I Can Be Anything and Everything!
22 posts
Hello there, I'm Pala! I'm nothing more than a friendly shapeshifter! I can be anyone and anything you can think of~ [Ask/RP Blog for my sona! Will be NSFW at times so please be of legal age to view such content! ]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
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LOOK AT MY SON LOOKIN LIKE A DAMN SNAAAACK! I fucking love the way he turned out in this but there's a detail here that’s haunting me and I will never be able to unsee it 
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askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
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So I know I haven’t been updating this blog very much but lately, I’ve been using Firealpaca to animate a couple things! The first is a simply lip-sync of the word ‘ sometimes; It turned out really well, for my first try. The second is of Pala doing a bongo cat while he has toe beans! The third, which is one I just finished, is Pala showing off how he transforms! I had a lot of fun doing these so I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I do~ 
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askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
concept: the year is 2034. i walk into work with coffee in hand. coworker is wearing cool shoelaces and i compliment them absentmindedly. they look me dead in the eye and say, “thanks, i stole them from the president.” scalding coffee leaks out of every one of my orifices and i hide in the bathroom convulsing for the rest of the day
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askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
Artist Asks!
Do you prefer traditional drawing, or digital?
How long have you been drawing?
How many classes have you taken?
Do you have a DeviantArt, personal website, or art blog?
What’s your favorite thing to draw?
What’s your least favorite thing to draw?
How often do you use references?
Do you draw professionally, or just for fun?
How much time do you spend drawing on an average day?
Are you confident about your art?
How many art-related blogs do you follow?
Is it okay for people to ask you about your process?
Do you prefer to keep your art personal, or do you like drawing things for other people?
Do you ever collaborate with others?
How long does an average piece take you to complete?
Do you draw more today than you did in the past, or do you draw less?
Do you think you’re justified in giving other people art advice?
What are you currently trying to improve on?
What is the most difficult thing for you to draw?
What is the easiest thing for you to draw?
Do you like to challenge yourself?
Are you confident that you’re improving steadily?
Do you draw more fanart, or more original art?
Do you feel jealous when you see other people’s art, or inspired? (Be honest!)
Do you like to draw in silence, or with music?
For digital artists: what program(s) do you use?
For digital artists: how many layers does a typical piece require?
For traditional artists: what medium do you like most? (Pencil, charcoals, etc)
For traditional artists: How do you usually start on a big piece? (Light sketch, colored lead, sketchpaper, etc)
What inspires you to not just make art, but to be a better artist?
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askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
me, yelling at my anxiety: heart palpitations are UNNECESSARY!!! nothing is happening you melodramatic fool!!!
my anxiety, shouting through a megaphone and ignoring me like a petulant child: 🎶 you better watch out 🎶 you better watch out  🎶 you better wATCH OUT  🎶 YOU BETTER WATCH OUT  🎶 yOu BeTTeR wAtCh oUt  🎶
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askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
This song has been stuck in my head all day. May you be cursed the same 😆😆😆
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askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
soft asks:
cherry - what is your sexuality?
lollipop - favorite makeup products?
daydreams - if you could be anything or anyone, who would you be?
october - what month were you born in?
caress - do you like to snuggle?
ivory - describe your pajamas?
golden - favorite stationary product?
freckles - most-worn article of clothing?
twilight - best friend?
silk - do you like k-pop?
poppy - favorite pastel color?
dimples - most attractive features of a person’s face?
sunkissed - autumn or spring?
buttery - favorite snack?
whisper - how much sleep do you get?
pencil - do you own a journal?
cupcake - are you a good cook?
honey - favorite term of endearment?
clouds - describe one of your favorite dreams?
velvet - who was your first crush?
paper - favorite children’s book?
peaches - do you have a skincare routine?
mochi - favorite studio ghibli film?
backyard - did you ever have an imaginary friend?
strawberry - favorite fruit?
kiss - have you ever kissed a friend?,
nightlight - do you read before bed?
shampoo - favorite scent?
skin - what distant relative are you closest to?
aphrodite - favorite actress/actor?
cuddles - do you have any pets?
lace - if you own any dresses, which is your favorite?
sheets - sanrio or san-x characters?
cream - frozen yogurt flavor?
watermelon - do films ever make you cry?
sapphos - favorite poet?
plush - how many stuffed animals do you still own?
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful?
sweetheart - favorite mug/cup?
sunset - what are your pronouns?
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askpalatheblankslate · 6 years ago
Not because kids aren’t valid. You are. You are welcome int he fandom.
However, us adults do need a place where we can be gross without getting in trouble.
PLEASE only join if you are an adult. If I find out you are not an adult. You will get banned. 
Also please reblog for maximum reach.
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
Ask Box [ CLEARED ]
C’mon guys, I wanna get this blog going! Send in some good asks, don’t be shy! There’s nothing that I won’t mind answering!  [[ Reblogs would be nice! ]] 
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
Oh darling, words along would never enough to describe how lovely and enchanting you truly are~
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This would be better if I could know who this was…
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
"Blank slate huh? So you can turn into anything? Well that's pretty neat~ the names Vincent, and I'd say you're pretty cute in your base form~" the 6'5 baldi winked at pala and chuckled
[ Just to be snarky, Pala shifts into Vincent, a smug smirk on his face. Even his voice was the same ] Nice enough for you to solely assume that I can just be cute~ I will admit though, you’re quite the looker yourself~[[ @ask-baldi-and-friends ]]
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
"Oh you look so cute hun~!... I'm also wondering how different you are in those certain things~" *Zephon pop up behind them and giggles softly, messing a bit with their hair line*
[ Pala quickly swats the person’s hand away, stepping back a little as his face flushed ] I thank you for the compliment but please, do not touch my hair… That’s the one thing I ask of you… and as for those things, that’s none of your business!
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
Ask Box [ CLEARED ]
C’mon guys, I wanna get this blog going! Send in some good asks, don’t be shy! There’s nothing that I won’t mind answering!  [[ Reblogs would be nice! ]] 
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
So does pala take "certain pleasure" out of certain things.....
[ His face flushes a little, his curl of hair bending a tiny bit in embarrassment ] Well, j-just about as much as everyone else, don’t you think? Though… I’m a little… different when it comes to stuff like that hahaaaa…
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
In mobile, all the big letters start to squish and it's funny but it also makes it harder to read at the same time.
{{ Haha, I don’t know how to fix that exactly, I guess I can just say try your best to read it all without straining your eyes? }}
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askpalatheblankslate · 7 years ago
*tosses 3 cats @ pala* TAKE THESE SWEET BOYS
[ He manages to catch all three and put them into little beds. He was happy he had a cat but looked at the anon in confusion ] I really do thank you for the cats but don’t toss them at me! I know they always land on their feet but still! 
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