#kimi itachi
May: I'm volunteering at the animal hospital.
Kimi: Animal hospital?!
May: The animals are the patients.
Kimi, disappointed: That makes sense...
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osteus · 7 months
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everyday I am reminded of the way Orochimaru approached Kimimaro, and also how he spoke to Itachi when he was still a shinobi in Konoha, and my brain cannot stop thinking that if Orochimaru had used the same approach with Itachi he could have managed to get Itachi to follow him like he got Kimimaro. Both Kimi and Itachi were looking for a reason to continue, and while Kimimaro was given hope, Itachi had his crushed. The reason Kimimaro adores Orochimaru is because he gave him a reason and hope of a purpose, it is why he is so hopelessly devoted to the snake sage and why he eventually died for him.
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
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[TRIVIA] Live Spectacle NARUTO: Getting to Know Sato Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Part 03)
Compiled from the Twitter thread: HERE
Part 01 of this trivia series can be found: HERE
Part 02 of this trivia series can be found: HERE
Sato Ryuji’s Official Accounts
Personal Twitter: @ryuji7117
Official Staff Twitter: @satoryujiST
Personal IG: ryuji_japan
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/ryuji7117/
FANSITE: https://sato-ryuji.com
NOTE: He doesn't have a Weibo account.
1. Arata Shihou, who played Suigetsu (Team Hebi / Team Taka) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~" (2022), about Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke).
"He really is Sasuke, for real. I was blown away."
He also added:
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2. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) often wears his own personal Sasuke merchandise to "Live Spectacle NARUTO" rehearsals.
He had a custom-made shirt made with the name "Uchiha Ryuji" (2015), and wore LIBERE's official Uchiha Sasuke and NARUTO Rival T-shirts (2021).
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3. In 2021 during the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~", Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) posted about the Mangekyou Sharingan lenses that he bought himself even though he wasn't required to use them in the actual stage play.
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However, Ryuji did use them for his Uchiha Sasuke character visual photoshoot.
4. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) is considered to be one of the actors who has contributed greatly in shaping the culture of 2.5D.
NOTE: "2.5D musical/stage" loosely refers to musicals/stage that are based on a 2D source material ie. manga, like the "Live Spectacle NARUTO".
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Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) has been featured in books about 2.5D, like "Eureka: 2.5D Special" (2015) and "Top Runners of 2.5D" (2019), and was invited as a guest panelist to speak about his experience in 2.5D (2015).
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He was also a guest on "What’s 2.5D?" (2019), an official show about 2.5D, hosted by Kenta (Gaara), 2.5D ambassador at the time.
Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) also has TV specials about career, such as "Butai Danshi 'Sato Ryuji no Sugao'" (2016) and "Sato Ryuji 'Ryu'" (2022).
Links to watch "Sato Ryuji 'Ryu'" can be found below.
Episode 01 (Actor): HERE
Episode 02 (Variety): HERE
Episode 03 (Artist): HERE
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And, he has a special on Spotify: HERE
5. Ryuji in 2021 on how much he thinks about Uchiha Sasuke in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO":
"Without a doubt, at present, the ones who think about Sasuke the most in Japan are Kishimoto-sensei, Sugiyama-san, who plays Sasuke in the anime, and right after them, me."
6. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) was featured in Koudai's (Uzumaki Naruto) "10th ANNIVERSARY BOOK" (2022).
Team 7 members, Yui (Haruno Sakura) and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi), too.
They talked about their history with Koudai: Ryuji and Kimi-chan (since 2013) and Yui (since 2015).
7. Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) has a personal online show called, "Oheya de Shabera Night". For the milestone 50th stream, he invited Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) to appear as a guest.
Of Team 7, the other member who also appeared as a guest was Nakao-kun (Uzumaki Naruto).
8. Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) also invited Rachi-san (Uchiha Itachi) to be a guest on one of the streams. During their stream, they talked about their friendships with Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke).
Some of the stories they told are included below.
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9.  A small fraction of the many glimpses we get at the friendship between Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi). Since 2013, they have worked together in "Musical The Prince of Tennis", "Live Spectacle NARUTO" and the "Fire Force Stage -Hakai no Hana, Souzou no Oto-".
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Translations of Kimi-chan’s Tweets about Ryuji
01: HERE
02: HERE
03: HERE
04: HERE
05: HERE
06: HERE
Quotes Kimi-chan has said about Ryuji:
"Being able to meet Ryuji every day is fun. Having a comrade that we can be together with for a long time is nice!"
"[Our] History, [our] love, [our] growth. It's special. The fact that I've met you Is a treasure in my life. Yet, for us, '[How we are] Now is the best' You're so cool."
And, Kimi-chan has also called Ryuji "a treasure" and has told fans, "Let's all cherish him together." 
10.  Other than his career as an actor, Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) also has an active music career. He is the lead vocalist in his own band, The Brow Beat, where he composes and writes the lyrics for the songs. He is also a member of ZIPANG OPERA, a unit from the label LDH Records.
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The Brow Beat Official Accounts
Twitter: @The_Brow_Beat 
Website: HERE 
YouTube: HERE
Spotify: HERE
iTunes: HERE
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ZIPANG OPERA Official Accounts
Twitter: @zipang_opera
YouTube: HERE
Spotify: HERE
iTunes: HERE
TikTok: HERE
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narhinafan · 5 months
I find it funny to see old comments that Jin Kazama is like Sasuke since both are brooding characters, some even called Jin an emo when in reality, he's actually reserved. Sasuke is more emo than him. Both were betrayed but the big difference is, Jin was shot to death by Heihachi but was revived by the Devil Gene and Itachi spared Sasuke. Both disappeared but again, not the same. Jin disappeared due to the Devil Gene, which makes him a ticking timebomb when the devil appears, in order to protect those he cares about and to hide from the Mishimas. Sasuke left Konoha to gain more power to kill Itachi. Lastly, the looks. Jin's hairstyle from child to adult is clearly a combination of both parents (Jun's bangs and Kazuya's hair). His face is clearly Jun's with Kazuya's bangs. Sasuke's hairstyle changed significantly during the blank period, deviating away from the hairstyle some Naruto fans say similar to Jin's.
I find it annoying that Sakura fans compare Xiaoyu to their princess when they are not the same. They say Xiaoyu is the same since she has a crush on Jin, much like their princess with Sasuke but again, that's a very shallow reason. Xiaoyu does have a crush on Jin but from what we learned from the series, both Jin and Xiaoyu are classmates and close friends. They're close enough to refer to each other by their first names, with Jin calling her with her pet name "Xiao" and he uses "kimi" on her, while informal, is often used by people who are close. Xiaoyu just call her Jin. On the other hand, Sakura has a crush on Sasuke but he didn't care about her during their academy days and even when they are in Team 7 already. Jin, on the other hand, cares for Xiaoyu and it's shown all throughout the Tekken series.
Man, I'm really tired of seeing people compare Jin and Xiaoyu with Sasuke and Sakura without knowing them from their respective series. It's really important that you're familiar with the series when comparing characters or else you'll look like a fool.
P.S. - Xiaoyu endeared to her fans since she could fight and the reason why Heihachi took her in as a ward since she knocked out his bodyguards alone when she accidentally sneaked into his yacht prior to Tekken 3. Sakura, she got one-shotted by Omoi and the only time she could be competent in Taijutsu is when Chiyo controlled her or the target is large enough for her to smack.
I do think their designs have some similarities though I haven't played enough of Tekken to know Jin's personality. A lot of people tend to group up all brooding characters under the same archtypes.
Sakura's crush on Sasuke is an obsession with no reason to actually like him. Even during their team 7 days their relationship never went past teammates.
Agreed I've seen SasuSaku compare their ship to many others and it was total BS they just want to leech off other good ships reputation cause they know how bad SasuSaku is as a ship.
Exactly fact is Sakura is not that competent a fighter, her Taijutsu skill wise is only the bare minimal to defend herself, but even then it has to rely on CES which can't be properly utilised without proper time to concentrate and build up chakra so can't be used effectively in an actual taijutsu clash. Hence why we never see her go toe to toe with anyone in taijutsu in part 2 she lacks both the skill, but also her signature moves can't be used.
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agtteam · 2 years
AGT Team September - October Progress Report
*Dusts away the cobwebs* We hope everyone had a fun Halloween that was as spooky or unspooky as you like. Here’s what we’ve been up to lately!
[NDS] Naruto RPG 2: Chidori Vs Rasengan
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Ligudink here! I would like to apologize for the lackluster update I have on this translation. Translation is up to the iconic fight between Itachi and Kakashi. Also a few bugs were discovered and are currently being worked on.
I hope to bring more updates to you all by the end of this year, hopefully I would not be as busy as I am now with my senior year in college. Take care!
[NDS] L - the ProLogue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap
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The majority of L - the ProLogue to Death Note’s text has now been translated, and most of the image work has been done too. We’re currently on the trail of a few bugs which are making the gameplay more guess work than it should be, but once they’re squashed we’ll be all ready for proofreading!
Other Projects
There’s no updates for Kimi no Yusha this time around, but we do have news about one of our past projects which should be recieving a Spanish translation coming soon :D
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kiigan · 3 months
💭 to learn what Itachi thinks of you @osteus
ㅤ«It's like looking at a mirror, in some very specif ways. I haven't known Kimimaro-san for too long, yet his sense of loyalty immediately impressed me. And I caught myself thinking, it is not too different than what we in Konoha call The Will of Fire - only it's loyalty directed towards a person, rather than a village. Which... I am truly not qualified to judge, because I myself have also put Sasuke even above said village. Therefore, whenever Kimimaro-san speaks of his complete devotion to Orochimaru-san, his unwavering determination to keep him safe and to make his dreams a reality? I can understand that, and I can relate to that. On an almost visceral level.
ㅤHe's impressed me with his gentle nature, just as much, especially given the colossal power his kekkei genkai carries. I don't think I'm wrong to assume he can be absolutely ruthless, when needed, but at the same time he also does not strike me as someone who would be unnecessarily cruel. Someone to go out of his way to torment others just for personal entertainment or just because he can. In a way, I have to say I am also quite fond of the enthusiasm he sometimes displays - like when we happened to talk about his homeland. It's rather childlike and innocent, and I'm glad he can at least keep that even after the hardships he was forced to endure during childhood.
ㅤWith this said, I am admittedly quite intrigued and would like to learn more about him, given the opportunity. To learn more about his abilities and skills, that goes without saying, but also about the person underneath it all. What else exists, beyond devotion and loyalty? What are his preferences, what does he not like, how does he invest his spare time, does he hold dreams of his own? While this mission lasts and we can spend time together, I'm looking forward to gradually unveil more of the mystery that is Kaguya Kimimaro.»
bonus for villain verse:
ㅤ«My gorgeous flower. My precious hummingbird. My adorable rabid bunny. Mine, mine, mine. Something I had never expected to find again, a place where my demons go to drown and where nothing matters except for the two of us. Something that I will stop at nothing to keep safe and protected, and that I will never allow to be lost. Not even to the frail condition of his body and, if it shall come down to the need to rewrite reality itself, then so be it. Kimimaro is the only and last thing that gives meaning to my life and the gods themselves won't take him from me.»
more bonus for modern verse:
ㅤ«What can I say? Not to be completely cliché and cheesy, but he got me from the very first moment. Yes, it started as something mostly out of physical attraction and way too much horniness, but - honestly, can I be blamed? Has anybody ever in the history of humankind looked at Kimimaro and thought something other than this is the most gorgeous, attractive, hot person I've met in my entire life? Little did I know what I was doing to myself, the day I approved for him to be hired to participate in that one music video for the band. The fact we ended up banging in that bathroom stall when we basically only knew each other's name only added to the whole experience.
ㅤAnd, from there... again, not to be the most lovestruck boyfriend ever, but it's only grown into something I barely have words to describe. We are so incredibly compatible, not in the sense of both of us liking all the same things or having all the same opinions and preferences, no - it's way beyond that. We complement each other so wholly. In our personalities, in our attitudes, in what we enjoy in a romantic partner, in what we expect from a life together. I could just sit here and chindhand and talk all day about all the things I love about Kimi, but just to name a few: his cheeky attitude, his ambition with head-in-the-clouds and feet-on-the-ground, his stunning talent for acting but also dancing, his loving care and protectiveness towards me. The things he's known to do every time I wear a skirt.
ㅤI am so genuinely happy we could meet each other, and I am so genuinely looking forward to our shared future. Maybe even one day think about actual marriage and adopting a child of our own? Why not! From the looks of it, the fans on both sides also would not mind any of this at all.»
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cosmic-canons · 9 months
Threads of Fate | @redlineoffate
// trial testing bond/thread post for muses from same mun 
Bond (My Muse &/x Your Muse) // with (unique) ship name and canondiv notes
Thread Name [notes]: Description // to be linked
Thread 2 // can search to check who posted last
ccShip : Nishiki x Kimi | NishiKimi | Ghoul Crossed Line of Fate
Reunited Lovers
Thanksgiving Thankful [2023]
ATTACK ON TITAN - Levi & Petra: Cleanup Complete
Sasuke & Itachi
Brother's Secrets
Uchiha Vacation
Minato x Kushina: Pocky Game // Yellow Red Flashing Lines of Fate
Jiraiya & Tsunade: Another Drink Naruto & Sakura: Helping Hand
// to catch up on soon
Shoto & Enji: Carried Back
Tony x Pepper | Ice Skating Date Thor & Loki: What If the Brothers Met Vision x Wanda: First of Many Peter & Tony: Starfished Spiderpants
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redlineoffate · 1 year
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@kitxkatrp said: ⭐
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Pandora Heart muses
Oz, Echo, Glen, Vincent, Ada, Break @ Alice
Oz, Echo, Vincent, Rufus, Ada @ Break
Oz, Lacie, Oswald, Vincent @ Jack
Vincent, Ada, Oz, Echo, Break, Oswald @ Gilbert
Ada, Echo, Break, Lacie @ Oz
Oz, Vincent, Break @ Rufus
Rufus @ Sheryl
Vincent, Oz, Lacie, Oswald @ Core of the Abyss
Oz, Ada, Break, Oswald, Break @ Vincent
Oz, Lacie, Vincent @ Will of the Abyss/Alyss
Vincent, Echo @ Bernice Nightray
Break @ Shelly Rainsworth
Oz, Vincent @ Echo
Lacie, Oswald, Vincent, Echo @ Fang
Oz, Break, Ada @ Liam
Oswald, Oz @ Lacie
Vincent, Echo @ Lily
Oz, Vincent, Echo, Break @ Ada
Vincent, Break @ Cheshire Cat
Oz, Vincent, Break. Ada, Vincent, Echo @ Charlotte Baskerville
Lacie, Vincent, Echo @ Oswald
Vincent @ Miranda Barma
Oz, Break, Ada, Echo @ Sharon Rainsworth
Vincent @ Vanessa
Oz, Ada @ Zai
Break @ Kevin
Oz, Ada, Vincent, Echo @ Elliot
Vincent @ Bernard
Lacie, Oswald, Vincent @ Arthur
Vincent @ Claude Nightray, Ernest Nightray
Vincent, Break, Echo @ Doug Baskerville
Lacie, Oswald, Echo @ Levi
Oz, Ada, Vincent, Echo @ Leo
Oz, Ada @ Oscar
Urahara @ Ulquiorra
Urahara @ Irihime
Haruhi @ Kaoru
Akatsuki no Yona
Yona, Hak, Zeno, Yoon @ Soo-Won
Shin Ah, Zeno, Ao, Yona, Hak, Yoon @ Jae-Ha
Yona, Zeno, Yoon, Shin ah, Ao @ Hak
Zeno, Shin Ah, Yona, Hak, Ao @ Kija
Ao, Yona, Zeno @ Shin Ah
Ao @ Garou
Yona, Shin Ah, Ao @ Zeno
Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Hinata, Karin @ Sakura
Sakura, Lee, Sasuke @ Ino
Naruto, Hinata, Sakura, Tsunade @ Himawari
Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Lee @ Hinata
Karin, Sasuke, Tsunade, Kakashi, Itachi, Toffee (OC) @ Orochimaru
Tsunade, Itachi, Sasuke @ Madara
Itachi, Sasuke @ Shisui
Sasuke, Orochimaru, Tsunade @ Itachi
Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Karin, Orochimaru @ Sasuke
Kushina, Naruto @ Minato
Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata, Kushina @ Menma
Kurama, Kushina, Sakura, Sasuke, Hinata @ Naruto
Naruto @ Gaara
Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke @ Sai
Rin, Team 7, Tsunade, Orochimaru @ Kakashi
Natsume Yuujinchou
Takashi, Madara, Reiko @ Tanuma
Takashi, Madara, Reiko @ Gen
Maes Hughes, Roy, Riza, Elrics, Envy @ Greed
Elrics, Roy, Riza @ Ling
Tokyo Ghoul
Sasaki, Kimi, Eto, Saiko, Nishiki, Furuta @ Hide
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tonkifish · 2 years
Naruto wallpaper gif live
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uptokyo · 5 years
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anime messy icons! 💌
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Jasper: Kimi, can I ask you a question? Kimi: Sure, anything. Jasper: Why don't you go back to your own house and leave us alone?
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kenyauslander · 7 years
DMC- The Dance
“I don't know who to take, either you or Dad.” Gackt replied, “You take your dad. I'll take care of Kimi.” My face lit up. Tears started forming in my eyes “Thank you, Gackt! Thank you!” I stood up from my chair and hugged Gackt tightly. He grunted a little. I let him go and ran to his room. I bolted in and closed the door, then whipped out my phone. I quickly dialed Kimi’s number. “H-Hello? May?” “Kimi, you’re going to the dance.” I replied, tears streaming down my cheeks and dripping onto the floor. “R-Really? With who?” “Gackt agreed to take you, Kimi.” Kimi replied, “Oh my God! Thank you, May! Thank you so much! I love you!” “I-I know.” I sniffled. “May! Are you crying?” “Yeah.” “Oh, May, don’t cry over me.” “I can’t help it, Kimi!” I said as I burst into tears. “May… Do I need to go over there?” “Yes!” I cried, wiping the tears away with the back of my free hand. “Ok! I’ll be right over! Bye-bye!” “Bye-bye…” I said as I hung up, laying back. I heard loud, rapid knocking, the door opening, and Kimi’s footsteps. The door opened and slammed loudly against the wall. I slowly rose back up to see Kimi, her pastel pink hair a mess, and her golden brown eyes staring at me. I saw her smiling. “I came as fast as I could.” She said, sitting next to me, kissing me on the cheek. “Thanks, Kimi.” I replied, as Kimi wiped the stray tears away. “No problem. So, who are you going to the dance with?” “My dad. Who else?” “Obachan Akari’s husband, Jiro-san?” “Kimi, I bet he’d be flattered, but, no.” “I don’t know any other guys you could go with. Toshi’s dad, maybe?” “Kimi! That’s Hiromi’s uncle! Her dad’s brother! NO!” “I’m kidding.”
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devasafikir · 4 years
Itachi Uchiha drawing - Naruto
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rz-jocelyn · 2 years
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[TRIVIA] Live Spectacle NARUTO: Getting to Know Sato Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Part 02)
Compiled from the Twitter thread: HERE
Part 01 of this trivia series can be found: HERE
Sato Ryuji’s Official Accounts
Personal Twitter: @ryuji7117
Official Staff Twitter: @satoryujiST
Personal IG: ryuji_japan
Blog: https://ameblo.jp/ryuji7117/
FANSITE: https://sato-ryuji.com
NOTE: He doesn't have a Weibo account.
1. When Ryuji did the aerial performance, rehearsals began in the afternoon for the rest of the main cast, and only Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) had solo rehearsals in the morning for the aerial before joining the main rehearsals in the afternoon.
To top it off, he also did everything else, like the trampoline. Kenta (Gaara) commented on how he felt that Ryuji had the most to do physically.
2. In the "Live Spectacle NARUTO (Narusute) ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ 2019", Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) fell doing a stunt (shown in image). Despite that, he was amazing for the rest of the performance.
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During the curtain call, he kept bowing and apologising profusely for the accident.
3. When it came to the formation of Team Hebi/Team Taka in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~" (2017), Nanaki Kanon (Uzumaki Karin) and Yamaguchi Tomoya (Juugo) had this to say about Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke).
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4. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) being cute with Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) and Nakao-kun (Uzumaki Naruto).
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For "Tomoshibi", Naruto and Sasuke's part was left to Nakao-kun and Ryuji, and Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) commented on how the cast looked forward to what they would do every performance.
5. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) and Rachi Shinji (Uchiha Itachi) from the "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Narusute) were selected to be ambassadors for "Nijigen no Mori", and participated in the opening ceremony for the "NARUTO & BORUTO SHINOBI-ZATO" attraction.
To watch a video of the opening ceremony, please refer to this link: HERE
6. During the talk show for "Nijigen no Mori" , Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) mentioned that he was born on the day of the Great Hanshin Earthquake, and had become a goodwill ambassador to contribute to the revitalization of the area (Awaji, where "Nijigen no Mori" is, was one of the hardest hit).
7.  Ryuji's (Uchiha Sasuke) first impression of Rachi-san (Uchiha Itachi) in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO": "President Nogami told me, 'I brought someone who is like an older brother for Ryuji-kun!', and when I looked at his career, I thought, 'An amazing person has arrived.'"
Rachi-san's first impression of Ryuji in the "Live Spectacle NARUTO": "Sasuke is really here."
Since then, they have become like brothers, and Rachi-san has Tweeted things like, "[My] Cute younger brother. Is it the alpaca that is cute? Is it Ryuji who is cute?"
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8. Some stories of Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) being cute with the actors who play Juugo.
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During the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~" (2017/2019), Tomoya called him and Ryuji the "Happy Set".
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During a Q&A for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" (2021), the cast sent each other questions. Emoto Kouki asked Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke), "When do you feel the happiest?" Ryuji's answer? "When I'm with you." (Although, Ryuji was talking to the camera so he could mean Kouki-kun and the fans. LOL!)
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Ryuji has known Ohno Ryota since 2015, and was happy when Ryota-san joined the cast for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~". They worked together on the "Musical Touken Ranbu". In both Narusute and Toumyu, Ryota-san is on Ryuji's team. He plays Juugo, a member of Team Hebi/Team Taka in Narusute, and is on the dance team for Ryuji's solo lives in Toumyu:
Musical Touken Ranbu ~Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2017~: BD ( HERE ) / DVD ( HERE )
Musical Touken Ranbu ~Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin 2018~: BD ( HERE ) / DVD ( HERE )
Musical Touken Ranbu ~Kashuu Kiyomitsu Tanki Shutsujin ASIA TOUR~ (2019): BD ( HERE) / DVD ( HERE )
9. Kitamura Ryo (Sai) announced his marriage in 2021 when a performance of the the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~" (2021) was ongoing. He was no longer playing the role of Sai at the time, but Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) referred to him as "a precious member of the NARUTO family" and sent him well-wishes during his curtain call comment.
10. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) cried so much during the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ 2019" while acting that, at the time, he felt like that was the most he had cried in his entire life.
He also cried during "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Ninkai Taisen, Kaisen~".
11. "Live Spectacle NARUTO" (Narusute) and "Jujutsu Kaisen" The Stage (Jujusute)
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Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) plays Itadori Yuuji in Jujusute. Yasue Kazuaki (Shikamaru in "Narusute ~Uzumaki Naruto Monogatari~") also plays Fushiguro Megumi.
To pre-order the BD/DVD, please refer to this link: HERE
12. During interviews for the "Live Spectacle NARUTO ~Akatsuki no Shirabe~ 2019", this is how Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) described his relationship with Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke):
"Even when we meet after a while, he [Ryuji] is a presence that doesn’t really give me that feeling [of distance]... For me, 'back-to-back' is a phrase that fits [us] nicely. I've been able to entrust my back to him quite a number of times."
"The both of us, we have a relationship where we don't act formally around each other and can be ourselves with each other, and the fact that we trust each other is something you can see with your own eyes."
Even when we meet after a while, he [Ryuji] is a presence that doesn’t really give me that feeling [of distance]... For me, 
13. Rachi-san (Uchiha Itachi) once talked about how he, Ryuji and Koudai shared a table during rehearsals for Narusute.
He and Koudai brought a ton of personal things to rehearsals, but Ryuji didn't. So, their things took up most of the table space leaving little to no space for Ryuji, but Ryuji never said anything about it.
At one point, Koudai noticed how little space Ryuji had and did kind of try to make more space for Ryuji, but Rachi-san still reflects back on that feeling apologetic towards Ryuji.
14. At the "2.5D Grand Screening Festival 2022", Kimi-chan (Hatake Kakashi) also talked about how there were moments where Ryuji and Koudai were really like Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto, which he thought was nice.
One such instance was when they practiced heir acrobatic stunts for the trampoline. Ryuji got it pretty quickly, and even though Koudai had confidence in his reflexes and physical capabilities, he couldn't catch up to Ryuji's speed of picking up the stunts, which made him feel vexed.
15. Ryuji (Uchiha Sasuke) and Koudai (Uzumaki Naruto) also worked together in the TV drama "FIVE" (2017) playing Shimizu Toshi and Iwabuchi Takui.
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To purchase the DVD, please refer to the links below.
BD (Limited): HERE
BD (Regular): HERE
DVD (Limited): HERE
DVD (Regular): HERE
The DVD version has unaired footage and bonus features.
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blackinscape · 4 years
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Anime : Naruto Shippuden
Character : Itachi Uchiha
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zoetjessweets · 5 years
My boyfriend and I got our Displate ‘posters’ today and oh my god I have never been so excited to hang posters up in the house. I mean look at how gorgeous they are!
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Kakashi and Sailor Moon at by far my favourite and I’m freaking in love.
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