#king arthur the legend of the sword imagine
hoteldreamss · 3 months
King Arthur || imagine
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Метки: флафф; любящий свою жену Артур.
Слов: 553
Твои прикосновения нежные и ласковые, успокаивают Артура. Он прикрывает глаза, расслабляясь и наслаждаясь теплом воды в ванне и своей женой, сидящей позади него. Ты снова зачерпываешь воду ковшиком и выливаешь её на голову Артура, заставляя его немного откинуться назад. Другая твоя рука ложится на его линию волос на лбу, теперь она в виде препятствия, чтобы вода не попала ему на глаза.
Зачерпнув немного жидкого мыла, ты растираешь его по голове Артура, одновременно массируя его кожу. Довольный стон срывается с его губ, а глаза прикрываются.
— Ты доставляешь мне удовольствие, даже не находясь голой в одной ванне со мной. Я думаю, это волшебство. Я женился на ведьме.
Хихиканье разносится за его спиной, заставляя Артура расплыться в улыбке.
— Не скажи только это при священнике, боюсь он не верно истолкует твои слова.
— Он вряд ли вовсе сможет поверить, что женщины так прекрасны, — Артур снова слышит твой смешок.
Зачерпнув снова воды, ты выливаешь её аккуратно на волосы своего мужа, стараясь смыть всё мыло. Ты проделываешь это несколько раз. Единственный шум — это плеск воды, свечи вокруг вас помогают тебе видеть обнажённое тело своего короля. Мышцы под его кожей кажутся напряжённым, даже если горячая вода и ты должны были бы ему помочь избавиться от стресса, накопившегося не только за этот день, но и неделю.
Быть правителем оказалось сложнее, чем он мог предположить. Ты и время с тобой – его отдушина, даже тренировки с мечом стали чем-то непосильным для него.
— Я хочу уехать с тобой, ненадолго, есть одно место в лесу за Лондиниумом. Всего пару дней. Или недель. — Его рука опускается на твою икру, свисая через бортик ванной. Его ладонь мокрая, и оставляет влажные следы на коже твоей ноги, заставляя чувствовать прохладу. Он не перестаёт гладить тебя.
— Твои обязанности...
— Я найду кому их поручить.
Ты отставляешь ковшик, и тогда Артур двигается ближе к краю ванной, так, чтобы откинуть голову и встретится прямо с твоими глазами. Ты наклоняешься к нему, оставляя небрежный и смазанный поцелуй на его губах.
— Это согласие? — он интересуется.
Твои ноги разведены так, чтобы ты сидела как можно ближе к своему мужу, который продолжает гладить тебя, но теперь его пальцы скользят к твоим ступням, и он легко проходится по твоей пятке. Ты держала ноги на носочках, и у Артура есть шанс пощекотать тебя, чем он и воспользовался.
Ты сразу отстраняешься от него, вскрикивая.
— Тебе спать в моей постели, жена, я добьюсь своего.
— Артур, — твой тон серьёзный, но ты боишься, что твой муж решит замучить тебя щекотками. — Конечно, я согласна.
Он довольно улыбается.
— Ты поможешь мне вытереться? Кажется, королю обязаны помогать обсохнуть.
Ты закатываешь глаза, поднимаясь со своего места.
— Боюсь, мой король, вам самим придётся с этим разобраться.
Тебе не сложно догадаться, чего хотел твой муж, всё ещё имевший желания мальчишки с улицы. Иногда его слова были слишком откровенными, а иногда ещё не переходили грань неприличия.
Подойдя к деревянному стеллажу с полотенцами, ты отворачиваешься от Артура. Всплеск воды за твоей спиной заставляет тебя понять, что он поднялся из ванной. Мужчина без стеснения, обнажённый, подходит к тебе и забирает своё полотенце.
— Некоторые слуги с удовольствием бы выполнили такую просьбу.
— Мне позвать их? — интересуешься ты, нахмурившись, почувствовав маленькую инъекцию ревности в сердце.
— Я просто подшучиваю, жена. — Артур склоняется к тебе, всё ещё мокрый и обнажённый. — Я предпочитаю только тебя.
Его губы захватывают твои в жадном и любящем поцелуи. Отстранившись, ты уже не чувствуешь себя такой злой на его слова.
— Я буду в спальне.
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... like i’m falling for you? (2/2) - arthur pendragon - guinevere!reader
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A/N: Not sure if I liked how I ended this, but anyway...
Summary: Imagine meeting Arthur for the first time who is claiming you already as the love of his life aka his future wife.
Arthur Pendragon - the most infuriating man in all of Camelot who knew of his effect on women. As if you didn't already knew how his abdominal muscles looked. The destined King tended to take his shirt off in your presence any chance he could get after all.
Pairing: Arthur Pendragon x fem!reader (Lady Guinevere, no body description)
Warning: flirting, romantic!arthur, the sexualisation of Arthur’s upper body?, mentioned death, hinted suicide, language
Words: 3.6k
Series Masterlist | Read on AO3 | Get tagged
Today was a wonderful day, you thought. The birds were singing, only a mild breeze went through the air. Nothing in the world could dampen your mood; you surmised while inhaling a deep breath.
A fond smile still lingered on your lips when the air filled with joyful laughter. With the twist of your head, you discovered a band of children rushing towards you and being all adorable with their tripping feet.
Your eyes widened in surprise when their running feet came to a stop in front of you. “Well, hello there.”
With their hands hidden behind their backs, the children adorably glanced up at you with expectation in their bright eyes. A young girl among the group swayed coyly on her feet before smiling mysteriously. “We have a present for you, Lady Guin.”
You pressed your lips together before they could shift into a crooked smirk, knowing how hard it was for them to pronounce your name properly. You placed your hands on your hips in a playful manner. “I didn’t know it was my namesake day.”
The young girl scurried on her tiptoes towards you. Waiting for you to bow down until her mouth was inches from your ear. Her hand covered the shell of your ear, like she intended to reveal a secret only meant for your ears to hear. “It’s a surprise.”
You were now utterly curious by the mystery presented to you. You certainly didn’t imagine your day to go like this when you woke up in the morning, yet here you were. “By whom?”
The children giggled in anticipation.
A young boy nudged the girl with his elbow who chewed on her lip. She lowered her head before offering a flower crown made of daisies in the palms of her hand.
You raised your eyebrows and provided your hands out of reflex. “Oh my. Is that for me?” It was probably the mere presence of those children that made you feel touched by the gesture, not to mention the higher and unfamiliar pitch in your voice.
The children nodded their heads in agreement. If you weren’t affected already, the action of the boys certainly did it. When they revealed bouquets of flowers behind their backs as a present.
You felt almost speechless and in awe of their actions.
What was the meaning of this?
“They’re so beautiful.” You bent down slightly, waiting for the girl to adorn your head with the flower crown. “How do I look?”
The bright-eyed young girl gushed, “So beautiful.”
“So, tell me truth, what’s the occasion?” You held the flowers to your chest and tried to discern which youngling was the most inclined to divulge the truth. Your gaze met the lass, knowing there was a hidden reverence behind those glistening eyes.
“It’s a secret, we’re not supposed to tell,” the lass whispered.
The secrecy behind it all only enhanced the suspicion you felt. A certain someone wouldn’t be above luring in children to do his bidding.
That sounded way more nefarious in your head.
You shrugged your shoulders. “All right. But if I guessed it on my own, you wouldn’t have broken your promise, right?”
She swayed coyly. “Perhaps.”
“Let me guess: it’s someone tall, blond and with the most hideous face you’ve ever seen?”
The boys chuckled, clearly appreciating your jesting.
Indignation remained in the girl’s voice when she replied, “He’s not ugly.”
Your suspicions were fully confirmed now. Although the romantic idea of Arthur acquiring the help of young children to bestow you with flowers certainly didn’t seem that far-fetched.
“Uh ... why am I not surprised, Arthur?” you muttered under your breath.
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“Did you have a wonderful day, my love?”
You heard Arthur in the distance as he tried to catch up with you while you wandered along the shoreline. You didn’t know what to make of his out of breath words and his content disposition. No matter what you did - how mean or how much you resisted the future king - Arthur almost appeared mesmerized by you. 
His voice still took you by surprise as he came from behind you to walk alongside you. Arthur placed his hands behind his back in a nonchalant manner.
“As if you don’t already know.”
Arthur pouted his lips. “Whatever are you talking about?”
“Oh, someone’s playing coy?” Turning around, you walked backwards while staring at Arthur with a smirk on your lips. “That’s not like you, Pendragon.”
Arthur chuckled, with his gaze briefly meeting the ground, almost shyly in a way.
It really wasn’t like him. The rare moment of vulnerability took you aback. Arthur always flaunted his arrogance and confidence in the faces of his fellows. Months ago, when all of this started you wouldn’t have thought that Arthur was even the right fit for king, but now things had changed, you saw him grow and transform into the person he was meant to be.
Arthur stroked the back of his neck and whispered with a raspy voice, “Did you like them?”
You deliberately turned your body until your back was facing Arthur again. “Oh, the children were very nice. Adorable, really.”
An innate part of you could sense Arthur rolling his eyes behind you at your evasive techniques. “You’re hilarious.”
“Thank you,” you teased, “Still, no one told me you were secretly a romantic.”
Arthur smirked and shook his head. “Only for the people that matter.”
You pressed your hand to your chest teasingly, as if you tried to wilfully stop your heart from jumping out of your chest. “Aww, what a gentleman. How have you not killed women with your charm already? You are truly a menace for society.”
“Well, would you believe me if I told you the others pale in comparison to you?”
After a pregnant pause, you groaned in frustration while rolling your eyes. “That was so gaudy.”
Arthur huffed loudly. “I know. I regretted it as soon as I said it.”
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This was truly one of the most beautiful landmarks of what this country had to offer, you thought in bliss, when you bathed in the lake. Close by, the splashing sounds of the waterfall calmed your mind at your back.
Your eyes followed your hand as it slid in circles under the water. You collected the fresh water in your palms. A sigh left your lips when you cleaned your face.
Your body tensed at hearing footsteps in the distance. Swimming backwards to shroud your body behind the stream, you waited with bated breath for the incoming person.
A frustrated exhale left you as soon as you saw who intruded on your alone-time.
Walking with an idle swagger along the shore that only he was capable of, Arthur pulled his arm behind his back. The moment when he pulled up his chemise, his dumbfounded eyes caught your clothes neatly folded on the ground.
Your voice yanked Arthur out of his thoughts, “This lake is already occupied.”
Arthur’s eyes lit up when they met your concealed face above the water level.
You sighed when Arthur let go of his chemise and his hands dropped to his waist again until you could no longer see his abdominal muscles on bare display.
Disappointment filled you once you no longer could appreciate his body which soon turned into exasperation as soon as that realization hit you.
Arthur’s slow smirk did unimaginable things to your body. “Well, hello, Lady Guinevere. What a nice coincidence to find you here.” He glanced at you from under his eyelashes. “Mind if I join you, love?”
You swam forward, but still aimed to keep your breasts submerged. Inwardly thanking the Lady of the Lake for letting the water have a dark mixture of green and blue, you became fully aware that you portrayed an uncanny resemblance to a Syren. “Go find your own lake.”
Arthur’s mocking glare made your stomach swoop deliciously. “You’re not the boss of me. Besides, this is one of the few that has a waterfall. Perhaps I like the view.”
You narrowed your eyes, not knowing if Arthur meant the waterfall or you since he gazed unwaveringly at you while saying it.
“I was here first.”
Arthur placed his hands on his hips. “And I intend to become the next King of England, so I could just command you to play nice with me.”
You exhaled heavily. “That didn’t work when your father commanded me to and it’s not going to work now. You would force a fair maiden such as myself to indulge your whim?”
Arthur muttered under his breath, “You’re neither a damsel nor fair.”
With a strained voice, you retorted, “I’m going to kill you if your gaze wanders where it shouldn’t.”
A bright smile flashed on Arthur’s lips. “Lovely. What bliss to frolic with you nakedly in the water,” he mused and continued pulling up his light chemise.
You inhaled deeply while your gaze felt drawn to his bare rippling stomach.
Arthur’s movements paused. Looking up into his ocean eyes, a small smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth once he caught you in the act.
Arthur lifted a finger and twirled it in a casual manner. “Turn around, love. I’m a shy fella.”
You shook your head but acquiesced to his request before you muttered under your breath. “You haven’t been shy a day in your life.”
“What was that, my Lady?” Arthur called out from behind you.
“I said, whatever your Lordship commands.”
Arthur chuckled. You heard splashing sounds before the ripples of water reached your body. “Rest assured, your maidenhood remains intact for now.”
You turned your head with a crooked smirk on your lips. The naked chest of Arthur caught your eye as he swam towards you with relaxed strokes. The muscles on his arms and shoulders straining were a menace of a distraction.
Arthur licked his lips, noticing your reaction. “Am I making you nervous, my Lady?” he whispered.
“I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“What do you take me for?” Arthur tilted his head. “Ruffling your feathers? Yes. Making you uncomfortable? No.”
You stroked backwards, trying to regain some control by gaining some distance. “How about you stay on your side of the lake, and I’ll stay on mine, your Highness?”
“What’s with the decorum? Besides, if I’m not wrong, all this land is my own, so I shall decide to spend it here if I please.”
“Shall I remind you that it’s not yours yet?”
Teasingly swimming closer, Arthur whispered mockingly, “Blasphemy.”
“You consider yourself a God now?”
Arthur shrugged his shoulders. “If the shoe fits. I don’t know if you noticed, but I consider my physique rather godlike, at least.”
You rolled your eyes. Sometimes Arthur needed to be taken down a peg. “Keep telling yourself that.”
Arthur reached for his chest, with a groaning sound. “Why do you keep insisting on hurting my feelings, my love?”
“Someone’s got to keep you on your toes.”
“Yes, because imagine what would happen if you do let your guard down for once.”
Arthur’s statement got a bit too close for comfort. You narrowed your eyes. “Don’t pretend that you know me. The last time we met we were children.”
Arthur stretched out his arms in the water. “Well, then, don’t presume that you know me, love. Why do you hate me so?” He brushed the water from his face and beard. “Quite the feat, I must admit. To carry so much revulsion for just one person.”
“I wouldn’t call it revulsion. More like annoyance.”
“All right. Why can’t you stand me? It’s really starting to bother me, you know?”
“And we wouldn’t want that, would we? I reckon there have been a few people who you’ve wronged over the years.”
You circled each other in the water, trying to outdo the other like the two of you were always known to do.
Arthur smirked. “Now what makes you say that?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Just a hunch.”
“I’m not the same as I used to be as a lad.”
“Be that as it may, it’s hard to differentiate with the precedent you set. In the end, it’s more telling how you behaved as a young boy and how you turned out to be.”
Arthur tilted his head, exhaling. “You really can’t forget the thing I did with your hair, can’t you?”
You frowned. “I’m not talking about that.” You tried to swim away.
Arthur let out a guffawing sound. You heard the splashing water behind you.
“Oh, come on. It’s been years. I’m sorry, okay? I was horrible as a child. How can I acquit myself?”
Finally hiding behind the curtain of the waterfall, you faced Arthur again, once you were barely visible. “Why? How far are you willing to go?”
“Do you want me to get down on my knees, or something? To beg?” Arthur followed you and slid through the waterfall.
Your eyes lit up at the imaginary picture Arthur painted in your mind. “Oh, a begging Arthur... Now that could be interesting.”
Sexual tension thickened in the air the longer his dark gaze lingered on you. “Anyone ever tell you; you have the disposition of a sadist?”
“Posh words for someone who decisively hates everything aristocratic.”
Arthur scoffed in indignation. “I read. Besides, I don’t hate you.”
You raised your eyebrows. “You’d call me upper class?”
“You wouldn’t? I mean, despite everything, you enjoyed the advantages of being a noble woman.”
With a glowering face, you replied tersely, “You mean before or after your uncle decided to kill my father?” It was too hard to look at him, you realized when you shook your head. With a heavy breath, you continued, “He was a great man, you know?”
Arthur lowered his head until his hair fell on his forehead. “I remember him,” he whispered under his breath.
“Oh, you do? That’s surprising.” There was no malicious intent behind your words. Merely the truth of your time at Camelot felt like ages ago. And the memory of your father was waning piece by piece.
“What happened to him?”
“Not a whole lot to tell, really. I fled Camelot at the behest of my parents, told me it was no longer safe. They instructed Bedivere to keep me safe as we fled through the gates. Promised me they would soon follow as soon as they could. A few days later, I hear of my father’s death. A hunting accident. And before I knew it, one of Bedivere’s spies … brought me the dagger of my father. That’s all I have left of our legacy.”
“What happened to your mother?”
You gazed into the depths of the lake. “Her mind couldn’t take it. It’s like this idea of this great love. Makes it unbearable for you to live in a world where it’s gone,” your voice became a whisper, like you were uttering a secret.
“Made it unbearable for her when she … took a bath and didn’t surface again.” You looked up at Arthur again, with a deep breath leaving you.
“You know, it’s strange, how two lives can be so different, yet share so many similarities?” you stated once you realized how much Arthur’s and your pasts interwove.
“I’m sorry.”
You blinked at hearing Arthur's sincere apology. “Don’t be. Life is tough. I learned that the hard way. If those things hadn’t happened to me, I never would have known. Do you sometimes imagine what it could’ve been like if you had become the heir you were meant to be? To prosper into something great?”
“I would have turned into the arrogant prick you have always seen me as.”
You chuckled thickly. “Would have been interesting though. Court would have been fun.”
“Careful, love. You almost sound nostalgic, yearning even.” Arthur crossed the distance.
It felt like you two were in your own little world, with the sound of the waterfall drowning out the outside world.
“And we can’t have that, can we?" You brushed your hair away before swallowing thickly.
Arthur’s body was glinting from the play of lights from the water, making him look as tempting as a Syren.
“What are you so afraid of? Is Bedivere having your hide the moment you step out of line and lose propriety?” he whispered in fascination.
“Put my hide out of your mouth,” you teased darkly.
Arthur’s eyes glinted at the threat in your voice. “Why don’t you make me?”
You hummed, wading through the water. “I bet you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You stopped in front of Arthur before glancing up at him.
A bashful smirk tugged at his lips. “You know me so well.”
Tilting your head back, you hummed an alluring sound. “And what would you suggest I do?”
Arthur’s eyes brightened with enthrallment. He pursed his lips. “I could think of something.” Arthur rubbed his mouth, giving off what he was truly feeling.
You chuckled at his enticing ways while rolling your eyes. “Why am I not surprised, Pendragon?”
“Let me put it this way, I wouldn’t be opposed to you showing your appreciation this way.”
“Appreciation, huh?”
“I think I would die a very happy man indeed,” Arthur whispered quietly.
“I bet you would.” Pressing your lips together, you brushed your fingertips in exploration along his smooth pectoral muscles and neck.
Arthur’s body tensed at the intimate touch that turned into a shiver.
Stroking his bearded jaw, you watched Arthur close his eyes in bliss and start to breathe heavily. You leaned forward and supported your hands on his shoulders, letting your breath ghost over Arthur’s lips. Once you looked up again, his eyes remained closed. You bit your lip while scooping water and letting the cold liquid slosh over his head and face.
Arthur exhaled a gasping breath. He wiped the droplets from his face. “You cheeky little-”
You chuckled and covered your face to shield your teasing, feeling curious about the next word. “Little – what? Wanker? Bastard?”
Arthur bowed his head with a smirk. “Vixen. That’s cruel, you know? Hurting a poor chap’s feelings like that.”
“Oh, really? Do lead me into the direction of this poor chap.” You smiled at the reminder of a familiar conversation.
In return, Arthur beamed in adoration. He tilted his head and let a few strands of his hair dangle over his forehead. “Do you enjoy toying with me so?”
You pursed your lips in thought, shrugging.  “What can I say? It has become one of my favourite pastimes.”
“Still, I believe a part of you secretly enjoys when you receive all of my devotion.” With an intense gaze, Arthur stared at you without uttering a sound. His stare slightly flustered you. Only Arthur was able to render you speechless – only at times – with a mere look.
You saw it coming, maybe because of your instincts or because of the look in Arthur’s eyes. You could just tell.
His gaze alternated between your eyes and your lips. His gaze alone made your heart beat thunderously in your chest. Your skin grew hotter with every passing second.
It felt like eternity before Arthur leaned forward with a soft smile.
A part of you considered what it would feel like to be kissed by Arthur Pendragon of all people and to kiss him in return. When the Lady of the Lake and the prophecy of Merlin have been on your mind for so many years, you couldn’t help imagining how it would feel like. You imagined it would be passionate, sensual, maybe even fun. Yet, nothing could have prepared you for the reality. How soft Arthur’s lips were. How his hand would frame your jaw. The warmth of his body as it shrouded you from everything around you, keeping you safe and warm.
You absolutely hated how clichéd you sounded. How you had turned into one of those damsels you promised yourself never to turn into.
Your body went still at the intimate touch before you opened your mouth with a gasp.
Arthur groaned at your exhaling sounds. His lips chased after yours, needing to be closer. As soon as you gave your unspoken consent, his tongue explored the inside of your mouth.
You stroked the nape of Arthur’s neck, needing to feel him. Despite you being naked Arthur remained respectful.
He could’ve yielded to his baser impulses and unashamedly clung his naked chest to yours, but instead chose to merely lean forward with his lips and hands covering your skin. With merely a whisper apart. Calling Arthur a gentleman in your head sounded almost ludicrous yet the concept strangely fitted him.
Arthur’s wet tongue danced with yours, with a curious passion that made your stomach clench. A wistful moan left your lips. Tightening his grip, Arthur breathed in deeply.
You gingerly stroked Arthur's beard, feeling the hair brushing against your neck, tickling you.
Shivers wrecked your body before you giggled.
Arthur nestled his face into your neck. His lips brushed against your skin, humming to himself. “You taste good.”
“And your beard tickles.”
Arthur chuckled. “And for a second I wondered about the cause of your jest. My ego can only take so much bruising from you.” His warm breath tingled against your skin, as he pressed lazy kisses on your throat, nuzzling your pulse point.
Your arm lingered on his shoulder before quietly muttering, “I think we need to get out of the water.”
Arthur dropped his forehead in the crook of your neck, exhaling puffs of air against your throat. “And here we just started getting to know each other.”
You observed your fingers on Arthur’s shoulder. “My skin is getting wizened.”
He lifted his head and sent you an appraising gaze. “All right. But no more avoiding me. I’ll save you a seat during dinner.” With a smouldering gaze, he winked.
“Is that supposed to be a threat?”
“No, my love, just a promise.”
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Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @ravenmoore14 @lelapine @nefri-black @affabletimelady @normatural​ 
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dailydragon08 · 1 month
Dragon's Arthur: Legend of the Sword Masterlist
** = smut * = no smut, but suggestive themes
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Arthur x Reader
One Shots & Drabbles
Show Me -> Arthur can always count on you when he needs solace.
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aleabea · 7 months
one aspect i wish was shown more in king arthur: legend of the sword is what arthur’s plans were with the money he’d been slowly and carefully accumulating for 10+ years. 
was he going to stay in londinium? or leave and start a new life for himself? i think its a shame we weren’t shown more of arthur’s motivations beside his drive to murder his uncle. 
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
first of all oh my god my girl from my shitty heist movie i just watched is in this??? secondly this is lame and if she’s only here to play love interest i’ll kill that man myself. “if” lol. i know with 100% certainty in my soul that’s all she’s going to do here. and it sucks. however it’s also funny due to well. the factors at play. so i’ll allow it. for now
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hanafubukki · 3 months
This Rsa stone sword is making me think of too much scenario...
Like, after Book 7 end, perhaps in Book 8, the Diasomnia family walks in for the Magishift Tournament NRC lose every year. And for the event, this stone sword is exposed and people could try to put it out of the stone because of some prophecy telling only the heir could take it out.
Some descendants of the Silver Owls are there, in RSA, and they are kinda awkward seeing Lilia. No hate or anything. But General Vanrouge is like a scary child tale and here he is, all silly walking and teasing his sons. Then, Silver's ring starts shining a bit under his clothes and he ask about the sword -and Lilia tells him the legend behind it.
Sebek being the cute pround boy he is go tried to take it -he fails.
Malleus be like "I feel some kind of curse on this sword...should I try to dispell it ?"
Lilia answering "No, you will destroy all the fun. And you're still in overblot recovery young man"
Then, it's Silver turn. And like in the King Arthur legend, boy take out this sword like nothing. Everyone is speechless, and Lilia reconized the Knight of Dawn sword.
"Oh, freak, I should've see it coming"
[referring to this post]
Hello Anonie 🌺🌷🌻
The RSA sword in stone has always interested me because of the potential symbolism it can bring. I have always been curious how RSA would play a role in the future especially after the Knight of Dawn was introduced. Then we add in the fact that RSA was established fairly recently and how almost each twst character has an rsa counterpart… 👀🤔
If Book 8 takes place during the Spelldrive tournament, it would be a very curious connection. We know the next book will have Diasomnia helping out with (presumably) Grim OB, but also adding in the tournament would be curious move because then we have a possible connection there with Silver (as talked about in linked post above).
I would be very interested to see how they connect the past to the present as Yana mentioned that past, present, and future will play a role 🤔
(This is also me hoping for more Knight of Dawn content 🙏 OTL)
I do wonder where the sword of the Knight of Dawn is 🤔, just like the Princess Glow, we don’t know the whereabouts of these powerful magic items.
Yet, items such as Lilia’s hatchet and Dawn’s ring is known. Interesting how it’s always the ‘protector’ items that’s shown but not the ‘weapon’ of destruction if that makes sense.
I fully believe if such an event like this was to occur the headmasters of both sides played a role somehow.
I would find it very funny if the sword was comically found like this 😂
Just…can you imagine? It’s supposed to be fun and games. And Lilia probably has a feeling but you know, what can go wrong? (Famous last words) and, whoops, Silver pulls out the sword.
Lilia: Oh, so that’s why the handle looked familiar.
Malleus: How could you forget?!
…well, it looks like they have another weapon to chop wood with 😆🤣
Someone help the sons deal with their father 😂🙏
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moodymisty · 3 months
Hello! I am the anon who talked about Konrad's manipulation and mental torture of the reader. While reading Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson - a poem which retells the legend of King Arthur, his knights, his love for Guinevere and her tragic betrayal of him, and the rise and fall of Arthur's kingdom - I began to think of a new scenario about Lion El'Jonson's beloved. Also this a bit of rant, sorry
Also this was inspired by the legend of Lady Godiva and the Arthurian Queen Guinevere :)
In some sort of a chivalric romance, Lion falls in love and begans to court a Terran noblewoman. Like Ulrich von Liechtenstein - in his work Frauendienst (trans. Service of Ladies), he retails his often-fictional, self-styled autobiographical where he, as a young knight, becomes obsessed with the lady he once served as a child - I imagine the Lion being the type of guy who does everything he can to get his beloved's attention. Maybe she had lots of suitors, maybe she was from a great family, maybe she was just a plain beauty, but nonetheless the Lion was absolutely smitten and happy to do anything. He duels her suitors, in jousting, in sword-fighting, but most, obviously, simply didn't accept. The Lion was 10+ feet tall "man", ruler of the Black Angels and son of the Emperor of Mankind. No man with a sane mind would fight such a person as the Lion!
He, after a long time, finally can marry the woman he loves. I didn't imagine how marriage with Lion El'Jonson would be like, but it's clearly not that great. He's a cold and serious, who often struggles with his emotions. His wife would have a soothing nature with him and helped him with his struggles. He would be those types of guys that completely changed when around their lovers lol. This guy is definitely a cuddle bug, loves receiving kisses and loves simply talking with his beloved. But, out of the room, he would definitely just ignore her. Firstly, he is a busy, he doesn't have almost to no little time. Secondly, he'll be genuinely scared for his sons to perceive him as weak and soft. He must be beacon of hope and power to his sons which is clearly possible when around his beloved.
Fast forward to the end of the Horus Heresy, his beloved somehow lives through all of it. I didn't think of a mortal living for over a millennium, some suggestions maybe? However, as we know, Lion takes his 10,000 nap, leaving Azrael to take the mantle of Chapter Master. In this case, Lion's beloved would be a Penelope-like figure: eternally devoted and in love with Lion. A legend would form around her, spoken between the Dark Angels, a woman who refuses to show herself, a woman who waits and waits for her husband arrival, a woman would take and take care of parts of Lion armour, such as his helmet and shield, and walks around, holding them. The Dark Angels would take an example of their mother's loyalty and devotion, often pressuring and reminding the Fallen of their mourning mother: "When our Mother weeps and mourns for our Father, you dare betray them?!" or something like that.
I love when people add traditional knight imagery to the Dark Angels, it makes what is usually a some what boring chapter far more interesting. I really like this anon <3
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xjulixred45x · 6 months
I was working on the requests but I remembered a conversation I had with my sister the other day about an interesting topic,
How Nakaba WASTED THE GOLDEN OPORTUNITY of using Morgana Le Fay as the VILLAIN of 4kota(Even if it's cliché)
and it could have been implemented much earlier!! After all, in the Arthurian legends, Morgana is Arthur's half-sister, she could have participated in NNT as an ally who little by little went to the dark side (like Cassandra from Tangled but without a happy ending).
Imagine this, Morgana was just born to Uther Pendragon, having a great ability for magic, but he decided that she could not inherit his throne for x or y reason (being a woman, some profession, being a daughter out of wedlock) and sent her away to Avalon, where She lives her entire life away from her father's influence, but with great resentment towards him for having pushed her away (maybe even killing her mother too?) so she hones her magic with the fairies and wizards of Avalon.
So time passes and Morgana becomes a very strong magician, but she learns from others that her younger half-brother, Arthur, has just pulled the sword from the stone, and that he will be crowned king of Camelot.
NOW, Morgana would like to believe that her hatred is only reserved for Uther, so she goes to Camelot as soon as possible and the whole way she doesn't stop thinking about all this: how long has it been since she went to Camelot? What is her younger brother like? Is he like his-their- father? Although in general I think that Morgana did not want Arthur to be alone running the kingdom, whatever it was, he was her brother after all.
I think Arthur wouldn't even know he had a sister until shortly before Morgana arrived, like "oh by the way, your sister is coming to visit, your half-sister from the king" and Arthur would obviously be nervous about Morgana rejecting him but VERY EXCITED once he hears that she is a powerful mage.
And when do they meet? It's like putting a black cat with an orange cat, but surprisingly they would get along, at first.
Arthur would take Morgana as an advisory figure as she was more in contact with the political environment and helped him adapt to the royal environment, they shared tricks for fights, etc. Everything seems to be going smoothly, they both get along well.
Arthur has a STABLE and loving figure who is willing to teach him and be a family figure at the same time. and Morgana has someone who listens to her and makes her feel important.
but during the series the problems begin.
As the series progresses and Arthur becomes stronger and more mature, Morgana feels that the hatred she had towards Uther is no longer enough, as she begins to doubt whether or not she should love Arthur as HE is her replacement for a "proper heir", yes, she knows that's fucked up to think like that, but on the other hand, is it really wrong if it's your birthright?
and Morgana may have had these moments of weakness where she questioned her recently found platonic love for Arthur and her former bitterness with the Pendragons, having her ups and downs.
She loves Arthur, but she's also very recent about what her father did, and she's trying SO hard not to let it affect him.
But that's not the only thing that pushes her to the limit.
Let's say when the holy war begins, Morgana has a thousand and one doubts about her place in the world and then Arthur DIES.
and what's worse! When he revives, she realizes what Merlin wants to do with him.
(It would be especially horrible if Morgana and Merlin end up having a relationship as friends or as a pupil and teacher themselves).
Morgana pleads, BEGGS, Arthur not to trust what Merlin tells him, that what she wants him to do will not be for the greater good, but for her own benefit and Arthur is confused.
On one hand he wants to believe that after everything he's been through with Morgana she wouldn't lie to him, but Merlin is the closest thing he has to a mother...and the baby is very confused about what to do.
and here two possible endings and how Morgana reappeared in 4Kota:
Arthur ends up bringing chaos, realizing that Morgana was telling the truth, Camelot is destroyed (maybe even Avalon too?) and that makes Morgana lose faith in wanting to help Arthur and the deadly sins, since THEY were the ones who brought that destruction to HIS HOME, and decides to do what has to be done.
which means that a plot begins against the Monarchies, especially against Liones and the Demonic kingdom, seeing them as the main causes of the destruction of Camelot (Meliodas and Zeldris), at the same time that he would try by all means to usurp Arthur's throne. . Even if he tries to make her reconsider.
(good alternative, Sunshine Arthur with wife Guinevere but that has some congruence in the canonical story, but I have a better one:)
Morgana applies a Cassandra from Tangled and obtains chaos instead of Arthur, becoming an antagonist who, although she helps defeat the demon king and so on, at the end of the conflict becomes a full-fledged villain.
having been devalued and pushed aside her entire life NOW even by her brother, and finally having the power to have what rightfully belongs to her makes Morgana very power-hungry. At the same time, Arthur would be having a lot of regret for not having believed his sister at the time and wants to redeem her, but it is difficult when Morgana begins her sale to all those who do not follow her to her "new Camelot."
Arthur here would not have Chaos but he would have Escalibur, which would be his advantage against Morgana in a certain way. although she is working on a "bastard sword" to change that.
Arthur is still a cinnamon roll, only with trauma and above all WITHOUT THE CHAOS, so he thinks things through better and is not corrupted.
Morgana, on the other hand, suffers a great mental decline due to Chaos, but she disguises it under the face of a smiling Queen.
Can you imagine if she created a Mordred from Chaos? ☠️ she says he is her son but trains him so that he can face Arthur and win the crown for her (because Morgana knows she couldn't handle all the allies Arthur has in this reality).
or she just wants to make Mordred do her dirty work because deep down she still loves his little brother...
(it would be especially creepy if said Mordred is similar in appearance to both her and Arthur ☠️ as if she wants a child, but also a version of Arthur that if he had listened to her and joined her...)
anyway...what do you think?
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regardless of that, FUCK YOU NAKABAAAAAA!!
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wingsofsong · 6 months
Cavendish and The Little Prince
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In Chapter 784 "Gear Four" Oda forestalls the reveal of Luffy's new form to emphasize he and Law as the "eye of the storm" to follow Doffy's defeat through the words of Cavendish "The Pirate Prince."
But given the implicitness of that conclusion; the scene more so exists as character building for Cavendish.
Sitting criss-cross amongst the chaos grants him a very understated character moment for Cavendish and the reader to just "be" and soak in the beauty and adventure of Dressrosa; a feeling the anime expertly captures.
Displaying concern and appreciation outside of self from a character who's core gag/drive is self-absorbenent; putting his own place on the seas into perspective.
But there's more too it.
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Cavendish's archetype is that of the White Knight/Knight Errant in European lit/mythos; his epithets being a verbalization of that fact.
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Dressrosa is One Piece's analogue for Spain-
Cavendish's name is English in etymology and his real world namesake "Thomas Cavendish" the privateer is partly known for his raids of Spanish ships.
He's the former prince of the Borgeoise Kingdom, hailing from Rommel where himself as Hakuba became known as their slicing winds (a Kamitachi; a Yokai in Japanese mythos) alluding to Dr.Jekyl and Mr.Hyde and Jack The Ripper as you may know, both English refrences.
His former kingdoms name shares it's etymology with Mary Geoise in the French word Borgeosie and Cavendish's aesthetics/rapier are very Musketeer/French.
His weapon/attacks are all references to European mythos/lit/plays.
-Durandal a French blade of legend
-Round Table (King Arthur)
-Blue Bird
-Biken: Zan t-Exupéry
-Precious Metal Axe
The tontattas/fairies being another tie to literature and mythos.
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Given that pastiche it's notable that Oda chose Cavendish to sit in a childlike manner and note one of the two most fantastical aspects of the arc in the "dwarves" (the other being the toys).
It taps into the feelings fantasy ferments in children and the inspirations behind Oda's writing, in a land where Doflamingo has cast a cruel veneer over the settings beauty.
A recent realization on my part is on the fourth attack listed above "Biken: Zant t-Exupéry" or
"Beautiful Sword: Stardust Prince."
The attack's name coming from French novel "The Little Prince-" and it's author; a childrens novel dealing with space, a loss of imagination in adulthood, love and loss and the human experience more broadly.
The titular character being the lonely, blonde "little prince" of an asteroid where he resides and tends to his love.
A thorny, vain, rose that "The Little Prince" knows not how to love properly until they've lost each other and he learns to see the uniqueness in those he values through their worth to one another vs outside validation/being a lone rose.
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Cavendish is first seen with a red rose and his attacks often have rose petals swirling around him.
He's a blonde prince, exiled from his home with his animal companion Farul (The Little Prince tames/makes a companion of a fox on his journey).
From Oda's SBS we know that he also carried roses as a child and in a cover page we see him tending to a garden of roses with Farul, his vivre card lists roses as his favorite food, making it clear that Cavendish and roses is imagery Oda is intentionally/continuously associating him with.
Knowing this all; I propose that Cavendish's character is partly inspired by The Little Prince (the novel/character) in his design, own emotional makeup having aspects of various figures in the book, and the tapping into child-like wonder described above as the Little Prince's narrator is a man at risk of losing that imagination, as multiple adults seen through the stories pages already have.
-The stars on his pants are similar to the stars on the little princes coat which is also similar to Cavendish's coat
-They both use rapiers
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It makes me wonder what Cavendish's childhood was like; if there was any lonliness, whether there's anything to be said abolut the potential of "taming" Hakuba and growing in self-love/past his obsession with uniquness.
Of course there's much more to his character than a single inspriation and differences to see between him and The Little Prince but I'll definitely keep the story in mind going forward.
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chappellcastiel · 7 months
We know absolutely nothing about Tristan but the fact that he swore to come back one day and technically did is so iconic of him and he took two knights back with him.
Would have took uther too if Merlin was able take the sword back. Omg imagine and it’s not like he would have stayed any longer because he just wanted revenge on uther. Then Arthur could have been king earlier and it lowkey would have been more legend accurate because Arthur takes the sword up after uthers death and becomes king. Oooh and gaius could have told him the truth sooner leading into the golden age actually happening.
Might write this into a fic I’m really bad at it so we’ll see.
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yyyyyyylg · 3 months
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as i was saying the hetalia star wars au--
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yes i very much based it on cardverse (honestly guys cardverse is freaking wonderful)
i feel very childish for this but im literally out of ANYONE i can share this hc with and im feeling creative with crossovers
details, drabbles and refs under cut 🤓
King of Spade/Alfred F. Jone
-double blaster. can't imagine him without a blaster fr
-non-force user, but can sense force
-ref using captain Rex's double blaster (and others like Tech)
Queen of Spades/Arthur Kirkland
-magic (i mean, typical of him) via the clock
-technically is not a strong force user but can sense force and occasionally use it
-ref the nightsister magic like Merrin
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Jack of Spades/Yao Wang
-saber sword. pretty sure i either made this up or it's in a mysterious star wars legend comic
-just think of it as a lightsaber shaped like a sword
Ace of Spades/Matthew Williams
-classic blue lightsaber
-yea pretty much it. the hilt looks a bit like obi-wan's saber hilt but not quite a ref
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are you falling for me...? (1/2) - arthur pendragon x guinevere!reader
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A/N: Another one! Damn, Arthur is such a banter machine. Excuse the few times when I didn’t use time-appropriate wording. I don’t know when I’m going to post the second part since inspiration has been hindered by my schedule. Still working on the draft outline.
Summary: Imagine meeting Arthur for the first time who is claiming you already as the love of his life aka his future wife. 
Arthur Pendragon - the most infuriating man in all of Camelot who knew of his effect on women. As if you didn't already knew how his abdominal muscles looked. The destined King tended to take his shirt off in your presence any chance he could get after all.
Pairing: Arthur Pendragon x fem!reader (Lady Guinevere, no body description)
Warning: puns, sexual undertones, mention of smut, language, blood
Words: 3.2k
Series Masterlist | Read on AO3 | Get tagged
“So, what’s the plan?”
Arthur and Bedivere rode on horseback side-by-side through the forest.
“We need to acquire the help of someone who can hide in the shadows. Manipulate the minds of people. A fighter and a spy.”
Arthur turned his head in fascination at the vague description. “You’re not talking about the mage then?” He chuckled. “I’m guessing you have someone in mind already?”
“Indeed. This could prove to be quite difficult though. If they don’t kill us first.”
Arthur turned his head sharply at the ominous warning. He smiled wryly. “How wonderful. And here I thought I would die while inside of a beautiful woman and not surrounded by trees.”
“Quiet,” his friend muttered strictly.
Arthur snorted. “Don’t be a prude, Bedivere.”
“Stop talking and halt your horse.”
Arthur grunted loudly. An arrow whizzed in front of his horse’s feet. With a stunned reaction, Arthur’s eyes went downwards before he pulled the reins. The horse whinnied in reaction and her legs jumped in the air. Arthur tried soothing the horse by stroking the skin and quietly muttering, “Easy, girl. Steady.”
Arthur turned his head towards Bedivere with cynicism in his eyes. “Is this person really your friend?”
“I never said anything about friends. More like friend of a friend.”
Arthur didn’t like the nonchalant tone in his voice since Bedivere wasn’t known for it. “You’re not exactly instilling a lot of confidence, my friend.”
Bedivere raised his voice when he called out into the greenery. “We mean you no harm.”
In demonstration, Bedivere lifted his hand and carefully stepped off his horse. With his expressive eyes, Bedivere indicated for Arthur to do the same. “We just want to talk.”
Arthur sighed before he followed suit. “I hope you know what you’re doing,” he uttered into a whisper that soon shifted into a hiss. “I’m not getting shot with an arrow for you.”
“Please ignore my companion. We need your help,” Bedivere continued, as if he hadn’t heard him.
Arthur only heard the rustling sound once a hooded archer jumped down from one of the tree’s branches. They tilted their head before pointing a nocked arrow towards Arthur.
He snarled at the threat they displayed and didn’t appreciate the insult. “Tell your friend to stop threatening me with the pointy sticks.”
“You’re the one posing a threat with the sword,” he explained. Bedivere sent him a nonplussed expression. “What? I’m only carrying my daggers.”
The archer’s eyes lingered on Excalibur which he was carrying at his waist. The hood shrouded their features in darkness, he could merely detect a dark-green paint underneath their eyes and along the cheeks.
Yet, he couldn’t help being a brazen bastard when he smirked. “Are you impressed with my giant weapon?”
His hooded opponent exhaled an aggravated groan. Arthur frowned when the sound stirred something in his breeches.
They unsheathed their hidden blade. Stepping closer, they pointed the sharp end towards Arthur’s face.
Not liking where this was going, Arthur nervously reached for his sword and clenched his jaw. He tilted his head back and the corners of his mouth twisted into a snarl.
“In your dreams,” a female voice answered.
Arthur frowned as soon as he realized that he was facing a woman. He tilted his head to gaze under the hood and discerned soft lips.
It still confused him that his manhood twitched at the anticipation of being threatened with a sword by a woman.
“Why are you wearing men’s pants?” he blurted out.
You furrowed your eyebrows and dropped the hood of your cloak with your free hand, revealing the green camouflage around the eyes and your braided hair over your shoulder.
Arthur’s hand loosened from his sheath before he opened his mouth, feeling utterly speechless.
“I’m pointing a very sharp blade to your face. Are these really the last words you want to utter before you die? Perhaps you’d prefer those pointy sticks instead?”
Bedivere, ever the diplomat, raised his palms while standing between them. “No one’s killing anyone today.” When he didn’t see you revert back from your threatening stance, he continued, “You really intend to kill the next King of England before can even fulfil his destiny?”
You slightly lowered your blade in astonishment. “You’re Arthur?”
“Have we met before, love?” Arthur felt fascinated by this creature and his face lit up.
You exhaled before glancing at Bedivere in heavy disappointment. “Are you sure that I can’t just kill him? I would do us all a favour.”
Arthur narrowed his eyes. His arms tensed at his waist. “What did I ever do to hurt you? We just met.”
Frowning in confusion, you turned back to Bedivere. You placed the blade back into the sheath at your waist. “Why are you here?”
“We need your help, Lady Guinevere.”
You sighed wearily. “Did Merlin send you?”
Bedivere quietly nodded.
“Well, great. Not like I have a choice, do I?” You turned to Arthur, feeling confused by his silence. “Anything else you have to say?”
Arthur looked up, knowing he had been staring at your body in great appreciation. He swallowed thickly. His Adam’s apple bobbed with the motion. “… You have really … beautiful eyes. You know … the green paint makes them really, you know, … shine.”
Arthur could feel Bedivere look at him in a mixture of shock and puzzlement.
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The mission went as expected. The fact that Arthur was the one who planned it shouldn’t have surprised you. Especially that he was forced to improvise when him and his rebel friends were confronted with a few Blacklegs.
You merely sighed and nocked an arrow into your bow and let it loose. The hand holding his sword was penetrated before a pained roar echoed on the streets. Apparently, Bedivere wasn’t wrong in utilizing you as a backup to save Arthur’s hide.
You stepped into the cave. After seeing the mage by the fireplace who stirred a green-ish paste with a mortar and pestle, you muttered sarcastically over the woman’s shoulder, “Smells delightful.”
“Not all things to cure your ailments taste like rainbows.”
You whispered, “Of course you’d know what a rainbow tastes like. What’s it for?” You watched her work while cowering on the ground.
“Arthur,” she muttered back. “This way his shoulder won’t get infected.”
“Ah, that mace came out of nowhere,” you explained almost defensively that you weren’t able to fully keep Arthur safe.
“Do you mind bringing it to him at the lake?”
Her gaze remained on the mash without facing you.
You narrowed your eyes and stood upright again. “I’m not a healer.”
“But you still know how to bandage a wound, don’t you?”
Mistrust rose in you. The mage was always known in taking care of the future King.
“Got something better to do?”
“Actually, yes. I’m awfully cold, I think I’d rather stay by the fire. Keep myself warm,” the mage answered innocently.
“I know what you’re doing, mage, and I don’t appreciate it,” you hissed darkly.
The mage lifted the mortar like a small present over your shoulder. “Wonderful. Love the initiative.”
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You heaved a sigh while you strolled along the riverbank. The exhaling breath turned heavier as soon as you saw Arthur sitting in the distance.
His back was turned towards you. A huge gulp was taken from the bottle of alcohol before he shoved it back into the sand with circular motions.
“Keep some of that.” You notified your presence.
At the sound of your voice behind him, Arthur turned his body in surprise.
The blond man wrestled the bottle out of the sand and gave it away willingly. He smirked lecherously. “When did I get so lucky to have you take care of me?”
“Or unlucky. I have a blade to ward off any unwanted hands, you know.”
“I wouldn’t say ‘unwanted’, princess,” Arthur mumbled with a gravelly voice.
You exhaled at hearing his constant flirting. “Take off your undergarment.”
Arthur sent you a surprised smirk. “Well, hello. You’re a bit fast for me. What happened to foreplay?”
“My King,” you hissed mockingly. “Take off your chemise or I’ll do it for you.”
Arthur chuckled. “You’re making me blush, Princess. You know I’m all yours-”
With harsh movements of your wrist, you wrestled with Arthur’s clothing.
“Uh - God damn it - you - not so rough.” Arthur exhaled as soon as he was freed from his undergarment and his upper body was naked to your eyes.
The moment it was bare, and the wound was visible, you realized that it would have sufficed to pull it at his shoulder a bit. Either you wanted to ogle him or torture him with your rugged manner. And imagining the first option was far too frightening to imagine.
Wet hair clung to Arthur’s forehead. The carnal image was a pure distraction.
“You have a terrible bedside manner,” he grumbled.
“Then I guess you need to be careful not to get hurt again.” Wetting the linen clothing with the water of the lake, you cleaned his wound until a nasty cut remained. You dipped the material back in the water to get rid of the spare blood.
Arthur whispered softly, “Oh, are you falling for me, my love? Careful, your true feelings are showing.”
You reciprocated Arthur’s gaze without blinking. You cleared your throat. Absentmindedly, you doused the linen clothing with alcohol. Without warning, you pushed the garment mercilessly against Arthur’s bloodied skin.
A pained groan left his lips before Arthur closed his eyes. “Damn you, woman. Let me.” He pressed the linen against his skin himself unless he wanted to get tortured further.
“Judging by the scars on your body, I’d imagine you knew a lot about pain already.”
Arthur gazed back at you. “I knew you’ve been admiring my body after all.” He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
You revealed the mortar with the green paste. “Whatever helps you sleep better at night.”
“Truth be told, you could me help with-” His nose wrinkled once the smell hit him. “What the hell’s that?”
“Courtesy of our mage.” Two fingers smeared with the spread before you rubbed it on his injured shoulder. “It’s supposed to activate the healing process, save it from infection. It would be a shame for the born King to die from a mere infection, wouldn’t it?”
You began wrapping the bandages around his shoulder.
Arthur chuckled before he licked his lips. His gaze met yours over his shoulder. “So, what did I ever do to hurt your feelings, huh? Did we shag and I ignored you the day after?”
Arthur’s casual mention made you wrap the bandage tighter around his shoulder.
He hissed in pain and glared at you.
You chose to ignore his stare while continuing to focus on wrapping Arthur’s shoulder. “I don’t know. Maybe I just abhor the fact of having no control over my own fate.”
“And what would you do if you had control, my Lady?”
“Stop calling me that,” you growled.
“Why is a lady hiding in the forest in the first place?”
“Same as you. So your uncle doesn’t kill me.” Without realizing it, your fingers tightened a knot into the wrap.
“You still haven’t answered my question. How do we know each other?”
“To be honest, you already know the answer to that.”
“Come on, put this poor chap out of his misery.”
You playfully inspected your surroundings. “Oh, do point me towards this poor lad.” You shook your head, sighing. “We met when we were children. I resided at court with my family and with yours.”
“Wait a second.” Arthur turned his head in recognition. His eyes lit up with a newfound appreciation. “Lady Gwen? You were the one with the hair!”
That description made you frown. It felt like you hadn’t escaped your past when Arthur used to tease you like the prince he was, kept pulling on your hair when you were both children. Having enough of his mocking, you pushed him back until Arthur dropped into the water.
With a huff, you stood up and started walking briskly away from the male nuisance. There was a reason why you preferred the solitude of the forest.
Light-hearted chuckles remained in the distance while Arthur stared at you in admiration. “Still as feisty as I remember.”
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You sighed when the sounds of the flutes and string instruments echoed in the cave. The deeper you wandered inside; the music became clearer.
You stroked the hair behind your ear.
For some reason, Goosefat Bill considered it a good idea to have a night of singing and dancing to build up morale among the crew. You still didn’t like it that you had to dress up for the occasion and abandon your chemise and leather pants you wore while in hiding.
You exhaled deeply when you entered the cave. Many groups of people stood around the campfire while others danced in pairs.
Arthur sat on a wooden chair near the cave walls and sipped at a jug of beer. The moment he saw you, he did a double take once he began to recognize you with the unfamiliar clothes.
With his eyes shining, Arthur called out merrily, “Princess. Almost didn’t recognize you with a dress. Tell me, what happened to your trousers, my Lady?”
The gall of the conceited prince.
You stepped closer towards him until you were standing next to him. Seeing him staring up at you with his head thrown back to fully gaze at you.
“How is your shoulder?”
“Wonderful. Unless you want to tend to it, then I’m feeling utterly miserable.” Arthur pouted his lips.
He placed his hand on his hip as he slowly stood up like a jungle cat. With lazy movements that made your stomach stir with wanton emotions, he inched closer to you until your hips almost brushed together.
“Thanks for the inquiry. You do care after all. There’s no need to hide your feelings from me, you know? You can just admit how much you secretly want to see me naked and have a tumble under the sheets.”
You cleared your throat before the sound turned into an exhale. “In your dreams, Pendragon.”
“Oh, it wouldn’t be proper to tell you what kind of dreams I’m having of you.”
You turned your head in fascination. “You care about propriety, since when?”
“Oh, you naughty princess. Someone wants me to talk dirty to her after all.” Full lips shifted into an indecent smirk. Arthur tipped his head forward until his hair hovered over his eyes before he stroked it back.
You sighed. “As if you could handle that.”
A ruthless idea formed in your head when you eyed his beer.
You teasingly took the pitcher from his hands. Taking a huge gulp from his alcoholic drink while sending him a molten gaze.
Arthur swallowed before he replied with a raspy voice, “You don’t know what I could take.”
You hummed. You pushed the now almost empty jug against Arthur’s chest which he cradled with his hand without averting his gaze from you.
“Well, I’m going to have just the minimum of fun and dance with the mage.”
Without missing a beat, Arthur stepped forward. A move that even stunned you. “May I be of assistance, my Lady?”
“Oh, manners. Maybe there’s hope for you yet.” You patted his chest, including his prominent pectoral muscles, just for the fun of it. The touch turned into indulgent and distracted stroking for a few seconds too long before you reminded yourself to swiftly turn around to walk away.
But you still heard the taunting voice of Goosefat Bill. “Admiring your work, Arthur.”
“Sod off, Bill,” Arthur grumbled angrily.
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“Put him out of his misery. It’s distracting him,” the mage whispered.
You held her hand while twirling around her with the practised steps. One thing your upbringing taught you was to adapt. After a while you got used to the fun, casual dances.
“Oh, please. He can take it. Besides, he’s a man. Everything distracts them.”
The mage tilted her head and watched you with a blank, brown-eyed gaze. “You intend to ignore your fate with him as well?”
“I’m not Queen material, mage. And I can’t even stand Arthur most of the time.”
“I don’t believe that for a second. Arthur loves to ruffle your feathers and a part of you wants to-”
“Hit him over the back of his head? Tease him right back after all these years?” You continued for her.
“You mean as a shield to hide yourself behind? How is that working out for you?”
You stared blankly at her. “I don’t appreciate your matchmaking, mage.”
“You’re forcing me to it if I want to see that fate becoming real.”
“Perhaps Merlin was wrong,” you stated anxiously. Knowing that Arthur was your future rattled you on a whole different level.
The mage raised unimpressed eyebrows. “You dare to utter such blasphemy? And what about the Lady of the Lake? Is she wrong, as well?”
The air turned tense with silence. It only got worse, the longer it prevailed.
You clenched your jaw at the reminder of what the future was holding-
“Are you ladies having fun without me?” Arthur swooped in with his typical swagger. “You mind if I cut in?”
You opened your mouth when the mage’s answer stopped you in your tracks.
“No minding here.”
Without another word, she glided away like an elegant dancer, stunning you for a second at the audacity as you stared after her.
Arthur’s lips twitched with the widening of his eyes in astonishment at the mage’s gesture. “I knew I liked her for a reason,” he mentioned before turning back to you, offering the palm of his hand. “Dance with me, Lady Guinevere.”
You sighed, finally surrendering to your fate. “Who am I to spoil the evening?” You rhetorically asked before placing your hand in his.
Arthur smiled and bowed almost mockingly low.
As soon as he stood upright again, you teased him right back by saying, “I hope you know your steps, Arthur.”
The moment you lifted your arm, not only did Arthur interlace your fingers together, but he also pressed your folded hands to his chest.
Damn you, Arthur Pendragon. You and your heartbreak eyes and your cheeky ways.
Arthur’s unaccustomed tendencies kept you on your toes when you were forced to step closer until you stood inches away from him. And Arthur’s breath ghosted over your forehead.
“You’re not moving. You’re supposed to move,” you mumbled under your breath.
Like he was uttering a secret just between you, Arthur whispered, “Maybe I like it this way. Just standing here like this. Having you so close to me. With you not fighting me at every turn.”
You swallowed. “I am going to fight you if you don’t move.”
Hesitation warred in Arthur’s expression. “All right.”
Before you could truly process what was happening, Arthur started slow dancing with you with swaying motions and making you chuckle.
He was caressing the soft skin of your hand with his thumb while the other, stroked a curl of your hair away with admiring eyes. “See? I knew I could make you smile.”
Arthur lifted your palm to his lips to nuzzle it with his lips. His bearded jaw left tingles right to your stomach.
There was only one thought rushing through your mind while staring into those bright eyes.
Dear God, you were in trouble.
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Tagging: @mellowstatesmanhandsempath @ravenmoore14​ @lelapine​
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polarisdelphi · 10 months
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A little character study I did a while ago, trying to figure out new ways of painting, style changes while remaining more on the realistic side... And sword props, 'cause I LOVE drawing swords.
(And I made up the thing written on Excalibur, I know the Legend says it's "Take me Up/Cast me Away", but I wanted something more tied to Arthur's character and why he's the only one who can wield it)
King Arthur and his Knights are one of my favourite stories, so I wanted to work on some ~character designs~ for them (a little d&d-ish like...?)! Working as well on presentation and something I'd enjoy having on my portfolio/doing as a character comission/project/first draft.
Also, tried to test some different layers while colouring, ended up with a sort of vitral looking thing for him:
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Which I also enjoyed a lot :3
Now, regarding character and clothes and all - and some of my takes on Arturian Legend, and just me being a big Arthur and his Knights fangirl overall, under the cut ^^
When it comes to King Arthur, I enjoy more the historical findings and more modern retellings that Arthur would have been a war general, not a king, around the 5th century - fighting saxons on the bloody fiedls of Britain while praying to pagan gods. So that's the direction I'm going for here - even if I took some ~historical liberties~ regarding how everything looks.
(alsooo BIG DISCLAIMER: I'm a product of catholic school and I have a personal beef with all the religion/God/catholic values of the ~legends~ hence why I prefer seeing all of them as a bunch of normal guys surviving the drenched in blood politics of the 5th century rather than chaste, virtuous knights of the 11th century - it's a personal stance, you are more than welcome to disagree in a civilized manner ^^)
Here we have him then: Arthur, uncrowned king of Britain, probably Uther's bastard son, one hell of a war general and politician dealing with the saxons and pulverized british kings fighting for the Great King crown - who just dreams of having a normal life in a nice place with Guinevere and watch his sons grow in a land with peace and justice.
Oh, Arthur, my sweet summer child, I've got news for you...
I Used red on him as a more ~regal colour~, even if usually purple are more the colours of kings and royalty (historically speaking, as far as I know, I'm not really a historian T-T).
Now, a lot of his armor - and looks - comes from Bernard Cornwell's The Winter King book series, that is about Arthur and his Knights. I remember reading Arthur's appearance in a field of war for the first time and my own imagination had me in awe of how stunning (heroic like, not beauty like) he was HAHAHAHA
Shiny dragonscale armor, white vests, white cape, bright sword, mounting on a white Shire Horse (one of the biggest horse breeds ever) that only he and his Knights mounted, making them famous for it... A vision, to say the least!
The white cape and clothes didn't work for this design though. I wanted to make a white cape, dirty with mud and blood, but overall, not good for the design. Went with red because it looks better, it's a royal looking colour for me and it has that blood thing. Arthur might have been fair and with great morals for his time, but he was a killer drenched in blood, head to toes, just like every other great war general.
I want to make a series of Arthurian Legend related illustrations and such, so this is the Arthur I picture and the one I've always had in mind: idealistic, fighting for peace and justice, suffering a lot in a world where blood and corruption is the accepted currency; but even so, he won't abandon his own values and will keep fighting for a better Britain, even if he has to coat himself in the blood of his enemies.
After reading a LOT on Arthur and his Knights - be it classic Arthurian Legend tales, Le Mort D'Arthur, Mists of Avalon, all the Arthurian movies ever made, researches, university talks on Arthur as a character and who were the historical figures he was based on, Bernard Cornwell's books, and a bunch of other stuff told ya I'm an Arthur fangirl :') - I decided to work on my own take of the story, as a lot of people have done before.
Whenever you see any illustrations from me, it's going to be this idea I have in my mind of how his story was like - and what I would've liked to see in books/movies on Arthur and his Knights :)
just you wait for my Lancelot and my Guinevere
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gumy-shark · 7 months
ok so
bbc merlin is actually called “The Adventures of Merlin” but everyone just calls the show bbc merlin bc it was aired on bbc and the protag is Merlin (also the intro to the show says Merlin name every episode so we all just agreed that the show was called Merlin and forgot the real title)
you know Merlin? great, powerful wizard Merlin? the old dude with the felt robes and pointy hat that’s in Arthurian legends?
so imagine that guy is young, a brunet, and the personal manservant to a Prince Arthur and now must keep this suicidal/sword-ho blondie alive in order to fulfill his destiny as the Once and Future King because a dragon under the castle told him
through the eyes of this younger and adorable and smashable Merlin, we get to watch as Arthur grows from a selfish and lonely prince to an honorable and compassionate king (no longer living his father’s legacy but his own), AND we get to watch Merlin’s friend Gwen grow to become a confident and powerful queen of Camelot. AND!!! AND!!!! we get to watch Morgana become the nemesis she is in the legends (I have my own transgressions on certain decisions made for her corruption arc but this is not the 101 for that)
long story short: Merlin and Arthur begin the show as reluctant not-so-friends and end the show the closest of friends and Merlin still never told Arthur his magic until his dying breath and we celebrate this end every Christmas (bc that’s when the series finale ended)
annnnnnd scene
are any of the other knights of the round table there or is it just arthur merlin and gwen? (i mean merlin and gwen aren’t knights either but i just woke up so)
and merlin really never told arthur about his magic? damn
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red-dead-sakharine · 5 months
The Masterlist-masterlist V2
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▶️ Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
gifs, screenshots, videos, soundbytes, fanfics, imagines, lore breakdowns & theories
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▶️ Lord of the Rings Masterlist
gifs, videos, screenshots & memes
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▶️ Dragon's Dogma Masterlist
gifs, videos, screenshots, fanfics & memes
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▶️ Mixed Masterlist
including gifs, screens and musings about
Red Dead Redemption
Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland
King Arthur - Legend of the Sword
Peter Stormare
Dragon Age
Team Fortress 2
and more...
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theroseandthebeast · 9 months
Yuletide Recs, Batch Three
16 recs for The Eagle, Earthsea, Emma., The Expanse, The Faculty, The Fall of the House of Usher, Fallen London, The Green Knight, The Handmaiden, Jane Eyre, King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, and The Matrix
Between Two Rivers, Marcus Flavius Aquila & Esca Mac Cunoval
Two rivers. Two near kisses.
The White Ladies of the Ring, Penthe/Tenar
There was a sorcerer imprisoned in the Labyrinth, and Arha had told Kossil that she would kill him—but she did not want to. Perhaps she needed to ask someone for help...
My Queen Bee, George Knightley/Emma Woodhouse
Emma went on, brightly, “I have spoken with Harriet about it.” George blinked. He was fast losing his grip on this conversation. 
We aren't righteous (or: five times Amos did as Naomi asked, and one time he didn't.), Gen, Amos Burton & Naomi Nagata
For EdosianOrchids901 for Yuletide, who asked for Amos and Naomi and suggested something pre-canon, something about that dynamic where he sees her as an external moral compass, and how their friendship developed. This is mostly pre-canon, overlapping with canon in the last two parts. (Also it's been a while since I've seen this so apologies in advance if I've missed something in research and inadvertently contradicted canon on their immediate pre-canon backstories!)
Pyriscence, Gen, Amos Burton & Praxidike Meng
After the war with the Free Navy, Amos comes to see Prax.
What do you do when you survive a shape-shifting mind-controlling alien as a teen?, Stokely Mitchell/Stan Rosado
Twenty years later, Stokely and Stan arrive back in each other's lives.
the miraculous lustre of her eye, Madeline Usher/Verna
"If she wants Madeline fucking Usher, she's going to have to look me straight in the eyes."
a wild weird clime that lieth, sublime, Gen, Verna + Arthur Pym
Arthur Pym's first meeting with Verna.
The Margin, Gen, Verna + Arthur Pym
“We have to go back,” Arthur Pym said, teeth rattling in the wind. He clutched the ragged edges of his coat closer. “Ship can’t break through that ice. We’ll founder.” -- The first time Verna and Arthur met, on the Transglobe Expedition.
by such dreaming high, Gen, The Duchess + The Roseate Queen
It is summer, in a fallen city; and someone, somewhere, is doing something unwise...
The Half-Seen Door, Gen, Piranesi | Matthew Rose Sorensen + Sixteen | Sarah Raphael + Gawain
It’s a hard job, coming home.
leverage and its utility, Fujiwara + Original Female Character(s)
The three he smoked in the carriage ride here was nothing but a gamble. A roll of the die, a flip of a coin, a dealing of cards. Lucky for him, luck is in his favor.
lilacs out of the dead land, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester
I had, within me, that rich world of imagination that I could always retreat to, and so I transformed myself.
All Earthly Happiness, Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester
Reader, I lied. Or, rather, I omitted. As the mother of daughters, who had openly declared their intentions of reading my autobiography, I was hesitant to paint a full picture of the course of my first engagement to my dear Edward. Although in many ways it did progress much as I described, discretion prevented absolute disclosure
When It's Worth It, Gen, Arthur + The Mage
The chilly air tasted of dust and lightning strikes and the faint iron tang of blood, and there were still all too many questions lingering unanswered.
dissolved girl, Neo/Trinity
What if Trinity came back wrong? A post-Matrix Resurrections fic about what happens if the body was rebuilt again, and again, and again, and in the remaking, became something new.
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