#just been doing worse since november or so which is fine. doing my best 2 bounce back.. replaying our life :3 wehehehe...
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6okuto · 8 months ago
HI NIAAA HOW ARE U MY QUEEN!!! i aaw u went on hiatus a bit ago😢 i count dig thru enough to find out but i hope you’re well and in good health gorgeous!!❤️
Haiii friend!!!! 🫂🫂 yeah... deleted the explanation post (got embarrassed.) but i've been pretty unhappy here/in general so i thought a break might help.. i really didn't think people would notice HEBDJSJS
bUT i said i'd come back this month to unprivate everything so!! swipes sweat off brow. it's all whatevah! my biggest issue is how hot it is rn. blasting my ac as i type orz... but hOW ARE U MY KIKI!! has anything fun happened lately... Summer Plans.. thoughts about charas ?!?! 🙆🏻‍♀️🙆🏻‍♀️
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tobesolonely · 4 years ago
it’s not christmas ‘til you come home
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a/n: hello!! please enjoy this piece from my dad!harry universe! (u dont have to read any of them for it to make sense, but it would be cool if u did! loosely based on it’s not christmas ‘til you come home by norah jones <3 hope you enjoy! thank u to @harryysstyless​ for beta reading for me!! happy holidays everyone :)
warnings: SMUT, a bit of angst <3 word count: ~5.1k 
my ko-fi! thank you :)
December 23rd, 2:00 PM
For as long as you and Harry have been in a relationship, you’ve never not spent a Christmas together. 
Before expanding your family, you and he used to hop from party to party every Christmas Eve. Both of you would be absolutely trashed by the time Harry’s driver would drop you off at his house in the early hours of the morning. You’d sleep in until approximately noon, willing your hangovers to go away before finally making it down the stairs and into the kitchen to prepare two steaming cups of coffee. The two of you would then make your way into the living room and exchange gifts (where Harry always went way over the budget you’d set). 
Once you had your first child, Allison, your yearly tradition of party hopping and getting so drunk you could hardly put one foot in front of the other was no more. Instead, you and Harry opted for calm nights in, watching Christmas movies and drinking hot cocoa until she eventually grew tired and got carried up to bed. You would wait an hour or so before springing into action, playing Santa and setting out all of the gifts she asked for and then some. Harry never forgot to take a big bite out of the cookie and carrot left out for Santa and his reindeer.
This tradition stayed the same once your second baby, Oliver, was born. Even though he was too young to know what was going on, Harry was still excited to spoil him rotten this year as it was his first Christmas. However, given the current state of the world, you were afraid Harry would not be here for the first time ever.
“Mumma, when’s daddy coming home?” your six-year-old, Ally, asked for what had to be the seventh time that afternoon. “I made him a drawing for his gift ‘nd I can’t wait for him to see it!”
“Let me see what you drew for Daddy, love bug,” you say cheerily, purposefully glossing over her question. Ally proudly holds her drawing up next to her face. She looks up at you with wide eyes, awaiting a compliment from you. 
“That’s gorgeous, bug! Daddy’s gonna love it,” you inform her. “Maybe you can stick a lil’ bow on it and set it under the tree for him, hmm?” 
“Good idea, Mumma!” Ally runs to the box where you kept all the supplies for gift wrapping, digging around for a pink bow to stick on the corner of her drawing.
While she’s preoccupied with finding the perfect bow to place on her drawing for Harry, you take a quick glance at your phone. He still hadn’t gotten back to you since last night’s quick conversation when he very briefly mentioned he didn’t know if he’d be able to make it home.
He was filming in Los Angeles. You shared your uncertainties about him going before he departed but in the end, this was an opportunity you didn’t want him to miss out on. You read the Los Angeles Times free articles on your phone daily, keeping track of the state of the pandemic in Southern California. You knew it was much worse there than it was at home in London. You feared what you were afraid of was sadly bound to happen— Harry may get stuck in LA.
You didn’t want to say anything to your curious daughter because communication with him had been so sparse. You didn’t know anything for certain yet. But what were you supposed to think? You knew flying nationally wasn’t a good idea at the moment, never mind internationally.
“Hey bug, d’ya think you can watch your brother for a moment? Mumma’s gotta go make a phone call.” 
You hear your daughter let out a slightly irritated sigh. “I suppose I can, Mumma.” Ally responds with a voice laced with exasperation. You chuckle slightly under your breath at your overly dramatic (much like her dad) six-year-old and head into the kitchen, quickly dialing your husband’s familiar number.
You let out a sigh of relief upon hearing Harry’s low, hoarse voice. 
“Hi, honey. Just checkin’ in to see how things are going…” you hear shuffling on his end. “It’s December 23rd, you know.”
“I know, love.”
“Did I wake you?”
“Six in tha’ mornin’ here.”
“I’m sorry, H. S’just Allison keeps on askin’ when you’ll be home and ‘m just so worried you won’t make it home on time and you’ll miss Oliver’s first Christmas—“
“Darling,” Harry interrupts your anxiety-fueled ramble. “‘M gonna make it home. Have I ever not been there when I said I would?” 
“No,” you say quietly. “I’m just worried, Harry. I hear traveling is going to get very strict because they’re trying to prevent people from going anywhere for Christmas…”
“Fine, then I’ll get my own plane with jus’ me and a pilot. Wear a mask the entire time and whatnot. Yanno I can make that happen if it’s necessary, pet.” 
Harry’s calm demeanor about the whole situation brings you a bit of peace. Perhaps you were catastrophizing something that wasn’t as big of a deal as you thought it was a mere two minutes ago. If he wasn’t worried about not making it home, you didn’t see any reason to stress about it— not for one second longer.
“Okay then,” you reply, still a bit wary of his travel plans. “What shall I tell your daughter? She’s drivin’ me up the walls asking where you are every twenty minutes.”
Your husband lets out a breathy laugh, causing you to giggle along with him. “Tell her not to eat up all the Christmas cookies before I get a taste of one.”
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December 24th, 8:45 AM
Part of you was hoping you’d wake up on Christmas Eve and Harry would be tucked into bed next to you, plump lips parted, the sound of his snores the only noise in the room. However, you were a rational woman, if nothing else. You knew he wouldn’t be by your side when you woke up. 
You make your way down the hall and peek inside your son’s room. He was fast asleep, plump thumb in his mouth. You smile at your sleeping baby and gently close the door behind you, deciding to let him sleep in a bit longer before waking him up to feed him. 
Next, you walk to your daughter's room, gently pushing open the door in case she was still sleeping. Instead, you find her sat at her desk, deeply focused on what appeared to be another drawing. 
“Good morning, lovebug,” you greet your daughter in a sing-songy voice. “You’re up early. What are you working on?”
“Makin’ a letter for Santa,” she replies, not bothering to look up from what she was doing. 
“A letter for Santa?” You start racking your brain for anything you and Harry could’ve possibly forgotten to get for Ally, but you finished your Christmas shopping for your children way back in November.
“Yes,” she answers matter-of-factly. “‘M askin’ him to make sure my Daddy is home by tonight so we can eat cookies together and watch Toy Story, Mumma.” 
“I’m sure Santa will make that happen for you,” you reassure her. “You’ve been a very good girl this year, been so helpful with Olly and doin’ so well in school. The least Santa can do is get you whatever you want.” You see her smile as she digs around in her crayon box.
“Can we wait ‘til Daddy gets home to make Santa’s cookies, Mumma?”
“Sure we can, bug,” Ally claps her hands together excitedly, bouncing around in her tiny chair. “Gonna go make some pancakes, does that sound yummy?”
“Can we have chocolate chip pancakes please?”
“Are you askin’ me that because your dad isn’t here to throw a fit about it?” You give her a knowing smile, causing her to giggle.
“Maaaaybe…” Your daughter turns to face you, swinging her legs back and forth.
“If I make your chocolate chip pancakes, you can’t tell your dad. Deal?” You hold up your pinky. Ally gets up and runs to you and you bend down slightly so she can link her finger with yours.
“I pinky promise, Mumma!”
“Our little secret, yeah?” she nods. “Keep an ear out for your brother for me, bug. I’ll be downstairs.”
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December 24th, 3:00 PM
“Love? ‘M afraid I got some bad news...”
As soon as Harry’s voice comes through on the other line, you can tell whatever news he’s about to share with you won’t be what you’re wanting to hear.
“What is it?”
It’s silent for what feels like entirely too long. You get up from your position on the couch next to Ally, telling her you’ll be right back. After breakfast, she convinced you to watch Toy Story with her, which quickly turned into a whole Disney movie marathon.
“Not so sure I’ll be able to make it home.”
You’re not sure if it’s his calm tone that bothers you, the fact that you didn’t want him to go to Los Angeles in the first place, or simply the fact that you and your children missed him terribly and haven’t seen him in nearly a month–– but your mood changes from relaxed to undeniably outraged in three seconds flat.
“You’re kidding.” Your tone is sharp, venomous. Harry once again takes a moment before responding, knowing that the current tone of your voice means he’d best proceed with caution.
“‘M not, love. I woke up early and everything to try and get this sorted out, it’s 7 AM so I was gonna try and catch an early flight––”
“I told you I didn’t want you going to LA,” you cut him off, voice rising slightly. “You knew how bad the pandemic was getting there. I told you this would happen.”
“What do you suppose I do then, Y/N?” His tone is becoming equally as sharp. “Y’want me to tell ‘em, “Sorry, I don’t give a fuck about the travel restrictions. My wife wants me home so let's make it happen!” ‘S that what you want me to do?”
“Don’t be a smartass, Harry,” you spit. “I’ll give the phone to your daughter and you can tell her you won’t be home in time for Christmas, then.”
“Y/N…” his tone is calm again. Fearful. “Don’t make me do that.”
“She woke up early to write a letter to Santa to tell him she wants you home by tonight, Harry,” your tone softens as well. “Even Olly has been asking for you. Swear his new favorite word is ‘dada’.” He laughs at this as do you, and the shared tension that was present just minutes ago dissipates. 
“Just… lemme try a few more things before I tell her, yeah?”
“Harry, it’s already three here,” you gently remind him. “Even if you do make it home today, she’ll be asleep by the time you’re home. I think you just need to tell her.”
Your husband sighs, knowing you were undeniably correct. “Alright. Give Allison the phone, please.”
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December 24th, 8 PM
“Almost time for you to head to bed soon, yeah Allybug?” Your daughter lets out a loud sigh in response, not shifting her gaze from the television to you. Ever since Harry told her he wouldn’t be home in time to eat cookies with her, she’s hardly said a word. She’s never experienced a Christmas Eve without her father so understandably, she was missing him tonight.
You shift Olly, who was falling asleep nursing on your lap, into a different position so you could face your daughter directly. From your new position, you can see just how tired she looks. 
“‘M not sleepy, Mumma. Gonna stay up and wait for Daddy,” she informs you of her new plans. “When Daddy is home that’s when it’s time for bed.”
“Ally, remember what Daddy told you on the phone earlier? Santa won’t come unless you go to sleep.”
“I don’t wanna sleep,” she’s quickly starting to grow upset. “Not until Daddy tucks me in!”
You purse your lips, not wanting to argue with your headstrong daughter when your son was so close to drifting off into his nightly milk coma. Turning your attention back to the movie that was quietly playing on the television, you decide to drop it for now and try again later.
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December 24th, 9:05 PM
Not more than an hour later, Olly is upstairs in his crib fast asleep whilst Ally is still laying on the floor in front of the Christmas tree, fighting sleep. She was determined to stay up until her father walked through the front door, and you knew getting her to agree to go to bed was going to be a battle and a half.
“You’re not ready to go to bed yet, Ally?” Her eyes fly open once she hears you addressing her.
“Not yet, Mumma. ‘M not sleepy yet.” Her words are a little slurred due to the exhausted state she was in. You hum in response.
“Could’ve sworn your eyes just shut for a minute there,” you pause for a second to see if she’ll look your way. “Must’ve just been my old lady eyes playin’ tricks on me, y’think?”
“I wasn’t sleeping!” She immediately defends herself, frown lines indenting her forehead. “Can we drink more hot chocolate?”
You knew if you wanted your daughter to fall asleep within the hour, another sugar rush wasn’t the best idea. You instead offer her a hot cup of sleepytime tea and she excitedly agrees once you tell her it’s her father’s favorite type of tea to drink at bedtime. You place her down on the kitchen counter while you fill the kettle and wait for it to whistle.
“What are you looking forward to the most from Santa, bug?” 
Her eyes light up at your question. “Well, I really want a new bike! ‘Member Mumma? How I asked him for a pink bike? And I also want a cool swing set! Since we haven’t been able to go to the park in so long,” her smile falters and she looks down at her dangling feet. “I want Daddy to come home the mostest, though.”
Your heart feels like it’s going to break in two upon hearing your daughter admit that Harry being home would be the greatest gift of all. “So do I, lovebug. He’ll be here in the mornin’ to watch you and your brother open all the gifts Santa got you though, don’t you worry.”
For everyone’s sake, you hoped that was true.
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December 24th, 11:50 PM
Sleep wasn’t coming easy. 
You finally got your daughter to bed at around ten o’clock and waited thirty minutes before laying out your children’s gifts. It took much longer than it usually did considering you had to do it all on your own. Harry was usually the one to quickly assemble the larger toys while you laid everything out around the living room. 
Despite it taking longer than desired, you were proud that you got it all done without waking your children up. Consequently, that meant you were now left all alone with your thoughts considering you had no more tasks to occupy yourself with. 
You kept contemplating calling Harry, but you weren’t sure if he was busy on set or not. Surely he was immersing himself in work to distract himself from the fact he would not be spending Christmas with his family. 
Deciding you may need a cup of the sleepytime tea you offered Allison earlier, you quietly get out of bed and open your door, sock-clad feet padding softly against the wooden floors. It’s unnervingly silent in your home–– the tea kettle coming to a boil being the only source of noise. You keep unlocking and re-locking your phone, finally deciding to call your husband to see how he’s spending his day. It goes to automatic voicemail.
You assume the reason for this must be that he’s busy filming on set and set your phone down with a sigh, standing on your tiptoes to retrieve a mug from the cabinet. You mutter a slew of curse words under your breath intended for Harry who always puts the mugs up far too high even though you tell him not to.
Right as you begin pouring the now boiling water into your teacup, the faint jingling of your front door causes you to startle so badly that you nearly drop the kettle on the ground. You try to think back to everything Harry ever told you to do in the event of an intruder but your mind goes blank from fright. Deciding to use the scalding water as your weapon, you slowly creep towards the door, your only plan being to fling the water on whoever it was as soon as they got the door open. As soon as you hear the lock click, you flick the lid open that covers the spout and draw your arm back.
Your husband jumps slightly, his eyes blinking rapidly in an effort to adjust to the dark living room. You reach beside him and quickly turn on the light, shakily letting out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. He looks exhausted, his hair is an absolute mess, and his eyes are red from sleep deprivation–– but he’s home. You set the tea kettle down on the coffee table and fling yourself into his arms, breathing in the scent of the man you haven’t seen in a month. He drops his bags at his feet so he can properly embrace you, pulling you into him.
“Merry Christmas, darling,” he presses a kiss to the top of your head and stays like that for a moment saying nothing, just breathing you in. “Missed ya so fuckin’ much.
“How? I thought…” you trail off. “You said that they said…”
Harry laughs quietly. “Remember what I told ya? I said to ‘em, ‘Don’t give a fuck about your travel restrictions! M’wife wants me home.’” You laugh at him, knowing he was far too kind to talk to anyone that way. 
“Yeah, okay,” you reply sarcastically. You pull him in for another hug, placing wet kisses along his jawline. “I’m so happy you’re home. The kids are gonna be over the moon, especially Allison.” Harry hums, surveying the room.
“Looks like you did a good job in here, Mrs. Claus. See ya even assembled some toys all by yourself,” he quirks an eyebrow. “Were you jus’ pretendin’ not to know how to do it all these years so I’d be stuck with all the hard labor?”
He pulls you back into him, tickling your sides. “My sneaky girl,” he bends down so his lips are level with your neck and sucks gently, causing you to let out a quiet moan. You see his eyes land on the tea kettle that was sitting forgotten on the coffee table. “Making a cuppa? Can I have one? ‘M freezin’.”
“I can think of something else we can do to get you warmed up,” you reach for his hands, interlocking his fingers with yours. “If you know what I’m gettin’ at.”
“Hmm…” Harry releases one of his hands from your grip and taps at his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “Not too sure I can say I know what you’re sayin’. Maybe you should just tell me?”
You frown. “You’re really gonna make me say it, huh?”
“Y’know I’d give you the entire world if you asked me for it. All you gotta do is tell me what you want from me and it’s yours–– ‘m sure you’ve known that since the first day we met, though.” Harry takes a step back, crossing his arms across his chest. Even in his thick winter coat, you can see the way his biceps flex, and it makes you even more feral for him.
“Fine,” you say quietly, feeling yourself start to grow shy under his intense gaze. “I’m kinda... in the mood.” You say it so softly that it would most likely be inaudible to Harry if he wasn’t standing mere inches away from you. Harry throws his head back in laughter and you quickly shush him, not wanting any of your children to wake up.
“In the mood? C’mon, pet,” he uncrosses his arms and reaches for one of your hands. “Tha’s not tellin’ me what you want from me. Tell me exactly what you want, lovie.”
“You know what I want, H,” you tell him with a hint of annoyance in your voice. “It’s been a month. Yanno I want you to fuck me, why are you makin’ me say it?”
Harry gives you a shit-eating grin. “You jus’ said it. I didn’t make you say anything.”
You roll your eyes at his immaturity, already in the process of lifting your nightshirt (one of his old t-shirts that’s become just a little too tight on him) over your head. “Are we gonna get to it or not? Because if not, I’ll just go back to makin’ myself some tea and call it a night––”
Harry takes half a step towards you and reaches up to cup your face, colliding his lips with yours. His lips are a little chapped and taste of his favorite rose lip balm. You feel your body relaxing into the kiss, knees going weak as he walks you back onto the couch.
“You’ve been eatin’ up all the sugar cookies, haven’t you? Can taste it on ya. Thought those were for Santa,” he’s pulled away from you to examine your face. “A bit naughty of you, wouldn’t ya say?”
“Please stop referring to yourself as Santa when we’re about to have sex, Harry.”
“You’re not bein’ very kind to the person that’s about to go down on you, are you?” He sucks harshly on the valley between your breasts, wanting to be sure a deep-colored bruise will appear on your skin later. “That’s okay. It is Christmas, after all. ‘M in a giving mood.”
“Stop talking and get to it then.”
Harry slides off the couch and onto his knees in between your legs, gently kissing your thighs. “Cute pair of undies–– s’like you knew I was comin’ home tonight.” Before you can respond Harry’s fingers are tugging at the waistband of your underwear, eager to get them off of you. He presses light kisses to your core, mumbling about how much he missed the smell of you and how sweet you tasted. 
One hand is resting across your stomach while the other one is in between your folds, spreading you open. You try squeezing your thighs around his head, overwhelmed by the feeling of your husband’s lips around your clit after being away from him for so long, but he removes his hand from your stomach and pushes your thighs back apart.
“Feels so good,” you’re breathless, tangling your fingers in Harry’s hair as his hollowed cheeks begin to suck more roughly on your clit. “Missed you so much. Missed this–– us.” 
Harry pauses momentarily to look up at you. “I know, angel. God, do I know.” He attaches his lips back on you, swirling his tongue around your clit as you  choke back your moans. The hand that is holding you open moves down to toy at your slit as he wordlessly checks to see if you’re okay with his fingers being in you. 
“Please,” you say softly, encouraging his next move. He spits on his index and pointer finger before slowly sliding both of them in you, immediately curling them up. “Oh, Harry. Fuckin’ love when you do tha’...”
“Know you do,” His response is curt, simple. He’s focused on the task at hand–– getting you off. He uses the hand that’s lying across your stomach to rub tight circles on your clit, sensing you’re nearing your orgasm from the way you’re starting to clench around him. “Such a good girl fo’ me, darlin’. Gonna make a mess on my fingers in a second, aren’t you?”
You nod as you try to control your breathing and the loudness of your moans. The last thing you wanted was for your daughter to come down to inspect the source of the noise. “Fuck, Harry.” 
“Come on, darlin’,” he gently pinches your clit, causing your body to jolt at the sensation. “Gimme a good one. A lil’ welcome back gift for me, hmm?” 
Your hips are bucking up to the rhythm of his fingers slipping in and out of you as your orgasm quickly approaches. “Har, I’m close…” it comes out sounding more like a warning than a statement. He moves the two fingers he has inside of you in a back and forth motion, coaxing your first orgasm out of you.
“Tha’s my girl,” he whispers, not stopping his movements even as your back arches as your first orgasm rolls over you like a giant wave. “Givin’ me a good one jus’ like I knew you would. Jus’ like you always do. M’ sweet girl.” As you’re starting to still, Harry pulls his fingers out of you and holds them up to your mouth, instructing you to suck them clean. 
You prop yourself up on your elbows so you can properly lean in to steal a kiss from him and notice a rather sizable tent has formed in his pants. Harry gives you a sheepish grin as he palms himself, hissing from the feel of his palm against his cock.
“Want me to do somethin’ about that?” You scoot over on the couch and pat the spot next to you, signaling for your husband to sit beside you. He lifts himself from his seated position, stretching his legs out a bit before plopping down beside you.
“Are you offerin’ me a blowie?”
“I mean, yeah?”
“Can we skip that an’ you can jus’ ride me instead? Think I’d quite like that.”
“Oh you would, would ya?”
Harry nods and unzips his pants, taking himself out. He licks his hand and gives himself a few pumps. “Still on birth control, I’m assuming?”
You roll your eyes as you move to straddle him. “Only been gone for a month, Harry. Of course ‘m still on it, you goof.”
“Can never be too careful. I don’t think now’s a good time for another lil’ one, do you? Think we should at least celebrate Oliver’s first birthday before we try for another one.” His hands are on his hips as he lines you up over his cock, helping you slowly sink down. You missed the burn of him which was even more intense than it usually was considering it’s been a while since he’s taken you.
“I think you’re right,” you reply. You rest your head on his shoulder while you adjust to the size of him, needing to take a moment to yourself before attempting to move. After a short adjustment period you begin rolling your hips, grinding against him in a way that was also bringing pleasure to your clit, still swollen and sensitive from your last orgasm.
Harry’s eyes are fixated on the way your breasts bounce in front of him, the way your stomach slightly jiggles each time you crash back down onto him. His lips are caught in between his teeth; you’re hoping he doesn’t break any skin so you don’t have to hear him whine about how badly the bruise hurts him later.
“Ridin’ me like your life depends on it,” Harry mutters. “Fuckin’ love takin’ you like this, angel. So fuckin’ deep.”
You simply hum in agreement, brain far too foggy to form a coherent sentence. Harry notices your movements starting to become smaller, lazier, so he puts his hands on your hips and decides to take over. He’s thrusting up into you like you’ll up and run away from him if he doesn’t give it his all. He cups your face with one hand and gently guides you towards him, pressing open-mouthed kisses against your lips.
“Fuck, H,” your eyes are squeezed shut and your wrap your arms around his neck, feeling your second orgasm quickly approaching. “Rub my clit please, almost there.”
Harry’s fingers immediately come down to rub at your slick nub, not faltering his relentless pace in the slightest. “Clench around me again, lovie,” his voice is higher than usual, whiny, and you know your husband is just as close as you are. “Love when you do tha’, jus’ need you to do it one more time.”
You do as he wishes once more, knowing once he cums you’ll be directly behind him. Harry lets out a string of expletives as he releases inside of you, pulling you tightly against his chest as he rides out his orgasm. You continue riding him, not slowly down as you chase your own release next.
“Harry,” you’re in a trance-like state, chanting his name over and over as you bring yourself over the edge. “Harry, fuck!”
“That’s my good girl,” he says quietly, rubbing your back as you rest your head on his shoulder while you catch your breath. You feel him beginning to soften inside of you so you lift yourself off and lay back on the couch, legs still shaking. It’s quiet for a couple of minutes as the two of you reveal in the afterglow of your orgasms, Harry gently running his fingers along your leg.
“Round two in the shower?”
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December 25th, 6:42 AM
“Mumma! Santa came and he left lots of toys–– Daddy?”
Harry lets out a dramatic “oof!” as Ally jumps onto him, pulling the covers back. Her eyes are wide and she giggles are Harry pulls her into one of his infamous bear hugs, placing kisses all over his face.
“Mornin’, love bug! What’re you doin’ up so early?”
“It’s Christmas, Daddy! Santa came!” she sits back on her feet, a confused look on her face. “Did Santa bring you on his sleigh last night after me ‘n Olly went to bed?”
“Y’know what? He told me to keep it a secret, but he did,” Allison gasps in response to his news as she processes it, placing a little hand over her mouth. Harry sits up and gets out of bed, scooping her up in the process. “How ‘bout we go make Mum a cuppa before we see what Santa got for you and Olly? Tha’ sound good? Let’s let them sleep for a while longer, hmm?”
As you hear them exit the room you take a second to reflect on how lucky you are to spend another Christmas with you beautiful family before drifting back off into a deep, albeit short, sleep.
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ootahime · 4 years ago
what is utahime’s role in the future? — a prediction (manga spoilers)
part 1 (unedited)
part 2 is here!
in this post, i will be analyzing the information we’ve been given about utahime so far to form a prediction about her future role in the jujutsu kaisen series. if you’re as interested in utahime’s character as i am, please feel free to keep reading :3 (i’ll also be talking about her relationship with gojo a bit too)
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soukatsu_ on twt!
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kaikaikitan on twt!
utahime iori is a semi-grade 1 sorcerer working as a student supervisor/teacher at kyoto jujutsu high school. she loves drinking beer and going to karaoke. she’s also close friends with shoko and she’s not particularly fond of gojo most of the time. what else do we know about her?
hates sweets (funny she’s the complete opposite of gojo)
she’s great at singing and it’s a huge part of her technique
squabbling with gojo became a reflex :3
everyone absolutely adores utahime
loves watching soccer and baseball
a terrible drunk (worse than naobito zenin)
gojo is her main source of stress
let’s dive into her personality and abilities!
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chapter 65
before i get into it, i think it’d be best if i were to explain the timeline because a lot of people seem to be confused about this one particular thing. utahime is born on february 18th, 1987. contrary to popular belief, she is not 3 years older than gojo. it is november 2018 in the story because gojo was sealed on halloween. if gojo was born on december 7th, 1989, that would mean that right now, he is only 28 years old. he has yet to turn 29.
the year is 2007. gojo satoru is a second year at tokyo jujutsu high school. the japanese school year begins in april which suggests that gojo is only 17 at the time (even if it’s not april, it doesn’t look like winter yet so it’s unlikely that he’s already 18). utahime is 20 because it is past february. she is a 2nd grade sorcerer at the age of 20. that’s not bad at all!
chapter 65 introduces young utahime and mei on a mission together within a cursed site. in real time, they’ve been gone for two days which is a cause of concern for gojo, shoko, and geto because the two haven’t contacted anyone since the beginning of their mission.  the two begin to suspect something is wrong because the hallway markers they’ve set in place disappeared, and no matter how far they travel within the halls, the end is nowhere in sight.  mei theorizes that the cursed spirit is overlapping the space as they travel forward.  utahime agrees with this speculation and proposes a plan to escape the cursed spirit’s grasp by moving erratically.  notice how she says that if one of them should escape, they can try to attack from the outside or call for help.  if utahime was not capable of inflicting damage on anything then she would have told mei to escape and attack if she can while she waited to be rescued.  however, she didn’t.  she included herself in the sentence which leads me to believe that she is capable of going on the offense if needed.  
keep in mind that at this point in time, mei is a grade 1 sorcerer.  she is knowledgeable about all things involving jujutsu because she is experienced and skillful.  we can see this aspect of her character illustrated when she theorizes that the cursed spirit is messing with the space they’re in.  she chooses to go with utahime’s plan because she agrees that it’s the best action moving forward.  this verifies that utahime is an intelligent girl that’s able to get along with pretty much anyone.  
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her intellect is demonstrated once again in chapter 79.  she was able to deduce the possibility of there being more than one traitor and the fact that one is probably a higher up.  she also narrowed down the mechamaru as the mole of kyoto not because he was acting suspicious but by process of elimination.  she thought thoroughly of his technique and how easy it would be for him to manipulate devices small enough to be undetectable.  
sure you can argue that she should already know all her students’ abilities and whatnot but you have to admit that it’s hard trying to sniff out the traitor when no one is acting suspicious.  in addition to that, how did she know that there was a traitor in the top brass?  i would have never guessed that tbh LOL (maybe bc im an idiot).
okay, now that we have established that she’s intelligent, let’s answer a more important question.  is utahime weak?
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chapter 33
if gojo calls utahime weak, does that mean there is some truth to it?  well it is true that she is weaker than him because he’s the strongest and all.  in my opinion, he’s just teasing her.  he probably found that calling her weak is what really riles her up.  maybe i’ll talk about why he loves teasing her so much in a later post.  but anyway, gojo calls everybody and their mom weak.  he even said jogo was weak and we know how powerful that guy is.  gojo’s words alone do not indicate much about utahime’s power.  in fact, i don’t even think he has seen her use her technique yet.  he’s probably only ever heard of how it works.  this is what i think their conversation about her technique was like:
gojo: hm?  ur cursed technique is singing?  can u show me?
utahime: what!  no way!  
gojo: why not?
*one of the classmates tells him that she can only use her CT once in a while because it consumes a lot of energy*
gojo: hahaha!  u have to conserve cursed energy to use ur CT?  why are u so weak, utahime?
utahime: i!  am!  your!  senpai!  respect!  me!
what i’m trying to say is that gojo loves poking fun of people.  we should not believe him when he calls someone weak because compared to him, everyone is weak.  
this is a little off topic but let’s examine him telling her, “and you don’t have the nerves, utahime.”  i think he’s trying to say that there’s no way she’ll ever do something like that because she’s not the type to put her students in danger.  remember the soft expression and relieved smile on her lips when she said that she was glad the students were safe after the kyoto incident?  gojo was directly in front of her so not only did he hear her say that, but he could have seen the look on her face too.  even if he told her that she didn’t have the guts to betray the school to get on her nerves, he knew that utahime simply cared too much about the students so he ruled her out as a suspect right away.  this is why he ultimately decided to confide in her and ask her to help him.  
i’m a person who loves over-analyzing things.  i really enjoy the dynamic between gojo and utahime.  they’ve known each other for more than 11 years and although they always bicker, there is an unspoken feeling of trust between the two.  gojo can do anything and everything by himself because he is truly the strongest person alive, but he still knows when to rely on others.  him deciding to entrust utahime with such a job implies that he believes in utahime’s abilities.
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chapter 52
she’s not using any cursed energy here--not to our knowledge at least.  this is just pure skill.  she was able to swiftly evade the swing from haruta.  he was surprised himself considering the fact that he was right behind her.  how do we know her CT isn’t speed?  after haruta swung at her, we can see that some of her hair got cut off.  if she was using her CT then speed should be her specialty.  she should have been able to completely avoid the attack altogether but she didn’t.  of course this isn’t a wow moment because jujutsu sorcerers should know how to dodge attacks, however, i’m just trying to get the point across that she’s not a defenseless person without her technique or others.  let’s not forget that semi-grade 1 isn’t a weak rank either.  you can’t simply be recommended to be a grade 1 sorcerer if you only can support others.  
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chapter 48
i want to bring up this panel. it suggests that utahime and takuma are sorcerers who have not experienced black flash and therefore, do not understand the essence of cursed energy as well as those who have like gojo and nanami.  i find it strange how takuma and utahime were used to represent sorcerers who haven’t experienced it yet.  is the purpose to demonstrate that there is a clear difference in skill between adult sorcerers like utahime and takuma compared to gojo and nanami?  i could be nitpicking but the order of todo’s statement doesn’t line up with the sorcerers being shown.  let me explain in depth.  todo starts off by saying, “for those who have experienced black flash as compared to those who have not...” wouldn’t it make more sense to show gojo and nanami on the right side to represent sorcerers who have experienced black flash?  that was mentioned first, after all.  gojo and nanami should appear when todo says “for those who have experience black flash” while utahime and takuma should be shown right after to personify the second part, “as compared to those who have not.”  i’m just making it more complicated than it actually is LOLOL i’m sure it really just means they haven’t experienced black flash yet, which is completely fine.  i also find it fascinating how they used utahime to contrast gojo.  with nanami and takuma it makes sense.  nanami is someone takuma looks up to, he wants to gain nanami’s approval before he deems himself worthy of a promotion. what about utahime and gojo?  what’s the purpose of comparing those two together when it’s obvious that gojo knows more about the essence of cursed energy more than anyone else?  i might be delusional whoops
let me know what you guys think?  this is only a part 1 so i haven’t gotten around to answering the question.  i’m pretty much done with the second part, i just need to revise it a little.  i think after i post part 2, i’ll try to interpret all the gojo and utahime moments in the manga >.<
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jtsfavslut · 4 years ago
Desperado [GD]
Description: Grayson participates in the famous November challenge, but Y/N has made it her mission to make him fail. 
Warnings: Ahh yes...smut, cinge, idk what else 
Word Count: 2.5K+
Touch starved.
The term was an understatement for your current situation. Why? Because your boyfriend decided to participate in the famous no nut fucking November. To say you hated it was another understatement.
You despised how committed he was to it. And to make matters worse, he didn't shave either.
And you being you, you were a whore for Grayson's beard. It was mid-November so it was right where you liked it, a bit past the scruff period.
Every Time you looked at him, your core did nothing but ache. Your legs clenched at the memory of how good he felt between them, his big arms wrapped around them; Holding you close to him as he made you cum for the 4th time that night with just his fingers and mouth.
"Penny for your thoughts?" His voice ranged in your head making you shake your filthy thoughts and memories away.
"Hmm?" you hummed turning to look at him, a smirk on his face disappearing when he licked his lips, coming back short after.
"Whatcha thinking about?"
"Nothing," you shrugged it off, but he knew. Grayson was fluent when it came to your body language, knowing what everything meant, even the slightest movement.
"Nothing? You've been staring at me and cleaning your legs, you're biting your lip and you're flushed. I know that look from a mile away, Angel," he taunted, making you turn your head and look away, scoffing in response.
"It's just hot in here. You have the heat all the way up," you murmured before getting up and walking away. 
"Are you serious?"
"It's just really hot in here that's all" an idea comes to mind and you strip your hoodie.
Grayson raises an eyebrow, already knowing where you're going with this "really"
"Yeah just really hot" you take your shirt off as well, leaving you in a bra and jeans, you were about to take off your pants before he verbally stopped you.
"Angel, don't you dare," his voice was stern and rough, letting you know you were working him up.
"What? I'm not doing anything bad, I'm gonna go swim," you replied before walking away, a smirk on your face, "To each their own Bailey, to each their own,"
"Keep it up, y/l/n," he whispered but you were long gone to even hear it, your feet dipped inside the cool pool water as you looked up at the clear sky.
Your attempt was a slight fail, it was good, just not good enough to crack Grayson.
Grayson Dolan was stubborn. Maybe as stubborn as they came, you blamed that on three things; his cockiness, his ego, and the fact that his top three had an influence on his personality.
But you couldn't give it. You had made it your mission throughout the entire month of November.
It was now the last day of the month, and you needed Grayson to crack. You needed him to crack hours before the month ended. You wanted to be as close as he could, yet as far as he could. Your plan was evil, perhaps it was, but it wasn't fair that you were forced to compete in a ridiculous, immature, high-school like bet.
You were sure this plan was going to work. You felt it in your bones. You were clever enough to use one of Grayson's qualities, and a few of his traits against himself.
If there's anything that Grayson was, other than stubborn, was dominant and jealous. One wrong look from a guy and he was railing you, fucking the pretty out of you, not that it worked since in his eyes, your prettiest state was when you were fucked out. Hair frazzled into all sorts of directions, a few beads of sweat dripping down your hairline onto your forehead, mouth slightly opened as deep, tired breaths fell past your lips, sore shaking legs, chest rising up as your eyes closed. A sight only he got to see, a sight he caused.
Your skimpy blood-red dress clutched onto your body in the most perfect way, a pair of matching heels covered your perfectly pedicured feet, a pair of silver snake earrings held onto your ears, and a simple matching snake necklace adorned your neck. A silver purse completed your outfit as you applied the last bit of gloss and highlighter you needed before slipping out of your vanity, grabbing your phone before leaving your room, walking towards the couch where Grayson laid on, a pair of gray sweats, with air forces, were present on his body.
"I'll be back around 2 am, don't wait up for me," you spoke, your nails suddenly becoming more interesting than a shirtless Grayson, "Peace you," you turned to walk away before his voice suddenly stopped you, a smirk making its way on and off of your face before you turned back around to face him.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, placing his phone down before sitting up straight, his once hazel eyes scanning your body up and down.
"Out, where else?" you carelessly replied as he chuckled.
"Out where? With who?" he questioned, a dry chuckle falling past your lips as you shook your head, clutching on to your purse.
"The club, with Vinnie, invited me out for some drinks," you replied, only receiving a glare and a scoff.
"Since when do you go clubbing?" he asked and you shrugged.
"Since when do you care?" you scoffed, "Anyways, he's here, I need to go, have fun," and with that, you were gone.
You were out the door, as Grayson's anger increased. Sure, he did trust you. But he also knew about your history with Vincent.
He knew everything, from how you went from best friends to fuck-buddies, to best friends again, so he felt a bit uncomfortable with you going out for drinks with someone you spent countless nights with.
Vinnie however, was aware of everything. He was your last resort. You knew how jealous Grayson got whenever he was around. Of course, he agreed, knowing how sexually active you were. He knew you couldn't last a month. He was in fact surprised you had gotten this far without touching yourself, which he knew because you told, just like you did with everything else.
"Do you think this will work?" He asked, taking a shot of the tequila he had ordered, "Like was he mad?"
"He was furious, you should've seen his face," you replied after swallowing the aged liquid, the slight burn giving you nothing but satisfaction, "He should be checking my location right about now," you giggled when the tiny typing bubble popped up in your texts with Grayson. It had been a few hours since you left, meaning Grayson was probably getting ready to bring you home and punish you for being bad and bratty.
"Hey, if he doesn't give you what you want, just know, I'm always up for you," Vinnie smirked, flashing his hand on your face, rings adore his fingers, as black nail polish perfectly laid on his nails.
"In your dreams Vincent," you playfully smacked his hand, knowing he was only playing around.
"You're right, you know? I liked you more when I had you to myself," he scoffed, shaking his head, taking another shot letting out a groan at the taste.
"Oh please V, I'm sure you have plenty of entertainment around," you rolled your eyes as you stared at his hands.
Oh, how you wished Grayson would accomplish your wishes of painting his nails black, but he claimed it was simply not his style. Of course, you understood, but you still wanted him to do it, it was, after all, something you found incredibly attractive.
"Not really, no one offers what I need, you know? They all like that vanilla shit, with the aftercare and soft shit,"
"But you did that with me?" you asked confused but he just shook his head.
"Because it's you. You gave me what I needed. But anyways, your boy toy is here," he spoke as he noticed Grayson walk in. An angry look on his face as he caught a glimpse of your back and Vinnie’s face.
"Ughh, finally," you scoffed as your core throbbed, your mind suddenly imaging certain scenarios on how Grayson would take you.
"What are you doing here?" You asked as soon as you felt his presence next to you, his cologne slapping you on the face.
"I came to pick you up and take you home," he said, no emotion laced with his voice, you mentally rolled your eyes.
Your hand reached up to Vincent's, intertwining your fingers with his before letting out a whine, "But we just started to have fun,"
"I don't care. We're leaving," he spoke before leaning down close to your ear, "You're gonna get it as soon as we get in the car,"
"Ughh fine. You're so boring. You should take a shot or two sometime," you dramatically sighed before letting go of Vinnie's hands and grabbing your phone and purse, "I'll see you another time V, love you, take care," you said, sending him a smirk in an angle that Grayson couldn't see.
"Love you too, don't do anything I wouldn't do," he waved you off as Grayson carefully dragged you out of the establishment. He had parked his car in an empty and abandoned parking lot, having a plan thought out for when he arrived at where you were at.
He opened the back door of his Tesla, before throwing you inside, making sure you wouldn't get hurt, but wanting the message that he was upset to get across, "You think you're funny? Acting like a whore, wearing a slutty outfit to go out with Vinnie? Teasing me all fucking month long, acting like a fucking bitch," he spoke as his fingers came in contact with your jaw, squeezing it in the most perfect way.
Never in his life did Grayson think he would call a woman a whore. But when you came along, you brought a Pandora's box with you. He wasn't sure degrading a female would get him laid, but you introduced it to him, at first it was weird, but he took a liking to it, only with you.
"I didn't do anything," you pouted against his hand, making his other hand squeeze your hip.
"Did I tell you to speak?"
"You asked," you scoffed, eyes widening as a burning sensation spread over your thigh, followed by a moan.
"Open," he muttered, tightening his grip on your jaw, making you open your mouth before he leaned down, doing something you thought Grayson Dolan would never do, "Swallow," he muttered after spitting in your mouth. You did what he said, no questions asked, and no ounce of hesitation in your body, "good girl," he whispered before moving down to between your legs.
His hands explored your legs before you felt a couple of cold things making you look down to find a couple of rings on his fingers, yet no nail polish.
"You wanna behave like a whore, I'll treat you like one," he smirked at your facial expression, he was loving every single second of what was happening, "Mouth of fingers? Never mind, you don't get to choose, don't you dare make a sound," he muttered before pulling down your underwear.
Your body slightly jumped and the long-awaited feeling of his fingers. You bit your lip, feeling so touched that just the slightest feeling of his two fingers spreading your arousal around, "Look at you, so desperate, and wet. It's pathetic," he chuckled making you shake your head before throwing it back as he slowly slipped a finger in, just one, feeling satisfied as you spread your legs and threw your head back, he added another one, and you felt out a whine, earning a thigh smack from him, "I said no sounds,"
He dipped his head down, just feeling the presence of his mouth near you pussy was enough to make you bite your lip, and hold back a moan as he pressed soft kissed on the inside of your legs, fingers wholly moving in and out of you, until he finally placed a soft kiss on your clit, and started moving his fingers faster.
You quickly moved your hand up to your lips, muffling any sound and moan that slipped out. The feeling of euphoria and ecstasy spread quickly over your body, and a knot started forming on your lower stomach at how good Grayson was eating you out and finger fucking you.
"Gray, Grays please," you started chanting his name, not being able to hold it back any longer, the amount of pressure building up was much more than what you could handle.
"You wanna cum for me Angel, Wanna be a good girl for daddy?" He teasingly asked, his fingers moving at a pace that you thought was impossible.
"Mhm, I do please. I'll be a good girl I promise,"
"Let it go, cum for me," as soon as the words slipped out, there was no holding back, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, as you let a pornographic like moan, squirting all over his face and making a mess in the back seat of his car, your vision had truly gone white, never feeling something as strong before, not that you minded, you loved every single second.
"Oh my God," was the only thing you managed to breathe out, finally opening your eyes after a few seconds, Grayson was above you, his white shirt having some wet patches, showing how good he truly made you feel.
"I don't think you should be saying his name right now," he smirked as you shook your head, "Not after this mess you made in my car, at least,"
"I know a perfect way to make up, but you know, it's still November so," you smirked, looking at your watch, the time being 11:51, he had nine more minutes.
"Really? How so?" He teased, picking you up as he sat down, placing you bare half on his black dress pants.
"To make you feel really fucking good, right here. In this car, and you can do anything you want to me," you smirked, palming him through his pants, his bulge was apparent, but you were running out of time. 11:55
"But it's only valid for today," you added, unblocking his belt before lifting yourself up to pull his pants down, You spit on your hand before moving it, just to make him harder and work him up a bit more.
"But you have to say yes,"
"Fuck just do it," he groaned before placing his hands on your hips, making sure to align himself before slamming you down on his dick.
"Look at you, couldn't even wait one more minute," you struggle to say as he bounced you up and down on his dick, loud groaning falling past his lips at how good you felt around him.
"Shut up,"
Please I am so sorry!!! This is so bad and gross, and I got carried away...I also wrote this in like an hour!! But I said I would do it so here we are!! Anyways yeah, if you made it here because you read it I love you!! And big thanks to @blazedgraysons for helping me and motivating me to write it, I love you bitch!!! 
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inwintersolitude · 2 years ago
- November 21st 2022 -
What type of milk do you like to drink? Just regular whole milk or 2% milk, even better if it's from one of the many local dairy farms. I like oat milk too, but I mostly use that in smoothies rather than drinking it.
Do you have a first aid kit at home? Yep, one in the upstairs hall closet and one in each of the cars.
What's the absolute bare minimum in terms of facilities when you're camping? I haven't been camping since I was 18 and I was extremely low-maintenance back then, I would have been fine with zero facilities at all (aside from just the gear I brought with me). Nowadays I don't think I could go camping, I know that sleeping on the ground or even on a cot would give me horrific back/neck pain.
How many places have you lived in your life? 11 different homes (12 if you count when I lived in campus housing). Seven towns/cities, across four states.
Are your parents dog or cat people? Is that different or the same as you? They're definitely dog people. They've never had a cat. I'm not really either a dog person or a cat person, I like parrots the best.
What's your favourite flavour of potato chip? I mildly dislike most potato chips, but barbecue or sour cream and onion are alright.
What's the longest your hair has ever been? How long is it now? It's currently the longest it's ever been. It's almost down to my elbows which is totally insane. I actually don't like it being this freakin long, but I hate going to salons and I tend to procrastinate on giving myself hair cuts.
What video games remind you of your childhood? Super Mario 64, Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Mario Kart 64.
What does your body wash or soap smell like? It has a very faint vanilla scent.
Are there are sounds that bother you on a visceral level? Yep... I have hyperacusis so pretty much any sound that's over 70 decibels (a little louder than conversation level) gives me nerve pain in my inner ears and feels like it's twice as loud as it really is. And it's way worse if it's a high-pitched sound. I wear earplugs or earmuffs on a daily basis, while cooking/washing dishes/going to the store/etc., they're quite literally accessibility aids for me.
What was the last thing you bought online? F10 veterinary disinfectant. I use it to clean my birds' cages/perches/toys/etc.
Name something you always have in your fridge. Milk. I drink tea every morning and always take it with a bit of milk.
Have you ever had to hire a lawyer? Why? Nope.
Have you taken a walk today? Did you see any dogs? Nope, it was like 10 below freezing all day today and I didn't feel like getting all bundled up for a walk.
What vegetable do you really hate? The only vegetable I dislike is cauliflower.
Does your family have any traditions or rituals? Yep, my husband and I have some. We give each other back massages every night before bed, and we go out for ice cream during a snowstorm at least once per winter. Probably some more that I'm forgetting. And also my parents/brother/grandparents and I have traditions from when I was growing up.
If you could learn any language, what would it be? I'd want to get better at French, or learn German.
What was the best thing that happened today? Something that seems minor can still be awesome. Dinner was really delicious.
Have you ever donated money to a charity? Which one? Yep, I make monthly donations to two charities. One is my state's abortion fund, and the other is a charity that helps further women's rights in developing countries.
Did you have a large circle of friends in high school? Not really. I was kind of a floater. I floated around between different groups of friends. I had a more cohesive group of friends when I was in middle school, though.
Would you ever get a matching tattoo with someone? Nope, I've never wanted any tattoos in general.
What are your top 5 favourite bands? Mozart (not a band but I'll still list his works as my favorite of all time), Beethoven (same thing), Pink Floyd, Metallica, Coldplay (but not their recent stuff).
What time do you usually go to sleep? Lmao, lately it's been like 4-5 a.m. But I likely have a circadian rhythm disorder and my body clock is just naturally delayed... it's just a bit TOO delayed lately. I need to try to get back to a 1-2 a.m. bedtime.
Do you have a job? Sort of. I swing trade stocks. I work so little that I have a hard time calling it a real job haha.
What colour are the plates in your kitchen? White with a thin navy band around the edges.
What was the last gift you received? I think it was flowers?
What is your Chinese zodiac animal? I don't know.
Are you inside right now? If you're home, what room of the house are you in? Yep. I'm in the smaller living room that we use as a study.
Are you good at remembering faces? Nope not at all. I have mild face blindness and I won't remember what a person looks like until I've seen them at least several times (unless their appearance is super distinctive, then I'll remember them more quickly).
What will you do after this survey? I might make a cup of chamomile tea.
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mrsseverussnape · 4 years ago
Love Is You - chapter 28/final
a/n: And we came to the final chapter... I hope you liked the journey with Scarlett. Give her a gift and share your final thoughts about her or the fanfiction❤️🌹🐾
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    It has been 7 months since Scarlett and Severus moved into Scarlett’s retirement house in Naxos. Severus has retired after he found out about Scarlett’s illness because he wanted to spend all of his time with Scarlett. Scarlett hasn’t wanted him to do that sacrifice for her but Severus was persistent. When they moved to Naxos in June, first couple of weeks passed with decorating the house; their choice of decoration style was a mix of coastal and Greek. After the decoration was done, Scarlett needed to accomplish her other retirement dream which was buying ducklings! Severus reconciled Scarlett that buying only 2 ducklings is enough. She has wanted more but they ended up buying a yellow one and a Rouen one. Scarlett named the Rouen one “Cookie” since it has dark spots and looked like a chocolate chip cookie, yellow one was Severus’s to name and he named it “Milky” just to go with cookie and milk theme. Luckily, Scarlett’s cat Athena got along with the ducklings and they all became the cutest trio ever.
    Scarlett and Severus had times of their lives during the whole summer in Naxos. They went to swimming, discovered every corner of the island, had long walks and many more; but their favourite activity to do together was sailing with their small boat and reading books middle of the sea. They believed that either island’s weather or those activities helped to ease Scarlett’s illness a bit. She wasn’t having heart aches or pains frequently and she has passed out only couple of times during the summer. She got even better when Carina and Leo came to visit her time to time. Scarlett wanted to spend rest of the year in Naxos too, they went to London for 2 weeks in September for Scarlett’s yearly check-up and to visit her parents and Carina since she was took Severus’s job after him. When they came back to the island, it was calmer than before since the summer season has ended and all the tourists were back at their countries. They liked it better that way and enjoyed the silence of the island. Everything was going good and well until November arrived. Like how trees lose their leaves in fall, Scarlett started to lose her health. Now she was waking up nauseous every morning and the moment she got off the bed dizziness was adding to it as a plus, some days she wasn’t able to eat anything whole day because of that. In addition to this her blackouts became more frequently, and she would faint regularly. Somedays Scarlett would be in such a bad mood and cry her eyes out until she fell asleep. These days were the worst ones for Severus, he would try his best to calm her down and ease her pain but after Scarlett fell asleep, Severus would go by the sea and cry there all by himself.
    Last week of November, Scarlett insisted to invite her children, her parents and Sirius to Naxos; saying that she wants to see them one last time. Those words stabbed Severus in the heart, and they had a small argument over it because Severus wanted her to believe that nothing will happen to her. But in the end Severus sent patronus messages to all of them, explaining the situation a bit. Scarlett haven’t said anything about her illness to anyone still. When they got Severus’s message, all was panicked and couldn’t understand what happened to her so suddenly. Her parents and Sirius apparated there in the same day with the message, Carina and Leo came in the night of the same day. Severus explained them her illness beforehand which did lead to an argument between them, they were angry that Severus hasn’t said anything to them until this day even in secret from Scarlett. But in the end, they all realized that arguing won’t help anything and it was time to see Scarlett. She wasn’t able to get out of the bed, so all went to see her in the bedroom. She was sleeping in the dark blue sheets which made her to look even paler than usual, her hair colour was the only lively thing on her at the moment.
Ricardus went over to his only daughter and woke her up by kissing her cheek softly. “Wake up princess...”
“Dad...” Scarlett looked at him sleepily and tried to sit up. “You came.” When she realized all the people she wanted to see was in the room, her sad eyes sparkled with happiness. “You all came!”
“Of course we did mummy!” Carina jumped on the bed to snuggle her.
“Be careful Carrie.” Leo warned her, he was extremely tense since he found out about his mother’s condition. Leo was the mummy’s boy since birth and he adored Scarlett in every way. Possibility of losing her was killing him.
“It’s fine Leo, come join us baby.” Scarlett held a shaky hand out for Leo who happily accepted it and snuggled into his mother too.
The air of the room was unexplainable, everybody’s eyes had a sad expression when their lips were forced into a smile. They were trying to have a cheerful day just to make Scarlett happy but deep down all of them was crying internally. Especially Sirius, he was very silent. He was blaming himself for what happened to his Scarlett, he has put so much stress and pressure on her because of the fuckery they have been through. He had one job; protect his family and keep it together but he has failed terribly. Sirius shook these thoughts off and turned his attention back to Scarlett. They all took some photos together and talked for hours. Scarlett hasn’t been that happy for a long time, she even ate some food with them. Her happiness calmed everybody down for a bit.
    The twins and Sirius have taken couple of days off from work so everybody would stay at the island. Severus was helping them to make the beds in the living room and the guest room, their house wasn’t that big so Ric and Aurelia would stay in the guest room while Sirius and the twins were sharing the living room. While they were on this, Scarlett wanted to talk with Sirius privately. Sirius went back to the bedroom where Scarlett was and sat next to her; silver eyes met with the forest green ones for the first time in a while.
“Yes kitten.” He smiled softly at her.
“I want you to promise me one thing.”
“What is it?”
“When... when i am gone, please take care of Carina and Leo also yourself. I want to make sure that you all will be just as fine even i am not with you here no more...”
“No no no, don’t say such things. I don’t wanna hear those, Scarlett.” Sirius held her hand tightly and kissed her knuckles. “We will see our kids’ weddings and have grandchildren; we will be the coolest grandparents! Where do you think you are going without doing any of these!?” Sirius joked but his eyes were filled with tears, he was having hard time while trying not to cry.
Scarlett’s lips trembled while the tears were running down on her cheeks. Her heart broke thinking that she won’t be able to see any of these events Sirius just said. “Don’t buy little motorbikes to our grandchildren for their first birthday.” Scarlett joked trying to change the mood.
“Ah damn, i was just thinking that!” Sirius laughed but shortly his laughter turned into sobs. He snuggled into Scarlett who was halfway laying, she wrapped one arm around him while playing with his hair with the other hand. This was the way how Sirius copes with sadness, he would rest his head on either Scarlett’s chest or lap and let her to play with his hair until he was calm again. But this time Scarlett cried with him too, they poured out all the sadness they held inside.
“My lawyer will give keys to each of you when i d... you know; i prepared 4 trunks with the things i want to give you, the twins and Severus. They are in the basement of my house. When the time comes, take them okay...?”
Sirius didn’t answer her question but instead he held onto her even more. Scarlett sighed but knew he would do what she asked him to do. She looked down at Sirius who was laying next to her, head rested on her chest. “I want you to know that, i was so happy with you and i didn’t have any regrets. I think our friendship and marriage were more than just decent, they were perfectly splendid. I loved you very much Sirius Orion Black, i still do.”
Sirius finally looked up at her face, his cheeks were wet from the tears he shed; he sat up slowly. “Scarlett Serafina Rose, i love you more and always will. You are the best thing ever happened to me. I am so so so sorry for all the times i made you sad, none of them were intentional... You are my one and only.” Without a thought, Sirius closed the gap between their faces and pressed his lips into hers. Familiar feeling of 26 years filled them but this kiss was different; it was a farewell kiss and both of them knew it. Their tears mixed into the kiss and Sirius couldn’t take it anymore; he run out of the room crying.
Severus came to their bedroom soon after he saw Sirius run outside. “How are you Scar?” He asked while changing into his pyjamas.
“Good, i guess...?” She had a weird feeling whole day since her loved ones came but she couldn’t understand what; it was like she was cured in a day.
Severus turned off the lights before came to bed, but Scarlett turned on their bedside lights immediately. Severus raised his eyebrows, Scarlett hated to sleep in a lighted room even it was just a tinniest light. She noticed his confusion and explained. “I wanna see you...”
“Why is that love? Did you miss me?” Severus hugged her and kissed her tear-stained cheek.
“I will miss you...”
Severus was about to ask her what she meant but before he could, Scarlett kissed him passionately. This took Severus by surprise; since Scarlett’s illness got worse, the only intimate moments they shared were soft and slow kisses. She slowly pulled away and whispered into his ear. “You are my first, my last and my everything. I will keep your love evermore, Severus. I love you.”
Severus was used to Scarlett’s regular farewell talks by now and he hated them because they just hurt him even more but that felt different. When Scarlett looked into his night-like eyes, he got lost in hers; Severus always loved how big and meaningful her eyes were.
“Tell me you love me...” Scarlett’s whisper brought him back to reality.
“I love you more than anything in the whole wide world Scarlett, you know that. You are my luck.” Severus kissed her one last time. Scarlett rested onto his chest then he started to sing their song “I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” to put her to sleep while playing with her hair. Her eyes closed slowly and she dived into a peaceful sleep.
    The next day a shriek woke everyone up; it was raining cats and dogs with loud thunders. The weather simply reflected everyone’s feelings about today. They were planning to stay couple of days more but they changed the plan and took Scarlett to London with them. London days weren’t any different, they were gloomy and smothery. Severus wanted to turn back to Naxos for Scarlett’s birthday, they have decided on celebrating it there this year and he wanted to make it happen.
    Severus was listening to a slow music from the record player and drinking some wine when his eyes caught the window, it was snowing for the first time this year in the island. Severus smiled happily thinking that Scarlett’s usual birthday wish was happening. Since it was midnight and officially her birthday, he ran up to their bedroom to wake her up and let her know about the snow. When he walked into the room, Scarlett was already awake in their bed. She was looking like a snow angel in her white satin sleeping gown, Severus grinned at her while moving the curtains aside.
“Surprise! Just how you wished for your birthday, love.”
“I haven’t wished for snow this year, i have only wished to be able to celebrate it...”
“We can start celebrations right now if you want, it passed midnight. Happy 56 my love!”
Scarlett didn’t respond to him; she was staring at him rather sorrowfully. He leaned against the wall behind him to support himself.
“I am not here, all of this happening in your head Severus...”
Severus shook his head while whispering “no” constantly.
“I died that night in your arms... It was your scream to wake everyone up in the following morning... You all took me to London for my funeral...”
“STOP! Please stop...”
Severus cried out while sliding down on wall to the floor. He buried his face into his palms and cried his heart out. When he calmed down, he kissed Scarlett’s promise ring which he was wearing on his pinkie now.
“I love you Scarlett... We will meet again…”
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A/n: ahhh this final chapter always makes me cry😭 i don’t know why i wrote it like that…
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If you wanna be on my taglist, let me
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leia-imogen · 4 years ago
aaron & the family he's found all by himself; vol. 2 // vol. 1
( ft. short jokes, a belated birthday shopping trip, & an ultra-chaotic winter break )
( for @criswisstuff & anyone who enjoyed the first one <3 )
savannah, who is 5'9, is constantly teasing aaron and cleo for being short. katelyn's good at 5'6, and also a bit impossible to tease bcs she's the actual best, so she gets to escape this
cleo ( 5'2 ) is perfectly delighted to have someone shorter than her for once in her life, even by only 2 inches
aaron: guys, just try and see this from my point of view
sav: [ collapses ]
katelyn: [ crouches down ]
cleo: [ sits cross-legged on floor ]
aaron: dude you're literally 2 inches taller than me
cleo: 2 and a quarter
sav is so smug about this but in a good-natured way, in that she and cleo call aaron "kid" or "kiddo" or "pipsqueak" and he doesn't mind bcs they always say it w such a huge smile and he likes to respond to sav with "how's the weather up there, tall-ass?"
and katelyn thinks it's ridiculously adorable how tiny aaron is and obviously she uses him as an armrest all the time
katelyn, petting aaron's hair: guys guys omg he's like an angsty mini blond kitten and i would kill for him <3
sav, popping up between them: mini-yard :))
before i get super distracted, i just wanna mention that aaron met sav and cleo towards the end of november, so they missed the twin's birthday
but sav still insists that she must take him shopping bcs sure his fashion sense is fine but there's always room for improvement, isn't there, aaron??
he relents, so long as she and cleo and katelyn ( who already gave him a birthday present?? why's she doing this??? ) don't spend too much money
sav drags him all around south carolina to the best thrift stores she can find and cleo and katelyn are amazed that she can get such fantastic deals on the supermodel clothes she wears
fr she's literally a fashion design major ( + minoring in business management ) and she shows up to class in skilfully done drugstore makeup and an absolutely killer outfit for like 15 bucks
she grew up poor, and she's still poor now, even if she ( thankfully ) managed to scrape a cheerleading scholarship
sav, flicking through a rack of dresses labelled $4 apiece: RIP to little miss rich bitch reynolds but i'm different ;)
no hate to allison she's awesome but she grew up in the lap of luxury surrounded by designer brands so she knows NOTHING about thrifting and rationing money in general
oh and sav and allison have kind of a frenemies thing going on bcs they're both fighting for the top spot of their fashion design course
they spend the whole day shopping and aaron ends up with a highly upgraded wardrobe that contains a lot of cute pastel stuff and sav's promise to do his makeup
aaron insists on paying for dinner at the really nice pizza place a short drive from campus even tho they all protest
and andrew knows he's found new friends, but has no idea that it's the vixens and he's dating one of them. nicky does tho, but he's sworn to secrecy
nicky thinks his new clothes are adorable and is stunned when aaron tells him the total cost
"oh my GOD that girl sounds like a genius."
"yeah, her name's sav. you guys,, would get along, i think."
okay now for the winter break part!!
i think that you can get permission to stay at dorms if you're an international student or something??
anyways since sav's super upset bcs her father straight-up told her not to come home bcs he has a new girlfriend ( god i hate sav's father )
katelyn would stay with her, but her dad can finally have her home in new york for christmas and she really doesn't want to miss it
cleo, the only one with a properly functional family, is going back to her big family house and loving parents and grandma and aunt and siblings and cousins. love that for her.
so aaron and sav are stuck at psu for 2 weeks and aaron's surprisingly cool with this. and sav's excited bcs for the first time since her mom died, she can spend her christmas with someone she actually wants around instead of her shitty-ass father and his constant stream of bitchy girlfriends
they spend a lot of time together, stealing food from the athlete's dining hall to make their own weird combos, which usually ends with aaron making something Cool and Interesting and sav gagging and spitting out whatever strange concoction she had previously insisted would taste good
i literally can't bring myself to give a shit about the twinyards' deal bcs andrew literally became best friends with renee?? and hooks up with guys at eden’s??? idk what's going on there but it's like andrew is trying to control aaron's life while he can do whatever he wants??? and honestly wtf????
also let me just make it clear that i ADORE andrew so so much he's one of my favourite comfort characters ever but i'm not gonna make excuses for his shitty behaviour. i fully believe he heals and puts away his pride to apologise to aaron, nicky, and kevin for his treatment of them
that's definitely not to say that aaron's internalised homophobia isn't eww, but with so many important people in his life gay, he makes a huge effort to get over it
so andrew just thinks that aaron is spending a lot of time in the library or out with nicky or something
and when aaron tells sav about this deal, she's kinda horrified, but it's pretty clear to her that aaron so desperately wants to fix his relationship with his brother, and she's not in any place to discourage him, is she?
the only thing she can do is hope that he won't come out all the worse for it
and stare at the boy curled up on the other end of the pale pink sofa cleo's parents had gotten, wonder just how much shit he'd been put through, and decide she was going to be his best friend
aaron's face has gone entirely impassive. sav nudges his fluffy-socked foot with her own, then reaches out to smooth the crease between his eyebrows. "careful, you'll wrinkle your pretty little face."
aaron is very caught off guard by this, and very promptly flushes bright red, which contrasts with the pale teal hoodie he stole from katelyn
"okay, enough talk about depressing crap. wanna go make christmas cookies now?"
so they make christmas cookies. well, it was supposed to be christmas cookies, but it turns into double chocolate fudge cookies somewhere along the line. neither of them knows how
them baking together is the definition of chaos. they're still blasting songs, and sav is singing along terribly
"yOu'Re A mEaN oNe, Mr. GrInCh," while poking aaron's cheek as he tries to mix something. he throws a handful of flour at her. "yOu ReAlLy ArE A hEel."
anyways obviously sav retaliates and that ends in a flour fight. it only stops when aaron deadass cracks an egg on sav's head and she smears chocolate into his hair
she also tries to make him sing along to baby, it's cold outside
"i'Ve GoT tO Go `wAAyyy~" she holds a spatula up to his face
"go away."
they video call katelyn, who takes one look at the mess in the cramped dorm kitchen and sighs so loudly and dramatically that her dad pops in and asks if everything's okay
aaron freezes up at the sight of him and sav quickly turns off the camera, bcs they both want to make good impressions on him, and being covered in various cookie ingredients just won't cut it, ya know?
the cookies turn out delicious and sav sends all their group chat various photos of the process, most of which consist of selfies with her making goofy faces while aaron is simultaneously baking and flipping off the camera
plus a several videos of sav enthusiastically dancing and mouthing the lyrics of, as follows, all i want for christmas is you, let it snow, and santa claus is coming to town and aggressively pointing a spatula at aaron
"c'mon aari, just sing! please??? please???? please you can do it i believe in you!!"
finally he just. gives up. "okay, you know what? fine, i'll sing to ONE and then you will STOP bothering me you insolent dumbass."
sav beams. santa baby starts playing. aaron is very clearly going through five stages of grief in 0.5 seconds
"go on," sav says sweetly as she slides in next to a pouting aaron, "i'll sing with you."
sav slings an arm around his shoulder and sways with him, so it's just her doing that and him grumpily mumbling the lyrics
and when the cookies are cooling down, they start cleaning the kitchen up. aaron rubs some spilled egg yolk into sav's hair but it goes pretty okay otherwise, since they're just listening to more christmas songs and chatting about light stuff, like aaron's biochem course, sav's fashion course, and their dumb classmates
aaron mostly listens tho, and learns that sav kind of hates allison reynolds for giving up her inheritance when she would do ANYTHING for even the tiniest fraction of that money
but she still thinks allison's gorgeous bcs c'mon
and that sav's dream is to one day open her own boutique!!
aaron spends most of the actual christmas day with the monsters at eden's bcs nicky and andrew wanted to
he spent a lot of the time texting on their group chat
doessavvyisgay: so u just go to a nightclub every week??
unaliveme: i mean yeah, i literally worked here for a while. we needed money and nicky was already working 2 jobs night and day
actualblessing: babe ur backstory is so tragic
unaliveme: i'm a fox for a reason ig
cleo.magda: Yes but-
doessavvyisgay renamed this conversation "aaron miniyard support group"
unaliveme: oh ffs
unaliveme: sav subject change go
doessavvyisgay: i'm at the clothes store what should i get?
actualblessing: something pretty :)
doessavvyisgay: sorry, i can't buy the cashier
cleo.magda: Wow.
doessavvyisgay: I DID GET HER NUMBER THO
unaliveme: lmaooo what's her name?
doessavvyisgay: uh
unaliveme: savannah istg u don't even know her name??
actualblessing: s a v
actualblessing: damn u really do be turning on the Charm tho
actualblessing: respect i didn't even talk to aaron till i asked him for notes bcs he has rly pretty notes and also a rly pretty face
actualblessing: and even then i was like :0
doessavvyisgay: u 2 = the only valid heterosexual couple
actualblessing: rt
unaliveme: oh shit i'm getting super drunk
cleo.magda: Aaron, you drink? That's not legal, get out of there right now. Kids these days-
unaliveme: cleo u have literally seen me get drunk af,, the first time we met,,, and anyways this is how my family bonds ✌🏻
doessavvyisgay: that's. so damn weird kiddo but go off ig
actualblessing: no go find better things to bond about other than alcohol and weird sweaty dancing
cleo.magda: Yeah, go watch some Christmas movies!
unaliveme: nicky makes us watch die hard every year
doessavvyisgay: see u in hell, kiddo ;)
cleo.magda: I meant things like The Polar Express and Home Alone.
actualblessing: merry christmas ya filthy animals!!
doessavvyisgay: merry xmas y'all i'm gonna go to that christmas party bcs i'm super bored
unaliveme: merry christmas mothers and fuckers
cleo.magda: Merry Christmas, you guys!
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theoddsideofme · 3 years ago
Hi! I most likely have Porphyria; i’m getting genetic testing very soon. I was sickest this year (21’) but my first skin attack came in November of 18’ with just a full-body rash of severe milia. It felt like fire was burning under my skin. I was relatively fine (besides the constant vomiting) until February of 21’ - this was when my first major blisters appeared. I lost so much weight from the vomiting - I was 88 lbs at my lowest. At the worst times, even artificial light burned me - I couldn’t stand to be in a lighted room. Of course, I got sent to the psych ward for observation. I stood in the corner of that observation room - it was the only dark place. I went blind and they didn’t believe me; I accidentally broke their towel dispensar and they said I was violent and forcefully sedated me (I was just blind). I also had a grand mal seizure on August 14th of this year - an “induced”! seizure from 5 doubled rounds of antibiotics combined with one near-fatal dose of hormonal birth control. I took the hormonal BC about 2 hours before the seizure. I sustained minor brain damage from it. But i’ve discovered how to somewhat “cure” my symptoms - I just avoid sunlight at all costs, eat LOTS of sugar, and wear a lot of SPF. I haven’t had an attack since early October! I wish you nothing but the best - don’t hesitate to message me if you want to vent about your symptoms!!! <3
I’m so sorry sweetie. How horrific for you. 😞 No one seems to understand what we go through. Even though we suffer from different things the symptoms are similar. I have Solar urticaria and a autoimmune disease. Yes avoiding the sun and even indoor lighting is the main thing. Bathing in SPF is quite an ordeal. It’s quite a job to do all these things.I don’t know about you, but get your vitamin d levels checked. Mine are severely low but taking it seems to trigger severe allergy symptoms. I’ve been taking Heliocare which has helped tremendously with sun flare ups during emergencies and it’s easily to find on Amazon. I also am on hydroxyzine which makes those sun flares not so bad anymore. The burning is unreal and usually the only relief is freezing yourself in a ice bath. Over 65 degrees anywhere starts all of it up too. My immune system seems to think the sun and heat is a virus which is annoying as fuck. Mixed connective tissue disease is slowly making me worse. You are beautiful and young ! I hope things will get better for you! Think of one good thing. When you get older you will still be still beautiful and not have aged a day because the sun hasn’t touched your skin. That’s why most people well , don’t age well 🤣🤫. My cousin asked me the other day what the hell was I using to still look the same. I told her embalming fluid! Ha! Then I told her to Stay the fuck out of the sun. Take care of yourself sweetie and have hope one day we will find a answer and live normal lives again ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Message me anytime! Stay strong 💪
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jaskiers-sweetkiss · 4 years ago
The 4 Times Luke Got Sick + The 1 Time He Got Julie Sick
Pairing: Julie x Alive!Luke (college AU)
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: light swearing, non-fatal illness
Summary: Luke was always getting sick. It was probably the worst things about being roommates with him, Julie decided. That, and when they’d first moved into their dorm Freshman year of college he’d tried to hit on all her friends. It seemed like every year the poor guy went through at least one serious bout of illness that Julie would have to practically nurse him back to health from.
A/N: I got 2 anon requests for sick!Juke this week, one for a College Roommates AU where Luke constantly gets sick and Julie takes care of him and another where they’re friends and neighbors but have crushes on each other that don’t come to light until they both get sick together feat. Mothering Rose. I decided to combine them since they had a similar theme, I hope that’s alright! As per usual, let me know what you think and send me a message if you’d like to be added to my taglist! Also, I am taking requests right now so feel free to send those in!
1 - Freshman Year
“Juuuulie,” Luke called from his bedroom.
“Whaaaat?” Julie called back from her own room, making no attempt to get up from her bed.
“Can you come here so we can stop yelling?” He whined and she rolled her eyes but rolled out of her bed unceremoniously.
Given the coed nature of the dorms, they were each provided a small separate bedroom connected with a combined living room space that currently could use a good vacuuming, she noted as she walked through it before pausing at Luke’s door. It was only about three months into the semester and while Luke and Julie had become fast friends through their love of music, she hadn’t really been in his room before.
She raised her fist to give a hesitant knock, not really sure what the protocol was.
“You can come in,” he laughed but for the first time in their conversation, Julie noticed that his voice seemed a little off.
When she stepped into the room she immediately knew why. Luke lay in bed, slightly propped up by his pillow. She immediately noticed how red his face and nose, in particular, looked and the pile of used tissues next to the bed.
“Woah, dude, are you sick?” Julie exclaimed, immediately taking a step back in an attempted to put as much distance between herself and the sick boy as possible.
“Yeah,” he croaked sheepishly, “Sorry, I guess I should’ve warned you.”
“Ya think?” She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest but smirking to let him know she wasn’t that mad about it. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Um, yeah, actually. I was gonna ask if you could run down to the market and get me some chicken noodle soup?”
Julie nodded, happy to be able to help her sick friend.
“Sure! Is there any medication I can pick up from the pharmacy for you or anything?” She offered but he shook his head, pulling open the top drawer of his bedside table revealing that it was full of various medicines.
“I, uh, came prepared,” he said with a self-deprecating chuckle. “My immune system is pretty shit.”
Julie nodded.
“I better get you that soup then, huh?” She said kindly, starting to feel awkward lingering in the doorway.
“My wallet is in my jacket pocket,” Luke offered, pointing to the coat hanging in his closet.
Julie nodded in silent thanks as she pocketed the piece of leather, closing the door on her way out. Despite the sunshine, it was a short but chilly walk to the campus market, which was fortunately only a couple of blocks away from their residence hall. She located the soup fairly quickly but stopped to look through the tea options, grabbing a box of peppermint and chamomile tea bags. The check-out process was fast and she was back in her dorm only a few minutes later.
Before even taking off her coat or slipping off her shoes, she put the soup in the microwave and started up her electric kettle. While she was waiting she then busied herself with hanging up her coat in her own closet and leaving her shoes in their designated spot by the door.
“What are you doing out there, Molina?” Luke groaned from his room when the kettle started whistling.
She quickly switched it off, bustling around the designated “kitchen” area of their dorm for a mug to start steeping the peppermint tea. No sooner than she placed the teabag into the mug had the microwaved beeped, signaling that the soup was ready. Bowl in one hand and mug in the other, Julie pushed the door open with her shoulder, slowly stepping into the room in an attempt not to spill either of the hot liquids in her hands.
She gingerly set the mug on a cleared space on Luke’s desk before handing him the chicken noodle soup.
“What’s that?” He asked, gesturing to the mug with his spoon before eating some of the soup.
“It’s peppermint tea,” she answered factually. “My mom always makes it for me when I’m sick, it supposed to help with congestion and should soothe your throat.”
“You’re the best, Molina,” Luke said graciously, slurping another mouthful of soup.
“Damn right I am!” Julie laughed, “Let me know if you need anything else, I’ll be in my room.”
2 - Sophomore Year
Julie wasn’t entirely sure why she hadn’t anticipated this. Maybe she’d hoped that all the elderberry and echinacea tea she’d made him drink last year had actually helped his immune system, but nope. November had rolled around and with it, cold season and cold season meant that Luke would undoubtedly get sick. He wasn’t lying, his immune system really was shit. This year was worse though. While last year it had been a series of bad colds, this year it was the flu.
She’d found out when he’d vomited in the middle of a rehearsal with the band they’d formed at the end of the previous year with two other guys they’d met in one of their music classes.
She’d been keeping an eye on him all day as he’d been shivering a lot and seemed especially pale but she had figured the boy knew his immune system better than anyone else and would say something if he was feeling sick. Obviously not.
“Oh my gosh, Luke! Are you okay?” She gasped, rushing over to rub his back soothingly as he bent over the trash can in the spare music room they’d occupied for rehearsal.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” he said, waving her off as he stood back up with the intention of picking his guitar back up.
However, Julie stopped him, placing her hand against his forehead with a frown.
“You have a fever.” She said disapprovingly and he sighed.
“It’s fine Molina, we gotta practice.”
“Nuh-uh.” She insisted sternly, sticking out an arm to hold him in place. “You are not gonna get the rest of us sick. I’m driving you to the campus health center and then we’re going home.”
Luke huffed and rolled his eyes but relented, moving to slide his electric into its case and grab his jacket.
“Whatever you say, boss.”
“We’ll see you guys later,” Julie sent Alex and Reggie an exasperated smile before following the boy out.  
The campus health center confirmed Julie’s suspicions, it was the flu. They picked up his prescription medicine at the campus pharmacy next door before heading back to their shared dorm.
“Will you make me soup?” Luke pleaded as Julie made sure he was settled comfortably in his bed, his lip stuck out in an irrefutable pout. “And Mama Molina’s special tea?”
Julie smiled at the nickname which Luke had coined last year as Julie often referenced her mother when taking care of the seemingly constantly sick boy. The name had stuck and then been made official when the guys had visited her over the summer break and Luke had accidentally called her mother it. Rose Molina fell in love with it instantly and now Luke, Alex, and Reggie all exclusively referred to her as such.
“Of course,” she said, rolling her eyes lightly. There was nothing special about Mama Molina’s tea, it was just a cup of peppermint tea with a little bit of honey but it had seemed to work wonders for Luke last year and he much preferred it to the cocktail of cough syrup and sinus pills he’d normally take.
As she delivered the steaming soup and tea, Julie prayed that her superior immune system and flu shot would keep her safe from contracting her roommate’s illness while she took care of him. Still, she tried her best to keep her distance while keeping an eye on him.
She started him on a new Netflix series in an attempt to keep him from going stir crazy in the dorm while she was in class. She picked up all his missing work and made sure he had plenty of soup and tea (peppermint in the daytime to clear up congestion and soothe his cough, and chamomile in the evening to help him sleep).
“You’re too good for me, Molina.” He said sleepily as she tucked him into bed one night.
“I know,” she responded with a smirk, patting his cheek lightly before leaving, turning off the light as she went.
3 - Junior Year
Luke’s annual illness came later the next year. All November and December Julie was on high alert, ready at a moment’s notice to grab a can of chicken noodle soup from their cupboards and start up the kettle, but the moment never came. They’d finally moved out of the dorms this year, now living in an off-campus apartment with Alex and Reggie, which meant they had more room for Julie to store her supply of soup and tea and she had two backup caregivers.
When the new year rolled around and Luke still hadn’t shown any signs of getting sick, Julie had remarked,
“Maybe you’ve finally built up your immune system enough.”
The next week Luke was calling for her from his room across the hall.
It was the flu again but this time it was easier.
Julie, Alex, and Reggie took turns taking care of their sick roommate while the others were in classes, though everyone agreed that Julie had to be in charge of the tea. Despite Julie’s insistence that it was easy to make, Alex and Reggie refused after their first attempts had been scorned by Luke who insisted they did it wrong.
“You are such a drama queen,” she’d said, rolling her eyes at the boy as she delivered the tea.
“You’re the best, Molina.” He’d said as he took a sip, ignoring her comment on his dramatics.
“Shut up and drink your tea.” Julie laughed, brushing off the compliment as she turned on Netflix, taking a seat on the other side of the living room.
4 - Senior Year
After what all their friends had insisted was years of tension and pining, Luke and Julie got together just in time for Luke to catch pneumonia. It was the worst virus Luke had caught yet and Julie was silently glad that their relationship was new enough that they hadn’t kissed yet. Judging by Luke’s state, she hoped she never got pneumonia.
He had a fever for the first few days and Julie, Alex, and Reggie did their best to keep their distance, only coming into his room to deliver soup, tea, water, and medicine. Once the fever had disappeared, Luke was allowed to rejoin the rest, though only from a distance. The four roommates spending the afternoons in the living room together to keep the boy company as he laid on the couch. Still, even with the fever gone Luke spent the next week and a half nearly hacking up his lungs every time he coughed and with stabbing chest pains.
“You’re not eating your soup,” Julie noticed one afternoon as she did her homework on the opposite side of the living room, Alex and Reggie both in class.
“I’m not hungry,” Luke whined, pushing the bowl farther away on the coffee table.
Julie frowned, getting up from her armchair to perch across from him on the coffee table, picking up the bowl.
“Babe, you’ve gotta eat,” Julie said pointedly and Luke frowned at the term of endearment, knowing she was using it to convince him to do what she said. “The doctor said you’d have a loss of appetite, but you need to eat.”
“C’mon, open up,” she instructed, holding out a spoonful of soup.
Luke huffed, glaring at his girlfriend but opening his mouth anyway, allowing her to spoon-feed him.
“Wow, I did not think Luke could get any needier,” Reggie remarked as he stepped into the apartment, Alex coming in behind him.
“Don’t get used to that,” he added, “Cause I will not feed you while Julie’s in class.”
Julie laughed, ruffling her boyfriend’s hair affectionately before feeding him another spoonful.
“I don’t deserve you, Molina,” he said affectionately between bites.
“Don’t you forget it, Patterson,” she smiled.
+ 1 Year Later
After graduation in May, Julie and the Phantoms released their first full album and began their first tour in the fall thanks to the large following they’d accrued through their posts on YouTube since sophomore year and the success of their album. They’d had been touring for a couple of months before they finally took a break, just in time for Christmas.
Alex, Reggie, and Julie had all made plans to spend the break with their families, Reggie staying with his older sister and their family and Alex and Julie with their respective parents. However, Luke’s parents had found themselves on a business trip out of the country which is how the boy ended up spending his first Christmas at the Molina’s. Ray and Rose had been more than happy to have the boy stay with them when Julie explained the situation, though Ray had insisted on a strict policy of the two never being alone in the same room before Rose reminded him that Julie and Luke had been living together for five years and were grown adults.
The Molinas and Luke had a lovely Christmas together but when Julie woke up two days later she wished they had instituted her dad’s No Alone Time policy. She groggily made her way to the kitchen, rifling through the pantry for the peppermint tea to soothe her sore throat and hopefully clear up her sinuses. Before she could get very far though, her mom walked into the kitchen, immediately catching on to what she was doing. Julie rarely reached for tea on her own, hot chocolate being her hot beverage of preference, so Rose knew something must be up when she found her daughter rifling through the tea shelf.
“Go lay on the couch, Niña,” she insisted, ushering her daughter out of the kitchen, “I’ll take care of this.”
Julie did as she said, finding her favorite blanket from the basket in the corner and cuddling up on the couch. Her mom came in a few minutes later with her favorite mug in hand, setting it down on the coffee table in front of Julie.
“Don’t burn yourself, it’s hot,” Rose warned, placing a soft kiss on the top of her daughter’s head and patting her shoulder gently before returning to the kitchen to start on breakfast for the family.
It was only a couple of minutes later that Luke stumbled down the stairs calling her name.
“Juuuulie?” he pouted as he made his way into the living room. “Will you make me some tea?”
Her eyes went wide with the realization of how she’d gotten sick as she clutched her own mug of tea in her hands.
“So this is your fault,” she gasped, voice thick due to the congestion.
“What?” Luke asked, tilting his head in confusion, the fogginess in his brain from having just woken up and being sick preventing him from connecting the dots quickly.
“You got me sick.” She accused, narrowing her eyes at her boyfriend who’s eyes widened in response.
“Oh my gosh, seriously?” He asked, concern immediately filling his voice. “I’m sorry Jules.”
“I haven’t gotten sick in over four years and all it takes is one germy kiss from you,” she whined and Luke barked out a laugh before wincing at the pain it caused his throat.
“Well, the good news is we can recover together,” he said, plopping down on the couch and snuggling into her side.
“Luke, honey, do you need a blanket?” Rose asked as she returned to the living room, another cup of tea in hand, the woman obviously having overheard them from the kitchen. Luke nodded sheepishly and Rose smiled, setting the tea down in front of him and crossing the room to grab a blanket.
“Thank you, Mama Molina,” he said graciously, wrapping himself in the fleece material and picking up his tea.
“Anything to get the two of you better before you have to go back on tour,” she said, patting both their shoulders lovingly before going back to her cooking.
Julie groaned at the reminder. They were supposed to start back on the road in a week, but with Luke’s track record of illnesses, there was no knowing how long either of them would be sick this time.
Fortunately, thanks to a diet of Rose’s homemade chicken noodle soup and tea remedy as well as medication, Julie and Luke were feeling better in a couple of days.
“I’d always known, but now I really see where you got your nursing skills from,” Luke remarked on the first morning he’d woken up able to breathe through his nose.
Julie grinned.
“You sure are lucky to have the Molina women in your life,” she teased.
“Damn right.” He nodded sincerely.
JATP Taglist: @meangirlsx @morganayennefertyrell
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donaidk · 4 years ago
Nyck de Vries - Overwritten Plans
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So, this one. This wouldn’t be the next one, but as I just really couldn’t start the Marcus & Callum one yet (my mood wasn’t in the right place for that one), I had to get this done so I won’t get stuck. I really hope this contains enough angst for you, as after re-reading maybe I went a bit soft in between scenes 😅 I really hope you will like it Anon, and that you don’t mind me choosing Nyck. You didn’t give me a driver, and as I was watching back the FE season while writing, he just brought all the inspiration I needed 🥺😂 Thank you so much for requesting, and have a great start to your week 🧡🧡
Slight TW: car crash (no ones hurt, non descriptive), birth (non descriptive)
Masterlist | Taglist/Queue | Request
Having to watch all the races from home felt like torture. Going from travelling with him everywhere, to just sitting around at home and keeping up with him by phone calls and the TV coverage was strange. For the first 2 months I didn’t even mind as we were getting ready for the birth, but then nothing went as we planned. Firstly, we thought Nyck would have time to be home but then by getting a seat in Formula E he had to start the season in November already. If that wasn’t enough, my due date was at the start of January, meaning he would be able to come home, but it never started. When he was about to leave for Mexico city to continue the season, I was still sporting a bump and slowly giving up on anything happening while he’s still at home. The only thing I could hope for was the baby waiting for Nyck to get back home before going to Morocco as I really didn’t want to go through something like this without him. We didn’t plan everything just for fun, but because that’s how we wanted the birth to happen.
Before he left we managed to at least get me moved into his parent’s house, as he didn’t feel content with me staying home alone. I wasn’t the happiest with the idea, but with my family living far away it was the only way to get me under 24/7 supervision. I didn’t feel like it would be needed as I was capable of everything, not really affected by the usual pregnancy symptoms, but I just gave up the fight, knowing they wanted the best for me. I would also never give up company if it was offered so nicely to me, my relationship with his family helping the situation a lot. They always made sure I knew they looked at me as part of the family, right from the first moment of Nyck introducing me to them. After hearing so many stories about the families hating each other and not accepting of their kid’s partner, I really appreciated them. Going into our life together it was a relief that I didn’t have to fear them being dismissive towards me or trying to break us apart.
“ How are you? ” I heard his voice as soon as FaceTime finally connected, but his face wasn’t visible on the screen yet. “ And don’t you dare hold back just because I have a race. ” He added, finally leaning over his phone so I could see his face, which was a bit more serious than I thought it would be.
“ I’m fine, really. I don’t feel anything else than how I’m like a whale. ” I sighed out, a smile getting onto my face just at the sight of him. “ I just hope it stays this way for the next few days. Until you get back, finally. ” I added, fixing my position a little with leaning back fully. There wasn’t anymore a position that felt relaxing while sitting or laying down, as everything was just in the way.
“ I’m flying back as soon as possible. The team knows already, and they won’t mind me leaving all the packing up for them. ” He was trying to get ready and get his suit up over the underlayer while at the same time looking at me on his phone, which made me smile. He would have been quicker probably if he focused on only one thing, but I couldn’t get myself to just wrap up our call.
“ Yeah, thanks. Usually I would say you should stay and help, but… not this time. ” I shook my head a little, looking up at his mum with a smile when she entered the living room. “ Even if I have all the help I can ask for, it’s not the same. ” A sigh got out of me as I knew his parents did everything possible. Sadly they couldn’t help with how much I was missing Nyck since he flew out to Mexico. No one could, other than him.
“ I know… we planned everything for a reason, but sometimes life doesn’t go as we want it to. ” He took the device in his hand when the suit was finally on him and he could sit down on the bed. “ At least it didn’t go wrong, just didn’t work out as we wanted. ” He added, making me nod in agreement. He was right, it could have been a lot worse if there were complications or any health problems.
“ Luckily. And we will have time before your next race. Not a lot, but at least you can get home for a bit. ” I sent him a smile before I could hear someone open the door to his room and he looked up too.
“ We’re going to need you in like five minutes. ” I could hear his trainer talking while saw him nodding at the info before looking back down at his phone. I could see that he didn’t really want to leave, but it was still his job to go out there and drive the race.
“ Go, I’m gonna be here when you’re finished. ” I told him with a smile, seeing as he stood up with a sigh. “ Good luck, and be careful. ” I added, before the both of us sent a kiss to the other and not gladly, but put down the call.
While they were only showing interviews and some highlights from previous races I went to the kitchen to get a tea ready for myself. I knew the little amount of caffeine it offered would be needed, as I already felt a bit tired and we weren’t even at the start of the race. I patiently waited for the kettle to finally go off so I could pour the boiling water over the tea bag in my favourite mug. I was the first one to sit down on the couch with my legs pulled up, before Hendrik took a seat in the armchair to my right, paying a bit more attention to the reporters than I did. I was mostly watching because of Nyck, while his dad was more into the sport itself and was watching it even before there was someone we knew driving in it.
I felt a bit more energetic when the cars were finally on the track and soon took their positions on the grid. A smile got on my face as they showed Nyck’s car, still trying to hide it with the mug as I usually did. Sometimes it felt like I was too head over heels for him, but I couldn’t help myself. I couldn’t help either as I started turning the thin engagement ring on my finger, as it was a reflex for me at the start of the races. It was a kind of lucky charm for me to do so, in a way being there for him even if I was on the other side of the world sometimes. It usually worked and as they took off with Nyck up to second in just a few turns I could say it was successful once again. With a relieved sigh I went back to drinking my tea and slowly layed down when my back started hurting a bit.
We were almost half an hour into the race when I started to become a bit tired. Nyck’s start was perfect, starting at the top and getting a position almost immediately, but then was a bit unlucky and fell back a few. He was still doing good and had time to get back at them and fight himself up the order. I was just sitting up to look at Hendrik, who was in the kitchen behind the couch I was lying on, when we heard the commentators raise their voices. Turning my head back towards the TV screen I could see the white smoke around Nyck’s black Mercedes as he was trying to stop while going straight towards the wall. My fingers clutched at the blanket in my lap as on the way he hit Frijns, before he arrived at the wall and hit it quite hard. Luckily it was the softer barriers not just a concrete wall but you could still see how instantly the car came to a stop. My eyes were stuck to the screen as they showed his team and I was still holding my breath as his radio animation came up.
“ He’s probably okay. Wasn’t the worst crash ever. ” I heard Hendrik as he tried to calm me down, his hands coming onto my shoulders while standing behind the couch. Sadly it didn’t really work as they only showed replays and we could only hear Nyck’s engineer asking about him but there was no answer.
We stayed in the same position, my stomach turning at how they were still not saying anything. When the radio animation came up again and in the next second we could finally hear his voice a sob almost ran out of me. I had my face in my palms, leaning forward a tiny bit as my elbows were propped onto my knees. He still sounded a bit out of breath, his voice hoarser than usual which didn’t ease any bit of my anxiety as in the next second they were already back to showing the leaders. I knew that to them he was only one of the drivers, meaning they didn’t really focus on him while the race was still running. It was only when they showed him getting out of his car, which was already pushed off track, when I could let out the breath that was stuck in my lungs. He was in one piece and well enough to walk back to the pit on his own. That’s a good sign, isn’t it?
My phone was in my hands in an instant after letting it fall to the ground in the shock we experienced. I almost started ringing him, but realised he wouldn’t have his phone with him anyways and gave up on my idea. I was just stuck in my seat, waiting for any footage of him, but they never delivered, only keeping the cameras on the track. For a second I got scared when my device started vibrating and ringing with a well known tune that was linked to Nyck’s contact. Seeing his name on the screen was a surprise, but I accepted the call immediately, lifting the phone to my ears.
“ Are you okay? ” I was the quickest to start talking. “ I mean we saw you walking and that you’re alright, but did you hurt yourself? ” I couldn’t stop myself, hearing as he let out a quiet chuckle at my rambling.
“ Perfectly fine. Hit my side a little and I was confused for a second, but nothing to worry about. ” Nyck assured me, his voice having a calming effect on my anxiety as I could feel it leave my body finally. “ My ego is more bruised than my body. ” He added with a sigh and as he stayed silent I could hear the team behind him who were still working with Stoffel.
“ You can survive that I think. ” I smiled in front of myself, drinking the last remaining sip of tea I still had. “ Early evening then? ” I asked him, in a way not minding that I didn’t have to stay up for longer. Usually it took longer after the race ended to get him into a call, but today’s events meant after we were done here I could go to sleep quite early.
“ Guess so. I’m pretty sure you don’t mind it too much. ” The smile in his voice was almost audible, and I couldn’t deny what he said. Although usually I was easily functioning on 5 or 6 hours, in the last few months I needed at least 8 not to bite off someone’s head during the day.
“ I would rather you be out there than to have an early night. ” I shrugged a little, disappointed a little that this wasn’t a FaceTime call and I couldn’t see him. “ But there’s at least one good thing about today. After knowing you’re not hurt, of course. ” 
“ Maybe I can even catch an earlier flight. Make the good list one bit longer. ” Nyck’s idea made me smile, as him getting home earlier was always great news. “ I’ll just pack up, thank the guys and leave if they don’t need me too much. Everyone will understand. ” He added, the background noises getting quieter as he probably went back to his changing room and closed the door on himself.
“ But only if they really don’t need you. ” I told him while taking a deep breath to calm myself down. Every time he got to travel home earlier than planned was exciting, but in this situation it was everything I could have asked for.
We disconnected the call after a few minutes of talking when it was official that the team would allow him to leave early. I always liked them and knew they were really understanding, supporting Nyck in his every decision since he signed to them. It was the same with his off-track life, as they acknowledged our situation and always made sure their driver could take part in scans and milestone events even after they started the season. Most would say this is the least they can do for their employees, but working in the racing world was usually cruel to your life outside it. You had to find the right place to completely feel supported and not lose control over your own life.
Keeping my unspoken promise, after getting off the couch I did call it a night and went to have a shower. I felt the last bits of stress leave my body as the warm water enveloped me for a few minutes, before I got some pajamas on. Falling into bed never felt better before and I closed my eyes with a content sigh. The house was slowly turning silent as I could hear Nyck’s parents taking turns in the bathroom, with his room right across it. First I thought it was only the few noises coming from the outside that kept me up, but even when the only sound was my own breathing and heartbeat it still wasn’t enough somehow.
Although I never truly fell asleep, at 5 a.m. it felt like I was waking up from the worst sleep of my life. It took a second or two to make me realise what actually woke me up as the pain around my lower abdomen and stomach slowly registered in my mind, and it immediately switched into panic. I got out of bed with a groan, slowly stumbling to the door and down the hallway so I could notify everyone. They were all quick to react, considering it was just dawn and they must have been tired still. While one of them helped me change into some real clothing and get the packed duffle bag from the wardrobe, the other one tried reaching their son, although he was probably on the plane already and didn’t pick up. My only hope was that either the flight will be shorter then announced, or I will somehow get to wait for him.
In the end it wasn’t my decision, but as I wasn’t dialating enough we were still just at the labor part, slowly crawling to the point where we could get on with it. I almost couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing when Nyck entered the room, still with his backpack with him, and I was sure all the other luggage was either outside the room or in the car as he probably didn’t go home to drop them off. As my anxiety was over the top, the doctor letting us know that we should soon get to the birth as there could be complications otherwise, him getting here in time was the perfect surprise. Turns out it was also perfectly timed as just half an hour later we could finally take the last step, everyone other than me calming down that it won’t get to a cesarean. I truly just wanted to be finished with all of this and the pain. We waited enough for her.
Almost all of my energy and also strength was gone when the midwife finally held our baby in her hands, although there was an eerie silence around the room as she never cried out. I saw her getting up to put her down on a small counter and check over her, although she was completely blocking our view. My heart was stuck in my throat and I could feel tears running down my cheeks as we were waiting for seconds that felt like eternity. Nyck got my attention onto him by squeezing my hand and leaving a kiss on my forehead. I was just about to turn away from the scene and probably break down when we finally heard a little noise and then a baby crying. My head immediately lifted, looking at the midwife who was bringing the little bundle toward us with a relieved smile on her face.
“ She just needed a little bit of coaxing. ” She added with a quiet chuckle while handing her to me. My hands were still shaking a little but as seen as I felt her weight they finally stopped and let me hug her to myself. “ I’ll steal him for a minute, but make it real quick, okay? ” She asked, motioning for Nyck to follow her, probably to get a few informations and signatures from him.
With one last glance at the little girl he left my bedside, letting the grandparents get closer until he got back. It felt like I was in a trance, looking down at her and not really managing to break my eyes away from her now calm face. Time flew by without me noticing anything that was happening around me. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that she finally arrived, that we finally had our Ilse with us now. Looking back at the last more than 9 months, it was unbelievable that we didn’t go crazy while waiting for this moment. Not knowing how this will feel, was probably our only saviour. When Nyck finally arrived back, I sent him a sleepy smile and welcomed his kiss, although I didn’t have the energy to do anything other than lay there and smile.
“ Would Dad like to hold her? ” The nurse asked when everything was finally cleaned up and organized, with only family staying in the room. They already had time to check her out while Nyck made sure the paperwork was done, before coming back into the room.
“ Yes! How could I say no to that? ” Nyck asked back with a low chuckle, following instructions and taking a seat in the armchair close to my bed with his shirt off for skin-to-skin contact. I gladly let the nurse take Ilse from me and carefully lay her down on her dad’s chest, before smoothing a soft blanket over them so they won’t catch a cold. “ Welkom in de wereld kleintje. ” He looked down at her and I could see as his arms gently enveloped her tiny body under the blanket.
I did catch a glimpse of his bruised ribs and knew they would be turning an angry purple color in the following days, but I couldn’t really care at the sight of them together. Whatever happened in the last few days was now really the past, being part of a previous chapter, and not the one we were living through now. It felt like such a big turning point, even if we have known for the last 9 and a bit more months that it’s gonna happen. It was a surprise that wasn’t actually a surprise, as we already knew what the gender of the baby is and approximately when she’s going to arrive.
“ This feels unbelievable. ” I stated, even though I knew he was probably thinking the same and I wasn’t sharing anything new with him. “ I really don’t know how we’re gonna wait another 9 months with the next one. ” I shook my head a little and could see as Nyck tried to hold back his laughter.
“ You just went through the birth, something that’s so painful I can’t even imagine how it feels… but you’re already thinking about the next one? ” He asked back, forcing himself to look up at me. His words made me think for a second, realising how surreal it sounded actually.
“ It’s probably just the hormones. Although, we did mention more, and not just one. ” I reminded him, shrugging a little and feeling as my eyes started slowly closing. “ But I need a nap first… probably a month long nap at least. ” I let out a yawn, but forced myself to look at them again, only letting sleep take over me when I saw that Ilse fell asleep too. This way I won’t miss a lot from her first moments.
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littleoddwriter · 4 years ago
Hello! I have three things to tell you: 1) You're the best and I'm happy to know you! 2) I wonder when did you start writing on Tumblr 3) I would like to request you a story with Zsaszmask and their son Andrew when they are not very happy to discover that their "little boy" hangs out with Harley. Humor and fluff would be nice! Thnks in advance and have a nice day!
Sacrifices | Roman Sionis x Victor Zsasz | ZsaszMask | KidFic
1) Thank you so much, I’m happy to know you as well! <3 2) Actually, I only started last year in early November! After having taken a break from writing altogether for 4 years, I got back into it with ZsaszMask fics and then thought to write Reader ones as well and post them here, and here we are now. :D
3) This is probably not very humorous, but I hope you like it anyway! Thanks so much for the request, it was quite the delight. :) <3
summary; see above.
notes; TW // Mention of/Implied Past Child Abuse; Misogyny (this is written in Roman’s POV, so- you know) and Ableist Language. Domestic Fluff; Kid Fic; Painting Nails; Group Hug; a tiny bit of angst, I guess? Also, this plays before BoP, so Harley is still with the Joker and Andy is 15 here instead of 17 like in the last fic!
Roman and Victor had been out attending business most of their late afternoon. It hasn’t taken as long as they had anticipated, though, as Sionis has reached a compromise and secured a deal with his business partner relatively soon.
Apparently, Andrew – their fifteen-year-old son – hadn’t expected them to be home so early, either.
When the two men had entered the loft, they could already hear this really obnoxious voice and accent. Harley fucking Quinn.
What the fuck was the Joker’s little princess doing here?
Roman glared at his partner, who just shrugged, frowning as well.
“Fix me a Martini. I’ll go take a look at what the fuck is going on here. ‘Kay?” Sionis said and headed towards his son’s room, not waiting for an answer from Zsasz.
Stopping at Andrew’s room’s doorway, Roman took in the atrocious scene that was happening right in front of him.
Harley was painting Andrew’s nails.
Harley motherfucking Quinn was painting his son’s fucking fingernails.
Clearing his throat, Roman drew their attention to him. It should have been on him the moment he’s stopped to stand there, but they were too caught up talking and laughing with each other. It disgusted him. This was his son! He wasn’t supposed to tattle with the woman he hated most (right after his own mother anyway).
When Andrew noticed him, he jumped a little, probably surprised to see him.
How long have these two been friends without Roman even knowing it?
“Dad- Hey, uh-,” Andrew started, chuckling nervously.
“Oh! Hiya, Romy! You’re home already? Or did we lose track of time, Andy Baby?” Harley chirped so fucking sickeningly, that stupid bitch.
“We came home early. That’s not important, though. What’s important is what the fuck you are doing here?” Roman asked, fuming already, and took some steps towards the other two.
“Painting our nails, silly! What else does it look like? And here, Andy’s nails are so pretty now!” The crazy bitch said, shoving his son’s hands into Roman’s face, making him look.
Begrudgingly, Sionis had to admit that the glittery baby-blue nail polish fit his son really well, but he wasn’t going to say it out loud. Not when she was listening, too.
“That’s not what I meant, Ms. Quinn,” Roman sneered, “I want to know what you are doing here, in my apartment, with my son. How long has this been going on, hm?”
“A couple of months,” Andrew finally piped up, “I like Harley! She is fun to hang out with, dad.”
“Awww, Andy Baby, you’re fun to spend time with, too! See, Romy, it’s all fine! What’s the buzz about, anyway?”
Clenching his jaw, Roman forced himself to take a deep breath, trying so hard not to explode then and there. He wasn’t scared of Harley, but her stupid “Clown Prince” – boyfriend – wasn’t someone he necessarily wanted to be on the bad side of.
“It’s nothing. Still, I’d prefer it if you could leave, now, Ms. Quinn. I’d like to spend some private family time with my son and partner, ‘kay?” Roman hoped she’d catch on and leave without any big theatrics; he really wasn’t going to able to hold onto the last shred of his patience for much longer.
Harley made a sad little sound, playing it up big time, but then she nodded, grinning so stupidly. “Fine, I’ll leave! I’ll see you soon then, Andy?”
“Uh, yeah, sure. Bye, Harley. And thanks for the nails,” Andrew said, hugging the crazy bitch, before she got up, patted Roman on the cheek and left, skipping to the door.
Roman was glad that he was going to wash his face anyway. Now he had all the more reason to scrub it thoroughly, though.
Cautiously, Andrew got up from his bed, which he’s sat on with Harley the entire time. “Dad?” he asked quietly.
Before Roman could reply, Victor finally came back with his Martini. He downed it in one go, desperate for the liquor to numb some of the pain he felt.
“So, what exactly was that Harley-Bitch doing here?” Zsasz asked, ever so gracefully.
Roman looked at Andrew expectantly, “Why don’t you tell your father why she was here, hm?”
He knew he was being an asshole; he should give it a rest and just pretend as though none of this happened, but he just couldn’t. He felt betrayed by his own son, and he was just so fucking pissed because of Harley’s mere presence anyway.
“Uh, well, we’re friends. And she came over to paint my nails while you were gone. I didn’t expect you back so early. I’m sorry,” Andy explained, fidgeting with his hands nervously.
At the sight of his son being so nervous – scared, Roman’s heart clenched painfully. He knew what that was like. Worse even. He didn’t want to be like his own father. He should do better. He wanted to do better.
“Well, you know how much we don’t like having her here, Andrew. You shouldn’t have let her come to the apartment in the first place,” Victor responded calmly.
Roman was a bit in awe of his partner and how well he was handling this – so much better than he was.
“I know, I’m really sorry. I wasn’t thinking, I guess. Can I stay friends with her, though? Please?”
Sionis sighed, setting his Martini glass down on his son’s bedside table. “Come here,” he murmured, stretching his arms out in invitation, all anger gone and exchanged for a strange kind of sadness he’s not felt since Andy was still just a boy.
Andrew took some cautious steps towards him and when he was right in front of him, Roman wrapped his arms around his boy, who reciprocated the embrace immediately, resting his head sideways on his father’s chest.
“You too, Victor,” Roman then said and Zsasz immediately joined in, embracing them both tightly.
“So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Andy asked, his voice a little muffled by the hug.
“No, baby. I’m-,” Roman sighed heavily, the next words not coming out of him very easily, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. My differences with Harley shouldn’t extend to you. If you want to be friends with her, so be it. But don’t meet with her here in the future, ‘kay?”
“Yeah, alright, that’s fair. Thanks, dad.” Momentarily, Andrew’s arms tightened around his waist, eliciting a genuine smile from Roman.
“Show your dad and me your nails, will you? I want to see them properly, now.”
They all let go of each other and Andrew lifted his hands, spread his fingers and let his dads inspect them.
“Looks good,” Victor commented, smiling crookedly.
“Agreed. As much as I hate her, she did a good job painting your nails. Not only that, but the colour looks incredible on you, my boy.”
Giggling, Andrew’s cheeks turned a light pink colour. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Roman replied softly, gently stroking his boy’s cheek with his knuckles.
While Roman would never be able to like Harley, he guessed that perhaps he should at least try to tolerate her some more. For Andrew. He wanted to do him right and that meant making some sacrifices, as he’s had to learn from the very beginning of adopting him. It would be okay, though, as long as Andrew never ended up hating his guts the way Roman did with his own father.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Monday 21 December 1835
8 ¾
11 10
No kiss ready in an hour - better this morning but still a little headache - fine hard frosty morning breakfast at 9 ¾ to 10 35 at which hour F35° hanging out of my study window to the south .:. a little affected by the sun that seems as if ½ inclined to appear - Had Charles H- - long while settling with him from 17 September to 14 November having paid him £20 in a/c during this time besides a little bill or 2, the rest being unsettled so long on account of the Barraclough cottage job - and for this (£17.15.0 ¼ +11/-) Mark Town has paid him so that he (Charles H-) had to give me back £8.13.3 this morning - did not get out till near one - Robert Mann and Wood had just dined and the other 2 men came in a few minutes - they had done moving the clay from underneath the Rockwork before dinner so set them at work in the farmyard this afternoon - they set the [watering] trough - and began rough dry wall to hold up footway along the pigsties - Mr. Jubb came soon after 1 - went upstairs with him to my aunt - much the same as yesterday - the fluttering still continues - she does not gain ground but does not seem worse - lay in bed as yesterday till 4pm then got up - Everybody else going on well - John Clarke may come back into the house again tomorrow morning - brought Mr Jubb in the blue room for a minute laughed and made him feel A-‘s pulse and my own - I much better - she well - tho’ I had had a good deal of headache - out again at 2 - and saw A- off to Cliff Hill about 2 ½ and back about 4 ¼ pm - in the farmyard - went down the walk to the tail goit - Joseph Mann not there - he and his men helping him busy flitting to Whiskam cottage - then went to Mytholm - told Aquilla Green’s wife to tell him I had had  a man this morning purporting to be from Mr. Edward Alexander to ask leave to take a tree or 2 that had been felled at Belvide along the Cowgate road - refused leave - my uncle had refused giving leave and said I had refused always before as I did now - I did not know Mr Edward Alexander had anything to do with Belvide[re] - if he Mr. EA- wanted anything of me he had best come and ask himself and not send him (the man who came) to ask for it - Aquilla Green not to give leave (on any account) to any passing to or from Belvide[re] along the Cowgate road - than a few minutes at Hannah Green’s just to ask her how she did, as I happened to be there -- home by the road - the Lower fishpond not yet full - Robert Mann and c° had discovered a leak this morning near the hollies at this end - stopped it, and the pond had risen ½ a inch since - so that they hope there will be more leakage - then in the farmyard - went to the Lodge - nobody there - the frost stops them - then walked on the terrace till came in at 5 ¼ - dressed - A- and I went to my aunt - sent A- away in about 10 minutes and then I sat with my aunt till dinner at 6 - she seems as well as yesterday evening - dinner at 6 - coffee - ½ hour with my father and Marian - then A- busy to her accounts in the blue room and I at mine in my study - a minute or 2 with my aunt at 10 at which hour F33° fine frosty day.
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pamgkrthwrites · 5 years ago
Flame of Healing | EsaerMic x Reader | Chapter 4 - Arms
Masterlist | AO3
Warnings: Time skip, major cuts, Soulmate AU, Large age gap mention, slight gore(broken bones), mention of death, mention of lost virginity, mention of running away, denying of grief, grief avoidance, a slow chapter. 
Word Count: 2028
Taglist: @stargazingaloneatnight
A/N: I have lesbian plans for Ms Joke, I’ll say that now. I was going to mention this new law in the last chapter but I decided to mention in passing here because we needed to focus more on Oboro. His death will be a big deal for all these three soulmate babies.  Also, I really do not want to write a first time, so it is canon that reader has had a couple of relationships and hookups. ALSO ALSO, the group mention will also play a big part. This is the chapter to foreshadow A BUNCH of shit. Hope you all enjoy.
It had been 4 years since Oboro’s death, 3 years since you finished school and 2 years since you started working for hero agency as a nurse. 
You had been hurting ever since you were told Oboro died. You might not have talked to him in that last year of his life, but that made it worse for you. His was your best friend throughout middle school, and no one was going to replace him. 
You hadn’t bumped into your soulmates since that day in the street either. You heard about Hizashi all the time though. He was very loud and hard to take your eyes from whenever he was on TV. Shouta never appeared on TV though. 
You were all turning 21 this year, which meant only one thing.
Soulmate reveal.
It was a law that passed a year ago in response to people unable to find their soulmate. Your name, soulmates names, quirks, family, job, date of birth, address and a picture of you were on a database. Once the youngest soulmate turned 21, the information on you would be released to the other party. 
The guy who wrote the final draft choice the age 21 because he got his soulmate’s name at 21, but justified as ‘Well what if they want to go out drinking? The age to drink is 21.’ 
America was the country who made it and other countries started to follow suit so that cross country soulmates could still meet. 
This somehow opened up a question most had ignored until now. 
What if someone didn’t want to meet their soulmate or didn’t want to date them?
The Anti-Soulmate movement had grown, and you were apart of the group. The local group would meet once a week and would talk about a wild range of things. A lot of people got up and confessed they met someone before meeting their soulmate and love them instead. Some revealed their age gap with their soulmate grossed them out. Some revealed they had no knows, and didn’t want to be told that they couldn’t love anyone. 
And somehow it turned into a dating hub.
You knew you were being watched, but no one knew your true name. You once again gave up your middle name when meeting people in the group. You had joined in your last year of school and had been dating and doing hookups since. 
You were watching the news, the morning of the 5th of July. The news was talking about the celebration in America about the 4th of July. Then, Hizashi came on.
Your heart sank when you saw his face, heard him speak. His was a public figure so his birthday was already revealed to be in 2 days. 
“Hello, Japan!” He greeted with a wide smile on his face. “America has been going crazy with their party, which I will be able to relate to in a couple of days!” He laughed.
The news anchor smiled. “Yes, I heard your 21st is in two days! Are you excited to meet your soulmate?”
Mic awkwardly laughed. “Funny thing! I met one of my soulmates in UA!” Mic looked at the camera. “Hey Shouta, baby!”
You chuckled, he was a drama queen. He loved the camera, he even started his own podcast.
Even though you didn’t want to meet them, you didn’t move, did legally change your name, and listened in to Hizashi whenever you could. 
“He is the youngest out of us two, but we don’t know if he is the youngest in our soulmates.”
Unlike you, Hizashi became open about his soulmate status, probably to get your attention. Everyone knew he had two names, and he was the most vocal about it. He surprisingly cleared up a lot of horrible rumours about 2 name soulmates and there hadn’t been any slander on them since. 
Well, to your knowledge, you still covered their names up.
“And when is Shouta birthday, Mic?”
You breathed in. You were on the edge of your seat, you needed to know your timeframe to move out of the city.
He smiled. “November 8th.”
4 months, you could move countries in 4 months, right?
“Good morning Miss L/N!” Smiled Ms Joke at you as she walked into the building behind you.
You smiled back in return. “Good Morning Senpai, how are you?”
Even though it was not asked of you, you called all the Heroes in the building Senpai. You didn’t call Heroes from other Agencies Senpai, you called them by their hero name. It was kinda wired as Ms Joke was 2 years younger than you.
“You won’t believe who I met last night on patrol!” She smiled with a light blush.
“Who did you meet, Senpai?” You asked as you pressed the button for the elevator. 
“Eraserhead!” She smiled brightly. “He acts like an old grumpy man! Haha.”
You hadn’t heard much of Esaerhead, you knew he was an underground hero who kept to himself.
“What does he look like? I’ve only heard of him.” You state and the elevator doors ding.
“He has messy black hair, unshaven face, tired eyes, and he wears a dark green suit, black boots, and a light grey wrap scarf.” Ms Joke answered as you both stepped into the elevator. You pressed the button to the floor above while she pressed the floor where the heroes training station was. 
You looked back to when you talk to Shouta, the night Oboro died. He wore something like that.
“Does he also wear goggles?” You asked.
Her face lit up and she smiled and nodded. “YES! Have you met him before?!”
Sadly, yes. It was Shouta. He sounded the same since that day, maybe besides the messy hair and tired eyes.
“Kinda, he was just in my friend’s class. Only saw him twice.” You brushed the answer off.
The doors binged opened to your floor and you walked through. Ms Joke smiled and waved you goodbye before the doors closed. 
You weren’t a fan of Joke, you weren’t friends, just saw each other at work enough to know each other names but not well enough to invite places. 
You head over to your station to start off your day as per usual on a Monday morning. 
“Hello Listener!”
“Sorry ‘bout this, but I got permission from your agency to get you help.”
Hizashi was standing in your healing booth, with a give bruise down his right arm, possibly broken.
“...That’s fine Present Mic.” You spoke softly. “Sit down and I’ll get started.”
Mic sat down and whined a little at his arm. You sat down next to him and pulled up the fabric of his clothing to see full damage.
“May I ask what happened?” You asked softly as you placed your hand on his arm and activated your quirk. 
Mic whined at the touch but as the bruise started to fade the more willing he was too it. “Yeah I was happily talking to some fans and a baddie ran past so I tried to stop him but he threw me into a building.”
“Ouch. Did the guy get away?” You asked as your deactivate your work and checked his arm to make sure it had been properly taken care of. 
“Nah, some other heroes were there and took care of it.” He answered as he watched you. “Have we met before Listener?”
You stopped and looked up at him. His eyes were so intense and it made you shiver. You wanted to fall and you couldn’t take your hands away from him.
“...Yes, first-year, I was friends with Shirakumo.” You answered softly as you took away your hands.
You both became quite. You both knew the situation around him, and that it was hard on both of you for different reasons.
“I… See…” He said as he tried to avoid the situation. “Do I have to do extra care with my arm?”
You can tell he cringed at asking after such a wired moment. You both were avoiding it and it was best you both got away from it.
“It might be a little tight for a couple of days, so just stretch it and massage it.”
“Great!” He smiled, awkwardly. “May I leave?”
You nodded your head and he zipped past you. You watched him make a beeline to the exist and leave before saying goodbye to anyone. 
You let out a breath, and you noticed how fast your heart was pounding. 
Was that the first time you ever touch one of your soulmates? You didn’t even notice how strong the will to not take your hand away was until he left. Your hand left so heavy yet empty once your hand was away.
You were going to have to go out on Friday night. 
You walked into your apartment and left out a deep breath. You kicked off your shoes and dropped your bag to the floor. You face-first into the couch and sighed. You pulled up the couch blanket and turned on the TV.
You groaned and closed your eyes to briefly rest your eyes. 
“There is currently an attack and the underground hero Eraserhead the first responder to the situation.”
Your eyes snapped open and you sat up to watch. 
Your heart dropped once you saw his face, he really was like how Ms Joke described him. He looked so tired. 
You didn’t get to see his eyes - more like you couldn’t because of the goggles. His left shoulder was slightly dripping, making it looked like he was in pain.
You weren’t paying attention to what the anchor was saying, all you could do was focus on Shouta as you started to do soft rubs into his name on your wrist.
You notice him flinch a little regarding his left wrist, he must be feeling the pain in his shoulder down to his arm.
You saw a girl with green hair running towards the fight and try to make the baddie docile. 
Your heart dropped when you figured out it was Ms Joke. 
You quickly took note of what street they were one, noticing they were close by. 
You quickly got up to put on your shoes to start running over there.
You got there when the fight looked like it was ending, as police were there and the baddie was tied up with a grey scarf. 
“L/N!” You heard before you were hugged tightly by the woman with green hair.
She let you go and you saw the smiling face of Ms Joke.
“Senpai, are you okay?” You asked as you touched her arm and activated your quirk to heal anything. “I saw you on the news and rushed over.”
“Aww, aren’t you just the cutest thing.” She smiled widely. “I’m fine, nothing too damaged.”
You saw Shouta walking towards you two with a glare in his eye, an angry glare. You made a whining sound and avoided eye contact.
Ms Joke turned and smiled brightly at Shouta.
“Eraserhead! Your shoulder is hurt, right? You can get healed from my lady friend here!”
You briefly looked up at him and he only glared.
“Lady friend?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“...Kinda, I am a healer at the agency Ms Joke Senpai works for.” You answered.
He was silent for a moment until he brought out his left arm, your name showing. “Could you-?”
“Of course, it’s my job.” You reached out to his arm and activated your quirk to heal him. You did your best but you couldn’t avoid to briefly touch your name on his wrist.
Ms Joke stared with a big smile as she read your name on his wrist.
When you were done you let go and deactivated your work. “It will be stiff for a day at most, so rest it. Stretch it before training and going out.”
“Thank you.” He said sweetly.
He took a couple of seconds before walking away from you two.
“Hiding from your soulmate, F/N L/N?” Ms Joke teased with a smirk on her face.
You looked up at her and sighed. “Soulmates, Senpai. I am avoiding my soulmates.”
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wolf in sheep’s clothing
Mob! turtles au Turtles x fem! reader
Leo x reader
Summery: The turtles are 4 brothers who run the mob in New York and their territory is under threat since a serial killer (you) has taken up residence in the area. Bodies keep dropping and it’s being blamed on the turtles which is bad for business so they decide to do something about it.
Tumblr media
Warnings: violence, mention of drugs and weapons, NSFW
((A/N I’m not a writer, I’m a dumbass with a dream to write some dark fiction so please save any nasty comments. Hope you enjoy))
November in New York was always beautiful, the leaves become this vibrant burnt orange and scatter throughout the parks and roads, you can see your breath in the air and occasionally there’s fresh snow on the ground. Nothing quite tops that. You sit in your regular bar, Paddy’s, and take another swig of the beer sat in front of you. You’re sat close to the door so it gets a little chilly with the patrons walking in and out creating a cold breeze but you simply shrug your jacket on closer and ignore it.
The city is at a pivotal point with gang activity, the mob known as “the turtle boys” runs most of up town New York- selling guns and narcotics to lesser gangs. It’s a dangerous time you think to yourself as you shake off the four sets of eyes you can feel watching you from the corner. You finish your beer and stand to leave.  Outside it’s dark and freezing, typical whether, you light up a cigarette, adjust your scarf and continue towards the ally that leads home leaving a swirling trail of smoke behind you; the end of the cigarette gleaming orange in the dim light.
You can hear the footsteps following you but you don’t quicken your pace. They’re free to do as they so please and have no idea who they’re messing with. Along with gang activity, New York has one other big problem at the moment: a serial killer. Their calling card? Strangulation. 7 bodies have washed up along the Hudson in the last 4 months all with the same abrasions around their necks from what the police suspect is barbed wire as well as stab wounds. You know it’s barbed wire, though. You’re the one who put them there.
The footsteps are gaining on you now and you stop in your tracks, take a deep inhale of your cigarette and turn to face them. You didn’t quite know what you were expecting to see but, the turtles boys wasn’t it. All adorned in beautiful, presumably expensive, suits they stare back at you with blank expressions but a slight look of worry in their eyes.
“Y/n L/n” the one in a blue suit calls to you. “you’re a hard girl to track down”
“laying low is my speciality. What can I do for you boys on this fine night?”
“cut the shit” the biggest one out of all of them cuts in. He’s wearing a black suit with a red handkerchief poking out of the pocket. Raphael you make a note to yourself. He’s going to be the hardest to take down. You smile sweetly.
“we can do this the easy way or the hard way” he finishes.
“do I look like an easy girl to you?” you turn on your heels and begin to run, if you can get them into the next ally way there’s a chance you can take at least one of the down before the others get to you, you think. 
Out of breath and cursing never sticking to your resolution to do more cardio you make it to the next ally but the one you know as Michelangelo has gained on you and slams you into the brick wall on your right side. 
“that’s no way to treat a lady” you say looking up at him, he grins, spits and decks you in the face. Everything goes black.
There’s a thumping in your head, you feel as though you have a concussion and your jaw aches like a motherfucker. Damn it you think to yourself, they’re more to handle than I thought.  There’s some kind of sack over your head that has a sheer texture to it so you can sort of make out where you are. There are cupboards and you can hear the steady drip of water so a tap must be near by, you assume you’re in a kitchen. You try and move your hands but they’re bound behind your back, the same with your ankles. Motherfuckers. You reach into the back of your jeans, you knife is gone. They must have searched you, they’re more thorough than you gave them credit for. you shouldn’t have underestimated them, you’re the one who likes to be underestimated. Just a sweet little girl, wouldn’t hurt a fly; you’re a vegetarian for fucks sake, who would think of you as the ruthless killer that you are? you try and slide your arms under your butt to have them in front of you, maybe then you can get this bag off your head and see where you are. Suddenly, you hear movement
“She’s awake” one of them calls to the others. More footsteps and you know they’re all in the room with you. You feel the bag being removed from your head, some of your hair being pulled with it but you ignore the slight sting that it causes. You’re face to face with Leonardo who’s crouching in front of you
“Now” he begins “I think it’s time we get better acquainted, don’t you, y/n?” 
“I thought mobsters were supposed to be sweet on women. They Cray twins, Al Capone, all real nice when it came to ladies. What gives?” you say to him.
“you’re no regular lady” he retorts. “We have sources that put you at the scene of 4 of the murders that have been going on recently and we just need to have a little chat about what you were doing there. We’d hate to have the wrong person”
you scoff.  “Me? A killer?” you feign an innocent look. “Whatever are you talking about”
Leo stands up and you can really see his true height now. He’s an impressive man, about 6′4 and all muscle. That suit was really doing him some favours as well, you would water at the mouth but you had other priorities at this moment in time; staying alive being just one of them.
“what were you doing by the Hudson on September 6th when James Masters was killed” he asks
“Look, you’ve got the wrong girl. I wouldn’t kill anyone” you flash him your big doe eyes hoping that’ll score you some points with the big bad mobster. They wouldn’t really hurt a girl, would they? “I’m an art major at Columbia, I’ve got 2 brothers who need me” you try and summon tears but you just can’t do it so you settle for the odd sniffle instead “My mum calls me at 12 everyday and if I don’t pick up she’s gonna get worried”
A sharp smack flies across your face and you’re taken aback by the impact. You can feel liquid at the corner of your mouth and know that he hit you hard enough to draw blood
“Cut the act, what were you doing?” he repeated himself.
You take a moment to finally look around the room. There’s a table to your right with stacks of cash and guns on it as well as lots of tightly wrapped bags full of white power; cocaine you assume. The 4 turtles stand in front of you, Leo being closest, all with their arms folded doing their best to look intimidating. You laugh.
“I get the feeling begging isn’t going to work, huh?” you say
“Not today, sweetheart” the one who knocked you out, Michelangelo, replies.
“Well, would it please you to know that I was there to get rid of a body? That I’m the one who’s been ‘terrorising’ New York as the papers put it? or did I give that away too easily?”
“That’s not quite what we’re here about” the one in purple pipes up
“Oh no?”
“you see, James was an informant of ours and he had some…Information that could be very harmful to our organisation if it got out. And since he was tortured before he died, we want to know what he told you”
“let me see” you you paused for dramatic effect “I believe his last words were ‘no please stop, oh god no’. Does that have any significance to you?” you smile
Another slap. This one hurt worse and was making your already aching jaw hurt even more, you would definitely have a bruise if you made it out of this.
“looks like we’re gonna have to use the old school method” Leo states
“the old school method it is” Donatello agrees
He leaves the room for a moment and comes back in with a black bag which he opens on the counter. He takes out a white plastic sheet and some things that you can’t quite make out from the floor but they make a metallic twang on the counter when he puts them down. They’re going to torture me. Your heart sinks to your stomach. You aren’t a coward and you’re no stranger to pain, half of your victims put up a good fight and rough sex was prominent in your life, but you truly didn’t know any inside information about what the turtles operation held and there was no way they were going to believe you.
Donatello approached you, laying down the white sheet and shimmying it under your form so that it lay underneath you.
“look, guys…” you began “We don’t have to do it like this”
“A bit too late for that, don’t you think” Donatello replied as he pulled a scalpel from his pocket and pushes it down into your hand. You howl in pain and try and pull your arm away but his hand is already on your wrist keeping you in place. 
“Just tell us what he told you” He states in an eerily calm voice
“He didn’t say an thing about you guys!” you bellow “I caught him tryna sneak date rape drugs into a girl’s drink and that’s why I killed him! It had nothing to do with you!”
They all look at each other and Donatello draws back.
“Even so” Leo began “He wasn’t the best at keeping secrets. I imagine he tried to make some kind of deal with you for his life” 
“Yeah, that he would leave the city and never come back” They stare at you, unsure as to weather or not you’re lying. Mikey uses his arms to propel himself backwards to sit on the counter behind him; his legs swinging casually as he sits.
“So nothing about us?” he inquires.
Leo moves towards you, crouching down again so that he’s eye level with you; his suit hugging his muscles in all the right places. You decided to take a gamble.
“well…He did tell me one thing” you croon
“Go on” Leo almost whispers
Your hand was bleeding pretty badly at this point and a bead of bright scarlet blood dripped down between your fingers and on to the plastic sheet beneath you. If you wanted to live, you had to make them like you in some way. You lean in closer, almost nose to nose with the turtle’s leader.
“you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” you say in your most seductive voice. He smiles at you, not quite sure what to make of your comment.
“I’m not following, little girl”
“Oh come on. Haven’t you heard that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar? Give me what I want, and I’ll tell you whatever you need to know” 
He stays crouched in front of you, still staring into your eyes trying to gage weather or not you’re serious. “Leave the room”  he commands without even looking back at his brothers. They do as they’re told, Mikey sighing slightly as he hops down from the counter and Donatello picking up his black bag of torture gear on the way out. 
“what do you have in mind?” his eyes are locked on yours and you’re so close you can feel his body heat from where you’re sitting. He truly was an amazing creature, all muscle and strength. It made you wet just thinking about what he could do to you. You place one of your still tied up hands on his knee and run it down his thigh until you’re close to his crotch and look back into his deep blue eyes
“Oh, you know. A little bit of hair pulling here, some biting there. Just fuck me raw basically” your forwardness gets you a raise of his eyebrows and his mouth forms into a bigger smile. He looks down and then back up at you and begins to untie the restraints around your ankles but leaves your hands bound. This is going to be good.
He runs his hands down your thighs and begins to undo the button of your jeans to slide them down your legs, you kick off your shoes to help him get them over your feet. His hands go straight for your underwear. This guy doesn’t fuck around you think to yourself. Underwear off, he trails kisses down your inner thigh until he reaches your sex and parts your lips
“you’re wet already? Naughty girl” he jokes and you can’t help but blush.
He moves closer and takes one long lick between your folds exciting a moan from the back of your throat. He’s good at it, too, swirling his tongue in devilish ways over your small bead and occasionally sucking at it too. He places one thick finger inside your wet entrance and begins to curl it in pace with his tongue. you’re barely hanging on at this point as your orgasm is coming fast. He looks up from between your legs while still using his hand to draw circular motions over your clit
“It’s ok, babygirl. You can cum for me” 
With one final stroke of his tongue and his permission your orgasm rips through you bringing tears to your eyes but he isn’t done yet. Moving up your body he lifts your top and undoes your bra taking his time to suck and kiss at your nipples. It’s as though he can’t decide which one he likes best but you don’t mind his indecision. You can feel his teeth pull the soft tissue of your left breast into his mouth as he sucks creating a small purple bruise and you humm in pleasure. He kisses your lips hungrily, inserting his tongue into your mouth just enough to taste the cigarette he must have been smoking before you woke up and you love the taste. It’s so manly. You take your still tied up hands to cup his chin as he does so and then move them down to feel his torso, His reptilian skin so rough yet smooth at the same time and you can feel his muscles twitch beneath the surface in anticipation.
He trails kisses and bites down your tummy before grabbing your hips and flipping you over, your face hits the floor but you don’t mind; you were guaranteed to be man handled and he did not disappoint. With your exposed ass in the air you can hear him behind you undoing his flies and you want to badly to look back and see him but the not knowing almost makes it hotter-that is until you feel him at your entrance. He’s thick. Almost too thick for you, he’s gonna stretch you open for sure and you can’t wait. Just as you think this you hear him spit and his fingers are at your entrance again making sure your wet enough for him. In one long slow motion he inserts himself inside you, filling you completely to the point where you don’t know if you can take any more. He bottoms out and you sigh in pleasure. He pulls out a little and then thrusts back into you hard over and over again at a punishing pace. His hands are on your hips but he removes one to smack your ass as he’s fucking you.
“harder” you almost beg
“that’s it baby, take all of me” he moans to you
the feel of the cold tile floor beneath your face is a nice contrast to the burning heat in your core and you know you can’t hold on much longer. He reaches around your body to play with your clit while he’s still pushing in and out of you at an astonishing rate while he takes his other hand and pulls at your hair forcing you to look up.
“Leo, I’m going to-I’m gonna” you practically scream before your second orgasm sends shock waves through your body. A few more thrusts and you hear him moan as he reaches his own ecstasy and cums deep inside of you. You almost collapse but his hands go back to your hips, steadying you. He pulls out and you can feel his seed and your own wetness leaking out of you and running down your inner thigh.
“wow, I haven’t been fucked like that in a while” you laugh
“I’m not done yet, baby” he taunts
flipping you back over onto your back you can see that he’s already hard again. Gods bless those mutant genes that turned him into whatever creature was kneeling before you. You don’t think you can take him a third time but before you have the chance to interject he’s inside you again and pumping in and out at an overwhelming pace. He runs his hand up over your breast to your neck and squeezes the sides of your throat, cutting off the blood supply to your head and you can feel your whole face redden with the pressure. He looks deep into your eyes, lost in his own pleasure. You’re mind is tingling with lack of oxygen and the force of his cock inside you and you’re close again. You slip your hands between your thighs and begin to play with yourself as he fucks you mercilessly, hand still at your throat. Suddenly your hands are pushed out of the way
“beg me to let you cum” he commands
you do as you’re told
“Please” you pleaded with him “I need this, I need it so bad please just let me cum”
He grunts as he thrusts harder, allowing your hands back at your pussy and you both cum at the same time. Bodies twitching in the afterglow of what had just happened.
He rolls to the floor beside you and lies on his back, both panting with exhaustion. He cups your sex with his hand.
“so, what did James tell you” he says as he catches his breath.
shit. you hadn’t thought this far ahead.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years ago
National Examiner, April 19
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Tony Bennett's brave last days
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Page 2: Stars with Mad Skills -- they became fast experts for plum roles -- Daniel Day-Lewis, Timothee Chalamet, Natalie Portman, Ryan Gosling, Jamie Foxx
Page 3: Adrien Brody, Margot Robbie, Bryan Cranston, Shia LaBeouf, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Downey Jr., Tom Cruise
Page 4: Susan Sarandon's roles and costumes
Page 7: Be Prepared for the Worst -- know these lifesaving tips before a crisis happens
Page 8: Lonely Stefanie Powers never wants to date because she still has gotten over lover William Holden's sudden death, even though it'll be 40 years ago this November -- the former star of '80s TV classic Hart to Hart, who's now 78, considers Holden the one true love of her life, even though she's been married twice to others and had a long-term relationship after the Hollywood legend's tragic death and she can't imagine being with anyone else at this stage in her life when Bill's memory is so sacred in her mind and his death still haunts her to this day, and it will only get worse as the anniversary approaches -- Holden, then 63, died at home in Santa Monica on November 12, 1981, of massive bleeding after falling and striking his head on a piece of furniture while heavily intoxicated -- it rips her apart to this day thinking how he must have suffered all alone in his apartment, bleeding to death -- the pair had a decade-long, passionate affair that lasted until his demise, which led her to carry on their mutual passion for wildlife conservation and Stefanie founded the William Holden Wildlife Foundation and is still the director -- she's tried being in other relationships, but it's been more about companionship than anything else and she doesn't have the motivation to date when the best man has already come and gone
Page 9: Vax Hacks -- avoid scammers who prey on fears of COVID-19
Page 10: His first day on the job as an honorary cop, Jeremiah met the other guys in blue and was the proud guest of honor at a special swearing-in ceremony just for him, and he's only five years old
Page 11: Important minerals for your body -- why you need zinc and potassium and how to get them
Page 12: Rude Awakening -- stars who don't mind their manners -- Alec Baldwin, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Christian Bale, Rachael Ray
Page 13: Sean Penn, Ashton Kutcher, Robert Pattinson, Russell Crowe, Cameron Diaz, Bruce Willis
Page 14: Dear Tony -- America's Top Psychic Healer Tony Leggett -- useful lessons learned from the pandemic
Page 15: Get well soon wishes go out to Chevy Chase, who just came out of the hospital after a five-week stay for heart issues -- in 2018, the star was diagnosed with alcohol cardiomyopathy, a weakening of the heart muscle caused by excessive drinking; he had dealt with his drinking back in 2016, when he entered the Hazelden Clinic to receive treatment for alcoholism
Page 16: Even though the century mark looms just around the corner, Betty White still radiates joy -- calling herself the luckiest broad on two feet, the 99-year-old Hollywood legend shares her advice for living a long and peaceful life -- she says her life is divided absolutely in half: half animals and half show business and you can't ask for better than two things you love the most
Page 18: When a California man won $145,000 on Wheel of Fortune, it turned out to be good fortune for a lot of people as he donated his entire winnings to the charity Uplift Family Services and Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, whose services support thousands of families
Page 19: These seniors are literally beating the coronavirus -- with 99 percent of them vaccinated, the 700 elderly residents of the Westminster-Canterbury on the Chesapeake Bay senior living community in Virginia Beach held a party and they had a lot to celebrate
Page 20: Cover Story -- Tony Bennett is facing his brave last days as he battles Alzheimer's disease at the age of 94 -- the singer was diagnosed in 2016, but kept the terrible illness secret until recently and has not yet experienced common Alzheimer's symptoms like episodes of terror, rage or depression but the disease has progressed -- for now, wife Susan Crow and the oldest of Tony's four kids, 67-year-old Danny from his first marriage, are caring for him while he lives in the couple's New York City apartment
Page 22: Recycle your baubles, bangles and beads -- bored with your beaded necklaces? Blase abut those old bangles? If your costume jewelry collection no longer inspires, there are many brilliant ways to give it new life or earn you some cash
Page 24: The internet's newest fitness star is 102-year-old Julia Fulkerson, who had a ball participating in her great-grandson Brody's virtual gym class
Page 25: Young Darius Brown has a mission in life: to make shelter dogs look as spiffy as he can so they'll get adopted and to do that, he provides the canines with slews of adorable bowties that he sews himself -- five years ago, when Darius was eight, his sister Dazhai taught him to sew and the passion was good for him because he'd been diagnosed with speech and fine-motor skills that the craft improved over time -- he says he saw how happy the people at the shelter were to get the bowties and how much the dogs liked them, and he decided to make more and he came up with a goal to give bowties to an animal shelter in every state -- so far, he's sewn a whopping 600 of the canine accessories himself, and helped dozens of pooches find forever homes and he especially likes to focus his attention on older animals and pets with disabilities, since they're the toughest to find homes for and the shelter directors say Darius' efforts have made a huge difference in the life of hundreds of pups
Page 26: Summer Horoscope 2021
Page 28: It's not just for the birds -- tips for watching our fine feathered friends
Page 32: Reverse Gear -- walking backward is good for you -- here's something new to try the next time you go out for a walk: do it backward -- it may sound silly, but health experts say there are mental and physical benefits to the practice, but go slowly at first to avoid injuries
* If you're always putting the needs of others before your own, you could be at risk for compassion fatigue, a condition that can physically and mentally drain you of time and energy -- compassion fatigue is a state of emotional overwhelm that is constant and persistent, once in this state of emotional exhaustion, it becomes difficult to empathize with those they help and essentially, it's empathy burnout
Page 34: Grandads Before 50! No rocking chairs for these grandpas -- take a look at these celebs who had their grandchildren before their first gray hair -- Jim Carrey, James Brolin, Donny Osmond, Mick Jagger, Pierce Brosnan, Charlie Sheen
Page 40: The Element of Earth -- earth is the second of the four elements: fire, earth, air and water
Page 42: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Drew Barrymore
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Dakota Johnson and her parents Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson (picture), Kristen Stewart as Princess Diana in the film Spencer (picture), Tina Turner admits she instantly fell for husband Erwin Bach in 1986 when they first met at an airport in Germany, Bindi Irwin gave birth to daughter Grace Warrior Irwin Powell, Michael Douglas is still going strong after 5 decades as an actor and loves what he does for a living, George Segal passed away due to complications from bypass surgery, Jessica Walter died in her sleep
Page 45: Eddie Murphy is inducted into NAACP Image Awards Hall of Fame (picture), Diana Ross performs at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in California (picture), Mario Lopez helps christen the tables at Mohegan Sun Casino in Las Vegas (picture), Ann-Margret and Julianne Hough attend the Family Film Awards where the redhead received a lifetime achievement award (picture), James Middleton who is the brother of Duchess Kate says he and fiancee Alizee Thevenet are done with city living, Justin Bieber's mom didn't like his newest tattoo saying Don't you have enough yet?, Zac Efron was spotted flying to Sydney with Aussie girlfriend Vanessa Valladares, Taraji P. Henson asked fans for prayers for her pet pooch that was suffering from post-surgery complications but he unfortunately died
Page 46: A lottery winner in Tennessee was feeling like a million bucks, until he realized he'd lost his precious ticket but he didn't give up: he retraced his steps until he found the ticket again
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thepeacetea · 5 years ago
Mine (marijon)
Hi guy! So I was painting today and the song Mine by Taylor Swift came on and I thought it would make a cute marijon story.(Because I love this pair and there is not enough of them) Now I have never written a song fic before, but I tried my best. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy! Peace!
Marinette had finally done it. After four, long years, she had finally graduated high school. For, four years, Lila had continued her reign over the school. She had made good on her threat. No one dared to befriend Marinette, not if they valued their own social lives. Her ‘friends’ from middle school had turned into snakes or just plain abandoned her. She hadn’t hesitated packing her belongings. She didn’t cry when she left Paris a week later. She ignored the fact that her parents hadn’t even said goodbye. Pretending she didn’t see the pitying gazes from the miracle box. She was going to America to study. She didn’t need her family. She didn’t need her ‘friends’.
You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables Left a small town, never looked back I was a flight risk, with a fear of fallin' Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts
Meeting Jon had been an accident. A real, hundred percent accident that wasn’t Marinette’s fault, this time. It was still a month until classes started and Marinette had a rare day off from her part-time job as a florist. She had been exploring the old shopping district of the city when it had started to rain. She found this little café, tucked away between a book and an antique store, to duck into to wait out the storm.
The chattering of the patrons seemed to enhance the establish charm the café possessed. The rain beating against the windows, the warm smell of coffee and food, and the gentle hum of conversation, brought a sense of calm Marinette hadn’t felt in a while. She had pulled out her sketch book and just drew. Her designs became warm. Full of soft lines and simple, yet elegant personalities.
The scrapping of chairs brought Marinette out of her sketching. She glance up just in time to see one of the costumers, who hadn’t bothered to look around, abruptly get up and turn into one of the waiters. Marinette had just enough time to shove her sketch book to safety as the tray that was being delivered landed on her. The first thing she notice was that it was soup. Hot soup!
“Oh my gosh! Miss, are yo . .” someone, a guy from the sound of the voice started to asked, but the rest of his question halted as Marinette torn off her shirt in a burst of inhuman speed in an attempt to prevent herself from received worse burns.
It was only after she had thrown her shirt across the café did Marinette did her mind catch up with what she had done. She was standing in the middle of a small, crowded café, with every eye trained on her, shirtless! Petrified, she looked up to meet the bright red face of the waiter as he stared right back at her, trying to avoid looking too far down. The guy was an easy 6’, and in comparison to Marinette’s 5’ 2’ frame, it was impossible. It took five, long seconds for Marinette’s brain to reboot. Snatching her sketch book, she clutched it to her chest in a futile attempt to preserve her modesty. The movement seemed to snap the waiter out of his shock. Jerking his bright blue eyes away from her, he undid his waist apron, giving it to her while he guided Mainette into the back.
“I am so sorry! I didn’t see the guy get up but I should have been paying more attention or I should’ve at least made the tray fall another way and your not hurt are you please tell me you didn’t get burned too badly, I can call an ambulance if you want. I’m such an idiot. I’m so fired. I’m so so so sorry.” He ramble in a panic as he rummaged through a pack, presumably looking for something for her to wear.
“Hey. Hey! It’s ok. It was an accident. If it’s anyone’s fault, it’s the guy that bumped into you. You know, I’m just gonna blame it on him. And I’m fine. I got the shirt off before the it could do any damage. The only thing that’s hurting is my pride.” She assured the boy, giving him an encouraging smile as he handed her a shirt. Slipping it on with a word of thanks, she found it, unsurprising, large on her.
“I’m sorry it’s big. It’s all I have.” Blue eye’s said sheepishly, as if he should’ve had a shirt to fit her in his bag. Marinette couldn’t help the giggle that came. This boy reminded her so much of her younger self.
“Hey, it ok. And don’t feel bad. Losing a shirt in public is not the worse or most embarrassing to happen to me.”
The boy still didn’t look convinced or any less guilty. If anything, his face grew even more red at the reminder of the accident.
“Listen, if you really feel that bad, you can make it up to me by showing me around Metropolis. I’m still trying to figure it out.”
“Yeah. I . . . I can do that.” He said, eyes lighting up at the prospect. “I’m Jon by the way.” He said as one of the brightest smiles light up his face.
I say, "Can you believe it?" As we're lyin' on the couch The moment, I can see it Yes, yes, I can see it now
“Hey Jon?”
“Why do you hang out with me?”
It had been two months since the two of them had met, and Marinette had felt more safe and . . . loved then she had in the last four years. Jon was with her more often then not. For the first few weeks, Marinette had been a little on edge. She hadn’t had much human contact for years, and what she did was all different forms of bullying. But as time wore on, she began to anticipate when she would meet up with him. Most of their free time was spent wandering the city, with Jon showing Marinette all his favorite spots to visit and they surprising found some places he had never been. Other times, he would drop by her work to talk and buy some flowers for his mother. Marinette had eventually talked him into buying a plant for his apartment after she found out how empty it was. According to Jon, it was still thriving. Other times, she would bug him at the café, were she had quick become known by name. They had become close, and that scared her.
“What kinda question is that?”
“It’s a good question. I mean, your amazing and fun to be around and so open that I can only imagine that you would have a ton of friends.  I mean, why spend so much time with me?”
Jon didn’t answer right away. He kept his gaze fixed on the night sky above them, seemingly so absorbed in the stars that managed to peak through the city skyline that it appeared he didn’t hear her. But Marinette knew him well enough to know when he was thinking. Pulling the blanket closer, she snuggled deeper into the burrow they had made on her roof for star gazing. It was a close to ten minutes before he answered
“Your different. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family and other friends, but when I’m with them, they expect me to be a certain way. I have a lot, and I mean a lot to live up to. Both my parents have done so much and I constantly feel this presser to live up to them. And I know I want to. I want to make a difference like they have. I want to help people like they did, and still do.” Jon said, never taking his eyes off the night sky, but Mairnette couldn’t help turning her head to look at her friend. As he spoke, Marinette could understand, she had been in a similar situation not long ago.
“But when I’m with you, it’s as if none of that matters. You’re not expecting me to be like my mom or my dad. I can make mistakes with you and you’re not gonna judge. You’re not gonna think less of me. Honestly, I feel safe with you.” He said, turning to look at her.
Marinette’s heart skipped a beat. She had always known Jon was handsome, but somehow the half-lighting they had made it clear just how much he was. The lighting accented his jawline, causing his babyish face to take on a more mature tone. His blue eyes, which were always behind glasses, where for once free and bare to the world. While they had always been so bright, they had adapted a darker, more alluring blue.
“Well,” Marinette said, clearing her throat slightly. “you have seen me shirtless, so . . .”
“Can you not bring that up, please.” He groaned, throwing his back as he groaned.
“Oh, come on, it’s funny!” Marinette exclaimed, laughter bubbling over in a joyous peel at the sight of his embarrassment.
“No, it’s not! My co-workers still tease me about it.”
“Think about this way, Jon. If that never happened, we never would have met.”
“Well when you put it that way.” Jon sassed, causing Marinette’s laughter to grow as his chuckles joined in.
“Jon,” Marinette said when she regained her breath, “. . . I’m glad you’re my friend.”
“So am I.”
Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
If Marinette had to tell someone when things started to change between her and Jon, she would always say it was that night on the roof. But it wasn’t until early November that officially changed. It was the weekend before Thanksgiving and the two of them where by Metropolis Bay enjoying one of the last few nice days before winter came. Marinette was going on about one of the customers at the flower shop.
“They wanted an original Thanksgiving center piece. And I was trying to tell her the owner was out and any special orders have to go through her. But she just kept insisting that I could do it. And I was trying to explain to her that one: I cannot do special order, if it’s in the catalogue, I can to it. But if not, I can’t. The owner wants make sure make sure of the quality. And second: Even if I was allowed, I couldn’t because I know next to nothing about Thanksgiving because we don’t celebrate it in France.”
She hadn’t noticed how quiet Jon was, usually he was just as talkative as she was if not more. But today he was very distracted.
“And then . . .”
“ . . .What?”
“Marinette, do you want to come to my grandparent’s farm for Thanksgiving?” Jon asked again. “Thing is, um, Grandma made a rule that we have to bring any potential girlfriends back for a holiday and . . .”
“. . .  girlfriend?”
“Yeah, um, Marinette. Do, no. This isn’t how I planned it.” Jon stuttered, his face almost a red as when they first met. “Ok. I like you, Marinette. Like, a lot. I honestly have never met anyone like you. Your funny, sarcastic but you don’t over do it, kind , creative, and I, I thought someone like you couldn’t exist And what I’m trying to say is, will you go out with me?”
Marinette had never seen Jon this distraught. His hands seemed to have a mind of their own, constantly running through his hair until it looked he had been flying. He kept shifting his weight that it almost looked like he was bouncing. For her part, Marinette’s mind decided to take a vacation. Jon, her first friend in over four years, like her. Liked her to the point where he was inviting her to join him on a family holiday. He was inviting her to meet his family. As a potential girlfriend.
“Jon, I . . .”
“It’s fine it you don’t feel the same way. I . . .” he interrupted her, giving her a way out.
“Jon. Jon, it’s not that. I. . . I just. . . have never . . .  been in a relationship. And I don’t know how they work and I don’t know if I’ll be good at it.” She said, cutting him off. She couldn’t look at him. Not now. She hadn’t told a boy that she liked him since the disaster with Adrien.
“. . . Is that a yes?”
“Ye. . .” Marinette started to say, but was never able to finish as Jon pulled her into one of the most bone crushing and heartfelt hugs that she ever had. For a moment, she was too stunned to respond. It didn’t help that her brain had completely gone to mush. Once what had happened became clear, she returned Jon’s hug with just as much strength. And for the first time in a long time, Marinette felt like everything was going to be ok.
Flash forward, and we're takin' on the world together And there's a drawer of my things at your place You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded You say we'll never make my parents' mistakes
And we got bills to pay We got nothin' figured out When it was hard to take Yes, yes This is what I thought about
Marinette had always meant to tell Jon what happened with her life in Paris, why she had to leave. But she never thought it would happen like this. Never because of a nightmare.
Laughter.  Hate filled messages. Adults yelling at her in anger. Pain. The feeling of skin burning in an inferno. Buildings crushing her. The feeling and sounds of bone shattering.  Acid green eyes snaring as claws tore through her stomach.  Someone, someone was grabbing her, shaking her. Her earrings, she couldn’t let them get her earrings. She couldn’t use her arms! He had her arms! Lashing out, she tried kicking him off her, screaming at him. She couldn’t, she couldn’t let him take the earrings.
“. . .te.”
She had to get way.
“. . .ette.”
She couldn’t breath!
That name woke her up. Only one person called her that. Snapped her out of her nightmare. No, her memories. Gasping for air, her eyes darted around the dark room. She knew this room. It was their room. Her and Jon’s. She was safe. She was safe. Why couldn’t she breath?
“Zhao, Zhao. Hey, hey , hey. It’s ok. It’s ok. Your safe. It was just a nightmare. You’re alright, Zhao. You’re alright. I’m here.” Jon’s voice drew her attention back to the person hold her, cradling her face as he gently brushed a hand through her hair. “That’s it. That’s it. Zhao, I need you to breath with me. Can you do that? Breath in. Hold it. And out. That’s good. You’re doing good. It was just a nightmare. Just a dream.”
Marinette knew he was trying to calm her. She knew that. That’s just who he was. But it wasn’t a dream. It was really. She couldn’t keep it locked up anymore. With a strangled cry, she flung herself at her boyfriend, clinging to him. Everything she had been bottling up for the past seven years just burst. She told him everything she had gone through in Paris, starting from when she became Ladybug until she left. All the pain, the doubt, the fear, the frustration came out. Marinette didn’t notice the kwami’s coming out of their box. She didn’t register their attempts to comfort her. The only thing she knew was that Jon was still holding her, rocking her slowly as he pet her hair, listening to her. Marinette didn’t know how Jon’s eyes started to glow in anger, how he curled around her protectively when she finally fell asleep. She didn’t hear his whispered promise to make those who hurt her pay. All she knew was that she was safe.
Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water? You put your arm around me, for the first time You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
Do you remember all the city lights on the water? You saw me start to believe, for the first time You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
It had was their third anniversary, and they were walking along shoreline. The sun had set hours ago. It was actually close to midnight. The air was crisp, taking on more a winter chill then a fall one. Metropolis Bay was quiet, the lights from the city created a picturesque scene, causing the waters sparkle like diamonds.
Neither were talking. They just walked, hand in hand, simply enjoy the night. Neither had projects, patrols, or meeting to worry about. Today was just for them.
Marinette was happy. She really, truly was. She remembered the morning following her breakdown, she had been so scared that Jon would leave her. That he would think she was too damaged. He had truly surprised her when he had asked to meet the kwamis. How he made sure to have their favorite foods always stocked. Though he had put a limit on Plagga’s cheese intake. The god of destruction learned very fast that if he ate his supplies before the end of the month, he would have to wait until the next month to get more camembert.  The kwamis respected him, and for that, Marinette couldn’t be happier. She loved him, and she was thankful her family did as well.
A tug on her hand brought Marinette back to the present. Turning, she found Jon on one knee. Pulling a box from his coat pocket. He wasn’t. There was no way he was . . .
“Marinette, ever since I met you, I knew you were different. Any other person would have never spoken to me again after what I did. But you did. You put up with me. You let me be myself around you. You, you helped me find who I was. You let me into your life, after so many others had left you. You threw my world of kilter. And I wouldn’t change it for the world. You give me a reason to fight, a reason to show others mercy. You’re the sun in my life, and without you I am half the man I’m suppose to be. I love you. So Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you give me the honour of allowing me to walk by your side? Will you marry me?”
Through his whole speech, Marinette had tears pouring down her face. The more he said the harder her tears fell. By the time he reached the end, there was no way she could speak. All she could manage was a squeak as she nodded her consent. The sheer joy she felt when he slipped the ring on her left hand was almost too much. But her heart truly sung when he kissed her, slow and deep. Brimming with love. She was home.
And I remember that fight, two-thirty a.m. 'Cause everything was slipping right out of our hands I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street
Braced myself for the goodbye, 'Cause that's all I've ever known Then, you took me by surprise You said, "I'll never leave you alone"
She ran through the streets, tears threatening to fall, blurring her vision. She wouldn’t cry. She wouldn’t cry. He was going to hate her now. She had ruined everything.
‘That’s right viewer. According to a reliable and trustworthy source, the one and only amateur ‘designer’, Marinette Dupain-Cheng, who is known as the head designer for Jagged Stone, only got her position by sleeping with the artist. According to the source, this arrangement has been going on since the ‘designer’ was 13. She was the one to offer her ‘services’ as long as she was allowed to ‘design’ for the rock star. The real credit for the designs worn by the legendary rock star goes to one Lila Rossi. When asked why she hadn’t come forward sooner, this was her answer.
“Honestly I was scared to. I mean, Marinette had her claws into Jagged so deep that if I spoke up, no one would believe me. After all, who would believe a 14 year old girl over a music legend. But I just couldn’t keep quiet any longer. As a designer, I couldn’t let my work be stolen.”
Well, there you have it viewers. Looks like the ‘clean cut designer’ is really a dirty worker.’
The argument that followed was painful. Jon hadn’t said anything for the first five minutes after reading the article that popular blogger, Alya Cesaire, had published a little over an hour ago. The sheer amounts of reads was sickening. Marinette hadn’t even bothered to look at the comments, she couldn’t stand to think what was written. Marinette had panicked and was trying to convince Jon that what was written wasn’t true. The only relationship between her and Jagged was familiar at most. The longer Jon was silent, the more panicked and scared Marinette become.
“Why are you like this?”
The question hit Marinette like a truck. He . . . he thought she was lying? No. He couldn’t. She had told him about Lila. He knew she was a liar. Right?
“She’s lying, Jon. You have to believe me.”
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“I’m trying to . . .” Marinette started to say, trying to defend herself, but Jon’s voice cut her off.
“Why are you always defending yourself?” He yelled, and Marinette swore she saw his eyes flash red. He . . . he didn’t believe her. He believed the liar.
His words had set something off in her and Marinette did the one thing that gut told her. She ran. Bolted from the house. She couldn’t stay only to have Jon spout accusations at her. She couldn’t see the one person she felt safe with leave her. She didn’t know it was raining, she hadn’t even put on shoes. She just ran. She had no idea where she was going as her bare feet pounded on the pavement. Her foot caught on something, a sharp pain jerking on the top of her foot as her legs gave way. Bracing herself for the fall, she felt arms wrap around her. Arms she knew all too well. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t handle it if he left her too.
You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water. And every time I look at you, it's like the first time. I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter. She is the best thing that's ever been mine."
“I am never leaving you, Zhao. Do you hear me? I am never leaving you! You never needed to tell me that trash wasn’t true. Anyone with eyes could see that. I’m sorry I yelled at you. I am so sorry.  I know it set you off and I promised myself I would never cause that. And I did and I’m sorry.  I know I scared you. I was just so angry. I’m so sorry. I love you, and nothing. Nothing is gonna change that.” Jon declared, crushing his fiancée to him. He wasn’t going to let even the tiniest doubt tell his zhao that he didn’t mean it.
He felt her stiffen only for a second before she become completely undone. The heart wrenching sobs cut the young, half kryptonian in ways that him see red. Death was too good for the scum that did this to his zhao. No. He was going to make sure there was no way for any of them to recover, specifically that Italian and ‘journalist.’ He would show her what a real journalist could do. But right now, he had his fiancée to care for. Jon was determined to make sure Marinette felt more loved then she had before. He would tear her ex-friends apart later. He also need to call his parents.
The next morning saw the release of three different articles tearing apart both so called ‘article’ about Marinette and all those who where in it. Which was, interestingly, all of her old classmates. All three articles were brutal. One Kent was deadly enough, making recovery nearly impossible. Two Kent’s? Recovery would be impossible in their lifetime. With all three, there would be no hope for their family lines. The world learned one thing that day: Never make Jonathan Kent angry.
You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter You are the best thing, that's ever been mine
Do you believe it? We're gonna make it now And I can see it
While in France, the old class was receiving the backlash of media, with two of them receiving lawsuits like candy, Clark was trying to prevent most of the JL from ‘talking’ to the ex-class themselves. After all, he had dibs as future father-in-law.
And in an apartment in the old district of Metropolis, a couple slept in peace. The boy curled protectively around his small fiancée, shielding her from the world. After all, she was his.
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