kyra45 · 1 year
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[Image ID: A screenshot of an ask sent by the username questiontothework. It reads as follows: “Hiyah! Im so sorry for thisnbeing direct! please do give me a chance and read what im about to ask” And the next paragraph reads the following: “I urgently need some of your help, its for my little cat who needs to be seen by a vet and have an urgent, :((( if you have an extra time please do check the post I pinned and kindly give it a boost or share to have more reach if possible, it would really mean the world to me and I will be forever grateful.. Please join me in praying the surgery will be successful and we can begin the road to recovery and healing. please do send me a msg to reply as I would like to atleast thank you for giving me the opportunity! Have a wonderful day” /End ID]
Just another scam ask. Please don’t donate to anyone who sends these. They don’t own anything and will lie to you. This username may change after I post this as they never delete willingly until they can’t hide comments calling them out.
New url is eorymquest
Update 2
The real Sabrina doesn’t use PayPal so the PayPal account being used is another impersonator attempt.
Update 3
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scammeroftheday · 1 year
they've remade. started from questiontothework now at eorymquest. New paypal name "sabrina irvin"
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kyra45 · 1 year
eorymquest archive post
Screenshots of the blogs ask, it’s post, and the PayPal account it was using. You are free to repost these images as long as you explain it’s a scammer. I am doing these from my phone and will cut out any sensitive content from the stories. Please remember this was a conformed scam account and I easily found the source for their post. The vet bill has no personal info as the owners address isn’t on it and the scammer copied the name. Original url was questiontothework.
The tag I’ll use for these is “Keys scam archiving posts”.
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Sabrina Irvin - sabirvin (Fraudulent PayPal account made to impersonate a real person. Nothing donated to this PayPal goes to the owner. They don’t use PayPal.)
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