#kira gelfing
ququoquaw · 2 years
Sharing this edit of Kira (Dark Crystal) that I made cause she looks cute and I don’t want to lose it again.
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I remember playing around with a (I wanna say) Windows 98 virtual machine and getting the idea to make this towards the beginning of Summer. When I was in the actual virtual machine I realized that the pictures wouldn’t properly so I left the little wallpaper Kira as is and I just left the “Paint” screen empty so that I could photoshop it later. For the color rows at the bottom of the “Paint” screen I think I picked out a bunch of colors from the image and organized them by hex code and just started filling in the little boxes.
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crystalxxsquids · 2 years
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kira pen doodles
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chuunardo · 1 year
And I call this "Daughter of Maudra"
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Practice makes progress and progress I have made!!
I'm really pleased with how this turned out!! Very big yippee on my part lol.
I really like the headcanon that Seladon is Kira's mother. I'm a very impressionable person so when I saw someone explained why they think Seladon and Gurjin were Kira's parents, you best believe I ran with that shit!! Thank you lady on tiktok!!!
My previous TDC posts!!
>yay gelfings
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animatronicdoozer · 8 months
I’m trying to figure out drawing gelfs 😑
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Kira is my fave
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
TDC sequel comics fanon fix rewriting masterpost
If you remember, especially if you scroll down my "rewriting" tag, I think Power of the Dark Crystal had wasted potentials by trying to try too much to be like the first movie, retconning, some very good ideas and new characters wasted, making no sense, and some characters from the movie being wasted, badly written, often OOC and flanderized. Plus, with new canon elements introduced wirh AOR it doesn't even make sense anymore. So with friends notably @dracocheesecake we had decided to fanrewrite it to make it more sense and make it more likable. Notable changes were the ones Skeksis and UrRu returning are not the ones who left in the movie (WTFFF) but the ones who died and were in the Crystal all along, young again, with as main villainous Emperor SkekSo obviously (and HE and UrSu are the ones to die and appear to Kensho in Beneath in the Prism ; I CAN'T ACCEPT SKEKSIL AND URSOL DIE SO STUPIDLY WHILE HE IS SO OOC), Jen and Kira were not useless rulers and in the end rather than following the UrSkeks (WHY) they choose to abdicate and go live in the valley Jen grew up in as hermits alone together, the Lord Commander whom I think was a huge wasted potential survives (he lost his leg tho), is named Jarra AND is the SON of Jen and Kira who is paranoid and brutish to protect his parents who went through hell before his birth (and took too much from Seladon in his behavior and judgement ; REALLY THAT IS EVEN IN THE UNTOUCHED SEQUEL) and then will have to co-rule with Kensho like Thurma will co-rule with her rival in Beneath and he will learn to trust him and make peace in Beneath too as a parralelling plot same for the 2 female Gelf scouts (wasted as well) who will have to learn to trust him and are the Commander's daughters and Jen and Kira's granddaughters, in said sequel's sequel Thurma and Kensho CAN see each other in the end thanks to the fact they have co-rulers so one can leave duties (WHAT'S THE POINT IN MAKING THEM ADORABLE TOGETHER IF TO NEVER MEET AGAIN OUTSIDE OF SPIRITUALLY), NO THE SCEPTER DOES NOT CONTROL THE ARATHIM DURING THE SKEKSIS' ABSENCE they do obey only because they were recreated with Crystal magic then when Skekso returns knowing how to use the Darkening NOW they grow obedient again, SkekSo being young again once drinking essence becomes OVERPOWERED glowing blue veins and eyes like Darkened Deet, and the Mystics without doing too much either because they have a politic of not intervening still interact more with Aughra... and on UrSu's part with Jen
I thought about it again recently and thougjt about adding more !
No Jen and Kira don't spend their days mindfucking through their hands as their kingdom rots because they are tired and just want to be together (GEEZ YOU GUYS HAD *ONE JOB*) but because they are close to abdication so they let most of it be done by their heir and son who is also the Commander who himself blindly listens to the Crystal Eminence. Whenever themselves show doubts, the Eminence quickly reassures them. But they have a bad feeling as they see more and more people come because of that Blight but don't want to humiliate or embarrass their son and just try to advise him. Of course, he is too blinded to protect them he doesn't listen
The only OC created for the whole rewriting, Dr Astris, wife of the Commander and mother of the 2 scouts. She was the one who burned the blight off Kensho and despite her cares left him with scars, and tries to be her family's braincel and control, especially when they are being dicks on a kid who's like 15 in human age. Being confronted to so many Blight-ridden people, she does suspect something has to be wrong, quickly warming up to Thurma trying to convince her husband. His only reaction ? If the Blight spreads she could contaminated so she should perhaps stop, which she does NOT like and slaps him (right after Aughra had bopped him on the head for being clueless and loud). He's like "What'd I say !?". She also spends time with Kira and Aughra with the Mystics while the others are away, enjoying the chant
Idea borrowed from @dracocheesecake, the new Garthim look much different, as said they were recreated thanks to Crystal magic from their carcasses because Jen and Kira (who at this moment were alone and thought were the last, unaware the survivors were at sea) needed help to reconstruct the damaged castle and live there, and since they had been traumatized they had them rebuilt looking different, idk how yet but reusing the same bits, some bits not used, in different places etc. They became their own new Frankenstein creatures, and it is not because they were Skeksis-made (they no longer were) but simply because the Darkening from the scepter once SkekSo has it corrupts them like it corrupts the Nurlocs they end up attacking, they are a hive mind so he corrupts one they all get corrupted
NO I PRECISE AGAIN KIRA WAS NOT RESURRECTED BY THE CRYSTAL SO IF IT BREAKS AGAIN SHE IS NOT IN DANGER She was resurrected by the UrSkeks so SAME FOR KENSHO, Sure it means the Crystal, being Thra, allowed their souls to return, BUT STILL IT WAS THE CRYSTAL WHO STARTED AND FINISHED THE PROCEDURE. Kira dent alone because out of symbolism, Jen is the one who did the quest so she convinces him now he knows Thra he can go without her while she will just make sure to protect the Crystal the best she can. Fizzgig insisted to follow like the good old days
The Borthog was not summoned by UrSol. Wtf why do the sequel acts like the UrSkeks world is a realm drom wgich I can summon stuff from my ass wtf IT'S ITS OWN WORLD THE URSKEKS WERE BANISHED THERE THEN USE THE CRYSTAL TO GO HOME WHEN THEIR BANISHMENT IS OVER IT IS A PORTAL YOU YOURSELF WALK IN AND OUT YOU DON'T DECIDE TO SUDDENLY BRING AT WILL A SANDWICH FROM THERE Nope SilSol long ago had sneaked him in since he was his pet but then lost him and he escaped at the Split. It is because UrGoh is familiar with him since he sometimes wandered around UrSol that he recognizes him and has him follow them, since he was called back by the new Split like a 6th sense (in hope to see his owner again :'( )
Seladon in the meantime got confirmed as half Sifa. And since just like Ethri and Onica she has golden glittery freckles we can conclude it's a Sifan traits. Well since I see Selason as Kira's mother, the Lord Commander also had those, they skipped a generation. But since he has a huge scar across his face, they got ripped away. Also as I had already drawn him with those he has Deet's ears, since i see her as Jen's mother, but he also has a Grottan vision (and so does Jen actually). Their eyes look "normal" but in the dark pupils grow huge and reflect back light sources (idea from @dracocheesecake while we RP'd long ago)
Something both Draco and I sensed that was wasted was how while the Crystal Eminence seemed to be a real opportunistic manipulative jerk, the Commander was a jerk because he SEEMED to genuinely believed him and unlike him seemed to truly care for Jen and Kira (hence the change of relationship in the rewriting, while being a jerk to Kensho he would say something like "my mother was killed before being revived, my father still has nightmares about it, and they both had to hide all their lives. Now we are free to roam again, danger could be anywhere. And my parents may be good and fair, sometimes they are too naive and have too much faith in others getting close to the Crystal. Crystal that had already been shattered before. So I would rather die than let it happen again, whether you call it "excessive" or not, Acolyte.") and have a connection with Thra (hearing and being MOVES by the chant of the Mystics before shaking his head while the Eminence paid no attention) but it is so discreet and not developped enmugh one may think he was complicit. In the rewriting it would be more enhanced how he trusts him and is protective of him as much as his parents because he has known him since childhood and admired his connection with the Crystal and thinks heresy for anyone like Kensho contesting his words ; when he says the Blight doesn't exist, either it's true or on its way to be healed anyway
Also a reason why the Lord Commander is so obsessed in protecting his parents and the Crystal to the point of being an angry sadistic military cliché is because when he was a teenager they dreamfasted collectively to show him their experiences. A fakely good idea. They wanted to show their son their upbringing and illustrate better the tales they told him so he would see it with his own eyes and see how they were like when they were younger, see the Mystics his father had always wished he had known, showed him the healing of the Crystal... but all he saw were Garthim killing Gelfling and Podling, his bany parents crying alone as their parents died, how awful the Skeksis were and, which made him cry, see (and feel) his mother die before resurrecting. That only pushed him further into wanting to protect them and he grew even more extremist
SkekTek being the only one who died during Jen's quest he is the only one to know who Jen (he did see him in the Crystal call) and Kira (SEEING HER EVEN GIVING HIM PTSD) are and instantly warns the Emperor who they are and what they should do to them. SkekSo mentally noting to target them from now
Yes SkekVar was VERY happy to see SkekSo again unable to contain his excitement again and hugging him interrupting him before realizing he was mid evil "MUHAHAHA WE ARE BACK speech". His first reflex when resurrecting is being Smithers
SkekYi and SkekHak are back too. But CONFUSED as shit not understanding at all what they missed and having to be explained as a backgrounf recurring gag by the others "so we drain Gelfling now ?" "YES finally yes !" "But why ?" "UUUGH" "can you tell me about the part where I killed SkekYi myself again ? I'm unsure I got it"
SkekGra and UrGoh RETURN, are instantly banished again by the Skeksis "HEY YOU HERETIC GET OUT OF HERE" who try to kill them like the Skeksis try with SkekSil in the untouched version, and so they follow and try helping Kensho and Thurma. They want to be back as one again and it could be their chance. Oh Mithra !? They do know Mithra they went there for the Dual Glaive they might as well help and guide find an entrance and SkekGra could protect ! And spoiler : they will be one again, at last, GraGoh hugging himself and thanking with a tear Kensho and Thurma as he heals him
When Kensho's village starts bullying Thurma and call her a monster and make her uncomfortable during her meal, SkekGra and UrGoh who until now were hiding under rags show up to her bullies "it does look delicious... like essence !" They scream and run away, they chuckle and SkekGra winks at Thurma who smiles again and giggles. Yes Kensho will have some more words to say to his friends and mother. Not just a "fire demon" with him but also a Skeksis and a monster/dragon lol "oh Kensho in WHAT did you get yourself into !?"
SkekSo and SkekLi as well as SkekSa who has charisma and sounds friendly and cool manipulate and mock the Crystal Eminence to bring them the scepter Jen had left at home since it is useless and just a royal heirloom. One way or another he does, and SkekSo unleashes the Darkening again on distance on the Garthim who out of nowhere start attacking Jen the Commander and their troops, and the ones at home break the Skeksis free our of their prison and take everyone hostage and puts them in prison instead
In fact let's say the Crystal Eminence is Sifan or has Sifan origins. SkekSa, who now hates Sifa for having betrayed her after having cherished them like pets, would be extra manipulative and smug and cool à la good cop, reminding him who she was to his people, how they adored her and saw her like a patron, how this had to be for a reason, how grand it was until that essence business with the other Gelfling, how it could be again, who knows, with that special treatmebt he may or may not be spared hmm ?
The last conflict between Kensho and Thurma and Jen and the Commander before the Garthim are corrupted again and attack them would make even more sense for the Commander to be so obsessed in beating the shit out of kids without stopping to be likable because THEY ARE WITH SKEKGRA AND URGOH THEY ARE WITH A SKEKSIS THEY HAD TO HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED THEY ARE TRAITORS AND SKEKSIS PUPPETS and it would make him not listen to Jen even more logical "Jarra wait-" "STEP BACK FATHER ! BACK OFF, DEMON !"
After losing his leg and having to be brought home by Jen the Commander who now lost a leg feels shitty and depressed thinking he failed to protect his family and Kingdom now the Skeksis are home and the shard is gone all while a side of him understands chasing the teens was wrong but fights against his pride. While left alone with Kira who comforts him he breaks down for the first time in years, crying, calling her mother rather than Lady Kira like he does on duty and apologizes for failing and having his father save him rather than the contrary as if all these years of training to prepare him for this kind of crisis were useless and now disabled he is even less useful. Kira lets him vent it all out his head on her lap wiping off his tears then hums to him the lullaby Jen used to hum to him whose lyrics he did not remember. Deet's Grottan song. It does manage to calm him down
When hearing the new chant from the Mystics, he approaches, moved by the song he recognizes from earlier. UrSu starts gently talking to him, telling him who he was. Jarra knows who he was, in a way he is his grandfather. But he reproaches him not to do anything. Not to have EVER done anything, not even told Jen about the prophecy earlier, does that mean he and the others don't care ? UrSu explains his way to see things, not to intervene and help wheb it is done and let Thra choose. Jarra wants to be a little bitch again, Aughra boops him on the head. Jen, who was there catching up the good old days with him aks UrTih, manage to convince him to come and sit, and meditate and listen, as Kira does further away with her daughter in laws and grand daughters who have no other things to do and go through the same turmoil as their father
The Crystal Eminence dies offscreen because he was old so the mirrored draining technique was enough to kill him from exhaustion whereas the Podling in the movie was young enough to just become a zombie (@dracocheesecake again !)
SkekTek helps draining the Crystal Eminence and that Podling before, being the one to know how it works (why do SkekAyuk and SkekUng know now. STUPID). But he keeps being bullied by SkekSo and the others and seeing Aughra who keeps saying he could be good like as TekTih has him go through an existencial crisis and confrontation with her ("we were friends, you built the Orary for me, Thra gives you a second chance !" "...another world... another ti-" "yeah yeah I know ! What you told before draining me !!" *HE SNAPS AND SLAMS THE TABLE* "I KNOW MY PLACE !"), all while observing how technologly evolved notably weaponry
For indeed SkekSo is smart and sends SkekMal... he is the one to stab Kensho nearly to death in the end. But UrVa went after him as well and in the ends manages to harm him and himself enough to prevent him from touching Thurma or killing Kensho off. They don't die. And UrVa (and MalVa) can have last exchanges and looks with Aughra, who really missed them the most and can't help but shed a tear seeing them alive again as one even if it is a farewell
Overpowered SkekSo was like SkekUng in the untouched version about to kill the Gelfling and Jen and Kira as the castle was completely crumbling over the Crystal with Thurma and Kensho struggling to survive beneath when SkekGra and UrGoh, who escape from SkekMal but couldn't protect Kensho they think is dead, climb up and interrupt, SkekGra thinking he could at least have a faceoff to help Thurma and the other Gelfling gain time and distract him with a random shard UrGoh had picled up. SkekSo DOES want to use his new powers to kill SkekGra once and for all and believes this is the one shard he wants off, and the 2 end up fighting. He ends up getting the upperhand since he is overpowered and gets the shard, but then feels/hears the Crystal being healed and looks down with confusion. He sees unconscious skekMal with an arrow and Thurma on top of the Crystal, goes crazy and jumps down to try to break it again, on a near platform. But just as he is down, near all the other fake crystal shards he understands the one he is holding comes from, Mithra starts reviving below. He starts to understand he fucked up by being down there... just when a military smoke bomb, about to explode, falls at his side. He looks up. SkekTek grins evilly "SCIENTIST !? YOU'RE ON THEIR SIDE !?!" "No" he wants to jump at him but his power wears off just at that moment "I've just always hated your guts" SkekSo turns to tge shards that vibrate more and more with a look of horrot as the smoke bomb blasts off, leading in a chain of event to the one spark needed for the layer of earth separating Mithra from Thra to explode (and Mithra's sun to go up like in the untouched story) and all the shards tear apart SkekSo to death like they do with SkekSil in the untouched version
Jen sees UrSu die before him again...
And SkekTek does not reform, he didnt do it for the Gelfling or Thra but just as a last minute revenge against his bully he finally understood he would never have him accept him, whereas Aughra did always like him. They smile at each other one last time before he becomes TekTih again, who feels guilty for having been the cause of it all
In Beneath the Dark Crystal now ! The Ember Queen arc won't change much. Maybe make the Fire That Stays less "muhahaha evil plot twist" and more something psychological truly making him bitter thinking nobody deserves to live anymore not even himself, the Great Dim couldn't be prevented so all he and his ancestors and founders did was for naughts, he failed so should pay and they all were unworthy so should pay. And Thra did become anew again after it died. He wants Thurma to join him in his suicide fantasy that could save their world. ALSO I WANT FIOLA TO ACTUALLY PARTICIPATE IN THE PLOT ! She is an Ember Queen, she was just as threatened as Thurma by Nita and the end showed she does know to fight, why not going on that adventure and challenge !? That way she protects her queen honor AND gets to socialize with Nita too like Thurma did, in the very end they will work together without having bonded come on last time she saw her she was called an imposter why be friendly even if Thurma tells her she's nice now ? And let's have HER be the one to be the nicest of the so 1) trying to break fights between the other 2 or be awkward about it 2) be the one to sneak in Terby (HOW COULD HE FIND THEM SO EASILY AND CATCH UP SO QUICKLY WHILE THEY WERE SO FAR) because she thought it would be good to have Thurma have support and 3) be the one to talk alone with Nita when she catches her firecalling and possibly hint at a developping crush especially during the end
MUCH more has to change for the Gelfling arc because it was A MESS. So first we see like in the beginning Kensho with Aughra and other fidels surprised to meet him and be impressed (and thinking the Crystal resurrected him which was a widespread rumor he keeps trying to correct) while Jarra, who also suffers from lacking his leg and needing a cane while he was a warrior, is furious to have to share his throne with a rebellious awkward teenager dating a fire demon, he and his daughters still don't trust him. And the people who doubt Kensho's legetimacy don't shy away showing their preference even in his presence which only makes him feel even more like an imposter "don't worry Lord Jarra you are the one rightful Lord to us, courage". Also because the castle STAYED broken this time, they are slowly rebuilding it around the Crystal with lots of improvised tents and rooms in the meantime
Kensho's friends were the worst part. They all were forced additions with the personality of a house plant. Toolah in her wish to become a guard could be a huge fan of the former Commander awkwardly trying to have him notice her but he is so infuriated by the current situation he ignores her. Kensho has her follow him (even if she kinda liked him already and was grateful someone finally noticed her) telling her he could then try to talk to him as equals about her and validate this as an official mission. Because indeed yes she is weirded out "uuuuh isn't giving back the offerings a thieving ?" "Well if I'm the Lightborn as they call me I can make it a new law no ?" "And the Royal Born, will he know ?" "...no but he doesn't have to know until it's done. And don't worry I- *gulp* I'll say you were not aware and just wanting to make sure the Borthog was going well and I would take the blame" "Oh joy I'm starting as a double agent..."
And the twins whose name I forgot for how boring and useless they were and are just twin version or Huey Dewey and Louie with the same personality and finishing each other's sentences. I don't know yet how but I will have to make them more fun a less forced way, less "himbo", more unique from each other maybe the trans one being more handsy and crafty since she did make her fake wings belt and they do work, less forced way to become friends "ok ok fine you got us. But for not selling us out to the guards let us thank you and reward you at our home" "isn't it to bribe us?" "...noooo >.>" before getting attached for real, they can brawl, and they don't need more than just a password or code to enter THEIR OWN FUCKING VILLAGE WHY DID THEY EVEN NEED TO ENTER IT WITH SO MUCH DIFFICULTIES AND USELESS KNIFING AND TOSSING AROUND ?!
Speaking of which, Dagger Root bothers me being such a dark, criminal place for Gelfling to live in. Really makes all Jen and Kira's efforts and the past efforts of all the clans uniting be for naughts if they live so miserably with a hateful atmosphere Skeksis or not. Soooo in the rewriting it's becaude Dagger Root is actually not a real village per say but a criminal village with its own juridiction passing itself the Lord Commander has been suspicious about and been trying to enter for trines but they can only enter legally in fear to cause a diplomatic issue and the access is limited to outsiders. What happens behind the walls stays behind the walls hence why it attracts thieves and other criminals (often becoming the Branches), as well as desperate people who had nowhere else to go during the Blight (often becoming the Seeds). It is essentially a mafia-owned villaged terrorized by them but powerful and cunning enough not to be bothered by twisting laws to their advantages and even when you know it's false you can't do anything or YOU are in the wrong. Trunk obviously comes from that family. As he says, which was good and did have potential, his father found Skeksis weapons and torture devices at the beginning of Jen and Kira's reign and while they were nothing but farmers became a crime family using fear to become richer and built Dagger Root, which was a cool idea to show that the Skeksis could keep corrupting even without being there and that not all Gelfling are good. HOWEVER WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT DEAL WITH SKEKSIS METAL !?! IT NEVER WAS DARK MAGIC OR EVIL OR ANYTHING IT'S NORMAL METAL MADE FROM THRA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT PLOT POINT PULLED OUT OF- *deep inhale* in the rewriting they are just normal weapons and torture devices (yes, the peeper beetle is there too) with no particular powers but still forbidden stince torture is not part of Gelfling culture, except for Trunk and his family who don't care and see it as useful. However, ecen though none of them ever knew, one of the sword, the one he uses on Kensho to open his scar and see the "light" (which is NOT real, Kensho insists he doesn't glow and the Crystal wasn't tge one who brought him to life but the rumor is so widespread Trunk doesn't believe him) was SkekLach's sword she had when she died from the Darkening. So it has been infected all along without Trunk's father or himself noticing. But that is why he is bald and so ugly for a Gelfling. Without even realizing, he is exposed to the Darkening and his father died from that. Enhanced by his veins glowing purple whenever he touches it. And that's why Kensho reacts so badly and falls into a comma. His blood comes in contact with the Darkening, and not anywhere but in the sensitive place that had to be "fixed" to have him live again. So he falls unconscious, with NO light, making him go to the Prism
When Kensho has his existencial crisis about being not a good ruler while being tortured in the Prism, it is old UrSu reassuring him, and old Skekso, bitter to be stuck there alone with "himself" while the other left, who show up. And So's manipulative words with Su trying to have Kensho not listen to him I think would have much more impact than SkekSil. Power corrupts. Look at him. He did all of that for power. Power turns you evil even against your own kind. Unless you want powee because you always had it in you. One day when he will be oldrr he will end up doing just as many atrocities as he did. Believe his experience. Just a matter of time. He will not be able to protect anyone from chaos. Let alone chaos from himself. He was touched by the Blight, he was touched by the Darkening. Soon his body and mind will be corrupted and he will obsess over life and power. They do already have something in common don't they ? And has already Darkened SkekSo (he was so much I am sure his soul even is at this point ; could be why he got so overpowered before, essence + young + even if healthy again Darkened soul) makes him doubt further and panic further and touches his things as well as the little rock whose name I forgot he has from Thurma, an IRL reaction occurs unconscious Kensho starts emitting Darkening smokes and lightnings à la Deet. Touching Trunk directly who dies exploding like SkekLach (which disgusts horribly Kensho's friends when they arrive, one of the twins has to vomit) so no useless needless Gollum moment of him crying for the Light. And of course it infects the place and spreads from one Branch to another even if at first they don't really realize as the good guys bring Kensho out, who, in the Prism, ends up being given that speech about love by UrSu and tells hil he can seek for answees at the Mystics Valley. Where Jen and Kira are now
I also oughta do something with Dinhmor. Dude is useless and is there just to be "quirky" by constantly being shady playing the lute controbuting to nothing so I expected him to be an opportunist but no he is good and genuine out of nowhere. Sooo... how to make him likable and credible in the rewriting... I know. He WILL start as an opportunist who follows and speaks well and schemes for his own gain but will end up getting attached (BUT IT WILL HAVE TO BE SHOWN) as a lil parrallel to SkekSil following and plotting in the movie but if SkekSil was a gelfling and surprised himself turning out good. So. Instead of being crammed out of nowhere "lolz" in the rewriting he is first seen sneaking in the Chamber of the Crystal trying to steal some of the offerings. The 2 Gelfling scouts spot him and do know him and had already arrested him many times before and he tries to be honeyed to get outta here, but because they want to be "generous" for now (their father just became Lord and they too are upset Kensho did too so their mind is elsewhere) they just kick him out with a warning. Later as he is walking his way in the forest grumpily with nothing he overhears first about Kensho and Toulah and the twins (AND HE SEES THE OFFERINGS) about going to Dagger Root. Hmm perfect ! He goes further faster and reaches it first and does like in the untouched version he denounces them offscreen in hope he could have a special treatment and avoid tithes. But like in the untouched version Trunk still throws him in jail. When all the chaos happens he actually follows along rather than being part of it (he didn't even know or like the others yet nor know they were there, why helping have the guard sleep if HE DIDNT FUCKING KNOW TGERE WAS GONNA BE A RESCUE MISSION ?) and sneaks his way out from a little passage he knows, just to pop in front of the 2 patrolibg scouts "you again ?!" he feels trapped so he improvises so that they are distracted and indicates where he came from. An entrance to Dagger Root there all along !? The fact he mentionned he escaped !? Perfect ! They finally can enter and catch the Branches and Tru k in the act and arrest that village from inside ! He thinks he will get away with it buuut they drag him with them to make sure he doesn't lie and guide them. They had other guards with them, so it is not just a simple "come on Seeds rebel" "omg she's right" speech from the good guys that motivates the rebellion but seeing the fucking army come to aid that motivates the people to fight back. But he wants to get away from so overseeing the good guys carry Kensho away (and one of the scout sisters notice the Borthog flying away admist the battle and her gears start turning), he follows escaping from the sisters' vision (they did plan to interrogate him "sooo what was he doing there hm?") pretending he called the castle guards on purpose and they need someone like him for words, while he actually doesn't believe in their crap charity and just wants money for himself. But force of being with them through a BETTER made montage we would see they all do bond and he does help... he stays a magnificent bastard who keeps some for himself tho but the lovable kind who is called out and read through especially by Toolah and the twins "hey dude we too decided to give up on that. So do you" *grumbles and gives back the gold he took*
The Darkening starts spreading from Trunk's remains and the prison. Some disgusted Branches approach with disgust and discuss who should be the new Trunk now, and debating if they actually need a whole new system now the Seeds are being helped by the royal guards and arresting them all or just run away before being found. And guards do end up arrive and find them and arrest them too there. But unaware of its dangers they all expose themselves. And it is a row form of Darkening. So these Branches are being locked up with the other Branches and contaminate them, and the guards join the others guards (minus the 2 scouts who left to inform their father) and contaminate them among the Seeds whose testimonies they are taking. In a matter of minutes, they all become crazy, in pain and aggressive like on rabies, like we saw with animals
Meanwhile former Lord Commander current Lord Jarra is grumpy not to be able to go fight, defend and patrol himself stuck on his throne with his missing leg. Especially his doctor wife telling him to rest. They wonder where Kensho is, but he also just hopes not to see him too much so won't complain, so hopefully he he gave up and joined his fire demon girlfriend once and for all and dodges on time Aughra's cane who came out of nowhere and calls out his shit and reminds him all said fire demon and Kensho did for Thra while he was just turning in circles. When their daughters arrive proudly telling him Dagger Root is being sieged at last. Finally some good news ! He brags THEY get some things done in that kingdom at least and this counts as his first successful exploit as a ruler ! He calls for a celebration, but one of the 2, perhaps the darker colored one (fan named Olira), is not too eager and tells him she saw the Borthog fly away, with people and crates on him, meaning he was not in the stables. And they all knew who this monster obeyed to. Jarra has a moment of realization and with his cane rushes the best he can to the Crystal Chamber. The offerings are gone !?! KENSHO. HE LEFT WITH THE OFFERINGS AND HIS STEED. Against his wife's wishes, he mounts a landstrider and takes a spear and goes find the heretic thief himself, ordering his daughters to follow him to deal with his acomplices. Dr Astris is upset both for his health and for Kensho, and asks Aughra why she didn't try stop him or say anything. She smirks and senses that it could be Thra finally bringing them on the same wave
Oh and NO lie about needing to go to the Mystics Valley. Because that was USELESS. Kensho, you were literally in a magic-induced coma from which dark purole glow and smoke came out of you. If you say you were told to find answers there, they will believe you and agree, you moron ! Which he does in the rewriting, the twins and and Dinhmor are a bit hesitant because they do know Jen and Kira (aka the former rulers and they are criminals) live there and Kensho himself actually (he knows they want to be hermits alone together so fears to bother, plus he fears to pass as a bad leader to them for how he fucked up so far according to his angsty teen eyes) but they end up following whocthey believe is named Kay for whatever vision he saw, giving the offerings away on the way helping them bond in a montage during which we see the former Lord Commander follow their trace by seeing offerings distributed which little by little leads him where they are going
Once in the Valley, Kensho meets Jen and Kira, who are happy to see him again and the others are awkward and honored and don't know if they have to bow or shake hands, Toolah purely fangirling hoping they could talk about her to their son for a guars promotuon, just Dinhmor being an anticonformist staying in the back with an unsure look. Problem Kensho underplanned, they call him by his name. The twins and Dinhmor do recognize the name of the Lightborn. This is where shit hits the fan but a less cliché and more logical way. The 3 are shocked, but Dinhmor takes it the worst. He who was finally considering change, willing to turn around getting attached to them and his altruistic ways, and was turning around his initial lie into genuine reality for the first time in his life because for the FIRST time ever after having had always been alone and needing to count on his words and charisma to survive while the Lords and the Maudras and Paudrus never noticed him he wzs FINALLY starting to feel hope, not only he was lied to but one of these privileged bastards using him all along now they needed him !?
They argue, him reproaching all of that as Jen kira and the others watch with concern, and Kensho who saw by himself it was because of the Crystal Eminence and innocently helped by the Commander defending his mentors (who choose to say nothing because they do feel guilty to have been blinded for so long and genuinely feel very bad to see a Gelfling who needed them but never had help) the best he can which doesn't really work without context and examples and insisting he is younger and was just a simple peasant until recently so had nothing to do with his upbringing. "And ever since you came in power, what new did you do for your people exactly ?" which outs him in silence remembering SkekSo's words in the prism. He goes silent which has Dinhmor tsk with disdain "I knew it."
The twins Danevay and Aiyana (yeah I finally looked up their names) are kinda shocked he was THE Kensho all along and pretended to be called Kay, but are not upset about that. They do see Dohnmir's point and could have agreed if they had known earlier without bonding with Kensho, but their try to calm him down and defend Kensho taking his defense alongside Toolah saying they saw his true colors and saw he was using his new status to help with the offerings distribution, perhaps he is actually the one they needed when suddenly a booming voice exclaims "STAY AWAY FROM MY PARENTS YOU BANDITS" and as they all turn it's Jarra and his daughters "GIRLS ARREST THEM ALL" Kensho tries to stop him but they throw a bolas at the 4 others while Jarra gets down from his landstrider, trips pathetically but gets up and yells at Kensho reproaching him that he KNEW it once a thief always a thief and now he was with other thieves ! Jen and Kira are tired of his shit and interpose and contest, as Kensho's anxiety is growing. The scout girls are on their ways to drag the others away but their grandparents forbid them and as Lord Jarra tries to argue and tells Kensho stole from the Crystal they don't want to hear anything more and as former Lords of the Crystal demand that he releases these people and tell him as usual Kensho is a good boy and if he is with them he must have a good reason like he had with Thurma. Their son's jealous rage grows even lore but he has no choice, and barks at the girls that they are released "OLIRA. RYLON. CUT THE BOLAS" "But Father-" "I SAID CUT IT!" so they do, as disappointed since they had Dinhmor doing shady stuff again
And after that experience now not only Dinhmor is even more wary of the royals, the twins now lost trust. So it was a trap ? They all were set to meet there for him to trap them ? Kensho assures that no, but they have too many doubts and leave with Dinhmor. Toolah stays, and is very embarrassed, this could end forever her career wishes, so she tries to explain Jarra ("who are you, the stable girl?") and apologize all while defending Kensho's point trying to have him defend her in return and tell about her too... but he is so anxious and ashamed he says nothing, leaving her all alone and breaking his promise. Disappointed and thinking she def lost her opportunity as Jarra is already fuming for other things tells her she is lucky his parents were kind, she leaves too, near tears, which Kensho is too. No pointless "YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR NAME AND THE VALLEY ? ;.;" that felt forced as shit
Now it is just Jarra (who demanded his daughters to leave since after all they had nobody to bring in prison) and Kensho. More argument and Kensho being near tears as his co-ruler yells at him how much of a treacherous thief he is and Kensho snaps back arguing and of course the self-depreciating speech he has in the untouched comics. But before Jarra make it even worse Jen and Kira cut them once again, trying to comforr Kensho and scolding their son (and Fizzgig barking at him), who tries to explain himself but they are firm this time. He is an adult, he is a teen, he should act like an adult !
Aughra doesn't come, it is Jen and Kira who gives the wise speech to Kensho with Jarra having to listen to it whether he likes it or not, with an extra "and you both are rightful rulers. The Royalborn and the Lightborn One chosen by his line, the other by Thra. You have to rely on each other. Kensho, you must not hide anything and you have to consert Jarra before taking your decisions as noble as they are. And Jarra, Kensho already proved himself with the Skeksis crisis, and he is a symbol who returned from Thra like [Kira] and helped the Crystal be fixed like [Jen]. You both have Mother Aughra's blessing. Thra knows what She is doing". It does work with Kensho like it does in the untouched comics. It will need more for Jarra who is too fuming to "lose the battle", but it's already working up in his brain
Later, same scene of Kensho left alone with the Borthog when lighting up a firecamp. In the meantime, Jen and Kira are chatting more with their son, this time asking hil how things are going. He says things are perfect... at first, then confesses it is so strange not to have them around anymore, he is always worried. And feels disminished by his phantom leg. Comforting parents ensues. Which leads to him saying he doesn't know if he can even rule that good anymore sincr he can't even watch Kensho and his schemes closer. They both assure he can still be a good ruler and protector but defend Kensho. As he starts protesting, they intervene "but we did stop taking offerings, they were not what the Crystal wanted" "yes but those were given already !" "What is the point of keeping something needless ?"
As the firecall ensues, almost nothing changes since it isn't weird and it is cute (FOR ONCE THE OTP INTERACTS). Same chat between them and as Cindrah comes and tells them their purpose. But adding an extra : being both from Thra and Mithra, both Gelfling and Fireling, neither dead or alive, neither future present or past, both mortal and spirit, she gives the same power the Sanctuary Tree gave Deet to absorb the Darkening to be able to protect Thra while Thurma has to protect Mithra from the Fire that Stays. Thurma knows what she means. Kensho... doesn't yet. Next day, he on the Borthog and Jarra on the landstrider leave, not addressing a word. Though the latter notices the former looks less sad and more... "hopeful" "...had nice dreams, I suppose" "...I... spoke to Thurma through the campfire" ".........ok" not knowing enough about Firelings to know if it's normal or not and not caring
When Kensho finds his friends again at the fountain as both him and the former Commander stopped for their steeds to drink, same in the comics they meet the other good guys again minus Toolah. They first see Kensho. They are not pleased and he apologizes, and assured he did not know the Commander was following... and assures he won't arrest them. To which he mutters "unfortunately" with an eyeroll. When he asks where Toolah is, a Podling is scared at the coming of a rabid Darkened Branch. They all get scared since it acts like a zombie and Jarra wants to defend everyone despite being on a cane pointing his spear at him "BACK OFF DEMON !" but Kensho recognizes the purple eyes, it was the same hue as the Skeksis weapon and the Scepter. The Darkening ! And he remembers the power Cindrah gave him (INSTEAD OF A JESUS MOMENT WHEN HE KNOWS FOR NO REASON IT WILL WORK AND HUGS). He urges Jarra not to hurt him and tells him he looks in pain and to let him try something. He hugs him and absorbs it, like in the comics, but unlike the comics it doesn't just disappear. It hurts Kensho, and his veins that were glowing blue until then glow purple. Like Deet
Jarra realizing it is an infected Branch, by his logic others as well as the guards could be touched, and could return to the Crystal that way (and no bullshit "SKEKSIS METAL WILL HAVE THEM ACT LIKE SKEKSHOD MOTHS TOWARDS LIGHT AND CASTLES) and like in the comics Dinhmor informs Toolah returned to the castle in hope to become a guard hoping she can with what happened with the former Commander. So same thing, they all go decide to the castle's (reconstruction) site, with Lord Jarra hesitating about helping, thinking... "OH WHAT THE HECK" it's about saving his lands and his family dammit he won't let him do it alone anf for once can put his bad feelings aside ! So he runs after them flying in the sky from his landstrider
Same 2nd to last battle as in the comics, with Toolah joining in after the other 3 left on the Borthog and all, just as an extra she didn't come alone but with the 2 scouts who did hear what was happening to their troops, another extra the lord Commander Jarra JUMPING IN A WAR CRY and doing his best to slow the Darkened ones down without hurting them (much) until sadly they end up making him fall from his steed who gets killed by the rabid Gelfs as a parralel to the poor landstrider in the movie, he needs to be up and once again feels weak and useless but Kensho helps him up, which has him thank him and try to cover him the best he can on his sole leg with his cane and spear. And as another extra Kensho trying to absorb the Darkening like Deet and just like her the more he goes the more weak and hurt he gets and glows purple and dark, and gets overwhelmed by all the infected guards and Branches alike (who are RABID so they need to be kicked away and no stupid "YOU LOOK NIIIIICE GIVE IT TO MEEEEE I WANT ALL NICE THIIIINGS" shut the fuck up) and has to be taken away by Toolah like in the comics but just touching him hurts because now he is SO absorbed he is like Deet after the battle, plants wither around him and just touching him burns so he is accidentally dropped on the ground out of reflex. Jarra is carried away by his daughters
Where they reunite near the Crystal, Kensho's friends are concerned but he assures only he can do that and they have to and says his plan that he has to bring them all in one place so that he with thr help of the Crystal, this gift being from Thra, can help him do it. The former Lord Commander recognizes the symptom and remembers where he had seen that power he has before, remembering records from the Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood. This is not the "Dark" as they called it but "the Darkening" like what controlled the Garthim, only the healed Crystal can probably heal it which confirms his words meaning that he agrees with him for the first time. Oh and Jarra saw how well Toolah fought and how strong and brave she had been, he is impressed to have seeb her return and tells her that at this rate she could be a good guard after all. She has a fangirl moment and wants to cry in joy but has no time
Kensho, Toolah, Jarra and the 2 Gelfling scouts present themselves and the clergyman and guards blame it all on Kensho. But Toolah's speech is here said by Jarra himself (she was about to argue in his place but he stopped her rising a hand, for once he is calm) who finally got the lesson and understood they need to work together because he is as legetimate as him and was chosen 2 times and his poor background means nothing. So that it can finally wrap their arc and because we alrzady know Toolah supported Kensho and believed in him so it would be much more impactful from someone who didn't until recently ; also being the son of Jen and Kira they supported earlier in the story, the courtiers sure can't oppose his words
Again like the untouched comics, Kensho tries doing it by himself but once again is overwhelmed and weaker and weaker to the point of falling into a much shorter coma and be in the Prism. Toolah and, here's a difference, the scout Gelflings saved him and he is scolded both by Toolah and Mother Aughra he needs to stop to do things himself, as Astris is putting bandages on Toolah's and her daughters' hands sincr he burns more and more at the touch. Himself is very weak, he can't move by himself anymore. Aughra then points both at him and Jarra. You both are the rulers. Work together "You, empty jar head. Now you made peace with him, help him use his power. Ally both of your abilities together or both of you will be lost". It is his time to prove himself as the protecting, fitting ruler he had been raised to become, all while helping the teen he shares the throne with putting their rivalry aside because their lands need them
But how to enter the Crystal Chamber, the only finished close room so far, without being touched when they both are without wings and him has one less leg and won't be able to do much carrying a teen in his hands ? This is when Aiyana offers her wings to the Lord and reveals she is trans. Jarra is very impressed by such technology from a bandit but doesn't address it. Yes, in the rewriting HE flies. Wearing improvised gloves (and it starts smoking) holding a very weak Kensho and the fake wings, they both ride the Borthog (ratger Jarra with Kensho's weak indications, why is that monster so uneasy !?) near a window until jumping and flying. The 2 rulers together. The Royal Born and the Light Born. The former finally feeling useful and active ever since he lost his leg and the latter as soon as he is dropped (the gloves ended up burning away) absorbing all the Darkening. Everybody is healed, wondering what they are doing there, former Lord Commander Jarra keeps flying over the Crystal and which is a sight that impresses everyone...
...but another sight frightens everyone. Kensho is on his knees. Grey-purplish. Trembling all over. Glowing. Soulless-looking, that close not to be himself anymore or just dead. As scary as Deet on SkekSo's throne in the vision. The ground he is on growing black, burnt and spreading. The healed Branches and Guards and the courtiers who returned start to get scared and Kensho's friends horrified. But for once in his life, the former Commander doesn't resort to violence. Concerned, his Grottan ears drooped, he lands the best he can on one leg, hops Kensho slowly using his balance the best he can without his cane, gently takes him by the arm (which not only burns atrociously but he chooses to ignore it but the Darkening is so concentrated it starts spreading to himself, his own veins glowing) and he is so out of himself he lets him do, and as his own eyes start to glow purple too and gets weaker, he guides both of them to the Crystal and they both hug it
Everybody sees, and everybody sees them heal. No dumb "the Light is for everyone" since it's not about the Light, but Aughra who barges in, saying this should be an example to all (Kensho is way too close to death to give a speech here). The Crystal is for everyone, and building a new Chamber around it is useless and always has been, these 2 Gelfling come from very differenr backgrounds, but undersrood its meaning and how to use it. Which makes them legetimate. Kensho, who only is now starting to feel better, thanks the Commander, who himself sadly apologizes and thanks *him*. Kensho precises to Aughra it could be the opportunity for them all ro understand he is not that special and did not resurrevt from the Crystal's Light once and for all since he did need help from the actual heir to the throne. Which the clergyman overhears and agrees, and admits such honesty speaks wise words from one of the Two Rightful Rulers of Thra. Kensho is bewildered as every Gelfling bows to him and his former rival, who unlike him knows how to stand tall (helping himself balanced one hand on his ex rival's shoulder) before that kind of event but not without a small smirk and sideglance towards the baffled teenager. All Hail the Royal Born and the Light Born
Later during the celebration, a new kind of castle is being built not around the castle which is now exposed like it always was meant to but behind it, a new castle that won't look like Skeksis architecture but true gelfling one, not so gigantic like it never needed to be for only 2 rulers. Aughra discusses the changes and all these events with Lord Jarra, his wife Astris with him. Like in the untouched comics the twins help the new castle's construction, having been hired permanently, and Aiyana shyly returns to Jarra asking him if the prosthetic leg she built for him works, he lifts up his robes revealing a removable leg that allows him to walk like before and even if he IS satisfied and starts complimenting he realizes what he is saying and goes back to tsundere mode adding that'll do and that it's best to keep her and her sister under his eye so they steal nothing. Toolah became a guard, saluting the 2 scouts who give her an order. Dinhmor, who seems to be the bard turning around, comes to them too smug and flirty as usual halg taunting since now he is no longer a thief they can't arrest him anymore and invites for a drink. They glare at him... until the lighter one goes "...why not" "RYLON !?"
When Aughra realizes Kensho is not there and asks why. Jarra says that since Thra has 2 rulers now, they can afford to have one away for a moment one ruling for both during his absence. Because it would be better to meet the fire demon not just through firecalls for once. Astris smiles "ah, to be young and in love" and he hugs her. Meanwhile, Kensho travels on the Borthog, stops by to help the best he can whenever he sees he can help (Jarra is the politician/military of the 2. Kensho is the religious symbol/closer to people of the 2). Chatting with Thurma through firecalls in campfires. So when she and Nita in her arc separate because Nita is going to help people away like Fiola does with Glasme and Thurma stays and she wanders alone gazing bittersweetly at her late mother's statue. Like in the untouched comics, Kensho initiates the call through a torch, and they chat. Then mid chat, she hears the voice as... doubled... then she turns and he is there, for real. He made her a surprise. And their kiss is a real one, truly physically reunited. Brcause they fucking deserve it
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📣 Kino Cat / Cine Tulipán, presenta:
🎬 “EL CRISTAL ENCANTANDO” [The Dark Crystal]
🔎 Género: Fantástico / Animación / Aventuras / Marionetas / Magia
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⌛️ Duración: 93 minutos
✍️ Guion: David Odell
🎼 Música: Trevor Jones
📷 Fotografía: Oswald Morris
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💥 Argumento: En otro mundo, en otro tiempo, en la era de la maravilla, hace mil años el Cristal Oscuro se quebró. El caos y la confusión se extendieron por todo el planeta Thra. Así empezó la profecía y aparecieron dos nuevas razas: los crueles skekses y los apacibles místicos. Si nadie repara el cristal, los skekses dominarán Thra hasta el fin de los tiempos. Será Jen, el último superviviente de los Gelfings, quien intente restaurar el cristal y acabar con el mal para siempre.
👥 Reparto en Voces: Fizzgig (Dave Goelz, Percy Edwards), Aughra (Frank Oz, Billie Whitelaw), Podling (Susan Westerby), Jen (Jim Henson, Stephen Garlick), Kira (Lisa Maxwell, Kathryn Mullen), Urskeks (Joseph O'Conor), Garthim (Ubanga Jones Okon), Chamberlain (Barry Dennen), Numerologist (Robbie Barnett), Ornamentalist (Brian Meehl) y SkekTek (Steve Whitmire).
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📢 Dirección: Jim Henson y Frank Oz
© Productoras: Jim Henson Productions, Universal Pictures & ITC Entertainment
🌎 Países: Estados Unidos-Reino Unido
📅 Año: 1982
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📽 Proyección:
📆 Martes 27 de Agosto
🕖 7:30pm. 
🐈‍ El Gato Tulipán (Bajada de Baños 350 – Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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punkcalf-art · 2 years
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My toxic trait is thinking I can do anything as long as I be myself and have fun :)
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HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY pt. 2 : The Dark Crystal
Three pairs as requested by you guys~ Feel the Gelfling love 💕💕 See below for the lovely asks~
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skekheck · 3 years
I was checking my e-mail for a completely different reason and...
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sapphiclassywings · 4 years
A comic strip that @rocky-fennek was lovely enough to create for me.
In which Brea and Deet are Kira's mom's, sassy Tavra is sassy, and even the All-maudra cannot resist adorable baby cheeks and big eyes.💖
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thanatasia · 4 years
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I finished my last commission for @gelflinglove and here is a cropped version focusing on their faces. Maybe I’ll post the full image later today. I love the OG babies and seeing them in love with each other makes my heart warm! Thank you so much for commissioning me for this piece, it’s always a pleasure working on your commissions!
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rocky-fennek · 3 years
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❤️ Likes appreciated ❤️
⭐️ Reblogs ADORED! ⭐️
Kira and Letha were born a bit over a trine apart and are the only two girls of their age group among the Valley Gelfling, so it's fortunate that they happen to get along well, due to them both being scrappy animal lovers❤️
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falavam · 5 years
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What if Kira is neither the daughter of Brea nor Rian and Deet, but of the farmer couple that couldn’t pay the All-Maudra? After all, the wife’s necklace looks much like the symbol on Kira’s dress.  What if Brea just helps them a second time by hiding their child after they got killed? I know Kira remembered her as her mother, but maybe she just thought so, because she was to small. 
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muppetlewding · 5 years
So I heard you like WIPs,,,
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Here’s Jennie! Oh boie he be textured
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tavra-onica · 5 years
As much as I ship Kylan x Brea and want the to be the parents of Kira, when Kira and Jen go into the castle Kira says “I smell death here” or something along those lines and what gelfling clan can sense death prey tell? The doussan clan, and who do we know in the doussan clan that was smooth as a mf with Brea? If he’s not her dad maybe he gave her a gift to sense when she was born? Now that I think about it it would make sense if all the clans gave her certain gifts if they thought she was the chosen one? This also explains Kira’s connection to animals like Deets without her being her mother.
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enchantinglightsong · 5 years
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crazy theories post
Where are these ruins from? Are they from stone in the wood? or are they vapra?
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The most likely thing is that Kira is the daughter of brea, so Kira is a princess?
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And this profession is ...? I do not know
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