#king and queen of the fairies
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artemlegere · 29 days ago
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The Quarrel of Oberon and Titania
Artist: Sir Joseph Noel Paton (Scottish, 1821 - 1901)
Date: 1849
Medium: Oil on canvas
Collection: National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland
Paton's painting is an imaginative interpretation of an incident in Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream. Oberon and Titania, king and queen of the fairies, quarrel over the possession of a changeling (a human child, carried off to the fairy realm and replaced by a fairy child). The main figures are surrounded by a host of smaller fairy creatures, some grotesque, others beautiful, whose supernatural character excused their sensual appearance and behaviour. The painting was judged to be 'picture of the season' when exhibited in Edinburgh in 1850. Later it captivated Lewis Carroll (the author of Alice in Wonderland) who counted 165 fairies.
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grendel-menz · 8 months ago
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I have lied and I have betrayed and I have triumphed. If only there was someone to congratulate me.
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inkwingart · 2 months ago
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Hey, down there, I dropped my shoes in your lake!
Oh, should I put them on for you?
How I imagine the first meeting between Lạc Long Quân and Âu Cơ could have played out.
My first piece of 2025 and my last piece of the Year of the Dragon!
Do not crop, edit, or repost to any platform.
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xx-psych0-rabbit-xx · 1 year ago
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kirbtober day 6 -royalty
king and queen.
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cheesy-cryptid · 2 years ago
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“ It was not the flower, my dear one, that cured me. It was your gift “
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pruskita · 3 months ago
Meta Knight and the Fairies in English
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He thought they would be like fairy tales, small and delicate, not giants.
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noona-is-afk · 1 year ago
Completed Dramas, Ranked
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Masterlist of all the dramas I have finished and my rankings from 1-10. Keep in mind I don't usually finish dramas that I don't like, so most of these reviews will be 6+ ratings.
List got too long! Have migrated it over to MDL: https://mydramalist.com/list/1zyZGNZ4
Also follow me on my new blog for updates on what I'm watching: https://darth-noona.tumblr.com/
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moondust-artz · 1 year ago
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This isn’t a polyship btw
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eliseyweeseylol · 9 days ago
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POV: the you’re a fairy and the silly little dark unicorn is making you play chess with him
I was in between doing like really cheap dollar tree plastic chess pieces (cuz he would totally use them 😭) or fancy expensive ones, but I ended up doing the fancy marble ones because they're more fun to draw. Anyways I have like the symbolism for the placement of the chess pieces and stuff in the tags cuz most likely no sane people want to read it 😭 @lunar-lurker
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dishbug · 8 days ago
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older memes i made
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allgirlsareprincesses · 9 months ago
I am Venus: Folktale Motifs in Queen Charlotte
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Adapted from my 2023 Twitter thread
How the love story of George and Charlotte subverts the classic animal bride and groom tales for a new generation:
We begin with clear swan maiden motifs, with Charlotte as the captured bride betrothed against her will. When the dowager princess refuses to allow her to wear the wedding gown she selected, this is stealing the animal skin (or power) of the animal bride.
What’s more, George’s mother insists she wear an English wedding gown. Clothing the bride claims her for the mundane world, separating her from her otherworldly home. In a typical swan maiden tale, she would flee the moment she recovers her stolen skin.
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Then comes the first subversion of the tale: George gives her the option to leave, symbolically returning her animal skin and her power. And Charlotte chooses not only to stay, but also to wear her own wedding gown, thus claiming his world as hers.
Next we see Fruit Maiden motifs, as Charlotte is twice prevented from picking her own oranges. In these tales, the prince cuts open two oranges before discovering his true bride in the third. When Charlotte finally picks her own orange, she once again claims her power.
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Later, we see hints of Star Lovers. George has already mentioned his interest in astronomy, but now we see his observatory. This fascination with the heavens and his role as monarch suggests that he is a star husband and Charlotte is his mortal bride.
However, Charlotte also originally called him a beast or troll, and as we see more of George’s mental health struggles, we realize that he does indeed see himself as the animal husband, unworthy of his celestial bride.
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When she discovers him in the garden calling to Venus, Charlotte explicitly associates herself with the planet and thus with the goddess of the same name. It turns out SHE is the star bride after all, and George is the mortal husband.
In fact, as the king associates more and more with his "Farmer George" persona, even using this knowledge to assist Charlotte in birth, it becomes clear he is the earthly husband, always digging down while gazing up.
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He allows himself to be practically buried in the cellar under the doctor's horrible "treatments," and hides under the bed to escape the sight of the heavens. His only light is his wife, descended from the sky of her own choice.
Mythically, the monarch is the conduit between heaven and earth. When Charlotte the Star Bride meets George the Earthly Husband in the middle, two halves become whole, and they are able to rule together.
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Swan Maidens, Star Brides, and Fruit Maidens are nearly always captive brides. Their agency is not a factor in most folktales, but Queen Charlotte turns this on its head by making its heroine a goddess, giving her the power and choice to love as she wishes.
This story's thesis is vital in today's world where nothing seems certain: that life is lonely, so if you are fortunate to find your person, you choose to love them even when it's hard and painful. That feminine desire matters at every age. And that love can work miracles.
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vivi-designs · 7 months ago
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If you do not know who’s who on my map feel free to ask or look at my Pinterest board which is where I got these ! Cedar lives in between rapunzel and the enchanted forest, the forest is also where Blondie, sparrow and cerise live / story is
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sadly-never-after · 6 months ago
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princess-ibri · 1 year ago
King Magnifico Backstory : Part One
Ok! Here goes part one for my ideas for Magnifico’s backstory with the DisneyVerse! I based it on the fairytale “The Carnation/ The Pink” as recorded by the Brothers Grimm, the tale of a young man who’s every wish comes true…
Link to the fairytale I’ve based this on here
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Once upon a time, a lonely, childless queen wished upon a star, and the star answered. The Fairy of the star said that for the Queen’s great kindness and pure heart, the child would be blessed with beauty, charm and that he would have the power to grant the wishes of his people, in order to bless the kingdom he would one day inherit.
(This is me justifying that “Mirrors love my face/got these genes from outer space” line xD)
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The queen was overjoyed with her son, and marveled at the magic he already displayed. She intended to keep his gift secret from the kingdom until he was older, in order to protect him, but it was too late. Word of his gift had leaked out, and one day the child was kidnapped.
He grew up under the watchful eye of his “parents”, granting them whatever they desired, wish after wish, day after day. Gowns and jewels, a manor house on the kingdom’s border, a fleet of fine hunting hounds to tear up the countryside. A covering of protection from any who might try and discover their whereabouts.
The child gave it all to them, for he felt the power of Love inside him when he used the gift that was meant to bless, and thought the love came from them.
They told him to never be selfish and wish for himself, though this was only to keep him from one day wishing in anyway that might undermine them. They lived in luxury and he in loneliness, for they of course allowed none to get to close to their prize lest another steal their good fortune.
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Finally though, when the boy had become a youth, his loneliness became too great, and he wished deep in his heart for companionship. And the wish was granted. A beautiful young woman stood before him, shocked to be suddenly in a strange place before a strange man. But the youth was so comely, and spoke to her kindly and with assurances she would be safe with him, that soon she lost her fear. She still wished to return home, but the youth persuaded her to remain with him a while longer.
(He’s not evil yet obviously, but he’s always been a smooth guy and now he’s got a taste of having something he wants he’s loath to let it go. Which is understandable but can and will of course turn darker…)
For a time the youth hide the girl within the hallow of the pink rose bush in the center of the garden, and their loved bloomed with the roses they both found sanctuary in.
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But eventually they were discovered by the youth’s “Father”. The boy confessed he had wished for a companion, and the man feigned acceptance. He asked the girl her name and origin, and she told him she was called Amaya, and that she hailed from the Kingdom of Córdoba. Upon further questioning, the man realized his stolen ‘son’s wish had pulled a woman to him from a completely different world.
Realizing the youth’s power would soon grow out of any control they could exact over him, the man and his wife determined to cut their losses and finally do away with him, lest their treachery be uncovered. Unbeknownst to them, the youth had overheard their plot, and began to plot his vengeance against the people he had believed to have been his parents.
Meanwhile, the leacherous man had taken a fancy to the girl, Amaya. He told her that if she aided him in getting rid of the youth he would aide her in returning back to her own world. Amaya had no interest in either the foul man nor in betraying the youth she had come to love, but she knew if she did not do as the man asked both she and her lover would be killed. So she took the heart of one of the man’s beloved hounds and brought it to him, claiming it to be the heart of the youth.
She rejected the man’s advances though, refusing him vehemently and reminding him their bargain was for him to help her to return home. Pretending to accept her rejection, the man waited until night to steal into her rooms within the manor, with a dagger drawn to plunge into the sleeping girl.
But he was met with the livid face of his erstwhile ‘son’ instead.
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“So, ‘Father’, at last you show your true face. Your heart is a coal of envy, your wishes are cruel and selfish, you would take and kill with no more thought then your beloved hunting dogs do. So I wish that your outward self might reflect the beast within you!”
And with those words, the man’s bones shook and snapped, his hair darkened and spread, and soon enough a great beast spawns tearing around the manner, fire pouring from its insides as it burned all the ill gotten gains in the manor, and itself along with it.
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The youth attempted to return to his true mother, but tragedy has struck while he grew up ignorant of his heritage. The King, furious that the son he had waited so long for had been stolen, blamed the Queen for the tragedy, and locked her within a doorless tower. A bird came twice a day to bring her food, but her heart was broken, and she eventually wasted away. The people, who had loved the kind queen, rose up against the cruel king, and the kingdom was left broken and destroyed.
The youth had no wish to stay in this place, full of the memories of all the good that had been destroyed by two greedy thieves. The youth, a man now, innocence scorched from him, kept a part of the banner that once hung in the grand hall to remind himself the folly of granting the wishes of the undeserving
He was ready however to grant the wish of the one who had not betrayed him, his beloved Amaya. Her wish brought them a ship that would carry them across the waves of sea and space, and together they sailed off into another world…
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Edit: Part 2
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cheesy-cryptid · 1 year ago
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Thought Id repost my old art series from last year about my fae ocs i keep drawing again [ here 1 and here 2 ] 🌷🌷🌷 this story was drawn by me and written by @widdlefangs as a collab based on this prompt
| A young boy was visited by royal fae guards one day, who so happen to have searched far and wide… for his little home economics project |
“The Boy and the Flower”
Perhaps it was a memory, or just the vivid imagination of a lonely child. But he swore that there was a time he was a protector of the woodland realm. He wasn’t particularly special in any way or form, but one thing he did have was his undeniably vivid imagination. The conjured sight of a knight, a cricket, and their sparrow mount, kindly requesting him for his 1st grade home economics project. “What shall it be sir, that eases your heart in parting with your callalily treasure? Be it great or many, we are prepared to compensate you for such a loss,” said the knight. “Our Queen is gravely ill, and your flower is the only remedy,” he stutters, an aching worry deep-set in his eyes, “we folk do not usually take any thing that doesn’t belong to us…maybe borrow a little here and there… but as a token of our respect, we humbly ask for your permission. Thus, young one, what shall it be?”
Looking back, he could have asked for riches or the rarest jewels, but his young mind was bereft of that adult greed, instead he asked, “Take me with you then, let me give it to her myself.” ---
The flower was not particularly special in any way or form, he thinks. Just a bloom that is as beautiful as any other bloom. He follows the knight’s quickened footsteps as best as he can into the chamber of the Queen.
He did not even have the luxury of beholding the majesties of the realm around him.
There beyond the sheer curtains was, whom he assumed was the Fae King, the crown of ancient wood resting upon his troubled brow, and in his arms, the pale husk of a Queen. 
He falls to his knees and the King, in his worried state, wordlessly beckons for him to feed the bloom to the Queen. Laboriously, she takes the fragile petals between her cold lips. 
 She lays still for a moment, and perhaps a moment too long, until her chest rises, rises still, and she floats as the light consumes her fully, and the little boy beholds her in naked flame, terrible and divine in all her splendor.  ---
“Well then,” she swirls around him like the wind, “who is the young one who gave up his greatest treasure to save my life?”
 She took small his hands between his, the pale golden warmth speaking true that she yet draws breath.
“It’s only a flower, not really special. It’s no big deal,” he grinned his little gap-tooth grin. “I can grow more if you like, my teacher just said I need more seeds.”
 He looked at the plant, now quite more plain looking without its white crown, yet still stands proud, a stubborn stalk.
The Queen gently tilts his chin up, “It was not the flower, my dear one, that cured me. It was your gift.” 
“And then what happened after that?” piped up his dear friend, who was clinging to her seat in anticipation.
“And then,” he prompted, “they gave me this cool pin!” he declared, proudly brandishing a metal flower refrigerator magnet, tied on a piece of yarn.
“I am an official protector of the woodland realm, and a savior of her Majesty, the Fae Queen!”
His friends cheered for him, and after a day playing in the neighborhood park, they decided to get some yoghurt from the local store.
Prior to his little adventure, he believed himself not special in any particular way or form, just like his little flower.
But just like his little unassuming calla lily, his courage saved the Queen.
He didn’t need to imagine it at all. 
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serien-grl-22 · 10 months ago
Jude was invited to her own wedding.
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