#kim byung yeon
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Kdrama: Love in the Moonlight / Moonlight Drawn By Clouds (2016)
Esto pasó en el 2016 😂🤣 #loveinthemoonlight #KimYooJung #parkbogum #kwakdongyeon #kdrama
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cuEr7QPIJ9I
#Love in the Moonlight#Moonlight Drawn By Clouds#구르미 그린 달빛#Moonlight Drawn by Clouds#Gooreumi Geurin Dalbit#2016#KBS2#youtube#short video#shorts#kdrama#Korean drama#Park Bo Gum#Lee Yeoung#Crown Prince Hyo Myung#Kim Yoo Jung#Hong Ra On#Hong Sam Nom#Kwak Dong Yeon#Gwak Dong Yeon#Kim Byung Yeon#behind the scenes
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I apologise to all the fictional men I didn't mention. That doesn't mean I love you less lol
the sluttiest thing a man can do is be fictional
#bucky barnes#loki#gilbert blythe#kaz brekker#jake peralta#nikolai lantsov#john murphy#eddie munson#mr darcy#five hargreeves#sherlock holmes#draco malfoy#fred weasley#patrick verona#john bender#daryl dixon#kim byung yeon#peter pan ouat#carl gallagher#klaus mikaelson
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friends, enemies, bromance or whatever their relationship is, they're really sooo funny and I love them too much.
#mr sunshine#lee byung hun#yoo yeon seok#byun yohan#choi yoo jin#gu dong mae#kim hee sung#three idiots#who don't know they're friends#not enemies#actually first there was yoo jin and dong mae#then hee sung came and bind them#so thank you hee sung#more than anything dong mae's smile really looks so real here and I like that very much
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W ⟁ T C H I N G
I couldn't watch it when it came out because life was its own morbid game. I wanted to watch it in a clearer time.
#SQUID GAME (2021)#SQUID GAME SEASON 1#오징어 게임#Lee Jung-jae#Park Hae-soo#Wi Ha-joon#Jung Ho-yeon#O Yeong-su#Heo Sung-tae#Anupam Tripathi#Kim Joo-ryoung#Lee Yoo-mi#Kim Si-hyun#Gong Yoo#Lee Byung-hun#황동혁#Hwang Dong-hyuk#WATCHING#Survival#Thriller#horror#Drama#Action#South Korean#capitalism#class disparity#Economic inequality#social commentary#NETFLIX#HoYeon Jung
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I just finished Mr. Sunshine and i feel sad and empty now.
What an ending. You are literally not human to me if you didnt cry at all the deathscenes. Jesus Christ.
I mean I expected the Yakuza? To kill Goo Dong-mae, but it made me cry anyways. Poor dude never had a chance in life. All he got was death at the end.
Kim Hee-sung had the worst death. You could see his head still shaking of all the braindamage. Fuck that japanese Soldier.
And omg Eugene ... that was so heartbreaking. He said he would do everything to save his love and he did. Can we please acknowledge that this was Lee Byung Huns best role EVER? Yes? Thank you!
And about this disgusting mofo:

Mori Takashi is probably the most evil bad guy ever. That dude is everything you read about the imperialistic army of Japan combined in one person. He is sadistic, racist af, cruel ... the worst of the worst. The episodes with him were INSANE. The tension between Eugene and him was incredible strong? (Not sure if this is the right Word tho)
He went completely nuts. He IS completely nuts and obsessed with his power fantasy with Japan. That dude left an impression. I still cant believe they made him "crazy laughing" above a woman he killed, hanging in the middle of freaking Seoul.

Easy the best Show i have ever watched in my entire life. It deserved every award it got and more
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı : 8,7 Benim puanım: 10
Drama: Mr. Sunshine (English title)
Hangul: 미스터 션샤인
Director: Lee Eung-Bok, Jung Ji-Hyun
Writer: Kim Eun-Sook
Date: 2018
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Lee Byung-Hun, Kim Tae-Ri, Yoo Yeon-Seok, Kim Min-Jung, Byun Yo-Han, Jin Goo, Kim Ji-Won, Lee Jung-Eun, Shin Jung-Keun, Jo Woo-Jin, Kim Kap-Soo, Lee Seung-Joon, Choi Moo-Sung, Lim Chul-Soo
2019 (55th) BaekSang Arts Awards - May 1, 2019
Best Actor (Lee Byung-Hun)
Son zamanlarda izlediğim diziler ile kıyaslanmayacak tek kelime ile mükemmel bir diziydi. Güney Kore’nin en başarılı senaristlerinden Kim Eun Sook’un kaleminden çıkan unutulmaz bir hikaye. Daha nasıl anlatayım ne diyeyim bilmiyorum. Kim Eun Sook dizileriyle birçok kez kendini kanıtlamış bir senarist. Secret Garden, Descendants of The Sun, Goblin, The King: Eternal Monarch gibi dizilere imza atmış. Ne kadar övülse az diye düşünüyorum.
Bu dizi için çekimler başladığında başrol oyuncusu Lee Byung-Hun için bir sürü olumsuz eleştiri varmış. Kendisi Kore dışında tanınan nadir oyunculardan olduğu için birçoğuna sanırım Kore dizisinde oynaması garip gelmiş. Ama rol tam anlamı ile onun için yazılmıştı. Ben yine pırıl pırıl bir kafayla bütün bu dedikoduları bilmeden 2018 dizisini 2022 de izledim. Mis gibide oldu. Zaten o zamanlar izleseymişim, bu kadar kore dizisi izleyemezmişim diye düşünüyorum. Bu diziden sonra uzun bir ara bir şey izlemeye elim gitmedi. Lee Byung-Hun’un da biraz dedikodusunu yapacak olursam, kendisi Song Joong Ki’nin eski eşi Song Hye Kyo ile bir süre beraber olduktan sonra yürütememiş, aşkı Lee Min Jung’da bulup evlenmiş. Daha sonrasında karısı ile birtakım olaylar yaşanmasından dolayı medyaya düşmüş. Bu tarz olaylarda Kore’de hemen linç yenildiği için uzunca bir süre sevilmemiş. Buna rağmen Oskar ödül töreni sunan ilk Koreli oyuncudur.
Başrolü 3 erkek 2 kadın gibi düşünüyor olabilirsiniz ama çok yanılıyorsunuz. Dizideki herkes başroldü. Yok abartmıyorum. Dizideki heeerkes başroldü. Dizi bittikten sonra kalitesiz bir yapım izleyemeyeceksiniz. Bir nevi sizin zevkinize de level atlatacak. İlerleyen günlerde zevkiniz tekrar körelebilir, panik yapmayın.
Köle bir ailede dünyaya gelen Choi (Lee Byung-Hun) 5-6 yaşlarındayken ailesinin öldürülmesine şahit olur ve kaçar. Bir şekilde çok küçük yaşta Amerika’ya gitmeyi başarır. Orada orduya katılır ve Amerikan askeri olarak ileriki yaşlarında ülkesine görev icabı gönderilir. Ama geldiği yer, küçükken kaçtığı yer değildir. Ülke dört bir yandan kuşatılmış, farklı milletlerin sömürgesi halinde yaşanmaktadır. Dizinin konusu aslında Joseon'un dört bir taraftan kuşatıldığı bir dönemde, bağımsızlık Ordusunu anlatıyor. Kıyısından köşesinden gerçek insanlara gerçek olaylara dayanan bu hikaye daha en başından üzücü bir hikaye olduğunu bas bas bağırıyordu.
Eugene Choi gelir gelmez bağımsızlık ordusunun bir ferdi olan Go Ae-Shin(Kim Tae-Ri) ile karşılaşır. Ae-Shin o sırada suratında bir maske elinde bir silah ile çatılarda koşuyordur. Bu karşılaşma onların kaderini de yazmış olur. O sırada sahneye benim favori karakterim giriş yapar. Gu Dong-Mae (Yoo Yeon-Seok) kasap dedikleri en alt tabaka bir aileye sahip olan bu genç adam. Aynı Choi gibi küçük yaşta ülkesinden kaçmak zorunda kalmış. Amerika değil de Japonya’ya sığınmış. Bir şekilde tekrar ülkesine dönmüş ama o da Ronin olarak dönmüş. Ronin’ler “sahibi olmayan samuray”lar bir nevi kiralık katiller. Aslında Kore’nin alt tabasından kaçıp Japonya’nın alt tabası olarak büyümüş. Kılıçları bellerinde, sokakta yürüdüklerinde herkesin çekildiği korkutucu tiplerden biri olmuş. Gong-Mae, Ae Shin’i küçüklüğünden hatırlamaktadır. Küçükken ona yardım ettiği için hem minnet duyar hem de “lütfettin” şeklinde bir öfke besler.
Go Ae-Shin aslında asil bir aileden gelmektedir. Bağımsızlık ordusunda olduğunu ailesi bilmediği için ikili bir hayat yaşamak zorundadır. Henüz kundaktayken işgalciler tarafından ailesi öldürülür. Onu dedesi büyütür ama asıl onun yanından hiç ayrılmayanlar hizmetindeki Ms. Haman(Lee Jung-Eun) ve Mr. Haengrang(Shin Jung-Keun) ‘dır. Lee Jung-Eun’a ekstra bayılırım. Aklınıza gelebilecek bütün güzel dizilerde kendisine denk gelebilirsiniz. Oh My Ghost , Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo, Fight for My Way, Familiar Wife, When the Camellia Blooms , Law School, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Soundtrack 1, Our Blues… diye oldukça uzun devam edebilirim. Ayrıca burada parantez açıyorum. Go Ae-Shin ailesi kalp kalp kalp. Babası Go Sang-Wan(Jin Goo), annesi ise Kim Hui-Jin(Kim Ji-Won)’dur. Bu çiftimiz “Descendants of the sun” dizisinde severek izlediğimiz ikinci çiftti. Kısacık, geçmişi gösterirken de olsa onları tekrar bir arada görmek şahaneydi. Konuk oyuncunun bile hakkını vermişler. Parantezi kapatıyorum. Soylu bir aileden geldikleri için kendileri gibi soylu başka bir ailenin oğlu ile Ae-Shin’i nişanlamışlardır. Nişanlısı Kim Hui-Seong(Byun Yo-Han) ise okumak için Japonya’ya gitmiş, 10 yılı aşkın bir süredir ise orada kalmış. Ailesinin ısrarları sonucu o da ülkesine geri döner.
Böylece sahne 3 erkek ile tamamlanır. Başta söylediğim 2. kadına gelirsek. Hem Amerika askerinin hem de Japon askerlerinin konaklamasına açık olan tarafsız bölge niteliğinde bir otel mevcut. Otelin sahibi ölünce dul kalan karısı Hina Kudo(Kim Min-Jung) işleri devralarak tek başına dev kadro olmuş. Aslında küçük yaşta babası tarafından zengin bir Japon iş adamına satılan bu güçlü kadın, aslen Koreli olduğu için kocası ölünce hem memleketine dönmüş hem de kocasının nüfusunu ve parasını kullanarak tarafsız bir alan yaratmış.
Başroldeki Kim Tae-Ri ile ona eşlik eden Lee Byung-Hun arasında 20 yaş fark olmasının izlerken sizi bir kere bile rahatsız etmeyeceğinin garantisini verebilirim. Çünkü dizi fiziksel temasın çok daha ötesinde aşklar anlatıyor. Hem bu kadar yalın hem de bu kadar çok katmanlı bir hikaye anlatmasına rağmen dizi çıktığı dönem çok fazla eleştirilmiş. Bir kısım yakışıklı Ronin’imiz nedeni ile Japonları sevdirmeye çalışılıyor demiş, kimileri Amerika sempatizanlığı yapılıyor demiş. Kimi de tarihi yanlış aktarıyorlar demiş. Ağzı olan konuşmuş. İnanın bütün bu dedikodular, karalamalar dizinin muhteşemliğinden hiçbir şey değiştirmemiş.
Görüntü yönetmeninden sahne dekora, sanat yönetmeninden ışıkçısına kadar herkes dörtdörtlük bir iş çıkarmış. Her bölümün sonunda izleyiciye bir sanat eseri hediye ettiler. Sahne durup müzik girdiği an, ekrandaki görsel şölen inanılmazdı. Her biri screenshot alınıp üzerine saatlerce konuşulabilir anlamlar içeriyordu. Aynı zamanda tablo gibiydiler. Duvarına assan sanat eseri olmadığını kimse söyleyemez. Sinematografisi enfesti. Abartıyormuşum gibi gelebilir ama istisnasız her bölüm mükemmel açılarla ve görsellikle çekilmişti.
3 farklı adamın imkansıza yakın aynı kızı sevmesi ve sizin bile aralarında seçim yapamamanız başarıyı tekrar tekar gözler önüne seriyordu. Ve biz bu 3 adamın bromans’ını izledik. Bence dizinin en güzel sahneleriydi. Üçlünün her seferinde aynı anda içmeye gitmeleri ve aynı masada buluşmaları, hesabın hep Eugene’e kitlenmesi. Dong Mae’nin diğer ikisini öldürmekle tehdit edip sürekli “sizi nasıl keseyim, yatay mı dikey mi” diye sorması. En az aşkları kadar imkansız olan arkadaşlıkları da çok güzeldi.
Konuk oyuncusundan ana kadrosuna kadar o kadar isminden bahsedemediğim kişi var ki… Her birini alkışlıyorum. Ciddi anlamda “bu da gereksiz olmuş” diyebileceğiniz tek bir oyuncu bile yoktu. Bütün karakterler tek tek hikayeye dahil edilmiş, dolu dolu yazılmıştı. Ayrıca bu kadar kaos bir dönemde, bu kadar çok sesli bir ortamı canlandırırken oyuncuların 3 dili de akıcı bir şekilde konuşmaları takdir edilesiydi. Tarih derslerini hiç sevmezdim ama bu dizi küçük bir tarih dersi olmasına rağmen dizinin bu yönünü bile sevdim. O dönem, inanların vatan sevgisi, birlik beraberlikleri, mücadeleleri belki de bu kadar mükemmel yapan şey gerçek olmalarıydı.
Sonuç olarak dizinin sizde çok uzun süre etki bırakacağını bilerek başlayın. Sulu gözlüyseniz daha yarısına gelmeden içiniz çıka çıka ağlayacağınızı, yok ben duygusal insan değilim diyorsanız son 4 bölümde hüngür şakır ağlayacağınızı bilerek başlayın. Bütün karakterlere aşık olacağınızı, kötüleri gördükçe katil iç güdülerinizin bedeninizden çıkmaya çalışacağını bilin.
Tek kelimeyle bir baş yapıt bence. 10 üzerinden 10.
Baek Ji Young, Richard Yongjae O'Neill - See You Again
Kim Yuna - Days Without Tears
Raven Melus
#Mr. Sunshine#dizi#kdrama#yorum#eleştiri#inceleme#Lee Byung-Hun#Kim Tae-Ri#Yoo Yeon-Seok#Kim Min-Jung#Byun Yo-Han#Jin Goo#Kim Ji-Won#Lee Jung-Eun#Shin Jung-Keun#Jo Woo-Jin#Kim Kap-Soo#Lee Seung-Joon#Choi Moo-Sung#Lim Chul-Soo
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Lee Chun-soo, who is proud of his network, is forced to call in heung min.
#Boss in the Mirror#Hyun Jung-hwa#Swordsman II#Lee Chun-soo#Legend#Lee Yeon-bok#Kim Byung-hyun#Son Heung-min#Minah
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Upcoming Kdrama August 2024 🌈
2/8: Bad Memory Eraser with Kim Jae Joong, Jin Se Yeon, Lee jong Won. 16 episodes; rom-com.
10/8: Romance in the House with Ji Jin Hee, Son Na Eun, Choi Minho. 12 episodes; melodrama, romance.
12/8: Your Honor with Son Hyun Joo, Kim Myung Min, Kim Do Hoon. 10 episodes; thriller, law, crime.
14/8: Perfect Family with Park Ju Hyun, Yoon Se Ah, Kim Byung Chul. 12 episodes; thriller, family.
14/8: the Tyrant with Cho Seung Won, Kim Seon Ho. 4 episodes; sci-fi, fantasy.
16/8: Black Out with Byun Yo Han, Go Jun, Kim Bora. 14 episodes; thriller, mystery.
17/8: Love Next Door with Jung So Min, Jung Hae In, Yun Ji On. 16 episodes; rom-com.
17/8: DNA Lover with Choi Siwon, Jung In Sun, Lee Tae Hwan. 16 episodes; melodrama, rom-com.
23/8: Pachinko 2 with Lee Minho, Kim Min Ha, Noh Sang Hyun. 8 episodes; historical, melodrama.
23/8: The Frog with Go Min Si, Yoon Kye Sang. 8 episodes; thriller, mystery.
24/8: Cinderella at 2 AM with Shin Hyun Been, Moon Sang Min, Yoon Park. 10 episodes; rom-com.
26/8: No Gain, No Love with Shin Min Ah, Kim Young Dae, Lee Sang Yi. 12 episodes; rom-com.

Many new shows coming up just in time for my vacation!!!
#bad memory eraser#romance in the house#your honor#perfect family#the tyrant#black out#love next door#dna lover#pachinko#the frog#cinderella at 2am#no gain no love#shin min ah#lee sang yi#go min si#lee minho#jung so min#jung hae in#byun yo han#kim seon ho
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feel free to leave suggestions for characters you’d like to see in the tags! as always, if you’d like to submit a potential poll of the week (POTW) question, you may send in your submissions here.
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Mr. Sunshine. 미스터 션샤인. 8.3/10
I wouldn't recommend this drama to my friends. I wouldn't rewatch this drama.
Yoo Yeon Seok in this character is new to me. I don't dislike it. I understand him for some reason, and I think he's hot. God, Lee Byung Hun has been hot my whole life. Chun Shik kinda cute.
What baller mothers we got in this show. Get me a supporter like Ms. Haman. This dessert candy shop looks bomb diggity. Let me in. Same with all the dessert foods we are eating. They look so good. Kim Taeri is such a good actress. She's just leaking out emotion behind this facade of aristocracy. I like Kyle's role and friendship with Eugene. He's also such a homie. Ae Sin enjoying all the fun foods are so cute to me. I love the vulnerability and shock when Ae Sin was like haven't you confessed like 2-3 times now to Eugene. I enjoy Hotaru as a character. The first hug between Eugene and Ae Sin, I was all squeals. Eugene stopping Kim Yong Joo in his room was hot. Yooo, the Ae Sin and Hina sword gun fight was epic. The letter exchanges are cute. Seeing elderly Joseph was so nice, but seeing his death was so tragic. I like Hina and Ae Sin's relationship once they discover each other's identities. I do enjoy the threesome of the men. Buddha leading the American to God is such a nice thought. Ae Sin and Eugene's dates make me smile. I love Eugene's relationship with Domi. I'm really enjoying the representation of this specific time period. I respect Kuno Hida a lot. Respect to when grandpa bought land plots for his farmers. The strong bond between all the protags is so beautiful to me. The proposal and the photo taken in Japan is too cute to me. I love Dong Mae's right hand man, Yuzo. I love the pawn shop owners and Haman and Haengrang.
The how do Joseon women distinguish colors with black eyes killed me. I have never heard such a thought. I cannot with the fact of the Five Eulsa traitors. Like five people is all it took for all the destruction and chaos that comes after? The tossing of the newspapers is so chaotic to me.
Lmaoo at the little boy being like this man keeps talking to me. Wait LOLL the encounter was so cute when Lady Haman brought the stitched notebook of Ae Sin's and said Eugene Choi's name was written so often.
Wow that power at Ae Sin telling Dong Mae that she knows she could kill him and he wouldn't be able to. Wow, someone pay me in gold bars. Wow, I want a love where I'm like, now that I love him, I can't ever go back. The accent for the Takashi character is crazy because the actor is Korean but is tryna sound like he isn't and it's great. People who are down to bite off their tongues are so wild to me. My gasp at Eugene being sentenced to jail with a dishonorable discharge. The Glory Hotel explosion was crazy.
The unfair deaths and destruction that happen after grandpa's death makes my blood boil, my eye twitch, and my body shudder. This show was like one villain isn't enough, let's add another.
Lee Yanghwa finally crying, I teared. I just started tearing so much after Japan took over. Okay, no tears, I straight up cried at Yanghwa's death. I cried at Haengrang and Haman's last moments. I'm sobbing by the time the town bands together to protect Ae Sin. I cried when Domi came back grown up.
Memorable Quotes: "그만하는건 언제든 할수있으니 오늘은 하지 맙시다. 오늘은 걷던쪽으로 한걸음더."
#mr. sunshine#mr sunshine#미스터 션샤인#television#show#series#review#commentary#rye-views#korean#drama#kdrama#8.3
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I think Yang-hwa gave that handkerchief(that was belong to Yoo-jin) to Ae-shin, bc she stopped loving Yoo-jin. I'm sad and happy about that. undoubtedly Dong-mae showed him a man who cares and affects her and she learned who should she love. so she doesn't show that, bc she know how crazily he loves Ae-shin. just in silence, she keeps protecting him. always stares at how Hotaru is near to him, holding his hand, hugging him and she just watches from far. I really love her very much. she's such powerful and charismatic character.
#mr sunshine#kudo hina#go ae shin#gu dong mae#choi yoo jin#kdrama#kim min jung#kim taeri#yoo yeon seok#lee byung hun#I'm happy she ended that relationship with Yoo-jin#but I'm sad about she starts loving Dong-mae#I should prepare myself for the real pain#I know
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Guns, Glory, Sad Endings: My Thoughts on "Mr. Sunshine"

So I just finished watching Mr. Sunshine and I cannot emphasize enough how overwhelmingly great and gripping it is. To say that I love it so much and it's my new favorite just isn't even enough. It is by far the best I have watched.��I AM BLOWN AWAY. I don't think there's any so far that can measure up to how freakin' outstanding this drama is. It's a masterpiece!
For the interest of all (if you are), the story follows on the life of a boy from Joseon who was born into slavery. After a tragic event that happened between his parents and the noble family they served, he ends up in America to survive. Years later, he returns to Joseon to station as a United States Marine Corps officer, and meets a noblewoman in an unexpected encounter. As she tries to figure out if they are allies or foes, their growing relationship places an obstacle to their separate goals for Joseon.
Hearing a satisfactory review from my kdrama-addicted mother + reading that some people on the internet have this on their recommendations + it being one of the highest-rated kdramas in history, I can already tell that this drama is so worth the watch. Truth be told, it hugely exceeded my already high expectations! Grabe ang ganda talaga that I'm sure it will take some time for me to move on and find another drama with the same calibre as this.
Excellent storytelling and absolutely well-written. Watching it was so compelling that I wanted to click next episode immediately. But at the same time, I wanted to watch it slowly since I hate to finish it so soon 😢 I loved how I think it's not just plot-driven, but also character-driven. It shows not only the tremors of the rapidly changing Joseon, but also the struggles of the characters. With its v beautiful cinematography, it captures elements that make the story more evoking.
It never failed to stir so much emotions from me. As a feeling > thinking person, I easily do get emotional but the feels were more intense especially when a song is placed on a scene perfect for it. Its soundtrack is so well-crafted that it made the scenes more beautiful, more enthralling, more soul crushing... I've been listening to its OST on repeat for days now. And I enjoy playing the music videos because the song accompanied with the scenes from the drama pierces me more 💔

But of course, it wouldn't pierce my heart as much if it wasn't for the phenomenal acting. The casting in this one is so superb 💯. Lee Byung-hun, Kim Tae-Ri, Yoo Yeon-Seok, Byun Yo-Han, Kim Min-jung, and many other renowned actors in their supporting roles. They definitely did justice to their characters. I was so convinced and drawn to their acting that when I was watching videos and interviews of them, I was surprised yet fond of their real personality. Also checking their filmography and the various characters they have played throughout their career, I guess it's telling how versatile they are as artists.
If you're a history buff, loved Scarlet Heart, fans of those actors, or simply enjoys watching kdramas, this is a must watch!! I highly HIGHLY recommend Mr. Sunshine. If you've yet to watch it, here's what you can expect:
1. Guns
"Shaking hands implies that one isn't holding a weapon in them." "I like its meaning. When do we let go though?" "When you wish to wield a weapon." "At least for now, I don't wish to."
2. Glory
"Those were glorious days. Each of us was a flame, all of us bloomed, burnt & wilted vehemently. We wish to ignite the embers left by our comrades."
3. Sad Endings
"Sad endings always leave a lasting impression, a sorrowful conclusion."
But aside from those seemingly vehement words, there are also:
4. Romance (even bromance included)
"What is 'love'?" "Why are you asking?" "Because I want to do it. I heard it's better than earning a title." "I suppose it is, in a way."
5. Sarcasm and Humor
"Can you slice a flower petal exactly in half?" "I could cut you in half." "Horizontally or vertically?"
6. Beautifully written thought-provoking lines
"His choices were always quiet and heavy. They seemed selfish and sometimes cold. However, he was always walking in the right direction."
There's also this line that really lingered in my head:
"This country you're trying to protect. Who is it for? Is there a life for butchers? Is there a life for slaves?"
Somehow, that line is something that makes us think for whom are the things we do and the causes we fight for. That, I believe, is what Mr. Sunshine wanted to convey.
It's the kind of kdrama that makes me want to forget the details about it, just so that I can watch it again for the first time. It's so good that there's still so much I want to say. But I guess that's it, for now.
Love, Andie
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Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards anuncia a los nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión.
¡Los 59th Baeksang Arts Awards han anunciado sus nominados para las categorías de cine y televisión!
Los candidatos fueron elegidos entre dramas, programas y películas que se emitieron o se estrenaron entre el 1 de abril de 2022 y el 31 de marzo de 2023. Sin embargo, las obras que se estrenaron durante el período de proyección del año pasado también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año. Se encuestó a 60 expertos de la industria antes de las nominaciones finales. Además, las producciones que se excluyeron el año pasado porque se estrenaron durante el período de proyección también se incluyeron en el grupo de este año.
Echa un vistazo a los candidatos finales de la televisión y el cine del año pasado a continuación:
Mejor Drama
JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Netflix “The Glory” tvN “Our Blues” ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” tvN “Little Women”
Mejor Variety Show
tvN “Earth Arcade” Psick University “Psick Show” Netflix “Physical: 100” TVING “EXchange 2” Coupang Play “SNL Korea 3”
Mejor Show Educativo
wavve “National Office of Investigation” (literal title) Netflix “In the Name of God: A Holy Betrayal” EBS “Your Literacy Skills+” (literal title) MBC Gyeongnam “Adult Kim Jang Ha” (literal title) KBS “Hidden Earth: 3 Billion Years on the Korean Peninsula”
Mejor Actor
Son Suk Ku – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lee Byung Hun – tvN “Our Blues” Lee Sung Min – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Jung Kyung Ho – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Choi Min Sik – Disney+ “Casino”
Mejor Actriz
Kim Ji Won – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Kim Hye Soo – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Park Eun Bin – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Song Hye Kyo – Netflix “The Glory” Suzy – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Kim Do Hyun – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Kim Jun Han – Coupang Play “Anna” Park Sung Hoon – Netflix “The Glory” Jo Woo Jin – Netflix “Narco-Saints”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Kim Shin Rok – JTBC “Reborn Rich” Yeom Hye Ran – Netflix “The Glory” Lee El – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Lim Ji Yeon – Netflix “The Glory” Jung Eun Chae – Coupang Play “Anna”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Kim Gun Woo – Netflix “The Glory” Kim Min Ho – ENA “New Recruit” Moon Sang Min – tvN “Under the Queen’s Umbrella” Joo Jong Hyuk – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Hong Kyung – wavve “Weak Hero Class 1”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Kim Hieora – Netflix “The Glory” Noh Yoon Seo – tvN “Crash Course in Romance” Lee Kyung Sung – JTBC “My Liberation Notes” Joo Hyun Young – ENA “Exaordinary Attorney Woo” Ha Yun Kyung – ENA “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”
Mejor Entertainer Masculino
Kian84 Kim Kyung Wook Kim Jong Kook Jun Hyun Moo Hwang Jae Sung
Mejor Entertainer Femenina
Kim Min Kyung Park Se Mi Lee Soo Ji Lee Eun Ji Joo Hyun Young
Mejor Película
“Next Sohee” “The Night Owl” “Hansan: Rising Dragon” “Hunt” “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor
Ma Dong Seok – “The Roundup” Ryu Jun Yeol – “The Night Owl” Park Hae Il – “Decision to Leave” Song Kang Ho – ���Broker” Jung Woo Sung – “Hunt”
Mejor Actriz
Bae Doo Na – “Next Sohee” Yang Mal Bok – “The Apartment With Two Women” Yum Jung Ah – “Life Is Beautiful” Jeon Do Yeon – “Kill Boksoon” Tang Wei – “Decision to Leave”
Mejor Actor de Reparto
Kang Ki Young – “The Point Men” Kim Sung Cheol – “The Night Owl” Park Ji Hwan – “The Roundup” Byun Yo Han – “Hansan: Rising Dragon” Im Siwan – “Emergency Declaration”
Mejor Actriz de Reparto
Park Se Wan – “6/45” Bae Doo Na – “Broker” Ahn Eun Jin – “The Night Owl” Yum Jung Ah – “Alienoid” Lee Yeon – “Kill Boksoon”
Mejor Nuevo Actor
Noh Jae Won –”Missing Yoon” Jinyoung – “Christmas Carol” Byun Woo Seok – “20th Century Girl” Seo In Guk – “Project Wolf Hunting” Ong Seong Wu – “Life Is Beautiful”
Mejor Nueva Actriz
Go Yoon Jung – “Hunt” Kim Si Eun – “Next Sohee” Kim Hye Yoon – “The Girl On a Bulldozer” IU – “Broker” Ha Yun Kyung – “Gyeong Ah’s Daughter”
La ceremonia está programada para el 28 de abril en Paradise City en Incheon a partir de las 5:30 p.m. KST. El programa se transmitirá en vivo por televisión a través de JTBC, JTBC2 y JTBC4, y también se transmitirá en vivo a través de TikTok.
Fuente: soompi.com
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Unlock my Boss / Unlock the CEO (2022-23)

I enjoyed this, though it's not really that deep. A well written corporate thriller with a bonkers premise — the "missing" CEO isn't just kidnapped, he's also trapped in a phone!
What Worked
What made this work is the characters. The protagonists were flawed and easy to relate to and cheer for. The villains were greedy, unscrupulous and believably bad. And for most of it, you didn't know who to trust, including the voice of the trapped CEO pulling the strings!
What Didn't Work
The plot was very convoluted at times and there were times when the obstacles being thrown at them don't make sense. Also, the way these obstacles got resolved seemed a little too convenient. I also got annoyed with some of the PPE, but that's how this goes sometimes.
The Performances
Chae Jong-hyeop as "the jobseeker" Park In-seong. This guy was fun to watch, and pretty much carried the show. It was great to watch someone who is completely out of their depth, but is fighting to stay positive throughout.
Seo Eun-soo as "the secretary" Jung Se-yeon. The character was meant to be a stoic (who eventually opens up when she meets the right people). Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between a stoic and an actor who is a little too wooden. Overall, I liked the portrayal and enjoyed cheering for Jung Se-yeon, but I didn't miss her much when she was off-screen.
Park Sung-woong as "trapped CEO" Kim Seon-joo. Lots of good voice acting, and you spend so much time thinking about this voice in the phone being the character that when you finally see the actor on screen, it's almost a shock. Overall a good performance.
Kim Sung-oh as "baby loanshark" Ma-pi. I liked what they did with this character overall, and the actor did a good job of playing the heavy.
Ki So-yu as "the adorable daughter" Kim Min-ah. Child actors are usually hit or miss in kdrama-land, but this was a noteworthy performance from someone so young. There were a number of times when she outacted the grownups.
Lee Sang-hee as "evil lady executive" Oh Mi-ran. I think the writers made her plotline and arc a little confusing, but I completely understood the motivations behind all of it, and the actor did a great job making the character believably bad.
Jung Dong-hwan as "evil old man executive" Oh Young-geun. I disliked this guy, even when he ended up being slightly less evil than the other executives. Kind of wished he'd gotten more comeuppance, but I guess that just means the actor did a great job.
The parents. It felt like these characters were off on their own planet at times. I liked the scenes with Park In-seong, but the rest of it was hit or miss for me.
The henchmen. The action scenes were good. The henchies were a little interchangeable at times, but the actors did a good job overall with making them punch-ably bad.
Everyone else. The best friend (Yoon Byung-hee as Jung Hyeon-ho) was fun to watch though like the parents he was kind of on his own planet. The other people were pretty forgettable.
This was a fun show with good characters and some decent performances. If you're looking for something new, this is definitely worth a look.
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Lee Yeon-bok: "Don't Shame Korea Jajangmyeon" by Kim Byung-hyun
#Boss in the Mirror#Jajangmyeon#Chef#Vic-Fezensac#Hamburger#Lee Yeon-bok#Kim Byung-hyun#Korea#Shame#United States of America#The Kitchen
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