#kirio speaks!!
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Be More Chill except the SQUIP makes you MORE of a loser.
Put the Weezer shirt on, Jeremy.
#funny#kirio speaks!!#bmc#jeremy heere#squip#i say this like weezer isnt genuinely one a my favorite artists of like all time.....#i have TWO weezer shirts#plus like 7 albums on vinyl and a hat......#and 2 posters.....#and saw them live in concert.....#but theyre the virgin band(TM) and that was the Whole Thing
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every time i reread the battler arc i think "wow yeah iruma's and kirio's interactions are really not that shippy, i guess i just put on my shipping goggles and overexaggerated the chemistry when i experienced this arc for the first time haha oh well" and every time i rewatch the battler arc i think "bro what the fuck this is so much gayer than i remember what the hell"
#mairu reread#nishis comments be like: wow that guy was so creepy and gross im glad we got to purge his evil! finally some sol time :)#makoto moriakis comments be like: yeah i think kirio ichiban daisuki iruma. his feelings are basically the flip side of love#jk i think nishi enjoys kirio lots and i think she likes irumas and kirios relationship too#she cooked and she knows it#she is just team irukiri instead of team kiriiru so kirio never does the first move#but iruma is too busy with his life and friends and having healthy hobbies and chasing his dreams#Also she keeps getting distracted with all these cool new character ideas and designs#Speaking of distracted i am getting sidetracked
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Sometimes she just makes a bunch of food and drops it down into the soul society. Obesity tends to spike whenever she does this. But hey it's "training" at the end of the day.
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What do you think about all this mess in chapter 365? The existence of hierarchy in the society of demons was not something new, but for me it was somewhere in the background, that is, we know that demons have a ranks system but there were social elevators in it. I am asking you because I am a fan of your analysis of the mairuma universe and I am sincerely interested in hearing your opinion.
Good question!! I actually LOVE the direction the story took for the Scala test because it felt like it was going a little too well ya know? I was excited when they turned to farming because as soon as we learned about the carrots I was like, oh they should start a farm that’s the next idea. But I was like, hmm it feels too easy now doesn’t it. And then BAM fascist. But anyway, this is a great question to talk about since I previously made a post about how one of the overarching theme in the story is fascism and fighting against it through education.
The reason why I love this direction for the story is that up until now, all of the subtle hints towards more seediness and corruption has been in the background. It makes sense narratively speaking that we wouldn’t get hit with it too strongly because we like the main character are slowly learning about the world. Iruma is growing up in a relatively safe environment with him mostly being at his house, school, or a safe area like the shopping district (with some obvious exceptions to this). Iruma, having grown up in the human world, has no reason to assume or believe that there is serious systematic problems going on. Instead, he is slowly becoming exposed to this as he gets older and out into more situations where he can no longer not see it.
The signs have all been there from the start with the ranking system being the first exposure. Especially with the introduction of Kirio. The simple fact that you can get better meals if you are a higher rank in a school lunch speaks volumes to how low ranked demons are treated. Especially since we later see this stays true outside of school with Ameri and Iruma going to a segregated high rank only restaurant. And we see instances of bullying/intolerance when it comes to how students treat each other. The notable moments I remember is how the Azz fan girls treated Iruma at first when they thought he was a low rank compared to when they learned he had a higher one than they originally thought. Or the student’s comments to Kirio since he was a low rank. Or how the girls at the party treated the low rank demon girl.
We also have had the vile police system introduced to us during the Walter Park incident and when we first learned about Narnia. Prisons and the whole system is already fucked up and corrupt in the human world but it’s definitely worse in the demon world. The fact that the prisoners have to constantly give their mana up to the park not to mention the fact that it’s located underneath the park to begin with always felt gross to me. And when we first learn about Narnia, the cards start to come together. Narnia is said to treat any injustice, anything at all, on the same level. And he is shown to be cruel and ruthless in the face of what he considers crime. So if you committed tax fraud, you would probably be considered on the same level of a murderer and treated just the same. How are those even on the same level? But Narnia doesn’t care, he sees it as an opportunity to “maintain order” within the netherworld and uses that as justification for his actions. In the end, he doesn’t care about the demons he’s supposed to protect, rather he cares more about maintaining the strict hierarchy.

Add to that the fascist organization we have in the story that wants to control the netherworld to reshape it into their image. The introduction of Baal and learning about the organization kind of kicked started where the story will lead into. This has always been a story of fighting off bigotry and oppression, but it’s very subtly disguised behind what seems like a typical villain takeover plot. Because it’s subtle, we as the audience only start noticing when the themes become prevalent with the evidence stacking up higher and higher. And with the introduction of Azami, we can no longer not see what the story is trying to convey to the audience.
It’s crafted in a way to keep you unaware until we see Narnia being a full on fascist with his fascist cop buddy Azami. And the reason why it’s so effective is because the themes have always been there, just in the background. If we had all of a sudden had Azami or Narnia doing his little “maintaining order” speech without the small build up, it wouldn’t have fully hit as hard. But now that we have the Many-Ears race, a race literally known for being suppressed and subservient to higher ranks, we now see the cards fall into place. Some people wondered if the Many-Ears have done this to themselves, suppressing themselves when there was no need. But now it’s become clear that no matter how the Many-Ears came to live in this way, it’s clear that it’s not an issue of them doing this to themselves. Not fully at least. They are being used by those in power to keep them submissive to those they benefit the most. And the Many-Ears, believing they have no way of changing the system of powers, internalized and conformed to this idea as well. Being trapped in this mindset benefits the majority rule and keeps the “balance” in order. However, now they can see a better way for themselves. Now, they truly believe they have value and worth outside of being a worker for a strong ranked demon. Thus toppling over the hierarchy established.
Fascism feeds on a strict hierarchy where everyone knows their place. One cannot have fascism without it being built off the backs of those oppressed. And Narnia, being a fascist prick, has one dangerous weapon: power. He is a high rank, works within the demon border patrol, and now has become a 13 crown, one of the most powerful positions in all of the netherworld. He is almost untouchable at this current moment unless you are a fellow 13 crown (and we still don’t know how possible infighting works). The Many-Ears have no way of stopping someone like this and are basically forced to either fall into line or become seriously hurt. And even if they do fall into line, there’s no saying Azami won’t hurt them anyway. That’s the thing with cops, they can decide what goes with very little consequences (can you tell my feelings on cops?). Narnia knows, he uses this as a tool for oppression. If he has leverage, he will use it without a second thought to further his mission of control.
But here’s where education falls into the equation. The Many-Ears are no longer among the uneducated. Before, the oppressive power used their lack of knowledge to support the hierarchy. How will it work out for them if they no longer as unaware as they previously were? Once knowledge is spread, it’s hard to put a lid on it. You can’t go into their brains and erase what they know to be true. And now they are no longer fighting alone. This isn’t an us verse them battle. Fascism wants you to believe you are alone. It wants you to believe you are powerless. It wants you to believe that you are the only one that wants change. Why? Because there’s power in people, in community. No matter what happens in the next few chapters, they have people that care and want to see change too. And luckily for the Many-Ears, they have powerful allies too. One person alone can make change but a community of people can make an even greater change. And that is the reason why I love this story so much 🫶🏽
Sorry for how long this post was, I just saw this question and I’ve been dying to talk about this since the chapter dropped because I LOVE the themes of this story so much. And I love the anti cop mentality of both the main line story and the mafia story 🤭
#this story is SO good y’all#like I knew that but god it’s good to be reminded#also thank you to all the artists that quickly made ship art of Naria and Azami#I’m so glad we have such an active and quick community to make toxic yaoi art#mairimashita! iruma kun#welcome to demon school iruma kun#m!ik#mairuma#iruma-kun#wtdsik#story analysis#character analysis#azami amy#amy azami#amy kirio#ami kirio#mairimashita iruma kun spoilers#image description in alt#naberius narnia
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"Help! I can't get up!"// Asmodeus Alice x reader
MC is involved in some sort of accident. Asmodeus finds out and rushes to the scene, calling MC frantically. MC doesn’t pickup, so Asmodeus leaves MC a series of voicemails as they race to the scene of MC’s accident.

All of a sudden you were shrouded in darkness and felt immense pain in your leg, yelling out in pain and looking around to see very little. There were only a couple of other students around you and you didn’t recognize any of them very well but you did recognize that you were underground in one of the lower caves. It must’ve been done by the rogue demon attacking the school just like the incident with Kirio except this seemed a bit different. As you looked around you couldn’t see any of your friends and became a bit panicked, they were probably alright and together if you had to guess but that didn’t bode well for you considering your boyfriend was also not here. Iruma and Clara could think rationally during a crisis or if one of them were missing but Asmodeus…He sometimes uses his emotions more than his logic in these types of situations.
You went to set up and yelled out in pain, wincing as you looked down to see a large pile around you all but a couple of them pinning your right leg down and causing blood to seem from the injury. One of the students cast some fire magic while others used their phones to try and get a signal. “Is everyone alright?” a tall blonde demon asked and surveyed the area. Most of the group responded in groans of “yes” and “mostly” Only two others were injured and needed help. “I could use some help over here! A couple of rocks are pinning my leg down!” you called and coughed, waving your hands to blow away the settling dust and grabbing a man’s attention.
He looked over and murmured how he would need another person if they didn’t want to risk hurting you, calling over the apparent leader who checked on the others. “Oh shit. Alright, try not to move too much. Ready? Go!” they said and collectively lifted up the rocks just enough for you to crawl out, collapsing on the ground and smiling up gratefully at them. “Thank you! This is going to be a pain,” you said and looked over your leg injury, you all agreed it was at least sprained and probably broken. You tore some fabric off from your shirt and wrapped it around to stop the bleeding for now.
“Alright, everyone! Let’s remain calm! It seems the ground collapsed under us and trapped us in a pocket because of the tremors caused by the intruder. Someone is probably searching for us right as we speak and don’t try to move any of the bigger rocks since we don’t want to risk another cave-in. Does anyone have any signal?” they asked confidently and calmly, easily calming everyone down and settling everyone on the same goal of getting out of there. You checked your phone which had a few large cracks and tried to call Alice but it didn’t go through. The others seemed to have the same result and shook their heads however one of the students near you walked over.
“Wait you’re friends with Iruma and the other’s right? Then we’re surely going to be saved you can always count on them,” she said with a smile and sat down next to you, leaning against the rock and looking around at the others taking stock of what they had. You smiled warmly being reminded of them and nodded. “Yeah they’re always dependable and I’m sure they’re worried about me just as if any one of us were in trouble. However I’m a bit concerned Asmodeus might go overboard or not let me out of his sight after all of this,” you said and laughed, knowing he had probably tried calling you at least 7 or 8 times and frantically looking around where you all were last before everyone panicked and got separated with Iruma and Clara’s help.
The girl gained a look of surprise hearing you talk about Asmodeus so sincerely and then looked like she remembered that you and the “famous” Asmodeus Alice were dating. “Oh right, you’re dating Asmodeus! Yeah, he can overdo it sometimes but it might be helpful since you won’t be able to fully walk until your leg heals,” she said and tilted her head sympathetically. Right, you’d probably have to have crutches until it heals and it would be helpful to be near him more. Everyone stopped talking when some rubble shifted and looked to the top corner of the crevice, holding their breath in hopes it was someone who was trying to get them out.
After a minute of silence, a slight sunlight shone through the ceiling and a few voices could be heard calling out to see if anyone was down there. All at once the students around you yelled out and stepped away from the growing hole to stay clear of the smaller rocks falling. You could make out three familiar voices shouting and Iruma asking if everyone was right. “Looks like they found us already, huh?” you said happily and looked up when you heard someone shout your voice, catching your lover's gaze and smiling brightly as you finally reunited—saying goodbye to the girl beside you and limping over to Asmodeus who ran to you.
His hands cupped your face and looked over you before spotting your injury. “There you are! We were looking all over the place and you didn’t answer when I called you so I started to panic-” he said and was about to ramble before you intertwined your hand in his. “I didn’t have any signal down here but I’m glad you’re alright. I was worried but I knew that you wouldn’t give up on finding me. We’ll always find each other. No matter what, love.” you said and whispered the last part, kissing him softly and quickly so as to not bring too much attention to you.
Asmodeus frowned at your injury and carefully scooped you into his arms, kissing your forehead and bringing you over to where Iruma and Clara were. “Let’s take you right to the medical center now,” he said and let you relax in his arms. You waved to Iruma and Clara who launched toward you only to get sidestepped. “Come on Azz-azz! I wanted to check if they’re alright!” Clara shouted and leaned up to check up on you as well; Iruma wasn’t far behind her and sighed in relief. “I’m so glad you’re alright, Name. We were really worried but oh no! You’re hurt! Let’s go to the nurse.” Iruma said worriedly and gently guided Clara out of the hole. You cuddled into your lover and tucked your head into his neck.
He sighed and kissed your cheek, “I was really worried and you got hurt because I couldn’t keep you safe.” he said and leaned his forehead against yours. You smiled bittersweetly and cupped Alice’s face, “It’s okay Alice. I’ll be alright and I have you to help me, don’t I?” you said softly and grabbed his hand. “I’ll always be with you. No matter what happens,” he said and kissed you lovingly.
#welcome to demon school x reader#mairimashita! iruma kun#welcome to demon school iruma kun#asmodeus alice#asmodeus alice x reader
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Some reasons why I like Kirio: a compilation

Note: if you hate him, this is literally just all my opinions on him, so… maybe you don’t want to read this.
1. He’s actually a very interesting villain who modifies and changes the stereotypical “sob story” archetype, which, while fun in moderation, annoying when overdone. He also has a clear trauma and point in which he “cracked”, so to speak, which is actually a real thing that can happen to people psychologically. One might even argue that he probably doesn’t know what he actually felt that day and he’s probably just written over it again and again, changing it slightly each time, as people in traumatic situations tend to do.
2. I very much enjoy watching someone obsessive. Call me old school, but yanderes are still cool. I like how he has something that makes him so “excited”, as it were, and I also like how it isn’t prettied up by the books. Oftentimes obsessions are made more palatable for the public, but Kirio’s weird love-lust-hate relationship with Iruma is as shocking and unsettling (to normal people) as it is sexualized. I would also argue that logically speaking, most sadists have a sexual component to their fantasies, as far as the psychology textbooks I studied a few years ago outlined (correct me if I’m wrong. Those textbooks were a little out of date). So yeah, it’s weird, but not unrealistic.
3. I sort of ship Iruma and Kirio, but I actually do it for a very interesting (I think so, anyway) reason. There’s actually evidence (in my opinion) that Kirio doesn’t actually want to kill Iruma. I’m pretty certain that it’s actually a circumstance where someone has a kink they don’t want to fulfill, because he seems to genuinely be interested and fulfilled by Iruma’s presence. He seems to enjoy being around him. Do I think there’s a moral component to his want to keep Iruma alive? No, and if there is it’s probably minimal, but I do think that he has a motivation behind not killing him that would prevent him from actually doing it.
4. I hate to say it, but he’s the first fictional character I’ve been truly invested in in a while, so it’s mostly personal bias. I like Kirio because he’s sick, but I also like him because he’s very real. His motivations are clear to me. His investment in things is pulling. There’s something about characters that are obsessive that I love. Their interest makes you interested, you know?
5. Oh, and he’s also a nerd who wears glasses. I relate to him there. People immediately know I’m a nerd because of my damn glasses
#ami kirio#irukiri#iruma#mairimashita! iruma kun#welcome to demon school iruma kun#iruma suzuki#character study#character analysis
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Princess rescue 101
Step one: As a parent of 13 trouble makers, if your danger senses are going off immediately, identify the threat.
Step two: After identifying the threat and where it will approach, ensure none of your children are within harms reach.
Step three: neutralize threat before further damage can be done.
It was only three simple steps. A very effective method that you used. And there was no way a mere child's shield was going to destroy your magic. You could feel the surprise from everyone in the room as you grasped the magical chains restraining the mad demon.
Tightening your grip, you pulled back harshly, yanking the stronger demon to the ground. While he was dazed from his fall, you urged your magic further. The chains now restricting any and all movement, and you hissed a paralyzing spell to be safe.
That would be a battle of wills power, but you didn't really sense any fight in the powerful demon. How strange... you approached still maintaining a tight grip on your leash. Sense the other powers disappearing.
You tsked in annoyance you'd have to find them later then. You noticed many frozen mid stance as if not sure what had happened. You scowled. "Some help you were. Aren't you supposed to be the best of the best? Why in hell did you panic and hesitate?"
"To hesitate even for a second is to die where you stand." You thought you spotted a familiar figure in the crowd. Was that the freaking cockroach atori?!?!? Just as you were about to hunt that bastard down, a hand reached out from behind and tugged on your shirt.
"Huh." You blinked and stared down at a little girl... a crying little girl. You gasped. Princess Shura, a scared little demon looking up at you with relief. "Oh. Baby, don't cry."
You scooped her up and held her in one arm, quickly wiping her tears. "You were scared, huh? Nasty demon ruined the party. Nobody is going to eat you." Reassuring her as as you handed your chain over to Henri, who was dressed up like Narnia. You didn't really care to ask why.
The princess started using her magic to ask you rapidfire questions, and you just laughed, swatting away other demons from taking her. "No way, she's my flower child now. I haven't got one of those yet." You teased before bestowing a kiss to her forehead.
The dark blush painted her face as she tried to hide behind her mask again. "Oh my devi! You are so cute!" Setting her down away from the damage, you fixed her dress and hair quickly.
"Come over to the house any time for a play date, kay. The door is always open for our pretty princess. You kissed her cheek, watching her speak and squirm. Way too cute!
!@#$@$^&$!%&&#! Baal's pov &^$%&*&*&%^&^^*
He threw his mask at the wall. How could this happen? Years of planning wasted in a single night. The carpet ripped from under him by an unknown factor.
The rage almost consumed him then and there. Nothing should have gotten past that shield. He should have been the one to kill the 'monster' and save the princess. Now, he was without her support. He looked at his minions.
"What went wrong?" The question rumbled through his chest like thunder. Atori shuddered remembering those haunting eyes locking onto them.
"I think they knew from the beginning something was up. They might have spotted me! The chills I got when I felt their eyes focus on me. They wanted to give me the beating of a lifetime. I knew it deep in my core. But they didn't follow me outside." The multi-limbed demon pouted.
Ocho shuddered and gripped his neck where a bite mark remained. "Nothing will stop them from catching you. They may not hunt you today, but when they do, they will go for the throat."
"They shattered my sheild! Even my precious little Kohai couldn't manage that. His despair was so lovely, and they they ruined it by making it through! It was vexing, but now I want to see them dispare when they seem me eat sweet iruma!♡" Kirio sighed dreamily.
Baal frowned. Yes, you would have to suffer for this. He would see to that personally. You would be placed at his feet as he built up a new hell as an example for all to see.
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thinking about tei being a yandere who hates murder....
shes drawn to it- she loves so hard it drives her to rage beyond the understanding of anyone around her- kill kill kill, thats all she can think... she hates it, she hates herself, she hates that other person MORE for taking everything from her, for driving her mad this way
kill kill kill- she hates hates hates it makes her want to kill more and more and it makes her hate more and more until she finally gets blood on the tip of her newly sharpened knife she likes to keep so pristine and polished by her side and now the only thing she wants to put it through is her own heart- shes made a monster out of herself
sukone tei- the killer- what does she have left, now that shes become so grotesque?? now that the person of her affections will only see her with red stained hands and wild eyes..... now that shes become the feral beast of a person she hates more than anything
sukone tei whos given up on herself and has let herself fall into madness to make herself believe that shes still ok
#vocaloid#sukone tei#kirio speaks!!#my posts#for people finding this in tha tags im juss gonna say i know shes an utauloid and allat#shes my favorite one actually#BUT i need my blog tags ta fit a certain format so theyre findable fer my headmates#yandere#ANYWAYSSSSS#im so normal about her
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dude speaking of iruma i got jumpscared by the kirio birthday official art yesterday like. Jesus Christ dude. somebody get this guy away from me (said with love)
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Confirmed the spoon is her zanpakuto!
Big spoon is most likely her Shikai
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It's funny to think that I once had an Amy Kirio arc just like your Dazai arc right now, although I didn't show it as much
It's like:
Me: *to Kirio* Aww, what a cute little guy!
Me, seconds later: Oh, he's a little messed up... He's still cute though.
But c'mon, he IS cute... physically speaking. If you're gonna say my taste in men is terrible... it is.
omg no way cookie i had an ami kirio arc TOO i even made him a PLAYLIST.
hes literally just a goofy silly guy. thats all!!! hes just silly. and a psychological terror.
my only redeeming quality is that jazz and balam are my favorite characters. also purson but idk if youre a manga reader or not JAHSFDJASFDJ
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Rukia Bankai Episode let’s go!! Thoughts on episode 19:
1. Why is everyone dressed like they're going skiing when they come down from the Soul King Palace? Shutara says there's a 72-layer barrier (which, of note we never actually see? So we just have to take her word for it and assume if he weren't wearing the clothes he'd just go splat on some invisible barrier on the way down), so is it about clothing density and coverage? Or is it just really cold? But knowing Rukia's powers, I don't think it should bother her as much, so we know she's only dressed like that so she could coordinate her outfit with Renji.
2. So Ichigo is now a True Shinigami whatever that means. Considering Ichibei's power, I'm wondering if him saying this out loud has some real effect on Ichigo's actual shinigami-ness. We know from future events that Ichigo still does have some Quincy-ness to him, so is shingami-ness an additive property? Or is it just that he has a real zanpakuto now, and the zanpakuto makes the shinigami? And does being a true shinigami have anything to do with his Soul-King compatibility anyways (which seemed to be what the training was really about)? Yhwach is clearly compatible and he's not at all a shinigami.
3. Kirio is really the best teacher. Snacks for the road too!
4. Lol Mayuri just staring over Urahara's shoulder as he makes the phone call is so on brand. And also Ichigo being surprisingly perceptive again, proving that he has emotional intelligence if he puts his mind to it.
5. More info about Yhwach's abilities, and does this gaining the powers and skills thing apply to all Quincies, or just the ones with Schrift? Haschwalth's phrasing implies the latter, but Auswählen implies the former.
6. The thing about the Schrift being engraved on Ishida's soul is interesting though. It seems to imply that there's going to be consequences for that, but there...aren't? Like nothing bad happens to Ishida after the Yhwach is defeated, and even after the weird shit with Kazui ten years later, he's still doing fine? Maybe it only takes effect after Ishida dies? But also, considering that at the end, Yhwach is the new Soul King, does that mean Ishida's soul will just go to Soul Society and join the cycle of reincarnation with everyone else?
(speaking of which, I think it's implied that Quincy souls don't usually go to Soul Society after they die, but to Yhwach? so that could be a reason we never see a dead Quincy's soul. That or Kurotsuchi just kinda experimented on them all.)
7. As Nodt is delightfully creepy. Definitely got that horror vibes down pat
8. But why his obsession with Byakuya? I feel like there's some kind of one-sided rivalry where the Quincies are interested in the shinigami whose bankai they stole for some reason, but there isn't really a compelling reason? Maybe it's just because Yhwach told them to fight those shingami, but that feels kinda specious, like there's no real reasoning behind that order, and in any case they lost the bankai after Urahara's hollow pill intervention. And half the rivalries get thwarted by the narrative anyways, with how Cang Du's fight with Hitsugaya was preempted by Bazz B, and now this confrontation with Rukia instead of Byakuya. Cang Du and BG9 weren't even killed by the shinigami anyways, but made examples of for exposition purposes.
9. As Nodt talking about fear of death really has me thinking about how kind of absurd it is that there's so much talk of life and death when this is an anime about shinigami, as in death gods, as in they are already in the afterlife and by definition dead. Like what does death mean here, if everyone already had to die just to get here (minus Ichigo and his friends who got there through Urahara's weird science reasons, and the fact that there are still kids born in the afterlife, which...what? what does that mean on a metaphysical level?). This also kind of relates back to Komamura's fight with Bambietta, where he can't be killed because he's already dead, like yeah you're dead. Everyone's dead!! This is the afterlife!!!
Anyways, does the afterlife have another afterlife? The anniversary chapter seems to imply that there is, and it's hell, but only for really powerful people. Is Soul Society just a kind of limbo? What about the whole concept of reincarnating back to the living world then? Shouldn't Shinigami not fear death because they know they'll go back to the living world? Is fear of death not mitigated by the fact that you know what comes next?
10. I am so fascinated by the way that Rukia explains her ability with scientific language--all molecular movements have ceased, stating temperatures in celsius. I know most of these things were invented before Rukia died, but she was a baby, so it's highly suspect that she learned it while alive. Do they teach this in Shinigami academy? Did she actually learn something in the time she was enrolled in Ichigo's high school? Is this a result of 12th squad continued education efforts to keep the shinigami up to date on the conventions of the living world? (logically, this is probably just Kubo trying to make them look cool, but it’s fun to imagine alternative explanations)
11. As Nodt's flashback implies that the Qunicy have definitely been recruiting from the living world after Yhwach's defeat. His medical equipment is definitely modern day. Maybe in the 9 years since Yhwach's power started to return? It implies that Yhwach gave him that Schrift power just then, so he's only had it for a max of 9 years, as opposed to some others who have clearly had it since like 1023 or something (aka Bazz B?). Or did they all gain Schrift only after Auswählen and he had enough power to go around? And judging by the number of people whose abilities are a reflection of modern technology/culture, either a lot of them were recruited relatively recently, or they've had enough contact with the living world to absorb the changes happening? Even Bazz B, who we know is from some medieval town 1000 years ago, seems to fit in pretty well with the modern kids.
Were most of the Sternritter survivors or descendants of survivors of the Quincy genocide 100 years ago? No wonder they really hate Soul Society. But that also makes me question why Ishida thought he was the last Quincy, like clearly there were all these others not that long ago? Unless they also mysteriously disappeared 9 years ago when they joined the Wandenreich?
12. As Nodt instills fear through your optic nerves...so you're saying Tosen would be immune to this too? I'm telling you, Soul Society needs to be recruiting from a way more diverse pool. No way there's only one single blind person in all of Soul Society who had the ability to become shinigami. Think of all the trouble they could have avoided just by having more than one of them.
13. If Rukia and Byakuya had a nickel for every time they fought an enemy with an eye motif, etc. etc.
14. RUKIA!! HAKKA NO TOGAME!!! Beautiful, wonderful, elegant, lovely!! Though after fawning over its elegance, I do wonder how much control she has over what freezes, because it seems like there would otherwise be a lot of collateral, but also Byakuya seems to have managed to avoid it despite being at the same distance away as As Nodt.
15. Overall a very fun episode, and next up is the Gremmy and Kenpachi fight!
#bleach#bleach tybw#tybw spoilers#my ramblings#bleach worldbuilding questions again this time about the Quincy
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I do not own the Mortal Kombat Franchise nor Uzume's faceclaim. Mortal Kombat belongs to Netherrealm Studios and Uzume's faceclaim, Kirio Hikifune, belongs to Tite Kubo's Bleach. Uzume is 100% my OC, however, and is heavily inspired by the Shinto Goddess, Ame-No-Uzume.
I am a bit tired of callouts nowadays. About the only times you'll honestly see me reblog a callout is if/when I genuinely find the person incredibly problematic — especially if I've fallen victim from them firsthand. Otherwise it's going to be a hit or miss. Any callout posts I reblog will be tagged as CALLOUT TW and DRAMA TW for ease of mind. Now if the person makes a public apology and acknowledges their mistakes then I'll be more than happy to talk to them again depending on what all they've done.
I refuse to interact with problematic muns. If you are racist, ableist, sexist, LGBT-phobic, and a Nazi bootlicker then I want nothing to do with you. However, the same is equally true if you refuse to acknowledge how problematic many character (such as The Joker) are then I also want nothing to do with you. The reason for this is because fiction is the only real way for people to learn just how problematic people truly are in the real world.
Please do not follow me if you interact with any of the following people: Ziro. I’m a pretty forgiving person but if problematic people tend to play the victim, refuse to acknowledge they’ve messed up, refuse to apologize, and refuse to learn from their mistakes then I want nothing to do with them. All I want is for those who have messed up to just apologize and learn from their mistakes. That’s all. I’m here to sit down, relax, and have fun. Nothing more, nothing less.
I’m iffy on duplicates right now. I'm going to be brutally honest and say that about the only way I'll follow another Joker RPer is if we speak prior to everything and/or are close friends. This is due to my incredibly low self-esteem and being rather self-conscious about my work. It's nothing against any other Joker RPer, rest assured.
I’m stuck using BETA TEXT EDITOR + XKIT REWRITTEN. I can’t use LEGACY TEXT EDITOR at all because I made this blog after November 26th, 2022. I know this might sound a bit brash but I'd greatly appreciate it if you used BTE with me otherwise I'm probably not going to interact with you until everyone’s forced to use BTE.
I only interact with mutuals who are 18+. Though I am perfectly fine with non-mutuals sending headcanon asks, anonymous asks, and chatting with me OOC. Otherwise, I’m only going to interact with mutuals IC. It just makes my dash cleaner and easier to deal with.
Memes, unprompted asks, open starters, and dash commentaries are the best way to interact with me. I’ve come to learn that I get bored / lose motivation quite easily and rather quickly when doing starter calls. So I prefer sending / receiving unprompted asks, memes, and making open starters as well as replying to them. Now if we plan on doing a specific thread or something then that’s one thing. So I will very seldom if ever be making starter calls and / or like my mutuals’ starter calls because of how easily bored and uninterested I get with them early on.
I do practice mains & exclusives. Though I am extremely picky with whom I become mains or exclusives with due to bad experiences in the past. The number of dupes I will have of one character is up in the air right now so I'll stick with two to three mains per character for the time being.
Call me Shin! My pronouns are she/they. I’m 21+ years of age (30 to be exact) and am demi-bi. I suffer from severe GAD (with frequent paranoia episodes) and mild MDD. Not only that but I'm also in the process of getting tested for BPD. So please be patient with me and my random mood swings and bouts of negativity.
The fact that we have to remind everyone of this is problematic in and of itself. It ought to be common sense that none of us are our muses. Will we share similar traits and have common interests? sure. are there things that fascinate us with our muses? Most definitely. Do we condone everything that our muses do? Absolutely not.
Do not take Uzume lightly. She is an incredibly powerful Goddess and is capable of fending for herself physically and verbally. She is capable of fighting in hand-to-hand combat, weaponry, and many more.
I do not practice reblog karma. I’m perfectly fine with you reblogging musings, fanart, gifs, memes, music, PSAs, promos, and callouts from me. In fact, I encourage it. Just don’t reblog my ooc posts, headcanons, and threads without permission. You can like them all you want, just don’t reblog them.
This blog is strictly singleship for the time being. Now while she is in a relationship with Raiden, I'm willing to explore relationships with her even to the point of her getting in a relationship. But it's really not a requirement all things considered tbh. This is especially true since Uzume is based heavily around my fanfics for Raiden.
I have several verses to choose from. Okay … technically I don't because they're still very much under construction. I will state, however, that my main one will be 〈| verse |〉 keeper of time.
I can and will be updating these rules from time to time. But rest assured that I'll always be letting my followers know when I update them. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns then feel free to message me for I’ll 100% answer them to the best of my ability!
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My fav is how the whole show has very strong themes of Honesty vs. Dishonesty
Balam is the most obvious, but the WAY they use it.
Iruma is a good, honest boy(who's lying to nearly everyone he loves) Clara is a bright, cheerful girl(who hides her insecurities and won't even speak about her wings) Azz goes from completely closed off to completely subservient with Iruma, but even that sends more and more a persona built on his own expectations. He only truly honestly engages with Clara, Balam and Sabnok, and risks his life rather than have Iruma find out his bloodline magic. Kirio is a great friend UNTIL he's honest, the realist version of him is evil. Balam values honesty highly but keeps Iruma's secret from his best friend. Kalego is never honest about his feelings, even with himself, but literally calls out to his favorite idiot over a stadium loudspeaker in front of all of his colleagues and students. Jazz and Allocer, how intelligence and ability to decieve are lumped together.
Overall, Iruma's journey is about being honest with HIMSELF, how it's ok for him not to tell everyone everything, that he doesn't have to share all of himself unless HE wants to, that he can BE whoever he wants, and that people love him anyway.
Something I love about M!iK and don't really see be often talked about is the morals of the story.
Shonen stories usually have to work under the same story restrictions of "power of friendship" and "we can accomplish anything by never giving up!", and while MIK certainly has that, I adore the way they twist it.
Yes, both tropes are present but taken to their absolute extreme. Power of friendship? Ok, here's a huge cast of characters who are all in some level Extremely Possesive of eachother. Never give up on your dreams? Alright, the cast are literal demons who feed on desire.
And the best part is that this is openly encouraged by the story. The story is saying "Yes, be selfish! Chase what or who you want without any shame! Take what you love and guard it ferociously because it's YOURS and no one is allowed to harm it."
Iruma's character growth is not connected to "how much more powerful can he get?" Or "how much better of a person can he be?". He's already powerful and he's already a deeply good kid. His growth is explicitly about how much more demonic he can be.
How much more tightly can he hold onto his loved ones and his desires.
How much more selfish.
Just how refresing is it to read a story where gluttony is a virtue and a goal?
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UWAH, THAT'S SO COOL!!! I personally am not super interested in teeth n stuff, but I do think they're really interesting!!!!! I also love earrings!!!! Big earrings are awesome, but they hurt my ears after a while so I can't wear them for too long, unfortunately 💔💔💔
I should make a silly faceclaim(? Idk if it would be called that with me bc I'm kin and not fictive?? Idk lmao) edit,,,,, I need to show people what I looked like 😼😼😼
OH THANK GAWD i thought fer sure that reaction would be much worse- i think theyre tha coolest ever and my interests know NO bounds
big earrings RULE im soooo lucky that i got used to em so they don hurt too awful bad- my favorites i own are a set of knives with a lil gemstone in tha shape of a blood drop that dangles awff em, an i have matching sets that are battle axes and butchers cleavers too with tha same design elements! i mix an match em a ton- ive also got a set of anchors that are super cute! (we have.... a LOT of nautical clothing actually)
hrmm hrmm hrmmm i think itd still be considered a faceclaim ta some degree?? least thass what id call it- BUT IF YA DO I WANNA SEEEEEEE i love that kinna stuff
heres mineeee
(i know i look tired as hell but donworry bout that)
#kirio speaks!!#asks#my posts#SPEAKING OF I NEED TO MAKE ANNEDIT OF THA NEW MERCH ART#HAVE YOU SEEN THEM THEYRE SOOO PRETTY#i wanna buy tha acrylic stand a myself once i get paid#logically i need ta stawp buyin merch of myself but i Do Not Want To (deranged behavior)#my army of kiriolings will grow.....#also i indeed did nawt get ta go fursuiting in tha park yesterday BUT i DID get ta go to tha mall#ALSO SAWRRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TA ANSWER I HAD A TIC ATTACK FER LIKE A SOLID HOUR AND COULDNT CONTROL MY HANDS AN ARMS#that shit went ta my LEG even fer a minute there i was like I AM DOOMED THIS IS IT#but iss over now so were good
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Look at this piggy chef! She wants to fatten you up until you can't move! To play with your swollen face and count every roll and chin you gain...
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