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sandiegokpop · 2 years ago
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Wh-what the f- everytime I see him today I feel faint 😱🙄😵💨
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porcelainvino · 1 year ago
will i regret posting this? probably LMAO
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close ups and bonus doodle under the cut
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(archie comic panel idea by @kurtsascot ^)
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shellsbellslove · 6 months ago
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JiJi cake for my daughter's birthday!
My kids are finally old enough to enjoy the Studio Ghibli movies so we have been watching them a LOT.
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grimm-writings · 11 months ago
Can I please request a namari x shy female dwarf reader.
The reader is shy but admirers namari from afar ( especially her muscles😍). And namari likes to make her flustered. caging her against the wall, flexing her muscles.
sweet thing
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…ft! namari x fem! reader
…tags! fluff, headcanon format, reader is a dwarf
…wc! 1150
…notes! namari my darling my dearest!!!!!!!! my biggest flex is that her english va clocked me being extremely normal on main for their performance of her 😶 . twice . 
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Is anyone immune to Namari let’s be real here.
She may not have the most stellar reputation because of her father, but that doesn’t stop her from thriving where she can.  Under Mr. Tansu’s employ, she’s been making a better name for herself!
Namari knows what she wants in a partner but she falls apart in actually trying to communicate that.  She can be rather shy herself!
When it comes to you, though, she’s determined to make you see that she’s serious about you.  Your anxiety overwrites her own!
…That doesn’t mean she won’t go to Kiki and Kaka and ask for advice on how to woo you.  She still is pretty shoddy at that.
Honestly, you were mortified when Namari suddenly approached you one day and started talking to you as if you were any other buddy she hung out with.  You hardly speak.
Sure, she’s noticed you staring at her from across the bar, and you tend to be somewhere around the corner when she’s in public, but honestly she couldn’t be mad at it!
How can she, when every time she shoots a big grin at you, you immediately flush red and hide your face from her?!  You’re just adorable!
Namari asking you out is her avoiding eye contact as she tries to ‘casually’ ask you if you want to get some dinner together.  Once you’re out of earshot, she’s pumping her fist and celebrating to herself.  She scored a cutie like you!
“So, see you tonight?” Namari cocks her head to the side as she smiles at you.  Trying to play it cool is tough.  She has no idea how others do it without exploding on the inside. Your smile is enough to make the butterflies in her stomach fly more freely.  “I… yeah, tonight!”  You nod and grin, turning on your heel to walk away. Once you’re a number of steps away, you stop as the sound of whooping and cheering fills the air just when select conversations die down in volume.  Loud and clear, you hear Namari celebrate asking you out. You turn to her, eyes bulging in embarrassment, and Namari mirrors your expression. She tries to brush it off as soon as possible by sending you a thumbs up.  “S-Sorry!  Just real excited!” You can’t help but giggle.  Who knew she’d be such a funny person too.  “As am I!”  You call back before returning on your way with a dumbstruck grin.  “As am I…”
Once you’re officially an item, Namari is a super loving partner!  She has her boundaries – such as no PDA around her employers – but when you’re in private this dwarf is all over you.
She gets over the sheepish, unsure wall she previously found it difficult to pass through the more comfortable she gets around you.
Yep, this woman loves to tease.  She’ll pick up on things she couldn’t before now that she has the knowledge you’re attracted to her.  Oh, you were staring at her so often because you like her muscles?  Aw, how cute?  Wanna touch?
Take all the time you need to stare as she pushes you up against the wall with a grin.
She’s still pretty easy to fluster herself if you know what to do though.
Her favourite nicknames to use for you are “my girl” and “sweet thing”.  Your hers, and you’re awfully sweet to boot!
Namari opens her arms wide for you as you run into her embrace.  Her hugs are always the tightest, warmest.  If she weren’t so gentle with you she would have noogied you by now. Instead, she instead wraps her arms around your waist and picks you up.  You squeak and cling onto Namari’s shoulders as she swings and twirls you around in a circle and then places you down on your feet again. Your giggles are always so musical to the other dwarf’s ears.  It’s great to be home. “So,” she releases a breath of laughter with you, “how’s my girl been doing while I was away?”
Since dwarves probably grow body hair pretty frequently, Namari and yourself probably take a lot of days to have self care days!
(I am whispering directly in your ear, reader.  Shave your legs in front of her.  Do that and she’ll be sent to another dimension and the higher ground will be yours.)
If you’re too shy to be too personal with her, Namari understands, but that doesn’t mean she won’t try and help you out of your comfort zone with baby steps.  She’s super encouraging that way!
…Though if you’re like me and prefer a woman with some body hair then you better let her know before these self care days!  There’s some motivation for ya.
She’s so endlessly proud of you if you do end up standing up for yourself.
But depending on what you do…
Namari is quite privy to how people tend to talk about her at this point.  Even from across the tavern she can sense the sneering and gossipy whispers of a group in a booth further away. You worriedly glance at the group and then back at Namari.  “Aren’t you going to do anything?” “No point,” Namari sighs with a shrug.  “I’m used to it.” She goes to take another bit of her drink.  You ball your fists together.  She shouldn’t be. Namari stutters in confusion at you when you push the barstool out and hop off, marching over to the group.  She’s so surprised she couldn’t take the chance to stop you. “Do you have anything better to do?”  You ask the group.  They stop to stare at you.  Namari is sure that you’re about to stutter and shy away from the glares you’re being given, but you don’t. One of the people speaks up, “what, like you aren’t hanging around her?  Drinking an’ hardly speaking with anyone else!” “Namari spent all day in the dungeon actually making a living for herself.  She deserves a break.”  You remain steadfast, crossing your arms.  Even if you’re smaller than a lot of other races, you still use your bigger proportions to your advantage.  “And you’re here just day drinking?  I don’t see any spoils, armour or weapons under your table…  Goodness, what might your families say?” You soon return to Namari’s side to leave the assholes to ruminate in guilt.  Your girlfriend’s mouth is in an ‘O’ shape as she keeps her eyes on you.  You glance up at her, your shyness returning.  “W-Was that too much?” “Too much?”  Namari repeats.  “Sweetie, that was the most badass thing I’ve ever seen!” “H-Huh?”  There you go, flushing red again. Namari takes your hands in her own, squeezing them.  “Whaddya know, you ended up being my hero today!” The grin she gives you is the happiest you’ve ever seen her.  She really loves you, you know?
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eccentricallygothic · 11 months ago
Hey,this is 4 days too late,but OH.MY.GOD. Hi,hi,hi again! I'm the one that requested robber Bucky. Or Small World,as it's called now. Reading the story multiple times,the title really made me blushed and squealed 😣💕 And no,no,no! Please don't redo anything 🙏🏼❤ It's as perfect as perfect can be. I actually felt sorry for you that you did both bank & home robbery in the same fic cause double the work. But being the talented writer that you are,you managed to fit both of them in the same story and made it work and both of them fall perfectly into the context of the story. My brain could never lol. I would be sad if you redo it 😢 IT'S ONE OF THE MOST PERFECT THINGS I'VE EVER READ. And I'm glad to know that you wanted to do both instead of feeling pressured to do it and it would be a lot to write BUT OMG! You did it anyway! 😳 And in what,2 days? Have I told you you're talented? Probably a millionth times by now but you are so damn talented 🤯 Small World is ONE OF THE MOST PERFECT PIECE I'VE EVER READ AND YOU WROTE IT IN 2 DAYS?! Please spare the rest of us some talent,Miss 🥲🧎🏻‍♀️ I beg you 🙇🏻‍♀️ Let's be honest,my request is lame and vague lol. I don't even know what kinks to sneak in my requests since I can't picture how the story would be (because I'm terrible at writing) but you filled in the gaps perfectly with your details and breathe life into it and I went thru a whirlwind of emotions at the plot twist and as the plot progresses. You are a genius! 👍🏻
Now about the story,I'm blushing! I'm blushing hard reading it,okay? ☺😳😭 It's so hot! Small World Bucky is seriously hot 🔥 He's just the right amount of soft and mean 😣💕 I'm in love with him! ❤😭 He doesn't even feel guilty at all that he took her,didn't he? For everything he did to her. And yet,I still feel sad when he got caught & taken away from reader while precious innocent little reader just waits for him to come home as usual (like a good little wife already) but he didn't 😭 My heart breaks reading how soft he's being with reader after he robbed (ha) her of her virginity,how he offered to be the breadwinner for them both (I know I requested this but it's still so cute seeing it come to life with your writings) & imagining their domestic life together afterwards- 🥺😭 I have a few headcanons of their domestic life together such as how excited Bucky was when he got his first paycheck from his new honest job because he wanted to treat his sweet little future wife as his new improved self to something nice,even as he's saving for that diamond ring he promised her. Or at least tried to because I can see reader refusing to let him treat her,because she only needs her Daddy's attention everyday,making Bucky's heart swelled for her more and refused harder to ever let her go. The second headcanon would be the kind of job he got. I imagine this soft dark robber Bucky would probably go for a job requires a lot of physical,so I imagined a construction worker or mechanic? Stereotypical,I know 😂 Again,I'm lame like that 😅 Idk if either of those paid well tho. Or is it a blue collar job? In an office? Because robber Bucky probably need intelligence or maybe know how to hack a bit here & there. Or maybe a security job? The third is the dates they go to. I know you wrote that Bucky excuses her out of her outdoor obligations which I understood to mean that he asked (demanded to quit her job) but since he improved himself,wants a marriage and the normal/regular domestic life with her (with the added dd/lg elements to it) that most couples have,he probably takes her out on dates as a start,right? It's not like she's gonna run away anyway,she's way in too deep in the stockholm syndrome and he's 100% aware of this. She doesn't even realize she's his captive this whole time. Ofc,this would be as months passed where they grew closer and reader starts to fall for him. Imagine they went on a carnival date where Bucky tries to win her a stuffie friend for Kiki,I could cry just imagining it 😭 The calm before the storm 😭💔
I can't hate Bucky at all in this. I just can't. He's so lovable even in his own fucked up ways. And may I add,roguely charming 💘🖤 Oh and funny too. I giggled at that scene where his cock kept sliding off and he just giggled and called her pussy a brat that needs taming 💀 Like the whole thing is a joking matter to him while Reader's fearing for her life lmao. There's so many things I can list off about this Bucky. You fleshed him out so well and so hauntingly beautiful,especially in his obssession with reader. And his determination to get her back no matter what. I can't imagine him going about his day working while daydreaming about coming home to his future wife like he usually does everyday and only to have a bunch of authorities showing up and seizing him (or worse,tackling him to the ground) and not letting him come home that day after all. Omg,I'm sobbing..... 😭 Seems like he misunderstood that reader's the one that reported him or maybe he has that paranoia lingering everyday during their domestic phase together that she one day would report him & escape him. He must've felt some kind of betrayal & held some kind of grudge for reader for thinking that she reported him while he's locked up in jail for some time while being perfectly aware that he's the one started all this in the first place 😂 Did he feel some kind of guilt at all? He let her come to the realization of everything and just let her speak while emotion passes over his face for a brief second. Is it guilt or is it because she realized and finally shook off her stockholm syndrome? That he's afraid she won't be compliant as before? That he would have a harder time to have that normal domestic couple life with her again now that she's fully aware that their domestic life together before wasn't just that,it was also him keeping her captive? I think it's the latter,I don't think he feels guilty and regrets anything he did to reader at all,he went to get her back after all. Reader definitely still loves him even after she realizes,she's not even putting up a fight and just let him take her,again. He'll cling to her for sure and will never let her out of his sight again in fear she would be taken away from him for a third time. Maybe they'll both cling to each other because Reader just misses him as much as he does her. Oh,he's definitely finally getting that diamond ring he promised her this time so she's truly his in name now. I can't tell where he would bring her to live this time tho to be off the radar and not getting caught by the police again.
Oh,can I also talk about the psychological aspect you smoothly incorporated into the story? It's genius! 🙌🏼 You're brilliant! 🙇🏻‍♀️ And heartbreaking on Bucky's part 🥲 Where she doesn't seem to remember him for a second Where her brain is trying to supress her memories of him and their time together because of that therapy since she took a while for everything to come back to her. She doesn't even remember his name or his face when Bucky pushed her to remember him 😭 I'M CRYING 😭😭😭 Man,that therapist must've been really good OMG. She literally NEEDED to see HIS FACE to finally remember EVERYTHING. To finally remember him. He was a bit mean with her at the bank but I can feel his heart breaking into a million pieces when Reader said "I don't know!". Which is another reason why I don't think this Bucky is dark DARK or outright fully mean. He's soft dark for sure. I don't think he really meant it when he said he's gonna cut her tongue out. I took it as he was just really angry and said it as an empty threat that he won't actually carry out because he still thought she reported him,went to therapy on her own and willingly made herself not remember him,willingly erase or suppress him from her memories. The way he did it is not gentle but I still felt my heart clench when he kept pushing her to just remember him by demanding her to say it's him while he roughfucks her. That part is angst to me,can I count that as angst? I feel like I got Stockholm Syndrome too since I seriously felt pity for Small World Bucky & wanted to protect and defend him lmao 💀
I'm so sorry that I took so long to reply,that I took 4 days!  😭🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️ When you wrote my request in JUST 2 DAYS and it's the most perfect piece I've ever read and it's something I've wanted my whole life 🧎🏻‍♀️ I've been fasting where I live so there's lot to do everyday and I've also haven't been feeling well for these past 3 days but Small World cheered me up and made me feel better instantly 💕 I haven't gone these past 3 days without reading or thinking about this fic at all,believe me. That a very talented and kind author took my lame request and went out of her way to perfected it and turned it into a million times better than what my original request intended (and I'm glad for that). Which is why I feel so guilty for taking 4 days to finally express my many thank yous and gratitude 😭 AGAIN,I AM SO SORRY! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 It felt like ghosting but I promise I'm not ghosting you at all 🙏🏼 That wasn't my intention. I've been really 4 days late to say thank you. Please don't hate me or be mad at me. Yes,I read the fic for the past 3 days because it's just that great that I'm obsessed but also because I want to assess it properly so I can write a proper review and how much I love the fic. This is my first request for you and you did an amazing job beyond expectations that I don't just wanna be like "It's great ❤ Thank you 💕" because it simply doesn't hold up to all the work and effort you put into this beautiful one shot (exactly what I wanted but 10x times better) & simply because a simple "Thank you 💕" doesn't fully express how I truly feel about it. I can tell that you put your heart and love into writing it so I want to put my heart and love into my thanks as well 💕 I mean,you even had to do some photoshopping for my request,omg,I'm so sorry 😅😭 I know you said my request excites you so much that you reasurred me "no problem" and you even did BOTH of my request tying them together perfectly,but I still feel bad to make you do so much work 🙏🏼 I feel relieved to know that you want to do them on your own because my request excites you. I already felt honored as hell when you took up my request and POLISHED IT,I felt even more honored that such creative writer like you felt EXCITED by MY request? By my lame ideas? You don't know how hard I fangirled when you said that. I truly feel honored 💜
Again,THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking up my request and for writing it 🫂 Seriously,thank you,thank you,a million times thank you. Thank you so much again for this perfection 💕 I love it so much that I won't stop thinking about it or stop obsessing about it for a LONG time,you have no idea. Again,to adress your Author's Note :- Please don't redo Small World 🥺🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️ Everything is as perfect as it is 💜 I love it so much 💜 If you can't already tell by how long this crazy rambling of mine is 😂 It's dark,it's also soft dark,it got suspense,twists and turns,it even has fluff & angst. Everything is as it should be 💜Also,why are you apologizing to me? Why are you saying sorry? 😭 I'm the one who should be saying sorry to trouble you and sending my feedback and gratitude late 😢 Why are you so kind and humble like that? You,a writer would apologize to me,a reader? Who request you to write something & I'm not even paying you anything for it yet you still wrote it with quality and love? YOU ARE SO SERIOUSLY SO KIND 💕😭 I feel like I don't deserve your kindness 🥺 Also,my review about the story? It's simply me fangirling over Small World,sharing my headcanons,thoughts and intepretation of the plots. If any of my thoughts and interpretation is wrong,please feel free to correct me. Please don't take it as a way that I want you to change anything in the fic,I'm simply fangirling and just wanted to talk about it with you and tell you how much I love it ❤ Seriously,don't change anything,I'll be really upset if you do 🥺
Please don't feel like you have to reply to this very long ass ask of mine. You can reply it shortly ❤ Just think of this as a letter or as my love letter of your work and writing skills 💜 I'm scared of even sending this to you honestly,I sound like a crazy person 😂 THIS IS SO GODDAMN LONG 😭 You'll probably block me after receiving this if I'm being honest 😭 But I'll take the risk. This is the longest review I've ever written for anyone at all. Because it's a request so it felt extra special and personalized and also because I'm very appreciative and grateful for it 🙏🏼 And again,just obsessed with it 💜🖤 I promise any review or feedback from me after this won't be as long as this one 😅 I'll keep it short but straight to the point so I won't be annoying like this again 🥲 But I still will show how grateful & honored I am,the way your writings properly deserved,if I do have a request for you again. Which I don't know if I should send you another request because I already made you work so hard 😭 You wrote that perfection Small World in just 2 days,that's insane,it's must've been exhausting to brainstorm all of it in just 2 days so I felt bad. Oh,also,I'm so sorry that I'm sending this in an anonymous ask. If you want me to appreciate it non anon mode,let me know and I'll do it. THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING 🫂🫂🫂❤❤❤❤ A MILLION TIMES THANK YOU FOR SMALL WORLD 💜
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Thank you for reading Small World!
Hey and first of all, that's completely okay! I am the one that opened requests and I love to brainstorm ideas and yours was really really fun to tinker with! So please don't worry about any of that! I enjoyed combining the two but I was just scared that you may not like it but I am very glad that you did! 🩷
And yes my obsessive ass did it in 2 days 💀but please don't worry that's just how my muse and priority mechanism works 😂 aLSO OMG STOP NOOO I AM JUST WHATEVER 💀 And omg no the request was neither lame nor vague it was fresh and different I loved it! Omg 'whirlwind of emotions' that means mission accomplished 😏
Good, blushing is good. Also, why would he feel bad? For finding his soulmate? Pfft. Daddies do that kinda stuff to their babies just because that's how things are, educate yourself??? Pfft. You'd know if you had an old man of your own. You best believe he took her to a nice little cozy place for their first date which came out of his first ever paycheck! And nooo because I also imagined construction worker but I think private security pays better. Who cares?? We are just girls and can fantasize whatever we please 💅🏻 Also about Kiki, Bucky is either a second parent to her or her worst foe (because of Baby's divided attention between them) and there's no in between! So maybe that's why he wanted to win her her own Daddy 👀 (you're making me wanna write this so bad omg)
Bucky is a brat tamer with a monstrous 12 incher! What do you mean it doesn't fit? Now your naughty little pussy is just misbehaving! But no worries! He will fix it like the Daddy he is! <3
I am sorry? Why would he feel guilty? And what Stockholm Syndrome? He's not a kidnapper or anything he's her future hubby who just met her in a funny way is all! Pfft, you liberal little girls just say anything, don't you? Perhaps you need your own old man to teach you some manners pfft! Bucky was only hurt that she let them get to her and feed her with OBVIOUS lies! And then she believed them! Tsk, tsk. That calls for punishment! I don't think he's afraid that she won't be as compliant anymore. He has had many assignments much harder than an estranged little wife, it's no biggie. The only part that he may be a bit worried about would be hurting her but she hurt him more so who knows? 👀
I don't know about a ring now, though. He may get her a diamond shock collar that goes off when she's a certain distance away from the home before anything now 👀
No but you're so real about the therapist thing because when I was writing it I was like 🥲 if only I could get a therapist like that 🥲 lmfao! Also yes, it's your request and your interpretation, you can take it however you want but you're rather spot on with what I had in mind while I wrote the story. Also I am crying lmfao not me giving you Stockholm Syndrome from a fic omg 💀 I got it while writing it so we are in the same boat honey. What can I say, we are just girls 💅🏻
Omg, please don't worry about any of that! I am just happy that you liked it and took the time to respond in such a heart warming and rewarding way! I hope you're feeling better now and I wish you happy fasting (because idk why you are doing it so I am not gonna name any one thing <333). Also noooo I enjoyed photoshopping it! I only took it down because I thought it looked awful 💀 but I am glad you liked it! And STOP your idea was not lame at ALL! Don't be a meanie to my baby (you) 😡🩷
Please don't worry about any of that! I understand and I am just happy that you liked it! That's enough for me. I just get nervous when there's no response that the person hated the request is all 💀🩷 You weren't troubling no one 🩷 Also, your review is literally PERFECT and very uplifting! And no, you're actually spot on with everything you said!
AND NO I LOVE LOVE LOVE your response! It is so motivating and rewarding! Don't be afraid or sorry! I am a master rambler and I also believe in putting your heart into what you want to say, I also do the same 💀🩷 You're not annoying at all I absolutely adore your ask! It's hands down the best feedback I've ever received and it made me feel so much better about my writing because I hate it 99% of the time. Maybe it's also because I am a literature major so I measure everything with those standards idk but this made me feel so good 🩷
And requests are open so please don't be afraid about anything okay? Also, you can interact with me however you feel comfortable, no pressure. I am just happy to have you here 🫂🩷 Once again, thank you for reading and taking the time to respond, I am very glad that you liked it! 🩷
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(just leaving it here because you don't seem to hate it as much as I do hahaha)
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paeoniaanomala · 7 months ago
i'm fucking done. whqt the fuck. what the fuckX what the fucj: what. what, stop. atop thsi. this ia gourgeous.
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A barrier
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macabrecravings · 1 year ago
@kiki-dohedo joined me on magma!! <3
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it’s so colorful,,,,, puppet cain i love you so much 😢
Closeups :0
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sandiegokpop · 9 months ago
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analmaxxer · 2 months ago
which one is bouba which one is kiki ………😢
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you-another-me · 5 months ago
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My Kiki 😢
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missbuttons · 6 months ago
who the hell is rhis
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6okuto · 8 months ago
HI NIAAA HOW ARE U MY QUEEN!!! i aaw u went on hiatus a bit ago😢 i count dig thru enough to find out but i hope you’re well and in good health gorgeous!!❤️
Haiii friend!!!! 🫂🫂 yeah... deleted the explanation post (got embarrassed.) but i've been pretty unhappy here/in general so i thought a break might help.. i really didn't think people would notice HEBDJSJS
bUT i said i'd come back this month to unprivate everything so!! swipes sweat off brow. it's all whatevah! my biggest issue is how hot it is rn. blasting my ac as i type orz... but hOW ARE U MY KIKI!! has anything fun happened lately... Summer Plans.. thoughts about charas ?!?! 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️
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professional-fangirl2187 · 2 years ago
Oh, Kiki.
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nickssidewitch · 22 days ago
kiki can u please deny or confirm this 😢
Why? 😭 Is it important?
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fairyhaos · 9 months ago
same anon who asked about anime — it's okay, even i havent watched many but i was just curious, hehe. i watched mostly studio ghibli films, makoto shinkai films, 2 or 3 bl anime, tokyo revengers and jujutsu kaisen.
wbu yena 😊 what did you watch? btw how was your day? hope it went pretty good and also could you please recommend me svt fluff writers 😢 all i see is smut when i search seventeen imagines and i dont like it. so pls will you tell me!!
ive read your works to and they are the cutest 🫶🏽 hope you have a great day or night 🌙 ❤️
sending lots of love. alaso can i be your anon. if yes, i would love to take this emoji : 🪷 anon?
heyyy 🪷 anon and ooh omg i love studio ghibli!!! tbh i feel like it's a whole genre all by itself jshfhd and i gotta say that whilst i love howls moving castle like literally every person in the world, kiki's delivery service is just sooo important to me fr </333
ive watched a few bls toooo but tbh they're all the classic danmeis like tgcf and mdzs and link click with is also technically not rlly bl but could very well be 🫡 (and im always on the lookout for more so if anyone has.... any recs.... pls.....)
as for normal anime hmmm ive watched saiki k, kamisama kiss, tried to watch fruits basket and kind of failed, and also this one anime about a girl tryna defy one of those otome games come to life ??? can't remember the title but it was funny lmao and that's about the extent of my actual anime experience. but i do know ab a lot of animes bc loads of my friends are weebs 😭
(and svt fluff writers,,,, just any of my moots tbh!! they r the best fluff writers i know <3)
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ccattsw · 10 months ago
happy one month
“salir contigo es como un sueño.”
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feliz primer mes mi amor... no entiendo cómo pasó tan rápido el tiempo y acá estoy haciéndote una carta de amor que jamás imaginé que podría llegar a pasar este momento, aunque me da vergüenza jasjajsjsjfj primero que nada quiero contarte un poco de cómo me comenzaste a gustar NUEVAMENTE aunque queda horrible decirlo así pero ok.. todo comenzó un día de verano en 178... joda AJUAJSIA
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¿cómo me comenzaste a gustar?
bueno una de las primeras razones ya te tenía bastante cariño por cosas pasadas que ya sabes... pero jamás imaginé que volveríamos a estar nuevamente. al principio te veía como una amistad más, pero con el tiempo me dí cuenta que mis sentimientos hacía vos eran totalmente distintos a como me sentía con las otras personas, me había dado cuenta que estar contigo era como una curita al corazón jjsskkd me hiciste sentir tantas cosas en poco tiempo y te quería hacer mío rápido JODA .. pero una de las razones por las que me dí cuenta que me gustabas era por mi trato contigo que no lo tenía con cualquier persona y cada mensajito tuyo me hacía sentir así 💞💞💞💞 cada tiempo que pasábamos me hacía sentir tan bien, y aún me hace feliz pasar tiempo junto a vos.
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¿qué me gustó (gusta) de vos?
una de las cosas que me gustó de vos fue también el trato que tenías conmigo, aunque al principio no éramos tan cariñosos (aún sin ser pareja) pero de alguna forma lograste llamar mi atención haciéndote diferente al resto, también me gustaba cuando nos molestabamos de broma y todas las boludeces que hacíamos juntos, como había dicho antes pasar tiempo con vos era especial para mí, nunca tuve oportunidad de decírtelo para no parecer tan maricon y vos que te hacías el hetero 🙄🙄 cuando empezamos a salir era todo nuevo para nosotros, cada caricia tuya se sentía y siente tan bien 💞💞💞 que estar lejos de vos se me hacía difícil.. cuando diste la idea de vivir juntos pensé que estábamos yendo muy rápido pero tampoco me disgustaba la idea y FUE LA MEJOR DECISIÓN DE TODAS 💞💞💞 también agradezco que aceptarás a mi bebé kiki en tu casita para hacerle compañía a bebé jaime 😢😢 bueno dejando de lado eso me gusta todo de vos 💞💞 por eso mismo voy a hacerte una lista claro que sí
comenzando por tu preciosa carita donde siempre te lleno de besitos 💞
tus ojitos preciosos que siempre me miran con mucho amor POR FAVOR MÍRAME TODA LA VIDA ASÍ
TUS LABIOS mhnghgnghmngn bésame toda la vida y yo feliz
tu cabello rubio hermoso precioso mi rubiecito lindo ngnhnhgghn que me encanta también hacerte mimos por tu pelito
tus manos preciosas mgnnhmgmhg que siempre me tocan con delicadeza y me hacen sentir seguro con tus caricias
tus brazos 😍😍😍 me quedaría toda una vida abrazándote
tus patas AJSUASJJ MENTIRA o no
tus lunares preciosos (sí los ví y los besaría a todos también)
tu manera y personalidad de ser tan linda conmigo, a veces no te das cuenta lo feliz que me haces con cada beso tuyo o caricia yyy lo feliz que estoy de tenerte en mi vida yyy que me hayas elegido y confiando en mí para ser la persona que está a tu lado <3 te agradezco todas las veces que sacaste una sonrisa en mí por más malos que tenga siempre pero siempreeee estás ahí para alegrar por completo mis días y espero también alegrar los tuyos mi amor
casi me olvidaba tu pija que me pertenece
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¿por qué elegí estar con vos?
la verdad decir elegir suena MUY MAL porque mi enamoramiento por vos fue extraño y a la vez bonito, nunca elegí una persona, fué tan extraño lo nuestro que me encanta, pero aún así si tuviera que contestar la pregunta CÓMO NO VOY A ESTAR CON VOS??? cuántas veces te tengo que repetir (te las repetiría siempre) que me hace feliz estar con vos, me hace feliz pasar tiempo con vos y hacer cualquier pequeña cosa contigo se siente bien, me haces sentir cosas como la primera vez.. se siente tan lindo saber que tengo a alguien a mi lado y sentirme seguro junto a vos.. esto va a sonar muy tonto, pero siento que estamos destinados a estar juntos y que vamos a vivir felices para siempre o te amenazo con un arma y te encierro en tu casa para que no escapes y me veas solamente a mí 🥺 bromita, pero la verdad si siento que lo nuestro es tan especial que no me veo estando con otra persona que no seas vos y no quiero otra persona más en mi vida que no seas vos 😢 prometo cuidar muy bien de tu corazoncito y besar cada inseguridad que tengas en vos, yo sé que cualquier obstáculo lo vamos a lograr superar juntos porque la confianza que tengo en vos no lo tengo con nadie más y yo sé que a veces tenés que soportar de mis celos kaskskdkdj aunque a veces lo haga jodiendo (no) yo sé que vos estás ahí también para escucharme y entenderme 😢😢 te amo demasiado mi amor, también estoy muy feliz de que me hayas elegido en tu vida, si pudiera estaría con vos en esta vida y en muchas vidas más
fotito nuestra re gays
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regalitos de primer mes
MI PARTE FAV te tengo regalitos para darte y espero te gusten muchoooo
empezamos por estás flores a crochet porque me daba pena si te daba algunas y se llegarán a marchitar 🙁 entonces se me hizo una bonita idea
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bueno acá te compré este postre y seguramente te preguntarás por qué una carrot cake? es que pabla la que tira el horóscopo dió ese postre para tu buena suerte en el signo !! JAUSAJSJAJ te amo
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mirá que lindas estás tazas a juego de vaquitaa para que tomemos nuestro desayuno a juego
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Canciones que me recuerdan a vos
acá dejo algunos temas que me recuerdan a vos y te los dedico a todos, te amo
fin !!!!!???
bueno nada amor espero te haya gustado mi regalito y feliz primer mes espero que cumplamos muchos más (amenaza) y estoy muyy seguro de que vamos a cumplir muchísimos meses másssss me hace muy muyyy feliz de estar a tu lado TE AMOOOOOOOOO MI NOVIECITO LINDO
finalizo con esta foto tuya durmiendo re lindo sjdjsdkkwdnwnf te lleno de besos
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