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cati-art · 5 months ago
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Gif version of a short SessKik animation I made as practice. This one is so special to me because I so wish I could have seen them together like this in canon. 💕 The video version is on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M77FAVjRcEw
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la-hannya · 7 months ago
Man, if you like Sesskik or Sesskag, 7th Time Loop really REALLY scratches that craving for that almost exact ship trope. The main female character is actually amazing, like look at her go and standing equal to her man. Wow. Please tell me we are getting s2. The animation is amazing.
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moonnueart · 19 days ago
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Dance with Soul
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clearwillow · 11 months ago
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A gift for @maradigma , Happy Birthday!
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ka-go-me · 10 months ago
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. ꌗꍟ-ꉓꃅꍏꈤ
【★】~ Pixiv- 夜歌@お仕事募集中 ID- 82421846
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masitadibujante · 10 months ago
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E y e s
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inusmasha · 1 year ago
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Mountain Miko on A03
In a secluded mountain village run by a society of mysterious women, Kagome, a young initiate, embarks on a transformative journey under the mentorship of their highly esteemed miko, Kikyo
Prologue – A Dark Fairytale 
In the beginning, within a realm where ancient magic held sway, there once lived a man renowned for his ability to weave spells that brought good fortune to those willing to pay. His performances were nothing short of captivating spectacles, drawing in many who gasped in the grandeur of his rituals. Over time, growing more and more powerful by the day, his glittering magical displays began to draw in the curiosity of wealthy patrons far and wide. 
"How do you do it?"
"You need only to give voice to what you desire." 
Over the years the man turned sorcerer grew proud and prouder still, having forgotten what humble beginnings he crawled out of. He wore his wealth on his body, he adorned his beard with sickly sweet smelling oils and lined his fingers with ostentatious rings. In the era of spell making, the Sorcerer had made this life by his own hand...a hand in possession of a certain Jewel. A small nothing looking bead that was easy to miss even though it hung in plain sight. It's presence barely felt, barely a whisper, only a quiet gnawing at the bottom of his being. 
In the dark night, the heavy shadow of some blackguard, from some dying noble house, made its way to the Sorcerer with big news. A big problem that required a big idea. This truly fair and noble family was harboring a plot to unseat the current emperor and had come to him for help to remedy the issue. 
"What you ask is treason."
"What I ask is to entertain possibilities."
Truth be told; if they had the coin then it did not matter what the request was. He would entertain their hypocrisies. They can keep their dull innocence, keep their hands clean, while he did the unseemly. Though it was dangerous to play with this sort of magic, it's practically what it was there for. 
"What say you, Sorcerer?" 
...it has to be you.. only you could do it.. wish maker ..wishmaker.. wish-
A sinister alliance was forged that night, and he sought to orchestrate their rise to power through sinister rites. 
 His displays of enchantment evolved into bloody ceremonies with costly offerings, ranging from the most humble of creatures to majestic beasts. First a sparrow, a snake, a cat, a wolf to lions, tigers, and- it wasn't enough! To ensure their success, the sorcerer needed more potent sources of power, and he turned to darker methods. He began raiding graveyards for human bones, believing that spirits of the deceased would grant him greater strength. However, he soon realized that live human sacrifices to the Jewel would yield even stronger results. 
Of course! 
Yes, there was a war. 
There was an empty seat in an empty dank room. 
Once the new emperor assumed that cold throne for his own, he called for the Sorcerer to come join him at his royal court and to squat on the lap of luxury. That's what those savage acts were for.. but that damn cursed gnawing hunger never left. It wasn't enough. 
And then...Their paths crossed that fateful evening when he was summoned to perform before their Lord. This was it! Oh! His journey had led him to the fair maiden with black silk for hair. The Sorcerer's infatuation with the woman was relentless, an unquenchable burning within him. Her every word, her every glance, fueled this insatiable longing. He wanted her as his bride. 
But alas she did not want him for her heart belonged to-
It did not matter. He would take her.
In his desperation to possess her he believed that the Jewel, his divine potent resource, could make her love him. The Jewel, fatter still, fed on his fixation. He hated her. He loved her. He hated her. He loved her. The Jewel had never tasted something so sickly sweet. 
"You need only to give voice to what you desire." 
He wished for the woman.
In a final, frenzied act, he sought to give the Jewel a tangible form, giving it arms and legs in which to carry out the deed. Not as some caricature but as something living, with blood and bones. 
"..This flesh is your flesh, these hands your hands!"
At the altar, with great suffering, he relinquished what little was left of his human to the bloody pearl. This was the deep dark material in which miracles sprang forth. He would conjure heaven.. but in the morning there was nothing but the cold dank air, and ash. The fate of both he and the now missing maiden was shrouded in mystery. The ending to this story is always the same.
Now, the Jewel, revered and closely guarded, rests within the new emperor's grasp. It's true nature forgotten. Though the emperor may hold suspicions about the Sorcerer's demise, he chose to remain oblivious of the perils. The relic remained concealed, subject to constant study that often exacted a grim toll and a long list of names never to be spoken of. The Jewel passes from one ruler to the next, as an heirloom of both great power and who's hunger continues to shape the endless road of petty human conflict. 
And we exist in its consequence.   
Many generations pass and eventually the one named Midoriko is born.
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kingkuchiki · 1 year ago
I just want to ask RT why she didn't put Sesshomaru and Kikyo together because MA'AM—What?
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classysassy9791 · 11 months ago
For the lovely @maradigma. Thank you for blessing the SessKik fandom. I hope you have a wonderful birthday <3
Summary: Kikyou's corner bookshop was a small slice of literary heaven, one she wouldn't mind sharing. Fandom: Inuyasha Pairing: SessKik Genre: Romance/Fluff/AU Word Count: 1700
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sahaquiel43 · 2 years ago
My thoughts on IY ships:
Sesskik: OTP. objectively the best ship. best themes. Go read The Rift Between Auras. It also has the best art and the best fandom.
KogKag: Personal favorite. Love the pure unadulterated passion of it. And theres lots of good content on it. And admittedly….I think it's the sexiest relationship.
InuKag: Wonderful ship, Canon, good, nothing really to say.
MirSan EDIT nope, screw this ship, Inusan is best!: best. It makes sense. I always have some misgivings (Sango deserves better after the shit she’s been through, and Miroku’s antics get unfunny at times, and I like strong women), it sometimes feels a bit disrespectful. But I admit there's a genuine bond; they’re a decent couple. Heck, even the more sexist elements make sense. It’s feudal Japan, literally, the 1500’s even if it’s a fantasy setting. The fact they have 3 kids immediately makes sense. Not bad, but I feel like she deserves better.
EDIT: and it doesn't help that the author basically locked in mirsan from the start with not even the slightest consideration for other possibilities. It's basically a forced ship, for good or bad.
Inusan: UPDATE: I am really starting to like this ship, it suffers from having very little content, but what does exist is intriuging, and its starting grow on me. I would love to see it explored more. Its definitely moved up to one of my top ships.
InuKik: really good ship, it's deep and complex, even in canon, but personally I find it a really good pair with KogKag. Two pairs where everyone is happy!
Sesskagu: a spicy couple, the most common theme being they end up being a sassy couple of assholes, revelling in each other’s evil, but with the undertone of a deeper emotional bond.
Sesskag: I don't like it. one of the more popular ships that I actually have genuine grips with. I can’t get aboard, I don’t like it. They don’t fit well. And I get the feeling that it’s the “sesshomaru fangirl-self-insert ship”. The “badass guy going with the bubbly semi-normal girl.” They don't fit. It almost feels a bit....predatory?
Koh/rin: A really cute relationship, childhood friends.
KagSan: Love their interaction they’re really good friends, and I would love to see more interactions between them. But taking it to the romantic level also is would be great.
Kagkik: would have loved to see more interactions between them, there’s so much chemistry. I like it both as friends and even romantic partners. I just want them both to be happy and get past their angst and issues.
KaguKik: I can definitely see the dynamic, and this one would be 90% romantic. Two lost souls finding a bond with each other.
EDIT: a few extras.
AyaKag: makes no sense, but there's one tumblr Artist that makes really cute art of it. Thumbs up.
InuKog: I can respect it. full disclosure, I'm a guy, so I never was into M/M ships, but I can respect it, probably the most reasonable M/M ship.
Naraku X anymone: nah,, Naraku is "pathetic evil", he's the type that you can't even like for being a "dark badass". He's just an all-around looser, he's literally an Incel. So I don't care for it, but whatever floats your boat.
InuSess: just.....why? And all the content involves some form abuse/rape/nasty stuff.
Sessr*n: No.
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blossomingbellflower · 10 months ago
Do you guys ever think about your failures or your regrets. One of mine is just the number of unsold pins I made with my lame ass drawing skills. I cringe looking at some of these pins and how I’m stuck with them~ never to recuperate the money I lost. Meanwhile the platform I used and I haven’t deactivated yet, bills me a statement every month and all the messages I get are scammers. Sighhh.
My pins are cute and messy—someday I’ll figure out how to get rid of them.
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cati-art · 5 months ago
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Another SessKik fanart, of course haha This is actually from years ago, but I never posted online. Recently I retouched the lighting and some details and I really like the result. Since it's now Autumn in the north hemisphere, I think it's the perfect time to share🍁
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la-hannya · 3 months ago
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A love like winter - Sesskik
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feudalconnection · 2 months ago
Nomination - Tsuyu_no_Inochi
CONGRATULATIONS, Tsuyu_no_Inochi (SayuriSai) (AO3)​!!! Your fanfiction “Forbidden” has been nominated by one of your fans for the 2025 1st Term Inuyasha Fandom Awards run by FeudalConnection!
Your work has been nominated in the following category:
Best Action/Adventure
Voting will take place between February 6th and February 20th, and the links to do so can be found on the feudalconnection Tumblr page.
If you would like to pull your work from consideration for an award, please let us know via the Tumblr page or [email protected].
Once again, congratulations for your beautiful contributions to this wonderful fandom, and thank you for all that you do!
For the nomination rules and category definitions, please see our “Get Ready” announcement.
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clown-cult · 2 years ago
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@inuyashapridemonth okay so hear me out. We’ve done lesbian SessKagu. What about lesbian SessKik?
Reblogs > likes.
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ka-go-me · 6 months ago
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. ʄǟȶɛɖ?
【★】~Twitter / X |@KikyoFansPage
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