itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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A Bargain of Blood and Gold by Kristin Jacques
A Bargain of Blood and Gold is a unique story, there's so much going on that I felt I was wrapped up in a whirlwind and carried along for the ride.
The writing is great and it really builds up the world and characters, the setting and era lends well to the plot and I thought it was all created really well.
I really enjoyed the characters and was intrigued by Johnathan the vampire/monster hunter of sorts. He felt conflicted at times, he had trained to be this hunter but he seemed inexperienced. Though that's not a negative as i felt it made his character well rounded.
Vic for me was mysterious to start with and then the revelation of who he is, I thought was great and I really liked his and Johnathan's relationship.
The storyline was great and I really had me hooked, I liked how it played out and I really wasn't expecting all of that!!
I really look forward to reading book 2, I need to know how it all pans out for Johnathan.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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Dreams Really Do by Brindi Quinn
I know I say I love/I absolutely love a lot but I truly do love this series by Brindi Quinn.
I remember when I read the eARC for Come True and how I instantly fell in love with it. Then came Granted and I fell in love with Arrik, thinking nothing could top that book. But colour me green and call me a pickle, because Dreams Really Do came along and well, let's just say I freaking love it.
I can't go into it too much because Hello, Spoilers! and well, I haven't even put a review together yet. How do I convey my emotions 🤣
We have 4 weeks until release day!! (I believe it's 4 let me know if I'm wrong 🤣)
I can't wait to have this pretty book on my shelf!!🩷🩷
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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I love a good retelling of the fairytales and Alice in Wonderland is my favourite so I was so eager to read The Alice Curse.
The Alice Curse was so easy to fall into and once I started reading I didn't want to stop. This retelling had a unique twist and one that was done very well.
The world building in this novel was so richly enticing and vividly described I felt like I fell into that tree hole with Eliza.
The characters in The Alice Curse were all just fantastic straight from Finn to Chesa.
Finn being a rabbit as well as a human man, I didn't find this odd at all and maybe it's because I've read so many shifter novels that my brain actually understands it. The relationship dynamic between him and Eliza was brilliant and I was really rooting for them.
Chesa, as soon as she hit the page I knew this was a take on the Cheshire cat and I loved it. I thought her character, frustrating at times, was a fantastic concept. I really loved the way the characters were created and they all brought the story to life.
I honestly loved this read and that ending!
This novel gave me all the feels, it's just perfect.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
If you haven't already, then I highly recommend you read the Genie romance series by Brindi Quinn.
It starts with Come True, which is book 1 and introduces us to Dolly and Velis, and not to mention Arrik 🥵🔥
Granted is book 2 and follows on from book 1 with lots more shenanigans and more Arrik 🥵🔥
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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She Is A Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran.
I picked up She Is A Haunting from the bookstore when I read the blurb I was intrigued and wondering just how much of a scaredy cat I will be.
Well honestly I wasn't a scaredy cat because the "haunting" wasn't that scary and I was left a little confused at times.
She Is A Haunting has a great premise and the bones of the story are there but it kinda lacks its 'umph'. There's a lot that could have been fleshed out a bit more to make the read a bit smoother.
That being said I did enjoy the novel, I liked Jade even though her angst was overwhelming at times as in I felt some of it wasn't true to her character.
I felt the characters were written well and the build up around the hauntings were unique and did create an atmosphere. I found myself reading to find out what was going on and what was causing everything. I was slightly confused when Jade and Florence started to prank the hauntings of the house. I didn't feel that was necessary, I get why but still felt confusing.
I did think She Is A Haunting was written well and the story build up was good but as I said it lacked something for me. The parts I did like and thought were well written were the interactions between Jade and Cam, I found them interesting.
Overall I did enjoy this novel and it did hold my attention but I'm still left a little confused.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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The Castle of Thorns by Elle Beaumont
The Castle of Thorns is a splendid story of man and monster. Gisela our main character is a Princess and is forced into a situation that is less than ideal but instead of this tale being all doom and gloom, she actually thrives amongst it.
Knorren; our main evil fox and the cause of the upset to the kingdom, is just a likeable rouge. Sure he's evil, he's massacred probably hundreds but you can not, not like him. He's such a brilliant character and probably just misunderstood!
I really loved how the world was built and how the magic just unravelled through the pages, the surprises that popped up along the way added to the enjoyment of reading this novel.
There's parts of the novel where I did laugh out and my best part was the water pool/spring scene...
“Close your eyes when I get out.” Knorren eyed her. “Why?” Gisela gawked at him. Was he serious? “I’m not wearing clothes . . .”“And neither am I.”“You’re a fox!”
I really enjoyed this novel, I loved how it was written and the magical way we got swept into the story, the characters that you knew had some hidden back story but didn't know quite what and the characters that you thought "wow what a bitch" - Tilda I'm looking at you!
I highly recommend The Castle of Thorns to every, hey I even bought the paperback well before getting half way through, it's that good!
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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Villainous by Lou Wilham.
Villainous is a different type of novel for me and being truly honest, it's the first novel I've read that has a character who refers to themself as both he and she. I don't think there's many out there or at least not in the mainstream.
The chapters in Villainous follow Jericho and it switch between he and she, at first it was a little hard to wrap my head round thinking it was another character but after awhile it became normal and I didn't think anything more of it.
I did enjoy this story immensely and the premise was great, it bordered on the morally grey area of who actually is wrong and who is right, are the heroes actually villains and the villains heroes? Are such things as black and white as they appear?
I loved Jericho - the Hero, the character fought for what was right and was fiercely loyal even when their beliefs were questioned.
Soleil aka Dusk - the villain, was fabulous! I loved him, he had spunk, wit and was just damn adorable.
He always had a game to play and you never knew if and when he was playing it.
The storyline and the build up was great to read and gave an insight into Sol and J's previous relationship, I loved Sol and J's witty remarks and banter to each other and laughed at “You’re not a fucking househusband, you’re a convict.” comment.
The story for me took a surprising turn and the twists were great, I loved that ending - from chapter 19 to the end for me had me on the edge of my seat rooting for the gang.
The previous chapters were a great build up and certainly eye opening - I think my jaw was on the ground with the revelations!!
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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The World Remains by Brindi Quinn
It's fricking awesome!!
I read The World Remains last year and for me it was one of the best dystopian novels I've read. I honestly don't go for dystopian because, well honestly I'm looking at you Hunger Games!!
Anywho this is not like that at all and it's bloody marvelous.
Ashlin lives in a small commune Scandria, where everyone has blue eyes and blonde hair, they're the last ninety people of their dying race. Ashlin suffers from secret fits, but that's not the only secret in this commune.
Olté is an outcast for not fitting the mould of the commune, when Olté goes missing then returns, things take a wild turnabout.
The World Remains is a fantastic premise of a Dystopian World, it is brilliantly written and I spent my day engrossed in reading, the need to find out what was to happen next was overwhelming.
The Histo was fascinating and it's spy like nature was eye opening to say the least.
The characters were all interesting and I didn't know which one to trust, they all had their reasons but all were morally grey.
Kimano, Ashlin's paired partner kept me on my toes, was he insane or sane and just playing at insanity? He was excellently written and I questioned him everytime, though his actions at the end was somewhat surprising.
Croix, I actually liked him even if he did come across as creepy every now and then. He surprised me too - that's the thing with this novel. The surprises just kept coming, when you thought you figured it out, bam! Another surprise and twist.
Sariah was a great double agent, spy to her own organisation, she was capable of deceit so easily and I did wonder who was playing who several times.
The adventure, romance and revelations made The World Remains a page turner. I absolutely loved everything about this story.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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I saw this novel highlighted on someone's story on Instagram and it piqued my interest I had to go check it out. Needless to say I couldn't put it down!
So after reading all 15 chapters and the epilogue - in one day, here's what I thought...
I must admit I did think this was going to be one of those cheesy stories where you're left thinking wtf... But I was ever so wrong!
The main female character - Cin found herself on a quest with a demon to rid their land of the false Goddess.
Cin was in my opinion perfectly created, her sarcasm and her love for cheese cemented her as my favourite. The normality and down to earthness of her made her relatable and it was an enjoyment to journey this story with her. Fallon the demon was also created with a flare and he was the perfect opposite to our Cin which made their relationship fantastic to read.
I loved that these were an array of demons, shifters etc coming together for the sole purpose of defeating that evil biatch 😂
The whole story I found fascinating and I loved the journey they took, all the characters were likeable and rooting for them was so easy. The spice levels in this novel were not surprising as I originally expected it to be all spice and no story! However the richness and depth created in this novel is pleasantly surprising and it turned out to be a great novel with purpose and an adventure.
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon is packed with humour and sarcasm and I found it not only entertaining but an enjoyable read.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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Aaah just look at the cover for Of Love & Ruin by Lou Wilham and Christis Christie
Title: Of Love & Ruin
Authors: Lou Wilham and Christis Christie
Publication day: October 4
Genre: Adult Urban Fantasy, Adult Paranormal Fantasy
Pre-Order: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1CVM1M2
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/75617996-of-love-ruin
Sometimes, love comes along at exactly the wrong time.
For over a hundred years, life for Ander and Mab has been a series of parties and adventures spanning the world over. Once the two finally decide to settle in Miami to open a nightclub, the last thing Ander expects is for the love spell he cast over a century ago to come back and bite him.
The Fates seem to have a sense of humor when they lead Maximus Schields, son of Ander’s nemesis, through the club doors. Max, who is beautiful. Sweet. Kind. And part of an ongoing investigation concerning missing young women that leads the Sanctum directly to Ander.
As the tangled web of Miami’s underground draws tighter, Ander will be forced to face demons from his past in order to protect what he cares for most. Will Max and the rest of the Schields family task force find the true culprit and prove Ander’s innocence? Or is he forever destined to be shackled by the one he loves?
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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I absolutely loved the audio book of The Secret Society of Irregular Witches. The narrator and her voice was perfect for this story, I found her engaging and the use of her tones reflected in all the right places, each character was easily distinguishable and it just created a wonderful experience.
The story itself was really enjoyable, I liked the premise of Mika going against the rules and finding her place in the world (so to speak). I found it cosy with magic interwoven into the story and the outcome was pleasantly surprising.
The creation of this novel was rich and enthralling, it really made you care for Mika and the three girls, even Jamie grew on me. I was rooting for them all.
The writing was great and the descriptions were enough to capture your imagination without being too bogged down.
I have the special edition hardback so that's a reflection on how much I enjoyed the story
This is a really cosy novel and I highly recommend.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for this audio copy of The Luminaries.
As soon as I read the blurb I knew I had to read The Luminaries and as soon as I saw the audiobook, I knew I had to request it.
The Narrator Caitlin Davies was perfect for this novel, her voice complimented the story really well. I just found her perfect for Winnie's sarcastic undertones and she pulled you into the story with ease.
The Luminaries on a whole I found was fantastic, I really enjoyed the concept and the storyline was one that I was eager to run along with. I absolutely loved Winnie, initially an outcast became a favourite due to circumstances that never happened, yet she was still strong enough to go along with it. She had determination and I really liked that about her. I did think at the end when she's listing off things she didn't do, I wanted to shout at her because she still survived them.
The interactions with all the characters felt realistic for teenagers and the progression within the story felt organic.
The ending - wow! What a twist.
I originally thought this was a standalone but with that I'm assuming it's not and I can't wait!
Loved it!
#theluminaries #audiobook #bookreview #netgalley #daphnepress #susandennard #darkacademiabooks #bookworm #booklover #lovetoread #readerstumblr #readmorebooks #goodbookreads #goodbooks #tumblrbooks #darkfantasyreads #darkfantasy #darkromance #tumblrreaders #bookobsessed #bookishlove #bookstack #bookrecommendations #bookstagram #booksoftumblr #bookaddict #readmorebooks
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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The next episode of Percy and Joe is nearly here!!
Just look at the cover!! I love these covers as they all match and have that comic strip vibe about them!
Episode 3: Percy and Joe Kidnap The Girl releases on 5th May
However.... If you want the paperback from Amazon, it's available for purchase now. I have mine delivering tomorrow 😆
Also I have read this one and it's fabulous (I'll post my review on release day).
Percy Ashdown and Joe Bruno have one simple task: drive hard through the night to make the morning ferry in Tunis, Tunisia. While smuggling a teenage fugitive. On the run from a powerful villainess. With a dangerous supernatural relic that could spell destruction for them all should it fall into the wrong hands.
Maybe not that simple after all, but with Percy at the wheel, intent on impressing Joe, nothing is going to stand in their way, on pain of a swift and brutal death.
Fast car? Check.
Deadly weapons? Check.
Ghastly relentless supernatural entity that understands only the urge to kill? Unfortunately, also check.
Buckle up, swallow down your travel meds, and take a deep breath, because it’s going to be a very bumpy ride.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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A Cut Twice As Deep had me hooked from the start. I wasn't too sure what to expect from a Viking/ warrior forced marriage story but oh my goodness I wasn't expecting this!
I absolutely loved this story, the journey and outcome was so unexpected.
The characters were created perfectly and I loved how they all had a solidness to them, I felt really connected to the Twins, I was ready to dislike Kearn on behalf of Dierdre, but even he turned out to be swoonsome and by the end of the novel he and Dierdre were my favourite characters!
The contrasting worlds for each twin was built up with a rich and enticing flare and really rounded off the mental image this book created.
The pacing of the story had me gripped I actually read from chapter 6 through to the end in one sitting as I was that immersed in the story, I needed to know the outcome, I was gripped.
Without spoiling events or the ending I was blown away. I went through the emotions with Deirdre and Liana
As I've said I loved this story and I highly recommend A Cut Twice As Deep to everyone.
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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Thank you so much S.E. Wendel for the eARC of Stone Hearts.
I absolutely loved Stone Hearts!
The concept of the whole story for me was great. I loved the whole Fae curse and the search for the guardians. I was utterly shocked at the beginning and felt so much for Carys.
I absolutely loved her and Gavriel - their sex life never even dwindled over the years!! 🫣🔥🔥🥵🥵
S.E. Wendel is one of those Authors I look forward to reading because she puts so much into her writing. There's so much description and world building going on, It's so richly and lavishly described that it grabs you and transports you there.
Each character is created with an intrigue to them,that you want to know more. Even the villain...where is she??!
I did really enjoy this novel, I loved how it was set in Wales then moved across England, Europe and then to America. I was reading with anticipation of finding the answers which unfortunately did not come! - poor Carys!
The fact that this novel is listed as Book 1 I am gonna assume we're gonna get another book and hopefully get some answers.
It's still a great story without the answers...so definitely go get yourself a copy!
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itsabookthing2021 · 1 year
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An introduction to little old me 😀
My name is Marcia and that picture is my stupid face!
Why am I here? Good question.. an author suggested it 🤣
Why itsabookthing2021? Well, it'sabookthing2021 started off on Instagram back in.. yep, you guessed it.. 2021. I've always been a reader but never a reviewer. Reviewing books never even entered my head before and if I liked a book, well I'd stick with that author. Anywho back to Instagram, I created a page, posted reviews, joined book tours, stalked..I mean followed authors and now I'm forever reading eARCs and posting reviews.
Hopefully, I'll cross post on here and grow friends ... If not I'll talk to myself 🙂
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