#rhapsody bearwalker
emmatheyoshi · 2 months
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In ACTUAL Arthurian legend, Gawain proceeds Arthur as king. Supposedly, Lancelot ends up sleeping with Gawain’s wife and everything gets fucked up. But this is MY AU, and I do what I want. So here’s King Gawain and Queen Rhapsody. I imagine them being in their early-mid 40s in this piece. They do a lot of cuddling on the throne room balcony.
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emmatheyoshi · 3 months
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I don’t know what else to put here. It’s Gawain and a regressed Rhapsody snuggling early in the morning.
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emmatheyoshi · 6 months
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I’ve been wanting to do this trend for a while. And Rhapsody is the perfect OC for it. On the left is when she was about 9 or 10, and on the right is present day, where she’s about 18-19.
On the left, you can see that Rhapsody has a wound dressing on her forehead. That’s where her x-shaped scar ends up. There’s also a generic potted plant. On the right, there’s a picture frame, which likely has a photo of either her and Gawain or her and Marcus. The generic potted plant has also been replaced with lavender, which represents healing.
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
Lamorak: Why are like, half of the Knights of the Roundtable autistic?!
Gawain, Rhapsody, Lancelot, Galahad, and Percival (who are all autistic): *Stare at Lamorak in bewilderment*
Gawain: Lamorak…..who let you back in the common room?
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emmatheyoshi · 8 months
Gawain: “Rhapsody….when will we grow up?”
Rhapsody: “When we stop having childish adventures.”
Gawain: “When will that be?”
*Rhapsody looks over at Gawain and smiles softly.*
Rhapsody: “Hopefully never.”
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emmatheyoshi · 10 months
Is it cold out?
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emmatheyoshi · 2 years
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- The two teens sat outside the in. Rhapsody pulled out her mandolin and turned to Gawain. “How about a song?” She suggested, “Any requests?” Gawain thought for a moment before asking, “What was that one Irish folk song that you were singing when we first met?” “Téir Abhaile Riú?” “Yeah, can you play that?” Rhapsody nodded and began to play. Gawain simply stood there and absorbed her singing voice. Rhapsody has such a nice singing voice; Gawain didn’t know how he ended up with one of the most well know musicians in Camelot, but the duo sure are happy. -
Hi! So I made Camelot (Sonic and the Black Knight) into a D&D AU. Rhapsody (Gayle) is a bard while Sir Gawain (Knuckles) is a fighter. I also switched out his duel swords for a battle axe, because battle axes are cool.
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
Currently losing my shit over the concept of Gawain being an age dreamer and dreaming while Rhapsody’s regressed.
Seriously, just imagine this: a couple who are both regressors, and when they regress, their relationship turns into a playground romance. Just….AAAAAAH! THE CONCEPT’S TOO CUTE!
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
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Regressor! Rhapsody, my beloved! Rhapsody regressed mainly to deal with trauma related to her parents murder and the treatment she received at the orphanage she stayed in until she was eight. Her regressed age can range from anywhere between a newborn to two years. Gawain is her main caregiver and she refers to him as “Dada.”
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
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“If there is a multiverse, I hope we’re together in every single one.”
This…..took me so long. But the end result is so worth it! I plan on drawing more pictures of all of these AU, as I’ve been expanding Gayle’s variant’s backstories.
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
Fuck it: Regressor! Rhapsody lore.
(Side note, this is still very much a work in progress. Expect this to be updated semi-often.)
🧸 Rhapsody’s little age is anywhere between a few months to two. She is a tiny little cub.
🧸 She wears pull-ups. (Keep your wEIRD FETISHES AWAY FROM HER AND MY BLOG!) Mostly for comfort, but also as a safety net, as her PTSD attacks and nightmares can be so vivid, she sometimes wets herself. She is very shy about it.
🧸 Gawain is her caregiver and she refers to him as “Dada.” However, when she’s talking about her late parents in this headspace, she’ll refer to them as “Mommy and Daddy.”
🧸 The other knights of the round table often babysit her when she little, but Lancelot is Gawain’s go-to babysitter. King Arthur (Sonic) also babysits her when she’s little and Gawain has to go battle.
🧸 For the most part, she’s nonverbal, only being able to say a few words like “Dada,” “salmon,” and “Kingsley.” She can also echo some words back and occasionally string together small sentences, but for the most part, words are too hard for such a little cub.
🧸 Kingsley is a stuffed frog her dad gave her before he died. Kingsley is green and wears a gold crown. On his tag is a message written by Allegro, Rhapsody’s late father, which reads, “If anything happens, remember that I love you. - Dad.”
🧸 She has a lot more stuffed friends than just Kingsley, but seeing that her dad gave her Kingsley, he’s naturally her favorite.
🧸 Rhapsody doesn’t really throw tantrums, but she’ll cry when experiencing negative emotions and when tired.
🧸 Rhapsody has a fear of the dark, which is basically cranked up to an eleven when she’s little.
🧸 One of Rhapsody’s natural trauma responses is dissociation. Because of this, she struggles with pretend play. The closest thing you’ll get to her playing pretend is giving her accessories meant for baby dolls, as she’ll use them to take care of her stuffed animals.
🧸 Rhapsody has body dysphoria when she’s little, mainly with her chest. It’s not the biggest thing in the world, but it isn’t flat.
🧸 Back to happier things, Rhapsody can and will steal Gawain’s sweaters and hoodies/sweatshirts. Not only are they oversized on her, but they smell like him too.
🧸 Please bottle and spoon feed her. She will love you forever if you do that.
🧸 Physical contact is important when she’s little. She likes to be cradled in people’s arms, nose nuzzles, and cheek rubs.
🧸 Skin-to-skin contact is also important. Gawain will rub his cheek against her cheek and she just melts.
🧸 Rhapsody has an office where she draws and practices her music. Said office also doubles as her nursery for when she’s little. She has a crib in there, as well as a toy box.
🧸 Even though she prefers stuffed animals over toys, she does have a few toys, mostly music related toys, dominoes, and blocks.
🧸 And…..we’re back to angst! (/neg) Rhapsody has so much trauma from the orphanage she was “raised” in, even bringing up certain topics can trigger her. The orphanage was extremely religious and ran by a Catholic church. Her time there has skewed her view on a lot of things that most people take for granted.
🧸 Some regressors have punishments in place for when/if they break rules. But the orphanage skewed Rhapsody’s view on what a punishment is so badly, that even saying the word will cause her to tense up. Because of this, Gawain takes more of a gentle parenting approach, explaining to Rhapsody what she did and why it was wrong. However, this is pretty rare, as she’s a very good little one.
🧸 In addition to my last point, the orphanage also caused Rhapsody to associate being good/well-behaved with being safe. Once, when she and Gawain went to a banquet King Arthur was hosting, Arthur started to pester her, because she wasn’t eating, which devolved into him just yelling at her, causing her to lock herself in a bathroom. Arthur chased after her, managed to get inside the bathroom, and found her laying on the shower floor, muttering, “I’m a good girl,” over and over to herself. Thankfully, Arthur realized his mistake and all was forgiven.
🧸 Back to happier things, Rhapsody doesn’t really like to play with toys. She’d much rather snuggle up with Gawain and watch TV.
🧸 Rhapsody has given her other caregivers/babysitters nicknames that she uses when she regresses around them. Lancelot is Lichi, Nimue is Nimi, and King Arthur is Opa, the informal German word for grandfather.
🧸 Rhapsody is a very low energy little. She’s very content to just snuggle up with Gawain (or one of her other caregivers) and watch TV, watch a movie, etc.
🧸 That being said, Rhapsody LOVES drawing. Even when regressed, her art skills are still amazing.
🧸 Rhapsody craves closeness a lot. She can and will rest her head on your chest and nuzzle right where your heart is.
🧸 Rhapsody usually only naps in her crib; she sleeps with Gawain in their bed.
🧸 Rhapsody loves getting bathed when she’s regressed.
🧸 On rare occasions (mainly when she feels extremely safe), Rhapsody will regress to a newborn headspace.
🧸 Please encourage her to get seconds on her own whenever she’s big enough to do so. She has trauma related to not getting enough to eat, so please reassure her that she’s allowed to get her fill.
🧸 For the love of sweet baby Broadway Jesus, tell her that it’s ok for her to cry. She’s very sensitive after a meltdown and always feels guilty for crying due to the fact that one of the nuns told her that, “Pretty girls don’t cry.”
🧸 Rhapsody has a favorite show to watch when regressed: Bear in the Big Blue House. She used to watch it all the time as an actual child, and watching when regressed brings back so many good memories.
🧸 Do not, I repeat, do not, leave Rhapsody alone when she’s regressed. If you have to leave, let her know where you’re going and when you’ll be back. If she’s asleep when you leave, leave her a note with information I mentioned in the previous point. Due to her childhood, she doesn’t like being all alone, especially when she doesn’t know where her caregiver(s) are.
🧸 Rhapsody only has one pacifier, a plain lavender one. She wants to get more, but she’s very attached to this one in particular. She also prefers plain pacifiers to decorated one.
🧸 While Rhapsody is usually nonverbal when regressed, struggling to string a sentence together, she’s a very noisy little cub when she’s happy, making little grunts, growls, and purrs to show her contentment.
🧸 Rhapsody isn’t big on candy when she’s regressed. For her, it’s all about fruit and salmon. And pancakes. She loves pancakes.
🧸 While Rhapsody is more of a metal head and a rock lover, she has a favorite song when she’s regressed: Bonnie’s Lullaby from FNAF 3. She has a mobile on her crib that plays the song when music is enabled.
🧸 Seeing that she’s a bear mobian, Rhapsody has quite a few bear cub behaviors when regressed. She play-bites to show nonverbal affection towards the people she trusts the most. (Gawain and Lancelot are the main people she does this with.)
🧸 Rhapsody has a tendency to act more feral/like an actual bear cub when she’s regressed to 3-6 months. One of these behaviors is that she’s scared of her own feet. Now, I’m not diving into the whole “What do mobian feet look like?” debate, but I will say that I think they look more human than animal. And because I recently showed off that mammal mobian’s have paw-like hands, when Rhapsody goes feral, she doesn’t recognize her feet as, well, her feet.
🧸 Adding to that last point, Rhapsody often thinks her feet are in bear traps when she’s feral and regressed. She’ll hiss at them, but she won’t touch or bite them.
🧸 When Rhapsody regresses to two months old or younger, she loses the ability to comprehend speech. She can still recognize tone, however, and responds to her caregiver’s voice similarly to how a dog would respond to their owner’s voice.
🧸 Rhapsody forgets some things when she’s deeply regressed. It’s not on purpose, she just has major baby brain. She’s forgotten that she and Gawain are a couple on a few occasions, but she always reacts extremely happily when she’s reminded of it.
🧸 When Gawain goes on solo missions and she regresses, Rhapsody struggles to eat. She’s simply so paranoid about Gawain (Is he sick? Is he hurt? When’s he gonna come back?), her appetite will completely disappear. Thankfully, Marcus (her secondary caregiver and adoptive father) has a simple solution to this, he simply video calls Gawain and Rhapsody eats right up,
🧸 When she learned that Marcus adopted her, Rhapsody got so excited she involuntarily regressed. Marcus didn’t mind this at all, even showing Gawain various tricks to help take care of her.
🧸 Rhapsody always forgets that Gawain an echidna when she regresses. In her regressed mind, she sees him as this big puppy who’s taking care of her. When she calls him “Puppy,” Gawain just melts.
🧸 Adding onto the last bit, the first time Marcus saw this happen, he nearly cried from how cute is was.
🧸 Rhapsody doesn't really walk when regressed. She prefers to be carried. If she has to walk, she'll either waddle or shuffle.
🧸 Rhapsody kneads/makes biscuits on Gawain’s back when regressed. It’s mainly instinctive.
🧸 She likes burying herself when little, whether that’s burying herself in blankets or attempting to bury her face in Gawain’s chest. It makes her feel safe.
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
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“Fireworks are incredible, and dinner’s quite delectable
Whether paper or screen, we’d read stories together and gripe
Laughing at the punishment game part, cry from strange songs that touch our heart
Though we might be lonely, we’re together at least, and can do as we like
Though I’m scared life’s unfair, you will always help me through
If nothing else, I’m glad you’re evil too
If nothing else, I’m glad you’re evil too” - Oktavia and Pinocchio-P - I’m Glad You’re Evil Too
So Rhapsody and Gawain’s theme is I’m Glad You’re Evil Too. I LOVE the visuals Pinocchio-P chose for the song’s PV, so just like Rolling Girl, I was bound to draw one at some point.
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emmatheyoshi · 1 year
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“Welcome to my broken heart, according to a little girl,
Will this nightmare ever end? Will I be set free?
The pain is eating me alive,
It's so hard to admit,
But there's no point in talking at all, if no-one hears me” - Crusher-P and Luka - Rugrats Theory
- “I had to run away from that orphanage when I was eight. If I didn’t….I probably would’ve died,” Rhapsody explained. Lancelot near choked on his drink. Gawain’s eyes went wide. “EIGHT?!” The two men asked in unison. Rhapsody nodded, “I managed to arrive here in Camelot by the time I was ten. I slept in a storage shed behind a tavern. The owner of the tavern let me sleep there. He also fed me free of charge and let me use his bathroom so I could stay clean. I got by doing odd jobs. That was until, I became apart of the roundtable that is.” Gawain and Lancelot just stared in bewilderment. The two knights and the bard were all in the same age range. Yet the bard had been through the most. -
Here, you get some lore for Rhapsody. Eat up!
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emmatheyoshi · 16 days
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There’s this meme going around where people redraw a picture of two aliens stargazing with one of their ships. So I decided to do it with Rhapsody and Gawain. I was gonna do it with their adult selves, but using their child selves seemed more fitting.
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emmatheyoshi · 30 days
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- The moment Rhapsody stepped in front of him, time just seemed to stop for Gawain. Nobody who was attending the wedding was there anymore. It was just him, his soon-to-be wife, and the world. -
I’d say this takes place around two years in future. So if this AU starts in 404 AD, then this picture takes place in 426 AD. If it takes place in present day, it takes place in 2026. It’s a DND AU, so I’ve left it intentionally ambiguous, mainly mixing modern electronics like televisions, computers, and cell phones in it. However, the cell phones are more for communication (via text and call) than social media or entertainment. I’ll probably elaborate more on that in a different post.
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emmatheyoshi · 1 month
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“Harpy Hare, where have you buried all your children?
Tell me so I say
Harpy Hare, where have you buried all your children?
Tell me so I say
All the arrows that you've stolen
Split in half, now bum and broken
Like your heart that was so eager to be hid
You can't keep them all caged
They will fight and run away
Mother, tell me so I say” - Yaelokre - Harpy Hare
- Soft rustling noises could be heard from the bushes. Assuming it was a stuck animal, Gawain left Lancelot’s side and went to investigate. Upon parting the bushes, Gawain found….a girl. A young bear mobian who seemed to be around his age. She had a large, x-shaped wound on her face, right between her eyes. “Hi, I’m Gawain,” the squire introduced himself, “Who are you?” “Rhapsody…” the bear replied, “Rhapsody Bearwalker.” “Why are you hiding in here?” “I was watching you train, but I didn’t wanna get in trouble…” Gawain snorted and smiled. “Where are your parents?” “Dead….long dead. I came all the way from Edinburgh in Scotland. I escaped from an abusive orphanage. I’m now living in a shed behind the town tavern.” Gawain frowned and shook his head, “That’s just not right. I know! Let’s go talk to Sir Lancelot and the King. I’m sure they’ll let you live here.” Gawain extended his hand to Rhapsody, who took it. Little did the two know that this was the start of a relationship that would last all their lives. -
Not much else to put here except they’re both around ten in this picture.
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