#kingdom hearts redesign
evaundertale · 2 months
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So I've redesign Kairi like alot and I'm a Venkai shipper I think I'm sold on this last design because one I love her kh 1 design colors but also because I did just like her hair being longer.
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cardfate · 6 days
Case Study : Redesigning Kingdom Hearts for Mobile Gamers
Video games should be a universal experience, but increasingly, older gamers find themselves isolated from it due to games' lack of accessibility.
Kingdom Hearts is an action role-playing game developed by Square Enix and released on the PlayStation 2 in 2002. The game features an action-oriented battle system, a role-playing leveling system, and a few smaller mini-game sections between worlds. For the redesign, the plot will not be affected by any changes. However, it would be made more for users to play on the go for a quick burst or while sitting and relaxing at home for a longer more, “system-like” play.
Redesign the UI of a nonmobile game, Kingdom Hearts, into a mobile gaming experience accessible to elders.
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| Pause Menu
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| Redesigned Pause Menu
Menus would be streamlined in the gaming process so that the elder player can spend more playtime in-game rather than in menus. Many of the previous menu options are now automatically added to the player (upgrades and abilities) or are not needed anymore (status and customize).
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| Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories Isometric Camera
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| Redesign UI camera and main UI
Originally, Kingdom Hearts used a 3rd Person camera that is known to be very floaty, difficult to control, and overall unresponsive. For the redesign, the camera would be isometric and follow the character as it moves. For an older player, I wouldn’t want them to have to think about the camera in any way or move it. This type of camera was only used one other time in the series for the title Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for the Gameboy.
The player character, Sora, has a glowing green dot under him for visual contrast and so he is more noticeable to elder players especially if other characters or enemies are on screen. Enemies in the game have a red spot under them and they stand in one spot, unmoving, unlike the original game.
Within exploring the game world, there would be a color system for doors. If a door leads to another accessible area it would glow: Red for boss areas and gold for normal areas. This change was because the original game has a lot of painted on doors for textures and I wanted the player to be clear on where they can go.
A mini-map would be added to the game, to assist navigation. Though the first game lacks one, this was later corrected in newer entries. Some areas of Kingdom Hearts are known to be hard to navigate and I believe this quality-of-life change will help a lot with navigation. On the mini map, doors are marked either gold or red just like in the overworld. The player is also marked with a green dot. The mini-map will also be stagnant and not move.
World Map and Gummi Ship Minigame
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| World Map
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| Gummi Ship Mini Game
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| Redesigned world map
For these two sections, there are no major changes because they are already simple and straightforward.
For the world map, I only changed the way the battle level is displayed, I used numbers out of 10 instead of the star system because I believe it’s easier to understand. The only change I would give gummi sections is making them shorter, making the HP and MP bars like the new battle ones (introduced below), and giving the ship automatic upgrades instead of having to build and add them yourself because, in the original game, this system is confusing and unfun.
Battle System, Magic, and Item Change
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| Standard battles in Kingdom Hearts
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| Redesigned Battles (showing Health Points)
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| Redesigned Battle (showing Magic Points)
To make Kingdom Hearts more accessible and easier on a mobile format, I decided to change from an action battle system to a turn-based battle system. Action games require quick reflexes and timing, two things that decrease as a person ages, however; for a turn-based game, the player will not have to worry about reaction times or reflexes, they may take as long as they like to go through battles. The camera during this section would not change, only the characters would move.
Health Points (HP) and Magic Points (MP) would be displayed differently. Instead of the radial style used in the original, I opted for using bars for a simpler look. HP will display directly under the player character in most menus, only when clicking the "Magic" menu will the bar change to show the player's MP. This change is to help with managing the different point systems so the battle UI is not cluttered. Number percentages would be added to both bars to help with understanding the number of points left. For enemies, the HP bar will always be shown under the enemy and will not need to be unlocked like in the original game. Under the enemy that’s being targeted, a blue circle will be shown.  For each battle, HP and MP will replenish back to 100% for the player.
To adapt to a mobile format,  made changes to the command menu that Kingdom Hearts uses for battles. Instead of having to scroll through and select, the player can simply tap the button for attacking, blocking, magic and items. Within this I also made a change to items used in battles, only three would be available to players: Potion (for healing HP), Ether (for healing MP), and Antidote for status effects. All status effects would be able to heal with Antidote instead of having different items for statues, this makes item management much simpler for an elderly player.
The magic system now lists all the magic available and automatically upgrades to the stronger version of the spell instead of having to equip it, taking away the need to prep outside of battles and streamlines the playing experience.
The party system would work similarly to other games with the party member characters attacking/healing/blocking on their own however I would like the party members to be programed to heal the player character’s health or magic more often than themselves so that it’s less that an elderly player would have to worry about, and they can focus on attacking the enemies.
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| Redesigned Item Menu
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cosmosnout · 1 month
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dizzybevvie · 4 months
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You're the sunflower/I think your love would be too much
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serenedash · 2 months
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happy @khoc-week!!! kicking it off with my khux oc Monty!!! they're in unicornis and originally from Twilight Town!
they're a laid back wielder who goes with the flow and can have trouble connecting with people due to not being very expressive but is always down for a good time :) their keyblade is called Red Chiv and is long and weighty, meant for physical attacks! It's heavy on both ends hence the big angled hand guard, my idea was that you could hold it from either end so spinning the keyblade would also be ideal for attacks. also the hand guard it backwards the angled end is supposed face inwards oops
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whimsical-bee · 8 months
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"But come what may/ I know the way!"
An imagining of Kairi returning to the final world in her search for Sora.
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kosmic-arts · 9 months
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decided to revisit my old redesign of eraqus im happier with it now, but i still hate eraqus' colors; they are impossible to work with
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the-east-art · 1 year
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Quick concept of what I’d do for Kairis next design. I would try to lean more into her original design which had more of a punk/tomboyish vibe to me and re-expand her color palette since she wasn’t originally ‘the pink one’
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artful-browniebites · 11 months
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Another pic of my au KHWG Kairi! I wanted to draw her in motion to better show off all the flowy bits of her outfit, and I'm super happy with how she turned out :D
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zabrya-art · 3 months
Honey string (Kingdom Hearts AU)
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AKA LalaloopsyxSuckerPunch AU
In a fantastical and sweetly enchanting world made of candy and cotton, where everyone is a doll, the prince of the Candy Kingdom, Sora, finds himself neither alive nor dead, cursed by an evil witch. His loyal guard, Riku, deeply in love with the prince, embarks on a risky journey to end the curse. Joining him is the prince's betrothed, Princess Kairi, who longs for freedom and detests the royal constraints of her title. Together, the guard and princess venture through various worlds inhabited by different types of dolls, each realm more enchanting and dangerous than the last. From the plastic Forest to the Porcelain Mountains, they face formidable challenges while dealing with their own inner conflicts and budding romance. However, beneath this fantastical trip hides a darker truth. The characters are actually patients in a gloomy psychiatric hospital, where they suffer severe abuse. The prince is in imminent danger of being subjected to a lobotomy, metaphorically represented as the witch's curse. The guard, who is also a patient, experiences a reality shift in which the harsh environment of the hospital is transformed into the world of candy and cotton candy. He embarks on a quest to save his friend (and secret lover), the prince, from the horrors they face in the institution. As they traverse his imaginary world, the guard struggles to maintain his sanity and discover a way to truly escape the torment of the hospital before it's too late.
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starfiresky · 6 months
Idk why, but Riku’s Braveheart keyblade design has been REALLY bothering me lately.
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I drew some stuff on paper, and I liked the new design I came up with, but I was really not vibing with the cross guard, pommel, and hilt. So I brought the design over to the iPad and came out with this:
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Nightmare form (left) and Daydream form (right)
I was so excited that I kind of rushed them, but whatever.
I went for a balanced light and dark design, since Riku has harnessed both as of KH3. Speaking of which, I renamed it Evictus, which is Latin for overcome.
Before you bring it up! I chose not to draw the keychain because I didn’t want it to distract from the main design. It would be attached to the tip of the angel wing near the pommel; and I’d want it to be either Mickey or the dream eater symbol.
Yeah, so what do you think? I wanted to kind of go back to Riku’s dream eater/ Way to Dawn roots with this one!
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mythicalartistx · 7 months
What about a Soriku cuddle in the Quadratum?
And his heartbeat is fast
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Two versions: Ones eyes' closed, the others' opened.
I also gave Riku his own Quadratum outfit, it's based on Sora's but it's also mixed between his kh3 outfit too.
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goldenchocobo · 2 years
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Here’s my interpretation of what Aqua’s outfits would look like, if the Wayfinder trio needed to blend in to save the world order.
I kept Olympus and Neverland’s backgrounds the same, because I liked how they turned out.
Keep Reading for Design info:
Dwarf Woodland: I took most inspiration from Snow White here. Giving Aqua a small cape with a high collar and corset. Instead of a long skirt, I made it knee-length instead. Her shoes are pretty much the same, only without the ‘wings’.
Castle of Dreams: I looked to the Fairy Godmother for Castle of Dreams. basically combining her outfit with Aqua’s and mix-and matching until I was satisfied. I also exclusively used Aqua’s colour pallet for the clothing.
Enchanted Dominion: I made Aqua a good fairy! I gave her a shortened version of the Good Fairy’s capes, and gave her a long sleeved blouse. admittedly, I think her skirt is a bit too long for most things practical, but I still think it suits her.
Neverland: I looked outside the in-game material this time, looking towards Mary Darling from the original movie, as even though Aqua plays with the Lost Boys and Peter Pan, I think she comes off as having more of a ‘caretaker’ role, rather than being one of them; since Aqua is the ‘more mature’ of the Way Finder Trio- being the only Keyblade Master of the group.
Olympus: I once again looked to outside media and found the Hercules’ cartoon depiction of Athena was pretty cool, and so based Aqua off of her. This time- I actually kept her arm-guards.
Deep Space: The same situation as Ventus; I simply took her Keyblade armour and stripped most of the more ‘armoury’ parts to make a more space-suit look.
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dreamsy990 · 7 months
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some wof au designs i made a while ago i forgot to post
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bunsuuu · 6 months
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Working on a KH character / AU
It was about time that I actually got back in my special interest
It literally runs in my blood
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jetglider · 1 year
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posting them together. autism moment do you guys like them
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