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Kinjiso (Okinawa spinach) vinegared dish (cooking)


Kinjiso is a plant in the Asteraceae family that is native to Amami Oshima and the main island of Okinawa. It is characterized by the purple color on the underside of its leaves. The taste is especially sharp when it is made with vinegar. In mainland Japan, it is called Suizenjina in Kumamoto and Kinjiso in Kanazawa. The name comes from the skin color of the sweet potato ``Kintoki=kinji'' and the underside of the leaves of this plant, because of their similarity.
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kinjiso 金時草 この夏、ベランダで元気に育ってくれた金時草。加賀野菜。地域によって呼び名は色々あるが、大好きな野菜のひとつ。裏が紫色でポリフェノールたっぷり、γ-アミノ酪酸(GABA)を多く含み、βカロテンも豊富なスーパーフードです。 今年最後の収穫で、作ったのは金時草ドレッシング。以前食事に��った時に出てきたピンクのドレッシング。ずっと作りだと思っていました。今月のパンレッスンでご参加下さった皆さんと一緒に食べられて良かったなぁ♪ 来年の夏、また作りたいドレッシングです。 #news #天然酵母 #天然酵母パン教室 #パン教室 #天然酵母パン #カフェ#ベーカリーカフェ #野菜ソムリエ #パン #手作りパン #二子新地 #田園都市線 #こあ #koaa #naturalyeart #bread #homemade #wildyeast #bakery #cafe #bakerycafe #baking #cooking #lesson #bakinglesson #cookinglesson #natural #healthy (KOaA こあ) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpMHS1NH_b4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=138yhxshs4xfb
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Chrysanthemum Sanbaizu (Essay)

It's time for chrysanthemum flowers to appear. In Japan, there are edible chrysanthemum flowers, and yellow (Abokyuu) and purple (Mottenohoka) are famous. There are more. I bought a yellow chrysanthemum this time. First remove the petals from the core.

Boil it, squeeze out the water, and pickle it in seasoning (sanbaizu), which is a mixture of vinegar, soy sauce, and sugar (or mirin), to blend the flavors. There are some Asteraceae vegetables that go well with vinegar. For example, "Kinjiso".
菊の三杯酢 (エッセイ)
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