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venatohru · 7 years ago
@kickerwrites replied to your post “@kickerwrites and any other interested parties: one leg o’ lamb!”
omg look at the FLOOF. that's gonna be so cute!
Right? So SOFT and SNUGGLY
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njadastonearm · 7 years ago
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@kickerwrites: this is true and fair (though I've never interpreted Mercer's obsession as skulking over unrequited interest; rather, she's a loose end that he wants to be rid of once and for all). There's no denying that Mercer Frey is a terrible human being and not very good at covering his tracks. My original post was mostly in jest, a throwback to the first time I played Skyrim when I spent most of the Snow Veil Sanctum quest bemoaning the fact that he wasn't listed as a marriage option on the wiki and that it had to be a mistake and that I was definitely going to run away into the sunset with him once the questline was over (right up until the point that he stabbed me). THAT SAID, I still do think that the questline kind of shoehorns you into taking the moral high ground. Like, we are talking about the Thieves Guild. They ask you to avenge Gallus, they're upset about Mercer's betrayal, they want to restore their honor and respectability, but they're also the ones regularly sending you out to steal family heirlooms from poor people and asking you to threaten smaller merchants who are just trying to make an honest living. Their claim to the moral high ground is shaky, at best. Mercer doesn't give you much of a choice, true, but that's something that could easily be adjusted with some dialogue options that earn his trust and an encounter with him (sometime in between when he stabs you and when you join the Nightingales) in which he sees you're stronger than anticipated and offers you the chance to screw the guild over together. I just think that, as an RpG, the major questlines in the game should have given the player more options to be a truly reprehensible dick. For the role-playing experience. also, the accents thing is true, but 1) I'm an eternal sucker for Stephen Russell's voice, and 2) where does Brynjolf's accent come from? Nobody else in the game has that accent. Where is he from that he would have that accent when nobody else does? Did he make it up? Why won't he answer any questions about his past? Where do the lies end, Brynjolf?
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nukaworld · 7 years ago
kickerwrites replied to your post “according to everyone, we can conclude that Preston Garvey is a Pisces...”
hey if we can agree on a birth year we can math this shit out for reals
according to my broken math I did once Preston joined the minutemen at 17 and that was 5 years before the events of the game where I got that he is 22-23 currently so he is born in 2264-2265 but this is probably an oversight from the devs, still 
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chupacabrasmustdie · 8 years ago
kickerwrites a réagi à votre billet ““Canonically tough-as-nails character X is fragile and needs the D to...”
do not question the magical healing power of The D
“the D was so good it cleared my skin and added years to my life expectancy!!!!”
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childofmalkav · 8 years ago
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i can’t believe my favorite ficwriter is following me this has to be some kind of caffeine fueled breakdown im having
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antioxident · 8 years ago
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Here are the rest of the winners of my giveaway! From left to right:
@kickerwrites‘ Oc Dutchess, @dansewithmeee ‘s Oc (OMG I never asked his name D: I’m so sorry! ;-; Forgive me ) @zolamoonshadow ‘s Oc Chana Levi.
I had fun guys! Really got me out of my art block! Thank you again for participating!! ♥
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tessetc · 7 years ago
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@rinasai-rambles and @hoodieofthewaste thank you so much! I’m gonna return this by tagging, though, because I’m a slacker.
First off, right back at both of you for tagging me. I really appreciate it, and they both appeared when I needed to see it, which is partly why I let it sit in my inbox.
For being an amazing friend and partner in terrible, terrible crimes.
For the same reason as above, and for the good advice you always give, and the beta reading as well.
for making me laugh
For being such a fierce tiger
Because you are a kind and good person, and tbh your note-chains always brighten my day.
I know it said 8, but also @ninjatwins for being a font of wisdom and support, and for @the-dubstep-strawberry for being the most cinnamony-est cinnamon roll I know. To @theorchardofbones and @kickerwrites for being wonderful writers. I look up to you both so much. To @crime-bear for being such a wonderful person to have in my corner. I will never EVER forget how you were there at a time when I needed someone most.  I know I am so very lucky to have such an amazing group of friends and mutuals on here, and I know I am leaving out so many people who have sent kind words, chatted with me, shared art, fic, and meta, and just commented and liked my content (which means so much) I could be here all day naming everyone, and then I’d get all weepy and junk, and nobody would like that.
So I just want to say thanks to all of you for being such amazing people.
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rinasai-rambles · 7 years ago
If kickerwrites is still on here or if anyone knows of them. Please let them know I miss them and I hope they are doing well.
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venatohru · 7 years ago
@stripeydani replied to your post “Under the cut…a promo image for a brand new human!  Release date: next...”
Congratulations :D
@kickerwrites replied to your post “Under the cut…a promo image for a brand new human!  Release date: next...”
gratz! ��
@kakaphoe replied to your post “Under the cut…a promo image for a brand new human!  Release date: next...”
Aww look at the wiggle bean! Congratulations!
Thanks all :D
Can confirm that the little bean was super wiggly, as was I for a good while since they didn’t feel like rolling into a good position for the scan. Being upright with their legs crossed and doing a little salute was apparently super comfy 😅
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maxrev · 7 years ago
Last Sentence Meme
Tagged by @purple-martin87 and @kickerwrites and I agree with @chrysalisshell, it’s good to see Kicker’s name on my dash ;)
Paste the last sentence you wrote and then tag as many people as there are words in the sentence!
“You. Get over here or I’ll be grabbing your balls instead.”
Uh...yeah. Taken out of context, that looks kind of odd, doesn’t it? I’ll give you a hint - it’s Jack from Mass Effect lol 
Tagging @nightmarestudio606, @comefeedtherainn, @blueteaparty, @lothrilzul, @ronqueesha, @threewhiskeylunch, @laelior, @littlewatty, @raiven-raine, @juleshawke, @cantkeepmyeyesoff​  -- Only if you want to
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theorchardofbones · 7 years ago
A Year in Review — Writing Meme 2017
First off, thanks for the tags, @emeraldwaves and @ghostoftheyear (the latter who tagged me on @harshmallowffxv but I figured I’d do this over here since there’s some FO4 stuff too)
1. Your 3 fanfics with the most comments in 2017: 1. Moogle Match (73) (FFXV, trans!Prompto, Promptio) 2. To Sleep Under the Same Night Sky (65) (FFXV, Promptis) 3. Pull on Your Pout (64) (FFXV, Gladnis) 2. Your 3 fanfics with the most kudos in 2017: 1. Moogle Match (291) (FFXV) 2. To Sleep Under the Same Night Sky (274) (FFXV) 3. Desidero (183) (FFXV, trans!Prompto, Promptis) 3. Your 3 fanfics with the most Bookmarks in 2017: 1. To Sleep Under the Same Night Sky (68) (FFXV) 2. Moogle Match (64) (FFXV) 3. Desidero (45) (FFXV) 4. Your first fanfic in 2017 I deleted my original AO3 so I’m not 100% sure (I reuploaded a couple fics that had been on my old one when I recreated). The earliest new piece I posted to my current AO3 was Revenir, which I wrote in May for the Reverse Fallout Big Bang.
5. Your last fanfic in 2017 Pull on Your Pout was updated most recently, but the last distinct work to be published was Gardenia Hall. The last fic that I finished this year was My Body In Your Keeping (it only took me three months to post that second part, geez).
6. Favorite Opening line from a fic in 2017 ’It’s like an itch. It’s the way his skin prickles whenever Noct is close, the way the sound of the prince’s voice goes right through him. It’s an itch, and he can’t scratch it; can’t do much more than live in his own little fantasies, playing them over and over again, inventing a reality where Noct could ever, would ever—’
– Desidero 7. Favorite ending line from a fic in 2017 ‘“I think it’s gonna be good,” Noct says, pushing a hand through his hair. “This year, I mean. You finally get to be yourself, I’ve got my own place. School’s still shit, but maybe it won’t all suck.” Prompto glances at his friend at the corner of his vision, then moves a little closer and slings an arm around his shoulders. They’ve both neglected to grow much of late, unlike so many of their classmates who shot up over the summer. Prompto’s glad for it — he likes the prince being around his height, if only to borrow from his stylish yet mostly untouched wardrobe. “Y’know what?” he says, leaning close. “I think maybe you’re right.”
– Like the Rain to the Sea (FFXV, trans!Prompto)
8. Your favorite character to write for in 2017 I mean I kind of have to say Prompto since I’ve written his POV for the bulk of my writing career this year, but I’m enjoying writing Gladio a lot more than I ever thought I would, if only to try to give him a softer edge.
9. Your favorite pairing to write for in 2017 It’s always gonna be Promptio. Of all my OTPs they’re the OTP. Honourable mentions for Promptis, which kind of took me by surprise in going from ‘meh’ to ‘ride or die’ over the course of a few months, and Gladnis, which has become a recent favourite.
10. Your proudest fic from 2017: Toss-up between Moogle Match and Like the Rain to the Sea. I came into the FFXV fandom a little terrified to sling my trans!Prompto headcanons at people, only to find that the reception was so supportive and positive. The comments I’ve received on these two fics alone, from trans people or from people whose loved ones are trans, letting me know that my stories have touched them in ways I never even imagined, made writing finally seem worthwhile.
11. Your Longest Fanfic in 2017: In the Shadow of the Bull (69,782; 41 chapters) was my longest, but as I wrote it for Fallout and it was a partial re-upload from last year, I don’t really count it. Moogle Match (39,476; 15 chapters) is second, and was finished much, much more quickly.
12. Any goals for 2018? Read more. Finish at least three fics. Take a step out of my comfort zone and write for some pairings I’m less confident with.
13. Tag some people No pressure, but if y’all haven’t done it already: @metamorphim @kickerwrites @gaeadene @ne0ldian @achroniclerofsilence @bugsieplusone
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flourhurricane · 7 years ago
Last Sentence Meme
I was tagged by @ariejul!
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
“Do you know anything about a group called the Enclave?”
Let’s see... I’m honestly suffering from a brain fart right now and can’t remember how many of my mutuals are writers. So I’m tagging @quinzelade, @fancyladssnacks, @xingshining, @the-wordbutler, and @kickerwrites . If anyone else wants to snag this, then snag away!
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chupacabrasmustdie · 8 years ago
kickerwrites a réagi à votre billet “Self Knowledge Questionnaire”
I thought you already tagged me in this. oops. I better go find another OC. ��
Ooo I think I tagged you in the “flaws and strengths” one :D
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rinasai · 7 years ago
Writing meme
Tagged by @sharonaw thank you 😊💜 rule is to write a sentence from something you're working on.
It was the low pitched whimpering that caught her attention. Korin stopped and looked around in confusion. "Danse, did you hear that?" She said softly. He nodded. "Yes.. I'll look around. Keep your safety off." Korin watched as he entered a thick patch of bushes. A few minutes later, he emerged, a small child cradled in his arms.
(I know it was longer then a sentence😐but oh well)
Tagging @kickerwrites @craniumdemon @scorpio-skies @syrenpan @fancyladssnacks @avaleahblog @bosdansefanatic @belleroo @a-bladesentinel and anyone else who would like to do this. Don’t have to if you don’t want to 😊
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tessetc · 7 years ago
tagged by @jeffersonismywintersoldier THANKS
Rules: tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
Pass it along
Relationship Status: Married
Favorite Color: blue
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Three favorite foods: cheese, french onion soup, turkey dinner, and cheese. I know that's four. But send me cheese.
Last Song you listened to: oh my god. *cringes* How Deep Is Your Love by the Beegees. And I had it blasting. And I was singing along enthusiastically, much to the dismay of my poor child who was trapped in the car with me
Last Movie I watched: i am watching Rogue One right now and The Force Awakens tonight to get prepped for tomorrow. 
Top 3 Shows:  Outlander. Stranger Things. Star Trek: Disco. (Current. All time? Battlestar Galactica)
Top 3 Bands/Artists:  Queen. The Beatles. Idk what else lol.
Books I’m currently reading: None. I am on a book break until after Christmas and then I am gonna read something by Terry Pratchett to see what all the fuss is about.
tagging: @the-dubstep-strawberry and @kickerwrites and @beckiboos and @rinasai and anyone else. No pressure yo.
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fancyladssnacks · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @tess-etc to post the first line of a WIP. ^__^
Soooo, since we all know I have that one rather gigantic WIP, here is the first line of the latest chapter (coming soon! I swear! at least I think? lol I’m so sorry I suck ;A;) 
Paper Moon, Lead Balloon: Chapter 31
Climbing the stairs took greater effort than before, as though gravity had doubled in the last hour. Jo’s limbs were like rubber now the adrenalin had ceased to pound.
Thanks everyone who has tagged me in things lately! It always makes me feel happy and good. ^__^ I’m gonna tag @kickerwrites and @gaeadene. 
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