#kindly check out the next post or my pinned
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✧✦✧ “Fragments” - episode 10 ✧✦✧
“In my darkest moments, I sing for courage.“
Vivi’s living my own dream of hearing Raha sing the Eternal Wind.
New reader? episode list on tumblr | webtoon
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Have you considered checking out the OSHAverse blogs? Also the blogs rping as various government agencies?
Good idea. For all future anons, to ensure I won't get any repeats, I'll pin this post, displaying all the gimmick blog families I'm cataloging, or planning to catalog.
• Mimmick Blog(s) - CURRENTLY UPDATING
• Wizardbloggers - NOT STARTED
• Busbloggers - NOT STARTED
• Shower Thinkers - NOT STARTED
• Identifiers - NOT STARTED
• Heritage Bloggers - NOT STARTED
• Bloggers from another Timeline - NOT STARTED
• Reddit-esque - NOT STARTED
• Restaurants - NOT STARTED
• I [blank] at [height] - NOT STARTED
• Tennis Balls - NOT STARTED
• Fast Food Blogs - NOT STARTED
• Potatoes - COMPLETE
• Completionist Blogs - COMPLETE
• !CU (The Exclamation Point Cinematic Universe) - COMPLETE
Why do trees take so long?
With larger trees, more time has to be committed. Also, doing internet taxonomy is, surprisingly, not my primary commitment. Kindly allow my ADHD brain to take as much time as it needs.
I have a website now!
What pronouns do you use?
288 notes · View notes
waitmyturtles · 1 year
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: Dew the Movie Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I’ll cover Dew the Movie, screenwritten and directed by the seminal Thai BL artist, Ma-Deaw Chookiat, and starring Ohm Pawat and Nont Sadanont.]
Before I get started, I want to note that I’m publishing this review out of chronological order from the list: I owe you all a review of 3 Will Be Free, which will drop next week, but I just watched Dew the Movie this week, and felt the strong urge to get out my thoughts sooner rather than later.
I have had a number of quick conversations about Dew the Movie with some of the around-the-block mentors on Tumblr, particularly with @absolutebl Sensei, who very kindly answered my question last week about where Dew stands by way of the trajectory of BL in Thailand (and just to note, as ABL Sensei says in their answer: Dew is most definitely NOT a BL, but an important piece of queer media to consider for the BL-driven OGMMTVC). 
The (small sample size) majority of people I’ve spoken to about Dew have actually not seen it, which is utterly understandable from the perspective of the tragic circumstances of the film. 
When I first planned on watching it, I put a caveat note on the OGMMTVC list on my blog’s pinned post that Dew wasn’t an official part of the Challenge. I change my tune on this: I would argue, at least from my perspective, that it was a *must for me* to watch.
Again, why? 
As ABL Sensei writes, Dew fits into a stage-checklist mold of queer cinema, where, at the time of its release, it potentially NEEDED to check off certain boxes in order to get produced. It very well may have NEEDED a tragic end (arguably, multiple tragic ends) to get made. It may have NEEDED to kill off a gay character (arguably, multiple gay characters) to be ripe for consumption by a wider audience. It may have NEEDED some amount of equivocating about those deaths within the art itself.
I was aware of this when I was watching Dew, aware of watching Brokeback Mountain again, aware of death and disappearance and erasure.
What I didn’t expect from Dew, possibly as strong a punch in the gut as the impact of the death(s) themselves, was how Asian the movie was.
This sounds silly, coming from an Asian-American towards a Thai movie made in Thailand, about Thai young men, as based on an original story from South Korea. But having visited Malaysia, one of my home countries, a whole bunch in the 1990s, at the same time when half of this film was situated -- I was absolutely struck by how the film did not shy away from the Asian experience of discrimination and the destruction of Asian family systems by way of homophobia and other explicit biases throughout the film.
The depictions of homophobia and discrimination in Dew were so raw that I caught myself actually gasping-crying at certain points. Before I get there, let me offer a quick summary of the film, since I believe not very many people have seen this:
Dew and Phop are two high school classmates in the late 1990s, in an extremely rural town called Pang Noi, adjacent to Chiang Rai. As the wonderful @shortpplfedup kindly noted for me, the timing of Dew and Phop’s engagement took place right before the onset of the 1997 Asian financial crisis that first emanated out of Thailand, and was also set as military dictatorships had given way to democracy in Thailand. 
In their rural town, young men who are either out or presumed to be gay are sent to training camps. Accusations about the spread of AIDS are made vis à vis the LGBTQ+ population. Students who are out are rejected at school and in their homes. 
I’ve written previously about how certain BLs, mainly in the MAME realm (Love By Chance and TharnType), have touched upon a kind of bigotry and bias that I have described as being particularly Asian in nature, reflective, word-for-word, of the kind discriminatory language and ideas that I was exposed to as a kid from my Asian parents. 
To see that kind of discrimination and homophobia orchestrated on a community-based level -- in Dew and Phop’s school, when children are rounded up by teachers and soldiers to be sent to a training camp -- was brutal to watch.
It immediately introduced a level of dystopia to the entire film. And I ended up appreciating that the film went that far, so immediately at the beginning of the film, after we had seen an otherwise happy-go-lucky young man in Dew beginning to engage with Phop. 
We needed that element of dystopia to kick off the film, because: Dew faces rejection from his school and, potentially, from his single mother, to be an out and gay young man in Pang Noi.
More brutally, arguably, is the rejection of Phop from his EXTREMELY patriarchal Thai-Chinese family, led by an almost despotic father, who is ready to take down his son at a moment’s notice, with a helpless mother present as Phop is progressively rejected by his father, his brothers, and the patriarchal family system that keeps that family together. (@shortpplfedup, as I wrote to you, this was Double Savage x 10, maybe x 100.) 
The reason why I liked the juxtaposition of the community-level discrimination vs. the micro, family-level discrimination is that both experiences of this kind of discrimination are dystopic. As humans, as mammals: we crave community, family, and companionship. 
To be rejected by your community is unnatural. To be rejected by your FAMILY is unnatural.
This is not a message that’s limited to Asian media or Asian cultures -- this exact kind of discrimination flourishes in America and elsewhere, including conversion therapy (Dew reveals that his own mother sent him to behavioral therapy). In rural Thailand, this kind of existence... simply cannot exist. That’s dystopic to queerness, to the LGBTQ+ community.
I brought up Malaysia earlier to make a quick mindset comparison. Around the time of the setting of Dew and Phop’s high school days, I remember hearing on Malaysian radio, riding in a car with my family, that the singer Sting (STING, y’all -- vanilla STING) had been banned from performing in Malaysia for his music being ��too rhythmic.” 
Malaysia, unlike Thailand, is an Islamic nation. But borders are only lines on a map, and as I’ve spoken at length with the amazing @telomeke about, the cultural flow between the countries is strong and present. It doesn’t surprise me, therefore, that rural Thai towns WOULD engage in this HIGH LEVEL of discrimination and exclusion, as unbelievable as it might seem to Westerns not familiar with either Asian or Western styles of dystopic discrimination, as I’m calling it here.
To try to survive: Phop runs away to Bangkok. And begs Dew to come with him. And Dew dies in the process.
Phop lives. He becomes an adult, a middling adult, with only middling success in his life. After a life in Bangkok, he moves back to Pang Noi, broke, married, reminiscing about Dew.
And he discovers, after becoming a homeroom teacher, that Dew has been reincarnated in the body of a young female student. (This is one of a few times that ideas of ghosts, spirits, the reborn, and the reincarnated are introduced in queer Thai media in 2019, along with Until We Meet Again and He’s Coming To Me.)
We then get the presence of an actual controversial filmmaking trope in age gap, between a young student and an older teacher. Age gap is certainly a present trope in BLs, past and present. 
In lightly peeping the MDL reviews for Dew, I saw quite a bit of consternation about this age gap, and honestly, as a mom, I certainly felt the wibbles as well. But I thought it was an interesting filmmaking device to use, in putting Dew’s spirit in the body of a young student.
Because -- of course -- this inclusion forces us viewers to confront OUR OWN BIASES. Besides the community-level and micro/family-level discrimination we see in the film, we’re also forced to truly dig into what we, as viewers, are biased against. AND, the film very much digs into the controversial nature of teacher-student relationships as well, and Phop is condemned for his closeness with the reincarnated Dew through the student, Liu, wonderfully acted by Pahn Riety of 10 Years Ticket. 
This film is fucking brutal. But the fact that it forces us to CONFRONT OUR BIASES, on so many levels -- it does a wonderful job at that. 
To the end. To the end of the loss of Phop and Liu, so that Phop and Dew can be together in the afterlife. 
The film leans on Thai-Chinese Buddhism in the second half, again, so reminiscent of He’s Coming To Me, leading to ANOTHER non-happy ending that brings two people together in unideal circumstances. Phop and Dew’s spirits will be together, not in this world, but where, exactly? Certainly not in the world of 1990s rural Thailand, a world that wanted them extinct. 
When I say that this film is rooted in its Asianness, I really mean it. I think one needs to have an appreciation for how these themes tie together -- the community-level discrimination, how general sexuality and queerness were treated with such a hands-off/ignoring approach in the SEA region in the 1990s, and why Thai-Chinese Buddhism was chosen as a means of bringing Phop and Dew back together, just like Thun and Med in HCTM. There is an acknowledgement by the Asian filmmakers of these pieces that queerness was brutally unacceptable during these times in Thailand and elsewhere, and these pieces do not shy away from that reality. 
I’m tremendously glad I watched this. I feel like crying right now while watching this, but I’m really glad, as someone with SEA roots, to have watched this, and to have seen discrimination at that level that I have seen previously, and to know it exists. If one takes up the OGMMTVC and feels like they can’t watch this, I can totally understand. But I think Dew the Movie is a tremendous gateway -- as He’s Coming To Me was -- to a very particular Asian mindset around collectivist living that does not jive with individual expressions of sexuality and queer acceptance. 
Those realities are brutal -- I hate thinking about them, I HATE IT. The acceptance gateway that I have discovered vis à vis Thai QLs is a salve to my soul that was subjected to HEINOUS discrimination against ANYONE deemed different from my Indian culture growing up. But that discrimination was also VERY REAL. I’ve broken out of being exposed to it, and I’ve tried to become the best ally I can be. But the acknowledgement, through art, that that level of discrimination can exist, in my Asian cultures, is also a reality that I have a responsibility, as an ally of Asian descent, to reckon with. 
(A quick side-note. Once more: Ohm Pawat shines. This man is a CIPHER of queer pain and queer joy. The acting, directing, and cinematography of this film was stunning. Two hours went by in a flash. If you avoid for the content, that makes sense, but if you’re a film buff, you may enjoy this film just for the devotion it pays to rural Thailand and the spectacular expanses that it captures.)
[Yow. My heart is aching, not just for Dew the Movie, but I’m also recovering from a crazy week of Step By Step, HA. 
But anyway: my review of 3 Will Be Free will be up early next week. WHAT A GODDAMN AMAZING SHOW! The OGMMTVC is definitely ruining me for great content, up against what I’m watching that’s airing now (....side-eyes to SBS, hmph). 
And: I’m digging into Until We Meet Again. IT’S FABULOUS SO FAR. Come AWN, Fluke and all of ‘em! I’m traveling for the holiday next week, but hopefully my watch schedule won’t get too messed up. But with this review of Dew and 3WBF next week, I’m holding all y’all down if you’re looking forward to these reviews!
Here’s the status of the watchlist. As ever, I’ll take any feedback ya got!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (I’m watching this out of order just to get familiar with OffGun before Theory of Love -- will likely not review) 13) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review coming) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (watching) 17) 2gether (2020) 18) Still 2gether (2020) 19) I Told Sunset About You (2020) 20) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) 21) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 23) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS 24) Lovely Writer (2021) 25) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) 26) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 27) Not Me (2021-2022) 28) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 29) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 30) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 31) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 32) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 33) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 34) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 35) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 36) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 37) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
80 notes · View notes
kyra45 · 1 year
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by the username questiontothework. It reads as follows: “Hiyah! Im so sorry for thisnbeing direct! please do give me a chance and read what im about to ask” And the next paragraph reads the following: “I urgently need some of your help, its for my little cat who needs to be seen by a vet and have an urgent, :((( if you have an extra time please do check the post I pinned and kindly give it a boost or share to have more reach if possible, it would really mean the world to me and I will be forever grateful.. Please join me in praying the surgery will be successful and we can begin the road to recovery and healing. please do send me a msg to reply as I would like to atleast thank you for giving me the opportunity! Have a wonderful day” /End ID]
Just another scam ask. Please don’t donate to anyone who sends these. They don’t own anything and will lie to you. This username may change after I post this as they never delete willingly until they can’t hide comments calling them out.
New url is eorymquest
Update 2
The real Sabrina doesn’t use PayPal so the PayPal account being used is another impersonator attempt.
Update 3
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weneedatdcharacterwho · 8 months
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Hi. If you've been here long enough you'd know my queue operates at a very long train, since I get many suggestions and my boyfriend and I will write up our own suggestions. At the current moment, our queue is 43 submissions and will post 3 character prompts a day (12, 2, and 4pm est). If you submitted something today right now, you would not see it posted for two weeks (next slot is on Feb 17th). I don't believe in mass posting like some other blogs because I feel like character study deserve to be spaced out to appreciate properly.
Additionally I believe the subject matter of your submission was inappropriate for the Y7 nature of the show. While I'm all for suggestions that are probably impractical for the people making the show, I still respect the behind the scenes for the rigorous rules that come into play when making a children's show. I've studied child psychology and I agree with some of their rules.
If you review my rules in the pinned comment you will see the statements "Mod reserves the right to not post any submission." as well as the rule "Be normal". If your submission makes me feel any sense of unease, I-and my boyfriend- reserve the right to delete the submission.
If you're suggesting there's a "gotcha" where me feeling unease at the subject (which is tonally unacceptable in a children's show and would garner complaints) suggests I'm opposed to the topic as a whole, I would kindly ask you to stay off my blog in the future. If not, just double check your submission before submitting it. Thanks.
-Mod Millie
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sapphicmicrofics · 11 months
HP Sapphic Microfics
(This will be a pinned message for all existing followers + anyone who finds this blog after October 31)
October 31: Roses was the last prompt! For now, that is.
You are free and encouraged to write for the existing prompts, all of which can be found in these lists and here individually.
There are currently over 1000 microfics in the fic submissions tag, which is just absolutely insane to me. To add to that, there are 777 fics in the AO3 collection and while there is some overlap between tumblr and AO3, there are fics only posted on one platform! Which basically means you all wrote a shitload of sapphic fanfiction for these prompts.
So, for that, thank you.
I've linked to all submissions above, but I also want to point you to the tags page, where you can sort through the submissions based on ships and length. If you're looking for an individual character, just search for their name on the blog!
And, importantly: there will be more prompts! Just not in the next few months. I need a break, and I think a lot of you do too. My current consideration is to bring these prompts back every now and then, for a month or a few months at a time, so that I have time to prepare and you all have energy to participate without feeling overwhelmed.
Before that, though, I want to repeat that every single prompt that's been posted so far is still available for you to write. I get email notifications every time someone tags the blog, so I'll keep reblogging them.
The channel in the @hpsaffics server will also remain active for a little while longer, so if you're 18+ and want to check that out (including microfics that weren't posted to tumblr), find their server! They also run other incredible femslash events that I'd encourage you all to check out.
Alright then.
This microfic challenge was (and will be again) run by @siriusly-sapphic, and very kindly hosted by @hpsaffics and their incredible mod team. Thank you all so much for participating, whether you posted every single day (I see you. I love you. Seriously.) or every once in a blue moon. You've introduced me to some incredible rarepairs and have taken some of these prompts into directions I never even realised they could go. This was a damn joy to run, and I'll be excited to pick it back up somewhere in 2024.
Until then, the ask box will remain open and submissions are always accepted. Thank you all for participating and following this event <3
17 notes · View notes
priestess-of-yuri · 1 year
hi everyone!!! i hope you've all been well. 🩵🍃✨
so i received a dm today that actually caused me quite a bit of stress. i've had to take the time to myself to do self-care. it's also my partner's birthday, and although they live in a different timezone, i've kept the next two days mostly clear in order to celebrate with it as much as possible.
i just wanted to express that i've said in the post where i'm doing FREE one-on-one tarot/oracle readings that i'm asking you to have patience. i don't know if this person missed it or is simply unaware of what they're doing, but it's just simply not okay with me for you to ask when you're receiving the reading. it throws me off. it makes me feel pressured and it's actually really distressing.
i don't operate on a set schedule. i'm a witch for a reason: i'm disabled with various mental illnesses. i'm neurodivergent; i have adhd. even my routines need to constantly feel different for me to do them. i don't appreciate the disregard of a lack of patience at all.
for those of you who are kindly waiting (and even telling me to take my time 😭🙏🏽) this isn't directed at you. this post is to serve as me expressing my needs and boundaries going forward as i take on more and more readings.
i have a life, and it caters to me while taking into consideration my purpose of serving others. it's balanced. i do not operate this service as a "job". i don't earn money from this at all, unless i get tips from anyone generous enough to give them. (so far, no one has.)
i did a reading on the situation for myself. i got Water Spirit for manifesting dreams, Butterfly Spirit for transformation, Pine Spirit for purification, Dragonfly Spirit for change, Maple Spirit for generosity, Daffodil Fairy for new beginnings, and Unicorn for purity.
altogether, i believe the cards are encouraging me to express myself regarding this matter publicly, to step into the wonder and innocence of a child, to continue seeking to help people, and to change my mind as i see fit.
that said, please check out my pinned if you would like a FREE one-on-one tarot/oracle reading, and you're willing to wait for your time. putting pressure on me by being impatient only slows me down.
and going forward, i will refuse requests who ask me when i will give them their reading, and the like. it's just simply not how i operate, and it's not the treatment i deserve, need or want. it may be normalised in society to ask for when you will receive a service, but keep in mind i am just one person and i did say i would get to everyone in due time. that was me showcasing the way this works.
i'll be dming the person at hand. but to all new followers and requesters, welcome aboard. i have quite a backlog of requests for readings right now, but so long as you're all willing to wait, i'll be able to clear it easy peasy.
see you in dms! 🩵🍃✨
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nezclaw · 2 years
Hi, peace be to you. I'm Aydin (Aydinb01), the one who lost his dad to the turkey earthquake (posted by some popular blogs e.g one-time-i-dreamt. Story still on my blog). I deactivated my accounts last week , I was overwhelmed, I saw my dad being buried virtually and I came to Tumblr to get some solitude, but I still get to see my donation link still doesn't work. It was too much for me, I felt like nothing is working for me. So I gave up until my friend helped me create a new PayPal fundraiser. She gave me hope again. And that's the reason I created this blog to reach out to everyone who might have tried donating or who would love to donate (please check my pinned post for undated story). Mom's birthday is next week. 25th February. I'd love to get her out before then. Please help me in achieving this. If I could get $500 before Friday I'd make my mom leave the leveled neighbourhood. Here is a new link, I'm still at 308$ OF $1000?please retry with this new link.https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8RqKInwRti Kindly consider Donating if you didn't try before. This is my last hope. Kindly check my begpost and help reblog if you can. Thank you.
with all due respect this is EXTREMELY suspicious
2 notes · View notes
Hi, peace be to you. I'm Aydin (Aydinb01), the one who lost his dad to the turkey earthquake (posted by some popular blogs e.g one-time-i-dreamt. Story still on my blog). I deactivated my accounts last week , I was overwhelmed, I saw my dad being buried virtually and I came to Tumblr to get some solitude, but I still get to see my donation link still doesn't work. It was too much for me, I felt like nothing is working for me. So I gave up until my friend helped me create a new PayPal fundraiser. She gave me hope again. And that's the reason I created this blog to reach out to everyone who might have tried donating or who would love to donate (please check my pinned post for undated story). Mom's birthday is next week. 25th February. I'd love to get her out before then. Please help me in achieving this. If I could get $500 before Friday I'd make my mom leave the leveled neighbourhood. Here is a new link, I'm still at 273$ OF $1000?please retry with this new link.https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8RqKInwRti Kindly consider Donating if you didn't try before. This is my last hope. Kindly check my begpost and help reblog if you can. Thank you.
Shoot, dude. I hope you get out of there ok. I'll reblog and Queue up as many of your posts as I can. I'll pray for you, buddy.
I... don't know how much I can do for you. But I'll do as much as I can.
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jo3ydr3w · 2 years
Hi, peace be to you. I'm Aydin (Aydinb01), the one who lost his dad to the turkey earthquake (posted by some popular blogs e.g one-time-i-dreamt. Story still on my blog). I deactivated my accounts last week , I was overwhelmed, I saw my dad being buried virtually and I came to Tumblr to get some solitude, but I still get to see my donation link still doesn't work. It was too much for me, I felt like nothing is working for me. So I gave up until my friend helped me create a new PayPal fundraiser. She gave me hope again. And that's the reason I created this blog to reach out to everyone who might have tried donating or who would love to donate (please check my pinned post for undated story). Mom's birthday is next week. 25th February. I'd love to get her out before then. Please help me in achieving this. If I could get $500 before Friday I'd make my mom leave the leveled neighbourhood. Here is a new link, I'm still at 273$ OF $1000?please retry with this new link.https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8RqKInwRti Kindly consider Donating if you didn't try before. This is my last hope. Kindly check my begpost and help reblog if you can. Thank you.
I can't donate personally, but I'm more than happy to post the link for everyone who can!
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docpiplup · 2 years
Hi, peace be to you. I'm Aydin (Aydinb01), the one who lost his dad to the turkey earthquake (posted by some popular blogs e.g one-time-i-dreamt. Story still on my blog). I deactivated my accounts last week , I was overwhelmed, I saw my dad being buried virtually and I came to Tumblr to get some solitude, but I still get to see my donation link still doesn't work. It was too much for me, I felt like nothing is working for me. So I gave up until my friend helped me create a new PayPal fundraiser. She gave me hope again. And that's the reason I created this blog to reach out to everyone who might have tried donating or who would love to donate (please check my pinned post for undated story). Mom's birthday is next week. 25th February. I'd love to get her out before then. Please help me in achieving this. If I could get $500 before Friday I'd make my mom leave the leveled neighbourhood. Here is a new link, I'm still at 273$ OF $1000?please retry with this new link.https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8RqKInwRti Kindly consider Donating if you didn't try before. This is my last hope. Kindly check my begpost and help reblog if you can. Thank you.
I'm so sorry this happened to your dad and all the victims of the earthquake.
Happy birthday to your mom, even it's a rough time.
I hope that your mum & you get through this tragedy🫂
I really wish I could donate, but I can't nowadays, I know it's not very much, but I can contribute reblogging and spreading your post, so more people can see it and maybe some more people who can help you donating money.
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faespirit · 2 years
Hi, peace be to you. I'm Aydin (Aydinb01), the one who lost his dad to the turkey earthquake (posted by some popular blogs e.g one-time-i-dreamt. Story still on my blog). I deactivated my accounts last week , I was overwhelmed, I saw my dad being buried virtually and I came to Tumblr to get some solitude, but I still get to see my donation link still doesn't work. It was too much for me, I felt like nothing is working for me. So I gave up until my friend helped me create a new PayPal fundraiser. She gave me hope again. And that's the reason I created this blog to reach out to everyone who might have tried donating or who would love to donate (please check my pinned post for undated story). Mom's birthday is next week. 25th February. I'd love to get her out before then. Please help me in achieving this. If I could get $500 before Friday I'd make my mom leave the leveled neighbourhood. Here is a new link, I'm still at 173$ OF $1000?please retry with this new link.https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8RqKInwRtiKindly consider Donating if you didn't try before. This is my last hope. Kindly check my begpost and help reblog if you can. Thank you.
oh wow hello im sorry :( i dont have any money at the moment but ill answer this publicly in case anyone else is in a better situation
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blanketorghost · 2 months
Hello, this is a longshot saving life call, I am Imonje from Gaza. I am here to request for your support to help get my insulin, just an injection for today to save my life please I beg. I was diagnosed with Latent Autoimmune Diabetes and due to the current situation in Gaza I'm unable to get my insulin injection as a result I'm here begging for little financial support to help me purchase insulin for this week. My donation link is attached in the pinned post, I might have sent this ask to you earlier but kindly consider donating and sharing. This is the only option I have at the moment to save my life from going into a coma.
Thanks for reaching out. My grandpa suffers from type 1 and even with insulin I can see how much of a toll it takes on his body.
I'm a bit tight on cash right now, but I'll make sure to donate before next week ends.
If anyone else wants to donate, feel free to check their profile out!!
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Hi I’m very sorry to bother you, just reaching out if you’d be so kind to check the pinned post on my blog and maybe give it a little help by boosting/sharing it? I’m so sorry it’s for my cat who’s having some health issues rn and im so worried :((( thank you if you do and I understand if you don’t, appreciate you and stay safe! Kindly send me a msg to reply, please or maybe answer the ask privately 🫶🏽
i'd normally delete this ask bc it's a scam (all you posts are from today, and you've scammed people with the same account in the past) but im answering it just to let people know not to donate to you. maybe next time use a different paypal account for your different scams
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supernini235 · 2 years
Hi, peace be to you. I'm Aydin (Aydinb01), the one who lost his dad to the turkey earthquake (posted by some popular blogs e.g one-time-i-dreamt. Story still on my blog). I deactivated my accounts few weeks ago, I was overwhelmed, I saw my dad being buried virtually and I came to Tumblr to get some solitude, but I still get to see my donation link still doesn't work. It was too much for me, I felt like nothing is working for me. So I gave up until my friend helped me create a new PayPal fundraiser. She gave me hope again. And that's the reason I created this blog to reach out to everyone who might have tried donating or who would love to donate (please check my pinned post for updated story). The past few days, my mom hasn't spoken a word to anyone, she only responds when spoken to her. She always want to be alone in a room. My sister suggested we see a doctor and find her a new abode as soon as possible, as her mental state is already deteriorating. I need $120 to add to what I already have, to move her to a new abode and almost $50 to set up a regular meeting with a doctor/therapist. I need $170 more (to add to the 380$ already donated to the campaign link) to restore my mom's mental health and suicidal thoughts. Please help me save my mom. please retry with this new link. https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8RqKInwRti Kindly consider Donating if you didn't try before. This is my last hope. Kindly check my begpost and help reblog if you can. Thank you.
Imagine having the audacity to set up a fake donation campaign by using the awful tragedies that came out of the earthquake. Just making a post outlining how awful it is trying to cope and adjust after it, showing you understand what some of those people are going through, but you're using it to scam donations by contacting as many random people as possible using 3 accounts, hoping someone falls for it. This is next level cringe. This is worse than the porn bots ffs
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computer-boy · 2 years
Hi, peace be to you. I'm Aydin (Aydinb01), the one who lost his dad to the turkey earthquake (posted by some popular blogs e.g one-time-i-dreamt. Story still on my blog). I deactivated my accounts last week , I was overwhelmed, I saw my dad being buried virtually and I came to Tumblr to get some solitude, but I still get to see my donation link still doesn't work. It was too much for me, I felt like nothing is working for me. So I gave up until my friend helped me create a new PayPal fundraiser. She gave me hope again. And that's the reason I created this blog to reach out to everyone who might have tried donating or who would love to donate (please check my pinned post for undated story). Mom's birthday is next week. 25th February. I'd love to get her out before then. Please help me in achieving this. If I could get $500 before Friday I'd make my mom leave the leveled neighbourhood. Here is a new link, I'm still at 308$ OF $1000?please retry with this new link.https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8RqKInwRti Kindly consider Donating if you didn't try before. This is my last hope. Kindly check my begpost and help reblog if you can. Thank you.
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