#kindergarten in bahrain
ethanleonel · 2 months
Exploring Early Schooling with Preschools in Bahrain
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With regards to laying the establishment for a youngster's schooling, preschools and kindergartens play a crucial part. In Bahrain, guardians are ruined for decisions with an assortment of early training choices accessible. We should dig into the universe of preschools and kindergarten in Bahrain and how they add to a youngster's turn of events.
The Significance of Early Instruction
Early schooling makes way for a youngster's future scholastic achievement and overall turn of events. Kindergartens and preschools in bahrain give small kids the chance to master essential abilities like socialization, language improvement, and critical thinking in a steady and nurturing climate.
Exploring Preschools in Bahrain
Preschools in bahrain offer projects intended to take special care of the exceptional necessities of youthful students. These projects center around providing a stimulating and interactive learning experience through play-based exercises, storytelling, music, and craftsmanship. With trained instructors guiding them, youngsters develop essential mental, engine, and social abilities that structure the building blocks of their schooling process.
Discovering Kindergartens in Bahrain
Kindergarten in bahrain offer a bridge among preschool and grade school, preparing kids for formal schooling. In kindergarten, kids continue to explore and learn through involved exercises and organized illustrations. They create foundational proficiency and numeracy abilities while also honing their social and emotional intelligence. Kindergartens establish a strong and inclusive climate where each youngster can flourish and develop.
Al Hekma: A Forerunner in Early Schooling
Among the numerous preschools and kindergarten in bahrain, Al Hekma International School stands apart as a leader in early education. With its obligation to scholastic greatness, all-encompassing turn of events, and innovative teaching strategies, Al Hekma furnishes youthful students with a strong starting point for future achievement. The school's accomplished instructors, youngster-focused approach, and best-in-class offices establish a nurturing climate where kids can arrive at their maximum capacity.
Choosing the Right Early Schooling Choice
While selecting kindergartens and preschools in bahrain for their youngster, guardians ought to think about elements like the school's educational program, teaching reasoning, offices, and area. It's essential to visit different schools, meet with instructors and administrators, and ask inquiries to guarantee that the picked school aligns with their kid's necessities and values.
Preschools and kindergarten in bahrain play a vital part in shaping the educational journey of small kids. With their emphasis on holistic development and nurturing climate, these early instruction institutions lay the foundation for a long period of learning. Furthermore, with institutions like Al Hekma International School leading the way, guardians can have confidence that their youngster's initial training experience will advance and be rewarding.
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racew1nn3rs · 1 month
─ 𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘪. (𝘪'𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘦) 🧶
⤷ summary: the world meets the newest mclaren team member, and they are loving it! it's poor oscars first day and shit's already hitting the fan sorry dude ): LMAO. lando just experienced love at first sight, while y/n is ready to fist fight
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri, and 32,890 others
mclaren oscar's first day of kindergarten, done. pre-season testing, done. (we'll be even faster soon 🙏🏼 don't worry guys)
user6 we'll be racing past redbull in no time
mclaren a girl can dream
user7 lando is this you??? 😭
user8 budget dropped so low they had to hire the drivers for social media
user3 this is haas money behavior
mclaren excuse you i am NOT LANDO
user8 oscar????
mclaren no sir, i'm the owner of this house 🫵
user9 idk if this is a new admin but this is so unserious
mclaren new year new me babe
user9 give her a raise mclaren 🙏🏼
landonorris first day on the job and already asking for more money?
mclaren i'm so sorry lord lando, you forget that us lowly peasants aren't on an athelete salary 🙄
user11 mclaren admin beefing with lando was NOT on my 2023 bingo card
user12 she really said, "ik we're slow but LET US COOK"
mclaren TRUUUSTTT THAT COMEBACK IS COMING (im manifesting)
oscarpiastri KINDERGARTEN??? i'm nearly 22 mate
mclaren teensy weensy baby basically
oscarpiastri your fired /:
mclaren HAHA YOU CAN'T DO THAT 🏃🏻‍♀️
user13 petition for all the f1 team accounts to be run by young admins, this is tooooo good
mclaren screenshotting this for my boss so they don't see these comments and fire me
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user14 she. looked. up. his. salary. 💀 ICON
user15 hiring her was such a rare mclaren W
user19 will our team win? probably not BUT AT LEAST WE'LL BE GETTING CONTENT 😘
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liked by mclaren, maxfewtrell, and 60,050 others
landonorris don't mind me, just living my lord life on my athlete's salary. bahrain here we come!
user23 lando nowins flexing on us poor people
user24 someone come get this man's phone
user25 oh i KNOW pr is mad 💀💀💀
user26 daniel ricciardo leaves and mclaren loses it's mind
user27 daniel leaves and all of us lose our minds 🥲
oscarpiastri jesus christ mate, log out
mclaren i'm not sure he knows how, he might need to pay someone to /:
user30 "f1 is a serious sport." the serious sport in question:
user31 the papaya hat 🫵
mclaren phones. on the table. NEOWWW
user33 holy shit this is actually so embarrassing
mclaren at least ur self aware!
user34 she clocked ur asses 😭😭😭
maxfewtrell lord lando flying economy
landonorris I AM NOT
user35 bro took that personally
user36 me thinks the man doth protest too much
danielricciardo i leave you alone for a few months and this is what you're doing
landonorris i learned from the best
danielricciardo DONT BLAME ME FOR THIS
maxverstappen1 ... that's my plane???
maxverstappen1 you can't just take credit for my private jet. its mine.
mclaren this just in, little lando norris is a little LIAR
mclaren when he steals a plane and wears bucket hats 🫵🤣 everyone point and laugh
mclaren i quite like bucket hats 🇬🇧☕️🤓
maxverstappen1 🫵🤣
danielricciardo 🫵🤣
charles_leclerc 🫵🤣
carlossainz55 🫵🤣
maxfewtrell 🫵🤣
oscarpiastri 🫵🤣
landonorris OSCAR????
oscarpiastri 🫵🤣 🫵🤣 🫵🤣
mclaren damn he got you there
user37 this cannot be real
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There were quite a few things Lando expected to be on his agenda when he arrived in Bahrain after him and Max went seperate ways to their own teams. He figured he would meet with his engineers, spend some time getting adjusted to working with Oscar (especially given he hadn't had very much time to meet or bond with the rookie over the break or during pre-season testing), and doing some press interviews as per usual. However no where on his list was an impromptu meeting with Zak Brown. Oscar seemed clueless as to what was going on as well, and Lydia, Lando's personal assistant of two years, was just as clueless.
Lando and Oscar filed into the board room, bottles of water in hand, only to be met face to face with their team manager. Nothing seemed suspicious which Lando hoped was a good thing, but after their underwhelming performance in pre-season testing he knew anything was a possibility.
"Have a seat guys, it's good to see you both. I hope you've been well-rested since testing," Zak greeted with his usual cheerful attitude. Lando and Oscar looked at each other warily but nodded at their boss nonetheless. Zak was usually more of a 'get to the point' kind of man, so this change of pace was unnerving to say the least. Normally it scared Lando a little bit, but truthfully, right now, Lando wanted to be done with this meeting and to get to race preparations.
"That's good, you need all the rest you can get if we're going to try and put up a fight this weekend. In all honesty, I think within the next two years we have a chance to become real competition here. I think we can give Red Bull and Ferrari a run for their money and earn plenty of points this year. Hell," the older man chuckled, "maybe we can win it all."
Lando didn't want to seem skeptical, but he was definitely skeptical. He did not think the car he was given in testing could win the championship, but he would sure as hell be trying.
"But no matter how hard the engineers work the car, and no matter how many sims we do, the one thing we're lacking in is presence. McLaren is notable, we have a famous team and a long roster of famous, successful drivers, including the two of you, but we don't have the same dominating media presence that Mercedes or Ferrari do. And that's what gets us sponsors, and celebrity visits, and fans, and funding. We may not be struggling for money, but if you guys like your multi-million dollar salaries and you want your car to keep being better, we need more media presence. Which is why we decided we wanted to go a bit of a different route this year, with media and all of that."
Oh god. Lando knew where this was going. This was about the new social media admin that had been ruthlessly harrasing him- albeit teasingly- for days now. Only employed for less than two weeks and already stirring up the pot across platforms. Lando looked at Oscar, noting that his teammate was clearly following as well now.
"I know you both have come to realize this already, but there is a new social media manager who runs all of the McLaren accounts. We wanted someone young, someone trendy, someone who knew what the internet is looking for, and who can help us connect and start getting more eyes on McLaren. We want her to meet with you guys today to share a couple of ideas so you can be on the same page for what we'll be doing online. The new manager is just outside. Let me get her so you can speak with her."
Lando nodded dumbly. Right, ok, he could do that. Lando was young, he was online, he was trendy. Plus, most of if not all of the F1 drivers had some kind of media presence already. Lando streamed, he had instagram accounts and twitter, and he even had Quadrant. Lando steeled himself. This would be just fine. An adjustment, but fine.
Zak greeted someone outside of the door and a small bit of shuffling sounds were heard. Before Lando had a chance to stand, Zak was turning and nodding a quick goodbye. Leaving the office room, as a smaller body replaced the space he had been in.
Lando felt like the air had been knocked from his lungs and hoped he hadn't made a noise out loud. He stared, he couldn't help it. He was sure he was slack-jawed, mouth agape and flies coming in. Somewhere in the back of his mind he registered that he should be professional and behave like a normal human being. But the other part of his brain, the dominant part of his brain, was in awe.
Lando looked at the girl in front of him up and down, probably far too obviously, and was stunned. He saw jean shorts, a faded and a mid-washed denim. A colorful-tighter cropped shirt and some layered gold jewelery. Rings on her fingers. Sunglasses in her hair, making her look way to cool to ever speak to him. She rocked on the balls of her sneaker-clad feet- sneakers that matched her clothes perfectly much to Lando's delight- and quickly moved to set her laptop down of the table. She left her small colorful handbag on the table alongside a cup of iced coffee that was already melting in the Bahrain heat. She looked as if she had jumped straight from a Vogue cover (or one of his favorite dreams) and landed right in front of him.
Was it the heat that was making it so hot? Because Lando was becoming suddenly aware of the heat beneath his shirt collar. A stifled cough from Oscar drew Lando from his observation- or rather his creepy, stalker staring- and Lando realized this was not the social etiquette that the situation called for.
Before Lando could even take a step, the girl smirked.
"Nice to finally meet you guys. Hello Oscar," the girl leaned over and shook the taller man's hand. "And Lord Lando, is it? It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Y/N L/N, i'm the new social media manager for the season."
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Y/N could now officially say she is not a fan of Lando Norris. The online feud she had cleverly created to generate some conversation about McLaren before the season started had been banter. She had taken no offense to Lando's jokes at all, but now that she was in front of the man and could feel his judgement, her opionions had changed.
From the second she walked in Lando had begun unabashedly staring at her. Looking her up and down, from the shoes she had recently bought to the hair clipped back on her head, and was not sparing a single detail. She felt vaguely like a mannequin on display and it unnerved her.
Oscar smiled at her politely as she set her things down, and she felt thankful for the reprieve from the judgement and critcism she had been recieving since she arrived and was now experiencing again from Lando in full force.
Y/N was aware that her outfit wasn't uniform or professional, but those were not the qualities she was hired for. Y/N had been confident coming in here, feeling like she would likely connect better with people her own age, but was thoroughly dissapointed to find this was not the case.
Oscar ultimately cleared his throat awkwardly, and it appeared as though this finally snapped Lando out of his judgemental stupor, so Y/N decided to finally make her introductions.
"Nice to finally meet you guys, hello Oscar," she leaned over and shook the taller man's hand. "And Lord Lando, is it? It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Y/N L/N, i'm the new social media manager for the season."
Lando groaned loudly and Oscar laughed.
"Lando I don't think you'll ever live this one down," and Y/N forced a laugh and nodded in agreeance.
"No, probably not. But that's good, that's what I was hoping for." Y/N stated bluntly.
"You were hoping to torture me?" Lando stuttered out and Y/N rolled her eyes, "You'll live I promise." Oscar laughed before pointing out, "at least your not a kindergartener."
Lando stifled a laugh but agreed.
"What purpose did Oscar's baby jokes serve?" Lando asked, and Y/N forced herself not to punch the man at his judgemental tone. He clearly didn't believe in her ability to do her job.
"It's funny, that was it's purpose," she stated, gesturing to the table for the boys to sit as she opened up her laptop. She turned to face toward them, lifting herself slightly so was seated criss-crossed in the chair. She never had liked sitting normally. The boys across from her stared at her expectantly.
"So you create jokes the make people look at us more?" Oscar asked.
"In a way yes. My job is to manage the accounts, but I've also been hired to help get you guys more fans. Fans love to be interacted with, they love seeing you guys joke around, they like feeling like they have content to consume," Y/N explained.
"By playing into these desires, you get more fans, because they feel they 'know you" in a way they don't know the other drivers." The boys nodded their head in understanding.
"So the plan is for me to keep interacting with fans through the McLaren accounts, playing up jokes with you too, and for us to give the fans new content in a way they don't usually get it. Livestreams, youtube vlogs, inside internet jokes, TikToks, the works." Y/N stated.
"Essentially," she said dragging the word out, "I'm going to make you guys the internet's little papaya stars," Lando laughed but nodded. Y/N, despite her first impressions and her developing dislike for the driver, found herself smiling. She could see the vision. Both Oscar and Lando would be awkward and loveable and humorous. The perfect mix for internet support.
"So where do we start?" Oscar asked.
"I'm glad you asked," Y/N smirked. "Have you heard the clip of 'Cuffing Season' by SZA? There's a TikTok trend I think will be perfect for you to do."
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user38 can we talk about how gorgeous admin is?!?!? LIKE OH MY GOD
user10 only hot people go to mclaren
user40 that check better be huge for her
user41 oscar was so mf stiff 💀💀 free my boy
user42 who had a gun to oscars head, he was so scared
user43 lando thirst trapping ICB 😭 I NEED A BIG BOYYY
user44 god admin is so sexy and smart, that was art
user46 ikr 💀 get off the floor lando your drooling
user47 i want a man to be that down bad for me
user48 lando loverboy era unlocked
user49 meanwhile admin didn't look him in the face
user50 f1 2023 is going to be a WILD RIDE for us mclaren fans if this is before the first race even starts
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hope you all enjoyed! please let me know your thoughts and feel free to leave a request for me to write something for your fav <3
𝙩𝙖𝙜 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
@lemon-lav @slutforpopculture @m4rt10ne
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etonhousebahrain · 10 months
One of the most crucial choices we make as parents for our children is selecting the most suitable school for them. A critical aspect to consider will be the educational program that best suits your child's future needs. At International Schools, three main options are offered, which include International A-levels (IALs), the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP), and Advanced Placement.
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astonmartinii · 7 months
big reputation part two | charles leclerc social media au
pairing: charles leclerc x fem reader
a new season dawns but that doesn't mean we don't have a map to our buried hatchets
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 3,221,783 others
charles_leclerc: ferrari has been home for as long as i can remember, even before i joined the academy, the dream of driving for ferrari gave me a purpose. i am heartbroken it hasn't worked out, but formula one is, at the end of the day, a selfish sport and i have to think about my real goal here: to win a championship. ferrari has an amazing history, but that is what it is history. in the four years i have been here i haven't seen the drive and ambition to be as ruthless and as complete as they were with michael and with kimi. therefore i have to leave. it hurts me to leave the tifosi, but know you're always in my heart and i will always hold dear your support. grazie regazzi essere ferrari ❤️
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user3: i knew it was coming but HOLY FUCK CHARLIE COME HOME
user4: tifosi lecfosi YES SIR
user5: for real i'm down for him not that clown team
yourusername: i'm proud of you charlie, i knew how much this took. but you have to put yourself first at some point. i love you
charles_leclerc: i love you too. i'm sorry i can't stop crying
yourusername: no i love that you are so passionate. it's been a long season and you're finally allowed to let it all out
charles_leclerc: can we go to a rage room?
yourusername: FUCK YEA
maxverstappen1: pretty please may i join. i have a lot of rage. call it teammate bonding?
charles_leclerc: give me a tow in bahrain quali?
maxverstappen1: fine (NO ONE SCREENSHOT THIS OR HOLD ME TO IT)
yourusername: at least this one i don't mind having to third wheel us
user6: the SHADE that's mother right there
user7: trying to stay insanely normal over the fact that max, charles and y/n are besties
pierregasly: congrats calmar, HOWEVER, i though i was your favourite third wheel 🥰
yourusername: but you bring kika ??? how can you third wheel if kika is there? DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO COUNT?
charles_leclerc: thank you pear i love you brother
user8: i love how this is some super sentimental post and y/n is asking pierre if he can count i hope they never change
landonorris: max as fave third wheel ??? @alexalbon @georgerussll63 twitch quartet erasure
yourusername: womp womp
alexalbon: WOMP WOMP?
charles_leclerc: guys i'm sad about leaving my dream team where is the compassion?
yourusername: you fools really will argue about anything huh
landonorris: this is the sanctity of our friendship on the line here
user9: the grid was really like YOU might be sad about leave ferrari but we ain't
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liked by maxverstappen1, charles_leclerc and 1,421,455 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: holibobs with sharlie
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user10: i love as soon as the season finishes charles becomes THEE instagram boyf
user11: j.peg account? no. just taking photos of y/n? YES.
charles_leclerc: i have an eye for beauty
yourusername: heheheheheheehehehehehee
alexalbon: so he can use a camera? why does he only take 0.5s of me?
yourusername: the best angle for your big ol dome
alexalbon: EXCUSE ME ?
yourusername: yeah sorry that was a bit far
alexalbon: it's like you got off the ferrari leash and now we all have to suffer
yourusername: WELP
charles_leclerc: ma belle, the only one i'll actually listen to and put sun cream on
yourusername: yes you will because we...
charles_leclerc: put spf on everyday !!
yourusername: yes! because...
charles_leclerc: we're scared of aging?
yourusername: no?
charles_leclerc: we want to be safe 👍
maxverstappen1: you guys done with the kindergarten reading lessons?
yourusername: have you seen lobster leclerc? this kind of work needed to be done
user12: lobster leclerc? goodbye, goodbye, goodbye you were bigger than the whole sky
user13: see now i'm confused cause why are some papers saying that they're breaking up? or that charles is embarrassed by the way y/n acts?
user14: bestie we've been through this DON'T TRUST THOSE HOES - TRUST THESE HOES
liked by yourusername
user15: unless i see it from the horse's mouth I WILL NEVER BELIEVE THEY'VE BROKEN UP
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liked by yourusername, christianhorner and 882,339 others
tagged: charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1
redbullracing: charles the qualifying king takes his first pole position for red bull in his first race and is joined by max for a front row lockout
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user18: UNWELL
user19: suck on that ferrari xoxo
user20: *rubs eyes* is that... max being happy to be challenged by a teammate ???
user21: winning three championships really takes the heat off huh
yourusername: THAT'S MY MAN YALL
charles_leclerc: love you baby
yourusername: love you too darling
maxverstappen1: love you three 🫶
yourusername: this is not the problem i thought we'd have when coming to red bull
maxverstappen1: my gf can't make most of the races so you WILL deal with me
user22: max being clingy to charles and y/n is so fucking funny to me
user23: sainz not making it out of q1? shwartzman only making it to q2 but still out qualifying carlos? charles looking sexy in blue? EVERY TONGUE THAT RISES AGAINST CHARLES LECLERC SHALL FALL
christianhorner: mega job boys, let's keep our eyes on tomorrow
maxverstappen1: tell them they have to let me come to dinner with them
christianhorner: isn't this the exact reason we rehired daniel
maxverstappen1: erm rude
charles_leclerc: i'm sorry i'm not used to a teammate that actually wants to be friends for real
yourusername: EXCEPT SEB WE LOVE SEB
yourusername: but for real max emilian i am monitoring the dutch papers... be very careful
user24: healthy teammate relationships (for now) ??? is this what heaven is like
user25: are you telling me that if max doesn't get the lead in the first lap he might actually HELP charles .... a certain spanish individual could never
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 2,778,451 others
tagged: yourusername, maxverstappen1
charles_leclerc: wow !! a 1 - 2 in our first race i couldn't be happier. this car is a dream to drive and i'm so grateful to red bull for being so welcoming. teamwork makes the dream work
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user26: tears in my eyes
user27: okay i understand both of them are like with their forever partners but lestappen is also real TWO THINGS CAN EXIST AT ONCE
charles_leclerc: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
yourusername: crying sesh. sharlie's drivers room @ 8. bring your own alcohol and tissues
charles_leclerc: just to make sure everyone knows THESE ARE HAPPY TEARS
yourusername: i know lando no-wins ain't talking rn 🤨
charles_leclerc: you walked into that one buddy
landonorris: just because i'm friends with carlos doesn't mean you have to come after me like him ...
this comment has been deleted
yourusername: bold... real bold. you're lucky i'm doing meditation and yoga (and that i want to make a good impression on christian)
alexalbon: lando do NOT look at the text she just sent your your ego CANNOT take it
user28: no no no do spill... i need the ammo if he ever takes out my fave
user29: true i need it for the next time either of the ugly twins at ferrari open their gobs
oscarpiastri: it was brutal. they need to get y/n to host the reading challenge on drag race
yourusername: oscar knows drag race?
oscarpiastri: i might be an athlete but i'm not completely uncultured
maxverstappen1: if we're talking being cultured... GET READY FOR YOUR FIRST RED BULL PARTY
yourusername: born ready my university years singlehandedly financed your 'catering budget'
charles_leclerc: no really i think she's actually addicted to the tropical one
yourusername: and what?
maxverstappen1: idk i'm still kinda scared of you
user30: the way charles deflected the questions about fred and sainz ? WE'RE FREEEEEEEEE
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liked by taylorswift, charles_leclerc and 1,311,723 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: i wanna be your end game <3
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user32: you guys better be end game or like you're paying for my therapy
user33: i respect her dedication to go to every race, make ferrari staff tremble in fear and pull LOOKS
charles_leclerc: i want to be your first string
yourusername: what if we just called taylor up?
charles_leclerc: you know here you call her i'm nervous
yourusername: @taylorswift paris night one, lover and this is me trying ft. charles on the piano?
taylorswift: sure thing
charles_leclerc: why was that so easy?
yourusername: better get practising baby
charles_leclerc: OH GOD
user34: how did we get red bull charles and a taylor collab in one year?
user35: i guess we used up charles' good luck from the last four years SORRY CHARLES
charles_leclerc: i guess you're forgiven...
maxverstappen1: so could you like tell me what you'd call me if i hypothetically fucked charles over... i'm not gonna but like i need to mentally prepare myself to hear it
yourusername: i have faith in you so i haven't thought that far ahead
maxverstappen1: can you please not be too mean i can't take it
charles_leclerc: you wanna come to therapy with me buddy?
maxverstappen1: i think i might
yourusername: when we entered the reputation era i did not think it would lead to taking max verstappen to therapy
maxverstappen1: and taylor swift?
yourusername: ... and taylor swift
user36: this is all very cute and all but can we have mean y/n back
user37: when will yall learn that reputation is a love album and y/n and charles are just loving each other freely
user38: but mean y/n did teach someone a lesson in not spreading false rumours cause them tabloids have been QUIET
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liked by user43, user44 and 7,233 others
f1tea: carlos sainz was caught liking these tweets about charles leclerc and y/n y/ln, what do you think?
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user45: put me in the ring with carlos i am being so serious
user46: okay for a while i was on the fence about y/n and how intense she was being but like seeing this shit and realising it was probably what was being said in the garage she needed to do more
user47: for real if someone said that about my boyfriend i'd be in prison
user48: so charles and y/n were under contract to not say a word out of line about ferrari or anything to do with ferrari and this guy is out here liking this
user49: call me a conspiracy theorist but this was his public account... he meant for people to find it and wants people to know this stuff
user50: this is why he DNFed in the first race KARMA
user51: maybe this is why he's always the one with relationship issues bro clearly has no loyalty
user52: charles has never said anything about him even now and y/n only said something in retaliation
user53: fuck peace and love y/n needs to give this man hell
user54: read him for filth
user55: bro needs to keep his twitter fingers to himself and focus on not being in the wall ❤️
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 2,311,885 others
tagged: yourusername
charles_leclerc: this is why we can't have nice things, darling
view all comments
user56: this is the most response we'll ever get from charles i fear
user57: allow me to elaborate: this is why we can't have nice things by taylor swift is about 'forgiving' the people who wronged you but she literally says "and here's to you because forgiveness is a nice thing to do... i can't even say it with a straight face" so basically charles doesn't forgive carlos or fred. and it specifically shouts out her family and friends and lover for sticking with her which is what charles' family, friends and y/n have done
liked by charles_leclerc
user58: thank you for service
yourusername: i'm reading what they call you lately (it says you're a race winner and a title contender)
charles_leclerc: got a taste of the celebrations and can't get enough
charles_leclerc: you're older than me
yourusername: all we said were celebrations, if anything you have the dirty mind 🤨
maxverstappen1: i am usually in the room next to you, i hope this helps
charles_leclerc: our bad <3
maxverstappen1: you don't care do you?
yourusername: not really no. when we get to the same amount of wins as you maybe it'll wear off
maxverstappen1: not on my watch
user58: is this an entertaining title fight but without the bad blood?
user59: and nowhere near ferrari? bless
alexalbon: i hate that i understand all these references
yourusername: lily trained you well
lilymunhe: like a drill sergeant
yourusername: as you should
sebastianvettel: proud of you charlie, i'm glad you're not wasting your talent
charles_leclerc: i love you seb, i'm sorry it took so long
sebastianvettel: make sure you win here, we can be ferrari failures together
yourusername: *ferrari failed you
sebastianvettel: i knew there was a reason i liked you
note: SOZ. so like i am still working on requests but that radio message FUCKED ME UP. so this had to happen. glad my queen girls (max and charles) did well today, hope you enjoyed !!!
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woodyallenk · 2 years
School Enrollment | Best Schools in Bahrain | Preschools & Kindergarten in Bahrain
Welcome to Canadian School Bahrain. For admissions from Nursery to Grade 7 and to book a school tour, kindly register your interest, and our admission team will call you. Visit us.
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f1 · 1 year
Why Alfa Romeo star Valtteri Bottas considers Australian F1 Grand Prix his home race
Why Valtteri Bottas considers the Australian Grand Prix a 'home race'... with the mulleted, VB-drinking F1 veteran one of the most popular drivers in Melbourne  Bottas has become an cult hero  Finnish star feels like a local  He loves Australian culture By James Cooney For Daily Mail Australia Published: 20:05 EDT, 1 April 2023 | Updated: 20:05 EDT, 1 April 2023 Wearing a singlet and thongs with an iconic mullet haircut, Finland's F1 star Valtteri Bottas has embraced Aussie culture like no other - and become one of the most popular drivers at the Australian Grand Prix. Bottas, who won the 2019 Australian Grand Prix, has been very active in the lead up to the prestige event raising funds for a flood-affected kindergarten in Shepparton and various other public engagements. The 33-year-old announced last week that  he will wear a helmet designed by Aboriginal artist Ricky Kildea, which will then be signed and auctioned to raise money for two Indigenous charities: Save the Children and Koorie Academy Basketball. It is small wonder that Bottas is being treated like a local in Melbourne. 'That's how I feel,' he told Fox Sports. 'I get a lot of support (in Melbourne). I think it's probably the most I get. It's almost like a home race for me.' Wearing a singlet and thongs with an iconic mullet haircut, Finland's F1 star Valtteri Bottas has embraced Aussie culture like no other - and become one of the most popular drivers at the Australian Grand Prix The Alpha Romeo star says he feels like a local in Melbourne, and feels more supported there than any other race 'I think obviously because I've been together with my Australian girlfriend  (Australian cyclist Tiffany Cromwell) now for three years and I spend a bit more time here. Maybe that helps,' he said. The Alfa Romeo driver wasted no time in changing up his look over the summer while spending time Down Under. In a hilarious video posted to his social media, Bottas revealed his transformation into a true blue Aussie bogan by showing off his mullet haircut and drinking a can of VB. 'The mullet for sure helps,' he says. 'And I like VB — for me it's light, it's a refreshing drink. 'There aren't many mullets in Finland, but actually there are some coming up, so it's starting to trend. I think in Europe in general right now I'm seeing a few when last year I would not have not seen any.' Bottas has been spending more time Down Under with his girlfriend Australian Olympic cyclist Tiffany Cromwell Bottas' more relaxed look has also given him a more relaxed outlook - and the Finnish star can be seen smiling a lot more around the track these days Bottas' more relaxed look has also given him a more relaxed outlook - and the Finnish star can be seen smiling a lot more around the track these days. 'I definitely learnt to not take certain things too seriously, and I've learnt to be slightly more forgiving to myself and not putting too much pressure on myself,' he says. 'The way of life — the main thing for people [in Australia] is that they want to have a good time, which is a great way of life.' Bottas has endured a mixed start to the season, with an eighth place finish in the opening race in Bahrain followed by a disappointed showing in Saudi Arabia, where he finished 18th. He will be hoping for better luck in Melbourne, where he's finished in the points in his last four starts. Share or comment on this article: Why Alfa Romeo star Valtteri Bottas considers Australian F1 Grand Prix his home race via Formula One | Mail Online https://www.dailymail.co.uk?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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informationvine · 1 year
Best School Operator Companies in UAE
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A School operator company in UAE provide students with safe and efficient transfers to and from school. A reliable and dependable school transport company is essential for parents and students.
The UAE's Education 2020 strategy seeks to significantly improve the country's K-12 education system by implementing smart learning programs, teachers' codes and licensing and evaluation systems. It also aims to transform the curriculum, including teaching math and science in English.
D3 Consultants
Founded in 2013, D3 Consultants is an educational consultancy and a school operator company in UAE that provides management and operator services to all education sectors, including K-12 schools, kindergartens, special education, private and public schools, vocational training centers, and higher education institutions. The company's headquarters is located in Sanabis, Bahrain.
The D3 team is on a mission to provide the best-in-class turnkey solutions to help educate businesses in MENA and GCC to achieve their goals. The team is led by Ms Rima Kaissi, Managing Partner of the award-winning D3 consultants who has accumulated more than two decades of school and curriculum development experience in the GCC and MENA region. She is a recognized expert in the field and has spearheaded many of the innovative technologies and educational innovations that have shaped the education landscape.
The Abu Dhabi Education Council is the public-private partnership body that manages public and private schools in the UAE. ADEC is a non-profit organisation that has a vision to make the UAE's education system world class.
They have around 176 public (government) schools and 185 private schools, with 18 Higher Education institutions. The council's main goal is to develop the education system, support learners in reaching their full potential and enhance competitiveness.
ADEC has a school development program called Tamkeen that helps train principals and teachers in 256 public schools across Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Gharbia. The program focuses on teaching and learning, instructional leadership, performance management, and building middle leaders and professional learning communities.
Dubai Private Schools Group
Dubai Private Schools Group is the biggest school operator company in UAE that operates and manages a network of schools. Its mission is to grow and develop high-quality private education across the Middle East and North Africa region.
They are also required to adhere to the Dubai School Inspection Bureau. KHDA also issues Parent-School contracts for students and parents.
The Dubai government plans to engage the private sector in running 28 public schools for three years, focusing on science and technology. Sheik Mohammed bin Rashid said these would be run under a 'national curriculum' with an emphasis on Arabic language and Islamic studies.
GEMS Education
GEMS Education is an Emirati-based School Operator company in KSA. The company operates a network of private schools in the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. The firm's principal focus is on making improvements in government schools and providing access to education for underprivileged children. It also works internationally with public and private sector clients on school improvement initiatives.
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jyoti54 · 1 year
Dr. Achyuta Samanta - A True Hero for the Tribal Community of Odisha
A social worker, philanthropist and educationist, Dr. Achyuta Samanta is one name that goes hand in hand with the efforts made in the field of tribal upliftment in Odisha. The founder of KISS and KIIT or Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Prof, Achyuta Samanta has immensely contributed towards rural development and healthcare while improving the plight of the tribal people in Odisha.
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While both his educational institutions hold global recognition and repute, KISS individually serves more than 60, 000 indigenous kids with free education, healthcare and living facilities.
Doing justice to his role of a social reformer, Dr. Achyuta Samanta has successfully propagated Art of Giving or the Philosophy of Life. This is Samanta’s idea of bringing happiness and peace across the world through several programs, such as Kanyakiran, Education For All, India Against Negativity, New Mind, New Dreams and Art of Appreciation. Art of Giving majorly focuses on education, where students from varied backgrounds are offered free notebooks and textbooks. By way of the Art of Giving concept, Dr. Samanta has arranged for the free education of more than 25, 000 tribal candidates. Further, Dr. Achyuta also urges the common people to be a part of this concept and provide whatever they have to improve the quality of education and life of an indigenous child.
As a visionary, Dr. Samanta has been relentlessly working to offer a better way of living and education to people coming from the deprived sections of the society. It is more than 23 years now, but the able professor has not moved away from his objective of serving the poor and the downtrodden with whatever within his potential. Through his idea of serving the deprived individuals effortlessly, Dr. Samanta aims to create a world that is free of ignorance, illiteracy, poverty and hunger. It is because of his undying effort to give a better life to the tribal community that Dr. Samanta has been conferred the title of true hero for the tribal community of Odisha. His work has received tremendous appreciation not only in India but even abroad making him the owner of several national and international awards. These include Highest Civilian Award of Bahrain, 2015 and Jawaharlal Nehru Award, 2012.
This Logical Indian works with the vision to ensure that poverty does not stand in the way of a child’s education. What started as a modest effort to ensure quality education to the deprived sections of the society in 1992 now stands as a gigantic institute offering holistic and completely free education to 25, 000 poorest tribal children. Free education is available from Kindergarten to Post-Graduation along with other facilities like free boarding, lodging, clothing and other crucial amenities required for the all-round development of the students. The 25, 000+ tribal students receiving free education at KISS not only indulge in hard-core curricular education but also receive vocational training along with life skills education to grow up into empowered Indian citizens.
Dr. Samanta’s KISS foundation has widely affected the lives of more than million individuals at present and this sustainable education model is also being used to serve the poor plight of the other under-privileged and deprived communities. It is also worth noting that 60% of the students at KISS are girl children and by economically empowering and educating girls, the institute is ensuring proper education for generations to come along with proper skills development and healthcare in homes.
Dr. Achyuta Samanta’s efforts towards uplifting the tribal community in Odisha has not only won him more than 50 national and international awards but also made him the first Odia to become the member of the AICTE and UGC. On that note, he has successfully founded the Designated President of Democracy without Borders and Parliamentarians for Indigenous People. But despite all these accomplishments, Samanta leads a normal life in a 2-room rented house and constantly aims to work towards the cause of achieving zero hunger, zero poverty and zero illiteracy.
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nooraldiyarschool · 2 years
Best Education Curriculum School in Muharraq | Noor Al Diyar School
 Noor Al Diyar is the best education curriculum school in Muharraq. Our school curriculum facilities make us the top Cambridge curriculum primary school in Bahrain. Our Curriculums are Learning Strategies, Kindergarten Curriculum, Primary Curriculum, Secondary Curriculum, Broader Curriculum, etc. In our KG Curriculum, teachers facilitate high-quality learning experiences through carefully planned and structured. For more info about our curriculum facilities visit our website today.
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alhekma · 1 month
With regards to laying the establishment for a youngster's schooling, preschools and kindergartens play a crucial part. In Bahrain, guardians are ruined for decisions with an assortment of early training choices accessible. We should dig into the universe of preschools and kindergarten in Bahrain and how they add to a youngster's turn of events.
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ethanleonel · 8 months
Explore the World of Early Education with Kindergartens and Preschools in Bahrain
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In the vibrant tapestry of Bahrain, the quest for quality early education is a paramount consideration for parents. The landscape is adorned with an array of kindergartens and preschools, each offering a unique blend of learning, play, and social development for the youngest members of the community.
Kindergartens in Bahrain: Nurturing the First Steps
Kindergartens in Bahrain serve as the initial stepping stones in a child's educational journey. These establishments, often attached to primary schools, focus on holistic development, laying the foundation for future academic success. The curriculum is designed to cater to the inquisitive minds of young learners, combining structured learning with interactive activities.
The environment in Bahraini kindergartens is crafted to be warm, inviting, and conducive to learning. Classrooms are often adorned with colorful artwork, creating an engaging space that sparks creativity. Trained educators, affectionately referred to as "aunties" and "uncles," play a crucial role in fostering a sense of security and comfort for the children.
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Preschools: Where Play and Learning Dance Together
Preschools in Bahrain take the early education experience a step further by integrating play and structured learning. These institutions understand that, at this stage, children learn best through exploration and hands-on experiences. Preschools focus on developing essential skills such as communication, social interaction, and motor skills through a combination of educational games, storytelling, and art activities.
The curriculum of preschools aligns with international standards, ensuring that children are well-prepared for the transition to primary education. Mathematics, language development, and basic scientific concepts are introduced in a playful manner, creating a strong foundation for future academic pursuits.
Key Features of Early Education in Bahrain:
Cultural Sensitivity:
Kindergartens and preschools in Bahrain recognize the diverse cultural backgrounds of their students. The curriculum often incorporates elements of Bahraini culture, traditions, and language to instill a sense of pride and identity in the young learners.
Language Development:
English is typically the primary language of instruction in these early education institutions, preparing children for the bilingual environment commonly found in Bahrain. Arabic language instruction is also integrated, fostering a strong linguistic foundation.
Parental Involvement:
Early education in Bahrain places a significant emphasis on parental involvement. Regular parent-teacher meetings, workshops, and open communication channels ensure that parents are actively engaged in their child's educational journey.
Play-Based Learning:
Both kindergartens and preschools in Bahrain embrace play-based learning methodologies. Through play, children not only develop cognitive skills but also enhance their social and emotional well-being.
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Choosing the Right Early Education Setting:
Selecting the right kindergarten or preschool in Bahrain is a pivotal decision for parents. Factors such as the curriculum, teacher-student ratio, facilities, and the overall philosophy of the institution should align with the values and preferences of the family.
Visiting prospective institutions, engaging with teachers, and seeking recommendations from other parents can provide valuable insights. The aim is to find an environment that not only nurtures academic development but also fosters a love for learning in the early years. In Bahrain, the landscape of early education is as diverse as the cultural tapestry that defines the country. Preschools and Kindergartens in Bahrain play a crucial role in shaping the future of Bahrain's youngest learners, creating a foundation for a lifetime of curiosity, exploration, and academic success.
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etonhousebahrain · 10 months
Imparting Skills of Peaceful Conflict Resolution in Kids for Better Future
Conflicts are part and parcel of life. Even from a young age, children encounter day-to-day conflicts that may arise from turn-taking and sharing of toys. These issues can happen anywhere and invoke big emotions. As adults, one of the most important skills we can equip children is learning to cope with conflicts, guide positive behaviours and interact with others positively and respectfully. This is essential to building healthy relationships and developing the ability to navigate tricky situations, from sharing spats to eventually bigger issues.
Kelso’s Choice (Kelso) is a part of the EtonHouse International School conflict resolution programme that provides strategies to help students develop resilience as well as become open-minded and effective communicators. Kelso is a common language and series of simple strategies the school uses across different levels to help students know what to do when they have a problem with their feelings or how they think others are behaving towards them. 
Parents are informed about the programme and are encouraged to use the language at home. This partnership helps students consolidate the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will help them act positively within and beyond the school environment.
Why is Kelso beneficial for children?
Equips our young learners (age 2 and above) with the power to solve minor disagreements
Provides them with 9 strategies that can be applied in different scenarios
Builds on our child’s toolbelt of strategies 
Prepares them for the next moment when they experience big emotions
When to use Kelso?
During a conflict
When they are experiencing heightened emotions
When they come to you for a “small problem” that does not require adult intervention
How do we incorporate this into our classroom?
Example 1 - When a student is experiencing uncomfortable emotions
Teacher: let’s look at the wheel together, are you ready to talk it out? 
Student: No. 
Teacher: Alright, do you want to walk away and take a few moments for yourself? 
Student: Yes. 
Teacher: Okay, would you like to go to the corner with the books or go out to the gardens to smell the flowers?
*Always ensure the space is safe for the child
Example 2 - Conflict resolution
In a Year 1 Unit of Inquiry class, our students reflect on the strategies they can use to solve problems and conflicts. Every student chooses 2 strategies they would try based on their personality and preference. If the first method is not successful, they will attempt the second approach. Referring to the wheel,
Student A: I will choose “Talk it out” and “Ignore it”
Student B: ‘Stop’ and ‘Make a deal’
Student C: ‘Ignore it, just let it go’ or ’Say sorry’ and ‘Walk away’.
Student D: ‘Make a deal’ and ‘Share and take turns’. And I will try all of them!
By sharing the student’s learning with their parents, we encourage them to use the same language at home to help our young learners act positively within and beyond the school environment. Armed with 9 types of problem-solving strategies, we nurture resilience in our students and develop them into effective communicators by having an open mind. In EtonHouse International School, all students from Nursery are taught Kelso for conflict resolution through the Unit of Inquiry on ‘Who We Are’. 
How you can use Kelso at home? 
For younger children, images of the frog can be replaced with their photographs to make it more personal
For older children, they can replace some solutions with what works for them on the wheel
Print it out and slot it in your pocket for unexpected moments of tantrums 
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fatima-almadhoob · 2 years
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I conducted an interview with my colleague, artist Maryam Hussein, and this is what happened between me and her, and these are her answers:
My name is Maryam Hussain Ahmed, an amateur for art, I study at the University of Bahrain Arts majoring in design
The answer to the first question: I started with paper in the field of drawing since I graduated from kindergarten to the extent that my memory helps me. .
The answer to the second question: The first participation in a competition was, as I remember, in the second grade of primary school, and its topic was about respect.
The answer to the fourth question: Motivations, but there are many, the most important of which was the teacher of art education in my childhood, Professor Zainab, who had the greatest role in pushing this talent to launch. She was influenced by her, her words, and her constant motivation.
The answer to the fourth question: There is no specific tool, each tool has a special sense in it, each material has its own characteristics, and I like change, with the exception of digital painting in all its forms, which I do not like at all.
The answer to the fifth question: All technical technical results I love and I am proud of, the small and the great, the good and the bad.
The answer to the sixth question: There is a specific plan, the sea is there, and the place where the boat is going.
The answer to the seventh question: There is no specific routine. I like change in general, but I tend to paint in the morning coinciding with the sunrise. I love the sun’s rays and I love its presence in all my life activities.
The answer to the eighth question: Painting for the sake of development only is stressful.
The answer to the ninth question: Regarding artistic ambition, it is a renewed issue. I realize the idea that the artist is not enough, he reaches one stage and raises his head to the next stage. My ambition is to keep the ceiling of my ambition open so that my head does not hit the ceiling.
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woodyallenk · 3 years
Canadian School Bahrain - Kindergarten Curriculum BC
The kindergarten curriculum bc is an internationally renowned education program of the highest standard. Canadian School Bahrain is british curriculum schools in Canada.
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meanderings0ul · 6 years
Philinda & Timelines
I wrote most of this in a more disorganized form a few months back, but now I’ve fleshed it out and done some more calculations. I hope it might be interesting to fans of these characters or useful for those who write fic for them. I personally like to have some dates and characterization timelines to look at when writing fics set in a “real world” type show, so I generally keep some notes for myself in word docs. Here I just kinda dove into it. 
I don’t go into plot timeline details here because I just don’t care. Marvel does an incredibly shit job of taking travel time and medical times into account. They can try and convince me something happened in two weeks, but I’m always going to ignore it. This uses info from the show itself and from an online date calculator. I am mostly not pulling from the various wikis. The wikis are great for trivia, but they are massively self-contradictory due to tie-in comics, stuff said in various interviews, etc. It’s Marvel. [Edited 03/20 to finally include workable theories for Captain Marvel]
Phil Coulson was born July 8, 1964. This makes his sun sign Cancer and his Chinese zodiac year the Dragon. He was an active and outgoing kid who wished he had a brother to play with. His dad died or was killed in 1973. Coulson was only 9 years old. They’d either finished restoring Lola together earlier that year or in 1972. It is implied in season 2 that he and his mother moved after the death, either to a different part of the town or somewhere else entirely as he did not attend the high school his father worked at. Coulson finished high school and went to college to study history, both because that was the subject his dad taught and because he was always a giant history nerd. He worked as a lifeguard as a teenager. We do not know anything about his mother’s work or their relationship when she was alive. A research project into the S.S.R. brought him to Shield’s attention. He was recruited from college by Nick Fury, an agent at the time.
Melinda May was born November 20, 1965 (a reference from the scanned back-page of a tie-in comic I cannot find again - Fury’s Secret Files from somewhere I think). Obviously, they’ve just used Ming’s birthday with a different year to parallel the actors. Her birth location is always listed as classified, so it’s possible her mother was involved with something for the CIA at the time. Her sun sign is Scorpio and her birth year in the Chinese zodiac is the snake. May always picked up new physical activities quickly according to her dad in S3. She started ice-skating at 7 and quickly began skating competitively. At 12 she switched from skating to martial arts. May has a trusting relationship with both her parents. We don’t know anything about when they seemingly separated, decided to live separately for Reasons, or got divorced. There is around a year unaccounted for between when she most likely graduated high school and when she likely joined Shield. She might have joined against her mother’s wishes. We know nothing of how she was recruited.
Star Wars Episode IV came out in May of 1977. Coulson was 12 and May was 10. This is totally relevant information.
These dates mean May is just shy of two years younger than Coulson. More precisely, Coulson is 17 months older.
We know they were at the Academy together (Comms and Ops shared some classes and electives) and graduated at the same time because of 2x4. Comms and Ops would have been in different facilities, though reasonably close together for logistics purposes. There would be a significant amount of overlap for field agent hopefulls. They probably wouldn’t have seen each other every day. They probably usually saw each other multiple times a week, depending on their classes.
They also shared classes with future Agent Blake and Agent Garrett. (It’s important to remember that Agents Hand, Hartley, Sitwell, and Hill are younger in the MCU and did not attend the Academy until the previous four Agents had already left.)
From common practices in American educational law, Coulson very likely started school (kindergarten) in the fall of 1969 (at 5). He would have graduated in 1982 and started college that fall. It is also possible he started school in 1970 (at 6) and graduated in 1983. May likely started school in 1971 at 5 and would have graduated in spring 1984 at 18 or she possibly started school at 1970 at 4 and graduated in 1983 at 17. (At the time, starting kindergarten at 4 years old was common if you would be turning 5 soon. Start ages were lower in the 70s.)
Here’s where a couple different things could have happened.
I’m going to move forward here with the (imo) more likely graduation ages for them both. These aren’t official. These events could have happened a year earlier or a year later, but anything more than that would be very unlikely.
It’s spring 1984. Coulson just finished his sophomore year of college and is about to turn 21. May just graduated high school at 18.
We know the Shield Academies at this point were legitimate in the eyes of the U.S. Government, though mostly under the radar. There was enough of a structured curriculum schedule in place we know they had a yearbook (as of season 5). Taking on recruits under 18 generally requires parental permission, as Shield is still paramilitary.
Option 1 - Coulson’s research has already drawn Shield’s attention and he is approached by Fury. Someone recruits May or she becomes aware of Shield some other way. They start at the Shield academies fall of 1984. They are 21 and 18 when they join.
Option 2 - Coulson continues through his junior year of college. His research into the S.S.R. draws Shield’s attention. Fury goes to recruit him. May spends a year doing any number of things. Her mother might want her to pursue the CIA. May picks Shield. They start at the Shield academies fall of 1985. They are 22 and 19 when they join.
Option 3 - Coulson is about to finish college when he draws the attention of Shield and is recruited by Fury. May is an unknown for two years. They start at the Shield academies fall of 1986. They are 23 and 20 when they join.
Star Trek IV (the whale movie) came out in November of 1986. Coulson was 23 and May was just 21. This is also totally relevant information.
Let’s say MCU Shield’s training program lasted 3-4 years. (Fitzsimmons strongly implied in season 1 Seeds that Scitech usually took about four years.)
The absolute earliest (3 years) May and Coulson (and Garrett) should have been in the field was 1987/1988/1989. Their most likely brand-new Level 1 Agent year was 1988/1989/1990.
Coulson and May were most likely Level 1 agents at 23 and 21/24 and 22/25 and 23.  
The Sausalito mission mentioned in episode 2x4 probably happened later in 1988/1989/1990.
John Garrett, who they were trained with, was injured in Sarajevo and became a Project Deathlok subject in 1990. He probably was only Level 2. He’d only been an agent 2-3 years maximum.
We knew from season 1 that Coulson’s mom Julie was long gone. The wiki puts her death as September 22, 1992, exactly 19 years after her husband’s death. Coulson was only 28.  
This is where I take issue with one of the semi-official dates. Big issue.
We got a flashback to a younger Agent Coulson and Agent May in season 4. May was a Level 3 specialist and Coulson was recently Level 4. We know they knew each other pretty well at that point, enjoyed each other’s company, and also frequently went weeks or months without seeing each other. They worked on missions separately and together and kept track of each other through company gossip. It’s at this point in their lives that a little, badly-kept-secret, mutual crush is going on that is ultimately not pursued for multiple reasons. They stay close friends and work partners for the next 10-15 ish years.
Parts of the wiki claims this flashback was to 2003. However, this is basically a retcon and in my oh so professional and classy-sounding opinion is just dumber than fuck. (Also, that date was never used in the episode.)
The absolute latest Coulson and May started as field agents was 1990. So *13 years* later they’re still Level 3? I don’t think so. Level 1 is your entry level. Anyone who is performing well is only going to stay there 1-3 years max. Level 2 is your no longer a noob level. If you’re doing great work let’s say people stay there 2-5 years. Agents would stay longer in Levels 3/4/5 than Levels 1 and 2.
Let’s be generous and give them 5 years at Levels 1 and 2. It could have easily been 4, maybe even 3 depending on how fast they got their groove after the whole “in the bay for five hours” thing. Coulson and May logically made it to Level 3 anywhere around 1993/1994/1995.
The Captain Marvel movie makes dubious use of existing aos canon, but if we use the perspective that Phil is a brand new Level 3 field agent instead of one fresh out of the Academy (which is completely incompatible with aos’s timeline) than we can say Phil and May were new level 3 agents sometime early in 1995. 
A sensible placement for the Russian 0-8-4 mission would be anywhere from late 1995-1997. With Phil having recently made Level 4 (strongly implied the the flashback), I would suggest 1996 or 1997 as the most likely placement. 
From the tie-in comics, MCU Agent Barton is recruited by Nick Fury around this same time, Agent Romanoff “recruited’ by him a few years later.
By 2003, both Coulson and May should have advanced a Level again and be taking on more complex missions. Strike Team Delta is part of Shield now. Fury is Director.
The Bahrain mission happened in 2008. Coulson was likely a Level 6 operative and May would be Level 5. Coulson took a lot of orders from a lot of people in episode 2x17. I highly doubt he was Level 7 at that point. The agent in charge of the operation, Agent Hart, was one of the ones Katya took over. Big Shield headquarters forbade Coulson from sending May into the building. He gave her the clear to go anyway and covered for her. May was 42. Coulson was 43 or 44.
May worked on administration for mostly Level 3s in the basement of the Triskelion for the next 4.5 years. This does not mean she became a lower ranking agent; you would likely want a higher-than-3 managing your level 3s.
Coulson is sent to make contact with Tony Stark later in 2008. At some point he advances to Level 7 then 8. Given Shield viewed the Bahrain rescue as a legendary success, not knowing how it unfolded, it is reasonable to think Coulson was promoted to 7 shortly afterwards. 
Coulson died on the Helicarrier on May 4th, 2012 during The Incident. He was 47. May was 46 when she found out he was dead.
When we met them in season 1, Coulson was recently 49 (technically…) and May was 47. May is a Level 7 agent and Coulson remains Level 8.
After season 5 they are on a beach in Tahiti. Coulson is 54 and May is 52. They’ve known each other 34/33/32 years.
Now, I’ve tried to structure this whole thing in a way that should you want to change their school-dates and use any of the three options you should be able to go through and add/subtract from the existing numbers pretty easily. So I hope that’s useful if you’ve been trying to math and write fic or if there’s just been general confusion.
I greatly prefer to write from the Option 2 set, with adjustments made for Captain Marvel. That just makes the most sense to me as far as events we know about from season one and the other life events for these characters. So if you’ve read any of my stuff, this is generally where I’m coming from.
I really hope this was useful and interesting. I spent far too much time on it.
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alhekmaschoolbh · 3 years
7 International School Benefits to Help You Excel in Life
Education is the foundation to build our future and nothing can compare to the exposure that an international school provides a student. Right from the early schooling days upto the senior secondary and junior college, the international schools help students study their favourite subjects while remaining at top of the list of most sought after educational institutions across the globe.
There are several benefits of international schooling for preschool, kindergarten, primary, middle and high school students. The most prominent of them are listed as below:
1)      Global curriculum makes global citizen
Focusing on innovations will happen when you are aware of the cultural diversity. This will ensure to remain fair and authentic while being together with a lot of different opinions from all over the world. Respecting the diversity at the same time promoting universal brotherhood is great for nurturing the younger generation with lesser boundaries of geography. The global curriculum creates a state of well being and equality among children studying in international schools. At an early age, students start understanding the varied cultural diversity in terms of rituals and food that helps enrich their knowledge about people and create better peer networking. It has been found that many great companies were founded by the combined partnership of individuals studying together at an international school.
2)      Global Quality of Education To keep up with the reputation of international schooling standards, many American schools like Al Hekma International School Bahrain adopt international teaching methodologies. The teaching faculty are trained in an international facility with the material provided as per the global standards of American education and are kept under strict monitoring. This ensures that the quality of education grows and becomes unmatchable. This reflects into the overall performance of the students in the examinations conducted at the schools according to the American curriculum. With students not just studying to prepare for the exams but also, implementing the concepts into day to day life and playing an active role in driving the research activities.
 3)      Promotes self-induced learning
When students and parents already feel motivated and encouraged to participate in a lot of academic and extracurricular activities, they realize the importance of original research. A lot of international students are funded to conduct research and make a name for themselves earning scholarships and sponsorships for the top higher education schools all over the world. Such encouragement promotes individuals to excel in all spheres of their interest. Many new and existing international schools are increasingly adopting the American curriculum to help students learn through elearning, practical learning all on their own.
 4)      Limited Class Size
Private international schools in Bahrain like Al Hekma International School have a limited class size to make the students comfortably active for the class activities. Individual attention is given with a student teachers ratio of 10:1 ensuring the absorption of the concepts taught in the class. Fun and learning practical activities with state of the art teaching aids helps students get through the academia and the extracurricular activities as well. Creating better team coordination among the students will help improve the social skills and collaboration. This in turn encourages students to gain confidence. In early education, a small group size of students helps strengthen the emotional wellbeing of your child, helping develop into a great personality.
 5)      Special Experience
Right from the moment your child steps into the school till the moment students reach home, an international school makes sure to apply a strict code of conduct with respect to privacy and security. With the best of technology and infrastructure available all over the world, the international school will give students an experience out of the world. Right from virtual reality to 3D printing, every tech is welcomed for the utmost creativity and innovation. The students get ample opportunities to work with the best of industry professionals and learn to apply their knowledge further from the academics. This creates a truly sensational experience for students at an international level. Opportunities to travel and work as an apprentice in the area of interest after graduation from school and sponsorships for further education opens the doors of immense opportunities abroad.
 6)      Recognition of Talent Due to limited class size, students often feel appreciated and motivated to create something new and innovate. Many times, application of theory leads to a new invention that is recognized by the trained staff and faculty. Students from all kinds of backgrounds can join the rising talent program that encourages students to go above and beyond the academics, examinations and extracurricular activities to find their passion and make it an obsession. Due to continued success and appreciation of students, international school students have been recognized as brilliant candidates by world renowned universities.
7)      Expat Friendly International American schools in Bahrain like Al Hekma International School have an official American curriculum which helps students from expatriate countries cope up with the global education system. Students really find it easy to adapt to international education if they are joining in the middle of the semester or in between an educational year. Also, it is easy to move to an American curriculum school in any other country at any time of the year. Al Hekma International School welcomes students from all over the world studying in the American curriculum internationally. The friendly atmosphere at Al Hekma teaches students a collaborative approach to learning. Each of the expatriate students find it comfortable to study at Al Hekma.
Final Thoughts: Out of the several major benefits of international schooling in Bahrain, Al Hekma International School provides them all. Their global curriculum makes global citizenship, compliance with global quality standards, promotes self induced learning, limited class size, special experience, recognition of talent and expat friendly. Click here to enrol at Al Hekma today!
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