#merlin 101 with fluffy
gumy-shark · 7 months
ok so
bbc merlin is actually called “The Adventures of Merlin” but everyone just calls the show bbc merlin bc it was aired on bbc and the protag is Merlin (also the intro to the show says Merlin name every episode so we all just agreed that the show was called Merlin and forgot the real title)
you know Merlin? great, powerful wizard Merlin? the old dude with the felt robes and pointy hat that’s in Arthurian legends?
so imagine that guy is young, a brunet, and the personal manservant to a Prince Arthur and now must keep this suicidal/sword-ho blondie alive in order to fulfill his destiny as the Once and Future King because a dragon under the castle told him
through the eyes of this younger and adorable and smashable Merlin, we get to watch as Arthur grows from a selfish and lonely prince to an honorable and compassionate king (no longer living his father’s legacy but his own), AND we get to watch Merlin’s friend Gwen grow to become a confident and powerful queen of Camelot. AND!!! AND!!!! we get to watch Morgana become the nemesis she is in the legends (I have my own transgressions on certain decisions made for her corruption arc but this is not the 101 for that)
long story short: Merlin and Arthur begin the show as reluctant not-so-friends and end the show the closest of friends and Merlin still never told Arthur his magic until his dying breath and we celebrate this end every Christmas (bc that’s when the series finale ended)
annnnnnd scene
are any of the other knights of the round table there or is it just arthur merlin and gwen? (i mean merlin and gwen aren’t knights either but i just woke up so)
and merlin really never told arthur about his magic? damn
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how not to propose
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QuiasP
by arthur_pendragon
“What would you do if I put a crown on your head?”
-- A drabble for the prompt "something fluffy with Merthur being just so in love".
Words: 101, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Additional Tags: Canon Era, Marriage Proposal, Drabble, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QuiasP
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How it may have gone - Humble Beginnings
A fic taking place in the marauders era. While the political climate seems to head to a conflict, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter are still just teenagers. Dealing with typical teenage problems.
But this year their little group grows. Who would have known that more prefects would be a good thing?
Eight: New Year New Me I
When I woke up the next morning I was absolutely disoriented. The room I found myself in was white and royal blue and completely foreign to me. I wore a red shirt I had never seen before that was at least three sizes too big and smelled of chocolate and coffee and there was a very annoying ticking noise that had woken me up. 
I sat up and the big bed with the absurdly fluffy and comfortable sheets and took in the room again. Right, I was at the Potters. As I curiously looked at the expensive white furniture and the blue satin on the chair, floor and curtains I found the source of the ticking. It was a cute little owl pecking its beak against the window. With a moan and a yawn I got out of bed and opened the window. 
“Morning”, I mumbled while untying the envelope from the owl’s leg. I couldn’t find any crackers or other snacks for the poor thing, so I massaged her neck while reading the note. It was from my mum. She, too had been woken up by the bird and wrote that that was for my sake. Had she found my bed empty before hearing the Potters had taken me in for the night all hell would have broken lose. She was happy I was alright, wondered why I hadn’t gone home with Crick – Crap! My sleepy mind had not yet thought back to that disaster that would probably haunt me through the first months of this new year and my heart instantly sunk to my stomach – and asked me to write her when I wanted to be picked up. Dad would get me. Straight forward enough. 
On the carefully carved nightstand I found an antique alarm clock that told me it was nearly half past eleven. I hoped I wasn’t the last to get up and downstairs to the kitchen. That would be embarrassing. I jumped into my jeans, decided to keep Remus’ t-shirt on for now as it was more comfortable and warmer than my own and snuck over to the bathroom. 
I brushed my teeth, washed my face and untangled my birdsnest of hair with a brush I found in one of the drawers. With only six hours of sleep I didn’t have the energy to put it into either a bun or even a ponytail and I just let it hang down to hips. 
Back in my room I called the owl to my arm and took it down with me. In the foyer that I already knew I heard noises that sounded like utensils on plates and I smelled coffee. It seemed I was the last one to get up and everybody already was having breakfast. Bothersome. I didn’t want to be the uninvited houseguest and the idiot to delay the start of the year. 
Nonetheless I followed the sounds down a corridor I hadn’t seen last night and found myself in front of a white door with four round milky windows through which I could make out at least two figures. I knocked before I entered. 
Turned out I wasn’t the last one to wake up. I was the first one. At least of the students in the house. Upon my knocking both figures had turned their heads to the door and welcomed me with confused and concerned looks.  
The owl flew over to the tall man with the mane of grey hair. Absentmindedly he fed her some crackers from a jar next to him. 
“Ehm… Good morning. And happy new year.”  
“Good morning”, the man, who I assumed to be Mr Potter said, still very stern looking. 
“Happy new year, dear”, the short woman with all the laugh-wrinkles said warmly and reassuringly prompting me to explain why I was in their house and had their owl with me. 
“I’m sorry for intruding. My name’s Jette de Witt, my parents live over in Marlowe’s Creek. I met your son and his friends last night at the Raven and … well, I was supposed to go home with a friend of mine but that didn’t quite worked out and so P… James was kind enough to offer me to floo home through your fire place but we couldn’t find any floo powder and then he insisted I stayed, which I did.” I breathed in. “I wrote my parents last night not to worry, that’s why she was with me”, I gestured at the owl. 
“To be honest I had hoped P… James had either left you a note or was already awake. I’m quite uncomfortable barging in here like this…” I bit my lip and looked to the floor. 
“Oh, dear, no need to feel flustered. Come, come. Sit down. Would you like a tea or some hot milk?” 
“Coffee would be wonderful, thank you Mrs Potter.” 
“Euphemia, please. And that’s Fleamont.” She smiled another of her ‘you-are-welcome-here-make-yourself-at-home’-smiles and her husband nodded his head with a grin that looked a lot like his son’s. 
“Jette”, I said again before I took a sip of the coffee Mrs Potter had put down in front of me. 
“Merlin, that’s good. Thank you.” 
“Did you say your last name was de Witt?”, Mr Potter asked over the edge of his Daily Prophet. The headline was another disappearance of a muggleborn ministry witch. 
“Yes, sir, I did.” 
“Fleamont”, Mr Potter corrected me with smile. 
“You’re friends with James, right? He talked about you. They all did.” 
“Oh, right”, Mrs Potter remembered, “You went to the Market together.” 
“Yes, we ran into each other there and spent the evening together.” 
“Then you must know that other girl they weren’t shutting up about, Fleamont, help me out!” 
“Melanie? No. Melina? Not either…” 
“Milla?”, I suggested. 
“That’s it. There’s been  lot of talk about her, since Remus and Peter arrived. So, you do know her?” 
“She’s one of my best friends. Remus has a bit of a weakness for her. And she for him.” 
“A bit? He is absolutely enchanted by her. Not that he would ever admit that”, Mrs Potter chirped rolling her eyes. “Teenagers!” 
I laughed and took another sip of my coffee. The kitchen was mainly white, just like the rest of the house and very cosy just like the rest of the house. I had sat down at a little bar next to the free standing stove, Mr Potter sat at around white table with white chairs that had red white patterned cushions on them. The entire kitchens was red and white and looked like a giant picnic basket. It was very homy. 
“Did you say your parents know where you are?”, Mrs Potter asked suddenly looking up from the stove on which she made pancakes together with a houseelf. 
“I did.” 
“I hope they won’t get you before breakfast.” 
“They asked me to tell them when to pick me up. I haven’t yet. And I don’t want to bother you anymore, Mrs Potter – “ 
“I don’t want to bother you anymore, Euphemia, I’ve already invited myself to stay the night and steal your coffee.” 
“Don’t be such a polite goodie-two-shoes”, James yawned from the door walking in in his pyjamas followed by Black. 
“I invited you to stay the night and she would force that coffee down your throat if you deny it. Morning mummy.” He kissed his mother on the cheek and did the same to his dad who frowned at the state of his son’s hair. To my surprise Black followed Potter hugging Mrs Potter first – “Euphemia, looking delicious as ever”- and then Mr Potter – “Morning Fleamont”, before plummeting down next to me and taking my coffee. 
“Sirius, where are your manners! Is that a busted lip!?!” Mrs Potter’s voice flew several octaves higher with that last question. 
“Firstly, she won’t mind me drinking her coffee. She’s nice. Secondly, this is not a busted lip, it is souvenir of my chivalry. So, please, don’t worry, Phemia.”  
“Chivalry?”, Mr Potter asked from where he sat with Potter. 
Black was just about to tell the story of how he and his friends rescued me from that disastrous midnight-kiss, when Remus and Pettigrew walked in, waving at everybody wishing us a universal good morning. 
Remus took the free stool next to me, while Pettigrew trotted over to the Potter men. Mrs Potter provided Remus and me with new coffee mugs, shooting a look at Black as she did so, and brought some milky earl-grey over to the other boys. 
“Lyndi and I were thinking pancakes and waffles to welcome the new year. Anybody against that?” 
“Mrs… Euphemia, really I could just write my parents to pick me up right away…” 
“Nonesense! You write your parents to come get you around”, she checked the clock on the wall “one o’clock or half past. Something like that. Gives us time to have a good breakfast and to chat a bit. I reckon you can fill me in on Milla a lot better than this lot”, she vaguely gestured at the boys. “They all seem to think I shouldn’t be interested in her. Which makes me very interested.” I laughed and got up to get the owl and the parchment Mr Potter held up. 
“That’s how long your hair is?!”, Pettigrew yelped when I walked past him. 
“That is a lot of hair, de Witt.” 
“Thanks, Pettigrew.” 
I wrote back to my mum, telling her that whoever came to get me was cordially invited by the Potters for a cup of coffee and a snack. 
Before we could get to gossiping about Milla and Remus who was already blushing like a fwooper in his chair at the table, I disclosed that Dad would probably get me with the car and therefore didn’t need the info that the Potters had no floo powder in the house. A fact that got Mrs Potter all flustered. 
“The car? Your father knows how to drive?”, Mr Potter’s eyes widened. For a split second I thought he’d disapprove and tell me to get out of his house but then I saw the child-like expression on his face. 
“Do you think he would let me sit in it? Maybe open up the hood? Most muggle things don’t interest me but cars and airplanes are fascinating.”  
“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind. Doubt he would be able to explain a whole lot to you though, he doesn’t build the things he just drives them. But if you’re really interested I’m sure that Mr Scribe would love to give you the 101 on cars. He’s a mechanic and has his own garage.” Mr Potter’s eyes went blank. 
“Mr Scribe is Milla’s dad. He lives in Marlowe’s Creek, too. At the moment they’re all on holiday skiing but once they’re back you should pop in his shop.” 
“So, Milla’s dad is a muggle?”, Mrs Potter jumped at the chance to get some more intel on the girl that made Remus blush and to his dismay we talked about her during the entire breakfast. Over the 101st cup of coffee we got to Lily, who Potter loved to discuss and made me praise as if she were a goddess.  
I was still in Remus’ shirt when the doorbell rang and my dad was let into the kitchen by Lyndi the houseelf. I could see the confusion in the boys’ face as they looked at my father. He was a good bit taller than me, had dirty blond curly hair, blue eyes and a laissez-faire attitude in life that was always visible. I looked a lot more like my mum than him. 
“Morning Dad!”, I flew out of my chair and into his arms. “Happy new year.”  
“Morning? That’s rich. Hi, kiddo.”  
“Mrs Potter, this is my dad Willem de Witt.” 
“And that’s Mr Potter, Dad.” 
“Wim. Pleasure to meet you. And thanks for providing shelter for this one.” He messed up my hair with a stern look. 
“Why did you have to search refuge here and disturb the Potters’ morning instead of just going home with Crick, huh?” 
“I’d say that’s a story for another time, Sir. My name’s James. And de… Jette is not disturbing us in the slightest”, Potter saved me from answering and I was grateful to no extent. How I would explain what happened last night to my parents, was a mindboggling exercise that I was still too worn out for. . “My father wondered whether you would maybe let him see and sit in your car, if you’re here with it. He’s a bit of a fanatic. Oh, and these are Peter, Remus and Sirius.” Dad shook all their hands. 
“All yours”, he asked Mr Potter. But it was Mrs Potter who answered: “Only James.. and Sirius since the summer. You can’t imagine how often I’ve had to tell him to call this place home and not ‘your place’ since he’s moved in.” 
The moment she mentioned his name my head twitched at him. Since the summer? Home? Moved in? Black lived with the Potters? The first thing that came to mind was that one of his parents wasn’t well and they couldn’t take care of their children, but then I remembered that Regulus had bragged about how he would go to Malfoy Manor with his parents for Christmas to have a real pure blood feast. So, the Blacks were okay. 
Black looked back at me, eyes boring in mine, pure terror on his face. 
Regulus was the good son in the eyes of his parents. They thought like he did. Blood purity. Elite. Sirius Black was very outspoken about his views on those subjects. He thought they were rubbish. Ignorant and racist and that every being had the same worth. He was a Gryffindor that stood up for Gryffindor values in a house full of conservative Slytherins. 
“Not the first time I get hit by someone.” 
“Not the first time I get hit by someone.” 
“Not the first time I get hit by someone.” 
“Not the first time I get hit by someone.” 
I didn’t want to believe it but as soon as the idea formed in my head I knew that it was true. I remembered having seen Black with scratches and black eyes, and healing lips and noses before. Usually on the platform or in the first weeks after break. They abused him. They abused him for being a good person and it had gotten so bad that he had to flee from their house. I felt tears welling up in my eyes, quickly looked down at my mug and then at my dad. Black’s terrified eyes were in my peripheral.  
I don’t know how my face looked but it was bad enough to convey to Dad that we should not explore the configuration of the Potter household any further. Remus, Potter and Pettigrew didn’t seem to notice that both, Black and I were absolutely horrified. 
“Huh. So, you’re interested in cars, Fleamont? Obviously, I’m no Andrew Scribe but I could tell you what I know and if that’s not satisfying I could leave you Andy’s phone number… Assuming you have a phone.” 
“We do. Euphemia’s idea. Brilliant as ever. I would love to take a look at the vehicle.”  
“Let’s do it, then. You”, he turned to me, trying to look casual but unable to hide the concern in his eyes, “should probably return that shirt to its rightful owner and get dressed, so we can leave at some point and don’t overstay our welcome.” 
“Impossible!”, Potter beamed from the table but I was pretty sure as far as Black was concerned I had overstayed my welcome by roughly two minutes already. His face was now hard as stone and he didn’t look at me at all.  
I went upstairs and got dressed. Returning Remus’ shirt by hanging it on the doorknob. I pulled my hair in the typical bun and didn’t dare go back downstairs. Is still hadn’t fully processed what Mrs Potter had said. And what it implied. 
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crlilliana-blog · 6 years
: lost & found
in which the finder is close to getting hurt -- @crxjihyuck 
worried sick is what lilliana is when she notices that her fluffy cat companion isn’t anywhere in the dorm. mac is usually not one to run off without her being right behind his tail and merlin, it’s a first for the slytherin girl to be losing her cool like this, but her baby is so important to her and what’s happened? he’s gotten himself lost somewhere in the gigantic castle that is hogwarts. so, it’s not long before the girl finds herself running around, searching for the male ragdoll in every nook and corner of the school. 
“where could he have gone?” maybe if she asked her passing schoolmates whether they’ve seen a furball around or not, it’d be much faster to locate him, yet here she is, doing the exact opposite. “mac!” she calls out, a harsh whisper. “mac, where are you?” operation finding mac is off to a terrible start. he is no where to be found, and maybe, just maybe, lilliana is close to tears at this point. 
regardless, she continues her search in the great hall. being some time after lunch, the dining areas are no where near as packed as they are during. the tables are being cleared as students sit to chat a while before their next classes. with no luck, the kitchens are her next bet. the slytherin doesn’t make it to the entrance because there she finds some kid with her baby in his lap. error:101 stranger danger alert. 
not knowing what gets over her, her hand reaches inside her robes, swiftly pulling out her wand as her legs begin moving on their own. “what do you think you’re doing with my child?” she growls, threateningly pointing her wand to the tip of his nose. “you have three seconds to explain.” 
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Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 114: I’ll Be With You Always
Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 114: I’ll Be With You Always
Pairing:  Captain Swan
Summary:   A series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Killian Jones and  Emma Swan and the relationship that makes us all swoon. Will contain  both canon and AU stories. My contribution to Operation Rainbow Kisses  and Unicorn Stickers (aka, my attempt to drown out the season 4 finale  angst with ridiculous levels of fluff.)
Other Chapters: ( 1) (2)  ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) (6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (156) (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174)
(ao3) (ff.net)
CS genre: Deleted scene from 5x7
Note:  Most of the dialog in the second section was taken directly from episode 5x7.  The credit for the amazing dialog by the well in Camelot goes directly to Jane Espenson.
Killian pushed aside the billowy curtains of Granny’s dining establishment and peered uneasily out at Swan sitting upon a fallen log.  She worked quickly, almost feverishly at her dreamcatcher, as though the task was necessary to keep her from flying apart at the seams.
The all too familiar frustration and powerlessness overwhelmed him once again.  She was getting worse.  Despite all his best efforts, despite all their best efforts the darkness still had an effect on her and was still growing in power.  He wanted to scream, wanted to bury his hook in something repeatedly until some of the anger drained out.
The darkness had taken the woman he loved once before, and he’d be damned before he let it do it again.
The only problem was that he had no idea how to prevent the disaster that appeared to be all but inevitable.
Killian watched as Merlin sat beside Emma and began speaking.  He should be there with her, lending her support, taking her burden for her. If Merlin needed that damn spark of Prometheus, he should be the one to get it.  It didn’t matter what happened to him, as long as they could save Emma.
“She’s strong,” Snow said, coming up beside him to look out the window.  “Don’t ever forget that Killian.  She can beat this thing.”
He let out a long, frustrated breath.  “I know she’s strong.  I know she can do anything she sets her mind to, but she shouldn’t have to!  It’s too much!  She’s the bravest, most selfless person I’ve ever met.  She deserves to be happy, to enjoy time with her family and friends, to rest upon her laurels.  Why the devil must she always be so noble?  Why was she the one who needed to sacrifice herself to the darkness?”
To his surprise, Snow put a comforting, motherly hand on his back.  “I know you’re hurting, Killian,” she said, “we all are.  Seeing my daughter so afraid, struggling with the worst darkness known to any realm…it’s torture.  But she wouldn’t be Emma, wouldn’t be the woman we love, if she’d let the darkness destroy us when she had the chance to stop it.  It’s terrible to watch her struggle, but we have to have faith.  We have to believe she’s going to beat this, that Emma, our Emma will come back to those of us who love her.”
Those of us who love her.  Gods but he did love her.  He’d walk through hell for her.  That’s why asking him to stay back while she faced the worst danger she’d yet encountered was almost more than he could bear.
“I do love her, you know,” he said, gazing out the window, watching as Merlin and Emma continued to talk, “so much I ache with it.”
“I know,” Snow said with a gentle smile, “David does too, no matter how much over-protective dad grief he might give you.  We’ve seen how you look at her, how you treat her, what you’re willing to do for her.”
Killian nodded.  He’d never broached the subject of his feelings with Swan’s parents.  To be honest, he’d never said the words aloud to the woman herself, at least not while she was awake.  There had been times at night after she’d fallen asleep in his bed at the inn, within the circle of his arms, that he’d leaned over, kissed her forehead and whispered those three fateful words to her sleeping form.  But while she was awake?  He’d never found the right moment.
“You know, Killian,” Snow said, “just because you can’t be with her physically during this ordeal, doesn’t mean you can’t be with her in spirit.”
Killian turned from his view outside to look at Swan’s mother.  “Aye?  And how might I do that?”
“Do you remember when she left Storybrooke with Regina to try to find Lily?” Snow said.
“Aye,” Killian said, “that was a mere few weeks ago.”
“So it was,” Snow said, looking a bit surprised.  “So much has happened since that it feels like a lifetime ago.  Anyway, do you remember what you said to her?  Do you remember how you reminded her how very, very many reasons she had to resist the darkness?”
“Maybe you could do the same thing now,” Snow suggested.  “Tell her, Killian.  Tell her how much you love her.  Tell her how desperate you are for her safe return.  Give her something to hold onto when things get difficult on this mission.”
Killian turned back toward the window and watched as Merlin got to his feet, made one last comment and then walked regally away.  After a moment he turned back to Snow.  “Thank you. You’ve given me some significant food for thought.”
Killian watched for a moment as Emma went toward the well.  She looked somber, unsure of herself, and his heart ached for her. Couldn’t she see it?  Couldn’t she see that even in her darkest moments she was the strongest woman he’d ever met?
Slipping his good hand beneath his vest and shirt, he fingered his ring, Liam’s ring.  If anything would convey his presence to her during this difficult mission, if anything would remind her of his love, if anything would protect her, it would be this ring.
It had always, always been a talisman to him, protecting him even when all hope seemed lost.  During his dark days as a pirate, he used to imagine it was the tangible sign of Liam still with him, still looking after him, still protecting him—even from the demons within himself.  On more than one occasion that ring had reminded him of the man of honor he wanted to be and had kept him from committing an act he couldn’t come back from.
But it wasn’t just moral strength the trinket gave him, but physical protection as well.  He vividly remembered one battle while he was yet in the navy.  He’d been shot at point blank range, straight to the chest.  In that split second before the bullet made its impact, Killian felt a blinding fear.  He was going to die.
And then the strangest thing happened.  He heard Liam’s voice in his head despite the fact his brother was at the far end of the ship.  Do not fear, brother, the voice said. I am with you.  I will protect you.  
The bullet reached him…and bounced off.  It was impossible, absolutely bloody impossible, but there was no other explanation. The bullet ricocheted off Liam’s ring and saved his life.  What was even more extraordinary, it didn’t leave a mark—not on him or on the ring.
He knew the ring had saved his life that day, and if he didn’t miss his guess, it was a large part of why he’d survived for so many centuries in Neverland.
If anything could protect Emma, it would be this.
Killian stepped from the diner and plastered a calm, confident look on his face.  Inside he quaked, terrified for what might happen to his love on this most dangerous mission, but it wouldn’t do to show her such fear.  He must give her her best chance, and to do so, he must convey just how strongly and how completely he believed in her.
“You’ll return by nightfall, right?” He asked, reaching her side, and returning the delighted smile she sent in his direction.
“Yes.  We’ll go get this spark thing, and then I’m working my way back to you, babe.”
He noted the spark of mischief in her eyes.  “I know when you’re quoting something.”
“And I love that you never know what it is,” she said, stepping closer to him, invading his space, “Anyway, with a little bit of luck, we put Excalibur back together tomorrow and then, bam! No more darkness.”
She sounded confident; she looked confident, but Killian knew how very easy it was to give into the darkness.  All it would take would be one moment, one well-placed manipulation...
“Be careful, Emma,” he said.
Instead of answering, she closed the last bit of distance between them and kissed him.  It was a soft, gentle kiss, one that spoke of love and reassurance, both given and received.  In that moment, with her soft, sweet lips pressed to his, Killian relaxed. It was always so when he kissed her. It was like coming home, like sitting before a gentle, flickering fire after a long night in the cold.  She was the other half of his heart.
Pulling away after a moment, Killian reached for the chain holding his ring and pulled it over his head. Now was the moment.  Now was the time to take her mother’s advice and give her the one thing that could remind her that he was with her, always.  That he would help her through any difficulty she might face.
“Whoa!  Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Emma said as soon as she got a look at the ring he was holding out to her.
Killian grinned. “Calm down, Swan.  I’m not proposing.”  At least not yet.  If he knew anything in this life, it was that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Emma Swan, but the time to ask for her hand wasn’t now.  He’d bide his time until they’d destroyed the darkness once and for all, and all they had facing them was endless years of happiness together.
Despite her immediate protest, she looked a bit disappointed he hadn’t declared himself.  His grin widened, but then he sobered, thinking of the task before her.  “You know I’m a survivor,” he continued.  “This ring is why.  I’ve had it for many years; it’s the reason I’m alive, or it could be.  Who knows?”
Emma’s face softened. “You know I can’t die today.  I’m immortal now,” she said gently.
“The Dark One is immortal, Emma isn’t.  Bring her home to me.”  She had to come home to him.  She had to. The possibility of anything else was simply unendurable.  “At the very least, it’s a reminder that you have a piercing-eyed, smoldering pirate here who loves you.”
Her face lit up with the force of her smile.  Surging forward, she kissed him, smile still in place.  He returned the kiss, brow still furrowed.  He believed in her, trusted that she would do the right thing. He trusted his ring to protect her, but she was still going into one of the most dangerous situations she’d ever in her life faced, and the thought of what could happen to her terrified him.  
After long moments, Emma pulled back, delighted smile in full bloom.  “Thank you.  I love you too.”
He wanted to say so much more.  He wanted to tell her in minute detail just what she meant to him.  He wanted to tell her how his heart quaked within him at the very thought of anything happening to her.  He wanted to tell her he didn’t think he could survive it if he lost her, not now, not when she was everything to him.
But such emotional outbursts would be selfish.  And so he simply smiled and turned away, let her go off on her quest with the warmth of his love surrounding her.
The walk toward…well wherever Merlin was taking her to confront the first Dark One was a largely silent one.  It seemed Merlin wasn’t much for conversation…or communication.  Emma continued walking, wishing the sorcerer was chattier, wishing for something to take her mind off the confrontation that was to come.
The nerves bubbled up inside of her as she thought of the situation she found herself in.  Merlin was taking her to the first Dark One. The first freaking Dark One.  Emma would have to confront him (Her? It?). How was she supposed to do that? For days and endless nights, she dealt with sparkly golden Rumple taunting her, goading her, trying to get her to give into her darkest impulses.
And more than once she’d almost given in.  She was tired, and it just seemed easier to give in and be done with it.
But something had always kept her on the right path, and that something had more often than not been Killian.  He’d been her rock during this whole ordeal, ever since he’d showed up just as she was on the point of crushing Merida’s heart.  He’d believed in her from the first, loved her through it all, believed in her with everything in him.  When she was with him, she believed that she could actually beat this thing.
She loved him so much it nearly hurt.  The darkness had at one time or another been able to dull most of her other emotions, but her love for him blazed bright and true through it all.
“You don’t, you know, really think I’m going to go all Dark One and kill you, do you?” Emma asked, looking over at the handsome sorcerer who walked regally beside her.  
“That is a path I cannot see,” he said mysteriously.  “You may give into the darkness, you may not.  Let us hope you can resist it or all hope is truly lost.”
So, no pressure or anything.
“But…I don’t want to kill you,” Emma said.  “You’re helping me.  Why would I even do that?”
“The call of the darkness is a strange thing, Emma,” Merlin said.  “It overwhelms, makes us do things we’d never believe ourselves capable of. You must keep your guard up.”
Emma sighed in exasperation. What did he think she was going to do, stroll into…wherever they were going …with her eyes closed?  And would it kill him to give her a little information once in a while?
“Surely there’s some way I can increase my chances,” Emma said. “Some spell, some technique, something.”
“You, Emma,” Merlin said calmly, “already have all you need right there.”
Merlin pointed toward Emma’s chest, and at first, she thought he was just speaking metaphorically. She had all she needed within her, her strength of character or some such crap, but then she noticed it, the ring Killian had given her lay nestled against her chest, next to her heart.
Emma pulled the chain free from her dress and fingered the ring, looking down at it, running her finger along it, trying it on.  There was no blazing blast of insight.  No sudden burst of magic…or strength…or courage, but there was love.
She wished Killian was here beside her, helping her through this challenge, bolstering her when she doubted herself, but…maybe the ring was the next best thing.
As they continued to walk and Emma held tight to the ring, she thought over the last few torturous weeks. He’d been there from the start, never wavering in his commitment to her.  He’d even taken up residence within her bedchamber at night.  She’d thought he’d wanted something…carnal when he came to her that first night, but that hadn’t been it at all.
“Swan,” he’d said, when she’d reached for him, “you’ve no idea how I long to make love to you.”
“I’m right here,” she’d said, spreading her arms wide in invitation.
He’d shaken his head slowly, deliberately.  “Emma, we’ve yet to consummate our relationship.  There have been myriad reasons, but know this, when I take you to my bed it will not be when you are not yourself.  I will not take advantage of you in that fashion.”
She’d felt grateful for his unfailing respect for her, but at the same time she’d wanted to just lose herself in him, to maybe forget about the crap her life was.
“If you’re not here for that, why are you here?” she asked, far more harshly than she’d intended.
He merely looked at her for a long moment before stepping forward and taking her into his arms.  “I know you’re hurting, love.  I know you feel as though you’re coming apart at the seams.  There may be precious little I can do to help you in this fight against the darkness, but I can keep you company, do my best to keep your demons at bay.”
“Thank you,” she’d said simply.  “I appreciate it more than you know, but Killian it’s late.  I’m a Dark One; I can’t sleep, but you should get your rest.”
He’d shook his head. “I’ve plenty of time to sleep once we free you from this demon.  For now, nothing would bring me more solace than simply being with you.”
And he’d tried.  Every night he’d tried valiantly to stay awake, to be her companion through all the dark hours of the night.
But he was a mortal man, after all, and though his mind wished to remain awake, his body submitted to sleep.  Every night when he’d succumbed, she’d climbed on her bed beside him, stroked his face, kissed his lips, vowed to him in every way she knew how that she’d come back to him, that she’d find a way to beat this darkness
And now, here, on this bright sunny day in Camelot with the most powerful sorcerer in all the lands by her side, she finally had a chance.
Emma slipped the ring onto her pointer finger, thinking of the love in Killian’s eyes as he’d presented it to her.  For a moment, she’d genuinely believed he was going to propose.
The thought totally freaked her out.   Marriage was a big deal.  It was forever.  It was…exactly what she wanted, if she were totally honest with herself.  She wanted it all, the big house, the white picket fence life, marriage, a couple kids.  The American dream.  She wanted it and she wanted it with Killian.
And you shall have it, the ring seemed to say to her.  You shall defeat this villain as you have all the others you’ve faced, and then our life together can begin.
Emma nodded to herself as they came in sight of what looked like the ruins of a castle.  She would bring Emma back to Killian, she would get the spark thing they needed, they would cut the darkness from her, and she and Killian would have happily ever after.
No, maybe she couldn’t have Killian physically beside her as she fought this battle, but she knew one thing for absolute sure.  His love and his belief surrounded her, whether he was by her side or a galaxy away.
And with that love she could handle anything the darkness might throw at her.
“Are you ready Emma?” Merlin asked, when they reached the ruins.  “The time has come.”
Emma nodded.  “Let’s get ourselves a spark.”
--This story was originally written for the second edition of the Captain Swan Storybrook.  Several authors and illustrators came together to tell Emma and Killian’s story from start to Happy Beginning.  My story was obviously for 5x7, Nimue.  If you haven’t seen the book yet, check it out on the csstorybook page! There are more than 500 pages of CS goodness waiting for you to dive into.
--So what did you think of 7x2?  It seems like people’s emotions ran the gamut after the episode, but I really, really liked the CS send off.  I love that they’re happy and in love and together and about to be parents again!  I love that Killian gets to be there with Emma every step of the way for her second pregnancy.  Of course I’ll miss them, but I’m happy to have seen their whole story from start to finish.
--Up next:  A deleted scene somewhere between the swordfight scene at the beginning of 7x2 and the moment Emma and Killian and Regina come to Henry’s aid in the alternate Enchanted Forest.  One moment I really, really wish we’d have seen was the moment Emma told Killian she was pregnant.  So that’s next week’s story!
                                                                                   NEXT STORY -->
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clmcl · 8 years
HEy! could u rec me some good dramione blogs? (and fics please im starving)
 Yes! I don’t know a lot of dramione blogs, but I really like these:
Columbrina: It’s not specific for dramione, but she posts a lot of aesthetis and moodbords. Ah! And the most important: she’s a wonderful writter and somentimes you can find stuff like that.
Hermione Fanfics: I’ve just discovered this blog. You can find some good fanfics pairing Hermione and Draco.
Incorrect Dramione Quotes: A lot of funny and romantic quotes (you can stalk and be happy)
Harry potter shit: good dramione AU here.
The Tale of the Ferret and the Otter: quotes from dramione fanfics (the last update was 2 years ago, but you can stalk)
I Dream of Dramione: a lovely blog with lovely stuff.
I will put some fanfics here, but if you think it’s not enough, you can ask me again or go here or here.
How To Marry A Malfoy: It’s funny, smut and romantic.  “One egregious mistake and she never wanted to hear his name ever again, but the Fates force them together eight months later. How will she cope without surrendering to or strangling him? Will she be able to?” COMPLETE (Chapters: 17 - Words: 132,634)
Inverse: “Dumbledore asks Hermione to carry out a secret mission before the start of her fourth year. “Keep the Time Turner, Miss Granger. I want you to use it to help Mr. Malfoy reevaluate his beliefs. He is now depending on you.” This one is soooo good! It’s not complete, but the last update was inDec 29, 2016 . (Chapters: 29 - Words: 168,733)
In Reverse: “Your hair,” he says, without looking at her. “It’s enormous, you know.” A few, silent seconds pass, before Hermione makes a happy sort of sob. “Your chin is too sharp,” she whispers. “We grew into them.” “We certainly did.” Suddenly, her perfect mouth is on his, and he realizes that maybe he hasn’t ruined anything after all. (Words: 9,566)
The Letters From Everyone: “A collection of short letters and notes sent to and from various characters throughout a year of their lives.” fluffy and funny
Knowing You: Post-Hogwarts/War, forced marriage law. This one is really good. COMPLETE ( Chapters: 30 - Words: 256,588)
Educating Draco: funny and smut. COMPLETE (Chapters: 2 - Words: 15,288)
Graveyard Valentine: sad and beautiful. COMPLETE (Words: 9,193)
Turncoat: Switching sides. “I have only one condition, and I trust it won’t be hard for you to meet. I want Granger.” It’s one of my favorites. COMPLETE (Chapters: 101 - Words: 256,732)
Commentating: smut and funny. COMPLETE (Words: 1,723)
Physically Impossible: funny and smut. COMPLETE (Words: 5,299)
What the Room Requieres: “Hermione is the one who finds Draco weeping in the bathroom. He flees. She chases him into the Room of Requirement, and the room forces them to face their greatest fears together in order to find the door.” beautiful, a little bit sad and sweet. COMPLETE (Chapters: 26 - Words: 111,821)
Lock The Door: funny and smut. COMPLETE (Words: 4,934)
The Nietzsche Classes: “The Ministry takes action against the remaining prejudice in the wizarding society and asks Hermione for help. “What do you want? Money? Power? Name your price, Granger. I’m not about to let pride get in my way when an Azkaban sentence is on the line.”  COMPLETE (Chapters: 15 - Words: 45,807)
Twelfth Use Of Dragon’s Blood: “Draco and Hermione do not have a conversation in the library. No, really.” This one is very cute! COMPLETE  (Words: 686)
Olivie Blake (ff.net/tumblr) (I didn’t read all of her fanfics, so take a look in her profile. I’m sure it’s amazing)
Ride or Die: “The Death Eaters are an outlaw motorcycle club run by Tom Riddle, a notoriously ruthless leader who gradually works the brotherhood into high stakes criminal activity after the death of their previous president. Draco Malfoy is heir to the throne, but his life abruptly changes when fate lands him in the hands of a young doctor who is about to get in way over her head.” An amazing AU fanfic. It’s not complete, but she posts regularly.
Nightmares and Nocturnes: “A story per night to save her life. Dramione, dystopian post-war AU” This one is sooo good! I love it. It’s not complete, but she posts regularly.
Columbrina (ff.net/tumblr) (same for her. Amazing)
Like Brothers: “Minerva McGonagall steps in on the awful night the Potter are killed and arranges to have Harry Potter raised by Sirius Black and his somewhat cousins, the Malfoys. Draco and Harry grow up as almost brothers and everything - everything - is different. Gryffindor!Draco. Dramione. AU.” Hiatus (sad but true) (Chapters: 41 - Words: 97,690)
If I’m Gonna Fall in Love: “Draco had made a list of everything he needed to fall in love. She had to be beautiful, and deferential, and from a good family. She had to be someone his parents would like, someone his friends would approve of. But how was he supposed to meet the perfect girl if he kept getting caught up in arguments with Potter’s bushy-haired sidekick?” A lovely one-shot (Words: 6,785 )
No One Minds: fluffy and funny AU (Chapters: 5 - Words: 21,678 COMPLETE)
Madness in Love: With the Order of the Phoenix recast in popular opinion as dangerous, a law is put into effect to have them work off their debt to society via what is termed ‘good, honest labor’ and it leaves Hermione Granger sitting in Draco Malfoy’s parlor as a smirking Ministry official condemns her to be her former enemy’s slave. COMPLETE. (Chapters: 5 - Words: 14,201)
The History Project: Draco Malfoy finds a way to magically write notes in History of Magic but the only person the spell will work with is Hermione Granger, or so he claims. (Chapters: 19 - Words: 15,937)
Fairy Stone: Draco is sentenced to one year in Azkaban, release contingent upon someone willing to vouch for his good behavior. Hermione does. “Oh, I want you,” he said. “You, just you, always you. You forever and you for always and you until the bloody sun explodes.” COMPLETE. (Chapters: 4 - Words: 13,827)
The Green Girl: Hermione is sorted into Slytherin; how will things play out differently when the brains of the Golden Trio has different friends? COMPLETE (Chapters: 22 - Words: 150,508)
Veela fanfictions:
Veela And The Perils Of Losing Control: smut and funny. “When Snape stops administering the control potion for Draco’s veela instincts thanks to a little meddling from Blaise, Ron and Harry, all hell breaks loose and trouble abounds. Especially for poor unsuspecting Hermione.” COMPLETE (Words: 5,468)
Silver Eyes: “I’m so sorry.” The familiar voice spoke again. This was enough to wake Hermione’s brain from her trance. Enough to open her eyes, and see two magnificently silver eyes dissaparate in the dark”. COMPLETE (Chapters: 29 - Words: 84,108)
Internal Yearning: “As if becoming a Veela wasn’t bad enough, he had to go and find out his mate was one Hermione Granger. Merlin, he was in for a rough year at Hogwarts.” (Chapters: 28 - Words: 73,691)
Well.. I hope this can help you. Have a nice year! XOXO Feel free to ask me again :)
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gumy-shark · 7 months
i hope my gif spam brought you both an understanding and confusion of bbc merlin :)
im going to be honest. i was scrolling through the gifs on your blog and 90% of my thought process was "why does merlin look like my friend [redacted] from high school"
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