#killing time and amusing myself
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(or 1993 & 1973, depending how you look at it)
one day I'll look at charles' coat and not see lockwood's jacket. not today tho.
#james lockwood#the history boys#charles rowland#dead boy detectives#niche post is niche sorry but it's one of those things that once it's in your head won't leave until you act on it#anyways i've gotta stop myself now while this is still just about the pins#i am NOT getting into the whole 'dies tragically young from 'friendly fire' injuries' thing#this post is brought to you partially by my amusement upon accidentally finding several dbd posts while looking for history boys things#and partially by the complete lack of hope i have for ever getting over either#rip movie!lockwood#you would've loved calling up your old schoolmates to tell them there's a kid on tv with the same taste in accessories as your teenage self#for that matter rip show!charles you would've loved having friends that don't attack & kill you#(charles being 8 years younger than the history boys is a fact that i seem to process totally anew every time it occurs to me)#(perhaps this will help me remember)
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Randomly thinking about my sense of humour and how it comes off irl. Well and online too now that I think of it because online I suppose it's even harder to tell whether someone's joking or not. Specifically I think with the way I talk? Because like. I must've said multiple times that I write the way I talk (and talk the way I write, my voice is the exact same), and the way I talk is that very often when I'm trying to be humorous I'll just adapt a tone that I think is OBVIOUSLY not genuine (a villainous drawl or a slightly nervous bright titter), something so "this is me playing a role for your amusement" that I don't stop for a second to consider whether it landed or not.
(I'm also someone who picks up/gets attached to specific phrases, tones of voice or basically "ways of speaking" a lot and uses it for humorous purposes -- for example, little phrases like "such is/is such that", "but however", "alas!" that I feel are at this point (see, another thing: the word order) a part of the tumblr familect (?), this way of speaking in a quasi-archaic, quasi-elevated style about things that are very mundane just to be funny. That's my jam.)
And I feel like with my father it usually did? Because our senses of humour were very similar, but my mother's sense of humour is like... it's not good fellas... and the typical scenario between us is I'll say something sarcastically, she replies seriously, I, pained, go "that was a joke" to which she replies that of course she knows! But I know she's lying. And I guess she's a special case, but I've had several other-people-cases where I thought I was saying that was obvious sarcasm/doing a bit, but the other person reacted as though they took me seriously. Like, I don't know, something is fubar, I go "oh, wahoo! how lovely!" v e r y dryly and someone goes "well um I don't think that's good actually".
But it's rather difficult to figure out whether the other person understands you in terms of like, the message you're trying to convey; figuring out if they picked up on the nuances of tone and sarcasm is much more difficult, especially if you give of a Weird Vibe. :/
#shrimp thoughts#ALSO LIKE. This is fucked up I'm afraid because I make myself into this kind of... like. I'm playing. I'm doing a bit I'm acting things#for your amusement but AT THE SAME TIME I do not like being perceived as dramatic. Because it's like. My over-the-top reaction is a JOKE.#I want you to BE IN ON IT. but it's like with my mother. when I'm like 'i'm going to kill myself' or 'i'm an idiot' JOKINGLY about somethin#very minor she used to go 'what are you saying! that's not true!' but when i was being serious she'd just say nothing.#and i've no idea if that was her being so fucking inept at reading her own child OR her being an asshole to me on purpose#anyway. yeah. also the more i think about it the more little details i realize are There in my way of speaking.#this sounds bad but Fascinating.#oh i also like. speak in small caps. if you assume that CAPITALS are for shouting -- i am not doing that. i am adapting the POINTED#way of speaking characteristic to capitals but that's it -- it's just the tone and not volume because i do not shout!#this is different from me talking Like This. oh i am a tumblr user ohhhhh i am SUCH a tumblr user
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Quite possibly the most insane two sessions of a game I've ever had
God it's been a while since the last one of these. The game in which I play Val has been on Exam Hell Hiatus since the Werewolf Road Trip arc, and we came back to a bizarrely normal week of school. Levi (Werewolf) spent the week with his dad in the hospital after severely injuring him during a frenzy, and the rest of us just sort of got on with things.
At the beginning of the week, Aluber (Clown Fairy) was given a Fun New Toy: the ability to take over Val's will and force her to do things. Fun! He doesn't understand what it is at first, and Val tries very hard to keep it that way, but honestly it's a testament to the insane shit that's about to happen that the gang forcing Val to tell them that she sold herself to the Fae King to save Levi from fucking dying is just a footnote. Aluber promises he won't use it, and Val doesn't fucking trust him for a second, but he insists that since promises mean everything to him and the Fae, that promise is absolutely true and genuine. Sometimes foreshadowing is relatively obvious.
Since it's been a while since we last tried to do anything about the Murder Basement, Darcy (Hollow) suggests we have a sleepover there to properly study it. When we go in, we find that someone else has been in it and picked up the investigation. We don't know who, but we begin making further notes of our own. This is when it comes out properly that Aluber can control Val, and at Val's request they test some of the limits of it. Mei goes outside to check if anyone's messaged us, and then fucking vanishes. Aluber goes to check on her, realises she's gone, and without elaborating for a fucking moment says she's in trouble and goes to help her. Now something that hasn't really come up before is that we don't go into the Murder Basement by using the door normally. Mei uses her ghost powers to bring us through it one by one so we don't have to tamper with the lock. Aluber can pass through walls on his own by short-range teleport, but Darcy and Val cannot, so he fucking leaves us behind.
Fortunately, by a divine stroke of luck, Darcy's mimicry power happened to get her one use of Mei's power earlier that session, Val always carries a set of lockpicks on her, and Darcy is the one other character than Val who has established the ability to pick locks. She goes through the door and picks the lock to let Val out. Once again it is sheer dumb luck that allows us to figure out where they've gone, because Val for unrelated reasons happened to already have a token she could use to cast a spell on Mei. She uses Watching to go into her mind and see through her eyes, and wherever Mei is she's unable to move properly. She can move her eyes, but nothing else. Because she was guided to wherever she is by co-ordinates, she's able to look at the clock positions of each number in turn, which Val writes down so they can track her to a warehouse (it's always a fucking warehouse) where she's trapped in some kind of magic circle, and Wesley (another Witch, Val's friend with complicated history) is there, apparently responsible for it. It is important to note at this point that Wesley's magic was taken away from him by Aluber a little while back, and removing a Witch's magic fucks them up real bad.
Levi catches up with Aluber and Mei first, with Darcy and Val arriving shortly afterwards. Not only is Mei trapped within two layers of magic circle, but Aluber is trapped in a ring of wrought iron. Wesley is gone by this point, apparently going to speak to the Fae King, and Levi managed to get himself trapped in the magic circles too. Aluber is absolutely fucking furious at this point, since Wesley used Mei to lure him there and trap him, and wants to get out so he can fully kill Wesley for it. Since Levi trapped himself before being able to remove any of the iron, Aluber uses his new power to force Val to try to remove the poles (which she isn't strong enough to do). HEY REMEMBER WHAT I SAID ABOUT FORESH-
So after a little while of that, Val finally manages to tell Aluber that she could break Levi out of the circles and he could free Aluber. Well, sort of - she tactically avoids saying anything about freeing Aluber, and focuses on freeing Mei, the one Aluber is at this point self-destructing completely over, even trying to make Darcy pull him through the iron (which is literally killing him). Aluber takes enough damage to go Darkest Self, a thing in this game where your monster traits take over. In this state, Aluber is essentially in a mental frenzy with the need to balance the scales of justice and punish those he sees as breaking the rules. When Val disables the magic circles, the interior one explodes, causing Levi to take enough damage to go Darkest Self, going into his wolf form. Mei and Darcy race off to the Fae Forest while Val stays behind to make sure Levi and Aluber can't hurt anyone with a handy casting of her hex of binding.
Darcy and Mei make it into the Fae Forest in time to see Wesley extorting the Fae King to undo the removal of his magic in exchange for Aluber's safety and a guarantee the Fae won't harm him. Also Mei pulls a fucking glock. She absolutely whiffs her roll to shoot Wesley, and just grazes him before the Fae King sends him back to the warehouse to release Aluber. He reappears just as Levi is destroying the iron circle and helps remove the last bit. Aluber immediately disappears to the forest, leaving Wesley, Val, and Levi alone. While Levi is distracted by destroying more of the iron, Val goes to Wesley and asks what happened. Unlike literally everyone else, she's genuinely happy for him that he got his magic back. They hug, and then wolf Levi breaks out of Val's spell and swats them both across the room. Since injuring the people he cares about causes him to un-wolf, he turns back into himself and is Really Fucking Pissed. Then Mei gets back and tries to shoot Wesley again. She actually succeeds this time, shooting him twice in the arm before Val gets a spell in, showing Mei visions of dead bodies reminiscent of Mei's own, triggering her Darkest Self via trauma and causing her to begin fading out of existence. Levi destroys the gun so Darcy can't shoot Wesley and tells him to leave. Val turns to go with him, giving them the opportunity to stop her, but they don't. She leaves with Wesley and stays with him overnight while Levi and Darcy get Mei back.
It was at this point that we took a session break and decided we needed to have an above-table chat about where to go from here because jesus fuck this was a lot, and could permanently (or at least long term) destroy the party. Now at this point Val's headspace is that she's made her choice - she's sided with Wesley because she's the only one who understands the need to go to those lengths to get magic back. Val's magic was briefly sealed too, so she understands how much it hurts and why Wesley went so insane. They're the only ones who get it, and it's them against the world. On the other hand, Mei, Aluber (who is still in his Darkest Self), and Darcy form the Murder Squad because Wesley has been a consistent source of problems and issues and what he just demonstrated is that nothing short of death will ever stop him. Levi just doesn't want anyone to fucking die, which is a frankly reasonable perspective. Other than that, he is definitely pro punishing Wesley, which is also a very reasonable perspective, Wesley is an asshole (he and Val are perfect for each other <3)
The way the characters handle these conflicting viewpoints is to call a meeting to see if they can reconcile, which breaks down in fucking seconds because none of the Murder Squad were realistically willing to change course and Levi's turbo wolf senses pick up that Val hooked up with Wesley that night. Everything fucking collapses before anyone actually has a chance to make a point. Levi does convince Darcy that there has to be a way other than murder while Val listens in from a dark corner, and meanwhile Mei and Aluber are outside in the car actively plotting murder. Val is 100% sure they will not be talked down from murder, and she was (mostly) right.
The Murder Squad bring Levi (who has been told he doesn't have to be a part of the murder so long as he doesn't get in their way) to make a plan and hunt down Wesley, leaving Val behind. She calls him, and hears that he's in a car. He tells her he's planning to leave town, and that if it gets too dangerous to side with him that she should abandon him. Val refuses. Witches are abrasive people, but when they've decided they truly genuinely like someone they are fiercely loyal. Val refused to abandon Levi even when it meant selling herself to the Fae King, and she refuses to abandon Wesley even if it means the Murder Squad will target her too. She tells him to run like hell, and they say goodbye. Val just completely breaks down in broad daylight.
Murder Squad, meanwhile, have managed to track down where Wesley is going before leaving town, since Darcy was able to use her mimicry to give him a divine injury that can only be healed by celestial magic. I don't think it's come up before this but there's an angel trapped in a basement somewhere in town, and they correctly deduce that Wesley is going there to get healed. They intend to implement their plan to make him swear an Unbreakable Vow to never use magic again, with the alternative being that they shoot him dead then and there. The angel is Phanuel, the archangel of redemption, Seraph's dad (Seraph hasn't been around since before Aluber arrived because he got sent to angel boot camp), and he will not let them commit a murder in his presence. Murder Squad do the obvious thing and camp outside so they can murder Wesley without Phanuel having to see it. Levi and Wesley talk about what happened, because those two are also pretty close, and then after they say their goodbyes Levi goes to find Val.
Levi and Val just talk for a while. Val is, of course, distraught, but has cried out enough of her energy by the time Levi gets to her that she's just feeling empty. As they work through the misery, Val eventually tells Levi what she did for him to survive, and that she thinks it might have managed to exorcise Khorne from his mind. She decides that getting Khorne out of Levi's mind is, hopefully, worth the Fae King now being in hers. Around this time, they hear a psychic scream of rage from the Fae King and get a text from Mei saying that Wesley's judgement is about to be delivered.
Levi's player and I were in a separate voice channel for that scene, so I genuinely had no idea what to expect when I got back. What we saw was Darcy trapped outside because she had an argument with the angel, and Aluber just fully gone, presumably sent back to the Fae Forest. Val and Levi go in to see just Mei, Wesley, and Phanuel, and while Val isn't there to see the charges, she does see the punishment. Wesley is forced to feel all of the pain and fear that he's caused Mei, Darcy, and everyone else he's hurt, terrorised, and stripped the will of, all compressed into an agonising fifteen minutes. Then, his magic is cursed so that any time he uses it to harm someone, he will feel all of the harm that it causes. This curse (and an angelic protection to ensure his sentence is served) will remain until the day he learns his lesson, during which time he will be unable to flee town. Levi and a deeply satisfied Mei go back outside to retrieve Darcy, but Val stays with Wesley and Phanuel a little longer.
Val is not just terrified of Phanuel, but actively feels ill in his presence, and despite this she makes herself stay so that she can ask him if there is any way he can remove the Fae King from her mind. Unfortunately, there is no way to break the deal - only forging a new one in exchange for something greater, the same method Wesley used to get his magic back. He does tell her that the terms of the contract could be negotiated - perhaps Aluber's control over her could be removed. Before Val leaves, Phanuel gives her two warnings. Do not isolate her allies, and do not fall down the same hole Wesley did.
#oc: valerie wester#monsterhearts#val stories#oh holy fuck this one was a lot#ohhhh my god#i didn't really give myself time to examine it much here#and to be fair val didn't have a chance to bring it up in session#but it is amusing that one of the main reasons for deciding to kill wesley#was repeated possession of mei and removal of her agency throughout the course of the game#and during this one session aluber managed to surpass that in terms of doing the same thing to val#which she is definitely going to have some THINGS TO SAY about
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Alright. I'm calling it done before it kills me. This is Second Head. It's an Art Book containing instances of the phrase "second head" in fanfics found on AO3. I'll explain much, MUCH more in the cut.

So when I say 'art book', I mean this is an intrinsic piece. I have no motivations aside from personal amusement and interest in outcome. A lot of money was lost/transmuted into free frustration in this project and I have no claims, obviously. I will prolly be the only person alive to read this.
THAT SAID. I have noticed in my years reading fanfic, there's a few linguistic shibboleths that arise in authors who also have experience in the mines. I think there's not a soul alive who hadn't wandered across a 'ministrations' when reading Narutos oral sexing. There's- Hold on. Here's some pix.

There's an impulse, I think, to in-group even when performing a creative act. A feeling that there are certain ways one Should go about the act, by virtue of seeing it performed that way. Especially so when 'training' at the act is often just Doing. Double Dog Especially when the act is exclusively for oneself with very little oversight. Which is to say, we make what we see and we make what we think we should make. At least, at first.

Now, I've been noticing 'grew a second head' (to insinuate surprise) in fanfic for some time. I've never seen it used Outside of fanfic. (Edit to add: I am not making the argument the phrase is from fanfic. Nor do I Believe it is from fanfic. Jesus Hopping Christ, people. That's not what this project is about.) That may speak to my own bad habits but it got me curious. So a friend and myself downloaded a mirror of AO3 from July of 2024. He did some code- Stuff to scan the mirror for "second head" and of the ~13 million works, ~70k (English) results were returned. That's a rounding error, honestly, but Far FAR more than I expected.

This book is 401 such examples that I personally selected for a variety of reasons. The number itself was arbitrarily chosen. Each page is separate fic, the roughly 300 words around our key phrase.
I don't think repetition or mirroring is a negative thing. I think it's quite charming. Nor do I think it's a sign of a 'bad' artist or 'bad' art. I think it's a signifier of personhood, of belonging, of enthusiasm. Of culture shared and wishing to share. I think it's real sweet. I always smile when I catch a 'grown a second head' in a work.
And it's really fucking funny when it's John Sherlock getting a sloppy toppy. Bless.
Edit: Fixed a very VERY funny error.
Edit: I am not making the argument that the phrase is exclusive to fanfic or, fucking forbid, FROM fanfic. I'm stating this Again because we skim here. Also- If you would like slamdunk my ass by stating the phrase predates the Internet or your GenX parents use it, please use 'sailboat' in your comment so I know you're specifically trying to kill me.
Edit Edit: You know what? Fine. I DO think this phrase came from fandom. I think ENGLISH came from fandom. I think YOU came from fandom. I think EVERYTHING came from fandom. The Sun, the Moon, the Seas- Fandom. Specifically Sonic Mpreg. The second head was Shadow the Hedgehog crowning. Congrats!
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#call me a failure one more fucking time and see just far I can crash myself for your amusment#I’ll take the wheel here#I’ll kill us both#just watch how quick I can turn from what I am to sometime you won’t even claim as yours when the corpse comes back
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~ Some Sappy Jason Todd x Reader
~ Playing with Jason's Hair
~ Fluff, a little overthinking, WC: 981
- You play with Jason's Hair -
You are usually very good at understanding things about your boyfriend, Jason. It took you no time at all to find about his nightly activities and everything about his family. But on the other hand, you can't seem to understand him at all.
You've tried not to ask him about certain things because based on hints from his family, he's had some bad shit happen in his life.
However, the more questions you don't ask, the more that seem to pop up.
You haven't asked him why sometimes he flinches away when you touch him but other times he leans in.
You haven't asked him why his hands make fists when you're trying to sleep at night.
You haven't asked him about the scar along his chest or his aversion to certain foods.
All because you're too scared to make him uncomfortable, or maybe because you don't know if you could stomach it.
You're laying bed and waiting for him to come out of the bathroom. Somehow, you take less time getting ready for bed than he does. You suspect it's because he needs a couple minutes to process everything that happened during the day.
As usual you have a million thoughts running through you're head all at the same time. 99% of them are about him.
When he finally comes into your shared bedroom and gets comfortable in bed, you're debating whether or not to talk to him about some of the things you can't get out of your mind.
You decide against it. The last thing you want to do is make him uncomfortable or bring up any bad memories that might affect his ability to sleep through the night.
He can obviously sense your unease, you don't hide it very well.
"What's wrong?" His raspy voice cuts through your thoughts.
"Nothing, sweetheart." You try to play it off.
"Uh huh." He says blankly.
"I'm just thinking about things, is that a crime?"
"Depends on what they are." He pulls you closer to him and wraps his arms around you.
"Nothing bad."
"If someone's bothering you, you should tell me."
"Why is that?"
"Well I have an ability of getting rid of people."
"Oh my God Jason you can't joke about that." You look at him in amused shock.
"Who says it's a joke?" He asks, face completely serious.
"Okay no killing people on my behalf." You chuckle and he copies. "I'm just trying to figure you out more."
"Cuz I want to know more about you?"
"Like what"
"Right now I want to know what you want." You pull away from him in order to sit up a little bit.
"I don't want anything at the moment."
"Yes you do. If you didn't want anything your fists wouldn't be clenched and your eyes wouldn't have that look. Like you want to say something but can't."
"You really want to know?" He asks.
"Yeah I really do." You immediately reply.
"A couple months ago while we were watching a movie on the couch, you played with my hair and it was very comforting. And the best sleep I've ever had."
"That's it? I've been driving myself crazy trying to think of explanations and you're telling me you just want me to play with your hair." You question him in disbelief. It's been months of overthinking thoughts and random mind rampages for something you haven't even noticed you were doing.
"I didn't know how to say it." He shrugs, not looking into your eyes. "It sounds childish."
"No it doesn't. Everyone has different ideas of perfect comfort and I happen to agree with yours. Jason, if you want something from me all you have to do is ask."
You lean over to give him a quick, sweet kiss.
"I'm not used to that."
"Well you better get started."
"Fine, would you play with hair so I can go to sleep, Angel?"
"Only because you asked so nicely."
It takes a second for you both to get rearranged so it's comfortable. You're now laying on your back with Jason half on his side, half on top of you with his head on your chest.
It's almost amusing how quickly he falls asleep but above all else you feel a sense of pride at the fact that you're the one giving him this feeling.
He said this was comforting. He said this was the best sleep he's ever had.
And you're the reason he's having these things.
You stay up longer than you probably should have. This time the thoughts running through your head aren't worrying or overwhelming.
They make you happy. Happy enough to fall into a very sound sleep.
You wake up to coffee on your nightstand and a missing Jason.
"Jason." You call out and he quickly comes running.
When he walks in the room, you immediately begin questioning him.
"What is this?" You ask with an ounce of suspicion. You're worried it's a repayment of some sort.
"It's coffee. A hot caffeinated drink."
"Because you like it and it makes you irritable for far less time in the morning."
"Jason you don't have to do things for me just because I did something for you."
"Yes I do. Because words won't let me explain how grateful I am for you."
"Since when are you so sappy?"
He sits on the bed next to you.
"Don't be mean to me right now, I'll take it away."
"Fine. Continue your speech."
"I know it's a small thing for you but I haven't felt comfort like you give me in a very long time. Maybe even ever. And I need you to know that."
"I can't tell you how happy I am to give that to you."
The next thing you know, you both have giant grins on your faces and you're both happier than ever before.
#jason todd fluff#jason todd x fem!reader#jason todd x gn!reader#jason todd x reader#jason todd fanfiction#jason todd imagine#jason todd x y/n#jason todd x you#jason todd#jason todd comfort#red hood fluff#red hood imagine#red hood x reader#red hood fanfic#jason todd headcanon#jason todd fanfic#jason todd fic#jason todd i love you#jason todd drabble#jason todd is my life#jason todd soft#jason todd thoughts#red hood#red hood fanfiction#red hood fic#red hood x gn!reader#batfam#dcu
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𝘓𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘏𝘰𝘸𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵 𝘹 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: 𝘖𝘷𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬 𝘪𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘰𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘢𝘴 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴, 𝘣𝘶𝘵, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘓𝘰𝘨𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘥…
𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘋𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘱𝘰𝘰𝘭 & 𝘞𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘦 (2024).
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 ��𝘰, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐 𝘥𝘰 𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘵 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵.
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴: 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘦. 𝘌𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘵 𝘚𝘮𝘶𝘵 18+
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.9𝘬
𝘉𝘢𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘺 𝘚𝘢𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘊𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳.
𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵 / 𝘚𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 / 𝘔𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
It was an understatement to say Logan Howlett was good-looking. Every day waking up next to him was like an episode of America's, or well, Canada's next top model.
If there was a god up there, you wanted to thank them for whatever was in Logan's genetics, Even now, with messy hair and half awake, he was giving you butterflies.
"Quit starin', bub." Logan huffs as he brushes by you to get to the coffee maker.
You swore he was some alien from another planet. Seriously, how was he this hot?
Even at work, you found yourself daydreaming about him.
"Y'know, you're not paid to slack off." Matt huffed as he rearranged a shelf that some kid had messed up.
Your coworker's words had you groaning in annoyance. How could he be so inconsiderate? Interrupting your thoughts like that?
"The shop is literally empty!" You huff looking around at the little bookstore.
"Well, if I don't have a hot boyfriend to dream about, I don't see why you should get the privilege to." Matt grinned
"Whatever." You roll your eyes, "Not my fault he's the whole package."
Nearly a week had passed since you had gotten to have real alone time with Logan. Between work, running Laura around, and Wade's impromptu visits to your shared apartment, you and Logan hadn't seen much of each other.
Normally, you'd be able to accept this, after all life was busy. But, today it was like someone had lit a fire under you and the only way to put it out was with Logan in between your thighs.
Perhaps it was just because it was ovulation week, but all you could think about was getting home and pulling Logan into bed with you. God, you missed him so much...you were a ball of hormones and want as your mind wandered, imagining little versions of you and Logan running around the apartment, terrorizing Laura and Wade when he visited.
Friday night was often filled with stress, usually, you were sitting on uncomfortable metal bleachers, watching Laura's soccer games. But, this week was different, the game had been rained out and Laura had convinced you and Logan that she could sleep over at a friend's house.
The soft clink of keys had you turning towards the front door. Finally, Logan was home.
"I'm back." He announced as your cat, Jingle jumped from your lap to greet the man.
"Missed you." You smile as he plops down on the couch next to you, pressing his lips to your forehead briefly
"Wade kept me out longer than I thought he would." Logan says, "His fucking mouth is going to get him killed one day."
"If he could die." You snort
Logan lets out an amused scoff as he pulls you into his lap, eagerly pressing a kiss to your neck. His hands are a welcome weight as they settle on your hips, squeezing at the soft flesh there.
"Laura at her friends?" He asks with a coy smile
"Mmhm. Dropped her off myself." You say, wiggling your hips a bit in anticipation.
" Gonna take a shower," He says, "Meet me in the bedroom?"
You giggle and smile at the mischievous look on his face.
"Make it quick." You press a kiss on his cheek.
The scent of Logan's shampoo wafts down the hallway as you shimmy into something you've been keeping a secret for a few weeks. A lacy blue babydoll lingerie dress sits on your body as you quickly step into the matching thong it came with. You stand in front of the full-length mirror Logan hung on the back of the door to your shared bedroom.
You mess around with your hair, trying to find the perfect look, and then swipe on a strawberry-flavored gloss, one of Logan's favorites. You can't help but feel a bit giddy as you take in your appearance. Messy hair, shiny lips, and the perfect little number on your frame, you're sure to drive Logan even crazier than he already was for you.
The squeaking of the bathroom door's hinge's have you whirling around, unsure if you should lay on the bed, or perhaps sit on the edge.
You don't get a chance to make up your mind as Logan pushes the bedroom door open. A deep green towel is wrapped around his waist as your eyes greedily roam his perfect torso.
Logan sucks in a breath as he crosses the room to be closer to you. A big hand runs up your side, ghosting over your chest and then back down to land on your waist.
"Where'd you get this?" He smiles, eyes anywhere but your face.
"bought it a couple of weeks ago." You softly say, suddenly shy under his gaze, "Do you like it?"
"Love it." Logan smiles, meeting your eyes and letting the towel drop from his waist.
You let him push you down into the soft sheets of your shared bed, moaning a bit when his hands begin to wander.
Warm lips press against your neck, and then your collarbone, and then they begin to trail down to your chest. Logan's hands push the thin straps of your dress off your shoulders and his mouth begins to softly tease one of your nipples while one hand delivers feather-light touches over your panties to the mess between your legs.
Logan's mouth leaves your chest as he pulls you to the edge of the bed, letting his knees hit the ground as he gently pushes your legs apart. His hands pull your panties down and you hear a deep groan when the wet fabric finally hits the floor.
"Missed her," Logan says, pressing a miss to your upper thigh
You roll your eyes at his comment, he had recently taken up talking to your cunt, referring to it as her.
A loud moan escapes your lips as he buries his head between your thighs, licking up your slit and gently sucking at your clit.
"Ugh, Logan..." You groan, you're extra sensitive after a week apart.
Your hips jump off the bed when he slips two fingers into you, pressing at the spongy part that only he can reach.
"Fuck-" You gasp as he sucks at your clit again, this time rougher than the last.
Finally, this is what you needed, you groaned again as you pictured what was coming next. Your stomach tightened with need for release as your cunt wept and ruined the sheets below you. You were desperate for his cock, craving the way you knew it'd stretch you out, putting an end to the past week of torture.
Logan pushes your hips back down as your body goes taut and your orgasm takes over. Your hands tug at his soft brown hair as your chest heaves.
Logan presses a kiss to your clit one more time before sitting back, his eyes looking up at you.
"Not bad." You sigh, a dopey smile on your face
Logan lets out a scoff as he stands up and pulls you further up the bed with him. You greedily run your hands down his chest, admiring the way his muscles tense as your fingertips tease them.
"Greedy," Logan comments as you pull him on top of you
"Can't help it." You sigh, "I've missed you."
"I can tell. She's like a fucking waterpark down there." Logan laughs as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
"You're gross." You comment as you feel your face heat up
"Only for you," Logan says
You suppose you might've had a clever retort but the push of the cock that you had craved all week long has you shutting your mouth.
Logan's hips gently meet yours as he sets a slow pace. A quiet moan leaves his lips as you wiggle below him. The stretch of him is as good as you remember but you need more.
"Harder." You groan as he looks down at you
"Don't wanna hurt you, sweetheart," Logan says worriedly
You a frustrated breath tumbles from your lips as you wiggle your hips unhappily. Logan was always so considerate and gentle with you. Always taking his time and making sure you were okay. He was truly ethereal in the bedroom. But, right now he was driving you nuts.
Logan lets out a loud oof as you push him off you and down onto the bed. You can tell he's confused as you settle yourself into his lap and reach into the bedside drawer.
A smirk plays on his lips as a pair of fuzzy pink handcuffs come into his line of sight.
"Those for you?" He asks, "Want me to tie you up, bub?"
You roll your eyes as he plays with the thin strap of the lingerie that had fallen off your shoulders.
"They're for you." You smile as you grab his wrists, pulling them behind his head so he's stuck to your bed frame.
Logan's smile falters a bit but he lets you maneuver his arms anyway, "I can break these, easily."
"But you won't." You whisper into his ear and bite at the flesh there
"But I won't." Logan softly says, his eyes following your figure
Warm butterflies swim in his stomach as you line him up with your cunt again. He's never tried this position with you before, fearing it might be too much, after all, he wasn't the smallest guy around.
A soft groan leaves your lips as you sink down on him again. He feels your nails dig into his shoulders a bit as his head falls back a bit.
"New position?" He asks, regaining his confidence when he sees you're not in pain
"Mmhm." You say, focused on moving your hips
Logan's eyes widen as he lets you take what you want. The soft fuzz on the handcuffs tickles his skin as he itches to run his hands up and down your pretty body.
"Careful," He cautions you as you roughly move your hips above him
"Logan..." You groan, your eyes squeezed shut
He groans, as your pace quickens. The lust that clouds his brain is a tough fog that he can barely think through. He's worried that you're going to hurt yourself like this.
"M-Missed you so much." You confess, "Been thinking about you all damn week."
"Yeah?" Logan smiles and presses a kiss to your collarbone
"Yeah..." You sigh, "I've been so fucking horny lately."
Perhaps it's your admission or the lacy little thing that has yet to come off your body, or the new position, Logan's not entirely sure, but something in him snaps. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so worried about treating you like some delicate little flower.
The handcuffs don't stand a chance as he frees himself, from them. His hands come up and he quickly pulls out of you. A loud frustrated whine leaves your lips as you let him manhandle you.
"Logan I want to-"
He cuts you off as he spins you around and presses your chest down into the bed. You can feel the way he towers over you as he palms your ass, clearly liking the way it's on display for him.
"Have you ever tried this one?" His deep voice crowds your mind as he pushes into you again. A long moan leaves your lips as he chuckles at your submission.
A wonton cry leaves your lips below him as he finally moves his hips, cock hitting all the right places inside you.
Finally, you were getting what you wanted.
Not me disappearing into the void and then coming back and deciding it's the perfect time to write a bunch of smut...

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1K notes
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De-aging fic where Jason and Dick are both suddenly 18 again. In the height of their angry angst eras, at the same time. And Jason is like "yeah, more or less what I remember" but Dick is like "What the FUCK happened to you I will kill Bruce with my bare hands. I've planted landmines around every inch of amusement mile. Put Talia on the phone immediately"
Bruce is genuinely fighting off assassination attempts left and right from his son's and honestly the only reason he hasn't succumbed is because of Cass and Alfred.
Tim knew of Dick's dirtbag era but he didn't REALLY know the version of Dick that the rest of the kids got was so much tamer they're all perpetually in shock.
Obviously they're all curious about what happened to Jason in the years before he came back but they absolutely are NOT ready for him to actually tell them.
"Yeah, so I planned on killing him but Talia said that I have to have better training first and I think she only said that to distract me but I've stopped trying to argue with her about it. What the fuck are you talking about the Lazarus pit didn't bring shit back I crawled out MYSELF thank you. It did get rid of the catanoia though. Yeah for like three years I was just walking around, literal zombie with less cannibalism. Don't worry the whole thing passed by in like a week for me. Was really weird being 18 suddenly though, y'know one second I'm choking on smoke under the debris 'nd the next I'm clawing out of the ground, I blink and suddenly I'm being dragged out of a Lazarus pit."
5K notes
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Sour Candy (m)
Pairings: Mingi x Reader
Genre: Smut
Word count: 5k~
Warnings: Very very very needy Mingi, wouldn't say exactly sub!mingi but kind of sub!mingi u know, good boi´s just very desperate. consent lines are kind of blurred in this one so pls skip if it makes u uncomfortable, this was just written in like an hour with absolutely no thoughts or grammar-checking, head empty only filled with crying whiny men <3
Follow me on twitter: wooyosgfreal <3
────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────
“What time did Yunho say he was coming back again?” You asked for about the fourth time that afternoon.
“In like an hour or two,” Mingi answered patiently like he did all the other times you asked before. “Bro, why do you hate me?”
“Because you keep making me play this boring game and it really fucking sucks.”
“That´s just because you´re bad at it.”
“You´re literally worse than me.”
“Maybe modernity was wrong all along, maybe women really shouldn´t be allowed to have opinions.”
“It is a fact, not an opinion. Maybe you men should still be in planes being shipped off to war and leave us alone.”
“Fine. Do you want to play something else, princess?”
“Let´s play Overcooked,” You squealed.
Mingi didn´t even groan this time when you mentioned the game you and Seonghwa were obsessing over lately, simply going back to the home screen on Yunho´s Playstation and looking for the colorful icon. He knew there was no arguing with you.
While the game was loading, Mingi handed you the main controller and stood up, fixing his shirt that had scrunched up and stretching his back, “Set everything up, I´m gonna go find some snacks.”
You happily did as told, driving your little animated truck towards the level you had last failed at and playing with your phone to wait for your friend, at least until your vision was blocked by said friend pushing a red plastic bag in front of your face.
“What´s that?” You asked, already reaching into the bag and picking up one of the soft candies inside.
Mingi simply shrugged, already chewing on one of the jellies, “Dunno, found them in the kitchen. They´re pretty good though.”
You trusted his words, popping the candy into your mouth and waiting for the flavors to kick in - and hell you wish you didn´t.
“Oh my god this is disgusting,” Your face contorts in distaste.
“It´s cinnamon,” Mingi stares you down, clearly not amused.
“Yeah, with candle wax. Ew.”
“Just swallow it and stop being a baby.”
“I will literally kill myself.”
He gave you another judgmental glare and sat down next to you on the couch once again, already reaching for his third candy from hell as you forced yourself to let it slide down your throat. You handed him the main remote and picked up the secondary one, coughing to see if flowing some air into your lungs would get the taste of rotten papaya out of your mouth.
“Maybe it´s poison that Yunho left out as a trap because you keep stealing his food.”
“Nah, it was right on top of the counter,” He waved it off, pressing play on the game.
“My point stands.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“You´re very eloquent today.”
“You´re very annoying today.”
“The salmon Mingi, the fucking salmon!!”
“I´m getting it!”
“Bro, you gotta throw it!”
“Fuck. I know, but if I leave the fucking rice is going to burn.”
“I´m throwing you more rice.”
“I don´t need it.”
“Yes, you do. Oh my god.”
“What I do need are some clean plates.”
“Oh, yeah. On it.”
“Why do you like this game?” He groaned, cleaning the sweat from his forehead and reaching for another candy in the bag. “You´re making me stress eat.”
“Doesn´t it make you feel pumped?”
“Yeah, pumped to punch the TV.”
“We have one more minute, we can do it if you stop being dumb.”
“There are literally two plates on the counter ready to go and you haven´t delivered them yet.”
“Jeez, done. Can you slice me some tomatoes?”
“One sec,” He answered, mouth full of yet another candy.
“It would be faster if you would just stop eating.”
“We´re not making it anyways, let me enjoy one thing at least.”
And he was right: a few seconds later the TV screen was filled with the sad numbers displaying how you didn´t reach the minimum score - didn´t even come close to it in fact.
Mingi let out his frustrations by popping the nth white jelly past his lips and you stared at him in disgust, reaching for the bag to understand what that malevolent creation even was.
“What?” He asked.
“Hm, I mean, this is all in German or Dutch but I´m pretty sure this word means aphrodisiac.”
“Come again?” His mouth was hanging open mid chew, unblinking eyes staring at you.
“Hm, yeah. Wasn´t Yunho´s friend just in Amsterdam? The one with the big smile? Maybe he brought those as a souvenir, since you know, it´s Amsterdam. Like, ‘haha look at this candy that makes you horny´.”
“Oh, yeah. But it´s like a placebo touristy thing, right?” He laughed nervously. “Like, these won´t actually make me horny, right?”
“Nah, I don´t think this kind of stuff works. It´s probably just for shit and giggles. Do you feel any different?”
“I don´t know, my heart is beating faster. I think I´m going to die.”
“Mingi, relax. Now it´s probably just because you´re nervous.”
“No, what if there´s some kind of drug in these? I ate almost 10 of them! Oh my god I´m going to die. Am I going to overdose, Y/N? What if I start hallucinating?”
He was being a bit overdramatic, but he did have genuine concerns.
“Wait, let me call Yunho.”
Mingi didn´t even hear you, too busy at his own pity party as he whined and stared at the bag´s labels like he could suddenly speak Dutch.
“Y/N?” Yunho´s voice filled your ears.
“Hm, hi. Sorry to bother you at work but we´ve kind of got a situation.”
“Oh my god, did Mingi break my door playing with the bar? I already told him-”
“No, nothing like that. Huh, do you know that candy that you left on the kitchen counter?”
“What? No. What cand- Oh. Oh.”
“Huh, yeah. So... Mingi found it and ate like 10 of them?”
“Is that bad? He´s kind of freaking out, he´s afraid there´s like drugs in them or something.”
“There are some stimulants in them but like, in minor quantities. He won´t die because of it. But bro, bro.”
“What?” You whined, Yunho´s tone making you anxious.
“He had 10 of them? San had like 3 and said he was at it for hours.”
“Yeah, oh.”
“So I guess these do work, huh?”
“Haven´t tried them, but from what San says it´s some strong shit. Did you take any?”
“Just like one, tastes like organic trash.”
“Yeah, good. Let me know how it goes, please just stay out of my bedroom.”
“Your bedroom? Why would- What are you trying to imply, Jeong Yunho?”
“Oh shit, client calling. Byeee,” He laughed. “Stupid.”
As soon as you put your phone away, Mingi stopped talking to himself like a mad man and stared at you with big hopeful eyes.
“I have good news and bad news.”
“Am I going to die?”
“That´s the good news: no, you´re not. No.”
“And what are the bad news?”
“Apparently you will get very horny, though.”
He froze at your words, looking down at his pants, “I don´t feel it, though.”
“Maybe you won´t, it might be different for everyone,” You shrug, standing up and grabbing your sweater. “All I know is that I am leaving because if it does happen, that´s not a sight I want to be here for.”
“Please no,” Mingi whined, literally throwing himself on his knees to catch your arm before you could walk away. “Don´t leave me alone here. I just ingested unknown substances, what if my body reacts badly and I actually die? What if I throw up and drown in my own puke here all alone?”
Once again, over-dramatic but right.
“Yeah, you´re right,” You sighed. “I would still rather die than see you with a boner so here´s what we´re gonna do: I´m locking myself in Yunho´s room and you can freely roam the apartment and do whatever you want, I´ll check up on you every few minutes. Sounds good?”
“Yeah, ok,” Mingi agreed.
“Also, if you´re going to like - ” You motioned vaguely towards his pants hoping he would get what you were trying to say. “Give me a heads up so I can put on some earphones.”
“Oh my god,” He whined in shame, cheeks going flush. “Yeah, ok.”
“Ok, good. Huh, bye,” You awkwardly waved as you made your way towards Yunho´s room. “Good luck.”
You closed the door behind you, hearing as Mingi opened some other game back in the living room. There was not much to do in Yunho´s room so you decided to lay in bed and scroll through Tiktok until Mingi stopped thinking he was going to die and you could leave. Also, you did eat one of the candies too, so you guessed that if they did work, you would feel it as well.
10 minutes later you still heard Mingi normally playing and cursing outside, but you still decided to yell out an “Everything good?” just to be sure.
“Yeah!” Was his answer.
Another 15 minutes went by, and you shot him a text.
Not dead yet?
Mings: Still good, I don´t think these things actually work.
Maybe Yunho was just messing with us.
Mings: Yeah, fucking asshole.
You went back to watching your silly little videos, not even noticing the time passing or how everything suddenly went quiet outside. Over half an hour had gone by when your ears finally perked up at the lack of your friend´s loudness.
You sat up in bed worried.
You good?
No answer.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You were already picturing his dead body looking all stupid on Yunho´s carpet, thinking about how you were going to explain to the paramedics that he died because he ate too much horny candy.
No, even worse: How would you explain this to his family?
Oh, no. Not your best friend. How would you live without him? You liked teasing him and you bickered a lot but you love-
Your little spiral of insanity was interrupted by a knock on the door and your body was finally able to move after how it had been paralyzed with fear for a few minutes.
“Oh, thank god. You scared the shit out of me,” You took a deep breath in relief, staring at Yunho´s white door. “What´s up?”
“Huh, can I come in?”
You furrowed your eyebrows at his tone.
Something sounded weird about this.
“Sure,” You answered skeptically.
Mingi opened the door and came in, head cast down and gaze not meeting your eyes.
“What´s wrong-” You started asking worriedly, about to jump out of the bed to go check up on him before your eyes finally zeroed in on the very prominent bulge in his pants. “Song Mingi! What the fuck?”
“I- I don´t know what to do,” His eyes finally met yours, cheeks tinted in pink and hands trembling. He looked at you like a kicked puppy.
“And what do I have to do with it? Go deal with it yourself. Eeew, we talked about this,” You raised your hand in the air to try and block the bottom half of Mingi from your line of vision.
“I already did,” He groaned, rubbing his face in frustration. “Twice.”
“Yeah. Nothing fucking works - and also, I just can´t stop thinking about you.”
“What?” You never heard your voice go so high before. “Nuh uh, we´re not going there. Absolutely not.”
“I´m not happy about it either, ok?” His fingers were squeezing the corner of the door so thigh they were almost white. “Just please, help me out this once. Please.”
You just prayed that the reason you started clenching around nothing was because the candy was finally kicking in and not because stupid Song Mingi was practically begging in front of you.
“No!” You screeched, weirded out by your own sudden reaction. “This isn´t you talking, it´s just th stupid candy, you´ll regret it after it wears off -”
“No but I won´t,” He disagreed, closing the door and rushing towards you like a madman in three large strides.
You had never seen him like this, you never once in a million years could have gone as far as even imagining the look in his eyes right now.
“Fuck. It´s just - your skin is so soft, you know?” Mingi pushed the covers to the side so his hand could squeeze your thigh, his knees dipping into the mattress as he crawled on top of you. You were too shocked to move away, frozen in place with your mouth open wide, not really knowing what to do as he rubbed the palm of his hands up and down your skin, squeezing it occasionally with a heavy breath like he had just reached heaven´s gate.
“Mingi,” You warned, but your voice didn´t sound that threatening anymore.
“Please, just once,” He breathed out, practically rubbing himself against your body like a cat in heat forcing you to slowly lie back in the bed, his hands gently guiding yours over your head as you slid down. You looked up at his glazed eyes, at the way his hands were shaking around your wrists, the way he was discreetly rutting against your thigh without even realizing he was doing it. He looked so vulnerable and frenzied – And it was doing something to you.
“Mingi,” You whined, not even sure what you were trying to say or do.
“You kept walking around with this white top all day,” He let out a broken groan, looking down at said top. “Your boobs look amazing in it. I just- I – Can I?”
His begging eyes were enough to get you automatically nodding before even realizing what you were agreeing to - When you did process what he was asking for though, his right hand was already squeezing your boobs and kneading at them like his life depended on it, his calloused fingers firm on your body. You could feel how hard he was every time he subconsciously ground against you, shaky hot breaths leaving his lips and hitting the sensitive skin on the side of your neck where his plump soft lips kept lightly brushing against with every move.
Mingi took advantage of the position, sucking against your vein and leaving pleas in the form of little kisses around your skin. His thumb played with your nipple and your hands were still abandoned on top of your head against the sheets, not sure if you would really let this happen yet - but Mingi didn´t seem to mind, too lost in worshipping you into compliance.
“I need to fuck you. Like, right now. I´ll - I´ll make you feel good too, I promise,” The shakier and breathier his voice sounded the wetter you got. “I promise. I promise. Please. We -we don´t even need to fuck I can – I can – Let me – Just the tip- Anything-”
“Just the tip?”
“Yeah,” He eagerly nodded, his eyes so hopeful you could melt.
“Ok,” You agreed, physically not being able to say no to his pleading eyes.
“Fuck,” He groaned in surprise, not actually thinking you would agree to it - But since you did, he wasted no time and made quick work of practically ripping your cotton short down your legs in one harsh tug. “Under normal circumstances I would, you know – But, I – right now I – I can´t.”
“It´s ok,” You assured, afraid he would actually cry if you made him wait another single second with how desperate he was.
He hooked his finger on the bottom of your panties and pushed them to the side, not even being able to take them out. He stared at your pussy for a moment, his eyes looking even more insane than before at the sight, like he would actually growl at you.
“Fuck,” Mingi cursed as he went out of the little trance he was in, pushing his sweater pants and boxers down in a rush - once again not even bothering with taking them all out.
And oh fuck.
His cock was so hard you could imagine how it actually hurt; it throbbed against the skin of his abdomen without even being touched, looking swollen and angry with all the veins surrounding it - And man were you glad you agreed on just the tip because there was just no way that would fit without a lot of preparation first. Even with how wet you were right now. Who knew?
Mingi leaned on top of you once again, one arm supporting the weight of his body in between your legs as he gently guided his dick up and down your folds, his eyes closing at the feeling, a violent shiver taking over his thighs and up his spine with a loud groan.
Like he had absolutely no control over his body, Mingi positioned himself against your entrance, slowly pushing just a little bit in as promised.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” His groans sounded so raw against your ear as he cursed over the initial resistance of your walls, his forehead meeting your neck to try and ground himself.
You even let a moan out yourself because this was absolute madness, it felt insane. Your whole body was buzzing like you were electrified, your fingers ached to scratch Mingi´s back and pull him all the way in - Damn, those candies were good.
And you only had one.
“Y/N, fuck,” Mingi gasped as he started moving his hips in shallow little thrusts so he wouldn´t break your agreement. “Ah - Ah. I can´t think strai - You´re so pretty. Fuck, fuck.”
His lips met your neck once again, messy kisses full of saliva and teeth as he shuddered on top of you, leaving marks that would soon turn purple. You could feel how tense every single muscle in his body was as he fought against himself to not rut deeper into you every time he moved, and you were biting onto your lip so hard to keep the noises inside that you could taste blood.
“Thank you, thank you,” You shivered at the way cold air hit your neck when Mingi pulled back a bit to look you in the eye, “Can I go ah- a little deeper, please? Just a little. It feels so good, I need ah- more. Fuck.”
“Please,” He cried out and you just couldn´t believe the sight in front of you.
Tall big strong Song Mingi with the deep voice, reduced to a disheveled delirious mess. His ashy blond hair rumpled, his cheeks burning pink and skin glistening with sweat, his pupils huge and shiny and he just looked so disheartened that it was breaking your heart to not let him just use you however he wanted.
“I need you,” He agonized, his right arm clinging onto your shoulder like you would run away from him if you could, so out of it that he was already pushing deeper into you without even noticing, eyes shut so tightly at the sensation of your walls around him. “Please, please, please, please,” It was like a mantra.
He was far gone.
And kind of so were you.
You whine in pain and raspy moans left Mingi´s soft lips every time he thrust back into you, hitting farther each time, “I´m sorry, baby. I´m sorry. You can take it right? Ah – Just a bit more, I promise. Fuck. I´m almost ah- in. Why do you smell so good? It´s driving me ah – insane.”
It hurt, it did hurt, but you also didn´t seem to mind that he was practically splitting you open when his voice sounded this pretty apologizing for it.
The speed and strength of his hips started picking up to match his urgency, his plush lips were open so captivatingly and his weight was now supported by both arms so he could pistol into you. He didn´t have a specific angle or rhythm to it, his moves were strictly instinctual and carnal, your nails finally finding your way down his back to keep yourself anchored to reality.
“You´re so so so beautiful, fuck. Your lips - can´t stop thinking about them around my ah- cock. Will you show me?”
You loved how broken his voice sounded.
“Yeah, baby. Whatever you want.”
He shuddered once again at your words, “I´m so close.”
“Me too,” You nodded, still doing your very best to not let noises of pleasure escape past your lips – and kind of failing.
“Let me hear you,” Mingi growls, managing to somehow snake his hand in between your bodies to start drawing quick circles on your clit. “Please, I love your voice.”
You wouldn´t be able to hold back even if you wanted to.
His chaotic rhythm had an appeal of its own, every broken moan that left his mouth drew you closer to the edge until you finally reached it. Your vision went black, nails digging into Mingi´s biceps so harshly you would feel bad for it later, every muscle in your body tightening as it all washed over you in a devastating wave, leaving your body in the form of gasps and breathy moans.
“Oh my god, fuck,” Mingi cursed at the way your walls were clenching so tightly around him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
He wouldn´t slow down and you were still coming down from your high, twitching with the aftershocks as the oversensitivity quickly began to rise, but you decided to ignore it the best you couldand push through it - you could tell Mingi was close anyway with the way his thrusts became even more erratic, and his voice went up with every moan.
You were mesmerized by his glossy unfocused eyes, the frown on his forehead, so frantic to get what he needed by ramming into you. He looked so pretty like this, you wanted to destroy him-
Now where did that come from?
“Shit, I´m gonna- Fuck, fuck.”
You watched as his whole body froze for a second before violently shaking, his eyes shot so tightly he was probably seeing white as he continued thrusting into you to ride his orgasm to the end as you felt something warm hitting your walls. And his moans, oh his moans – I mean, you were not deaf, you had always been well-aware that Mingi had an attractive voice, but to hear it like this, so raw and relieved, was truly something else.
Mingi let out one last broken cry as he slowly stopped moving, dropping his weight on top of you to catch his breath, chest heaving up and down against your ribcage as his muscles continued twitching here and there. You took advantage of the moment to get yourself together too, stabilizing your breathing and trying to figure out what the hell just happened as you two went down, but you also kind of expected Mingi to say something or try to joke around a bit to lessen the burden of the fact that the two of you just fucked - and when he didn´t, well, you started getting worried.
You were mustering up the courage to say something after the two minutes of silence when the last thing you expected to happen, happened.
Your eyes were blown wide, “Mingi-”
“I can´t stop, I´m sorry-” He whined, his still rock-solid cock now slowly moving inside of you once again, rutting into you like he had absolutely no control over himself.
He was still hard?
Wasn´t this like his third time already?
His whole body was shaking in overstimulation but he wouldn´t stop grinding into you, “I´m sorry.”
“Mingi,” You tried pulling away from him thinking that´s what he was asking for.
“No, don´t. Ah- Need you,” He desperately grabbed onto your thighs and wrapped them around his hips, your chests flushed against each other's as he hid his forehead on your neck to keep fucking deep into you. Literal whines of pain were leaving his lips, it was like he was an animal incapable of rational thoughts, and it was making you feel dizzy.
“Mingi, love. You´re going to hurt yourself.”
“No, feels so ah- Just one more,” He moaned, body shuddering. His whines got you clenching involuntarily around him, suddenly realizing you were kind of close to the edge already. “Please.”
You felt a strong bite on your shoulder disguising a groan, the animalistic act crashed with how smoothly he was sliding in and out of you, but it also showed how deranged he was at the moment. You tightened your thighs around Mingi´s hips and pulled at the hair on his nape, not bothering with trying to cover up your moans anymore.
Mingi took the action as permission and started gradually moving his hips faster, broken little whines getting louder and more frequent each second until he was once again supported by both his arms and pistoling into you.
“I can´t - I can´t,” His voice was so shaky, so broken. “I - Please.”
And then your whole world stopped as you watched the first tear roll down Mingi´s cheek.
You were mesmerized, you wanted to frame it.
“It hurts,” He whimpered, another tear falling, followed by another and then another.
“You´re almost there,” You cooed, deciding to be useful to the poor giant man breaking down on top of you. “Aren´t you? So close.”
Mingi nodded, blinking harshly to clear his vision which resulted in more tears running down his face. You just couldn´t help supporting your weight onto your elbow so you could lean up and hold his jaw, kissing the salty traces across his cheeks until his face was clean. He immediately started shaking, moans growing whinier and choppier, his thrusts started losing their patterns as he plowed into you like his life depended on it, entering a mental state he never knew existed before.
His right hand grabbed your thigh with enough force to bruise it badly as he came for what you imagined was the fourth time in an hour, holding you so close that you could feel his cock hitting impossible places deep inside of you. Mingi was breathing so hard you were kind of worried for his well-being but the noises leaving his lips assured you he was feeling pleasure at least as his nose found its place on your neck once again.
“Feeling better?” You asked once he had calmed down a little.
“Kind of,” He pushed back to look at you with a low chuckle, his eyes looking a tad bit saner already. “But I also kind of need to eat you out.”
You felt his dick twitch inside of you at his own words and how the fuck was that even possible?
A painful whimper left his lips at the slight stimulation, already way past oversensitive, “Please?”
He had the nerve to pout.
#mingi smut#ateez#ateez smut#mingi#song mingi#mingi ateez#mingi fic#mingi x reader#mingi fanfic#mingi scenarios#mingi oneshot
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based on this cus i couldn't help myself. fluff n kissing and lowkey iida stray😭 3rd year suki :3
"m'gonna kill you."
normally, most people would be extremely confused, if not terrified at someone wrapping their arms around their waist from behind and those words being growled in their ear.
though not terrified, you are a little confused as to why your boyfriend would say this to you. while also nuzzling into your uniform.
"katsuki, what ?"
"m'gonna fuckin' kill you, if you don't wanna die get ready to tusle." he reiterates, the seriousness in his voice confuses you even more but you can't help but laugh a bit.
"why, what'd i do ?"you chortle. immediately you're spun around and pressed against the abnormally large door of your classroom. you'd been leaning on it waiting for him after you couldn't walk to class together like you usually do since mina had asked you to walk with her to the vending machine to get a snack before class. you figured it'd be okay since you texted him and he read your message but didn't respond, it's a classic petty katsuki move so you thought nothing of it.
but now it's looking like maaayybee you should've.
"ya fuckin' left without me this morning." ah, thought so.
"oh ?" you giggle. he doesn't look amused, glaring harder at you "yeah." he urged. "abandoned me so you could run off with racoon eyes."
"and that's why you're gonna kill me ? cus i didn't give you your morning kiss ?" you tease, voice quivering as you hold in your laughter.
"yup. hope you said your prayers." you roll your eyes, looking around the empty hallways before you decide to make your move. it seemed your teacher was going to be arriving a little late and since everyone had already headed to class the coast was clear.
wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you give him your sweetest eyes. you squeeze at him when he keeps glaring, he grunts.
"we don't have to take it that far.." you muse, pulling him closer to you, his lip twitches as he looks down at you. you get up a little closer to his face, smirking. "shoulda thought about that, sweets." he grumbles, sarcastically spitting the petname. keeping his arms on the door behind you. he's tough, but you're not done yet.
slowly you trail your arms up all the way around his neck, tugging him closer to you innocently. his ears redden the slightest bit, his mouth turns downwards harder and he's basically squinting at you. oh, you got him.
" oooorr..i could just..give you a morning kiss now..? wouldn't that be better ? if you kill me, who will give you your morning kisses then, hm ?" the sudden thought of your boyfriend finding somebody else as childish as it is makes a little salty, so you scrunch your nose up at the air " don't answer that."
at that, he cracks a smile, obviously proud to see the effect his insufferable self has on you. leaning in until your noses are a breath away from eachothers he smirks, usually he'd comfort you about your worries, but he knows better than to answer lest you get cranky and he doesn't get his kiss at all "fine." he grunts finally, his arms suddenly wrap around you, pulling you completely to his chest. he smirks when you splutter in surprise.
he grins "better make this one good, otherwise you owe me five more."
he says though he doesn't let you go after you've pressed your lips to his once..or the second time, pulling you closer to him and grumble when you try to pull away for a third kiss "stop squirmin'" he complains, arms squeezing you closer as you giggle about someone seeing you. katsuki bites at your lip, causing you to gasp. he breathes heavily "i don't care. gimme my kiss." he insists.
and how could you deny him ? you really couldn't, even as you hear your class rep gasp about how indecent and inappropriate you're both being. katsuki pulls away just slightly to grumble against your lips. and he shoots you a look, making a face to make fun of the boy scolding you both, you snort loudly and cover your mouth hoping he hasn't heard you.
katsuki is as unbothered as ever, snickering to himself that he was able to make you laugh, and he doesn't need anything else. he shoots iida a look, tells him him to fuck off, then dives in for one more kiss. he grabs your hand to drag into the classroom. he ignores iida as he continues lecturing you both, sending him a middle finger.
#this is also kinda old i'm emptying out my drafts for new and old asks !#im slowly getting to it yall !! tysm for being so patient w me im so happy !!#bakugou katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugou x reader#bakugo fluff#bakugou imagine#bakugou x reader#katsuki x reader#katsuki bakugo x reader#bakugou katsuki#bakugou katuski x reader#bakugou fluff#bakugou drabble#bakugo drabble#bakugou x you#bakugou x y/n#bakugou x fem!reader#bakugo x female reader#bakugo x reader#bakugo x you#bakugo x y/n#bakugo katsuki x reader#katsuki x you#katsuki x y/n#not proofread but will fix later !
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New life
Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Summary: Anthony has an argument with his wife, who is from a lower class, when she makes a mistake while promenading with Anthony
(gif is not mine)
Y/n felt like a fish out of water. She didn't grow up in the privileged life that her husband, Anthony, had. Of course her life wasn't bad either, so many others had it worse than her. Y/n was the daughter of well-known merchants, and despite their busy lives where she had to start working as a child to help her family, she was grateful for everything she had.
And then everything changed. Y/n was used to having to speak louder, wipe her hands on her old skirt after touching someone's dirty money, and do manual labor. Until one day, Viscount Bridgerton saw her, and it was love at first sight. A love that was rejected by both for too long.
Anthony was the one who gave in first. He started going to her parents' stall more often, buying things he didn't even need and that others could do for him just so he could look at Y/n. It was indisputable that there was a connection between them. Anthony insisted that they couldn't ignore how they felt about each other, but the girl was afraid. A daughter of merchants marrying into the upper class? It could only go wrong, and to make matters worse it would ruin the reputation of the Bridgerton family. But Anthony made her feel things she never thought she would feel.
Her parents, upon realizing what was happening, warned her of the dangers, but they just wanted to see their daughter happy. In the end, Y/n ended up confessing her love for Bridgerton when he came to her stall saying it would be the last time if she wanted it. Instead of answering him, Y/n took his hand, taking him to an isolated place, where no one could see them, and pulled him into a passionate kiss.
Now, six months after they got married and were living a very happy life together, Y/n was still trying to learn the rules of society. It was a work in progress, and Anthony's mother and sisters helped Y/n a lot, explaining everything she could and couldn't do. There was so much information that she often just followed her instinct, ending up breaking some rules. Fortunately, she had just been among family and hadn't had to listen to anyone's judgment.
It wasn't easy being thrown into high society, dressed in the best dresses that she tried her best not to get dirty, speaking softly, and letting the maids do everything for her. But she would do anything for Anthony, and now she had a lifestyle that many would kill for. She couldn't complain.
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
It was a sunny day and so, Y/n and Anthony decided to promenade through the park, taking the opportunity to go on a small boat trip. Everything was going well, the woman had fun touching the crystal clear water and watching the fish that fled quickly while Anthony, who was responsible for the physical work, smiled in amusement.
So, they decided to end their afternoon with one last walk through the park to enjoy the last rays of sun, Y/n's hand on Anthony's arm. Y/n was telling him for the thousandth time how excited she was to go play pall mall the next day with the rest of the Bridgerton family. But Anthony never complained and listened attentively and patiently.
But the couple's peace was ruined when a little in front of them, a woman who Y/n quickly recognized as Earl Harrison's wife, was shouting at a maid. She was already old, and was on her knees on the floor trying to clean the woman's expensive dress. People were sending them looks and Y/n felt fury run through her veins when no one intervened, allowing that maid to be basically humiliated in a public square.
She took a step forward, but was pulled back by Anthony, who was holding her hand while sending her a look. "We have nothing to do with this. It's better not to get involved."
Y/n frowned, shaking her head in denial. "No. I'm sorry, Anthony, but I can't do this. But I promise I'll control myself." She then added in a whisper, "If she doesn't irritate me."
But Anthony didn't have time to finish his sentence because his wife was already putting on a fake smile, approaching that scene. "Excuse me, what is happening?"
"Lady Bridgerton, look!" the Countess exclaimed while pointing at her maid as if she were an inferior being, noting that she was waiting for Y/n to take her side. "I came to have a picnic on this beautiful day, but this incompetent woman dropped the cake on my dress. It was my favorite!"
"You sound like a child." Y/n said truthfully, not caring about the gasps heard. Anthony sighed behind her.
"Countess Harrinson, I tripped over a stone. My deep apologies, it won't happen again." the maid, still kneeling on the floor, whimpered. The woman rolled her eyes and gave her a small kick, forcing her to move away.
"It won't happen again because you're not coming back with me. I don't accept mistakes, especially like this." The Countess said coldly, while Viscountess Bridgerton became redder and redder with anger.
"But I—"
"You know, Countess Harrinson, she won't be coming back to you because she's going to work for Viscount Bridgerton. We'd be happy to have you,…"
"Mary." the maid said, putting her hands to her face and crying. "My apologies. Thank you, Lady Bridgerton. That's very kind of you."
"How dare you!" the Countess exploded in anger. "You just disrespected Earl Harrinson's wife." Anthony's wife continued to look at her indifferently. The other mumbled in frustration, "I'm going to destroy your family's reputation."
"I'd like to see you try." she narrowed her eyes, not looking away from her until the Countess was already well away from them, the other maids hurrying after her. However, the crowd that formed stayed in the exact same place.
"Y/n, what do you think you're doing?" Anthony hissed. "We shouldn't have intervened."
"You can't really expect me to leave her here on the floor. Just because she's a maid doesn't deserve to be treated like this." Y/n snapped angrily at her husband, helping the poor woman to get up from the floor.
"I'm not saying she deserves it." he growled, he too beginning to get unnerved. "But you can't talk to an Earl's wife like that. This is a hierarchy, Y/n."
"If I see someone being mistreated, you can be sure that I will speak however I want to whoever I want."
"Watch it." Anthony warned with his jaw clenched. He looked around, noticing that they were attracting even more looks and attention. People were already starting to murmur among themselves, and Anthony was sure it wouldn't take long for rumors to spread. "Stop it and we'll talk at home."
"Don't treat me like I'm the insolent one." Y/n hissed, pulling her arm away when Anthony tried to pull her closer to him.
The maid seemed to be increasingly panicked, now being the cause of an argument between the Bridgerton couple, who were well known in society. On the other hand, the woman was quite touched by Y/n's kind gesture. In the midst of such an aggressive society, there were people with pure hearts who were not afraid to defend what they believed in.
"We'll talk at home then, Lord Bridgerton." Y/n ended up saying after a few long tense moments in which the two exchanged glares. She straightened her dress and started to walk, but stopped and looked over her shoulder at the maid who was hesitant to follow. "Come on, Mary, when we get to the mansion I'll introduce you to the rest of our maids who I'm sure will help you settle in."
The atmosphere was tense throughout the carriage ride. Anthony and Y/n continued to avoid talking, knowing that an argument would immediately begin. Instead, he seemed to be caught up in his thoughts while his wife was busy talking to Mary, who slowly seemed to be starting to relax.
When the carriage finally stopped, although they were angry with each other, the Bridgerton got out first to help Y/n out, as she was quite clumsy and it wouldn't be the first time she almost fell out of the carriage in her long dresses. .
"My office. We need to talk." he said in a low voice into Y/n's ear who nodded.
"Juliet." the Viscountess Bridgerton called one of the maids. "This is Mary. Please show her her duties and introduce her to the rest of the people. Make sure she feels welcome."
"Of course, Lady Bridgerton."
Finally, the couple was alone, but spirits seemed to still be high. Anthony continued to be frustrated with Y/n because she didn't realize that there was a hierarchy in society, and they couldn't do everything they wanted, or it would harm not only them but the entire family. On the other hand, Y/n felt that Anthony was supporting social injustice, and that no human being should be treated badly just because they are from a lower social class.
"If you're waiting for me to apologize, I won't."
"I'm hoping you realize the gravity of what you just did." Anthony snapped, running a hand over his face with a sigh. "No matter how much it costs you, you have to respect this society and its rules!"
"But I don't agree with these rules!"
"I don't care about that!" the man exploded, not seeing how Y/n flinched. They had never argued like this. Obviously, they had already disagreed on some issues, but never to the point of raising their voices. "You were selfish! Everything you do affects you and all of us. You have to stop thinking only about yourself!"
"Selfish?" Y/n muttered, looking at her husband with a frown. Those words seemed to be like a knife in her heart.
"Did it occur to you that Francesca is going to start her season in a few months? Now surely all the suitors will know about this family's reputation. That we don't respect hierarchy. That I married someone who has nothing to do with this lifestyle."
Y/n's eyes filled with tears. Her voice was shaking, but she tried to keep herself in control, "Well, I'm sorry that I let you down. It wasn't my intention, Lord Bridgerton. I'm sorry that you married someone who wasn't supposed to be here, living with all this money and stupid rules of etiquette. But I will always do what I think is right. Because unlike you, I know what it's like to be looked down upon by the upper classes."
Anthony looked at her with wide eyes, his mouth opening and closing several times. "Wait, Y/N, I didn't mean it like that. I don't regret marrying you."
"It doesn't matter what you meant. Really, you should have married someone who was already into this lifestyle, who knew what the hell they were doing. I'm trying, I swear." Some tears fell. "But it's difficult. And dealing with these people, who think they are superior to others, I can't do it."
"But you're right. I should have thought about your family. Your siblings could be harmed by what I did, and that was the last thing I wanted. My apologies for that, I will make sure I fix this."
"No, no." the Bridgerton man said, looking desperately at the woman. The woman who gave up her life to marry him, and has tried hard every day to adapt. And here he is, who instead of helping her criticizes her for defending what she believes in. "You're not going to do anything because there's nothing to fix."
"You don't need to say that, I already realized I made a mistake."
"But you didn't, I did. I let myself be influenced by everything that is wrong in this society, and that's why I'm disappointed in myself. But you, my beautiful kind wife, just did what was right, and I'm proud of you. You are not selfish, god you are nothing like that. You do so much for this family, I don't know what came over me to say something as barbaric as that."
"Anthony…" Y/n sighed, not knowing what to say. Her husband, in turn, seemed to have relaxed when Y/n finally called him by his name and not his title.
"I love you. I married you because I love who you are and want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want our children to be as kind as you, and we can raise them to be good people, who help others. I'm sorry for the way I treated you."
Y/n remained silent but let a small smile appear on her face. Anthony also realized that they were better off with each other and took a step forward.
"I will kneel and beg for your forgiveness."
"What are you waiting for?" she teased.
Although she wasn't expecting it, Anthony actually lowered himself to his knees at her feet, looking at her in amusement but also with sincerity. "My apologies, Lady Bridgerton. I will not repeat my mistakes again. I love you and how fierce you are. Now, will you please forgive me?"
"I don't know, Anthony, maybe I need something more convincing." she said, closing her eyes when she felt her husband lift her dress a little to place small kisses on her legs.
"I'm all yours, Y/N. For the rest of my days."
#bridgerton#benedict bridgerton#anthony bridgerton x reader#anthony bridgerton#anthony bridgerton x you#bridgerton imagine#bridgerton x reader#collin bridgerton x reader#anthony bridgerton x female reader#anthony bridgerton x y/n#benedict bridgerton x reader
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Batfam x Neglected Mortal
Kombat reader

Notes: this is part ten to lucid dreams.
Warnings ⚠️: not proofread. Mentions of death, killing, and child abuse.
The room felt as if it was the perfect temperature. The bed was the softest you've ever slept on. And you were tired as hell.
But sadly, you couldn't fall asleep.
But you weren't quite awake either. You were somewhere in between reality and a sweet relief.
Yet your mind couldn't choose which to go with.
Your body on the other hand was begging for sleep ,but your mind just wouldn't listen.
Your ears strain on instinct as you hear steps walking towards your room. They're not loud steps but not quite steps either.
They want you to hear them coming.
You sit up lazily still tired from your restless night. Your door opens and you straighten up ready for whoever walks in.
Three maids walk in dressed in black attire. They look kinda like nuns but their way more stealthy then anyother nun.
They bow as the see you and shoot you a stern glare as they see you still in bed.
"Long time no see loyce." You say to the head maid.
These women practically raised you.
As harsh as they might have been they never left you without proper care.
Loyce was the oldest of the three. And the other two you didn't know if they were mute or just weren't allowed to talk. But they never spoke. So you referred to them as Emine and Kira.
They circle around your sitting form like cats watching their pray. Their studying you. Every little detail. They have to see what need improving..
"Get in the bath." Loyce says quickly. And you groan.
"I can bath myself. " You protest as you make your way into the bathroom.
They give you a stern glare and you shake your head not amused. This was their job. They needed you to be perfect.
Undressing and stepping into the big tile tub you sit down In the warm water they've prepared. The grab brushes and shampoos of all sorts. They rub hard against your body and you groan and try and push them away.
Which does nothing but earn you a slap on the wrist with the wood handle of the brush.
"Why does your hair look this color?" Loyce speaks up.
"I dyed it once. It's been like this ever since."
You can practically hear them shaking their heads in disappointment.
Once their finished giving you a bath you smell absolutely delicious. And your skin hasn't been this hydrated in years and your muscles aren't so sore.
Their quick to dry you off not sparring a second.
And looking out the window the sun hasn't risen.
Their hands work quickly to get you dressed. And into some comfortable under garments.
Looking into the big mirror the have you sitting infront of you can see they've washed all the remaining bit of dye you had once had.
They begin straightening your hair with a devilishly hot straightener. Leaving no trace of your typical normal hair.
Your hair perfectly straight leaving not one hair out of place. They do your hair into a simple half up half down hair do.
As the begin with your make up. Simple but elegant.
Pretty enough for a princess.
Finally finishing up with your make up they lather your skin with lotion and oils giving you glowy skin.
Finally putting on your big elegent kimono. Your ready.
"What's the rush?" You say as they hurriedly slip on your shoes.
"Your father wants to see you immediately. " Loyce says speaking for the three of them.
You hum and nod knowing your father is impatient man.
"All this just to see my father..." You say looking at your reflection as the spray perfume on you.
You truly did look like a princess.
"The king," Loyce corrects you. " he's not only your father but the king...keep that in mind princess. " loyce says sternly like a mother teaching her child manners.
As they finally slip on your other shoe they take a moment to look at you. Making sure your absolutely perfect.
"You've grown beautifully....just like your mother." Loyce says and the other two nod agreeing with her. You mentally flinch at her words.
'Just like your mother.' She just had to add. You shake your head clearing these thoughts as they lead you outside room and into the big hallway.
The sun is casting over the horizon and you can't help but watch through the windows as you continue walking.
This place might have been cruel but it was beautiful nevertheless.
You walk through the big stone walls straight to father office. Just like you did many years ago.
You feel more anxious with each step. And your maids can tell. The give you a light sqeez on the arm as if trying to comfort you with their actions.
The other maids and servants bow as you pass and admire your beauty.
Finally arriving at your father office your maids bow and you dismiss them.
They each give a kiss to your cheek just like they've done ever since you were a baby.
Their kiss is not something their forced to do.
It's highly looked down apon to show any sorts of affection in the castle.
But they do it to show love. To show they care despite their cold demeanor.
Opening and stepping through your father's office doors you see him. Or more like his back.
His office looks the same dimly lit with candle and a small window. The red tiles clean ,and shiny as it always is and the pale color of the room adds to the beauty and aura.
Your father stands with his back facing you. And his long hair is tied into a bun. You can see the little gray hair peeking from his bun showing change. His growth.
Though you've grown he still looks as tall as ever. Still taller then you.
You can remember all the time you've been called to his office before. None of them were good. Hopefully now that'd be different.
But you'd be a fool to hope for something so soon. So you keep quiet, reading the room and atmosphere.
He begins talking and his voice is loud and confident just like you remember it. And you almost flinch at the sudden sound but you stand your ground. Your gaze never wavering from his back as he lights another candle.
"My girl......it's been so long...to long."
He says the last part with venom most as if he's angry at the time you've been away.
"Tell me....did you miss me?" He questions and he still doesn't turn around as he lights another candle and you wants scoff but you don't.
"Miss what? Your cruelty?" You say and you wish you could stop the words that flow out of your mouth but it's too late you've said them.
He doesn't filnch and his confidence doesn't waver at your words almost like he was expecting them.
"Ah... so you've devolved my tongue I see.... A great quality to have but it can get you into alot of trouble."
He says and you can tell he's smirking he likes that you've developed something of his.
He like your boldness. Because you undeniably got that from him.
He turns around before you can come back with a witty remark. And for a moment you have nothing to say. Your mind goes blank as your eyes meet his.
It's almost like he hasn't changed. Like not a day had gone by. But it has...his eyes widen but not in fear...no his eyes widen but only for a moment because he's proud.
"You've grown so much..." He says his voice barely louder then a whisper.
"And you not at all." You say and you don't bite your tongue like you would've before.
He smiles and you'd remember that smile anywhere. He's proud.
Not of what you've said but of you in general.
He steps forward and you take a step back hesitatently. You want to stand your ground to show no fear but your mind acts on instinct.
He takes notice of your fear and a frown appears on his face not liking your fear one bit.
"I won't hurt my dear...Im not that man...not anymore. " He says and his voice is surprising gentle.
You've never heard him talk like that before. Not even when you were a baby.
"Only a fool steps in a trap twice." You say quoting one of his lessons.
He raises his eye brows as a response and nods agreeing to your words and wisdom.
He sighs and you can see it. His chest is heavy.
He's nervous.
He's cations with his words careful not to over step.
"And you are no fool ,my girl....." He says his voice defeated.
"But I am your father....or I was. And I'd like to be agian...if you'd allow me?" His words are small and humble.
Which is so unlike him.
So unlike a king.
It was almost pathetic...he was asking to be your father.
If it was anyone else you'd probably roll your eyes for the dramatic words....
But nothing about this moment was dramatic. It was.....kind.
Something that you had never seen your father be.
Watching the man infront of you saw him. Not just a king or his cruelty...but your father.
You snap back into reality. You won't fall into a trap twice... you are no fool. You remind yourself. 'Don't attach yourself to false hope.' 'Always watch for traps.' Is what you've always been taught.
But seeing it father so honest...so desperate was doing something to you...it was breaking you.
His hazel dark eyes search yours looking for any sign of forgiveness. But you can't trust so easily. Not after everything. Your smarter then that.
"After everything's you've done...I can't just forgive you.." You say and you see how much your words impact you father but his kindness doesn't fade at the sight of denial. In fact it increases.
"I'm not asking for forgiveness...just a second chance.." He says his voice is soft and everything's in you is begging you to forgive him. But you can't.
Your hurt. He's hurt you.
"You killed my grandmother.. you took her life. That is not something I can forget." There it is something you've been dying to say to him. The final bridge that he must cross before you let him in.
You want him to explain. And he's been waiting for you to bring that up.
"That wasn't me. That was my men." He says defensively but his kindness is still there.
"Exactly your men. You might as well have killed her." You say and your venom is fierce and he feels it.
He feels your strength. He feels your emotions how you channel it into power. And he fucking loves it
If it wasn't such a bad moment he'd probably smile.
"They didn't do that by my command.....their orders were to scare you. Not to hurt you or your grandmother. "He says and you can hear his words are genuine.
"To scare me?" You say confused. They were just supposed to scare you...not bring you back?
"You still don't understand.....I let you go. " He says and he takes a small step forward and this time you don't step back.
You scoff at his words. He let you go? Impossible. He would've never let you go....atleast Not without a reason.
It's you who steps forward this time.
You ask commanding an answer.
"I had to let you go..." He says and his words are hollow and lack pride like his words usually have.
You look at him and tilt your head motioning for him to continue.
"Whether you believe what I say or not...I knew I was cruel. I knew I was hurting you." He says and his voice sincere. His tone so soft that you almost believe that this is a dream...
"And I didn't want to....but it was more about your strength. About what you were supposed to be.... there were things I couldn't teach you. I was to young. I lacked so much."
His voice is calm and he's trying to go around the truth but you already put the pieces together. You truly understand now.
"You lacked skills..but my grandfather didn't. So you let them take me. You let him train me. Teach me things that you never knew." You say and watch as he nods.
He sees that you've caught on. You've read him before he began speaking. Some only your grandfather would've been able to teach you.
"Your grandfather...he would've never taught me the things he's taught you." He says calmly.
He steps away from you and sits on a small chair and motions for you to sit across from him.
You hesitate sit and he pours you tea. Just like he used to do after your training had went well.
"So you expect me to teach you?" You ask as you take a sip of your tea.
"Teach me? No. I've learned plenty from other masters." He states and you look at him baffled.
"Teach Kion then?" You asks.
"No. I want to teach you all that I know." He says and he watches for your reaction.
"With what you already know and what I can teach you...you will be great." He says.
"All I am to you is some trophy..." You say feeling angry at his words how dare he want you to be nothing but a tool in game. In his war.
"Trophy?" He says confused and offended. You had taken his words the completely wrong way.
"My girl... you are all that I am. You are my daughter, my protégé, my heir."
What the hell did he just say? Heir?
You were no heir.
No bastard could be heir to the throne. You look at him confused and stunned.
"Kion is heir. Not me." You say as you take another sip of your tea.
"Says who? I have the final say." He say firmly.
"I will not take the throne from my brother." You say. You know how much blood can be shed from a siblings fighting of the throne.
"It's your birth right not his. He's known from the day he was born that you would be my heir. Not him." Your father states in a matter-of-factly tone.
"You can not take something that is already yours..." He continues.
Your silence is like a silence agreement to him as he continues speaking again.
"I assume Kion has told you what sub-zero did." He says and you can tell the memory still haunts him.
You nod.
"Do you know how he killed her?" He asks and his softness is long gone now.
You shake your head wanting him to continue.
"We were asleep. She was sleeping right next to me....and he slit her throat....I didn't even hear his steps. I woke up...and she was dead. He says and you can tell it hurts for him to admit that he was weak.
Now that was deep shit. You think to yourself.
All this time you had thought that sub-zero had killed her to start a war and take the throne ,but hearing how he killed...something much deeper had happened.
"Why not kill you? " You say and his eyes snap to yours.
"That's the question I ask every night....in chess when you take the king what happens?" He ask and you answer quickly.
"You win."
"Exactly....killing me... the throne would've been his. He wants something more... but I don't know what." His words are almost true...but he's hiding something. But you don't know what.....
You don't press any farther knowing he won't tell.. atleast not yet...
So you continue drinking your tea.
His words are kind and humble once agian as he begins speaking. And you can see the desperation in his eyes as he reaches for your hand.
"A war is coming ,and I need you...So I'll ask you agian. Will you allow me to be your father?"
As soon as the batfamilys feet touch the ground they take in the snowy atmosphere.
"Where the hell are we?" Your mother says confused. They weren't anywhere near the palace. They weren't anywhere near you.
"The portal was supposed to take us to her." Bruce says as he looks at the small device that controls the portal.
"She's about 10 thousand kilometers away." Tim says and dick groans.
"It'll take us forever to get there...." dick says annoyed.
Jason looks around the snowy grounds as if searching for you behind every tree. You mother walks up to him noticing his distressed state.
"You okay jay? Is medicine that we gave you still working? " She says her voice soft.
"Yeah.... I'm fine." He says dismissively. It was clear that jason was angry at pretty much everyone for you leaving.
He blames them. Because it is their fault.
"I have friends that can help that aren't to far from here..." Your grandfather says as he takes in the familiar surroundings.
"How long will it take us to her?" Your mother questions.
"A week at minimum. We better hurry." Your grandfather says as he begins walking knowing exactly where he's headed.
Damian stays silent for the most part. He knows he should've been a better brother...he regrets everything...every incounter every word...
He finally feels the weight of his actions getting back to him...but it's to late isn't it?
Thanks for reading!!
Comments and likes are highly appreciated! 💗
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Laios x Beastkin!Reader
an. Senshi, Chilchuck, and Marcille x Reader are mentioned quiiiite a bit in here. Izutsumi x reader is more sparse. split between furry/scaly/feathery beastkin after the more general ones in the beginning. SORRY if the formatting is weird I got "text limited" a lot on this lmfao
this is a lot so. <3 show sum luv
general sfw
when you two first meet...bro is ELATED. He knows Izutsumi, which is fine, but you're an entirely different one. Who also doesn't seem to be super against him getting to know them
He asks SO many questions. What are you mixed with? Are you naturally born or artificial? What's it like having wings? A tail?
He's testing out all your features. He loves them so much.
When there's downtime, he likes to conduct "research". This goes for analyzing your features and making notes, comparing them to his books and other notes, and even more intricate tests like reaction time and stuff.
He'll hold a candle/torch by your face and test your pupil dilation. It's oddly intimate because he's just staring you down and its like. okay. are we gonna kiss orrrr
Loves. Loves. Loves just WATCHING you. Seeing the way you pounce on little bugs for fun or get spooked by certain noises. He just smiles and is all amused.
You'll catch him doodling you pretty often. He makes notes like "y/n caught a treasure bug today. They seem pretty skilled at hunting. Failed to kill it for some reason...just played with it until it scurried off." The doodles are like...surprisingly pretty decent. The monster portions of you are the best looking and most detailed. But it's so cool to see just how much he pays attention to you and your idiosyncrasies.
Your interactions with Izutsumi also interest him. Do you guys get along? Are you prey to her? Or is she to you? If you and Izu are talking or around each other he's watching like a hawk out of pure curiosity.
However...there's a particular page in his journal where he's providing feedback on how he would make you "better" aka cooler. It's basically just his own ramblings. No Laios, an extra set of eyes and the ability to breath fire and ice and everything in between is not. better. you're just salivating over the idea of your monster OC
If you bring this up to him he actually agrees. After a lot of note taking and observation he's really fascinated just on how well suited your entire existence is to...surviving. He has a lot of theories he'd love to share about you.
But he has e x t e n s i v e notes on your body. It's something that fr makes you blush because, why is he theorizing about the base of your tail and how it connects to your spine? and the number of nipples you have? wait...how is his guess right...?
But Laios is so useful. You might as well call him your owner. You don't have to lift a finger when it comes to taking care of yourself. (He misses his dogs so you fill in.)
He takes care of your skin/fur/scales/feathers, cuts your claws, helps you file down your hooves or horns. He's very into taking care of you if you'll let him. (Marcille also hops in on this since its her love language LOL. When she's not busy with Izutsumi she helps when she can.)
If you are like...afraid of water or don't enjoy bathing. You are like the party's pet. They're debating on how to get you clean before Chilchuck is like "if you don't take a bath I am going to kill you and throw you in there myself." Laios then goes all puppy dog eyed bc he thinks Chil is being to hard on you and then he sighs and is like "fine. I'll buy you a treat when we get back to the surface."
Marcille/Laios are really good when it comes to bath time. They aren't weird about it (Laios is checking you out but. In a curious type of way. Marcille is giving him side eye if hes getting too...Laiosy. But he respects your boundaries. Just imagine Laios happily scrubbing you while humming a tune awe.)
And when it comes to sleeping arrangements...you can alternate between anyone in the party. But Laios and Chilchuck are your best bets. Marcille is an excellent sleeping partner if the dreams don't bother you, shes soo happy to have you sleep with her and she's soft and smells nice.
Laios happily lets you sleep with him. He's actually not super cuddly (unless you are he'll reciprocate). But he is very much like, giving you a ton of space. If you fall asleep before him he just relents and sleeps as comfortably as he can around you lol. Literally just like any other pet owner.
Chilchuck....sleeping with him is difficult bc Izutsumi will fight you on it, but she relents if you can fit in without much issue (bonus points if you're warm) so. You guys can both overheat this poor man. Izu may even start cuddling with you more. She finds a lot of comfort in having another beastkin in the party even though she won't say it.
And speaking of Chilchuck...you're likely a bit more cooperative than Izutsumi, so he gets your help when it comes to checking for traps and finding treasure. With your elite hearing and other abilities, he's actually really pleasantly surprised how useful you are. (If you were a half-foot he'd definitely want you in his guild). He gives you pets and treats when the others aren't really paying attention (He doesn't want them to see him doting on you is all LOL).
Okay. So. Your diet. This is an anime about eating so. Let's get down to it.
Whether you're a herbivore, carnivore, or omnivore--Laios is ENSURING your needs are taken care of in the party. It is of upmost importance to him.
He takes notes and asks about how certain foods make you feel. Are you more energized? Less energized? Stomach hurting? Pooping well? (Will ask this with upmost sincerity, he wants to make sure the butter/milk/etc used in their cooking isn't interfering with your tummy. Whether you want to answer this is up to you lol).
Laios and Senshi happily adjust things to your needs. Laios will spend time foraging with you, Senshi will find certain monsters with more nutrients that meet your needs. Senshi is also like, really knowledgeable about nutrients, so sometimes in your food he may grind up shells or bones to meet calcium needs and such. When he cooks he'll give you bones or soften them up in water so you can eat the marrow. :-)
Senshi...is the coolest though. He also lets you perch on him (like Izutsumi) and since he's lived in the dungeon for so long, he knows a lot about monsters firsthand. If it applies, he'll give you tips about yourself or some monsters you should prey on. Senshi and you go on little foraging trips too. He'll have you sniff things out in return for extra food during dinner.
Laios likes to see you hunt prey and eat it raw, though. Everyone else would rather not and it makes them sick but he thinks it is SO cool. He honestly wishes he could do that. He takes hunting lessons from you and will give you tips on being stealthier and such.
Your teeth really fascinate him. He likes testing your bite strength on different types of material (Like wood, stone, bones, etc.). He'll stick his fingers in your mouth and admire them if youd let him. He gives you so much praise in general its so cute.
AND. PETTING YOU. He is so tactile if you let him (i mean look how much he tries and fails to pet izutsumi). When you give him the all clear he is like. jumping for joy. he LOVES to pet you and praise you. He absentmindedly pets you when hes sitting down or standing by you. And when you nuzzle into his touch his heart SOARS. You can see on his face he's blushing and has that like. excited wiggly smile <3
I think when he's just sitting around he just messes with your tail. He likes it.
Lay down beside him and he will happily pet you and be like "do you like this? Is this a good spot?" Present. Your belly to him. and he is over the moon. He pets you wildly and is like "Who's a good boy/girl/monster?" He is so unashamed about doing this too. Chilchuck would put a stop to it if you didn't like it so much.
If you give him kisses or tongue bath's he's eating that shit up (i mean. look at those extra comics w him and dogs he lets dogs just kiss all over his face omfg). He isn't a huge fan of getting his hair wet (sensory issue) but when it's your drool...he can't help but be excited. Laios is all like "they're grooming me?? this means they like me, right??? Can I officially say I befriended a monster???"
It's proof that you care for him and view him as apart of your pack...he is just over the moon at this.
I will say...Laios is way too "has no backbone with you" for a while. You're chewing shoes? You can't help it! Stealing snacks? It's instinctual! Playing too rough with Izutsumi? C'mon guys...
But when he notices his party actually getting upset. You will be surprised how he can put his foot down. Not even max puppy eyes work on him. He will leash and muzzle you if needed.
But you can always get away with messing with his stuff. He thinks its fun to chase you around when you got his shirt in his maw. Then he happily wears the torn up gear and Marcille is like "let me sew it..."
For Scaly Beastkin:
He's so helpful when it comes to shedding season. Laios finds nice rocks all the time and helps scrape off any patches that are drying and crusting and hes not even phased and doesn't think its gross at all. He would keep some skin to test its resilience if you let him.
And going with that, when you need to shed and soak he would help you find a place and will happily assist with the shedding. He's so excited to be there honestly. But he feels bad you are uncomfortable so he lets you cuddle up under the water with him while you wait for your shed to soften up <3
Laios runs his fingers over your scales absentmindedly...just loves feeling how smooth they are, especially after he spent so much time helping them maintain that pristine smoothness.
He gets Marcille's help to make a moisturizing ointment to put on you every now and then so you don't get to dried out in the dungeon!! Marcille starts to fret about that too. You're just kinda chillin and she'll reach over and put ointment on your hands/cheeks/tail. Just areas you may be susceptible to drying out.
Also...he lets you use him as a heating rock. Sunshine is really limited in the dungeon, so...when you need a warm up he's there and waiting and extremely excited to warm you up with a hug.
For Furry Beastkin:
Brushes you. He'd do this EVERY evening (and morning) if you let him. He takes notes, too. Do you have an undercoat? Or is it just one? What does this mean about what environment you originated from?
He probably tries to use your shed fur to embellish his own clothes or put in his pillow/blankets. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle I guess?
And to add to that...remember how Marcille made a cute little cat head from Izutsumi's fur? He does that too. He and Marcille make cute little shapes outta your shed and giggle together about it.
If you get fleas...he is the party member you should tell. He'll help you get rid of them and won't rat you out to the other members LOL. He'd probably blame himself if it spread and the rest of the party is like "you expect us to beleive. you got fleas. Laios you would be excited if you got them."
For Feathered Beastkin:
Preening....<3. When you have pin feathers he is so sweet and gentle. gently picks them out. It kinda tickles bc he's just gliding his fingers over your wings. You'll catch him sighing in content and burying his face in the softness. It's so sweet.
He collects your feathers and shows them off to Marcille (who also really likes them.) Your down is SO useful too. The party has the softest blankets and pillows thanks to you. When you're molting everyone is calling dibs on the feathers to stuff in their bedding.
Laios examines your wingspan and is really interested on stuff like weather you can fly or not. If you can, he's in awe. He wants to see it. Maybe even fly with you if he can. Its always been a dream of his to do that.
tw (for nsfw). monsterfucking? if that counts. mentions of vent/cloaca/knot
This man. It is so easy to tell overtime just how fucking horny he gets over monster stuff. He is addicted to just how much you differ from him. Your scales, fur, feathers, wings, etc....he thinks they're all extremely sexy.
He just loves the primal aspect of it? Like you act on instinct. Do what makes you happy. Like of course you have human reasoning and such but STILL. You're so non human and otherworldly it makes his stomach knot up and his dick hard as a rock. He wants to know EVERYTHING about you.
If you have a heat/rut cycle...he is. fucking. begging you come to him for help. jfc you don't even have to let him stick his dick in you. He just slowly probes your hole with his fingers and legit GASPS when he feels it clench around him. Not only is he learning so much about you and monster anatomy but hes also having his monster fucking dreams come true.
I mean it is a given with Laios but his fucking face is always in your hole. He loves eating pussy/ass so fucking much. And having your dick, clit, or knot down his throat drives him wild. He eats your slick and cum like he's starving. He's so sloppy with it too--there's spit and slick and cum all over his face and he's just slurping it all up like its his last meal.
He definitely "examines" you. He'll stick his fingers in you and stretch out your hole just to get a better look at what's inside. (imagine his thumbs sliding in and prying you open.) The muscles pulsating and the color and the smell...god he's drooling. You feel all vulnerable and exposed but he's just constantly praising how amazing your body and its functions are.
He busts so quick with a beastkin it....wow. Like. You are seriously all he has ever dreamed of and shit. I can't imagine he'd be able to contain himself. He cums and just still wants more, he fucks you through the overstimulation until he cries
Oh he wants to know whats in your pants so bad its ridiculous. Like. I cannot explain just how much he is vibrating with excitement
If you have a cloaca...he's very gentle with your hole at first. You explain to him what to look for, what feels good. He'll gently explore with his fingers until he finds the right hole and then he's going at it. He's shoving his tongue in there happily too. He knows what a cloaca is. He knows it's a singular vent for waste and sexual functions. Doesn't matter. His tongue is going in there. Laios is beyond excited to taste everything and see what makes you squirm.
If you have a knot...it's a given he wants you to knot him. It takes him a few tries (he can't take your knot at first because he's too tight) but when he finally is able to its like. euphoric for him. He loves feeling your warm cum in his ass and your desperate pants against his throat as your overstimulated self gets adjusted to being stuck to him. Gods.
Plus...I've discussed this on my blog in more detail but with a beastkin reader he's definitely into
You biting/scratching him up. He lovvveess being marked. Use him as a chew toy PLEASE
Predator/Prey rp: He's a trained hunter but he wouldn't mind being hunted...He loves how strong you are and how you can turn the tables on him if you wanted.
Just?? You being feral?? He likes it when you act more like your monster side and just treat him like a toy.
Breeding Kink: Even if you aren't able to get pregnant or breed (either due to sex or incompatible genetics due to being part monster), he's still really into it. You can fill him up vice versa...He loves the feeling of having you last inside him and he loves knowing you're still filled up from him. Plus, it adds to the more animalistic part of sex which is what he likes
#laios touden#laios x reader#dungeon meshi#dungeon meshi x reader#delicious in dungeon#reader insert#marcille x reader#senshi x reader#chilchuck x reader
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SAY MY NAME ── sylus.

SUMMARY: he says words he would never utter
NOTE: thank you for the feedback and the follows and all the love. i will do better <3
“God, I’m going crazy and it’s your fault.”
You and Sylus had gone to an event, one you didn’t want to go to, but he begged you to. Well, begged is not the word, but he promised you a little treat and his credit card, which he allowed you to use for whatever you wanted. How can you say no to that man?
“I didn’t even do anything,” you said, overlooking the balcony to the garden where the event was held. Such a pretty sight with the moon out and about, staring down at the way Sylus held you like a starved man.
“Oh, sweetie,” he whispered, the tip of his nose brushing against the side of your neck, “you never do anything and you have my body yearning to touch you.” He softly kissed your skin. “To taste you.” He kissed you more. “To beg you to grab my heart and see the way it beats for you, just for you.”
You hid your smile as you crane your neck. “Sylus…”
“Mmm, say my name again,” he whispered, his fingers gripping onto your hips before slipping them around your waist. A palm of his rested on your stomach. “Say it…”
“Say please,” you slightly teased, knowing he wouldn’t.
“Please…” he said in a hushed voice, letting out a low moan at the same time, surprising you. “Say whatever you want and I’ll give you whatever you need. You know that?”
“Just by saying your name?”
“Yes,” he closed his eyes as he inhaled your scent. “God, yes. The heavens and earth can never tear my body away from you.” He could hear your mouth parting to say more and he immediately added more. “No one can tear me away from you because your whispered words do more than enough to me. I hope in every lifetime my name is Sylus.”
You smiled. “You romantic… I love you, Sylus.”
He dropped his forehead to rest on your shoulder. “I love you. I love you so much more, sweetie.”
“Well, the chocolates worked.” You didn’t have to turn your head to know the twins arrived, watching you two with amusement. You frowned at their words.
“What chocolates?” You asked. Though, the way Sylus was panting and breathing heavily made you aware of what they were talking about. “Did you give your boss an aphrodisiac?”
“No,” they both simultaneously replied.
You glared at them before sighing. You turned around to face Sylus, placing a hand on the bare skin exposed by his button up he loved undoing the top three buttons from. “Sylus, let’s go home.”
He shivered due to your touch, letting out a shaky breath. He grabbed your hand and closed his eyes, kissing your knuckles. He placed kisses until his lips reached your wrist, inhaling more of his favorite perfume you always wore. He darkly hummed.
“Let’s go,” he muttered, letting out a shaky breath almost as if his emotions overwhelmed him. He looked into your eyes, full blown with desire and need. “I need you, sweetie.”
You went to place a hand on his cheek. “Sy—”
“No,” he shuddered out. “Your touch… your touch is going to make me want to ravish you before we could make it to the car.”
“You guys ruined him,” you breathed out, glancing at the twins. “He doesn’t want to touch me!”
You take out your gun and go to chase after them, but Sylus keeps his arm wrapped around your waist, withholding you back from running after the two and potentially killing them.
“Sweetie,” he muttered into your eyes, his lips brushing against the shell of it, “play nice.”
“You’re never this lovey-dovey,” you said with your bottom lip slightly jutting out, because, yeah, your boyfriend was such a romantic. He was. He just sometimes withheld such words from you and never fully admitted them.
“Doesn’t mean I don’t love you any less,” he continued to add as he kissed your neck. “I withhold myself so much because I’m afraid my desire for you, my love for you, will drive you away. Just the way you look at me makes me want to worship you and your body and praise that beautiful brain of yours.”
“I-” You make sure the twins are far away so they wouldn’t hear his words. “Sylus…”
“Be careful with the way you say my name,” he groaned out, turning you around so he could place a hand on your cheek. He leaned down and softly pecked your lips. “Please.”
“I’m just saying it normally…”
“How did I get lucky with you, hmm?” He asked, nudging his nose with yours. He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, the pad of his thumb rubbing your bottom lip. “Those pretty eyes, pretty lips, pretty brows, pretty…” he dozed off, staring at your face as if he had just seen the most beautiful painting. “We have to go home.”
“God, stop, please. I need you. I need to be inside you,” he whispered as if he was sharing a secret. “I yearn for you and you don’t even know… come on. Let’s go home and do whatever the fuck you want with my card the day after tomorrow. You’re mine right now and tomorrow all day long, and you can buy your little books later.”
“Don’t say it like that,” you snorted out. “You make me sound like such a gold digger but… I won’t say no.”
“You’re in for a long night, by the way. Those two idiots made me eat three chocolates.”
“Three chocolate bars.”
#🫧 l&ds sylus#sylus imagine#sylus x you#sylus qin#sylus x mc#l&ds sylus#lnds sylus#love and deepspace sylus#sylus x reader#lads sylus#sylus
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This fandom’s going through a lot of discourse right now, especially regarding mischaracterization, so here’s a list of non-rape-related details the game and Q&As tell us about Anya
(disclaimer: I’ve watched a handful of playthroughs but haven’t played Mouthwashing myself)
She’s competitive (re: game night)
She’s determined and/or stubborn (applying for medical school again and again to the detriment of her savings, keeping Curly alive though mercy-killing him would be just as acceptable)
She’s insanely good at her job even if she’s not legally a nurse (keeping Curly alive this long on very limited supplies, holy hell)
She’s a logical person (assessing situations quickly and accurately, taking time to think things through before acting, paying attention to detail)
She’s friendly toward her coworkers (teasing Swansea about his sweet tooth, pinning Daisuke’s art on the board in Medical, expressing amusement when Curly says something corny)
She gets lost in thought sometimes (Swansea complains she doesn’t always pay attention when he’s talking to her)
She and Curly have the same taste in music (Curly compliments her playlist)
She’s willing to break rules when it seems beneficial (hiding the gun, arguing that they should break into the cargo hold, allowing Curly to take over Jimmy’s psych eval)
She’s very academically inclined (reading and rereading manuals beyond her “wheelhouse” as the nurse, spending her free time studying)
She likes going for runs, horrible reality TV, and fast food
Feel free to reblog with anything I missed :)
#what anya went through should never be overlooked or dismissed but at the same time she is more than her trauma#and we’re given quite a few hints of her real personality#maybe not enough to form a solid idea of who she is in a relatively low-stress environment#but enough that we can mourn the woman we barely get to meet beyond jimmy’s heavily distorted perspective#mouthwashing#mouthwashing anya
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