#kim yoo kwon
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jinnjigoku · 2 years ago
KPOP SOTD #1 | Yesterday - Block B
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Hello! This is my first ever post here on Tumblr! I know some people here might have the same idea as me but I just really wanted to post something haha! So, here is how I will format my posts:
1 - Random facts about each members within the SOTD (in this case facts about Block B members!) Some of these facts may be obvious so yeah ^^'
2 - a QOTD! You the user can answer the questions which I can ask! It is completely optional to answer the questions!
3 - A lyric from today's SOTD! The lyrics will be translated to English!
RANDOM BLOCK B FACTS! (These facts are taken from kprofiles!)
Zico thinks that girls with a lot of piercings are pretty.
Taeil has slept in the bathtub up until 4AM.
Kyung said that Minhyuk (B-Bomb) is very selfish.
Jaehyo doesn't like being on camera too much, especially on his own.
U-kwon's nickname is kwonraemong because he looks like Doraemon so it's a mix of their names.
While Kyung writes his songs, he likes to use his imagination and put himself in different situations.
P.O is shy around girls.
Which K-pop group did you first listen to?
"Stop pretending you’re innocent like a bear I know you’re sly like a fox But I’m letting it go What did you do yesterday" - P.O
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moon-yean · 1 year ago
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vindicated-truth · 4 months ago
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somanykdramas · 7 months ago
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GENRES: Comedy, Romance
SUMMARY: A shy, reformed gangster-turned-CEO and a confident content creator reunite and become the cutest couple ever.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Cupcakes, sausages, animal dances, orphanages, Daddy issues, fluffy cats, professional rivals, romantic players, soccer players, impeccable suits, and earnest redemption.
HOT TAKE: From the interviews I've been reading with Uhm Tae Goo, it seems like he is juts as shy in real life as his role in this drama and I love that for him. A perfect fit!
This show is super corny and super trope-y, but also super progressive and really emphasizes earnest communication when it comes to love and friendship. At face-value it's not the kind of show that I really go for, but its totally worth throwing expectations aside for.
My only gripe is that the last episode was kinda meh, but not meh enough to ruin my time with the rest of it.
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kawaikith · 11 months ago
☾ my views on vigilante.
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Just finished vigilante, and oh! What a thrilling ride!
Loved the drama from the beginning till the end.
Although, i didn’t understand half of the things, i’ll still give it a 10/10 ⭐
Really good thriller drama.
The ending, where miryeo decides to make seonwook the vigilante, what a genius move, she really knows what game she’s playing.
Also, the last fight where they all decide to kill each other, but they pull the “everyone is a vigilante” card 😂 whoever thought that, I love you, you’re fucking clever.
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stuff-diary · 2 months ago
Family Matters
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Family Matters (2024, South Korea)
Directors: Kim Gok & Kim Sun
Writer: Kim Jung Min
Started this because of the cast and... that's basically the main reason why I finished it. The last two episodes were really good but, before that, I spent a lot of time just scratching my head. It felt like the show was simply setting things up for what's to come, so it never gave enough information to properly tie its many plot threads, nor did it follow a clear logic. And it was pretty obvious that a lot of stuff was left on the cutting room floor in order to reduce the initial 8-episode order. Furthermore, its sense of humor was very hit-or-miss; sometimes I laughed out loud and others I was like "wtf". Still, the cast is fantastic, and like I said before, I enjoyed the final episodes a lot, so I would probably come back for a second season of Family Matters.
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dopening · 2 years ago
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The Zone: Survival Mission Season 2 (2023) Gif
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passionforfiction · 5 months ago
Under the Queen's Umbrella
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This is a beautiful series. I smiled, laughed and cried. This is the story of a mother who loves her children and will fight to the teeth to protect them. As a mother myself, I could understand her feelings and her actions. Queen Im Hwa Ryeong is an intelligent woman, street smart, and she has learned to play the politics game to protect her five sons. He eldest, the Crown Prince and his own wife, little boy and his youngest on the way are her pride and joy. He is the model child everyone would want to have. She worries about his health.
When the king decides to look for a substitute for the Crown Prince's assistant, the Queen will have to prepare her other four carefree sons so they can show they are just as worthy as their other half-brothers. But as she tries to do so without alarming them, she runs around inside and outside the palace looking for them.
Her second son, Grand Prince Seong Nam, was taken away from her when he was born. She was able to bring him home after years of living outside like a commoner. He feels like an outsider inside the palace and likes to train outside, but he loves his brothers, and cherishes his relationship with his older brother.
Grand Prince Muan is a young man in love with a woman of low birth. His mother is constantly getting him out of her home and bring him back to the palace.
Grand Prince Kye Seong is a quiet young man who brings peace to his mother but carries a secret that could kill him.
Grand Prince Il Young is in his early teens and too young to care about politics.
As the political intrigues unravel, we see her relationship with her sons strengthen. This a woman who will protect, not only her children, but the king's other sons. . . She is strong and flexible, accepting and a problem solver.
I liked her relationship with her sons. How she interacts with each and gives them the support they need while also giving them wings. I also like her relationship with the King. Out of all his wives, the audience can see a special bond between them. He values her opinion and respects her. She respects him, although there are things she will always keep away from him in order to protect her sons. She is indeed her son's secret keeper and their support.
I really love what the title symbolizes. The umbrella she puts over her boys' heads when it rains and what it all means.
I truly love this story!
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runningmanoutofcontext · 10 months ago
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dirtcakeconnoisseur · 10 months ago
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korelist · 1 year ago
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 8,8 Benim Puanım: 9
Love in the Moonlight Team:
Park Bo-gum, Kim Yoo-jung, Jung Jin-young, Kwak Dong-yeon, Chae Soo-bin
Itaewon Class Team:
Park Seo-joon, Ahn Bo-hyun, Kwon Nara, Ryu Kyung-soo, Lee Joo-young
The Sound of Magic Team:
Ji Chang-wook, Choi Sung-eun, Hwang In-youp, Ji Hye-won, Kim Bo-yoon
Üç farklı dizinin oyuncularının bir araya getirildiği bir Variety show’du. Love in the Moonlight , Itaewon Class, The Sound of Magic dizilerinin sevilen karakterlerini doğal halleri ile izlemek çok keyifliydi. Karışık takımlar olarak çeşitli oyunlar oynadıkları bir yarışma formatındaydı. Her birinin ilk etapta inanılmaz utangaç olduğu, ilerleyen dakikalarda ise birbirlerini tanıdıkça kendilerine yakın kişilerle arkadaş oldukları bir ortam düşünün.
Hepsinin kendi özelinde ünlü olduğunu biz biliyoruz ama onlar bunun farkında bile değillerdi. Ne kadar ünlü olduğunu bilmeyen pırlanta gibi insanlardan oluşan bu yarışmada bir kez daha Koreli oyuncuların ne kadar alçak gönüllü olduklarını gördüm.
Keyifsiz bir dönemdeyseniz, kesinlikle ilaç gibi gelecektir. Park Seo-joon benim çok beğendiğim bir aktördü. Yarışma boyunca ne kadar haklı olduğumu gördükçe keyfim yerine geldi. Liderlik yapmak istemese bile takımını koruyup kollamadan duramaması, diğerleri için bir adım öne çıkması, kriz yönetimi gibi davranışları bir kez daha beni hayran bıraktı.
Ahn Bo-hyun ise Itaewon’un kötü adamı rolünde izlediğimiz bir oyuncuydu. Yarışmaya sonradan katılmak zorunda kaldığı için o geldiğinde herkes çoktan kaynaşmıştı. Buna rağmen o kadar kibar ve olgun yaklaştı ki, benim bütün ön yargılarımı yıktı geçti. Çok ısındım kendisine ayrıca sevdim.
Iteawon ekibindeki Ryu Kyung-soo ise, dizideki o sert mafya duruşuna göre son derece utangaçtı. Onu utangaç tavırları içinde göreceğimi hiç düşünmemiştim. Diğer dizilerin ekipleri ile tanışacakları için o kadar gerildi ki komik bir görüntü ortaya çıktı.
Park Bo-gum… Sen ne kadar güzel kalpli bir çocukmuşsun. Öncelerde de kendisini çok naif ve alçak gönüllü buluyordum ama bu kadar düşünceli, bu kadar temiz kalpli olduğunu bilmiyordum. Her durumda yanındaki kişiyi ön plana koyması, yeni tanışsa bile tavrını değiştirmemesi beni etkiledi. Hele yemek yerlerken kendisi ne kadar aç olursa olsun ilk önce odada ki çalışanlara ikram etmesi çok şık bir davranıştı.
Kwak Dong-yeon, my brother… Vincenzo dizisinden beri benim için onun adı “brother”.  Show boyunca sergilediği sımsıcak tavrı ve heyecanı görülmeye değerdi. Herkesten daha sıcak herkesin arkadaşı gibiydi. Çok sevdim. Daha çok sevdim.
Ji Chang-wook, ekibin en büyüğüydü sanırım. Değilse bile o kadar “benim burada ne işim var” havasındaydı ki öyle hissettiriyordu. Sanırım tek hayal kırıklığı yaşadığım aktör oldu. Üzgünüm ama eblek bakışları beni çok rahatsız etti. Sürekli mutsuz, sıkılmış bir tavrı vardı. Halbuki kendisini çok beğenirim. Ayrıca kendisinin kötü tercih yapılmış dizilerde oynadığını düşünüyorum. Her rolünde o bakışları sabit, yeni bir karakter yaratmasına alan tanınmıyor.
Hwang In-youp, utangaçlığını gizleyemeyen bir diğer oyuncuydu. Herkesten çekinip, her şeyden utanıyordu. Tekrar tanıştığıma çok memnun oldum.
Showdaki kadın oyunculardan hiç bahsetmemiş oldum ama doğruyu söylemek gerekirse, Magic ekibinin kızları gerçek hallerindeyken de ilgimi hiç çekmedi. Itaewon ekibinde ise esas kızımız yoktu. Gelenlerde ise Kwon Nara ön yargımı yıkmayı başardı. Oldukça anaç, cana yakın bir kızdı. Lee Joo-young ise favorimdi. Dizideki o cesur duruşu, doğal tavrı tam düşündüğüm gibiydi. Moonlight ekibinin kızlarına gelirsek; Kim Yoo-jung, adeta bir maskot gibiydi. Takım lideri seçilmesi ise hepimize sürpriz oldu. Bütün o sevimliliği ile ekibin sorumluluklarının altından kalkmayı başardı. Chae Soo-bin ise diğer bir hayal kırıklığı oldu. Genel kültürü, el becerisi, konsantrasyonu hiçbir şeyi yoktu maalesef. Unuttuğum biri kaldı mı diye bakıyorum… 
O kadar keyifle izledim ki, tavsiye ederim.
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binging-asian-dramas · 2 years ago
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Yumi’s Cells. season 1-2 5
Story: 6
Acting: 9
Chemistry: 8
Comparable to: Our Beloved Summer (kdrama)
Honestly I just didn’t get the whole appeal of this series. I thought both seasons were kinda of messy and pointless. I think it had a lot to do with how the characters were written though. For me the main female lead is written in the way of being kind of messed up and indecisive, so she shouldn’t be in any type of relationship, while the ‘male leads’ are just a block in her way. Nothing really special to see, same ol’ same ol’, unfortunately. I feel this is more of an anime series, since the anime portion was done brilliantly and was written hilarious. I actually enjoyed that part more than the actual live action part. Oh well.
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cupcakewithsunglasses · 11 days ago
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 Need more class 1-1 &class 1-8 interactions
Yeoryeong with Mina and Hye-Hil; Eun-hyung and Jung-in being besties; Hye-woo and Chun-young Gaming together; whatever Ju-in and Ru-da got going on; Ji-ho and Shin Seo-hyun being the only sane ones.
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novelswithariana · 1 year ago
After watching Episode 4, I have a theory. I think the one to actually kill the Professor's daughter was Mr. Lee. Assembly Woman Min probably covered up all crimes of her son by making her husband's driver's son the scapegoat. Since the driver's son was intellectually disabled and Assembly Woman Min paid a lot of money, he would not get sentenced. So to say, I think Professor may have killed the wrong person.
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somanykdramas · 1 year ago
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GENRES: Comedy, Romance, Supernatural
SUMMARY: A fashion-forward Joseon fiancee wakes up in the 21st century and tries to make sense of all the familiar faces.
THIS SHOW HAS EVERYTHING: Couture hanboks, wells, terrible mother-in-laws, robot vacuums, choco pies, murder, ill-gotten Joseon artifacts, courtship, redemption, childhood trauma, workplace sabotage, and faulty pacemakers.
HOT TAKE: Really impressed with how easily both Yeon Woo and Sa Wol take to modern life. Within a few weeks, they're scheming, using computers, hailing taxis, and using modern kitchen equipment like pros.
The writers tried so hard to tie the characters in Seoul with their Joseon doppelgängers, but I think they either ran out of time, lost their notes in the process, or just kinda figured we'd be okay with whatever ending they chose as long as it was a happy one.
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everyfilmisaw · 1 year ago
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네번째 층 (Hidden Floor / Forbidden Floor) by Kwon Ho-young, 2006
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