#kinda like when you’re a kid and have a sugar high
prozach27 · 8 months
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[4] Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift
Summary: Inspired by his birthday party at school, Liam goes to James for help with your birthday present.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam). Sorta weirdly angsty? Idk how that happened. Vague mention of parental death, grieving.
A/N (27/6/24): Guys just don't believe me when I say I'll update regularly lmao it's never gonna happen. Tried to upload this last night but I literally fell asleep lmao so this is semi edited
Previous Part: Career Fair Next Part: James Takes Liam to School Series Masterlist here
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We all know that James is the best kindergarten teacher at his school.
His students’ test scores always improve through the year
Their standardized test results are exactly where they should be for the grade level, if not higher
And the kids themselves love him
But in order to keep his kids happy and engaged and eager to learn, he sometimes has to … shall we say bend the rules …
Just a teensy weensy bit
A little bit
A tiiiiiiny bit
At the beginning of the year, James told the class that if they were well-behaved by the time that each of their birthdays came around, he would throw a small birthday party for each of them
And let me tell you
The kids were thrilled
James quickly set a few ground rules for the kids (because the admin at his school is stupid and ScHOoL pArTiEs cAnT bE hELd wiThOUt adMiNiStrATivE pErMiSSiOn so he had to be kinda careful)
NUMBER ONE (more for him than them)
James checked each of his students’ allergy records in the school database to figure out what treats he could bring to school 
You know, without sending anyone into anaphylactic shock and probably getting sued in the process
Everyone must thank Mr. Black at the front desk on the day of each party
(Sirius would help James smuggle treats into his room for these parties, so James figured it’d be nice to have them say thank you)
Honestly, James enjoyed these parties just as much as the kids
Even the planning part was fun for him
About a week before a kid’s birthday, he’d ask them what treat they wanted for their party
Some kids *cough* draco *cough* want a bunch of super-sugary Halloween-type candy
(James gets them reduced sugar and sugar-free knock-off brands for Draco's birthday because he doesn’t think he can handle nineteen sugar-high kids all at once)
Others want to have a pizza party or order from a nearby restaurant
Sweet little Dean just wanted Fig Newtons lmaooo
(James bought an extra pack for her to take home)
But each and every time, no matter what they want, James makes it happen
Liam’s birthday is on January 2nd, which is over winter break
Which is a shame because James was really excited to celebrate it on the day of
Usually with kids who have birthdays in the summer, he celebrates their half-birthday
But that won’t work for Liam obviously bc his half-birthday is in the summer
So James just decides to celebrate Liam’s birthday when they get back from winter break
Before winter break, however, James asks Liam what treat he wants for his party
And Liam
Sweet summer child
Liam says he’d really like some home-made oatmeal raisin cookies
What the fuck kind of answer is that??
This fucking child is somehow like ninety years old and six at the same fucking time
James’ utter bafflement must have been visible on his face because Liam explains himself pretty quick
And James’ heart breaks when Liam tells him that his grandma died when he was really young but his mom tells him all the time that her mom’s oatmeal raisin cookies were the best thing ever
Apparently every time you try to recreate them for Liam, some disaster happens and you’re unable to finish 
(i.e. you’re called into work and have to take the cookies out of the oven half-baked so the house doesn’t burn down, you and Liam take a nap while the cookies are baking and almost actually burn the house down, Liam accidentally gave you the salt rather than the sugar, etc.)
And Liam just really wants to try good oatmeal raisin cookies
He’s had them from a box from the grocery store before, and they’re not bad (it kinda surprises James that he liked them at all, but then he remembers who exactly he’s talking to lol), but Liam wants to try some good home-made oatmeal raisin cookies
And maybe bring one home for his mom
And FURTHERMORE, Liam is plenty aware that no child in a million years besides him actually enjoys oatmeal raisin cookies
So he asks for chocolate chip for the rest of the class so they get something they’ll actually enjoy
James is just kinda speechless at first
Like you can hear him just blinking down at this sweet, kind, selfless little six-year-old
And slowly he nods, and the bell rings to signify the end of the day (and semester since it’s the last day of school before winter break)
Poor James is practically catatonic as he gets his kids on their busses and in cars home, then packs his own things and finally makes his way to the library to get Remus and Sirius
And they both know something’s up immediately
After some gentle prodding (and Sirius outright refusing to leave the school library until James tells them what was wrong), James tells them what happened
(Remus and Sirius aren’t quite sure what the big deal is until James explains further)
James’ parents died during his second year at university, and he was horribly torn up about it for years after
Still is, sometimes
He was always terribly close with his parents, and they would always do anything—anything—for their James
(Including practically adopt Sirius during high school)
And now, thinking about Liam’s grandmother dying when he was young, all James could think about was you
James couldn’t imagine you’re any older than him, and he’s twenty-four, which means you had Liam young
And if Liam’s grandmother—your mother—had died when Liam was young, that meant you were left to take care of a baby all on your own at—what, twenty years old? Nineteen? All while going to university to become a nurse, and then actually becoming a nurse after that, long shifts and heavy workloads and all
The thought made James’ heart ache terribly in his chest
That night, James spends nearly two hours searching for different oatmeal raisin cookie recipes
He plans to do trials 
A competition of sorts with Sirius and Remus serving as judges
Because James is DETERMINED to bake the best homemade oatmeal raisin cookie Liam will ever have
(He’s sort of nervous for you to eat one, but he figures even if it isn’t as good as your mother’s, it hopefully won’t be awful)
James, Sirius, and Remus’ holiday celebrations only really extend to sleeping over on Christmas Eve at Remus’ mother’s house, which is only a couple blocks away
So James spends every day of winter break baking a new cookie recipe and shoving cookies down Remus’ and Sirius’ throats
But by the beginning of second semester, James has crafted the perfect oatmeal raisin cookie recipe
(It was rather simple, actually, and the “secret ingredient” was more of a secret process than anything; James used only brown sugar rather than a mix of brown and granulated, added some cinnamon, and put the balls of dough in the freezer for twenty minutes before baking so they would be nice and chewy)
James decides to hold Liam’s party at the end of the first week back at school
(Just to make sure the kids know they’ve got to go back to learning)
And Liam’s party goes swimmingly!! (ofc)
James brought chocolate chips, as promised
But he was terribly proud of his oatmeal raisin cookies, so he brought enough for the whole class as well
And holy shit
James never thought it could be done
But EVERY SINGLE KID in that classroom was eating oatmeal raisin cookies like there was no tomorrow
James tried to make sure there was a cookie left at the end for Liam to take home to you
But he couldn’t keep them out of these kids’ grubby little paws and they ended up eating them all :(((((((((
James is really sad when he notices
He hadn’t quite realized just how much he wanted you to try his cookies but now he’s really disappointed
And poor Liam :((((((
Poor baby Liam is also pretty put out by it, James can tell
James apologizes to Liam about it
Liam says it’s fine, but James sees right through it
He gives Liam a big hug at the end of the day as well as another apology
(And a lollipop, but secretly so the other kids don’t ask for one too)
A month passes, and everything’s pretty normal
Until one weekend in early February, James hears knocking on his apartment door
He’d been grading, and Remus and Sirius were over to hang about and chat
James wasn’t expecting anyone else to arrive so he’s pretty confused
But he answers anyway
(Let's be honest here people, James would be the first to be killed in a horror movie)
Thankfully Jason doesn’t murder James on his doorstep
Instead (and very surprisingly) it’s Liam who’s standing anxiously at James’ front door
Immediately, James thinks the worst
Did something happen to Liam? Are you home? Did something happen to you?
James is immediately crouched in front of Liam, eye level, asking him what he needs
And Liam anxiously stutters out that he needs help
With what? you may ask
Well, my dear reader
Liam needs help making homemade oatmeal raisin cookies
For his mom
For her birthday
(He’s also super relieved bc he was real scared for a second that something terrible had happened)
So Liam and James and Remus and Sirius (who Liam knows as Mr. Lupin and Mr. Black from school) all get to work making homemade oatmeal raisin cookies for you for your birthday
Liam explains that you’re working a twelve-hour shift and a couple hours of overtime on top of that, so you set him up with Ms. Hope (Remus’ mom, who watches him often)
Apparently Liam asked her if he could go to James’ apartment to ask if he could bake oatmeal raisin cookies for his mom, and Ms. Hope said yes
(Remus quickly calls his mother to reassure her that Liam arrived safe and sound and is currently baking with them, just so she doesn’t worry herself)
Liam also informs James, Remus, and Sirius that he’s supposed to be staying at Ms. Hope’s house until tomorrow morning, when you’ll pick him up
Ms. Hope insisted that you leave Liam with her and not worry about him, if just for the night
The four boys have a blast for the next three hours or so, baking far too many batches of cookies and then finding a nice gift bag to put them in
James also gets some stray craft supplies (he keeps it around in case he runs out at school) and everyone makes their own birthday cards for you
Harry goes back to Ms. Hope’s just in time for dinner, which James, Sirius, and Remus join them for, much to Ms. Hope’s excitement
The evening is just terribly fun for all of them
Fast forward to the next day and you’re rushing to look semi-presentable to go get Liam from Ms. Hope’s house
The doorbell rings, and you’re cursing internally because you’re already fifteen minutes late
You got home so late at night that it was actually early in the morning, and you’d overslept
And now there’s another thing to deal with at the door
James’ eyebrows raise slightly at the force with which you wrench open the door, and he’s a little concerned that you’ll be displeased at what he’s done
But you realize who it is (Liam) and who he’s with (James) and all the tension in your shoulders melts back
Liam is immediately all over you, wishing you a happy birthday with a big hug and a wet kiss to your cheek and resting his head on your shoulder when you pick him up
You’re completely thrilled to see him
(If immensely confused about why your son's teacher is also on your doorstep with a rather large gift bag)
James smiles sheepishly, but he’s reassured by your smile as you say good morning
So he explains the whoooooole story with you pitching in here and there
Until finally he gets to the fact that he and Liam (and Remus and Sirius ofc) have made you oatmeal raisin cookies
At this point, James is pretty certain that you can’t do much to endear him further to you
But you’ve got the most lovely way of proving him wrong when he begins to think like that because the way your eyes light up at the mention of oatmeal raisin cookies makes James want to keep repeating the words over and over so the look never fades from your face
He hands over the gift bag (with another small explanation about the two extra cards and who exactly Sirius and Remus are), wishes you a happy birthday, and politely excuses himself
As much as James loves to be around you and Liam, he knows his place
At the end of the day, he’s still Liam’s kindergarten teacher, and Liam is still your son
So he leaves you and Liam to celebrate your birthday between the two of you
When he gets back to his flat and locks the door behind him, James feels a strange sort of ache settle over his shoulders and seep deep into the cavity of his chest. He swallows around the strange feeling in his throat and takes a deep breath. It’s fine. Everything’s fine. 
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Next Part: James Takes Liam to School
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
♮ 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐲 -> 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛 𝐢𝐞. 𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫!𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐱 𝐬𝐡𝐲!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
dealer!remus & innocent!reader !! they’re the cutest
they are the cutest!!!
remus finds you sitting on the counter, legs swinging back and forth as you look at a tray of cookies.
they’re sugar cookies that you’d made with remus, but he’d gone out for some more tea for you to enjoy it properly.
you’d been begging for them for days and you’d both finally had the time.
“bunny,” he calls softly and you lift your head, showing off icing smeared on the corner of your lips.
remus smiles. you look akin to a kid high on a sugar rush. “thought you were waiting on me, hm?”
your eyes widen as you remember your words to him. “they looked so good remmy,” you murmur and he laughs.
“were they delicious?” he’s standing before you now, your legs wrapped around his waist as you nod.
his hands creep up your tennis skirt, gripping the fat of your thighs. remus had always loved your thighs, they’re intoxicating to him.
he smells like he usually does, a mixture of pine and the weed. he knows you smell it when your nose turns up as he gets into your space.
he hides his smirk well, as you lay your head on his shoulder.
“wanna bite?” you brandish a cookie shaped like a butterfly that has hardened pink and purple icing on it.
he takes part of the wing and even though you frown you want his opinion.
“s’good bunny,” he presses his lips to yours. sugar and food colouring smearing both of your lips.
“what flavour was it? tastes kinda nutty.”
you beam and remus assumes he’s guessed right. “i used brown butter and when you do that it makes the cookies nutty and delicious.”
“you’re so smart bunny,” your chin tucks under his gaze, and the praise in his words swims in your stomach.
“thanks rem.” your tone is all gooey and soft and remus wants to laugh at how easy it is to make you melt.
“gimme another bite bun,” your nose rubs into his shirt and your nose scrunches again.
“you smell remmy.”
he laughs then, “yeah i know baby, come shower with me and we can have a cuppa.”
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aceistheplace86 · 14 days
Strawberry & Pine pt.4
“Grunkle Stan has a girlfriend!” Mable squealed shaking her brother around. She was defiantly not spying on Stan and the girl from the other day.
“Mable quit it!” Dipper shoved her away. “I wonder what they’re doing here”
“Maybe they’re going to run away together!” Mable jumped up and down but stopped when Stan turned and noticed her watching him.
Stan came inside holding the door for Julie “Mable what did I say about watching people like that”
“It’s creepy if you get caught!”
Julie chuckled a bit “Cute kid”
“Great Niece and Nephew. Mable and Dipper” He says gesturing to them
“I need to know everything about you! What’s your favorite color? Do you have siblings? Thoughts on capybaras?”
Julie tilted her head “I like pink today, I suppose my favorite sibling would be my twin sister, and they’re adorable”
Mable grins “You have a twin too?”
“Oh yeah, and my younger brothers are twins too. My mother and uncle are twins as well” Julie says wiggling her fingers like she’s telling a spooky story “Total Twin Take over”
“What are you doing here?” Dipper asked before stuttering out “I-I mean we’re closed… so no tours”
“Julie is going to be working here,” Stan said simply.
“I told you he liked her” Mable whispers to Dipper. Stan heard her but said nothing.
Julie and Stan work together at the Mystery Shack during the day and work together on the portal at night. Stan found it much easier to get things going using her magic.
“I think we might have an actual chance to get that thing running,” Stan says. They were sitting outside on the porch enjoying the cool air.
“Hell yeah, you really know what you’re doing with all that advanced physics and math stuff,” She says waving her hand.
“What?” He looks over at her
“I mean it took Ford a while and some help to get that stuff going. You’ve got it down and you did that alone” She grins “You’re real smart”
Stan just stared at her. He had never once thought of himself as smart. Never once was made to believe that it was even a possibility that he could be smart. “Well uh… You’re saying you, as a witch don ‘t understand that kinda stuff?”
“Oh I do, I’ve been around a long time so I’ve had plenty of time to learn things” Julie leans back against the couch “Doesn’t take away from your achievement. You, Stanley Pines, need to give yourself more credit.”
He sat with it for a second and just stared at her. She wasn’t looking at him so he didn’t feel bad taking in her features. Her words made it sound like she could actually see him, so now he took his time to actually see her.
Her skin had a warm caramel glow, her eyes were a deep, dark brown, almost black, something about them had drawn him towards her that day he met her. Her hair was full of tight, bouncy curls that seemed to spring right up from her head.
She was striking.
“Y’know I saw your commercials” She turned and looked at him right as he looked away from her. She noticed the red on his face.
She chuckled “Oh yeah. Thought you were real daring with all those inventions and fake names” She kept looking at him “You rocked that mullet too”
Stan found himself flustered. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck “You know the kids…”
“No worries, your secret is safe with me” She promises him while standing up. “I should probably get home”
Stan nodded realizing it would be daylight soon and he would need to be up to run the Shack. “Uh Thanks, for your help. All of it, y’know?” He stood up.
“No need to thank me, Stanley, really,” she tells him. Her eyes lingered on his face for a while before she cracked a smile “You made a real bad choice bringing me around, I’m going to be such a bad influence on those kids” She turned and starts to walk away.
Stan laughs “Just not on the clock! This place runs on child labor!”
She turns and looks at him “You said bring a bunch of junk food and get them on a sugar high? Got it!” She gave him another smile before disappearing, the red light trailing around where she once stood.
Stan stared at where she just was, a small smile on his face. “Oh crap” he mumbled “Mable was right”
// Stan Pines is crazy smart and I will die on this hill.
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Hello, I have a request for Hailee Steinfeld x reader: The reader works at a law firm and is a serious and kinda intimidating person, while also being really loving with close ones. The two have been married for a while and have kids, and before their anniversary reader surprises Hailee with the help of their children with a cute little cake and presents. It was chaotic to calm the kids’ excitement but the reader eventually worked it out.
I’m sorry if the request is kinda plain or doesn’t have enough info, it’s my first time requesting:)
I just now discovered your page and I absolutely adore your writing, it’s super original and fun to read.❤️
honeycomb [H.Steinfeld]
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pairing: hailee steinfeld x reader
summary: you decide to let your kids help you bake a cake for your wife and cute chaos ensues.
warnings: none; quite literally the softest, most cutest fluff i've ever written; cheesy nicknames; incredibly blunt children; hailee being way too proud of being the favorite
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: first of all, thank you so much for your kind words, lovely anon! this request was NOT plain, it was wonderful, thank you for sending it in. i was giggling and kicking my feet every time i wrote the word 'wife' and i can only hope you react the same way while reading. [i purposely left the descriptions and names of the kids vague and gender-neutral so you can picture them any way you want...and yes, both of their names are references to hailee projects, i couldn't resist]
* * * * * * *
You’re not sure what possessed you to invite your kids to help you bake a cake for their mom but you’re sure your kitchen will never look the same again.
You couldn’t deny that the idea was cute, and you adored the smiles you received from the twins when you offered to let them help you, but now you were covered in flour and chasing around two eight-year-olds on a sugar high. Hailee can say whatever she wants but they both got that restless spirit from her and not you.
A restless spirit that was going to get somebody in trouble and considering how much your wife loves spoiling your kids, that somebody was going to be you. You don’t really mind, the mere thought of getting ‘lectured’ by her being enough to make you chuckle to yourself.
Unfortunately, you’re supposed to be playing the role of a responsible adult right now and laughing the way you are only makes the twins believe their rambunctiousness is being rewarded.
“Charlie, no pushing,” you say, forcing yourself to sound strict. (Or as strict as you can be with two adorable pairs of brown eyes staring up at you like you hold all the answers to the universe) “Come on, help me clean up a little before your mom comes home.”
Your request gets mostly ignored but at least they walk back to the kitchen with you. You walk around, cleaning countertops with scattered bits of flour and sugar, while pretending you don��t notice how restless they’re getting. Their excitement is too endearing for you to be annoyed by what a hard time Charlie’s having staying still.
It’s almost funny how much more tolerant you are when it comes to your family. If anyone back at the office was tapping their foot the way the small brunette is, you’d probably glare at them. Now, all you can do is smile and try to come up with a way to entertain both kids.
The more reserved of the two speaks up before you get a chance to offer them something to do. “When’s mom coming back?”
“Hopefully in the next thirty minutes,” you reply as you sneak a glance at the clock. You decide it’s best not to point out the fact that you’ve been saying that for the past hour or so.
Hailee was clearly running late but you’re definitely not the right person to complain about that. You’re just glad she’s found another project to be passionate about. Especially since it took a lot of convincing to get her to go back to acting once the twins were old enough to understand why their mom worked at such weird hours.
You were just glad your own job allowed you to work from home a few days a week so your kids never felt like they had to take on the world on their own. The last thing you want is for them to feel like you never spend time together as a family.
Hence why you asked for the day off from your highly demanding job to prepare a surprise for your wife. Every year she insisted more and more that she didn’t need you to do anything special for your anniversary, that spending time with you every day was the only gift she could ever want, but that never stopped you from finding some way to do something for her. This year was the first year that you got your kids involved and you can only imagine the look of joy you’re bound to receive because of it.
“The cake’s done!”
You turn toward the oven as soon as you hear the announcement with a smile on your face. “Good job, little bumblebee.”
The nickname is a little too on the nose for your liking but it’s incredibly fitting and it makes the twins smile like nothing else…except maybe Hailee. They’re going through a phase where all they want to do is be around her and honestly, you can’t be mad about that because you’re exactly the same way. That’s probably where they got that from actually.
The twins start chattering excitedly about the cake while you carefully take it out of the oven and place it on the kitchen island. It honestly looks good as long as you ignore all the chaos making it left behind. Then again, chaos seems to be the main love language of your eight-year-olds and who are you to deny them?
“Okay, who wants to help me decorate it?”
You had no idea the kind of response those words were going to get.
Turns out, the twins not only got their restless spirits from Hailee but they also got her creativity and her badly hidden perfectionism. (Although you might share the blame for that last trait) It takes practically all your energy and your focus to keep them somewhat contained and stop them from arguing about what shape to draw and whether or not to write something. You're in the middle of spelling out the word ‘anniversary’ for them when the distinct sound of your wife’s voice steals your attention.
“What's going on in here?”
The speed at which both Charlie and Em move is enough to amaze any speedster in any universe. Hailee just barely manages to brace herself before they both collide into her body.
“We baked you a cake!” Em announces with a smile that looks identical to the one on your wife’s face.
“Is that right?” Hailee’s warm eyes shift between both of the adorable faces staring up at her.
“Yeah, Em and I did all the work! Right, mom?”
You see no point in correcting your very excited child over something so endearing. “Yeah, that's right, bee. And you both did a great job. You didn't even need me here.”
“Of course we needed you!” You prepare yourself for the sweet comment that no doubt follows. “The shelves are too high.”
The sound of Hailee’s laugh softens the blow a little bit. There's nothing quite like the bluntness of a child, something that you've started to learn the hard way.
“Thank you for the cake, my loves.” She leans down to give each of the twins a kiss on their foreheads. “How about you guys go pick what movie you want to watch tonight?”
They immediately run off in the direction of the living room, giving you and Hailee a small moment of peace.
“Happy anniversary, darling,” you say as you make your way toward her. “Did you like your surprise?”
“Let me think about it,” she replies, her voice tinged with a playfulness you've loved and adored since the day you met her. “I loved it, baby. Thank you.”
You wrap your arms around her and pull her toward you once you’re close enough. “Don't thank me, I didn't do anything according to the twins.”
“Try not to sound so bitter, my love.”
“Oh, shut up.” You roll your eyes but the smile on your face makes it clear that you don’t actually mind the joke. “You’re their favorite and you know it.”
“It’s not my fault that they have good taste.”
You’d love to argue with her but you have more important priorities in mind right now. Starting with kissing your gorgeous wife.
You lean in for a short, sweet, kiss, relishing the feeling of her lips against yours after spending most of the day away from each other. She lets out a quiet hum of approval as you kiss and the sound makes your smile grow until you’re forced to pull away.
“I have a gift for you,” you whisper into the space between you.
“I know, I know.” You give her a quick peck to silence her yearly complaint. “But I saw it and I couldn’t resist.
You reach into your back pocket and pull out a small velvet box. Hailee raises her eyebrow once she sees it. “You’re not going to propose to me again, are you?”
You laugh and shake your head. “No, I think I got it perfect the first time.”
You lift the box up toward her before opening it up to reveal the necklace inside. It’s not anything extravagant, and you honestly worry it’s a little too cheesy, but your wife’s eyes light up at the sight of it just the same.
“I thought you’d like to have your little bumblebees around all the time,” you explain as your own eyes drift down. The cute charm dangling from the gold chain is of a small beehive with two tiny bees on either side of it. As soon as you saw it, you thought of the twins and you knew Hailee would love it.
The huge smile on her face tells you you were right. “I want to be mad at you for breaking the ‘no gifts’ rule but this is adorable.” She gently takes the necklace out of its holding place and hands it to you. “Help me put it on?”
She turns around and you’re briefly transported back to your first date. Back when you were young and stupid and sure you would only be a tiny speck in Hailee’s dating history. You’ve never been happier to be proven wrong.
You reach out to move her hair out of the way, letting your fingertips graze her soft skin, before clasping the necklace together and letting it rest on her neck. You can’t stop yourself from placing a few kisses along her shoulder and grinning at the sound of her breath catching in her throat. It’s these small moments that make you fall in love all over again.
The brunette seems to read your mind and she lets out a soft whisper. “I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Lee.”
The moment is interrupted by the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching you. “Moms, why are you taking so long?”
You respond to the question with one of your own. “Did you guys pick out a movie?”
“We couldn’t decide,” Em says with a tiny pout. “We want mom to pick.”
Hailee couldn’t hold in her proud grin even if she tried. “I think I love you more and more each day.”
All three of you reply with your own words of affection, filling the room with a small chorus of love. You step back from your wife and motion toward the forgotten cake on the counter. "I'll take care of the cake, go help them figure out what to watch."
She nods in response before leading the tiny rascals out of the kitchen and back toward the living room. You admire their retreating forms for a few moments, feeling like the luckiest person in the world.
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froggibus · 2 years
I love your writing, especially your overwatch stuff!!! The lack of ashe content is 😭 tho, do you have anything in the works? If not maybe could we get a story that's ashe x f! reader or ashe x cassidy pretty please? 🙈
"You Scared?" - Ashe
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Pairing: Ashe x reader
Genre: fluff?
Word Count: 700
Summary: Ashe comes over to watch horror movies and comforts you when you're scared
CW: horror movies + horror movie tropes, reader is kind of a scaredy cat ngl, first kiss, cuddling, just soft stuff
im negl i struggled with this omg. i love ashe but writing her is kinda hard for me cause i don't regularly hc her as anything! but honestly i loved writing this and i really like trying to challenge myself to do better. thank you for requesting <3 hopefully this makes up for the tragic lack of ashe content
A blood curdling scream sounds from the tv. You flinch, drawing your knees closer into your chest and the blanket farther around your shoulders. The scream rings in your ears, a chill lurks on the back of your neck. 
Ashe scoffs, taking a sip of her wine. “You scared?”
“Pft—me? Scared?” You try to match her teasing tone, but your voice is shaky. 
In your defence, the movie is scary. A teenager being stalked by a masked killer, a call from the killer coming from inside the house? It sets your nerves on fire. 
Of course, not as much as the woman sitting across from you on the couch. Her red eyes ghosting over you are enough to make your heart race and palms sweat. 
“It’s written all over your face, sugar.”
Your face heats up at her words. “This is just my…movie watching face.”
“Right,” red irises roll behind black eyeliner. “Well, don’t worry, doll. Nobody’s gonna hurt you with me around.”
Your mouth feels dry, and your words fail you. You nod to her, hoping she can’t hear the pounding of your heart in your chest. You force yourself to focus back on the movie and the woman getting crushed by a garage door. 
While your eyes focus on the screen, Ashe focuses on you. The way your nose scrunches up at the blood and gore is so cute that she can’t seem to look away. You look so small and fragile curled up in a ball on her couch. 
Nothing like the people she’s used to—the rugged men that man her crew, the conniving women that run with her gang. No, you’re something else entirely. Something softer. Something that she needs more than anything right now. 
Your shoulders relax when the killing's done, focusing on a dorky kid who likes movies instead. You feel like you can breathe again and take your eyes off of the screen for the first time in a while. 
You look up just to see Ashe staring at you. “What?” You ask. 
“Just admiring the view,” she smirks. 
“Yeah? Do you like it when I’m scared?”
The white-haired woman sips her wine, muttering under her breath, “only cause you look so damn cute.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What was that?”
“Only cause you look so damn cute.”
Her words take you aback. She’s always been blunt, speaking her mind. But you never thought—never considered—she’d be interested in you. You can feel heat spreading up your neck. 
She laughs. “Cat got your tongue?” 
You bite your lip and nod, worried anything you say now will just come out as a high pitched squeak or an incomprehensible jumble of words. 
She leans forwards suddenly, fingers ghosting across your cheek. She leans in, lips hovering just above yours. “It’d be a shame to let such a pretty mouth go to waste.”
She closes the gap between you. Her lips are warm and soft, red lipstick smearing onto your lips, marking you as hers. She runs her hand up your cheek, up your temple, and into your hair. Her touch is so gentle, unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. 
You’re too flustered to speak when she pulls away. Her taste lingers on your tongue and all you want is more. She’s smiling at you, taking in the awestruck look on your face.
Before either of you can say anything, another scream from the TV fills the room. You flinch at the sudden noise, your shoulders crinkling together. 
“Come here,” she says, opening up her arms to you. “Sit with me, I’ll protect you.”
You scooch across the couch until you’re pressed against her, one arm on either side of you and your head on her chest. She’s so warm and her arms are so strong that you can’t help but feel safe with her. 
The movie isn’t so scary after that.
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strlstlvr · 1 year
SUMMER TIME HIGH TIME, summer time with txt ♡
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- it’s hot outside and the only thing you want to do is make memories with your favorite boy !
⋆·˚ ༘ * fluff, kinda crack lol
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- activity: cafe hopping and shopping!
- listen there’s nothing this man loves more than fashion and an iced americano on a hot day
- since the heat has just begun this calls for a shopping spree and he wanted to take you with him to spoil you with one as well
- “yeonjun-ah, you don’t need to do this i have my own money” “yeah but you only like to spend it on other people or our merch”
- yeah he got you with that one
- makes sure to pay attention to your body language
- ex. if you start unintentionally sighing, he’ll suggest sitting somewhere for a quick rest but if he notices your attitude completely change he’ll suggest going back home
- buys literally everything you touch with interest, defo buys something matching
- you guys leave the shopping center with so many bags in hand, yeonjun carrying them all of course
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୨⎯ SOOBIN ⎯୧
- activity: ice cream date indoors!
- soobin is an introvert and any chance he gets he’s gonna stay inside, especially on a hot day
- “binnie it’s so nice outside! we should go enjoy the day!”, then he looks at you with puppy eyes “but i already set up the kitchen to look like an ice cream shop and bought a bunch of different flavors!”
- how could you say no to him?
- when you walk into the kitchen, behind the island is kai in the same outfit he wore in the loser lover mv, “hello welcome to kai’s ice cream shop! what could i get for you?”
- it takes everything in you not to laugh, the boy just looks so cute you wanna pinch his cheeks
- soobin leads you forward to look at the choices of ice cream, there are only two flavors, your favorite and his
- you both request your flavors and take your bowls to the table,, “i’m gonna leave now but let me know if you guys need anything else!” hyuka says leaving you two to yourselves
- once he’s out of view you finally let go of the laugh you’ve been holding in, “how did you convince him to do this?” “let’s just say i owe him a new plush”
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- activity: late night drive singing your fave songs!
- hopping into the car with your favorite blanket in hand and beomgyu throwing the bag of snacks into your lap while climbing into the drivers seat, you settle in comfortably
-before putting the car in drive he puts on his playlist dedicated to these kinds of nights with you
- these songs range anywhere from musicals to txt’s own songs, but mainly including songs you love to hear him sing
- rolling down your windows feeling the cool summer’s eve breeze as beomgyu drives to nowhere you breathe in the feeling
- even though beomgyu is chaotic as shit moments like this with him are the ones that take away your worries and stress the most
- depending on the song, you usually don’t sing much, you’d rather listen to his calming and deep voice
- as the night progresses, you both begin to climb your sugar high and those calming moments before become the chaotic ones you’re used to
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- activity: swimming!
- taehyun’s favorite activity is swimming and the moment you decide to come with him he’s even more eager to get in the pool
- wether or not you decide to get in the pool, he still enjoys your company and never pressures you to get in though he will splash you here and there
- “y/n?” “sorry what?” yes, you zoned out checking him out, what else did you expect 🤷🏽‍♀️
- he reminds you of a little kid as he swims around with the biggest smile on his face
- now if you do decide to get in, he’d be so excited ready to show you any cool things he could do under water
- if the members did come along it’d be a chicken fight almost immediately, no doubt
- wether he’s on your shoulders or the other way around you guys stick together as a team to beat the other boys
- eventually the other boys get sick of the water and get out saying something about feeling like a prune
- “hey tyun, wanna play mermaids?” he does a quick sweep of the area making sure no members are near, “i’d love to play mermaids y/n”
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- activity: drive in movie theater!
- kai is so bf!! the car you take is a borrowed suv and kai decorated it so aesthetically pleasing with plushies, blankets and pillows everywhere (100% looked on pinterest for inspo)
- you guys brought your own snacks and drinks and he somehow managed to hide a mini cooler in the seats????
- the movie you guys chose to watch was a horror movie so every jumpscare had kai hiding behind you
- “kai why did you choose a scary movie if you don’t like them?” “it was the only movie that looked interesting! i didn’t think it’d scare me this bad!”
- the suv is so comfortable you both actually end up falling asleep during the movie, only waking up to the sounds of the other cars starting up to leave
- “i can’t believe we slept through the movie” “i know, we should just have a sleep over in the back of the car”, that’s when you both look at eachother
- the next morning, you wake up to the rest of txt’s members knocking on the windows of the car interrogating you both as to why you fell asleep in the suv
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a/n! i’m itching for summer to start where i live it’s still so cold and was literally snowing earlier this week😞😞😞
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beecreeper · 1 month
Briar Playlist Deepdive
Woe be upon you I wrote 1500 words yelling around music that makes me feel things
Rambling under the cut and also gonna reblog with a part two because of the audio limit
Starting with this because this is THE song that made me start compiling a playlist for her. THE Briar song of all time for me. Particularly her peak cult days. The “I want a life that will give me purpose” and “Don’t crack through my facade” lines delivered in with all the arrogant greedy rock star vibes hit especially good.
This one is very very much Briar’s pre-cult backstory. Honestly if I were to ever put the effort into a full animatic, this would be high on the list because I can see it SO WELL. The chorus “All the kids cried out ‘please stop you’re scaring me’, I can’t help this awful energy, god damn right you *should* be scared of me” is just sooooooo 🥺. I also love love love the lines “I’ve grown familiar with villains that live in my head, they beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead” as alluding to Bhaal sending her the urges to continue his own power and legacy.
This one I added really early in playlist building literally just because mushrooms. BUT there are some good in character moments to chew on ESPECIALLY the ending bit which is very much a vibe for Briar just after she murders her druid circle and decides AHAHA FUCK IT NO MORE FEELINGS EVER AGAIN.
This one is less about *specific* lyrics because the verses are kinda just vague ominous occult sounding stuff but OOH MAN THE VIBES ARE OFF THE CHARTS. If you want a song that captures of the vibes of a fantasy murder cult this is it.
This one is also pretty self evident I think, especially as the plot with Gortash progresses and her motivations shift just a *bit* from “I’m gonna murder everyone” to “I’m gonna take over the world and *then* murder everyone”. I like that “I'm gonna run this nothing town” makes me think of the city of Baldur’s Gate specifically. The “Bite my tongue, bide my time” line at the very beginning also reminds me of how she’s holding back her urge and *not* murdering Gortash until he’s done being useful to her. (This could also fit well into her post-tadpole vibes also. Biding her time in Act 1, actively planning to take the brain in Act 3).
I mean. Honestly explaining myself almost feels silly. It’s RIGHT THERE. This song is definitely a mutual one with Gortash, with both of them feeling this towards each other. A particular line that hits especially good is “Smells like something I’ve forgotten, curled up died and now it’s rotten” because a) yaaaaay rot imagery and b) alludes to Briar having deliberately killed that part of herself that tries to care about people.
Another one that honestly speaks for itself and a strong contender for a possible animatic because YAY CULT LEADER BUDDIES. I also particularly like this cover because I loooove the sort of wicked relish these ladies sing with and the more sultry of the two singers is one of my headcanon voices for Briar. Favorite lines include “If they say that I’m a god, that’s what I am” (so much so that I drew a piece for it) and also “If we don’t comply [...] I could see us being sacrificed or stuffed” (which I imagine Briar saying with a huge grin on her face at the idea).
This is one that I like to sort of fill in the nuance and contrast between Briar’s view and Gortash’s. “A coronation, a beheading, From the funeral to the wedding. Do you think they care where the crown goes?” is VERY much a bhaalist talking to a banite, you know?
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luckyedie · 1 year
Soooooo I answered some Hancock prompts and did a doodle for @gloomytk.
LOVED writing these. Thanks gloomy! 🫶
How do you feel about glitter?
Why? Wh-….you ‘ain’t got any on ya, right? Tell me you don’t have glitter. Sister, you gotta burn that stuff when you see it, you gotta burn it! It-it-it gets in the skin, listen I’m a ghoul, it’ll stay there forever! I-I’m just gonna stand over here until I know you’re clean. Nuh-nononono! You stay over there, yeah. Just gonna, climb this…in case it gets on the floor.
What do you think of as you fall asleep?
I’m usually worryin’ Shaun is gonna sneak in and put a pillow over my face.
Hah, don't look at me like that! I'm just messin'.
That’s a tough question though…uh. The booze used to help out with that, but since I cut back I just try to think of blue skies, lighthouses. Y’know, peaceful shit.
Do you know the Brotherhood has a giant robot?
Christ, they have a giant robot?! Man I really needed to keep a better eye on those guys. Well that just spoiled my whole day.
What are your thoughts on Deacons pathological lying?
I 'aint tryin' to be rude, but if I was that guy I would wanna pretend to be anyone else.
Hm…I guess I was tryin' to be rude.
Do you believe in ghosts?
Sister, when you've hallucinated as much as I have, you become a really bad case study for paranormal activity.
If you could get a tattoo, what would it be?
I used to have a bunch but they all kinda fell off. If they can get the tattoo to stick I'd get somethin' original this time, like one of the kids' names, or a heart with barbed-wire around it or somethin’.
Why are you laughin’? You like the funny ghoul?
Would you ever quit smoking cigarettes?
I’d only quit if you wanted to kick the habit. Cancer is the least of my worries, but you gotta keep an eye on those free radicals sunshine, and I 'aint referring to me.
Have you ever thought about owning a Time-Share?
What? I don't got a watch.
Do you think Deathclaws are capable of being tamed?
I dunno, ask Baby, she's likes talkin’ to the wildlife. I think she’s gonna grow up vegantarian.
What's the best high you've ever experienced?
He proceeds to disappear into his own mind for five solid minutes.
What's some of your pet peeves?
Bad catering at an orgy. Next question.
Do you have games on your phone?
Huh? What, like phone sex? Sugar, the phones don’t work anymore, but we can talk dirty over the radio if you wanna.
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Is that a book or somethin'? You been to the library? Hey, next time you go can you find out what a time share is?
What would you say to someone going through extreme trauma?
Uh, I'm pretty slow on the uptake with the emotional side of things. I'd usually offer chems I guess, but with a gal though, I'd just hold ‘em and be there, and try not to flap my mouth too much.
How do you feel about the totality of human existence?
People are funny. I like ‘em. There’s a few bad apples, but they stop being a problem after they stop being alive.
Do you consider yourself a monster (as in monstrous personality, not appearance)
Sometimes. Yeah... Sometimes I think I'm a hot commodity. Never got the balance right.
What’s with all the questions? Are we doing the pillow-talk first today?
How do you want people to remember you?
A decent guy who left the world a better place than how he found it.
Chocolate or Peanut Butter?
Chocolate survived the bombs better. Peanut butter went wrong. Dunno what it used to be like but now it’s…eugh… I know you told me it used to taste good but - Let's change the subject, I went out last night and I'm feelin' kinda nauseous as it is.
What makes you feel alive?
Nearly dying is a rush. Dying not so much, I wouldn’t recommend it. Yeah I know I didn’t, technically.
I am tryin’ not to get shot quite so much these days.
No, no no. See, that guy came outta nowhere. That doesn’t count!
What's your favorite smell?
Hm…you smell good in the morning. Maybe not the breath quite so much.
Ow, careful with the bullet wound.
How do I look?
Delightful, as usual. Oh, you want me to elaborate? I like watchin’ ya walk away in that vault getup sunshine, I could eat ya right up.
Will you please drink all of this purified water bottle?
Only if you order me around.
Forest or Beach?
Beach. The forests kinda give me the creeps. I get jumpy.
Will you drive me to the store so I can get some gluten-free ice cream?
Yeah. What flavor? Hey we can eat them on the docks and watch the dead dolphins float. It’ll be romantic.
Does the hat stay on during sex?
Hah! Until it falls off. We could give it a test drive later if you want, see how long I can keep it on my head.
Can I wear it?
Well look atcha, cute as a button. You look about ready to instate a political system of some kind. Politicians are supposed to be cute, right? That’s the angle I was going for anyway.
What is your honest opinion of Kent Conolly?
Considerin’ you were one of the few things that got him outta the lounger, I’d say he's got a little crush on you. Don’t blame the guy either
Why have you never started a community garden in Goodneighbor?
Because Codsworth would come and micromanage the hell out of it. I heard about the fiasco in Sanctuary, with the gnomes.
What's your favorite swear?
Ah man I like ‘em all. Hm, blasphemy too….That shit’s got tenure. Goddamn rolls off the tongue quite nice, don't ya think?
I know, I'm so classy.
Can I hold your hand?
Sure, don't pull too hard though, it might fall off.
…Hey, wanna go make out behind that dumpster before the raiders get here?
What does your skin feel like?
Uh… dunno. Just feels lumpy to me, my fingers are all messed up. You tell me, hold up, I'll unbutton my shirt.
Lumpy. See? That’s what I said! Okay and warm. Mm. This is nice.
What's your opinion on Fisto?
Hah! What? Fisto? Is that like a punchin' bot?
Can I leave him here? Thanks.
Ohhh! Frank mentioned this guy! Haha! Put him right next to the drinkin' buddy and we got a party right there.
During really scary and stressful moments in life, what do you remind yourself of to stay strong and keep cool?
Usually when shit goes down, it’s instinctual. I’m in the moment and not really thinkin’ of much at all. After, I’d just walk it off with a cigarette or lock myself in a room with some Jet or something to get the heart-rate down. I guess If I died… it was my time, and that was it.
Since we’re doing the family thing though it’s fuckin’ different. I’ll tell ya that much. Soon as I get home, I go to pieces if I think I put you or the kids in danger. Yeah I do. You think I’d let you see that? See, now I said it, you’re gonna worry about me too, and now it’s a whole thing.
Socks on or off?
Off. Socks on if I wanna make ya laugh, but it’s kinda a mood killer.
Do you pay Ham, or is he just part of The Third Rail?
Haha he just came with the place. Nah, really, I paid him good money. He got extra if there was a lotta blood or some broken glass to deal with, to be honest he probably took home as much as Mags did.
You shoulda seen his apartment in Goodneighbor, he kept it all real neat and tidy, liked to keep stuff perpendicular.
Can you give Edward Deegan my number? I need someone to come fix my plumbing. Thanks, man.
Hah! He has been looking for work lately… what? You don’t trust in my DIY abilities? I can be a porn extra. That guy looks the part but he’s always so serious, he might even fix the pipes and not try to sleep with ya.
Why's the sky blue?
Because…is it sky uh, bacteria? Cloud…particles. Listen sugar, I can think of better and more naked ways to pass the time than tryin' to figure than out right now.
Will you hold me while I cry?
Hey, hey. Was I bein’ a jerk just now? What’s got you upset? No, you don’t gotta say a thing. C’mon let’s go sit down for a sec, over here. I gotcha. Yeah you get nice and comfortable on me. Just like that.
S’all gonna be okay, sunshine. I’ll always be here.
I'm sorry if I pass out on your shoulder; I'm just mentally wrecked…
Stay as long as you need. I live a long time, I mean I might need to go to the bathroom at some point…but - see? That’s the smile I fell in love with.
You go ahead and zone out.
What's your favorite kind of fight?
Gahh this is a tough question.
As a spectator I like the clumsy brawls with guys that don't usually throw hands, y’know? That just tickles me. As a participant though? Who doesn’t love a knife fight?
Let's blow up the Brotherhood balloon together.
Hell yeah! Let's go right now! Shaun has blueprints of the whole place, I got a bag packed and everything.
Fuck…I’m gettin’ all misty. Oh shit, don’t look at me right now, I didn’t expect to get emotional. Been wantin’ to do this for a long time…
Sunrise, or sunset?
Both. They're both romantic as hell, don’t ya think? Hey, wanna hang out on the beach this afternoon? I’ve been starin’ at that view for a while and I could use the company now I got it.
How do you get over your fear of the unknown?
Eh. It’s kinda like people. The unknown is only scary until you get to know it. You didn’t know me once and I ‘ain’t that scary now, am I?
But, other people still think so, right?
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charmac · 8 months
helllooooo i am absolutely obsessed with your macden sugar daddy fic. i’m not kidding when i say it has become a household name for me (in the dms with my poor, dear friend who does not even watch sunny. i have, and will continue to, bombard her with messages such as: “the macdennis fic i’ve been creaming over hasn’t been updated i’m in shambles” and thankfully you did update after that).
i went through your tumblr for a bit and saw in one of your responses you mentioned feeling a lack of encouragement to write when it feels like no one is actively requesting so i suppose this is my formal request. i am quite literally so emotionally invested in this fic. this is my high class literature (as a lit major). this is my magnum opus and i’m talking about the experience of READING it, not trying to imply this work is in any way mine.
i have sooo much i’d like to say about it but i get so scatterbrained when i think about it. i read the entire thing in one sitting and was in agony when i finished. then you updated on christmas and i read the entire thing AGAIN and i keep going back to that most recent chapter where (spoilers ig!) mac calls dennis daddy because it simply /felt right/. because he felt /safe/? oh i’m on the floor and begging for mercy. you’re brilliant. this story is brilliant. i’m a mess.
if you ever feel like people might not be interested: listen to me when i say your writing has permanently altered the chemistry of my dna and has conditioned me to check ao3 every single day with bated breath HOPING there’s an update. i love it. that’s an understatement. i LOVE IT.
i would also like to clarify that if you ever run into issues with writer’s block or even simply losing the excitement over this specific story, pls don’t feel obligated to write something you don’t want to. it’s your life!! i saw your 2023 update post and it seems like a fucking fantastic one at that, so live it to the fullest and do what you want!!
i think you’re neat. i think your writing is what leads good men to ruin (like me. i’m supposed to be reading jane eyre rn and all i can think of is your fic) /pos. truly my favorite source of sunny content across all your sunny social media.
question that i do apologize for asking if you’ve answered: the title is a fall out boy reference, right? big fan of that band. if it is, can i ask for details on the inspo?
thank u for your service solider o7
p.s. this was so needlessly long so sorry for bothering lmfaoooo but i had to say this somewhere and i think my friend is tired of hearing about the fanfic on a ship for a show she doesn’t even watch
First off, thank you so much for this, and second off don’t apologise for writing too much to me after you’ve seen the word count I spew out at random. I really appreciate your words, and I’ll tell you I’ve been in so many similar positions where I’ve been obsessed with a fic and had no one in it to relate to and have just ended up spamming a close friend instead, so to hear that’s done about my fic is really, really cool.
About prior asks, etc. I think I get down on myself a little, when I say I don’t get why people are reading or what they like and it’s hard to find motivation, it’s really just kinda my own internal struggle with all of that. (Also, I keep answering those when I'm drunk, my bad.) I get what I’m doing and what I’m writing, but I wanna make sure the audience does too. But you’re reading my words, so you must, even if you can’t (or just, don’t want to) sit down and go line-by-line of a 23k word chapter and tell me what’s going on.
Cause, I couldn’t sit down and write a full detailed list of every new episode of Sunny like that. Like, I just straight up couldn’t when they dropped. My reviews were like ‘5 stars, keysmash’ So I think there is something to be said about people really liking something, really wanting more, but maybe not having the words to vocalise or not having the time to vocalise why that is.
About wait times, updates, etc.. It is mainly about motivation, and like you’ve said I would never put out something just to put it out if it’s not reflective of what I want it to be (and know it can be). I mean, I’m not on a real deadline and I’m not getting paid, I'm writing this first and foremost for myself, so why would I rush it? Sometimes I can write thousands of words in a day, if the spark hits, but sometimes it can take months to fully form when it’s just me in my head and I still have to do shit in my daily life. And maybe I could do something to speed up that process, but I think my best work forms this way. But it does make updates painfully slow for you guys, and I apologise, cos I get that sucks.
Though, it is also spurred by external motivation: people pointing specific things out, telling me why they like something or what they see under the surface here, that stuff actually gets the gears in my head turning, back in focus. The ‘waiting for an update’ ‘pls write more’ isn’t motivation, it’s demand. (And understanding there is demand is definitely a motivator, don’t get me wrong, but that’s not a spark, it’s a push.) So the balance there is sometimes hard to match, I understand there is demand (though after Ch 7 or 8 whatever it was I genuinely thought maybe there wasn’t), and I appreciate being told that, but it can only go insofar as I have the motivation to bounce off of it. Sometimes, that’s literally just my own issue and no one can help me. You (not you, specifically, anon) just gotta trust an update will come... and if you fall out of care for Sunny in the meantime, oh well. Know I won't, lmfao.
About the Title, well, no one actually has asked me... I don't think (maybe 'cause it seems obvious?). I guess the answer is.. kind of? It is a lyric pulled from the Fall Out Boy song, but, well, a meme says it best:
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The inspo is kinda what's written on the tin, wanted a title that makes it clear what it is. Don't read too much into the baseball metaphor though, it might hurt you a little in the spoilers department, if you think we're just purely having fun here...
Thanks for the ask, really really appreciate it, and knowing people like you are reading and enjoying my fic is awesome :)
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whchenlvr · 2 years
Hi!!! Can I request how the boys would react to the reader being pregnant with their kid? It’s up to you who to choose tho. Have a great day!
ofc!!! thank you for the request and have a great day as well 🥰
when you’re pregnant ;
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weak hero x fem!reader
ben park
➤ oh my god this boy is RADIATING happiness and joy
➤ ben would definitely pick you up off your feet and swing you around dramatically
gerard jin
➤ tbh i think he’d get a little teary :’)
➤ he may even pinch himself and laugh when you freak out. he just needs to make sure he isn’t dreaming before jumping up and hugging you
➤ “this is happening? are you okay with this?” and when you nod he’ll kiss the side of your head and not want to let you go <3
donald na
➤ you’ve never seen him more scared in your life
➤ #worried. he’d need some time alone to accept it, and when you check on him, he’d ask “what if i end up like my father?” and it Breaks your heart
➤ you’d cradle his head against your chest or stomach and tell him how important he is to you and how much you love him. you’d be sure to let him know that he won’t be like his parents, and after that, donald would just melt into you 
jake ji
➤ bro momentarily forgets how babies are made. just stares at you like ????
➤ once you allow the news to sink in, jake turns into a kid on a sugar high. you’re trying to work out the financials in your head and he’s over there picking baby names
➤ “if it’s a boy, can we name him zenitsu?” “no.” “or nezuko if it’s a girl?” “jake.” “Y/N PLEASE”
dean kwon
➤ you’re more afraid of this than he is
➤ it wasn’t planned, and you full-on panic when you break the news to dean, thinking he’ll blow you off or reject you (even tho you know he’d never do that)
➤ instead, dean would just break out into this giant, beaming smile and rush over to hug you
wolf keum
➤ like donald, i think he’d need some time to accept it
➤ at first, he’d be worried about the kid turning out like him and being labeled “psychotic”, but after a while, he kinda falls in love with that idea. plus, the idea of the kid turning out as kind as you makes his heart melt a little
➤ he’d sit next to you and as how you feel. when you express your concerns to him, wolf would take your hand in his and gently caress it. “we can do this. if you want this, i’m not going anywhere.”
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sgt-morgan · 1 year
Sweet Thing🏞️🎶
Whiskey sunrise part 3
Whiskey Sunrise Masterlist
Pedro Masterlist
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Summary: Everyone is very sentimental. Wounds still bleeding from loss, we all look to the past for happy memories, and when we do we find soulmates.
Warnings: none in particular, allusions to sex maybe? Idk. Anyway. AFAB! Female identifying reader, nicknamed reader. Also as per usual, all songs mentioned are not mine, they live in the whiskey sunrise playlist and all lyrics are the artist’s property.
A/N: I got hella sentimental on this one y’all, but next week the girls are gonna get to their scheme.
Frank has always been a believer in soulmates. Bill was like coming home when he first met him, the spark instantly catching between them and now years later they’re still together. Your mother and Father weren’t soulmates, no, Frank fully believes that his soul was for his children. The man was meant to be a father, and loved his children with ferocity until he was forced to leave them, and he was sure even in death the old bastard clung to you and Llewyn, protecting and comforting you as well he could from the beyond. Llewyn and Amber Lee were soulmates. He remembers watching the kid scramble to get into the production of Romeo and Juliet to be with her, and was not at all surprised when he proposed to her while they were still in high school, and he was even less surprised by the fact he never dated another when she died. Maria and Tommy were soulmates, their whirlwind romance and very predictable shotgun marriage was no surprise to the older man. He even believes Sarah and Ellie to be a kind of soulmates. The girls being siblings more true than blood could ever allow, in fact, he kinda felt sorry for whatever man and woman fell for them, because they would always have that troublesome super duo to deal with for the rest of their lives. You and Joel though, you and Joel were clearly meant to be from the beginning. Nothing had ever been more clear to the man, he can in fact remember to the moment when he realized, and it’s one of his most favorite memories.
In this memory you are seven. Your favorite uncles are visiting, and you all go to the river. Joel and Tommy come along, their overworked mother always happy to let them go off with your dad to give her some peace. The boys are unruly, and your ex military father can handle them.
Besides, as all of the adults in your lives knew, Joel was gonna complain until he saw you anyway, might as well give in before the whining starts. So they all go, the three men and four children are set to have a day of fun in the sun. Joel and Tommy’s mom graciously packed a lunch, you’re all slathered in sunscreen, and everyone is ready to have a good day.
You’re twirling around like a princess, the only girl of the group and they all treat you like you’re a delicate little flower. Back then you were, you cried at the drop of a hat, stray kitten? Dead bird? Crying baby? Movie? Sad commercial? Somebody talks to you a little too mean? You dissolve into tears. You were very sensitive, and very soft, and clocking in at the youngest made you the baby of the group. Woe betide any man who would go on to hurt you in the future, and a speedy recovery to whoever hurt you in the present, you were a well protected individual, and you needed to be. You were naive, always believing everyone only held the best intentions, and being so easily crushed when they didn’t.
Joel is besotted with you. Has been from the moment you met. He’s 8 years old, and he knows with clear certainty that this dancing six year old has got some kind of hold on him, a hold he doesn’t have a name for yet, but feels with an intensity of someone thrice his age. He loved her vibrancy. As a kid who quickly became ‘the man of the house’ when his dad died, she is such a clear picture of unbridled joy and levity he never really got. Nobody messes with Sugar if he can help it, not even Tommy and Llewyn, his two best friends in the world.
Tommy and Llewyn liked to pick, they picked on Sugar, and sometimes Joel, and mostly at each other, but they sometimes go too far. They don’t mean it, lord knows the two boys never intend to upset anyone, their brand of affection just borders on mean sometimes. They were two peas in a pod in that way, always tugging on each other one way or another trying to get the other to crack. They think it’s funny, and Joel thinks it’s annoying, but sugar? Well… sugar doesn’t get it.
Sugar’s latest obsession is being ‘lady like.’ She watched one too many princess movies and she’s decided that if she wants to be a princess, all she has to do is mind her manners. She has been parading around in a plastic tiara and dresses for weeks, and today is no exception. The three adults are sat on the river bank, drinking beers and dipping their toes in the river, while the kids are running and splashing around. Sugar is splashing along the edge, picking up pretty rocks and Joel is watching her with an eagle eye while he sits with the adults and listens to them tell stories about the tours they’ve worked on and the wars they’ve fought. He was an introspective kid, it’s what made him and Llewyn good songwriters later on in life. Then he peaks trouble on the horizon. Tommy and Llewyn have approached the girl, linking arms with her and lifting her slightly. She harrumphs any angry ‘get off me!’ The two boys plop her in the water with a giggle, soaking her through. She’s a sad sight as they run off giggling at being chased down by your dad. You’re sniffling in the water and sucking back your tears to not be seen as a ‘cry baby’ and Joel scrambles to go to you.
“Oh boy.” Frank giggles, bumping shoulders with Bill to point out the boy scrambling to the waters edge to make you feel better while your dad scolds your scoundrel brother and his partner in crime.
“Oh no, well, at least I will know the man I’ll have to threaten when she goes to prom.” Bill grumbles, wrapping an arm around his partner who is diligently snapping photos of Joel straightening your tiara and lifting you from the water.
Frank smiled when he saw the way Joel played the knight in shining armor to a tee. He helps you ring out your dress and smoothes your hair, before giving an exaggerated bow and proceeding to shove Tommy and Llewyn headfirst into the river when they came to apologize. Your father rolls his eyes as he approaches his best friends, flopping g down with a huff and muttering "Those two are meant to be, I know it."
Now it was early morning, you and Joel were sitting on the patio, playing guitar and chatting about the day ahead. You were waiting for the girls to wake up, and you were noodling back and forth on some songs you’d both gotten an ear for. Elephant in the Corn by Nickel Creek you think. One of those moments where you just get the mood to play around with a song, and you remember moments similar to this when you were eighteen and he was twenty and you wrote a song that would change your lives for good.
“Then like a- yeah! That! Good!” Joel laughed a bit as you carefully plunked out the next part of the tune you were writing. He presses a kiss to the Side of your forehead, he can’t remember a time in his life when he was happier than this.
“So what’s next.” You giggle enthusiastically, grabbing his jaw and turning to kiss him.
“Next is- well let’s see.” He gives an over exaggerated frown and you laugh.
“I know it ain’t All that late
but you should probably leave.
And I recognize that look in your eyes
Yeah you should probably leave.”
Your eyes glimmer and you look at him in awestruck recognition. There’s that look he’s singing about, he thinks with a grin. He picks a jaunty little riff and you laugh.
“Joel Miller-“ he cuts you off with another lyric and you laugh disbelieving.
“‘Cause I know you
And you know me
And we both know
where this is gonna lead
You want me to say
that I want you to stay
So you should probably leave.”
You laugh out loud and continue what he started.
“There’s still time
for you to finish your wine
Then you should probably leave.” You croon, grin infectious.
He laughs and plucks some more notes and continues the lyric you’ve started.
“And it’s hard to resist,
Alright, Just one kiss.” He leans forward and lays one on you while you’re still giggling. “Then you should probably leave. Go again on the chorus.” He sings and you grin strumming along, doing your best to add in a harmony. Then Joel leans real close and sings a bridge.
“Like the devil on my shoulder
you been whispering in my ear
And it’s gettin kind of hard for me
To do the right thing here.
I wanna do the right thing baby.”
You grin and picture all the nights he was singing about, you sneaking in the window of his little matchbox house he shared with Llewelyn and Tommy, talking, laughing, kissing, whatever. You’re not ashamed to say Joel was your first. Hell if it came to it, you’re pretty sure everyone in your life would be glad it was Joel, but testing that theory was not something you felt like doing. You remember all the nights you’ve spent since, pressed together in his room on a too small mattress, waking up to him running his hand up your back as the morning sun haloed him in the light of day, making him look like some kind of Angel. Then as if reading your mind Joel comes back in.
“Sun on your skin
Six AM and I’ve been watching you sleep
And honey I’m so afraid
You’re gonna wake up and say
That you should probably leave.”
The song you wrote that day would go on to win you Grammys for best new artists, country song, and country album, and then some. All because of one little songwriting session on your front porch, and mornings spent in sappy, lovestruck, bliss with Joel.
You look radiant. Your bare face looks tear stained, but Joel can still see the echoes of all the smiles in your eyes while you bask in the glow of the sun. The beat up six string you’re plucking on was a gift. He gave it to you on your sixteenth birthday. He remembers working long hard days in the blistering sun that summer to get it for you. Being a ranch hand was no easy feat but the owner of the ranch was kind, and the pay was as decent as he could expect at 18 with no prior experience in the field so to speak. He learned a lot of valuable lessons that summer, and one of them was that there was no greater value to be had in anything than the value he found in your smile. The joy in your eyes and the kiss he received proved that point a million times over he thinks.
replacing your dad’s beat up old twelve string was a gift unto itself.
His heart ached to think about you having waited all day to celebrate your sixteenth birthday for him. You were a vision of beauty, sitting on your front porch, barefoot, hair blowing in the gentle breeze. You’re leaning on your hands, a piece of cake sitting next to you with a fork sticking out of it. The radio is playing a Van Morrison tune, he can’t place it from this distance, but he knows it’s a perfect soundtrack to the beautiful girl who has waited all evening for the likes of him.
“Joel!” When you finally spot him, your face eclipses the sun in its radiance, and he counts himself lucky it was him who put it there.
“Hey Sugar baby.” He laughs, swinging you up into his arms.
“I saved you cake,” you grinned. He still held you up high and you looked down at him with your hands on his shoulders, leaning down to give him a kiss. “There was pizza but Tommy and Llew got to it before I could blink. I made sure there was cake for you though, couldn’t let my favorite sugar fiend go without.” He grins, so happy to have someone be so considerate of him for once.
It was different for Joel, his mom died last year and because he and Tommy were 16 and 17 years old with a place to crash, they had to work extra hard to keep up, Joel taking the brunt of the burden because it was easier for him to get a job. He was so used to being the protector and provider, it warmed his soul when someone did the same for him. You were considerate like that though, you noticed everything and appreciated all. Even remembering his famed love of sweets and making sure there was enough for him. It’s a small thing, but it’s still something he’s grateful for.
“You didn’t have to Sugar, I got the sweetest thing in the world right here.” He grinned bumping noses with you and laughing.
“Ugh, that was sappy.” You playfully scrunch your nose in disgust. Then the longer you looked at him, the softer your eyes became, and once again he was dazzled by how much he loved every second he had with you. “I’m glad you’re here cowboy.”
“Hey, check this out.” He puts you down and reached into his truck and pulls out the gift, a black guitar case with a red bow, when you open it you gasp, tears flooding your eyes and he grins as you practically tackle him with kisses.
“Joel oh my god!” You squeal, kissing him hard on the lips. It makes him damn near breathless. When you let him go he was dazed and grinning like mad. He was so Star struck he swore he could hear the angels singing, but the clearer his head got the more it sounded like Tommy and Llew laughing at his dumbstruck grin.
While it was fun for recreating Beatles tunes, the twelve string wasn’t much good for the music you were wanting to make, and the sound you were trying to accomplish. Watching you play the new guitar he got you for the first time, was like untethering you from some strange shackle, your playing was improved by tenfold because you weren’t having to compensate for six extra strings, but the most important thing was it made you happy. He loved the giddy joy the shitty cheap guitar gave you, and he promised he’d do whatever he could for the rest of his life to keep that smile on your face. If only he could have kept it.
Inside the house, your family was still making plans. The adults at the table looking out the window and murmuring about how they would get you alone, but the teens were in their rooms, planning what would happen once they did.
“Research. Let’s do research.” Sarah nodded, pulling out her phone and pulling up the early interviews of the band.
“Dude, we’re their kids, what’s a fuckin interview gonna tell us that we don’t know already?” Ellie snorted, still squishing into her sister to see the screen. The interview was a song association thing, and Ellie hadn’t seen them do anything so quaint in a long time. At this point in their careers, these fun buzzfeed and side show interviews were few and far between. Not that they didn’t happen, they did, popular internet corners attracting big stars or whatever, but you just didn’t really do interviews much anymore so when you did do then they were generally saved for prime time.
“Yeah, I get that, but before they were all that, some of these interviews held some nuggets of truth yah know? Stuff they told before they started censoring.” Sarah shrugged and pressed play.
“Hi I’m Llewyn Davis,” Llewyn winked at the camera.
“I’m Tommy Miller.” Tommy salutes.
“I’m Sugar Davis.” Your smile was bright and they noticed Joel was staring at you like you hung the moon.
“And that’s Joel Miller.” You grinned squishing his face as he scowled his usual grimace.
Then all at once you all said “And this is The Family Affair.”
“We’re here to play a game of song association.” Llewyn said, handing Joel a guitars before picking up his own.
“We’re gonna be the best to ever play. Watch.” You giggle, ruffling Tommy’s hair.
“Sugar is so sure of our prowess, because before we got big we were a house band for a bar and we took many many requests.” Tommy laughs, batting you off playfully.
“Baby Boy, we will be the best.” You nodded again, grabbing a slip from the bowl.
“First word?” She groans and hands it to Llewyn who cackled. “Lost.”
“Joel?” He sing songs.
“Yeah?” He grumbled with an upturned lip.
“I think she’s lost that loving feeling.” Joel chuckles at Llewyn’s obvious reference and starts strumming.
“No she hasn’t.” Joel laughs.
“Yes she has goose, She’s lost it man.” Llewyn grins.
“I hate it when she does that.” Joel mutters and the Llewyn sings.
“You're trying hard not to show it
But baby, baby I know it
You lost that lovin' feelin'
Whoa, that lovin' feelin'
You lost that lovin' feelin'
Now it's gone, gone, gone, whoa-oh.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen that was Lost That Loving Feeling by the incomparable Righteous Brothers” Llewyn laughs.
“The boys were obsessed with the film Top Gun for a long time.” Sugar laughs. “It’s also an instant crowd pleaser in any bar with a military presence.”
“Truth. That and Top Gun is the shit.” Tommy nods and picks the next paper.
“Our word… is…. Season.”
Sugar dramatically throws her arms out and smacks Joel and Llewyn and begins singing. She animatedly sings the lyrics to a musical both the girls know very well at this point, it being one of their mother’s favorites.
“Everything has its Season!
Everything has its time.
Show me a reason
and I’ll soon show you a rhyme.
Cats sit in a windowsill
Children sit in the snow
Why do I feel I don’t fit in anywhere I go?”
She grabs Joel’s shoulders and holds a fake microphone, sliding a hand down Joels face as his eyes roll.
“Rivers belong where they can ramble
Eagles belong where they can fly
I’ve got to be where my spirit can run free
Gotta find my corner of the sky.”
“THAT.” Sugar exclaims when she’s done, slinging an arm around a rather annoyed looking Joel. “Was Corner of the Sky from the musical Pippin. In high school, I played Fastrada and had the time of my young life. I got to be the villain, I loved that role.” She sighs and Joel playfully muttered ‘And I loved the leotard.’ Causing sugar to laugh, and Tommy and Llew to gag.
“Our next word is… Joy.” Llewyn grinned. A few more songs went on like this, them taking turns pulling words from the bowl, until a very intriguing word was pulled by Joel.
“Our word is Sweet. Hit it Llew.” he grinned standing and Pulling Sugar to her feet, nodding at Llewyn who grinned and started playing the opening chords to ‘Sweet Thing’ by Van Morrison. Then, Joel began to sing.
“And I will stroll the merry way and jump the hedges first
And I will drink the clear, clean water for to quench my thirst
And I shall watch the ferry-boats, and they'll get high
On a bluer ocean against tomorrow's sky
And I will never grow so old again
And I will walk and talk in gardens all wet with rain
Oh, whoa-oh, sweet thing, this sweet thing
Eh-hey, yeah, sweet thing, yeah
Yeah-yeah-yeah, my, my, my, my sweet thing.”
The whole time he sang he swayed a giggling and blushing Sugar around the space in a slow dance while Tommy and Llewyn fondly laughed and played along.
“It’s Sweet Thing by Van Morrison. That’s our song.” Joel shrugged by way of explanation, never a man of many words. Sugar smiled and kissed him sweetly on the cheeks and his lips tilted up in a small grin, as was his way.
“This has been song association, and we’ve been the Family Affair, and this is once again Van Morrison.” Llewyn started up the Chorus again and Joel more than willingly stood to dance with you again as the video showed the credits and the people on set as they all continued to sing Van Morrison together. Old tour dates scrolled across the screen and the girls sighed, watching how happily in love you were.
“They were so cute.” Sarah muttered, and Ellie nodded.
“So their song is by Van Morrison. I didn’t know that. What else can we learn.” Ellie mutters and clicks on the next video.
“Hi we’re The Family Affair and this is our wired auto complete interview.” Llewyn starts and reaches for a board, smacking Tommy with it immediately.
“Is The Family Affair from Texas?” Llewyn peels the sticker and puts it on Joel’s knee. Joel peels it and hands it to you and you crumple it up and toss the tiny ball and it lands in Llewyn’s hair, causing you and Joel to have to stifle your laughter while Llew answers the question. “Yes we’re from Arlington Texas, home of the Bowie High Volunteers. Go Vols.” Llew pumps an arm and you all laugh with a ‘Go Vols!’
“Is the Family Affair a family band?” Llew peels and sticks it to Tommy who promptly takes it and uses it to tape his mouth shut.
“I guess I’ll answer.” Sugar laughs. “Yes, we’re two sets of siblings, so we consider ourselves a family band.”
“Is there a couple in The Family Affair.” Tommy reads, after Llew peels, still pretending he can’t talk with his mouth taped closed. When the question is read,
Llew rips off the tape and answers.
“Yes, Tommy and I have been happily married since 2008.” Tommy grins and they lean in to pretend to kiss each other, and Joel sticks a board between them.
“Sugar and I are dating.” He grumbles and Sugar kisses him on the cheek. They move onto a board all about Joel.
“Does Joel Miller ever speak?” The whole band answers ‘No.’ and they move on.
“Does Joel Miller act?” Was the next question and he looks confused as Sugar giggles.
“No he does not, but his actual twin Pedro Pascal certainly does.” She giggles and Joel rolls his eyes. “Quit it Joel, you know that man is your twin, don’t be bitter.”
Sarah and Ellie giggle. “Dad does kinda look like Pedro though, it’s true. We should do the Mandalorian as a family costume.” Ellie laughs. “I’ll paint myself green and say ‘Patu’ a lot.”
“Does Joel Miller have a daughter?” Joel smiles and answers for once. “I do, I actually kinda have two, I have my Sare Bear and my Bellie.” He grins and the girls smile fondly at their dad on the screen. Even if Joel wasn’t her real dad, Ellie would always be glad that he claimed her. His answer earned him another kiss from Sugar and he smiled.
“Is Sugar Davis single.” Sugar pretended to think about it and Joel bonked her on the head with a board. “No, Sugar is happily dating Joel Miller.”
“Is Sugar Davis a mom?” She grinned and pulled up her phone, showing her lock screen to be a picture of Sarah and Ellie in ugly Christmas sweaters. “Yes, I have my Ellie Bell and my Silly Sarah. If we were to answer honestly, Ellie is mine and Sarah is Joel’s, but they’re our babies.” She grins and Joel kisses her knuckles.
“Is Sugar Sugar’s real name?” This strip is placed over Llew’s mouth again as he tried to answer, probably with some horrid nickname. “No, but a Lady never tells.” She winks. They move on to the next question.
“What is Sugar’s perfect date?” They all laugh at that question and shake their heads. “I presume this has something to do with that interview you did for Rolling Stone?” Tommy laughs squeezing his brother’s kneecap.
“I don’t know Sugar, what do you think?” Joel grumbles, wrapping an arm around you.
“I think ours are similar.” She shrugs, twisting her fingers through Joel’s. “A good dinner, a walk around the park with Ice cream, a good movie, taking the kids to the Aero Space museum and getting in trouble for kissing in the model rocket.” She shrugs and Joel laughs a deep belly laugh.
“That’s it Sarah!” Ellie laughs, throwing up her hands in victory. “We can make them the perfect date night.”
Sarah squeals and throws her arms around her excited sister. “We did it!” She grinned, ecstatic that they were able to pull it off from just a couple YouTube videos. “Now we gotta get everyone else in on it.”
A conspiratorial thirty minutes later, they had come up with a plan, get them to go out together for a day, get them on a date. Starting today with their trip to the museum.
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nothums-from-tj · 2 years
If anyone wants it <3
ED and drug TW for some songs (they’re in the titles)
Written playlist below (will be continuously edited):
“Rebel Love Song” - Black Veil Brides; “Check Yes, Juliet” - We The Kings; “Perfect” - Mariana’s Trench; “Ribs” - Lorde; “Stacy’s Dad” - Sub-Radio (“Stacy’s Mom” parody); “Can’t Help Falling in Love” - Elvis Presley; “Juliet” - Cavetown; “Accidentally in Love” - Counting Crows; “Hey There Delilah” - Plain White T’s; “Habits (Stay High)” - Tove Lo; “Why’d You Only Call Me When You’re High?” - Arctic Monkeys; “Astoria” - Mariana’s Trench; “Mary On A Cross” - Ghost; “Ballad of Mona Lisa” - Panic! At The Disco; “Nikki” - Forever The Sickest Kids; “Queen of Hearts” - We The Kings; “I Wouldn’t Mind” - He Is We; “Haven’t Had Enough” - Mariana’s Trench; “We Got Something to Talk About” - Alight The Night; “If I Had You” - Adam Lambert; “Whataya Want from Me” - Adam Lambert; “LEMONS” - Brye; “Tongue Tied” - Grouplove; “This Is Home” - Cavetown; “Team” - Lorde; “Fall For You” - Secondhand Serenade; “Dirty Little Secret” - All American Rejects; “High School Never Ends” - Bowling For Soup; “That’s What You Get” - Paramore; “Dark Side” - Kelly Clarkson; “Angels Like You” - Miley Cyrus; “Don’t Call Me At All” - Flatsound; “Missing You” - All Time Low; “Piece Of Your Heart” - Mayday Parade; “She’s Kinda Hot” - 5 Seconds Of Summer; “I Go Hungry” - Mother Mother; “Like Real People Do” - Hozier; “Heat Waves” - Glass Animals; “Boy In The Bubble” - Alec Benjamin; “Soap” - Melanie Martinez; “when the party’s over” - Billie Eilish; “Peace” - O.A.R.; “Looks Red, Tastes Blue” - Mayday Parade; “Bruised and Scarred” - Mayday Parade; “Stay” - Mayday Parade; “Pompeii” - Bastille; “Demons” - Imagine Dragons; “Build God, Then We’ll Talk” - Panic! At The Disco; “Sometime Around Midnight” - The Airborne Toxic Event; “Girl All the Bad Guys Want” - Bowling For Soup; “Running Away” - AM; “ocean eyes” - Billie Eilish; “Weapons” - Emily Kinney; “All To Myself” - Mariana’s Trench; “Somewhere Only We Know” - Keane; “party favor” - Billie Eilish; “Bad Girls Club” - Falling In Reverse; “I Love You So” - The Walters; “death bed (coffee for your head)” - Powfu; “Battle Scars” - Paradise Fears; “Chasing Cars” - Snow Patrol; “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)” - John Lennon; “The Name Of The Game” - “Mamma Mia!” cast (slight twist on the ABBA song); “Happy Together” - The Turtles; “From Here to Mars” - We The Kings; “It’s Time” - Imagine Dragons; “The Drug In Me Is You” - Falling In Reverse; “I Think We’re Alone Now” - Billie Joe Armstrong; “As You Go” - Red; “River Flows in You” - Yiruma; “On Top Of The World” - Imagine Dragons; “Face Down” - The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus; “Monster” - Imagine Dragons; “BURN IT DOWN” - LINKIN PARK; “Runnin’” - Adam Lambert; “My Demons” - STARSET; “Hey Lover!” - Wabie; “She Had The World” - Panic! At The Disco; “Bloody Mary” - Lady Gaga; “Pocketful of Sunshine” - Natasha Bedingfield; “Young Dumb & Broke” - Khalid; “Numb” - Linkin Park; “Pink (Freak)” - Elliot Lee; “Shower” - Becky G; “Can I Have a Ride Home? I’m at a Party and I Don’t Know Any1” - carpetgarden; “Every Morning” - Sugar Ray
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prismaticpichu · 2 years
Seph and Zack try their hand at babysitting.
SQUEEEE!!! They would make such an awesome team…..! If they were babysitting a pet rock. Kinda. Maybe not. I’d give them 3.4/5 on Care.Com, would recommend for date nights but not anything too long.
“Honeyyy, we need someone to watch Sheldon tonight.”
“Not a problem! There’s a military base just across the sector, remember?”
Zack is SO into it! Oh yeah!!!! PARTY TIME!! He greets the little bean with a high five, down low, too slow and assures the parents that everything will be a-okay! He looked after kids in Gongaga all the time. He’s got this!
Sephiroth, meanwhile, nearly knocks down a coat rack coming in, assures the parents that he is well trained in medical if anything goes wrong, and recounts both parents’ mobile numbers, email addresses, and probably license plates to make sure they can reach them if needed.
Alright, mom and dad! You brought boot camp home with you. Let’s see what happens!
Zack’s first suggestion is to play a board game- they’re fun for the whole family!!! Sephiroth volunteers to be the judge, but Zack vehemently insists that Candy Land has no judges and he’s gotta play! He GOTTA. So the three sit criss-cross applesauce as they make their way through the wondrous sugar paradise until one of them is crowned winner. Sephiroth can’t exactly say he’s all too disappointed at coming in third place (though he really should have moved four spaces forward at Cinnamon City…)
Well. At least it’s over now-
“Charades! Charades!” The little bean jumps up and down. “Let’s play charades!”
“Heck yeah!” Zack fist pumps. “Charades is the best!”
Zack goes first, proceeding to flop on his stomach and curl himself alllll the way inwards.
“You’re a stomach cramp,” Sephiroth guesses, actually quite pleased with his guess. Turns out he was very off-base; Zack was a snail, and the 5yo child bested him at guessing it correctly.
“Mr Sephiroth’s turn!” the little bean says.
Oh. Oh no. No no no he was not—
Sephiroth’s taking stage about 30 seconds later. He prefers not to disclose the details of his card.
It’s dinner time!!! Zack and Seph have a quick chat about who should cook dinner, ultimately settling on Sephiroth when it came down to who was least likely to start a fire. Zack resumes his game of robot pirate invasion with the little bean as Seph gathers some eggs from the kitchen. Eggs were nutritious. Eggs were simple. Eggs were friendly.
Unnnfortuantly, the egg explodes in his hand when he tries to crack it. And this happens again, and again, and again, and AGAIN, until the poor guy is surrounded by a massacre of yolky eggshells. Sephiroth calls them into the kitchen abt 3 minutes later, three steaming plates of Eggos waffles fresh from the toaster. Compliments to the chef! It’s very tasty <3
It’s bedtime!!! Zack & Sephiroth make sure the little bean is all snug in bed, and Zack suggests telling him a bedtime story- just like Seph does to him when he sits at the foot of his bed (their secret)! Ohhh there are so many stories… so many memories…
Sephiroth approves.
“Alrighty, little guy! I have a story for ya: it was a bright and beautiful Tuesday… I had just finished morning warmups, and boy did I not know I was gonna have to get my finger sewn back on…”
Sephiroth does NOT approve.
The little bean is lulled to sleep by some gentle, quiet singing instead, sung by none other than the golden-voiced Sephiroth as Zack falls asleep on his shoulder <3 The parents return home to find the little bean snug as a bug in bed, and Sephiroth accepts their money on behalf of the knocked-out Zack—who is still very snuggly draped over his shoulders.
Welp, back to work tomorrow. That was an… experience. One that was worth it though, if it meant that Zack could have a slice of his old life in Midgar <3 <3
…..OH IFRIT’s HANDBAG. He forgot to clean up the kitchen-
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gallavich-headcanon · 2 years
Reappears days later with *checks cup* cold black coffee leftover from this morning to talk more Galladads
Ian and Mickey no speaking for two days??? with their co-dependency? I don't buy it. - ohhoho I do think they talk, of course they do, it’s them, but I think Mickey is a little unsure of how Ian is gonna take the appearance of four kids so he just…doesn’t mention it yet. Ian will be home soon and then they can talk it over so why borrow trouble? Mickey is like 78% sure it’s gonna be fine so what does it matter? Like I imagine this whole thing started as a test run for Mickey anyway
He doesn’t tell Ian that Tony is dropping off a toddler for a couple of days because Mickey wants to make sure he can do this before telling Ian bc Ian will take one look at the kid and his ovaries are gonna weep or some shit (“I don’t have ovaries, Mick.”) and that’ll be that but Mickey doesn’t wanna get Ian’s hopes up unless he knows he can do this. So. Ian and Lip are going to Florida for a weekend to do something for Fiona, which gives Mickey plenty of time to test drive this whole baby thing.
And it goes…good, actually. The kid’s not quite one and a half and small enough to just pick up and move when needed. She can’t work doors yet, or reach the stove, but she can point at things she wants and make word-like sounds to tell him when she’s hungry or bored or whatever. Once he realizes “Ba” means bottle, “na” means no, and “ya” means basically everything else, they’re kinda golden. Mickey gives her some red plastic cups to play with and she’s occupied for a couple of hours just stacking the things up and knocking them over. Easy. He texts Tony that he’s keeping her and it’s done. Mickey can’t wait to see the soft, dopey look on Ian’s face when he opens the door holding their little girl. That’s late Saturday afternoon.
Ten o’clock Saturday night, after Mickey’s figured out how to put the bed thing Tony dropped off together and the little one’s conked out, he’s just got off the phone with Ian and had to physically bite his lips not the ruin the damn surprise when there’s a knock on the door. It’s Colin’s girlfriend, or is it ex-girlfriend? (Colin got life for armed robbery while Mickey was in Mexico and Mick’s not 100% sure where Natalia stands on commitment) It’s Natalia and two kids about Franny’s age, boys he thinks, and a couple of suspiciously large garbage bags that Mickey will quickly learn is filled with toys, random clothes, and a file folder containing highly illegal fake birth certificates with his name on them. Mickey whisper argues with Natalia for a good twenty minutes but then the toddler wakes up and in the time it takes him to go grab her from the bedroom and come back, Natalia’s gone and the boys are yawning on the couch. Sucker punched. It’s too late to do anything so the boys get set up on the couch, the little one goes back in the bedroom and Mickey gets a beer. He thinks about texting Iggy, the only one who stays in contact with Colin (who the fuck gets arrested in Iowa?) but it’s late so he texts Ian g’night and goes to bed. He’ll figure it out in the morning.
The morning brings a text from Ian saying they’re about to board the plane again and the airport reception is shitty which is probably a good thing because it means Mickey doesn’t have to figure out how to get three kids to shut the fuck up while he’s on the phone. Breakfast is a hassle but the boys can talk at least, and there was a box of Cocoa Puffs in one of the garbage bags so at least everybody eats. (If Ian had been there, he might have cautioned against pure sugar for breakfast, especially since Mickey let them have soda as well but Ian is dealing with air travel and gate changes and Lip so he has his own problems.)
The sugar high is rough going but Mickey’s got this. It’s a bit like dealing with Franny mixed with being in jail. The trick is to make everybody think you’re on their side. Your brother stole your action figure? Let’s get him. The little one starts crying when she can’t run as fast as the boys? Cool, nobody’s allowed to run. Hey, look, cartoons! By lunch, all three are passed out on the floor watching some brightly colored show and Mickey’s ordered pizza and chicken poppers for lunch. He’s got this. Ian might be a little thrown by three kids instead of one but eh, they’re both from big families. They can cram some bunk beds at the end of the hallway if they take the door off the hall closet. What little boys don’t like bunk beds? The surprise is still on.
The knock on the door isn’t the pizza however. It’s a milk crate. Specifically a milk crate of formula, diapers, and tiny tiny clothes with the smallest baby Mickey’s ever seen balanced on top. She’s tiny enough that when Mickey picks her up he can cup her head in one hand and she lays neatly along his arm, minuscule toes just barely reaching the crook of his elbow. Ian could probably hold her in one giant paw alone. Mickey feels like he’s gonna break her if he thinks too hard. This is an actual baby. A baby-baby. She can’t say “Ba” when she’s hungry or point at the tv when she’s bored. She can’t loudly announce she has to go potty or yell “me first!” and try and beat her brother to the john. She needs him to do all that for her, to know all that, to be good at all that and Mickey is terrified.
But she starts to fuss, just gentle little sounds, and one itty bitty hand flails out and he catches it without thinking. Tiny fingers latch on to his bigger one and squeeze tight, grip much stronger than he’d have guessed, and holy shit, she’s settling down again, seemingly just needing to hold on to Mickey to know she’s okay.
He kicks the crate inside and sits at the table, gingerly laying her down on it in front of him. She looks like Joey a bit, meaning she looks like Mandy too, both of them looking more like Laura than Terry or Terry’s brother Sam. He eases off the stained pink cap and sees a shock of black hair. The boys have Colin’s dirty blond curls, and the little one must have gotten her mom’s reddish-brown locks but the baby has the same jet black hair Mickey does. He blows out a breath and the baby scrunches her nose up.
Someone knocks on the door again, pizza this time, thank god, and then the boys are awake and demanding ketchup for the chicken and burning their mouths on the pizza even though Mickey told them to wait, damn it, and the little one is reaching small hands up onto the counter for “Ba! Ba!” and in the chaos, Mickey doesn’t hear his text alert go off once, twice, four times as Ian’s messages come through that they’re ‘delayed but okay’ and ‘want Chinese for dinner’ and ‘hey everything okay?’
Somewhere between shutting down a ketchup fight, eating two bits of pizza himself, and taking the batteries out of the remote so the little one stops pressing random buttons while the boys yell about Transformers, he googles how to change a diaper and then has to clean up pee off the table when the baby decides she just can’t wait for a new one. Mickey shoots Ian a thumbs up before he tosses the phone onto the top of the fridge because Nicky and Tommy might not know what “don’t wake the baby or she’ll scream” means but they absolutely know what an iPhone is and they wanna play with his every time they catch sight of it. Mickey feels like maybe he never gave Fiona enough credit because he’s about ready to go back to prison but at least he’s not trying to raise Carl.
He misses Ian’s call when they land, misses the ‘on the way home’ text, misses Lip’s ‘yo Ian’s doing that thing where he’s not worried but he’s worried, ya wanna answer your phone’ message. Turns out feeding a baby includes burping a baby or they just puke it back up. Also she may be unbelievable small but the baby must be 90% lungs because when she decides she’s not happy, she makes damn sure everybody’s knows it. The baby crying sets off the little one crying, and the boys don’t cry but they do start fighting each other for no visible reason so Mickey kinda has his hands full.
More cartoons, more pizza, and a bold-faced lie about being out of soda gets Mickey to four o’clock Sunday by the skin of his teeth. There’s another knock on the door and if there’s anyone under the age of sixteen on the other side, Mickey’s going to Canada, because fuck it.
The person on the other side is Mickey’s definitely over sixteen husband. He looks tired and frowny and he’s holding a bag of fried rice and egg rolls and if Mickey were a different man, he call him an angel but this Mickey has had to piss since the Great Diaper Blowout of 2 PM so he just (gently) thrusts the thankfully happy baby at his husband and makes a beeline for the bathroom and it’s locking door.
He hopes Ian brought enough egg rolls.
(Look what you made me do, does this count as fic? Lol 🦖)
HOLY FUCK 🦖 ANON I am speechless!
1,631 words 8,643 characters
(“I don’t have ovaries, Mick.”)-> cracked me up!
So just Tony's toddler at first. He can handle her. Maybe he doesn't even think Tony is really going to leave them forever you know, maybe Mickey thinks he might change his mind in a couple of days, you know? No need to freak Ian out for no reason if Tony will come back tomorrow, right?
Then he got Colin's two boys, Nicky and Tommy, around Franny's age. Okay. At least Franny will have kids her age to play with for once. Awesome.
there was a box of Cocoa Puffs in one of the garbage bags so at least everybody eats. -> 🦖 ANON this is too fucking funny. For no reason.
The trick is to make everybody think you’re on their side. -> Mickey is smart like that! He is a surviver!
The knock on the door isn’t the pizza however. It’s the smallest baby girl Mickey’s ever seen. -> oh oh! Well at least Mickey had some practice with newborns when he raised Yevgeny (or is there no Yevgeny in this AU?) Wait- is the baby Mandy's or Joey's? this is so stressful and the babies aren't even mine!
Lip’s ‘yo Ian’s doing that thing where he’s not worried but he’s worried, ya wanna answer your phone’ message -> this is the most canon thing ever.
Ian showing up, gets handed a baby, finding 3 kids in his living room and his husband just ran off. Ian is a better person than I am, because I would walk right out of that mess and eat my fucking spring rolls on the way back to the airport.
This is literally a mini fic. A solid one shot. I have just received a one-shot in my inbox. I love my life.
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bakingtherapy · 1 day
Briella Pantry Baking - #10 Grapefruit Cookies
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Sul Sul, Gerbits! Today is a challenge to myself. I, Briella Flores-Ponder, still have a few fruits that I do not like. Berto went to the store and got a Grapefruit. I, along with the kids, kind of grimaced at this. 
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So, I asked everyone if they wanted me to make some grapefruit cookies. Because I want to be able to eat them. And let me tell you something these cookies are very VERY acidic. They are good, however, make sure that you use the Ruby Red Grapefruits and not the pink grapefruit. 
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If you are adventurous and want to try these cookies out, feel free to follow this recipe along with me.
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The ingredients that you will need:
baking soda
For the measurements, the recipe will be in the description below. 
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You are going to preheat your oven to 375 and line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper or spray with non-stick spray. 
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Whisk together the dry ingredients, which include your flour, baking soda, and salt. Set the bowl aside.
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Zest your grapefruits, and add it to your mixer bowl with the sugar. Using a mixer, a spoon, or your fingers work the zest into the sugar for a couple of minutes. The reason you want to do this is it releases the oils and it flavors the sugar.
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Remove ½ cup of the grapefruit sugar and place it onto a small shallow dish. You will use this to coat the sugar cookie balls before baking.
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Next, you are going to add the butter to the sugar and then cream it for 3-4 minutes until light and fluffy. 
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Juice ½ of the grapefruit. Put the juice into a small saucepan over high heat and reduce to 1 Tbsp of liquid. Remove from heat and swirl for a minute or two to bring closer to room temperature. Don’t be like me and overlook this step. This is probably why the cookies were so acidic. 
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Add the grapefruit reduction to the butter mixture and then mix.
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Scrape the bowl and add the two eggs until it is well combined. 
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Add the dry ingredients and mix for 30-60 seconds on medium speed.
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You are going to scoop the dough into balls and drop into the reserved grapefruit sugar, rolling and tapping off any excess sugar.
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Place the cookies on the cookie sheet, and refrigerate the dough balls for 15 minutes. 
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The recipe says to bake for 10 minutes, however, as you all know I like baking my cookies at 8 minutes because you can always add minutes to your cookies, you can never subtract.
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You are going to leave the cookie on the pan to cool for about 5 minutes.
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Um… Gerbits, when you are looking at a recipe for the first time. Remember to always read the recipe. DON’T IGNORE ANY OF THE STEPS!. I feel like I should have looked at this recipe a lot closer. The results of these cookies were that some people liked them, and others didn’t. 
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So my advice is just to read the recipes. I hope you guys like this recipe. Make sure to like and subscribe for more recipes. Hopefully, the recipes in the future will be more of a success. But, you all have to understand that even if you have one fail or a recipe that you feel kinda failed, you are still learning. Even I, who is a level 10 baker, have recipes that aren’t always loved. So don’t be hard on yourself. You’re only a sim, after all, you can and will make mistakes.  See you all next time, Vadish, Dag Dag!
Show the original author some 💖💖💖 The Brewer & the Baker
Printable version of this recipe: on the blog
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