#kinda like how for the first ride when you enter the park is also based on settlers time period like they were gonna go with that theme then
monster42069 · 1 year
I love Jaguars, but people in Texas somehow don’t understand what a Jaguar is and say, “a panther/leopard?” every time. Sure….Yeah, they’re panthers, but they are a specific panther, a special panther, an all-American panther. And no, they are not a leopard. They aren’t on the same continent. One has a central and southern American-given name for a reason. “True wild beast that overcomes it’s prey at a bound”(Tupi-Guarani). Yaguara, Jaguareté. They don’t attack throats to make the kill like most large cats in their family and genus. Jaguars purposely grab the skull of any prey or threat and crush the skull with their teeth. They are beautiful and terrifying and important and in major danger from human intervention in forests and poaching from European settlers. They have a rich history with Indigenous religions. Luckily, they have multiple regions in the Americas that take this seriously and have reservations and breedings programs to get their numbers back up, as scary as they are. I am glad they’re mostly in Central and Southern American countries because I don’t want to be old one day and have to explain to a child that the iconic predator is gone like the used-to-be-iconic-and-known Californian Grizzly Bear.
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kimnjss · 3 years
uncharted territory | kth
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⤑  series: kinda hot
⤑ pairing: campus flirt!taehyung x sweet girl!reader
⤑ genre: lmao i don’t even know... angst? smut?
⤑ rating: explicit
⤑ word count: 7.5K // unedited.
⤑ warnings: use of alcohol and weed, cursing, dirty talk, slight hair pulling, over-the-shirt nipple play, dry humping, ruined orgasms.
⤑ A/N: hihihi! just here to remind you how much i appreciate all of you guys reading this story nd getting as invested as you are!! don’t hesitate to let me know what’s on your mind - no matter what it is ., feedback is my favorite!!
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JANUARY 30TH, 2021 | 19:07
Hoseok is leaning handsomely against the side of his car when you're stepping out. Arms crossed over his chest as his teeth nibble on his lower lip, eyes seeming to sparkle when he's looking at you. The shine only getting brighter when the corners of his mouth lift into a smile. Body lifting from the side of the car to pull the passenger's door open, gesturing to it with his hand.
“Ooh, check out the gentleman,” You're teasing with a laugh, ducking into your seat as he rolls his eyes. Jogging around the front of the car until he's sinking into the spot beside you, taking another moment to let his eyes travel over your body.
Nodding slightly to himself before he's grinning, “You look hot,” His warm hand landing on your thigh to give it a little squeeze before he's pulling from his parking spot and onto the road.
Compliments from Hoseok came sparingly, wasn't really one to gush over your appearance with mere words. He was more of a show-er than a talker in that sense. So when he was paying you a compliment, it was never anything all that deep. Never once compared the brightness of your eyes to the sunlight or whatever Shakespearean shit he could muster up. He was just going with what he thought and you appreciated that.
It kept things from getting confusing between the two of you. If he was constantly dotting on you and telling you how amazing he thought you were (and you were amazing, no doubt about that), but if he was telling you.. it would definitely put a damper on your whole arrangement. You were a simple girl to be completely honest. Words got to you, you'd be head over heels in love if he was calling you beautiful every chance he got.
Hot was good. Hot was fine. Hot was safe. Because catching feelings for Hoseok? You'd be better off standing in the middle of the road waiting to be run over. And then getting the driver to put it in reverse. Hoseok was brutal when it came to girls and relationships, didn't waste time on feelings or the overly emotional.
A bit of an asshole, but that was why you liked him. He knew how to keep things fun and exciting, loved being surrounded by people. But he wouldn't hesitate to tell someone to fuck off if the circumstances called for it. He was cool. To put it simply. A very cool guy taking you out on a date. Anyone would be giddy about that, it was Jung Hoseok for crying out loud!
“What you got a taste for?” His eyes don't move from the road in front of him. One hand steering the wheel while the other keeps its hold on your thigh. Skin easily warming under his touch, you force yourself to focus on what he's saying.
Having to keep yourself from suggesting, (for the first time in person but the eighth(?) to him) skipping dinner and going back to your place to make proper use of your time. You bite that down. He wanted to take you out to eat, so you planned to humor him. Eat with him so he can eat you out. Simple.
“Anything, really. You like pasta. Should we just go to that Italian place?” With a slight nod, he's directing the car toward the restaurant. The smile on his face lets you know that he had been secretly hoping to get to eat there tonight. It was his favorite place to go, knew the menu like the back of his hand.
So he's pleased that you're suggesting it.
The car ride is filled with soft music and playful banter about whatever comes to mind. He's challenging you, saying things that he knows will get under your skin just to hear you argue why he's wrong. Laughing as you outline all the reasons why mints and chocolate should be far away from each other.
He keeps a gentle hand on the small of your back as he leads you into the restaurant. Still egging you on with why he thinks you're wrong, laughing at the way your face twists up at him. Pausing only briefly to get your table, but the debate is in full swing the moment the two of you are settled across from each other.
There's a subtle type of competitiveness in his tone, paired with the playful smile on his face. Not even a full hour here with him and you were starting to see what Jimin was talking about. Being out with Hoseok, talking beyond where you should do it next, was something you never considered. 
It's nice.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2021 | 19:59
Conversation between the two of you doesn't die down even after your food is being set down in front of you. You're only now noticing that you never really talked to Hoseok before. You were friends, of course, that's what the 'F' in FWB stood for, but you were more like group friends.
Never really hung out alone until some months ago when you were starting this whole thing up. And fucking didn't really account for all that much talking. You knew nothing about him aside from the fact he was Taehyung's asshole womanizer roommate. No idea how witty, how animated, how attractive he could be.
It made you want him even more.
He's in the middle of explaining the King Henry VIII drama he had seen the other night, which is also surprising. He almost seemed 'too cool' to be this interested in a period piece starring Natalie Portman. But he's speaking so excitedly, that you can't help but hang on to every word from his lips. All until your phone is flashing on the table beside you, Taehyung's smiling face lighting up the screen.
The buzz steals both of your attention from the conversation, your brow furrowing slightly. A part of you knows that he's only calling for nonsense, probably in the midst of a fight with his girlfriend and he's calling for you to tell him he's right. It's hardly ever an emergency when he's calling you, so there should be no problem with letting his call go to voicemail.
Especially this close to the end of your date, you'd be heading back home with Hoseok in no time. Plus he could just text you if it was something important. There was no reason to answer, and yet, you can't keep your hand from reaching for the device. Shooting an apologetic smile over at Hoseok.
“He knows I'm with you... he wouldn't call if-,” The nod of Hoseok's head cuts you off, waving you away with a smile to take your call. And you're excusing yourself quickly, pressing the phone to your ear once you're far enough away from the table.
He better have his dick caught in a mousetrap or something to justify interrupting your dinner. “Tae. What's going on?” You listen, for any telling sounds of things being out of the ordinary. All you hear is the hum of the TV and his heavy breathing hitting the line.
“Yn, you've gotta get over here.” There's an urgency in his voice that has the hairs on the back of your neck standing. “Why? What's going on?” It's probably something stupid, it usually is when it comes to Taehyung. But curiosity has already set in and you find yourself thinking of how to tell Hoseok you have to go. 
“I can't just tell you... you have to come,”
Groaning into the phone, your hand lifts to pinch the base of your nose. A deep sigh leaving your lips. “Tae. I'm out right now. If this isn't urgent-”
He's quick to cut your words, “It really can't wait.” He almost sounds serious, which has the slight annoyance you feel melting away. “Okay, okay. I'll be there in a minute,” Quick to hang up the phone and head back over to the table.
Hoseok has his head bowed, full attention on the plate of lasagna as he shovels forkfuls into his mouth. Reaching for his glass as you slip back into your seat, gulping down his water. And you're two seconds from telling him that you have to go when he's reaching for his napkin, wiping the corner of his lips.
“Taehyung needs you to rush over?” How he was able to just guess that is beyond you, but you're nodding your head a sheepish smile taking over your features. “He says it's urgent,” You genuinely feel bad. Even though things between Hoseok weren't any deeper than hooking up, you still had agreed to come out with him. To stay out with him.
To leave in the middle of it (not to mention before you could wrap everything up and go back home) felt shitty. You were having a good time getting to know him, but if you didn't go see what was going on with Taehyung, you knew it would bother you for the rest of the night.
Despite everything, Hoseok seems to understand. Insisting you finish the rest of your risotto before he's paying the bill. He even keeps up with the bubbly conversation from earlier, enjoying the sound of your laughter all the way to the car. Guiding you in with a gentle hand on the small of your back.
He lets you choose the music and hums along with the songs you play. It's not long before he's pulling up in front of his house, car staying on as he steps on the brake. You wait for him to put the car in park and when he doesn't, you're shooting a confused look in his direction.
“You're not coming in?”
He's quick to shake his head, fingers tapping against the steering wheel. “I'm gonna go see what's up with those girls in building E.” Oh. Right. You almost forgot for a second who you were dealing with. Jung Hoseok, notorious fuck boy. If he wasn't sleeping with you, then he'd just find someone else to do it with.
Feeling bad for cutting your date short was useless. “See you later, then.” He meets your words with a nod, waiting patiently for you to get out of his car. Spares a moment to lift his hand in a wave before he's speeding down the road.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2021 | 20:21
Taehyung is sat on the couch when you enter the house. Hunched over a bowl with chopsticks in hand. Torso bare and hair falling in a ruffled mess around his face. He doesn't budge at the sound of the door, too focused on pushing long strings of spicy noodles into his mouth.
He could've at least put together a fake emergency if he was going to call you over like this. Pretended his arm was broken or something, instead of coolly sitting on the couch trying to gulp down his beer around the mouthful of Ramen.
“Hey! What's so urgent? Why are you half-naked?” Your loud voice startles him, droplets of beer falling from his lips and rolling down his chest. He swallows, reaching forward to grab up a napkin, using it to wipe at his well worked on pecs. 
Your eyes follow the movement of his hand, long fingers brushing the droplets from his tanned skin. It must be the anticipation of getting fucked tonight because you're finding it hard to tear your gaze from the ripples of his stomach. “I'm in from the gym,” He explains the no shirt, the tightness in his arms that have fallen victim to your greedy stare. Flexing obviously as he reaches for his drink again, taking a few sips before he's picking up his bowl. His chest tenses with the movement.
Has he always been this... wow? Quite literally staring in the middle of the room, greedily enjoying the sight of your best friend without his shirt on. Yet, it's not the first time you've seen him sans shirt. Countless sleepovers and pool parties, but his bare stomach seemed different now.
Seriously. Did he always have abs like that?
You're forcing yourself to look away, face grimacing at the loud burp he lets out. Enough to snap you from your thoughts, wherever they were going was uncharted territory. And you had no interest in exploring that, especially when you were supposed to be annoyed with him!
“What's the problem? Why'd you make me rush over?” Wearily, you step closer to him. Eyes scanning over his body in a less pervy way, trying to detect any sign of injury. Maybe even a paper cut a little too deep. “Are you okay?” Your face inches from his, still searching.
He's laughing, hand lifting to rest on your forehead, pushing your head back slightly. “I'm fine. Want some?” Taehyung lifts the bowl between the two of you. And your gaze drops to the spicy scent. And normally you'd be letting out an excited whoop, accepting his generous offer and plopping down beside him.
But right now, all you are is annoyed. Annoyed and frustrated. If it wasn't for him, no doubt you'd be off somewhere with Hoseok, minutes from having your eyes rolled back, nails scraping against his skin. Instead, you're here, no emergency in sight. You shaved for this! Matched your lingerie for this! What a waste.
“Are you fucking kidding me!? I was out with Hoseok, Taehyung.” As if he didn't know. And he had the audacity, to sit there, slurping his noodles as if he wasn't at fault for this annoying ache in the pit of your stomach. Something that would've been long taken care of if it wasn't for him.
His shoulders lift in an uninterested shrug, jaw falling slack as he shovels another mouthful into his mouth. “Well... now you're not. It's extra spicy. Your favorite,” He's offering more food up to you and all you do is roll your eyes, letting out a frustrated huff.
“You're fucking ridiculous,” You scoff, hands rummaging through the contents of your purse until your fingers are catching onto your phone. “I'm calling Hoseok,” You announce for no real reason, especially because he acts as if he hasn't heard your words. Attention back on the hot bowl in his lap.
He's being weird and you don't know what it is. Noticed it in doses these past few days and assumed it would just blow over... but he just seemed to be acting more and more out of character the more time passed. It confused you. And you hated being confused.
Part of you was convinced that it had something to do with him now knowing that you're sleeping with his roommate. The side comments, inadvertently trying to cock block, and now this being proof enough. But there was another part of you... a much smaller, poorly trained part, that was convinced these were the actions of a jealous man.
What would he have to be jealous of, right? It wasn't like he wanted to be the one sleeping with Hoseok. Well, debatable... but seriously, the way he's been acting lately has led you to believe that there was something else going on that he wasn't telling you. Tae's known the guys you've fucked around with before and never has he acted so... stiff?
Something changed. Something was different. And you can't help but wonder if the picture incident had something to do with it. Highly unlikely, as Joon said, he has probably already forgotten about it. But, nothing else made sense.
Hoseok doesn't answer. Not like you actually expected him to. He went to 'see what's up with the girls in Building E'. No doubt busy with that, why would he answer his phone? “Come on, Yn.” Taehyung is beside you now, you're not sure when he stood up, but you can smell the sweetness of his body spray. Even after the time, he spent in the gym.
“Listen, I'm sorry I interrupted you.” His hand is reaching to lower your phone, halting your request for an Uber. “...but you're here now. Just stay. Relax.” Flashing that breathtaking smile of his and it's becoming apparent how he gets away with so much. This boy knew how to use his looks to his advantage, there was no denying that.
But, you're not easily fooled. “You can't just interrupt my dates because you're lonely,” Some of the bite is gone from your tone. Not entirely sure how upset with him you really were. Of course, calling you out when he knew you were with someone else was shitty... but it was Taehyung!
A terrible reason, but the best one you could come up with. There was no way staying mad at him was an option, when he has done the reverse many times with you involved. He's smirking at you, picking up on the anger melting away from your features. “So it was a date. You told me it was just dinner,” He teases.
Not entirely pissed at him anymore, but that didn't mean you'd just let his stupidity slide. This was the second time he's interfered with your much needed Vitamin D and it was about time he heard something about it. “Just dinner. A date. A fucking square dance. Taehyung, you can't just cut in because you want.” He's looking at you funny, this dazed expression that you've never seen directed to you before. From him.
It makes your heart stutter, so you ignore it. “What if I did the same with you? If you were out with Ailee and I called you up with some stupid excuse?” He doesn't even hesitate, dark eyes glued to yours. A stare so intense, you feel the heat rising to your cheeks. “I'd come running,” The deepness of his voice and the seriousness of his tone has your breath hitching.
There was no way this was happening. You were used to flirty Taehyung, got pretty good at compartmentalizing your feelings when it came to the Taehyung that you dealt with on a day-to-day basis. But this... this was different. Uncharted territory, indeed. The way he was looking at you? Talking to you? Nothing like you've ever handled before when it came to him.
No idea how you were supposed to react, so you decide to just leave to keep from making a fool of yourself in front of him. “I'm leaving. Goodnight, Taehyung. Call your girlfriend.” A halfhearted request, you're really just reminding yourself that he has one. And while 'The Other Woman' was a great song, that wasn't you.
“She broke up with me like an hour ago,” Again? You want to say, feigning disbelief. Their routine breakups were far from surprising and they always ended up in the same way: them back together and holed up in Taehyung's room for days on end. Only to end in a pointless fight that would repeat the cycle.
They were always broken up, but that didn't mean they were done with each other. It never meant that. “Please, stay.” He's pouting obnoxiously, so you're confused why you find it so cute. Fingers laced with yours as he lightly shakes your arm. “I miss hanging out with you,” Puppy dog eyes aimed right at your heart.
He's not wrong. It's been a little while since the two of you just hung out. Lounged around in sweats, ate, and watched bad TV. And it was very unlikely that Hoseok would be returning your call. Jimin is surely busy with Jungkook or something. You'd just be going home to sit around and do exactly what you could do here.
“Fine.” Eyes rolling to exaggerate your annoyance. “Go make another packet while I change,” Soft hair bounces as he nods his head, turning to pick up his half-empty bowl from the coffee table, carrying it into the kitchen.
You're halfway up the stairs before he's calling out to you, smiling when he sees your head poke around the corner. “I'm really sorry I ruined your date. That was not cool,” There's sincerity in his tone and in his eyes, every last bit of annoyance or frustration you felt dissipating at the sight.
“It's fine,” The prettiest smile he's ever seen pushes onto your lips, nearly stealing his breath away. “I'll just have to text Hoseok and explain your issue with separation,” Giggling at your own lighthearted joke and he's matching the sound. 
Silently praying you hurry upstairs so he can get his heart in check. So he could think. Something he's been skipping out on that since the moment he picked up his phone and decided to call you.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2021 | 21:43
You're wearing basketball shorts. His basketball shorts. Paired with a sports bra that you must've left here for one reason or another. It takes everything in him not to zero in on the jiggle of your ass as you pass him. The pebble of your nipples pushing against the fabric. You always complained about how cold his apartment was.
He tries not to stare as you stretch to pull a bowl from the cupboard, laughing out loud when you realize that he's already taken one down for you. Thanking him as you move to stand close. Your cheeks are red and irritated from the quick way you removed your makeup with the dried-out wipes you left in his bathroom. Hair let out of the tight ponytail, cascading down your back in pretty waves.
It's not until you're pinning him with a furrowed brow and an upturn of your upper lip, does he realize he's literally gawking at you. With this unmistakable love-struck look in eyes. “Why are looking at me like that?” Spoken while plucking a piece of meat from the pan and pushing it into your mouth.
Caught and he doesn't even think of trying to backtrack. With a shrug of his shoulders, he's turning his attention back to the food in front of him. “I don't know. You just look beautiful or whatever,” He can hardly look at you as the words leave his lips, afraid you'll catch the blush on his cheeks.
“Or whatever?” You joke with a laugh, ignoring the flip of your stomach at the compliment. Instead, you move to the fridge, retrieving a couple of eggs while chastising him on forgetting the best part. Not sure what was up with him, but you refuse to let yourself get carried away.
You've spent so long accepting that he has and only will see you as a friend. Best friend, even. And just because he was throwing a few compliments your way didn't mean that everything all of a sudden changed. Nothing has changed. The two of you were still in the same spot you had been two years ago.
 Taehyung serves you with a smile ten minutes later, fingers lingering on yours for a moment longer than normal. Not long enough to be weird, but definitely long enough to get the wheels turning in your brain. And then he's plopping down across from you like nothing, head ducked as he takes the first steamy bites of his food.
It takes everything in him not to profess his unclear feelings. Trying to limit how often he looks at you, censoring his thoughts as they teeter between mushy and cringe. It's hard with the way you're joking between bites the way you always do, he can't help but notice how pretty you are.
He felt lucky to have you like this. Even if it wasn't truly having you. Just the fact that you were comfortable enough around him to be like this. Even if it had been years, it felt different now somehow.
Everything felt different since he's started to notice little things about you that he failed to see all along. Your cute habit of flicking and tossing your hair as you spoke, more often with how animated you got. How your eyes lit up when you were excited. That tiny dimple at the corner of your mouth, which only made an appearance when you were laughing really hard.
On top of it all, he was noticing how obvious you were. Not exactly sure when it clicked in his mind and it could very well be his ego talking, but he was starting to feel like he wasn't the only one keeping a mental scrapbook. The more attention he paid to you and your little mannerisms, the more he picked up on the fact that you were doing the same.
Whenever he'd bite his lip, rest his cheek on his palm, angle his head in a certain way – your eyes would follow. And how could he forget the lust-filled look on your face as your eyes devoured him, it hadn't even been a full ten minutes since you got there and you were so obvious.
A wonder he didn't notice it before, but now that he thinks back... all of the signs were there. Everything that he missed has been screaming at him for the past-however-many years. And as much as he wanted to do something about it, he knew he had to be careful.
Extremely careful.
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JANUARY 30TH, 2021 | 23:52
Right now, you had your legs in his lap – ankle inches from his junk, but that's the least of your concerns. You're more focused on tucking every last crumb of weed into the paper, eyes flickering between your fingers and the TV screen. 
“How is she this oblivious?” You're commenting with a wrinkle of your brow and Taehyung has to act like he's been following the plotline all along.
From what he was able to pick up with your brief summary of the plot and the way you talked over every scene with backstory, the main character was set the be married to a man with much more experience than her. In life. In the bedroom. The scene playing in front of you right now she was just finding out that he had been lying about not being able to have children.
You had suggested starting from episode one, but he denied the offer. There was something about watching you explain a show while getting frustrated about the scenes that played out before you that he found endearing. Not a new feeling, but holding a new meaning now.
He can hardly hear what's being said because you're in the middle of a rant on how there was no reason for her to be so clueless and sent into a marriage. And how her mother should've gone into the nitty-gritty before shipping her off. And how her husband was just a compliment douche bag for taking advantage of her ignorance.
Taehyung is positive he looks like you just agreed to go riding off in the sunset. Leaned back against the couch and watching you with this dazed-dopey expression that you sum up to him just being high. You were working on rolling the second joint you'd share.
His eyes follow as you lean forward, hovering over his lap as you reach for the lighter on his side. Not even thinking to ask him to pass it over, not that he's complaining about the closeness. Elbows holding your body up as you fiddle with the spark, bringing it toward you when it stays.
You catch his stare as you exhale, handing the joint off to him before moving back to your end of the couch, legs falling back in his lap. He doesn't pull his gaze from you, letting the weed burn out between his fingers. “What?” You're asking with a soft laugh. He's hissing out a breath, bringing the smoke to his lips and inhaling.
“You're fucking gorgeous, it's annoying.” He says with a shake of his head, a thick cloud of smoke leaving his lips. “You're always talking shit,” Speaking through a burst of laughter, but he doesn't entertain the thought any further. Extending his hand to pass it over, eyes flickering up to the screen.
There had been something that he had paid attention to when you first turned this show on. The conversation that was being had on the screen about best friends and getting married and falling in love. And how that's how you should do it. Marry your best friend and it would work out.
No matter how many porn-like sex scenes appeared after that, he was still stuck on that one conversation. And the thought that if you looked so pretty next to him right now, there was no telling how much prettier you'd look done up and dressed in white. He has to laugh at himself, though.
Blaming his raging thoughts on the half-empty bottle of liquor on the table and the green you're handing back over to him. Which is why he doesn't bother to stop the question that slips out next. “Do you think that's really the key?”
Half forgot that even though you never left his mind, you couldn't read it. So you have no idea what he's talking about. “Key to what?”
“Being happy in a relationship?”
He hardly ever really talked about his feelings being with Ailee. You just knew what he told you and that was very limited. She annoyed him, but she was sometimes funny and knew what she was doing. That was pretty much it.
So you're a little shocked that he all of a sudden was bringing this up as if you knew their relationship from a hole in the wall. “Are you not happy with Ailee?” Someone who fought with their significant other as much as Taehyung did, couldn't really be happy. But you could be wrong.
“I'm sure I could be happier,” He's looking at you with those eyes again, flicking the ash off with his finger before bringing the joint back to his lips. “Do you think falling n love with your best friend is the key to all that?” He pauses, the blurts the last part out like he's lost control of his tongue. “Like you and me,”
You're letting out a harsh cough that has nothing to do with the smoke cruising through your lungs. Eyes tearing up while your back shakes. “Me and you?” You manage, letting out a gasped breath. “Like me falling in love with you and you falling in love with me?” Finger used to point between the two of you, just to be sure.
Taehyung nods his head, unphased by your dramatic reaction. “Yes, that's exactly how that would work. A money-less transaction,” You're letting out a laugh and a shake of your head, pushing the thought from your head. He was only joking, talking shit for whatever reason.
“Yeah, no. That would never work out,”
His words chase yours, “Why not?” You don't miss the small pout of his lips, as if he's actually asking. Wondering why you thought the two of you together wouldn't work out.
“I know too much. You know too much,” Going with the first reason that pops in your head, one that you've used countless times with convincing yourself. “There's gotta be some mystery,”
Taehyung is rolling his eyes, “Oh, come on. We're not the Scooby-doo kids, Yn. Mystery is overrated.” He's really pushing for this and you're not sure why. Most likely entertaining the thoughts that pop into his foggy mind, so you don't allow yourself to think too hard on his words.
Or what they could mean. “It's perfect,” He continues. “You meet someone, become best friends, decide to fall in love and now you're married to your best friend. That's the dream,” He says with a grin. And you're not sure if he's actually talking about you or if he's just talking.
“That's lazy,” Either way, you attempt to get the race of your heart to slow down. No matter how much closer he was to you now, backs of your thighs pressed against his. You're nearly seated in his lap and you just now noticed the mindless way his fingers drag over your knee. “You can't pick off from your existing friends. You meet someone, fall for them and then you become best friends,”
His laugh rings through your ears, then your entire body. Just the sound has you feeling warm all over, something that you were sure you had gotten under control a long time ago. “You just said the same thing as me, except you changed the last two steps,”
“It makes a huge difference,” It did. One was the two of you and the other could be any two strangers on the street. For the sake of you, your version was the one you'd go with. Anything else and it would be hard to talk yourself out of it.
But Taehyung has been a lot more attention, putting the pieces together as they appear. And one thing he was always good at spotting (except when it came to you for some reason) was when someone was into him. And judging from the subtle changes in your demeanor throughout this entire conversation, you were so into him.
With caution on his mind, he's shifting focus. Hand lowering to discard the dead bit in the ashtray. Leveling you with a squinted eyes and a purse of his lips. “What's the real reason you didn't want me to know about Hoseok?” Sort of had an idea of what this might be, but he wanted to hear it from you.
“What do you mean? I already told you,” You're reaching for the bottle on the table, taking a swig to keep your hands busy. And to keep you from having to look at him, no doubt the unfiltered thoughts in your mind would be slipping out with one glance. 
He doesn't pull his gaze from you, though. “No, you said you didn't want things to get awkward. I think that was a lie,” His face is much closer to yours now, you can clearly see the faint beauty marks scattered against his skin.
Just a simple stretch of his leg and you're pushed further on to his lap. Back resting against his arm now that he has his hand is pressed against the armrest. He's close, but not suffocating, has left enough space for you to get up and move if you wanted to. But that's the farthest thing from your mind right now.
“Wanna know what I think it is?” Voice so low he might as well be mumbling. His eyes flicker down to your lips, noting how soft they look. And he finds himself wondering just how they'd feel pressed against his. “What?” You sound breathless like you had been thinking about the same exact thing.
He's smoothly moving his arm from you, guiding the way your back falls against the couch. “I think you're into me, like how I'm into you... and you didn't want me to know because of that,” The risk of fucking up your friendship takes the backseat because he knows he's right. Took his time and put the signs together.
“Yeah, right.” You laugh it off, but he's learned how obvious you are.
A grin spreads over his features, hand dropping to your hip. “You're making the face you do when you've been caught,” The heat of his palm spreading from your side to your entire body. And you've come to terms with the fact that you've lost control of your heart. Wrapped up in the moment where Taehyung, Kim Taehyung, your best friend and former crush revealed he was into you.
His head bows, nose nudging against yours. It's embarrassing the way your lips instantly pucker, eyes falling shut as you wait for the soft press. Eyes fluttering open after a moment of waiting and receiving nothing, catching the devious smirk on his lips. 
“You're into me, aren't you?” While he was sure, positive after seeing how ready you were to have him kiss you, he needed to hear it. Needed to be sure that he wasn't missing something, he's been doing a lot of that lately.
The nod of your head is answer enough, followed by your warm hand reaching to rest on the back of his neck. Not sure who moved first, if you were pulling him down or he was lowering himself and you really didn't care. 
A tiny moan escapes from your lips as he shifts above you, the sound being sent straight to his crotch. His mouth is pulling from yours, brows raised and eyes wide as he stares down at you – surprised by the fact that you could actually sound like that. Before he's given a chance to comment on it, you're pulling him back down.
Kissing you is everything he's imagined it to be and more. The soft push of your tongue paired with the deliberate scrap of teeth on his lip. Your hummed moans fill the room and stir him on, his grip falling from your hip to your thigh. Easily pulling your legs apart to slot himself between them.
Fingers tangled in his hair and heavy breath hitting his lips each time you pull away, only to dive right back in. Mouths moving over each other messily, Taehyung can barely ask the groans that die on your lips. Free hand pressed against his chest, you can feel the hammer of his heart.
Thighs squeezed to his hips, bodies so close the thinnest of papers wouldn't fit. So it's no wonder you feel it. The twitch of his cock hardening against you, so enticing you can't help the way your hips lift to meet his just as he's dropping down to press into you. A hissed moan falling from your lips at the contact.
“Fuck,” He's groaning, a switch seemingly turning on inside of him. Mouth breaking for yours and hand moving up the toward your chest. His thumb brushes over your hardened nipple through the fabric of your bra as he rolls his hips into yours.
Just the heat from pressing against you like this was enough to rile him up, mind reeling with thoughts of what it would be like to really fuck you. And the sounds you'd make. You sounded so pretty with the simple rolls of his hips, what if he was actually buried deep inside of you.
His head drops, mouth latching onto the crook of your neck to suckle at the skin there. Your senses are fogged with nothing but him. The smell of him, the feel, the taste. Still lingering on your lips and hitting your taste buds as you lick them. There's a definite heat growing between your legs with each drag of his covered cock, angled perfectly that he's just barely tapping your clit.
You want more. So much more and it's making you delirious. Needy. Hips rolling up to meet his and he's pushing you down every time. Teeth scraping against your skin and fingers pinching at your chest. “Taehyung,” It sounds more desperate than you intend it to. He's groaning back in response, face lifting from your skin to admire the red mark he's left behind.
Tongue dragging over it, soothing it with a simple swipe. Hands re-positioned on either side of your head, his gaze drops to watch the way your hips move in order to meet his, a smirk pressed on his lips. “Fuck, look at you... such a mess.” He's pushing forward, cock meeting your clit perfectly.
Strained whimper ripping through your throat as you brace your hands on his side, back arching into him. “Grinding that pretty pussy all over my cock, didn't even let me get undressed. You're so wet, huh?” Now you knew what the boys were on about when they clowned him for being mouthy. Had laughed along before, but having his words directed to you was no laughing matter.
You knew what you were doing. You could feel the effect of what you were doing but something about having him point it out in that breathy tone of his was hot. What you didn't expect was for him to want you to talk back, but the slow of his hips is quickly warning you of your role.
“Don't stop,” You're gasping, hands reaching out to him. “I could cum like this,” Your whispering, cheeks heating up at the admission. How embarrassing, losing it over dry humping, you half expect him to laugh it off as a joke.
But he doesn't, instead, he's lowering his body back onto yours, the movement of his hips picking up in speed. “Me too,” He breathes out, fingers tangling in your hair as his tongue teases against your covered lips. “Wrap your legs around me,”
His words are muffled, but you understand him enough to lift your legs, ankles locking behind his back. He drives into you like he's balls deep inside of you, pulling gasps and moans from your lips. Nails pressed into his skin as you beg him not to stop, chanting your near release. And just as you feel it bubble up in your stomach, his low pants of your name getting to you. Just as you're about to be knocked over the edge you've been teetering on, Jin's voice is breaking through.
His loud laughter bleeding through the door behind you, followed by the low grumble of Joon's voice. The jingle of his key is what snaps Tae out of it, body freezing as his head lifts to glare at the door.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You're quick to push him off, looking away as he adjusting the throbbing bulge in his pants – leaving you to wipe at the slobber-dampened mark on your chest. Jin and Joon are stepping in just as you're rushing upstairs for a shirt. Their laughter filling the downstairs as you rummage through drawers for something to pull on.
All while shoving your raging thoughts out of your mind. Still in shock that that actually happened... whatever that was. Taehyung was into you. He had said it and then kissed you. God, he kissed you. Would've been to be able to fully enjoy it if you weren't so damn greedy.
Just one taste and you were wanting the whole thing and from the look of it, he was willing to give it to you. But what if it had been a fluke. A one-off because of whatever happened to Ailee and the fact that you were there. Into you, but what did that really mean? Would that change anything?
You dare to hope, even though you're sure you're wrong. There was a lot going on tonight. Him fighting with Ailee, you being torn away from Hoseok before you can do anything properly. You were high! Still, high to be honest. Would he still be into you when he was sobering up?
Finding out is the last thing on your list. Fitting yourself as his best friend after your quiet crush was one thing. Doing that after he's taken back being into you was another. You didn't want to think about what a disaster that would be, you'd rather just go home and sleep.
Jin is turning to happily greet you as you make your way downstairs, while Joon makes room for you on the couch. Taehyung doesn't look up, cheeks flushed and eyes glued to his knees. You'd give everything to know what he's thinking.
“Yn! Tae said you were here. We're gonna open Monopoly, wanna play?” It's an invitation from Jin that you'd usually be jumping at. Claiming your designated money bag piece without a thought, so he's shocked when you're shaking your head. “Think I'm gonna just head home, turn in early.”
Tae looks up at the sound of your departure, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. He had hoped you would want to stay, so he could have a chance to talk to you properly. Tell you how he was feeling even if he didn't fully understand it yet. He wanted to tell you that he liked you and he wanted to hear you say it back.
Let you know that he wanted to try to be good at relationships because he wanted to try with you. He's standing with that in mind, shrinking back when you're looking at him. There before did he feel nervous around you, but with all this weighing on his chest, he doesn't know how else to feel.
“Let me walk you home,” He offers, it's a twenty-minute walk across campus. Enough time for him to talk to you... or just be around you for longer.
You're shaking your head, though. Pushing an easy smile onto your lips. “It's fine. I texted Jimin,” It's a lie and he knows it is, but he doesn't call you on it. Obvious that you didn't want to be around him. Most likely regretting the whole thing.
Nodding as he plops back down beside Jin. He watches as you pull your shoes back on, throwing a quick goodbye over your shoulder before stepping out. Not even sparing a proper look in his direction. A huff leaves his lips as he sinks into the couch, hands tugging through his hair.
He really screwed up.
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— you’ve always been cute, soft, tiny in taehyung’s eyes. but that’s changing one night when you’re accidentally sending him a naughty picture. forcing him to realize, maybe his best friend is kinda… hot?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Ok i got an monster tom x scientist reader au universe thing and no it does not take place in the red army base
Reader is a scientist and is asked to run some tests on a new specimen/monster they found, and when reader sees the specimen/monster they actually think it's kinda cute but then some other scientists shock him and even stick some needles in him and reader just feels bad for the specimen/monster at this point so nighttime rolls around and they hack into the cameras to shut them off and wear a mask so they won't get caught and go to the main room where the specimen/monster is they the reader introduces themselves to the monster the monster, thinking they're gonna hurt them, immediately backs off obviously scared and reader convinces the monster that they're not gonna hurt them and the monster shrinks as he's mostly human and says "your not gonna hurt me?" And they reassure him that they're not gonna hurt him and they sneak into the readers car and drives off the lab that the monster was in and reader asks what the "monsters" name is and says their name is "tom". Then reader makes a pit stop to a store real quick to get tom some clothes and then reader drives to they're home and introduces tom to their room and asks if they want some food/ take out or not an he says yes and they get some chinese food and watch some TV, after eating they both go to bed and reader suddenly finds themselves in Toms arms whimpering a little, and reader just kinda decides to pet his hair and rub his horns a little bit which make him purr then tom wraps his tail around reader and asks them to do it more and they do do that untill they notice that he's asleep then they both fall asleep.
Whew, I enjoyed writing this one ^^
Summary: Reader, a scientist, rescues Monster Tom from the lab that experimented on him and brings him home
"Dr. [L/n], I'll let you oversee today's tests on TR-03."
"Alright, chief." You smiled awkwardly as your supervisor handed you the clipboard. It contained the subject's information: a one-eyed horned monster of an unknown species, though your colleagues have theorized it to be a demon. "What kind of tests are we running on it?"
"Resistance to electric shocks. There's evidence of uranium possibly circulating in its blood, so you'll be watching them extract samples as well."
As he explained, your smile gradually dropped as you looked over the information, seeing a ton of redacted information, including several incidents of the destruction it caused prior to its capture.
"So it's gonna be shocked and stuck with needles? Sounds painful."
"Its armor is thick, so it shouldn't feel a thing. Besides...I don't think you need to worry about whether it'll be painful for it." Your supervisor spoke in a rather condescending tone. "After all it's just an animal."
"I...yes, sir. I'll go oversee the tests right away." Not wanting to argue further, you just left his office and wandered through the building.
You were eager yet anxious to meet this monster.
Eventually you reached the area where the creature was being held, climbing up the stairs that led to the skybridge so you could look down into its holding chambers.
It was a massive dark purple creature, with two bright violet horns and a single black eye. Surprisingly it was allowed full movement, though judging from the many claw marks on the walls...it wouldn't surprise you if one day it was chained up to restrict such behavior.
You actually thought it was..kind of cute? It looked scary in pictures, but up-close it didn't seem as terrifying.
That only made you feel more pity for it as other scientists entered the chamber, clad in protective suits, with electric prongs and needles.
Almost immediately the monster seemed aware of what they were going to do, its eye widening as it stood on both feet and cowered in the corner. It growled in warning, only for a scientist to jab its leg with a prong in response, eliciting a roar of pain.
You physically flinched, feeling bad for the creature. But you took notes on its response to electric shocks.
Subject recognized equipment immediately, perceiving them as danger. Responded painfully to electricity.
Soon after being tortured, the monster seemed dazed, allowing another scientist in a hazmat suit to approach it and stick a needle into its hip. The vial of blood collected turned out to be red, with a glowing green aura.
As you took more notes, you heard a small whimper and looked down, seeing that the monster wasn't putting up a fight.
Instead it was...crying?
Sure enough, tears leaked from its eye as more of its blood was drawn, being electrocuted as some sick form of "sedation". It was hard to tell whether the people inside felt any sort of sympathy, but they just took their leave without saying a word to each other. Only a mere nod.
You didn't want to be here any longer than you needed to, so you finished your report and began heading back to your office.
Though you noticed the monster looking up at you, and you couldn't help but frown and murmur a simple:
"I'm sorry."
After your shift was over, normally you'd go home for the night.
But on the ride home...you kept thinking of TR-03 and couldn't shake the images and sounds of its pain.
The way it responded to just seeing the prongs, and the way it looked at you as though it was begging for help, seemed far too human for it to be just a mindless animal.
Of course, you never questioned the secrets this lab kept--not wanting to be fired. But they seemed to be hiding a lot of stuff about this specimen, never speaking about its origins or even what it was capable of.
You may have only seen it for the first time today, but you wanted to know more about it. And you had a feeling that you won't get the answers you wanted by asking around.
Oh no..you were going to free it in order to find out the truth.
Not just to satisfy your own curiosity, but also because...the way it was being treated was far too cruel. To the point where it was crying.
You couldn't stand for this unethical treatment any longer. You had to do something..and be smart about it lest you got killed or worse.
After making a quick stop at a store, you found a mask and changed your clothes, completely disguising yourself. Then you got back in your car and returned to the lab, parking it somewhere far away so that you can sneak inside.
Fortunately you had security access in case any of the specimen breached their chambers. Thanks to your hacking skills you were able to disable every security camera you could find, putting them all on timers so they'd turn on later in the morning. You didn't want to rouse any suspicion.
That was the easy part.
The most important and difficult task lied ahead.
As soon as you entered the monster's chamber, it woke up and grumbled with annoyance. Clearly it didn't like its rest being disturbed.
Though upon seeing you and the mask you wore, it tilted its head. "Grrrah..?"
"Shhh, it's okay." You whispered, removing the mask so it could see your face. While you were awestruck to actually see it up close and personal, you knew you had to keep calm.
But that might've been a mistake as it seemed to recognize you--the one who was watching it earlier today. It immediately backed into a corner, terrified as its chest began heaving with anxiety.
You couldn't blame it for its reaction, though your gently put your hands up and hushed it. "Please don't panic. I'm not here to hurt you. I wanna get you out of here."
"Mhm." Smiling, you just pretended you could understand it. "I don't like how they treat you here. They call you an animal but..I know you're more than that."
The monster calmed down a little, before glancing up to the opposite corner. He made a noise of confusion upon seeing that the security camera's annoying red light wasn't blinking.
"I shut that off so nobody can hear or see us."
You blinked, surprised that it could speak some English, but the fact it wasn't cowering like before was a sign it was trusting you. "Yep, I hacked the whole security complex. Now's our chance to escape, but..ah shit."
Suddenly, it never occurred to you: your mission was focused on getting to the monster, but you never considered how you'll get out with the monster.
"Damn..I'm not sure how we'll sneak you out without...." However, you trailed off as you saw it changing into a smaller form.
But it wasn't just shrinking, it was actually turning partially human.
How curious, nobody told you about that. Maybe that was part of the redacted information.
The monster turned out to be a human male, who still retained his horns, tail, and dark scales and fur, which covered his body. His brown hair was messy and spiky, and interestingly enough he had two black eyes.
He didn't have any clothes, obviously, so you took off your coat and put it around him. "So you're human, huh?"
"Your stupid friends' experiments wouldn't let me turn back for a while..." He grumbled in a slight British accent. "You sure you're not gonna hurt me?"
Understandably he got defensive, knowing you were working for the people who tortured him. But you shook your head. "No, I won't. I'm quitting this shithole and I'll take you with me." You took his hand reassuringly, noting that it was still clawed.
He gave you the tiniest of smiles in return. "Heh, glad we're both in agreement."
Soon you both quickly made your escape, luckily not running into any trouble. Your car was still parked right where you left it, so you got in and drove off.
You definitely won't miss working for that lab.
The roads were mostly empty at this time of night, so you were able to breathe easy knowing nobody's gonna chase you. Now seemed to be the best time to talk with the monster.
"So uh..do you have a name?" You spoke up. "I know they call you TR-03 but it doesn't feel right to call you that anymore."
"Tom." He answered as he looked out the window. "My name's Tom Ridges."
'Huh, that explains his code name.'
"I'm [y/n]." After noticing a nearby plaza, you saw a clothing store and decided to make a quick stop there. Tom seemed to be confused, and a bit worried when you left him in the car all alone, though you reassured him you were just buying some clothes for him.
He waited, trying to keep himself out-of-view in case any strangers got too nosy. But before long you were back, opening the driver's side as you peered in and sighed with relief, seeing him halfway out of the chair.
"Jeez, you scared me..thought somebody got you." You sighed, shaking your head.
"S-Sorry, not trying to get any unwanted attention. It's the last thing I need.." He sat upright, though he was surprised when you handed him a bag. Inside was a blue hoodie, boxers, and gray sweatpants. "Oh, cool."
'That's all he has to say?' His reaction was a bit underwhelming. 'Then again..maybe he hasn't processed that he's never going back to that hell chamber yet.'
You just shut the door and waited for him to get dressed, and when he tapped on the window you got back into the car. He definitely looked more comfortable now.
After giving him a smile, you continued on your way home, feeling glad that you rescued him from that place. You had no idea if he had any place to go, granted you don't recall seeing any information on his address nor any relationships.
So he'll stay with you.
"Luckily I got a spare room. Excuse the mess." You chuckled as you showed Tom the extra room in your house, turning on the light. "You can stay here for as long as you'd like."
He nodded as he looked around, before feeling his stomach grumble. In embarrassment he put a hand over it, glancing at you. "Sorry..the food they had was shitty, I'm sure you knew."
"Yeah...you want takeout?" You took out your phone. "I don't feel like cooking tonight so I was gonna order some anyway."
"Sounds good."
"Alrighty, I'll call in the order. We can go watch TV while we wait."
Once more Tom nodded, following you into the living room space where you both sat down on the sofa. He sighed and leaned back, turning on the TV while you ordered some Chinese food.
This situation felt so...comforting and familiar..
For a moment he gazed at you, seeing you look through the menu.
He knew he wasn't the only prisoner back in that lab. So he couldn't understand why you'd choose him, of everyone you could've helped, but...he considered himself lucky.
For once he felt like he could let his guard down a little.
Some time later the food arrived to your house, and you both ate it while watching various TV programs. You asked Tom a bit more about his home life, though he didn't have much to talk about.
Whether he didn't want to say anything or forgot it thanks to the experiments was a mystery, but you wouldn't pry. You'll get your answers sooner or later, though not tonight.
Tonight you both deserved a good rest.
Afterwards you headed off to your own room, letting him know that he can knock on your door if he ever needed anything.
You got into your pajamas and crawled into bed, yawning.
It had definitely been an eventful day. You were eager to sleep in, knowing that you won't ever go back to your boring (and unethical) job.
But just as you had turned off the lights and dozed off, you heard your door creak open. With a slightly annoyed sigh, you sat up and turned on the lamp beside you, before seeing it was Tom.
"Tom? Your room is..."
Though you fell silent when you heard him...whimper? His eyes were white, indicating he was in some kind of distress.
But he crawled onto your bed, practically situating himself in your arms while making sure he didn't jab you with his horns. You were perplexed by his actions, though you finally realized..
He was just scared.
You held him in your arms, rubbing his horns soothingly and petting his hair, murmuring promises that he was safe. In response he nuzzled up to you, tail wrapping around your body as you both laid down.
You only stopped for a moment as he started purring, which made you chuckle softly. "Purring, huh? That's new."
"Can you keep doing that?" He grumbled, closing his eyes. "It was nice till you stopped."
"O-Oh right, sorry." You continued the previous motions, deciding to hum a small song as well to help him sleep.
Eventually you stopped once he dozed off completely, and your cheeks felt warm upon seeing how adorable he looked. 'And to think I was afraid of this guy?' You mused, before turning off the lamp light.
Soon enough you fell asleep as well.
If this is how Tom expressed his thanks...you'll take it.
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bukojuiice · 3 years
ʚ Going to Universal Studios Japan with them (ft. Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, Denki, Eijirou, Shinsou and Dabi) ɞ *‧.₊˚*੭
—  @bukojuiice’s 720+ followers gift! thank you so so much for supporting my works!  ♡ ily all i never would have thought i would reach this milestone 🥺
—  uni student! izuku, katsuki, shoto, eijirou, denki, shinsou and evil turned good! dabi x reader headcanons ♡
 — To further elaborate, this is a Dabi that turned Good for his bby bro because I know that this is physically impossible in the manga and i found it hard to play around with a cute and fluffy set of hcs within a villain context. so pls let me have a good Dabi just this one time qwq
— if you like to see more from me, i have an ongoing bakugo x fem reader! smau called cuddle buddy! read it here!  for my bnha masterlist check it out here!  ♡
— please reblog, reply and leave like if you enjoyed! it means a lot! c:
—  all universal studios japan photos are taken by me. Most of these headcanons are also based on my experience in Universal Studios Japan!  (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)
—  content warning: slight innuendo/sexual content, strong language and mention of Endeavor
— summary: You spend a wonderful day in one of the most happiest places on earth with your just as wonderful significant other. 
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—  You and Izuku stroll through Hogsmeade of the newly opened Hogwarts area of the Park. Your hand in his and your arms interlocked.
—  Izuku would geek out. As in geek out. He very much loved Harry Potter growing up and being able to go to USJ was a dream come true.
—  “It’s LeviOSA not LeviOSAR.” You continue to make Harry Potter jokes and Izuku was loving every minute of it. He could not stop laughing.
— You loved seeing his laugh as it made your heart feel all fluffy inside. God. why must this boy be so cute?
—  Izuku is just as big of a Potterhead as you. The two of you took the Hogwarts House test online and Izuku was sorted into Gryffindor whilst you were sorted into Slytherin. Two complete opposites yet you guys were the most adorkable couple ever. 
— Even the amusement park goers (the couples in particular) couldn’t help but turn their eyes to the two of you. 
—  The two of you are wearing matching Hogwarts robes, earning compliments from the staff giggling about how cute the two of you are! 
—  You were originally going to hang out with the entire Dekusquad but ofc your friends just decided to play matchmaker and instead collectively backed out and said they were busy bc of uni (obvs a lie)
—  You wonder why they would play matchmaker when the you and Izuku were already together in the first place and they know that very well HSKHSHSKHS 
—  anyways ochaco, tsuyu, shoto and tenya are very supportive wbk
—  Izuku just wanted this day to be very special and to be between the two of you only. 
—  “Izu-kun! Let’s try out the Butterbeer and see if it tastes just as good as the books and movies make them to be!” You point to a food stall that sells the famous beverage seen in the series, with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic kinds.
—  “Of course (Y/N)!-chan Anything for you!” He says sweetly and gingerly hands the money to the food vendor. 
— For fun and because why the hecc not, you decided to order the alcoholic variant of the drink whilst Izuku had purchased the non-alcoholic one.
—  In turn, you ended up becoming a little bit tipsy as the two of you enter the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride.
—  Izuku stares in awe as the waiting line makes you go through the interior of Hogwarts Castle. Both you and Izuku couldn’t help but just stare in amazement. 
—  You smile at the sight of your cute freckled boyfriend admiring the view and the area before him. It was as if he was transported into the actual world of Harry Potter and you couldn’t help but feel the overwhelming emotions he was feeling right now. 
—  The two of you hold hands during the entire attraction as both of you are seated in a 3-seater ride. T’was cute uwu
—  Albeit the fact that you were a little bit tipsy, the entire 4-D ride was magnificent as it literally took you through every adventure Harry Potter and the rest of the cast had experienced. 
— It was probably one of the best rides you’ve been to tbh??
— “The Dementors were so creeeeeeepy.” Izuku shuddered, rubbing his arm. “”They looked so real!” He turns to you, wonder and amazement plastered all over his face.
—  “THE WORST THING ABOUT PRISON WAS THE DEMENTORSSSS.” You howled, your voice practically echoing around the exit area. 
—  Midoriya knew that you got a bit tipsy due to the butterbeer, as soon as he had noticed the body language you were showing, he supports your weight by holding you tightky and then slowly take you to the cafe near the entrance that served hot coffee.
—  Thankfully, you were able to sober up so that the two of you could go around the rest of the park before the Night show took place in Hogwarts Castle. 
—  “You know, I’m so lucky to have you (Y/N)-chan. Just like how lucky Ron is to have Hermione.” He plants a kiss on your forehead, he firmly holds you as the evening light show of Hogwarts Castle begins. 
—  “You’re overreacting Izu-kun. I’m not as smart as Hermione.” You shake your head, trying to avoid eye contact as he just made another cheesy Harry Potter Joke. “More like I’m the Ron to your Hermione. I mess up sometimes yet you’re always there for me to help me up when I’m down.” 
—  “Then I guess we don’t have to compare ourselves to Ron and Hermione then. Because I wouldn’t have a life like this with you any other way. I love you (Y/N)-chan.”
—  “I love you too Izu-kun.” 
—  An array of colorful fireworks pop in the sky and the both of you look deep into each other’s eyes, holding each other tightly til the festivities end.
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— The two of you arrived at Universal Studios Japan earlier than most people. Bakugo always wanted to be first in line even though the two of you had fast passes to specific rides. He just rolls like that.
—  You forced him to wear matching matching elmo and cookie monster headbands with you. You were wearing the Elmo one and he was wearing the Cookie monster design.
  —  He’d spoil you soooooooo bad like he’d be grumpy at first and refuse to buy you this cute little souvenir item you’d probably never use, but he’d still spoil the heck out of you. Just as long as it was mildly reasonable.
—  He was all for thrill rides. As long as he got to show off how bad-ass and brave he is to you. That was until you discovered one of the Jurassic Park rides in the park and HOO BOY...
  —  You were internally squealing at the sight of him wearing the cookie monster that your brain just?? kinda stopped?? You secretly take a pic of your explosive boyfie and then change his contact name to Cookie Monster.
—  You first enter the Jurassic Park area at the insistence of Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina and Sero whomst you were supposedly going to meet after 2 hours
— As you roam around, there’s awkward silence between the two of you until you begin to obnoxiously sing the theme song of the series to try and annoy Bakugo, “TENENENEN TENENENENEN TENENENEN”
—‘’(Y/N) Geez, could you stop singing that stupid song? It fucking annoys me.’’
—‘’No way we’re riding that shitty fucking water ride. I will not get wet today.”
— “Oh really? What if you get wet in different ways?”
—He smirks at you, taking your hand and rubbing your thumb, “Let’s see when we get home.’’
— “OH WAIT BUT FIRST LET’S SHARE A TURKEY LEG!’’ You point to a nearby food stall, selling turkey legs for 980 yen. 
— Katsuki begrudgingly follows you to the stall and buys a turkey leg for the two of you to share. 
—You were deep in thought. Fantasizing if you could eat the Turkey Leg with Katsuki “Lady and Tramp” style. 
— Much to your dismay, Katsuki had finished the Turkey Leg before you could get another bite. You pout and cross your arms, yet he doesn’t notice you silently shooting daggers at him.
— You then quickly forget about the Turkey Leg as soon as the Flying Dinosaur attraction hovered above you. The amusing screams of the people riding it could be heard as it passed at a speed you could have never imagined.
—  ‘’Suki-kun!! Let’s ride that next!’’
— ‘’We just ATE. Are you fucking serious right now?’’
—  ‘’Or are you too chicken?’’ You tease him playfully. ‘’Hmm… Looks like eating the entire turkey leg turned you into a chicken now didn’t it?’’
—  ‘’Fine. Fuck this.’’ He tilts his head, gesturing you to follow suit. ‘’Let’s get into the fast pass line.’’
— You get on the ride and see up close the details of the dinosaur as it’s positioned upright for you two to get on. You take your seats and are instructed to strap yourselves in the seat. 
— You get a wonderful view of the sea as the ride continues to ascend, going up and down, at high speeds. You begin to scream your heart out, the adrenaline rushing through you. Bakugo tries to put up a face, not wanting to scream and show any weakness. You look at him again as the ride arrives at a downwards slope, creating a momentum before it descends again at high speed.
— The ride begins to move, positioning itself like a pterodactyl would. You take Bakugo’s hand and give it a tight squeeze. You look at him for comfort and he nods at you lovingly. You were at ease albeit the fact that the two of you are about to experience one of the most terrifying amusement park rides ever.
The two of you are then positioned to be dangling in mid-air, the safety strap from a while ago being the only thing holding you in place. 
—  ‘’(Y/N)! I LOVE YOU!’’ He screams his lungs out as the ride passes through the ocean again, giving you a clear view of the sea surrounding the wonderful prefecture of Osaka.
—  You smile cheekily and begin to scream from the top of your lungs too. ‘’I LOVE YOU TOO KATSUKI!’’
—  ‘’Did you really mean that I love you?’’ You ask him. Your adrenaline is still pumping you up.
— ‘’Of course I did you nerd. I had to get it out of my chest.’’ He says, avoiding eye contact, scratching the back of his neck.
—  The ride then ends abruptly and you could never feel more grateful. You could practically kiss the floor as your legs shaked once you got off. Katsuki supports you with his arm around yours and the two of you get off the ride.
—  ‘’I want to hear you say that again.’’ You poke his cheek but he doesn’t move an inch.
—  ‘’Come on. We have to go look for Kirishima in the others.’’
—  ‘’One more time Suki-kun! Please?’’ You look at him with your most dramatic puppy eyes and he couldn’t help but give in.
—  ‘’Fine.’’ He says grumpily. ‘’I love you.’’
—  ‘’I love you too. Let’s never ride that again.’’
— ‘’Agreed.’’
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— Shoto made sure that he would make the most of the time with you before the two of you go back to University. Booking the most luxurious hotel available, fine dining every single night you were in Osaka and going on private local tours and taking high-end trips to Nara and Kyoto.  
— He’s spoiling you so so so bad and as much as you didn’t want Shoto to spend too much, he kept on insisting. 
— This is also why he decided your trip near your birthday so that in a sense, this is his birthday surprise for you too!
— He wanted to go all out just for you. 
— You feel like you’re in Cloud 9 every time you’re with Shoto. How much more when you’re going on an extra special trip with him? 
— “This Eren Jeager’s voice sounds familiar. It’s as if we have the same voice.” Todoroki looks at the screen perplexed, putting on the 4-D Glasses and making sure you were already comfortable on your seat.
— ‘’I know right. You’re hotter of course.’’ You whisper, giving him a peck on the cheek.
— Attack on Titan is your all time favorite anime ever.
— Shoto wasn’t too well-versed in anime, so him bringing you to USJ is one of the best things he could ever do for you.
— Especially since the park had a limited time Attack on Titan 4-D Attraction!!
— YOU KNEW you had to go there and it was also a perfect opportunity for you to bond with Shoto
— As long as you were happy and he could support you with your interests, he was happy too.
— Being able to go on the Attack on Titan 4D Ride was a dream come true.
— You brought Shoto to the souvenir shop first and bought matching headbands for the two of you.
— You were wearing a headband that had two little chibi Levis on each side whilst Shoto had little chibi Erens on his uwu
— He’d be spoiling you so so much !!! Any souvenir item you’d set your eyes on, he’d immediately buy it for you!! 
— Before you can even say no, he’s already bought it using his luxurious black credit card. YOUR BOYFIE WAS RICH OFC I MEAN WHAT WOULD YOU EXPECT!?
—  "That was amazing." Todoroki says in awe, still trying to process the thrill he had just experienced. "I wonder what would happen if titans started appearing all of a sudden?"
—  "Let's say a smol titan appears right now. I wonder if you could pierce it with your ice?" You tilt your head, beginning to think about unrealistic scenarios. "Anywhooo, shall we go to the next ride on our list? It's called Hollywood Dream!"
—  "Let's gooooo~" He hums monotonously, earning giggles from you. He wraps an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as you walk side by side. 
— “Okay... so there are two variants to this ride. There’s one that goes in reverse and the other one goes so high up that we have an overview of the whole park.” You go through a brochure that you picked up at the entrance.
 — “Whichever one you’re more comfortable with (Y/N).” 
—  “Let’s go on the one where we can see our hotel because of how high it is!”
—  “OKAY NVM THIS WAS A BAD IDEA.” You say as the rollercoaster begins to reach it’s momentum, the ride going higher and higher.  Until you can see your hotel and every recognizable landmark from afar. 
—  Shoto then clasps your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “It’s okay (Y/N). I’m right here. Just hold my hand okay?” 
—  You nod slowly, taking a deep breath. You close your eyes and feel a fell swoop on your stomach as the wind passes through your face.
—  Justin Timberlake’s Can’t Stop the Feeling begins to play as the rollercoaster begins to descend from roaring heights. They purposefully attached speakers to the ride so that the park goers would feel hyped up and excited instead of being terrified of how high up they are. 
—  Shoto’s hands are still intertwined with yours. You weren’t letting go. 
—  The screams of everyone else in the ride grows louder and louder and you can’t help but sing to the song instead.
—  “I GET THIS FEELINGGG INSIDE MY BONES! IT GOES ELECTRIC, WAVEY WHEN I TURN IT ONN.” You began to sing, raising your arms up high as you slowly begin to enjoy the ride. 
—  Shoto who was sitting on the end yet is still able to keep his calm composure, turns to you, and a small smile flashes on his face when he sees you channel your nervousness through singing. 
—  He begin to sing along with you too! AAAHHH WHAT A CUTIE
—  “All through my city, all through my home, We're flying up, no ceiling, when we in our zone.” He continues. You look at him and ease up a little bit once you see his handsome face and comfortable presence beside you.
— And before you knew it, the ride came to a stop. It was finally over. You take a deep breath and Shoto helps you out of your seat.
— “I got that sunshine in my pocket! Got that good song in my feet. I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops!” You and Shoto begin to duet to the pop and colorful song. You begin to fully enjoy the ride, barely even noticing the ride making sharp and fast turns as it continues to go up and down. 
— “I might have hated it at first but that was exhilarating.” 
— “I knew you could do it.” He says proudly, planting a kiss on your forehead. “You are the bravest person I know after all.” 
— “I wouldn’t have overcome my fears if it weren’t for you though.” You scrunch your nose, and hold on to Shoto’s arm. Your heart still beating so fast. “Thank you for being my safe space Shoto. I’m always at peace whenever I’m with you. Thank you for always being my comfort person.”
— “Of course (Y/N). Why wouldn’t I be?” He tilts his head, clueless. “Are you game enough to ride the reversed one this time?”
— “Of course I am!” 
— He chuckles, “That’s my love. If you feel like you can’t do it, Just know that I’m always here to support you.” 
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— The first attractions on your list were the water rides. More specifically the Jurassic Park Water Ride and the JAWS ride. 
— You and Kirishima would try every ride in the park if you could. He loved to try and experience new things especially if he’s able to do them with you!
— Kiri is a very very fun person and would always be game with anything tbh!!
— You’re wearing matching dinosaur hats with Kirishima!!
— ‘’RAWR!’’ You make cutesy dinosaur gestures at your boyfriend, jumping around in your place. ‘’Can you believe we’re finally here in USJ!?’’ He blushes profusely, pecking your cheek. 
—  ‘’I can’t believe it too.’’ He chuckles then pauses for a moment before...
— ‘’RAWR!’’ He says back, his hands forming into claws, his cute mouth open wide and his sharp shark teeth very much visible. You giggle at his returned gesture, finding it more cuter than you should.
— ‘’(Y/N) you’re adorable! You know that right?’’ He laughs and continues to hold you tightly.
— ‘’Pshh of course I do! I have an equally adorable boyfriend too!’’ You look up at him, beaming.
— The two of you then jump in your place in unison, both mimicking each other’s cute ‘’RAWR!’’ and hand gestures as Kirishima pulls you into a hug.
— ‘’Don’t forget manly!’’ He winks and grabs your hand, taking you to the Jurassic Park Water ride.
— “I actually find it smart that we go on the water rides first so that we can just change clothes immediately after. Good thinkening Kiri!” You remark, patting him on the head.
— THINKENING??? THINKENING??? Eijirou could not think straight right now because of how cute you are
— You looked so excited to go on the rides and he couldn’t be happier seeing you like this 
— The ride begins and the all too familiar theme song of the series begins to play as the gates to the Jurassic Park opens as the water ride begins to move
— Although the ride was very predictable, and you knew the surprise at the end was the T-rex trying to jumpscare you as the ride falls down a high incline, splashing all of the people on the ride. 
— Kirishima still looked like he had lots of fun. 
— He turns to you, a huge cheeky smile plastered upon his face as he tries to dry his clothes. “That was fun!” 
— The ride may seem calm at first, but then the T-Rex begins to secretly appear around the forest-ish area surrounding the water ride. 
— “It was!” You smiled back. You look down on your shirt innocently. “I didn’t expect that I’d get this wet so I thought wearing a white shirt would be-”
— “LET’S BUY YOU A JURASSIC PARK SHIRT IN THE SOUVENIR SHOP OKAY!? SO THAT YOU WON’T WASTE YOUR OTHER CLOTHES AND YOU CAN CHANGE IN THEM FOR THE JAWS RIDE INSTEAD.” Eijirou stands up so suddenly from the boat. He takes you by the hand without shooting you another glance as not to show how flustered he was. 
— “Okay then...” You reply, as Kirishima whisks you away, leading you to the souvenir shop just outside of the attraction.
— Kirishima breathes a sigh of relief as he sees you exit the comfort room. 
— He calls you over, “(Y/N)! While you were changing your clothes, I went back to the souvenir shop and realized that they were actually couple shirts!
— We are so Adora-saurable! was written on both of your shirts along wtih a cute dinosaur couple print on them.
— “Funny how you were able to find a Dinosaur pun on the word adorable! What a coincidence!” You giggle, poking Kirishima’s cheek. “I think we had enough of dinosaurs for now. Shall we check out the other rides?”
— “Right beside ya!” Kiri flashes you his signature smile, taking your hand in his again, swinging it back and forth as the two of you continue to your next destination. 
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— The way you scolded him was more in a joking way though!!
— You guys arrive a bit late because Kaminari ended up sleeping through his alarm 🙃
— When the two of you met up at the entrance you scolded him so bad because you practically lost two hours and HNGGGGG
— All he could do was hug you tightly from behind and say “gomen!” “gomen!” over and over again
— you were loving every second of it!!!! denki was being super cute and you couldn’t help but just go uwu
— OK SO you and Kaminari decided to go to the Despicable Me/Minions area first not just for the memes but also because it was the most popular attraction this season.
— You also wanted to get on the rides there first since it takes 2 hours before you can even get in
— The design of yours was a cute little minion holding a teddy bear whilst his was a special Christmas reindeer edition.
—  “(Y/N)-chan! Look at the line! Should we line up and take a picture with the Minions!?” He points to a meet and greet line for the yellow mascots
—  You weren’t exactly the biggest fan of these abominations but facebook mom memes aside, Denki looked super super excited and you didn’t want to ruin a great start to a perfect day so you just went with it.
—  The staff attendants thought Kaminari looked super excited like cute little sparky puppy seeing the minions so they gave you cute minion button pins!!
— The Despical Me Area pretty much played Happy by Pharell Williams non-stop as people stroll around so you and Denki couldn’t help but dance along to it.
—  It didn’t matter if people looked at the two of you weirdly either!! Just being with denki and being chaotic with him is one of the best feelings ever and he feels the same way too
— You guys did all kinds of funky dances til the two of you got exhausted and decided to try out the other rides. 
— There were also carnival game stands and Kaminari ended up winning you the exact same unicorn stuff toy seen in the Despical Me movies.
— Cotton Candy, Gumballs, Skittes, anything remotely sweet being sold on the stalls, you tried all of them.
— “IT’S SO FLUFFFFFY!!!” You imitate one of the cute characters from the movie, hugging the stuffed toy to your chest. “Thank you Kami-kun! I will cherish this forever!”
— Kaminari grins widely, “I know you aren’t too fond of the Minions but thank you for still going with me to this area first.” You can see the emotion and the appreciation in his eyes. 
— “OMG DENKI OFC! WHY WOULD I NOT ENJOY THIS!?” You say incredulously. “I had such an amazing time! Minions and their annoying voices aside. I always have the best time when I’m with you!”
— Crocodile tears start to form on Denki’s eyes as he pulls you into a hug. “AAAAAAAHH (Y/N)-CHAN I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU. THANK YOU FOR BEARING WITH ME. I’M DOING THIS FOR THE MEMES.” 
— You giggle, patting Kaminari on the back. “It’s alright alright. I love you too! But this time you have to compensate by going on a horror ride with me okay?”
— “Ahahahahahaha what?”
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— Endeavor had sponsored your trip and all expenses to ~try~ and start to mend his broken relationship with his son, although you refused at first, Toya did not. When he went to visit his mother and Enji was there to visit too, He got the money from him, ignored him, and flipped him off (aka gave him the bad finger) before leaving.
His three other siblings were in on this trip too. However, Toya wanted your trip to Universal Studios Japan between the two of you ONLY. His siblings went on a different day.
— He wasn’t the biggest fan of matching outfits or any accessories with you like any couple would and you didn’t want to pry on that. He really wasn’t the type of person to do that to begin with.
— And although on the inside he does feel a bit sorry about not being able to be cutesy with you it just really wasn’t his thing. 
The two of you would most probably make out in a secluded area in the Hogsmeade area that is barely noticed by any other park goers. How daring and how secsy
 ‘’Seriously? Snoopy and Hello Kitty? THIS is the area you want to go in first?’’
—‘’Come on! It’s not everyday you get to loosen up like this. Why not try out the kiddie rides first? Besides, I want to see how long you can last without taking the cuteness anymore.”
— The staff sees you enter the Snoopy and Woodstock ride and couldn’t help but ask a very imprudent question. “The two of you look like such a cute couple! I bet your child is just as precious!”
—“Excuse me… what?” You ask, your eyes widen. “We’re not-”
—“The kid is on it’s way. We’ll have one soon once we return here.” Toya says casually, sending you a flirtatious wink and you feel flushed and slightly embarrassed.
—“Jeeeeeeeeeez. Did you really have to say that?” You try to avoid contact with him so he wouldn’t see the embarrassment or rather the arousal present all over your face.
—“What? It’s true.” He smirks, taking your hand. “Do you not want anything to happen between us?” He teases again.
—“NO NO NO NO ITS NOT THAT.” You yelp in embarrassment, your eyes still cast down on the ground.
—You notice him kneeling down and before you could even react, instead of facing the ground, you were staring down at your boyfriend’s handsome face instead. 
—“Come on… I thought we were going to the Hello Kitty ride next?
— “Oh yeah right! That ahahaha let’s go!” You look up again before he could see your face looking like a tomato.
— You couldn’t help but be flustered by his words time and time again. This time though there was no point in hiding it. He got to you.
— He grabs you by the waist, and whispers into your ear, “Besides, I’m saving matching outfits with you once we bring our child here in the future. We would be the cutest fucking family out there.”
— You’ve already been dating for a year?? and your heart still flutters every time?? anything remotely romantic comes out of his mouth???
— The other couples for some reason never thought of going on the cutesy rides, so as soon as they saw you and Toya going on them, the line for most of the rides got even longer.
— Toya might be lowkey an edgelord  but you guys became trendsetters in a span of an hour!! 
— He still looked hot just wearing a plain dark hoodie but you still couldn’t get the thought of Toya wearing those fits out of your head.
— “Earth to (Y/N)? You’re spacing out again.” He waves a hand in front of your face and you snap back to reality. “We’ve rode every attraction here. I think we should go check out the other rides? The Jaws one next please. I can’t stand all this cute sparkly cuteness anymore.”
—  “AHAH! YOU FINALLY SNAPPED!” You laugh, acting as if you finally got back at Toya for making you such a blushing and stuttering mess just a few minutes ago. Dabi shrugs it off however. 
— “OKIE! Now that I got out of my system, let’s continue to go around shall we?” You huff and pace off to the next ride that you wanted to go on.
— Toya shakes his head and smirks, following you to wherever you were going to take him next. That didn’t stop him from teasing you every few minutes though.
— The two of you did come back to USJ, but only a few days later to accompany Shoto since Fuyumi and Natsuo had to take the train home due to having to attend important matters.
— The same park attendant who complimented you and Dabi was managing the Snoopy ride again. She recognizes the two of you instantly and waves. “Oooh! I didn’t think the two of you would come back again so early! Is this the cute child you were talking about?”
— You and Toya collectively facepalm whilst Shoto looks at the staff with a very puzzled look.
— Hopefully, the next time you come back, you finally have a happy family with Toya and you can finally show off to that sassy ol’ attendant that you have a cute little kid with you to go on rides with.
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—This is officially your 7th date with Shinsou. 
— Although the two of you are already official, you can’t help but feel and notice how cold and distant he is to you still. As if he hasn’t exactly opened up to you.
—  And you didn’t want to end this day without seeing him loosen up and open his shell.
 —  You wanted a relationship with Shinsou in where the two of you could talk to each other about your own problems and help each other out. 
— That was the ideal relationship after all, and you knew for a fact that you could have something special like this with Shinsou. 
—  He did confess to you through a love poem and if that isn’t the most romantic thing ever, then I don’t know what is. 
—  You wanted to be his comfort person after all. Just as he is with you although I think he doesn’t know that yet exactly. 
—  “SOU-KUNNNN you know what else we can do?” 
—  “...What?”
—  “Let’s go on all the boring rides!!” You take his hand and start running to the next attraction. 
—  “T-that’s not actually a bad idea. Let’s go.” He mutters, albeit shy at the touch of your hands at first, he grows comfortable after a few minutes with your hand intertwined with his. 
— It was the middle of the afternoon and the park was less busier than usual, which meant all the time for you and Shinsou to try out every exhilarating ride the park had to offer. 
—  The only ones left were more performance-based attractions where you would be watching a live musical or play. One of those being a Terminator based ride. 
—  The concept of a Terminator live-action retelling was pretty cool but certainly not you or Shinsou’s cup of tea either. However, it was your goal with him to try out every ride in the park. So, eh why not?
—  The two of you sit in the front seat, making Shinsou within range of the stage actors to be affected by his quirk. 
—  “Don’t try to make them do anything bad okay?” You whisper to him. “This live show does look boring and really needs to liven up a little.
—  “I won’t do that of course. Let’s just make this show more entertaining.” 
— He then uses his quirk on the stage actors, making them do fun and entertaining dances. 
— The audience burst out into laughter as Shinsou had unintentionally made a twist to the musical playing before you. 
— “Of course not! You made that Terminator Musical much better! I bet they took notes and try to switch up the acting and the cheesiness for the next show!” 
— “Hopefully they will. Because the show was boring as hell.” He deadpans, putting his hands in his pockets. 
— Everyone in the theatre left in good spirits. 
— He stops in his tracks and looks at you. How lucky he was to have someone like you in his life.
— “Thank you for today too (Y/N). I really enjoy spending time with you like this.” He looks away, yet fails to hide his flustered face. 
— “You’re welcome!” You lean in and tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek. 
—  Despite how cold and straightforward he may be sometimes, you never complained. You accepted him for who he was and who he is. 
— The two of you take the train ride home in peace and solace knowing that slowly but surely, Shinsou becomes more and more comfortable with you and you can’t wait for the time he finally opens up and bears his heart to you. 
Thank you for reading ♡
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keeper0fthestars · 4 years
Fear and Trust
francisco (frankie) morales x fem reader
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2K words
warnings: two idiots in love, language, fluff, so much fluff, cheesy intimate moments, Frankie is husband material
summary: There is only one thing in this world that scares you and that thing is heights
a/n:  based on this trope 
I am so blown away by everyone who reblogs my erratic little scribblings and sends me comments, you fuel me more than you will ever know.  And as always i would love to know what you think. 
In search of your shoes, you walk down the hall in your bare feet, hands occupied with the zipper of your sundress. Rounding the corner into the living room, you find Frankie on the couch tidying the mess books and papers on the coffee table. Focused the space in front of him, he pulls a pair of sandals from under the coffee table, letting them dangle on two fingers. 
“Looking for thes-,” 
And that’s when he sees you. 
He doesn't drop the shoes in your outstretched hand as you expect; instead, they fall onto the couch and he takes your hand, pulling you up to him, knees knocking with his. His gaze is glued to your dress, the way it matches your eyes and fits you in all the right places and flares just above your knees, leaving just enough bare skin for his eyes to latch onto. He doesn't even need to say anything, your skin is already tingling under the weight of his eyes and you forget why you walked into the living room in the first place. His eyes finally drag back up to yours, his throat bobs and- 
“Tell me something, babe,”  leaning back on the couch soaking up the sight of you. "How the fuck am I supposed to wanna go anywhere with you dressed like this?"
You let him tug you down on top of him, content knowing that the effect you have on him is equally disarming, “Hey, this was your idea, remember?” 
Sinking into the worn leather of the couch, you brace yourself on his shoulders, knees hugging him on either side, your dress bunching over your thighs.  His hands settle on your hips, guiding you down, blowing a hot breath out of his mouth when he catches a glimpse of the dark lace between your legs. He looks weak and starved all at once, running his hands up your thighs, curving around your ass, giving you an appreciative squeeze.
“Mmhm...” he hums, hooking an index finger under the one strap, sliding it off your shoulder, he sits up, his mouth focused on the skin of your neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps on your bare skin. “I've got more ideas and all of them include this dress on the floor right now.”
“How am I supposed to resist that?” Sinking your fingers into his hair, you guide his mouth to yours.
His hands slide underneath your dress. “I hope you can’t.”
It’s taken all damn day and three caramel apples but he’s finally got you standing in line with him, sharing popcorn and more junk food, and every few minutes when the line advances, his hand finds the small of your back, tracing soothing circles, and you think maybe it’s the way he’s just licked cotton candy off your thumb, or maybe it’s the fact that he could not seem to keep his hands off you all day, but whatever he’s doing is working because the nervous flutter in your chest isn’t so bad anymore. 
From across the pier, it didn’t seem that big, but now that you’re standing directly under it, this is by far the worst ride in the entire park and you blame the sugar high for letting him talk you into this. He senses your jitters again and he tucks you into his side, pressing his lips softly to your temple. Your free hand slides into his back pocket and the brim of his ball cap skims the top of your head, he is warm and solid and more of your tension bleeds away. The next empty bucket that jerks to a halt is for you.
“You owe me for this, Morales.”
“I promise it’ll be worth it.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
He doesn’t answer; he just laces his fingers with yours, that dimple in his cheek melting the rest of your resolve and fuck, it’s kinda hard to deny him anything when he smiles like that. He leads the way up the ramp and into the open metal carriage with the narrow bench big enough for two. 
Everything from your elbows down is hidden from sight inside the swaying bucket.  The sturdy bar positioned across your lap looks like it was painted blue at some point but had long since been overtaken by rust. You resist the urge to look up.
The ride operator steps up, reaches inside and jostles the restraint over your lap, testing its latch before shutting the half-door with a clink. Without warning your bucket is yanked backwards a few feet and your stomach lurches, knuckles turning white on the rusted bar. The bucket then jolts to a stop to let the next people in line a chance to get on. 
Yep. Worst idea ever. 
“Oh god,” Taking a shuddering breath, you would give anything to be as relaxed as he looks, knees splaying, back slouched, “I cannot believe you talked me into this.”
He pulls you into the circle of his arms, his calming, “Breathe, baby, I’ve got you,” is the only thing that makes the next few jolts bearable as you climb higher. He reaches across your lap and gently tugs your knees together pulling them snug to his side. 
Turning your face into his shoulder, you wait for him to tell you this is nonsense and that you have nothing to worry about. 
But he won’t because that’s the thing about fears. They’re irrational like that. 
“Hey,” he coaxes into your ear, “you’re okay, I’m not letting go of you.” 
Forcing yourself to breathe, you relax your grip on the bar in front of you just as another jerk propels you backwards again, then another, and another and now you’re halfway up the back of the massive wheel. Squeezing your eyes shut, your heart is beating inside your throat now and you’re fairly certain your stomach is lying somewhere on the ground below. Frankie has to pry your hand off his thigh.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Watching me lose my shit over the damn Ferris Wheel.” 
“But you’re doing it,” with his nose, he nudges your face up, pressing his lips to yours, “even though you’re afraid.”
The truth was, you wouldn’t be doing it if he weren’t with you. And he knew that. 
When he’d learned there was only one thing you were scared of, he found it hard to believe at first and also adorable as hell, but he never bugged you about it; he knew what it was like to be teased about something you can’t control. The irony is not lost on you that your boyfriend happens to be a pilot. The only thing he'd said at the time was, only idiots are not afraid of anything.
Jerking to a halt again, you’re above the trees and now it’s the unobstructed view that captures your attention and steals your breath. It's spectacular, all glowing neon and twinkling lights. The sun is sinking, turning the sky into breathtaking orange and pink, matching the sprawling scene below.
“Oh," you breathe, "this is gorgeous.” 
"Yeah," he lets go of your shoulder to drag his thumb down your neck, placing his mouth just below your ear. “It is.”
Your shiver is accompanied by a familiar surge of warmth under the softness of his voice because he's not talking about the sunset.
Deep down, Frankie knows there would never come a day that his heart would not trip over itself and spill butterflies into his stomach whenever you’d enter a room. 
There used to be a time he'd thought he’d never be enough, but you’d put those deep-seated fears of his to rest a long time ago. You’d been the unshakable and constant stability in his life that left no room for any doubt. Not that he’d had any qualms or cold feet about spending the rest of his life with you; it was quite the opposite.  The purple velvet box at the bottom of his pocket induced enough butterflies to fill his truck bed if that was any indication of how strongly he felt about you. The rush he'd felt in his insides during his very first simulation at the academy was nothing compared to the glow he felt today and he had to keep hiding his smile against your shoulder to try and rein it in. 
The ride starts to glide smoothly and okay; all things considered, this wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought. Dusk is beginning to settle and Frankie’s arm rests warm and heavy across your shoulders. The wind on your face feels fantastic and you’re not quite sure when your nervous energy changes into something else but every time you feel the downward pull on your body, your face splits into a grin and if you weren't so damn happy, you'd be rolling your eyes right now wondering when your life turned into a fucking rom-com. 
When he faces you, the sun leaves dazzling flecks of deep gold in his eyes, making them shine like bronze. His crooked smile pulls softly at the corner of his eye, a smile that tells you he knows exactly what you’re thinking, a smile that makes your heart lose its balance. It’s the same look he’d had when you came out of the bedroom this afternoon; the same look you’d pretended not to notice all day, wandering the pier together. Your heart is suddenly fluttering again and it has nothing to do with being three hundred feet off the ground.
“Okay Frankie, what’s going on? This all part of some plan of yours?” 
He takes off his ball cap and then replaces it in the same spot on his head, clearing his throat. “What plan.” 
“Getting me on the biggest ride here, winning me over with… with enough sugar to last a year and all your sweet talk and... listen, it's gonna take a lot more than a few well-placed kisses to get me into your co-pilot seat.” 
You feel his chest beginning to shake with laughter, “Baby, my chopper is much safer than this fuckin rust bucket. The-,” 
Your mouth gapes.  “Oh fuck you.
Just when you were starting to relax.
He blocks your loose fist with a gentle grip before it hits his shoulder, uses it to pull you in, your affronted gasp cut off when his lazy grin bumps with your open mouth. You had a dozen comebacks for the way he just teased you, but they all melt before they have a chance to materialize. His eyes glitter with amusement and something else but he doesn't give you a chance to examine it. 
“Lemme kiss you properly and then you can think about fucking me, ok.”
It's a little hard to be irritated; it’s a little hard to think straight at all when his fingers start dancing up the inside of your knee. The rush in your stomach now has nothing to do with the way gravity is forcing you down into the seat. Damn this guy and his ability to silence every single thought in your head.  
The ride is nearing the end, and you find yourself disappointed remembering how nervous you’d felt about it at the start. It slows and eases to a stop, suspending the two of you at the highest point in the rotation. 
The sun half gone now, the clouds are washed with purple and dark orange, the leaves in the treetops kissing each other in the breeze. It’s peaceful up here, hanging above the world and you understand why Frankie loves it. And your heart just might shatter right now because for the first time you realize that’s why he wanted to share it with you. 
Your throat clogs up and you don't trust yourself to speak but you don't need to because he shifts slightly, angling you so he can slip his arms around your waist from behind, tucking his chin into your shoulder. He's the one steady hand in your life. You fall asleep at night and wake up knowing that he's never going to be anywhere but beside you.
“You're right,” you manage, "this was worth it."
The edges of his heart twinge at the lightness in your voice, he soaks it up, knowing he’s the one responsible for it, knowing all the things he wants to promise you, knowing he’s the one you lean on, the one you call in the middle of the day just to say hi, the one you trust, the one you’ve said countless times you want to grow old with so why the fuck was he so nervous. 
That’s the thing about fears. They’re irrational like that.
A fragment of a forgotten conversation echoes in his head, something he’d told you a long time ago: Only complete idiots are not afraid of anything. 
He ignores the trembling in his fingers and reaches into his pocket.
taglist: @opheliaelysia @oldstuffnewstuff @pedropascalito @sistasarah-sallysaidso @pascalispedro @wickedfrsgrl @fromthedeskoftheraven @givemethatgold @domino-oh-damn @cinewhore @hiscyarika @oloreaa @buckstaposition @fleetwoodmactshirt  
if you would like to be added or removed, please come yell at me
my masterlist
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Date Night w/ Atsumu, Osamu, Suna
Warnings: Drinking, Smoking (weed)
A/N: repost bc I checked and my posts weren’t showing up in the tags 😭 sorry if you’ve seen it already.
Pls enjoy (ㆁᴗㆁ✿)
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“Where are we going?” “It’s a surprise!”
Whenever Atsumu said those words, it meant one of two things: he’s put a lot of thought and effort into this and you’re about to have the best night of your life... or he’s done nothing, is winging it and kinda hoping for the best.
It’s been about a 50/50 success rate so you really don’t know why you’re gonna get.
“Tsumu, I swear to god, if this is like that one time by the beach...” “shut yer trap! We’re almost there!”
He opened the door to a small, studio like space, waving his hand and motioning for you to enter. You rolled your eyes at his theatrics but let out a tiny gasp once you were able to take in your surroundings.
Canvases perched up on easel stands lined the room, chairs set up in front with a little table next to the easel topped with paint supplies and wine glasses.
You turned to him excitedly. “Paint and wine night!?”
“Paint and wine!” Atsumu exclaimed, “Ya been complaining bout how ya miss doing art, so I thought we could do it together. I would’ve liked a private class, but they only did group sessions.”
“This is perfect,” you said, taking a seat and inspecting the supplies. Atsumu couldn’t help but puff out his chest in pride.
The room soon filled out with the other guests, the instructor coming in a few minutes after everyone’s arrived.
Atsumu chose a red wine, you chose a white. You were only supposed to be served by the glass but he insisted on a bottle each, and you weren’t the only one that has a hard time saying no to him.
“Babe,” he slurred halfway through the night, “is mine supposed to look like that?”
“Tsumu, we’re supposed to be painting an ocean... where did you get that red paint?” “I dunno, I just found it.”
The instructor tried to ignore the both of you giggling like idiots, but they had to step in when Atsumu started flinging paint at you with his brush.
“Miya-san, please stop chugging the wine.”
You chuckled at Atsumu grumbling next to you, trying to steady your hand while adding in your final details.
“Aaaand done!” Atsumu beat you to it. You take a second to glance at his canvas.
“Atsumu... what the hell is th-“ “it’s called abstract art, okay?! Ya normies wouldn’t get it!”
Where the hell did he learn ‘normies’ from?
You laughed at his canvas the entire way home, much to Atsumu’s chagrin.
Still, you hung it up on the wall by your bed, just so it could be the last thing you saw every night before you drifted off to sleep.
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“Where’d you hear about this?” Osamu asked reluctantly.
“I saw a post about in on Insta! My friends went last weekend, and they said it was amazing!” “I didn’t know you had friends?” “You know what, Samu...”
When you arrived at your destination, you couldn’t help but smile at the wide-eyed expression on your boyfriends face.
Hyogo was hosting a food festival, encouraging up and coming chefs to rent out booths and test out any and all unique recipes they could think off.
Booths on either side lined the road, crowds of people holding plates of food that Osamu didn’t even know existed.
“Which one should we try first?” You asked, but Osamu was already walking up to stand claiming to sell “Sushi Burritos”
“We have to do this strategically,” Osamu said, looking at the paper pamphlet he received from one of the information stands, “We should only get one thing from each stand so we have room for dessert. It looks like all the dessert stands are on this end, so we’ll just do one big circle.”
You nodded and gave him a salute, happy to be dragged around by the hand.
You’d never seen Osamu so animated, eyes darting from one booth to the next, ears practically steaming.
Your favorite was watching him take his first bite out of whatever creation you bought from the stall in front of you, his eyes would flutter close and the satisfied hum slipping from his mouth always brings your lips up to a smile.
“Let’s try this one next,” he said, leading you up to an onigiri stand.
The worker handed you a plate with three perfectly formed onigiri, your mouth watering at the scent wafting into your nostrils.
You took a bite... and another one... but your brows knitted together together after each chew
“Something wrong?” Osamu asked
You shook your head. “No, nothings wrong... it’s just, ever since I’ve had your onigiri, nothing else can really compare”
Osamu desperately hide the blush that was quickly spreading across his cheeks. “Oh really?”
“Yeah! You know, Samu, if you opened up an Onigiri shop, I bet it would be the best one in the country.”
Osamu laughed, slinging an arm around your shoulder as he lead you to the next destination.
“You think so?” “I KNOW so.”
Osamu shook his head. “I couldn’t pull something off like that.”
You stopped in your tracks, tugging on his hand and forcing him to face you. “Osamu, I think you could do absolutely anything you set your mind to,” your tone was serious for a second before shooting him a wide grin, “and you would do it better than anyone!”
Osamu smiled, watching you run off to the next booth, thinking that if he had you by his side, then he could probably rule the world.
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Suna has never ever striked you as the “hiking” type
So when he said he wanted to take you to a spot he used to frequent in high school, you were surprised, but oddly excited.
“How’d you find this place?” “You know... exploring.”
He took you to a park that was a 20 minute train ride from his apartment. The park was situated at the base of a mountain, and further back behind a canopy of trees was the beginning of a trail that you wouldn’t see if you didn’t know it was there.
Suna walked ahead, extending his hand behind him for you to take. He laced your fingers together, trudging along the path side by side.
The trail wasn’t really much of a hike as it is a walk. The terrain was relatively flat most of the way, green leaves bordering each side of the path.
Suddenly, Suna stopped, pulling you over to the side and moving aside branches and leaves.
“Rin? What are you doing?” You asked curiously, but he just said, “Trust me.”
Past the foliage was another trail, one that looks like it wasn’t meant to exist in the first place, formed only by repeating footprints that climbed up the slope.
Suna held out his hand for you to take, looking like he had every intention of climbing up the side of this muddy hill.
“Uhhhh, Rin, I don’t think we’re supposed to -“ “I said trust me, didn’t I?”
You grumbled at him, throwing snide remarks and thanking god that you wore an old pair of sneakers today.
It took about 10 minutes of climbing until you reached the top, walking past a couple of trees to reach a clearing.
In the middle of the clearing was a tree stump, different logs of various sizes encircling the stump. You rolled your eyes, knowing exactly what it was you were looking at.
“You brought me to your old high school smoking spot?” “Hell yeah, I did.”
Suna walked ahead of you, sitting down on one of the logs and digging through the backpack he was wearing.
He stood up, and laid down a small blanket on the log, sitting back down and patting the spot next to him. You chuckled, taking a seat next to him.
“If you wanted to get high, we could have just done it at the apartment?” You said, but Suna just shrugged. “It’s nice to have a change of scenery once in a while.”
He dug out his bag, zipping it open and setting his grinder, blunt wraps, and weed on the tree stump.
You’ve always liked watching Suna prepare your blunts. He’s let you try doing it once or twice, but you could never get it to roll as tightly as he does.
You hear the telltale click of a lighter, Suna dragging the flame across the seam of the wrap before bringing one end to his lips, and lighting the other.
Once it was lit, he took a few deep drags before passing it over to you. You brought the blunt to your lips, taking in a deep breath, holding it until you felt your lungs burn, and letting out a big puff of smoke.
“Whoa there,” Suna commented, and you laughed in between fits of coughing.
“It’s been a tough week.” “Yeah? Tell me about it.”
The two of you sat there, you weren’t sure how long, exchanging stories about your week, making each other laugh with corny jokes you read online, showing each other tik toks and just enjoying each other’s company.
The blunt was finished long ago, and you notice Suna’s shoulders were much less tense, his facial features finally easing into a calm expression.
“Practice has been tough, huh?” You asked, and he let out a big sigh.
“Yeah... but it’s alright. S’long as we still get to do stuff like this, I’ll survive.”
You tilted your head as he stood up. “Where you going?”
“Let’s go, it’s getting cold and I got the munchies.”
“I am way too high to climb down that slope right now.”
And that’s how you got Suna Rintarou to give you a piggy back ride down the side of a muddy hill.
A/N: also sorry for the shittt format I’m on mobile :(
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moonbeamsung · 4 years
hey! this has been getting popular recently, so pair your moots with an nct fic trope or/and ship them with nct?? i love your works too!! can't wait for the next one :)) heh
(anon, i’m so sorry this took so long! thanks for your patience! this also kinda turned into association instead of ships but i also base ships on similarities? so it works out hehe)
🎄dear moots: think of these ships/mini fics as a small christmas/holiday/end of the year gift from me to you! i sincerely hope you like them, it’s not much but it’s the least i can do to express my gratitude for all the love and happiness you’ve made me feel this year, even if we’ve just recently met! i’m so thankful for all of you and i love you very much!🎄
hi lovely anon!! <3 omg you love my works? that means so much to me, i hope you’re having a wonderful day!! thank you so much for sending me this, i had been hoping to do something like it for a while🥺
for my closer moots, i’m gonna combine these, so i’ll outline a fic trope/idea and the pairing will be who i ship you with! hopefully this won’t become an essay lol. warning: it does
i don’t want to leave anyone out, so for those of you that i’m not quite as close with or have met more recently, i’ll just give you a ship! i hope that’s okay🥺and if i’m still forgetting someone then i’m really really sorry, please let me know and i’ll make sure to add you next time!
read more cut because this is a looooot. open at your own risk and prepare for many many MANY blocks of text... also these are in alphabetical order by url!!
——ships + fics——
@astroboy-lele: a best friends to lovers au with chenle, no doubt about it. furou is one of my closest friends on here and our conversations are almost always chaotic, but when they aren’t, they’re full of love and appreciation for each other because she deserves it! major chenle vibes, they’re both so adorable too. her humor is great, all the jokes we have together make me absolutely wheeze oml. i really don’t know what i would do without her kindness sometimes, when i want to give up at something she’s so quick to reassure me. furou, thanks for encouraging me and for always being such a strong source of happiness🥺also, i hope you never doubt your amazing talents because they are a gift to this world!! but enough with the super deep stuff because this is way too long, so the plot would go something like this: you met one day when you heard him practicing piano in the band room by himself. you’re both shy at first so it’s a blush fest when he notices you’ve been listening to him play the whole time, but one not-so-awkward introduction later, you realize you have some things in common and that you share a class or two. you come over for study sessions & work together on partner projects, conversations lighthearted and full of endless laughter. in addition, you also show your support for each other’s talents and dreams, with him attending your dance performances and clapping louder than anyone else in the audience, and you attending his recitals, heart swelling with more pride and appreciation than you thought was possible. any time that you spend together usually ends with you asleep on his chest while he taps away at a piano app on his phone because he knows it calms you down, humming softly by your ear. as the sunlight streams in from his window and illuminates your face, he takes one look at you and decides that you’ve become so much more than just a best friend to him after everything you’ve been through together in such a short time. but will he ever find the courage to tell you how he feels?
@danishmiilk: i can’t really explain it, but i just picture late nights walking through city streets in a strangers to lovers au with doyoung by your side. xing-yi has a lot of love to give to others and so much to offer the writing community, and also she’s somewhat of a social butterfly, at least i think so! it makes me so happy seeing her interact with her moots and she always looks out for others! i also imagine that she has a cute bunny smile but also maybe not HAHA anyway i just love xing-yi a lot. here’s the fic: doyoung, the one who always seems to know everything, is forced to ask for directions in a foreign city. shamefully standing on the sidewalk, he stops you mid-step with a small hand gesture, because even though he doesn’t know you at all, you look like you probably won’t walk away or dismiss his questions with a shrug. being as friendly and willing to help as you are, you oblige. with an embarrassed scratch to the back of his neck, he admits that he might forget the sequence of lefts and rights you had given him, but you’re unfazed and simply offer to walk him there yourself, since it isn’t terribly far anyway. doyoung, lightly flustered since he’s not quite sure how to thank you for your trouble and feeling bad for taking the time out of your day, fumbles with asking for your number. he’s cute, you think, and before you part you insist on showing him around the city some more before he leaves, glancing at the sheepish but smitten man over your shoulder with a smile as you turn to walk back home, leaving him eager to see you again.
@daybreakx: my first thought was a hogwarts au with kun! ale’s talent in writing is a beautiful hidden gem on this site, and she truly deserves so much more recognition for it. i’m so grateful for how kind she is and i want the best for her and her work always! also, the love letter network that she created to help more writers receive love, feedback, and appreciation from readers is such a generous and selfless thing to do, it shows that she has such a caring heart! all of these qualities make me think of kun, and i chose a hogwarts au because i think she just writes those especially well and hers are some of my favorites! so for the fic: the fates are definitely not on your side today, because all the friends you made on the train ride to the castle have been sorted into different houses than you, not to mention you have almost no classes with any of them. at the same time, you seem to have every class with this one boy, kun. he’s in hufflepuff, the same house as you, and because you’re always paired up as seatmates, you find yourself warming up to him throughout the year. conversations become easier during projects, you start to have study sessions in the common room when exams come around, and as first-year students, you both love experiencing all the new and exciting things that the school and the magical world has to offer together. now, you couldn’t be happier that you were sorted into hufflepuff, because otherwise you might not have become friends (and maybe more..) with him!
@donkey-hyuck: vy is way more hilarious and talented than others give her credit for, and not to mention the way everyone adores her for always being so loving and showering them with her affection and support😭i’m thinking of a sci-fi au with jeno! she’s just so hardworking with her writing and on her collabs, & i think she’s strong-willed because she always pursues her goals no matter what! she has such a bright personality and also, like jeno’s her smile is just the CUTEST thing ever!!!! i will never be over it istg🥺fic: in a world full of new technology and controlled by a government unwilling to remember the past and all its traditions, a band of rebels come together and take it upon themselves to go back in time and discover what their reality used to look like long ago. one fateful day on their quest to uncover the mystery of the past, they stumble upon you, unaware of their cause but eager to join them. you take after one of the boys particularly well, lee jeno. though he’s assigned the role of warrior, he’s well-rounded and could easily succeed at any task the group may need him to complete. extremely passionate about the group’s goal, the two of you share a dedication that only brings you closer with time, working together and just being complete badasses. when you aren’t navigating through streets full of neon signs and angular buildings, you fall into the rhythm of a relationship. though you may not know much about each other’s pasts yet, one thing’s for sure: you can definitely see a future with one another.
@fairvtale: a soulmate au with jisung! i mean, keia is just the peak of cuteness, love, positivity, and everything sweet and nice!! how could i not ship her with the adorable park jisung himself😭she’s so full of compassion for everyone she meets and is so loved and appreciated for not only her great personality but also her talents! now, in this soulmate universe, you and your soulmate share the same preferences! so when you hear someone standing in line ahead of you at the ice cream shop order your favorite flavor, your heart skips a beat. of course, it’s not the first time it’s happened, but something feels different today. when you see who the voice belongs to, you just know that the tall but also shy boy is meant for you, and being brave, you approach the small two-person table he sits down at, making small talk until you both realize that you have a little too much in common for it to be a coincidence... :D <3
@ferie-anon: i’m picturing a bookstore au with shopkeeper!taeil, you just give off really insightful but also curious vibes!! both you and taeil make me think of wisdom(especially with your astrology knowledge! it amazes me so much omg), and also, you both have hearts of gold🥺💝fic: a new book shop opens up in your town, and eager to find a new story to dive into, you enter one day to find taeil behind the counter with a smile on his face that’s so bright you don’t even notice his smaller but adorable stature. he guides you, his first customer, through the rows of books to find one that interests you. since the store has multiple copies, he finds himself reading the same ones that you buy not only to enjoy them for himself, but also because it allows him to discuss them with you when you come in the next time, eager to hear each other’s thoughts and knowledge. your equal love for learning and discovery makes you a perfect match!
@flirtyhyuck: kitty is a literal ray of sunshine into my life, so who else would i ship him with than haechan? (i know i once said jaemin but shh) he is so encouraging, always makes me smile and my heart burst, i’m really thankful for all the times he checks in on me and i just feel very loved talking to him. he deserves all the love in the world, really and truly. for the au, maybe a strangers to lovers with barista!haechan! your favorite cafe has a new worker that’s attracting all the attention lately. haechan makes the funniest jokes and comments at the register, and everyone asks for him to ring them up just so they can laugh at his sarcasm. but he’s also so attentive to each and every customer, making sure the order is nothing short of perfect and exactly what they wanted. you always sit at one of the bar-style seats as you enjoy your favorite drink, legs dangling from the elevated chair as you watch him bustle about behind the cashier station and among the machines & supplies. one day it’s closing time, he’s cleaning up for the night but he lets you stay a few more minutes, something he wouldn’t do for anyone else. leaning over the marble countertop that your cup rests on, he swipes a fingertip through the whipped cream on top of your drink and lightly taps your nose with it, making you giggle endearingly at the ticklish sensation and giving him the courage to ask you out. with a smile, you agree. ‘sure, but let’s go somewhere other than a coffee shop, please.’
@fruityutas: emily (pt 1 HAHA) seriously cracks me up SO MUCH, not to mention she has one the best laughs i’ve heard and it’s super lovable haha. i don’t know what else to call it but i’d give her a wedding date(?) au with hendery! even when i didn’t know her very well and we had just recently met she was super friendly and inviting. for some reason i feel like hendery would also play the sims lol, anyway! onto the fic: when given the opportunity to bring a ‘plus one’ to a friend’s special day, your other friend hendery swoops in with an arm around your shoulder as you reread the invitation out loud, wondering who to ask. not so subtly, he offers to accompany you, and not wanting to be the only one without a guest, you agree to his proposal (no pun intended). dressed in your best formalwear and with stiffly linked arms, you navigate through the ceremony, only loosening up a bit at the reception. hendery is determined to make you smile with his exaggerated dancing, twirling you and making you more than glad you brought him along. you do get a few comments from other guests on what a ‘cute couple’ you are, leading you both to exchange glances before bursting into laughter. it starts to become less and less implausible, though. you catch hendery’s eye right after you find the bride’s flower bouquet in your grasp, suddenly realizing there could be more between you than you realized...
@jenojam: i was totally not influenced by your preschool series at all haha, but a preschool au with teacher!kun comes to mind! vina is always there for me, she’s so caring and attentive to everything i tell her!! i get mom friend vibes i guess, she’s just so sweet and i feel super loved and cared for whenever we interact, i’m really grateful for her endless support🥺for the fic, kun is a coworker of yours at the preschool you teach at. you both have such a strong passion for teaching and it helps you bond, leading to many days spent side-by-side, fondly watching your students play with their friends at recess or do activities and play games in class. even the small children in your class can see how much wider you smile when you’re in the same room. with the sweetest and most innocent of intentions, shenanigans ensue of your well-meaning but slightly mischievous students trying to get kun to confess to you, whether it be by writing a message in sidewalk chalk or making a bracelet out of craft beads for him to give you.
@jisungsmochi: hm, i’m thinking...a high school/college au with theatre kid!xiaojun🥺i ship nat with xiaojun because she’s just the sweetest, she has a hidden chaotic side (imo lol) and just a great sense of humor as well! she’s so fun to talk to and you can’t help but love her🥺picture this: you’re both in english class together, and one day there’s a mix-up. he accidentally grabs your essay and you end up with his script for the school musical. you have no choice but to go to one of his rehearsals to swap them back, but as you’re standing in the doorway, you’re captivated by his performance! little do you know, he’s absolutely in awe of your writing, even in a simple literature paper. your admiration for each other’s talents leads to you sitting in the back of the theater doing your homework every day after school, listening to his voice ring out across the large room, and he gets a confidence boost knowing you’re there watching him act, dance, and sing. he always winks at you from onstage and you’re beyond starstruck every time, your english paper quickly becoming forgotten as soon as he meets your eyes with a charming smile.
@lebrookestore: well, a royal au with prince!/childhood friend!taeyong comes to mind. brooke is a lot like taeyong because she’s so considerate and generous but also can be very professional and calm when she needs to be! (i think i told you already but you have this ~duality~ in a way, like ty haha.) so..you both grow up in the castle, scampering away from the staff in the large hallways and just enjoying the excitement of life. one day when you’re a bit older, you come across a stranger in the forest as you’re exploring. they turn out to be from the next kingdom over, but something about them is familiar: you’re sure you’ve seen a ‘wanted’ poster with their face plastered on it. you manage to warn taeyong in his ear before you hear the stranger’s footsteps speed up, and you both start sprinting as fast as possible. quickly working together since you know each other so well, you devise a plan to get them caught in a tangle of vines you remember seeing on your way into the forest, so you can bring back reinforcements to arrest the dangerous criminal. it works, but instead of turning to give taeyong a high five in celebration, he’s already in front of you and thanking you for your quick thinking with a hug, suddenly realizing that how much he loves you after seeing your brave and clever side emerge, just two of the many traits that made you win his heart.
@navyhyuck: vee’s name has basically become synonymous with happiness at this point, hearing from her in my inbox/messages or seeing a post/work of hers on my dash is so comforting and makes me smile more than she knows. since she’s the epitome of sweetness, i’ll say a bakery au with jaemin! i really appreciate knowing someone like her, and the encouragement she gives me is so heartwarming🥺the way she sends asks in the mornings makes me feel so ridiculously loved and at ease, her presence in itself is a gift to this site. tumblr really doesn’t deserve her!! i’m so happy that we’ve grown close and i don’t know what i would do without her and her kindness in my life. fic: you sign up for a baking class at a quaint, local pastry shop to learn how to make desserts and treats, since baking was a hobby you had enjoyed as a child with your family and now you hoped to learn how to do it on your own. little did you know that your instructor would be even more saccharine than the sugary treats you were making. his flirtatious nature leads to many mishaps in the kitchen as you get distracted while trying to follow along with the simple directions, instead making a mess of the icing and sprinkles and nearly confusing the measurements of ingredients. he finds it adorable, though, and towards the end of the session he sneaks a bite of one of the french macarons you put together, a bright smile lighting up his features as he compliments you on it. he teases you by reminding you to pay more attention next time, and with a comeback so quick that even you’re surprised, you take him up on that offer, implying that you’d be back for another class soon. “good. we’re making crème brûlée next week,” he informs with a wink as you both part ways. boy, was he sweeter than sugar.
@orange-nimon-cross: yunha deserves someone who knows the true her and has always been by her side, so i’d say a neighbor/boy next door au with winwin/sicheng. her personality is unique and complex like sicheng’s, and like him i also admire her for lots of reasons, such as her honesty and the pride she takes in writing as well as her passion for it in general. she’s very sweet, so supportive whenever i need it, and deserves so much more recognition for her beautiful work!!💕fic: your neighborhood holds a classic and oh-so-cliche summer block party every year, the smell of smoke and sounds of laughter moving through the air and into your open window. when a bad day gets you down and you hesitate to join in the festivities, sicheng is the only one who can get through to you, not forcing you to talk about anything and just sitting beside you on your bed in silence, which seems to be the most comforting thing anyone can do at the moment. when you tell him you’re ready(which he asks you to confirm many times, because that’s just how much he cares about you and wants you to be fully comfortable and okay), he takes your hand and leads you outside and onto the burning asphalt of the street with other friends and families, the blissful feeling of summer putting you at ease and the gentle evening breeze carrying away your cares with it. and like a springtime flower, although one season late, your relationship begins to blossom into one full of even more love and consideration for each other than it was before.
@radiorenjun: a doctor au with renjun! angie is slightly (okay, very) chaotic but also very lovable!! i don’t know if she’s an aries but she gives off serious aries energy. she’s confident and optimistic and really approachable! i’m so happy she reached out to me one day and we became friends from there🥺in the fic, renjun is a resident at your hospital studying under you and learning the ropes of being a doctor. when you first met each other, you actually mistook him for a coworker with how professional he seemed, but the confusion made a small, adorable blush rise to his cheeks. shy and timid at first, he takes notes and helps you do your job without complaint. when you offer part of your routine to him, he gratefully accepts and does the task perfectly, growing more comfortable in his position and relationship with you as he receives more opportunities to show his skill. sharing stories and experiences from medical school on your lunch breaks and smiling when you finish each other’s sentences about patients and their prescribed care, you realize that you’ve fallen for the soon-to-be doctor, and that no stethoscope could possibly measure the beating of your heart around him.
@rouiyan: so you know how you said you were excited for my wip that’s a strangers to lovers au with animal shelter worker!jeno? that’s what this is(loosely anyway)!!🥺ree reminds me of jeno in the fact that she’s such a sweetheart in every interaction with anyone, it feels like you’ve been her friend for ages! and then you look at her writing that’s just so damn good and sophisticated and i’m always so amazed with everything she puts out, just like how jeno’s talents amaze me as well! now for the fic: your beloved dog runs off in the park, but luckily a boy walking nearby lunges for the leash as it drags behind the animal. you thank him repeatedly, and he explains that the little puppy might have tried to leave your grasp only because she wants to make a new friend. the park is full of other dogs, after all. he mentions that he works at the shelter nearby and suggests that maybe you should adopt a second one to keep her company. not seeing any reason why you shouldn’t, you meet him the next day and spend time together picking out a new puppy. many more days are spent giving the fluffy little animals lots of pets and scratches behind the ears, and playing with them. you’re not sure what’s cuter: the dogs, or jeno’s eye smile.
@ru-lin: (the fic was kinda inspired by what you told me about your job in our messages the other day hehe) i’d say a christmas au with mark! ruth is so considerate and a pleasure to talk to, we actually have a lot in common! she’s very warm and caring and always looking out for others. i can tell she really values her friends and they’re so lucky to have her, she’s just so sweet all around! talking to her makes my day a lot brighter whenever we interact🥺fic: during the holidays you always work at a christmas market, helping customers pick out pretty much anything they could ever want that’s associated with the chilly month and all its festivities. when a shy boy that’s adorably awkward and clumsy stumbles into the shopping area, you bite back a small laugh at his endearing hesitation to ask for assistance. speaking up first, you ask if there’s anything he needs and he explains that he’s looking for the perfect tree. with a knowing smile, you lead him down the rows of tall pines and firs and any kind of christmas tree you could possibly imagine. when his eyes land on one that he likes, his eyes light up with excitement, and you help him load it into his car. as mark is halfway home he curses, realizing he forgot to pick up a wreath as well. he knows it’ll earn him a playful scolding from his group of friends, but if it means another chance to return to the market and see you, it’s worth it.
@rvse-hvvck: i feel like i ship so many people with jaemin but it’s just because they’re so especially full of kindness and love for others, and ana is no exception! i’d give her a matchmaker au with jaemin! ana is so incredibly selfless and her heart is so compassionate, it’s crazy. i really look up to her in a lot of ways! the first impression she made on me was already a great one because i saw so many writers receiving her beautiful love letters, and from that moment alone i could already tell how much she strives to be kind and generous in everything she says and does. i hope she knows how much everyone truly adores her and is grateful for her, because she really makes the world a better and brighter place. (if you’ve seen the movie clueless i guess this fic is sorta similar!) so, you’re the resident expert on relationships among your school community, always trying to pair up people with similar interests or that have a lot of chemistry together. it brings you joy because you love seeing your friends laughing and smiling with their partners, but you feel a twinge of sadness at the same time. when jaemin, the boy you’ve liked for a while, comes to you for advice, you push down your feelings for him and send him on dates with anyone you can think of. the whole time though, he’s only had his eyes on you. he has always admired your altruism and your dedication to making others happy. it hurts him to see that you’re not even giving yourself a chance, so with a simple but heartfelt confession in the school parking lot at sunset, he helps you realize that you deserve a love like you’ve helped so many others find.
@sly-merlin: talking to simmi is always something very healing (like yuta’s smile hehe) so i’d definitely give her a secret agent/spy au with partner!yuta! she is so friendly to anyone and everyone, she gives off this warm and loving vibe like that of an old friend🥺she’s also extremely dedicated to her studies and works so hard. everyone adores her, and seeing her talk about things that make her happy is just the cutest thing ever! simmi, you truly have everyone’s heart!! now for the fic: you and yuta are both spies, partnered up for a very important and serious mission. only problem is, he’s never been the serious type. he teases you for being so uptight, but you genuinely don’t know any other way to approach a mission. along the way though, he manages to teach you how to have a little fun with your job, even if it means lots of close calls and sticky situations that force you both to begrudgingly (well, you more so than him) pretend you’re an oblivious couple in order to escape suspicious eyes. eventually, you find yourself becoming less and less unwilling to throw a casual arm around his shoulder, even when you aren’t at risk of being caught on your mission. maybe he isn’t so bad after all... :)
@suhpressed: a strangers to lovers au with theatre usher!johnny. so you know how johnny’s like an older brother to mark? i get major comforting and warm big sis vibes from elaida!! i would ship her with johnny because they’re both such selfless and caring people! she’s not afraid to speak her mind, and she always looks out for others with kindness and encouragement! as for the fic: you’re finally attending a broadway show you’ve been dying to see since, well, forever. this really cute usher helps you find your seat, but in a rare stroke of clumsiness, he bumps someone with a glass of wine in their hand that ends up staining your blouse a dark red. like the gentleman johnny (you can see it on his nametag) is, he promises to buy you a new one, and writes his phone number on the show’s program. you enjoy the musical, but the digits scribbled down next to the performers’ names prove to be more distracting than you anticipated. throughout the show you’re really jittery, excited to get back home so you can text him. in addition to replacing your ruined shirt, he also invites you out for coffee over the phone, you agree, and you both hit it off. the rest is history! the way that you met becomes a favorite story among your friends and families, & they never miss a chance to tease you two about spilling drinks.
@tyongxnct: elida, where do i begin🥺right away, i think of an idol au with taeyong. she is just so caring and supportive, she likes or comments on my posts and can make me smile with just a few words!! i remember one time that she said she was lucky to have me as a moot and it really warmed my heart, i’m so so lucky to have her too! i can tell she’s passionate about writing and that it brings her so much joy! i wish her only the best in life always <3 in the fic: during a tour, nct 127 stops in your country for a few nights of concerts, and in the midst of the excitement on the way back from the venue, taeyong gets separated from the rest. in an unfamiliar environment, he begins to panic as he remembers that he left his phone on the tour bus and has no way to contact his manager or fellow members. you, while familiar with and respectful of the group but not an avid follower of their music, catch sight of the lost and more than frazzled man as he frantically paces along the sidewalk, trying to recall his surroundings when he exited the bus hours ago. had it not been for your observant gaze, you may have missed the small group logo on his white shirt, letting you know who he was. determined to ease his obvious nerves by helping him find his way back, you lend a hand by approaching him and asking what he remembers. despite only being given a few details, you know the area he describes, quickly leading him there and reuniting him with the rest of the group. more than grateful, he offers you a ticket to the last show there, and hopes that it won’t be the last time he sees you.
@yo-ddream: a childhood best friends to lovers au with jungwoo! emily (pt 2/granny okay sorry i’m done) also feels like somewhat of an older sister to me, she gives great advice and always seems to have a story to tell from her working adventures lol. she’s very witty and extremely kind!! i guess i get jungwoo vibes because at first she seems quiet, but once you get to know her and she opens up a bit you see her fun personality and humor shine through when you talk to her :) she’s also honest about what she thinks and doesn’t sugarcoat it, something that’s very much needed in a person! okay, onto the fic: you and jungwoo grew up in the same neighborhood, going to the same school, getting your first part-time jobs at same store a few blocks down from your street. your lives have been intertwined from the start, but when a family matter pops up, it threatens his place by your side in almost everything you do and puts your friendship and undisclosed feelings for each other at risk. both working up the courage to confess as time ticks down and it gets closer to the day he’s meant to move away, you spend every moment with each other enjoying life’s little moments, the simple things like watching the sunset on a park bench or taking a walk down the sidewalk of the town shopping center. in an extremely convenient stroke of luck, he gets word that things have been sorted out, and the move is off. in both of your delight at the news, you feel like nothing can stop you. you blurt out the same three words at the same time before launching your arms around one another. if it’s you and jungwoo against the world, so be it, because not even the universe had the heart to separate the bond between you.
@zzzzzcakes: zel🥺she’s always been super supportive of me and my work, i’m happy she left feedback on a fic of mine because i might not have reached out to express my gratitude for her words and gotten to know her otherwise! she’s very kind and positive, and seeing her posts and reblogs make me laugh all the time :D i’d say a grocery store au with sungchan. (hear me out i know you must be going ‘huh?’ but trust me on this one! in that recent post you made you said something about shopping carts, and it made me think...see where this is going? haha ANYWAY!) so sungchan is the newest employee at the supermarket where you work. he’s the go-to person to call when someone can’t reach an item on one of the highest shelves, earning bewildered stares from customers and coworkers alike. he always has a joke up his sleeve or a clever remark to make about the many challenges of working in retail. you take a liking to him for how down-to-earth he is and despite all the occasional sarcasm coming from him when you’re both in the break room, he’s very helpful whenever he’s needed. he also admires how focused you are on the job, ringing up endless items and bagging groceries until your hands hurt. whenever he strides down an aisle near the register you’re working at that day, he doesn’t hesitate to send a wave and an endearing grin your way. it’s the moments like that with him that get you through your shift and keep you going. it’s no surprise when you reveal to the rest of the staff that you’re dating. of course, the perks of being employees mean that you can spend many late nights racing each other in shopping carts at the back of the store near closing time and other mischievous activities of the sort, laughing when your manager scolds you over the loudspeaker system without a care in the world.
@badwithten: zoe is someone full of both humor and heart, a combination that immediately reminds me of lucas, so i’d 100% ship her with him! she’s given me really good advice and encouragement to stay true to myself, something i can also see lucas doing, and i’m very grateful for her wise words :) and like i said, her heart is full of love and she’s so kind to everyone!
@bucchinct: i’m not sure if we’ve ever interacted, but i always see your posts on my dash and you reblog so many artistic and pretty things/pictures, which makes me think of jaemin and his hobby of photography! so i would ship you with him ^_^
@du0tine: i’d ship solange with ten, for a number of reasons! one, the fact that she mountain climbs for a living and is so dedicated to/passionate about it is something extremely admirable and amazing, so she comes across as very brave and adventurous! also, she’s not afraid to tell others her opinions and that honesty is really refreshing to see! and her blog themes are super artistic which reminds me of ten as well. she just seems like a great person in general and i hope to get to know her more!
@ethaeriyeol: i haven’t really talked to bea much, but i know she is good friends with a few of my other moots so i think that says something about the kind of person she is! i would ship her with jaehyun, she seems really professional (and lowkey intimidating but you didn’t hear it from me) but also very sweet and welcoming and i imagine they both have the cutest smiles, with or without dimples, hehe.
@euphoricdreamies: i’d ship maddy with chenle! she has such a great sense of humor and it’s so much fun to read about her oc’s, i love keeping up with the plots! i’ve followed her for a while but we just recently started talking, she’s very friendly🥺maddy’s just been nothing but nice to me, and i feel like she has a sarcastic and witty side. also, she deserves so much more recognition for her talent and i think everyone deserves to read her amazing work!
@felixn-recs: it’s been a while since i talked to you, but i’m really thankful that you left some of the first feedback i ever received on my writing! i know for a fact that authors really appreciate you and the kind feedback/support that you show their works. this eagerness to show writers your encouragement and praise makes me think of mark for sure, so i would ship you with him!
@fullsuhnny: angelina seems like the type to be somewhat reserved, but still very generous and selfless towards others, reminding me of kun! when she interacts with people she’s humble and sweet, and i enjoy seeing her reblogs pop up on my dash. i think she’s a wonderful friend to everyone and i hope to become closer with her in the future! also, her blog theme is so cool and aesthetic hehe :D
@gowonhatesyou: renjun all the way, krystal always makes me and others laugh so much with her humor and her entertaining personality. but at the same time, while she can be chaotic and sarcastic, she’s also extremely loving and sociable. i can tell she cares a lot about those around her and wants only the best for them! i really value her friendship🥺
@heartyyjeno: i’d ship alesha with jaemin, she’s so much like him to me. first of all, because she would do anything to make her friends smile or brighten their day! she has a warm personality that makes others feel very loved. she’s also very determined and perseverant, because when things get tough she doesn’t give up and continues to pursue her dreams and do what she loves, even when it may be difficult. i’m positive that everyone she knows appreciates having her and her endless kindness in their life! <3
@injunified: nathalie is really sweet and generous, and i’m really happy that she’s started posting more of her works recently, they definitely deserve all the recognition that they’re getting and more!! i don’t know her super well but she’s a great friend to have, so I’d ship her with winwin/sicheng! i hope she can continue writing because she definitely has a lot of talent for it🥺
@jaeminscoffee: lyra is very warm, friendly, and she was eager to get to know me when we first met, so i would ship her with johnny! i really enjoy talking to her, and she’s also very down-to-earth! she never hesitates to show her appreciation for her friends and followers, and i really look up to her for it🥺
@lovelygalaxy333: lilly is so so lovable and sweet, i would definitely ship her with shotaro! my heart literally threatens to explode whenever i talk to her, and she reblogs the cutest, kindest things! like shotaro, i just wanna protect her because she’s such a special soul and also very positive! even if she just sends a simple ‘hello’ in my inbox from time to time, it puts the biggest smile on my face and i’m so grateful for her!
@meraki-mark: li is very humble and friendly, so i would ship her with xiaojun! she also seems somewhat quiet and calm to me, i was almost intimidated when we first interacted haha. something i admire about her is that i believe she’s the kind of person to truly be dedicated to writing what she wants and not just for the sake of notes! that kind of commitment is really nice to see :)
@minyusa: whenever i see miku on my dash, she always seems to be showing her support for a work or conversing with a friend. she’s there to lend some encouragement and sweet words to those that need it! her good-nature and pure thoughtfulness reminds me of jeno. she’s so nice to talk to and deserves love, no questions asked! you’re a very genuine and warm-hearted person, so i’d ship you with him~ (^ν^)
@moonlightjeno: we don’t know each other very well but just from looking at luna’s writing, i think the types of fics and aus she writes are very diverse and unique! her well-rounded work makes me think of haechan, so i’ll ship her with him! i believe we have some of the same moots so she seems very kind and social as well!
@neonun-au: okay, maybe it’s because ‘multitudes’ has been on my mind ever since i read it but my first thought was to ship mads with taeil! her writing is so elegant and beautiful, i’m so glad her work gets all the recognition that it does! as silly as it sounds for me to say, even her sh*tposts seem sophisticated for some reason hahaha. she’s just so sweet, talented and always so gracious!
@peachjaem00: lou comes across as very laidback and charming, two things that remind me of yangyang! she’s a pleasure to interact with, and i feel like she has a lot of friends, i mean, who wouldn’t want someone like her in their life? she’s such a supportive and inviting person by nature, and i can tell she works hard and puts so much effort into her writing because it’s so good!!
@prettyjaems: i believe i said it once before so pardon the repetition, but whenever i interact with mona i feel loved and cared for like nobody’s business😭which immediately makes jaemin come to mind. she doesn’t hesitate to show kindness to anyone and everyone, but also has a quiet and focused side at times, and i think as a person, she has so many great qualities that balance out and make up her considerate personality! she’s also really motivated and organized with her writing, i hope to learn a thing or two from those work habits of hers :)
@rueyins: one fateful day when i was craving some good old interaction, rue reached out to me just to say hello and ask how i was doing, something that makes me think of taeyong! i really love how caring she is towards everyone she knows, and also her music taste is great, which also makes me think of taeyong, haha🥺the way she looks out for others is such a special quality to have, i’m so glad we’ve become friends!!
@vitamarkie: i would ship kay with mark! i see her interact with her moots a lot, and she just seems very loved all around by everyone that knows her! also, she writes the softest, prettiest, fluffiest stories, and for some reason i think of the fact that mark once said he wanted be an author when he grew up. her skills are seriously amazing and, just like i admire mark for his talent, i admire kay a lot for hers!
@whathamelon: hmm you have a good sense of humor and also seem very friendly because we have some of the same moots! you’re also not shy about showing appreciation to your favorite fics and authors, so i would ship you with johnny!
@yunwoo: i feel like anna is on the soft-spoken, quieter side but still very very sweet, so i would ship her with jisung! she’s really lovable and so comforting to talk to, even though we don’t know each other too well yet. just from her blog she seems so adorable and i want to hug her and talk to her more🥺also her aesthetic is the softest thing EVER i love it so much!!😭
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Sunshine on A Cloudy Day: Sana x Reader
tw// chronic illness, hospitals, needles, mention of cancer
it’s a high school au btw
this is based on my personal experience. pls be respectful as it wasn’t easy for me to write this :)
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Your alarm played through your room, waking you up immediately. You pressed snooze at least seven times before actually getting up and dressing yourself for the long day that was to come.
You pulled on your favorite t shirt and pajama pants before tugging on a sweatshirt. You checked the time before packing your bag, making sure to add your laptop and phone along with their chargers, snacks, socks, favorite stuffed animal, and a few extra school assignments.
By the time you made it downstairs your mom was already waiting for you. Quickly she handed you an apple and muffin to eat on the car ride.
“Okay sweetie I have a meeting this morning from 8 until 11. I’ll bring you lunch, just text or call and tell me what you want.” Your mother spoke not taking her eyes off the road as she drove.
Your mom pulled out her wallet and handed you two familiar cards, telling you to tuck them away until someone inside asked for them.
“Alright sweet girl I’ll be back soon, if they have any issues call me and I can sort it out.” Your mom kissed your forehead before letting you out the car, watching you walk inside before driving away.
Your feet felt heavy as the familiar smell of saline and disinfectant filled your nose. You grabbed a disposable mask off the lobby desk and put it on.
As you started to walk towards the elevator a woman called after you “maam!”
You turned around and pulled down the mask “don’t worry I’m still a minor. I’m going to the 4th floor.”
The woman nodded and gave you a thumbs up with a smile before turning back to check in adults.
It was still early so not many people were in the hallways, except the emergency wing. It is always packed no matter what.
You made your way to the fourth floor hoping if you wakes slower you just wouldn’t have to go. But that wasn’t how it worked and you knew it.
When you entered the waiting room you found a seat by the window. The dull grey sky offered no source of light, leaving you to rely on the fluorescent ceiling panels for brightness.
“Miss Y/LN?” The woman at the desk called your name, waving you over.
“Good morning sweetie haven’t seen you for a few weeks now.” She smiled as she spoke her tone was calming but also happy.
She asked “you got the insurance card for me?” You nodded and handed her one of the cards waiting for her to tell you how much you owed for today’s visit.
“And you have a $30 copay today, would you like to take care of that now?” You nodded and handed her the second card your mom gave you earlier. She finished checking you in “alright they’ll call you back in a bit.”
You sat down and pulled out your phone knowing that your girlfriend was actually awake now.
Y/N: hey
Sana 💞: good morning jagi
Sana 💞: you have an appointment today right?
Y/N 💘: yeah...kinda just wanna go back home
Sana 💞: it’s okay i’ll come over after school and make it better
Y/N 💘: you don’t have to i’ll be fine, this isn’t new
Sana💞: no girlfriend obligations
Sana 💞: i’m coming and you can’t stop me
Y/N 💘: okay fine
Y/N 💘: i’ll text you later, they’re calling me back now
It didn’t take long for your nurse to call you back and get you situated in a treatment room. There was only one other patient along with you. It was a little girl no more than 3 years old. You didn’t know exactly what she was getting but your heart broke at the thought considering what department you were in, Cancer and Blood Disorders.
It took 3 hours for your IV bag to get delivered to your floor so you turned on the tv hoping something good was on. You settled on Moana, the only thing that wasn’t the news.
“Alright love we just got your bag, you know the drill, vitals every ten minutes for the first 30 then i’ll come every hour. We should have you out in 5 hours if everything goes well okay?” Your favorite nurse Haseul explained to you quickly what was going to happen.
You found yourself in this same spot with her every couple weeks so she knew how you liked things to go.
“So how’ve you been missy? How’s Sana?” She poked your side getting you to smile for the first time today.
You told her “she’s really good...I haven’t seen her in three weeks though. She got sick for two and she had finals this week, but today is her last one.”
Haseul checked “so you didn’t see her when she was sick right? You know you can’t be around that with your anemia.”
You nodded softly remembering why you were even in the hospital in the first place. What was once a slight iron deficiency quickly turned into a chronic anemia that couldn’t be healed with oral supplements. Doctors had no other option than to put you on infusion treatments which sucked.
Although people were definitely going through worse, especially in this department, that didn’t take away from what you dealt with. The constant fatigue, dizziness, falling asleep in class, hair loss, being malnourished, all of it a constant reminder that you weren’t like most.
“Y/N!” Haseul snapped her fingers in front of your face.
You blinked rapidly “sorry what?”
Haseul responded “it’s okay I just needed to make sure you didn’t pass out on me. I need to put on your heart monitor.” She placed the stickers on your chest before grabbing the IV kit she placed on your lap earlier.
“Alright in your hand or arm today?” Haseul knows you prefer the arm but she always asks in case you change your mind.
You simply pointed to your arm before extending it so she could access your vein. Finding your vein was no problem, as you still had a raised bump from the last time you got treatment.
“Okay...and one two- there you go.” Haseul secured the IV with a Tergaderm, which was weirdly enough your favorite part of this whole process.
She left you and cane back every ten minutes to check your vitals before disappearing to help another patient for a bit.
You ended up spending the first two hours dozing in and out of sleep, waiting for your mother to call you. Eventually you did in fact wake up, and to the smell of your favorite food.
Your mother sat in a chair next to you on her phone talking to who you assume is a coworker. Quickly she hung up the phone so she could talk to you instead.
“Hey hows it going so far?” She asked with slight concern.
You told her “ fine just sleeping to pass time that’s all.”
She smiled before handing you a bag of food hoping it’d bring some form of joy to your day.
You both ended up enjoying an early lunch together but unfortunately she had to leave the hospital for an emergency meeting. It wasn’t unusual for this to happen so you were used to it, she’d simply be back at the end of your appointment.
Your phone buzzed next to you, pulling your attention away from your mother’s absence.
Sana💞: how are you doing so far?
Y/N💘: it’s good. I’m watching Aladdin now :)
Sana💞: i wanna be there with you rn instead of in math class
Y/N💘: your day is almost over then you can see me
Y/N💘: think of it that way
Sana💞: yeah but i still wish i was with you
Y/N💘: soon
Sana💞: ok fine. i have to go i love you
Y/N💘: i love you too babe
Around the third hour you became irritable and ended up walking the hallways with Haseul. She was honestly the only thing that made you feel normal in this place.
When the two of you got back you were tired and worn out from the walk. It didn’t seem like a long distance to most but you definitely were feeling it.
You found your spot back in the treatment room, sitting in your chair and reclining it back. Just as you were going to close your eyes Haseul called your name.
“Y/N. You’ve got a visitor would you like her to come back?” Haseul didn’t bother to open the curtain to tell you who it was so being the curious girl you were, you allowed it.
Sana walked in with a smile on her face, it was like your sunshine on a cloudy day. It was clear she had just finished school as she was still in her uniform, and she was wearing her backpack.
“Ho- Sana? Why? How did you even get in here?” You asked her through a laugh.
Sana responded “nobody stopped me downstairs and I know you’re on this floor. The lady at the desk outside was very nice too!”
You immediately sat up, not realizing that was a bad idea given your position. Closing your eyes tight you tapped your finger on the arm rest of your chair, waiting for the dizziness to stop.
When you opened your eyes you saw Sana in front of you, a frown on her face. It broke her heart to see you, her girlfriend, in this state. You always tried to make it seem like you weren’t sick but it was very obvious that you still were no matter how much you pretended otherwise.
She placed a blanket over you before running her thumb along your face and softly saying “my baby girl...”
You smiled at her knowing it might possibly make her less sad but it didn’t do much.
She could tell you were tired so she told you “it’s fine just sleep.”
By the time you woke up it was time for you to leave. Haseul had flushed your IV and took your vitals for the last time while you were asleep.
Your mother was downstairs in the parking garage waiting for you and Sana so you could go home.
It was clear by the look on your face that you felt nauseous, a common side effect of your treatment, from the second you stood up.
Sana gathered your things and help you put on your sweatshirt and bag before you two headed downstairs.
You interlocked you’re hand with hers as you felt dizzier with every step you took. She could tell you were having a hard time but she knows how much you try to hide it. When you both made it to the car you fell asleep almost instantly.
Sana helped you to your room, quickly helping you to bed before stealing some of your clothes to wear for herself.
You sleepily held out your arms for her, a soft whimper leaving your lips. She crawled under the covers and you immediately clung to her. You were shivering as if you were standing in snow with only a bathing suit on. Your hands and fingers started turning blue, indicating you body temperature was dropping, a side effect of treatments.
Sana pulled you closer and kissed the top of your head as your fingers curled around her shirt, holding her close.
It only took ten seconds before you started sobbing into her chest. As much as you wanted to pretend you were fine and not in pain, you couldn’t hide it anymore. Breaking down in her arms you sobbed until you fell asleep. She felt terrible knowing there was nothing she could do to fix it, but she knew that you appreciated her being there for you.
You only slept for an hour before you woke up in a cold sweat. Your t shirt clung to your back as you kicked off your blankets seeking some sort of way to cool yourself down. That did little to nothing so you scrambled to the bathroom hoping cold water would do the trick.
Sana knew this was yet another side effect of your treatment, a high fever. Your cheeks burned red as you splashed your face with water in the sink. Much to your relief it worked and you were finally able to get back in bed with her.
Your girlfriend held you in her arms tight as if she never wanted to let go.
“Thank you...” You softly spoke as she drew small circles along the small of your back.
“For what?” She asked curiously.
You mumbled “everything...just everything you do for me.”
She giggled softly “you know i’d do anything for you baby.”
Mumbling softly you told her “i love you.”
She responded quickly “i love you too.”
Letting your eyes close you further melted into her embrace as she tightened her arms around you. In the back of your mind you were reminded why you always said i love you before you fell asleep. Besides the fact that you did in fact love her, but if you happened not to wake up tomorrow, the last thing she heard from you was those three words.
Nevertheless you hoped and prayed you’d wake up in the morning to see her smiling face.
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wastelandcrown · 4 years
logan lark’s adventures in trying to appease his parents
CHAPTER 4: a tight-knit family
Summary: Logan Lark is a fairly average high school student. By all means, he should be impressing his parents on all grounds. Except...he doesn’t exactly have a social life. So after his parents give him puppy dog eyes, he decides to join the local theatre's youth production. Good grief...His life is about to get weird isn’t it?
Warnings: Potential ooc behavior, Roman is a theatre brat to the highest degree (Sorry Roman stans), Remus being Remus, (If I miss something please tell me!)
Notes: This fic is based off an idea from @under-the-blue-moonlight. If you wanna be tagged in chapters, please dm me!! This chapter we see a LOT of Patton, a little of Virgil, and some Roman being an ass behaviour. I apologize if this chapter is lackluster, it’s important I promise!! Also I just finished chapter 5...its 3295 of intrulogical fluff 
Pairings: Eventual Intrulogical, Eventual Rociet, Eventual One-Sided Logicality, Platonic Analogical, Platonic DRLAMP
Word Count: 2269
Tagslist: @under-the-blue-moonlight @why-should-i-tell-youu2 @im-actually-ok @hauntedturkeycalzonedreamer
After a few weeks, not disappointing Remus was a weak reason to be here. 
Though he never considered himself a quitter, god he would love to just quit one thing in his life. The thing being theatre. 
When Thomas arrived Roman bombarded him with questions. Turns out, Logan was cast as Hamilton due to his exceptional rapping. Roman, weaker at rapping but a very confident and strong singer, could provide the extremely skilled vocal performance required by Washington. If Logan were to get sick, Roman would play Hamilton and Remus would hand over Maria’s part to his understudy. Which made sense, of course. The beginnings of rehearsals were, by all means, not entirely awful. They were going to learn the music to the show, song by song. The first problem arises with Logan’s absolutely awful stage fright. After the first run-through of the title number, Alexander Hamilton, Logan almost threw up again. People looked directly at him whenever he sang or rapped. The musical director, Jamahl, assured him it was fine. Jamahl, as nice as he was, would be receiving a solid two on Logan’s chart. It’s okay, Logan, Everyone gets stage fright, Logan. That, quite frankly, sounded like a bunch of bullshit. Especially since every time Logan got too nervous and messed up, Roman laughed from off to his side. 
Which shouldn’t bother him. It really shouldn’t. Except...Well, it was infuriating to be laughed at. For something he can’t control no less. He was ready to ball up his script and pelt him with paper until he stopped being a colossally egotistical idiot. Along with Roman’s frankly abhorrent behaviour, Logan also had to deal with feigning...romantic intimacy. Don’t get him wrong, Patton was a very nice guy. But...how would you feel knowing your first kiss would have to be fake for a theatre production? Bad. You would feel bad. So does Logan. Logan is sick of all of this, and by the end of the second week he finally snaps. 
When he hears that during Helpless he needs to kiss Patton, he doesn’t bother to hide his surprise. Of course, after he does, Roman decides to open his big dumb mouth. 
“What’s wrong, Microsoft nerd? Upset that your first kiss will be on the stage?” 
Patton reels back and glares at Roman almost instantly, opening his mouth to defend Logan, when Logan turns on Roman himself. 
“I am beginning to wonder if you ever just shut up,” Logan snaps, fists balled in anger.
“Because honestly, for the two weeks I have been in this theatre program, you have done nothing but spout off like a tea kettle about to boil over all because I happened to be better than you at one thing. So I am sincerely asking, do you ever shut up?”
Somehow, he has done the impossible. Roman is stunned into silence, his face goes red with anger. 
“How dare-” Is all he manages to get out before Thomas calls for a five-minute break. 
Thomas motions for Logan to come over to him, and he’s still fuming. If he were as dramatic as a certain hoity-toity theatre brat, he would be practically foaming at the mouth. Thomas is an adult, so he tries to pull himself together. 
“I apologize-” 
“Don’t. Roman kinda deserved that,” Thomas says with a smirk, “He’s a great kid, but he has a lot to learn.”
It’s his turn to be shocked into silence, because never in a million years would he expect an adult to enable such an outburst. 
“Really though, Logan, Just try not to let it happen again. I’ll let it slide this time, okay?”
With a nudge to the side and a kind smile, Logan is sent to have his break. 
Roman is quiet for the rest of the day. Logan could not be more pleased. Roman’s anger at him was unjustified and awful, he was overall awful. After today, he would need to add a negative rating to his charts. He doesn’t think he could ever get along with someone like Roman without eventually succumbing to his anger and strangling him. Logan knows his extreme anger is wrong, but Roman was just...just...absolutely, unbelievably, infuriating. Sitting in the lobby waiting for his father like usual, he is approached by Patton. Alone this time, without Virgil. Which is strange. 
“You look like you’re about to rip someone's head off,” Patton giggles out with a sympathetic smile. 
Logan sighs and gives him a little smirk, “My apologies, are you going to be getting a ride with Virgil tonight?”
“No, his dad is picking him up! I was actually wondering if you wanted to hang out!”
“I-” Logan thinks on this for a while, then shrugs. It may be for the best. Patton has been very kind, and he has defended him when Roman was being a jerk.
“Sure, let me message my father.”
Patton’s car is a beat-up looking second-hand thing that looks like it rolled out of a dump. Inside, it’s actually very well taken care of. Patton calls the car “Christine” and pats her lovingly. Hanging from the rear-view mirror is a small frog-shaped air freshener that makes the car smell of strawberries. The seats are comfortable, and Patton’s music is sweet. Eventually they pull into a parking lot in a townhouse area, and as they walk down the street Patton waves and says hello to all his neighbours that are outside. 
“You know them all?” 
“Oh, yeah! Lots of them have babysat me, or my sisters! And I’ve babysat for them too!”
Huh. He didn’t know Patton had sisters. Though, the second they enter his house, it’s entirely obvious. 
In the living room, there are three young girls. Patton’s shoes are barely off when the two youngest ones rush him and engulf him in hugs. The older one walks over and smiles at Logan first.
“Hi, which one are you?” She asks, and Patton laughs.
“Delilah Ann! That’s not nice!”
“I’m Logan, it’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m Lilah, I’ve heard a lot about you. Mostly ‘cause Pat doesn’t shut up.”
Patton looks a little pouty, but Logan thinks he likes Lilah. She doesn’t look much like Patton at all. Her hair is more wavy than curly, and a very nice strawberry blonde colour. She doesn’t have glasses, and dresses very tomboyish, the only thing that ties them together are their freckled cheeks. She’s only thirteen, but Logan finds her interesting to talk to. While Patton is dealing with the younger ones, she tells him about how she wants to be a mortician and is the smartest in her family. Logan smiles a little while they have a mostly one-sided conversation. 
One thing the siblings have in common is certainly their talkative likability. 
The younger two are put to work on their homework at the dining table, and Patton begins to set up dinner. Logan sits next to the girls at the table, Delilah retreating to her room, chatting with Patton as he cooks. He offered to help but was denied at every turn. Something about him being a guest, and how he shouldn’t have to. They’re discussing their roles in the play when the youngest slams her head against the table dramatically.
“Patton! I don’t wanna do this anymore!” She whines, Patton puts some potatoes in a pot then brushes off his hands on his apron. 
“Do you need help, or do you need a break?” 
Logan peers over her paper and sees a bunch of simple multiplication questions, she must only be in second or third grade. 
He clears his throat, “If you’d like, I could help you.”
“Oh! Oh! Yes! Patton can Logan help me please!” 
Patton agrees, despite obviously looking at Logan and saying ‘You really don’t have to’ with his eyes. Logan likes to teach, he’s more than happy to help out. Especially since Elaine is extremely charming. You can definitely see how much she looks like Patton. Big square glasses, blonde hair in pigtails, tons of freckles dotting chubby cheeks. She acts like him too, spouting out awful dad jokes that make Patton lose it laughing in the kitchen. She tries her best to listen, and manages to actually complete her math homework with a pretty good mark. Her teacher will hopefully be impressed. Logan’s dad texts and asks if he needs to be picked up, but Elaine begs him to stay for dinner and...well he can’t say no, can he? Patton says he doesn’t have to stay, but he wants to. 
He’d never had siblings, it had always just been him and his parents. Though he loved them, and they loved him, it was so...lonely sometimes. He had always wanted a little brother or sister, maybe even a pet, but it never really happened. The energy in Patton’s house was somehow a perfect mix of lively and calm, they felt like they were really a family. Logan relished in it. The feeling of community, full of love so openly given and received. The most he had were very quiet holiday dinners with the few Larks who were left. He remembers being Elaine’s age, he felt so lonely. She wasn’t lonely though, she was full of love. So was Patton. It was very nice. He watches Patton cook and he chats with him while realizing he’s been much too harsh on him. His kindness wasn’t fake, there was no way. He was a real person who was actually that nice. He defended him out of the kindness of his heart. 
hey logan wyd rn
Ah, Virgil. That was a pleasant surprise. 
I’m actually at Patton’s house. Elaine has roped me into staying for dinner.
He can almost hear Virgil’s little chuckle. 
yeah she does that hows sophie
Sophie? Oh, that must be the third sister. She’s very quiet, her eyes haven’t once looked upwards the whole time they’ve been sat together. 
“Ahem-Uhm-Sophie,” Logan starts, and Sophie looks up from her homework, “Virgil was wondering how you are?”
Her eyes light up, “I’m good. Is he going to come over?”
She’s good. She wants to know if you will be coming over.
hah, sure tell her to give me 20 
“Yes, give him twenty minutes.”
Sophie smiles, and Logan is reminded of Virgil almost immediately. She has dark brown hair that covers her face and a bit of a natural glare. Her smile is shy, and he wonders if Patton secretly stole Virgil’s little sister. 
It seems like it, even more, when Virgil actually gets there. Sophie’s entire demeanor changes. She becomes extremely talkative and tells Virgil all about how she’s got a new villager in her animal crossing town. Virgil entertains her with talking, going and helping Patton to cook. Logan gets up to help as well, but Virgil waves him away. Virgil looks like he belongs here, in this little dining room-kitchen. He’s laughing beside Patton, talking to both girls and Logan, helping cook and set the table. Logan can’t help but wonder how many times he’s done this before. While Patton is putting the food on the table, the door opens and a tired-looking woman enters. Virgil goes to greet her, and she smiles. Her hair is curly and blonde, her eyes are a cloudy green, she is covered in a smattering of freckles, and she looks...just like Patton. 
Logan gets up to go greet her as well. When she sees him she beams and it’s like he’s been confronted by the sun herself. 
“You must be Logan! Virgil and Patton talk my ears off about you!” She pats his head, and continues, “The boys just adore you! It’s about time you came for dinner!”
He almost can’t speak, and both Virgil and Patton whine about her embarrassing them, but he nods, “Thank you for having me, but I’ve only known them for two weeks, Ma’am.”
The woman looks a little confused, then laughs joyously, “No need for that, kiddo! Just call me Lisa, okay?” 
After patting him on the shoulder, she slinks by and greets all her children. Lilah has come back down, and the whole table is now filled to the brim. Dinner is filling and delicious, Patton really has a talent for the culinary arts. Which is strange considering Logan took him as someone who, like him, couldn’t cook to save his life.
After dinner, Patton brings Logan and Virgil to his room to hang out. They play video games, talk about anything they can manage, and by the time it’s late Logan is smiling. At nine, Elaine and Sophie are whining about Patton putting them to bed. Virgil and Logan wish them good night and Virgil drives Logan home. 
“Logan, I’ve gotta ask...why did you agree to hang out with Patton?”
“Well...I’m not actually sure. I think that I needed it.”
“How do you mean?”
Logan looks out the window and thinks to himself. Why? He’s never had friends, or much of a close family. He figured he agreed because well…
“Patton has something I don’t. It helped me understand him better to see what he has.”
Virgil accepted that, but Logan wasn’t sure he understood it fully. He’s not even sure he does. 
That night, Roman gets a negative two. Patton gets a ten, and written on his pages are the names and personalities of his family members. Along with that, is a very simple phrase. 
I have concluded that Patton is, indeed, a very good person.
Why it took him this long to come to terms with, he will never understand. 
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rx-ven · 4 years
The One That Got Away (Shinobu x Giyuu)
Chapter 3: pay attention to me
I really cannot concentrate on what Kocho is saying.
My attention is on her facial features. Her violet eyes, sparkling when talking about her patients passionately. Her lips, oh god, that lips, so pink, plum and soft looking, covered with red velvet lipstick that made it more desirable. I wonder if her lips state like how sweet it looks like.
Tomioka’s eyes widened which confused Shinobu.
“…mioka-san? Tomio…”
What did I just think of?
Shinobu tried to get his attention again, clearly annoyed at how short the attention span of the ravenette.
“Hello? Tomioka-san? Are you alright?” asked Shinobu in a concerning tone.
“What do you mean ‘Ah’, Tomioka-san?” asked the now clearly irritated doctor, “Are you alright? Are you even listening to me?”
Tomioka’s eyes again landed on her lips.
Do not fool yourself, Giyuu.
With much strength, he struggled to keep his attention from the features of the small doctor in front of him, instead of what she is saying.
“… Yes, I’m listening.”
“Well, good to know. As I was saying, you need to fill out forms for this surgery and keep Nezuko from being stressed for a month to prepare her for the surgery. It’s better if you would consult a nutritionist regarding her diet f…”
Trying to distract himself from staring at her again, his eyes wandered and landed on Shinobu’s butterfly pin.
That pin… I remember it is the same as the pin of the woman in my dreams.
“…ou’re not listening, Tomioka-san.”
They may have bought it at the same store.
“Hey, Tomioka san…”
“…Butterfly…” Tomioka muttered.
“Huh? Are you alright, Tomioka-san?” concern showing in Shinobu’s voice.
As usual, she didn’t get an answer so she snapped her fingers in front of him to catch his attention and call him again.
“Hey? Tomioka Giyuu-san?”
Hearing her calling him in his first name drift him back to reality. Hearing her calling him in his first name made him want to succumb to her. It just feels so nice hearing her calling his name.
“…Your butterfly pin.”
“Huh? What about my pin?”
“Do you… know where you can buy a pin like that?”
“I’m afraid not. This pin is made personally for me.”
“I see.”
“Is that all, Tomioka-san?”
It took a while for Tomioka to respond. He wanted to ask Shinobu if she might know someone like the woman in his dreams but knowing that they are merely acquaintances, he did not impose.
Shinobu standing up signaled him he is free to go and their talk ends here. As he set his foot outside of Shinobu’s office, Nezuko ran up to him and cling on him.
“We were wondering what took you guys so long.”
“We discussed Nezuko’s surgery. She has to prepare for it.”
“Right! How about we start preparing now by having lunch?” As if on cue, his stomach grumbled, “We’re kinda hungry too.” Tanjirou said sheepishly.
“I suppose it is alright to have an early lunch. Where do you want to eat?”
“There’s a restaurant down the road. They serve Salmon Daikon there...”
Without second thoughts, Tomioka agreed.
“Great! Let’s Go—”
Their conversation come to a halt when Shinobu emerged from her office.
“Shinobu-san! Hello again!” greeted Tanjirou while Nezuko hugged her as a greeting.
“Hello to you too.” Shinobu giggled. “What are you still doing here? I thought I told you to let Nezuko rest?”
“We were about to go, Shinobu-san. We’re just talking about where we should have lunch. How about you?”
“Well, I was just about to have my early lunch as well.”
At that moment, an idea came from Tanjirou.
“What about you to go with us as well, Shinobu-san. Since you’re going to have lunch, why don’t you dine in with us?”
Nezuko beamed with the idea. Nodding at every word her brother said.
“Oh, Tanjirou, that is so nice of you. But I don’t want to impose. It is your family lunch.” She shyly declined.
“No, no, Shinobu-san. You’re like family to us, too!”
Shinobu blushed at Tanjirou’s proclamation.
“I would really love to, Tanjirou. But I don’t think Tomio—”
“No, it’s alright. Come on.” Urged Tomioka, obviously cannot wait for his Salmon Daikon.
Nezuko then clung on her left arm, trying to convince her to have lunch with them.
This made Shinobu giggle, “Are you sure—”
Her sentence was stopped when she heard someone screaming her name.
Already knowing that the voice is owned by the annoying blonde pervert, Shinobu's mood quickly shifted.
Then an idea quickly came to her.
“You know what, you’re right. Maybe I should go have lunch with you guys.” She smiled, masking the annoyance she’s feeling.
This made Nezuko grinned. Without second thoughts, Nezuko pulled Shinobu where their car was parked trailing behind them their two other companions.
She completely got rid of Douma that day.
11:25 A.M.
The car ride to the restaurant was silent but lovely. Shinobu took the shotgun seat. Even though Nezuko is at the back, she can feel the cheerfulness of the girl which made her smile.
Maybe this is because she is the only girl in this ‘family’ and having another female on with accompanying her makes her happy.
Nevertheless, it warms her heart knowing that Nezuko and Tanjirou enjoy her company.
Being bored at looking at the window made her steal glances casually at Tomioka. She has to agree to Mitsuri.
This man really got the looks, pointed nose, sharp eyes, perfectly shaped lips. He can literally get every girl he wants.
Her thoughts were interrupted when Tomioka started to park.
They were greeted by a waiter as they enter the restaurant.
A simple nod and “A table for four, please,” was the response given to the waiter by Tomioka.
Reallyyyyy a man of few words. She mentally rolled her eyes.
The waiter placed them beside a window and gave them the menus. While scanning the Menu and what ingredients they use, Shinobu cannot help not to comment.
“This is a great place, Tanjirou, especially for the needs of Nezuko right now. They mostly serve nutritious meals here.”
Nezuko cannot help but huff in agreement.
“Do you really like here Nezuko-chan?”
“Yes! They have plenty of delicious foods here, Shinobu-san.” Nezuko claimed.
With nothing to do after giving their order, they chatted for a while. Shinobu learned a thing or two on Tomioka based on Tanjirou’s stories.
So, he loves Salmon Daikon and he is a University Professor…
The Kamado siblings sharing their everyday stories entertained her. Shinobu would laugh at the jokes Tanjirou would pull, sometimes she would leave a comment on Tanjirou’s stories, other times she would give her own experience.
Obvious that a certain ravenette is not sociable, Shinobu tested the waters by asking about his opinion, just to make him left out. She is sure that he is listening to their conversation. She can feel the side glances Tomioka would give every now and then. But it won’t hurt to try to make him tell something about himself, right?
Shinobu, as usual, was responded by nothing.
Her vein popped.
“Okay, suit yourself then, Tomioka-san.” She smiled covering the fact that she is pissed off.
After several minutes of chatting, she excused herself to go to the comfort room.
Washing her hands after using the bathroom, a lady in her late 50’s who was also washing her hands approached her.
“Hello, young one. You have a lovely family.” The older woman said smiling at her.
The statement made Shinobu tilt her head in confusion.
“Good day to you too, Ma’am, but you must have mistaken! I don’t have a family yet…” Shinobu smiled back.
“Oh, darling, such beauty as yours isn’t one to be mistaken easily. I am pretty sure you are the one that I saw having a lovely time with your kids and husband at the table beside the window. Ah, young love. I remember being that in love, too, when I was young.” The woman sighed dreamily.
Shinobu chuckled, “Oh, that you mean,” Shinobu fixed her hair, “Those kids are my patient's ma’am, and the man is their guardian.”
“I say it doesn’t matter who they are, it looks like you care for them so much so grab the chance and claim that beautiful man as the prize!” The woman winked.
The joke made Shinobu blushed, “Thank you for that… Encouraging words, Ma’am, but I think we won’t end up like that.”
“Suit yourself up, honey. I just know a couple when I see one,” She winked at Shinobu, “Take care, sweetheart. I’ll pray for you to find your light. Have a nice day!” And with that, the older woman got out of the comfort room.
The conversation she had with the older woman made her blush.
Eh? Me and Asshole together? People must be blinded by his looks. But I’ve got to say, his voice can make any woman melt and succumb to him, I might too...
Shinobu snorted at her own thought.
Kocho Shinobu, wake the fuck up!
Shinobu slightly slapped her cheeks to get her back to reality.
In no condition would end up with that asshole!
Calming herself, she got back to their table.
Shinobu came back at the right time. Their food was being served.
The meal was pleasant. It wasn’t boring given that the Kamado siblings never went out of topic. Unlike earlier, Tomioka seems to have more input this time on the conversation especially if the Siblings are the one that is asking him. Noticing these small details, Shinobu’s heart warmed.
He must really love these two to go out of his own comfort zone.
Finished with her meal, she patiently waited for the Kamado siblings to finish theirs. However, with the bickering they are having right now, she was pretty sure it would take a long time considering that Nezuko hasn’t even eaten half of her meal. Not wanting to be caught up with the bickering of the siblings, she shifted her attention to Tomioka.
“Hey, Tomioka-san.”
“Y’know, Tomioka-san, it’s disrespectful not to pay attention to those who are talking to you.”
Thinking of a way to make Tomioka, she poked Tomioka, and much to her surprised, it worked. Tomioka flinched at the contact.
Thankful that she’s sitting beside Tomioka, she can have easy access to poke him.
“Tomioka-san-“ Shinobu poked him on his side, “Do you have any friends?”
Still no answer but he flinched. Not giving up, Shinobu continued pestering him.
“Say, Tomioka-san,” Shinobu poked him on his neck, “How does it feels,” a poke on the jaw, “to be not liked by anyone?” and finally a poke on his cheeks.
Still no answer, Shinobu was aiming to poke his cheeks again, but Tomioka caught her hand, halting her . “… people…”
“…like me.”
On cue, the older woman earlier in the comfort room came out of the corner, seeing their situation she winked at Shinobu and mouthed ‘told you’, and smirked.
Shinobu blushed, realizing what the old lady meant, and scrambled to get her hand back from Tomioka.
"I hate you, Tomioka-san,” Shinobu said smiling after composing herself.
This only made Tomioka shift his attention, avoiding her glare.
“Hey, Tomioka-san. Pay attention to me you…”
“…Lonely loser.”
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eighth--wonder · 4 years
hehe @fruity-dean i wrote the first lil part and @romano-hottopic i saw in the notes that if someone wrote it you wanted to be tagged so here :)
pairings: moceit and eventually prinxiety
warnings: ask to tag
based off this post
“You ever realize that Janus and Patton would probably be good as a couple?” Roman asked.
He and Virgil were just sitting on the couch. Nothing had prompted this question, but Virgil found himself thinking.
“I mean, kinda.” He answered. 
The two were definitely dynamic. Patton was very soft and fluffy, figuratively speaking, while Janus was, well, the opposite. Patton cared about people, Janus not so much. Patton loved sweets, Janus didn’t care for them. Patton was very affectionate, Janus was not. You get it, right?
Roman gasped and looked at Virgil. “We should set them up!” 
Virgil shut off his phone to ponder the idea. I mean, they definitely could. It wouldn’t be hard, just ask them to go places then bail and leave them together. Yea sounds do-able.
“Yes,” Virgil said, pointing at Roman. “But when?”
Roman scoffed. “Oh, that’s easy. Now.” 
Virgil sputtered. “Now?” He sounded surprised. 
Roman laughed. “Yes, now! What better time?” He said, spreading his arms out and doing a little spin like he was basking in something. 
Virgil rolled his eyes. 
“A better time for what?” Patton asked.
Roman and Virgil looked at each other and nodded. 
“The amusement park!” Roman smiled. “Me and Vee we’re just about to go. Wanna come?”
Virgil nodded. “Yeah, you can bring someone if you want.” 
Patton clapped excitedly. “Oooh, yay! I’ll go get Jan and ask him!”
After Patton had left to retrieve Janus, Virgil and Roman quietly celebrated. 
“Oh my god, that actually worked!” Virgil exclaimed. 
“Yeah! It did!” Roman nodded. 
The two waited for Janus and Patton to enter. Patton was wearing a variation of what he usually wears, a light blue t-shirt and khaki pants. Janus was wearing something more casual, a black t-shirt with a yellow pocket and trim, a black jean jacket, and black ripped jeans. He went without a hat. 
Virgil wore his regular outfit, a dark purple t-shirt with his classic hoodie and black skinny jeans. Roman wore a red t-shirt and a tan corduroy jacket with light blue jeans. 
They walked out the door and started walking towards the park. Janus and Patton walked ahead, leaving Virgil and Roman slightly behind them. 
“This park has one of those ‘Tunnel of Love’ rides, right?” Virgil asked.
Roman thought for a moment. “Yeah, I’m like 96% percent sure they do.” 
Virgil nodded and looked at Roman, who was smiling stupidly. 
They purchased 4 tickets and proceeded to wander around the park. 
After they had gone on a few rides, including the ferris wheel, a carousel per Patton’s begging (“Look at the horsies!!”), and the bumper cars, they had stopped for some drinks and snacks. They ordered funnel cake and lemonade.  
“Oh look! One of those scary ‘Tunnel of Love’ rides!” Roman exclaimed, pointing to a ride across from them. Most Tunnel of Love rides were sweet and romantic, but some weren’t. The purpose of the not-so-romantic ones were to scare the riders and make them cling to each other, and if Roman and Virgil knew anything about Patton, it's that he scares easily, and Janus doesn’t. 
Patton smiled. “It is! We should all go one together!” 
Janus let out a small laugh. “It would be interesting. Sure.”
The three of them piled into the semi-long line for the ride and waited.
About 5 minutes into the wait, Patton tapped on Roman’s shoulder. 
“Uh, Jan said his stomach hurts. Do you guys mind if we sit this ride out?”
Virgil looked at Roman, and they both seemed to understand the same thing:
They would have to go on this ride themselves. Patton and Janus would be incredibly suspicious if the two also decided not to go on, and would realize they were trying to set them up. But, if Roman and Virgil did go, no one would be suspicious and their plan would be somewhat intact. 
Roman smiled. “Yeah, that’s fine!” 
Virgil laughed nervously and nodded. “Tell Janus we hope he feels better.” 
Patton smiled and apologized before leading a supposedly sick Janus in the direction of the restrooms. 
Virgil and Roman stood in line awkwardly. 
“Maybe we could dash at the last moment? I really don’t want to go on this ride.” Roman shifted his feet. Surprisingly, scary things, well, scared him. Real bad. 
Virgil turned to Roman with a smug look on his face. “Oh? Did I just hear that Big Strong Princey is scared of a wittle wide?” Virgil said, despite the death stare from Roman.
Roman just rolled his eyes. “A little, yea! It’s all dark and there are jumpscares and stuff. It’s scary!” He said, a small shiver showing through the shudder of his shoulders.
Virgil playfully punched him in the arm. “I’m just teasing. I won’t tell anyone.”
Roman sighed, annoyed.
“Next!” The ticket person shouted.
The two stepped onto their cart. A few glances were thrown at them and the two realized they were the only two gays on this ride.
The boat lurched forward. Roman was already nervous and was fidgeting with his jacket sleeves. Virgil tried calming him down to no avail. 
They were only 2 minutes into the ride and Roman had already latched onto Virgil’s arm. With every little noise that came from behind them, hell even in front of them, Roman let out a small whimper. Virgil laughed quietly, only to hear a small insult followed by another shriek coming from his sweatshirt sleeve. 
Virgil found the ride quite amusing, if he could look past the shivering being next to him. The animatronics were mediocre but the scenery was nice in a way. It had spooky trees and a light fog coming from a distant fog machine. The lighting was sharp purple's and green's.
The boat pulled into the clearing at the end of the ride. Virgil shook Roman’s shoulder. 
“Hey scaredy cat, the rides over.” He said.
Roman lifted his head and looked around. He cleared his throat and adjusted his jacket before stepping out of the ride. Virgil laughed and followed him off the cart.
The two wandered around the park, stopping at small snack stands and petting peoples dogs until they found Patton and Janus sitting on a bench. They were having a small conversation and both seemed to be enjoying themselves.
"Oh, Roman!" Janus said upon seeing him. He waved to both of them.
"So how was the ride?" Patton asked.
Virgil laughed as Roman shuddered.
"Never again." He said.
Virgil smiled. "Ol' Princey here is scared of the dark."
Roman gasped and hit Virgil softly on the shoulder. "You said you wouldn't tell!"
Virgil's smug look returned. "Well, I lied."
Roman smiled and rolled up his sleeves.
"You little-" He attempted to tackle Virgil but in reality he just looked like he was trying to hug an angry cat as Virgil kept swatting at him trying to get him off him. Both of them were laughing.
"Oh c'mon. Don't kill eachother yet." Janus said.
The two stopped fighting, if that's what you want to call it, and sat down on the bench next to Janus and Patton.
"So, you feeling better?" Roman asked.
Janus was confused for a second before responding.
"Oh! Right. Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that funnel cake doesn't sit to well with me."
"Ah," Virgil said.
There was a comfortable silence before Patton spoke up.
"I'm pretty tired. If you guys are ready to go home?"
"Sure! That ride really tuckered me out." Roman said.
"Yeah, I'm sure all the screaming wasted your energy." Virgil muttered.
Roman stuck his tounge out at him.
The four of them chatted on the way home. It was relatively dark and the air around them was getting a bit cold.
"Oh darn, I forgot a jacket." Patton said, rubbing his bare arms for warmth.
"I told you to bring a jacket." Janus said, taking off his own. "But I guess you can borrow mine."
Patton giggled and put on the jacket. The two walked fairly close to eachother and if it had been a little brighter, Virgil and Roman might have seen Janus's arm around Patton's lower back.
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h2omyeon · 4 years
You Were Beautiful (KJM x reader)
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Summary: You had been in love with your classmate Kim Junmyeon for the last year and a half. You finally find the guts to tell him the truth about how you feel, but at the wrong time. (PS: Chanyeol makes a cameo in this story and Junmyeon is an Art History major!)
Pairing: Junmyeon x Female Reader
Tags: College Student Junmyeon, Art Hoe Junmyeon, bittersweet stuff
Warnings: Mentions of suicide towards the end of the story (not in this chapter)
Word Count (in total): 8.5k
AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is my first ever story I wrote and published on here. Feel free to leave comments and I will try to publish each chapter weekly! This story is based off of a combination of dreams that I had which included people who weren’t Junmyeon and Junmyeon himself during the beginning of this whole COVID pandemic (AKA: when things began to fall apart). Like the world that I was living in at that time, this story/dream is just as (I hope to believe) chaotic. I also apologize if there are a ton of plot holes in the story because it was based on a dream and I could not think of any filler parts. Enjoy!- PS
PPS: This is the second to last part of the story and yes, I have written the entire thing already! Because of some personal stuff that I have related to work, I will not be publishing the last chapter until August 16th. I hope you all have enjoyed the work up to this point!
Read the previous parts here: Part 1  Part 2  Part 3 
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Chapter 3: Natural Delivery
Your alarm rang; it was D-day. You couldn’t believe you kissed him, the man of your dreams. You smiled even thinking about, but then a rush of sadness hit you because he was going to leave you all from today. It was 6:30 in the morning when you woke up and you could hear Junmyeon and his family starting to pack the stuff in the car and talk to one another in Korean. 
Before leaving for the airport at 7 that morning, your sisters had groggily said goodbye to Junmyeon and he had given them $40 each to spend. He thanked your mother for being so kind and helpful; you and your father were in the car watching him say goodbye. You had a letter in your hand you wrote to Junmyeon before last night, explaining everything you had felt for him and gave him some pictures you two had taken at various photo booths throughout the city. 
The ride was occasionally silent, except for when your father and the older Kim’s would engage in conversations about politics and asked Junmyeon about his flight details. Mr Kim played some music; “Me Gustas Tu” by GFriend blasted through the car speakers and you all (except your father, who didn’t know the song to begin with) began to sing along while you and Junmyeon did the chorus dance hand movements. It was ironic that on the day the person you liked was leaving, this was the song playing. 
“Did you know our nephew was an SM trainee?” Mrs Kim asked you and your father. You both shook your heads. That explained why he was so good at dancing. 
“Aunty, it was for a month,” he replied in Korean, then said: “Yeah, all I did was not get sleep and train all day for something I didn’t know if I actually wanted to do.” 
You all chuckled then went silent, while watching the traffic. You sang along to the rest of the song alone, while Junmyeon looked out the window and then looked at you while you were singing. 
“Y/N, you sing so good!” Mr Kim stated. 
“No, I just like this song a lot, Mr Kim,” you gushed. Junmyeon smiled at you; you smiled back. Junmyeon was definitely a better singer and knowing that he was an SM trainee confirmed the reason why he was so good. 
“Your pronunciation isn’t that bad, Y/N. You kinda sounded like Yuju when you sang at that moment,” Junmyeon said. You didn’t know the members' names, but you were honored. 
After a few more songs and more stories from the Kims and your father, you had finally reached JFK airport. You helped Mrs Kim and your father take out the bigger luggages onto the trolley cart; Mr Kim hugged his nephew for one last time and told him he loved him and how much he was going to miss him. You watched Mr Kim sadly walk into his car and think briefly, knowing his nephew will have to go through the difficult training he went through himself, before entering the airport. While at the airport, you all decided to grab some breakfast. 
Your father and Junmyeon fought on who would pay for breakfast; Junmyeon gave in and your father had paid for the quick breakfasts you all ate from the Dunkin stand. 
“I’ll miss Dunkin Donuts,” he admitted as you all walked to the baggage check in stand. 
“There aren’t any in Korea?” Your father asked. 
“No,” Mrs. Kim and Junmyeon replied at the same time. 
“There are Starbucks,” he disclosed. “They’re way better in Korea though.” You rolled your eyes, remembering the debate you two once had over this topic. 
Once you reached the baggage check in, you all were no longer allowed to go with him past that. Junmyeon checked in his big bags and was given his boarding pass; the flight was at 10:30 and it was 8:00. Before walking into security, Junmyeon said his goodbyes to Mrs. Kim in Korean, thanking her for all she had done these three years. Then, he went to you. 
“I will miss you a lot, probably the most out of everyone here. I said all my thank yous and I love yous last night, but I really love you and always have, I really do. Thank you for everything and I really hope to see you again. Think of me,” he said with a smile. You hugged him tightly; he was so comforting and from today, you would no longer feel that warmth. You were going to miss him deeply. Tears formed in his eyes and you all were about to cry. 
“Stay safe, serve well and don’t forget to call and text us when you get there, Junmyeon.” Mrs Kim said. He walked to your father while you sipped your iced coffee and silently cried. 
They both looked at one another in silence. You knew your father loved Junmyeon like his own son; they had an immediate bond. “Hey, buddy, I know we didn’t talk a lot, but I saw you make my daughter the happiest she had been in a long time. I haven't seen her smile and laugh with anyone for a while and I’m happy it was with you,” your father said. “Good luck with your service and if you ever need any help, you know where to call,” he addressed with a smile. He gave Junmyeon a big hug and they embraced briefly. 
“Thank you for accepting me into your home whenever I needed help. I felt protected and welcomed by you all. And I will definitely call whenever I need your help,” Junmyeon replied to your father.
“That’s what fathers do, right?” he replied with a fatherly chuckle. You all laughed. They hugged again and he walked up to you. 
“Stay safe, okay?” you said, holding his hand while thinking about last night. He assured you that he would stay safe and that he would call you as soon as he got to Korea. Both of your smiles disappeared from your faces when you let his hand go. You all looked at one another in silence. 
“Hey, let’s take a picture,” you suggested. The rest of the clan agreed; you asked a young French woman to take the pictures on your dad’s cell phone. After a few pictures, Junmyeon hugged you all for one last time and walked towards security. You put his letter in your pocket and walked out of the airport alongside your father and Mrs Kim once he turned into a tiny figure in the entrance towards security. 
The ride home was overcast with sadness and silence; you cried most of the way home. You felt like you were Elio Perlman in Call Me By Your Name after Oliver had left; your father held your hand the whole way home while he looked out the window in silence. Mrs Kim tried to console you from her passenger seat as best as she could. 
“That boy was like glue,” Mrs Kim said. “He brought two families together without realizing it. Thank you to the both of you and your other family members for making our nephew Junmyeon feel welcome, I really mean it. He talked about you all as passionately as he did about those art pieces he studied in school,” she continued. 
“He was a special kid who made my daughter the happiest-” your father admitted. You had fallen asleep by then, while the elders continued to have a conversation about Junmyeon and based on Mr. Kim’s experiences, how his life will change after the military. 
You were asleep for 30 minutes when you were awakened by a buzz coming from your pocket. It was a text message that had come from Junmyeon, but just as you were about to read it, your phone battery had run out. 
“Junmyeon said he is on the plane and that he will miss us all.” Mrs Kim said; she was talking about the text she had received. You accepted that he would be gone for a long time and that you needed to live your life the same way you would if Junmyeon were there. 
To pass time before you went home to live your life post-Junmyeon, you began to sing some songs in your head and one of the songs that popped up was “For Life” by EXO. You thought about the lines: “Never gonna let you go, giving you my heart and soul.” You initially heard the song in 2016, during a New Year’s Eve party your cousin Tiffany had invited you to and imagined some random celebrity as the love of your life you would pour your heart and soul for. Little did you think at that time you would ever find yourself giving up your heart and soul for someone in real life until you met him.
Another hour of traffic ensued and you fell asleep again, this time your father fell asleep as well. You could faintly hear Mrs Kim was talking to her sister in law (Junmyeon’s mother), wishing her a happy birthday, with Mr. Kim saying happy birthday as well before falling back asleep again. 
By the time you woke up, Mr. Kim reached the neighborhood parking lot and after scurrying around the lot to find a spot, he parked his car next to your father’s. Just as you were all about to leave, your father’s cellphone began to ring; it was Angela. She never called your father unless it was an extreme emergency. Angela worked at the airport as a cashier at a duty free perfume shop on the weekends. 
“Hello? Angela, what’s wrong?” Your father asked. 
“Mr. Y/L/N, I tried calling Y/N’s phone, but she isn’t picking up and neither is Junmyeon.” you heard Angela explain through the phone. 
Did he miss the flight? You thought. Your brain spiraled into a frenzy and thought of every possible situation. He spoke English very well, so he was able to understand the announcements and by now he should have flown out of New York; it was 11:00 AM and his flight left at 10:30, a half hour before. You all had left the airport at 8:30. You couldn’t hear the rest, but based on your father’s face, it was not good news. 
“What happened?” Mr Kim asked your father. “Is everything okay? That Angela girl is crazy, but she would never call unless something bad really happens.”
“There’s been an accident.” 
“An accident?” you asked. 
Your father took a deep breath. “Angela called me to say that a plane crashed outside of JFK fifteen minutes after it went off the runway. The flight left earlier than it should have and everything was deemed as fine, but somewhere along the way, the plane’s engine started to act up and despite doing an emergency landing, the plane crashed and caught fire.” he explained  
“It landed in some construction site and based on the severity of the damage and what she heard through word of mouth, it seems like no one survived the crash. She doesn’t know what flight it was yet, but she will call me and let me know.” 
“Oh my god!” Mrs Kim exclaimed. “Let me call Junmyeon. Oh, I hope he is okay!” She tried calling him multiple times; it went to voicemail each time. 
There was no report of bad weather today, you thought. But it did rain last night, so it might have been partially because of the weather. You felt like you were living a fever dream; you were on cloud nine twelve hours ago and now you felt the end of the world nearby. 
“Honey, he already left. You can’t call him.” Mr Kim explained to his wife in Korean. Mrs Kim’s face turned pale in worry that her beloved nephew was dead the moment he was supposed to leave; Mr Kim was consoling her on the quick walk home. They both began to call everyone they knew, including your mother. You and your father were both too stunned to say anything.  
Your mother and sisters had reached the Kim residence after hearing the news from Mrs Kim, and your father went to go use the bathroom. Your mother, and the Kims talked to one another frantically. 
“What happened?” your youngest sister Molly had asked, sitting on the same bench where you and Junmyeon had confessed your love for one another less than 24 hours before. 
“A plane crashed and we don’t know if it might have been Junmyeon’s flight,” you explained. 
“Bro,” Natasha exclaimed. “You really believe Angela?” 
“Angela may be strange at times, but she is not a liar,” you snapped. “This is serious, Natasha!” 
They were just as stunned and by then your father had come back from the bathroom. You all prayed in silence that Junmyeon was okay and it wasn’t his flight that had gone through that tragedy. 
A few moments later, the phone rang as soon as your father reached the house and you all sat on the porch in worry. It was Angela. You picked up the phone immediately, while everyone watched you in worry. 
“Hello?” you uttered. She indicated that based on the information provided to her fellow employees and supervisors, the plane that had exploded was going to an Asian country, although which country and airline it was, she did not know yet. She also said that there were survivors, but did not know how many there were. After a minute’s silence, she got back on the phone and told you the flight number of the plane that had crashed. 
“There is good news and bad news: There are about twenty survivors out of the 178 people on the airplane. They have, unfortunately, not found any more survivors and yes they are still looking. They are being taken to nearby hospitals  as we speak and for now, all other flights have been delayed.”
Angela took a deep breath before she shared the news of the flight. She was a journalism major, so it was natural for her to deliver news, good or bad; despite her natural strangeness, she was able to successfully deliver bad news without crying and good news with a panned face. However, her voice changed, which meant it was definitely serious. 
“It was Junmyeon’s flight to Seoul that crashed onto the construction site.”
Part 5 (and final part)
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thank you @highwarlockofinnsbruck for tagging me in this!!! pls ignore that it’s like 3 months late 🥺
1. Do you make your bed? 
kinda? i don’t move around in my sleep like. at all. so all i have to do is just turn the doona back over after i get out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
2. What’s your favourite number?
i don’t have a specific favourite, but i do favour prime numbers (maybe bc i’m currently a prime number?) and also numbers divisible by 5
3. What is your job?
uni lol, and i’ve started tutoring a kid to improve his writing skills. back before the pandemic i’d also do like emails and stuff for a weekend school here 
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
yr 11 and 12, maybe, if i wasn’t worried about getting into uni. the rest of school? lol no. although, i miss the amount of free time i had and how much easier assessments were. but PE and the perpetual anxiety bc private school and also hs drama and the horror that was primary school? solid no
5. Can you parallel park?
6. A job you had that would surprise ppl?
a Lot of ppl were surprised when i told them about my dip into the fast food industry lmao
7. Do you think aliens are real?
heck yea
8. Can you drive a manual car?
Officially, no. But my dad gave me a couple lessons before we sold our manual car and I mostly have the basics down ^~^
9. What’s your guilty pleasure?
look, i got past guilt after being a taylor swift fan in high school and also writing hamilton fanfics. everything now is shameless ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
10. Tattoos?
nah. both from a religious perspective and also a ‘i don’t want anything permanent on my body bc i’m indecisive as Fuck and also why would i do that when henna exists’ perspective
11. Favourite colour?
porple and also bloo
12. Favourite type of music?
no clue. now that I actually use spotify I’ll just. listen to everything. soft rock is nice? 
13. Do you like puzzles?
14. Phobias?
i Cannot w balloons when they go wrinkly. i think i discovered this when i was like,,, 6? and we went to this uni open day and we came home w So Many helium balloons like enough to fill our whole living room. and a few days later i could Not enter that room bc of the creepy dead balloons ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
15. Favourite childhood sport?
BOLD OF YOU TO ASSUME I DID SPORTS EVER i rly liked badminton w my cousins? i never went into anything bc i’m not about that life. bike riding too?
16. Do you talk to yourself?
not out loud lol
17. What movie do you adore?
alskdjfh based on movies i’ve watched the most, the les mis movie adaptation bc i mean what else would u have me do? watch the version w nICK JONAS? i honestly just need to find another good bootleg ;~;
18. Coffee or tea?
coffee, although lockdown has resulted in me steadily developing a tea addiction
19. First thing you wanted to be growing up?
i think a vet?
I tag @sassydefendorflower @penguinwithitsarseonfire @simpliciteastudies and @miaintheskywithbubbles ^~^ (no pressure to anyone =) )
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usashirtstoday · 4 years
Bike If You're Not Crashing You're Not Trying Hard Enough T Shirt
Will this take the lives of tens of thousands of Americans rural areas like this your Navajo nation are specially at our 15 to 30 of all citizens have the water Americans are most vulnerable and hardest by agreements we need to bring awareness to the attention of Washington DC the United State Me to focus on the first citizens years hundred thousand workers probably off in the distance you can see some factors are still humming most of them are just kind of banded like continues to be lowest plans plasma by really young kids are feeling what’s going on right now should parents talking to them about this whole question of racial justice embraces no real really focus protested the policy in Los Angeles get local news for free download your favorite devices 347 share what does it all day data share there was a Bike If You're Not Crashing You're Not Trying Hard Enough T Shirt rise in the number of Americans who filed for employment insurance last week numbers are today share jobless claims unexpectedly covering 1 million according to the Department of Labor after Murtha steady. Com is already had her for street before will provide lasting she interesting since making his parents and the name on this is not seen since he the running mates traditional to still be our first child and she has your own small business is the chief for 24 seconds the finished thanks Carol I think you had some additional research that you put together yourself especially him you know obviously not being American living in America you wanted to find out about Camilla Harris on your own so you have some fascinating points to make actually a It seems that shift identifies herself one thing there is a very email as soon as identifying American is listed as the current confusion. But a lot of people back to Harley Davidson remember this motorcycle wave counts hundreds of pounds motion to be surprised with how late it is to change directions with very little effort very easy motorcycle to where you want especially when you’re moving he deftly entered some hounds at a standstill you’re moving always job motorcycle this Harley Davidson equipped with rakes so we should wait the front brake actually puts a little bit of pressure on the rear brake as well conversely if you just use the rear break if you automatically delete the front brake as well the system works very seamlessly when split pressure especially for using the rear brake aggressively but it works welland see surfer for folks who don’t quite understand the full potential of breaking hardware on these motorcycles when you’re traveling below 25 mph the link breaks actually disabled so you add front brake is only a front brake when you add rear brake is only the rear break so Harley Davidson understood that when you’re doing delicate parking lot speed maneuvers you might want to have that independent brake input so they allowed for in the in the programming a cool feature we didn’t quite touch on RDS are DRS package traction control pouring ABS also vehicle hold control so Hill regarding incline for you enable you hold the brake long enough it will automatically hold the bike there with the brake pressure that you off the break the motorcycle hold there won’t release the brake until you get rolling so very nice feature if you ever written to up with a passenger in a cargo you probably understand that sometimes launching a motorcycle way I incline when you’re loaded out of all that weight can be kinda tricky especially if you don’t have the best balanceand feature will really be a significant help for people who ride in those kinds of conditions on that train train components on this bike triple hydraulic disc brakes supplied from Rambo for bird Our powers get the feel from the brake lever to is very good
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For any performer they didn’t cam it as a Bike If You're Not Crashing You're Not Trying Hard Enough T Shirt comedian out of manner at glass in Isaac is on stage right a guy who swept up after the elephants a guide heightand exiting the people at work the rock groups usually get more action than the actual rock group night IR don’t say right to me because I imagine intimate veil additions right drop in if you want to see Elvis yet is Amy Feist gotcha as you said right of deposit over these announcements from affiliate stations will continue with John Lennon in two minutesand five seconds you said earlier that it became boring to stay with that group why is what you’re doing now not boring when that was because I can change musicians whenever I likeand it tends to get into a format because we were together much longer than the public news not just from 64 I was 24and 64and I’ve been playing with postings is 15and is very niceand diligent about year later some insights a long time we spent togetherand in all the most extraordinary circumstances from a lousy rooms did greatand. Peter’s Philip says Pauland the live is not only a total waste of time they lost their resurrection expertand gave the goddamn Dragon in the process go see a visitor one everyone or is it winter valve hot topic. I was a he was just not mean it was driven offand no ego thing is good work was a mighty get directions somebody who didn’t bring back Jell O I never knew what was going on also I get a recording not in a of you I know was going on like he is so I like that it may come to collaboration is that you will be directed to you this fine is this our jokesand training them but really teasing me not teaching as far as the listen lasted but he was watching him confidence to do it as far as I was intimidated by trainedand learned these were they think that also big but I mean is five equally across the board everybody loves everybodyand study that where I spent it all really High school so I look at it being like we thousand I can only that sheand I know that uniting study like he studied them get the same result given and will anybody nowand I would be know what we think I’ll be totally comfortable because that was the last puzzle like you know I know good to my I know with Microsoft on my P is left know much he can say right track enemy is things like article about a book in enemies like he gets there by said that in mind is like just close either was tied to the camera or put yourself in a position you know the character do Francineand I lays out the opposite but is fine is is is is like religion to be doing is I’m doing my seem right I knowand writer I’m excited both about I’m excited for the movie theater I’m excited for the site to be in the theater when people come to see my movies people come to Tim’s my friends no pantiesand come when he is after I company I’ll be inand hated you see the need to get out of the theater all of America and I bet you will indicating that it is on the screen just a lot of different types people ask Israel as moviemaking is acting really is not safeand were just making them feel good when we all go motion so that the song that was fun especially at this time in history where we are American country in the world it be good to get a solid patch no murders no races in this Internet account is never like me people a trip to Thames to negative why boy but it is likely try to do is like take take alcohol off the wall you know what I mean once a month like this 30 times me like is a megadeal in the last we just turned into a common enemy’s tendencies in missing why boy would think that they need to get except because he is all the backand attended to by guys is realizing you know what we sayand and how why boy is just as harmful knocking on message is then just as much regards as we realize it’s a we see the movie you see how all of us espouse the word also cash industries that will my life we are like junkies like how people have to have coffee every morning that the type junkies how you know someone like chocolate I like some women like the guys who beat him up or we have addictions that Eileen is not like junkies as far as we dislike a lot like one I have addictions United we discovered by the nowand world we are that is one of the triple jumpand think with an so in tune to this ident so much research I’ve done so much in voluntary research on the bureaucracies of the American government that I’m an expert I’m also a consultant on the found for sellers like I know you I know I’m going to have to think that I did not have himand I need is out in I think I better but didn’t think this but I think like a personifies our relationships as far as human beings out there right now as far as like a how we are now I know was sexual preferences are outlined definitely anymoreand relationships in outline definitely anymore marriage is not such a serious stable thing like this anymore I’m sure Mr Dolan’s tech would like to do that when they did it people are more likely to just discoverand explore relationshipsand see we leave them instead of labelingand and then live in that part in what I just being together at the Chinese realizing been together you live in a relationship with two girlsand to guide lame nacelles like that we jump in a minute is relationship has been going off WAPand is the strictly spoon loving cooking 11 stretch not sexually but as a friend of the best friendand a stretch loving me as a vastand loving cooking sexually but not physically you know what I mean is like that intense desire to be another so much as you see the movie can’t add a friend named Jaco who is blind handout to his shouldersand had blue eyesand looked like you know America’s vision of the perfect guy based on tour design because thing that it his lifeand was curious like stretchand I was also upset the time that we mayand we met he had moneyand I didn’t put Glasgow telling a woman not slightly up 2000 NCS spent the night it went to school dressed in his clothes because it was fun for him to not have it was fun for me to have youand I mean it was fun for him to hear rap music player not speak fun it was fun for me to show it was fun for me to hear him staying in here like that the Beatles have put things inand directed the nameand know all the like historic things about music that I never knew that I would never have known how we not cross paths that is really defined lab is not as today the diverse inactions of todayand what I will play my car today what would make you stand out is that you so stretches that no no enemyand it has nothing to do with acolyte has curiosityand just being mixed up know having a coaches mixed upand watch what happen this house should be work to get partner shown the other showing in the National Guard is not a new well I’m approaching six name Mark all eyes on me homework soundtrack of this my next project is a group called outlaws Melaleuca badass case I got in school promised to provide a cow for at that London name shall who saw the project savingsand desire to break barrier or what Tupacand started production company will just push will definitely be the soundtrack Nate dog doing is you all gone now leave me alone Singh is direct to give you some costly life with him rapand under guest appearances reggae guy chain on itand then we shall about times to London flew out here so we had like doing so everything but the girl not like it now like everything is we do a lot of oak with a lot of covers I also got Danny boy to change income 60 the song consider me one of the best song ever mail glad to be part of us talk about the sizeand is not you got a song about a guy talking about why women always let the guys that money guys moved to while get more like the pudgy guy stays home that she took it out of a basketball social good soundtrack as diverse as the as diverse as the cath guarantee you shake we doing it like volume 1 invited to I am one of the soundtrack for the movie 92 is all like atmosphere Street solid rapand R B line what is like the mix that AL right now shall to talk today is all right it was a bike he was pop in first off I want to congratulate you on your success magazine watching the law you know that even though you know I think most people may be a media bias I would kind of felt like every episode you realize that we only see two media was right there you know how I love you back that for soand I love the man who are going to have is always thousand bad faith is not a lieand has made me so badand he is making is actually East calls the Bay Area in LAand lots of those places may be madeand I love love love those communities those areas about those areas may lieand he was no crashing into the biggest ball is to teaches the principles to the police that will be but on every bite your momsand apply everybody you raise meand I appreciate Dale mean for my family back together almost is making Ryan out on my broken nose in the eye majors because of affairs via beyond the norm in just a failed artist in my life so appreciatedand will examine the making may be no more appreciatedand appreciated stinking up my loveand I never trained as a fairly although there is no does almost have a lot of you don’t close West Coast agency love y’all with all my heart with a man who does the author note is usually the same thing in opposition to the trailer pieces right now to send out the person on Syria’s nose will proceed like every time you come up with economical something that will set you back like the incident to have a number of the day with policing the trials you little lady baggies in the situations you are now being caught up in the system trying to come up as a Microsoft bag damn you cut up like a lizard to go through your mindand I’m wondering about is because is only because they likeand the collegeand I really take it personal because the reflection of the community as a black female gel I know my refusal to come up in the back fostersand makes states that the change that so to me personally because they are going to watch the beginning they let us all populations watch them as they get high go to the homesand deal with it over with me to see you see me do my greatest seem to do things in my life seen in my size so as I don’t like your life is like you don’t have to use it is these calls can shot down I would do a lot of stuffand I have a lot of stuff on TV client not to believe everything you read the paper enough to see on TV no one will read as you got shot the whole competition at Sloman Avenue was I damn shy Sheila’s own ass carefully or something my is a disrespectful mama cost is minimal because I have is not known if you’d like his life course is now much of the left take him know we all have choices to make in my searches I may want to change the letters as I can change the different lies that is made is the light of day to like maybe not as a major Mandalay Bay this is not for the parole board of nobodies was about to make mashed the believable lie Saturday game is likely to play a somewhat concreteand grow most of Al Qaeda Chicago say they also got some awesome rollsand coffee Milam is dated as he is just like the application see exactly what I say because you know you must be truly bless you José the child relationship into still still still maintaining me knowand even now they still come easily not be optical to tell my daughter you know every time you turn around you that somebody not only important to take from you I become harderand harder tenacity is think this is a go all out the back to licenses worse if you like to twilight zone licensed even unstoppable as well let me go just as well as their mama sometimes I jog almost is laying down on you think I game it is true I fail am I supposed to fail decide to stop trying to give up right now with a way for me to say this much agitatedand give us a massive funnel Gary cry sums are sometimes semi good job as husband is a game of life well lived life to know one day he was at the game that had as much fun as we sounds like a first must certainly mess it each to park right now legal combat See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt
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wolvesofinnistrad · 5 years
we both know that ben + callum like playing their video games but could you imagine ben playing something + Callum just kinda comes in and sits between his knees and starts sucking him off and Ben’s trying not to moan n carry on with the game + he has like jay & people in his headset being like why are you suddenly dying and he has to make up an excuse cos he can’t say that he’s got his finger wrapped in his boyfriends hair and shoving his cock down cals throat (expand pls cos ur more talented)
Oh I really like this one, less headcanon and more drabble here.
Ben and Callum have been dating for a while at this point and it’s great.  They love one another, they’re living together, they have a great sex life its’ just that, well, Callum’s starting to feel maybe that some of that wild passion from before is waning.  Not that they don’t fuck like rabbits in bed, but all that tension from before is gone, and sure it’ replaced by comfort and peace of mind and freedom, but sometimes Callum did enjoy the danger of it all.
He remembers the thrill of being out in public at the park, of knowing that anyone could see them.  Also he remembers that he asked Ben to stop playing his game over an hour ago so they could get ready for bed.
Somehow the two things overlap in his mind, watching from the bedroom door as he sees Ben sitting on the couch, eyes glued to the telly as he chats with Jay animatedly.  He likes seeing him happy, but he wants some time with his boyfriend, and that’s how the idea pops into his head.
Under normal circumstances he probably wouldn’t do this, even with how much he’s grown more comfortable with himself, his desires, everything, it’s still a bit out of his league.  But then he thinks how if the roles were reversed Ben wouldn’t hesitate to toy with him like that so he whips off his shirt and walks over into the living room in just a pair of sweatpants held low on his hips.
“Hey Cal, just a few more matches, promise.”  Ben barely glances at him when he says it, hyper focused on the game.
“That’s alright, thought I’d just come out here for a bit.”  Callum smiles, sitting on the floor by Ben, waiting for a moment to strike.  When Ben get a big kill, whooping and tossing his hands in the air Callum sees his opportunity and quickly moves between his legs, pushing his thighs apart.
“Cal?” But Ben can’t focus on Callum when someone’s chasing him now so Callum has free reign to do as he pleases.
Callum’s big hands move up and down Ben’s thighs, massaging them slowly, rubbing deep into the skin until he hears Ben let out a shaky breath, glancing down just for a second at him.
He moves his head up, burying it in Ben’s crotch which gets another awkward, strangled noise out of Ben.  There’s only a thin pair of boxers covering Ben and Callum takes advantage, nuzzling against the man’s soft cock through the fabric until he it starts to fatten up.
“Callum what are y-, no fuck you stop camping me!” Ben’s still distracted, and Callum smirks, reaching into the man’s boxers and pulling his cock free.
That makes Ben gasp, breath coming sharp as Callum takes his cock to his lips, kissing the head and giving a few tiny licks.  Ben is the master of blowjobs in this relationship, but that also means he’s taught Callum mot of his tricks, and Callum has had enough time to play with Ben’s cock that he knows exactly what gets him going.
Like now when he holds the semi-soft base and starts running a line with his tongue all the way around Ben’s cockhead beneath his foreskin.
“Fuck...”  The sound is punched out and breathy, and followed by an explosion and a louder more angry “fuck!”  Callum giggles as he keeps up his work, hearing Ben yell “I know Jay, I’m just, sorry, I got c-caught.”
Ben’s prick is fully hard now, flushed red and Callum gently pulls his foreskin back and begins sucking on just the head how he knows drives Ben crazy.
“God...” Ben sounds so lost, he keeps glancing down at Callum sucking him then clearly being chastised for not paying attention and tries to drag his eyes back to the telly.
It’s actually been about two weeks since Callum has blown Ben, and he might have been practicing with one of their dildos in his spare time, so he starts bobbing, taking another inch or so every few times until he’s got Ben’s entire cock down his throat, kissing his abdomen and he can swallow around him.
He doesn’t have to wait long before he hears “Fuck Callum, please...”  It’s needy and desperate, and when Callum looks up Ben’s just staring down at him panting.
“Callum’s just here...  Distracting me,” Ben says over his headset and the fact he’s still talking to them, even if it’s labored makes Callum redouble his efforts.
Ben’s going to regret not quitting the match when he had the chance.
Callum pulls back, sucking hard on the head, hollowing his cheeks like Ben taught him months ago.  At the same time he uses his hand to stroke the base and shaft, holding Ben down by the hip with his other hand.  It’s no secret that Ben gets all soft and horny when Callum’s assertive, adds a bit of his weight on him or holds him down.
Ben gasps again, and theres the sound of his character dying once more.  Ben’s trying to talk but he’s just babbling excuses now.  His fingers are in Callum’s hair now, grasping, holding on.
Callum speeds up, sucking Ben aggressively, using his tongue as deftly as he can, making sure his teeth are hid behind his lips to create the best sort of glide with no restrictions.  He’s taking Ben deep on every slide and he hears the man choke and another death followed by the controller falling to the floor.
“Callum, fuck, Callum oh god!”
Faintly, very faintly he can hear what sounds like muffle yelling from the headset, but Ben’s completely forgotten about it all, head pressed back into the couch, eyes shut tight in deep pleasure as he lets Callum take him apart.
Quickly, since he has Ben at his mercy, he tugs Ben’s boxers down so he can get access to everything.  With one hand he moves up, sliding beneath Ben’s soft shirt and taking a nipple and squeezing it, pinching and twisting.  
With his other hand he moves to do a trick he discovered, that his hand was big enough to slide his fingertips between Ben’s cheeks to tease his hole while his palm and thumb could rub Ben’s balls.  The first time he did it Ben nearly lost his mind, and the same is true tonight.
“DOn’t stop, Cal, please, fuck, fuck me, shit, fuck, bloody hell!”
Callum laugh around Ben’s cock, glad he’s finally got his entire attention, game long forgotten.  He keeps up everywhere, making sure Ben’s pleasured in every way he can, attacked on all fronts.
“I’m gonna cum, fucking shit, fuck!” Ben’s fingers wrap in Callum’s hair hard, tugging him down on his cock as deep as it’ll go as he unloads with an intense orgasm.  His entire body seems to cave in on itself, freezing up as his legs wrap around Callum’s head and back arches.
Callum swallows him down, taking care to work over his boyfriend with his tongue and fingers through his entire orgasm and afterglow until Ben’s a moaning, boneless mess.
When he’s finally finshed with Ben, at least for the moment, Callum stand sup, pants obscenely tented by his own erection.  He grabs the headset off Ben, puts it on just long enough to hear Jay screaming.
“Sorry Jay, Ben can’t talk right now,” Callum says, feeling very pleased with himself when Jay shrieks again before he turns the headset and game off.
Ben’s got a soft little dazed smile on his lips and Callum leans in to kiss him silly.
Ben tries to grab Callum’s cock, but he’s completely fucked out already.  
“Don’t worry bout it, I can take care of myself,” Callum says with a smile.
“No...  Need your cock, fuck me...” Ben mumbles.
“You sure, you’re a little-”
“Callum I can barely move...  But if you don’t fuck me I will hold you down and ride you somehow.”
Callum doesn’t need to be told twice, moving in and rimming Ben fast, loving the way his boyfriend mewls and digs his fingers into his hair.  He fishes a pube packet out form beneath the couch cushion because, well, they hid them around the flat because they tend to fuck all over.
Pulling his pants down and off he gives himself a couple strokes before lubing up.  Mentally Ben is there with him, groaning and moaning, but physically he’s limp and wrung out, letting himself be used by Callum.
Callum hooks Ben’s legs over his shoulders and slides in, not wanting to wait any longer, knowing they both need this.  He loves the face Ben still makes every time he enters him, so lost and vulnerable and open.  He shows every expression of how he feels like this, biting his lip hard as the pleasure starts to overwhelm him again.  Ben’s shaking, breath coming in heavy gasps as his chest rises and falls with every thrust.
CAllum makes sure to get Ben’s spot and even though the man just came he’s already hard again. Smirking Callum grabs Ben’s cock with his lubed hand and strokes him fast and dirty, timing it to his thrusts so he’s twisting the head right as his cock glances over Ben’s prostate and Ben tries to scream but his body is so tired it’s near silent.
Callum feels his heavy balls slapping against Ben’s pert ass, he’s so ready to bust.  He gives a few more strokes and thrusts and Ben’s coming, eyes rolling back in his head as he shoots all over his chest and even up to his chin a little.  That drags Callum over the edge, sliding all the way inside his lover and unloading deep.
“Cal, cal calcalcalcalcallum!” Ben whimpers, using the last of his strength to cling to his boyfriend.
Callum had planned on carrying Ben back to bed and cleaning up, but he’s just as exhausted as Ben now and they end up just laying on top of one another on the couch, kissing lazily until they both drift off to sleep.
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r-romanoff · 5 years
Photon Blasts & Spider Webs
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Chapter: 1 Part 1
Peter Parker x Male Reader
Master list
September, 23, 2019
"I don't want to, take me home." I pout siting in the back seat of the black car. "Well you definitely are your mother's son." Fury starts looking over at Maria to say something, "It'll be good for you, you'll get to make friends your age bud." She smiles unlocking the doors from the passenger seat.
"Mom was supposed to be here, can't I just stay with Wanda, or Roadie? What about Sam?" I question not wanting to move from my seat. The leather seat that felt warm as the car had been sitting in the sun for an hour before the two coaxed me into leaving the house. "Look you know that if she could be here she would, now that the Avengers base has been arguably repaired you'll get to see everyone afterschool. Now get out, first period is in 5." Fury explains the already memorised memo in my head.
"I just-" "HONK!!!!!!" I'm interrupted by the blazing sound of someone honking in the silver car behind us. "Out!" Fury and Maria almost yell in unison, turning to look at me with hints of annoyance. Seeing as I've been difficult to handle as of late. Taking a breath of air allowing the smell of the car to enter and exit my lungs I let out a small noise; "Fine." The faint sound that is barely audible escapes. Opening the door I step outside of the car taking in all of my surroundings, taking my first step onto the sidewalk. "HONK!!!!!!" I jump at the same car that was honking at me before, running into the crowded hallway trying to avoid attention. "First period" I whisper to myself to keep my brain focused in this sea of endless students. The noise of their voices crashing against my ears, like waves to the cliffs. All of them clearing down the hallway to look for their class. After a while of navigating the ocean of teenagers, the halls have almost dried up in people and noise allowing me to finally find my physics room.
As I walk in to the full room the students all turn to look at me as well as the teacher, an array of confused looks head my way. Until of course I'm able to utter out a small sentence; "I-I'm new!" I look around waiting for a response. At that I see a boys head from all the way in the back shoot up and give me a strange glance, almost as if he'd been waiting or looking for me. I stand and think about it for a split second until my attention is drawn away, by the teachers voice. "Oh right! Class I would like to introduce you to Y/N Danvers. He will be joining us for the remainder of the year." He explains as the same boy's expression changes, as if he has some sort of objective or motive. "So, who will volunteer to be his partner for the rest of the semester? Extra credit will be granted." At the teachers announcement two people out of the entire class raise their hand. The first was a blonde girl with blue/green eyes, sitting two rows from the front on the right side of the class. The second being the burnett boy in the back left corner of the class.
"Ah... Ms Brant, thank you so much for volunteering, as for you Mr Parker thanks for the effort. Y/N please take a seat over there thank you very much." The teacher said pointing next to the blonde girl as he continued the lesson. While taking my seat the girl next to me smiled, "Hi I'm Betty!" She introduced herself, whispering very enthusiastically. "I'm Y/N but you already know that by now." I smiled back "So what brings you to midtown high? If you don't mind me asking." She asks politely. "Well I have always lived kinda near, it wasn't until recently though after the blip that my family wanted to stop homeschooling me. Then my mom was like 'You are going to normal school to socialise and whatnot' so sorry if I come off a bit strange." I nervously began to ramble. "No way that I so cool, so you've never been to a real school before?" Betty sports a grin on her face. "Well no... is that a bad thing?" I nervously question. "Huh? Oh no. It's not a big deal at all don't worry stick with me and everything will be just fine." She gives a sturdy response, yes go me making new friends... I think. "Thanks, so how long have you been going here?" I ask directing the attention towards her. "Well this is my third year, so I'm finally a junior." She begins to laugh.
After a while of talking back and forth the entire first period is officially over, and I officially have a new friend. The the rest of the day however begins to move slowly as not many seemed as interested in me as Betty. That or I'm actually doing something wrong and everyone thinks I'm weird. Besides that, lunch has officially begun and I am officially lost, again. Walking down what looks like the same hallway over and over again, trying to navigate the maze of lockers and trophy cases while also passing the occasional water fountain and bathroom. Eventually giving up I collapse onto the floor crisscrossing in the middle of the hallway allowing a loud groan to escape my lips; "AAAAAhhh!!!" I cried out not expecting anyone to have heard. "Is anyone there?" An unexpected response is shot back at me. Not wanting anyone to see me in my miserable state I immediately stand up. As I begin to turn away from the cold spot on the floor under an air vent, the same voice speaks again only this time closer.
"Were you just sitting on the floor?" Turning around greet who ever was there my face had officially turned pink with embarrassment. "Y/N, right?" I see the same strange boy from my physics class. What is his deal why does something seem so off to me about him. He always has this look on his face I can never exactly, recognize. He seems to be either expecting something, planning, or carrying something out. I just don't know what. "Yes, Parker???" I reply quickly as possible hoping I wasn't thinking for to long. "Peter, Peter Parker. Nice to meet you" he holds out his hand, unsurely I take it and we shake hands. Feeling a small tingle as I pull away, "So are you lost, or... what are you doing i-if you don't mind me asking." He says almost nervously, quickly admitting defeat I decide to explain my situation. "Yes I- There's a lot of hallways." I smiled earning a small chuckle from my strange acquaintance. "I can help you get to where you're going if-" "Y/N!!!" Peter is cut of by a familiar booming voice coming from the other end of the hall. "I was looking for you everywhere, and then I was like 'wait he's new so he must have gotten lost' and I couldn't have my new friend lost after I said I would stick with him." Turning to see Betty is the one who was speaking, I smile at the thought that my new friend came looking. "Sorry, Peter was just about to help me out with that. Uh see you around?" You ask Peter as you being to walk towards Betty. "Uh, yeah see you around." Peter waves as he begins to walk away to the opposite side of the hall.
"So where we headed?" I ask Betty. "I want to introduce you to a couple of my friends, and show you around of course." As the day went on I had the rest of my periods with Betty, and a couple of them with Peter although we didn't really speak to each other. We just sort of acknowledged each one another. When the day was finally over I was making my way to the front of the school to get picked up, still thinking about how I survived the day. "Got any plans this Wednesday?" Betty greets walking beside me. "Not that I'm aware of." I shoot a look wondering what's to fallow. "Good I'm going to the mall with a couple people from school, so I wanted to know if you wanna come. You know because you're new just wanna make sure you find everything well here. Aka get the full teenage experience." She elaborates. "That actually sounds pretty fun, but I'm gonna have to check in with my family first." "That's alright, just text me. Also we're wearing pink, just a heads up." The enthusiastic blonde informs. As we had finally made it to the parking lot Betty waved goodbye as she got in the passengers seat of a red sports car and zoomed. Leaving me to wait for my ride, all alone.
My cell vibrates Indicating that I've received a message. Looking to see who it was that texted me the name on the text says Wanda. However before I get a chance to open, it she begins to call. "Hello." I greet as I slide the green button. "Hey Y/N/N, how was the first day?" "Better than anticipated." "Told you!" I could hear her giggle through the phone. "I'm gonna picking you up a block away, ok." My sister figure spoke. "Coolness see you in a bit then." "In a bit."
An: I'm going to admit I was not expecting chapter 1 to be anything but short, but there will be a part two up by next week to this chapter. Before finishing the deadline was reached sorry. Ps the next part will probably also be filler
Also sorry for the prologue I wasn't happy with it, I'm not sure on whether or not I'll end up posting it though
Feel free to comment, also what's up with Peter he's acting weird.
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