#kinda light on rosegarden
howlingday · 3 months
Ruby & Oscar ALONE
If you like Rosegarden... you're not gonna like this.
Oscar: Adventure, here we come! I- Let's try to remember- Oh! Oh god!
Ruby: Okay, breathe!
Oscar: Let's try to- Oh! I ju- Ogh! I'm just so excited! Ah! Agh! ARGH! I get so excited thinking about adventure!
Ruby: I had, like, four whole volumes about adventure!
Ruby: (Walks into area)
Oscar: You're stupid for thinking it would be in here! Fuck you! You're dumb! Ruby, I love you~!
Ruby: ...I'm getting some real mixed messages here.
Oscar: There's something I forgot to tell you.
Ruby: Oh, god, what?
Oscar: I'm hungry, I gotta go to the bathroom~!
Ruby: You JUST had ice cream!
Oscar: I'm lactose intolerant! I just found out!
Ruby: Okay.
Oscar: ...RUBY!
Ruby: Geez, what?! I'm right here!
Oscar: I LOVE YOU~!
Ruby: I love you, too- What?
Ruby: (Walks into same area)
Oscar: Twice in a row you walked in here, thinking there would be something. Why are you that dumb? Did your mom make you that way? Where'd you get intelligence, from the stupid store?
Ruby: (Starts crying)
Ruby: (Walks into different empty area)
Oscar: You stupid motherfucker. You did it again. YOU THOUGHT! NANANA BOOBOO~! You're always going in the worst places.
Ruby: (Walks)
Oscar: YOU FUCKING MORON! You did it again! PSYCHE! TRICKED YOU! What, did you see something SHINY on the ground, Ruby?! We can't be spending our time going to useless places like this! My [tumblr] is reaching across the entire multiverse now!
Ruby: He's so toxic, what the fuck? I mean, he's fine when we get in the dustcord chat, but when he's in that channel, he's terrible. Awful.
Oscar: Takes one to know one, Ruby! (Raspberries)
Ruby: Oum...
Oscar: I'm laughing inside, but I'm crying outside! YOU'RE DUMB!
Ruby: I can't escape him...
Oscar: If you do this again, I'll lose all respect for you. Forever. The light you see in my eyes when I look at you will be gone. It'll be forever dim.
Ruby: This is hell to me. This is so bad.
Oscar: Oh yeah? HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL?!
Ruby: One cheeseburger, please~!
Oscar: Yeah, and two ice creams. One for me and another for me and none for my idiot friend!
Oscar: It's kinda lonely in here, huh, Ruby? Much like you must feel in your empty skull.
Oscar: Geez, what was that guy's problem? He was mean for no reason. That makes no sense.
Ruby: Hm... You don't say...
Ruby: (Walks back into space)
Oscar: Why would you come back here? I'm trying to give you as many chances as I have, but I gotta be honest, Ruby... My patience is wearing thin.
Ruby: ...Come here.
Oscar: Wait, no, I'm kidding! I'M KIDDING!
Oscar: EUAGH!
Ruby: ...LEARN.
Oscar: Ohohohohoho...
Ruby: Oscar, please, can we not do this today?
Oscar: Do what, Ruby? Do what today?
Ruby: Look, I know what you're going to do! You little fuck!
Oscar: So you're telling me you can, like, see a pattern, like, any sort of pattern, any sort of result at the end of a pattern of data points? Because that would be a fucking first.
Ruby: I'm just going to walk away!
Oscar: NO! You're gonna come back here and listen to what I have to say!
Oscar: YOU brought me!
Oscar: What do you mean I brought myself?! You said, "Oh, shit, let's find somebody who can help you~!" I'm trying, but we're not going to find anything if you keep going to places where there are no people!
Oscar: Yeah?
Ruby: Can we just fucking move on?!
Oscar: Hey, here's a question! If you want to move on so bad, WHY DID YOU COME HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!
Oscar: You don't want to be here, right?! So why are we?! I'M FOLLOWING YOU!
Oscar: I DON'T KNOW, YOU TELL ME! THAT'S WHAT I'M ASKING YOU! Ruby, look me in the eyes! What the fuck are we doing here?
Ruby: We have to find the Headmaster so we can find the Maiden so we can get to the Relic.
Oscar: That's an interesting quandary, because the problem is if we're trying to find the people to give us access to the Relics then why are we going to places WHERE THERE ARE NO PEOPLE?!
Ruby: Oh my god...
Oscar: You're just walking in the corner! This place isn't even rendered! This is a Matte painting, Ruby!
Ruby: I'm sorry, okay?
Oscar: Good!
Ruby: Is that what you want to hear?!
Oscar: Yes!
Ruby: Alright, then! I'm SORRY I accidentally pressed the action button on the place I THOUGHT we needed to go! Okay?!
Oscar: ...Good. Now hold onto that. Don't do it again.
Ruby: ...Oh, ho... It is so... So easy to just put one hand on your head and- It's so easy! Oh my god!
Oscar: What does that mean?
Ruby: Nothing!
Oscar: What is that supposed to mean?
Oscar: No, I'm sorry, you just said it would be so easy to put one hand on my head. Okay. THEN WHAT?
Ruby: ...Pat your little head.
Oscar: That's what I thought.
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1180: Strolling Down the "Wedding" Lane #2: Rosegarden (RWBY)
???? Unknown Area.........
After suddenly falling down from a planted trap floor from a few floors up above, in a last ditch effort, Oscar took this opportunity to swoop himself over and catches Ruby in his arms before both his feet lands on the solid ground below.
Oscar: GOTCHA!
Oscar: (Starts Panting Quite a Bit) That.....was way too close....For our own comfort.....
Ruby; (Gently Place Her Hand onto Oscar's Arm) Oscar, are you okay?
Oscar: ('Sigh in Great Relief') Yeah....I habe no idea what's going on right, but I'm glad we made it down here in one piece at leadt
Ruby: (Sighs as Well) Yeah, same here. On that note....(Happily Hugs Oscar in his Arms While Nuzzling his Cheeks with Hers and Wiggling her Legs Up and Down) My Sweet Herooooooo!!~ You're so cool and brave!~
Oscar: (Chuckles a Bit Ticklishly by his Girlfriend's Affections) Ruby, I only did what I could to try and save you. It's nothing to it than that.
Ruby: I know, but I couldn't help but be more prouder of you than I already am!~ I mean, look at you: you even did the Super Hero Landing and everything!!~
Oscar: (Looks Down to See his Knee is Laid Down on Back Side and his Foot is Down on the Front) Is that right? (Starts Getting Himself Back Up on his Two Feet) I.....somehow no-(Suddenly Felt a Small Cramp in his Knee, Causing Him to Bring it Back Down) ('Crack') Tice!
Ruby: (Immediately Gets Worried as She Jumps Off of Oscar's Arm to Go Check on Him) Oh no! Is your knee hurting you?
Oscar: Just a bit, yeah....(Sits Himself Down on the Ground) I forgot how painful it gets every time I stick to theses types of landings.......
Ruby: Yeah, it's usually get hard on your knees a bit. Now, hold still for a bit. (Sticks Both of her Habds Out, Creating a Red Light In Front of Oscar's Knee)
Oscar: (Eyes Widened a Bit as He Recognizes the Form Ruby's Making) Wait, you can heal now?
Ruby: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Kinda? Jaune's been teaching me how to do Heaking Aura as of late, but I'm still a little rusty.....How is your knee's feeling right now?
Oscar: (Felt his Knee Slowly but Surely Healing Up to it's Regular, Functioning Self) A lot better actually, thanks. But....you know I could've done this myself, right?
Ruby: Yeah, but I wanted to return the favor. You got my back, I got yours, remember? (Lend a Hand to Oscar)
Oscar: (Stares at Ruby For a Brief Second Before Smiling Back and Happily Nodded in Agreement) Right. (Takes Ruby's Hand Let her Help Him Back Up on his Feet Before Looking Around the Pitched Black Area) Where are we?
Ruby: ('Sigh') That's what I wanna know. That host guy has been making us do that dumb Couple's Questionaire Challenge for twelves straight minutes and he just dropped us in here outta nowhere like that? (Crosses her Arms Together While Pouting) Is this some kinda elaborate their pulling? Cause I'm NOT giggling in the slightest!
Oscar: Or a trap waiting to get us when we least expected.('Sigh') I knew we should've brought our weapons with us before taking participating in that dumb game.....But either way we can't afford to let our guards down for even a second, with or without th-
The sound of all the lights getting turned on one by one was loud enough to ring the couple's eardrums in surprise as they turn their attention to the room now revealing itself to have blue, aurora filled skies, flower filled field, a vine carrying a portrait from the ceiling, and a road with a few sets of heart shaped wooden tunnels going up ahead, while the sound of organs suddenly starts playing out of nowhere, much to their dumbfounded surprise.
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Oscar: ...........You know what? Nevermind. Maybe this is a prank after all......
Ruby: What....are we even looking at right now?
???: This, my friends.
The sudden mechanical sounding voice spooked Ruby well enough to make her quickly hug her boyfriend's arm while shaking a bit.
Mechanical Voice: Happens to be the destination you have finally arrived to.
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow) What kind of destination exactly?
Ruby: Yeah, you invisible jerkwad! (Angrily (And Shakingly) Points at the Air) Tell us what's going on right now and I won't have smash your dumb face in!....W-Whereever you are!!
Mechanical Voice: Patience, my friends.
Ruby: Who says anything about us bring your friend!?
Mechanical Voice: This sacred destination is where two lovers who met their destined partners, discuss their love for each other. What could be waiting up ahead?
Oscar: (Looks Over to the Road Ahead of Him and Ruby) That can't be our only way out.....can it?
Ruby: Hold that thought.
Ruby lets go of Oscar's arm and uses her semblance to dash her way to the other side of the room before coming straight back a few seconds later.
Ruby: (Starts Panting a Bit While Bending her Upper Body Down Close to her Knees) I.....can't find.....a single exit......around.....this....stupid place! (Sits Herself Down on the Ground) It's like an endless void or something.......
Mechanical Voice: In order to find out what lies ahead, you must step forth, hand-in-hand and embrace what this particular road will have in store of both of you going forward. Now, please step forth.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Well, that answers all that. Forward we go I guess. (Turns to Ruby) You feeling okay there, Rubes?
Ruby: Yeah. (Gets Herself Back Up on her Feet) Had to catch my breath for a second there. Now then.....(Grab Hold of Oscar's Hand) Shall we go forth, hand-in-hand, my good sir?~ (Forms Bright, Cheeky Grin on her Face)
Oscar: (Stares at Ruby For a Brief Second Before Snickering) You are such a dork, you know that?~ (Starts Walking Forth Along with Ruby)
Ruby: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey, you fell in love with one~ Besides, don't act like you don't have your dorky moments too, mister. (Forms a Teasing Smirk) Remember that sweet love song you sang a while back? A kiss from a rose perhaps?~
Oscar: (Rolls his Eyes a Bit) I was hoping to forget about that one, thanks......And hey, wait a minute. (Glares at Ruby) You sang a son about me afterwards!
Ruby: Yeah, but it wasn't even remotely close as being as romantic as yours, with that nice, angelic singing voice of yours.
Oscar: (Starts Blushing While Turning Away and Rubbing his Head) You're being too modest here....Your song was nice too, albeit short, and you're singing isn't bad ei-(Eyes Slowly Starts to Widened at What is in Front of Him and Ruby) therrrrrrrrrrrrrr.......
Ruby: Oscar, what's- (Eyes Starts Widening Up as Well) wrrrrrOOOOONNNNG!!!?
The couple's shocked face speaks volumes as they witnessed a golden portrait of Ruby dressed in a dark red wedding dress, carrying Oscar, wearing a green tux, in her arms,
Mechanical Voice: Here, you will see the bride and groom's joyous commemorative photograph of their undying love and passion for one another.
Oscar: (Almost at a Loss For Words) ........Your kidding.
Ruby: (Places her Hands on Both Sides of her Head in Complete Disbelief) WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!? How? When? Why!? What kind of constant makes you answer a bunch questions, brings you down here with a trapped floor, and flat out assume you want to get hitch!? This doesn't make any lick of SENSE!!! AT ALL!!! .(Continues Ranting On)
Starting to notice something was off, Oscar walks himself over towards the picture to take a closer look. It took him thirteen and a half seconds later to find a few details before turning back to his distressed girlfriend.
Oscar: Hey, Ruby. Ruby!
Ruby: (Immediately Stops her Ranting and Gives Oscar his Attention) Yeah?
Oscar: Come over here for a second. Take a look at this. (Watches Ruby Walk Herself to The Picture Frame Before Turning Back to It) Notice something odd about all of this look? Like how big both our heads are compared to our bodies?
Ruby: (Starts Taking a Closer Look at The Picture Herself) Yeah......Our heads does look better in this......('Gasps') And they don't remotely blend in with the bodies at all!! (Turns to Oscar with an Angry Look on her Face) Those jerks photoshopped us!!
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Photoshopped?
Ruby: It's where they take a photo part of you and try altering and editing it into another one, hoping it could blend into the other photo's background. (Crosses her Arms) And they did s real lousy job on that front, that's for sure!
Oscar: (Looks Back at the Fake Photo) Yeah, no kidding. It doesn't look nearly look as believable looking back at it. And why exactly are you carrying me in your arms?
Ruby: To make it stand out I guess. (Slowly Starts Smirking Again) Which reminds me~
Oscar: ('Sigh') Oh God. What is it?
Ruby: I never did get the chance to carry you bridal style. (Playfully Shrugs) Now it seems like a pretty good time for me to finally give a go, don'tcha think?~
Oscar: Ruby, we're not even close to finding our way out of here, we don't have time for this.
Ruby: (Clasps her Hands Together While Giving Oscar the Puppy Dog Eyes) Pleaseee?~ I promise it'll be quick. I'll even teach you how to execute a Raging Demon properly!
Oscar: (Raises an Eyebrow) Really?
Ruby: Really ×1000 with a cherry on top~ (Rapidly Blanking her Eyes in a Cutesy Manner)
Oscar: ('Sigh') Alright. You got yourself a-DEAL!? (Quickly Gets Scooped Up into Ruby's Arms, Bridal Style)
Ruby: Gotcha!~ Right in the neck of time too~ (Winks at her Boyfriend)
Oscar: (Playfully Rolls his Eyes) My speedy hero. You're already enjoying this, aren't you?
Ruby: (Forms a Playful, Seductive Smirk on her Face) Not as much as I'm gonna enjoy kissing that cute freckled face of yours~ (Starts Kissing Oscar's Freckled Cheeks)
Oscar: (Chuckles Ticklishly) Sheesh!~ You're in a more romantic mood than usual, Rubes. What gives?~
Ruby: (Casually Shrugs) It's Valentine's and whatnot. (Starts Pouting Again) And whaddya mean "more than usual"? I'll have you know that I have been the most romantic young woman in our lovely relationship!~
Oscar: Are you really though?~
Ruby makes a cute angry noise at Oscar, causing him to chuckle even more.
Oscar: Kidding, kidding! You're very romantic in your own cool way and I love you a lot for it. (Kiss Ruby on the Cheek)
Ruby's heart starts to melt in pure happiness as she hugs Oscar close to her before suddenly notices something from afar.
Ruby: ('Gasps') Oscar! Look! (Points Oscar Towards....) A door!
Oscar: (Eyes Widened atvthe Door in Question) You're right.....(Smiles Brightly) That might be our one ticket outta here.
Ruby: (Smiles Brightly as Well) Well, what are we waiting for? Let's Cheese it!
Ruby was about to activate her semblance until the sudden sound of the alarm Starts ringing their ears.
Mechanical Voice: Halt. Halt. You two are not permitted to use your semblance and/or run towards the door ahead.
Oscar: Seriously!?
Ruby: (Glares at the Invisible Voice) And why not!? We're halfway to the ending point, aren't we?
Mechanical Voice: Indeed you are. But this road to enlightenment is an once and lifetime experience that cannot impatiently rush. Therefore, If you and your friends wish to leave this entire facility, then I advise the both of you to continue to walk this path as originally planned.
The couple groans in defeat and pure annoyance as Ruby puts Oscar back down on his feet before continuing their tedious quest, walking on foot.
Ruby: (Starts Grumbling On) ('Groans') I swear, I wish where that voice is coming from so I could punch him in his dumb face....
Oscar: You and me both. But the closer we reach to that door, the more time we'll have find the others and leave. We can't stop now.
Ruby: Yeah, yeah.....
'A Bit of Silence'
Ruby: Hey, Oscar, can I ask you something?
Oscar: Yeah, what is it?
Ruby: Do you hate Uncle Qrow?
Oscar: (Turns to Ruby with a Bit of a Confused Look on his Face) Not....really? What makes you think that.
Ruby: Well, for starters, always look uneasy whenever you two see each other, like you're trying to avoid talking to him or something. (Rolls her Eyes a Bit) Not like he's any better in comparison......
Oscar: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah......That's not surprising.....Considering we don't really gotten along as much as we should. (Roll his Eyes) Mostly cause of everything Ozpin related.
Ruby: ('Sigh') Of course.....So, is that one of the reasons why you two fought in Vacuo in the past?
Oscar: (Eyes Widened as He Immediately Stops Walking) Wait, how did you-
Ruby: Emerald told me about during our lunch outing the other day.
Oscar: Really. That's the third time this week you guys been hanging out this week.
Ruby: Yeah, it's been an ongoing thing we do oddly enough. (Pouts at Oscar Again) And before you say anything, NO! This doesn't automatically make the both of us friends!
Oscar: You sure? (Chuckles a Bit) Cause it kinda sounds like you are actually starting to get along for once.
Ruby: AS ASSOCIATES!! (Crosses her Arms) That doesn't mean I wanna be buddy-buddy with her of all people! She know what she did.
Oscar: And she's more than willing to pay the price for it however she can, her words. Just try and give her another chance, will ya? As rude, harsh, and smart-mouthed as she gets at times, she can also be as cool and understanding once you guys get to know her more better. Hopefully.
Ruby: I still don't trust her. ('Sigh') But I'll try and get along for you.....Now, quit stalling and tell me why you and Qrow were fighting!!
Oscar: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Okay, so......It all started when we reached to Vauco. We all assumed you, your team, Jaune, and Penny were dead at the time, so we arranged a funeral for all of you. It was an emotionally stressful time for most of us to endure, Qrow especially.......
Ruby: (Pinches the Bridge of her Nose) Oh no......Please don't tell me he was drunk during that time.....
Oscar: ('Sigh') Unfortunately. He seemed so....out of it the moment we saw him step into the room. Laughing, crying, freaking out and throwing out anything in the room he could find.........I tried calming him down, he shoved by the shoulder, yell at me, and said, and I quote: "I am nothing but a useless, puppet meat shield, who should've fell down and died instead."
Ruby: (Eyes Widened in Shock, Couldn't Believe What She Heard Just Now) ......What?
Oscar: It's the truth. He said it right in front of face...... And it got to me. Egregiously so. I have worked my hardest to contribute to the team, to try and fix Oz's mistakes and do better by him, surived and fought the hardest I have EVER done in my life, from Ironwood, Salem, Hazel, and anyone else who stood in my way of living my life!....And to have him call me useless after all of that just....struck a nerve in me. So I punched him. More than once. He started punching me. And before either of us know it, we ended fighting until Nora, Ren, and the others was able to break us up, ending the service altogether. (Sighs While Facepalming Himself) I know we've been through a whole lot to get to that point, some of which more life-threatening than the others, but it wasn't an excusefor either of us to act that way, especially when we were suppose to mourn for our loses. I'm really sorry, Rub-
Ruby: (Immediately Hugs Oscar Tightly) No! Emotions get the better of us at times, it happens! And that's absolutely NOTHING for you to apologize for! If anyone should be doing that other than Qrow, it's me for not helping or being there for you as much as I should be. (Starts Tearing Up a Bit) Especially when I knew for a fact that you were suffering way more than the rest of us combined. ('Sniff') You didn't deserve any of that, Oscar. Not at all!
Oscar: (Frowns Sadly at the Sound of Ruby's Soft Crying) Ruby, come on. Don't say that. You've done a lot for more than you think you did.
Ruby: ('Sniff') Yeah? Like that? Not yelling at you?
Oscar: (Gently Pulls Ruby Away From Him For a Moment) You know that's not what I mean. Remember that at we were staying at the dojo and I got so worked up over everything that's been going on with and Oz?
Ruby: Yeah. (Wipes the Tears Away) ('Sniff') You seemed so mad....and scared.
Oscar: (Simply Nodded) I was. But that pep talk you gave me about how i should keep fighting and moving forward, it inspired me a lot since: to be better, stronger, and more brave than I've ever been growing up. (Let's Out a Soft Chuckle) Heck, if anything, I highly doubt I would be standing here right now if I never took any of the advice you've given me since then, to heart. You've been an inspiration to me from the very beginning, Ruby Rose, and it makes me love you even more than I do before, believe it or not.
Ruby: (Heart Starts Melting in Happiness Again) You're real inspiration to me too, you know?
Oscar: I am? Really?
Ruby: (Giggles Softly While Hugging Oscar Again) Yes, really, you big dumb-dumb!~ You inspired me to keep going, make more better choices, be a better leader, a better person even. And be makes me so, so happy to meet abd eventually fall in love with someone as sweet, brave, and, wonderful like you in my life. I love you with every bit of fiber my heart and soul can carry, Oscar Everlynn Pine~
Oscar: (Heart Begins to Melt as Well as He Hugs His Girlfriend as Well) Likewise. And listen, please don't hold any of what happened against your uncle. What he did was completely uncalled for, but I can tell it was because of how heartbroken he was of losing his only two nieces, you and Yang.
Ruby: I'm not happy with what he did to you at all and I will DEFINITELY have a talk with him the next time we see each other again. ('Sigh') Buuuuuut I suppose I'll try not to be too mad at him IF you give lots of cuddles later on today~ (Smirks at her Farm Boi)
Oscar: (Smirks Back) Give me a Valentine's kiss and you got yourself a deal.
Ruby: (Places her Hand onto Oscar's Cheek) Done and done~
Ruby leans in to kiss Oscar until something flew over towards the white door in blazing, startling the duo into hugging one another as they turn to see a man I'm a black suit slowly sliding down off the door, groaning in immense pain.
Ruby: What in the-
????: RUBY! OSCAR!
The duo turns to see two very familiar faces making their way towards them.
Ruby: ('Gasps') Yang!~
Oscar: Emerald!
Yang: (Rushes Over to Hug Both Ruby and Oscar) You two had us so worried....Are you okay?
Ruby: Yeah, we good. (Happily Hugs her Big Sister) Even more so now that you're here!~
Oscar: How were you two able to get down here?
Emerald: We ran down the stairs. Like five to six of them in total I think? Anyways, he had to chase down the dumbass over there before he could get away. (Points the Duo Back to the Man Knocked Out)
Yang: Yeah, turns out him and his little friends upstairs were pulling the strings of this little Couple's Questionaire charade just try and throw us off courses to what their scheming. (Smiles Brightly) Luckily, everyone else are handling the rest of those punks as we speak.
Meanwhile in the Third Floor
Nora: (Glaring and Tightening Up her Mangchild Dangerously at the Rest of the Shaking Suited Men Tied Up, With Everyone Else Ominously Glaring at Them in the Background) I'm getting REAL of sick playong the silent game right now.....If you idiots don't quit your shaking, cut the bullshit, and tell us where have you sent my baby and his girlfriend RIGHT NOW, you six are going feel each and everyone of our WRATHS in the next thirty seconds!
Pyrrha: (Hovering Multiple Swords in the Air, Pointing the Blades Down at the Terrified Culprits) Start. Talking.
Back at the Bottom Floor
Emerald: It's a good thing the two us came down as quickly as we could. (Forms a Small, Playful Smirk on her Face) We can't have you two lovebirds go in and elope on us now.
Ruby: (Pouts at Emerald) Oh will you hush!? We're not dumb enough to fall for this stupid trap completely!
Yang: (Starts Smirking as Well) You sure? Cuz that picture frame we saw kind of says otherwiseeee~
Oscar: (Gives the Two Older Ladoes a Deadpinned Look on his Face) It's a photoshopped picture, Yang. (Turns Away While Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) Though, I do think that.....(Starts Blushing a Bit) Ruby does look pretty cute in that red dress. She's looks better in that frame than I do actually.
Yang: (Forms a Proud Grin) Of course!~ My baby sister can rock any dress she wears perfectly! But don't short, lil bro. (Playfully Pulls One Side of Oscar's Cheek) I think you would look pretty damn handsome in that suit~
Ruby: (Playfully Pulls on Oscar's Other Cheek) Right?~ My precious farm boi will be the most handsomest man in our very own wedding!~
Oscar: (Already Annoyed) Stooooooop......(Notices a Emerald Holding her Scroll Right I'm Front of Him and the Sisters) Really?
Emerald: Oh don't mind me. Just capturing the cuteness is all. Probably use it as blackmail or something later down the road.
Oscar: I hate all of you.
Emerald: No you don't.
Oscar: ('Sigh') I don't. I love you all a lot actually.
Emerald: Love you too, handsome.
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echovale052 · 5 months
so I have three characters in mind for the ask game, no 1 carol >:)
Oh this is gonna be mad goofy, all of them are but you mean our short girlboss that has given me brainrot for what will almost have been a year in July 💀💀
My first impression
SPOOKED, episode 5 made me sit up so fast I hit my head on my ceiling, but her first episode had me shaking ngl
My impression now
She needs like 18 naps a day (me too), but they keep waking her up. LET HER BE🤦/lh girl bossing is tiring and I need her to chill out. I can’t fix her but a hug and a few therapy sessions certainly can’t make her worse- even if she’d tried to insist it would.
Favorite thing about that character
UGH where do I begin!! (/pos) Her sense of humor fr is really good when she ain’t grumping. *hair tuck* I meannnnn she’s forward fs 👀 and I’m kinda dense so…
Spoilers for the corollary under the cut
Least favorite thing
Carol is so mean to the anima and her subordinates(namely conservator)- I mean babe we know why but most of them are nice to you and for why. She lost in the sauce-
Favorite line/scene
Favorite scene: Where she Infiltrated woodhull she so sneaky for that I was holding my breath (gotta love Margot for her part in that episode though)
Favorite line: “i don’t know figure it out that’s your job.” (Speaking to conservator) she’s so real for that 🙏💀
Favorite interaction that character has had with another
Her interactions with annex are so fun omg but seeing her get schooled by the eminence was so silly to me /pos 😭💀
A character that I wish that character would interact with more
Neighbor!!! Omg but hell give Lori a spatula/knife/shovel whatever and let em beef I’d be CACKLING
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character
I’m trying to think of another character that isn’t Miranda Priestly from the Devil Wears Prada but they do be vibing at least
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A head-canon I have about that character
She is aware of fanfiction (which is canon see Ep5) I think she’s read a good few… but I guarantee you if she’s aware of that she’d be aware of my silly ass, I’d be on some MIST watch list or some shit.
A song that reminds me of that character
IM GONNA SOUND WILD FOR IT but- snuff out the light from the emperor’s new groove sung by eartha kitt OR Ill and getting worse by rosegarden funeral party they are purely vibes not exactly lyrics but ✨she✨
An unpopular opinion I have about that character
I don’t know I feel like I can pretty much are with a bunch of stuff, maybe gaslighting people ain’t attractive Carol- but as much as I love seeing her girlboss, I cannot take her seriously /nm she’s just goofy to me. 😭💀💛
Favorite picture
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I am so normal about her and annex-
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saqui · 2 years
Rwby Ships as my kpop playlist songs:
I'm a very huge kpop stan and I think it would be nice to have some fun just by mixing my two interests into one. Enjoy!
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What I love about this song is it speaks about taking your time to go deeper, slower, in the moment. It also gives deep comfort or ease. This song best suits Rosegarden in my opinion because from how I see Rosegarden, as the world is going faster that it's heavier to carry its heavy weight, they find as if the world became slower and lighter the moment they see each other.
Overall, the vibe just suits 😌🥰❤💚
(1) We goin' slowmotion
(2) I want a deep talk
(3) All day, let's go, it's a long day, trust me, lean next to me.
Renora - "But You" by iKON
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One, I can definitely see Ren singing this to Nora.
Two, this song tells about how sure that the girl, he used to be in a relationship before, is the only one for him no matter what and would want to start over again which I think suits them sooo much. Plus, I think this is something how Ren would really deeply feel about Nora even especially how they are currently.
(1) You're the reason. I need you baby
(2) Start over and fall in love
(3) We know each other better more than anyone else
(4) Nobody but you
Bumbleby - "Bet You Wanna" by BLACKPINK
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They're high for each other. They're hooked for each other. Just look at the gif. Does that not speak volumes to you??? /hj
Anyways, yes, this song has the whole vibe of being high because of their partner. Blake and Yang have always been clingy and whipped for each other and this song expands that idea more. This song is playful and teasing like their love language so it's this I choose.
This song kinda mentions a lot of fire too.
(1) Take me to your paradise cuz I don't wanna wait anymore
(2) Something 'bout me's takin' you higher and you ain't ever gonna come down.
(3) I'm lighting your fire and it ain't ever gonna go out
Blacksun - "Thank You" by TREASURE
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Both Blake and Sun are thankful for being with each other. There are so many lessons and memories they've made from each other and I guess it's time to say "Thank you". They wish each other good things in the world. That's the whole point of the song, just being thankful and moving forward. Also, the vibe or the music just suits them a lot.
(1) Thank you that I met you
(2) All we have to do is walk on the flowery path
(3) Instead, I promise you don't get sick and I hope you meet a good person.
(4) Thank you so much, I was so happy
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Arkos - "Shout Out" by ENHYPEN
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Honestly, everything about arkos makes me associate everything specifically about being true to your feelings which I think relates to the song about "shouting" it out and considering how Pyrrah was always keeping her feelings to herself.
This song also has that beautiful vibe I feel for this ship.
(1) The fake paradigm that locked me up beyond the border line drawn by someone, I shout out, and this is my shout out. I'm all for myself.
(2) Shout out my heart for you. My burning heart, shout out.
(3) I'm trapped in a wall that locked me up. Your voice is calling me
(4) My life without you is a misery
(5) With my real voice, I'll tell you my true feelings.
Everything here is only based on how I interpret both the songs and the ships. This is really fun to make!
The songs are beautiful!
If you're looking for other ships, maybe I would want to make another post for it. That is if you guys are also kpop stans haha!
I'm also genuinely curious what songs you think would fit these rwby ships too, let me know! 🤩
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More rwby head cannons but I'm feeling sad so I'm gonna do a bunch of fluffy Oscar ones
Oscar and ruby do weapon maintenance for there respective teams they usually do it together while talking about there days and eating junk food
Ruby is very physically affectionate with her friends and Oscars no different after a little while she starts to lean on or even fall asleep on Oscar or hold his hand rarely she even kisses her friends on the cheeks Oscar almost had a heart attack the first time
Weiss and Oscar get along really well you can find them chatting about almost anything late into the night mostly politics history and philosophy there debates can get passionate but are always respectful
They also train together often because there weapons are similar in design long memory is basically a blunt rapier and Weiss actually does get some insight into possible flaws in her style from watching Oscar
Obviously Oscar and Blake read together but they also write I think there both the type of people to write really sappy love poems to no one in particular Oscar does pick up pretty quickly that hers are thinly veiled references to yang and it took blake an even shorter amount of time to know his were about ruby
Something they also share is a love of napping blake loved to curl up on the couch and take short naps and Oscar loves to just nap near someone so it's a win win yang has lots of pictures
Yang and Oscar get close fast i think there personality bring out a lot in the other yang helps Oscar let loose and Oscar helps yang stay grounded
I think yang knows very quickly that Oscar has a thing for ruby like he is not subtle at all but she likes Oscar so she encourages him to shoot his shot this also gives her someone to brag about ruby to who actually has the same enthusiasm as she does
Jaune and Oscar click combat wise they have excellent communication skills and even worked out a team attack (this may or may not be them launching eachother full speed at whoever there fighting)
Oscar and jaune train together a lot jaune knows what it's like to start from nothing so he knows it can be frustrating and alienating to be behind your peers so he helps with the emotional side to being a huntsmen just as much the physical
Ren and Oscar cook and they are competitive about it if they both have nothing to do expect them to be in the kitchen making food for the other and critiquing it they are both incredibly harsh but fair to the other and have both improved greatly because of it there current score is ren 12 Oscar 10
Oscar gets frustrated with the spiritual aspect of semblances he doesn't really have experience with things like that so ren helps to guide him through that process the best he can
Nora and Oscar cuddle a lot when Nora gets back to the house after a long mission she wants to do two things eat and hug Oscar and Nora makes Oscar feel very safe so if he's stressed he'll go to her
It's no secret that Nora loves to eat so having three cooks in the house is great for her because she gets three amazing meals every night and Oscars to much of a softy to say no if she gives him the puppy dog eyes when she asks for something (he was gonna do it anyway)
Emerald and Oscar become friends fast when she's feeling like a bad person he knows just what to say or do to make her feel like herself and she helps him by literally always having his back if he's arguing for something even if she's not sure herself she'll go with him because of the trust she puts in him
One day out of the blue emerald brings Oscar a pistol and tells him she wants to teach him he of course says yes oscar takes to it like a fish in water emerald feels incredibly proud he tries to downplay his skill by saying it's cause of oz but she doesn't accept that and tells him it's all cause of him
Penny and Oscar have a lot in common and at first are sort of wary of the other this strange new person that they both sort of already know is hanging out with there friends this quickly fades into mutual respect and admiration at first they were both scared of the same thing that they were going to be replaced Oscar thought that if they had penny what would they need him for and penny was worried about all she missed while she was gone and how close they had gotten to Oscar
They become close and no longer see eachother as replacements for the other and see eachother as two people in the same situation who can relate to one another
Ozpin and Oscar are always together and as such talk a lot of Oscar is bored he will just ask oz about something random and is can and will talk about it for several hours if he isn't interrupted it helps Oscar fall asleep ozpin doesn't mind
They also have completely different tastes in food Oscar loves vegetables and ozpin is a man child who refuses to eat them they also have opposite taste in drinks oz enjoys very sugary hot coco and Oscar likes black coffee
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dragynkeep · 2 years
I kinda hate the "bees are complementary colors thing" cause BLAKE IS SUPPOSED TO BE BLACK NOT PURPLE
it also doesn’t apply to any of the other ships in rwby lmao.
the reason blacksun worked on a colour level together was because of the light & dark, sun & shadow parallels in their designs. their hair colours & eye colours were mirrored before rwby decided to change sun’s eyes up to blue randomly mhmm. even their semblances & character tropes played up to that opposites, yin / yang, completionist vibe.
but even with other ships in rwby like rosegarden or renora, they don’t have the complementary colours. the only reason oscar is now wearing green is because he’s becoming more associated with ozpin, oscar’s colour was orange. ren & nora are green & pink respectively & they’re not complementary either.
at the end of the day, you can dress a ship up in all the “complementary” tropes you like, but without actual substance to back it up, it won’t work. & if there’s something bumblby excels in, it’s lacking any substance or meaningful development in their relationship without falling back onto these surface level tropes. 
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rubyinasnuggie · 4 years
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Rosegarden Week Day 1 — Modern AU
“You know, you could always try… talking to her.”
Oscar jumped and turned around to see Nora standing behind him, grinning. “What? I don’t… I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You’ve been staring at that girl for five minutes, Oz,” Nora replied.
The girl in question was Ruby Rose, a sophomore at Oscar’s university. Currently, she was sitting in the quad wearing adorable red and black headphones. Oscar, meanwhile, had been silently debating what kind of music she liked, and if maybe they had similar tastes. After all, his favorite band was about to have a concert—
Nora grabbed Oscar’s hood and pulled it down over his face. “You didn’t even notice my texts.”
He glanced down at his phone to see five texts from his sister: messages informing him that she was there with varying degrees of patience. He winced. “I’m sorry, Nora. I—”
“Nope. No time to apologize, let’s just goooooooo.”
Oscar scrambled to grab his backpack and swing it over his shoulders without looking too frazzled.
The motion must have caught her attention, and Ruby glanced up from her studying. She smiled and offered a small wave.
A blush spread across his cheeks as he waved back. Even though he had seen her eyes countless times, they still blew him away everytime she looked at him. They were silver, like little mirrors. And god help him when they reflected the lights, bouncing the tiniest of rainbows back at him.
Nora beamed and waved enthusiastically, earning a slightly confused laugh from Ruby. Ruby watched in amusement as Nora dragged Oscar away, recognizing an older sister when she saw one.
“You did a terrible job parking,” Oscar commented as he pulled open the passenger door.
The junky old orange truck was at a diagonal, it’s bumper clearly over the line and into another parking spot.
“I thought you’d be ready to leave and I wasn’t going to have to park,” Nora replied, hopping into the driver’s seat. “So. Who’s the girl?”
“Ruby,” Oscar admitted, knowing it was futile to hide it from her. “We have a history class together.”
“Is she a freshman too?”
“No, at the beginning of the year she said she was a sophomore. But I’ve only really seen her hang out with seniors.”
“Yeah? Like who?”
“You know the Schnees?”
Nora let out a hoot. “Ruby is friends with the Ice Queen?”
“I think so. I think they might be roommates, actually.” He frowned, trying to remember the other girls in Ruby’s group. “Then there’s this pretty girl with dark hair, Blake? And then her girlfriend, I think. Blonde girl.”
“Yang? Oh!” Nora grinned. “You know, I think Ruby might be Yang’s little sister, actually. That must be why she always hangs out with seniors. Cracked it!”
Oscar frowned. “I wasn’t… really wondering?”
“No, this is good. This means Ruby’s just as shy and awkward as you!”
“Thanks, Nora.”
“What are sisters for?”
You can do it. Just talk to her.
Mustering up all the courage he had, he strode up to Ruby Rose. She glanced up at him approaching and removed her headphones with a smile. “Hey Oscar.”
She tilted her head. “What’s up?”
Okay. This is it.
“I was… wondering. If you’d like to maybe go to a concert? With me?”
Ruby’s eyes lit up in interest. “A concert? Sure. Where is it?”
“It’s at the Beacon Lounge, this Saturday. My sister bought two tickets.” Oscar rubbed his neck and laughed. “And then she promptly made plans so I had to ask someone else to go.”
“Older sisters,” Ruby laughed. “What band is it?”
“The, uh, Mechanisms? They’re this—”
“No, wait! Don’t tell me! I want to be surprised!”
“Are… you sure?” he asked.
She grinned and nodded. “Want me to pick you up? I can swing by on my way from work at 7.”
“Y-yeah! Sure!”
A loud engine roared across the parking lot, and the two looked up to see an orange and yellow motorcycle zooming up.
“Oh, my sister’s here, I gotta go!” Ruby pulled out a pen and grabbed Oscar’s hand, scribbling some numbers. He tried to hide his shock at her touching his hand. “Text me your address, okay? See you Saturday!”
The blonde girl on the motorcycle tossed a helmet to Ruby and gave Oscar a two-fingered salute. Oscar waved as the motorcycle zoomed off, leaving him alone in the parking lot.
“What are you gonna wear on your date?” Nora asked, waggling her eyebrows.
“Oh, I was just going to wear this,” Oscar answered, realizing immediately this was the wrong answer. He shrunk back into his shoulders like a turtle, eyes wide.
She shook her head. “I knew you were going to do this. Ren!”
Without a word, Ren strode in and tossed a bundle of clothes at him.
“Thanks for letting me borrow bumblebee!” Ruby called.
“I’m sorry, what?” Yang demanded, whirling around to see her sister holding the keys. “Ruby!”
Just when he thought he couldn’t get any more smitten, Ruby rode in on a motorcycle. She lifted the visor of her helmet so he could see it was, in fact, her. She handed him an orange helmet, one he recognized her sister wearing the other day.
“Hold on tight!” she cried over the roar of the engine.
Despite his face burning, Oscar looped his arms around her waist and held on for dear life.
They made it to the venue just in time. Ruby whipped the helmet off and beamed at the crowd. She turned to look at Oscar, eyes sparkling.
“Hey, Weiss!”
The icy-eyed girl shot daggers at Ruby, and Oscar’s heart shot into his throat. “We’re closed, you dolt.”
Oscar was about to back away and leave, but Ruby propped her face in her hands and leaned against the counter. “I know you made me something.”
Weiss rolled her eyes. “You don’t know that, actually.”
“Yes, I dooooo.” She turned back to Oscar, winking. “What do you want?”
“She said it was closed…” Oscar whispered.
Ruby leaned in close and cupped her mouth mockingly, “She’s just teasing.”
“Oh. Uh.. I guess a heath bar sundae? Is that okay?”
“Sure thing! Go sit at that picnic table, I’ll bring it over.”
Oscar smiled as he walked away, chest still thrumming from the heavy bass and the crowd singing.
She returned to the table, ice cream in hand. She handed him his heath sundae before sitting down.
“What’d you get?” he asked, peering at her sundae. It was chocolate ice cream with what looked like cookie dough mixed in, and the entire thing was absolutely covered in sprinkles.
“Clown car,” she answered with a grin.
He paused. “That’s not a real thing.”
“Sure is,” Ruby replied with a smirk. “Weiss wouldn’t stop teasing me about it for years.”
Oscar chuckled.
“So… what made you finally talk to me?” Ruby asked, looking at her clown car as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. She looked up at him, her silver eyes once again taking his breath away.
“I hope you had fun,” Oscar said, shifting back and forth on his heels. “I-I know I did.”
“I had a great time,” Ruby replied. “We should do it again sometime.”
“Well, I don’t think they’re coming back, they’re from London—“
She cut him off with a quick kiss to the cheek. “I’ll see you on Monday.” While he reeled from the kiss, she put her helmet back on and revved up the engine. With a wave, she took off.
Oscar smiled so wide his cheeks hurt as he waved goodbye.
//okay this is like,, super unpolished but oh well (: honestly my struggle w modern AUs is I just come up with a bunch of headcanons instead of any kinda plot. so this is just a bunch of moments scattered around their first date!
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
I was watching Phoenix/Night’s chapter 11 review video, he had ideas of what’d happened to Oscar. One of them was that maybe he was able to get away from Neo and try to run away from her but he wasn’t fast enough to get away and somehow got captured by her. I assume that Neo took him to the Vault of the Relic of Creation where I assume the Oscar vs Neo fight is gonna happen. I believe it’s gonna parallel the Raven vs Cinder fight in V5, a fight for the two relics. What do you think about that?
Hey Chels. Hmm…I’m not sure about the vault part, fam.
Even if Neo managed to take Oscarhostage, why would she take him down to the Vault of the Winter Maiden? As faras the audience is aware of, Neo (and by extension Cinder) doesn’t know thewhereabouts of the Vault within Atlas Academy. Nor is she aware that Oscarknows about it either. While I agree with the part about a potential fight downin the Vault, I doubt it’ll be between Oscar and Neo. For me, I’m moreexpecting Oscar and Ironwood to have a confrontation either down in the Vaultor on the way to the Vault. My assumption is that Ironwood went down to theVault and is probably waiting for Winter to join him down there once she’sclaimed Fria’s power. That way Winter would open the Vault for Ironwood so thathe could use the staff’s power to hoist Atlas Kingdom into the orbit; removingthe kingdom and its citizens from Remnant.
However, my presumption on whatmight really end up happening is one of the following few concepts--
Ironwood will be waiting down in theVault for Winter only for Cinder to show up instead to challenge him for theStaff. A fight then breaks out however Ironwood is unfortunately overpowered byCinder who had the strength of two Maidens on her side after successfullyclaiming Fria’s power for herself; confirming much to Ironwood’s despair thatWinter Schnee---his right hand and top operative---had been killed by one ofSalem’s very own. Cinder then goes to kill Ironwood but he’s saved from neardeath by Oscar and Ruby arriving down in the Vault. Oscar then instructs Rubyto take the injured Ironwood to safety while he tries and stop Cinder fromtaking the Staff. A fight then breaks out between Oscar and Cinder, rekindlingthe fateful rematch us Pineheads have been itching for.
The alternative to this is Ironwoodwaiting for Winter down in the Vault but Oscar shows up. Since the othersalerted him of the General’s intentions, Oscar attempts to talk some sense toJames but at this point he’s too far gone. He won’t listen to reason. He eventrains his gun on Oscar. But just as it appears as if the two were going toclash, Cinder arrives down in the Vault to claim the Relic.
As a third alternative, Ironwoodgoes down to the Vault to wait for Winter. But as he enters the vault he isbemused to discover a narcissistic Cinder Fall already waiting there for himwith the corpse of Winter Schnee in one hand and the remains of a dismantledPenny Polendina in another which she wickedly lays at Ironwood’s feet; as if togloat of her accomplishments. A fight ensues between the two. At this time,Ruby and Oscar arrive at the Vault in an attempt to stop Ironwood. But as thetwo Rosebuds arrive down the Vault they are met by Cinder who has alreadysucceeded in gaining the Relic of Creation. With the staff in her hand, thingsget a bit topsy-turvy as Atlas begins to fall out of the sky as a result of thestaff’s removal leading to Oscar and Ruby to fight gravity and a dual-powered MaidenCinder for the Staff as a means of stopping the collapse.
Those are just a few ideas I have. Eitherway, my headcanon remains that Oscar willbe the one to fight Cinder in the end. I have a feeling that V7 endgamecould parallel V3 with Oscar sending his allies away to safety while he staysbehind to prevent Cinder from claiming the Relic of Creation. This way I canimagine Oscar embodying both Ozpin and Pyrhha--ensuring that his friends---thepeople he cared for and whose lives he was more or less entrusted with---madeit out alive before moving forward to do whatever he could to stop Cinder; evenif it meant sacrificing his own life to stop her. The last time, a Wizard ofLight challenged Fall Maiden Cinder, they lost. The last time Oz stood up toCinder, she killed him and that was back when she only had one Maiden power.
Somehow I kinda like the concept of Oscar challenging Cinder and avenging Ozpinby being the one to put a stop to Cinder. I don’t know what the CRWBYWriters’ plans for Cinder are. But in the event that V7 is to be her final curtain call, I feel like it wouldbe fitting if Oscar was the one tofinally do so.
@moondrop04, I know I told you Ididn’t like the idea of Oscar sacrificing himself for his friends. However I’vehad more time to think about it and now I can actually picture it beingsomething Oscar would do as a testament to his bravery. This doesn’t mean thatI think Oscar will die though. Nah. If anything I expect Oscar to fight Cinderand survive. I like the idea of Oscar sacrificing himself to try and stopCinder just like Oz. Who knows? Perhaps,in a similar fashion to V3 with Pyrhha, Rubyends up going down to the Vault just in time to find Cinder about to kill Oscar. At first she suffersdifficulty to summon forth her Silver Eye power as a result of the fear Saleminstilled in her in regards to her mother’s death by her hands. It’s a momentwhere Ruby finds it impossible toclear her mind long enough to think of positive thoughts to protect everyone.So in that moment, Ruby does the just thing. She basically emulates the advicethat Other Dimension Peter Parker gave to Miles Morale about becoming a hero inSpiderman: Into the Spider-verse.
“…Youcan’t always just think about saving everyone. You have to think about saving atleast one person first.” 
Or something alongthose lines since I’m paraphrasing here. Sobasically that’s what Ruby does. She thinksabout Oscar; how much he’s proven to care about her and their team sincethey met and the way he made her feel. Because in that moment, Ruby wasn'ttrying to save everyone. All she wanted to accomplish in that moment was protectingOscar. Because in that moment, saving him was all that mattered and she was notabout to let Cinder Fall kill another friend she loved ever again.
Soin a nutshell, Ruby is able to summon her Silver Eyes at full blast which issuper effective again Cinder who shrinks back from being exposed to the light.As Cinder lunges for Ruby, she is finished by Oscar who lands the final killingblow. Imagine if… crystalized stalactites with the the Vault. Perhaps Oscar could use the magic of the Long Memory to cause oneof the stalactites to fall on top of Cinder, crushing her before she could getto Ruby.
Notsure how to feel about Oscar killing someone, even if it is a villain. I don’twish for a repeat of what transpired with Bumblebee last season with AdamTaurus now with the RosegardeningRosebuds. I’m not even sure if Cinder will actually be killed off. I’mstill waiting to see what the PLOT does with her especially since we’resupposed to learn more about her backstory at some point for this arc trilogy.Regardless, still wanted to toss the idea on the table.
As I said to @daggerpawstudios inanother, I’m starting to like the idea of Oscar trying to get away from Neo. Soin that regard, I agree with Phoenix/Night. However where I deviate is that Ilike the idea of Oscar not being kidnapped at all. My headcanon is that Oscarsuccessfully escaped Neo’s attempt at taking the Relic off of him and iscurrently somewhere else on Atlas premises trying to get as far away from Neoas possibly. However V6 highlighted Neo being able to mask objects with hersemblance (as she did with Mistral airship), my idea is that currently Neo haspoor Oscar trapped in an illusion where he’s been attempting to find an exithowever Neo has disguised all the exits as dead ends, making Oscar think he wastrapped with no way out and with no way of getting in contact with his comradessince Ironwood locked off communication within the hero group.
I like this concept since it’s aninteresting way to show off Neo’s cunningness as a villain while additionallytesting Oscar’s resolve. I dig the idea of Neo messing with Oscar psychologicallythrough her illusions, making him believe he was all alone trapped in a maze ofher creation with no way of finding his friends. 
What’s more terrifying is thatNeo could also disguise herself as any of Oscar’s female allies, inclusive ofRuby. Oscar wouldn’t know where to turn and who to trust since, in Neo’sillusion, he wouldn’t know what’s fake from reality.
It’s cool since it provides an opendoor for Oz to return and guide Oscar in the same manner as he did back inArgus. Not to mention that it also provides an opportunity for Ren to debut hisevolved semblance. 
Imagine if…JNR hasbeen trying to find Oscar too but Neo’s illusion winds up confusing them aswell and keeping them from reaching Oscar until Ren reveals a new ability thathe’d been developing all season where he can possibly locate Oscar’swhereabouts by locking onto his emotions specifically. 
I really do that have afeeling that Ren might play a role in finding Oscar; especially in the eventthat he’s stuck inside an illusion that’s keeping him trapped inside and anyoneelse trying to find him outside. 
I like this concept a lot and I think I’llkeep that as my main hunch for RWBY V7CH12 until the episode debuts.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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drunkdragondoes · 5 years
Qrowin Prompt
According to my copy-paste notes, this is the prompt:
Ships: Qrowin, Iceberg, BlackSun, Rosegarden
5 Words: Vampire, Tease (sexual and fluff for qrowin and not sexual for the rest), Pets, Babysitting, Slow Burn
In hindsight, I realize that I got too focused on the vampire part (and I guess the smut lol) and forgot the rest. On the other hand, this sort of took on a whole monster of its own that I think you’ll like! But let me know how it is in the end.
Politics were, to put it nicely, weird. In a world where people were so different - scaled, multi-limbed, feathered, blood-drinking, lunar-phasing, water-breathing, or covered head to toe in fur - there were so many things to keep track of.
For example, livestock cows. When they came of age and it was time for the slaughter, they really had to make sure that all protocols are followed. First, blood is drained and kept in a separate storage for vampires, quickly frozen and transported because otherwise they coagulate, resulting in a poorer quality. But they couldn’t drain too much blood because then that ruined the meat quality and then not enough nutrients would be in it for the werewolves. Then the organs had to be separated by type so that other people with special dietary needs could all be satiated.
None of that was Qrow Branwen’s job. It was similar, but not the same. He was not in charge of making sure that all represented parties were satisfied on how a cow should be divided. He was not in charge of which persons gets preference in the carpool lane when the sun was almost setting. In fact, his main job was managing union certificates.
This was usually a far, far easier job. He just had to sign documents and check pedigrees to try and figure out what type of offspring they’d probably have. The last bit was what took the longest, but important because the government needed to be ready to help accommodate unusual living circumstances that might arise. After all, a werewolf and mermaid might not be too hard to support, but factor in that one of their kids might take after their great-great eldritch grandfather and it can get kinda difficult.
Genetics were weird. But no one cared because everyone was a little bit of everything. Hell, his grandmother’s grandmother from his mother’s side was the only human in their family line in the past four generations, and somehow he and his sister was just that - human.
But today was one of the more stressful times at his workplace. With the recent effects of the full moon (and not just any moon but the Spring Equinox moon, which drives many into a mating frenzy), there was a massive influx of both planned and spur-of-the-moment unions to sort through. And while he didn’t always handle the standard grunt work, the influx was also forcing him to do other tasks. For one, he had to handle witnesses and then also ensure that the union rites were fully legitimate. Then he had to check if the ones handling the rites were actually officials or if they were simply impromptu officiates. And finally he checked if the union was the monogamous, polyandrous, or if the unknown box was checked.
Any and all variations of any kind were accepted and legally binding, of course. It just that it was important to keep count.
“If we can keep count, then that means we can predict how to best chart our future.”
Annoying words from his boss. Very correct words, but very annoying words that were keeping him away from coming home at a decent hour. But it paid well and he had a good set of benefits, so there wasn’t much use in complaining.
His eyes turned to the last three on his desk.
Union File Y82J3Q: Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine
Union File U17L6R: Neptune Vasilias and Weiss Schnee
Union File B94T0Z: Blake Belladonna and Sun Wukong
It was awkward at first to see family members on the files, but by the time he had seen Raven’s union certificate he had long grown callous to it. Still, Qrow decided to skip to the third one and take care of that first. Officiators were Kali Belladonna, witness was Ilia Amitola, monogamous box was checked. Blake was from a long line of felines, while Sun’s pedigree was a little less known. Parents were part monkey, but that was the only instance of recurring traits in the last five generations. So if they had kids, there was a seventy-eight percent chance they were probably going to have cat ears or other cat bits.
Signed, stamped, done. He went to the first one next. His niece Ruby was a werewolf, so as expected the file was marked for monogamy. Oscar, on the other hand, was quite plain. Grew up on his selkie aunt’s oyster farm so he had to have some of that in him, but otherwise he was a bit like Qrow - a human among the mass of genetics behind him. 
It was a little harder to predict what type of kids they’d have, but no matter the outcome they would probably like headpats. All in all, nothing unusual. Signed, stamped, done.
There was just one left, and he picked it up. As both Neptune and Weiss came from rich families, as expected their pedigrees were more detailed. Neptune had a mix of everything - merfolk, fae, moth, kirin, and surprisingly some siren in him. Weiss’ side, however, had a line that was predominantly from the nocturnae tree - humans that were more night-based. She had a string of grandparents that were at least some part vampire, including a full-blooded one. So given the genetics, their kids would probably be a vampire that liked swimming. Maybe.
What was most interesting was that the relationship was marked as polyandrous. As Qrow thought about it more, though, it made sense. Neptune’s siren influences meant that he might attract a partner on the side somewhere. And when he thought about it for even longer, he realized it shouldn’t have even been a question. Somewhere in the Schnee family history, someone had a union with a-
“Uh, Mr. Branwen?” a voice crackled through his desk phone. “Your wife is... well-”
“She’s probably in your office already.”
He supposed that this was to be expected. Stamped, signed, done. He put the three files into his completed section and closed his laptop. And when he looked up, there was Winter, leaning against his door. Her white hair was up in its usual bun, and she had donned what Qrow could only define as barely acceptable office attire. Across her hips was an all-black mini pencil skirt, along with matching stockings and heels. And for her top she had chosen a pure white button-up that was perhaps a size too small, pressing hard against her breasts. And this time there was something completely unusual upon her face - red, thin-rimmed glasses.
All purely cosmetic, of course. Winter had perfect vision, and she her job was nowhere near office-related at all. It wasn’t hard for him to figure out that she was impatient. Her tail, a thin long cord that ended in the shape of a spade, swished from side to side. Her leathery black wings may have been folded against her back, but fidgeted constantly, never staying still. And her arms were folded right above her stomach, pushing up her chest even more.
Besides, the Spring Equinox moon was still hanging in the evening sky. Winter Schnee might be a vampire, but like her sister she inherited the same qualities from that one ancestor long ago. Even if the pale light wasn’t hitting her directly, it was still accentuating the aspects.
Hell, even he could feel the moon’s pull. Those with human traits were often the least impacted by it, but add onto the fact that he was looking at list after list of people who were all fucking each other and it was a ball of frustration that only grew larger and larger. More than once did Qrow find himself staring into the distance, thinking about Winter in all of the wild ways they’ve had each other. And now that she was here-
Her eyes scanned the four walls, absorbing the lack of decorations before settling on him in his seat. “You know, I’ve always wanted to have sex in your office.”
Qrow leaned back in his chair with a deep breath before he pushed himself up and strode to her side. When she looked into his eyes, he moved into kiss her, reaching out and let his hands rest upon her shoulders before drifting low to her hips to pull her tight against him, against his hot and hardened flesh.
Right before she could pull him past the point of no return for the night, though, he pushed away. When he looked at her face, it was easy to see that this only fanned the flames within her.
It was exactly what he wanted. Winter arms wrapped around his shoulder as she leaned into his neck, lips parting to expose sharp, vampiric canines.
“Teasing your wife, a half-succubus? And on this moon?” She clicked her tongue. “For shame, Qrow.”
She bit down. The pain was momentary - repeated instances meant he had built up a tolerance to the sensation. But the way her tongue dragged across the shallow wound, licking and suckling away at his skin, that was always something else. It almost always drove him to madness, one that made him aware of every press of her body against him, of her hands dragging up and down his sides, of her loins pressed against his.
One of his hands squeezed her hips and she gave a soft, contented moan. “Trust me, Winter, the only thing that’s keeping me back is the sexual harassment policy we have. So let’s get out of here and-”
Her tail deftly coiled around his thigh. Her leather wings snapped around him and they were gone.
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patricksilverrose · 5 years
Current Music Obsessions: January 2020
First CMO post of the year! I thought I'd reiterate how these posts work for those who might be new to them. I talk about my favorite songs I listened to over the past month starting out with the two part honorable mentions (the first half are songs I enjoyed, but the second half are songs I loved and have links to where you can check them out) and then we have my main obsessions listed afterwards. So let's see those honorable mentions!
Aeverium - Safe Harbour Eleine - All Shall Burn Withered - Like Locusts Last Performance - Collapse of Empire Anna Fiori - Renacer (Versión Acústica) The Murder of My Sweet - Worth Fighting For Miss FD - Vagaries Reism - Take it from Me Visions of Atlantis - The Siren and the Sailor Nanowar of Steel - Valhalleluja feat. Angus McFife (Gloryhammer) Sharks in Your Mouth - Fear Me, Feed Me Trail of Tears - Farewell to Sanity Seven Spires - Drowner of Worlds Ianwill - Blackout Kazaky - We Should Be Like No One Else Wheel - Farewell Promethee - Old Bones
Valkea Valo - Treasure FKA twigs - Sad Day Neverlight - Unravel Sinphonia - Silence Diabulus in Musica - Otoi Kesha - My Own Dance Iamthemorning - Song of Psyche Glycerin - Wish I Was You Delain - One Second Glasya - Ignis Sanctus Cellar Darling - Love, Pt. 2 Cathubodua - Hydra Scarlet Moon - Agony Rosegarden Funeral Party - Mirror's Image Starset - Telekinetic Anna Fiori - De la Tierra My Black Light - Noise for Sale My Dying Bride - Your Broken Shore The Lust - Gone (Paradise Lost cover) Septarian - The Maw Atargatis - Ebon Queen
And here are the songs I was truly obsessed with over the month of January.
Aghiazma - Zombie Dogs
I learned about these guys through my music channel on YouTube when someone recommended me to possibly do a reaction video to these guys. The title really caught my attention and this song is absolutely bad ass. This singer is no longer with them, but holy tits am I obsessed with their voice and makeup.
Blackbriar - Madwoman in the Attic
Hands down my favorite song off of Our Mortal Remains and is tied for my favorite song from them (Snow White and Rose Red is the one it's neck and neck with). It's so beautiful and so powerful. This is the only song of its kind in their repertoire and it stands out so much. The chorus is absolutely stunning and packs such a wallop.
MARUV - To Be Mine
I checked out the Hellcat Story EP for a reaction video and really fell in love with this track. It starts out super soft and pretty, but then takes a dramatic dark turn and I absolutely love it. MARUV's voice is so lovely on this track, and that wild production just really makes this song so good.
If You Want Her
This is the last song off the Hellcat Story EP and it is gorgeous. It's such a spectacular track and really shows off her range so beautifully. I really love the Ukrainian verse at the end of the track. I just adds this really fun flare to this fun, but kinda sad track.
The Dark Element - When it all Comes Down
Without a doubt my favorite off the album. The chorus packs such a wonderfully powerful punch and just further proves that Anette Olzon is such an amazing singer. It's so beautiful, powerful, epic, stunning, amazing; I can go on with other descriptors for how good it is, but it will get annoying. Definitely check this track out.
Metalite - Warrior
I wasn't entirely sure if I would enjoy the new album after hearing the first single (it was pretty bland in my opinion), but it definitely was a lot of fun and this track is definitely one of those fun songs. It really shows off their new singer's vocal range and just has a really fun vibe to it.
Chariot the Moon - All the Same
I randomly came across this song one day and quickly fell in love with it. It's a really cool take on prog and their singer's voice is really unique to the genre. It's almost like a blend of alternative, nu metal, and prog and is super fun. I'm definitely gonna check out more from them.
Belle Morte - Lace
I learned about these guys a little while ago through a Facebook ad and decided to check out some of their stuff and enjoyed it. But then they dropped this single and bitch is it stunning. The orchestrations, the simple yet effective vocal lines, the dark yet dreamy atmosphere; it's absolutely amazing. It's such a fresh take on gothic metal and I can't wait for them to drop more music.
And that's it for January. February I'm gonna begin listening to new releases since some albums have dropped already and it's time to start that journey, and with it comes having a lot of music to listen to, so prepare for long lists.
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ma-lemons · 6 years
Ahahaha so my friend @lethiepie had an excellent little thing: Oscar teaching Ruby Portuguese or Spanish, which I adore!! (I kinda imagined him to be Latino sometimes). A little disclaimer: I don’t speak either of these languages so google translate will be my teacher. This takes place at some random point in time. Doesn’t matter too much.
Ruby couldn’t sleep one night. However, this time it wasn’t due to a nightmare or hearing people’s voices. Someone was... singing.
Her body ached from the position she had thrown herself in last night. She was sharing a room with Weiss and Nora, who were fine roommates. At least, Weiss was. Nora was a loud snorer, and it bothered Ruby most nights. She, on the other hand, liked to argue that Ruby was the loud snorer. Either way, Weiss would shut them up with a pillow to the head before they all returned back to sleep. She stretched out and blinked in the darkness. She could make out the patterns of Weiss on the bed and Nora on the sofa. Once her sight had adjusted, her ears honed in the soft voice.
She heard a voice, one that she had never heard before. It wasn’t a gorgeous voice, but it was one that reminded Ruby of a school choir and a mother’s lullaby. It had been a while since she had listened to music herself, often she forgot what it sounded like. To hear it was refreshing. The voice sounded strangely familiar, like someone she knew. Yet, the voice sang some indecipherable words.
Deciding sleep wasn’t that important, the teen slipped out from her quilt and sneaked out the door. She didn’t bother to tug on her boots, knowing that she might trip and wake everyone up. She passed her uncle’s room that she shared with Oscar and smiled a bit: she was glad that her uncle was starting to confide in her more. She knew that he had lived a long and difficult life, but that didn’t meant she wouldn’t do her best to be there for him.
The young huntress followed the voice until it grew louder and louder. She slid the door open, finding herself outside. It was a windy night, and Ruby felt her cheeks getting nipped out. Hugging herself she moved towards the smallish figure who was seated at the top stair. The lights revealed the figure to be Oscar, who was singing softly to himself.
Ruby grinned to herself and stood there, watching the young boy sing to himself. She wasn’t sure what he was singing, and she had never heard any other language being spoken before. It was beautiful though. It sounded like a rapid fire jumble of letters, but it had to mean something to him. She watched as the young boy swayed side to side, eyes fixtated on the shattered moon before them. A little while later, he had finished, and sat there in silence. Ruby shuffled forward, and propped herself next to him.
Oscar jumped, further than she had ever seen him before. He was a few feet away from her now, and she could even see the slight pinkish tint his face had taken on. His chest was heaving up and down and Ruby laughed at the sight of it.
“Ruby! You scared me—how long have you been out here?” he asked, his breath shaky. Did she scare him that much?
The huntress bit her lip. “Uh, not that long. I just heard some singing and decided to follow it. That was you, right?”
He nodded, and regained a better posture. He scooted closer to her and nodded. “Yeah... that was me. Pretty embarrassing.”
Ruby shook her head. “Nope. I liked it. I had no clue what you were singing, but I liked it.”
Oscar didn’t meet her eyes. He clasped his hands together and stared at his toes.
“I was singing... a lullaby. My aunt used to sing me to sleep when I was younger, every time I couldn’t sleep. It kind of reminded me of her. Sorry if that’s super childish,” he admitted.
“Oscar, of course not! I think that’s really sweet.” She patted his back. “And I know you miss her. You’ve been so brave and I know you wish you could see you aunt, just to let her know you’re okay. I understand.”
Oscar looked up, giving one of his signature half smiles back to her. “Thanks, Ruby.”
She nodded. “That lullaby was really cute. What language was it in anyway?”
“Uh, Portuguese.”
“Yeah... I’m part Brazilian, so I was taught how to speak Porteguese.”
Ruby had never heard of Brazil nor Portuguese but she decided to smile and nod anyway. She a made a mental note to one day brush up on her geography skills.
“That’s cool. I wish I could speak another language,” she murmured, hugging her knees.
“I... I could teach you. I mean, if wanted of course,” the farmhand rushed out.
Ruby’s face lit up. “Really? Thank you thank you thank you!” she shouted, hugging Oscar.
“Tomorrow then,” she grinned, standing up. Oscar nodded. “Tomorrow.”
“So, to say ‘My name is Ruby Rose’ you’d say...” Oscar asked.
“Meu nome é Ruby Rose.”
Oscar gave an encouraging smile. She knew the words... but the pronunciation wasn’t too good. In the morning they had started to learn, they had gotten through pronouns and now he was trying to teach her basic sentences.
“Okay, you’re doing good, but it’s meu, not mi. Mi is Spanish. Try to repeat after me. “May-yoh.”
“Like mayo? So mayo?” He could see the frustrating growing on her face.
“Sort of. I mean, you do understand what you’re saying, and we can work on prounociation later. Do you remember how to say “Hello, how are you?”
“Oi... oi... something something...” she mumbled. She threw up her arms and rested her head on the table. “Face it Oscar,” she sighed,“I’m too stupid to learn Porteguese. I can’t think and I don’t understand any of it. I thought it was cool cause I’ve never heard it before, and I thought having a language only you and I could speak would be fun. So we could gossip about Yang behind her back and play pranks on everyone.”
Oscar raised an eyebrow. He didn’t know the huntress was so serious about learning the language. He felt bad, when an idea came to him.
“Hey Ruby, let’s stop for today and continue tomorrow.” Before she could get in another word, he ran off. She sighed and sat back. “Meu nome é Ruby Rose.”
“Whaaaat are you doing? I heard you and Oscar speaking all morning,” Yang said, poking her head into the dining room.
Ruby, sulking, faced her sister. There was no point of hiding it. “Oscar was trying to teach me to speak his language and I can’t remember anything. I think he’s mad.”
Yang stifled a laugh. “Ruby, it’s no big deal. You can’t learn a language in a day. It probably takes years to do so. Besides, I imagine he’d never get mad at you.”
Ruby sighed. “I guess you’re right, meu irmão.”
“I think that’s brother.”
“I think you said ‘my brother’, not sister,” Yang clarified.
“How... how do you even know that?”
“Oh, when I was at Signal, we had a Portuguese class. We mainly spent the days watching telenovelas. I remember a few things.”
So even her sister could remember a language she learned many years ago? Why was she never aware that Portuguese was a language? Since when did Signal have language classes? Ruby groanerd, slamming her head into her hands.
“Rubes, take it easy. You’ll learn in no time.” Yang grinned and left the room.
You know what made her better when she wasn’t in a good mood? Reading comics. She needed to get her mind focused on something else. And that was how she spent the rest of her day, lying in bed, pretending she wasn’t thinking about learning Portuguese with Oscar.
The next morning, Ruby woke up pretty early. She sighed and tugged on her boots, before heading downstairs. She figured she could eat some oatmeal (if she didn’t burn it) and practice with Crescent Rose before the inevitable lesson with Oscar.
When she headed downstairs, she was unable to take in the sight in front of her. Wherever she looked, there was a white sticker attached. On the tables, the chairs, the ceiling, the light. Everything had a sticker.
Ruby, in awe, shuffled over to the chair and looked at the sticker. On it, was written “a cadeira”. Below it, “A cadeira é marrom”. She assumed cadeira meant chair. She knew é meant “is”. So marrom....
“A cadeira é marrom. The chair is brown,” Oscar’s voice came from behind her. Ruby turned around, to see Oscar holding a bin of white stickers. He had his dopey smile on his face. “Bom dia!”
“Uh, that means good morning, right?” Oscar nodded. “Yep!”
“Bom dia, then. Oscar, did you do all of this?” she asked incredously. The farmhand nodded. “I spent some of my night doing it. I wanted to surprise you. I...I know how much you wanted to learn Portuguese, and I appreciate it so much. I know it’s hard to learn a new language, so I thought it would make it easier be showing you, instead of just telling you.”
Ruby’s face was blank for a moment and Oscar was scared she was upset. He had worked really hard to make this work. He wanted to see Ruby smile, and he wanted to help her achieve this goal.
Then, her face split into a smile, and she rushed to embrace him. “Thank you,” she murmured in his ear. Oscar’s face grew warm. He had also stickered his room to help her know the bedroom too. He hoped everyone else would be okay with everything being covered for a moment.
“But you know Oscar, Qrow’s gonna have a fit when he sees this. Weiss too.”
“Weiss likes me.” Oscar couldn’t say the same for Qrow. “You think I’ll be okay?”
“We’ll find out later, I guess,” Ruby shrugged. “Onward to the lesson!”
Well, as Oscar found out later, Qrow was furious. He had to dodge um livro e uma caneta being thrown at him.
Months later, and Ruby was doing excellently. Oscar would record things for him and sing her little songs to help her remember things.
“To say you love someone, you say ‘eu te amo. Eu te amo. Eu te amo. When I say I love you, I mean ‘eu te amo. Eu te amo,” the girl sang to herself, while firing her weapon at a target.
“Hm, seems that someone is getting a little fond of a language,” Yang grinned. “I’ve heard you say “I love you” to Oscar more than you ever have to me. I’m wounded, Rubes, truly wounded.”
Ruby’s eyes widened. “Shut up, Yang!” She fired Crescent Rose at her sister, who easily dodged it. Oscar was sparring with Jaune, and he could’ve heard what she said. She glanced over to him and said, ‘Mantenha o bom trabalho!’” (keep up the good work!).
Oscar nodded back in approval, before striking Jaune in the knee. Team JNPR’s leader fell back but returned, parrying the farmhand’s next attack. Jaune was getting much better, Ruby was proud.
She had finished her trainings and went inside to get water when she found a note that was written completely in Portuguese on her sleeping mat. She translated some of it, and got the basic idea. Oscar wanted her to meet him in the living room for a “final test. She giggled at it. Over the weeks, Oscar had started treating his teaching like real school. He probably got it from Ozpin, and he would scold Ruby teasingly if she was late to lessons. A final test seemed okay. She wasn’t so good with writing, and her pronunciation was a little bad somemtiems. But she had to admit that she couldn’t believe she had made it so far in a matter of months. She’d have to thank Oscar sometime.
Around 10 pm, Oscar sat on the sofa, waiting for Ruby. He had to admit, the first time he had offered to teach Ruby Portuguese, it was just to spend more time with her. He thought he did a pretty good job of concealing his feelings. But over time, he realized it just made him happy to see Ruby happy. She was doing something new that she started to enjoy, and he was simply glad to be a part of that.
Ruby walked in moments later, no hood and no boots and took a seat next to him. “I’m going to ace this test, by the way.”
Oscar laughed. “I sure hope so. It only has one question.”
“Aw, yes!” she exclaimed. “What is it?”
“Technically it’s not a question. But do you think you could sing the lullaby I sang to you a few months ago?”
Ruby’s eyes widened. She had only heard Oscar sing it a few times and always skipped it on the recordings because it made her want to cry.
“I don’t remember it all,” she admitted, disappointed.
“Don’t worry, I’ll sing it with you.” Oscar gave a supportive smile and started to sing.
A linda rosa juvenil
juvenil, juvenil
a linda Rosa juvenil
Ruby started to smile and started to sing along.
A linda rosa juvenil
juvenil, juvenil
a linda Rosa juvenil
She glanced at Oscar, and grabbed his hands. “Come on, get your dance on.”
“Yang said you hated dancing,” Oscar laughed, standing up. Despite how he behaved, he was very very nervous. He realized how close he was to her, and he felt the air becoming quite warm then. Ruby shrugged. She took his hands and swung him around, as they sang the song at the top of their lungs.
Vamos fazer a roda assim,
bem assim, bem assim
vamos fazer a roda assim,
bem assim.
“Shut up!” a grumpy voice, most likely Qrow’s came from upstairs. Ruby giggled and lowered he voice, before starting it again.
“This song is about a rose, right?” she asked.
He nodded. It wasn’t a typical lullaby that told children to go sleep, but it helped him as a child.
“Hey Oscar?” Ruby murmured, after twirling him around.
“Obrigado.” Her voice was warm and sincere and they continued to dance and sing—until her uncle came downstairs, yelled at the sight of the two dancing, and dragged Oscar back to their room.
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tootherteeth · 6 years
Oscar Pine??
Favorite thing
Aside from like. Everything??
I’m not gonna lie I really love that his new outfit is little prince-themed?? I love the little prince so much
But like also I love him in general he’s great
Least favorite thing
God do I even have a least favorite thing about Oscar
Can it be that he hasn’t gotten a proper hug yet??? Nora tackling him doesn’t count give him one (1) comfort please
Favorite line
“Sometimes the burden of saving the world seems overwhelming, but then people like that come along and make me glad it’s our job and not theirs.”
Or like. Something along those lines I don’t know if I quoted it exactly and I don’t feel like finding the exact quote but y’all know what I mean
Oscar and Nora!!!
Frankly I don’t really ship him with anyone but if I had to choose I’d say RoseGarden, but only in AUs where Ozpin isn’t in his head
Aaaand Oscar and Whitley but again only in AUs for the same reason
RoseGarden, but only in canon
Like. listen. I know there’s no weird age gaps, I know it’s not the same thing as Ruby dating Ozpin, neither of those things are my problem.
I just.. find the whole Ozpin backseat driving thing weird?? like he’s just... there. always. except for right now in V6 but like he’s gonna be back probably
It’d be like having your dad looking over your shoulder every time you kiss except instead of your dad he’s a soul who’s like thousands of years old and instead of your shoulder he’s in your head
idk I just personally find it kinda. eugh
Random headcanon
Trans Oscar trans Oscar trans Oscar
Also more theory than headcanon but I love the idea of him having a plant-based semblance a lot
Aaaand another kinda-theory but his aura is orange until proven otherwise
edit apparently his aura has broken before and it’s green I’m just a dumbass who has no memory
Unpopular opinion
The bandages aren’t actually hiding anything they’re just there cause they look cool. Same as the ones Sun has ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
maybe I’m wrong and if it turns out I am then that’s fine, and also people’s theories are fun to look at, but I kinda think they’re just. there
Song I associate with them
The Guardian of Light 1 theme from Chocobo’s Dungeon tbh
Like, it goes back and forth between these very plucky cheerful sections and then like, kinda mysterious sections and it makes me think of both Oscar and Ozpin
Favorite picture
Tumblr media
It’s this one from the V5 poster
I want. More interactions between Oscar and Qrow
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evebun · 6 years
I know we may disagree on some things in RWBY, rosegarden, haha. But I love your art. Everything you post is amazing and you always out do yourself. Have you ever thought about doing some from red vs blue using your art form. Or genlock now that that’s started and it’s great!
Lol, it's no problem, anon. This is a safe space where you don't ever have to agree with me, I love to have open conversations with anyone no matter what they ship or want for the show. As long as you respect me, I'll respect you!
On the topic of drawing art for the RvB or Genlock though unfortunately that's not looking likely. I never got into RvB, it was just slow in the beginning and RT's humor has never really been that funny to me personally, so I just skipped it I'm afraid.
Now Genlock, lol, I have some strong feelings about Genlock. I was really turned off to Genlock the moment it was announced tbh. They announced it in the last minute of a RTX RWBY panel, just after RWBY had one of the worst seasons of it's run, and it just felt like a slap in the face. It felt like they were trying to jump ship, and start a new hugely ambitious project just because they were ruining what they had and RWBY was still somehow successful enough to help them fund it.
Now that it's come out, and RWBY has, in my opinion, been somewhat redeemed (I mean they're trying lol) I still just can't bring myself to support Genlock because I'm just that bitter, LOL, but I have watched some reviews and it does seem like a kinda cool concept with neat twists, BUT from my experience with RWBY I just no longer have any faith in RT to fully deliver, and I don’t want to get attached to anymore of their shows as a result. 🤷
Also the animation has this uncanny valley effect on me. It’s got these almost realistic environments and lighting effects, but then character models that are more anime yet awkwardly trying to look more human at the same time, it’s just off putting to me. Sorry, my friend!
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rosie-janeposie · 5 years
Bedtime Stories (A Rosegarden Fanfiction)
Characters: Ruby Rose & Oscar Pine
Disclaimer: I do not own Ruby and Oscar. They belong to Rooster Teeth. Nor do I own “The Girl in the Tower” that is referenced in this one-shot. If you have not read in before, I highly suggest you check it out. It is the second book in the “Winternight Trilogy”. It’s great fantasy series, and it dips a little into Russian folklore.
Now without further ado.
Summary: Late Night stories amongst friends can be the best moments.
Set: Prior to “Pomp and Circumstance”.
Just some simple innocent Rosegarden fluff.
Tally Ho!
>🌹 Rosie
          *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~            xXx       ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* 
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          A small yawn escaped his mouth as he turned another page in the dim light of the common room. As of recently, staying up to odd hours of the night was becoming the new norm for Oscar. Most nights were spent tuck away on the small ‘Atlesian White’ couch, reading whatever book he was able to find in what free time he had. Oscar had been surprised to come across a familiar book, “The Girl in the Tower”.
        …” Forgive me then,” she said, and walked past her sister, out the door, and down the steps into the roaring festival gathering below…
        “Whatcha reading?”
        “Geez, Ruby…” Oscar’s head shot up to come face-to-face with the small silver-eyed warrior, “Where did you come from?” He turned his head, scanning the room to see if anyone else happened to walk into the common room while he was reading.
        She leaned back, shrugging in the process. She smirked, “Sometimes, I just appear.”
        “What,” Oscar rolled his eyes with a smile, “No, rose petals?”
        “Too messy,” Ruby gave him a small smile, she crossed her arms. “I didn’t mean to startle you. I honestly didn’t think anyone was up at this hour…”   
        He had not noticed her appearance until now. Actually, she looked as though she hadn’t fallen asleep. She must have been in bed prior to coming out into the common room. Her pajamas were slightly wrinkled. “You okay?” Using his hand, he marked the page in his book.
        Ruby turned her head away, “Me? Pssh...Yeah, I’m fine.” She quickly uncrossed her arms. Oscar raised an eyebrow as she started to frantically started waving her arms around. “What about you? Why are you up so late?”
        Oscar sighed as he leaned back into the couch, “I couldn’t sleep.” He gestured to the book in his hand, “So, I figure I would catch up on some reading.” He tilted his head sideways, “Why are you awake?”
        Ruby ruffled her hair, “I-” she paused. “I just have a lot on my mind at the moment.”
        Oscar’s golden eyes passed on the huntress in front of him. The last few months have not been easy on any of them. With Ozpin’s disappearance, the abrupt arrival into Atlas, and the weeks of training with the Ace Operatives. “It certainly hasn’t been easy.”
        The dark-haired girl spun so she could occupy the empty space next to him, “What’s your book about?”
        “It’s about a woman who is accused of being a witch since she chooses not to marry or go to a convent. So, she flees her village. She sets out towards her elder sister’s kingdom, disguised as a boy.” He looked over to see the silver-eye girl staring at him. She appeared to be intrigued, “The maiden, however, must keep up the act of her being a boy for her sister’s safety. Unfortunately, when this was written, women were only fit for household duties.”
        “Laaaaaaaaame,” she whined.
         Oscar let out a laugh, “ I figured you were going to say that.” He turned the book over in his hand, “ The maiden kinda reminds me a lot of you...” He paused as Ruby gave him a look,” I mean, she is strong, not just physically but in her beliefs. She is resilient, cunning, resourceful...”
        Ruby put her hand up to stop him, “Please stop. That’s nice of you to say but, I am certainly am not any maiden in your book.” She had pink dusting her cheeks.
        “No, you are certainly more than that,” He smiled.
        “Excuse me?”
        “ I mean,” Abort, abort the mission. Oscar had to recover quickly. He quickly turned his head and body forward trying to hide his blush, not looking at the girl sitting next to him, “ You are similar, but I would like to think that would be open to sharing your feelings.”
        Ruby sighed as she drew her legs up to her chin. “ I don’t think you have to worry about that.” She let out a nervous giggle.
        Oscar held his index finger out to her, “ What’s with the nervous giggle?”
        " Not a nervous giggle," She retorted, " Just curious as to how you came across this book?”
       “ Uh-huh…” Oscar gazed down at the book in hand. “Actually, my aunt was the one who originally read this story to me.” 
        Ruby stretched out next to him on the couch. “Yang use to read to me all the time when we were little.” She stretched her arms over her head, causing her shirt to ride up just enough to show a bit of her stomach. Oscar’s cheek turned pink as he lowered his gaze to the book in his lap. “You can guess how long ago that was…”
       “Two years ago,” he said sarcastically. He was not ready for the barefoot to push him towards the armrest.
       “Ha. Ha.” Ruby made a small pout. They burst out laughing in the open air. They shared a smile between the two. Ruby crossed her arms over her stomach and stared over at the young man across from her, “Do you mind reading to me?”
        “I don’t think I’ll be that entertaining for you.” Oscar spoke settling in on his end of the couch, “But, I’ll do my best.”
        “You’ll do great.” She whispered smiling at him.
         He smiled as he opened the book where he left off, “Kasyan met her at the gate…”
         Neither of them knew who fell asleep first in the comfort of the reading light. Only that a good book was meant to be shared amongst friends.
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saqui · 3 years
Top 3 ships from any fandom?
Top 3 ships...
Oh gawd... If I get attacked by my ships, I will still stand still because anyways, I like them and ships brings me comfort or ease especially in the times when I need it. I love ships(even if some wont be canon) so why not.
Top 3
Akalynn (KDA) (LeagueOf Legends)
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From "Popstars" MV
Anyways, this ship is... h o t. I'm SUPER INLOVE with their dynamic. Street one and the fancy(hot) one. They're too hot together. Also they always stand next to each other and always lean on to each other which is wholesome af.
Top 2
Lumity (The Owl House)
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From "Enchanting Grom Fright" (S1 E16)
Yes... who wouldn't.
I mean their relationship with each other is fking perfect and real. Wholesome and they benefit each other alot. Even if it was one-sided crush, it doesn't feel like it is unhealthy or the one who had a crush feel left out and I FKING LOVE IT. ISTG THIS IS PERFECT AND HAS LIKE ONE OF THE MOST AMAZING AF WRITING OF RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENT(platonic AND romantic) TO EVER EXIST. I LOVE THEN FFDRDJEK-
-calm down now-
I heard season 2 has alot more stuff going on now... imma try to watch if I can. (Please send link ;'))
Honorable Mentions
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Kanao x Tanjiro (Demon Slayer/Kimetsu No Yaiba)
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Naruto x Sasuke (Naruto)
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Bumbleby (Yang x Blake) (RWBY)
Because they reminds me of me and my gf then I fell inlove with this ship suddenly. I love them no matter what
Top 1
RoseGarden (Ruby x Oscar) (RWBY)
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Couple of shots from "Necessary Sacrifice" (V5 C5)
(This is gonna be long so beware if you dont want very long stuff)
This ship does have flaws and uncertainties that I understand that not everyone ships this and doesnt like this: "the Ozpin thing" which is a common reason(dont take this as a "call out" or anything hateful) and lack of screentime/execution(im not sure how u guys call it ?? I still lack some vocabulary) but I understand its kinda hard to balance the main plot and character relationships. There are other personal reasons too or its just not their thing which I also understand.
I personally still love this ship so much though because of their connection and how they care and treat each other. I love their platonic relationship with each other because even if they are honest about something even if it's hard truth, they can still respect each other and doesnt think of each other as someone below them, just an honest friend trying to help out or care and thats what I love about their connection and I love honest yet caring bonds. I also love their emotional bonding too and it's very comforting and wholesome to me. Everytime I see them interact(platonic or not), it gives me light and great ease so you wouldn't be surprised if you see me have alot of rg screenshots and fanarts in my gallery XD. But despite how much I LOVE this ship, I actually don't care where they'll end up as long as they get closer and thats the only main thing I am rooting for. Ruby can end up with Oscar, Weiss, Jaune or be an independent woman or any path she takes as long as when the series ends, the fndm wont get to a bigger war than now-
Anyways, ship what you guys ship. I dont care what kind of taste of ships you like as long as you dont fking attack people for just a fking ship (which is not supposed to be taken as "We'll all die because of this and that" when it comes to fandoms and such cuz wtf)
So anyways(again), I just really love these ships that are mentioned even if they won't likely or arent really canon. Some are for crack (or for fun) and some are personal taste and some are really what I find so amazing in their own way. I love em all. Relationships/bonds are my literal comfort during quarantine right now haha.
Holy fk-
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squadrongal · 7 years
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“Look how she lights up the sky,  I love you, Evangeline~”  Oscar knows how to dance. This is my head canon and I’m sticking to it until proven otherwise. As for what happens after the last panel imagine either a really cute kiss or Qrow crane kicking Oscar from the nearest rooftop. Experimenting with colors again, and not gonna lie, kinda like this format. Might use it later. Who knows?
Want more RoseGarden? Or just my art in general? Check My Art Page Out!
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