#kinda get a bit of whiplash day per day
yooniesim · 3 months
Hold up, I feel like I'm going a lil crazy seeing all these posts from people announcing they're EA affiliates now with codes to get a percentage of your purchases... aren't we boycotting?
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jmeldog · 4 months
Wow thank you so much for that very detailed reply! That was such a fascinating read, I had no idea this was how the series is atm. I really thought that Win's middle school arc was done and Lost was the sequel, I wasn't aware at all that they're co-existing series. I was really worried and sad for the last few months that Win had the same terrible fate Shobu did so this is a bit of a relief for the time being.
So is this the same case for the anime as well? Both the middle school and Lost arcs have their separate anime adaptations at the same time as well? Win having these darkness powers seems really dark for the show considering the screenshots I've seen of certain eps, is the anime going to go down that route at all in your opinion?
No problem! Again, I am always happy to infodump. I can infodump about duema as much as anyone wants. Just ask me to elaborate on near anything and I very gladly shall.
Long story short for this ask:
Honestly. I have no clue what they’re gonna do with the mainline adaptation 😭 darkness and horrors aren’t new to duema at all, even when seasons seem silly. But they handle Win weirdly. They drag their feet a loooooot.
However, the door still seems open for it to continue with what the manga’s doing. Even though Nonno didn’t show up, the monster that messed with Win’s friend had a woman’s voice, and said it’d come back. So. Shrug. She could be related.
We have no clue when Duewin anime is actually coming back, it’s on hiatus. But the Duelost anime is coming to YouTube this fall. It’d be awesome if it wasn’t region locked, but my hopes aren’t high, per se. YouTube uploads of the TV airings have always been region locked, but an anime exclusively to YouTube could be different.? But again. Idk.
Now the ramblings… (i really really rambled a lot whoops……… but there’s a lot that goes into how I think about this series………….)
But yeah, it’s is kinda strange to have Duewin and Duelost running at the same time, but like I think I get why. Dai-sensei wrote a letter about why he wanted to make Duelost, and basically he wanted a story for all the adults who grew up playing duema who still make time for it throughout the struggles of adulthood. So in that sense, yeah I can see why they’re existing concurrently—one for kids and one for adults.
In regards to how Duewin and Duelost anime counterparts are going… I honestly wish I could say what’s going on.
We know for certain Duelost anime is getting an anime adaptation by JC Staff in fall this year. Seems like it’s gonna be uploaded on YouTube.
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As for mainline Duewin anime………? I don’t think we know anything about when it’s coming back???
Afaik, we’re in a fucked up purgatory of
Duewin anime: hiatus
Duewin manga: currently monthly
Duelost anime: coming out in fall
Duelost manga: hiatus
So anyway, in regards to the statement
“Win having these darkness powers seems really dark for the show considering the screenshots I've seen of certain eps, is the anime going to go down that route at all in your opinion?”
My answer is… maybe…? I don’t think it’s too dark for duema at all…….With an incredibly large asterisk.
Yeah, duema’s absolutely goofy, but it also gets pretty fucked up too. So much so on both ends that I’d say the violent emotional whiplash is a feature of the series.
The powers that Win has—disintegrating living things—are pretty similar to the powers that a king of darkness character from a different era had. And that character literally killed the MC’s best friend, killed the best friend’s dad, killed tons of other bg randos, and tortured many with those powers. So. Eh yannow.
Here’s my friend, Ze-ro. From Joe era duema.
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Here’s some kids getting tortured and killed by him (burning in flames, turning into sand)
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And here’s Joe in the Minecraft parody ep.
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But honestly, maybe they just don’t want their protags to look bad. In the manga, the previous protag, Joe, also had a breakdown, started using dark power, and killed the guy who killed his dad.
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But um. Granted I haven’t seen all of the anime adaptation of this half of Joe era because I was warned that it sucked in comparison. . . But I went to watch the “you killed my dad” revenge match in the anime and Joe just did a magical girl transformation on him 😭 no murder.
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Later Joe has a depression arc, and looks horrible and unwashed in the manga. While in the anime they kept him squeaky clean. Among many, many other changes that I’ll spare you the paragraphs about.
However, it’s not like the anime never adds things that are fucked up. They’ve done horrible things to my sanity. But I’m trying to prevent this essay from getting any longer, so for this section I digress…
The manga’s prolly always gonna be darker when it wants to be, because Dai-sensei is a visionary who’ll put his protags through whatever the hell kinda horrors he wants. Though it is generally because he believes in a light at the end of the tunnel.
Sorry for the but rambling about the prior seasons, but they all kinda play into what I expect from following duemas.
So anyway
They were building to Win snapping in duewin anime, but just kinda…? Pussied out??? Put it off??????? I guess????????????
Because they wrote the story so it could be cut off quite cleanly literally before Win snapped. It’s such a strange and slightly frustrating decision after they dragged their feet the entire 47 eps of the season. Like 🫠 I guess they can’t outpace the manga but… wagh who knows. Maybe it’s just one of those things that’s frustrating to have watched live, but if I were to binge it I wouldn’t be as annoyed. Maybe.
But what gets me tho is the anime even added some extra stuff to torment Win. The anime gave Win mommy issues + made him canonically atheist (really funny, btw) because his mom wouldn’t come back after leaving him no matter how much he prayed. But despite Jashin poking Win with it over and over, they didn’t do much with it in the season. (While the manga just never touches on how Win’s mom isn’t around)
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But like I said at the very very beginning of this rambling.. yeah the door’s still technically open to follow the manga route.
So like I mentioned in a previous ask, in the manga Nonno messed with one of Win’s friends, Ugata. In the anime, it was just the monster that Nonno gave him. And a possessed mouse.? But in the anime the monster had a woman’s voice and said it’d come back, so………
But alsoooooo I really wonder how they’d get Win as pissed in the anime as he was in the manga 😭 he was so pissed off at her cuz he was fresh off finding out Ugata had been bullied in elementary school and was jealous of Win, and that Nonno had taken advantage of that. She’d gotten Ugata to destroy the school, attempt to kill Win, and hurt their other friend, and afterwards she was like “lol lmao whatevs why r you even so mad over something like this xD” while Ugata was still unconscious on the ground with tears staining his face, yannow? Like yeah they could always try to build the tension back up, but the moment was just really good.
(Also I’m 99% sure Ugata getting bullied in the past just wasn’t apart of his backstory in the anime. Weird.)
While the anime on the other hand had a really happy ending lmao. Everyone was around Ugata welcoming him back to being normal.
The difference in Win’s vibes between getting Ugata back to normal in the anime vs manga is well…. Well it’s pretty dang noticeable, alright!
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Like obviously if they want to continue Win era they have to go somewhere with Win being a king of darkness, but if they’re being so deliberate with dragging it out I really wonder what they’re gonna do.
There’s a lot more I could get into over studio changes, amount of volumes being adapted per season, and shit like that but um I think I’ll cut myself off here. I rambled enough.
I think I lost the point of what I was talking about a while ago. Whoops.
This is like all speculation. thanks for reading I’m not proofing this anymore 👍
Fun fact this hiatus after Duewin anime is the first hiatus in the history of the show. Which tbh I’m happy they’re having a break, because the animation industry is hell and adapting an ongoing manga for 20+ years seems insane.
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idrilearfalas · 3 years
First of all, this is not a Sylvie-hate post. I love Sylvie and I don’t think she’s the villain. But since that "betrayal" tweet - which I know wasn’t what we thought - I've started thinking about it...
And the fact is that Sylvie's betrayal, no matter how inconceivable it seems looking at previous episodes, makes a lot of sense, narratively speaking. 
No facts, here, just some hunces.
Point 1:
Loki: “Love is a dagger. It’s a weapon to be wielded far away or up close. You can see yourself in it. It’s beautiful until it makes you bleed. But ultimately, when you reach for it….”  Sylvie: "It isn't real"
We consider the dagger speech in relation to Mobius (and I’m kinda convinced that one day Loki will be able to define what love is moving from his for Mobius) but it fits so well Loki and Sylvie's relationship. Not in an optymistic way, though. 
Loki is possibly convinced that what he feels for her and her for him is love. The writers themselves called it a romantic relationship. Also, “You can see yourself in it”, and Sylvie IS Loki, a reflection of who he is.
But then the quote goes: “It’s beautiful until it makes you bleed”... “It isn’t real”. And no matter it’s a bad metaphor, I don’t think this is a casual sentence added to make us laugh. If she betrays him in the last episode, it will turn out that indeed love wasn’t real and it was used to make him bleed.
Point 2: 
I keep thinking about the conversation Loki and Sylvie had in the last episode. 
“I know what I did. And I know why I did it. And that’s not who I am anymore” (by the way, this change was inspired by Mobius, thank you your Honor). But did Sylvie have this “change”? I know, their stories are different but Sylvie’s goal has not changed since the story started, despite her getting fond of Loki, while Loki did make a personal evolution of some kind, he even admits it. 
I don’t know, there was something off, to me, about this whole conversation and them possibly planning a future together... which will obviously not happen because angst is a fundamental part of TV shows so when they give people sudden “hopes” is mostly to break their hearts along the way. And, you know, Sylvie seemed kinda... sad, somehow. Which leads me to...
Point 3: 
Someone pointed out that when Loki offers to stay with Sylvie to fight Alioth, Mobius is shocked and almost gives himself a whiplash turning to look at him. 
Sylvie’s reaction? She closes her eyes, sighs, her eyes are a bit tearful. My first reaction was: she doesn’t want him to go because she wants to protect him. But thinking about it, it feels more and more like a “oh no, don’t do this, Loki, don’t make me do this” kind of thing - which I’ve seen it in other movies developed in this way. 
I don't think Sylvie is bad per se. But she has gone through unimaginable suffering and has been even more lonely than Loki all her life. 
She hasn't thought beyond this goal because it's the only thing she wants to achieve, her "sanity" depends on her success. This kind of goal is not like a "I must rule Midgard" goal. It is something that is rooted in her pain in a much more explicit way. It's revenge. And in TV shows, people who feel this way usually do everything in their power to succeed even if it costs them everything else they have. Friends included. It might pain her to do it, but she will do it anyway, if necessary. In this way, she’s less unpredictable than Loki but much more dangerous. 
Point 4: 
Another thing that comes directly from how stories are usually developed: give someone a love interest too soon and it’s doomed. Take Harry Dresden and Susan, for example. 
The writers also called it “first love” which is often used in association with the idea that there will be other relationships after that first one. 
So, no matter if you see a romantic relationship there or if you think Loki and Sylvie are just confusing it for a romantic relationship... it’s still going to go bad, at least in season one, because that’s how Media work. Sylvie and Loki are not going to live happily ever after because fabulas need a plot twist to work. And this specific plot twist can only go in three directions: 
- Sylvie dies - Sylvie gets separated from Loki  - Sylvie betrays Loki
And of the three I find the last one the most believable. Making her betray him despite her NOT being a villain could open up a way more interesting storyline in which he learns to forgive and she needs to find herself and who she really is. 
As said, these are just hunches, but I wanted to leave them here in case my bingo card is correct and boyfriend needs proof that I was right all along. Sorry for the endless post!
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lustbile-archive · 4 years
Can We See Some ID?
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Word Count: 6.4K
Summary/Warnings: Next installment of Club X. Smut, threesome, double penetration, anal & vaginal sex, semi-public (alleyway) sex, both Hendery and Lucas being kinda suspicious, and as always blood and sharp object play. (also oof this is the longest one I’ve written yet)
Apart of my Club X Series: Masterlist
(Recommend reading other works (especially Mark’s) but it’s not requiered)
You’d be lying if you said the atmosphere of the club hadn’t rattled you from the moment you and your friends stepped in. The lights and blaring music was enough to shake you, but the way you were swept in by your friends, first to a crowded booth, and then almost immediately to the bar almost gave you whiplash.
The amount of writhing bodies worried you a bit admittedly when you had first walked in, but something about the air, the energy that ran rapid across every square inch of the place made it feel like your brain was made of cotton. That and you hadn’t gotten to sit down for long, before the group was standing again, moving in search of drinks. And a part of you had wanted to stay in the booth with your friend and the mysterious boy that stayed back, but not only did you not want to intrude on whatever spark that was dancing between them, but it was almost like there was an invisible force pushing you away from the booth, telling you that you needed to leave that very second.
It felt like everything in Club X had been created to move at a million miles per second, and you could only somewhat push down and ignore the nagging voice in the back of your mind that told you something was off.
You smiled regardless as you leaned against the old wood of the bar, the small amount of alcohol that the bartender had provided you swam through your veins and made you feel airy.
The sweet candy-like flavor of the drink only helped to smother the voice, but it had also left you feeling woozy. Feeling like a child who had gorged themselves on too many halloween candies, you dropped the glass down onto the bar with a loud clunk and leaned away, desperately needing a breath of outside air.
You peered over the heads of the bodies that swirled around you, looking desperately for the friend who had dragged you all here in the first place. You’d feel weird just disappearing, even if it was only for a moment, without warning or letting anyone know where you had gone.
You could feel a dopey grin fill your face when you caught a glimpse of where she stood, too sloshed with varying emotions to be concerned with how foolish you may have looked.
You tripped slightly over your own feet as you moved closer to where she stood, silently scolding yourself for how funny you had let yourself feel regardless of consuming such a little amount of alcohol, but you didn’t feel drunk. No, it was something else that ran around underneath your skin and made you feel like every step you took was about an inch above the floor you moved on. Something you couldn’t really feel or see or taste, but you knew it was there as it warmed every inch of your body and turned your legs to jelly.
And it had seemed the exact same force had taken its hold on your friend, as when you reach her you have to speak her name about three times before she turns to look at you, reluctantly turning away from the eye contact that she was holding with the boy she had brought you all here to meet. Her eyes are dazed when they meet yours, in a way that you could only read as love sick, a soft smile pulled across her lips, and your briefly aware of the way one her hands is tangled with his, while his free hand is not so discreetly crawling its way under her skirt.
“Hey,” you speak softer than you had intended, a soft slowness coating your words like honey, but she seems to hear you perfectly fine when her eyebrows dart up in curiosity, “I’m gonna step out for a minute, get fresh air and maybe take a smoke.”
The way she nods is endearing, almost like a child who had just been told something that they’d consider sacred knowledge, “okay,” she pauses, the words almost visibly forming in her mind, “be safe and I have my phone so call if you need me, we’ll probably be back at the booth by the time you get back.”
“Hm, tight,” you mirror her nodding, turning towards the entrance, “love you.”
Her response of ‘love you too,’ is only a whisper as she says it at your back as you walk away.
It feels as if the bodies of the other club goers are easier to pass through as you walk to the empty entrance, as if they step away to make room for you to pass. You’re to the door much faster than it took to get to the booth, and it's almost as if the space in front of the entrance was another universe with the way that people seem to be avoiding it as if they’d get in trouble if they got too close.
If the entrance was purgatory, the outside of the club was heaven. The cool bite of the soft wind was welcomed by your heated skin. The way the atmosphere felt was such a blunt contrast you had to take a moment to adjust, a sharp inhale of air filled your lungs and your eyes fluttered closed as you wrapped your arms around yourself in a tight hold.
“Is the club that rough these days?” you jump and your eyes shoot open at the unexpected voice. Your head turns, and the moment you make eye contact with one of the bouncers, you feel your skin warm in embarrassment at being caught enjoying the fresh air a bit too much.
“Sorry,” you stutter out, stepping away from the entrance and standing on the opposite side from them, “I forgot you guys were standing out here, and it was getting a little stuffy in there.”
“You’re fine,” the other reassures, his voice has a deeper timber to it than the other man’s, and the way he leans his shoulder against the wall accentuates how long his legs are, showing that he’s also the taller of the two, “we just don’t usually see people walk out as much as they walk in.”
Your confusion makes its home on your face through your furrowed eyebrows at the way his words trail off at the end of his sentence, and the way his soft and confident smile falls as his eyes trail your body. You dart your eyes in search of the other man, hoping that you can escape the intense look in his eyes, only to find that he’s looking at you in the same way. You feel your heartbeat pick up in your chest, the feeling getting rapid enough that you can feel it in your throat. You can’t help but shift under their stares, your lips tucking between your teeth to chew on as you try to figure out what you could have said or done to make them look at you so intensely.
You introduce yourself, your name slipping past your lips in an offering before you can even think, and the sudden change in conversation seems to break them from whatever weird spell they had found themselves under as they smile in recognition.
“Lucas,” the taller man nods as a greeting before leaning towards the other man.
“Hendery,” his quiet laugh disjoints the syllables slightly, but not enough that you can’t understand, and there’s something about the knowledge of their names that warms your chest and puts you slightly at ease. You no longer feel as on edge as you did only moments before, and you can even feel your body subconsciously shifting closer to where they stood.
“Well,” you start, glancing around the empty street and picking at the cuff of your long sleeved shirt, “I don’t want to bother you two while you’re working, and I should probably be getting back to my friends.”
You feel your reluctance as you speak, not fully convinced that you want to pull yourself away from the two handsome men. Something about the way they continue to stare at you makes you feel a turning in your stomach that is a stark difference from the one you felt in the club. It’s as if you forgot the reason you came out here in the first place, as you stand there almost reveling in their attention. You have to stop yourself from jolting in excitement when Hendery speaks, stopping you from moving back through the entrance.
“Well, we’re not particularly busy,” he glances at Lucas who simply nods in agreement, “and it's usually only us two so we wouldn't mind the new face.”
You’re momentarily reminded of the fact that they had let your group of friends enter the club without asking for even one ID and you have to bite your tongue to stop yourself from reminding them of this fact when he mentions them not being busy. Instead you smile, and begin to take the handful of steps to get to where they stand.
“You got a light?” you ask as you pull a half empty pack of cigarettes from your small purse, a curious arch in your eyebrow as you silently beg for an excuse to stay.
“I do,” Lucas nods, pulling a cherry red lighter from his pants pocket, “if you’ve got one to spare?”
“Of course,” you place one of the cigarettes between your teeth before holding the box out to him. You feel your heart stutter when he leans closer and, instead of using his hand, he bites one that sticks out, putting his lips far closer to your skin then you had thought they would ever get. You tell yourself the quick wink he offers before leaning away is your imagination, and instead offer the box to Hendery, who simply shakes his head in disinterest.
You hear the spark of the lighter as you return the pack to your purse, looking back up in time to see Lucas releasing the smoke from his lungs with his head tilted back, and if you weren’t hyper aware of the way Hendery continued to devour you with his eyes, you would have probably allowed yourself to drool a bit over the way his neck stretches and his veins pop out.
“C’mere,” he slurs, the cigarette still bitten between his teeth as he nods for you to come closer.
You lean closer again, the cigarette balanced between your lips as you wait for him to light it, trying desperately to not crumble at the way the proximity forces you to stare at his warm skin illuminated by the soft orange of the flame.
He’s only centimeters away when the fire is blown out by the wind. He clicks his tongue in disappointment and tries again, only for it to face the same fate, and you can’t help but wonder why the wind hadn’t affected it when lighting his.
“Here,” Hendery speaks softly as he leans closer, his cupped hand lifting to block the end of the cigarette. Lucas hums in appreciation, and the side of Hendery’s hand brushes softly against your cheek making your eyes flutter closed as the cigarette is successfully lit.
The lighter is pulled away, as well as Hendery’s hand, making your breath quietly rush out through your nose as you lean back. Your nerves once again thud against your skin as you breathe the smoke into your lungs, the amount of time it's been since the last time you had smoke made the taste and smoke burn at the back of your throat and you're clearing your throat before it can make you cough.
“You smoke often?” Hendery asks, no trace of judgment in his tone, curious at your reaction and simply trying to build conversation as Lucas mirrored you in puffing on his cigarette.
“Nah,” you answer honestly, shaking your head softly, “it’s more of a social thing or when I get pretty stressed.”
“You stressed about something?” Lucas asks like he already knows the answer, his lips pulling into a crooked smile and the smoke spills from his lips as he speaks. His eyes widen in curiosity and Hendery lets out a soft hum in concern, and you can't help but warm at their worry about you.
“You could say that,” you nod once you pluck your own cigarette from your lips, your finger tapping on it to knock off the growing ashes, “just life I suppose, nothing major or different than what everyone deals with.”
“You know what they say is a really good stress reliever,” Hendery starts, his eyes flicking to Lucas as they exchange what you assume is a silent understanding. You hum in curiosity, shifting slightly closer to hear him.
“Sex,” the way he says it is far too casual, his tone steady as if he was recommending a new restaurant. You feel nervous laughter building up in your chest, your face warming at being scandalized, and you turn in hopes to find Lucas in the same state at his friend’s boldness, only to see him chuckling deeply in agreement.
“Yeah, what is it they’re calling it these days?” Lucas pauses, pretending to wrack his brain for an answer before grinning, “post nut clarity?”
“Yeah okay,” you huff, dropping your half finished cigarette to the ground and digging the toe of your shoe against the end to snuff out the fire, “I'll keep that in mind if I ever get the offer.”
Your sarcastic tone and attitude gets stuck in your throat when you meet their hardened stares as they burn against your skin. You can’t help but let out another nervous and confused laugh before you begin to catch on to what their dark eyes are telling you.
“You don’t mean…” you trail off, your hand lifting as you move an accusatory finger between the two of them, “are you suggesting I have sex with one of you?”
“Not one,” Lucas says quietly yet bluntly, taking his turn in shaking his head as he snuffs his cigarette against the cinder of the building he leans against, his hands slipping into the pockets of his pants as he lets his eyes trail the length of your body.
“Both of us preferably,” Hendery finishes the thought as he moves towards you, his own hand lifting to return to the side of your face and the tips of his fingers brushing against your cheek bone, making you shiver before your eyes shift back to Lucas for confirmation.
“We know you want us,” Lucas speaks so confidently it nearly knocks the wind from your chest. Your floundering for a response when he continues with unwavering sureness in his voice, “and we both want you so I don’t see why not.”
You’re standing frozen once the words are in the air, neither of the boys speaking further to let you collect your thoughts and wrap them around the offer. You’d be lying if you ever tried to claim you didn’t want them, the arousal that’s begun to bite at your lower stomach making sure you know that, and you’d be a bigger liar if you said the idea of them both having their way with you didn’t set you skin ablaze with a dangerous excitement.
“Well we can’t do it here,” the voice of reason in your mind makes you speak one last time before its smothered by Hendery’s hand that still pets at your skin and the unimpressed look Lucas throws your direction, “aren’t you on the clock?”
“We can do whatever we want,” Hendery attempts to reassure, a cocky spike in his voice that makes your stomach turn.
“We can round the corner if you want,” Lucas says, nodding his head in the direction of the alley beside the club. His eyes dart to look at Hendery, who stiffens slightly beside you, before he offers another, slightly confusing reassurance, “it's still in the perimeter of the club so we’ll be fine.”
You can’t help but feel detached from the ‘we’ he speaks about as he speaks more to Hendery, the boy in question hesitantly nodding before he turns to you, “we know you want to, so why don’t you come have some fun? No one will see you unless you want them to.”
You assume he means the shadows of the alley will protect you versus the view you’d be putting on right on the street, but something about his words hits you in the gut. The same dizzy feeling you had felt in the confines of the club were returning and you could feel your stomach tightening in anticipation. There was no doubt found anywhere in your body anymore, and you start to think that messing around with these boys in a dark alley is exactly what you’re meant to do tonight.
Before you can even form a coherent response, you dumbly nod at Lucas in agreement as Hendery starts walking towards the alley. Regardless of the want and excitement that’s building in you, you can’t help but hesitate where you stand, and with his dark eyes still glued to you, Lucas takes notice of your nerves and with a gesturing hand encourages you to follow in Hendery’s steps.
You nod once again, before you will your feet to move, the same feeling of hovering slightly above ground hits you again and you fear that the world may pass you too quickly. It’s not until you stand at the entrance of the alley, curiously watching Hendery as he leans against the wall, are you knocked into reality by Lucas gently shoving you until you're crashing into Hendery’s chest.
In your shock, your fingers wrap around the fabric of his shirt and his move to steady you by your waist. It’s hard not to get overwhelmed by how close he suddenly was, and he seems almost as shocked as you as he stares into your eyes with his eyebrows raised high.
You’re sure that you could get lost and locked into place by his eyes, if it weren’t for the feeling of Lucas’ hands grabbing you again. One of them reaches down to grab your leg at the bend of your knee and hike it around Hendery’s hip, both of you gasping at the way it presses you two against each other so suddenly.
“You two are so cute,” Lucas starts, a teasing glint to his voice, while his other hand impatiently reaches under your skirt and begins ripping the seams of your underwear until the scraps of fabric falls at your feet, “but I’ve waited too long for this for you two to start acting coy now.”
You’re only given milliseconds to try to decipher what he means by waiting for this before you feel his rough fingers gripping the hem of your shirt and shoving it up towards your chest. He catches your bralette on the way towards your collar bones, releasing your chest to the cool wind of the night and you can’t help the gasp of shock you let out at the feeling of the fabric of Hendery’s shirt brushing the pebbling skin.
Hendery’s hands slowly return to your skin from where they were knocked away by Lucas’ impatient actions, and you look at him with pleading eyes, asking silently for something you yourself are unaware of. He quietly coos at you in an attempt to calm your rapidly changing emotions, but is quickly interrupted by Lucas’ quick actions.
“You’re gonna be real good for us hm?” Lucas asks rhetorically, his blunt nails running up the back of your thighs. A shiver wracks your body at the feeling, and warmth fills your chest when you see that your response, paired with the soft pout that rests on your mouth, resparks the cocky nature Hendery had earlier. The soft smirk he wears at your already submissive nature and the dark chuckle lets out makes an evil tingling feeling run under every inch of your skin.
“Please,” the word slips from your teeth before you can even think of it, and you're curling into Hendery’s chest while tilting your hips back into Lucas’ hands before you could even consider how shameless you may look.
“Hendery,” Lucas addresses the other man, ignoring your pleads as his hand falls to softly pet at the wetness that’s beginning to collect between your legs, “we’ll need a little distracting while I get everything prepped okay?”
“Yeah,” the word comes out wrapped in a sigh before he moves on hand to grab your jaw. He shows no hesitation before his mouth molds against yours, his greedy tongue immediately pushing past your lips and swallowing your moans as his other hand moves to roll one of your sensitive nipples harshly between his finger tips.
You’re completely oblivious to the soft clicking of a cap from behind you, as you try to memorize the heat of Hendery’s mouth and taste of his tongue. You’re equally as oblivious to the reassuring warning Lucas offers, but there’s no way of ignoring the cool and thick liquid that rests on his fingers as they brush your skin from your clit to the tip of your tailbone.
You pull away from Hendery’s mouth, gasping as your head turns slightly in Lucas’ direction. The tingling feeling his fingers and the gel had left behind had you reeling and the two boys chuckle darkly in response.
“Of course you have lube,” Hendery says accusingly, yet slightly impressed.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Lucas asks rhetorically, his slick fingers returning to your body and finding their way to the entrance you hadn’t anticipated being used when they invited you to the alley, but considering you hadn’t expected being here at all, you find it hard to be surprised by anything the two of them could throw at you, “I had a feeling we’d be sharing our person and I’m not a big fan of taking turns if I’m being honest.”
You don’t get a chance to ask what he could have meant by their person before Hendery brings your mouth back to his. He swallows every whimper and whine that slips from your mouth at the cold sensation of Lucas’ fingers, and greedily laps up the pleased yet confused gasp you let out when one of his long digits presses into you. You feel your muscles relax as you melt against the both of them, the taste of Hendery’s lips and his playful fingers tugging at your skin does distract you from Lucas’ actions, yet you still find yourself surprised by how pliant you are to his explorative nature. He only moves his long finger in and out of you a few times before your eyes are rolling back at the foriegn but weirdly pleasurable feeling.
“You good baby?” Lucas’ deep voice rasps in your ear, and another cocky laugh is breathed against the shell of your ear when you nod to your best ability as you arch back into him, “you’re lucky we can do what we do, or I’m not sure you’d be enjoying this as much as you are right now.”
“You’re being too obvious don’t you think?” Hendery asks when you pull away to let out a confused hum, a slightly disappointed rumble to his voice as you move your still hungry mouth to his neck.
“What? I think they should be able to tell by now that there’s something up don’t you think?” Lucas gets more confident as he speaks while his words and unrelenting pace only works to jumble your brain further, “How the club makes them feel, the willingness to just do whatever we ask, how relaxed they are? Hell I said something about our person earlier, I'm sure they’re starting to catch up a little bit hm?”
“You have such a big mouth,” Hendery retorts, not in an insulting tone, more just stating a fact, “if you’re so confident in our abilities, how about you add another finger?”
“Gladly,” Lucas’ tone is smug and you feel your heart rate pick up at what the challenge means for you. This time you hear the telling noise of the lube being released from its bottle and feel the new wave of cool it has as it lands directly above where his finger moves inside of you. As his finger leaves your body to collect the gel, you try to remind yourself to relax, but when he moves to press two of his amazing long fingers into your body, you’re shocked at how easily they slide in. There’s still a tension there that’s impossible to ignore, but you still flounder and whine a bit at the ease he has at pulling you apart. Whatever abilities of Lucas’ that Hendery had doubted earlier, they are definitely at work on your body as you all but turn to jelly against them, but you couldn’t for the life of you wrap your mind around what could be possibly happening to you as you’re pressed between the two men.
“How about you start having your fun Hendery?” Lucas asks, taking your neglected nipple between the fingers of his own free hand and running the flat of his tongue up the skin of your neck, while his fingers gently scissor inside you, “we’ll be ready to in no time so how about you get us really started.”
The huff he lets out is transparent, the eagerness to really get started on something shining through completely as his hand falls from its place from your jaw to start to pull and tug at the waistband of his pants.
Your eyes shut at the noise of his belt being undone, and you feel your heart in your throat when you feel him pull himself from the fabric, his damp tip brushing against the skin of your thighs.
Lucas’ hand falls from your chest to grab at your thigh again, his fingers rough as they hike your leg higher onto Hendery’s hip while he continues to spread you open and Hendery slowly jerks himself off against you.
“God please,” you groan into Hendery’s neck, the feeling of Lucas’ fingers and the stickiness Hendery leaves behind on your skin has you reeling an impatient. The two men only laugh quietly at your desperation, and Lucas groans when your hips start moving on their own along with his movements.
“Get it on dude, can’t keep us waiting can you?” Lucas taunts before moving his mouth back onto your skin, hoping the challenge will get the other boy to work faster.
There’s a grumble from Hendery that rattles your chest as he starts to lose the grasp on his own patience, and as you shiver between them he starts dragging his tip against your sensitive skin.
“Hendery please,” your voice feels like thick honey as it leaves your throat, “I need it so bad please.”
Lucas hums against your neck at your pleading, and you hear Hendery let out a deep huff at your tone. There’s a moment where he shuffles his feet, adjusting his stance with his free hand wrapping around your waist, before he starts to move inside you. The feeling of him entering you, and Lucas’ still moving digits throws you off. The sudden intrusion makes your back arch as you lean back against Lucas, making them both laugh again at your reaction.
Once he’s fully inside you, he moves his hand to take over the job of holding your leg high on his hip, and Lucas takes the opportunity of a free hand to wrap it loosely around your neck.
You can already feel that you are losing yourself when Hendery starts moving, his thrust moving at the same pace as Lucas’ fingers. The fact that you’re standing in an alley out in the open completely escapes your mind as you start to moan out into the cold air.
The roughness of Hendery’s thrusts knocks your hands off his shirt, your greedy hand leaving behind stretched fabric. They flail in the air only a few moments before they latch onto the wrist of the hand Lucas has around your neck, holding on desperately and digging your nails into his skin while your eyes roll back into your skull.
Your so caught up with the feeling of Hendery moving inside you and the way Lucas’ hand interrupts the blood flow to your head that you only somewhat notice the feeling of his fingers moving inside you. You whimper at the loss of sensation, but the noises are destroyed by interrupting moans and cries.
Lucas’ teeth latch onto your jaw right above where his fingers hold you, the bite and burn of your skin and the way Hendery grunts in front of you distracts you from the sound of Lucas undoing his pants and the lube being opened again. It’s not until you feel him pressing into you from behind do you feel like you might genuinely fall apart.
Lucas’ feet shuffle a bit behind you, pressing you further into Hendery with his hand still around your neck. Hendery’s thrusts slow down when he realizes what is happening, and both boys start to coo at you in encouragement.
“You can take me hm?” Lucas asks rhetorically, as he presses only an inch inside you, the stretch much less than what you had expected, but still jarring with Hendery still stretching you out on his own. You never had expected to be as calm as you were pressed tightly between their chests, but something about their breaths and their hands kneading against your skin makes you feel like you’re exactly where you’re meant to be. Some nagging voice inside your head tells you to relax and take anything they throw at you and before you know it, you’re whining for more.
Lucas thrusts gently, adding more and more lube as he moves deeper inside you. You’re sure that you’ve never felt more full nor held in your entire life and shivers start to wrack your body as you try to shift back onto where Lucas tries to move slowly.
“Fuck, so impatient,” Hendery groans as he watches you desperately move, an air of arrogance filling the space between you, “I never thought it would be like this.”
“It’s wild huh?” Lucas asks over your shoulder, once again speaking as if you’re not between them as you deeply breath trying to collect your sanity, “fuck it feels so good.”
You and Hendery both groan in agreement, making Lucas grin into your neck, and with both of them pressed flush against you, you feel your body relaxing and going lax as you softly clench around them.
There’s a moment of pause, where their hands roam your skin as they adjust around you. Both of your legs now find their way hooked around Hendery’s hips, his arms hooked around the backs of your knees, as Lucas’ grip around your upper thighs and ass, helping to support you while also holding you spread open for him. Each of your hands grip onto their shirts as they press their chests tightly against you, and once you’ve caught your breath and gently nod at them, they begin moving.
Lucas’ hands do most of the work as they start to bounce you slightly between them, the movement forcing them to knock into you at the same pace, stuffing you full each time.
You feel your toes curling against your shoes as you flex around them. The pleasure you receive from both of them hard and warm inside you making you start to feel delirious once again. Their grunts and your moans fill the hollow space of the alley and you finally start to let yourself succumb to the pleasure.
You can feel your chest moving with their pace, your head tilting back as your jaw slowly opens. Your arousal growing and dripping around them, and with the amount of lube Lucas laid on your skin and his, you're soaking.
They stay at a moderate pace, moving you up and down slowly but pushing deep inside you every time, “you love this don’t you?” Lucas rasps in your ear making a shiver run up your spine and you only open your eyes enough to see the way Hendery watches you like you have been personally delivered to him from heaven.
“You wanna come,” it's not a question when Hendery speaks, but a statement that he’s completely confident in. You only have his attention long enough to weakly nod as they continue to move you between them before his eyes are moving to Lucas.
You can feel Lucas nod against your back before one of his hands disappears from your skin, Hendery’s arms flexing as he takes on more of your weight, his hips now moving with you to help keep you up between them.
His hand returns to your skin, once again wrapping around your neck, but this time he wears a thick metal ring on his index finger. The coolness of the material makes you flinch, but you try to ignore it. It gets harder to ignore it, when you notice a sharp chip on it start to bite into the below your jaw.
“Ow,” you let out weakly between gasping moans, the quiet noise of discontent being ignored by both of them as they continue to move inside you while the ring starts to draw blood from the shallow wound it creates.
It’s not until you feel a thick drop of blood hit your collarbone does he let up, his hand letting go and trailing down your side. It disappears once again, only for a second or two before it returns to its original place, the ring now missing from his finger.
You try to ignore the stinging pain on your neck, thinking it was just accident, already so lost in the fogginess of your mind that their heated breaths had created that it isnt hard to ignore, until Hendery speaks again.
“You first,” he nods at Lucas, his hips still moving roughly against you. You try to ignore him again, your fingers winding tighter around his shirt as you feel yourself teetering closer and closer to the edge, until Lucas is nudging your head to the side, “touch yourself for us baby, we wanna see you come.”
You let go of his shirt hesitantly, reaching down between your bodies in search of your neglected clit, when you feel Lucas’ lips latch around the burning wound on your neck. His full lips suck harshly against the skin, pulling your thickened blood into his mouth as your hand jerks in shock. You’re not sure why, but the shock of pain that runs down the side of your neck causes a new wave of arousal over your body, and in your desperation, your fingers move to roll fast circle over your clit.
Lucas pulls away after getting his fill of your sweetened blood, his tongue laving over the wound as the blood continues to spill in a steady stream down your neck.
If you weren’t pushed close enough to your finish from Lucas’ mouth, you get even closer when Hendery leans closer and takes his place. His mouth is even more eager than Lucas’, his more hyper energy showing through his mouth as he sloppily licks at the broken skin.
His mouth follows you as you continue to be roughly bounced between them, their unrelenting pace and their biting mouths combined with your own hand that seems to be possessed by some restless demon as it moves against your clit, finally pushes you over the edge you had been so dangerously dancing on.
You loudly gasp when your orgasm hits. Your legs violently shaking in their holds as you come and clench around them. It’s like a sharp electricity shoots around under your skin and you only hear them groan darkly in response.
You can’t seem to rip your own hand away, forcing you to push yourself through your own orgasm as they continue to fuck you full. You had never imagined you could possibly feel more full than you did until you feel their hands tighten and you hear the animalistic growls they let out while they start to come inside you.
Their come is thick as it fills you, and they continue to fuck you on them, shoving the evidence of their orgasms deep in you. Aftershocks wrack all three of you as it seems there’s a malevolent evil that wraps around you making it impossible to rip yourselves away from each other.
It’s Hendery who loses his footing first, his orgasm weakening his hold on you as he claws at your skin. He hesitates long enough to allow Lucas to wrap his arms around your waist, holding you tight against him as he stays deep inside you, finally allowing Hendery to drop your legs and detach his mouth from your skin as he leans back against the cold building.
Lucas pulls out as Hendery fixes his pants, his hands kneading your tensed muscles as you try to find your strength to stand on your own two feet. You can only imagine how much you three look like newborn deer as you all stumble around the alley, but with Lucas’ remaining strength he helps you stand and begins to adjust your clothing.
Once your top and skirt are in their rightful place, he passes you off to Hendery who holds you tightly against his chest. You both watch with widened eyes as Lucas pushes himself back into the fabric of his pants and you curl against his form, suddenly desperate for the physical reassurance.
There’s another moment of calm where you three look at each other intently. The only true evidence of what conspired amongst you being the stream of their combined come that rolls down the inside of your thighs. You want to cringe at the feeling, but you hatefully admit to yourself that there’s a gross sense of calm the feeling brings to you as you stand there.
“We have to get cleaned up huh?” Lucas is first to break the silence as he moves closer to the two of you. His fingers brush against the skin of your neck as he stares into your eyes, before he’s returning his attention to Hendery, “do y’think scary boss man will let us go back to our room to get back to normal.”
“We’ll have to ask,” he responds looking down at you with caution, “you know how he gets about the first time.”
“Yeah I do, but I like to think our first time is a little bit of a special case,” his eye return to you, an unexpected softness held behind them as he moves his thumb to tap against the tip of your nose, “but after that we have to get you back to your friends. Can’t break more than one rule tonight.”
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Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24936943
Made for the LU Art and Writing exchange for susmarie! Hope you enjoy!
Summary: It was routine by now. They would split up into groups of two and scope out the village in search of this kingdom's hero. As per their earlier conversation, Warriors and Twilight would be taking the upper part of town while Legend and Sky were taking the lower sector. Time and Wind, meanwhile, would be searching through historical records in the library while Hyrule and Wild would be trying to get information out of the town guards. Like Hyrule said. It was a simple plan. A foolproof one, if he did say so himself. Afterall, they hadn't failed to find a hero yet. They would probably find the new hero within the hour! Or: A “Four is the last to join” fic
Hyrule would usually consider himself to be a pessimist.
Actually, pessimist isn’t quite the word he’s looking for… Realist! Hyrule would usually consider himself to be a realist.
In his world, one could not afford to be anything but a realist. Optimistic thoughts were usually reserved for kids who had not yet been exposed to the world. A single mistake, a single toe out of line, could spell doom. And getting too comfortable was practically a death sentence.
That wasn't to say his world was terrible! Hyrule loved his home and the hardy but kind people that lived in it. It just meant that, to Hyrule, the phrase ‘too good to be true’ was a statement that was proven to be correct more often than not. So he had learned to eye things that appeared simple and happy and pure with more than a little bit of skepticism.
And yet, despite all of that, even he had to admit that this version of his beloved kingdom was absolutely adorable.
This Hyrule was still obviously a very young kingdom. Not as young as Sky’s–which was little more than a handful of houses around a statue, an idea in the mind of a determined young woman– but still young.
The castle was beautiful but small, it's spires barely brushing the sky that would later be pierced by the sprawling towers of the castles in Time and Twilight’s eras. Castle Town, or Hyrule Town as the guard had said, was little more than a village enclosed by cobblestone walls. It was larger than most of the towns in Hyrule’s kingdom, but small compared to Legend ’s Kakariko or even the Windfall Island of Wind’s Great Sea.
Yet, while small, the traveling hero could see how Hyrule Town was truly alive. People bustled in and out of their small but warm looking cottages, carrying on conversations with loved ones or hurrying with empty baskets to the center of town where a pop-up market was in full swing. Children darted between the sea of legs, giggling and chasing one another or the cuccos that strutted over the cobblestone.
There was something just so… wholesome about the kingdom that simultaneously drew the traveling hero in and set him on edge.  He wanted to join the mass of citizens, wanted to follow the stream of people down into the market. And at the same time, the sheer amount of people, the sheer amount of noise, the enclosing cobblestone walls had his eyes flicking to and fro, searching for danger.
It was like anticipation whiplash.
But thankfully, Hyrule didn't have to dwell on it long.
“Okay, is everyone clear about the plan?” Time asks, turning to address the group, raising his voice slightly to be heard over the din of the nearby crowd.
The eldest hero is met with several nods and one particularly strong eye roll from Legend.
Which Hyrule kinda gets. It was, after all, a very simple plan. They had used it for pretty much every new Hyrule they had encountered.
It was routine by now. They would split up into groups of two and scope out the village in search of this kingdom's hero. As per their earlier conversation, Warriors and Twilight would be taking the upper part of town while Legend and Sky were taking the lower sector. Time and Wind, meanwhile, would be searching through historical records in the library while Hyrule and Wild would be trying to get information out of the town guards.
Like Hyrule said. It was a simple plan. A foolproof one, if he did say so himself. Afterall, they hadn't failed to find a hero yet. They would probably find the new hero within the hour!
“Good,” The Old Man says with a nod of his head, pointedly ignoring Legend’s exasperation.  “Remember to meet back here at noon with any information you can get. There is a bell in the center of town that should ring the hour.”
“Don’t be late,” Twilight adds, narrowed eye landing on Wild and then Hyrule in turn. They grin at him, the picture of innocence. He narrows his eyes even further.
Then, without anything more to discuss, the other heroes set off two by two; Twilight and Warriors heading up the stairs while Sky and Legend join the tide of people toward the market. Time practically has to drag Wind along with him, the sailor not so pleased that his pair was checking out the library.
Soon enough, only Wild and Hyrule are left standing by the quietly bubbling fountain.
“So,” Hyruel says, turning to grin at his friend, “I’m assuming we’re gonna be late.”
“Oh, you know it,” Wild replies with a smile.
The two high five and then dive headfirst into the river of people.
Twilight finds trying to gather information with Warriors to be an exercise in patience. A lot of patience.
The problem isn't that they don't get any information. No. Quite the opposite, actually. The problem lies in the fact that Warriors has a tendency to be chatty on the best of days and a goddess damned gossip on the worst. The captain could get the dirt on one lizalfos from another lizalfos if the monsters weren't trying to kill him the whole time. And in a town this small, where everyone knew everyone by name, there was a lot of gossip to wade through.
Some of it was useful: apparently the hero of this kingdom was a blacksmith named Link– typical– who, according to at least one very ardent house wife, was spending far more time at the castle than he had before.
However, besides his name, occupation, and apparent interest in the princess, no one could agree on anything about the kid. Everything else about him was apparently fair game for gossip.
The hero had gone on one, no, two, no, three adventures. He was approachable but cold but sweet but hot headed. He was kind but a little bit… off, driven crazy by his adventures, no, it was his blade, no, why would he still have it if it drove him crazy?
He was twelve and twenty two and part minish– whatever that was– but lived with his grandfather, no, just his father, no wait…And could be seemingly everywhere at once one moment and then nowhere at all the next.
Basically, no one could agree on who or what the kid was. It was giving Twilight a headache.
Thankfully, however, they come to learn that the hero spent most of his time running a forge outside of town, giving Twilight the excuse he needed to drag Warriors away from the group of busybodies he had accred in his search for knowledge.
“You know,” the captain says, grumbling through the winning smile he was throwing over his shoulder at his new best friends, “You could stand to be a little bit more personable.”
“I think you’re personable enough for the both of us,” Twilight grumbles back, giving his companion a hard yank forward on his scarf.
Warriors quickly adopts an affronted look; hand on heart, mouth open, eyes blinking in mock confusion, the whole nine yards.
“And what, may I ask, is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that I– what the…?”
Something rough yet soft gently smacks against Twilight’s nose, cutting off whatever snarky remark he was about to throw Warriors’ way. With a small backstep, the farm hand gets a better look at his attacker.
It’s the frayed end of a thick rope hanging down from the roof of the house they had been walking next to. It sways lightly in the light breeze, swinging at the perfect height to hit Twilight directly in the face. With inquisitive eyes, the farm hand traces the cord from the roof,up past where it must be connected, wondering at how it got there.
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” a young voice says before Twilight can investigate much further, dragging his attention down to a young man in a red tunic. The kid looks pretty distressed, brows drawn, mouth trembling, and big amber eyes full of unshed tears.
“See, I was flying my kite earlier when this big breeze came and pulled the rope out of my hand and got my kite caught on the roof of this house but I can't get it down by myself and it's not my kite– oh Farore, my brother is gonna kill me!– and–and–!”
“Whoa, kid,” Twilight says, cutting off the boy before he can work himself into a tizzy. He kneels down, bringing himself eye level with the now crying child, setting a comforting hand on the boy’s shoulder. “It's going to be okay. I’ll get your kite down.”
“R-really?” The boy sniffs, wiping at his eyes with the undershirt of his tunic.
“Really,” Twilight replies with a reassuring smile.
Without further ado, the farmhand straightens and takes hold of the rope, giving it a few experimental tugs. Nothing budges. He gives it a few harsher pulls. Still nothing.
Hmm, a bit more stuck than he thought.
“Maybe stand back a little bit,” Twilight says, shooing the kid back a bit. “It might be caught on some tiles and I don’t want you getting hit if a few shingles come loose.”
The kid nods with a watery smile, skipping a few steps away.
Getting himself into a better stance–feet firm and spread apart– Twilight takes ahold of the rope and yanks. Something above gives with a slight groan, the rope loosening, falling in the farm hand’s direction.. Twilight looks up, ready to catch the kite–
Only to catch approximately a million water balloons with his face.
One by one, the little water bombs smack into the farmhand’s absolutely shell shocked face, exploding with sharp little cracks and pops. In less than a second, the farmhand is soaked head to toe. And for a second he just stands there, looking like a stupid drowned rat, pelt heavy and water logged against his back, wet hair covering his eyes, and rope still gripped in his hand.
Two laughs ring out behind his back: one familiar, annoying, Warriors. The other, young and bright and quickly retreating in the other direction.
“Hey!” Twilight shouts, whirling around.
But the kid is already gone, lost in the crowd of people.
A snort of laughter has Twilight turning back around, now met with a Warriors who is hardly containing his laughter. The captain's whole face is red with the effort of keeping it together and yet, little giggles still slip from between his lips. The asshole.
“Did–” Warriors cuts himself off, taking in a massive breath to steady himself. “Did you just get pranked by an eight year old?”
Warriors dissolves into uproarious laughter at his own question and Twilight slaps a hand to his forehead, kneading at his brow bones there.
Yes. A lot of patience indeed.
Wind was so bored he could scream.
But he couldn't scream because he was in a library, where he was pretty sure it was frowned upon to scream. Not that that would usually stop him. He’s a pirate after all. Rules are little more than things for him to follow on a whim and break when he feels like.
But Time… the thought of Time’s glare or worse, his disappointed stare stayed Wind’s hand. Err, mouth.
But that didn't stop him from huffily slouching into the chair at the older’s side as Time poured over a book. Didn't stop him from bouncing his leg as fast as it would go. Or sighing very loudly every chance he got. Or sinking even lower in his seat until his chin was level with the table and bouncing both of his legs even faster or–
“Wind,” Time says, the older pinching at his eyebrows as he closes his eye.  “A little bit of quiet, please.” He pointedly turns a page, opening his good eye to begin reading once more. “We’re almost done here, I promise.”
Wind slumped in his chair, resigning himself to silence.
For all of about three seconds before the sailor let out the loudest, longest yawn of his life, the force of the inhale arching his back while the exhale causes him to go boneless in his chair, forcing the thing to move back a several inches. A horrible screechy sound emits from the movement as the wooden legs of the chair as they whined against the hardwood floor.
By the end of the whole production, Time is staring at Wind, single eye wide, face painfully neutral.
Wind sends the older a sheepish smile.
Time’s eye narrows.
Which is how Wind finds himself stalking through the stacks, arms piled high with the books that Time no longer needs, trying to sort out where exactly to put each title. The older had apparently forgotten why Wind wasn’t helping look through the books in the first place: he couldn't read this version of Hylian, it's letters too foreign, too distant from his own.
So basically, at this point, Wind’s just putting books back where-ever he's finding openings and calling it good.
He just needs to find a few more vacancies and… there! A couple of bookshelves down the line, on the bottom most level, several books sit spaced out, leaning against one another instead of packed rigidly together. Perfect! He can get rid of several of these damn things all at once.
With a slight pep in his step, the sailor moseys on over to that shelf, leans down, and shoves about seven books into the open space.
Arms now considerably lighter, the young hero stands, whistling a quiet tune as he glances around for somewhere to deposit the last of his load–
“Aw, c’mon!” A voice, high pitched and annoyed. “I just set that all up!”
The sailor whirls around, apology ready on his lips for whatever librarian he just pissed off, only to find himself alone amongst the books. Wind looks back the way he came. No one. Back the other way. Nada. A peak around the shelf. Zilch.
“Uhhh, hello?” the young hero tries, turning a circle, peeking through the spaces between the books to see if perhaps someone was speaking to him through the shelf. “I’m sorry I fuc-err- messed up your… uh whatever it is you set up?”
“It’s fine, ” the voice replies, resigned frustration bleeding into its tone. “I’ll just be back home a bit later than I…”
A beat.
“Wait... Kid, you can hear me?”
“Not a kid,” Wind corrects, his ears flicking up and down, trying to pinpoint where the voice is coming from. “But yeah, I can hear you. Why?” Wind turns another circle. “Where the hell are you?”
A little laugh.
“Look down.”
Without thinking, Wind does as the voice commands and… huh.
Down below, next to the shelf Wind had just gracelessly filled, stands a tiny person. Like a really really tiny person, probably hardly bigger than Wind’s thumb.
“Holy shit!” the young hero exclaims, almost immediately dropping to his knees to examine his new friend.
And upon closer inspection, Wind can see that his friend isn't exactly a person at all, per say. Well, not Hylian, at least.
The little guy has ears like a Hylian, long and pointed and pierced, which protrude from the side of his head. He has hair like a Hylian, shoulder length and blonde, with the front pulled back into a neat ponytail. He even wears clothes like a Hylian; a black shirt tucked into puffy green pants, the tiniest sword Wind has ever seen slung over his shoulder, and a little pair of goggles dangling out of use around his neck.
But that's where the similarities end. Because the little guy’s face is nothing like a Hylian’s, instead ending in a long pointed nose, like the muzzle of a mouse. Wind can see that the other even has whiskers, the little hairs twitching and flickering inquisitive as the little guy tilts his head up to look at the sailor.
Wind thinks he must be examining Wind as closely as the sailor is doing to him, but there's something about his small friend’s large eyes–big, black, and seemingly pupil-less– that makes Wind feel like the other is taking a mental pictograph of him, filing away Wind's face for later.
Oh yeah, and the tail. His small friend also has a little, white, feathery tail with forest green plumage on its tip. It twitches every so often. It's adorable.
With a small laugh, the little guy takes a small step forward–huh, four toed feet– moving closer to Wind, no doubt taking in the sailor's downright astonished expression with the amount of glee of someone who's been through this whole song and dance before and who absolutely loves it.
“What kid?” he says with a grin, exposing long, rat-like incisors. “Minish got your tongue?”
“Not a kid,” Wind corrects without even thinking. “The fuck’s a Minish?”
That seems to knock his new friend off balance a little, the little guy’s grin slipping the slightest of bits as his nose begins to twitch faster.
“You’ve never heard of the Minish? Or the Picori?”
Wind shakes his head. “Nope.”
The grin slips entirely off the mouse-like man’s face, black eyes losing some of their twinkle.
“But uh,” Wind says, because oh, Ocean King, if he thought a sad looking Hyrule was bad, this little guy takes the kicked puppy–kicked mouse?– look and turns it up to eleven.“Thats probably just because I’m not from around here. I’m from really far away. An island actually.”
“An island? Really?” The little guy perks up considerably at that, eyes lighting back up and whiskers and tail twitching excitedly. “Huh. I’ve never even seen the ocean before,” he says a little wistfully.
There is a beat of silence between the two.
And then the little guy, the Minish, shakes his head as if coming out of a day dream, smiling sheepishly up at Wind.
“Heh, sorry about that.” he rubs the back of his neck, a nervous habit. “Just been stuck in this town for a while. Going a little stir crazy. Anyway,” and the minish’s face quickly shifts from sheepish to imploring, “now that I know you can hear me, how about you help me fix what you just messed up?”
Which is how Wind finds himself multitasking, helping the minish, who he comes to learn is named Green, set up all of the books back into their original configurations while the little guy rides on his shoulder, helping Wind to place his own books back in their correct locations.
They chat as they go about the task, Green telling Wind all about the Minish who live in the library and why the books were set up the way they were while Wind describes growing up on a small island in the middle of the ocean. Back and forth, the two trade stories in between placing books, Green bragging about killing an Octoroc on his own (which, for his size, is actually pretty impressive) while Wind goes on and on about being the second in command of a pirate ship.
Before long, Wind finds himself sliding his final book into place, feeling oddly sad as the cracked leather spine leaves his fingers.
The sailor brings an open palm up to his shoulder, which Green steps into to be placed on the shelf Wind is standing in front of, bringing the two eye level.
“Thanks for all the help, Wind” Green says, smiling, black eyes twinkling in the dim light of the library.
The sailor waves him off, sending the other a grin of his own. “Ehh it was nothing. I mean, I’m the one who messed all of that shit up in the first place. Might as well be the one to clean it up too. And besides,” a roll of his sea glass green eyes, “it kept me from actually fucking dying of boredom.”
“Yeah, about that,” Green says, strolling over to the book Wind had just placed on the shelf. He runs a small hand over the spine, tracing the golden embossed letters with his fingers. “Not many people are super interested in the old legends of the Light Force. What exactly are you and your friend looking for?”
The little sailor takes a glance around, making sure no one is within earshot. Finding not a soul, the sailor turns back to his new friend and leans in smiling, truly a kid with a secret to tell.
“I’m pretty sure this is supposed to be hush hush, if you know what I mean,” the sailor starts, voice a whisper but words alight with excitement as he flashes the minish a conspiratory grin, “But I think you’re cool, so I'll tell ya. Hold onto your tail, ‘cause this is gunna sound absolutely keeseshit insane.”
“See, my name isn’t actually Wind. That's just the hero title I got for saving the Great Sea.” He gives the wide eyed minish a little playful bow and a wink. “Link, Hero of the Winds at your service”
“Anyway,” the sailor continues, really getting into his story now, hands moving wildly as he explains, ”Me, the dude with the sick face tats–that's Time, by the way– and six other heroes from across time and space were all brought together for a really fucking important adventure where we’ll probably have to save all of our kingdoms. And today, we got spat out here and because it’s none of our versions of Hyrule, we know that we probably need to find the hero that lives here and get them to come along with us on our adventure.”
“So Time and I were here checking the library to see if there was any info on the hero. Makes sense, yeah?” The sailor finishes, eyes finally coming back to rest on the minish
The minish who is now blinking at Wind owlishly, large obsidian eyes somehow even bigger than before.
And then the little guy breaks out into chittering laughter, the mouse-like man almost knocked over by the force of his own giggles as his tail lashes and he clutches at his stomach as though in pain.
“Hey!” Wind exclaims, indignantly. “I’m not making this shit up! It’s true!”
Green shakes his head, still laughing as he wipes a hand down his face.
“Oh no, don’t worry. I believe you,” the minish says, words still bubbly with laughter even as he tries to compose himself.  “That’s why I’m laughing.”
Another chuckle, this one considerably less light. More bitter, and crumbling around the edges.  
“Never a dull moment when you're a hero, huh?” Greens says, looking down at his hands.  “Never a moment’s rest.”
Before Wind can respond, before he can unpack what his little friend just said, his head whips to the left following the quiet and distant sound of his name. It’s Time, the Old Man calling for him. It’s no doubt time to go.
With a tinge of sadness swelling in him like the tide, Wind turns back to his friend, farewell ready on his lips, only to find the minish smiling up at him, an aquamarine fragment of stone hefted in his tiny arms.
“For all your help,” Green says. And then when Wind doesn't take it immediately, he lifts it higher, more insistent. “And for good luck.”
With ginger fingers, Wind plucks the stone from his small friend’s hands. He turns it over between his palms, staring at the etching of a four leafed clover in the middle, tracing the way the stone seems to be broken in half, a jagged edge disrupting the intricate carving.
“What is it?”
“A Kinstone. If you find its other half, something good will happen.” A rat-toothed smile and glittering black eyes twinkling with an unreadable emotion. “Something tells me you’re going to need some luck in your future.”
“Wind!” Time’s voice again, closer.
“Coming!” Wind calls back.
And then to his little friend: “I uh, guess this is good bye.”
The Minish nods and holds out his hand, looking pointedly at Wind, encouraging the sailor to do the same. With a touch of confusion, Wind complies, holding out a finger to his small companion.
Green smiles, looking up into Wind's eyes as he presses a hand to the center of his chest, placing the other to the tip of Wind’s finger.
“Umoriut ichiri,” he chirps warmly.
And then, just before Time turns the corner, the little guy sends Wind one final grin, before turning and running, ducking behind several books and skittering out of sight.
“There you are,” Time says, finally coming to stand at Wind’s side. The Old Man glances around, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. “Were you talking to someone? I thought I heard voices.”
Wind’s eyes flick back to where his little friend was just standing, tracing the little alcoves they had made for the Minish who live in the library.
“Nah,” Wind says, turning back to Time with an easy grin, hands behind his head, “Just whistling to myself. “We good to go?”
As the two exit the library, headed back toward the fountain to meet up with the others, a blonde haired boy in a green tunic rushes past Wind, gently brushing the sailor’s side as he runs.
“See you later!” the kid calls, looking over his shoulder only long enough for Wind to catch sight of forest green eyes before the boy’s face is obscured by bodies, his small form disappearing into the sea of people near the market.
The kid must have Wind confused for someone else.
And yet, the little sailor could not help but think the other’s voice was oddly familiar somehow.
Legend and Sky start canvassing the lower town.
Start being the operative word. They do not finish canvassing the lower town.
Because really, Legend muses, how were they supposed to work in these conditions? On an empty stomach and absolutely surrounded by the mouthwatering smells of the little market?
So they stop searching for the hero and start searching for someplace to get lunch because, really, with so many eyes open and ears out looking for the kid, one of the others were bound to find something they could work with.
Or, at least, that's what Legend tells Sky to get the chosen hero to stop looking like a guilty puppy over the fact that they’re ditching their job.  
So, after touring the stalls for a bit, sampling this and trying that with the pocket change that Legend always keeps on his person, they eventually settle on a more permanent looking place for lunch: a little bakery with a sign out front that says “Wheaton and Pita’s Bakery”.
The soft tinkling of a bell and the absolutely heavenly scent of baking bread, melting butter, and sugary frosting greets them as they push their way through the door, confirming that they made the right choice.  
“Welcome to Wheaton and Pita’s Bakery, home of the lucky brioche,” calls a dour voice from behind the counter. “What can I get you today?”
The owner of the voice is a blonde kid standing at a work bench a bit farther behind the counter, kneading dough with the viciousness that one would use to throttle their worst enemy. The kid is absolutely covered in flour and powdered sugar, leaving only his livid cobalt eyes unbleached by the ingredients. He’s wearing an apron with lots of little blue  hearts and stars embroidered into the front.
With an angry grimace, the blonde gives the dough another massive punch, blowing a few strands of hair that have managed to escape his tight bun out of his face.
The kid looks like he hates his life.
Which is fair, Legend thinks. The kid is working retail, after all.
Welp, too bad for him. If he's this easily annoyed, he's in the wrong business. And unfortunately for the young blonde, Legend most certainly isn’t above antagonizing strangers for his own amusement. Gotta make your own fun while going on a wild goose chase for the Goddess, you know?
So, with only a tiny dot of venom soiling his innocent mischief, Legend plasters a doughy, dumb look over his face
“Any recommendations?” the pink haired hero asks, voice so sugary it contends with the crystalline smell of frosting in the air, his smile wide and vacant. “We’re from out of town.”
The kid must know what he's doing, because the veteran swears he sees the boy’s right eye twitch. Bingo.
“We literally only sell four things,” the kid grits out with a grimace.
Legend raises an eyebrow at that, innocent smile going a bit more pointed as he gives the boy an appraising look. A ‘oh really? You’re talking to a customer like that?’
The kid’s grimace somehow becomes even more pronounced as he narrows icy blue eyes at the veteran hero. But then, as if hearing the words of someone lecturing him, the kid shakes his head and gets a hold of his temper.The young blonde takes a deep breath in, and sighs it out, visibly trying to soften his jaw, his shoulders. Another breath in and the kid holds it this time,  the boy somehow turning his grimace into an even more painful looking smile; all teeth, no lip.
“If you want sweet, get the pie or the cake.” He says, mouth hardly moving as he hisses the words out between his bared teeth. “If you want savory, get the brioche or the croissant.”
“Oh that sounds great, but what do you recommend?”
The kid's face turns a little red.
Legend takes it as a win, even as Sky elbows him in the side, clearly having caught on to what the pink haired hero was doing.
“Sorry for my friend,” Sky says, an easy, appeasing smile on his face. “I’ll take a brioche, please.”
“And a slice of cake for me, if you’d be so kind,” Legend adds, batting his eyelashes a little.
He gets another elbow to the stomach. Its totally worth it for the icy glare he gets from the blonde as he shoves himself away from the counter, going off to fill their order.
“Why are you like this?” Sky whispers, shaking his head.
Legend merely shrugs, pulling out the correct amount of rupees and placing them on the counter. And then, after a second, places a purple one inside the open tip jar. Because the kid was at least a good sport about the whole thing.
“Here’s the brioche,” the boy says, handing a personal sized loaf to Sky with a napkin. “And the cake,” he finishes, passing a ceramic plate and fork to Legend. Then with the fakest smile known to man: “Have a great day.”
The two heroes turn away from the counter, only making it a few steps before both give into the temptation of their food.
And Legend has to admit, the cake is amazing.The frosting on top has crystalized on the outside, leaving the inside buttery and sweet and tasting of vanilla.  The cake is spongy and light, complimenting the fresh, tart strawberry and raspberry jam sandwiched between the layers.
It's nothing short of heaven and Legend would have finished it in a few seconds flat if not for a sharp crack, followed by an excruciating pain in his mouth.
With an open mouthed shout of surprise and hurt, he spits his last mouthful onto his plate; chewed up bits of cake covered in blood followed by a fucking fragment of a blue stone.
Well that and part of a tooth. Part of his front tooth.
“Wuh huh ‘UCK!” Legend screams, blood on his lips, jolting both Sky and the boy behind the counter, who both look at him in surprise and then shock.
“Did you just fucking bite into the Kinstone?!” The boy shouts in a mix of surprise and anger, vaulting over the counter, a handful of napkins clutched in his palm. He quickly guides the pink haired hero back into a chair while shoving the paper into Legend’s hands. Once seated, the boy takes the plate away as Sky leans in, shooting Legend a concerned look as the veteran sets about shoving as many napkins in his mouth in order to curb the flow of iron.
“Why huh ‘UCK are ‘here shtones in a ‘UCKING cake?!” Legend spits as best he can around the napkins and the painful half stump of his front left tooth.
“It's a Kinstone, you moron! Almost every goddess damned thing in the store has one baked into it!”
“How wash I shuppos’s to knohw ‘hat?!”
“You would have known if you had bothered to look at the fucking menu instead of being a goddess damned  menace!”
Legend whips his head up to look at the sign hanging above the counter, not believing the little, snot nosed–!
… sure enough, in bright white letters, it says, “Chance to win a Kinstone in every treat!”
Son of a...
The door opens with its tell tale tinkling and a woman steps into the bakery, freezing the three boys in their tracks as they watch her enter. She totters in, arms full of groceries and a jovial expression on her face, having clearly not seen them yet.
“I’m back, Link!” she says, setting her basket down on the counter, before glancing around, obviously looking for her helper. “How was manning the shop– oh my goodness gracious!”
A hand comes up to her mouth as she rushes over to the group of teens, glancing between Legend’s bloody mouth and the kid’s angry expression.
“Oh, Link.” She says, voice sad. No. Disappointed.  “You punched another one?”
“Another one!?” Sky exclaims.
“...the one fucking day I switch jobs with Red, I get the morons…” Legend catches the boy mutter under his breath. And then to the woman, “No, Mrs. Pita. This one,” he throws a thumb at Legend, “bit into a Kinstone and broke a tooth.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” the woman exclaims, gently removing Sky and the blonde from infront of Legend, taking a hold of the pink haired hero’s chin to examine his mouth herself. She hisses at the sight of the broken tooth, the white bone broken clean in half. “I’m afraid you might need a fairy to fix this, my dear.”
Legend groans as best he can around the napkins and now the examining fingers of his woman he's never met before. The Old Man has all the fairies right now and Legend does NOT want to explain why he needs one.
“Uhhh,” the blonde boy says after a few moments of the woman’s examination, inching back away from the scene, apron already over his head and in his hand. “Looks like you've got this covered, Mrs.Pita, so I’ll just…”
The woman waves the boy away, not even looking up from where she’s now examining Legend’s gums. “Yes, yes, out with you. Thank you for the help, deary, and say hello to your grandfather for me.”
The boy nods emphatically, throwing his apron over the counter and dashing out the door.
It's a few minutes later, the woman bustling about looking for gauze, Legend pressing a lump of ice into his mouth that Sky suddenly says: “Wait. Did she say that kid’s name was Link?”
Legend would punch himself in the face if he wasn't afraid of losing any more teeth today.
Oh, Time really shouldn't have put Hyrule and Wild together if he wanted them to be on a schedule of any kind.
Because really, what did the Old Man expect? For them to stay within the walls of the village and talk to soldiers when there was an entirely new, never before seen kingdom just beyond the barrier of dull, grey stone?
Yeah right!
So it really shouldn’t have surprised anyone, least of all Time, that pretty much the first chance they got, Hyrule and Wild were out the gates and into the rest of the kingdom proper.
And Nayru, If Hyrule had thought this Hyrule was cute before, well now he thought it was both cute and beautiful.  
The two adventurous heroes spend hours just getting lost together.
They end up at the base of a volcano, the ground heat-baked and cracked, a gentle but continuous snowfall of embers blanketing the earth and smothering it.
Despite the... warm welcome, they journey higher, until each inhale becomes a breath of pure flame, searing their throats and layering the roofs of their mouths and their lungs with ash.
And yet, for as inhospitable as Mt. Crenel is, all around them, the two can hear the sounds of the volcano rumble and combine and thrive with a sort of life of its own; the muffled bubbling of hot geysers mixing with the whistle of superheated air shrieking through cracks in the ground, all of it adding to a percussion of falling boulders until the entire mountain is thrumming with a rhythm, a heart beat of why would you try and climb this?!
So, of course, Wild and Hyrule continue to climb it.
Then, slightly smoldering and definitely soaked in sweat but smiling as bright as the overhead sun, the two teens stroll their way through rolling fields. They trace the curvature of the hills with pounding feet, wade their way through a sea of knee high waves of grass caught in the tide of the wind.
At some point, they catch sight of a small house in the distance, sitting alone on a raised plot of ground, and consider stopping to ask for directions. They eventually decide against it, content to their wandering.
Past the house, which Hyrule thinks might actually be a blacksmith due to the sharp ting ting ting emanating from the building as they pass, the two enter a forest. Almost immediately, Hyrule feels something in him shift, his chest releasing a breath he hadn't even known it was holding, letting the traveler feel like he was finally breathing  for the first time in a long long while.  
Hyrule can’t put his finger on it, cannot reach out and touch it or even put a name to the feeling, but there's something about the place that just… feels like home. The trees, tall and older than Hyrule will ever be, create a dark canopy overhead, interrupting the sun and leaving the forest floor in cool, misty shade. There is a strange stillness to the woods, as though everything has been muted; the trees, the bushes, the fog, all of it taking the sounds of the forest and softening them, a gentle brush of noise rather than a deafening din of activity.
And the air... The air is cool and refreshing, thick with the scent of rain and moss and mud and growth. And something else. Something that prickles familiarly at Hyrule’s skin. Something that sits on the back of his tongue, sweet, but not cloying so.
It’s something magical.
Not the crystalline honeysuckle of faerie magic, Hyrule thinks, but something similar, adjacent. It is not as ephemeral, not as wily or mischievous. It feels… more grounded. More rooted, more ingrained into the very earth instead of free floating magical ozone. It feels nice. Homely.
Hyrule could probably stay in that forest, The Minish Woods, for hours, if not for the fact that they did, infact, need to head back at some point. So with a bit of reluctance, Hyrule lets Wild drag him from the woods and back out into the light of day.
Soon enough, the two of them find a dirt road and follow it until the grey cobblestone of Hyrule Town come into view. The home stretch, they’re almost there–
Hyrule feels the dirt of the road shift beneath his foot, something burying through the ground underneath his soles, creating a small wake of rock and displaced dirt that has the traveling hero tripping with a gasp.
He catches himself, but only just, eyes almost instinctively following the way the shape that had nearly caused his fall glides forward through the dirt before it comes to a screeching halt. Thin black claws erupt from the top soil, scrabbling scrabbling scrabbling until there is a hole large enough for a rounded, yellow head to emerge from underground.
As if looking for who just stepped on it, the head wheels around in the hole, revealing a molelike face wearing a blue domino mask of all things. However, the monster's tiny eyes seem to spot them easily enough, the creature's lips immediately peeling back from it’s thin snout to reveal a needle-like sneer that has Hyrule and Wild drawing their blades.
With a squeaky giggle, the head disappears back underground only to immediately reappear as the creature emerges more fully from the dirt.
Or, if Hyrule is going to be accurate, as the creatures emerge more fully from the dirt, because their little guy apparently has friends. Friends that stack ontop of eachother, one after the other, until there is a tower of the little guys tottering toward them, claws extended, mouths snapping, eyes glittering greedily behind their masks.
Hyrule raises his shield and sees Wild do the same next to him. The two heroes lock eyes briefly, nodding to each other, a vicious smile shared between two people with the same idea. Focusing his eyes back on the tower of enemies, Hyrule braces his legs, ready to break into a sprint.
Because while the spire of moles is tall, it isn't exactly what Hyrule would call stable. A single blow from their shields should do the trick.
“Go!” Wild shouts, jolting both heroes into action, the two springing forward as one, shields ready to dismantle their enemies–
When a massive clawed paw erupts from the ground directly in front of the tower, grabbing a hold of the bottom most enemy. The little thing only has long enough to widen its eyes and let out a little shriek of fear before it's being dragged back down under the ground, the entire tower coming down with it.
“What in the hell was that?!” Wild asks, having to shout over the muffled sound of rodent-like shrieks and hisses rising up from the depths of the hole
“No clue.” Hyrule responds, just as bemused, keeping his eyes firmly locked on where the claw had emerged. “A new type of Wallmaster?”
A final high pitched shriek pieces the air, followed by total silence.
And for a second, Wild and Hyrule just stare at the hole, swords up, shields prepped, ready for literally anything to jump out of its depths.
They don't have to wait long, as two massive clawed paws emerge from the hole, working in tandem to tear at the sides of the pit, widening it. Wider and wider and wider until it’s at least three times bigger than the one the little moles had popped out of.
A final pass of paws and then the claws grip at the edges of the pit, wicked looking nails rooting themselves into the earth, a stable basis for something to haul itself up and–
Another blonde head pops from the hole, but unlike last time, it is quickly followed by shoulders and a very small, hylian looking body and Oh, Nayru,  the traveler thinks his jaw might have just hit the dirt because what looks to be a freaking eight year old child is hauling himself up from underground.
In seconds, the boy is free from the earth, standing and pulling off the massive clawed gloves– gloves! They’re gloves!– and stowing them away in a leather satchel, as he mutters quietly to himself. The child then lets out a sharp tisk as he seems to realize how dirty he is, hands passing methodically through his straight blonde hair to rid it of any clods of dirt. A couple of harsh swipes across his clothes sends clouds of dust billowing from the child, and Hyrule watches as the kid’s tunic seemingly turns from a dusky heather to a vibrant violet.
Quickly stowing his sword and shield, Hyrule rushes to the child’s side just as the kid finishes cleaning himself up, the wandering hero’s eyes peeled for any injuries, any visible bruises, tears in the other’s tunic or pants.
“Are you alright?” Hyrule asks, voice a little breathless from shock.
“Oh,” the boy replies, taking a reflexive step away as the traveling hero skids to a stop next to him, sharp amethyst eyes giving Hyrule an evaluative once over before flicking over and doing the same to Wild as the champion approaches.
“My apologies,” The boy gives a slight incline of his head, his face betraying nothing as he speaks. “I was unaware anyone was out here. I am sorry if I surprised you.”
“Surprised us?” Wild asks with a little laugh, eyes wide with excitement. “I mean, yeah, but that was freaking awesome kid! What were those things anyway?”
“And what were you doing down there?” Hyrule asks, voice soft but eyes sending daggers Wild’s way because the champion just completely bypassed the fact that there was an eight year old underground fighting monsters.
The boy’s face cracks a little, his blank facade wrinkling as his eyebrows furrow an inch, his mouth turning down a tick. His eyes flicker back and forth between Wild and Hyrule, as though the two heroes are a puzzle he’s trying to work out.
“Those were Acrobandits,” the boy explains slowly. “Not particularly dangerous monsters, but pests nonetheless. There has been an unfortunate resurgence in their numbers as of late, so I was asked to “thin the herd,” so to speak.”
“Not saying you aren’t capable of handling them yourself, but aren’t there soldiers for that?” Wild asks, Hyrule nodding along with his friends' words. Because, sure, while he was handed a sword at the age of fourteen and tasked with saving the world from an all powerful pig demon,  that didn't mean all kids should be out killing monsters before the sun had set on their first decade.
The boy’s eyebrows furrow further, face now looking completely nonplussed.
And then suddenly, his face shifts again, a look of clarity easing the confused tension in his expression, amethyst eyes beginning to flash with interest.
“You’re not from here,” he says. It’s not a question.
“Uh, no. We’re not, but–”
“Then you’re travelers, I presume.” the boy cuts in, turning to more fully face the two heroes as his eyes light up even brighter, curiosity polishing the gems of his eyes into glinting facets. “How many kingdoms have you traveled to? Why have you come to Hyrule? Have you noticed any significant differences in georgraphica–”
“Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, one at a time,” Wild butts in, waving his hands slightly, as if he were dispelling the words from the very air. “Yes, we’re travelers, we’ve been to about eight kingdoms, and were in this Hyrule looking for a hero named Link.”
The boy blinks at that.
And it's like a door slamming shut, the younger blonde’s expression closing off as the interest that had illuminated his eyes dims. His face hardens into impassive stone, painfully neutral.
“Why are you looking for him?” the words cold, carefully measured.
“You know him then?” Hyrule asks, picking up on the boy’s defensive behavior. One would only act that way if they cared deeply about the person in question. Cared about a stranger’s intentions toward them. “We need his help with something and need to speak with him as soon as possible.”
“Need help with what, exactly?” the kid asks, narrowing his eyes.
Wild and Hyrule share a look.
Because, really, isn't that the million rupee question?
Because, at this point, even they aren't sure what they're doing. They know they’ve been brought together by some sort of force powerful enough to punch rifts through time and space itself but they weren't clear on what this force was, or if its intentions were benevolent or not.
There was no old man to tell them what they were supposed to be doing. No cryptic clues or helpful hints, no companion to give them some incentive.
They were just eight heroes from different eras suddenly shoved together by some weird twist of fate and expected to do... something.
But that isn't an answer.
But Hyrule has no other to give.
So he tells the truth.
“We… don't actually know.” the traveler begins, letting out a soft sigh as his eyes meet the boy’s, a field of earnest hazel versus a sea of skeptical violet. “We… aren't sure what we’re doing or even why.”
A raised eyebrow from the boy and Hyrule lets out a humorless laugh in response.
“Yeah, I know, right? Sounds pretty stupid. But,” and Hyrule tries, he tries to make his words as full of conviction as possible. Full of steel but also full of simple, all encompassing warmth. “All I know for sure is that whatever it is we’re doing, we’re doing it for the good of others. And that’s worth looking a little stupid for. Or, at least, I think so.”
A beat of silence passes between them.
And then, for the first time since they’d met him, the kid smiles.
It is small, barely an upturn of his lips, but it is soft and fond, the kid shaking his head slightly, as if dispelling a thought. Or perhaps a memory.
“You sound like my brothers,” the young blonde says, still smiling. “Idiots, the lot of them, but brave. Brave idiots.”
Hyrule watches as the kid’s smile turns sad. A breath in and a breath out and the expression is gone, the boy’s face once again a fond, half smile.
“It sounds like you could use all the help you can get. I’ll tell you where you can find him. The Hero.”
Honestly, for how much they had done exactly the opposite of what their job was supposed to be, Hyrule is a little proud to find that he and Wild manage to procure the best information thanks to the help of the kid– Vio.
And sure, they’re three hours late, but they’re not empty handed like Time and Wind, or soaked to the bone and with little more to show for it than rumors like Twilight and Warriors, or missing a tooth like Legend.
It is mostly only thanks to them that the heroes set off south of town, Twilight in a new set of clothes (but his still damp fur plastered stubbornly to his back) and Wind happily admiring a now completed Kinstone thanks to Legend’s… souvenir.
Before they know it, the group of heroes find themselves outside of the blacksmith’s forge that Hyrule and Wild had passed hours ago.
To think, if they had just stopped to ask for directions, they could have found the Hero with no muss, no fuss.
Oh well, Hyrule thinks, a touch of a smile pulling at his face. He always did prefer to do things the long way around.
Time, ever the leader, pushes open the door, the rest of them following close behind and–
“You!” Twilight hisses,taking a slight aggressive step forward as he jabs a finger in the direction of a very familiar looking young blond boy sitting on top of the weapon shop's counter. And then addressing the other heroes, accusing point never dropping for a second, “That's the kid who dumped water all over me!”
“Uhhh, no,” Legend cuts in, sending a look Twilight’s way that clearly implied that the veteran thought the farm hand was being a moron, “Thats the kid from the bakery. The one who sold me the cake with rocks in it.”
And Hyrule wants to break in that, no, this is Vio. The one who fought off a bunch of mole monsters like it was nothing and who told them where they could find the Hero in the first place. The reason they were even here.
Because its very clearly the same kid. Same diminutive height, same straight, shoulder length blonde hair, same headband holding the golden locks out of the kid’s face.
And yet, at the same time, Hyrule can also distinctly tell that it's not the same kid.
Because where Vio had been chilly politeness, bright curious eyes, and stone cold suspicion, this kid is all knowing grins, mischievous looks, barely contained anticipation. He’s also wearing a completely different outfit: a quadripartite tunic, four different colors sewed roughly together at their edges to make a very unique whole.
And apparently he’s been waiting for them, a bag already packed and sitting on the counter next to the kid.
“It sounds like you’ve met my brothers,” the boy says by way of greeting, smile never leaving his lips as he hops over the service counter, dragging his full bag with him.  “Sorry about them, they can be a bit of a handful. My name’s Link.”
A little laugh to himself, like there is some sort of inside joke here that no one seems to be in on except the boy himself.
“But something tells me I won’t be going by that for much longer,” the little hero continues.
A hearth warm smile. An air of confidence. A stone firm handshake. A tempest of energy.
“You guys can call me Four.”
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lizacstuff · 4 years
SCK ask (more 36/37)
(Asks under the cut)
Anonymous said: I agree with your takes on how the writers just aren't nuanced with Serkan's character, but there's also parts of the criticism that dip into acting choices rather than script especially knowing how much they improvise. I've seen people annoyed with certain tiny things like "why aren't they holding hands here" or "why doesn't he LOOK in love here" and it kinda makes me uncomfortable? If, for the fandom, basically everything edser do is "unscripted" then it feels like they're almost blaming Kerem
Oh boy this fandom and their “unscripted” this and “Edser left the chat” that. I can’t tell you how uncomfortable that makes me. It takes 100s of people to make this show, Hande and Kerem are not the writers, and while their personal closeness may impact their comfort levels while working, everything Edser does is NOT evidence of a relationship. Sheesh. So insulting to them as actors. 
You know what narrative I’ve seen spring up that is also insulting? The “Kerem is so over this and has just checked out.” WOW, way to indict him and call his professionalism into question. I have not seen anything on screen that makes me believe this is true. The fans who say that I think are just really butthurt about this storyline and projecting it onto the actors, but they should realize what they’re saying when they do that. It’s extremely rude. 
As for scripted vs unscripted, the actors make 100s of choices per episode that were not verbatim in the script, that is what they are supposed to do. They and the director interpret the script. As for fans criticizing Kerem for things like, “why aren’t they holding hands here” or “Why doesn’t Serkan look more in love there” not sure where that criticism is coming from, but that is probably during dialogue, that is scripted, where they are trying to create a certain mood and perhaps hand holding wouldn’t work in that moment. Or the exact look a random fan wants, wouldn’t work in that moment. Whether we like it or not, this set of writers have decided Serkan is an actual robot, that is not Kerem’s doing. At all. 
Obviously, all that being said, there are a lot of wholly improvised scenes in this show. More than on any show I’ve ever watched. Anytime there’s a montage of them doing something, that’s improvised. The script probably says “Eda and Serkan make sandwiches” or “the gang plays volleyball” or “Eda and Serkan recreate the pottery scene from Ghost” and the actors go to town. We know from Kerem’s recent tweets that parts of when they were high were improvised, because he tweeted about how the horsey sound was inspired by the BTS video of 25 that he posted, and he talked about being inspired by the movie The Mask when improvising the tango scene. These actors are good at it, I’m glad the show recognizes that and continues to create opportunities for them to do that. But that shouldn’t be confused with them having control over the over-arching story that is being told. They don’t deserve any blame for this mess. 
Anonymous said: i think the problem (about feeling disjointed that you were talking about in your asks) has to do with drastic tone shifts, which i feel has always been a prevalent problem in the show. the balance between too MUCH drama and heaviness to all of a sudden super light-hearted fluffiness, but none of the payoff for the past drama that occurred. or maybe some of the payoff is still coming with this new selin drama because i don't see what the other use for it would be.
Yes, lets hope there is payoff still coming. And good observation on the tone shifts, I agree with you, but I think prior to 29, the drama was less impactful to the viewer.  The crash/amnesia storyline was so heavy and so upsetting that it’s like whiplash to have the lighter stuff when the characters are in that sort of agony. But I agree with you that that balance is where a lot of the disjointed feelings come from.  They try to insert comedy to lighten up and against this horrible backdrop that only ends up either making the side characters look callous, or the main characters like they don't remember the last scene. 
To your point about it always being there, I remember being like “whoa, what was that” when the narrative would be going merrily along and then suddenly throw some very heavy character stuff at us.  Like in 6, when it’s a battle of wills and a merry race against time and then all of a sudden we are learning about Serkan’s brother dying and getting the first glimpse of his childhood trauma. Or in 10 when the tone shifts and we learn about how Eda’s parents were crushed by a retaining wall and the terror surrounding her claustrophobia. I remember thinking at the start this is such a light fluffy show, but they’ve really given the characters some heavy mental health stuff to deal with. Serkan has panic attacks, Eda has claustrophobia and some sort of narcolepsy, Aydan is agoraphobic. It’s always been pretty heavy underneath it all. 
Anonymous said: You know what would be nice to see after the rejected proposal? If Eda doesn’t really give Serkan a reason and he decides that she must have said no because of the way he treated her during the amnesia days. And then we see him anguishing over it. The writers could actually have another chance here to write a better conversation for them. Will they do it? Probably not but it’d be nice.
If this is a device for Serkan to self-reflect, I’ll all for it. It would be nice!
Anonymous said: Do u think we’ll get another fragman? Maybe tmr or thursday?
I think we’ll get one later today, we shall see. I don’t know whether to eagerly await it or be terrified at the prospect. Hopefully, some of the footage they shot yesterday will be in it! 
Anonymous said: For the next episode, I am manifesting a scene of Eda putting Selin in her place when she shows back up in the office. Not in a “Serkan is my man kind of way” but more you need to remember that “I have 45% of the shares & I am done putting up with your crap.” Would also love a scene of Selin saying that Serkan asked her to come back and Eda saying she does not care.
I’m kind of hoping that Selin never steps foot in Art Life again, but we shall see. However, I take your point, a scene like that would be satisfying to watch. Selin did not show nearly enough deference to Eda when Eda was a partner, while Selin demanded it when the tables were turned. It was maddening. 
Anonymous said: So I am really hoping the fragman was misleading and the writers do not have Eda spending the whole episode trying to find out if Selin is really pregnant or not. Admittedly I am a tad bit bitter after the lack of a real apology from Serkan in the last episode and him telling Selin to stay at the company but that is still an awful story to give Eda after everything she has been through. Plus Deniz tells Eda to be careful of Selin and that she is after something which if it is just trying to trap Serkan with the pregnancy then why not just say that. Seems like Selin is up to something else as well. The scenes in the fragman do not seem to go together so hopefully this episode will actually be full of some good surprises.
We shall see. I think they have to have Eda investigating on her own to find out whether Selin is really pregnant or not for the plot. Anyway that’s what I’m speculating. She has to find out Selin’s  really pregnant, without talking to Serkan (because I still believe he can debunk it immediately because he didn’t sleep with her), and decide to leave. Which will lead to what I hope we may see in the second fragman today. Airport scene!  
However, that is just spec, we’ll have to wait and see. 
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space-kitten-606 · 4 years
Favourite Person Dilemma
A/N: This is a vent fic written to keep me from doing a bunch of stupid stuff, but I still kinda wanna post this so there. This is written in relation to bpd, and based on my personal experience. I just needed to get this out of my system. In case you’re unsure, this is okay to reblog, as always. 
The last couple weeks had been anything but easy for you, Saeyoung knew this. Seeing you sulk around and isolating yourself for the majority of the time tore him apart. Yet, he knew that unsolicited advice wasn’t something you were too fond of, so he waited for you to approach him. You did come over to him once in a while, dropping your head in his lap and silently enjoying his presence. He was fine with that. You’d come out of that slump or ask him for help eventually. After witnessing your behaviour in times like this over and over again, Saeyoung had learned to understand that your distance and lesser need to communicate was not against him per se. You’d come around. And when that happened, he’d barely be able to save himself from all the affection you had to give. 
Today seemed to be like that again. Other than a quick kiss on the cheek in the morning and a half hearted smile, you held back almost the entire day. He was glad to convince you to eat with him at least. You weren’t talking much, mostly just listening to him ramble and attempting to show interest in what he had to say. You were pretty good at that most of the time. Anyone a bit less attentive probably wouldn’t even notice that you were occupied with entirely different things. Your gaze switched to your phone over and over again. While you were listening and nodding along, you kept circling through the same few social media apps, hoping for something or rather someone specific. Your favourite person. They had been MIA for days now, letting your overall mood hit rock bottom. You weren’t blaming them. Saeyoung kept catching you mumbling to yourself, how you had to remain logical and not give in to assumptions. But at the same time, he knew how much you were suffering. How you were lying in bed crying because you wanted to reach out, but couldn’t out of fear of pushing them away. How you felt this consuming loneliness inside your heart, at feeling like you’ve been abandoned, again. Whether it was the truth or not, the pain was incredibly real for you. And all he could do was watch. Watch and wait for you to get back up. 
So after all this, it gave him incredible whiplash to see you sitting at the kitchen table, smiling and humming to yourself, after he just went to fetch something from his car for a moment. 
“Did they message you again?”, he asked carefully as he walked up to the table to sit next to you. 
It was always quite fascinating how the entire feeling of you switched along with your mood. Almost like you were another person entirely. 
“No”, you shook your head, but your smile did not falter, “But Yeong Joon just messaged me. He noticed he forgot about my birthday and was very sweet an apologetic about it. He’s so adorable, isn’t he?”
You turned the screen so Saeyoung could look at it and read the messages you exchanged. To someone who wasn’t aware of the situation it might’ve been nothing worth taking special note of. You were happy about texting with an old friend. The messages themselves were also nothing special from an outside perspective. But looking at you, and knowing how you’d perceive the words on the screen, the tone in which they were written, he couldn’t help but be a little worried. Especially after your last remark. 
“I thought you had enough of him.” Saeyoung was a bit worried you might take his words as offense, but luckily you were to involved in your current emotional high to see it in a negative light. 
“Maybe I was a bit rash. He seems genuinely sorry. Also he vowed to be better, see?”
“Aren’t you taking this out of context a little? He said he’ll try to not forget your birthday next year, no more no less.” 
You huffed. “Don’t be such a downer about it. If I play my cards right now, maybe things will be like before…”
Yes. Before. Saeyoung remembered when you told him about years ago, when you and Yeong Joon would talk for hours everyday. Back then, he used to be your favourite person. The person who had your entire life in his hands. Your mood, your likes and dislikes, your self worth. Everything. Since you split on him a few years ago, you only rarely missed him or the feeling he gave you. In fact, you’d see him in the worst light. You’d talk about how he was never really interested in you as a person, how he just pretended to care. The level of truth your thoughts of him in any of those directions held, was something he’d probably never get to the bottom of. Quite a while ago, you had found a new favourite person. It was the first time Saeyoung actually got to see the impact they had on you. And how you handled it, for better or for worse. But unlike Yeong Joon, they never seemed to hurt you as much. He had the impression it worked out far better with them, and if he believed what you said that was not far from the truth. So the idea of you potentially turning away from them to go back to Yeong Joon again….
“Kitten, I understand that this is not something you know how to control, but please be careful. I remember you telling me how much he tore you apart, and I saw you falling back into that pain whenever the past would catch up with you. Are you sure that you should let him take such a big part in your life again? You’re vulnerable right now. I know you fear you’re about to be abandoned, and he feeds right into the affection you crave so much right now, but-” 
“What. Are you jealous or something? Do you not want me to be happy??” 
Saeyoung winced. Your words were sharp, the undertone and implication carrying a venom you’d only direct at someone when you felt you needed to defend yourself. Even more so because you were doubting the situation yourself. You were upset he saw the same problem you feared so tremendously. He ran head on into a minefield. One wrong move and you’d blow up in his face, damaging your opinion on your boyfriend until the next time you perception of him shifted. 
In an attempt to steer your mood a little he decided to not focus on Yeong Joon for now. 
“What about Chung Ae? Are you going to….you know.” 
The anger that threatened to bubble up from deep within you seemed to vanish within a second. Your eyes wide as plates at the question. Just another short moment later, tears welled up within them. 
“No.”, you whispered, “I don’t want to. I don’t want that. I love them, Saeyoung. I could never do that to them. I refuse. I will not let that happen. I can’t live without them, I just can’t!”
Sobbing, you let your head drop to the table’s surface. You shoulders were shaking violently, as your fingers dug into your arms. 
Seeing you like this broke Saeyoung’s heart into tiny little pieces. You were so confused and scared what was going to happen, he could see that now. Carefully to not scare you, he put his hand on your arm. He brushed up and down it in a slow rhythm. He waited for you to shrug him off and walk away. When you didn’t however, he could feel a wave of relief washing over him. He may have opened an entirely different can of worms with this, but knowing this was something both him and you were a lot better at handling than your overwhelmingly destructive anger, he couldn’t help but feel a bit of pride. This was picking the best of two evils. By the time you calmed down a little, he was probably able to convince you to go to bed and cuddle through the struggle for a bit, before sleeping over the situation. There was nothing you could do for now, other than waiting out where your moods would take you tomorrow. And Saeyoung would try and comfort you through it, as best as he could muster. 
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I started watching deca-dence
1: oh what was that called. there’s a name for this tech aesthetic.... also the city is floating on monster goo which is also their energy resource... is that really a good design?????? why is there open access to the monster goo i mean those kids are totally going to fall in. Oh boss dude’s a super secret agent thing. lots of reveals this ep. That action sequence at the end was really cool but wow i do not like those squishing sound effects. also, of all the livestock to raise, why cows??? per pound of protein, cows are horribly inefficient especially when land and resources like water are scare.
2. We have a post apocalyptic society and they kept bagpipes of all things??? I’ve noticed this in fiction and perhaps this is true of real life but sustained conflict coincides with the glorification of the warrior/soldier social class. oh god and now the creators are doing a post moderist take, yay capitalism. this is a good take on the isekai “transported to a game world”/mmo lightnovel genre (see past post). what makes something “real” I was playing of a ttrpg around that concept... mikey’s got all the flags to die horrifically and be part of kaburagi’s tragic backstory. lol kaburagi got turned into a mod. There’s also something dehumanizing and horrifying in managing a society like this all to maintain the status quo. so let’s see if I have this straight, the remnants of capitalism made deca-dence and then a bunch of little robot people who are incentivized via a game system to destroy the squishy monsters. the city design makes sense now it wasn’t made with things like safety or efficiency or any regard for the residents in mind, it was made to look cool. Living in a fuel tank is exactly the type of bullshit to expect from a videogame.
3: kurenai has the vibes of that one cool npc that the the main character out grows to show how strong you’ve become. (the trope is rife with misogyny. who was the one that talked about it? ... femfreq?), wonder what the show will do with it. good job deconstructing the instant expert trope. lit. unregulated capitalism. what is corporations replaced government but for little cyborg people. curious about this minato guy. the 175 years until decommission or whatever makes me wonder how long all of this has been going on. on the screen with the eurasia bubble, were other structures, so i wonder whats happening elsewhere in the world.
4. the game trailer style shots.... the juxtaposition of the tankers discussing battle strategy for a life or death situation, with the cyborgs excited for the next raid event and talking about the game’s story is real good. its a revolving door of mood whiplash. oof dramatic irony since the entertainment corp also seems to control gadoll numbers. Why do none of the Power wear armor? oh right aesthetics and game logic, i answered my own question. I was thinking about this for a little while but kaburagi really does have the set up to be an isekai/mmo light novel protag so I’m really glade we have natsume as well. If done improperly her character type can get kind of annoying, the show did a good job of humanizing her which is important since so much of the disconnect between a game world and a lived reality hinges on her. why isn’t altitude sickness a problem for anyone?
5. yikes. saved twice within the first 10 minutes. maybe dont charge in there natsume. and it was the cool lady too! oh shit limit release. now the stakes are up. isnt kaburagi totally going to get his little head chopped off and the his little green battery extracted.
6. I’ve always had a soft spot for the struggle against the inevitable and unmovable. i was wondering how they were managing the squishies population. just where is this lake? what weird ass hazing system has kaburagi ended up in... is this the slow part of the anime? where they save up frames for the finale?
7. i just realized that kaburagi purposefully chose dog faced characters twice in a row. like he can choose to look like whatever he wants and he good, i feel comfortable looking like this. good for him. How did they punch a hole in the wal anyways, mechanically? with gadoll? We’ve see that they can either change the projection surrounding deca-dence, or actually have full control of all material int he bubble. oh kabu-san you are finally starting to think. but its not the gadoll that are the root of the problem, its the deca-dence system. btw since cyborgs run on the green juice which i think is made from gadolls??? how does kabu plan on fueling everyone. he hasn’t thought about it has he. of course the gadoll have a kill switch. do the tankers have one...?
8. a setup episode. my heart was racing during the avatar retrieval part, so much tension. jill is great. not sure why kaburagi doesnt just tell natsume whats going on. i do think it’d be a shock and a lot to take in just like when the gadoll reset on the mountain, but it’d make coordinating much easier. as is taking her along while not telling her whats going on doesnt feel right. also the green slanty eyed cyborgs given me bad vibes from the start, after all he’s the one that told mikey about removing the limiter. I’m kinda sad we only have 12 episodes so we have to enter the finale already. i would have loved to see the tanker teams, natsume and fei, and minato and kaburagi relationships fleshed out.
9. YEAH YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD HER EARLIER. so she would have time to process all that world shaking information not in the middle of the operation when it could cost her her life! also doesn’t this mean all the cyborgs still alive are now trapped in the waste disposal place.
10. i totally forgot about that tunnel. that said it looks kinda fragile, how’d it survive the explosion? And how did the robo crew get a hideout?? jill is amazing. she’s like a wizard. Natsume just doesn’t get a break, no ones explained to her the cyborg-avatar thing. I’m too invested in this show to analyze anything.
11. holy shit i wonder what the last few episodes were going to be about. they’re going to black hole the whole place. also we can finally hear pipopi! I thought it a bit funny pruple nose seemed to be taking advice for them but really eh was taking orders? so minato did the tremendously stupid thing of logging out and then hopping on a shuttle to get from orbit to deca-dence so he could talk to kaburagi face to face. even if they take out the gadoll, that doesn’t stop the deca0dence system from having a kill switch on the bubble.
12. POMDOROSA DID THE END SCENE ART. it really is 7 degrees of separation, they have a tumblr here. right as the natsume flashbacks started, I knew what was going to happen. Was it really safe inside the drill thing?? ah whatever. Kaburagi really went all out and busted himself huh. He probably didn’t actually need to use so much force that it’d break decadence. ah I’m rambling. I binged watched this show in 1 day. i started tearing up at the natsume flahsbacks... I dont remember what i just watched it was pure experience. I do wonder whats happening on other continents.. Jill! I can’t believe it took you 3 years to organize your files and find kaburagi’s backup! well i mean its realistic but still.
Deca-Dence is very good, like not even talking about the thematic stuff the execution in both animation and writing are both really good.
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slashersdownsouth · 5 years
S/O with a Motor Tic Disorder
Hey, i don't know if asks are open right now so ignore this if they aren't (sorry never done this before). Anyways i was wondering if you could do some of the slashers with a s/o that has a tic disorder? Thank you!!!! I love your writing!!
Thank you for the kind words~ very encouraging! If motor skills is something of a struggle, I hope everything gets better for you. Right now I have a lot of slasher matchups to work on, but I'm taking a little break for this reactions post - thought it was really good. But don't worry friends - I'm working hard!
Alrighty, let's begin!
Request By: @this-is-just-an-alias
Michael Myers
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'Biting the lip'
• When he first met you, he knew something was different about you..
• You seemed ordinary enough to him, honestly.
• He knew you biting your lip was a thing, per se, but he didn't realize it was brought on by anxiety
• He saw you on the phone with a relative, he saw you getting jumpy and looking a bit flustered. Then he noticed it - the way the biting turned into nibbling and chewing
• "She's eating her face." he's thinking
• Once you explain, he won't think too much of it
• He doesn't mind it, it's a thing of yours and he's not one to judge on things.
• He'll probably just walk up to you and slide your lip out from between your teeth with his finger
• If that doesn't help, he'll steal you some lip balm so you don't chap up too much or so it can at least taste good
Thomas Hewitt
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'obscene gestures/words'
• Thank goodness Sheriff Hoyt has a sense of humor, you flipping off the other victims while getting in the backseat of the car was the only reason you're still alive today
• You kept your hand up the entire time in the car , even when you walked in
• Of course, now at the dinner table, you calmed a bit, but the tension was high and so were your stress levels
• Now Luda Mae thought it was nice to have a guest, and an attractive one at that.. *wink wink Thomas*.
• Thomas kept his eye on you, he wasn't sure what, but you looked ... eerily calm but jumpy at the same time
• When Uncle Monty suddenly slammed his cane on the floor, both hands were high with the middle finger up - one at Monty and one above your head.
• Hoyt was dying, Luda Mae is trying calm you down a bit, Monty was not amused and Thomas is thinking, "what the fuck?"
• Once Luda Mae has you all calm and cleaned up, you take a moment to explain. Now she has no idea what it's like, but she can understand how much you struggle with this, so she'll take you under wing and care for you.
• She explains to Thomas it's like when she bites her nails when she's nervous and that he needs to be patient
• After nearly two years of living with the Hewitt's, it's gotten better thanks to Thomasand his mama, but sometimes Thomas will catch you flipping off the laundry hanging outside
Bubba Sawyer
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'Sticking the tongue out'
• No lie, Bubba thought it was cute.
• He didn't mind the tic, cause it only happens when you're really excited about something!
• He figured that out when he presented you with jewelry he personally made just for you
• You were so giddy, your tongue just kept poking in and out of your mouth
• He knew your excitement was genuine, he'd try to groan out some incoherent words and just squeeze you with hugs
• Of course you've explained it to him it's just a tic, it could go away with time. He doesn't really want it to though, but he understands tics aren't normal for folks
• We've lost count for how many times Drayton and the boys (besides Bubba) threaten to cut off your tongue and throw it in the chilli bowl eww nasty fools
Jason Vorhees
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• Now he met you when you were making a shitload of noise in the forest
• He understood something may have been wrong with you and you WERE alone, so he took you a cabin
• Once you saw him again, you explained your tics and how this was like a syndrome and how you jerk your arms and legs alot when your extremely anxious
• Now, he knows syndrome means sick. So you're sick. No worries, he'll take care of you.
• He'd watch you and show you around when you were generally calm. Letting you know where traps were and how to access him quickly
• He would be busy around the camp, taking care of traps and trespassers and such
• But he'd never be gone for too long in fear of you getting anxious
• He wouldn't want you to start jerking and hurt yourself
Brahms Heelshire
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'wrinkling the nose'
• Now as his "caretaker", he's been observing you through the walls for weeks
• He saw how you'd scrunch up your nose when you got frustrated with anything
• It was a minor detail really - but he caught it pretty quickly
• Now it wasn't a big deal. It's just like a little scrunch.. kind of like when you smell something bad
• Thus made Brahms a little more conscious about personal hygiene thank God
• It wasn't until that new delivery boy called you out on it and made you visibly embarrassed/uncomfortable about it that he knew it was something you struggled with
• After that, he made sure to always do his best to help you and give you little eskimo (nose) kisses when you felt down
Billy Loomis
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• When people are happy, they usually smile. Not you, you blink. Excessively.
• Now Billy, in all honesty, if he doesn't understand is gonna be all like, "can you chill the fuck out?"
• Once he knows, he'll feel a bit bad, cause this is a struggle of yours and him being a dick isn't helping.
• He'll research on how to help someone with tics, different exercises to help, write notes and try to be a little more positive around you
• When he learns that it happens when your happy, then he'll think it's kinda funny and a tiny bit cute
• If anyone tells you shit, they somehow appear on the next day's homicide news. Coincidence?
Stu Macher
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'animal noises'
• Being with Stu has always been the funniest times of your day, hell, the BEST. Period
• Now, he's never spent the night, and for that you're kinda glad cause you have this "habit" of making noices when you're tired.
• One night though, he knocks on your window around 11 at night and you half asleep, just unlock it and let him crawl in
• He doesn't say much, just undresses into his tank top and boxers and slides under your covers and you just mold to him
• You know Stu though, he's a talker. He's talking about his day, and you're honestly trying to keep up but you're keep nodding off
• Then begins the "woof! woof! meow! woof!"...
• Stu is just stunned... and he's dying of laughter on the inside... he's googling "why is my gf making animal noices?"
• If he can't find anything, he's recording your ass so he can play it for you in the morning, this is your cue to explain.
• He actually thinks it's a good thing! Appreciates you sharing and tries to help should you feel down or upset about it.
Bo Sinclair
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'snapping the fingers'
• Bo is a very hot-headed man, it takes a patient and strong person to deal with this slasher
• Sometimes, he says stupid shit and directs his anger at you and it's just stressful
• When the stress builds up and just pours out like a full cup, your hands have a mind of their own
• You just start snapping your fingers and it's difficult to calm your nerves to stop
• Bo never sees it first hand cause you hide it - you don't need more judgment from people who'd never understand
• One night though, Bo is blowing steam off at you again and runs out the house to check on any passing trespassers
• This is your chance to snap in the privacy of your room and you don't even realize you're crying
• You're just sitting on the bed,, crying and snapping and yea, that looks unnerving
• When Bo walks in and sees this, he thinks he finally drove you insane
• Now, everyone may not think the same, but Bo still has compassion, so when he sees this, he's heartbroken
• He'll just sit behind you and hold you close, whispering apologies to you and rubbing your arms so the nerves will relax
• Once you two talk, he'll try his best to cool it with the anger and should he hear you start to snap in future arguments, he considers that his cue to calm the fuck down and shut the fuck up
Vincent Sinclair
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'twisting the neck'
• When he saw you, no lie, he thought you were trying to kill yourself via neck break
• He's thinking, "oh no, this one's a cuckoo".. might as well ease their pain
• But when he sees how your friends ignore it and leave you to do you, he thinks you're a captive and that they're torturing you "I'll save you sad girl!"
• He'll kidnap you and keep you in his art studio so you don't have to witness what he and his brother do to your friends
• Of course, you're scared shitless and this just makes the tic react even worse
• He has no idea what to do with you, honestly. He's looking through his dad's medical notes and he can't find anything
• Once you calm a bit, you willingly explain to him what a tic is, and how yours is simply twisting your neck
• Of course it's a dangerous one and sometimes your neck pops and you feel like you've given yourself whiplash, but Vincent's been so kind with you that it's actually helped your habit
• I guess living here in Ambrose won't be too bad
Hope you liked, will post new stuff very soon
- Cowgirl
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attickit · 5 years
“Top 10″
Tagged by the very lovely @serenililly to do a top 10 KPop song list thingy and let me tell you I did not follow any guideline whatsoever. I take the title with an ocean of salt.
So this "list" is just me messing with myself more than anything. I usually rotate between Day6, BTS, FTIsland, N.Flying and Stray Kids in my phone so this is just giving me an excuse to find other songs that I've stuffed away in my private yt playlist and listen to them again. I've gone down a rabbit hole...
(if you say that you were cheating with choosing songs and having honourable mentions, I'm basically criminal. There's more than a good 50 songs mentioned in this "list". Put me in a jail cell...)
Be forewarned; I talk a lot, so, everything is under the cut.
TL;DR I shoved all the songs that I really like into one post depite being told it is a top 10 song list. (also I've given up tagging anyone in doing this cause idk who to tag *finger guns*)
Eric Nam - Runaway (Honourable mentions: Love Die Young [I know this one's an english song but god is it good])
First off, let's be real. This song was going to get on this list one way or another. I wrote a FLUFF FIC for JUNGKOOK with this song. It made me write fluff for a guy a I don't even necessarily care to have fluff with. It somehow wrecked me as a person and god does it scare me. It's a romance that I want with my entire heart and I wrote it for someone who isn't my bias in anyway. What can that tell you?
ok but the song is one that I go back to about every week. I can't get sick of it. And if you listen to it with the English version right after it, it becomes such a whiplash. Eric knows how to mess with me.
Day6 - 365247 & Emergency  (Honourable mention: Deep in love, Hi Hello, Dance Dance, Shoot Me)
Look I try to keep it to one song per artist but the Entropy album was a fcking all kill for me. This album would be on number 1 if this was on a top ten album list instead. (If bts hadn't stolen my heart already at the time, Day6 would have been my ult of all time because these boys are hilarious.)
365247 is such a funky tune and I find myself seeking out this song everytime I'm feeling a little spunky. Feels like one of those sexual tension songs to me for some reason but I love it.
Emergency is a bit of a mess but like in the best way. Just the sounds of blaring sirens and heart monitors just, my god. The way the lyrics were paced to fill the theme in even more was so good. What can I say? Like, it was a really well done song. And I am head over heels for it. (also the fact there is a dance for this song is amusing)
FTIsland - Pray (Honourable mentions: Stay, Hello Hello, Falling Star, Memory, Take Me Now, Paper Plane)
*stares down the Japanese releases* Oh god I love those. It was hard to separate them from the Korean releases because the Japan releases were the ones that got me to FT and eventually, K-Pop in general. But then I also remember that there are songs that have a Korean version. As much as I am more familiar with the Japanese versions, the Korean versions are great too.
The reason why I chose Pray as the top song is I guess just the state that I was when it came out. Like, I felt it through my bones and it kind of never left. So whenever I listen to Pray, I have the visceral feeling that I need to scream at a god. I don't but it just relieves it by the end of the song. (also Rock that I can scream to when I actually want to)
Jonghyun - Before our Spring (Honourable mentions: Take the Dive)
Simply known as the song that broke me and put me back together. It's now the song that reminds me that there's more to live for. I don't think I can listen to this song without at least tearing up a little. I'm sorry Winter Angel and thank you.
N.Flying - The Real (Honourable mentions: Hot Potato, Rooftop, 4242)
THE REVIVAL of my darling boys. God how much I had missed them and the return being one of the stupidest mvs I know (not counting anything from norazo or Psy), it was so perfect. And then the follow up being Hot Potato, just N.Flying had such a great revival that really suited them as a group. I always go back to it whenever I need a smile.
Epik High - Born Hater (Honourable mentions: Lullaby for a Cat, People Scare Me)
This one is the only one with no real reason why I picked it. I just really like it and it had a lot of people contibuting to the song.
The Rose - Baby (Honourable metions: She's in the rain, Red)
Back to my band shennanigans (if you haven't noticed the list being almost half bands). The Rose holds a good place in my heart too. With a voice like Sammy boy's, it's had for me to not have them in the back of my head as I listen to songs on desktop.
AKMU - Time and Fallen Leaves (Honourable mentions: Melted, How People Move, Chocolady, Re-Bye)
I listened to this song A LOT when it came out in 2014. Back when I was still in secondary school going through my depressive teen phase (i'm joking, but am I tho). But really this song was what kept me going and not just find a easy route out. It kinda gave me sense of hope. Cause where else do you fall back when all your friends actually really hated you?
BTS (Well duh) - 소우주 (Mikrokosmos) (Honourable mentions: SPRING MF DAY, Magic Shop, Mono, Anything Jimin has put out solo-wise, Dionysus, DDaeng ect.)
(link goes to the live version of the mma performace in the bangtan bomb)
Every song since the WINGS era has gotten so strong and well done. And it keeps getting better It's been just so hard to figure out which song is the one I'd pick to listen to always.
I was just about to put Spring day as the top but I remembered Mikrokosmos. Idk what it is about Mikrokosmos but it's found a permanent place in my heart for songs that comfort me the most. It inches Spring day in the top spot of fave. I used to have a playlist with all my comfort songs in one but I accidentally deleted it and im too lazy to recompile it tho.
Honourable mentions (Songs out of my heavy rotation)
Orange caramel - Catallena Lim Kim - Rain, Goodbye 20, Awoo Heize - Jenga (ft. Gaeko), Don't Know You Bol4 - Bom, Galaxy IU - BEEP BEEP, Palette Zico, IU - Soulmate Block B - Yesterday,  Toy Bastarz - Zero For Conduct, Make it Rain Vixx - Into the Void, The Closer, Shangri-La, Black Out TXT - Poppin Star, Run Away 10cm - Pet,  Phonecert Stray Kids - Awkward Silence
And ok I'll stop. I have to stop.
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heesgf · 6 years
bad boy! byounggon
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a long but cute and fluffy bad boy bullet scenario :’))) pls read
this is my bullet scenario debut so im rlly gonna try and make it pop let’s get it
OK SO mr byounggon is a little bit of a bad boy, mostly because he’s not super loud, and he doesn’t necessarily make his presence known all the time... so he’s kinda just ,,, in quiet disapproval of everything
u could be laughing rlly loud with ur friends and being rlly obnoxious in the hallway but when he walks by ur kinda like.. O shit be quiet!!!212!!... bc ur not tryna have him roll his eyes at u (bc he will)
I think he’s partially so reserved bc ppl dont talk to him bc they’re scared,,, but bby just thinks ppl dont like him so he’s a lil :’((( about it
Lowkey but highkey everybody thinks he’s rlly hot!! One time a girl tried to impress him by vaping in his face and he was just like... bitch Tf... ಠ_ಠ... pls step away
He’s ALWAYS late to class bc he’s polishing the handles of his motorcycle and somehow none of the teachers are bothered
He’ll just pop in like 30 minutes into class, in the middle of a class discussion about why technology is ruining the planet; the teacher will give one look, smile at him, and then it’s all chill & dandy
Which is fucking RUDE bc one time u were late to class bc u got the RUNS at the end of P.E.,,,, and she was merciless!! She hit u with the “30,000 word essay due tonight” bitch!!!
So he’s late for the 3904390th time one day, and you’re super mad!! The second he walks in you feel urself fuming, and u turn to ur friend Junkyu who’s already giving u the 👀
Ur SO MAD u start going off,,, and ur like “that fucking jerk he’s always late and ms. johnson doesn’t give a single fuck... in FACT ! she loves his ass. This isn’t fair, honestly im gonna bring this to the principal”
And junkyu’s just cackling away bc ur doing The Most right now, and honestly ur kinda loud, so ppl just are looking @ u like “ .....? ...? are u ok ?? ?”
The answer is no
So ur talking ur shit storm all the way thru your teacher’s instructions, and she introduces a partner project (#cliche am i right)
Junkyu’s already grasping ur hands bc ur his ride or die
But before y’all can start giggling in harmony bc best friends forever, Ms. johnson gives u this rlly fat smirk, and she’s like “hehe... im making partners”
Thats when ur soul dies bc u happen to have the Worst Luck when it comes to partner assignments
Ur always partnered with that one dude that excuses himself to go to the bathroom, but then just vapes outside for 46 minutes,,, and u have to do the WHOLE thing urself,,, and ms johnson just bats her eyelashes and gives u one of these :-) “is there an issue?” and ur just like “:/// no im ok”
(ur not ok)
THIS TIME she’s looking around the classroom, and she starts pairing ppl up
When she pairs junkyu up with this other girl u feel like ur about to have a stroke,,, he gives u a sad lil frown and now ur in ur #feels
Suddenly ms Johnson points right @ you and she’s like “YOU!”
And right at that moment, mr byounggon gets up so he can go polish his bike handles for the 89th time this morning
And she’s like “(y/n) and byounggon, u guys are partners”
Ur like :o
He’s like :o
Ms. johnson’s like XD lolz :P!!!
Junkyu squeezes ur hand one last time, and he’s like “pls dont kick his ass plz, u don’t have the arm strength”
And ur like “PLS~~~~he might LOOK tough but he’s probably a rlly lame loser....” and then junkyu scurries away to another table group
Byounggon walks toward u
And as he’s walking ur crossing ur arms, and mumbling under ur breath, ‘god why ME, WHY’
Ur interrupted from ur sad hour bc byounggon yanks the chair across from u and finally sits his ass down,,,,
He’s looking outside the window,, probably @ his bike, honestly they’re a ship, #byounggbike
U kinda just look at him, absorb everything,, ur like “o dam... he DOES look tough”
His hair is jet black and messy but somehow perfect? He’s got this silver cross earring that dangles down from one ear, and when he lifts his hand to scratch his face, u notice the silver rings on his hands... and ur like... hmm kinda sexy...
Ur in ur own world, just staring at his VRY plump lips that are literally the perfect colour... no lip products needed damn
And the longer u stare, u realize his eyes are kinda sparkly? And his teeth are perfect? And he as a rlly cute long neck
In the middle of ur trance, byounggon’s so confused, honestly a little bit offended, bc ur just staring at him with ur eyebrows knitted, rlly intently, like ur analyzing him
He narrows his eyes and he’s like “what!”
U kinda jump in ur seat and ur like shit fUCK, he must be so weirded out by me rn (he is)
Ur mouth is agape, and u dont rlly know what to say, so u DONT SAY ANYTHING
And that makes him MORE frustrated
He’s like “WHAT are u looking at!”
And ur like
“SFOSJDFIOS... ur eyes are rlly pretty!”
For a second he thinks ur joking
But u look at him so expectantly, and ur cheeks are FLUSHED, so he thinks u might be serious; ur heart is beating 3430430 miles per hour, and u gulp,
But listen -- u HAD to say it-- bc ur mama taught u to give compliments when u think them! She’s a nice lady
Anyways back to the story
Ur definitely about to go into cardiac arrest
And ms johnson’s just sitting behind her desk like 👀🍵
Byounggon’s quiet for a moment
And for a Hot Second™ u think ur about to get ur ass BEAT (not physically, but verbally ;))
But then u notice the tops of his ears are turning a rlly deep red, and he averts his eyes downward
He mumbles a rlly rlly rlly quiet “ .. thanks”; and he says it so fast u almost miss it, but he sAID IT!
Then it’s quiet again and the level of awkward is so intense u want 2 die
Junkyu looks over to you from his table and he’s thinking ‘shit some real shady business must have gone down bc they wont even LOOK @ each other”
Little does he know.....
So u clear ur throat suddenly like “AHEM ok,,, we should probably work on this”
And he’s like “aight”
he seems so tough when he says things like that, but he was such a shy boy two seconds ago
So you guys get started
And it’s basically a project where you introduce the other person to the class with a video... so u rlly gotta get to know each other, and bond and all that cute stuff
And u already KNOOOOO if u dont do well, ur gonna face ms. johnson’s wrath, so ur really invested in doing a good job
And as an added BONUS!!! Ms. johnson says the group that does the best job on the project doesn’t need to take part in the final exam
And ur like BOOOOOYAHH!!! Bc final exams always fuck u over, and u go down like 5% just bc u momentarily lose ur mind and suffer
So ur #dedicated
In this beginning, byounggon rlly doesn’t open up that much, and ur genuinely concerned because it seems like ur going to be making a five minute video about how much he loves his bike (hint: A LOT)
But then u make a rule!! Ur like “hehe... no more bike talk.. Okay?”
And that’s when the Good Stuff comes out
You learn all this wild shit about byounggon
U go down the list of questions miss johnson gave ya’ll and you’re learning all about how  how he likes writing songs, and composing music, and for some weird reason, he rlly likes bowling
Then ur like “whats ur fav body part”
He looks @ u rlly funny, and he’s kinda chuckling, giving u the “uhh are u sure that’s a question, or are u just curious?”
You shove the paper in his face and you point at the question like a crazy person and he puts his hands up and he’s like “DAMN ok i get it”
Ur not rlly mad tho... homeboy’s got #jokes
He forces a smile, and then he juts out his finger at his cheek
And he’s like
“I like my Dimple.. It’s pretty impressive tbh”
U kinda just wanna bug him so ur like “mmm nah i dont think it’s all that impressive... not that cute” (ITS RLLY THAT CUTE THO)
He pretends to be rlly offended, and he sticks his tongue out and kinda bites it
Like tHIS:
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Mr byounggon is NOT having ur sass today !
Ur trying to keep a straight face but FUCK he looks rlly hot in this moment, and suddenly, ur thinking... “fav body part.... Every part!”
He laughs it off, and he’s like, “nah dude, u have to see it in The Moment! That’s when you’ll respect The Dimple”
U deadpan at him bc.... LMFAO did he rlly just say “respect The Dimple”
Yes queen he did
U guys continue like this for a while, until the bell rings, and after, he scratches the back of his neck, and he’s struggling to make eye contact
When he looks like this, u rlly start to wonder how ppl could think he ever looked intimidating,,, bc GOD when his cheeks are a light shade of pink, and his eyes are wandering, and his hands are shaky, he looks so frickin CUTE
He’s like... “so u want start filming @ ....atmyhouselater...?”
Ur like w o t did u just say sir
And he’s like: “do u want to start filmingatmyhouselater!!!”
The classroom is loud bc ppl are shuffling outside, and he’s talking so fast, and honestly, ur just distracted by the hair that’s shifting in and out of his eyes... sparkly eyes... ANYWAYS
Ur like... “byounggon... pls enunciate” !!!
FINALLY,,, smoothly and clearly,,, he says “wanna start filming at my place later?”
And ur shook
Bc u’ll see the Home of Byounggon
Ur like “hehe... yeES”
And then he’s like “ok cool” and fucking BLASTS OUT THAT CLASSROOM LIKE NO TOMORROW
For a second ur kinda shook bc damn.... Does he not have whiplash???
U turn around and u have this fucking goofy smile on ur face
Junkyu slowly walks up to and he’s like “... is it just me, or do you look happy after talking to... byounggon?”
U look @ him in distaste
“It’s just u bitch!”
He can’t know... . ... . . YET.
During lunch, u spilled to Junkyu about all the shit that went down with byounggon, and how u were feeling kinda gushy
When u told him u were gonna go to byounggon’s after school, he lost his damn mind
He was like: “take pictures and send them to me PLZ”
U were like: “TF NO!.... hehe ok maybe”
After school, u give junkyu a fat hug bc he’s a cuddly koala bear, and he wishes you good luck!! Then u run to ur locker and try and act cool
Byounggon pops into the hallway a few seconds later, and he raises his eyebrows @ u, and gestures toward the door
U try not to RUN over to him, and restrict urself to a respectable speed walk
He kinda chuckles bc ur .... cute.
U guys both walk outside and ur anticipating his mom to kinda just appear and drive u both to his place,,
No bitch
That’s not happening
U guys walk out to the side of the school, and u see the world famous #byounggbike
He shoots you a thumbs up and he’s like “mm ok so just hop on!”
Ur like
“Ha a ha .. wh at?”
He smirks all cocky, and he’s like “what? You’ve never rode a motorcycle before or something?”
Ur like. “HA! Whaaaaaaat? Of COURSE i ride motorcycles... in fact, i ride them... . . allllways...”
And he’ s like .......... ok shutup and get on
So u pop ur cute butt onto the seat, and he gets on, and he’s like: “okay, make sure u hold on rlly tight, ok? It can be dangerous”
U kinda scoff bc damn... he’s doing The Most rn isn’t he? So ur all like “PSSHHHTT... i dont even need to im a natural--”
And suddently u dont even have time to let out a breath bc homebody just GOES
IMMEDIATELY u latch ur arms around his waist and ur shutting ur eyes rlly tightly and screaming like “WTF HOW COULD U DO THAT WITHOUT A WARNING”
When he slows down @ the red light, u can FEEL his smirk from the backseat, and he’s like “o well u said ur a pro so i just... went?”
U want to smack his stupid mouth,,, but also,,,, k*ss his stupid mouth
Honestly byounggon was right
When u see The Dimple in the moment,,,, u really fall for it
The ride from then on is mostly smooth, and now ur kinda relaxed, so u just feel the breeze flying threw ur hair
U lose ur hair tie but its ok
Bc u do that everywhere
Ur sort of just enjoying the moment, and honestly it’s kinda peaceful??? U kinda like #byounggbike... now u guys are a ship... #(y/n)bike
Byounggon notices ur vibing with his bike, and it makes him smile rlly wide
At one of the stop lights, he looks at you in his peripheral vision and ur laughing and in ur own lil world
Ur so cute
He likes it so much
He starts riding again, and then just to keep u on ur toes, the boy SWERVES on the road a little bit and ur like “FUCKING STOP DOING THAT ILL KILL U”
And he’s LAUHGIGN so hard, and the laugh is deep, and it vibrates through his whole body
U feel it when ur arms are wrapped around him
and there’s this devilish look in his eyes
It’s really fucking cute
But u wont tell him that.
U guys finally arrive at The House of Byounggon, and you rush into his place bc damn... it’s cold outside! And he’s wearing a sleeveless black top AHHHHHHHHHHHH bicep palooza
U guys get warm inside!!!! And u meet his mom!!! The cutest woman in the entire world!!! And she brings you guys carrots and celery as u work
You ask more questions, and you learn about byounggon’s friends: seunghun, yedam, mashiho, hyunsuk
He shows u pics!!! Damn they’re literally all cute
Hot Squad
U tell byounggon u like to bake, so he comes up with a brilliant idea
He’s like “oh!!!! My mom’s about to make some cherry pie, make i can film u helping her out or smthh for the video”
U guys pile into the kitchen to help his mom, but she’s got the TEA!!!!! She’s like “hehe kids, i’ll be right back i need to do... something.....(y/n) knead this dough while im gone”
She YEETS tf outta there!!! And she’s nowhere to be found for a suspiciously long amount of time... hmmmm
Byounggon films u kneading the dough, but honestly, u dont know what tf ur doing
When u said u liked baking,,, u meant like...box cake
Ur playing with the dough like it’s a slime video, and byounggon is laughing his fucking head off while u just suffer
“Ur doing a rlly good job” he says with his mouth full of cherries
Ur about to tell him tf off for eating ur ingredients when ur hair falls out ur hair tie and it’s all over ur damn face
Byounggon’s like.... O shit
And ur like..... He LP
He comes to ur rescue
“What..... do i do”
U tell him to take the hair tie off the ground, and grab ur hair into a ponytail
His hands are so tentative, honestly a lil shaky, and for a brief second, he skims the skin of ur neck with his fingers
Ur body: shook
U have shivers all over and he bounces AWAY FROM U and he’s like “i- im sorry it was an accident”
Ur like... chill tf out brother... it’s cool
He comes back, ties ur hair into the ugliest side ponytail u ever saw, and u guys continue filming
“U made me look so ugly byounggon ur shady af” ur whining to him as u guys watch the clips back
Byounggon gasps!!! He’s like !!! “u did that urself!”
Then u wanted to kill him bc... did this bitch just call u ugly
U laugh and hit his shoulder!! And he’s like “nah im playing u always look cute”
But u play it cool!!! And u smile at him, and he smiles at u
Then ur like
“Hey can i tell u a secret?”
“... what?”
“Honestly, ur not as bad as ppl make u seem”
He looks @ u with the stupidest smile but he knits his brows and he’s like GEE thank u (y/n), that is so kind of u!!! Ur so kind!!!
And ur like “NOOO hear me out, okay? You’re really nice, and smart, and sweet, and cute.. Ur rlly not as tough as u look....”
He’s kinda hurt, and he puffs his chest out, and kinda pouts
“Im tough.....”
U guys both just laugh
Moments like this continue for the next two weeks as you guys work on ur projects
Somehow byounggon convinces you to go bowling???
You finally go!!! and surprisingly, you beAT HIS ASS SO GOOD???~~~~ for someone that talked such mad shit about his skills,,,, ur rlly thought he’d do well
He got like.... 64 points
U got 107
He BEGGED u not to put that in the video!!!!!!!! Like so so so so badly!!! He offered to give you a ride home on #byounggbike everyday
U told him u wouldn’t put in it
And then the day of, when it popped up in front of the whole class, u were like SIKE BITCH I PUT THAT SHIT IN ANYWAYS!
He was choked up ! but dw he was ok
The whole time the video is playing, u guys are smiling at each other
Junkyu’s looking at u both with the most incredulous look on his face and he’s like... “am i interrupting something, here?”
“Shhhhhh.... Im looking at The Dimple”
“W h  a  t”
When ms johnson announces that u and byounggon had the best project, u just about pop out of ur seat, and u run ALL the way to byounggon, and u wrap ur arms around his neck, and u swing a lil bit off ur feet
He’s smiling so hard, The Dimple is #out, and the rumbling of his chest makes ur heart flutter
In that moment of excitement, u feel really bold, and u lurch forward and just plant the sweetest little kiss on byounggon’s cheek
He kinda does the :o
For a second, ur like... fuck SHIT,, i just fucked all the shit up
But then byounggon looks down at u
And he’s 4290290% heart eyes
He crouches into your ear, and he’s like, “hey can i tell u a secret?”
Ur nodding ur head like ur in a fucking trance
“I like you, (y/n)”
“I like u too, byounggon”
You guys are both smiling, junkyu’s gagging in the corner, ms johnson is loving every minute of this
U force urself on ur tippy toes, look into this sparkly eyes, and u crash ur lips onto his
His lips are soft and sweet, like strawberries
And when u pull away, he’s just as red as one too
While everyone else spends the next couple days studying for the final exam, you and byounggon are straight chillin
U guys spend ur time at the House of Byounggon, kissing the days away, and eating the carrots his mom provides for u both<333333333333
No bowling tho yikes :/// he’s scarred for life
thank u for reading and i LOVE U pls follow me im new
thank u guys for reading if u did!!!!! im a new ygtb blog <33 i plan on writing here and there, but im super dedicated rn bc there’s such little content. also, pls reach out to me, i want some friends <3 ok bye
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bob-dude · 5 years
Some Orange Jerk’s Hazbin thoughts, the longer version.
As I mentioned in a prior post, I  thought the pilot was so-so. Don't hate it with a capital H but find everyone's love for this show to be... odd. Though considering the late 2000s Devinart vibe I get from the show’s art style, probably not too odd now that I think about it. So here’s my longer, more rambly, thoughts on Hazbin Hotel by some rando Orange Jerk on Tumblr.  And as always, more power to ya if you do love it, obviously.
Art direction wise, I’m just not crazy about Viv’s color choice. The red and black and pinks give a Valintine’s day meets Wonderland Queen of Hearts vibe that just doesn't personally work for me on a visual level. 
As for hell itself, I thought the background stuff like ‘Radio Hack’ and the main city being named Pentagram to be... eh? Like, that’s the kind of world-building we’re going with here? It felt less like Hell and more like a city with the trapings of Hell, at least for me. 
So, main cast, the trio as it were. Eh. Meh. Like, Charlie is a Disney Princess of Hell... even though no one treats her as one respect wise which just strikes me as odd from a background perspective. And Charlie has that standard Disney nativity going on... even though she was born and raised in Hell? Like, why bother to make your most optimistic and native character a denizen of hell if she’s not going to look or act the part personality wise?
The reason the personality thing confuses me I guess,  is that take Charlie out of Hell and we’ve seen her character a thousand times before: The bubbly sweet optimistic girl that’s been done so many times before.  Is the ‘But in Hell!’ aspect really that much of a grabber for people? Guess it is and more power to em but it just strikes me as a strange creative choice where once again a character's personality doesn’t logically flow from their background. 
Design-wise Charile is fine, red tux reminds me of the God from the 1977 Oh God movie so that gets a thumbs up in my book. Still a bit weird that a princess is wearing it but it makes sense with the Hotel set up and all so her outfit has a logic to it. 
Then we have Vaggie. So, legit question here people: If you went into the pilot blind and Angle Dust didn’t make his ‘taco’ comment would you have ANY idea that Vaggie is supposed to be Latina? Because I legitimately had no idea that was what her design was supposed to say about her as a charchter. Also didn’t really get a moth vibe from her, either if I’m honest. As for her personality, she’s the standard ‘loving supportive’ GF but with an angry side protective side for Charile... and she’s a Latinia/Latinix.  Does... Does no one else think that’s just a bit... off? Making the one clearly marked Latinia character the ‘angry girlfriend’ archetype? 
Also, that weird pink X eye patch bugged the hell out of me when I was watching. Totally petty as shit nitpick, but I had to vent on that bit. Honestly, though Vaggie is also Meh? Like, she’s in a relationship with Charlie, cool and all but she just doesn’t strike me as a terribly interesting character if I’m honest. Gives me a sort of Lisa Simpson ‘stick-in-the-mud’ vibe. 
And then we have Angle Dust. You know, in the words of Netflix’s Big Mouth, “Sassy and Gay”  isn’t a personality. Angle Dust basically has that sort of ‘2000s  Yaoi OC’ vibe and considering Vive once had a DA character sheet where she literally listed his personality is ‘Bitch’... Yeah. 
Also, as I’ve said elsewhere, Viv and crew are doing too much with this guy. So he’s an ex mobster killed by his homophobic father in the 1920s (not mentioned in the pilot but it is a pilot in all fairness so you can’t throw all your cards on the table). And he’s a Spider Demon... even though per Word of Viv how everyone’s designed in hell doesn’t have anything to do with how they died on Earth (then why deign them that way?). And he’s a porn star (being ex Mob shouldn’t he be the one paying for porn stars as a power domination sort of thing?). AND he’s going for a Beetlejuice meets CJ from Regular Show sort of design.
It just seems a bit much, imo. Like, you could make him just a gay ex mob who mostly uses a Tommy Gun and design him to fit that and leave the Spider-Demon stuff out and it becomes a lot more manageable. Something like a simplified Zoot Suit, or the like. You could keep the sexual humor but throw it a bit more 1920s slang and pop culture references for characterization/comedy purposes (Vaggie, for example, has no idea what he’s talking about most of the time). Granted, I’d personally rather they ditch the ‘animal bits slapped on’ aspects of the designs as a whole but that, as always is just me.
For the record, I’m not ‘offended’ by Angle Dust as a character concept, I’m just not wowed or impressed, ultimately.
And then we have Alastor. Now, I LOVE Alastor as a character. He’s got that classic ‘reality warper’ vibe ala Bill Cipher or Discord but with a 1920s radio show host twist that I just think is amazing and the sound distortion they added to his voice was a really cool touch on top of it all. The problem, as always, comes more with the color choice. One one of your own characters can’t take someone seriously because they look like a ‘strawberry pimp’ that might be the time to maybe go with a different color pallet? Like, idk,  maybe throw in some warm browns and brass golds to involve the 1920s radio vibe stronger? Radios of the 20s and 30s weren’t famous for being red, is what I’m getting at.
The other problem with Alastor is that he’s too strong a personality, ironically. He comes in at the tail end of the pilot and basically steals whatever interest a potential audience member (or at least fat orange jerks like me) might have had in Charlie's plight. It's like introducing Bill Cipher in the first episode of Gravity Falls. At that point whatever interest you might have had in the MC goes out the window and you think ‘what’s this dudes deal and can the show be about them instead please?’ Sure, Alastor in all of his pesudo deer (Those don’t look like horns in my opinion but whatever you say Viv) is fun to watch but he drowns out Charile through sheer force of charisma and showmen ship. Maybe the series itself will fix this but for the pilot at least I think it’s an issue.  
Also, Nifty is Nifty and she needs her own spin-off ASAP. That is all. 
Husk is literally Avocato from Final Space with wings and some gambling bits thrown in design-wise. That’s literally all I think of Husk, sorry Husk fans :(
The animation is good, but I do find it ironic that as much as people like the bitch about  SU being off model, Hazbin I thought suffered from so many different animators tackling different scenes that it just felt jarring going from one scene to the next due to the difference in style and the shifts in animation pacing. Now, don’t get me wrong, a lot of it looks great but that switch in animators kinda just took me out of the experience in places.  Well, that and the lack of proper scene transitions. Those are what also made the pilot feel like whiplash for me.
And now comes to Bob’s thoughts on the plot of the pilot and this is where the logical holes of the series start to get to me just a bit.
So. Charlie wants to reform the demons of hell of their sins so they can get to heaven and Hell can lower its population and angles down come down and deliver some righteous furry smiting on their asses. Okay. Stupid question but what the hell is Charlie basing this off of? I mean, was AD really THAT good an actor that Charlie thought going full steam ahead on the Hotel idea was the next reasonable step up?
 Like, the Hotel was clearly a mess and her staff is literally just her and Vaggie and MAYBe Angel Dust. Even if the episode had ended with a horde of demons lining up to get into heaven by way of cleaning up their acts there’s no way two, three people could handle that (Or, you know, six if we throw in Nifty and Husk in fairness now that I think about it).
 And that’s ultimately the thing with the pilot, the demons are assholes as you’d expect the citizens of hell to be but if they are assholes... why should we care if they get redeemed or not when not one of them is clearly interested in the idea? As cheesy as it would have been, the pilot ending with a horde of demons wanting to give this ‘become better’ thing a shot would have at least left the pilot on a better note to end on. As it is it just seems like Charlie is doomed to fail because no one but her gives a shit or belives about her idea for the Hotel and we have no proof that her idea will even work. Which just makes me wonder: Why should I care if no one else does?
Ultimately, the show has potential but the art style and aspects of the writing just don’t click for me. The show doesn’t say ‘adult’ to me so much as it does 'Hot Topic Teen trying to be adult' which works for a lot of people but for me I think Hellevua Boss as more potential concept-wise. And has scenes on Earth which do the red and black and pink and white colors of the demons a lot better visual justice contrast wise but that’s just me. 
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hellimagines · 6 years
Pop Tart -- Billy Hargrove
Request: “I had this idea that the reader is new to Hawkins. This catches Billy’s attention like everyone else’s because there hadn’t been a new kid since him. So he, somewhat, takes her under his wing because she’s the new kid this the beginning of their friendship. And it goes from there. Since she’s Billy’s new friend/crush, she has to hang out with Tommy and Carol since he does (and they’re attached at the hip by now). So when Billy walks away with Tommy for a minute (maybe they’re at a party?), Carol starts to talk to her about Billy. Like telling her to stay away from him because she’s been trying to get with Billy since he moved there. This ends in the reader and Carol getting into a fight and Billy and Tommy pulling it apart ❤️” & “If you don’t mind, i’d like a Billy Hargrove x reader imagine request where the reader is pretty much a female version of Billy (smokes, likes rock music, leather jackets, emo pretty much) and she’s the new girl in Hawkins and Billy like bumps into her or something one day at school in the hall or whatever and then Billy begins to have feelings for her and she kinda teases him about it and flirts with him until he breaks and admits he likes her?” - @kaitlinlexiexx
Summary: You and Billy grow close after moving to Hawkins, and after you get into a fight, feelings are revealed. 
Warnings: a fight…? Is that a warning?
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,541
A/N: Okay, this is probably not gonna be too hot because these requests are pretty damn identical to Caught in Your Eyes aka, my baby. So uhhhhhh, yeah, RIP. I changed it up too because of that, I’m sorry, and it’s kinda short. Don’t kill me pls and thx ily guys (and idk where the name pop tart came from)
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You didn’t know what to expect from your first day at Hawkins High. But a beefy arm being a slung around your shoulder in a near-headlock was sure as hell not one of them. You had been at your locker, exchanging the books you would need for your next class, when a sudden shout had caught your attention.
“New girl! Just the person I’ve been looking for!” The claim caused you to scowl instantly, your eyes narrowed as you slammed your locker. You had no idea where the voice had come from, so when a boy had come up from behind you and wrapped his arm around you, you were shocked.
“Hey, buddy! Get your hands off’a me, would ya?” you growled, trying to shoulder his arm off of you.
“Now, now, listen here, pop tart-”
“The hell did you just call me?”
“Listen, I was the new kid once too-”
“Isn’t that sentimental, now let me the fuck go.”
“-and I know how hard it can be. New school, new students, new town. Sucks, yeah? So why don’t you ride with me, and we can be new kids together.”
“This sounds like some kind of cheap-ass sales pitch to get me out of town,” you scoffed, rolling your eyes.
“But, did it work?” the blond questioned hopefully, a grin spread across his face.
“Of course not. I don’t even know you,” you snapped, finally managing to get yourself free from his arm. You checked the shoulders of your leather jacket to make sure it was alright, before looking back at him. “And you, don’t even know me.”
“Alright, fair enough. Let’s get to know each other then,” he offered, leaning against your locker with his legs crossed.
“This whole encounter has given me whiplash. Why would I want to know you?”
“Because I’m Billy Hargrove, King of Hawkins, and I’ve just made your whole day.” You laughed loudly at that, tilting your head back at the thought.
“You? You think you made my day? My day hasn’t even begun! And why anyone would pass a crown on to you, is beyond me.”
“I stole it. Monarchies work both ways, Tart,” he snickered, flashing you a wink.
“Well, hasn’t somebody read up on their history,” you said, rolling your eyes once more. “I’ve got to get class, your highness. So if you don’t mind, I will not be catching you around.” You spun on your heel, and marched away from the speechless blond, shaking your head with a fond smile as you went.
As the weeks went by, Billy’s pestering turned into idle, friendly chit-chat. You slowly found yourself intermingling with his two other friends, Tommy and Carol, without even realizing it. You and Billy were seen together quite a bit, usually with him bugging you, or you asking him for help on your history assignments. But either way, a reputation began to build.
“You know,” Tommy suddenly spoke one day at lunch, “I haven’t thrown a party in a while.”
“That’s because the last one you threw ended with an eighth of the party being arrested,” Carol grumbled, popping the gum in her mouth.
“Woah, Car’, I’m surprised you were able to do the math with that,” Billy spoke sarcastically, earning a harsh punch to the shoulder from her. Billy winced and grabbed his shoulder, glaring at the dirty blonde. You scowled as well, absentmindedly reaching up to rub his shoulder as you ate an apple beside him. You weren’t entirely aware of Billy’s home life, but you did have some inkling suspicions, so you found yourself being slightly protective of the injuries he received at school.
“Anyways, I think I’m gonna throw one this weekend. But I need help setting up,” Tommy declared, looking at each of you individually. That was when you realized that you had indeed, begun riding with Billy Hargrove, King of Hawkins High. “Carol will get the alcohol and drugs, and whatever the fuck else you want, Billy and (Y/N), you guys get the food and drinks. And I’ll clean up and barricade the place. We have two days!”
“What makes you think anyone is gonna show up with such little notice?” you questioned, resting your chin on your folded arms, that resided on the table.
“Because I’m Tommy. They love my parties!”
“You guys are so egotistical.”
“Which is why you fit in great, Tart,” Billy snickered, flashing you a wink.
When the two of you got to Tommy’s house that weekend, the party was already in full swing. You had stopped by earlier to deliver the snacks and drinks you and Billy had gone to pick up, and it had been quiet and isolated then. But now, there were teenagers everywhere.
“Aha! My favorite new kids!” Tommy shouted over the crowd, gaining your attention. You gave him a raised, leather-clad wave, before following Billy over to him.
“Looks good, per usual,” Billy passed, scanning the crowd briefly, before settling his eyes back onto you. Carol walked over to you guys not a moment later, her hair perfectly curled and wearing a perfect outfit.
“Hmm, didn’t think you’d actually show, (Y/N),” she said thoughtfully, eyeing you momentarily before smiling brightly at Billy and Tommy. “Boys. Pleasure to see you both,” she grinned, reaching up to ruffle both of their locks. Billy was quick to dodge the attack, but Tommy leaned into the touch, practically preening. You rolled your eyes and allowed Billy to shuffle closer to you.
“Come help me get drinks, Tommy,” Billy groaned, tugging on the other boy’s sleeve and practically pulling him away from Carol. Carol watched them disappear into the kitchen before her attention was hyper-focused on you.
“What is your plan?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.
“I’m sorry?”
“Your plan. With Billy, what is it?”
“I don’t have a plan with him. He’s a great friend, and I love him for it,” you shrugged, eyeing her carefully.
“That’s good. Because I’m planning on making a move. I’ve had my eye on him since November, and Tommy just isn’t cutting it right now. I want Billy and his muscles,” she sighed, and you gaped at her.
“That’s despicable, Carol. Tommy loves you, so much. Billy doesn’t. Don’t ruin their friendship and break Tommy’s heart, just because you ‘want Billy’s muscles’. I won’t let you do that,” you said, fully turning on her.
“You can’t tell me what to do. If I want Billy, then I’ll get Billy. If I hurt Tommy, then I’ll hurt Tommy,” she scolded, shoving at your chest twice, sending you stumbling back. Before you could register what was happening, your fist was swinging towards her, and slamming into her cheekbone. You couldn’t tell who was hurt more by the blow; your hand or her cheek, but both of you shouted at impact. Carol lunged at you after she recovered, and both of you were soon tumbling on the floor of Tommy’s living room, echoes of ‘Fight! Fight!’ surrounding you. You were on top of her, one hand over her throat, and the other slamming into her face while she clawed at your own face, pulling on your hair, and kicking at you to get you off.
Suddenly, however, you were pulled off of Carol. Strong arms were wrapped around your middle, squeezing the air out of your lungs as you were whipped through the crowd, shouting and yelling. “Put me down! Put me the fuck down!” you screamed, trying to escape their hold. Your carrier eventually transported you to the vacant front yard, setting you down outside of a blue Camaro.
“What the hell was that, (Y/N)?” Billy questioned, and you were startled to see that it was him.
“She deserved it, Billy. You don’t understand, she was being a… a bitch,” you tumbled out, tugging on your hair in frustration.
“What did she say to you?” he asked, gently prying your hands out of your hair, and holding onto them.
“She… she said she wanted you, and she was willing to hurt Tommy in the process. All because you have muscles. You’re more than that, so much more than that. And she can’t do that to Tommy, the only person who actually loves her. It’s so wrong, Billy, and I couldn’t let her do that!” you repeated, voice raised a pitch.
Billy hushed you, moving you so that you were against his chest. “Hey, it’s alright. I wouldn’t have said yes anyway,” he hummed, shocking you.
“You wouldn’t have?”
“No, of course not. Pop tart, I’ve had my eye on you since the day I saw you. And getting to know you became the best decision of my life, and I’m so happy we’re as close as we are,” he confessed, his palm placed against the side of your face. You gazed up at him, a smile slowly forming.
“Well, Billy Hargrove, isn’t that wonderful,” you giggled, quickly leaning up to silence whatever he was about to say. You kissed him gently, relishing in the feeling of his lips against yours. “You’re so much more than your muscles, and Carol will never get to find that out,” you whispered against his lips before kissing him once more.
All Writing Taglist (OPEN): @teageowen @mads---world
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icharchivist · 6 years
perso-rant underneath and at first i intended it to be more light hearted but welp cant dive into myself without digging the bad stuff so just ignore this as rambling.
(idk if the cut works on mobile so as usual blacklist #ichapersonal to skip it , its quite long)
its night and im noisy and all but yknow part of the reason m/lb is such a healing show for me and i rewatch it every couple of days?
i cry everytime M.arinette's family is on screen pretty badly bc i get so envious all the time. i hate my shitty family (and often can relate to A.drien's ressentment) so just seeing such a /healthy/ family being often shown litterally brings me to tears. im like C.hat in the animan episode when he stares at the family picture with a sweet smile (another detail that stupidly make me cry who allowed th i s)
like. i dont relate to A.drien's relation to his family but some of the emotional effects is often a moment of "welp. mood." and being kinda sad /for him/ even if i can feel it for myself too. but then with M.arinette's family everytime they get to be on screen i realize how happy this sort of dynamic makes me and it makes me /so envious/.
like my mom is an artist and an excellent cook but she always barred those interests from me bc it was /hers/ and it was for /her ego/ and this attitude just killed every curiosity i had and remplaced it with a complete unability to care.
i used to bake as a kid but my mom was always shutting down everything i was doing, and if i was asking for help or recieps she would just tell le "it's a secret just watch " and never letting me know tf she was doing so i stopped lmao. everytime ive tried meals since it was only for myself and with a hard mocking from family and mom saying she had a better recieps and i should just let her do so i dont even try it often. (moreeven now that the kitchen is opened to the living room and they're super judgemental when im in it)
i was messing with drawings and paints in her workshop when i was a kid but she would always point out flaws and take my tools to correct it without telling nor showing me how and it killed it, it took me until my 14yo to start doing mindless doodles and then my breakdown when i was about 20 to seriously try back to draw and do art and try different tools (until my right hand made it impossible for me to hold a tool and the failure still feels yknow)
i wanted to sew things and make clothes (at the time for my dolls) but my mom was never letting me touch the tools (that we HAD since not only she made clothes but her mom actually had a fabrique shop. like. right next door. i think it became part of my mom's trauma hating her mom and refusing us to connect with her, more so with what happened when i was 7 and we lost contact with them but still, the damn irony. and i cant remember if my grandma ever let me close her sewing material but i was a damn kid after all) so this is another thing i didnt pursue
i wanted to pick up music (piano mostly) bc my uncle is a musician but my parents never wanted to invest in that because they already gave a piano to my sister (that i wasnt allowed to use) so ye that was dropped lmao
and i started to write when i was about 11 and it was that /one thing/ i didnt need help for from anyone, completely self taught, with my own ways and tools, and my parents were always dismissive of it, never listening to me, always telling me it wasnt important, that i should focus on something else, and after other circumstances that added to that i dropped writting around my 17/18yo and it had been painful to even try to write again since.(i came back to writing around my 20yo a bit before my breakdown but after it happened it started to die out and i felt exhausted and stopped after a few months and since then i've never been able to pick up writing again ay.)
(and im not touching the obsessive elements bc like- the fact she does it for her crush makes it different, but the sort of things she does? taking pictures and putting them everywhere in her room when she hyperfixates, making overcomplicated schedules and such? i litteraly do that with fiction. i made a freaking timeline for this show. i am currently working on organizing codex from d.a and an approval guide for christ sake. and im not talking about my multiple fandom shrines in my room and the fact i legit have one for m/lb made from pictures found on merchs.
or also the fact i have a lot of passions i'd love to share and seeing M. play video games with her dad for exemple makes me so bitter when all i get is backhanded insults from my parents when i bring it up.)
So sometimes i see M. and part of me is just in awe, loving everything about her. the other part of me tho... i feel... a bit robbed? like she's such a creative kid, she's incredible and she inspires me everyday, and i cant help but think how i would have adored her when i was a kid. (im not even kidding, as a kid i requested my mom a costume of black cat for h.alloween and a l.adybug costume for the carnaval. i have pictures of that at my dad's place sadly it kills me. also my room when i was a kid used to be covered with l.adybug stickers like. HELL my mom doesnt care about my interests but last year she bought me a M/LB winter callendar (bc its been years i was mentioning i wanted one, a selfish whim but oh well) and i had a huge double take bc i was certain she didnt remember me talking about this show- and she did not. when i asked her why, she legit told me "because she reminded me of you as a kid with your pigtails your obsession for l.adybugs". like!! i cant even stress how kid!me would have adored this show and especially LB./M.) (the pigtails too this time i have proofs around there i used to carry them all the time until i was bullied for it at school. (bullying at school instead of good friends also adds to the difference in question tbh lmao))
there is something so... weird into seeing the parts of yourself that you cut yourself from in a character, and see that the main difference is because of how the family (and bullies) treated those elements so drastically differently.
my family was always neglectful but differently than A.. the things i relate to with him is how he specifically still holds on hope that his father will do better at least just for one day and his reaction when he's left down saying he's just used to it. and like normal, not every kind of abuse are the same and all but i still relate enough to feel sad.
but M. is always a whiplash of feelings like i could have been this sort of girl in a better environment.
at 13/14yo she was already making stuff up, baking, designing clothes, doing art, she was doing so many things, even forgetting the superhero part. she was being happy being a creator at her pace and with encouragement. at 13/14yo i was starting to show concerning signs of d.epression because i was trying to handle my parents's divorces and the multiple trials that followed that /i/ had to handle by finding middle grounds, allowing some of my father's blackmail to avoid worse, and by litterally having to collect infos from mails everytime to prove against some of his arguments to the judges. and my sister refusing to talk to us for a year, which caused us basically to feel very bad thinking of the eldest sister who ran away from home, and having to handle my father's harrasment and emotional abuse of constantly belittling me (fuck this was the age he legit told me i would probably end up a p.rostitute so ye!!! fuck that!!!) andd the fact my mom was also falling apart from all of it on me and i was always supposed to cheer her up while i was having a hard time in a new school and new environment away from the very few friends i had and again feeling abandonned by my sister which freaking sucks after already had suffered that from our eldest one.
but M. makes me cry every. goddam. rewatch. its like maybe the ultimate wish fufilling story of just how i would have loved my family to be. of how i think i could have turned up.
and that realization hits so badly everytime.
there's a thing with my hyperfixations where i'll always find a way to tie it back to my traumas. i dont know if im pulling straws, or if the things are there. for having watched m.lb when it came out unfazed and only got hit with that realization upon rewatching- i feel it was more me realizing "there is something there that is touching me more than before" and having an introspection to get it.
and i think the difference is that- before my breakdown the characters and stories i related to where the eternal optimistic-yet-damaged "never give up!" type of characters. When things started to go downhill to my breakdown and since then the fictions that talked to me the most were all dealing with guilt coming from toxic environment that werent your fault per se but you pierceved that way. my way to relate were to characters who felt deeply connected to their guilt (peak being c.loud of f.f7 that even topped it with the deadly skin disease making him lose will to live (because ye that happened. still hate to watch out for that so ye), and memories issues, you would have told me at 13yo when i first watched that movie that this would be what i would relate to him about 7 years later i would have laughed at your face.), which translated with pushing people away and self destructing habits.
and i know i watched m.lb the first time around that time, when i was 20/21. and that may be why i didnt feel that. that my concerns were too elsewhere to realize that. That i was too focalized on how i felt like i failed by suddenly breaking under the pressure, having all the things i've kept burried kicking me out at once, and that i couldnt afford to be a burden to anyone. and it translated with me loving characters like that because in most cases their friends ended up reminding them of what was important - and sometimes just getting frustrated about your fav being as dumb as it forces you to pull yourself back together lmao. not always working but it was there.
now im 23. i cut ties with my father for about 3/4 years now, with all the shitty things that ensued out of the last trial where he sued me and his still-happening harrasment (sometimes silly sometimes scary). My mom and step dad are suffocating me more and more everyday. my health had become so disastrous i cant even manage to go school or find a job. And more than ever im frustrated and angry.
and i think it may be a shown of recovery? perhaps linked to therapy? of while i still have guilt of falling apart- /they/ are the reason i fell apart. and I'm yet to have proper apologizes for it. i grew furious at my family. of how much i feel robbed.
lately im so angry at everything i lost, was taken of, stolen childhood all of that- because of my parents, mainly. (hell even the bullying at school - in primary school it apparently started bc of gossips about why my eldest sister ran away from home, and in middle school it was first bc my parents insisted on sending me to private school where i was an outcast. which then had me truly embrassing the outcast persona that had made it impossible for me to be at peace in the two others middle schools i went to. highschool saved my social life tbh).
i think it's therapy and recovery that is making me shift the blame and feel so angry at them. so bitter. and suddenly i see in an innocent kid show a "what could have been". same starting personality, different people to channel this.
and this is. frustrating.
but it makes me love it even more. idk if its driving anything else than ressentment but at least for the time of an episode I'm in a bubble of a.lternative universe where i can forget about my life and feel satisfied at once.
like finding a piece of myself that i deliberately broke and burried to never think about it again, and realize far later how it missed to the whole, and how damaged this piece is now, but still is.
and there is something incredibly healing about that. i would never have thought there would be this much healing out of this anger and yet satisfaction. what a strange feeling.
fiction is funny that way. the things people can get out of it to deal with their own psyche are so different one person to the next.
it's just so weird for me to go from "i relate to the horrors this character went through" to "and fuck those horrors. let me think about what could have been if this didnt happen."
even moreso knowing i had this piece of fiction before and didnt approach it that way. there's a time and a mindset for everything. apparently now was the best mindset for me huh
so ye apparently i cant like something like a normal person and have to go on about how it connects to my deeply rooted traumas lmao.
anyway it's been eating me up for weeks now and it's 4:45am i have absolutly no impulse holding me back. if you sat through this piece of work im sorry. just needed it to get it out of my chest.
i'll go back to hugging my cheap-yet-lifesaving c.laire's l.adybug pillow now
good night o/
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aeseyastudies · 7 years
i wanna start bullet journaling do you have any recommendations or advice
Of course anon, thank you for asking me!
Firstly I’d say it’s best to try out the method first to see if it works for you, literally just on loose leaf paper or in a rough notebook. Of course you can change the system later to suit your own needs
you can find the official website here, there’s quite a bit of guidance on how to get started and it explains the basic method
Next you need a notebook. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy, but I would recommend using squared or dotted rather than lines; it works better for the actual ‘bullet’ part.
I use a Leuchtturm1917 A5 dot grid notebook, and I’d definitely recommend it, especially if you tend to use fountain pen or anything else inky that bleeds through paper (I tried a moleskine once and I could literally read my writing on the other side!).
otherwise you can probably find a suitable notebook in your local stationary shop, it just has to get the job done
And then just get started! Write the date, and write what you have to do that day, and go from there!
Decoration-wise, honestly do whatever the hell you want. My entire first bullet journal was entirely decorated with different coloured pens and a couple of strips of washi tape, and if I do say so myself, it looks cute. Take inspiration from the people on tumblr, but do what you want to and make your bullet journal your own. It doesn’t have to be covered with washi tape and aesthetic pictures to look good, but if you want to drown your pages in them, go for it. No one will stop you.
Other advice:
Please don’t stress too much about making it look nice, that will come with time and I promise you your first few spreads will be comical to you in a few years (mine are!)
The point of bullet journaling is functionality, and if you’re exhausting yourself trying to make it look nice all the time, you’ll get sick of it. No one else has to see it if you don’t want them to.
That said, if you want to spend time making it look pretty and you enjoy doing it, go ahead! 
Work out how much time you’re willing to spend on your bullet journal and don’t force yourself to spend more.
For the first half of my first bullet journal I had a weekly spread every week with trackers for my water intake, exercise, and piano practice and it just grew exhausting. I ended up stopping bullet journaling altogether for a bit because I was sick of keeping up with the quota I’d set myself.
One way I’ve been able to keep up with it now is by not making myself fill a page per week. Instead of laying out my ‘weekly spread’ I just write down the days I need to write down and skip the days when I don’t feel like it. It’s made bullet journaling a lot less stressful so I’ve kept up with it for much longer.
Obviously different things work for different people so don’t avoid weekly spreads just because they didn’t work for me, but don’t force yourself to write something every day if you don’t want to.
Don’t be afraid to mix it up.
I’ve kinda got myself into the system of having a colour theme each spread, with only one main colour. And I’m a little scared to change it halfway through a book and start using more than one colour per spread. Don’t be like me. If you wanna do something a little different, do it! Allow your bullet journal to evolve with you.
If you don’t like the official system, don’t use it.
I’ve got little boxes to fill in and I find it much more satisfying that putting a cross through a dot. I also don’t like crossing out a whole line like it says to on the website, so I cross through the box instead. Do what you want to, the official system is only a starting point.
If you want inspiration, a lot of studyblrs will have a bullet journal/bujo tag (including me!) so go wild. However if you’re planning on uploading pictures of your spreads make sure they are either only loosely inspired and not obvious copies of other people’s, or that you credit the people whose spreads inspired you.
Some really great bullet journalists:
@emmastudies uses a staples arc notebook (which I use for my class notes), which is such a good idea if you want to be able to move stuff around, and her spreads are always really nice
@penandanotebook​‘s spreads are so simple but so pretty I love them all
@journalsanctuary​ made a really useful video here which is great if you want to see how a bullet journal can evolve over time (also her spreads are super cute)
@eintsein, @studypetals, @obsidianstudy and @ttstudys all make really pretty artsy collage-y spreads 
ooh and Vanessa made a really useful tutorial here if you want some advice on making weekly spreads.
@abiistudies‘ spreads are widely different each time I actually get whiplash she has been able to do what I am incapable of (the moon spread ahhh)
okay now I’m just gushing about all the people I follow I need to chill… I hope this helped! Feel free to ask me anything else :)
73 notes · View notes
12x18 watching notes
Ketch is literally going to try and kill Dean just for saying that about his bike. 
I know he seems deep and interesting and complicated to some people but that’s the facts.
In slightly unrelated news it turns out I have had this entire season sussed out since the day Robbie Thompson announced he was leaving and I cry-watched 8x13 while eating ice cream and realised Sam’s furniture-related hubris from 11x17 was going to get him one day because it had been a theme since they first met the MoL ever, but this is all escalating exactly as I have foreseen and it’s coming down to the most petty motivations you can imagine.
I’m as surprised as you are when I’m actually right when I make shitty jokes and predict an entire season a year in advance. :D
I actually have nowhere else to be today so I woke up early, watched Elementary while I waited for coffee to kick in and now here I am while it's still morning :D
Recappy all the BMoL stuff with a focus on Mom sleeping with Ketch, followed by our one sympathetic guy getting murdered by Ketch, and Umbridge pointing out the Winchesters suck to a clip of Dean wandering around with Lucille in the Bunker (listen I thought the whole thing was going to fall on Sam after years of him ripping up the wiring to install mini fridges and TVs, and putting his feet on the chairs, but nope at the last minute they shoehorn in a bloodsoaked Dean disrespecting the furniture which I'm taking a bitter Sam!girl stance on for no reason other than it makes me laugh that Dean yanked this one from under his nose)... Last thing we hear is that Ketch is going to come for them, and onto the cold open. Considering this is at least SUPPOSED to be a monster of the week (and I'm terrified of it) I'm like... deeply unappreciative of the total lack of warning.
I have a blanket though.
Idk if it was because the promo clip I saw (I think I may have missed one by noping out of this episode's promo stuff and going to bed last night because I don't remember a Dabb one) being the one with the Game of Thrones aliases but the kid Sam and Dean interview reminded me of Jon Snow... He looks even more like him in the dark wearing a coat with a fuzzy hood and it's making me laugh. He's not exactly a Jon Snow type personality though - like all we know of him right now is he likes watching his friends make out because he's kinda gross.
(I can never tell if scenes like this are What The Writer Thinks Kids These Days Do or What The Writer Did When He Was Kids These Days... I suppose either is revealing >.>)
Anyway hat buddy slaps Jon Snow on the shoulder and leaves him to it and I really can't make character parallels off this little info but I think hat buddy is wearing a red hat of the same style of plaid that both Sam and Dean have been wearing this season? It's dark though.
Oh good creepy goat mask guy/actual monster is watching
is that an axe or a hammer?
*retreats under my blanket*
that backpack is literally like an anglerfish lure, with the glowstick attached to it
oh yay it's full of money. You beat the trap, and the goat guy, you get a buttload of cash.
Tumblr media
Monsters don't tend to use complicated traps though :P
I really really don't like the goat guy. Nope. Noooope. *adds a nope for every dramatic shot of him*
Anyway the first thing we hear is Cas's voice mail, with "THE MEMORY REMAINS" captioning it, so I've got emotional whiplash. Trauma from the goat guy to achey soul pains from Dean trying to get ahold of Cas still, wandering the halls of the Bunker and being miserable.
I mean he's *wandering the bunker* levels of miserable.
I could only find a bad download but I have a feeling Sam's pitying look when he hears the tail end of this where Dean is being all worried about Cas is possibly worse.
Oh NO Dean's been LOOKING for him. Including a standard "has any weirdo in a trench coat been arrested" google search which honestly I feel like should probably get more hits than Dean wants to deal with even if none of them are Cas :P
He's cleaning guns now, including reminding us of all the ancient MoL guns stashed under the table, which really makes me think about how the Bunker is possibly in danger because the BMoL have as many keys to it as they like and Sam and Dean don't know they're about to be hunted by Ketch, who really only needs to do a kill 'em in their sleep thing if he doesn't feel like making a grand entrance and villain monologuing at them. I mean it won't be good TV which is literally my only reassurance he won't do that, or at least they'll have a tip off and Bela him if he tries it (why are they always being nearly assassinated by Brits)... Anyway, the reminder that those guns show they are prepared to be attacked in their own home - but are they READY to be attacked in their own home? Dean cleaning the guns suggests maybe?
I still think this literally all goes back to Sam's hubris about 8x13 where we cut between them finding the Bunker for the very first time and Dean returning after a week of supply runs to Kevin and crap, walks in, and Sam's installed a mini fridge in the library already. Later Sam rolls his eyes at Dean wanting to get a pool table or whatever it was he told Cas in 8x22 but you started it Sam. (The next episode I watch with my mum will be 9x04, aka Sam is bored and stir crazy because Dean is keeping him in the Bunker, so he dives under the map table, and rips up several miles of wiring just to see where it goes.)
(11x23 was like... not that I'd been *waiting* for it per say but when Toni showed up and shot Sam and we'd recently seen Sam lounging with his feet on the furniture... I knew it was his own bloody fault he got shot and that moment earlier in season 11 had prepared me for it :P)
Anyway that sense of threat is coming back. We know there's SOMETHING they filmed right towards the end of the season with Dean wandering the Bunker with a gun in hand, so I am feeling like it's time to explore every scrap they give us about the sense of unease the BMoL give them about their own home, whether it's for us to know or them to feel.
Not sure Sam's got it even though Toni SHOT him here already, but Dean, at least, is cleaning the defensive weapons stashed under the tables and that makes me feel like he's at least HALF aware of it, and of course this season he is being shown rather more on the ball about stuff...
(This is what happens when you combine giving me the entire day to watch and a creepy goat mask guy I don't wanna see again - 15 minute free form essay on the Bunker vs Sam)
"He'll be fine. He always is."
Dean is like... yeah.
The other times he's dropped off the map include, not exhaustively
* being in the middle of an angelic civil war while working with Crowley * being mind-controlled by Naomi and eventually smashing Dean's face in * being possessed by Lucifer
So you can see why Dean's "yeah" is a wee bit unconvinced :P
Sam taps nervously on the table. Why do I always have to reassure Dean when I'm worried about Cas too? Do I even believe anything I'm saying or am I just saying it because that's what you do when Dean's worried about Cas?
Sam goes through all the books on demons. "It turns out we have a lot of books on demons"
Dean, who spent all of season 9, 10 and 11 reading every single book on demons to find info on Knights of Hell, the Mark of Cain, and how to get Lucifer out of your boyfriend, doesn't even look up from cleaning the guns.
Sam's emaaaail. Sadly I have a very low def download so I put in a request for more information which is my new way of saying good morning on new episode day:
elizabethrobertajones MITTENS I MUST READ THE WINCHESTER'S EMAIL I am pretty sure I can read some of it but I have a very very low def download but I'm pretty sure we have like 8 different stories underneath the one from "Mick" :P I can read "Dean: click this link!" (I think) which suggests Dean is perpetually sending Sam screamers or weird shit, Dean again which I think he used the email title line to say "You owe me for the gas I paid for last week"? then 2 Biggerson's emails including a monthly newsletter... are they keeping an eye because so much weird shit happens there, or have they been unwittingly signed up ever since they were the millionth customers and this is the long form version of the luck going bad? A life time of being plagued by it Sam has flagged this email he also flagged one which seems to say "Impala Owner's [something]" which says "I think I might have the part you're looking for" maybe he has to forward that to Dean And then Dean, "this is not a case IMO", Dean, "Professional Eating Contest videos" which I cackled at and Dean, flagged again, "question about that [something] research you were talking about"? I want to know more about everything but especially Biggerson's :P
Anyway insert fake shock about the case from Mick showing up from beyond the grave
[image of the anglerfish backpack]
Dean is having so much fun waving the Colt around and sighting down it and now fake-shooting it... I love how it seems to show him shooting forwards and then we go to Ketch checking HIS email (or... Mick's email) - Dean shooting Ketch? He's having so much fun with the Colt I am starting to feel like the narrative is going to have to sadly pat him on the head and take the gun away from him and let someone else deal with it.
NYOOOOOM *scrreeech* NYOOoooom
Straight to a sheriff with an interest in doing taxidermy at his desk, and Sam and Dean giving him at least 10ft berth, to suggest the proverbial pole has been deployed. Honestly is this commentary on how J2 hate the taxidermy stuff fans sometimes show them? Maybe 9x05 wasn't subtle enough about how it skeeves them out. Dean especially is hanging right the hell back, and I think 9x05 managed to establish it genuinely freaks him out.
Of course if it's a taxidermy goat head and the monster is a mask we're looking right at our guy. And he's got the big spooky eye through his magnifying glass... This episode is kind of dark and dusty and I love how it looks already. Somehow it just seems grimy from the like, 4 scenes I've seen.
If it is a guy in a mask, then Plush and Thinman are the episodes with overlap thematically. Promo stuff also suggested it might be a god, which the ritual pattern of disappearances going back a LONG time suggest. The 20 year gap, on the other hand, suggests to me a sort of legacy of being the goatman, and a child has taken up the super creepy mantle.
The makeout spot is called Weathertop so that's a Lord of the Rings reference, and an oblique sideways reference to Stranger Things, where the kids called the forest Mirkwood. Got a bearded sheriff dude in I think similar colours, although obviously he's super creepy with the taxidermy and so not sympathetic like our sheriff from that show.
Also 9x05 had the Joffrey Rat, which finishes the loop between all these references.
Oh boy, throw in The Chitters with the townsfolk apparently not caring about the disappearances, and having a good rationalisation for why the kid would have run away instead of being snatched. Of course if this guy is the goat man or helping him, then it gets a bit more complicated about why does it, not that it wasn't complicated in 11x19.
The kid was getting beaten by his dad, which is also pretty grim for telling us about bad parenting, which, of course, is a theme of the season just because Mary, and I guess Mary has all that coming for the long belated conversation about what her deal actually DID to their lives, explained in frank terms in the way you HAVE to have it on screen eventually even if you put it off all season in fear of what happens when you tell her the truth about how you were raised/raised yourself.
"Trying to take a kid from its parents, even if they're the worst people in the world... it's not easy."
(The only time we see kid Sam or Dean NOT under John's influence even when they're always alone when we see them, is 9x07 where Dean is purposefully ABANDONED and left to rot by John, and now I name-checked all the season 9 episodes in a row except 9x06 in that block of MotW, if we assume 9x08 has at least a tangential relevance if it IS a god :P)
Goes on to describe how Jarrod had to then spoonfeed his father after he became ill, and basically give HIM the duty of care that his father failed to give HIM, aka a really really blatant example of swapping the child/parent dynamic around, which shows the horrible duty of it all. And if you say this show isn't about the whole parental duty thing getting messed up and given to the wrong people, I'd say you never met Dean. :P In this case, Mary has basically been accused of running off and leaving her kids to look after themselves, or look after her messes in the case of the 12x12 hunt which became the focus of the argument ("Cas nearly died"!!) - basically in a way Mary parallels to Jarrod although of course Sam and Dean aren't exactly abusing her, just that they're the family she escaped, because there was a burden there she didn't want to deal with, and Dean saying he wanted her to be their Mom... Obviously I am analysing this sort of on the level of what I think the narrative has constructed about how they irrationally FEEL about it, not what I actually think the dynamic is or who deserves this sort of condemnation... Of course the parallel of the beaten kid and the father suddenly swapping around to be the burden on them works with Sam and Dean's entire childhood, and now the problem of how they relate to Mary, that she's now someone else for them to WORRY about and not fulfilling the "Mom" sort of role they might have expected.
Anyway final comedic beat to end it on like the sheriff has been happily making the taxidermied weasel thingy without really concerning himself too deeply on this problem. Sam and Dean kind of recoil, Dean somehow standing even further away than he was before while still standing in the same place.
Blah blah Dean and drugs subtext, probably talked over after this promo scene came out - "medicinal purposes" - also showing they're the cool feds who turn a blind eye, you know, if you give us the info we want.
But also of course, if Sam "oregano" Winchester did this exact same thing it would be a joke (hey, 11x19 again) while Dean doing it is like, duh of course Dean is chill with the stoner and has a wink wink moment about why you smoke, because he's ALWAYS been chill with the stoner characters for ~some reason~.
The factory he seems to work at has big crossed axe signs, I guess because of the tomahawk thing. It looked more like a hammer that the monster had? If it is a monster?
Dean is distracted in an OTT way by the waitress at the diner. The fact I have written like 15k so far of a not so mysteriously subtle project applying this to Destiel in an AU over the last couple of weeks is just making me laugh. Like, my head is full of Cas coming over with a coffee jug and Dean being like :D Hi! ... and now I have some extra visuals for this all in my head. Dean  being a distracted dork by diner staff is my jam.
He likes that they smell like food.
Wondering if 12x12 is going to have more relevance here because of course this IS a trap set up by Ketch and idk how far he's going to let them get with the monster but he is totally around somewhere. Right back to the start of the season where they were being haunted by a motorbike. But anyway they all nearly died in 12x12 and a full 360 degrees around a diner table and a waitress interrupting the attempt to explain the plot is all being repeated in smaller scale here.
Dean does a goat impression
I like that the goat got downgraded from William to Bill. Got a lot of name stuff all of a sudden - the Michael and Mick thing from last episode.
"It's a shortened version of my name."
The waitress is getting way too much attention from not just Dean but the camera. Starting to think
[insert image of the anglerfish backpack]
For the first time in their goddamn lives Dean thinks to bring the Colt on a regular hunt. Like, they owned it at least for a space in season 3 where they were hunting monsters. Though some of these episodes were difficult to apply it to, 3x07 and 3x08 were pretty regular old monsters :P (It's a small window but it's enough to bug me that in the gap between Sin City and Dream a Little Dream, they never once said, hey, it might not be demons but you think the Colt might be handy? Even if we have no idea wtf is going on, we own this thing... Why not at least carry it and refer to the fact we are? OBVIOUSLY for storytelling reasons you don't WANT the kill-anything gun to be ruining the tension, but )
Of course Dean thinking he already knows how to kill the monster and telling Sam to be smart about it ("work smarter, Sammy, not harder") feels to me like it's got into a dangerous trap of thinking it's really simple and he has it all sorted. All they need to do is find it and Dean can kill it. He's waving around his phallic gun symbol, can't wait to shoot it off again, and thinks also he's got a chance with the waitress that the camera's been distractedly following as much as his eyes. Dean's NOT got it all sorted, and there's ALWAYS a catch, right? We're 9 minutes into the episode, he's not gonna hook up with the waitress and shoot the monster, and go home with a spring in his step because that's not how this works, even if it seems stupidly simple when you look at the elements he's got in front of him. Which, I guess, looks like what he thinks this life should be - hunting with his brother, badass gun in his pocket so he's the best in the game, and a pretty waitress who has been eyeing him up too, to seal the deal >.>
Oh jesus I'm with Sam about the coffee thing. "This coffee is hot, kind of like - " *finger gun and wink*
I'm genuinely feeling this from the POV of my fic. Poor Sam, trapped in the diner putting up with Cas and Dean.
Okay I edited in the this coffee pick up line but completely ruined because the terrible coffee AU is for fucking with the characters and also for Cas you have to ruin it to start with because if it all works they hook up and that's the end of the story :P
Poor, poor Sam.
Anyway, looks like not-Jon Snow going in the freezer (FREEZER, SEE? IT WORKS) with the PERISHABLES under the crossed tomahawks is maaaaaybe not gonna last much longer.
*jumpscare with his boss*
I feel like not-Jon Snow is probably not gonna make it
he's walking out into the snow
Oh gee there's a goatman in his mirror
Also AAA
Also they fucking killed him while he was lying on his back in the fucking snow.
Was he a reference or was my brain filling in the gaps after the Martell and Stark thing, the eternal question of how much I just read into it all :P
Anyway Dean's happy... Sam's got the, I'm happy for you but we do have a job to do, look :P
hahahah Dean complains that Sam didn't order pancakes... Welp at this point I am basically just laughing because this is weirdly following the narrative of my story except completely NOT. Like, if/when I post it there's definitely stuff already in it that my brand of plundering canon will make it look like that was also edited in after watching this. Oh well
At least I don't have a fucking terrifying goat man called Bill in it and I'm not adding him if you paid me
Dean stealing Sam's not-pancakes is probably saying something or other, for the endless analysing of what the fuck is going on between the brothers now - Sam's ordered his healthy breakfast and Dean steals it from him and tries it for himself after both their initial impression that Dean's not going to eat it. But he's hungry and rumpled from his wild night with the waitress, so... Egg whites and veggies is better than nothing. He WANTS pancakes but he's settling for this, the Sam-approved food that's supposedly good for him.
Now I'm just comparing food and sex again and wondering if Cas is pancakes in this scenario :P That Dean obviously really likes hot waitresses and Sam knows it too because he knows aaall of Dean's corny pick up lines. He's absolutely not complaining about eating this after considering that there aren't pancakes on offer right now... Though the stealing from Sam side of it worries me. Mostly because Sam has previously expressed feeling left out or that Dean's attention is stolen from him - I watched 8x23 too recently so it's bothering me again that Sam said all that about Dean trusting another vampire or angel. If it comes down to attention, of course the whole picking up the waitress scene was really about Dean's attention, and not listening to Sam, and the camera running after her along with Dean's line of sight, leaving Sam's attempt to work with Dean in the dust for where OUR focus goes too.
And now Dean's stolen his breakfast :P
I mean Sam doesn't seem resentful but I worry. >.> Because 8x23 showed how much that can bubble under the surface. Sam being jealous of Cas is foreshadowed as far as I could tell in season 8 when I did the miniscule picking it apart rewatch, in like, ONE scene in 8x08, but he still bursts out with his fear about Dean trusting another angel over him, like there's already one who's stolen Dean's attention... Sam is such an under the surface guy, who knows what bothers him day to day at the moment, but we're on another Cas is Gone stretch of the show, even if it's so far been 2 episodes and his heavily flagged but unspoken absence in 12x16. And it's Sam's job to reassure Dean that Cas is going to be fine, when he's supposedly both of their family.
Heh, there's a new beer called 3 Sheeps with a neon sign behind Sam.
I have a feeling that my instinct to yell about sheep is actually from my own original novel where a character keeps flagging up her friends' behaviour by just posting a sheep emoji in the group chat, so idk what it means here.
[insert gif of Cas in 9x03 going "what sheep?"]
Separating the sheep from the goats?
Meanwhile, more of 11x19 vibes - Sam telling Dean about how Pan would take people into the woods for an orgy, after Dean calls him adorable because he plays a flute - I tell you what I'm not over, Dean in 3x08 when they were trying to diagnose a pagan god, and this exchange:
SAM: (Reading an article on the laptop) Huh… When you sacrifice to Hold Nickar, guess what he gives you in return. DEAN: Lap dances, hopefully. SAM: Mild weather. DEAN: (Looks out the window) Like no snow in the middle of December in the middle of Michigan.
I pasted that far into the conversation because I'm still not over the fact they had to use that lore to explain why the Christmas episode, filming in the autumn, KIND OF LOOKED LIKE IT HAD BEEN FILMED IN THE AUTUMN, buuut here in the snow, you can do a full on Jon Snow death scene re-enactment with your terrifying goat god. A little bit of balance happening here :P
Uh, anyway. Dean liking the idea of lapdances from Hold Nickar, and orgies with Pan.
Buuut then everyone gets murdered.
Of course the opening scene was kind of like an orgy with all the couples making out - I don't think they'd have had sex especially as it was so cold, but still. They made quite a point of showing what goes on at Weathertop. Also, while we're on the subject - in 12x15, quite recently, Gwen's boyfriend was hoping she'd dragged him out into the woods to have sex.
Sam also manages to gross Dean out with the "full to bursting with their moist slippery meat" and I honestly don't blame him for shoving the food away :P Sam's tried to gross him out before (succeeded with the chicken feet in that first Buckleming episode in season 7). I wonder if, growing up as ghost hunting kids, grossing each other out with real lore and stuff is a sick game they'd play :P
Anyway if I hadn't mentioned enough this episode freaks me the fuck out and it has a great horrifying feeling to it. It actually feels dark and creepy.
Oh my god the useless sheriff owns the place and is running it into the ground. Heir to a meat empire and he just wants to play with taxidermy and being a big sheriff in a small town. Is he a fucking Trump reference :P
Eeew meat processing plant actually on screen. This makes me uncomfortable :P the meat's all hung up like our characters often get tortured and I'm assuming there's some parallels to make just with the concept of a meat processing plant and what the BMoL want to do.
Also if the monster is connected to the plant, that's a great place to work to get a ton of meat if you NEED to eat it, so you can go quiet with the killing for 20 years if health inspectors are after you to improve your old ways into more modern safter ways to do things
/might be a metaphor for hunting too
Sheriff has absolutely no plausible reaction to Black Bill, stammering over a reaction, then dismissing him as a boogeyman, and using the exact same excuse from 11x19 for why all the others left.
Aand sorry for all the references but Jon Snow wakes up drenched in red light, and of course his resurrection in the show was, well... red. :P I have no idea how many spoilers I should be giving away. This is preeeetty old news I think.
Anywho. Sheriff not suspicious at all for his words leading directly to this - yeah he's lying but there's the truth behind them as if he just somehow knows he's alive and sleeping off being attacked
Oh wow he appears to be in the freezer in the meat packing plant, what an unexpected twist.
"PERISHABLE" behind him again
LOL "Billhook meats" well then.
Also all the fake warning signs about a coolant spill and toxic chemicals to keep people from going near the freezer. Do you ignore the warning signs and push on because you could save someone? Sam and Dean walk riiiiight past.
This is basically a lesson what dramatic irony is.
mittensmorgul New: Frodo: take a look at this Dean: Click this link! Dean: You owe me for the gas I paid for last week Biggerson's: New loyalty program member rewards
elizabethrobertajones I KNEW IT
mittensmorgul Biggerson's: Monthly newsletter
elizabethrobertajones they are part of Biggerson's cult
mittensmorgul (the subtitle on that one is "Visit our new location in Duluth Impala Owner's Group: Re: I think I might have the part your looking for (it says "your" I'm transcribing it exactly, not making typos) :P
elizabethrobertajones Okay I am curious about why Sam had that one :P maybe it's their shared account but the rest is all Dean trolling or  bothering Sam
mittensmorgul Dean: This is not a case IMO (I can;t read the rest on this line, will come back to it with a different frame) aDean: Professional Eating Contest Video (this competition ends _____) Dean: question about that lore research you were talking about
elizabethrobertajones Gosh I love the details like that that make them feel like real human beings :D
I think Jon Snow is about to realise the meat is people?
Nope it's his poor friend, frozen and mutilated.
Oh boy, Bill does not have human hands.
well this episode is rapidly becoming a top 10 Do Not Watch While Eating
the burger right after a meat processing plant is also really uncomfortable - Dean says he's hungry in there, and cheerfully goes to eat a burger after missing the giant warning signs that something is Not Okay, and the ketchup splatter is a vivid way to convey the death - and Dean's *eating* it. This episode he's in full on Dean mode, which is never a good sign. He gets like this when he's NOT doing okay, and this turns his attempt to eat a regular old meal really horrifying.
(Ketchup also linked to Cas - "is ketchup a vegetable" - Dean counts it as one and he's definitely getting a good amount of his five a day with this burger, instead of the healthy food he stole from Sam)
"Grow up, Sam. 'Kay, burger's beef, bacon's pigs, soylent green's people, but this - this - this is heaven."
Now I have a Mittens awake, she's pointed out the big BS signs in the diner, which I think sums up everything I was going to say about Dean's mood. :P
He's got 2 burgers here in his speech - the hypothetical one that's beef, and the "But this is heaven" burger which is the right now burger.
Of course, burgers are so associated with Cas, from 5x14, which I feel like it's always inevitable that it's going to get mentioned sooner or later, and 10x09. And they make Cas very happy. And burgers are linked to Dean and his humanity and soul - in season 3 he's eating a bacon cheeseburger for breakfast because why not. In season 8 and 9 they're linked to his descent, so that Crowley mentions it was the fact he didn't eat one that tipped him off that Dean was really truly lost when it came to his humanity.
Not sure entirely what it means here, but I think Dean trying to signal normal and healthy and fine is a good start, that this is the Default Dean - waitresses and burgers and all
"Maybe they just run an evil petting zoo on the side" I mean they've met weirder
If the Bishops owned all the town, then no wonder everyone who got killed worked there.
I mean I suppose there would always be some services like shops and post offices etc to support a town but... yeah.
I guess even a town built for everyone to work in one place doesn't mean the ENTIRE populace works there. Shh Lizzy.
Gosh looks like Ketch is invading the Bunker already, for info gathering. This is not at all like 10x22, and
ELDON So this is what I know about Dean Winchester. He's got crappy taste in music, got a hot mom, and he loves flannel.
Basically what Ketch might think already :P
Oh my god "How does Sam get his hair so shiny" you can't lampshade this. You CAN'T FORESHADOW THIS WITH THE FANCY SHAMPOO LINE
when I heard Andrew Dabb was gonna take over the show, I think a line exactly like this is preeetty much what I was expecting at some point or another - weirdly foreshadowed, fan-servicey, and repeating another Dabb episode but flipped upside down :P
He also mentions the "ratty flannels", which, rude.
Creeeeeepy house *pulls blanket over my head*
"We just got lucky"
Creeeeepy basement in the creeeepy house. You only put that many locks when you really don't want something to get out
Did Dean shoot the Colt when the light blew? Nah, he just jumped and raised it.
Why is the Sheriff coming to his creepy empty house right now
*weary sigh* "Why's it always the rich ones? I mean, what are they like, 'Croquet's alright, but cha know what would be great? Murder!'"
I officially love this interpretation of Dean Winchester so much
Possibly because I spent ages trying to edit out him saying "I mean, [x] is like," of everything I write all the time and keep forgetting that there's always the possibility I picked up the verbal tic from him :P
Sheriff keeping his keys for his murder dungeon in a hollowed out book. Being the one to do the walk down the stairs with his gun out, but being caught out by Dean, who has the Colt on him.
"It's not what it looks like" "Really? Because it looks like a straight up murder room to me"
*rescinds previous love of Dean so I can apply it again*
Maybe the sheriff is just being blackmailed by the goat
"my family has a secret" "well, the best ones do"
It's a monster in the basement that made them rich, as long as they fed it human bood. Well that sounds like a creepy fairy deal to me, at least with the making them rich thing.
Goat dude is just a dude. I like that they invent another monster to do it.
Also he had the taxidermy skills to maintain the mask - knew it
ooops and then he tried to put a stop to the dark family of the history, and loses all his money bit by bit and the town dies, and now people are getting killed again
"I just wanted to help people, to make up for all the bad we've done" well that's an extremely Winchester thing to say, at least when they're feeling guilty and motivated to repair things from their dark legacy, rather than just hunting to do it to save people  because that's their job and they're good at it. Sam especially is motivated by this, but Mary, of course, with her deal, started the guilt on the family (though of course the whole being manipulated by angels and demons to start the apolcalypse since literally forever may have a bit more to do with it :P)
And he wanted to leave a legacy
Wow, he kept the god locked up hoping he'd starve to death - not sure that's how it works
I hate this with Sam leaning over to look in the hole. Dean with the Colt is nowhere near close enough.
Dean "I kill gods" Winchester goes to investigate
Well it's an empty suit, and an empty bed beside it.
Is it in the mirror -
no there's a guy behind him
Dean gets punted through a dust sheet and down the stairs
Going through a dust sheet is never a good idea.
Is he dead, like, dead dead?
Sam gets locked in the murder basement while the bad guys all gain the upper hand.
I'm legit terrified :P
I mean they honest to god got the drop on the Winchesters in a way that didn't make them look stupid, but the bad guys look powerful and scary
Wait, is Sam locked in it? This is happening too fast. Where's he thumping from? *rewinds again*
OH the guy in the suit rushed down the stairs and locked Sam in WITH the sheriff
who... is helping him
okay, so they are apparently working together.
I am so not sure I trust this
ooh Bunker montage. Light hearted music.
I am pretty worried the Bunker's days are numbered - I say that this time almost every year, because it becomes the centre of attention and this exact same thing in 10x22 made me convinced it was all going to get torn down.
But in this case, Ketch lampshades as well that you can't see a damn thing out of the telescope, which has been one of the big mysteries of the set since it was first introduced, so I feel like they're pretty much done with it now :P All the mystery is gone. Their home has been invaded again and again and is it even safe to set up shop here?
Honestly this might be an anti-Buckleming measure if they're getting rid of the Bunker, just because it would force Sam and Dean to be a bit less reliant on a home base and the googling in 12x08 was so bad I would consider burning everything down in order to force their episodes to be more dynamic >.>
I will miss Dean having his own room
Ketch invades Dean's room, in a long line of people invading that room...
He finds the porn, and very carefully separated from it, the photos of Mary. I'm pretty sure Dean's bedside table is filled with candy. Ketch looks at the photo of Mary, looking exactly as she does now (as she's, like, a few months older with a different haircut) holding toddler Dean, and has the most priceless face I've ever seen. I mean, he's kinda fond of Mary, maybe? Maybe that's a weird moment of softness? But I'm also pretty sure that's "wtf he's a TODDLER and she looks the SAME is she the person that dermatologists hate??"
Meanwhile Dean isn't looking so good
is he wrapped with saran wrap
Well I think they've finally found a way to tie up a Winchester and also keep him fresh in the fridge for months
"You got a lot of jokes" "right now that's about all I got"
I had to go for a walk which meant leaving Dean in clingfilm. He's right as I left him, deeply unimpressed :D This stuff is good.
"I'm a Bishop. That's what we do, right? Hunting people, killing them! The family business!"
So that's so many families over the years, from the Benders in season 1, to the Steins in season 10 who are being mirrored by the BMoL who see themselves as a messed up family, and then the Winchesters when they've strayed, have also done the family name a disservice. A dark mirror to their entire family, with these half-brothers, same father, different mother. I guess Sam and Dean both have a wildly different idea of who Mary is, going back to 1x01 which showed how Sam has a hypothetical idea of her and Dean has a sacred memory, which makes them speak of her very differently. Or, you could say, Sam was raised by Dean as his mother figure instead, and Dean did a very different job than his own void in the shape of the memory of Mary, represented by those photos Ketch was enraptured by...
Also this guy wants to save the town by some sacrificing but for the greater good. Right up to sacrificing his own brother.
Dean's left in cling film in the fridge.
Hehehe Ketch saying "Bugger"
"I could use a pint!"
Ahaaha Dean in a wheelie chair
oh he got out the cling film.
Now he's banging on the door that they ignored earlier.
We just saw a "danger sharp blades" sign so I'm now hoping that comes back into play :P
This is still scary because right near the end we don't know what the actual monster looks like, in so many words.
Dean gets himself a large hook. Nice.
Owie, Sam got hit in the head with a large mallet
Oh dear, brothers confronting each other while Sam is out of action and Dean hunts the monster/is hunted by it in the next room
Brother feeling under appreciated when asked to stop, blurts out that all he gets in his life is the crap - the second hand, failing, run-down stuff. "Not any more, I'm saving this town!" he shouts, waving the Colt at his brother. "I'm the hero!"
On the sheriff's badge the tomahawks are crossed, raised. On the meat packing plant logos, they seem to be hanging down if I remember right?
Sam gets in a second Colt kill of the year
Dean is looking seriously beat up and defeated, and got basically no easy kill that he wanted.
The sheriff sits gloomily by his dead (evil) brother, and says this is his legacy. He chose to end the family legacy of evil, and wasn't tempted by it, despite being super creepy and weird I guess those are just personality traits because this was a very dark mirror where a brother dies, at the hand of another (right after the Michael thing last episode where Mick had to kill his best friend and of course we have Ketch cheerfully wandering around clearly also a graduate of the exact same fight...) - anyway even though Sam killed the God and ended the ~cosmic~ suffering on the town, the Sheriff had to kill his brother to end the direct threat that it would be used and people would die directly for it. I mean leaving the god and hoping it starves is a bad idea because that's essentially what God did with Amara.
Thing is, with Mick dead but Ketch still giving them orders like he is alive, the Winchesters are working in a place where working with the BMoL has already blown up in their face and they have no idea yet that this decision hasn't worked for them; at the moment they've just lost their privacy to them but they're in a LOT of danger and clueless to it, though, as I said, Dean was cleaning the under-the-table guns as if half-prepared for the worst.
Awww home sweet home
BMoL listening in: "next time you hear me say that our family is messed up, remind me that we could be psycho goat people"
... "I have no idea what just happened to them but their lives sound interesting"
Dean that mini fridge is cursed. That mini fridge is why your home is bugged and your safety compromised.
I hope those cold beers are worth it, Sam
"What do you think our legacy is going to be?" Oh don't ask the heavy questions before you've even had a drink :P
Sam has completely obliterated the Winchester Gospels from his memory. Smart. He doesn't think they'd be written about in the history books and frankly he doesn't even want to deal with the fact 5 years of their lives are pulpy horror novels
"That's fine, because we left the world better than we found it"
Ketch listening in "I'm gonna go kill these emo fuckers right now before I shoot myself"
Oh my god this is why they get shot by the MoL this blatant fucking disrespect of their property
I mean, sure, brothers nostalgia but seriously this whole thing started because Sam was installing mini fridges willy nilly, and now they've ruined an antique table
Like, the BMoL's Code probably has a whole section on what to do about asshole hunters who ruin their property.
If you can't tell I find it kind of adorable that Dean decided to do that although the Swan Song flashbacks were a little on the nose and I'd have liked if they could trust us to remember that for ourselves, especially since it still doesn't explain that those flashbacks were FROM Swan Song if you're a super casual viewer it's still just them as kids reminding you they did that to the car as well once.
this whole conversation has a pretty nostalgic feel that the show is going to come to the end of its run sooner rather than later, which, when you're in season 12, you really have to start thinking about and writing towards, which I guess is why SO much has been tied off neatly with a bow this season.
Does make me vaguely worried about the Sam and Dean kamikaze ending but there's always room for one of them coming home without the other and looking at those names on the table or something. it moves it from the car to their home, which means they can now use that instead of the car for a nostalgic kick in the face at the end of all things to show us they're moving on and call this place home.
Ew, Ketch is just like, Mick got on a plane and left.
I hope Toni wasn't actually murdered, and there's like the Hot Fuzz bit where Sam or Dean or Mary drop into the dungeon of the castle and there's literally everyone who pissed off the neighbourhood watch for years in a big heap of corpses and skellingtons with a great big bushy beard. But the equivalent for Mick's stubble and chest hair
Ketch is like "I'd rather be with your mother" - I think they are trying to show he's caught nostalgia
And mentions a chupacabra which I'd been wondering about when all we knew about this episode was goats but quickly became apparent before we got to the episode that it wasn't gonna be so I'm awarding myself half a point for that anyway. They have goats on the brain.
Or chupacabra is a goat-sucker, or something that prays on goats. Sam killed the goat god, but Ketch has orders to kill them.
holy shit he stole the Mary picture. That pic has been used for SO FRIGGIN MUCH over the years it's like a literal hostage situation right now over a PHOTO.
Dean slagging off Ketch's bike in the background despite the fact he loved it when he first saw it. He’s like fuck you and the bike you rode in on
without knowing it
beautiful :’)
I think Dean slagging off the bike is probably another tick in the box where I think he and Ketch are going to be the ones to fight it out in the end.
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