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morethansalad · 1 year ago
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Vegan Spicy Mochi Kinchaku Stew | トッポギ風餅巾着鍋
This stew is inspired by Japanese nabe and Korean tteokbokki. It has a variety of veggies, tofu, and mochi kinchaku, similar to Japanese nabe/hot pot which includes lots of veggies and protein. The flavor of the stew is inspired by Korean tteokbokki which is a dish of rice cakes cooked in a spicy red sauce.
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park-tokyo · 1 year ago
【 終了しました 】 Kinchaku to inu 個展 『ほっとするね、ゆるまるね』 2024.01.31 WED - 02.11 SUN @ PARK GALLERY
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▼ 東京・末広町の PARK GALLERY では、2024年1月31日(水)より、『巾着(きんちゃく)』を中心に作品を発表しているハンドメイドブランド『kinchaku to inu』(きんちゃくといぬ)による展示『ほっとするね、ゆるまるね』を開催します。 大好きな犬をはじめ、身近で愛くるしい動物たちの、個性豊かな表情をモチーフに巾着づくりを行う kinchaku to inu。「一緒に暮らす仲間を見つけてもらえたら」と願いを込めて手作りされた巾着は、私たちがひとりひとり違うように、1つとして同じものがありません。 そして1つ2つと持っていれば何かと便利な巾着は常に持ち歩くことで、仲間としての愛情もきっと高まります。 今回は新作の野菜シリーズも登場。ライブイベントと併せて、たくさんの巾着とここに集まる巾着仲間が展示を盛り上げます。 kinchaku to inu の「かわいい」だけじゃない巾着の世界をお楽しみください。 —–
巾着を見るたびほっとする。 紐をゆるめるたび、心もゆるまる。
お気に入りの巾着と過ごす毎日は、 ちょっぴりだけどいつもより心づよくてあったかい。
同じ子がひとつといないたくさんの巾着と一緒に、 あたたかくてたのしい空間をつくってお待ちしています。
一緒に生活する仲間を見つけてもらえますように。 kinchaku to inu
kinchaku to inu 個展『ほっとするね、ゆるまるね』 2024年1月31日(水)~2月11日(日)
場所:PARK GALLERY(東京・末広町 / 湯島) 東京都千代田区外神田3-5-20
<入場無料> 営業時間:13時〜20時 定休日:月・火曜
最寄駅:東京メトロ 銀座線・末広町駅(徒歩約5分)千代田線・湯島駅(徒歩約7分) JR 秋葉原駅 / 電気街口(徒歩約10分) JR 御茶ノ水駅 / 聖橋口(徒歩約12分) — – kinchaku to inu(きんちゃくといぬ) 神奈川生まれ。物心ついたころから巾着集めが趣味。 2020年夏に自分の理想とする巾着がほしくなり自分用として巾着作りをはじめる。 2020年冬吉祥寺 PARCO のフリーマーケットで初めて販売したところ「かわいい」と共感してもらえたことがうれしすぎて、その後巾着作家としての活動をはじめる。 https://instagram.com/kinchaku_to_inu https://twitter.com/kinchaku_to_inu
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la-hannya · 2 years ago
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They opening another Inuyasha Cafe in Shanghai and I love everything about the promo pics
Inukag goodness and Sesskik placement
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Especially this right freaking here 😩 ⏬
Wholesome married Inukag
Beautiful Sesskik
Kikyo smiling™
The Fact Kikyo's line of sight isn't even at Inuyasha. It's at Sesshomaru (Did I mention she's smiling? ☺️)
Sesshomaru looking away cause: Conceal don't feel 🎶 plus Kikyo is 👀
Single Dad Sesshomaru
Baby Rin
Kikyo wanting to put a ring 💍 on that Sesshomaru
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This explains itself
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She looking respectfully 😌
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My skin is clear
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mono-blogs-art · 1 year ago
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Did you know that NHK has officially published recipes from Tsukutabe?
Cuz I sure as hell didn't. I happened to see an announcement from them in anticipation for season 2 of the series (which starts tomorrow!!) and I wanted to share! The official website of the drama series gives recipes for many of the recipes from season 1 of the show (most of which are the same dishes or very similar to the original manga). They're all in Japanese, but you can get pretty reasonable instructions with a translate tool. Here they are!
Nomoto-san's Giant Lu Rou Fan (braised pork over rice) from episode 1
Nomoto-san's Giant Omurice from episode 2
Nomoto-san & Kasuga-san's Grilled Riceballs with Sendai Miso from episode 2
Nomoto-san's Whole Pumpkin Pudding from episode 4
Nomoto-san's Kinchaku Eggs (eggs in fried tofu pouches) from episode 5
Nomoto-san's Harako Meshi (salmon rice topped with salmon roe) from episode 6
Nomoto-san's Stollen-style Pound Cake from episode 7
Nomoto-san's Roast Beef from episode 9
I'm really happy I found out about these, definitely gonna recreate some of these!! I already made the miso riceballs once when I was rewatching the show with my roommate, and we just used some recipe we found online. Now we have the legit version :D Definitely wanna make the pumpkin pudding someday. I'm super happy this exists even though it doesn't have all the recipes from the show, like for the udon that Kasuga makes for Nomoto, or their homemade gyoza. I hope they'll continue releasing recipes for the dishes of season 2 as it airs as well!
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gfmima · 2 years ago
category : 米哈游 原神 work title : “love bites”? more like, love does bite, eh?
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humiliating. mortifying. there’s no other way to describe the sight of the nation’s number one detective, self-proclaimed, moseying down the city’s main thoroughfares in the middle of his work break. it was tough to figure out if he was simply aloof or ignorant of his surroundings.
bystanders gasp in shock as heads turn to look at the awful sight of him.
the icing on the cake was how he wore them in pride, as if it was a medal of honor he had won by merit. his little idiosyncrasies were expected by the residents of narukami island and his agreeable personality made it easier to bear, though this was going too far.
heizō’s flagrant show of what transpired on your late-night rendezvous prompted a wide range of responses. some were indifferent, others were downright scandalized by how shameless he was to carry himself in broad daylight… there are children here!
the elder citizens clutch their sango pearls in horror. what a time to be alive! a member of the tenryou commission had chosen to roam the streets while flaunting such blue marks littered all over his neck with great delight.
“oh, may the almighty raiden shogun have mercy on us all,” a graying woman prays to herself, wise eyes turn shut after the quick show of his bruised skin when he strides past her in the direction of the komore teahouse.
“celestia knows we need it.”
the highly esteemed tengu kujou sara thought of chastising him for his less than savory appearance once she caught wind of the snickering in the background. it was considered dishonorable to the kujou clan after all, a giant offense even. however, she was at a loss for words; too embarrassed over the suggestive nature of these blemishes.
hence, she placed the burden onto you instead.
“light of my life? fine. i can speak for the two of us anyway,” heizō puffs his cheeks then sighs out loud, “in all honesty, i don’t understand why i’m the bad guy here. i didn’t do anything wrong?!” he shakes his head. “i’m willing to argue this goes against protocol since it involves my personal life and—HUH?”
your hands planted on either side of his face, squishing it to stop him from rambling on and on and on.
“shut up.”
you lean back to study your work.
he was very lucky you decided to bring your hand kinchaku today. without it, he would’ve been out of commission for a day or two. and although the beauty product failed to properly conceal the love bites, it did a pretty decent job. it was now impossible to see unless you squinted.
“please stop making this more difficult than it should be.” 
“b-but! why would you wish to conceal the evidence of your love for me?” you roll your eyes. how dramatic. heizou stares at you with a pitiful yet endearing look of desperation on his face. “it ISN’T noticeable, in fact, much of it is hidden by my collar.”
“don’t care, you’re the tenryou commission detective,”  you mumble, refusing to succumb to his request no matter how cutely he refutes the comments about his public indecency. “it’s inappropriate for you to come to work looking like this.”
“well, you weren’t thinking that last n—OUCH!” he pulls out the theatrics, massaging the spot you pinched with the sulk of sulkiest pout known to mankind. “it was the truth!”
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a nosy architect observes and gives him a quick once-over, “i see you’ve woken up on the right side of the bed today.”
wanderer scoffs at him then returns his focus to the grand sage’s discussion with you on the akademiya’s renovation plans to accommodate more students by supplying better facilities. his gaze lingers on you instead, and kaveh wasn’t blind to his actions.
from the moment you stepped inside the room together, he sensed a change in the air. it was… eye-opening? to say the least.
he overheard the personal aid of lesser lord kusanali wasn’t the most pleasant of companions, yet you enter with a coy expression, which is rare for the recently elected sage of the rtawahist darshan.
kaveh draws his bottom lip between his teeth. it was fun to see the infamous man grow increasingly irritated by his inquisitive stare. “there is no need to get defensive. i’m not interested in what you and the new sage do in your outside of work… especially when you two are consenting adults.”
wanderer glares.
“right side of your face, below your ear.”
in an attempt to be as invisible to the naked eye as possible, he cranes his head downward in hopes that his hat obscures his face as he checks his reflection on the smooth marble flooring to figure out what the nosy blond was going on about.
upon seeing what he did, heat rushed into his system and dusted his cheeks.
the moron was telling the truth, he inwardly scoffs; a faint bruise paints his neck directly below his ear, leaving little to no room for interpretation.
it was loud and clear.
wanderer was thrown off his balance by its presence that he was hardly able to react to the architect’s snickering next to him. no number of years in this world could’ve prepared him for this tricky situation.
(he secretly adored it!)
he appreciated the lengths you went to let him understand how much you wanted him, desired him, but my goodness, couldn’t you have chosen a less noticeable part of his body?
perhaps his lower stomach?
maybe even his chest area?
there was no saving him now… he spent his morning hiking through the streets tending to nahida’s errands like checking on the welfare of its citizens, so he was hilariously late on conjuring up a fool-proof plan to hide it.
everyone and their mother saw it by now. he could only pray the opposite happened for the young archon.
he was abruptly removed from his thoughts by the sound of you bidding alhaitham farewell; doe-like eyes make contact with his wordless agreement to meet one another in private after the this.
he didn’t want to be too obvious, so he waited for everyone to finish their business and leave before he moved, thinking he could walk away scot-free.
alas, he spoke too soon.
“have a wonderful evening, my friend!” kaveh greets loud enough for many heads to turn and stare at him curiously.
he was definitely going to have a word with nahida about the grand sage’s associate.
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nyc-looks · 2 years ago
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Ashley, 34
“I’m wearing a vintage haori jacket that I found a at flea market in Japan, mesh dress from a shop called (me) in Tokyo, the top is from Ziran, vintage Levi’s from Stella Dallas, shoes from Shop Pêche, kinchaku bag from a vintage shop in Tokyo, and I made all the jewelry for my brand Aveta Studio. I’m currently inspired by Tokyo and Shanghai street style.”
May 6, 2023 ∙ Williamsburg
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kakiharameatskewers · 1 month ago
Mitsuko Jissoji
Introducing one of my main OCs. A Yakuza Oneesan (NOT anego/anesan) from Semboku City, Akita, Tohoku region. Portrayed her in a more personal light (or at the very least, more reserved and less cutthroat), and at the same time a far cry from how most Kanto-centered yakuza AUs are written, so apologies for the inaccuracies.
Her stand is still a work in progress.
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"Mitsuko" (光子) is a feminine Japanese given name that is often made up of two kanji characters: "光" (mitsu) meaning "light" or "radiance" and "子" (ko), which is a common suffix for feminine names in Japan meaning "child" or "daughter."
"Jissoji" (実相寺) appears to be an uncommon surname. "実" (jitsu) means "truth" or "reality," "相" (sō) means "appearance" or "form," and "寺" (ji) means "temple." Together, "実相寺" roughly translates as "Temple of Truth" or "Temple of Reality."
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Biological Information
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Birthday: June 16
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 163 cm (5 ft 4 in)
Weight: 57 kgs (126 lbs)
Blood Type: AB
Hair: Medium black tied into a more relaxed and unique form of wareshinobu
Eyes: Black Asian cat eyes
Relatives: Ryohei Jissoji (Brother; Oyabun; 42)
Takemasa Kakihara (Cousin; Wakagashira; 39)
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Professional Information
Occupation: Yakuza Oneesan
Affiliation: Jissoji-gumi of Semboku, Akita
Location: A Bukeyashiki (traditional samurai mansion) located within Kobuchino, Nishikicho
Duties and responsibilities:
Acting as a mediator and counselor during conflicts, as well as maintaining harmony between family members and offering guidance to younger or less-experienced members (kobun).
Managing relationships with outside contacts, handling hospitality and gifts for clients, potential business partners, and associates, as well as overseeing meetings or events where the Jissoji-gumi need to present a more "respectable" face.
Being involved in local charity work, supporting local events, and helping the gumi gain social credibility by engaging in culturally important activities like festivals or religious ceremonies. This helps the family gain favor or respect from the general public.
Acting as Ryohei's (Oyabun) confidante and managing his personal affairs.
Overseeing debt collection from individuals or businesses who owe money to the gumi.
Annual Net Income: 10-15 million yen (65,000 - 97,000 USD)
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Color palette: Light spring
Skin tone: Fair neutral skin
Body build: Rectangular shape; very faint mature curves, slender yet slightly toned in some areas
Vital statistics: 32-26-30
Fashion style: Casual and minimal fashion, often a mix of youthful and mature. Dresses up in kimonos during yakuza business meetings, and yukatas at home. Occasionally wears minimal artisan jewelry pieces. Often carries a kinchaku with her 'traditional' EDC inside.
Tattoos: Yes. Minimalist white crane (nape), Pink lotus (left shoulder), Kannon/Avalokiteśvara (full back extended to buttocks and lower thighs)
Piercings: Yes. Two standard lobe piercings
Makeup: Yes. Light, minimal makeup appropriate for all occasions
Fragrance: Jo Malone London Orange Blossom (formal); Bath and Body Works Japanese Cherry Blossom (casual)
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Mitsuko is an introverted woman. She is able to tolerate charged situations and can hold and initiate interactions. However, she appreciates being left alone to recharge after a day of handling affairs. She describes herself as patient, stoic, a listener, and a realist. She maintains a high level of respect, subordination, and utmost loyalty to Ryohei and Kakihara despite them being her blood relatives, in and out of yakuza business.
In the context of being a Yakuza Oneesan, Mitsuko is known for her ability to maintain the social dynamics, cohesion, and ties within and outside the gumi, regardless of her personality. She reports directly to her older brother, Ryohei, the Oyabun of the Jissoji-gumi. During business meetings, she lets Ryohei, Kakihara, and the parties involved discuss the matters among themselves, only occasionally providing input when prompted or as she sees fit. In case of altercations, for the most part, Mitsuko stays back to remain calm and tries to negotiate, before eventually pulling out a tanto knife as a warning when truly provoked.
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Mitsuko had a rebellious boyish teenager phase, before eventually transitioning into a 'slightly' more extroverted, sultry, and feminine adult woman.
She was an average student in high school, with grades ranging from 80-85 and always in the B classes.
She apparently skipped university and immediately worked for the Jissoji-gumi right after graduation.
She is quite the audiophile and prefers wired audio over wireless and Bluetooth connections.
Her special skill is making perfect tempura and omurice.
She likes money and debt collection days.
She dislikes black forest cake.
Mitsuko believes Semboku could really use a host club or two.
She asks to NOT be called 'Anego/Anesan', as she is unmarried and would like to stay that way for as long as possible. Mitsuko believes that the term only belongs to Kanto and not Tohoku. For this reason, she has no problems being addressed by her name.
According to Ryohei, Mitsuko being the most nonchalant woman he's ever met is both a blessing and a curse.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Has she killed someone? How did it feel for the first time? What is her current body count?
Yes, it felt amazing, new, and yet nerve-wracking all at the same time as she was only 18 when she did it. She proceeded with the act at the early morning after her 18th birthday on one of her exes who cheated on her and spread rumors about her clan. Kakihara could have sworn he heard her holding back her gagging.
Mitsuko's current body count is 9 and is looking forward to the 10th victim.
Has she performed yubitsume?
On herself - Almost, when the mochi and boba shop she was managing got caught into a messy drug bust, and the entire Saiko-komon had to bail her out within the same day for 5 million yen. Ryohei warned her that it will be the last time she can get away with such mistake. He managed to threaten her into taking off the first three centimeters of her left pinky finger's skin with her tanto knife in order to teach her a lesson.
On others - Yes. Mitsuko has ordered a yubitsume punishment on several debtors who couldn't pay on time and/or with enough money, as well as some kobun members as instructed by Ryohei or Kakihara, and the majority of her exes.
Has she done drugs?
Yes, as part of her initiation into the group. Marijuana, cocaine, and heroin, in that order.
What was her initiation like?
Aside from taking drugs and killing an ex, another activity that formed a part of Mitsuko's initiation into the Jissoji-gumi and the yakuza world was excessive drinking until 6 AM during their nightly city escapades in order to test and strengthen her alcohol tolerance.
(JJBA) Does she have a stand? If so, what are its abilities and weaknesses?
(Tokyo Revengers/Yakuza/Mafia) Has she encountered any Kanto groups and Italian/foreign mafia? If so, were they rivals or associates?
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japanese-plants · 1 year ago
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Drawstring kinchaku pouch with forget-me-not design
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missmyloko · 6 months ago
About a maiko's or geiko's kago/kinchaku bag: some women seem to change the fabric every few months, but how does this work? As far as I understand it, the fabric itself is like a tenugui. But when they go to the shop to change it, does the shop owner just do so right away or do geimaiko own multiple kago?
Both! Geimaiko are known to have two kago throughout the year: one for winter months and one for summer. You are correct in that the fabric is actually tenugui, so they simply bring it to a designated store and have them changed out for new designs ^^
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slkimono · 5 months ago
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The Oneechan's Yukata Harvest | The Oneechan's Obi Harvest
Tabi gift | Geta (Golden)
kisetsu - Kinchaku Purse - Momiji
tram E816 hair / jetblack (size40) LadyHead.ReMod! 3.0 *Asian - TBSheep [BODY] Classic (f) (1.6) LH.RM! 3.0 *Asian Shape - TBSheep Saya Skin Tattoo01
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madamemachikonew · 8 months ago
This is an old fluffy chapter from my Enjou x fem Reader fic, The Lies of Handsome Men. But since it's Tanabata I'm giving it a bump.
This chapter is SFW but be warned that some chapters of the fic are R18 only.
Enjou sat in the shade of the tree outside his cabin reading a book, his yukata open at the chest while he lazily fanned himself. While he loved the summer heat, the Inazuma humidity was a little unpleasant for his tastes. Still, he’d take it any day over the severe winters that would blow through with their incessant rain and lightning. He yawned and then lay back in the soft grass, resting his forearm across his brow. A nice little nap would go down a treat while he caught some rays.
He later awoke to the sensation of you gently petting his head. As his eyes cracked open, he saw you sitting on the grass by his side, peering down at him with a soft smile. He smiled back up at you in recognition. You leaned down and planted a sweet kiss on his mouth. He laid a hand on the back of your head to keep you there a moment while he indulged in your affections. After a moment, you gently broke away and he suddenly realised that the sun was going down.
“Oh, I must have been out for ages.” he said hazily as he started to sit up.
You laughed softly and said, “It’s time to get ready, darling.”
He smiled and nodded as he rose to his feet and you both went into the cabin to freshen up for your outing into Inazuma City for the Tanabata festival. Because this wasn’t a shrine festival per se, the two of you could dress up and fully immerse yourselves in the atmosphere. Enjou wore an indigo cotton yukata with a coloured firework pattern dyed onto it, making him look very elegant despite its casual style. You decided to opt for a refreshing white yukata, with peach and yellow peonies and a contrasting turquoise obi. After carefully styling your hair, you applied some fancier make-up than usual. Once Enjou had locked the house, he gave your cheek a light kiss, making you glow with a warm blush which made him chuckle in turn.
As you walked together, hand in hand and swinging your kinchaku bag with every step, you explained the origins of the festival to Enjou.
“You see, it’s actually based on a legend from Liyue, about two unfortunate lovers, Orihime and Hikoboshi. Orihime was the daughter of Tentei, the Sky King, and she spent her days weaving beautiful cloth on the banks of the Milky Way which flowed like a river. But because she worked all the time, she got sad because she thought she’d never be able to meet someone and fall in love. Her father decided to arrange a meeting with Hikoboshi, a cowherd who lived on the opposite side of the Milky Way. It was love at first sight and they got married, but because they were spending all their time together, they neglected their work. So her father separated them again.”
“That’s a little unjust.” said Enjou, with a frown, “He got them together to begin with. Did he want her to be happy or not?”
“Right? But of course, they were so in love that instead of resuming their work, they simply got depressed and started pining for one another. So, eventually, Tentei promised Orihime that they could meet for one night a year if they worked hard. So every year, they meet in the sky on Tanabata.”
“What a terribly cruel existence.” replied Enjou.
“Mm. And to make matters worse, if it ever rains on Tanabata, the legend says they can’t meet.”
“The legend inflicts more misery on them? Haven’t they suffered enough?”
“Well, the first time they tried to meet, there wasn’t any bridge over the river so they couldn’t cross it. Orihime cried so much that a flock of magpies offered to form a bridge so she could be reunited with her husband. If it rains, that means the water will rise too high for them to make a bridge, so they have to wait another year to meet.”
“You mean her father would make them wait a whole year rather than simply shifting the date to a day it wasn’t raining? Utter tyranny. And this is celebrated as being romantic? A festival for lovers?”
“Yes. It’s considered peak devotion and constancy. The festival is to celebrate their reunion.”
He shook his head in bewilderment.
“I suppose I’ll never fully understand Inazuman customs.” he muttered.
The streets of Inazuma City were lined with food stalls to feed the hungry crowds; grilled meat and squid on skewers, castella cakes, taiyaki, okonomiyaki, yakisoba, karaage, takoyaki, and of course plenty of ice cold beer and brightly coloured sparkling ramune. The two of you strolled from stall to stall, enjoying an array of food and snacks with some bottles of beer.
Outside each store was a display with tall bamboo branches decorated with festive paper chains and little paper tags which fluttered and spun in the evening breeze as they proudly declared everyone’s wishes for the future. Some more stalls were selling souvenirs, pinwheels and festival masks. You picked out a white fox mask, its features hand-painted in red, black and gold. Enjou picked out a black one for himself. You wore yours at a slant on the side of your head, whereas Enjou wore his over his face, playfully enjoying the idea of roaming incognito among the populace, as if he didn’t already technically do that every single day. And yet, a familiar voice cut through the crowd as you passed the kitsune ramen stand.
“Ah, good evening Enjou san. So nice to see a pair of lovers out on Tanabata.”
You turned to see Yae Miko seated on a high stool enjoying a bowl of ramen. Had you been able to see Enjou’s eyes properly, you would have seen that they were wide with surprise at having been recognised. He was momentarily speechless, making Yae Miko laugh elegantly behind her hand, a set of chopsticks in the other.
“How did you-?” he stammered.
“Did you honestly think that I wouldn’t know your true face under that mask. Or indeed any mask for that matter?”
She stooped over her bowl and slurped the noodles nonchalantly. By now you were well-accustomed to her teasing suggesting she knew about his Abyssal nature, so it did not bother you in the same way it used to. She clearly had no ambitions to lose good revenue if Enjou wasn’t causing any trouble. Of course, that didn’t mean that she didn’t enjoy watching people squirm. But ultimately, she decided to put him out of his misery on this occasion.
“I recognised your sweetheart.”
Enjou let out a gentle sigh as he relaxed a little.
She added, “Have you made your wishes yet?”
“Erm, not yet.” you replied, “We thought we’d take in the atmosphere a little first.”
“Well don’t leave it too late, or the night will be over and you’ll miss your chance.” she sang.
You both smiled as you excused yourselves and bid her good evening. As the two of you strolled, you stopped by the Ogura Textile shop, browsing their summer hairpins and other seasonal accessories, like fans and decorative obidome. Enjou helped you pick out a pretty kanzashi with handmade silk flowers. After he had paid, he wore a look of supreme contentment and pride as he slid it into your hair. The admiration was clear in his eyes as he looked at the woman he prized above all else, looking so radiant and happy. And all because of him. Ogura Mio discreetly pretended to rearrange the displays with a smile so as not to impinge on this lovers’ moment. But before the two of you left, she cheerfully called out to you.
“Ah! Before you go, would you like to add a tanzaku to the wish tree?”
She gestured to the colourful yet elegant bamboo display, which had been reserved for the wishes of her customers.
“That would be lovely!” you replied enthusiastically.
She offered you both a box containing strips of paper, so you could select which colour you both wanted. But that was the easy part. As you both stood, with calligraphy brushes in hand, the two of you hummed in contemplation as to which wish to declare. It felt strangely selfish to write a wish, and you felt self-conscious because it would be on display, even if nobody would know it was yours. And yet, writing something altruistic felt insincere and performative.
“Hmm…” you said, lightly tapping the handle of the brush against your cheek pensively.
Enjou was similarly stuck for inspiration. Truthfully he had all he wanted for now. But after a moment, his brush started to move across the little slip. Seeing his inspiration, you decided to write down the only thing that you really wanted.
With an excited flutter in your tummy, you both tied your wishes to the rustling branches of bamboo using a piece of silk thread. Enjou gave you a mischievous smile as he tried to peek at your wishing slip, making you blush and cover it protectively with your hands.
“Hey!” you whined playfully, making him chuckle.
In the end you relented and let him look, as you read his tanzuki in turn. Each one putting the needs of the other first, you had both wished for each other’s happiness. That was all that either of you really wanted in order to be happy yourselves. Enjou’s face brightened with a soft, but satisfied smile as he read your wishing slip before he looked over at you, then planted an affectionate kiss on your cheek, before wrapping his arm snugly around your waist as you left the store together.
On the walk out of the city, you stopped by Naganohara’s firework shop to pick up some sparklers. Enjou was unfamiliar with them, but they were a fun summer tradition of your childhood that you thought he might enjoy. You used to play a game where you and some friends would all light the sparklers at the same time, and whoever’s one remained alight the longest won. There was never any prize to speak of beyond bragging rights or maybe some snacks. But it was innocent fun and a magical way to while away an evening together.
You and Enjou found a quiet spot on the beach to sit down. Across the water, you could both see Amakane Island, where the larger firework festival would be held later in the summer. With a snap of his fingers and a contented smile, he produced a flame from which to light the sparklers. As they fizzed and crackled, they illuminated both your smiles. When the sparkle started to make its way down to the bottom of the stick you both started cheering on your own one until finally, Enjou’s was the first to go out. Both of you laughed at your little game as he put an arm around you and drew you close, gazing into your eyes with a warm smile. Holding your cheek with a gentle touch, he leaned in and pressed the most tender kiss to your mouth, one which conveyed a sincere and earnest love. His lips moved slowly and sensuously against yours as he held the kiss as long as he could, taking his time to pour all of his heart into it. When he finally pulled back, he rubbed your soft cheek with the pad of his thumb as his eyes searched yours, as if looking for something. His lips parted slightly, as if hesitating to say the next words, and a small frown creased the space between his eyebrows.
“My love…if...if ever we need to part one day, I promise I’ll do everything I can to come back to you. Even if it’s just for one night of the year on Tanabata. And I wouldn’t let a shower of rain stop me either. Not even the Electro Archon would be able to stop me.”
Despite his sad and somewhat fatalistic words, you smiled for him.
“I know you would, my darling. And even if something prevented you from getting back, I’d never think it was because you’d abandoned me.”
He smiled weakly and gave you a faint nod in agreement before leaning in to kiss you again, this time a little more passionately, letting his tongue slowly and deeply entwine with yours. You flinched slightly as a raindrop hit your face, causing you both to look skywards.
“Oh no...” you said softly, seeing that the stars had become obscured by thick clouds.
Enjou smiled. “Perhaps Orihime made it over to meet him earlier tonight, but now the river’s too high for her to go back to her father.”
You laughed softly at his optimism. It was a nice way of thinking about it.
“Let’s get home before it gets heavier.” he said, quickly rising to his feet and holding his hand out to help you up.
With hasty steps, the two of you made your way back up the mountain to spend the night in each other’s embrace.
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cheltranslations · 1 year ago
#MStation SUPERLIVE2023 @Nonaka Miki (23.12.22)
Chel here 😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Yesterday's 2 choices🎀☁️
Have you eaten oden recently
Was the majority!
I haven't!
I like daikon、chikuwabu、
And mochi kinchaku oden 🌠
☁️🎀❛ ・ ��🎀☁️
TV Asahi
Music Station
Morning Musume。'23
Were able to perform!
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MStation's M!
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Together with our OG senpai
We performed a medley!
Thank you very much 💕
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
Are you shy
For reading until the very end
Thank you very much ❤️
Please come by again tomorrow!
On sale today
Up To Boy
Ishida Ayumi-san、Oda Sakura-san
Nonaka Miki did a photoshoot・interview!
Please take a look at it ❤️
I'll talk about it more in tomorrow's blog!
See ya 🐾
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tsunflowers · 2 years ago
I think that you can still have a fulfilling oden without meat in it if you’re not bothered by the broth being meat-based.  Oden, hard boiled egg, daikon, and fried tofu skin are still pretty substantial, especially if your Asian grocery has mochi kinchaku, which could be a decently hearty stand-in for fish cake.
Source:  There’s some ingredient in most fish cakes that I’m allergic to, but my family ate oden regularly growing up.
I have to go looking for mochi kinchaku now bc I really want to eat it... I’ve only ever had plain aburaage in kitsune udon
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wildbeautifuldamned · 2 years ago
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Japanese Traditional Kimono Yukata Pouch Bag Kinchaku wBasket Purple Asa gao ebay japan_expo
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ojamajoprincess · 2 years ago
thinking about cosplay for the first time since 2019!
I have a bit of spare time now since I graduated school, and was inspired to jump back into cosplay by the costube channels i have been watching (especially Lizard Leigh, dorian gay, Sarah Spaceman) and my local cosplay circuit.
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So… i decided to make Kuro’o a yukata (summer kimono)!
I hadn’t meant to start looking for fabric yet... but happened upon a perfect cotton! In blue with a black cross hatch pattern, it is quite suited to the project. I could actually see Kuro'o wearing this textile :)
I got 6 yards of 45” fabric, based on a Reddit comment recommendation. It should be plenty.
Here are my planned components:
Yukata (cotton summer kimono)
Obi (sash, possibly out of a coordinating darker blue solid cotton)
Wig (already sewed and styled!)
Accessories (bead bracelets; mask cover, and perhaps a drawstring type purse-- called kinchaku, resembles a reticule)
Makeup (regular foundation, mascara, chap stick, blue tinted skin graft, eyeliner for cartoon scars eyebrow color match, and a good setting powder and spray)
Sandals (I can use my everyday sandals, so no need to worry about cosplay shoe hunting/ alterations, for once)
Optional (solid happi (kimono jacket) with blue bead wrap clip)
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azarashi5656 · 4 months ago
#巾着 はコシヒカリの最古の先祖とも言われ,石川県の在来品種です。#山廃 というとドッシリした糠臭のあるタイプを想像しそうですが、こちらのお得意な #モダン山廃 を用いることでラベルの印象に違わぬ軽快さを持ち合わせています。
#吉田蔵u #kinchaku episode2
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