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pikuniku53353358 · 3 months ago
wait what did a-rabid-snake do?? I heard you guys had a serious argument??
Yes, it's true... If you're so interested in what we quarreled about, then fine, I'll tell you. So... She sent all the members of my group in a telegram several times simply because she was in a "bad mood". And when I say everyone, I mean EVERYONE (there were also her friends and her ex-girlfriend and boyfriend in this group). She was offended by the fact that we did not comment on her art and ignored her, and when we began to comment on them, she accused us of making stupid jokes and in general we offended her (although there were jokes at the level of a Chinese Saint, since once she drew a Saint in a kimano)
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And also she sometimes asked us to give her ideas for art, and when we offered her these very ideas, she said that: "oh, why did I ask you at all, you didn't help me in any way" and other similar hypocritical words. Why hypocritical? Because she herself could say rude words to someone and "joke" about my art (and there were already jokes at the level of the fact that when I drew the spear master in my imagination and there he had something like a skirt made of a piece of SRS fabric, she said that the spear master forcibly tore off this piece of fabric from him and when I said, that this was not the case and that it was done voluntarily, she said that "I like my version of events better." Excuse me, but what the hell?! ). In general, she was constantly offended by any trifle, presented herself as a victim and we had to endure her hot-tempered behavior, for which she NEVER apologized. Do you know why she left the group? Because once someone sent her shooting range list with ships with slugcats in Russian Discord server. Some of us were on this server, and when they noticed this, they sent her a screenshot and said, "Snake, did you send your tier list or did someone else do it?" She said that she did not do it. And one Of the members of our group, he said that he knew this person, found such a coincidence funny and began to laugh at it. That is, it had nothing to do with the Snake at all, the person was laughing not at her or her tier-list, but at the absurdity of the situation itself and the fact that he knew this person. But the Snake misunderstood everything, she thought that they were laughing at her, although we tried to explain to her that this was not the case and she left. And instead of keeping silent about this whole most stupid situation, she told about it in the tumblr and made the members of my group look bad and herself a victim. It's terrible. She did not think about the consequences of her actions, she never seemed to think about the consequences at all. But even after that, I tried to treat Snake well. She also wished my friend death once because he had created a meme for my band and one of her artworks appeared there for a few seconds. In this excerpt, no one insulted anyone or anything, this art was in the public domain, and this meme was not published anywhere outside of my group, which is a LOCAL place, and this meme is also LOCAL. But she somehow found out about this video, showed it in her telegram channel, got attached to the fact that no one has the right to use her art in anything like that, and, as I said, wished him dead.
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But the last straw for me was that one day in her telegram channel the topic of discussing ships iterators and slugcats began, and one of my very good friends told Snake to just not pay attention to this if it is unpleasant for her to watch. Person expressed his NEUTRAL attitude towards all ships, but the Snake believed that she treats all ships POSITIVELY and that she supports ships with bestiality, pedophilia and incest, although she did not lay such thoughts. She doesn't care about these ships, but the Snake began to say how this person is disgusting. Another friend of mine, who has a real depression, stood up for my friend. And Snake in response literally sent him to hell. Moreover, before that, she left him to the mercy of fate, stopped supporting him in difficult times and, in principle, somehow communicating with him. The nickname of this person is "Just". That is, she began to insult two people who did NOTHING bad to the Snake, and one of the people had depression and she just sent them to hell. At the same time, she herself is offended by any "rude" word said to her. She is hypocritical... As a result, I got tired of enduring everything And after that incident we have stopped to communicate. If you don't believe me, I can provide screenshots with all the evidence.
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nervous-trash · 1 year ago
Three cringy Total Drama ocs that I made? It's more likely than you think.
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Below is uh ramblings about characters because no way am I writing that ok-
Ironically, all three were supposed to be girls, which was why they were classified as identicals. However, after being born, Elise was the only girl.
All three work as performers, but it's usually just Elise and Dominic. Rio usually just helps with injuries.
In regards to challenges, they usually take certain roles. Rio helps the others, making sure the other team is far enough behind. Dominic uses logic usually, making sure nobody goes too wild. Elise just goes, causing chaos.
Dominic actually has a girlfriend! It's Kimano. Who is also Elise's enemy/rival. Despite Dominic's showy nature and Kimano's anxiety, they're a great couple.
Due to them being triplets, they're not on the same team. Depending on which one is on the other team, depends on results.
Despite them being triplets, Dominic is the oldest (by 5 seconds to Rio, and by 30 seconds to Elise)
Rio is the calmest and most normal of the three. Though, they don't try to stop Dom or Elise unless they're putting themselves or someone else at risk.
Originally, only Rio and Dom were going to be given up to an orphanage. But then, in the midst of teething, Elise had bitten their mother. Due to her unnaturally sharp teeth, that ended up in all three being taken to an orphanage.
If one of them is sick or unable to partake in either performing or a challenge, another will dress up and take their place.
(These ate legit just about them, I haven't even thought of canon interactions-)
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itsabookthing2021 · 2 years ago
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The World Remains by Brindi Quinn
It's fricking awesome!!
I read The World Remains last year and for me it was one of the best dystopian novels I've read. I honestly don't go for dystopian because, well honestly I'm looking at you Hunger Games!!
Anywho this is not like that at all and it's bloody marvelous.
Ashlin lives in a small commune Scandria, where everyone has blue eyes and blonde hair, they're the last ninety people of their dying race. Ashlin suffers from secret fits, but that's not the only secret in this commune.
Olté is an outcast for not fitting the mould of the commune, when Olté goes missing then returns, things take a wild turnabout.
The World Remains is a fantastic premise of a Dystopian World, it is brilliantly written and I spent my day engrossed in reading, the need to find out what was to happen next was overwhelming.
The Histo was fascinating and it's spy like nature was eye opening to say the least.
The characters were all interesting and I didn't know which one to trust, they all had their reasons but all were morally grey.
Kimano, Ashlin's paired partner kept me on my toes, was he insane or sane and just playing at insanity? He was excellently written and I questioned him everytime, though his actions at the end was somewhat surprising.
Croix, I actually liked him even if he did come across as creepy every now and then. He surprised me too - that's the thing with this novel. The surprises just kept coming, when you thought you figured it out, bam! Another surprise and twist.
Sariah was a great double agent, spy to her own organisation, she was capable of deceit so easily and I did wonder who was playing who several times.
The adventure, romance and revelations made The World Remains a page turner. I absolutely loved everything about this story.
#theworldremains #brindiquinn #bookrecommendations #bookreview #bookishlove #bookobsessed #bookworm #bookstumblr #booklover #booksoftumblr #bookaddict #lovetoread #readersoftumblr #readmorebooks #booknerd #goodbookreads #goodbooks #tumblrbooks #fantasyreads #fantasy #books #dystopianreads #highlyrecommendations #bookish #bookishpost #fantasyromance #dystopianworld
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letsclemini · 6 months ago
Tokio Tag 3
18. Juli
Um der anhaltenden Hitze ein wenig entgegen zu wirken entschlossen wir uns für den Meiji-Park + Schrein in Shibuya. Das Schöne an diesen Parks ist jedes Mal die Ruhe und Kühlung, da man meistens durch einen „wilderen“ Wald hindurchspaziert, wo der übliche Lärm der Stadt und die Hitze nicht durchkommt. Durch den Wald kommt man zum Meiji Schrein mit seinen Sake und Weinfäßern, die als Zeichen der Öffnung von Japan zur westlichen Welt geschenkt worden sind. Wenn man Glück hat kann man eine traditionelle japanische Hochzeit im Tempel beobachten, aber leider war keine zugegen.
Nach diesem erholsamen Park gingen wir anschließend in den Yoyogi-Park, da er gleich daran anschließt, aber recht viel gibt’s es dazu nicht zu sagen…reidig war er, aber zumindest sammelten wir viele Federn für unsere Katze Tonic.
Um die Enttäuschung schnell vergessen zu machen ging es als nächsten Stopp ins Kawaii Viertel in die Takeshita Street. Der Name hält was er verspricht, lauter junge Menschen, die knallig angezogen sind und in noch knalligere Shops einkaufen gehen. Das dort angebotene Essen und Trinken ist mindestens genauso knallig und bunt und spricht eher die jüngere Generation an. Wir gönnten uns trotzdem ein paar Happen und genossen die schräge Umgebung und Shops (Kimano und Yukatas wurden von uns gekauft).
Um das ganze nochmals zu toppen entschieden wir am Abend zur Shibuya Crossing zu gehen um den nächtlichen Bling-Bling Wahnsinn zu erleben. Wir gingen dort mindestens 6-7x über die Kreuzung um alles richtig sehen zu können und bummelten durch die aufgeregten Seitengassen im Shibuya-Viertel. Da der Magen schon knurrte suchten wir uns im Shibuya Tower noch ein Restaurant und eines der wenigen, die noch offen hatten war ein Teigtaschenrestaurant. Die Warteschlange war auf 25 Minuten gestellt und in der Zwischenzeit konnten wir uns aussuchen welche Gerichte wir bestellen möchten. Wir bestellten uns Tascherl mit Schwein, Schwein mit Jakobsmuscheln, Schwein mit Abarlon, Kabeljau, dunkle eingelegte Enteneier, Teigtaschenwaffel und angebratenen Sojabaohnensalat. Das Essen war im Großen und Ganzen sehr gut, nur war leider die Bedienung ziemlich verpeilt und wir mussten einige Male nachfragen bis wir was bekamen.
Abschließend wollten wir im kleinen Fortgehviertel Golden Gai noch einen kurzen Drink zu uns nehmen, aber leider muss man für jede Bar Eintritt zahlen und daher entschieden wir uns nach Hause zu gehen.
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sowizardmentality · 11 months ago
Stop!! Is it just me, or are Daniel and Johnny wearing a kimano uniform under a jacket in the SAME white color?!?🤯
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ck6 :’)
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avocadotemi · 6 years ago
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maminov · 7 years ago
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Скоро экзамен. Школа каратэ. Сдаём на желтый пояс. #karate #japan #instagood #instagramers #travel #minsk #belarus #91 #kris #myson #happy #maminov_photo при @karmazina_foto #kimano #photography #litle (at Europe/Minsk)
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naciyebutikbozcaada · 5 years ago
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Pazar Modu Kimano ile @yldzkrkmzzz daha da neşeli...☘️🌝 . . #naciyebutikbozcaada #naciyebutikstyle #bozcaadastili . . . . . #bozcaada #bozcaadasokakları #tenedos #bohemianfashion #bohemian #gypsystyle #gypsyjewelery #hippichic #bohoinspo #hippiestyle #boholuxe #bohoaccessories #bohemianliving #bohemianlook #bohovibes #kimano #bohemianvibes #bohemianstyle #thebohochick #bohemianlifestyle #bohofashion #boholife #hippiestyle #happyhippie #hippielife #hippiesprits #bohemianspirit (at Naciye Butik) https://www.instagram.com/p/B13D3n3gpSv/?igshid=v6v65ac8bu9d
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shockersalvage · 3 years ago
Duelists Being Extra (...And Stupid) PT 3
(All five of Licorne’s captured Victims are scowling at the one who captured them)
Oboro: How the fuck did you figure us out so quickly!?
Seika: Ch-...cheater....you must’ve cheated!!!
Kaei: Spill it, you little shit!! How the hell did ya figure it out!?
Otsuko: Yeah, out with it, brat!!
Licorne: Let’s just say...it involves your signs and leave it at that. Well, except for Hari...he’s a...special case.
Hari: Me?
Licorne:...What’s your name and the name of your case, for the class?
Hari: Oh...I’m Hari Hironori and I started the Otohari Island Duel Noi-...why are you guys looking at me like that?
The Other Four:...
Licorne:...Yeah, I had the same reaction to.
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rosyspaceblog-blog · 8 years ago
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Finally had the opportunity to pick up a palette for your Muffet! I hope this cute you like!😙✨🐞
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kotikaleo · 4 years ago
🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌸🌺🌸 Why your sketches look sooooo great?!?!
I just love that Japanese idea.
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Yesterday I started listening to vocaloid songs, and it inspired me to draw errorink with Japanese-themed things😊🎎🎏💫💕
ink @comyet
error @loverofpiggies
paperjam @7goodangel
gradient @askcomboclub
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rarts · 5 years ago
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Best demon girl  Kamado Nezuko in kimano: (Demon Slayer Kimetsu no Yaiba) [digital drawing by Noes]
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oh-my-cuppy-notes · 4 years ago
Yin shu were your robe? Don't you disapprove of kimano war?
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eternalparquet · 6 years ago
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Sembrano maioliche ma non lo sono...Kimano è una linea di parquet di Xilo 1934 realizzato con una speciale tecnica di trasferimento del colore, progettato da Fiorella Buonanno è la massima rspressione dello stile Italiano, la bellezza delle maioliche e il calore del legno...venite a vederlo presso Eternal Parquet ad Ariano Irpino #xilo1934 #parquetxilo #kimano #fiorellabuonanno #parquetdecorato #maiolichevietresi #maioliche #legnoemaioliche #parquet #parquetitaliano #listoni (presso Eternal Parquet) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVryvkAZK9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ctm0g5vynivo
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hediyekutuatolyesi · 7 years ago
#moda #giyim #tasarım #tarz #kadıngiyim #çanta #2017trendleri #trend #kazak #kalite #kadın #eşofman #ayakkabı #çanta #fondoten #şort #pantalon #mont #ceket #kimano #tayt #deri #triko #küpür #derimont #hırka #swet #şıklık #minietek #öneçıkanlar #swet #kapşünlü
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diamondbridalgallery-blog · 7 years ago
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Bridal and Bridesmaid Robes for SALE! Save 10% when you place the order with one of our consultant at the store. Offer ends 10/5/17. Don't wait shop today. . . . #lingerie #lingerieparty #robe #bridal #bridalrobe #kimano #bridesmaids #gettingready #gettingmarried #weddingday #isaidyes #diamondbridalgallery #weddingideas #robelife #bridesmaidproposal #bridesmaidrobe #bridalstyle #bridalparty #bridesmaidgift #wedding #bridetribe #bridesmaidstyle #instawedding #bff #bridesmaids #bridalparty
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