dmsr-art · 9 months
I feel like an angry pash and kiriona makeout sesh is in the cards for atn
also this ask reminded me of a kiripash wip i forgot i had... so i went ahead and finished it >:3
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notedchampagne · 1 month
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family resemblance
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dorkfruit · 3 months
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the second (and final) part of the character sketch requests i got last month !! thank you to everyone who suggested characters (: it's mostly locked tombies this time
sketch requests part 1
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fortjester · 1 year
Nona the Ninth Eye Colour/Descriptor Guide
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(Key: CH stands for Chapter; pg. stands for page; J stands for John (eg. John 8:1); EP stands for Epilogue)
(Given all the eye-swapping happening in NtN, I’ve categorised eye descriptions in this section per who they currently belong to in this book’s canon, re: John’s original yellow eyes are filed under “Nona” (AKA: Alecto); Camilla’s are filed under “Palamedes”, and vice versa; Babs’ original eyes are filed under “Ianthe”; and so on.)
(Gideon the Ninth Guide) (Harrow the Ninth Guide)
For more immediate, in-depth reference, the quotes themselves have been transcribed below the cut.
All quoted page numbers are per the paperback copy of the book. Quotes are (mostly) in order of frequency, but some characters are grouped together because I don't want to separate them.
Camilla (13 Entries):
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Corona (8 Entries):
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Pash (6 Entries):
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Pyrrha (6 Entries):
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Palamedes (6 Entries) & Paul (2 Entries):
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Kiriona (5 Entries):
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Ianthe (5 Entries):
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Nona (5 Entries):
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John & Harrow (4 Entries Each):
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We Suffer (4 Entries) & Wake (2 Entries):
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Honesty & Hot Sauce (3 Entries Each):
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Judith, Crux, & Aiglamene (2 Entries Each):
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Alecto Prediction #11
We’ve seen through Corona that when people from the Houses join Blood of Eden, they receive a new Edenite name. We aren’t told who gave her the name Crown Him with Many Crowns in NTN, but I believe that we will find out that it was Pash. It makes sense if we think about which biblical figure Pash correlates to: John the Baptist. In baptism, a person is christened with a name, just like Corona was christened Crown. But John the Baptist is called the Baptist not just for baptizing the average Tom, Dick, and Harry. He also baptized Jesus. And we have a perfectly good lesbian Jesus ready in the wings to ask to be baptized.
This is why I believe that Gideon/Kiriona will join BoE and Pash will give her a new name.
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scalpcollector · 9 months
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accozzaglia di scarabocchi
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kikurageyo · 4 months
listen listen
If Wake was Pash's auntie, then Pash and Gideon are cousins?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa oh my god poor gideon has a cousin 😭 my girl has a big (and weird) family
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laidtowait · 2 years
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Hopes for Alecto
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hypothetical-library · 3 months
would it be more wild for pash to dye her hair blue if it is naturally red or if it is some other colour. your aunt is worshipped at your job. people literally leave her libations at the huge portrait of her with her striking red hair. so you dye your hair blue. am i missing a homestuck reference.
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goinggoats · 28 days
tlt is a series full of cool women and if anyone asked me my favorite character I would struggle to choose and end up saying palamedes because the fanart makes him very handsome and i think he was cool in the unwelcome guest. all these women to choose from and yet. this is what misogyny does to a fandom
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eiseleystarfish · 3 months
Plot developments I would love to see in Alecto the Ninth (aside from the obvious wish for a reunion and reconciliation between Harrow and Gideon)
- I want God to die. I want the world to live.
- I want to hear more about Anastasia the first and find out why Alecto was in love with her
- I want Pyrrha Dve to be happy. I also want at least one exchange with Gideon where she brags about fucking Gideon's mom.
- I want to spend time with Paul
- I demand an exploration of the way God lied to his Lyctors about the fact that there was another way to ascend without the sacrifice of the cavalier. The implications of Paul and Alecto.
- I want to spend time with the Angel. And Noodle. And Pash. And We Suffer
- I want Gideon to be mad at Ianthe for giving her the Labotomy
- I want Pyrrah Dve to make an ass joke about the Labotomy. Kiriona would get a kick out of that. Harrow wouldn't laugh, though, and I think that would make Pyrrah sad.
- I want Gideon to be mad at Harrow, i.e., "I gave you my life and you didn't even want it"
- I want Judith and Coronabeth to fuck each other.
- I want an explanation of what the hell is wrong with the River. Why is it Like That. Is there another distant shore, like Abigail Pent suspected? Why was Palamedes able to create a bubble? I am curious.
- I want Aiglamine to spend time with Kiriona. I want Kiriona to tell Aiglamine everything. Especially how well she did as a swordswoman. I want Aiglamine to be proud.
- I want Barbenheimer references everywhere. Let's put this doll back in her box
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ninthhousedyke · 1 year
A (very non-comprehensive) List of Things Alecto The Ninth Must Answer!
Wtf are the towers in the River, what do they do, and why did not even Pyrrha know what they were?
What is Aim, what is the message, and how does it relate to literally anything?
Can Gideon’s body be healed or is she permanently a corpse?
Does Pash have naturally red hair?
Are the soul-possessing monsters from hell and how are they traveling into Dominicus?
What was Anastasia’s favorite bone?
How has the Ninth been running while Harrow and Gideon have been gone?
Was Anastasia locked in the tomb with Alecto since her bones are guarding the rock? If not then how did her bones get there?
Did Kiriona and Ianthe fuck?
What are Ianthe’s plans?
What are Corona’s plans?
Can John be redeemed and forgiven? Can he and Blood of Eden understand one another?
Will Wake’s ghost make a comeback?
Will any ghosts make a comeback?
What’s the real series of events for the end of the world because John has contradicted when the bombs went off. Is he just not remembering or is he still trying to play the victim?
Will Pash and Gideon ever talk and realize they’re cousins?
Why Sarpedon? Just why?
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lemon-natalia · 2 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - Chapter 28
‘golden eyes like a dead animal’s’ you are sick and twisted Tamsyn Muir, sick and twisted (affectionate). also that is an interesting description of Kiriona's eyes. of course part of it is that she is quite literally in a dead body, but these are also the eyes that John got after he gained his necromantic powers
ohhhh my god. i don’t think my heart can take Kiriona asking after Harrow. she gave up her life for her, did the best she could to take care of Harrow’s body, and now she doesn’t even know if Harrow’s alive or not
oof both Pyrrha and Nona clearly know that she’s Alecto, but Nona really doesn’t want to remember. i wonder how long exactly Pyrrha knew who Nona was, even if she was hoping she was Gideon, i feel like part of her must have suspected since the beginning
hmm i wonder if there’s something significant about Alecto’s name? not in terms of its Doylist meaning i.e. being named after one of the Furies, but in universe. here Nona doesn’t want Pyrrha to say her name because it will make her remember, John (from what i recall) only ever used nicknames like A.L. and Annabel Lee etc. when talking to Harrow, and both he and the other Lyctors had a remarkably strong reaction to Mercy using it at the end of HtN:
'A ripple of ice over the face. A hardening of the mouth. He said quietly, “Don’t call her-” “Alecto! Alecto! Alecto!” repeated Mercy shrilly. The other Lyctors flinched each time she said it, as though it were an aural stab’
oh wow, Alecto’s consciousness (voice?) rising up to speak from Nona is very disturbing. once again, Alecto doesn’t seem like the nicest person. which makes sense i suppose given she is in actuality a Resurrection Beast herself and seemingly very pissed off about the whole ‘killing humanity and putting her in a human form’ thing
‘astonishingly, Pash, helping an extremely feeble and aged person’ i mean good on Pash for helping the elderly, i guess?
it’s gotta be so strange for Palamedes’ mother and the other people in the Sixth to be dealing with the ‘i’m dead and in Naberius Tern’s also dead body’ thing. it can hardly be what they imagined when he and Camilla went off to the First in GtN. speaking of, i do still wonder how everyone’s family members, the Cohort etc. reacted to the news of basically everyone dying after going off to try and be Lyctors
‘Palamedes was acting as though he were a tiny at show-and-tell’ is that not how Palamedes always acts about everything
Pyrrha Dve queen of ill-advised romantic relationships. poor her, she’s lost basically everyone she cared about before (G1deon, Wake, and now Pal and Cam, Nona is dying) now as a result of Lyctorhood to some degree
oh why does everything they’re saying here feel like a goddamn funeral, i categorically don’t like this
'something white and grey and powdery [...] Camilla [...] - to Nona's horror - ate it' i’m assuming that’s Palamedes’ skull goop making a reappearance. ew
ohhh wow this is a lot worse than i thought it was going to be, they’ve actually just straight up merged themselves into a single person. i suspected the whole Camilla-and-Palamedes thing was going to come back but not like this. it’s not like they had a lot of choices, and i mean i guess it’s better on an emotional level than one of them dying and the other having to live with it, but still, yikes
wdym i am categorically not crying about the fact that Kiriona is apparently totally disinterested in this whole situation, but her first instinct is still to want to hand over her jacket to … Cam/Pal. (Pam?)
listen i get what Palamedes is trying to do here, encouraging Ianthe to accept Lyctorhood as a mutual loss & rebirth rather than a sole sacrifice of the cavalier, but quite frankly i think poor Naberius would like being merged into a single person with Ianthe even less than being murdered
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dmsr-art · 9 months
Ok so Nona tries to suck off Kirinoa in a new & interesting way, Pash calls her Aunty, Ianthe calls her Sister Nightly, Harrow calls her Reverand Mother and (non-sexually) Pyrrha is treating her like a daughter. Cam was her last hope and she's busy soul-pegging the Warden in the afterlife.
Kiriona literally cannot catch a break. Poor woman just wants normal sex but everyone around her is kinky to the nth degree and she hates it.
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this is licherally her
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paradoxcase · 5 months
Chapter 29 of Nona the Ninth
There's a First skull on this chapter, but there's no one in it who's associated with the First, I guess unless you want to count Pyrrha and/or Kiriona, but neither of them have big speaking parts here
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So Paul can do necromancy just fine, and doesn't seem to be affected by Varun the Eater at all. I guess this is because Camilla's body used to belong to a non-necromancer?
Honestly, why didn't John decide that the Lyctors should wind up in the cavalier's body instead of the necromancers? The pros are that their final body, that they'll have for all of eternity, is not made out wet noodles and can wield a sword that's not a rapier, and also they will be immune to the resurrection beasts' madness aura, and I don't think there are any cons, really. Ianthe could do necromancy from Babs' body just fine, so I don't think that would be an issue. It does mean that Ianthe would spend eternity looking like Babs, but that's ok, I don't have a lot of sympathy for Ianthe
I just realized that they totally abandoned Babs' body in the tunnels and it's probably going to get eaten by a Herald. Poor Babs, first Ianthe disrespected him by doing his hair wrong, and now he doesn't even get a funeral. He was kind of a dick, but I'm not sure he deserves all the desecration his body has been through
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I guess because it seems like We Suffer is staying behind to hold off the Heralds and let the truck escape? This wasn't made super clear
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So there is a messenger, and two parts of a message, and Aim is one of the parts. So is she three separate entities? She is sometimes saying "I" and sometimes saying "we" and the first "I" refers to the messenger, but Aim is the name of one of the messages. I don't know who "us" refers to in "when the message was passed to us" because previously the messenger was singular. And we have a new name Emma Sen, which doesn't seem to follow any of the naming conventions we've seen so far, though it does have some letters in common with "messenger". And I'm curious what it means for the message to be "too simple for human beings like us to understand". She hopes Nona will hear it, so maybe it is intended for planets? I guess this will probably get resolved in the next book, since there's not much time left in this one
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Pash made a joke! I think she is learning how to be funny from Pyrrha. I think someone should write an AU where Pyrrha is married to Wake and is Pash's cool aunt, I think that would be fun. Maybe G1deon can be in there somewhere too
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I wonder if she still thinks it would be super romantic for Harrow to eat her soul and is jealous of Paul now or something
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Ok, but I'm pretty sure you're going to the Ninth to kill John and as we all know that will explode the sun and etc., etc., so I'm not sure that's actually true
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I like how she talked to Juno Zeta for five minutes and she learned the names of all her family members and now is someone she has to say goodbye to
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Interesting and sad that Paul refers to Palamedes and Camilla as "they" and not like, "we"
Gideon is just pissed that there isn't anyone she can call "Sex Pal" any longer. I wonder if they picked that name specifically because it would be hard for Gideon to come up with a funny variation of it
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If We Suffer is staying behind, I wonder what Paul has planned here
Or do they just mean that she will die soon, and they will see her ghost in the River?
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Since the next chapter is the last John chapter, I guess this means that Nona passes out after they enter the River
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liesmyth · 2 years
My Sad Girl Kiriona thought of the day is about Gideon post NtN epilogue. She got Harrow back for all of 3 seconds before Corpse Bride whooshed her away dramatically swearing fealty in a decisively slutty way that involved kissing Harrow bloody. She's back in the place she hates, and she found out in the worst possible way that revenge tastes empty and bitter. She spent months fighting literal Horrors and it was all for nothing because they're in the Houses already. It's the worst possible moment to meet her new surprise cousin Pash "Death To All Zombies" (Our Lady, of). Ianthe is there but so is Corona. Aiglamene is there but the last thing Gideon needs is someone feeling sorry for her. Pyrrha is there but it's 50/50 whether that's good or bad (the mummy issues of it all) She kissed Harrow but it was all fake, and now it's hitting her all over again.
She's trapped on the Ninth once more and this time visiting her mother's catacomb niche won't bring any comfort. Saddest girl in the universe.
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