
Webtoon: I Failed to Oust the Villain!
Webtoon: Villains Are Destined to Die
Warm Ambience:
Honnou Switch 🌶️⭐
Houkago, Koishita.
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryo Joshi (has anime adaptation!)
Ojou-san to Yobanaide
Tonari no Stella ⭐
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utapri-translations-uuuu · 5 months ago
Angel’s Note - Lyrics + Translation (エンジェルズノート)
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Please do not repost/retranslate without permission.
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Happy birthdayをみんなで歌える喜びを胸に
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Kiss and sing and more 重ねた特別な
【All】 夢のケーキを
【Va】 晴れた なんてことない日常が眩しくなる
【Ng】 背伸びしたくなるよ 君といると もっと振り向いて欲しくて
【Ki】 たぶんいつも以上 言葉数が減って
【Ei】 真面目過ぎる横顔(かお) 変じゃないか?と感じてた
【Ya】 Be the shine 包むような 存在でありたい Uh...Self-centered
【Sh】 前を向き続けられるReason そばにいるだけで
【All】 力が溢れる
【All】 Angel's Note 君から貰えた愛の感動(メロディー)は
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Love song
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Our song
【All】 行進曲(マーチ)になった
【All】 Angel's Note 君へとまた繋がるステージから
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 奇跡すら
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 霞んで見える
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 トキめいた
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 瞬間をあげる
【Ej��� 扉開いた次は 更に上(そら)へと
【All】 飛んじゃうから Are you ok?
【Va】 道は果てしないよ それこそ涙して
【Ng】 喧嘩しちゃったり 傷つけちゃったり 恋ってのは複雑(リアル)だよね
【Ki】 だけど時間が過ぎ 振り返った時に
【Ei】 凹凸の数が音楽になってるはずだ
【Ya】 Be the one 歌うように 抱き締めてゆく Everything you do
【Sh】 一つ一つの経験たち 思い出に変えて
【All】 未来を渡ろう
【All】 Angel's Note 真っ白なページを埋め続けてゆく
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 All write
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 All right
【All】 隠さず全部
【All】 Angel's Note 言葉を詞に変えて届けてゆこう
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 なんだって
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 乗り越えられる
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 ついてきて
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 信じてほしい
【Ej】 幸せぎゅっとしよう 何度も伝えたい
【All】 笑う君が大好き
【All】 Angel's Note 君から貰えた愛の感動(メロディー)は
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Love song
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Our song
【All】 7人曲(オーケストラ)に
【All】 Angel's Note 毎年記念日はキスをしないか?
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 奇跡すら
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 霞んで見える
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 トキめいた
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 瞬間をあげる
【Ej】 扉開いた次は 更に上(そら)へと
【All】 飛んじゃうから Are you ok?
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Happy birthday o min'na de utaeru yorokobi o mune ni
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Kiss and sing and more kasaneta tokubetsu na
【All】 Yume no kēki o
【Va】 Hareta nante koto nai nichijō ga mabushiku naru
【Ng】 Senobi shitaku naru yo kimi to iru to motto furimuite hoshikute
【Ki】 Tabun itsumo ijō kotoba kazu ga hette
【Ei】 Majime sugiru kao hen janai ka? To kanji teta
【Ya】 Be the shine tsutsumu yō na sonzai de aritai Uh… Self-centered
【Sh】 Mae o muki tsudzukerareru Reason soba ni iru dake de
【All】 Chikara ga afureru
【All】 Angel’s Note kimi kara moraeta ai no merodī wa
HE★VENS e to tsudzuku
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Love song
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Our song
【All】 Māchi ni natta
【All】 Angel’s Note kimi e to mata tsunagaru sutēji kara
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Kiseki sura
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Kasunde mieru
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Tokimeita
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Shunkan o ageru
【Ej】 Tobira hiraita tsugi wa sarani sora e to
【All】 Tonjau kara Are you ok?
【Va】 Michi wa hateshinai yo sore koso namida shite
【Ng】 Kenka shi chattari kizutsuke chattari koi tte no wa riaru da yo ne
【Ki】 Dakedo jikan ga sugi furikaetta toki ni
【Ei】 Ōtotsu no kazu ga ongaku ni natteru hazu da
【Ya】 Be the one utau yō ni dakishimete yuku Everything you do
【Sh】 Hitotsu hitotsu no keiken-tachi omoide ni kaete
【All】 Mirai o watarō
【All】 Angel’s Note masshiro na pēji o ume tsudzukete yuku
Kuyashi-sa ureshi-sa mo
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 All write
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 All right
【All】 Kakusazu zenbu
【All】 Angel’s Note kotoba o shi ni kaete todokete yukō
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Nan datte
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Norikoerareru
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Tsuite kite
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Shinjite hoshī
【Ej】 Shiawase gyutto shiyou nando mo tsutaetai
【All】 Warau kimi ga daisuki
【All】 Angel’s Note kimi kara moraeta ai no merodī wa
HE★VENS e to tsudzuku
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Love song
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Our song
【All】 Ōkesutora ni
【All】 Angel’s Note maitoshi kinenbi wa kisu o shinai ka?
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Kiseki sura
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Kasunde mieru
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Tokimeita
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Shunkan o ageru
【Ej】 Tobira hiraita tsugi wa sarani sora e to
【All】 Tonjau kara Are you ok?
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 With the joy in our hearts of being able to sing Happy birthday together,
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Kiss and sing and more: We offer you a special dream cake
【All】 Filled with these precious moments
【Va】 Clear, ordinary days become dazzling
【Ng】 I feel like standing taller when I'm with you, wanting you to notice me even more
【Ki】 Maybe I’m talking less than usual
【Ei】 And I wonder if my serious expression in profile seems odd to you
【Ya】 Be the shine, I want to be a presence that envelops you Uh…Self-centered
【Sh】 The Reason I can keep looking forward is that just being by your side
【All】 Fills me with strength
【All】 Angel’s Note, The melody of love I received from you
Reaches into the HE★VENS
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Love song
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Our song
【All】 Has become a march
【All】 Angel’s Note, From the stage that connects me to you once again,
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Even miracles
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Don’t seem that impressive in comparison
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 I’ll give you a moment
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 That’ll make your heart race
【Ej】 Once the gate opens, we’ll soar even higher
【All】 Into the sky, so Are you ok?
【Va】 The path is endless, and that's why we shed tears
【Ng】 We fight and hurt each other; love is complicated, isn’t it?
【Ki】 But when time passes and I look back,
【Ei】 I’m sure the ups and downs will have turned into music
【Ya】 Be the one, As if singing, I’ll embrace Everything you do
【Sh】 Let’s turn each and every experience into memories,
【All】 And cross into the future
【All】 Angel’s Note, Continuing to fill up the blank pages,
Let’s write down everything,
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Both regret and joy
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 All right
【All】 Without hiding anything at all
【All】 Angel's Note, Let's change words into lyrics and deliver them
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 We can overcome
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Anything
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 I want you to believe
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 And follow me
【Ej】 Let's hold on tight to happiness, I want to tell you again and again
【All】 I love when you smile
【All】 Angel’s Note, The melody of love I received from you
Reaches into the HE★VENS
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Love song
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Our song
【All】 Becomes a piece meant for a seven-person orchestra
【All】 Angel's Note, Shall we kiss every year on your anniversary?
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 Even miracles
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 Don’t seem that impressive in comparison
【Ej・Ya・Sh】 I’ll give you a moment
【Ei・Ki・Ng・Va】 That’ll make your heart race
【Ej】 Once the gate opens, we’ll soar even higher
【All】 Into the sky, so Are you ok?
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amodernpersephone · 5 months ago
HALLOWEEN KISS English Translation
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ft. LIP×LIP — Aizo (CV: Shimazaki Nobunaga), Yujiro (CV: Uchiyama Kouki)
T/N: tsuki no hime? judge? no it's lxl vampirism for like. 3 minutes. definitely not what i was expecting but the song is cute i'll give them that. anyway back to eichi
Aizo | Yujiro | Both
Ah yatto aerune mou gaman dekinaine 0-ji konoyo ni modoru kimi o morai ni o jama suru
Ah, we meet at last I can't bear it anymore At midnight, you return to the world of the living I've come to interfere and take you away*
Ah omekashi o shite kawaku nodo gaman shite 0-ji doa nokku suru kimi no chi de kanpai o shiyou
Ah, getting all dressed up Enduring the thirst in my throat At midnight, I knock upon your door Let's have a toast to the taste of your blood nee nigenaide kowagaranaide kimi no sakebi de kokoro ga odoru Hey, don't run away Don't get so scared Your cries make my heart leap HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS akuma to no KISS LIPS keiyaku o yakusoku shiyou gokujō no kairaku
HALLOWEEN KISS your LIPS with the devil KISS, your LIPS make a contract Let's make a vow for the greatest of pleasures KISS EYES kuruoshii KISS EYES keiyaku o koyoi musubareru seinaru HALLOWEEN NIGHT
KISS, your EYES driven to insanity KISS, your EYES make a contract Tonight, we will be bound together On this holy HALLOWEEN NIGHT motto ajiwattetai nanimono ni mo kanawanai kimi to iu gochisou o ubawareru wake ni wa ikanai
I want to taste you even more No one else could even compare Such a delectable meal like you Cannot be taken by anyone else kimi wa mou boku no monodakarane Hoka no yatsu ni nanka agenai yo ore no mono ni natta nda zettai hanasanai kara na oide**
From now on, you're mine I won't give you to anyone else You've become mine now I won't let you go, till the end Come here. HALLOWEEN KISS EARS amai koe KISS EARS sasayaite yakusoku shiyou eien no sokubaku
HALLOWEEN KISS your EARS hear a sweet voice KISS, your EARS hear whispers Let's make a vow to be bound for eternity KISS itoshii KISS EARS kurai tsuku koisuru kaibutsu seinaru HALLOWEEN NIGHT
KISS, your EARS hear "You're adorable." KISS, your EARS hear "I'll devour you." Monsters in love On this holy HALLOWEEN NIGHT HALLOWEEN KISS LIPS akuma to no KISS LIPS keiyaku o yakusoku shiyou gokujou no kairaku
HALLOWEEN KISS your LIPS with the devil KISS, your LIPS make a contract Let's make a vow for the greatest of pleasures Ah HALLOWEEN KISS EARS amai koe KISS EARS sasayaite yakusoku shiyou eien no sokubaku
HALLOWEEN KISS your EARS hear a sweet voice KISS, your EARS hear whispers Let's make a vow to be bound for eternity KISS EARS itoshii KISS EARS kurai tsuku koisuru kaibutsu boku to ore to seinaru HALLOWEEN NIGHT
KISS, your EARS hear "You're adorable." KISS, your EARS hear "I'll devour you." Monsters in love With me With me On this holy HALLOWEEN NIGHT
* interpretation bla bla ojamasuru means to disturb, bother etc. also konoyo has a connotation that seems to connect more on being "the world of the living"
** haha yume fanfare reference
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pikahlua · 2 years ago
MHA Chapter 392 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1-2 私の何を知ってるの⁉︎ わたしのなにをしってるの⁉︎ watashi no nani wo shitteru no!? “What do you know about me!?”
tagline 1 大軍にのまれ! たいぐんにのまれ! taigun ni nomare! Swallowed by a giant army!
tagline 2 No.392 ヴィラン名  堀越耕平 ナンバー392 ヴィランめい  ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 392 VIRAN mei   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 392 Villain Name  Kouhei Horikoshi
3 フロッピーーー‼︎ FUROPPII--!! “Froppy--!!”
4 奥渡島のダメージで オクトじまのダメージで OKUTO jima no DAMEEJI de The damage I got at Octo Island,
5 くっ…うまく捌けなかった…! くっ…うまくさばけなかった…! gu...umaku sabakenakatta...! ggh...I didn’t handle it well...!
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1 何一つ不自由なんかなかったくせに なにひとつふじゆうなんかなかったくせに nani hitotsu fujiyuu nanka nakatta kuse ni “Even though you had not even one inconvenience,”
2 ルールに合ってただけのくせに‼︎ ルールにあってただけのくせに‼︎ RUURU ni atteta dake no kuse ni!! “even though you only followed the rules!!”
3 生きやすく産まれただけのくせに‼︎ いきやすくうまれただけのくせに‼︎ iki yasuku umareta dake no kuse ni!! “Even though you were born only to live easily!!” (Note: This grammar pattern sounds more accusatory than it might sound in translation. The overall message is basically: “How could someone like you, who has only ever had such an easy life, know anything about me!?”)
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1 スズメを殺して血を啜って スズメをころしてちをすすって SUZUME wo koroshite chi wo susutte You killed a sparrow to drink its blood,
2 笑ってるなんて… わらってるなんて… waratteru nante... and then you smile...
3 違うの ちがうの chigau no No, it’s different.
4 お庭に落ちてたの おにわにおちてたの oniwa ni ochiteta no It had fallen in the garden.
5 ハイ矯正していきましょう"普通"に ハイきょうせいしていきましょう"ふつう"に HAI kyousei shite ikimashou “futsuu” ni All right, let’s go and correct you to normal.
6 あ ハイもうちょっと待ってください あ ハイもうちょっとまってください a   HAI mou chotto matte kudasai Ah, yes, please wait a little longer.
7 すぐそっち行きます すぐそっちいきます sugu socchi ikimasu I’ll be right there.
8 えっと… etto... Um...
9 ええ大丈夫です ええだいじょうぶです ee daijoubu desu Yes, it’s fine.
10 そうですね… sou desu ne... That’s right...
11 強い"個性"を持つ子にありがちな倒錯ですよ つよい"こせい"をもつこにありがちなとうさくですよ tsuyoi “kosei” wo motsu ko niarigachi na tousaku desu yo It’s a perversion common to children who have strong quirks.
12 この社会ではよくあることです このしゃかいではよくあることです kono shakai de wa yoku aru koto desu It’s a thing that happens often in this society.
13 正して消していきましょう ただしてけしていきましょう tadashite keshite ikimashou Let’s go correct and erase it.
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1 ヒミコちゃんの顔コワーイ! ヒミコちゃんのかおコワーイ! HIMIKO-chan no kao KOWAAI! Himiko-chan’s face is scaaary!
2 やめなさい‼︎何をしてるの やめなさい‼︎なにをしてるの yamenasai!! nani wo shiteru no Stop it!! What are you doing?
3 まるでーー異常者だ! まるでーーいじょうしゃだ! maru de--ijousha da! It’s like--you’re a deviant! (Note: I feel obligated to point out that the word for “deviant” also works as a word for “pervert.”)
4 普通しなさい! ふつうしなさい! futsuu shinasai! Be normal!
5 あの子ぜんぜん話合わないんだもん あのこぜんぜんはなしあわないんだもん ano ko zenzen hanashiawanainda mon That kid just doesn’t speak on the same wavelength [as us].
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1 被身子‼︎ ヒミコ‼︎ HIMIKO!! Himiko!!
2 友だちの血を吸ったって⁉︎ ともだちのちをすったって⁉︎ tomodachi no chi wo sutta tte!? You sucked your friend’s blood!?
3 違うの ちがうの chigau no No, it’s different.
4 怪我してたからちうちうしたの けがしてたからちうちうしたの kega shiteta kara chiuchiu shita no I kissed it because they were injured. (Note: The onomatopoeia here for “kissed” also sounds like the one for “sucked.”)
5 普通じゃない‼︎ ふつうじゃない‼︎ futsuu ja nai!! That’s not normal!!
6 まともになりたくないのか⁉︎ matomo ni naritakunai no ka!? Don’t you want to be normal!? (Note: This word for “normal” also means “decent, upstanding.”)
7 パパ ママ PAPA   MAMA Papa, Mama.
8 わからないの 私わからないの わからないの わたしわからないの wakaranai no   watashi wakaranai no Don’t understand, I don’t understand.
9 みんな好きなノになるのガマンしてるの? みんなすきなノになるのガマンしてるの? minna suki na NO ni naru no GAMAN shiteru no? Is everyone restraining how they want to become the ones they like?
10 なんでみんな nande minna Why won’t everyone
11 ちうちうしないの? chiuchiu shinai no? kiss? (Note: Again, this is that same onomatopoeia that means both “kiss” and “suck.”)
12 ああ…‼︎ aa...!! Aah...!!
13 あ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 a~~~~~~~ Aaaaaaaaah!
14 違うんだこれ ちがうんだこれ chigaunda kore This is so wrong.
15 もう根っこが! もうねっこが! mou nekko ga! Her core is already--! (Note: This “core” word means literally “roots,” and it’s the same word Katsuki uses to describe what Izuku is like “at his core” in chapter 284. I also can’t remember where but I’m pretty sure someone used the same word to describe Tomura at some point this arc. Maybe Dabi too.)
16-17 人間じゃない子産んじゃった! にんげんじゃないこうんじ���った! ningen ja nai ko unjatta! We went and gave birth to a child that isn’t human!
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1 だからあなたはフタをした dakara anata wa FUTA wo shita “That’s why you covered it up.”
2 抑圧し仮面をつくった よくあつしかめんをつくった yokuatsu shi kamen wo tsukutta “You suppressed [yourself] and made a mask.”
3 自分じゃない誰かになった じぶんじゃないだれかになった jibun ja nai dare ka ni natta “You became someone other than yourself.”
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1 ああ aa “Aagh!”
2 麗日ぁあああ‼︎ うららかぁあああ‼︎ Urarakaaaaa!! “Urarakaaaaa!!“
3 梅雨ちゃん! つゆちゃん! Tsuyu-chan! “Tsuyu-chan!“
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1 ケロ! KERO! “Ribbit!”
2 違うそっちじゃな ちがうそっちじゃな chigau socchi ja na “No, not over there!”
3 え e “Eh?”
4 ゲゴッ GEGO “Ribbi-cough!”
5 トガだ! TOGA da! “That’s Toga!”
6-7 ヒーローは殲滅する ヒーローはせんめつする HIIROO wa senmetsu suru “Annihilate the heroes!”
8 飛び散った血を分身が摂取してるんだ! とびちったちをぶんしんがせっしゅしてるんだ! tobichitta chi wo bunshin ga sesshu shiterunda! “The doppelgangers are ingesting the blood that’s splattering everywhere!”
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1 ウチまで… UCHI made... “Even me...”
2 この量に抗うには… このりょうにあらがうには… kono ryou ni aragau ni wa... “To oppose these numbers...”
3 全員一丸となってのチームアップが不可欠だった…! ぜんいんいちがんとなってのチームアップがふかけつだった…! zen’in ichigan to natte no CHIIMUAPPU ga fukaketsu datta...! “it was essential for everyone to team up all together...!”
4 散らされ…欺かれるのであれば最早… ちらされ…あざむかれるのであればもはや… chirasare...azamukareru node areba mohaya... “We’ll be scattered...and deceived, so the quickest way...“
5 うわああああ‼︎ uwaaaaa!! “Waaaaah!!”
6 最早 もはや mohaya The quickest way
7 止める術は… とめるすべは… tomeru sube wa... to stop her is...
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1 そいつを殺せ そいつをころせ soitsu wo korose Kill him!
2 殲 せん sen Anni-
3 滅 めつ metsu -hilate!
4 トガ…ヒミコちゃん…聞いてっ トガ…ヒミコちゃん…きいてっ! TOGA...HIMIKO-chan...kiite! “Toga...Himiko-chan...listen!”
5-6 私は…!"ルール"を守ることが… わたしは…!"ルール"をまもることが… watashi wa...! “RUURU” wo mamoru koto ga... “I...! [Thought that] following the rules...”
7 ヒーローだと思ってた…‼︎外れる事が…敵だと思ってた…! ヒーローだとおもってた…‼︎はずれることが…ヴィランだとおもってた…! HIIROO da to omotteta...!! hazureru koto ga...VIRAN da to omotteta...! “I thought that’s what a hero is...!! I thought that deviating [from them]...is what a villain is...!”
8 でもねトガヒミコちゃん demo ne TOGA HIMIKO-chan “But you know, Himiko Toga-chan,”
9 私のお友だちは今 わたしのおともだちはいま watashi no otomodachi wa ima “my friend right now,”
10 そんなルールより何より そんなルールよりなにより sonna RUURU yori nani yori “more than the rules, more than anything,”
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1-2 あなたと向き合おうとしてる あなたとむきあおうとしてる anata to mukiaou to shiteru “is trying to face you.” (Note: The word here literally means “to face, oppose, face off with, confront,” but the meaning implied here is that this confrontation is not a merely physical battle but an attempt to address Toga philosophically.)
3 それはただ殲滅するより それはただせんめつするより sore wa tada senmetsu suru yori “Rather than just annihilating you,”
4 ただ確保するより ただかくほするより tada kakuho suru yori “rather than securing you,”
5 困難な道だと思う こんなんなみちだとおもう konnan na michi da to omou “I think it’s the more difficult path.”
6 だから dakara “So,”
7 お茶子ちゃんのこと おちゃこちゃんのこと Ochako-chan no koto “about Ochako-chan,”
8 遅くなったかもしれないけれど おそくなったかもしれないけれど osokunatta kamo shirenai kedo “maybe she was late, but”
9 少しでいいから…話を聞いて! すこしでいいから…はなしをきいて! sukoshi de ii kara...hanashi wo kiite! “just a little is fine...listen to what she has to say!”
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1 構造が違う‼︎ こうぞうがちがう‼︎ kouzou ga chigau!! Literal: “The structure is different!!” Contextual: “We’re built differently!!”
2 おまえ達が言う祝福も喜びも おまえたちがいうしゅくふくもよろこびも omaetachi ga iu shukufuku mo yorokobi mo “The blessings and joy you all speak of,”
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1 私は何も感じない! わたしはなにもかんじない! watashi wa nani mo kanjinai! “I feel none of them!”
2-3 そっちの尺度で私を可哀想な人間にするな‼︎ そっちのルールでわたしをかわいそうなにんげんにするな‼︎ socchi no RUURU (kanji: shakudo) de watashi wo kawaisou na ningen ni suruna!! “Don’t make me a pitiable person by those rules (read as: standards)!!” (Note: In an incredibly well-timed turn of events, this ask has become extremely relevant. The sentence above, in content and structure, resembles Twice’s narration directed at Hawks in chapter 266.)
4 そういやトガちゃんって souiya Toga-chan tte “Come to think of it, Toga-chan,”
5 敵名つけねえの? ヴィランめいつけねえの? VIRAN-mei tsukenee no? “can’t you [use] a villain name?”
tagline 蘇る記憶…‼︎ よみがるきおく…‼︎ yomigaeru kioku...!! A memory revives...!!
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randomyaoimoments · 1 year ago
Hello, do you mind if I ask your fav BL based on this categories? But all category must have different BL titles.
Shounen ai
Younger top
Younger bottom
Seme redflag
Uke redflag
Most greenflag couple
Most redflag couple
Enemies to lovers
Childhood friend to lovers
School life
Thanks if you want to answer.
Hello there! thanks for asking :D to answer your question, Below are my personal favorite BL 😙 Hope you’ll enjoy reading it :D
Manhua :
- Fragile Relationship
Manhwa :
- BJ Alex
- Dangerous Convenience Store
- I Can Hear It Without A Microphone
- Legs Which Cannot Walk
- Perfect Buddy
- Pian Pian
- Rivalry 1
- Semantic Error
- Shutline
- Surge Looking For You
- Sweet Spot
- The Kang’s Yeesu
- The New Recruit
- The Time Between Dog And Wolf
- Walk On Water
Manga :
- Finder Series
- Cherry Magic!
- Dakaretai Otoko Ichii Ni Odosarete Imasu
- Itou-san
- Kiraide Isasete
- Honto Yajuu
- Saezuru Tori Wa Habatakanai
- Sasaki To Miyano
- The Alpha’s Bride
- The Titan’s Bride
Omegaverse :
- Heat And Run
- Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
- Kedamono Arashi series
- Kekkon Shite Kudasai!
- Okusama Wa Alpha
- Ou-sama to Puppy Love
- Remnant : Jujin Omegaverse
- Totsugimasen Kara!
- Usotsuki Na Tsugai
- You Who Wants To Love
Shounen ai :
- Boku-tachi Wa Mada Aoku
- Green Apple Paradise
- Heesu In Class 2
- Kieta Hatsukoi
Younger top
- 17 Seito
- Boku No Mama Chan
- Dou-imo Nara Nai
- Eat Me Up, My Husband
- Honey Bear
- If You Hate Me That Much
- Kore Mo Shigoto Desu
- My Pretty Policeman
- Papa Datte, Shitai
- Seashell Boy
Younger bottom :
- Collar Kiss
- Goodbye Lilac
- Hana Wa Saku Ka
- His Little Amber
- Honey Maple More More Sugar
- Hwanghyeon Text
- Isso Koe Ga Nakattara
- Katekyo!
- Kikoeru?
- Kobi No Kyoujin
- Koi Ga Michitara
- Love Me Doctor!
- Mankai Darling
- My Little Inferno
- On Or Off
- Ou-sama No Koi Asobi
- A Tiger’s Den
- Usagi Otoko Tora Otoko
Seme redflag
- Even If You Don’t Love Me
- Love Jinx
- My Hyung’s Lover
- Roses And Champagne
- Sadistic Beauty BL Sidestory
- Unscented Trajectory
Uke redflag
- Sweet Heart Trigger
Most greenflag couple
- Ouchi E Kaerou : Neko Mimi Omegaverse
- After Staring At The Starry Sky
- First Night With My Beloved
- Mother’s Spirit
- Muri Marriage
- Old-fashioned Cupcake
- Raion Gotoki No Kuni Kara
- Restart Wa Tadaima No Ato De
- Shiba-kun To Shepherd-san
- Tatoeba Konna Koi No Hanashi
- Until I Meet My Husband
Most redflag couple
- Dragless Sex
Enemies to lovers
- Alpha Ga Alpha Wo Daku Houhou
- Anti Alpha
- Fudanshi No Ore Ga Youkya Osananajimi Ni Semarareteru Ken
- I’m Banging My Rival From A Parallel World
- Omae No Koi Wa Ore No Mono
- You Get Me Going
- Megumi And Tsugumi
Childhood friends to lovers :
- Ashita Wa Docchi Da!
- Dekiai Honey Baby
School life :
- Bukiyou Na Silent
- Doushiyou Mo Nai, Boku No Hatsukoi
- Ero Yume Aquarium
- Gosan No Heart
- Hana Tokidoki Kuma
- Hatsukoi Encounter
- Hinekure Chaser
- Houkago No Etude
- I Seriously Can’t Believe You
- Iberiko Buta To Koi To Tsubaki
- Inu Mo Arukeba Koi Ga Hajimaru
- Kawaii Akuma
- Kijima-kun
- Mask Danshi Wa Koishitakunai No Ni
- Nar Kiss
- Yarichin Bitch Club
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everglowstardust · 6 months ago
メニュー (Menu)
Translator's note: "menu" is being used like "itinerary" here, not like a restaurant menu!
English Translation:
Stop that
That tone isn’t like you
The Rainbow Bridge is fading
Its reflection is no longer dyed a rainbow and disappears like that flower
Stop talking
You’re wrong! It’s not like that!
Your unhappy face is making me panic
Calm down, me. Am I really crying?
If only I could put that heart in a makeup pouch and peek at it
Kissing on the hill where the stars fall, watching the fireworks from the harbor terrace
The hillside bathed in moonlight where we heard Hanamizuki
Remember those countless sweet memories
I’ll never tell you “I love you” again, huh?
I couldn’t bear it and called your phone
Calm down, me. Even though it won’t go through
Just wait for my heart pounding menu
Diving onto the highway at full speed, a private French restaurant
Watching Southern All Stars in the Enoshima sunset
Champagne at a rooftop bar, ending with the Sky Cruise
Remember it again, please, I’m no good anymore
Don’t cry, just laugh, me
I loved the you that always spoke so politely
Your words that so deeply pierced my heart
It’s not like what we’re missing is the number of stars
These memories won’t always be rainy days
Even though it’s meaningless without you
Tell me, I’m no good anymore
Romaji Lyrics:
itsu ni nai toon
reinboo burijji ga aseru
nana iro ni minamo someage kieteku ano hana no you
chigau! It’s not like that!
fumange na kimi ni aseru
Calm down me masaka naiteru
keshou poochi haitte sono haato nozoketara
hoshi no furu oka de kisu wo shite haabaa terasu de hanabi mite
muunraito abita hirusaido kikoeta hanamizuki
omoidashite yo kazoekirenai sweet memories
nidoto wa suki tte iwanai yo ne
koraekiresu kaketa phone
Calm down me tsunagaranai kedo
dokidoki saseru menyuu mattete yo
Highway tobashite daibingu kashikiri no furenchi
enoshima de sansetto sazan wo mite
ruufutoppu baa de champagne shime wa sukai kuruuzu
omoinaoshite yo onegai ore ja mou dame na no
naku na warae yo ore
donna toki mo keigo no kimi ga suki datta
mune ni fukaku sasaru kimi no kotoba
tarinai no wa hoshi no kazu nanka janai no
omoide wa itsu no hi mo ame dokoro janai yo
kimi ga inakya muimi na no ni
oshiete ore ja mou dame na no
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gatohuesito · 6 months ago
"LOVE I-I-ICREAM" lyrics in english + romanization ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
✮ english lyrics ✮⋆⊹ ࣪ ˖₊˚⊹⋆
LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-DARLING LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-FANCY LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-LOVE ME ♡ lets eat it quickly before it melts, do you like the flavour of being in love? (so sweet)like it? (but bitter) hate it? (tell me) like it? (bite me) Oh no, im distracting again! Dont you understand? Your fate between all the humans... is me! Your eyes looking at me (yum yum) your whispering voice (yum yum) 24 hours (yum yum) are specially tasty! (love it) Cant hide them anymore! (ding dong) My feelings are unraveling (ding dong) dont be mean to me (with you) love i-i-icecream, a hot dream, but also cold and sweet, would you like it? love i-i-icecream, everytime i taste it, i feel a thrilling feeling of summer! want more? love i-i-icecream, when im besides you, i feel like im melting, what should i do?! like vanilla, its not perfect! but ill keep hugging this heart ♡ LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-DARLING LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-FANCY LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-LOVE ME ♡ pick a different flavor, and tell me "take a bite" but you are drinking iced coffee always... is it the fault of the heat that everything seems so hard? i just wanna be spoiled limitless!! cheeks blushing (yum yum) even in my chest (yum yum) i want to be spoiled (yum yum) i want my favourite topping! even if its a filtratious game (meow meow) ot just greed (meow meow) its a proof that i love you! ♡ (you are) love i-i-icecream, why sometimes, you show me sweet but bitter dreams? love i-i-icecream, i want to stop the time, before it overflows! yes too (no too) ice too (hot too) with you (everything) i want to taste... you are so sweet, sweet, hey! love i-i-icecream, is it yummy? ♡ (hey! a lot more)love i-i-icecream, i want to be besides you, but i feel like ill get drunk, what should i do?! if chocolate its your favorite, kiss this heart! if it is raspberry, id give you my love! LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-DARLING LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-FANCY LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-LOVE ME ♡ do you have something by your lips? its exciting cream!
✮ romaji lyrics ✮⋆⊹ ࣪ ˖₊˚⊹⋆
LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-DARLING LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-FANCY LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-LOVE ME ♡ hayaku tabenakya toke chai sōdayo koisuru gentei no Flavor (So swēt) suki?(but bitter) kirai? (Tell Me) suki? (Bite Me!) mō yada, hora mata meutsuri chūdesho  wakaranai? unmei no hito wa... watashi tte! mitsumeru mega (Yumyum) sasayaku koe ga (Yumyum) niyo jikan (Yumyum) supesharu ni Tastey (Love it) kakusu hodo ni (dingdong) bareru omoi (dingdong) ijiwaru shicha dame ! kimi to ♡ LOVE I-I-ICECREAM atsuku tsumetai amai yume o mitai no īdesho?  Love i-i-icecream nametemitara  dokidoki suru natsu no yokan nee motto!  LOVE I-I-ICECREAM sobani ni itai  demo tokechai sōna no dō shiyō? banira mitai ni sunao janai, kono hātogoto idaki shimete LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-DARLING LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-FANCY LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-LOVE ME ♡ chigau aji erande "ne, hitokuchi chōdai" tte shitai  hā nanoni mata kimi wa aisu kōhī nonderu nanimokamo atsusano sei kana omoikkiri nē amaetai hoteru hō mo (Yumyum) mune no oku mo (Yumyum) yokubaritaiyo (Mumyum) kimi wo nomi no Topping (Love it)  kakehiki datte (Meow meow) kimagure datte (Meow meow) daisukina shoko jan! kimi wa LOVE I-I-ICECREAM toki ni setsunai  awai yume o miseru no dōshite?  LOVE I-I-ICECREAM kobore ochiru  ima jikan o tomete hoshī yesmo(nomo)icemo(hotmo)kimi to(zenbu) ajiwaitai  you are so sweet! sweet! hora love i-i-icecream, oishīdesho? "aan~" nē motto zutto ..!  LOVE I-I-ICECREAM sobani ni itai  demo yo kechai sōnano dōshiyō ?  chokorēto mitai ni honmeinara  kono hāto e to kisu o shite  razuberī kawari ni ai o nosete LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-DARLING LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-FANCY LOVE I-I-ICECREAM, LOVERY I-I-LOVE ME ♡ kuchi ni tsuiteru? tokimeki no cream
thats all,, yk if you have a req let me know!! :3 had a time trwying to undertand the goddamit kanjis... if i have a mistake let me know!! kisses (˶ˆᗜˆ˵)
listen to kyururin shitemite!
i could not find a mv, but i found a live and dancing practice!ദ്ദി(。•̀ ,<)~✩‧₊
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petrisyaoistash · 3 months ago
Ai Ga Aru Kara Osu! (Because Love Exists!) *cute & funny
Can a gangster really leave a gang? *short & sweet
Furachi na Keiji-san (The Bawdy Policeman)
Gokudou Darling (Gangster Darling)
Go Riyou wa Keikaku Teki ni 
Gohoubi ha Shitsuke no Ato (The Reward Comes After The Discipline) *sequel to Go Riyou wa Keikaku Teki ni
Hakujin to Kurobotan (Naked Sword and the Tree Peony of Black)
Hitsuji no Kawa wo Kita Kemono (Monster in Sheep's Clothing)
Hodoite, Kiss wo Shite Tie Me (Tie Me, Unravel Me, Kiss Me)
Ikoku Irokoi Romantan (The Romantic Tale of a Foreign Love Affair) *the endings the best
Jyuuyoku no Chigiri (Carnal Desires)
Koi made Hyakurin (100 Blossoms To Love) *silly
Warudakumi ni mo Hana wa Furu (Flowers also fall during conspiracies) *sequel to Koi made Hyakurin (100 Blossoms To Love)
Kono Yakuza, Toriko ni Shite Miserutsu! (I'll Make This Yakuza My Prisoner!) *cute
Kyou Hana no Gotoshi (Spirit of the Roses) *love the rings in final ch
Nights Before Night
Okane Ariki No Kankei Desu Ga (Monetary Love)
Saezuru Tori Wa Habarakanai
Sugar Code
Tight Rope
Yasashii Anata... (You Who Are Gentle) *sweet
Yoake ni yamadori (The Mountain Bird Cries at Dawn)
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mentalhells · 9 months ago
君とフランベ - Flambé with you
こんな嵐の夜だから飲みに行こうよ 今すぐ 君とフランベしてみたい ハート焦がしたいの
Konna arashi no yoru dakara nomi ni ikou, ima sugu
Kimi to flambe shite mitai
Haato ko ga shitai no
It’s such a stormy night, so let’s go drinking, right away
I wanna try to flambé with you
I want to scorch our hearts
こんなあたしを年下の君は敬語でいさめて "花冷えの季節ですから 今夜はやめましょう"
Konna atashi o toshi shita no kimi wa keigo de isamete
Hanabie no kisetsu desukara kon'ya wa yamemashou
I scold the younger you with a formal tone like,
“It’s the brisk spring season, so let’s call it off tonight”
石橋を叩きすぎても壊れるのが恋だから あたし地下鉄 飛び乗って "いつものバーで会お"
Ishibashi o tataki sugitetemo kowareru no ga koi dakara
Atashi chikatetsu tobinotte 
“Itsumo no bar de aou”
Even if I look both ways before I cross,* our love will get wrecked, so that’s why
I leap onto the subway with a
“See you at the usual bar”
はなれるより はなしたいな もっとぶつかりたい 君となら 気づかわず 傷つけあいたいな 君となら
Hanareru yori hanashitai na
Motto butsukaritai kimi to nara
Kizukawazu kizukeaitai na
Kimi to nara
It’s not that I want to leave you, I want to talk
I want to trade blows more and more whenever I’m with you
I wanna wound each other, without even realizing
Whenever I’m with you
強火のハグして 強火のキスして 強火のラブして 燃やして 焦がして カラメルからめて クレープくるんで ブルーの火をつけて
Tsuyobi no haagu shite tsuyobi no kisu shite
Tsuyobi no raabu shite moyashite kogashite
Karameru karamete cureepu kurunde
Buruu no hi o tsukete
High-heat hugging, high-heat kissing
High-heat loving, burning up and getting burnt
Get all mixed up in caramel, wrap it up in a crepe
And light a blue flame
間違ってる こんな土砂降りの夜 呼びつけるなんて "花曇りの憂さ晴らしじゃ 心晴れませんよ"
Machigatteru konna doshaburi no yoru yobitsukeru nante
Hanagumori no usabarashi jya kokoro haremasen yo
I messed up, calling you on a downpouring night like this was just
“To take my mind off these cloudy spring skies, so it won’t clear up my heart”
バーカウンター叩き ラムを呷り 胸倉つかんで 僕を引き寄せ くちづけて "いつものやつをしよ"
Bakauntaa tataki ramu o aori munagura tsukande
Boku o hikiyose kuchizukete
“Itsumo no yatsu o shiyou”
As I hit the bar counter and knock back a rum, I’m taken by the lapels
So pull me in and kiss me
“Let’s do the same thing as usual”
壊れるほど 恋したいな もっと壊したいな 君のこと 傷つきたいな 傷つけたいな 君のこと
Kowareru hodo koishitai na
Motto kowashitai na kimi no koto
Kizutsukitai na kizutsuketai na
Kimi no koto
I want to love you until we fall apart
I want to break you down more and more
I wanna feel the pain and I wanna deal it out
By and to you
ミディアムレアより レアな唇で ミディアムより ウェルダンなキス・キスして 厚切りの愛に ブランデーふりまき ピンクの火をつけて
Midiamu reaa yori rea na kuchibiru de
Midiamu yori uweru dan na kisu kisu shite
Atsukiri no ai ni burandee furimaki
Pinku no hi o tsukete
More than medium rare, with your rare lips
More than medium, kiss me with a well-done kiss
Douse a thick cut of love with brandy
And light a pink flame
別れるかな もうダメかな 好きすぎても ダメなのかな 燃え尽きちゃうのかな
Wakareru kana mou dame kana
Sukisugi demo damenano kana
Moetsukichauno kana
Are we gonna break up? Is it already too late?
I love you too much, but is that a bad thing?
Are we gonna burn out?
はなれるより はなしたいな もっとぶつかりたい 君となら 気づかわず 傷つけあいたいな 君となら
Hanareru yori hanashitai na
Motto butsukaritai kimi to nara
Kizukawazu kizukeaitai na
Kimi to nara
It’s not that I want to leave you, I want to talk
I want to trade blows more and more whenever I’m with you
I wanna wound each other, without even realizing
Whenever I’m with you
フランベしたいな ラブラブしたいな フランベしたいな 乱舞したい君と フランベしたいな ラブラブ 君と フランベしあいたいな 会いたいな
Furanbure shitai na raburabu shitai na
Furanbure shitai na ranbu shitai kimi to
furanbure shitai na raburabu kimi to 
Furanbure shiaitaina
I wanna flambé, I wanna get all lovey-dovey
I wanna flambé, I wanna do a victory dance with you
I wanna flambé, all lovey-dovey with you
I wanna flambé each other
I wanna see you so bad
*the japanese lyric is a phrase that literally translates to “knocking on a stone bridge before crossing” but means being super extra careful, i wanted to keep that feeling with a similar english idiom. the “knocking” thing carries over into the next verse but i think it stands alone there alright…
also this is a duet with the musician makoto kawamoto so i tried to colour code it! she's blue and temma is pink (and both is plain)!
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supergenial · 1 year ago
(translation+lyrics) Resurrection by Seraph
Pretty old one but it’s been stuck in my head as of late. Music that feels like a rollercoaster all throughout, Life Rubato really outdid themselves with this one. Lyrics down below and see you all next time.
Composer: LifeRubato
Vocalist:  海紅 
Kagayaku hoshi yokaze ni nose Tooku asu he inoru wa Yoru wo koete toki wo koete Hitori kodoku no kanata he to
Glittering stars riding the nighttime wind Praying for the distant tomorrow Across the night, across time itself All alone towards that lonesome horizon
Shin’en ni utsuru kage Madowase sono bishou Kuroi kami nabikasete Sasayaku koe wa
A shadow reflected in the abyss Such a puzzling smile The whispering voice Grazes that black hair
Shuuen wo nozomu nara Hibikasete agemashou Aoi hitomi no oku he to, mayoi wo kakushite
If demise is your desire Then I’ll resonate with it Hide all doubts within your blue eyes
Kizu mo omoide mo Izure iroasete shimau no Oshiete yo aogu hi no arika sae mo Sono yukue mo
Wounds and memories Will both fade away one day Show me the day you yearned for Let us head there
Sashidashita shiroi hane hirogete Tooi kanata he omou wa kagayaku hi no haruka Sono te ni urei wo hikitsurete
Spread the white wings bestowed upon you Our feelings shine to the distant boundary Take my hand and guide me through your grief
Towa no yume, yurameite Habataku saki to shiru no nara Soko ni wakare wo tsuge Kasaneta hikari to hikikae ni shite
An eternal wavering dream In which to spread your wings We’ll part ways over there So let us exchange our overlapping radiance
Itsuka itsuka todoku hi ga kuru nara Katsute no negai mo yami he tokashite
One day… one day the day shall come And our former wishes shall melt along with the darkness
Shuumatsu wo tsugeru kane Sono te de hibikasete Fuseru hitomi no ura he to Shizuku wo tokashite
The bell which signals the end Ring it with your own hands And let your tears Melt away behind your eyes
Kitto kono yume mo Toki no nami he sarawareru no Kotaete yo kouen no chikai sae mo Sono yukue mo
Surely this dream Shall also be dragged by the waves of time Answer me, and this I pledge We too shall head there
Sashidashita sono tsubasa hirogete Tooi kanata wo omoeba Yurameku hitomi utai dashita Yaiba ni hibikasete
Spread the wings bestowed upon you To the distant boundary we’ve yearned for Let out the song of your frail eyes And have your blade resonate
Towa no yume, kirameite Habataku hikari de teraseba Umareru mirai no ne Itsuka no negai wo michizure ni shite
An eternal, glittering dream If you shine among the fluttering light To the tune of the future being born Guide me to your wish one day
Itsuka itsuka kasunda hi no yume wa Tsukiyo ni shizunde ochiteiku
One day… one day the dreams from those faded days Shall sink within the moonlight, and rot away
Katsute yume ni mita osanaki koe Tooku sasageru inori wa Yoru wo koete toki wo koete Tsugeru kodoku no imi wo
The jovial voice from my former dream offers a distant prayer Across the night, across time itself It delivers the meaning of solitude
Sashidashita tsugai hane hirogete Tooi kanata wo aogeba Kagayaku gin no tsuki Higeki no sanka to hikikae ni
Spread the kind wings bestowed upon you To the distant boundary we yearn for That brilliant silver moon Through this tragic chant
Towa ni hikari no saki he Habataku sadame to shiru nara Soko he wakare wo tsuge Kazashita yaiba ni kuchitsuke wo shite
Towards the eternal light Know thine fate is to take flight Bid your farewell And kiss the hidden blade
Wasuresarareta monogatari wa Kitto yume no mae ni maku wo tojite Tatoe itsuka itsuka katachi wo nasu no nara Ano hi no negai mo Kodoku no chikai to yobizamashite
This forgotten tale Will surely have it’s curtains drawn before it Some day, some day it’ll shape up And so will the wishes from that day Awakening this vow of solitude
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btsqualityy · 1 year ago
heyyy can we please see brielle's staycation in seoul shay? i'm craving some smut from them! also because seiya was conceived there ehehhe thanksss!!💗💓💞
Warnings: smut, dirty talk, cream pie
"Kuso," Haru moaned as Brielle lifted herself up and down on his length (fuck). The two of them were in bed together at an elegant hotel, their weeklong staycation well underway as they worked on reconnecting. Running a restaurant and also keeping a young marriage nurtured proved to be harder than either of them anticipated so they decided to spend some quality time together.
"Let me take care of you," Brielle whispered, tangling her hands in the hair at the back of his head. "You do so much for me, so much for us, you deserve it."
"I like taking care of you," he rebutted.
"I know but you need to relax," she whispered seductively. "Watashi ga anata o dono yō ni kanjite iru ka ni shūchū shite kudasai". (Just focus on how I'm making you feel).
"I am," he groaned, grabbing her hips in his hands and squeezing her skin tightly. "Anata wa watashi ni tsutsuma rete totemo kimochīidesu". (You feel so fucking good wrapped around me)
"You can't talk to me like that," Brielle whimpered, her legs beginning to shake as her orgasm began to crest.
"Why?" Haru wondered. "Does it make you want to come?"
"Yes," she nodded.
"Then I won't stop," he stated firmly, taking one hand off her hip to wrap it in her hair, using his grip to yank her head backwards. "Watashi no kusopenisu no ue ni kite kudasai". (Come all over my fucking dick)
"H-haru," she whined. "I-I'm g-gonna-"
"Sā, aisuruhito yo," he encouraged her. (Come on, my love). Suddenly, Brielle's orgasm slammed into her and the feeling of her walls clenching around his length made Haru come as well.
"I love you so much," Brielle whimpered, leaning down and pressing open mouthed kisses to Haru's lips.
"I love you more baby," Haru cooed.
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shoujo-dump · 6 months ago
Tell me ur fav shoujo manga
I think I have very basic favourites, but this is still going to be a long answer haha! I've added my shoujo faves on the top and then added my other favourites below the list: Shoujo faves: Ao Haru Ride Boku ni Hana no Melancholy (super melodramatic, but I love it) Bokura ga Ita Fruits Basket Furare Girl Futari de Koi wo suru Riyuu Heroine Hajimemashita Hikaeme ni Itte mo, Kore wa Ai Houkago, Koishita. Kamisama Hajimemashita Kimi ni Todoke L♥DK Living-Room Matsunaga-san Mainichi Kiss shite ii desu ka? Museru Kurai no Ai wo Ageru Nanoka no Kare (this one is super melodramatic as well and lots of people don't like the series, but I looove it, definitely not a boring read) Ojou-san to Yobanaide Ouran High School Host Club Peach Girl Promise Cinderella Takane no Ran-san Uruwashi no Yoi no Tsuki In the Clear Moonlit Dusk Josei faves: 200 M Saki no Netsu Dekinai Futari Omukae Shibuya-kun Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi The One Within the Villainess Shounen faves: Horimiya Webtoon faves: All Colors of Snow As You Wish, Prince Beware the Villainess! Concubine Walkthrough I'm No Heroine! Lady Devil Let's Hide My Little Brother Roxana No More Princes The Best Wolf in My Life The Fantasie of a Stepmother The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion The Villain's Savior Villains Are Destined to Die Writer's Block of Romance Your Ultimate Love Rival
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