#kiramune company
cocotome · 1 year
Do yall remember this post about Hirarin participating in a Kiramune live drama reading event?? Well, they've finally updated the site with the story and cast photos, along with a video on their official Youtube channel!
Here's a very rough translation of the synopsis: After the fourth World War has destroyed nations and continents, the world looks very different. Our main character, Kudou Makoto, who works for a manufacturing company, gets called in by the company president. He's given a document with the word N.A.O written on it, which confuses him since he's never heard of them before. When talking to his former university professor, he's handed a business card that reads "N.A.O., Area J branch manager" and is told that his strength is needed. His ordinary days are about to end as he questions his beliefs and the existence of good and evil.
Each reading will be performed by separate casts so there are two people playing each role. General info below~
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^Kudou Makoto - Eguchi Takuya and Kamiya Hiroshi^ After graduating from Tachikawa National College department of Robotics, he became an ordinary man who developed products to aid in disaster relief. Was invited to to develop for the N.A.O Area J branch by his mentor and former teacher Tachibana. Lives his life upright, and strives to help others. That was until his supervisor, Kureha, revealed a hidden truth to him...
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^Idzuru Yakumo - Kimura Ryouhei and Namikawa Daisuke^ Makoto's childhood friend. Graduated from the same department of Robotics at Tachikawa College of Technology and works in Area A after transferring from N.A.O Area J. Decided to go back to Area J on the same day Makoto was moved to that area. Confronts Tachibana about moving Makoto to Area J because he's known him for so long and worries. He has a strong sense of justice and excellent grades. He also has internal struggles of his own that come to a head.
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^Tachibana Seiichirou - Miki Shinichirou and Konishi Katsuyuki^ He's the N.A.O Area J Branch Chief of Staff. Taught both Makoto and Yakumo in college. He's the one who personally recruited Makoto to work in Area J. Is gentle yet strict with a flexible way of thinking. He makes the best decisions he can in the moment, ven if he has to remove his own emotions in the moment. Left behind his wife and daughter in the country side to work hard.
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^Sakuma Hideo - Seki Toshihiko and Furuya Touru^ Commander in Chief of N.A.O Area J Branch. Ruthless and will protect Area J at all costs. He doesn't speak much and carries out his decisions without second guesses. He is beginning not to trust Makoto. Lost his wife and child in the previous war.
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^Aoyama Keigo - Yonaga Tsubasa and Okamoto Nobuhiko^ N.A.O Area J branch operator. Knowledgeable in IT and works hard. He believes you cannot protect what's important to you without power. Has a lot of admiration for Sakuma and does his best to help Area J in his own ways. His older brother and parents in the last war.
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^Kureha Suguru - Yoshino Hiroyuki and Hirakawa Daisuke^ N.A.O Area J Branch Development Office Manager. He's doubted the intentions of others since he was a child and doesn't trust anyone, including his own family so he only opens his heart to machines because he knows they can't lie. He's an eccentric person who loves the machines he makes like they're his children but is very knowledgeable system development. Calls Makoto "Mako-chan"
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^Hino Mirai - Uemura Yuuto and Hozumi Yuuya^ A trainee at N.A.O Area J. Is a bright student and the top of his class but always falls behind Seira in their last skill exams but because of his personality he admires the other student rather than being jealous of him. After losing his parents, he now works hard to take care of his little sister, the only reaming family he has.
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^Sumeragi Seira - Yoshinaga Takuto and Horie Shun^ Another trainee at N.A.O Area J. Although he got the top score in the recent skill exam, he's only average at everything else. Is shy and rarely talks to his classmates. He lives alone and doesn't even know his parents.
Sorry if anything is off, I just tried to get the basics of each character. All the guys on the left side are one cast and all the guys on the right are the other cast. Anyways, the story sounds really interesting and the cast is obviously all star, no mater which performance you're talking about! I just need them to sell blu-rays or online viewing tickets!!!!!
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jyuhachi1994 · 4 years
Kiramune Company R #54, Trignal's meeting for their 10th Anniversary
Where's Egu?
Namidai: Trignal has 3 members, right?
Ryouhei: Actually, there's elimination of yellow
Namidai: That, another problem will occur if that happens
Yocchin: There's yellow here as well
Namidai: Probably, Uncle Bomb (colour) will become 'pin'
Ryouhei: That pin from Uncle Bomb, will become pink
Namidai: Then it will be just Yoshino-san
Ryouhei: Then, it's better if yellow will just disappear
Wing: Right, let's change it to different colour, make it darker
Ryouhei: So, Namikawa-san, what colour do you want?
Namidai: Are we going to talk about that? Is that why that guy isn't here?
Ryouhei: That guy will be transparent
Wing: it's originally like that. As if he isn't there
Namidai: No, but, isn't Trignal has been here for so long?
Wing: Oh, have you noticed?
Namidai: on the contrary, why you didn't notice that you didn't have 3 people today? You have been doing Trignal for so long. There are only two of you here
Ryouhei: Seriously, why Eguchi isn't here?
Yocchin: About that, I actually received a call
Namidai: If you know, say it
Egu (via 'call') : Yoshino-san, otsukare-sama. Trignal's curry representative, Eguchi Takuya. Actually, it's a bit... I might be late.... Probably... no, that's not it.. There's a curry that I wanted to eat. uhm, That curry I wanted to eat is limited only for today. I'll honestly say it, there's a curry that I am interest with, so I am in a shop in Jimbo street. That's why, I cannot attend today's meeting. Sorry, so I'll just leave the meeting to the two. I'm sorry.
Ryouhei: If I may? As I have mentioned, after hearing it, yellow is not needed!
Yocchin: Yes, if you say it and after hearing it, it's really not needed!
Namidai: Yeah, hearing it, yes, that yellow is not needed
Wing: that's why, Okamoto Nobu is enough
Egu (Narration) : *chotto chotto* I am needed you know. As a curry representative, eating a limited curry is my life mission. As a fellow yellow representative, president, let's do our best! Kiramune Company! As a member of Trignal, I'll join you as a narrator!
And lol, yes, Wing is a bit chubbier, and Ryouhei's brace :D
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kamiyan-luv · 4 years
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Kiramune Company #48 featuring Kamiya Hiroshi
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sherryshawol · 5 years
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Selling cheap Seiyuu DVDs and CDs in excellent condition: CDs are $5/each DVDs are $15/each. Comes with preorder pcs for some of them!
I live in Australia but will ship worldwide if you cover the shipping cost! These are amazing prices I got each DVD for over $80! I'm moving house so just want to sell them ASAP, please DM me for PayPal details!
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milykamiya · 5 years
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T r i g n a l ❤💛💙
(*¯︶¯*) ♡
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ju-da-su · 6 years
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Q: What’s Eguchi Takuya’s hobby? A: Collecting toothpicks that come with wooden chopsticks
...Apparently, Egu has a new hobby while I was away from the fandom...and no, I still can’t make sense of him...
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rinrinrinrinn143 · 6 years
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Kakki Immidating how Namikawa-san sang during bokura no egaku mirai:
Cr. Weibo
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momosubs · 5 years
✰ Kiramune Company
Okamoto Nobuhiko Namikawa Daisuke Yoshino Hiroyuki
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hsylog · 3 years
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aonoou · 7 years
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CV: Kimura Ryohei (side punk), Yonaga Tsubasa (smiley chick) and Eguchi Takuya (Alien)
Animators: Namikawa Daisuke, Hiroyuki Yoshino and a Giraffe
I’m looking forward to this , pfft...
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cocotome · 4 years
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This is so old (but new to me!!)~ Hirarin was a guest on Kiramuneカンパニー#46!!! I want to watch this so bad! If anyone has any info, please dm me! I can't even find a dvd to buy 😔
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yukinamizuki · 7 years
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Please realize that you guys already over 30 😂😂 Source : twitter
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SolidS, Kiramune, Trignal...
My day started with SolidS, continued through Kiramune and ended with Trignal… What a interesting day!
Thanks tumbrl! I learned a lot about my new obsession because of you. ✴
Soma-kun❤ is such a cutie, with such a nice voice. I’ve fallen for him even more. Hanae-chan is Hanae-chan… And Ume-chan has great voice too!
NamiDai’s funny guy and I’d like to see whole eps of Kiramune. I need to learn Japanese first…
Trignal is really fine group. I spent whole evening listening to their radio shows. I always liked Kimura Ryohei and so I’m happy to learn new things about him. I’ve known Yonaga Tsubasa, but I wasn’t fan of him before, but after today I really like him. And then there is Eguchi. Well, he’s rather interesting fellow… Part of both, SolidS and Trignal. Actually, I spent my day mainly with him. 🍛
(I don’t know why I decided to write this. I just… felt doing so? …. OMG This’s my longest post. :D )
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kamiyan-luv · 4 years
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Kiramune Company #48 with Kamiya Hiroshi
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wisdomrays · 3 years
Angels and Their Functions: Part 2
The Majestic Maker of this huge palace of creation employs four classes of laborers: angels and other spirit beings; inanimate things and vegetable creations, which are quite important servants working without wages; animals, which serve unconsciously in return for a small wage of food and pleasure; and humanity, which works in awareness of the Majestic Creator's purposes. Men and women learn from everything, and supervise lower-ranking servants in return for wages (reward) here and in the Hereafter.
The first class consists of angels. These beings are never promoted for what they do, for each has a fixed, determined rank and receives a particular pleasure from the work itself as well as a radiance from worship. Their reward is found in their service. Just as we are nourished by and derive pleasure from air and water, light and food, angels are nourished by and receive pleasure from the lights of remembrance and glorification, worship and knowledge, and love of God. Since they are created of light, light sustains them. Even fragrant scents, which are close to light, are enjoyable nourishment for them. Indeed, pure spirits take pleasure in sweet scents.
Angles receive their own reward—elevated bliss—for carrying out the commands of the One Whom they worship, working for His sake, rendering service in His Name, and supervising through His view. They gain honor through their connection with Him, are refreshed by studying His Kingdom's material and immaterial dimensions, and are satisfied by observing His Grace and Majesty's manifestations. The resulting bliss is so elevated bliss that we cannot even begin to comprehend or perceive it.
Angels do not sin or disobey, for they do not have an evil-commanding soul that must be resisted. They have fixed stations, and so are neither promoted nor abased. They have no experience with such negative qualities as envy, rancor, enmity, and all the lusts and animal appetites found in human beings and jinn. They have no gender, do not eat or drink, and do not feel hunger, thirst, or tiredness. Although they receive no wages for their worship, they derive special pleasure from carrying out God's commands, delight in being near to Him, and receive spiritual pleasure from their worship. Praise, worship, recitation of God's Names, and glorification of Him are their nourishment, as are light and sweet fragrances.
On the other hand, we struggle with our evil-commanding soul and Satan. While angels invite us to true guidance, inspire us with belief and good conduct and virtue, and call us to resist the temptations of Satan and our evil-commanding selves, Satan and our evil-commanding selves try to seduce us. A person's life is the history of his or her continuous struggle between angelic inspiration and satanic temptation. This is why we can be elevated to the highest rank or abased to the lowest rank. Also, this is why the elect of humanity, the Prophets and great saints, are higher in rank than the greatest angels, and why ordinary believers are higher than common angels. Also, although angels have more knowledge of God and His Names and Attributes than we do, we are more comprehensive mirrors of God's Names and Attributes due to our developed human senses, our ability to reflect, and our complex nature.
There are different kinds of angels. Besides those deputed to represent and supervise various species and present their worship to God, there are four Archangels and angels who carry God's Throne. Other other groups of angels are known as Mala'-i A'la (the Highest Council), Nadiyy-i A'la (the Highest Assembly), and Rafiq-i A'la (the Highest Company). Specific angels have been appointed to Paradise and Hell. Angels who record a person's deeds are called Kiramun Katibun (the Noble Recorders), and, as stated in a hadith, 360 of them are responsible for each believer's life. They guard their charges, especially during infancy and old age, pray for them, and ask God to forgive them. Other angels help believers during times of war and attend assemblies that praise and glorify God, as well as study meetings held for God's sake and to benefit people.
Angels, particularly angels of mercy, do not enter houses containing statues or places where dogs are fed, and refrain from close contact with ritually impure people and menstruating women. They also avoid those with bad breath (derived from eating onions or garlic or from smoking), and do not visit those who sever relations with their parents and relatives.
Although God is All-Powerful and can guard everyone by Himself, He may appoint angels to guard His servants. To earn such a guardianship, believers have to do willingly that which is good and establish a close relation with God Almighty. They must have strong belief in God and all other pillars of faith, never abandon regular worship and prayer, lead a disciplined life, and refrain from forbidden things or sinful acts.
Angels helped the believers during the battles of Badr and Uhud, and also during the conquest of Makka. They always help believers who sincerely struggle in the way of God, regardless of time and place.
Belief in angels has many benefits. For example, it provides us some peace and removes our loneliness. The inspiration breathed by angels exhilarates us, enlightens us intellectually, and opens new horizons of knowledge and thought. Awareness of their continuous company also helps us abstain from sin and improper behavior.
We may use some Qur'anic verses, such as the following, to observe angels:
By the loosed ones successively, storming tempestuously; by the scatterers scattering, and the severally severing and those hurling a reminder, excusing or warning. (77:1-6)
By those that pluck out violently; and those that draw out gently; by those that float serenely, and those that outstrip suddenly; by those that direct an affair. (79:1-5)
... in (the Night of Power) the angels and the spirit descend, by the leave of their Lord, upon every command. (97:4)
... a Fire whose fuel is men and stones, and over which are harsh, terrible angels who disobey not God in what He commands them and do what they are commanded. (66:6)
Glory be to Him! Nay, but they are honored servants that outstrip Him not in speech, and perform as He commands. (21:26–27)
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milykamiya · 7 years
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Happy B-Day # 35 Kakky'×`♡☆(~ *' 3 '*)~ 💚 And Merry christmas / Feliz navidad for you! ✨❤
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