#king of sweaters sweatshirts and hoodies
fkmarrycill · 2 months
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Summer is dying, and I'm ready for cozy Cillian pics. 😌
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toasttt11 · 4 months
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March 1, 2020
The New Jersey Devils are out in the west coast for the their road games playing the san jose sharks, los angeles kings, anaheim ducks and the vegas knights.
They have played the sharks, kings and ducks already, having lost the first two games and won against the ducks earlier today.
Oscar and Jack were rooming for the first time ever as the roommates got shuffled around for a few games.
Jack went with Trevor after the game and lucky for the two best friends it was an early Sunday game and it was over by three so they had the rest of the evening to hang out together.
Oscar was sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone and texting his siblings when the hotel door opened and Jack hurried in to the room.
Oscar looked up and saw Jack soaking wet and shivering, Oscar frowned in worry and clicked his phone off and sat up.
“What happened?” Oscar asked in convene getting up and grabbing some of the towels in the bathroom and draping them over Jack.
“Z thought it was a good idea to go in the ocean.” Jack teeth chattered as he spoke, looking up at Oscar with his puppy eyes.
“In your full clothes.” Oscar deadpanned looking at Jacks soaking wet pair of jeans and hoodie.
“He’s had worse ideas.” Jack snickered softly still shivering completely.
“I’m sure he had.” Oscar quipped back, rubbing Jack’s arms trying to warm him up, “Why don’t you get some clothes and i’ll start a hot shower?” Oscar softly asked.
“Are you sure?” Jack looked hopeful but didn’t want to make Oscar do anything he didn’t want to.
“I wouldn’t have offered if i wasn’t.” Oscar quipped with a small smirk, and snickered at Jack’s fond eye roll.
Oscar headed to the bathroom and turned the shower on and turning it pretty hot as Jack walked into the bathroom with a pile of dry clothes.
Oscar nodded and headed out of the bathroom closing the door behind him, he headed over to the thermostat and turned the heater on making sure the room would be a little warmer for Jack.
Oscar wasn’t sure why Trevor and Jack decided to go in the ocean that is barely 60 degrees especially with it being very cold outside.
California got an out of nowhere temperature drop which surprised the Devils especially as there first day in California it was pretty warm and the next it was raining and cold so many did not pack for that weather.
Oscar sat on his bed on his phone until Jack walked out of the bathroom with a pair of shorts and t-shirt on and Oscar looked at him puzzled.
“No warmer clothes?” Oscar questioned seeing Jack still shivering and Oscar had a feeling Jack packed for all warm weather.
Jack teeth were still chattering as he shook his no.
Oscar stood up and went to his suitcase and dug out a hoodie, it is one of his favorites a light grey hoodie with a small orange logo.
Oscar tossed his hoodie across the room at Jack.
Jack caught the hoodie and looked at Oscar confused.
“Put it on you’re cold.” Oscar deadpanned with a small fond eye roll.
Jack’s eyes widen in shock as he realized the guy he’s been crushing on for a few years now is giving him his sweatshirt.
Jack quickly slipped the hoodie on and let out a sigh of relief because of the warmth from the hoodie but the very lingering scent of Oscar on the hoodie.
“Thank you.” Jack softly mumbled as he played with the sleeves of the hoodie, the sleeves that fell past his hands and gave him sweater paws.
Oscar titled his head trying to figure out why his heart started beating so incredibly fast seeing Jack in his hoodie but decided he would figure it out another day and shook it off.
“No problem.” Oscar smiled slightly, “Now get in your bed and warm up more.” Oscar playfully ordered making Jack laugh but get into his very warm bed.
Oscar didn’t see that hoodie again for along time as within a few days hockey stopped playing and Oscar went home and Jack went home with the hoodie.
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
ooooh i love the idea of king elaric and the seer like having each other in a world of politics and being able to find a friend in someone and trust them and make the most of a childhood that is stripped from you by a title hanging over your head (sorry i get carried away with my own analysis of things) and i think that will definitely be a cool thing to see especially as it falls apart once the weight of elaric’s title falls on him!!! i also love the mental image of him looking like snow!
on the note of mental images do you have any other descriptions of the characters and how you want them to look and like their vibes like those littles details that make them unique like scares and clothing styles and things of the sort yk all the silly stuff :D
- 🪿
god yeah the two of them manage to find something resembling a friendship with each other but it's always overshadowed by their respective titles and roles. the closest they can get to childhood but never quite what it actually should be
oh yeah I definitely have images for most of them in my head. some of them I got from references either from actors or just random models I saw on pinterest, most though just kind of exist in my head
Ana, whose full name is Anara, kind of looks like the actress who plays Edwina in s2 of Bridgerton (Charithra Chandran) though not exactly. I think her skin tone is a bit darker, and obviously the actress is 27 and Ana is like 19-20 in my head so she's a bit younger looking too. but she's a good reference! I'm still deciding on if I want to keep the whole tattoo bit of death worship so I don't know if she has tattoos yet or not. Style wise when she's not dressing in more practical all black clothing for missions, she wears kind of athleisure type outfits. oversized sweatshirts and bike shorts, crop tops and leggings, etc. though if she's actually going out like to a bar or something she dresses in what's trendy, which is usually colorful techwear kind of clothes
when I was trying to figure out what the Seer looked like I just went on pinterest and scrolled through model pics until I found a girl who felt fairly close. again, not exact, but I picture the Seer as a redhead with lots of freckles and more angular, sharp features. her hair is also very long and is done up in very intricate braids with her Seer gowns and veils and all that. however, this isn't really her choice. the Seer hates her hair being long and doesn't really know how to braid it herself, so she usually either leaves it loose or pulls it back into a half-assed ponytail once she's with the Ghosts. she also hates all the gowns and everything, so when she has control of her wardrobe she adopts a more loose-fitting, androgynous sort of style with big sweaters/sweatshirts/hoodies and wide-legged cargo pants/jeans or just straight up sweatpants
the only other one I have kind of a reference for is Kestrel. But for some reason my brain is stuck on picturing Kestrel as kind of like the real life version of Lee from The Walking Dead video game. though unlike Lee who has short hair, I think he'd have dreads he probably pulls back into low ponytails a lot of the time. that's really not a great reference point and my mental image of him is still shifting a bit but like, it kind of vaguely works
while I know what the other Ghosts all look like, I don't really have references for any of them and this post is already long enough so that's what I'll say for now lol
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
Fuck it: Regressor! Rhapsody lore.
(Side note, this is still very much a work in progress. Expect this to be updated semi-often.)
🧸 Rhapsody’s little age is anywhere between a few months to two. She is a tiny little cub.
🧸 She wears pull-ups. (Keep your wEIRD FETISHES AWAY FROM HER AND MY BLOG!) Mostly for comfort, but also as a safety net, as her PTSD attacks and nightmares can be so vivid, she sometimes wets herself. She is very shy about it.
🧸 Gawain is her caregiver and she refers to him as “Dada.” However, when she’s talking about her late parents in this headspace, she’ll refer to them as “Mommy and Daddy.”
🧸 The other knights of the round table often babysit her when she little, but Lancelot is Gawain’s go-to babysitter. King Arthur (Sonic) also babysits her when she’s little and Gawain has to go battle.
🧸 For the most part, she’s nonverbal, only being able to say a few words like “Dada,” “salmon,” and “Kingsley.” She can also echo some words back and occasionally string together small sentences, but for the most part, words are too hard for such a little cub.
🧸 Kingsley is a stuffed frog her dad gave her before he died. Kingsley is green and wears a gold crown. On his tag is a message written by Allegro, Rhapsody’s late father, which reads, “If anything happens, remember that I love you. - Dad.”
🧸 She has a lot more stuffed friends than just Kingsley, but seeing that her dad gave her Kingsley, he’s naturally her favorite.
🧸 Rhapsody doesn’t really throw tantrums, but she’ll cry when experiencing negative emotions and when tired.
🧸 Rhapsody has a fear of the dark, which is basically cranked up to an eleven when she’s little.
🧸 One of Rhapsody’s natural trauma responses is dissociation. Because of this, she struggles with pretend play. The closest thing you’ll get to her playing pretend is giving her accessories meant for baby dolls, as she’ll use them to take care of her stuffed animals.
🧸 Rhapsody has body dysphoria when she’s little, mainly with her chest. It’s not the biggest thing in the world, but it isn’t flat.
🧸 Back to happier things, Rhapsody can and will steal Gawain’s sweaters and hoodies/sweatshirts. Not only are they oversized on her, but they smell like him too.
🧸 Please bottle and spoon feed her. She will love you forever if you do that.
🧸 Physical contact is important when she’s little. She likes to be cradled in people’s arms, nose nuzzles, and cheek rubs.
🧸 Skin-to-skin contact is also important. Gawain will rub his cheek against her cheek and she just melts.
🧸 Rhapsody has an office where she draws and practices her music. Said office also doubles as her nursery for when she’s little. She has a crib in there, as well as a toy box.
🧸 Even though she prefers stuffed animals over toys, she does have a few toys, mostly music related toys, dominoes, and blocks.
🧸 And…..we’re back to angst! (/neg) Rhapsody has so much trauma from the orphanage she was “raised” in, even bringing up certain topics can trigger her. The orphanage was extremely religious and ran by a Catholic church. Her time there has skewed her view on a lot of things that most people take for granted.
🧸 Some regressors have punishments in place for when/if they break rules. But the orphanage skewed Rhapsody’s view on what a punishment is so badly, that even saying the word will cause her to tense up. Because of this, Gawain takes more of a gentle parenting approach, explaining to Rhapsody what she did and why it was wrong. However, this is pretty rare, as she’s a very good little one.
🧸 In addition to my last point, the orphanage also caused Rhapsody to associate being good/well-behaved with being safe. Once, when she and Gawain went to a banquet King Arthur was hosting, Arthur started to pester her, because she wasn’t eating, which devolved into him just yelling at her, causing her to lock herself in a bathroom. Arthur chased after her, managed to get inside the bathroom, and found her laying on the shower floor, muttering, “I’m a good girl,” over and over to herself. Thankfully, Arthur realized his mistake and all was forgiven.
🧸 Back to happier things, Rhapsody doesn’t really like to play with toys. She’d much rather snuggle up with Gawain and watch TV.
🧸 Rhapsody has given her other caregivers/babysitters nicknames that she uses when she regresses around them. Lancelot is Lichi, Nimue is Nimi, and King Arthur is Opa, the informal German word for grandfather.
🧸 Rhapsody is a very low energy little. She’s very content to just snuggle up with Gawain (or one of her other caregivers) and watch TV, watch a movie, etc.
🧸 That being said, Rhapsody LOVES drawing. Even when regressed, her art skills are still amazing.
🧸 Rhapsody craves closeness a lot. She can and will rest her head on your chest and nuzzle right where your heart is.
🧸 Rhapsody usually only naps in her crib; she sleeps with Gawain in their bed.
🧸 Rhapsody loves getting bathed when she’s regressed.
🧸 On rare occasions (mainly when she feels extremely safe), Rhapsody will regress to a newborn headspace.
🧸 Please encourage her to get seconds on her own whenever she’s big enough to do so. She has trauma related to not getting enough to eat, so please reassure her that she’s allowed to get her fill.
🧸 For the love of sweet baby Broadway Jesus, tell her that it’s ok for her to cry. She’s very sensitive after a meltdown and always feels guilty for crying due to the fact that one of the nuns told her that, “Pretty girls don’t cry.”
🧸 Rhapsody has a favorite show to watch when regressed: Bear in the Big Blue House. She used to watch it all the time as an actual child, and watching when regressed brings back so many good memories.
🧸 Do not, I repeat, do not, leave Rhapsody alone when she’s regressed. If you have to leave, let her know where you’re going and when you’ll be back. If she’s asleep when you leave, leave her a note with information I mentioned in the previous point. Due to her childhood, she doesn’t like being all alone, especially when she doesn’t know where her caregiver(s) are.
🧸 Rhapsody only has one pacifier, a plain lavender one. She wants to get more, but she’s very attached to this one in particular. She also prefers plain pacifiers to decorated one.
🧸 While Rhapsody is usually nonverbal when regressed, struggling to string a sentence together, she’s a very noisy little cub when she’s happy, making little grunts, growls, and purrs to show her contentment.
🧸 Rhapsody isn’t big on candy when she’s regressed. For her, it’s all about fruit and salmon. And pancakes. She loves pancakes.
🧸 While Rhapsody is more of a metal head and a rock lover, she has a favorite song when she’s regressed: Bonnie’s Lullaby from FNAF 3. She has a mobile on her crib that plays the song when music is enabled.
🧸 Seeing that she’s a bear mobian, Rhapsody has quite a few bear cub behaviors when regressed. She play-bites to show nonverbal affection towards the people she trusts the most. (Gawain and Lancelot are the main people she does this with.)
🧸 Rhapsody has a tendency to act more feral/like an actual bear cub when she’s regressed to 3-6 months. One of these behaviors is that she’s scared of her own feet. Now, I’m not diving into the whole “What do mobian feet look like?” debate, but I will say that I think they look more human than animal. And because I recently showed off that mammal mobian’s have paw-like hands, when Rhapsody goes feral, she doesn’t recognize her feet as, well, her feet.
🧸 Adding to that last point, Rhapsody often thinks her feet are in bear traps when she’s feral and regressed. She’ll hiss at them, but she won’t touch or bite them.
🧸 When Rhapsody regresses to two months old or younger, she loses the ability to comprehend speech. She can still recognize tone, however, and responds to her caregiver’s voice similarly to how a dog would respond to their owner’s voice.
🧸 Rhapsody forgets some things when she’s deeply regressed. It’s not on purpose, she just has major baby brain. She’s forgotten that she and Gawain are a couple on a few occasions, but she always reacts extremely happily when she’s reminded of it.
🧸 When Gawain goes on solo missions and she regresses, Rhapsody struggles to eat. She’s simply so paranoid about Gawain (Is he sick? Is he hurt? When’s he gonna come back?), her appetite will completely disappear. Thankfully, Marcus (her secondary caregiver and adoptive father) has a simple solution to this, he simply video calls Gawain and Rhapsody eats right up,
🧸 When she learned that Marcus adopted her, Rhapsody got so excited she involuntarily regressed. Marcus didn’t mind this at all, even showing Gawain various tricks to help take care of her.
🧸 Rhapsody always forgets that Gawain an echidna when she regresses. In her regressed mind, she sees him as this big puppy who’s taking care of her. When she calls him “Puppy,” Gawain just melts.
🧸 Adding onto the last bit, the first time Marcus saw this happen, he nearly cried from how cute is was.
🧸 Rhapsody doesn't really walk when regressed. She prefers to be carried. If she has to walk, she'll either waddle or shuffle.
🧸 Rhapsody kneads/makes biscuits on Gawain’s back when regressed. It’s mainly instinctive.
🧸 She likes burying herself when little, whether that’s burying herself in blankets or attempting to bury her face in Gawain’s chest. It makes her feel safe.
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: (This 👆 is a nice suggestion for adding to the collection of merchandise for the movie as its 12th ever partner for the movie as well as putting them as collectibles from there!) :
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: Nice image that is shown 👆 here of Wade Ripple wearing his signature outfit who seems to be able to not minding of Ember Lumen with her hood up, and her hood down while wearing her signature outfit like how the trailers did with Wade Ripple wearing the shirt from 👆, and Ember Lumen wearing her hood up, and her hood down while wearing her sweatshirt hoodie! Do you like Wade wearing this shirt (I do not mind this shirt at all for him), the city inspector outfit (a pretty tie that he has with his clip on tag with his name, and all of the other stuff on there (I think that is what it is called, but I am not so sure about it!) ), some other outfit you want to be able to list (they are all fine in my opinion), all of the outfits, or none of the above? Do you like Ember wearing the full sweater hoodie (pretty much lovely for her despite of the shade colors that Wade has from 👆 along with all of the other ones that if you look at it closely), the sleeveless one (to me is questionable since because I thought that hers was not going to be able to be like how it is shown 👆, and that this one is just a normal sleeveless shirt, but how can it be so hidden yet so small if she has her hood down while if she has her hood up, how can it be like how she has for her cuter full sweater hoodie), both, the kimono (that outfit reminds me of Turning Red of how Meilin Lee was at the blood red moon ritual), some other outfit you want to be able to list (all of the rest of her outfits are alright, I guess), or none of the above? As for all of the other characters from the movie, what do you think about each of all of the outfits that are from the movie? (For me, they are all of their own ways differently, but in a good sort of way!) What about for all of the concept art ones from The Art Of Elemental book? (Not to be able to lie, but I think that it is not bad for all of it at all!) :
: I think that I just found out from where 💧🖍️BellaArts🖍️🔥 Elemental Hype!!🔥💧(@anabell32406707) got it from! :
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: I think that is a good idea for Disneyland to be able to be used for their movie as the 13th ever partner for the movie! :
: Guess who are back guys? It is the real voice over actress who plays as Ember Lumen, and the real voice over actor who plays as Wade Ripple, and their names are Mamoudou Athie, and Leah Lewis, I am thinking that this is these newly heard fresh names that I have not heard in my life, I do not know if some of you have, but if you have not, that is okay too, the rest of the world, ourselves, their selves, and me are learning about each other, since just like how the characters from the movie that they voice over, this is to believed as the first ever time to be able to be working together within in a movie with them voicing over it besides from hanging out with each other outside of the movie! (I am not sure if I have ever heard of these following names that will be able to play as these following characters all of the actors, and all of the actresses will play as, which I think that I do not have heard of these other names for these following as well, but let me know if you do along with adding on to the entire rest of the list of the cast, and all of the roles for what the actor, or the actress play as besides from if you heard of every single one of the other actors, and every single one of the actresses that you just added to the list of the cast for the movie: Ronnie del Carmen as Bernie Lumen, Shila Ommi as Cinder Lumen, Catherine O'Hara as Brook Ripple, Matt Yang King as Alan Ripple, Mason Wertheimer as Clod, Joe Pera as Fern Grouchwood, Wendi McLendon-Covey as Gale Cumulus, Krysta Gonzales as Eddy Ripple, Ava Hauser as Lake Ripple, Ronobir Lahiri as Uncle Harold, Maya Aoki Tuttle as Ghibli, and Innocent Ekakitie as Marco, and Polo (I thought that this was Innocent Ekakitie voicing over as one of the two, and that another person is voicing over as the other one that Innocent Ekakitie did not voice over at all, but it looks like Innocent Ekakitie is going to be able to voice over as the both of them!) ) :
: (Full Version Of The Following Video 👇 From The One That Was From👆!)
: Besides from the air people, and the earth people being able to be fine with this picture from 👇, seems like the other water people do not like how Ember's light is glowing while smiling, and sitting down next to Wade at the darkened movie theater that we have seen so far! I think that Ember Lumen is reminding me of 🦌 just like how Zero was from The Nightmare Before Christmas, but it is like that if it is gender swaped that it is the same story, but this time, Clarice is the one who has that type of nose while Rudolph's is normal like how the fake cover up dirt soot, or so nose was that Donner put him in, but it is real for him this time in this alternate universe, and she has to be able to be the one who tries to hide her nose , and one of the female elves wants to be something else than Hermie becoming a dentist, a female version of Yukon Cornelius, the misfit toys genderswapped, etc. of where this idea of mine is trying to go :
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: I know that the 3D glasses movie theater policy that I put in the prologue chapter of the (deluxe edition) junior novelization (audiobook) was one of the ones that is for the movie (I wonder if the 3D glasses policy will be able to still be used for their movie, but if not, that is okay with this way, at least it is another memory of being able to be seeing them all besides from watching a different movie than the one for Pixar's Elemental), but how would it be like if they are able to do much more than just that one (I wonder if all of the other movie policies will be able to be used for their movie, but again, if not, like I just said, that is okay with this way, at least it is much more memories of being able to be seeing them all besides from watching a different movie than the one for Pixar's Elemental) :
: (Full Version Of The Song From 👆, And From Instrumental Version Of The 3D Glasses Movie Policy!, If anyone is able to know what the correct lyrics are to what they are saying to being able to understand the song from 👇, please let us know!)
: (A picture 👇 just got taken from Mitsuya Yudai, of anyone has the full animation of this sighting of the movie, please let us know) :
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: (Check out these following four new pins from BoxLunch to add to our collection of the two other ones that were from D23! (Avoid the picture of the pin of Woody Pride shown 👇!) ) :
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: (👇 if we type #Elemental, this will be able to get of the two friends, I hope that one of those ones can be able to be useful for Wade Ripple, and the other one can be able to be useful for Ember Lumen while all of the other characters from the movie can be able to have their own #s as well!)
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: (Like this shown example of Clod 👇!)
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: Do not ever forget to be able to get this collectible cover of Pixar's Elemental from this summer of 2023 "Disney twenty-three" issue to be able to get much more details on this stunning edition which will be able to be delivered exclusively to all of the Gold Members of Disney D23 apart from the cover of The Little Halle Bailey Mermaid, and also of the one for Haunted Mansion! : It was okay for today as well as how tomorrow, Wednesday, May/24th/2023, will be able to be much better than before like how it was going so far as it will be able to continue to be able to as time slowly goes by, etc. from how I said to you all! :
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kingicesblog · 2 days
Top 5 Ways to Style a Franco Chain for Any Occasion
Jewelry has the power to transform any outfit, and the Franco chain is no exception. Known for its intricate V-shaped links and robust design, the Franco chain is a popular choice for men and women alike. Whether you’re aiming for a casual, streetwear-inspired look or something more sophisticated for a formal event, the Franco chain can be styled to suit any occasion. In this blog, we’ll explore five stylish ways to wear your Franco chain, ensuring you make a statement wherever you go.
At King Ice, one of the leading jewelry brands in the United States, we offer a wide selection of Franco chains that are perfect for any occasion. Let’s dive into how you can style this versatile piece.
1. Casual Everyday Wear
When it comes to casual wear, the Franco chain shines as the perfect accessory to elevate a simple look. Whether you’re heading out for a day with friends or running errands, this chain adds just the right amount of style without being over the top.
How to Style: Pair a medium-length Franco chain with a basic t-shirt or sweatshirt. The chain’s sleek design adds a touch of elegance to even the most laid-back outfits. You can wear it alone or layer it with other chains for a more dynamic look.
Why It Works: The Franco chain is subtle enough to blend with casual outfits, but its intricate design still stands out, giving your outfit an extra edge.
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2. Streetwear Vibes
For those who love the bold, streetwear aesthetic, the Franco chain is a must-have. Streetwear is all about combining luxury with casual, and the Franco chain offers that perfect balance. It’s bold, stylish, and versatile, making it an excellent piece for this fashion style.
How to Style: Layer your Franco chain with thicker gold chains or iced out jewelry from King Ice USA. Pair it with a hoodie, bomber jacket, or graphic tee to complete the streetwear look. This layered style not only adds dimension to your outfit but also enhances the chain’s luxurious vibe.
Why It Works: Streetwear is all about making a statement, and the Franco chain helps you do just that with its unique design and bold presence.
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3. Smart-Casual for Business Settings
If you’re aiming for a more polished look, such as business-casual attire, a Franco chain can still play a role. The key here is subtlety—choosing a chain that compliments your outfit without drawing too much attention.
How to Style: Opt for a shorter Franco chain worn under a collared shirt or sweater. Make sure the chain is visible at the collar to add a touch of elegance to your business attire. Pair it with mens earrings or a minimalist mens bracelet from King Ice to create a cohesive, well-rounded look.
Why It Works: The sleek and clean design of a Franco chain adds a refined touch to your business attire without overpowering the professional tone of the outfit.
4. Formal Occasions
For formal events, such as weddings, galas, or dinner parties, the Franco chain is a fantastic choice to enhance your formalwear. The chain’s clean, geometric design gives it a sophisticated and classy look, making it ideal for such occasions.
How to Style: Pair a thin Franco chain with a tailored suit or tuxedo. For a more polished appearance, keep the chain simple and avoid layering too many other pieces. A gold plated chain can also be layered subtly to add depth without taking attention away from the formality of your attire.
Why It Works: A Franco chain provides the perfect touch of luxury and refinement that elevates your formal look, making it stand out while keeping the outfit sophisticated.
5. Night Out with Friends
When you’re out for a night on the town, you want a look that’s stylish and eye-catching. The Franco chain can be your go-to accessory for creating a bold yet classy statement. It’s the perfect combination of style and sophistication for an evening out.
How to Style: For a night out, choose a longer Franco chain and layer it with a pendant for an added focal point. You can wear it over a fitted shirt or a leather jacket for that cool, confident look. Pair it with other iced out jewelry like a mens bracelet or a pair of mens earrings to add some extra shine.
Why It Works: The bold look of the Franco chain combined with the pendant creates a dynamic, statement-making outfit that’s perfect for an evening out in the United States.
Caring for Your Franco Chain
To keep your Franco chain looking its best, it’s important to clean and store it properly. Use a soft cloth to gently wipe down the chain after each wear to remove any dirt or oils. Store your chain in a dry, cool place to prevent tarnishing or scratches. At King Ice, we offer a range of cleaning products and storage solutions to help maintain the shine and longevity of your jewelry.
The Franco chain is an incredibly versatile piece of jewelry that can be styled for any occasion. Whether you’re going for a casual, streetwear-inspired look or dressing up for a formal event, the Franco chain adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to your outfit. At King Ice USA, we offer a wide range of Franco chains and other jewelry pieces to help you express your unique style.
Explore our collection today and discover how a Franco chain can become a staple in your jewelry wardrobe, whether you’re in the United States or beyond!
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mercaritee · 6 months
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Tropidelic American Tour King Flamingo 2024 poster t-shirt, hoodie, tank top, longsleeve
While doing press for her new album This Is Me…Now, the Tropidelic American Tour King Flamingo 2024 poster t-shirt What’s more,I will buy this star donned a pair of super short shorts, black tights, swooning heels and a giant fur coat for a simple look for Hustlers . Together, these bold elements are perfect for J.Lo’s glamorous style , but not quite as practical for the average working person or mom on the go—except for the basic hoodie Hers’ version looks similar to the ones we’ve seen on Amazon. Warm, cozy, comfortable and affordable, there’s a sweater for everyone: Wear it after school à la Isla Fisher, spend time procrastinating like Kate Hudson and do chores simple. Simple things like housework or lazy days. Read on to see our picks of sweatshirts from Amazon, for just $13.
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According to one shopper, it’s oversized so it’s a bit longer (and can even cover your back) and in terms of color, it looks “like butter.” The material is half polyester and half cotton, providing a good mix of warmth and breathability – a dream in transitional weather. Shoppers even called it similar to products from expensive brands like Aritzia , Skims, Abercrombie & Fitch and Madhappy . This option from Fruit of the Tropidelic American Tour King Flamingo 2024 poster t-shirt What’s more,I will buy this Loom is by far the cheapest option. The crewneck sweater definitely feels less bulky than a hoodie, complete with ribbed hems and fabric that helps wick away moisture. It has tens of thousands of perfect ratings, rated “basically perfect” by shoppers. And for under $30, it can also be styled with matching sweatpants.
Buy this shirt:  Tropidelic American Tour King Flamingo 2024 poster t-shirt
Home:  Mercaritee
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essentialsf · 1 year
Essentials Hoodie | Fear Of God Hoodie Store | Shop Now
Essentials Hoodie
The most popular Essentials hoodies of 2022 
Here are the most popular styles of Essentials hoodies for the year 2022. A hood hides men’s
frames. An essential hoodie.
In addition to the soft and fuzzy texture, it also looks cute on men. They will be highlighted by
your lean
He is tall and lean in appearance. It is the excess fabric of the Essentials hoodie that makes these
characteristics possible
Almost invisible for short or chubby men. The appeal of hoodies and their background
Additionally, their history and context make them very sexy garments. Sporty
People, jocks, slackers, nasty boys, and thugs wear Essentials hoodies. You might look
“hot” or “sexy” in a sweatshirt depending on its color. Darker colors, such as navy or
Black, you might look adorable. In terms of perception, his hoodie matters.
The most effective way to attract is to have confidence. Make your hoodie look cool and cute by
Attention to color. Wearing lighter colors, such as teal and baby pink, will
Makes you look like an adorable blob. How a hoodie is styled makes a difference in
Perception. Attracting people requires confidence. A feeling of comfort in your skin
Leads to confidence. Your clothes are your choice.
 Real Essentials site
There has been some news about the merchandise website for Fear of God Essentials hoodies.
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Know this. Discover more! The Yeezy fashion line is causing a buzz on social media.
Others are just curious about the clothes and find the designs fascinating. Have you
Ever wondered where to buy them? I don’t know. New merchandise website for
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Essentials Hoodies Fashion store
Like the Essentials style? Get yours now! The rapper’s online store will sell Christmas-
Themed merchandise. Be a fan of one of history’s most controversial artists. With
Sweaters and socks bearing Yeezus’ face and Saint Pablo’s name, Essentials Christmas
The store has something for everyone. Click to the website now to start shopping! Yeezy
West’s hoodie is once again innovative. Merchandise and gifts are exclusive to the
Store.. This holiday season, give someone a special gift from the Essentials online store…
A unique journey for Essentials in the music industry. As a producer, he worked with
Jay-Z and Ludacris. Making beats and rapping over them was his next step. When it was
Released in 2004, it received mixed reviews. But Essentials kept experimenting and
Developing his unique sound.
How to wear Essential Clothing
Essential Clothing: what type should you choose? Choose from a variety of styles
And plans. Whether you’re looking for an all-purpose or groundbreaking hoodie, we
We have the hoodie for you. Contact us. Explore the various types of hoodies available.
Find the right one! Essentials Hoodies are the most popular fashion for men and
Women. You can clean them later. What about wearing an Essentials sweatshirt?
Look and feel better? Experts share their tips.
We’re selling our friends
The gifts in this section are excellent gifts for friends and family. Configuration is critical.
Regarding clothing and style—throne room wardrobes of kings, queens, and emperors. Along
As a result of the changes implemented, some changes were also made to the system. Presently
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Enhancements can be added later. Fashion trends are kept up to date by using the latest products.
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Make a list of stylish headbands and decorations that would go well with my wardrobe and find
Like the Essentials style?
As an AI language model, I don't have personal preferences or opinions, but I can tell you about
the Essentials style.
The Essentials style is a design philosophy that emphasizes simplicity, clarity, and functionality.
In graphic design, it typically involves using a minimal color palette, clean lines, and a focus on
typography. In fashion, it often involves minimalist silhouettes, neutral colors, and a lack of
excessive ornamentation.
The Essentials style is often associated with modernism and the Bauhaus movement, which
emerged in the early 20th century. It has remained popular over the years and has influenced
various fields of design, including architecture, product design, and web design.
What about wearing an Essentials sweatshirt?
Wearing an Essentials sweatshirt can be a comfortable and stylish choice for casual wear.
Essentials is a clothing brand that offers a range of comfortable and practical clothing items,
including sweatshirts, t-shirts, and joggers.
Sweatshirts are often made from soft and comfortable materials, such as cotton or fleece, which
can make them an excellent choice for casual wear or lounging at home. They can be worn with
jeans, leggings, or joggers, and can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.
When choosing an Essentials sweatshirt, you may want to consider the color, size, and style that
perfectly suits your preferences and needs. Essent offers a range of colors and styles, including
classic crewneck sweatshirts and hoodies, so you can choose the one that perfectly matches your
personal style.
Overall, wearing an Essentials sweatshirt can be a comfortable and fashionable choice for a
variety of occasions. This includes running errands, hanging out with friends, or just relaxing at
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menstshirtshop · 18 days
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