#kiran; {wielder of breidablik}
zn0404 · 10 months
#𝗭𝗡𝟬𝟰𝟬𝟰: summoner of fire emblem heroes, affiliated with the officer’s academy.
Taken post-book VII, pre-book VIII, after the events of Nihility & Dream. Musings & analysis related to events beyond this time may be present; all spoilers will be tagged #feh spoilers. I’ll be following the game’s updates very closely, so please proceed with caution!
Kiran has a certain aura about them as a result of their existence as Breidablik’s wielder. Although this effect is most prominently observed in Heroes they summon, your muse may find that they mistake Kiran for someone they know/find them familiar, feel more comfortable around them, and/or have a difficult time parsing Kiran’s character. Your muse may also struggle to remember Kiran at first, and picture their face as concealed by a veil of light in their memories. Generally, they are often confused for other Avatar characters (Mark, Kris, Robin, etc). If your muse is non-human, they may also notice that Kiran seems somewhat distinctly non-human. The extent of this effect varies from character to character, but I won’t force it on your muse should you choose to ignore it entirely.
Breidablik is not recognised in TOA’s combat manual, but it is among Kiran’s inventory and will be their main weapon narratively. I have no intent of joining the group’s formal events or writing combat manual-compliant threads, and will operate on my own system if a thread calls for it. Naturally, Breidablik is unable to summon Heroes in Fódlan. That being said, it’s still a gun (for the most part); take that as you will.
For my own peace of mind, I will consider Kiran to share the same verse as other FEH muses unless otherwise specified. If you’d like to write your muse as from another summoner’s Zenith, you’re more than welcome to do so. Feel free to send me a message if anything needs to be discussed on that front.
Although I try to stay as faithful as possible to what little we know of them in canon, Kiran is ultimately an original character of mine constructed from FEH’s building blocks, and therefore their portrayal may be unique at times. Please be patient with me as I find their voice; thanks for understanding!
Lastly: As a default, I consider all heroes’ dialogue to be canon to my portrayal of the summoner, including level 40 conversations. This has no bearing on relationships in TOA, as (presumably) other muses will not be the versions of themselves that were summoned to Askr. However, any information/dynamics between characters and the summoner revealed in these conversations will be known to them, though Kiran will still treat all characters in TOA as strangers out of respect. Additionally, if you’d prefer that the level 40 conversation between your muse and Kiran to not have occurred, please let me know. I’ll do my best to work something out.
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
     Wood creaks, steads whinny, and feet clomp as the Order of Heroes continue their march along the Askrian borders - a standard patrol to guard against the whims of any foreign powers. Most namely Embla of course, who themselves had patrols of their own that occasionally skirmished with the Order, but they were hardly the only enemies that threatened the peace. There were also Surtr’s loyalist, acting on the will of their absent king, Hel’s remnants which wandered around attacking anyone that they came across, and the bandits that concealed themselves within the borders themselves, using the natural landscape (and the political one) to discourage either side from directly routing them.
     Very rarely were lives ever lost and the number of forces needed for the expedition was minimal, so some people even akined the task to babysitting: Something serious enough to be done in the first place, but not serious enough to concern themselves with. Especially since any of the Heroes that perished would simply be saved by Breidablik.
     But this kind of mentality didn’t fit well with Kiran. To him, every threat was serious and every injury was unacceptable because all it would take is for one failure, one unexpected element, to cost them something irreplaceable. For example, what if Veronica found a way to enchant her forces weapons with a spell that circumvented Breidablik’s protection? What if another faction were to declare war upon Askr while the Order was divided? As a leader, these were the things he had to keep in mind and with neither Anna or the Askrian royals around to support him the responsibility of these things rest solely upon him. So naturally, with such a critical perspective, he couldn’t help but take notice of a particular knight that was acting out of odds.
     He was referring to Rosamaria, of course, one of the fresher faces to the Order of Heroes. Kiran had summoner her less than a month ago now, and her appearance was met with much confusion on his behalf. With just a glance he could tell that she was an individual of equal standing to the lords and warriors that filled their ranks, but that same glance did nothing to clue him into her identity. Such a thing happened from time to time, of course. With an infinite number of realms and an infinite number of variations to them, the ones that answered his call were not always familiar. But in most cases, he was at least familiar with their reputations or feats - Rosamaria however, stood as the first exception to even that, which meant that he was essentially in command of a person he didn’t know what to do with, which was why he had asked her to participate in this patrol.
     However, Rosamaria was proving to be a very unruly subordinate. Perhaps she sensed his uncertainty towards, but for some reason, she was displaying a penchant for going against orders - though perhaps deviating from them would be a bit more accurate. Too often would she break formation or engage a target that she wasn’t meant to, throwing unnecessary variables into Kiran’s carefully calculated plans. So far she hadn’t done anything detrimental or irreparable, but clearly the two of them weren’t quite on the same page. Something Kiran sought to rectify sooner than later.
     So after ensuring that everything was together and that nobody was out of place, Kiran makes his way towards the back of their long convoy to find the wagon that Rosamaria was meant to be in. He had started towards the front, so the whole walk took a few minutes coupled with the brief stops he took along the way to address some of the troops that greeted him or asked how much longer they would be going for. But finally, he does indeed reach it and thankfully, Rosamaria hadn’t decided to change carts as he had half expected her to.
     He doesn’t immediately climb aboard however, not certain of what state she may have been in behind the cover provided by the bonnet. It would certainly be his luck to have accidentally found her undressed or something of that nature. And if she was, she probably wouldn’t let him live it down. 
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     “Excuse me, Rosamaria? Its me Kiran. If you aren’t preoccupied, I was hoping to speak to you for a moment.”
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something-in-red · 5 years
The Golden Glow: Prologue
Breidablik is an ancient relic from a long forgotten era. all records regarding its origins and power were nonexistent. almost as if someone did not want them to be found. The Askrans barely knew anything about it beyond its capability to summon heroes, and it can only be wielded by a chosen one, a summoner.
Thane was that summoner.
Hailed as a great hero and tactician, Thane led the order of heroes through the war against the conquest of the Emblan empire led by princess Veronica and her army of contracted heroes. While Thane struggled at first at their task and the notion of fighting a war they adapted quickly. soon they drove back Veronica’s forces with help from the supposedly missing Zacharias, who was revealed to Veronica’s brother Bruno.
After Veronica’s failed conquest she found herself forced to ally with a powerful and dangerous man. Surtr, king of Muspell, the Flame Kingdom. Unlike Veronica who wished to simply conquer the worlds, Surtr had another motive.
He wanted to watch all the worlds burn.
After invading Nifl, the frozen kingdom, Surtr moved his sights towards Askr. Naturally, the Order stood up to him but it was soon proven that he was too powerful for even the strongest of Heroes. each time he was struck down, he would rise again. it was a vicious and tiresome cycle. Help has come in the form of Fjorm, a princess of Nifl who survived Surtr’s assault on her kingdom, and her sister Gunnthera, the eldest of the Nifl princesses and the Voice of dreams.
Gunnthera went into hiding after her kingdom fell and reached out to Thane through their dreams. she told them of her whereabouts, and that she has a way to defeat Surtr. the Order set put to find the eldest Nifl princess.
However, they arrived too late.
Surtr was waiting for them. he captured Gunnthera and burned her alive right before the order and her sister.
it was a devastating loss to the order. However, they found a way forward.
Thanks to Gunnthera Sacrifice the order has the means to defeat Surtr.
The Rite of Frost. an offering to the dragon of Nifl
The Rite should be able to disable Surtr’s Flames and allow him to be finally killed.
But as long as the Rite Flames kept receiving sacrifices it will not be extinguished. Upon reuniting with prince Hrid, the eldest of Nifl’s Royalty, the order set out to Find the temple of Flames. where the Rite was taking place. Loki, Surtr’s mischievous tactician aided the heroes in locating the captive princesses Veronica of Embla and Ylgr of Nifl. her reasons for doing so remains a mystery.
with no more sacrifices to fuel the flames, Surtr is no longer invincible. with combined efforts of the Order of Heroes and the three surviving Nifl Royalty Surtr was finally defeated.
The war was finally over.
With Prince Hrid now as the King of Nifl, he set out to rebuild his Kingdom. Fjorm decided to remain with the order of heroes to repay her debt.
the order returned to Askr to enjoy their newly earned peace.
but Peace is only temporary.
during this whole time, Kiran was slowly learning more and more about the weapon he wields. Breidablik is no ordinary weapon.
the power to summon heroes from not different worlds but different timelines as well. It also gave Kiran the power to imbue certain heroes with more power should they be ready for it. It gave them sight beyond that of a normal man.
no one really understood its power, but as long as it’s not harmful all should be well.
Thane woke up to a nagging feeling in the middle of the night. they felt something was off. they got up and went towards their desk. It’s stacked with books, papers, and notes. that’s where they left Breidablik. as they got closer they noticed something…Breidablik was glowing.
That certainly never happened before.
Thane approached the weapon slowly and carefully, once they picked it up they felt... IT.
they dropped the weapon in shock, what they felt was….unholy.
the glow persisted even more now. Thane, against their better judgment, picked it up again. IT was there.
IT was reaching out to Breidablik’s wielder.
IT…….spoke to Thane.
They found themselves communicating with IT. IT power coursed through them.
IT spoke of a great danger coming to Askr, and IT promised to show them how to defend against it. To grant them the power to do so. to protect everyone.
IT is Breidablik after all, what reason it has to lie to them after all this time.
So Thane believed it.
in hindsight, they probably shouldn’t have.
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pasteladins · 7 years
Pairings: Alfonse X Fem!Reader
Summary:  Alfonse has always wondered whether Breidablik contains other uses...
Notes: This was an impromptu fic inspired by a headcanon that @grimastiddies has. Thanks for the inspiration!
Contains major character death
He should have been watching you. He should have been there dammit. The minute he decides to turn his back, you are ambushed by an axe user. All the prince could do was scream out for you, begging you to react faster than he spoke.
To you, it felt like a slow, yet unavoidable attack. You turn around only to witness an axe wielder raise their weapon up high as he shot out of the bushes. Your feet would not move. They were stuck in place, and you were petrified. Your eyes were wide with terror as your vision focused on the lethal halberd in the soldier’s hands.
Blood sputtered from your own body as the axe cut into your skin. The gash burned as you fell onto the hard ground. Before your body came in contact with the rough floor, a pair of arms grabbed ahold of your body. You heard someone call out orders, followed by the sound of something cackling -- perhaps magic… Your mind was hazy at this point as you feel yourself losing consciousness.
Despite your muddled sense, your blurred vision still spots the sickening crimson dripping from your body. The runny liquid stains your coat, and the serene grass beneath is now stained with your own blood. The sight would normally make your stomach churn, but your entire body feels numb, and you feel as though you are drifting away… somewhere far away....
“...ran! Ki… Look… me…!” That voice sounds familiar, you think to yourself as you raise your weary head up. You see someone -- someone familiar. Blue hair now matted with a golden crown now askew. You make the mistake of looking at his eyes. Tears…
“...Alfie…?” You muster up enough strength to mumble the cute nickname you called him in private. Just then, a bright light emits from above you, and you spot the top of a staff as it attempts to heal you.
But you are far too gone. Too much blood has been loss. The wound is too deep. You were not going to make it, and you knew it.
“Al…” You croaked, trembling fingers reaching out for his own. The prince wastes no time in taking hold of your hand, and he leans closer to listen. His eyes glisten with tears as he squeezes your hand, although you no longer feel it.
“I… I’m sorry… I promised… I w-wouldn’t leave you b-but…” You eyes begin to fade in color, and your skin becomes a ghostly pale. There isn’t much time left.
“Kiran! Don’t you dare say that. Don’t you dare…” The Askran royal looks at you, pleading for your survival as Lissa desperately endeavors to fix your wounds, but nothing works. Your breathing is inaudible, and black spots dance around your vision. No… just a little longer… please.
“...I-I’m sorry… please… keep going, Alfonse. I… lo-love… y-you…”
Suddenly, your grip loosens, and its as if Alfonse can feel your life fading away into nothingness. Lissa sits next to him, bawling, babbling as she begs the gods for some kind of miracle. Beside her are Nino and Robin.
Nothing except the sobbing of the two ladies are heard as they mourn over the loss of their beloved tactician, but Alfonse cannot hear them; he stares at your lifeless body, and his grip on your hands tighten as anguish overwhelms him.
“Ah...A-Ah… Kiran… Kiran…” The prince mumbles your name, and each time you do not answer, he feels his heart breaking even more. An immeasurable amount of sorrow flows through his body. However, along with the sorrow, anger begins to bleed through, and he raises his tear stained face to the sky.
“Gods!!” He calls, startling both Nino and Lissa. “Why?! Why her?! She… She’s done nothing wrong!!” Your body remains still as he loses his composure, his mind stricken with grief. “She did not deserve this… All she wanted… was peace…”
Memories pass through his mind as he grieves. The blue haired royal recalls the numerous moments you would run up to him, a radiant smile on your face as you put all your weight onto him, trusting that he would catch you as you fall in front of him. He remembers how your laugh sounded like bells, and how he would do anything to hear your sweet giggling.
But that was gone forever.
Or so he thought.
Suddenly, a light begins to emit from the inside of your coat. Everyone stares at the source with bewilderment, but Alfonse is the first to flip your coat open. In one of the inner pocket lies Breidablik, gleaming with an eerie and unfamiliar light.
The purple aura begins to glow brighter, and the group has to avert their eyes to avoid being blinded. After the initial explosion light, the illuminated weapon grows darker in color, and its light begins to spread. At this point, the aura resembles more of miasma than actual light. The magical light buries itself into the ground, and purple veins appear above the earth.
Slowly, the grass beneath them begins to fade to a sickening gray, and they crumple and wither. As the plants lose their life, a bright purple orb emits from each one, and they float over towards you -- specifically your wound. The gash begins to glow as a plethora of orbs flow effortlessly towards you.
Confused and at a loss for words, the group silently observes. It is Robin who points out the effects of this dark magic.
“Look! The trees! They’re… falling apart.” Just as the tactician had said, the trees fade into an almost black, and their branches snap off from the lack of support. As the tree had been confirmed dead, its remains begin dissolve into a stump.
The aura begins to spread around in a designated radius around you. Just as the dying grass did, the trees release a glowing purple orb as well. The spherical item makes its way to your wound like the others.
In one quick motion, another bright light flashes, releasing the plants from their eerie grip. The group turns their heads to scan the area around them. Everything around them is lifeless -- their crumbling remains covered in pitch black darkness. The grass beneath them is nothing but dust, and its remnants are uprooted in the wind. Stumps from the dead trees serve as the only evidence that there once stood life in this area. The faint smell of burnt wood permeates the air, mingling with the smell of blood from the battlefield.
Wait. "Kiran."
Alfonse lowers his head to inspect your body, but what he finds makes his eyes grow wide. Color has returned to your face, and your breathing resumes as if nothing had ever happened. The prince’s eyes fall onto the wound you sustained, but he finds that it has disappeared -- only the cloth from your cloak and undershirt were ruined, but your bare skin was in tact. Tentatively, the Askran royal allows his trembling fingers to travel down the area of the wound, inspecting the skin that now magically healed.
Suddenly, your face scrunches up in displeasure, slapping away the hand that tickled her shoulder. Lazily, you begin to open your eyes, and your blurry vision catches the sight of four heroes, all staring at you incredulously.
Confused and startled, you bury yourself against the prince’s armor.
“Wh...What happened? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
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So instead of finishing base colors on a work, I instead procrastinated by writing. It’s based off an idea for a sketch that I opted to ignore since I couldn’t get myself to draw it. Just a warning, I do go over a bit of battleground violence so keep that in mind. Well, that and how my writing can be stiff at times. It’s why I prefer drawing. The rest is under the cut.
The Order of Heroes grew drastically in size and power ever since Anna summoned Kiran. With the ability to not only bring heroes from different outrealms, but also revive them from death’s door after every battle, Kiran swiftly became the strong cornerstone of the Order. Since visiting the eternal sanctum and later performing the rite of blades alongside Askr’s royals and commander Anna, the summoner’s abilities in strengthening heroes expanded ever further. Unfortunately, as Kiran also took on the mantle of lead tactician on the battlefield, the question of her being attacked shifted from an ‘if’ to a ‘when.’ With these heavy tasks resigned only to the wielder of the Breidablik, it wouldn’t be strange for any Emblian soldier worth their salt to try and target Kiran.
    Prince Alfonse, ever the stalwart heir to Askr’s throne, took it upon himself early on to ensure Kiran appointed bodyguards whenever she took to the battlefield. However, everyone who initially held the position soon gave way to Alfonse himself. Much as he refused to admit, his own heart’s defenses unraveled themselves in curiosity to Kiran’s odd habits. Carving out odd paths in the castle to shorten time, bargaining with Anna to obtain odd spices for her own meals after refusing to show up in the mess hall, climbing the castle walls ‘to find hidden nooks and crannies’ much to his chagrin, cleaning the stables as an excuse to coo over the wyvern mounts, and even sneaking out with Shanna on her pegasus just to give him, Sharena, and Anna, and the other heroes a few gifts from town. She did stress him from her brazen recklessness, but every time he and the rest of the Askr trio sat down to a talk over her home-cooked pastries and drinks, he found himself relaxing.
    Ease around his new tactician, especially formed in the castle’s library where she’d take to reading on a high window nook, took on the beginnings of affection. A soft brush between hands while they refined battlefield tactics over a crowded table would cause his heart to stutter. Sharing a warm drink whenever he found her suffering from insomnia late at night always led to small talk where her friendly tone would coax a rosy blush on his face. In turn, he saw her interest through her insistence that he could blather all about Askr’s history to her; unlike his sister, Kiran would hang off his every word. She returned the favor with stories from her world. Not everything made complete sense, but her dramatic flairs in storytelling helped to brighten his day. “A symphony of mistakes by people considered unimportant at the time – funny, how that can topple empires,” she would often say.
    Her occasional gifts once included a book on Askran mythology, where she asked if he would enjoy reading it with her at night whenever they had time. It left him a little speechless, but he enjoyed their time together. However, with how comfortable she became with him, Alfonse found himself growing flustered around her. Sharing a room with her, no thanks to the commander’s antics, became suffocating to him. Yet he endured; getting too close any hero, including Kiran, would only open himself to the same pain he felt at Zacharias’ disappearance.
He found it funny, that his fear would lead him to open up to her completely.
It was supposed to be a small skirmish. Kiran was trying out a new form of surveying the battlefield: from the back of a flier.
Alfonse rounded on the summoner, straightening out the cuffs of his gloves out of habit. “Be careful, Kiran.”
“You don’t have to remind me, my prince. It’s always a given whenever we’re fighting.”
Kiran pointed behind her, where the imposing figure of a golden-scaled dragon turned its serpentine eyes on him.
“Don’t worry, Myrrh’s more than capable of handling anyone who tries going after me. Right, Myrrh?”
Myrrh let out a hardy breath of smoke. In her draconic form, her voice gained a deep rumbled undertone.
“We’ll be fine. My dragon form will see to that.”
“See? Heh, it’ll be easy to see any threats from the air. I’ve been practicing with Shanna and Cherche for months, so I know how to stay on. You have nothing to fear. I promise. Anyway, you know the plan. Good luck to you, Alfonse.”
Alfonse hesitated. Myrrh had shown her offensive and defensive power in the training tower. She could keep Kiran safe so long as she stayed away from archers. Kiran too appeared confident in her decision; most of her commands had kept them alive and well. He reluctantly conceded, placing a hand on Kiran’s shoulder, squeezing it lightly.
“...Take care, Kiran.”
She nodded, returning the gesture in a soft hug before running off to jump on Myrrh’s back as the rest of the team arranged into formation. Fjorm swiftly struck the enemy mages with Leptir, allowing Alfonse to take care of the melee units in front. All as planned, Kiran thought as she scanned the landscape on the back of Myrrh’s scaled back. Spotting a lance armor at the edge of a forest, Kiran nudged Myrrh’s ridge.
“Let’s swoop in and take that knight out before they get to Alfonse, shall we?”
Sweeping in an arc, Myrrh circled into range, letting out a powerful pulse of fire onto the now panicked foe as she descended from the air. In their eagerness, neither she nor Kiran had bothered to glance into the glade nearby.
One glint of steel sailed through the air, and Kiran let out a pained shriek of surprise. Myrrh, already halfway into an ascending arc, could only listen in horror.
Askr’s summoner fell off, unable to grip Myrrh’s ridged scales from the shock. An arrow protruded from her side, easily lodged in her flesh from the lack of armor she wore.
Alfonse glanced once her way, feeling ice seep into his veins. Desperation ripped out of his throat.
His legs started moving on their own, in the direction where Kiran fell. Another glint of steel came his way, but Alfonse raised his shield to block it. One moment later, and the body of an archer met the ground with a heavy strike of Folkvanger. Right as the sickening crunch of another body kissing the earth roughly rung through the air.
Myrrh had been too late to catch her, and so had Alfonse.
Reverting to her usual form, Myrrh started to wail. Fjorm came over after finishing the rest of the enemy soldiers. She blanched. Alfonse mechanically walked over to where Kiran lay haphazardly on her side. His heart slowly, painfully throbbing, he gingerly took her into his arms.
He shook her paling shoulders.
“Please, Kiran.”
He shook her roughly, trembling.
She didn’t even flinch.
“You promised you wouldn’t leave me. Not without…
N-not without...” The prince felt his voice constrict in his throat.
The smell of iron started to permeate in the air. It only sunk into him then how his golden-scale armor had freshly-smeared blood. Blood with a reddish tone matching the ever-growing stain on his tactician’s clothes.
Why was she starting to grow cold? She’d never let herself become this cold!
Her form blurred; he found it hard to breathe at the sight. But he couldn’t help to stymie his own tears. Myrrh’s wailing, Fjorm’s soft sobbing, the sound of the wind taunting him: it all slowly muted as his mind retreated into himself. Kiran had left him.
Somehow, someway, he had lost another dear to him.
Alfonse gasped for air, no longer caring about his surroundings as he squeezed his eyes shut. But darkness morphed itself into the blur of a room.
Barely squinting, his eyes wretched themselves open – only to meet the darkened stone ceiling of a castle.
He was back in his quarters.
The same room that he shared with Kiran.
Heart still fluttering desperately, with tears still flowing down his cheeks, he flung himself from his bed. Moments later his body reminded him of the time, and of his eagerness. Thankfully a bedpost made for a good anchor.
“Kiran.” His voice gained a soft, scratchy tone from the trauma.
Scanning the room, his eyes fell on a figure on their side, apparently still under the moonlight.
The smell of iron faintly returned. Fear once again pierced daggers into his already panicked heart, causing him to move. Stumbling at first, he wretched himself over to shake the body with quivering hands.
He felt her flinch under his grip, and his reward was a soft slap of a warm hand to his own. His eyes grew blearly again as his throat tightened in response.
Kiran, still deeply entrenched in sleep, stiffened into a long stretch, pushing her arms against her bed in an attempt to raise herself. She blinked slowly at the prince’s disheveled form. Palpable silence reigned between them, as Kiran tried to rouse herself further, if just to rid herself of her hazed confusion at the sight.
She hardly noticed herself being crushed bracingly against Alfonse’s torso.
“...eh?...” It had to take the prince’s own heartbeat to fully rouse her from her sleep. It then became her turn to panic.
“A-Alfonse?! W-what’s going on, here?”
She felt his head rest on hers, before feeling a slight wetness strike her back. Her answer came in a soft whimper.
“I’m sorry.”
Hesitating for a few moments, Kiran moved to circle her hands around him, embracing him in turn. Rubbing gentle circles on his back, she stayed with him in silence, allowing him to calm from his small fit of tears.
Neither could say how long they stayed together like this.
“Kiran?” Alfonse’s voice still retained a slight shake in tone.
“Could you...perhaps allow me to join you whenever you’re training any of the fliers?”
“What’s this about, Alfonse?”
“I...I can’t bear the thought of you falling.”
“We have backup fliers for tha- ...oh.”
Alfonse broke their embrace to look at her pointedly.
“Nightmare?” He winced. Right on target.
“Well, guess I’ll just have to remind you how alive I am now.”
Kiran pulled him onto her bed with her, the prince stuttering in a fluster. Taking his hand, she placed it on a pulsepoint on her neck, before dropping it in favor of curling around him. It was the same exact position both had grew accustomed to over time whenever they decided to read about Askran mythology. At first stiff and blush, Alfonse slowly relaxed as he recognized the arrangement.
She looked to the windows, where the moonlight poured in.
“I’ll admit, when I first came to Askr, I wanted to bolt from the Order. I knew no one. Tasks were thrust upon me without my agreement.”
She chuckled, remembering how the prince met her after her botched escape attempt from Anna.
“I nearly ran off too before Anna dragged me to meet you. But if you’d ask me if I’d leave now, you’d get a resounding no,” She turned back to him. “Alfonse, you know why I’ve changed my mind?”
“You’ve become fond of the heroes we’ve trained with? Hopefully my sister too?”
Kiran slapped one hand to her forehand and snickered.
“Well, that may be part of it, but-”
He felt her hands grip his.
“It’s you, Alfonse. You’ve kept me going all this time. And for that, I’d never squander my life as recklessly as I once did. If anyone tells you I’ve left abruptly, they’re lying. I did promise you that one time, and I prefer to keep my promises.”
Finding the Askran prince speechless, Kiran smiled in assurance, slightly nervous over her confession. Nighttime made it infuriatingly easy for her to spill secrets, and even if it felt right to tell him, she still had a part of her growling over such actions. But in the depths of the night, those growls grew faint enough to ignore. And so she found it easier to express her fondness.
For Alfonse, that meant the soft press of her lips against his hand. Kiran quickly took to glancing away, reddened from embarrassment.
Alfonse couldn’t help but smile at her cute display.
She kept glancing every which way but him.
“Uh, let’s see, it’s – oh. Yes?”
She looked slightly above him, still red and skittish.
“Could you meet me at the left tower top this evening?”
    Kiran froze. Alfonse was usually too busy in his training or royal duties to bother with the high towers; they were usually reserved for the night patrols and flier teams to regroup or scout out possible weak points. She and Shanna, later Myrrh too, had taken to using it as a meeting place to sneak away into nearby towns. All of them had been chewed out thoroughly by both Anna and Alfonse once they were exposed. But it still made for a great spot to view the transition of the hours, from the sunrise to the stars. Trying to mentally rationalize why he would ask that only made Kiran’s mind blur into a flurry of anxious thoughts. Good, anxious thoughts, somehow.
“I...I’d love to.”
Alfonse beamed at her, relieved.
“Thank you, Kiran.”
“Well, we should probably go back to bed. After all, it’s only-”
She looked out again. No stars left and a reddish horizon line.
“I stand corrected.”
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schwagz · 7 years
Another thing bc I thought of this a while ago
Plus it’s very noticeable now that we finally have a sprite of Kiran (The Summoner) from FE: Heroes.
I have the feeling that Kiran is going to become a “hero” by the games end, just hear me out for a sec. So basically Kiran was brought into the world of Heroes because of Anna using Breidablik, then entrusting Kiran with the item/weapon. So Kiran has the ability to use a weapon but is also the tactician, like Robin sorta, hell they have similar outfits too n such.
When you start the game you start off with Anna, Alfonse, and Sharena. So a Green, a Red, and a Blue unit. Then because the game wants you to learn about colorless, Kiran summons Virion all of a sudden. However most people don’t use Virion (or Matthew, sorry buddy) after the first summoning because they probably got 1 or 2 colorless units after starting the game. However it’s weird that you have three units of the Askran Kingdom and then just... Virion. (NO OFFENSE TO FANS OF VIRION)
Well lets think here, who would fit as a fellow member of the Order of Heroes, can be based in the Askran Kingdom, who could become a Colorless unit?... Well all colorless units are 1-2 Range fighters (depending on skills) so they need a weapon which deals damage from a distance...
Okay sorry basically what I am saying is that Kiran would fit the bill perfectly, sure their origins in life aren’t from Askr, but their origin in Fire Emblem is based in it, they are a member of the Order of Heroes, and are the wielder of Breidablik. Especially now that we see Kiran uses Breidablik in Support Level B in Version 1.7.0. (Also we found sprites of Kiran being injured in the files, so there’s that too.)
How would this be incorporated into the story? Well the idea is when we inevitably hit “Endgame” and fight the big bad (Whoever the fuk Loki’s ruler is basically) we’d gain control of Kiran as they become one of the heroes after being held in high regard by many a person in the game (Examples: Brave Units at the end of Paralogue 11, 5* LV-40 Xander confession) and all that jazz.
So all I gotta say about this whole theory is.... 
Intsys pls do this I want-
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itbeajen · 7 years
Retribution | Takumi
Totally inspired by this post. Who would’ve thought I’d ever write a FE fic. Not me. Also, I have this headcanon about the FE Heroes, and that they can be pulled in from different dimensions. So here, I have Birthright!Sakura and Conquest!Takumi.
On another note, the summoner is gender neutral and this is essentially a reader-insert, but I’mma let you be called Kiran so they’re not always like, “THE SUMMONER"
"Job well done yet again!" Hector chuckled as he hefted his axe over his shoulder. He glanced around at the other three leaders directing the front lines. Roy smiled in response, and laughed, "It wasn't too bad." "Your father would be proud of you, such a shame Kiran hasn't gotten a chance to summon him yet," Hector chuckled, and then said, "Good job sniping down the units for us again Takumi." The young archer nodded, and with a small smile he said, "It was nothing much." "I bet your siblings would be proud of you," Roy laughed and he said, "Let's hope Kiran can reunite our families together soon." Takumi nodded, but a part of him wasn't sure if he'd ever see his family again. But regardless, he was still grateful for this second chance at a different life, despite the pure absurdity of the situation they were put in.
It as only your second time summoning. The first summon brought you the ever loving princess of Hoshido. The amount of chaos and smoke that filled the air was no joking matter, and it took you quite a while before managing to calm the rather skittish girl down. You adjusted your hood, and glanced at Sharena who merely offered you a bright smile and an encouraging, "You can do it! You're the great summoner after all!" Your grip on the Breidablik tightened, but you can feel the after effects of a tremor going through your entire being. The power of this legendary weapon is ridiculous. You tempted a glance at the glittering white and gold gun. I still can't believe this thing just spits heroes out. Your gaze trails to the colorless orb that seemed to flicker between a shiny silver to a dull gray in random intervals. I wonder... are these orbs their souls? Or a medium of pulling them out of their world and into this one? You frowned, but sighed. No point in thinking so hard about this when I won't get any answers. You calm your thoughts and raised the gun to the altar once more. You stare emptily at the summoning ruin, watching the intricate design that's etched into stone glow with a bright light blue. You can still feel that quake of energy that appeared to rush through your blood, and enrapture your entire being. Your fingers trembled slightly at the trigger, you already felt the ricochet once. With sheer willpower and determination, you fire. Once again, the vibration from the aftermath of another summon shakes everyone at the summoning ruins. Smoke erupts from the main artifact, causing you to shield your eyes as the wind lashes and whips around you. The coat Sharena and Alphonse had given you bellows in its wake. You wait, and as soon as it dies down, you slowly raise your head, your gaze shifting away from the bleak darkness and into the light once again, only to meet the confused orbs that belonged to the older brother of Princess Sakura, Takumi. Upon meeting your gaze, he clears his throat, and his gaze becomes steely. "Who are you?" "Uh, I just summoned you, I'm Ki-" "Brother!" Sakura interrupts you as she runs up to him. His eyes widened, and you can see a flicker of confusion and disbelief as he barely managed to catch his sister in his arms. You wanted to interrupt, or at least answer his question, but instead, you leave the two siblings to their momentary peace. After all, they were each other's only familiarity in such a strange realm. Perhaps a few more hours had passed, and it wasn't until you were back at the safety of the castle lobby that you turned to the archer prodigy. He had been filled in by Sakura, or so you assumed from the amount of talking that had gone on. His gaze on you is questioning, and you meet that with determination. With a hand stuck out in offering, you calmly started over, "I'm Kiran. Just a summoner." His gaze is somewhat wary, but you don't blame him for it. After much deliberation, his hand gently grips yours, and you can feel the callouses that indicated his hard work over those years of practicing archery. A smile slowly tugs at the corners of your lips, matching his, as he responded, "I'm Takumi, a prince of Hoshido and wielder of the divine Fujin Yumi. It's nice to meet you, and I look forward to working with you, Kiran." Your smile was obvious now, although your hood still prevented him from quite seeing it, and you responded, "As do I. I look forward to our time together as well, Prince Takumi."
The trip back to the castle was filled with chatter as heroes from different realms exchanged stories from their own or about the recent skirmish to each other. Takumi and Robin found themselves at the back of the long chain, idly talking about the skirmish. "Good job out there again," Robin chuckled as he wiped the sweat of his forehead. Takumi gave him a small nod and responded, “Likewise, you’re almost at your peak.” "That means a lot, coming from a veteran like you,” Robin smiled and then asked, “But are you okay? You’ve had more close situations than usual." Takumi frowned. He has been feeling slightly off, but even he was unsure what it was. He still slept and ate properly. His training regimen hasn’t increased too much, but it did seem like he was a bit more out of it than usual. He shook his head, “Yeah, I’m fine." Robin’s frown pierced through him, and Takumi knew not to underestimate the sharpness of the Ylissean tactician. But in the end, the sound of your voice announcing that you guys were almost back to the castle snaps both of them out of their thoughts. Takumi glances over at your hooded figure and resolved himself to do his best, regardless of his fatigue.
"Ah, Takumi!” your voice makes him halt in the castle corridor as you caught up to him. Despite the time spent together, your hood still draped over your frame, hiding much of your appearance to the heroes. He turns around, and you can see confusion written plainly on his features. "Yes?" "Can we talk?” you asked. You had heard the concerns from your other heroes, in particular Robin who has been around almost as long as Takumi has. Takumi merely observes you, as though trying to figure out what it is that you were referring to. You flash him a small smile, “It’ll be quick, I promise." The two of you were loitering around one of the many gardens within the castle, although this one has to be one of the most obscure ones. You sat down by the fountain and softly asked, “How have you been?" He glances back at you and stops his pacing and he shrugged, “Okay. It’s the same thing everyday. Wake up, go training, and if we’re unlucky, be called onto the battlefield." His gaze finally rests on you and you easily responded, “That’s good to hear. But Takumi,” there was a pause, and he can feel the concern in your voice and in the heavy silence that filled the air, “I’m not overworking you, am I?" He turns to you, and you continued, “I feel like every time there’s a skirmish somewhere, I send you off first. I do know I rely on you a lot, but I just-" "Are you going to put me on the reserves?” his question was sharp, but there was a hint of worry and you frantically shook your head, “No! That’s not it. I’m just concerned that I’ve been working you too hard. You’ve been getting injured more often than usual. I’m just worried about you!" "I’m just another Hero that you can easily summon again, there’s no reason for you to-" "Don’t say that,” you muttered harshly. Takumi could see your figure tremble slightly, and he prepares an apology, but he never gets to say it. “You’re important. So please don’t belittle your own worth like that." He flinched. Stop. Don’t say those words like you know who I am and what I’ve gone through. His fists tightened. The family and loved ones that I’ve lost, you don’t understand. My own family betrayed- "I don’t want to lose anyone,” you quietly mumbled, snapping him away from his thoughts. You were no longer looking at him, your gaze trailing off to the distant horizon. “Every time I send you guys out onto the field, I know that one of you will come back with an embarrassed smile and an apology that you ‘failed’ me. "I never consider any one of you failures. You each have your own strengths and weaknesses. I understand that you guys come back injured, but are easily healed right away. But even then, I know you guys are in pain, and you guys just suck it up and go back onto the field and,” you paused, taking in a deep breath before looking at him again, “So please, just tell me if I’m working you too hard." In the end, despite getting an acknowledgement from him, you couldn’t help but worry. The shadowy tendrils of a dark purple that occasionally seemed to flicker around him didn’t help his case either. Your eyes trailed after his figure as he walked away. Please Takumi, stay safe.
Takumi laid down on the bed that was assigned to him upon his summoning and he idly looked around the room. He wasn’t searching for anything in particular, but your words were bothering him. "Don’t belittle your own worth’,” he softly repeated, and then answered, “It’s hard not to." I witnessed my beloved country fall to ruins. My sisters taken captive and my brother gone. And the cause of that was my own brother. The same brother who was supposed to be my family. And yet had chosen another family over his own blood. Takumi closed his eyes.  I don’t want to remember. I don’t want to go back. If I go back... He can still remember those slips. Those moments in which he was no longer himself. Don’t think about it. As long as I don’t think about it, I won’t remember that feeling of- "Takumi?" Your voice was gentle and soft, and it cause his eyes fluttered open and he frantically sits up in his bed. He didn’t even check his reflection to see if he looked composed enough for a visitor. But in the end, he clears his voice and responds, “Yes?" "It’s me,” you paused, and asked, “Can I come in?" He shuffled forward, unlocking the door for you to come in. You walked in, clearly nervous about entering his room, but at the same time curious about the interior. It was as you had expected it. With the amount of resources the Askrians have, Takumi had redesigned the interior to recreate his home in Hoshido. I wonder if it’s too foreign of a design? But this is home for me, and- "It’s nice,” you complimented as you sat down on the tatami mats. You give him a bright smile and you can see his cheek flush pink. You finally relax onto the mat, leaning back and using your arms as support. Your hood slips off, revealing your rather pretty features, and surprising Takumi. "W-Wait a minute,” he stuttered and you glanced up at him, and it was only then did you realize the hood had slipped off. You give him a sheepish smile and laughed, “Whoops, the cat’s out of the bag." He dumbly stared at you and only managed to ask, “Why?” But even then he couldn’t fathom why you would hide it. You merely shrugged and responded, “Because of responses like this?" Before he could even protest, you continued, “Not like it’s a bad thing! And plus, it’s just easier to have an unidentified person as your tactician. I’m sure most of the heroes would dismiss my opinions if they knew my gender." Takumi frowned, and he responded, “I wouldn’t." "Thanks Takumi,” you laughed, and then you patted the floor and said, “Sit down, won’t you? My neck’s going to hurt." "Ah, my apologies,” he quickly sits down and upon making himself comfortable, he finds that you’re staring at him again. Maybe it’s because it was the first time he had been alone in a room with a female, but he was nervous. My heart is beating so fast. I know I’m nervous, but maybe it’s because this is a different kind of nervousness. Maybe it’s because she’s not comparing me to Ryoma or- "Takumi?” you softly called his name, once again bringing him out of his thoughts. Concern filled his eyes and you asked, “Hey Takumi, do you remember the day I summoned you?" His lips pulled to a thin line and he nods, “I do, why?" "Did you,” you paused, and you changed your question, “No, do you still have it?" He tilts his head, it was an ever so slight tilt, but you clarified, “Your orb." A look of recognition crosses his face and he slowly nods his head before approaching a pile of blankets and pillows at the corner of the room. You watched intently as he comes back with a small simple white wooden box. He sits down, his fingers wrapped tightly around the box and he softly admitted, “I haven’t looked at it since you handed it to me." His gaze slowly trails up from the box to you, but he doesn’t say anything and you glanced away from his stare and down at the box. His fingers trembled against the small padlock, but in the end he resolves himself to slowly open the box. As he pulled the lid back, a velvety red cloth covered the orb. The outline of the orb made it appear smooth, and you desperately hoped it was. He reaches down, but his fingers are trembling and he hesitates. Why can’t I bring myself to show it to her? What am I scared of? Why does it- Takumi’s thoughts are cut off when he swears he saw a shadowy purple tendril slither from the orb. He starts and is shocked. His eyes widened in fear, and he felt that overbearing presence that he had kept locked in the deepest parts of his memory. Betrayed. By the one called family. Mother.. Ryoma.. Their lives forfeited for… Corrin. Takumi’s eyes flickered red, and yours widened in return upon seeing the startling sight. Hinoka… Sakura.. Held.. captive, and Corrin… Corrin. Kill Cor- "-mi! Takumi!" He shakily raises his head to look up at you. You weren't sure if he was completely back to normal yet, but sudden tension and oppressive aura that filled the air caused your heart to palpitate rapidly out of fear. You were hesitant in calling out his name, but you needed him to come back. Your gaze was steady on him as you can actually feel the aura of pure bloodlust gradually fade away. Unknowingly, a breath of relief escapes you, and you softly asked, “Are you okay?" He lowered his head in shame. No. I’m not. No matter how much I want to ignore it and push it away, I can’t. I can’t. It won’t go away. It still haunts me. I just… I just wanted my family to be happy. I wanted to be- "It’s okay if you’re not,” you softly reassured him and you leaned forward, resting your hand on top of his. His gaze flicked up to meet yours, and he's startled by the amount of faith you have in him. He can't find the strength to respond, but he's grateful for your calming presence. He doesn’t respond, but his fingers gingerly pick up the fabric and he pulls it back ever so slowly. A dull sheen of silver slowly peeked through, revealing the colorless orb that changed Takumi’s fate. But your eyes narrowed at the sight of the orb. You couldn’t help but feel apprehensive of the cloudy and murky nature of the once brilliantly shining orb. Robin said… the first signs of a damaged orb is the fatigue of the hero.. You duly recalled as you gently reached out for the orb. Upon your touch, a shimmer of light flickers through the orb, as though responding to your energy. The old tome did say that the orb was assumed to be the soul of the Hero. But they never had experience with the actual orb. You gingerly pick up the orb, cupping it in your hands, and it flickered slightly before it was a radiant orb. Colorless by nature, but every now and then, you can see swirls and tendrils of light within it. Now this looks more like the orbs that Robin has. They look so full of life and just brilliant in their own radiance. But Takumi’s… it seemed so lifeless earlier. The pads of your fingers gently traced the surface, but you paused at the sudden scratch that contradicted the smoothness. Your brows furrowed as you gently rotated it until the offensive jagged dent faced you. It’s… scratched? No, a shard broke off? This can’t be. You were in pure denial as your gaze frantically switched between the orb and the box. But you calm yourself down as you looked over at Takumi. The fantastic archer wasn’t even paying attention as his head was lowered and he stared into his hands that rested on his lap. I can’t.. I can’t let him know. Not yet. I need more information. I have to finish translating that tome.
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fieryfafarfanfics · 7 years
Reunion and Realization
 Takumi wondered if he had gone blind from that terribly bright light.  Eyes still squeezed shut, he slowly lowered his arms. Fujin Yumi still tight in his grasp, he prince exhaled through his mouth and shook his head lightly from the incoming headache.  “Welcome, Takumi.”  Immediately he snapped his eyes open at the voice.
 And once he did, shock registered quickly into him to see a person cloaked in a robe of gold and white.  The person flashed a smile, her left hand waving in his direction while her right holding some sort of weapon. Caution popped swiftly into his mind, Takumi tightened his hold on Fujin Yumi and almost positioned himself to attack.  Kiran was faster to take notice.  “Eh, eh!” Panic blooming in the summoner, she quickly raised both hands and levelled them near her head. “I’m not here to attack!” Dark brown eyes witnessed his gaze that fell to the Breidablik. “This won’t hurt anyone!” Shivers ran down her spine to spot a doubtful glare towards her. “I don’t even know how to fight!”  God, if this kept on any longer, Kiran swore she was going to spout pathetic nonsense about herself.  Thankfully, the last statement somewhat eased him from raising his Fujin Yumi any further.  As humiliating as it was that that convinced him, Kiran was utterly relieved as well.  “A-Anyways,” Coughing once into her left fist, she looked at the silently confused prince. “I’m Kiran, the summoner of this kingdom. And you’ve been summoned as a fellow Hero to help the people of Askr.” Though her face resonated serenity, Kiran was beyond thrilled and proud to have uttered the statements smoothly and clearly; obviously, saying those words in front of a mirror nearly every day was paying off.  Silent still held the prince’s lips. But upon hearing her explanation, he slowly began to nod his head. “I…see.” Hazel eyes observed her from head to toe. Clearly she wasn’t a threat. Her smile was still genuine, gleaming even with cheeks dusted a slight red. Heat warming into his face as well at the former doubt, Takumi finally cocked a sincere smile of his own.  “In that case,” Fuyin Yumi moved to his left hand, Takumi placed his right palm onto his heart, “let me introduce myself. I’m Takumi, a prince of Hoshido and wielder of the divine Fujin Yumi.” He lifted the weapon slightly. “Which…makes me pretty useful, I’d say.”  The statement wasn’t meant to sound pitiful, but Kiran quickly bit back the frown that almost formed her pretty pink lips. “Thank you, Takumi.” She gave a single bow, then stood up properly with her smile still beaming like the sun. “You’re gonna be really helpful here. I just know it!”  After their little introduction, the summoner then raised her right hand and popped her lips open to tell him about the castle and other facilities.  “Kiran, where are you?”  However, silence struck her next once that voice rang from outside the summoning chamber.  Now, Kiran’s silence wasn’t because of her voice. Oh no, no. After almost a year, hearing her voice didn’t surprise her in the least. Hell, even if the princess roared violently into the sky, Kiran would just take it as casual noise.  No. What brought her to silence was the complete bafflement that splashed Takumi’s face.  “Kiran?” Without waiting for a response, Kamui entered the chamber. “Oh, there you are!” A smile curling at the corners to see the summoner, the princess happily approached her. “Ready to go to the market? I’ve been dying to see the little markets in Askr!” Slender hands casually held more delicate ones. “I heard from Sharena that they even have a stall that sells the most delicious pastries! I want to go try!” Kamui swore, any more excited than she was, a tail would surely pop out and wag ecstatically at the idea.  That joy, however, dimmed to confusion when she saw Kiran’s lack of enthusiasm. “Kiran, what’s wrong?” Head tilted slightly, Kamui carefully waved one hand across the summoner’s face.  “Kamui.”  Confusion froze into pure shock once that voice – that lovely, lovely voice she’d missed so much – slipped into her ears.  Crimson eyes as wide as they could be, Kamui quickly turned around.  And when she did, by Gods, she had gasped so loud, both hands swiftly slapped to her gaping mouth.  He’s here.  He’s here, he’s here, he was finally here.  Silence hanged heavily inside the chamber. One stared in complete disbelief and bafflement. One stared with breathing choppy and heartbeat manic inside a chest. While one stood from a few feet away, her steps slowly sliding backwards in order to give them a moment.   But man, Kiran wanted so badly to watch this scene unfold without making it awkward for both of them.  He still didn’t say a word. She still stood still as a statue.  Suddenly, as silence still sang its hollow song, footsteps shattered the heavy air.  Tap, tap, Takumi walked forward, hazel eyes focused on no one but the stunned dragon princess.  Kamui.  Her name chanted endlessly in his mind.  Kamui, Kamui, Kamui, Kamui, Kamui, Kamui.  Her name became a hypnotic mantra that haunted his thoughts.  Tap.  Clang!  “Kamui…”  Without a moment’s hesitance, Takumi pulled the baffled princess into a tight hug.  Fujin Yumi unwarily dropped to the side, the prince nuzzled and nestled and kissed the left side of her head, her soft hair, her twitching ear. “Oh Gods, Kamui…” Eyes warmed with tears, Takumi squeezed his eyes shut and tightened his embrace.  A short gasp escaped weakly through shaking lips once he felt her hands on his back.  “Welcome home, Takumi…”  Though a single tear trickled down flushed cheeks, he couldn’t help the laughter that had bubbled out of him. “I’m h-home…” Teeth chattered then clenched tightly, Takumi pressed a long, lingering kiss to the side of her head again. “I…I finally found you, dear.”  Gods, how badly he missed her sweet, sweet laugh.  “I’m sorry for being gone for so long, darling.” Head tipped comfortably on his left shoulder, Kamui slightly turned her head so that her lips pecked his ear. “But you found me!”  Gods, how horribly he missed her adorably endearing personality.  Again, shaky laughter popped out of his mouth. “Don’t e-ever—” He took a deep breath and slid his arms around her waist. “—leave me again.” And with that, Takumi easily lifted her up and twirled her around.  Surprised by the sudden lift, Kamui then laughed louder and louder as she placed her hands on his shoulders.  Tears and dignity be damned, Takumi took a deep breath before breaking out another shaky sob. Still, his smile stayed in place, never wavered, never gone now that she was finally in his arms. ---  Kiran only watched the scene behind the other end of the door. Her jaw had gone a bit numb from all the smiling, but she couldn’t give a damn. It always brought her absolute joy to see couples being reunited. After all, it was partially her fault that these Heroes appeared without warning. The least she could do was hope for the best and summon their friends, families, or loved ones.  “Kiran?”  Speaking of loved ones.  Quickly she turned around, her heart skipped a beat to see the Askarian prince. “Alfonse!” Eyes unblinking at the sudden visitor, Kiran quickly but carefully pressed the door closed behind her. “I—what’s up?”  Oh dear Gods, she almost burst out a cackle to see him subconsciously looking up.  Upon realizing that he was fooled by one of her metaphorical sentence – again – Alfonse closed his eyes and pursed his lips in pure shame. “I should’ve known better.” Masking his embarrassment with a single cough, the prince bit the insides of his lower lip and looked at the summoner.  Gods, his teeth nipped harder to see that radiant smile.  Unaware of the little emotional whirlwind he had caused her, Kiran gently tapped her chin. Laughter still rang inside the chamber. And as much as she wanted to show this moment of bliss to the prince, Kiran was pretty sure the two preferred some privacy after months of being separated from each other. Plus, she really didn’t want to know what it was like to piss off a powerful prince and a terrifying dragon.  And with that, an idea beamed on top of her head.  “Hey, Alfonse.” Slowly she approached him, her heart picking up its pace at every step. “Are you free today?”  A single eyebrow was seen being raised and by Gods, he’s too cute!  “I am.” Just by the sight of her smile alone, Alfonse could feel his lips curl so naturally at her presence. “Why?”  She swore, her heart was about to burst out of her chest. “Do you want to accompany me to the market today?”  She didn’t know what made her more nervous: the question or his shocked reaction.  “I-I mean—!” Quickly she waved her hands, though voice still evened so that she wouldn’t startle the royal couple on the other side of the door. “I—Sharena said there’s this stall that has the best pastries and I’m really stoked to see the stuff they have!” Clap, her hands pressed together. “So, if you’re free today, I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind accompanying me for a bit—”  “Of course.”  Her mouth gaped to a stupor. “What?”  Both hands lingered near her pressed lips to see his charming smile and dusted cheeks.  “I—yes.” Again he answered, voice clear as day. “I would love y—to go with you!” His mouth was quicker, but Gods, his heart was now a violent tornado of hoping – terribly, badly, madly hoping – that she didn’t pick that up.  To see the excited gleam in her eyes, Alfonse was beyond relieved.  “Yay!” Unable to contain her thrill, Kiran clapped again and even bounced right in front of him. “Great! I’ll go get my tiny stash of coins in my bedroom and we’ll be ready to go!” Without waiting for a reaction, she dashed away and even hummed in glee at the moment of fun they were going to have.  While she beamed in anticipation for the day, Alfonse only watched her in silence.  In seconds, her figure disappeared from his line of sight.  But by Gods, even if she wasn’t physically there, her image would always, always haunt his mind, day and night.  His heart thumped just as madly when he remembered his humiliating mistake.  “Gods…” Heat now burned to the ears, Alfonse cupped his face with both hands and even slowly, agonizingly stooped down to the ground.  He had done it. He had done the one thing he swore himself to never do.  Fingers parted away to see his right eye, Alfonse sighed bitterly as he gazed at the ground.  He could still vividly see her smile.  You’ve fallen in love with her… END
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Breidablik: the Sacred Gun
(This is an outline for all those who are not familiar with FE:H, or know what the gun is for. This is also going to state what I will do if Mark ‘Kiran’ Lucas needs to use the damn thing.)
Breidablik requires the use of magic orbs, which he always has on hand. There are four different kinds of orbs, red, green, blue and gray. Red summons a sword user, or a mage that utilizes a sword specified power (fire falls in this category). Green summons an axe user or a mage that uses an axe specific power (think like Elwind or Excalibur). Blue summons a lancer, or a mage under that blue power (best one I can think of is ice spells, and that of light magics). Gray summons an archer, a dagger wielder, or a healer.
If he summons anyone this way, I make it a thing not to have it release someone from that certain Outrealm. (UNLESS REQUESTED. If you wanna mess time and space up.) Mark does his research and has played the games enough to know who not to summon if he is stuck in Nohr while the war is going on. He would probably summon Jaffar or Julia, or Roy. Someone not from that world.
There is a limit on how many he can summon, and the summons are dismissed after the conflict passes. They return, and Mark gets their orbs back, thus not wasting the ammunition. The max he can call forth is 4.
Breidablik can only be used by him, as the rite to summon the user was performed by Anna. He is the only one that knows how to use the gun, but also it is a sacred weapon in its own right.
Mark is not a fighter. He does no go in the fray and attack. He is not built like that, he is a tactician. His weapon is his tactics, unlike Robin who can cast spells and use a sword.
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
     The distance between them was maddening, for as small as it was and for as brief as it had been. It made his lips tingle with a persistent, phantom longing, that could only be satiated in one specific way. He knows what it is and he knows that he'll succumb to it in spite of anything else that might try to suggest otherwise. But he tries to resist for as long as he can. One second. Two seconds. Three seconds. Before the fourth comes, he finally breaks, diverting the princess’s face towards his so that he could plant an adoring kiss upon her lips, feeling a rush of relief and pleasure the moment the two make contact.
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     “Hello Lissa.”, he says softly against her, not daring to break away for even a moment. Not until the yearning fully ceased.
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
"don’t worry everything will be alright."
     Kiran’s shoulders were sagging under the weight of his sorrow, too worn out from the battle to hold them up, even as a sign of assurance.  Eldigan had fallen in battle - shot in the back by an arrow while he was preoccupied with an enemy swordsman. He would return of course - Breidablik’s power “resummoning him” in a state from before his death as it had done with others in the past, but he couldn’t escape his doubts. His fears. His failure.
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     “I know that. I do, but...its still difficult. I shouldn’t have even allowed that to happen, and the fact that I didn’t recognize the danger until it was too late-”
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
Continued from [X]
    Kiran hadn’t intended for this to be something for her to become apprehensive over. In fact, it seems odd that she would act so nervous at his request at first. But when he thought about it, what didn’t she have to be nervous about? What could she tell him that wouldn’t come off as shameful or upsetting? -Not that he saw like that it of course, but he was familiar enough with Laevatein’s thought process by now to know that was what she was thinking. From her perspective, the experiences of her life must seem dreadful, or perhaps even pointless. But there was something he wanted to know. Something he felt that he needed to know really, and it was something he’d had trouble bringing up in the past given the nature of the subject. So he supposed that she was right to be worried after all.
     Biting his lip, Kiran permits a brief silence to fill the air as he musters up his courage. His long fingers are drumming on his thighs and his gaze is fixed squarely on the empty space before him. After a short time (or rather he hoped it was short) he finally manages to look her in the eye, speaking his request on a nervous breath.
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     “If...you wouldn’t mind...I’d like to hear a bit about Laegjarn actually.”
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
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     “Say Megan, you don’t happen to know if they have contacts in this world do you? You know, little lenses that go over your eyes? I was hoping to get some colored ones to go with my Harvest Festival costume.” 
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
     One of the things people often asked Kiran was: “What’s it like coming to a new world? Isn’t it strange to see how different things are?” Kiran would affirm this, of course, but he always followed that up by saying that he had expected those differences: The thing that had really stricken him as odd was the staggering amount similarities. The languages, the people, the culture - honestly, there were more similarities than he could name without using those broad terms, but of all the things that were most alike between this world and his there was one thing in particular that he clung to above others and that was the holidays.
     Apart from the simple comfort of their familiarity and how it helped him track the passage of time in Zenith, the events themselves were as genuinely enjoyable as they had always been for him, although almost all of them went by different names than what he was used to. One such example was the Fall Festival, which was currently in full swing, leaving all of Askr to be swept up in the spirit of delightful frights. 
     Kiran himself had actually volunteered to help with preparations for this year's final celebration at the end of the month, and was presently adorning the halls with some bat-shaped cutouts that Anna had evidently gotten at a “bargain price” when out of the corner of his eye, he spots the familiar shape of a certain Ylissian Princess, prompting his body to quickly tense up and his heart rate quicken before he’s even turned to face her.
     Trick or treat wasn’t a concept unique to his own world you see, and the two of them had been embroiled in something of a prank war for quite some time now. That was why he was so on edge suddenly and certainly not for any other reasons a more observant person might elect to point out. Not at all.
     Giving Lissa a suspicious look, the summoner takes a few mindful steps backward before finally speaking in a very guarded tone. 
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     “Good evening, Lissa. To what do I owe the pleasure this time? Nothing as boring as frogs I hope. Gods know you’ve tried that one too many times.” 
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
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     “Megan..?” The summoner’s voice rings out against the stone bulwark of the castle’s dorms as he raps his knuckles on her door. The lonesome sound resonated with the concern inside the summoner’s chest, making him knock again with more impatience only a few seconds later.  “Megan, are you in there? Nobody’s seen you around in the last few days and... well, I’m getting concerned about you.”
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wielderofbreidablik · 5 years
Smash or Pass + Azura >:D
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     “Uh, w-well…” He hesitates, fidgeting nervously. “Would it be cheating to say something less crude than… Smash?”
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