#kinda glad i’m not going to any shows because if that happened at my show i’d be pissed
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thelightreflects · 9 months ago
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ifwebefriends · 1 year ago
My thoughts during “The Sign” [SPOILERS!!!!!]
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More thoughts under the cut
So I think most of us can agree that this is the best episode of Bluey so far. It was so emotional and satisfying in ways that are kinda new for Bluey. It answered so many questions while giving us a few new ones. I’ve been waiting for this episode for months and it did not disappoint in any way.
This is just a Chekov’s firing squad of an episode. As in a lot of stuff that was set up in earlier episodes all pay off in this episode. I kinda understand why people love soap operas now lol. I will say that this episode was a tad overwhelming for me in the best way possible. As in I had to pause and rewind every 30 seconds or so so I could emotionally process what was happening before moving forward (but that’s a me thing). There was just so much going on and I’m happy about that.
Now onto individual thoughts about specific things:
The callback to Baby Race (“you took your first steps in that house!”) really got to me because Baby Race was the first episode of Bluey that I watched and it immediately made me fall in love with it so it just got to me.
When Chilli said “Frisky and I came up here as teenagers to…um…think,” my mind started racing immediately with “what the FUCK happened at the Lookout?” “Who hurt Frisky and/or Chilli?” And I’m just so curious about what made Chilli say that line like that but we’ll probably never know what happened.
So yeah that scene at the end when the music was playing and Bandit ripped the sign out of the ground and Chilli tackled him to the ground ABSOLUTELY CHANGED my brain chemistry y’all. I can’t articulate my feelings any more than that.
I know some people were upset that Brandy ended up getting pregnant but I thought it was great for her! I’m happy for her! And I think that even though she got what she wanted in the end doesn’t negate the feelings she had about her infertility earlier. But I think we’re all wondering who the father is and I don’t know if the show really needs to answer that.
The whole message of “we’ll see” in terms of if something is good or bad is such a mature message that I never really thought of like that so I will be taking that philosophy forward in life. Congratulations Bluey, you managed to teach a 22-year-old childless person something new and insightful about life that I don’t think I’ve learned from another show.
I want to know more about what Bob was going through and feeling and why he went to India, but again, we’ll probably never know.
I just love how the wedding photos were beautiful but imperfect. Like of course we’re not perfect and nothing will ever be perfect but it’s beautiful and worth remembering anyway.
So many little jokes and moments were so funny in a mature way (I.e. “are we allowed to do that?” And Nana thinking there was about to be a baby announcement) were just so funny and memorable.
I think some people would say it’s a cop-out to end up not selling the house after building it up for 2 episodes but I don’t know, I think it works. I think Bluey and Bingo learned a valuable lesson and Bandit (and Chilli kinda) learned it’s not always about making their kids lives “perfect” in their eyes. Also I’m just personally glad they didn’t end up selling the house and I also kinda like that it wasn’t entirely their choice to keep it.
On a more serious note I think this episode has some interesting commentary on like gender roles and gender relations in straight relationships. In this episode Chilli and Frisky (both women) have to deal with their male significant others pressuring them to move with them far away from what they know and love. In the end they don’t end up moving and the men didn’t seem to have like malicious or selfish intent with it, they were just kinda basing their choices off their jobs instead of what’s best emotionally for their loved ones. But I think it’s interesting to have this conflict where gender is kinda brought up in a way (“because your husband is making you”). It kinda plays into the traditional idea of like men are the breadwinners and the family has to move with them regardless of what they actually want. And this episode kinda like deconstructs that and says “no, it’s not always about the job or money, it’s also sometimes about connections and emotional attachment.” And I’m not saying that you should never move or whatever, but really weigh your options. I just thought that it was interesting that this episode kinda touched on that.
So yeah that’s kinda the main thoughts I had on this episode if you made it this far thank you for reading my rambles and have a good one!
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gohyemi · 2 months ago
no turning back
She worried. Really worried.
Is there anything that she does that makes him upset? These days, he had been ignoring her calls and even replying coldly to her whenever she texted him, which made her worried.
She has to fly to New York for her work, and it may take a month for her to get back here. To ease her heart and feelings, she is planning to see her boyfriend's happy face before she takes off. She wears a dress that he likes her to wear, preparing a light lunch for him cause she knows that he will be grumpy a bit if there isn't any food in his stomach and as an extra, she buys some flowers.
Lily flowers
As she made it to the company, she went to the floor where her boyfriend would be. As she was about to open the door, one of her boyfriend's friends greeted her.
“___, what a glad to see you!” Jeonghan went for a hug. She just smiled and greeted him back. Jeonghan see what she is holding and give her a teasing gaze.
“Wooo, I bet ddadu would be happy to see you prepare for this all” Jeonghan bumped his shoulder lightly.
“I hope so.. He's been off these days, and I'm trying to make it better. Which I hope it will,” she smiled awkwardly. Jeonghan ruffled her hair and smiled. “I bet he will, kiddo. Let's go surprise Cherry!” As Jeonghan opened the door a bit. They heard a conversation that was kinda intense. Jeonghan was in front, so she did not see what was happening inside.
“You know you’re being rude right now” Wonwoo told him.
“I can't stand it anymore. Why can’t she just notice that I'm trying to avoid her because of how clingy she is?” he said.
She was trying to be positive and thinking that he was talking about someone else, but the next words that he said already broke her heart and made her feel a lump in her throat. How could those words easily come out from him?
“Y/n should know that everyone is busy, not like her, who always has time swinging her legs. I'm kinda regretting starting this relationship” Jeonghan gripped the door handle and looked at the corner of his eyes. He saw how she lowered her head, wiped her tears and tried to hide her face.
“Oppa, I think today is not a great day for the surprise, I guess”, She said with trembling in her voice just to play it cool.“I think I might be late for my schedule. I’ll go first” Before Jeonghan could say another word, she had already walked toward the lift.
Unable to bear looking at her like that, he opened the door wide until it hit the wall, attracting people inside, including Seungcheol.
“Ya choi Seungcheol, don't you think you're being too much just now?” Jeonghan ask calmly.
“What do you mean?”
“Playing dumb, are we?” Jeonghan sarcastically said, “We heard what you just said. If you don’t want to have hard life break up with her she deserve someone better that asshole like you.”
“She heard it all, and she, on the way out, cancelled her plan to surprise his dickhead boyfriend to make him happy again” Jeonghan went to the water dispenser, trying to calm his burning inside.
“Come on, pick up, please!” Seungcheol becomes more anxious as time goes by. He tried everything to reach you, but to no avail; it all failed. His last resort is to go to your house. But it seems like you are not home, and that is when he notices all the messages that he ignored the whole week.
Cheollie, are you ok?
I’m sorry if I did something wrong, but I left a bit of takeout at your house. I hope u like it 
He sees the last message along with a picture of her flight ticket. It made his blood drain from his face
I don't want to disturb you. I know you have been busy, but I just want to inform you that I got the show at Newyork, which I will 
“Go today…” Seungcheol mumbled. He looked at the time, and it was already your flight. He slumped down in front of your door, ruffling his hair in frustration. All of the harsh things that he said pass through his memory. How hurt she can be when she heard all of that. How he will feel if he is in her shoes
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razorblade180 · 4 days ago
A Disagreement
Ruby:Alright everyone, glad you can make it to the meeting.
Weiss:You pulled out a map in the middle of lunch.
Ruby:Still counts. Anyways, we’ve been settled into Vacou for a few weeks and I think it’s about time to make moves towards success.
Yang:Umm we’ve been running tasks every day.
Ruby:Yeah, to recoup. It’s been helpful but I think it’s about time we start doing expeditions around the nation. Salem isn’t going to show up full force from the gate. Emerald said Tyrian and Mercury left before you even went to save Oscar. Odds are they’re hiding in remote villages or near a water source. I say we get the jump on them.
Blake:Do you know exactly where to start? Vacuo isn’t exactly small.
Ruby:Nope. I’m thinking it’s best to start the farthest and work our way back. It’ll take a couple weeks but I think this the play.
Blake:If they’re closer in though, they might attack while we’re gone. Sure we will be notified and there’s fighters here to help but-
Ruby:They’ve been doing fine without us, plus we can’t exactly ask them all to pick a spot to look. That’s way riskier.
Weiss: As far as Salem knows, we’re dead. They’re not expecting us to look for them, unless they’re already inside.
Ruby:If that was the case, I doubt they would’ve let recovery go so smoothly.
Yang:Even so, there’s still so much here to be done for people. I’m with Blake on this one.
Ruby:Yeah well, what else is new.
Yang:…I’m sorry? What’s that supposed to mean?
Ruby:What? It’s not the first time you guys are on the same page.
Weiss:Right, but how you said it was a bit…
Yang:Rude. And kinda unnecessary.
Ruby:Unnecessary? Y-….Actually, I’m sorry. Can we move on now?
Yang:No, let her speak her mind. Finish that thought. *crosses arms*
Ruby:…I just find it a little funny you think that callout was unnecessary. It wouldn’t be the first time you two divided the decision making. Didn’t go well last time either.
Yang:Hey, last time I checked, Oscar wasn’t on your side either about keeping secrets.
Ruby:Oscar didn’t say he’d “follow my lead” then decide to make a major decision without talking to anyone aside from their crush.
Blake:I- that’s on me. I’m sorry.
Yang:Hold on, you seriously can’t be blaming us for how things went down.
Ruby:All I’m saying is it didn’t do anyone any favors. You do get that you didn’t just blindside Ironwood in that office? Weiss, did you know?
Weiss:N-No. I didn’t know about Robyn Hill escape.
Ruby:Neither did I. *shrugs* Go figure? Like I said, I’m not pinning everything on you two.
Yang:Looks like it.
Ruby:Kinda how it looked like my plan wasn’t working, even though you didn’t follow it?
Blake:Okay, maybe we should take a break?
Ruby:Why? Yang wanted my thoughts and I’m giving them. Don’t stress over her attitude.
Blake:That’s not-
Yang:Okay, now you’re actually being a jerk. Blake was just-
Ruby:For the love of gods, stop speaking for her! You rush to her defense faster your own sister!
Yang:Oh that’s rich! Last time I checked, I fell rushing to your defense!
The blonde looked at Weiss briefly before looking back at her own sister who just stared coldly, causing a pit to form Yang’s stomach.
Ruby:Whatever. *turns around* Wouldn’t be the first time you got hit because you rushed in, but I don’t see you pointing fingers at Blake. Is that unnecessary too? *walks out*
Blake:*hugs herself*….
Yang:*red eyes* RUBY! HEY!
Weiss watches Yang storm out after Ruby. Her initial response was to reach for Blake to provide support, but Blake held her hand out and shook her head. This wasn’t about her and she understood that, even if Ruby’s words stung. Blake and Weiss took off after the sisters, getting outside just in time to see Yang grab Ruby by the wrist.
Ruby:Let go of me!
Yang:You think you get to walk off after that!? That was low and you know it!
Ruby:And blaming me wasn’t!?
It happened faster than Yang could think. One second, Ruby was still. The next, a right hook surrounded by petals hit Yang’s face so hard she stumbled backwards in shock as her face stung. Yang looked ahead and saw another right hook, catching it before proceeding to grab a left. Before she could even speak again, Ruby headbutted her in the mouth; the impact let her grip loosen on the girl. Yang saw Ruby shadow swing for another punch and without hesitation, Yang kicked her foot outward hard.
Yang’s boot landed right against Ruby’s gut and sent her rolling backwards across the dirt, lying there for a full second before slowly rising to her feet. Yang’s eyes immediately turned back to normal. She didn’t mean to hit her that hard.
Yang:Ruby! Are you-
Petals exploded everywhere and Yang was tackled to the ground in an instant. Her arms raised to block her face as Ruby began throwing blow after blow. Yang wasn’t sure what happened to the girl who couldn’t throw a punch to save her life, cause right now each strike felt heavy.
Ruby:All you’ve done since Haven is go against the grain and stuck by Blake. You never actually take my side!
Yang:There are no sides! We’re a team!
Ruby:Then listen to your leader instead of your partner for once!
Yang:You sound like Ironwood!
Ruby:And you’re acting like Raven!
All it took was Ruby to slow down for a second to allow Yang to grab her by the collar and fling her away. Ruby bounced back as Yang got up and the two of them swung at each other. With poor reach, Ruby chose to dodge after getting socked in the face and begin evading a series of blows.
Yang:All I’ve been trying to do is keep you safe! To keep everyone safe!
Ruby:You ditched me the first chance you got at school! You didn’t even think about me my partner!
Yang:School and the real world are two completely different things!!
Ruby:They weren’t to me, you- you hypocrite!!!
Ruby kicked the side of Yang’s right knee. Yang buckled instantly and received another right hook that followed through with a left before another speed tackle that put her on her back to get wailed on some more.
Ruby:Telling me to grow up; step up as a leader! Make my own decisions and spread my wings but then disagree with me! You want me safe one moment and tell me you don’t care what I do the next! Say you’re proud I’m the leader but never show real support!
Yang:Support isn’t blind obedience or constantly agreeing! Blake and I don’t even agree on everything!
Yang returned the headbutt Ruby gave, knocking her off and keeping them both dazed as their aura flickered from the impact. Before either of them got the chance to move, Weiss ran over and grabbed Yang while Blake held Ruby, restraining both of them.
Ruby:*bloody nose* Hey!!!
Yang:*bruised face* Let me go!
WB:Not until you both calm down!!!
Ruby:Me!? I’m not the one who couldn’t leave well enough alone and then got upset when they finally got the same criticism they’ve been dishing out for months!
Yang:If you’re going to blame me then fine! I don’t care! I’m your big sister! Yes, I want you safe! You’re damn right I want you to grow, but I’m not gonna let you make choices I think will do more harm than good! I won’t pretend I’ve done everything right but I never tried to! So go right ahead and keep pinning everything on me! I’m never going to apologize for not wanting to lose you like mom!
Ruby:…Then stop making it easy to walk away from you! You’re the reason I drank-
Yang:….*eyes widened*
Ruby:…You’re the reason I drank the tea.
Not another word was spoken. Absolute silence fell upon the team as tears flowed from Ruby, her face riddled with guilt and disgust before scrunching up; she sped out of Blake’s relaxed grip and fled into town. Not a single person chased her. Blake and Weiss looked at Yang who just…sat on the ground, her glow fading. Her eyes seemed to dim and her head dropped, leaving her to stare at the dirt.
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flowery-mess · 27 days ago
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lost in touch
Pairing: frat boy Noah x female reader
reader has a name (Ella Thompson, but the story is written in 'your' POV)
Warnings: 18+! MDNI / sexual content - oral, fingering, protected sex, nipple play, dry humping / use of a blindfold / mentions of tied hands / dirty talk (I tried lol) / inexperienced reader / I think that's it, let me know if you find anything else
Words: 6k
Author's note: can't believe my longest frat Noah fic is a smut😭 I project lot of myself into Ella and this one shot is proof of that lol
frat boy Noah masterlist
✨This one is happening in the beginning of their story, let’s say like the third/fourth time they spend the night together…✨
“What’s up with you Noah? You haven’t said a single word yet.” Nick elbowed Noah in his side, pulling him out of the trance he was in.
“Not in the mood.” he replied grumpily.
Noah was actually looking forward to leaving, with or without you, tonight was just one of those days. He arrived an hour ago and was ready to leave immediately. He wanted to know if you’re going to show up, probably yes, so he opted for staying until you do.
When you did show up, he almost felt bad for wanting to leave immediately. You were looking particularly good, black dress with white pattern with long sleeves, a leather jacket over your shoulders, black tights and boots. Your hair and makeup was nicely done and you looked like you were ready to have fun.
You didn’t look out for him, why would you when you usually leave at 1AM, not 9PM.
“So, what are we drinking tonight?” Clara asked you and Molly when you stood in front of the “bar”.
“How about vodka soda for starters?” Molly suggested and you all agreed.
Noah watched you and your friends from his spot on the couch thinking about his options. One, he leaves without talking to you, two, he asks if you want to leave right now and you turn him down, three, he asks if you want to leave right now and you agree.
When Jolly threw popcorn at him and had another annoying comment about why he hasn’t spoken a word, Noah just took out his phone and texted you “meet me in the backyard in a minute?” and flipped his friends off.
He was already waiting for you when you opened the back door that led you to the garden. Frown on his face which didn’t go away even when you said “Hi.” and gave him one of your smiles.
“Hi. I, uh, I’m not really in the mood for a party tonight so I wanted to ask if you’d like to leave, like right now?” when he saw your confused face he continued, “You don’t have to, you can stay of course. I was just thinking about getting some take out and then going home. And I wanted to tell you, because I don’t really know how this thing works.”
He was cute, rumbling and talking too much.
“Well my friends won’t be happy I’m leaving this soon, but I’m actually kinda hungry.”
“Okay, cool.” he didn’t think you’d actually agree, so he didn’t know what was the next plan, because he didn’t have any.
“Okay. I’m gonna tell them and meet you?”
“Sure, I’ll be in the parking lot.”
“So, what’s got you in this grumpy mood?” you asked Noah when you left the drive through, enough food for a family of four in your lap.
“I’m not grumpy.” he groaned.
“You’re not exactly a ray of sunshine either.”
“Don’t be, it’s just you could have just told me you want to be alone tonight. We don’t have to do this every single week.” lie, you wanted to do this exactly every single week. Noah wasn’t in his usual mood tonight, but he wasn’t rude to you, you just didn’t know how to act around him. You didn’t want him to feel like he had to spend the night with you, if he’d prefer being alone tonight.
“I don’t want to be alone tonight, I’m glad you left with me. One hamburger and I’ll be in a much better mood, trust me.” you laughed at his answer, but hoped it was the truth. You liked spending time with him, he was funny and it seemed like he was more himself when it was just the two of you.
Your eyes watched the streets passing by as Noah drove you somewhere.
“Where are we going? Isn’t your place in the opposite direction?”
“It is, just wait and you'll see.”
“There it is.” you pointed at his face and got him all confused about what you’re talking about.
“The smile, you’re smiling.”
“So? You’ve been frowning the whole night.”
“I haven’t!” he argued back, but couldn’t help the growing smile on his face.
“Liar.” you threw french fry at him, one that you secretly stole from the take away bag in your lap.
The rest of the ride was silent, you could only hear noises from outside or the radio at low volume. Noah finally stopped the car and your mouth was left hanging open.
The full city view was in front of you, you could see all of the lights under the dark sky.
“That is beautiful.” you stated.
“I know.” you saw his cocky smile.
“Is this where you take all of your girls?” you teased.
“All of my girls?” he was genuinely confused, you were the only one he was “seeing” at the moment.
“I mean when you take girls out on a date, is this where you take them? The view, good food, music. I bet that’s the move for them to fall in love with you.”
“I don’t date.” he shrugged his shoulders and dug into the bag full of food.
“Like never?” you continued eating your fries.
“So you never had a girlfriend?”
“When I was like sixteen? I don’t remember.” you were surprised. He is attractive, smart, has his own place and car, he’s funny and easy to be around.
“Oh, okay.” he just chuckled at your reaction.
“And you?”
“One boyfriend for 5 years.” you told him the truth. Your romantic life was never really interesting. You started dating your now ex boyfriend when you were both 18, broke up at 23 and that was it.
“That sounds serious, why did you break up?” Noah asked.
“Nothing interesting. We just wanted different things, and had different plans for the future. It was more of a friendship than a relationship in the last few months.”
“Still friends?”
“Not really, but we ended things on good terms.”
You finished your food and talked more about random things. Noah was right, after he finished his food he was in a much better mood.
You talked about everything and nothing, but you didn’t know that Noah had one question in his mind since you shared with him that you only had one boyfriend. He was building up the courage to ask, not sure how you’re going to react.
“Can I ask you something personal? You don’t have to answer.” Noah started.
You both made yourselves comfortable, pushed your seats back, folded legs under yourselves and were facing each other.
“Go ahead.” you were scared of what's going to come out of his mouth, in your sober state you didn’t like personal questions, but he wouldn’t ask anything too personal, right?
“You said you had only one boyfriend,” he shifted in his seat and you nodded at him, “does that mean that beside me he’s the only person you had sex with?”
You almost choked on your sprite after he said it out loud. It wasn’t a bad question, you just had a hard time talking about your sex life. Heat got in your face, cheeks turned 5 shades of red and you avoided eye contact.
“You don’t have to answer Ella.”
“Yes.” you answered truthfully, but still continued looking out of the window.
“Look at me.” he said, but you didn’t. “Hey, look at me.”
Noah gently took your chin in his hand and made you face him, he saw the look on your face and immediately felt bad for asking that question.
“I’m sorry I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” he said.
“It’s okay, it’s just not easy for me to talk about those things. I mean, I don’t mind the subject, but I always get like this.” you pointed to your face and finally broke a smile. Noah smiled too, relieved he didn’t make you feel bad or something.
He kept his hand on your chin and looked at your face for any signs of discomfort. When he didn’t find any, he leaned to kiss you. The kiss was slow, gentle, as if he was saying “You don’t have to feel ashamed around me.”
You kissed him back and enjoyed this slow passionate moment. After a few more kisses Noah sat back in his seat, tugging at your hand as a hint for you to crawl over the center console in his lap.
You felt the adrenaline in your body after you found a comfortable position straddling Noah’s lap. This was new for you, all of this. You and your boyfriend never did anything like this.
Noah’s hands were all over your body the second you stopped moving around, one of them grabbing you by your neck and leaning you down to meet him halfway in another kiss. This time more passionate and needy. When you pulled away to take a breath and get rid of your leather jacket, Noah looked at you and said “It’s actually kinda hot, knowing I’m the second guy you let this close to you.”
Because he suddenly felt more confident in this whole thing, he enjoyed being the one that has more experience and can show you how sex should feel.
His big hands gripped the soft skin of your ass and you let out a small moan right into the kiss. You didn’t know what’s gotten into you, but you rolled your hips against Noah’s and felt a new kind of exićitement run through your body. After you realized what you’ve done you stopped, not knowing if it was too much or not. There were layers between you two, but you felt Noah’s dick growing hard seconds after.
“Do it again.” he whispered against the skin on your neck, feeling just the same amount of pleasure from your actions as you did.
So you started moving in his lap again, feeling kinda pathetic about how good it felt. Noah pulled you in another kiss and his grip on your ass tightened. He rolled your dress up to your waist and occasionally lifted his hips from his seat to rub against you.
“Does it feel good?” he used the moment you pulled away to get some air and whispered in your ear before kissing you just under there.
“Mhm.” you just hummed instead of words, your head falling back from the ecstasy you felt was coming closer and closer.
Noah knew you were close by the way you lost control of your hands. You didn’t know where to put them, first one of them was gripping the head rest behind Noah’s head, then it slipped in his hair, then your other hand slid down on his chest because you couldn’t keep it still.
“That’s it, keep going.” he encouraged you with whispered words in your ear and couldn’t stop looking at your face. Your eyes closed, mouth open and head falling backwards every time he moved his hips too. Your movements became messy so his grip on your hips tightened to keep you going until you took a sharp breath in and squeezed Noah with your legs.
You rolled your hips against his few more times to get through the afterwave of your orgasm and then fell on his chest.
That bastard was just smiling, happy from what he just witnessed.
You snuggled into the soft skin of his neck, wanting to stay there forever due to feeling like a horny teenager that just dry humped a guy's bulge.
“That was fucking sexy.” instead of making fun of you as you expected, he growled a whisper into your ear.
That gave you enough confidence to look up at him and give him one of your shy smiles. His fingers grazed the skin of your face before he pulled you into a soft kiss.
“Let’s go to mine, huh?” he rubbed his nose along your jaw, waiting for your answer even though he knew it would be yes by the way your lips turned into an excited smile.
At his place, Noah didn’t waste any time and took you straight to his bedroom. He was still thrilling from the new information that he got tonight and wanted to show you just how good can sex be.
He laid you down on his bed and noticed your pink cheeks and shy smile. Cute, he thought. He knows he’s attractive, but he also usually sleeps with girls that are not new to the sex life, so they don’t react to the smallest things like you do.
He put his weight on his elbows and went for a kiss. It was slow and gentle as a signal to give you enough confidence to take the kiss in the direction you wanted it to go.
He felt your fingers graze his neck and then slowly move to his hair. He noticed you liked playing with his hair and he loved it. The different tugs and scratches you did showed him what you like without you having to say it out loud.
When he kissed you on your jaw and used his teeth a little, you always stopped moving your fingers in his hair and tugged on it. That’s how he learned lots of small things you like.
He continued kissing and teasing you, wanting to know how long it would take until you made a move.
Maybe it was Noah’s touch or his lips on your sensitive skin that made you roll your bodies over so you were straddling his lap. You saw his smirk which made you hide your face in the crook of his neck.
“Hey, look at me.” he took your chin in his long tattooed fingers and lifted your head enough to see your eyes. “Don’t be shy around me, I like to see you get more confident. Don’t hide yourself from me, okay?”
It took you a few seconds before you replied “Okay.”, because you realised there was a lot you haven’t tried, but wanted to. So you appreciated Noah’s words more than he realized.
It was your turn to lean in for a kiss, using your tongue to make Noah open his mouth so you could deepen the kiss.
Your core softly, but enough for you to let out a moan, rolled over Noah’s bulge. You hid your face in the side of Noah’s face again.
“Okay look at me.” Noah had to use some of his strength to make you sit straight and look at his face. “I understand that you’re shy, but sex is about exploring and enjoyment. You obviously have a lot to explore and I want to help you with that, but you have to let me. You don’t have to hide your pleasure from me, I want to see it. And hear it.” his hands were on your thighs, thumbs gently stroking your skin to calm you down.
“I know, I just,” you sighed, mad at yourself for not finding the right words to express what you were feeling. “I guess I’m just really shy when it comes to this. Having sex was always the same ritual for me, I am getting used to all this new stuff.”
“I understand that. Is there something that I can do to help you?”
In fact there was something, but again, speaking your wants and desires was hard for you.
“Say it, I’m not gonna judge you Ella.” Noah saw the hesitation in your eyes and wanted to tell you his desires to make you feel better, but wasn’t sure if it wouldn’t have the opposite effect and scare your pure soul off.
You took a deep breath and hyped yourself as if you were asking him to marry you.
“Maybe you not looking at me would help. Like, close your eyes for the whole time.” you blurted out he almost didn’t understand you. Thank god he did, because if you had to say it out loud again, you’d rather just get up and leave.
He started smirking again, because you didn’t know what you just asked him to do was one of his very favorite things to do in bed.
“Okay.” he said and gently pushed you off of his lap and reached to his night stand. He opened the second drawer and moved a few things around until he found what he was looking for. Once he laid back on the mattress he started proposing his idea to you.
“I can put on this blindfold if that’s something that’ll make you more comfortable.” he showed you what he just took out of the drawer, a simple black blindfold. “And I’ll let you take the lead. You can explore my body, try things you’re shy to do when I can see you. You can put my hands anywhere you want me to touch you, or tell me what you want me to do. I’m all yours tonight, if that’s something you’d like to try?”
The idea alone made you clench your thighs together. He’d let you explore his body, something you’d very much appreciate.
“Okay.” you replied.
“Okay.” he said back and handed you the blindfold. “I’m yours.”
Noah laid down on his back and closed his eyes already. You kneeled next to him and before you put the soft fabric over his eyes you told him “If something makes you uncomfortable you’ll tell me, right?”, because in no way you wanted him to feel like he had to let you do anything to him.
“Of course. I trust you Ella.” and with that you lifted his head gently and put the blindfold where it’s supposed to sit.
“You can also tie my hands if you want to have full control.” he said it as a joke, but when you answered in a serious tone “No, I want you to touch me.” he knew he just woke up something inside you.
Given this opportunity, you wanted to have the full experience and take it slowly.
You leaned to capture Noah’s lips with yours. When you did, it was like a new spark between you two. He showed you he trusts you with his body and you showed him that you trust him too by agreeing to do this.
You continued kissing his soft lips and playing with his hair for a minute, getting comfortable in this familiar position before you knew what you wanted to do next.
You slowly moved your kisses from his lips to his jaw, giving him small pecks and moving in the direction of his left ear. You brushed your nose along his jaw before giving your attention fully to his ear. You bit at his earlobe a few times, adding more pressure with each bite. To erase any pain it could cause you used your tongue and licked his skin.
It seemed like suddenly you felt everything. You felt his solid chest under your hands, his breath tickling the skin on your face, his fingers twitch from time to time and the smell of his skin combined with his cologne.
You continued kissing his neck, sucking just a bit more at places where you felt his breathing change.
When you reach the fabric of his black t-shirt you said “I’m gonna take your shirt off.” in barely a whisper. He lifted himself and helped you out of the soft fabric.
You straddled his lap and your eyes scanned his chest. You always took a look at his body when you could, but this time knowing he can’t tease you about it, you let your eyes wander over his wide tattooed chest as long as they wanted to.
His arms were laying next to his body, because as he promised, he let you have the lead even with his touch on your body. You grabbed them and put his hands on your thighs and felt him give you a small encouraging squeeze. Your fingers wandered over his forearm, biceps, shoulders all the way to his chest. First you traced the lines of his tattoos, seeing goosebumps on his skin from your touch. Small things like these made your confidence shoot through the roof.
You noticed a particularly sharp breath when your fingers accidentally touched his nipple. You as a woman knew this was a sensitive part of the human body, so you wanted to know just how sensitive it is for Noah. Your fingers on both hands made small circles around his nipples and you felt another squeeze on your thighs. His pink nipples hardened under your touch and you couldn’t help yourself from leaning down and taking one of them in your mouth.
“Oh shit.” Noah whispered at the sudden hot feeling of your mouth, his mouth left hanging open.
You licked and sucked on his nipple a few more times before you moved for the other one. You felt Noah’s dick hard between your legs, his hips occasionally lifting a bit to get some fraction.
When you came back for Noah’s lips that were still open from the pleasure you just gave him, you had the perfect opportunity to slide your tongue inside his mouth. Again, he let you take the lead even when it came to kissing you, but you felt his lips turn into a smile. He was already feeling more confidence from your actions.
Your hands slid from his chest lower and lower until you reached the waistband of his jeans. You disconnected your lips and started undoing his belt. Once again he helped you to take his clothes off and when you saw him only in his underwear you realized you haven’t taken any of yours off.
Standing at the feet of his bed, you got rid of everything except your underwear and crawled back to where Noah was waiting for you.
You straddled his lap again and reached for his hands. They felt too big in your own hands, but they felt too good when you placed them on your waist. Noah’s fingers started to trace patterns in your soft skin, waitting for your next move. You moved them by his wrists all the way to your chest. He slid his thumbs over your still bra covered nipples, returning the pleasure from earlier. One of his hands grabbed you by the back of your neck as he lowered you enough for his mouth to reach your boobs. He sucked on your nipple through the thin lacy fabric and then took it between his teeth. You let out a silent moan.
“You can be louder. I know you want to be. I want to hear you, don’t hold back.” he whispered into your skin before he laid back down again.
You couldn’t help the smile on your face, even though he couldn’t see it. He made you feel things your ex boyfriend never did. He made you feel wanted.
Your attention was back on his chest, his breathing back to normal as he was waiting for your next move.
You got off his lap and kneeled between his legs. Tracing your fingers along the waistband of his black Calvin Klein’s you noticed the wet spot where the tip of his dick would be. You wanted to try to be a little tease, so you palmed him over the black thin fabric with your thumb going over his tip.
“Fuck that feels good.” the fact is, even though dirty talk makes you blush and hide your face, it also turns you on, so when you combine Noah’s words and the fact that he can’t see you? Wave of confidence.
Leaning down your hands grabbed his thighs and your tongue teased him still over the fabric. You heard another “Fuck.” mumbled under his breath.
Your nails were gently scratching his skin and your mouth planted small kisses above his underwear. You felt his dick twitch from your touch, enough for the teasing you thought.
When you pulled the black underwear down his legs, his dick was hard and red. You took a moment to take the sight in, Noah laying as vulnerable as someone can be in front of you. He looked hot, even when he was laying still, silently calling for your touch, he was the most attractive guy you ever laid your eyes on.
You laid on your front between his legs and reached for his hard cock. You licked a stripe from the base to the tip, a few drops of precum landing on your tongue.
“Yeah, that’s it.” he groaned out, happier than ever to finally being touched there.
You stroked his shaft a few times, watching his facial reaction. His mouth was open, his chest going up and down and his hands were gripping the sheets.
When his precum wasn’t enough you took him in your mouth, slowly. Noah let out moans and grunts, feeling the warmth of your mouth was almost enough to finish him.
You let your saliva drip on him, making it easier for you to slide your hand up and down. When you didn’t have him in your mouth, your lips were grazing over the skin of his thighs, gently placing kisses there. You were experimenting with the pace, changing it from slow to fast to slow again.
“Fuck, don’t stop!” his breathing became quicker with every move of your hand. You took him in your mouth again, enjoying the feeling of him filling your mouth. When you flattened your tongue and smacked the tip of his swollen dick on it, he let out a sound that went straight between your thighs.
You continued the movement of your hand in steady pace, watching his face as he was getting closer and closer.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop!” he begged you, “I’m so close!” he moaned and seconds after that you felt hot liquid on your hand that made you look down.
You gave him a few more strokes before you stopped, watching the mess he made on his tummy and on your hand.
“Fuckin hell.” he let out a sigh of satisfaction, his dick still twiching from the intense orgasm. “Come here.” he reached for you with his hand and you crawled to face him.
He pulled you in for a kiss, messy and needy one.
“Let me clean you up.” you whispered against his lips and ran to his bathroom to wash your hand and then get some towel to wash the mess he made over himself.
“Are you okay? Do you want to continue?” Noah asked you when you came back from his bathroom.
“Yeah, I do. Do you?” you asked him back.
“Fuck yeah.” he was so turned on by this whole blindfold thing, he was ready to continue.
You just chuckled at his reaction and threw the wet towel on the floor after you were done.
You didn’t really know what to do, so you laid yourself on Noah’s chest and started kissing him again.
You were wet and ready to be touched by him.
After a while you started to be impatient and rubbed yourself over his dick just like you did in the car earlier.
“I know what you want, but I want you to ask for it. Put my hands where you want them.” he whispered between kisses.
It took you a few seconds of talking to yourself before you took one of his hands and slid it between your thighs.
Noah’s fingers teased you over your lacy panties, enjoying the whimpers he got from you in response.
“Noah.” you moaned. You were so worked up from this whole thing, you were sure you could come just from these gentle touches.
“Yeah? Let’s take these off.” he helped you take off your panties.
His hand was back between your legs, spreading your folds and teasing your entrance. You laid your head on his chest and moved your hips, desperate to get more from him.
“That’s it, ride my hand.” he encouraged you to move your hips again. His thumb found your clit with the right amount of pressure and his fingers continued to tease you.
“Good job, keep going.” he slid one of his fingers inside with ease given how wet you were.
You let yourself be louder with your moans, thinking his chest will muffle the sounds, but Noah could hear you pretty clearly. Your moans and the grip you had on his biceps made him hard again and he wasn’t far from letting his moans slip as well.
“You’re so sexy.” he felt you squeeze his fingers after he whispered more dirty things in your ear, smirking to himself.
“You like when I talk you through it don’t you?” he felt you squeeze him again, enough for him as an answer.
“Noah, fuck!” by the way you moaned his name and quickened the pace of your hip movements he knew you were close, so he slipped second finger in, giving you the right angle of his hand so after a few more rolls of your hips you reached your orgasm.
You stayed laying on Noah’s chest as his fingers made their way from your core to your mouth, leaving a wet trail on your side where he dragged them until he reached your lips and pushed them open. You licked his fingers clean, tasting yourself.
Noah couldn’t see you, but that didn’t stop his imagination and the groan from his throat.
“Everything okay? Can we continue?” he asked again, not sure if this wasn’t enough for you to stop for tonight.
“Yes.” you whispered.
“Is there a position you want to try?” his question surprised you.
“I don’t know.” you answered truthfully.
“What position feels the best for you?”
“I don’t know, I usually don’t reach orgasm from penetration.” you shrugged your shoulders. Noah still had the blindfold on so it was easier for you to confess.
“That’s okay, that’s normal.” he kissed your forehead, “You can tell me if you want to be on top. Or if you want me to take it off and take the lead from now. Huh?”
“Nah, you keep it on.” you ran your fingers along the fabric over his eyes.
“Looks like someone is enjoying themselves.” Noah laughed in a sincere way.
“Maybe.” you ran your finger down his nose and lips. You grabbed his chin and turned his head so you could kiss him. You sat properly on his lap without breaking the kiss.
“Can you move a bit so your back is against the headboard?” you whispered against his lips, already sure of what position you want.
Noah did what you asked him without asking any questions, his back against the headboard so he was in a more sitting position. You wanted to be on top, but also wanted to be close to him. You took your bra off and guided his hands to touch you there.
Your sudden act of confidence made him feral, he bit your lower lip and squeezed your tits.
When his thumbs found your nipples again, your head fell again in a bliss which gave him enough space to move his kisses to your neck and then to your chest.
He played with your skin, kissing, sucking and biting to get more moans from you.
When he felt your hips move, your wetness covering his dick and the silent moan of his name he told you where to find condoms in his night stand.
“Oh fuck!” Noah groaned when you slid down his dick, your mouth left open from the stretch.
Noah’s mouth immediately went for your neck while you enjoyed the feeling of being full.
When you started moving you felt Noah bite your skin. You haven’t tried much in this position so far in your intimate life, so you tried different moves.
First you were just slowly rolling your hips forwards and backwards. Noah encouraged you with his hands on your ass and “That feels so good.” in your ear every few seconds.
Then you grabbed his shoulders to stabilize yourself and moved up and down, enjoying every moan that left Noah’s throat when you bottomed him out. His head was resting on the headboard so you could watch his face every time you repeated your moves.
You enjoyed trying all the ways you can move your hips in this position, until you found a rhythm that felt the best for you. From then it was just a messy pace and hands all over each other. Your kisses went from slow and gentle to rushed and messy. Your fingers were scratching Noah’s back, leaving red scars there for sure. Meanwhile Noah licked his own fingers and slid them between your bodies to touch your clit.
Movement of his fingers became messy too the closer you got him to the second orgasm.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum!” he said through gritted teeth, the squeeze of his hand on your ass proving his point.
The state he was in sent a wave of pleasure through your body. He was under you, with a blindfold over his eyes, mouth open and only moans slipping out. His hair was a mess and his skin was sweaty.
You were in your own bubble admiring the man under you, you didn’t even realize the warmth between your legs. Noah’s loud moan brought you back and you rode him through the aftershock of his orgasm.
His hand was still on your clit and as you felt your own climax approaching you reached for the black fabric that was covering Noah’s eyes and took it off.
Something inside you wanted him to see you when you come around his dick, with his hand on your clit and you on top of him. You wanted him to see it.
His brown soft eyes looking up at you with mouth open in shock but with admiration was what you needed to fall over the edge. Your head fell backwards, your breathing stopped for a second and you were sure you were seeing stars.
When you looked at Noah again, his smirk was all over his stupid pretty face. He didn’t have to say anything, it was all written all over his face.
You both cleaned yourselves up and changed into sleeping clothes. Noah brought you a glass of water from his kitchen and lifted his blanket for you to lay down.
You wanted to thank him, but didn’t know if it was appropriate or how to do it. Thankfully, like if he knew what was going on your mind, he spoke up first.
“It was nice seeing you come out of your shell tonight.” you hid the lower half of your face under the blanket even though he couldn’t see you anymore. The lights were turned off and you were both laying on your backs.
“Thank you.” your words were muffled by the blanket and Noah chuckled at your shyness.
He changed his position to lay on his side, the dim street lights allowing him to see only features of your face.
“You don’t have to thank me for that. Sex should be fun. I’ll wear the blindfold more often if it brings out your deepest kinks and desires.” he joked, enjoying the face you make every time he says something like this. You hid yourself completely under the blanket, but couldn’t help the laugh that was coming out of your mouth.
“Shut up.” you slapped his chest and turned to lay on your chest to face him.
“Okay, I’m done with teasing you for today.” he did as he promised.
You didn’t fall asleep straight away, Noah asked you about your first and last relationship, this time in a serious way. You asked him about not having a relationship ever.
You got to know each other a bit better that night, moving your friendship to another level.
This story is a work of fiction, with the plot and characters entirely made up. The appearance and name of the main male character are inspired by Noah Sebastian Davis, but the storyline bears no connection to the real person. Please do not steal or repost this work on other platforms without permission.
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itsnathateasy · 4 months ago
Natt your headcannons are so cute and I desperately need comfort right now🙏 of course you write best with Armin... but can I beg you to write hcs for Erwin and a child/child-figure reader? maybe the rest of the veterans too, I love them so much</3
(although, honestly, Armin is so clearly Erwin's favorite lolol. hed be the kind of dad to very non-subtly talk to Armin about his kid who just so happens to be around the same age like a grandma trying to get her grandkid a partner...)
hi lydia! right into the hormones with this ask! i’m not apologising for wanting an Erwin daddy (for myself tehe😈) (i'm so glad you're enjoying the hcs so far!🫂 thanks for taking the time to read them!)
sorry for taking ages to write this, i've been all over the place lately and these headcanons have been my sole consolation!
warnings: mentions of pregnant reader in the beginning, otherwise mostly fluff! also, this is in a canonverse!
word count: 1,9k
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So if you and Erwin had a kid, you’ve literally nothing to worry about. He’s a good daddy (to the both of you😈). He’s the best paternal figure for your kid and an amazing partner.
The moment you told Erwin you’re pregnant, you felt as if your entire world had collapsed. He literally couldn’t have appeared any more disinterested. Sure, he was tired from his mission, but… Didn’t you deserve some attention? All you got was a “That’s amazing sweetheart, I’m so proud of you” and a peck on the temple, before he returned to his newspaper. You were so upset and decided to get some sleep because, if you didn’t, he wouldn’t make it out of the house alive. Truth be told, he was probably trying to conceal his panic. He was going to be a dad!
To your surprise, you woke up to Erwin emptying your laundry room, measuring the walls, windows, door etc. “Just making sure this is a proper room for an infant. Won’t you take a look at those colour and fabric catalogues? I’ve marked a few choices I liked” you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. A man of action, indeed!
The first time Erwin saw your baby he was so conscious with his actions, scared to death that he might hurt them unintentionally. “Just support their head and torso and… You’re doing great!” you said as you fully let go of your baby in his strong arms. “This is so… God, y/n… This is the best day of my entire life!” This was the only time you ever witnessed the commander sobbing.
(This is genderless of course BUT I feel that Erwin would KILL for a son, but then he gets a daughter and goes all “I’ll make you a strong, independent woman”, you feel me? Back to the genderless kid now!)
Erwin is a tough love kind of person. While this still applies to him as a dad, you’ve seen tremendous change in him. He’s so caring and giving to your child, you almost don’t recognise him at first. (Although as the kid grows up, he kinda goes back to being more of a tough love type of guy, but mostly to teach them the value of hard work or something) (the type of dad to teach them a bunch of things, whether the kid likes it or not!)
I mean, if your kid isn’t doing their homework, Erwin will of course try to get to the bottom of things. “Why don’t you want to study today? Is something wrong at school?” but he’s also the dad to “Listen, I can plant the knowledge in your head, but I can’t make it sprout for you. You have to study on your own as well and you need to pay attention to your teachers. I’ll be in the living room if you’ve more questions”.
Erwin is the dad to plan Sundays in nature. Although he adores the sound of you and your kid playing indoors, while he’s reading his paper, he does love to actively spend time with you. He believes every outdoor activity is a great chance to teach you both some new skills, so do expect him to show you (and your toddler) how to chop wood. “Erwin, they’re three years old” “They need to know about these things, y/n. When I was their age, my dad made me carry the logs all the way home too” “You’re not making our three-year old carry logs Erwin” you protested with a slight glare. “I’m not making our three-year old carry logs, sweetheart”, surrendering with a smile.
While Erwin is more of a traditional dad, I don’t think this applies to how he sees you or his participation in housework and childcare. He’s traditional because he wants to teach your kid values and nurture them into a decent human being. That’s why he makes extra sure to help you fold clothes, clear the dining table etc. Especially if your kid is watching you. He’s trying to set the best possible example. If your kid is old enough to participate in chores, Erwin makes sure they do. “Chores are something we share. It’s like when dad’s on a mission with his team. Every team member has an important role to play. Our role inside the house is to make sure that the chores are completed.” It’s a good thing he was so attentive to the kid as he spoke, because you were on the verge of tears. Where did you even get this man?
He’s also traditional in the sense that he wants to be the provider. He’s the man to make a fuss when you say you want to get back to work, but he also respects you enough to recognise that you have to make your own choices on these matters.
Erwin is so big on rules, it’s almost annoying sometimes. “Why are you still in your pyjamas?” (even on a Saturday!) type of rules. Also, “There’s no dessert, if you don’t finish your lunch. Do you think your mother is obligated to cook for you? We should support mum, show her we’re grateful for all she does for us, not make her life miserable. Eat your peas, then we can all enjoy some pudding”.
“Same goes for mum. Mum has to finish her plate AND her pudding, so she can get some rest.” He gave you a playful smirk, knowing how you were desperate for a nap after your long day.
I KNOW IT IN MY BONES that Erwin is a sucker for activities he considers “smart”. Playing chess, reading books, solving puzzles and crosswords, that kind of games. He also tries to make up his own mind games. He thinks this is the best way to keep your kid’s mind as sharp as possible.
(He also makes them ACTUALLY strategise with him smh… He says that “a fresh, unbiased mind can share a fresh, unbiased perspective”. He’s always super impressed by the comments your child shares with him and how complex those comments become as they mature).
“Dad, how did you and mum meet?” You and Erwin exchange a look at the unexpected question. “Let me demonstrate...” he walked closer to you and held your hand in his. “Erwin we can’t really… Demonstrate this...” You admitted shyly, cheeks blushing, recalling one of your very first dates. “We’ll only demonstrate the suitable for work details, such as...” you inhaled sharply as he slammed you on his torso “How I asked you to dance with me and you didn’t know how to, so you kept stepping on my toes” “It’s not true Erwin! Don’t perpetuate the lie!” You couldn’t hold back your laughter at the sweet memory. “Dad, dad! Did mum go like this on your toes?” then proceeded to give him the worst toe-stepping experience of his life, as they stepped down on him with all of their force.
“The little devil almost threw my nails out! Can you believe how strong they are already?” He said rubbing his sore toes. “That was karma, Erwin, delivered to you in the best way possible!”
“When can I go out on my own dad?” “When you’re tall enough to reach things from the top shelf for your mother. Now go back to your studying.”
When your kid is sick, Erwin kinda loses it. Not in a hectic or panicky way. Mostly, he doesn’t know how to care for a sick person. He’s used to taking the sick or injured people to the infirmary, but how do care for a tiny person?
“Calm down, Erwin! It’s just a cold! Think of yourself. What do YOU do when you’re sick?” “I- Uhm...” He considered this for a while, deep in thought, his fist supporting his chin. “I don’t do anything, y/n. I’ve only ever been to the infirmary due to injuries” “You’re insufferable Erwin” you giggled as you showed him to your medicine cabinet. “They still weigh around sixty pounds. You pop one of these bad boys” you pointed to the painkillers, making the pills jiggle inside their paper box as you continued, “and you have to make sure they’ve eaten beforehand. It helps to drink some water as they swallow the pill. Take their temperature every few hours, make them drink some water, and that’s it!” All this time, his eyes were glued on yours, taking in every single thing you said. “Am I a bad father for not having attending to my sick kid before?” he questioned, eyes still deep in thought, obviously upset by his absence from your kid’s life. “You provide for us. And you risk your life for our entire community, every single day you’re not with us.” You said and touched your arm to his shoulder. “It’s no easy task. Besides, you’re here now and you’re here as often as you’re able too. You’re here for what’s important, trust me.” You explained earnestly. “You still do most of the work though, y/n. It’s not fair. You shouldn’t be doing this on your own.” “I’m not on my own now, am I?”
He really questions himself when it comes to finding a balance between work and family. I know it in my heart that he's doing his best for his precious family!
Erwin intervenes. A whole lot. “What is this book you’re reading?” “Do you have your eyes on any special lady/gentleman?” “Why didn’t you get the highest score in your class?”. Sometimes, he really puts too much pressure on your child. You have to pull him aside and explain that “You can’t control what another person does. Let them be themselves. They’re doing so well already, they’re just… Not as obsessed with succeeding in everything as you” you said and smirked at him. “I’m not obsessed, I’m just the best, y/n! Did you think I became the commander on accident?” He protested, in an almost defensive way, his hand on his chest. “I’m only saying, they don’t have to be as successful as you. They’re good enough and they’re doing their own thing. Let them be and don’t project on them.” He gave you a look as if he saw you for the first time. “Do you think I’m acting like my father, y/n?” (THE PANIC IN HIS VOICE!!)
When your kid receives a medal or does well in whatever they’re interested in, Erwin is the most proud dad to ever exist on the planet. His face is actually glowing and he’s boasting way more than the kid themselves. “I think they took after my sense of discipline. Look how far they’ve come y/n!” “Of course they take after you, Erwin! You’ve taught them so much!” “They wouldn’t be who they are without you, sweetheart.”
BONUS (when the child is 16+)
I do agree that Erwin is the type of person to try and introduce his kid to his favourite scouts. It’s also no secret that Erwin has a liking to Armin. A first, he’s not so sure that Armin is a good candidate for his offspring, as he used to be this timid, small boy. But as time passes, Erwin sees the brilliant mind and strategist that is Armin, he’s got to secure him, you know??
He’d make sure the offspring attends any formal ceremonies as an attempt to get these two to interact. Once he’s finally introduced them to one another, he tries so desperately to put in a good word here and there. It’s funny, because neither Armin or your kid has realised Erwin is doing this on purpose. “Can you not play match maker Erwin? Aren’t you a bit old for this?” “You don’t understand sweetheart. Armin’s a real catch! He’s going to be a commander after I retire, I’m sure! We just need to keep a close eye on him!”
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lovelaetter · 2 months ago
you caught my eye when you said snuff and cannibalism concepts, girl… what do you have in mind, i’d love to hear about it
okay so this isn’t exactly neither of the concepts, it is a bit snuff but… indirectly?! i don’t know, kinda tame, just been thinking bout it since yesterday.
SNUFF, NONCON, BLOOD, TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE OVERALL, seriously you know what you’re going to find here
serial killer!gf (reader) x bait!gf (idol). not mentioning any girls so you can picture anyone you want but for it’s perfect for rina, 2ning or nini because they just seem like they would be so good at their little task at attracting people.
beautiful girl luring boys and girls to some place and let them have their fun with her for a while, just enough time for you to sneak into the room and get your hand on them. wires around their necks, knives to their guts, even a gun to their head if the situation allows it, her pretty face always being the last thing they see :( and the contrast between your violence and her little “i’m sorry” and tears, using all she has in her body to hold them to help you because lots of them struggle for release.
poor thing always ending up so scared and grossed out, never getting used to all the noises the victims make and the blood and it’s all over her naked body, their faces were between her legs minutes ago and now look at them! but she’s glad she has you because you are so nice to her at least, taking her in your arms and shushing her and letting her cry her heart out, justifying that she did nothing wrong, it was you, she is just surviving… she knows that if she doesn’t find someone for you, she will die.
and you are not that insensible, you do care for your girl, for her pleasures, but is it really her pleasure if it’s just even more traumatic and a sight for your eyes only? hands running over body and feeling her up as she calms down, a distraction, bucking her hips as your fingers find her hole, warm and still slicky, and she falls apart so easily, mind light as a cloud because she is already quite disconnected from reality and your fingers pumping in and out of her just increase the feeling.
so confused when you drag her back to the body of the third person in the room, trying to get away but you force her to straddle them and the tears are back, hiccups and tiny “no” in between— disgust, scared, and worse, pleased. her soaking cunt rubbing easily against the still warm thigh underneath her, she can’t help it, setting a nice rhythm back and forth, shaky hands finding place at their waist. tries to look away but you don’t let her, forcing her to stare at the lifeless form and the least she can do is close her eyes and listen to the mean things you say— “show them, baby, how they couldn’t even please you and what you have to do now” or “you’re making such a mess… i might get jealous”— and she comes so hard, guilty filled, but it feels so good, body going lax on your hands.
good thing you take her home in the end and bath her and fuck her nice and slow and keep her in that sweet headspace of hers… see, you are not that awful.
bad thing all will happen again soon.
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bengiyo · 5 months ago
Ben’s Big BL Blurb 2: Fall is Finally Here
I am simply too busy with worth, family, other hobbies, and life to write about every show in real time anymore. I’m sorry to all the Stray Thoughts readers who’ve reached out about whether I would pick that back up, and I simply just do not have the time to do them anymore. Instead, I’ll try to do one of these as often as I can to catch up on things.
First, let’s go over some shows I finished recently that I don’t think I wrote much about.
First Note of Love
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I was so happy to see Michael back on screen, and I was glad to see that he’s still able to get great chemistry with his co-star. Unfortunately, I don’t think this show was very coherent, so I didn’t get a lot out of it emotionally. It was a pretty inoffensive watch overall, and thus an easy show to put on without having to work through too much. I liked the work between everyone, and Mei Lei was such a fun character. Probably won’t return to this one, though. 
Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo
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This is probably the show of the year for me. There’s so much I loved about this show. I loved that the characters had sex, but were neither rewarded nor punished for it; their sex didn’t solve any problems. I also really love how this show explored how childhood trauma expresses in two different kinds of boys, and I love that we got to see a bully reckon with his actions and get closure. I love that this show ended with them being kinda poor, but happy together. I love how messed up they both were about everything. I loved that Juyeong wasn’t stupid, and could read what was going on.
I clearly need to write a separate post to unpack everything I felt in this show.
Let’s move on to what I’m watching currently, in no particular order…starting with the lesbians, and then the worst BLs.
Apple My Love
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Genuinely having fun with this GL. I like how quickly most of the drama plays out. It’s giving me quite a bit of secondhand embarrassment, but I like the characterizations in this show. This new production house brought us Knock Knock, Boys! and Monster Next Door this year. We need to keep an eyes on them. 
Haunted Hearts
I’m so fascinated by Oxin Films teaming up with Regal Entertainment. The leads are very attractive, but the cinematography is really boring. I’m trying to stay invested, but it’s kind of a sleepy watch. Also amused that they started airing a ghost romance right after Halloween ended. I’ve kind of moved on emotionally from the season.
My Damn Business
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This show could be good, but it’s not. I struggled with episode 5 because our lead looked more relaxed and happier with his senior than the guy he’s getting into a romance with. There’s something missing here in this one, but I can’t exactly put my finger on it. I think it’s primarily a side effect of the short run time, but I think the boss’s interest isn’t landing properly for the employee to respond to. 
Eccentric Romance
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This show could be good, but it’s not. Still, I am obsessed with a murder mystery being the primary source of confusion between our leads. I was willing to forgive this show a lot of its rough edges, but it failed to handle the turn from friendship to sexual/romance really well. I feel like our guys just started dating and having sex, and I’m a bit frustrated that they didn’t talk about it really at all, particularly since this show features two different languages spoken on screen. Genuinely looking forward to seeing how this one finishes. 
See Your Love
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I’m not sure this show is exactly working that well, but everyone is very pretty and I’m having a decent time watching it. I like the way Shao Peng stands up for himself, and I like that nothing that’s happened has been totally unbelievable or unreasonable (at least with the mains). I’ll be curious how the hard of hearing and deaf viewers respond to this one once it’s complete. 
Love is Like a Poison
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This show is actually so funny. I love that Shiba is in his own lawyer genre separate from everyone else, and I really like how the two of these guys have become a team. I’m curious how they manage to resolve the scamming next week, but this has been the most unexpected dynamic of the year. 
Love in the Air: Koi no Yukon
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MAME won this year, y’all. We all have complicated feelings about her, but she’s secured a loving adaptation from a Japanese team that’s put solid effort into bringing her characters to life. Every character feels correct compared to their Thai counterpart we saw on screen, and that’s a strong sign that the writing behind MAME’s work is strong, even if we all have issues with the way she tackles certain themes. I’m really impressed with this adaptation, and really like this version of Rain.I also feel like this show is doing a better job blending the forthcoming couple focus shift.
Our Youth
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We just got this show, but damn does it feel sharp! I’m always going to be a sucker for a cinephile character, and I’m so compelled by the way Minase is drawn to Hirukawa. The scene in episode 2 where Minase has to leave Hirukawa’s house might be one of the most impressive sequences we’ve had in a while, requiring a great deal of choreography and effort from the actors and the camera crew to pull off, and I’m excited to see how these characters split and then come back together. 
Smells Like Green Spirit
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Let me just say that I need another Abe Alan appearance when he isn’t playing a character doing horrible things to his students. I’ve enjoyed meditating on the 90s with this show and what that era felt like. I’ve liked how the show has tried to focus on how different parents (especially the moms) have responded to their kids coming to terms with themselves. I’ve also really enjoyed the friendship that’s grown between Mishima and Kirino. I’m struggling with Yumeno a lot, because I’m really not a friend of bully romances. Still, I feel like this is one of those shows I’ll remember for a long time because of its focus on the 90s. 
Blue Canvas of Youthful Days
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I think @lurkingshan covered reactions to episode 5 and episode 6 better than I could, and I loved @twig-tea giving context for the film history moment in episode 6. I remember screaming into the chat for friends to show up for this when I got to that moment. This show has two great pairs of dynamics going on that mirror well. It’s got such a strong handle on its characters’ motivations and how they would respond to the actions from each other. It’s probably the tightest thing I’m watching now, backed by extremely dialed-in performances. I will be thinking about Qi Lu organizing his potential first kiss with Qin Xiao, and how unapologetic he’s been about the entire affair. He’s being selfish here, but I kinda like it. I’m so thankful that we are somehow still getting this show, because goddamn do the Chinese actors deliver on chemistry sometimes.
Interview With the Vampire Season 2
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I finished this with a friend last week, and holy fuck is this show still so, so good. We watch a lot of gay romance because of BL, and I am having so much fun watching the show about gay divorce. I loved the time we spent in Paris, Daniel’s shifting role in the narrative, and the new insights we got into Lestat this season. I will miss Claudia so much, and I have to give a standing ovation to Delainey Hayles stepping into the role of Claudia and doing the damn thing this season. I just love seeing my little fucked up gay people torment each other on screen.
I'm still thinking about Louis and Lestat reuniting in a hurricane after Claudia derided this as yet another chapter in their stormy romance.
Dropped Shows
Unfortunately, everyone can’t win. Some of these shows are just too long for me to keep up with them, and oftentimes I get bored. I’ve currently dropped:
Lovesick 2024 - I may go back. We’ll see
Jack & Joker - It’s just too long, and they just killed Jennie and a kid. I’m good.
Fourever You - I’m bored with Earth always playing this character type.
Pluto - Namtam and Film are beautiful, but this looks too messy right now.
Every You, Every Me - Wasn’t intrigued after episode 1, but the commentary may draw me back.
Kidnap - Ohm is not enough to keep me invested in this show. 
Uncle Unknown - How did they make a 6 minute show feel slow?
I’m genuinely not trying to be harsh to Thai shows out here, but I just do not have the time to keep up with all of them when they’re this long and dragging.
Thanks for stopping by, and let me know if there’s something I missed that I should check out.
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theocddiaries · 4 months ago
*On a GUN private jet* Abe: Hey, I found this little guy here. [shows a chessboard]: Any of you guys want to play to kill time? Shadow: Pass. Sonic: Sure thing. Abe: Nice. I might teach you a few things. [goes to set the pieces] Sonic: Oh, it's okay, I can play; Tails taught me. Shadow: Isn't that wonderful… [grabs Sonic's arm and pulls him close. Whispers]: Let him win. Sonic: What? Shadow: He's a grumpy loser. He mopes, he makes the face, he slams the door, then he said he didn't slam the door. It'll be better for everyone that he wins. Sonic: Shadow, please, stop being stuck on things that happened over fifty years ago. Shadow: Fifty years ago? I’m talking about how he acted last week because some agent’s kid beat him up at the Hungry Hippos game. Sonic: … Okay, I'll lose. [moments later, they've come back and are in GUN HQ] Abe: Thank you for your assistance, Sonic. Sonic: Always a pleasure to help. Abe: I'm glad you're not upset about our chess match from earlier. Nobody likes a sore loser. Sonic: So I've heard. Abe: I've got a kid's guide to chess back in my office. I can give it to you before you leave? Sonic: ...No, I'm good. Abe: You sure? You can color in the little players with your crayons. Rouge [comes in and walks to Shadow]: Hi. What's going on? Shadow: Towers and Sonic played chess. Rouge: And you told him to lose, right? Shadow: Yes, don't worry. Rouge: Good. Momma needs some extra cash this Christmas. Abe: Or you can give it to your fox friend. Maybe he can teach you better the second time. Sonic: … Are you calling my brother stupid? Rouge and Shadow: Damn. Sonic: You know what? Let's play a rematch. Rouge: Shadow. Abe: Okay. Game on. Now, I want you to go first. Now remember, try to open up the middle of the board. I'd have moved that guy two spaces. Rouge: Shadow, please, do something. Shadow: Don't worry, just because Tails taught him doesn't mean he can actually-- Sonic: Checkmate. Shadow: Or maybe he can and we're gonna have to go through one of those weeks.. Abe [blinks]: Huh? What? How'd you do that? Sonic: Want me to bring you the kid's guide so you understand it better? Shadow: Sonic. Sonic: Hey, you told me to let him win the first time, nothing about the other times. Abe [turns to Shadow and Rouge]: You did what? Why tell him to lose to me? Shadow: Because you're like a baby when you don't win. With the kicking and the eyebrows and the angry eating of the sunflower seeds. [Chittering] Abe: That's not true. Rouge: Oh, honey, it is. We're still picking up the shells from the horrendous episode of the Hungry Hungry Hippos. Abe: I don't mind losing to a chess genius. Sonic: Well, I wouldn't say genius. Shadow: True. That was an average move. He's not even as good as I am. Abe: You're not that good in chess. I beat you on our first mission together. Shadow: Did you really? Or did I let you win that one too? Abe: …You didn't let me win. Shadow: Hm. Why would I sacrifice my queen for your pawn, Abraham? Huh? Huh? Abe: I got it. Stop saying that… Rouge: Well, I guess we'll never know! Abe: Or we can find out right now. Rouge: No, it's-- Shadow: Are you sure you want to do this in front of people? Rouge: Shadow-- Abe: Sit down and let's settle this. Shadow: Gladly. Rouge [saddened]: I just wanted a pair of boots… [MOMENTS LATER] [through a phone call] Tails: Hey, Sonic, everything okay? Sonic: Yes, buddy, sorry for not calling. I arrived but I--uh--I kinda can't leave. Tails: Why not? What happened? You okay? Sonic: Yes, it's just-- Abe [in the background]: Stupid lab rat--Take this! Shadow: Damn it! Listen, I lose and I burn this whole facility with everyone inside! Sonic: It's just some déjà vu I'm feeling kind of icky about…
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curiositydoorunlocked · 3 months ago
The Recent News
Spoilers ahead for Stranger Things 5, including photos of actors on set.
Look, something about all this (the leak + the photo situation) feels… fishy, and I can see people in various tags are getting various levels of upset by it. So as someone who has been around the block a couple of times, I want to say something. 
First of all: hi, everyone! I’m glad to be here. I’ve been a fan of ST since early-mid 2020 and involved in the fandom since mid-late 2020 (on other accounts, which have since been deleted), so I feel at least marginally qualified to say what I’m going to say. That being said, I drifted away from the fandom before S5 filming began and haven't watched the show in a while; if I get anything wrong please feel free to correct me.
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First I want to talk about Bridgerton S3. I closely followed that production in 2022 and 2023. Like Stranger Things, Bridgerton is a high-budget Netflix original show with a large cast, lots of public interest, an active fandom, and what I would call "special considerations" for filming. (In Bridgerton's case it's the historical element; in ST it's the sci-fi/fantasy element plus the historical element, albeit to a lesser degree.) They filmed for a shorter period of time than ST5 is expected to film for, yes, but many of the circumstances are/were similar. That brings me to my point: when Bridgerton S3 was filming, the best we got from the main cast was a handful of photos a) taken from relatively far away that b) did not spoil anything major. Luckily for us, the photos were clear, but in the end they didn't really amount to anything more than eye candy, something to get excited over.
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In contrast, these photos from the ST5 set are clear, close, and most importantly reveal seemingly significant story beats/results. (Okay, the Mike and Hopper one isn't super close or clear, I'll give ya that. But it's still pretty damn close for a set that's supposedly locked down! Especially if they're filming a scene possibly related to a major character's death/disappearance!) Kinda odd, right? I'm not necessarily saying they were leaked on purpose to misdirect fans, because I'm not that confident in myself. I don’t have any insider/industry knowledge; I can only claim a healthy (perhaps too healthy?) level of skepticism. But I do want to put that possibility out there, because I think it’s an important one to consider.
“But wait,” you might say, “many parts of S4 were leaked, and leaked accurately at that. What’s to say these aren’t real too?”
That’s a fair point! Maybe production hasn’t learned their lesson from S4; maybe they’re truly terrible at preventing leaks and that’s the end of the story. Yes, they’ve spoken a little about security measures in the lead-up to S5 but that doesn’t mean those security measures were implemented well, or even at all.
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Even keeping that in mind, I nonetheless implore everyone to chill the hell out. I say this again, with so much love: CHILL THE HELL OUT. This has happened before: even with the accurate leaks and clear photos we got during S4 filming, we lacked so much context. Mike and El’s “I love you” scene is a great example of this. There was quite the brouhaha over that leak in certain corners of the fandom… and yet the actual scene turned out nothing like the phrase “Mike finally says ‘I love you’ to El” implies. Another example are these photos (see above; my apologies for the poor quality!) of the Hawkins group in the parking lot of The War Zone. When those photos were leaked, I recall speculation that the scene would appear at the very end of the finale, that it related to an apocalypse situation, and so on, but not so! In the show it appeared before the final battle with Vecna: the town was in a panic, yeah, but no apocalypse.
That’s what I mean about chilling the hell out. We can’t assume the photos/leaks are genuine—and even if we did indulge that assumption (which is fair given production’s history!) we can’t assume we have the whole story.
Hang in there, folks. We survived S4 production and we’ll survive S5 production too :)
TL;DR: Hi, I’m new and also not new here. I made this account just to talk about this photo/leak situation because that’s how passionate I am about this godforsaken show. This is a little weird, but whether the leaks/photos are real or planted, stay calm. We know so little right now. Don’t waste your energy on blind panic, not when we still have another year(ish) to go.
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jujumin-translates · 2 months ago
[A3!] Sakuya Sakuma | [SR] Bright Star of Blooming | My performance memories ~Sakuya~
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Sakuya: Huh…? It’s morning, but why is it still kinda dark outside…?
Sakuya: (Seems like I woke up a little too early. I could probably go back to sleep, but since I’m already up…)
Citron: Sakuya…? Is it morning already…?
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Sakuya: Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up! There’s still some time for you to sleep, Citron-san.
Citron: Ohh, you are right! But you are up quite early, Sakuya.
Sakuya: It’s probably because there’s the screening party today.
Sakuya: To be honest, I was already kinda feeling restless before I went to bed last night…
Citron: That reminds me, you were very nervous during the previous screening, were you not, Sakuya? I remember the way that you stumbled over your introduction even during practice very well!
Sakuya: Yeah. I couldn’t even say my own name right back then. But at least I managed to get through the actual thing.
Sakuya: That’s why I’m thinking of practicing for the talk show, just in case. And thanks to me waking up early, it seems like I’ll have a little extra time for that.
Citron: Then I will also help you with your morning practice, Sakuya!
Sakuya: Really? Thank you so much, Citron-san!
Citron: You are welcome~. Also, I have an idea!
Sakuya: Wait, an idea?
Citron: I think we should invite Tsuzuru and Itaru and all have morning practice together! I will message them on LIME right away~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Hello, everyone!
Sakuya: Thank you very much for watching today’s screening of “Romeo and Julius ~Rosso e Blu~”! I’m Spring Troupe’s Sakuya Sakuma.
Itaru: Yep. Seems like your intro is already perfect, Sakuya.
Sakuya: I’m glad. I’m sure it’s all thanks to everyone in Spring Troupe rehearsing with me.
Sakuya: Thank you so much for rehearsing so early with me this morning, Tsuzuru-kun and Itaru-san!
Tsuzuru: Nah, don’t mention it. I just so happened to be up early this morning too.
Itaru: And I had an alarm set early so I could spend stamina for a social game event.
Tsuzuru: That said, it was kinda unexpected to see Masumi and Chikage-san come to a morning rehearsal.
Tsuzuru: I mean, I did let Masumi know, just in case, but it’s still pretty rare to see him actually get up at that hour…
Itaru: Real. Senpai was already awake when I found out, though…
Itaru & Tsuzuru: …
Sakuya: What’s wrong, guys? Is there something bothering you?
Tsuzuru: Nothing, it’s just… I know it’s kinda late to say this, but I’m worried about whether or not what we did this morning was really that much of a rehearsal for you, Sakuya…
Itaru: I mean, I don’t really think it was bad, but it was kinda just us talking to Citron and the others like they were the audience.
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Sakuya: Yeah. I’m glad that I was able to say my own name right when I did my introduction during rehearsal this morning!
Tsuzuru: The problem is what happened after that. As soon as we finished our introductions, our audience members, Citron-san and Masumi, started fighting for some reason…
Itaru: And by the end of it, Senpai was acting as a security guard and was forced to subdue them. Sure was one hell of an etude.
Sakuya: But I still had a lot of fun doing an etude with everyone, and I feel like it really helped me relax.
Tsuzuru: Well, I guess I can’t deny that.
Itaru: Yeah, I think it really did help you relax, Sakuya.
Izumi: The screening party is done, so it’s about time to be on standby. Make sure you’re ready, guys!
Tsuzuru: Alright. Guess it’s time for us to do this thing.
Sakuya: Yeah!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Itaru: So do you guys have any kinda behind-the-scenes stories for the RomiJuli sequel that you can talk about now?
Tsuzuru: Right. I dunno if I’d call it a behind-the-scenes story, but…
Tsuzuru: The idea of doing a sequel for RomiJuli actually came from doing a workshop aimed at beginners that Spring Troupe did.
Sakuya: Yeah. The people who participated in the workshop were nervous, but it seemed like they were enjoying performing…
Sakuya: That allowed us to go back to our beginnings, too. And that’s why we ended up talking about doing our debut performance RomiJuli again.
Tsuzuru: Yeah. So, after talking it over with everyone, we decided to do a sequel showing the future of RomiJuli, which is something that only the current us would’ve been able to do.
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Sakuya: By the way, are any of the people who participated in the workshop here right now?
Audience Member A: Yeah!
Audience Member B: I did it!
Itaru: I can see a handful of you are raising your hands. Then do any of you wanna share what you thought about participating?
Audience Member A: It was so exciting to play a role like that!
Audience Member B: Being under the spotlight like that for the first time was so hot!
Audience Member C: But it was super fun, so I’d love to do it again!
Audience Member D: Same! I’d love it if you guys did another beginner’s workshop!
Itaru: Gotcha. Thank you so much for all those positive feelings, everyone.
Tsuzuru: It was a great experience for us too, so maybe we’ll do one again.
Sakuya: Yeah!
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Izumi: Good work, guys! Seems like everyone was really excited to talk about the workshop.
Izumi: Alright, are you ready to take your instant photo, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: Sure. I’m supposed to do a heart pose to show my thanks, right?
Izumi: Yeah, that’s right.
Sakuya: Got it! Okay, I’ll give it a shot.
Izumi: Alright, ready? Three, two, one…
*Camera clicks*
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Izumi: There’s that wonderful smile of yours, Sakuya-kun! I think this should be good.
Sakuya: Good! All I did was think about the talk show earlier and I was able to just smile naturally like that.
Tsuzuru: I get that feeling. The audience seemed to respond well and it was a lot of fun.
Itaru: Seems like we were all able to just talk and relax from start to finish. Maybe that morning rehearsal really helped after all.
Sakuya: Yeah. I’m sure it did!
Sakuya: Yawn…
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Sakuya: …Ah, sorry! I don’t know why I’m yawning all of a sudden…
Izumi: Hehe, don’t worry about it. You work especially hard today, so you deserve some rest, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Yeah, thank you so much.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Dream starts*
Sakuya: Huh, where…?
Sakuya: (I’m pretty sure I went back to my room to rest after the screening party today, but… It almost feels like I’m in some sorta foreign country.)
Sakuya: (But somehow this all seems kinda familiar to me…)
Romeo: What’s wrong? You’ve been in a daze for a while now, but are you okay?
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Sakuya: Wait, you’re…
Sakuya: (Romeo!?)
Sakuya: (I get it… Now that I look a little more, this is one of the cities Romeo and Julius stopped in during their journey.)
Sakuya: (I guess my dream is being influenced by the RomiJuli sequel because of the screening party today.)
Romeo: Are you not feeling well? Should I call a doctor?
Sakuya: Ah, sorry, I didn’t mean to worry you! I’m okay.
Sakuya: I just never thought that I’d be in a place like this, so I’m just kinda surprised by it all.
Romeo: It is pretty surprising when you first arrive at an unfamiliar place, isn’t it? But that sort of thing is just one of the wonders of traveling…
Sakuya: Huh?
Romeo: I’m also on a journey to see the world, so I sort of understand how you feel!
Sakuya: (I guess Romeo thinks I’m a traveler just like he and Julius are.)
Sakuya: Thank you. Has your journey been fun?
Romeo: It’s been incredibly fun! I mean, it’s not always easy, like when we have to fend off burglars in the middle of the night, and such.
Romeo: But when I was back at home, I had no idea that the world was so big and full of so many things.
Romeo: That’s why I’m so glad I get to experience so many different things every day!
Sakuya: (Romeo’s eyes are sparkling so much. I’m sure he’s really enjoying his journey with Julius.)
Romeo: …Ah, sorry. For some reason, I feel like this isn’t my first time meeting you, and I just wanted to tell you about all sorts of things.
Sakuya: I feel the same way. It’s really fun to talk with you, Romeo.
Romeo: Wait, how did you know my…? I haven’t told you that yet, have I?
Sakuya: You haven’t. But I know you really well.
Sakuya: That’s why I hope you and Julius keep having lots of good times together on your journey, Romeo!
*Dream ends*
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Hn…
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Sakuya: Huh? This is my room…?
Sakuya: (I see, I must’ve already woken up from my dream. But it was really nice that I was able to meet Romeo in my dreams.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Sakuya: Good morning!
Tsuzuru: Morning, Sakuya.
Chikage: Morning. And good work at the screening party yesterday.
Masumi: We heard from the Director that everyone was really excited to talk about the workshop at the talk show.
Tsuzuru: Yeah. And it was really nice to get some feedback from the audience.
Itaru: Oh, and it seems like that ridiculous morning rehearsal we all did was surprisingly helpful.
Citron: …Hm? You seem to be happy about something, Sakuya. Your face is very smiley~!
Sakuya: Yeah! Actually…
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Sakuya: (I’m gonna tell everyone about the dream I just had!)
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cokoweee · 5 months ago
Okay last one I think…lovely stuff as always, I’m just juggling another brainrot right now, but I was itching to make some remarks. First off I’m glad midwesternvibes mentioned the text thing in the most recent update, because I was tickled to see that too! Probably the first time he had color since before their “spat” in the kitchen. As much as I know it’s still a roadblock in his recovery, I’m glad to see the voices coming back for Donnie. I kinda get this feeling they are hanging out with him until they know he’s going to be “okay”. And I have this little idea to myself, that when Donnie is able to start healing and processing his trauma, he stops hiding from them and is no longer afraid to see them. Of course that would be when they would start to slip away. (And that would be so rough for Donnie) Grief is kinda like that too. Sometimes you can be okay for a long time and you’ll have bouts where you still miss that person(s) even when you know you have accepted and moved on.
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So I’m curious what is the situation that Donnie is on a watch. Is it just Draxum’s concern? Is it in case Donnie gets catatonic again? Is it in case he gets violent again? Is it to save his liver (those supersoldier genes only thing keeping it from failing)?
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Also Draxum fixing Donnie’s sweater like a dad (only for Donnie to have his femme fatale shoulder thing as soon as the door is closed)
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I’m a little surprised that this is the first time Kendra has seen Draxum do his mystic vine magic…or… he just hasn’t had too…or…all the mystic stuff happening lately has made Kendra more aware to it…or… but whatever the reason…appropriate reaction, lol
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So something I have noticed that has me enticed is Donnie has been wearing his hand prosthesis more often.
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Before the trauma induced episode, the only time we ever saw Donnie wearing it was when he was out or in “mission mode”. It makes sense, he needs to be able to save his ninpo for more than just temporary fingers. So why now… I was gonna suggest he is on edge, but I also remembered, as I was writing this, that you mentioned him having a slight disconnect to his ninpo…so yeah fingies is not a luxury he can afford right now. In any case…. Hmm…Donnnie….you know…if you didn’t shut your second dad outside…he mighta told ya that Kendra went out…ya know…? Also not sure if it’s just clueing us into Kendra still being sick or that trope of “if you sneeze three times it means someone is talking behind your back.” ? (I quote this one when I sneeze a lot, I’ll go “okay who’s trash talking me?!”)
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Anyway please take care! Also p.s. if you do start to play Minecraft I hope you have fun. (I tried to play it but my laptop is too old and it crashes, so I can’t give much advice on it) also p.p.s I found a WIP of a thing I started writing for this AU in July, and I kinda…forgot I had it. It’s gonna be so out of place if I ever finish it, so just heads up for whatever was the hot topic then… <_<
GAHH I ANSWERED THIS BUT THE APP CRASHED AUGHHH. Let’s see if I remember what I said
I think I showed it a few times that despite Donnie constantly wanting said voices to stop, whenever they actually do, he feels uneasy. It’s quiet and he feels alone. I don’t write every single voice he hears all the time but just ones that feel right to show. There’s a lot he hears. The good the bad and the horrible.
Dancin a bit in that prosthetic part it’s a bit of a ref to sumthin y’all like to tickle a good bit sometimes lol
DRAXUM! A man not meant to be a father but ended up being a guardian. He hasn’t used his mystics cause there’s no need! Also Draxums reasoning for putting pickle boy on watch isn’t just his!
Casey is one that enforced it so harshly. That episode at the farmhouse was technically the first time she’s EVER seen Doobie in that state. Literally witnessed him break down, almost wipe out a farm and try to tear apart his own body. Both want no risk of not being able to get to Dibble so keeping him out of the lab that he can lockdown is a must for them
OOF THIS IS LONG HOPEFULLY I MADE SENSE. Cause I forgot a bit of what I said before
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pigfartsviatardis · 3 months ago
Does anyone else think that if Linke was so committed to ace rep in arcane - as he claims was his intention with Viktor - then wouldn’t Jayce have been a more interesting option??
I mean it’s in the name… jACE ba dum tshh 👉👉 no but seriously, linke said something about wanting to do an ace character who isn’t the usual emotionless stereotype. And I would absolutely agree that Viktor isn’t emotionless, but tbh he also doesn’t do much to push the boundaries of ace stereotypes. After the ace!viktor Thing came to light, I spoke to an aroace friend who watches arcane cause I was interested to know if Viktor gave off any vibes she’d picked up. She said she couldn’t think of anything in the storytelling that might have been trying to portray Viktor as ace, and then she said it was weird of linke to go ‘hmm I want to do an Asexual Character (and I definitely know what that word means), but I don’t want to fall into ace character stereotypes… so I’ll make it the disabled character who becomes a robot’.
Like. I have no problem with ace!viktor, but she makes a good point 😅 plus, viktor is kind of exactly what I associate the most with ace character stereotypes: he’s obsessively fixated on his one passion (science) and has very little social life or family ties.
However, Jayce actually would be kinda a groundbreaking choice for ace-spec rep. He’s not only emotional, he’s completely guided by emotion. He’s friendly and exuberant. He’s conventionally sexually attractive and successful. He’s got charisma and popularity. He’s got loving relationships with both bio family and found family. He’s got the hottest woman in the show flirting with him.
This brings me to my next point: Jayce being ace-spec would, I believe, fit well with what we know and see of him. I mean… this man had THEE Mel Medarda giving him flirty eyes for SIX YEARS, yet apparently nothing happened between them that whole time. It’s not like he’s not into women, or not into her specifically. He already seems into her BEFORE the timeskip. Everyone always talks about viktor’s salty jealous lil face in this moment (just aroace platonic bro things):
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But the thing he’s reacting TO is Jayce’s heart eyes as he watches Mel walk away (fair Jayce, me too). Yet even then, it took poor Mel six goddamn years of touching his shoulder fifteen times a minute and sashaying around temptingly and telling him how special and cool he is… and EVEN THEN he was still so clueless he seemed surprised when she kissed him. I would say ‘classic lesbian’ but sadly he’s not a lesbian. However… if he were ace-spec then maybe flirting and suggestiveness and Vibes just wouldn’t be on his radar??
And it would have been amazing to have a scene where Mel is like ‘finally, I’ve been dropping hints that I’m into you for years’ and Jayce goes ‘you have???? Tbh none of that stuff ever makes any sense to me, which is why I don’t date or really ever sleep with people, but I think you’re amazing so I’m very glad this is happening’ but like a better written version by a professional screenwriter. Yknow, like ACTUAL ONSCREEN REP instead of just slapping a random label on a character after the show has aired.
Should clarify that I don’t even particularly headcanon Jayce as ace-spec, I just think it would actually fit and would be cool rep. I kinda sometimes headcanon Viktor as demi but not because of what linke said or anything in the show really, I just vibe with it for him. I mean no disrespect to the canonicity of ace!Viktor and I understand why people might be defensive of that with so little ace rep out there. I just think it was handled poorly and reads as an odd choice made for odd reasons.
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onesaltybagel · 8 months ago
Finally talking about season 5 because I’ve been putting it off
Notes won’t be in order at all and are mostly about the final episodes
Spoilers BOGOOA BOOO!!!!
When people were saying that Sean had really gone all out this season, I was like “oh ok maybe there’s a kinda sad scene or a really heartfelt scene”. NO. I WAS SO WRONG. I was NOT prepared for the scene of him screaming and wailing to the point of his voice cracking and going raw because he wanted Mk to stop so badly. I did not ever imagine I was going to see that and I’m still not over it. If I see it again, I get chills every time and I’m in love.
Nine-headed demons full form is so cool! I can’t believe we saw that before the trailer even dropped and I thought nothing of it! I thought it was just going to be another guardian of the stone! God the designs in this show rock
Mk saying “don’t make me do this” was perfect. It was so quiet, so small and full of emotion. Had he planned since that first moment he was going to use the circlet? He knew since like episode two that he was going to be doing something EVERYONE wouldn’t want him to do and- presumably- it became clear really fast to him what that was. Was he planning all along?
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Nuwa saying I’m so proud of you, her voice actor is completely perfect for her. It was so soft and gentle :(((
Mk crying from joy. He should never have to be in that position, it is so unfair that he was created just to die- over and over and over again. I’m so glad he found another way.
Nuwa saying “my sacrifice AND yours” what did she sacrifice? When she fixed the pillar the first time, was she the one that entered the pillar to fix the sky along with the stones?
WHERE IS NUWA EXACTLY??? Is that just what- the inside of the pillar looks like?
Will we see Nuwa again?
Oh my GOD Wukong catching Mk made me want to throw up. That little bit where we see it through Mk’s eyes kills me every single time.
People gaining elemental powers? Is that- every person who didn’t already have any? Like- some went into Red son did he gain MORE power like that one fire sneeze girl or is he the same? If he is, he’ll be mad LMAO
The chaos HHUUUGHGHGHB ITS SO PRETTY? I don’t know if it’s supposed to be unnerving but I want to stare at it for hours it’s so cool. Where is that? Outside the universe? How does the chaos affect things? WHO IS “HE?” I looked up Xiangliu and the only person I could associate that with was Gonggong who is another snake like entity.
Gonggong also knocked one of the eight pillars (theres eight?) holding up the sky and ends up dying in a battle with someone called Zhurong who is a fire god and has some story with Nuwa!
They’re all snakes. What is with snakes in this world?
Was Macaque still investigating? At the end, he’s in the court room again for some reason and at the start of the season he said he was looking around for stuff related to Mk. Macaque is a hero and he cannot deny it anymore.
Oh yeah the ten kings of the underworld are dead. What the fuck happens to dead people now?
Why does Macaque have chaos magic, who did he make a deal with and WHY WAS IT ON THE STAFF.
Li Jing is a complete asshole. If we’re basing him off canon then there’s no return but if him vandalising his son’s grave ISNT CANON, then he’s just bad dad. I hope he trips and falls over and embarrassingly gets a bruise on his forehead.
Nuwa x Lady Bone Demon toxic Yuri <33
I love Nuwa but I also hate her sm right now. Why did there have to be a cycle? Because there needed to be someone to fix the sky? Because that person would never be enough and they weren’t fixing the sky they were resetting it all instead? This is down to Nuwa underestimating the world- we see that- but I just cannot get over that she made a baby for the sole purpose of dying. He gets up, he gets the stones, he dies. He experiences nothing, he speaks to no one.
And Mk has absolutely had that life a thousand times.
But she doesn’t react as emotionally as I wished she had. This is nothing against the writers, I am just a Nuwa hater and lover rn. She was perfect, so cool, such an amazing character but she still needs to pay child support.
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mothpendragon · 3 months ago
MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SONIC MOVIE 3 (if you haven’t seen it yet look away now)
Here are my thoughts on the movie:
Okay so that opening was PERFECTION!! I absolutely love how they immediately hit us with the Maria flashbacks, this film didn’t pull any punches with Shadow and Maria’s relationship (and especially the tragedy)
Tom and Sonic visiting the old cave melted my heart. I’m very glad they mentioned Sonic loosing Longclaw again, I was slightly worried they weren’t going to fully address it. I especially love how they re-address it later in the film to help Sonic connect with Shadow, because both of them have experienced loss.
I completely lost my mind when Sonic said “Talk about a low budget flight, no food or movies! We’re outta here!!” I wasn’t expecting that line to be included but HOLY SHIT HE SAID THE THING!!! I swear I almost did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing at the screen meme in the cinema 🫵
I wasn’t expecting to see Shadow watch telenovelas, but here we are
FUCKING CALLED IT!!! Tom got hurt by Shadow!! That entire scene of Sonic shaking Tom’s unconscious body, and Shadow having flashbacks to Maria’s death, I loved it!! It was an especially great way to show Shadow beginning to realize that what he’s doing is wrong, that the path of vengeance only leads to more pain.
I almost cried when they showed Shadow and Maria together. It made my heart hurt so much, they really did a good job hitting all of us in the feels and laying it on thick with the tragedy. They were so happy together! Seeing Shadow smiling, dancing, just having fun with Maria, only to have it all taken away…
I’m not sure how I feel yet about the changes they made to the backstory. I definitely think they fit for the movie universe, but some of it caught me off guard. Shadow being an alien instead of man-made, and erasing Maria’s illness. Idk, I think it makes sense for this universe but I’m unsure if I completely like the changes or not :/ (they’re definitely not bad, just different)
Okay but that scene of Shadow and Sonic on the moon just talking it out, connecting, sharing their pain, it was all perfect. Sonic bringing up the fact that he lost Longclaw, him admitting that the pain never goes away, but holding onto pain isn’t the answer, you need to hold onto the happiness you did have. When Shadow said that line “Even when the star is gone, the light still shines” or something along those lines genuinely made me shed a tear…
LIVE AND LEARN!!! (I almost screamed when they started playing that)
Also, as a major Sonadow shipper….can I just say that the sequence of Super Shadow and Super Sonic working together was super fucking gay. I’m sorry, but it’s true (they’re boyfriends your honor) ❤️💙
(I kinda think Shadow is still alive, but I’m not sure. He survived Maria getting blown up, so idk if that means he’s explosion proof but maybe 🤔)
Oh yeah also….WTF HAPPENED TO THE MASTER EMERALD?! After Sonic and Shadow finish using it we never see the chaos emeralds again! Did they fall to earth?! Did the ones Shadow use get blown up?! I imagine not. We never see Knuckles say anything, nor any of the characters for that matter. Maybe that’s a problem for the next film *shrugs*
Yes, they’re making Sonic 4. I wasn’t entirely expecting them to give us two characters instead of one like they did for the last two movies. I had honestly placed my bets on Amy being revealed and lo and behold, I was right!!(ngl I knew Silver was a long shot but I can dream). Metal Sonic as well is pretty exciting! No clue who would’ve built him since it seems Robotnik/Eggman is DEAD dead fr this time. Maybe Stone? I’m not sure tho. The fact that there were multiple Metal Sonic’s has me thinking the big bad of Sonic 4 is gonna use an army of them, which is very cool!
I just…..this movie is everything I wanted and more. It was genuinely worth the wait. I think that’s all I wanted to say in this post so uh…bye! 👋
Edit: I just found out there was a second post credits scene and I missed seeing it 💀
Uhhhhhhhhh yeah so that’s what I get for not watching all the credits. Make sure to stick around until it’s well and truly over. Should I just like look it up or…..?
Edit 2: I just googled the after credits scene and watched it. Yippee!! Shadow is alive! (Figured that was the case but wasn’t expecting them to confirm it)
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swankytigre · 3 months ago
2024 was something else-I experienced some amazing highs and felt pain like I could never have anticipated…literally some of the worse I’ve ever felt. The stress of this year,both positive and negative,really took a toll on me. And while I still need to continue through the messiness that exists, there was one thing that emerged in 2024 that I shoved away nearly 13 years ago-a whole side of me.
He showed up every now and again throughout the years-mostly in job interviews, meetings with senior management, and every finance class I’ve ever taken-but when I got pregnant back in 2012 he (begrudgingly) went away. There are many things I wouldn’t have been able to do without him, but having a child and getting married was not one of them. I needed to be HER completely for this, and I gotta give credit to her because she is fierce as fuck. Because of this though, I never really reflected on anything. There were many signs of him through out the years and my dear wife obviously picked up on it because I quote “if my wife ever comes out and tells me she’s my husband this would be my reaction:”
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I genuinely don’t really think about things too much-I’ve always been myself. But being smacked in the face at a red light on the way to work that the reason I went through many lengths so I don’t get a period or that I was SO miserable during pregnancy/after was because I was feeling dysphoric and it simply didn’t feel right was kind of a new thing. And I don’t think any of these realizations would have happened without other things happening in 2024.
So instead of Jamie just being a “concept” in my head that I created at 13, I realized that Jamie was me. And that kinda freaks me out a little. I don’t have a headmate or anything, I’m just me. I’m really not doing anything I’d didn’t do when I was way younger -super feminine and put together one day, extremely masculine the next, and 100% baller either way. I’m just am going to my adult job instead of school and instead of feeling guilty about it I feel rad as fuck.Have I thought about hormones since this realization-sure. But I don’t know if that’s quite where I need to go yet.
In the same way I needed her to get through certain things, I needed him to get me through 2024. And I’m really glad that he still exists. And I’m glad that he’s accepted by the majority of the world (however If you think I’ll ever tell my mom you’re absolutely nuts).
One of the biggest highlights of my year was being at the fair and @coelii was buying a braclet and I fully expected for her to get the lesbian one but she ended up getting the pansexual one. NOTHING has ever made me feel more seen than that and I feel all mushy whenever I think of it.
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In fact, she makes me feel all mushy a lot. And despite everything, she is my world. And sometimes I’m not good at expressing that. But I want her to know I love her no matter what and I’m looking forward to another year with the most gorgeous woman on the planet. (This will be the 14th new year we’ve started together and that is fucking insane!)
So yeah-fuck off 2024 and happy 2025. Please have no earth shattering surprises.
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