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roguelioness · 7 years ago
For the DWC, “God, you’re so beautiful.” Happy writing!
Thank you for the prompt, @zolamoonshadow​! :D
Iron Bull x Dani Trevelyan
for @dadrunkwriting​
She’s curled up on the bed, a tiny figure nestled into the extra-large mattress, and she’s unashamedly stolen all the covers.
Bull doesn’t mind.
His eye traces her sleeping form, and it’s not the first time that he wishes, fleetingly, that he had both eyes to fully, properly admire her.
She’s small and slender compared to his bulk, but he’d never again do the mistake of underestimating her. Beneath her soft skin - riddled with scars as it is - she bears tough, firm muscles that carry a great deal of strength. Power - gained through years of training and practice, through sweat and blood - infuse her limbs, and he thinks of her as a steel statue covered in velvet.
He’s seen her bring down a bear with a single stab; he’s seen her slice her way through an entire group of bandits without getting a single wound in return; he’s seen her moving so silently that if he were blindfolded he’d have sworn there was no one around.
It makes her intimidating.
She’s not always that way, though. She trips over her own feet sometimes, and slips and slides on the silliest things - the last one was a rotting leaf - and each time she does it never fails to make him laugh.
But he likes her that way. It’s what makes her who she is.
She lets out a soft snore as she rolls ungracefully onto her back. Bull shakes his head, and pulls the blanket over her now-bare legs.
He knows how much she hates getting her feet cold.
Or wet.
She’d bitched and moaned the entire time they rode back from the Storm Coast, the first time they’d met, when she’d recruited him for the Inquisition. It was only when they’d left the Coastlands and entered the Bannorn - when the constant rainfall had let up - that she’d stopped whining.
She never let anyone talk about that one time they’d had to go to the Fallow Mire.
Suffice to say... it had not been one of her finest moments. Now, between Josephine and Harritt, her feet are constantly well protected with a variety of boots and socks.
She’d even had Solas cast an enchantment over any footwear she wore out on the field, telling him to fuck off in that blunt way of hers when he’d suggested that it might be a little too much preparation.
She rolls over again, her knee striking perilously close to his groin, and he jerks back automatically. The mattress shakes in response to his sudden movement.
One eye blearily open, she gazes up at him, yawning widely as she tries to disperse the fog of sleep.
“You okay?” she asks him as she stretches, long and lithe and limber, cat-like elegance in the motions.
He’s entranced, and a familiar heat starts to bubble up in his stomach. He stares at her; honey blond hair tousled and messy, falling into her eyes and down her back;; her sleeping shirt’s slipped off her shoulder, revealing tantalizingly creamy skin dotted with hundreds of freckles; and everything about the way she’s relaxed around him speaks loudly of the trust she has in him.
A trust he’s never quite had before.
Oh, sure, the Chargers trust him to lead, and his sleeping partners trusted him to not hurt them, but this? This is the kind of trust that comes with intimacy and affection; the kind that comes with a bond.
How did he end up like this? He’s always expected nothing but a good fuck from his partners; so how did that turn into... this?
She knows him well enough to be mildly concerned by his silence. “Bull.” She sits up and crawls onto him, straddling his waist. Bright silverite eyes stare down at him. “Talk.” She presses a kiss to his mouth as encouragement, and it warms him in a way he cannot explain.
He’s never had this kind of feeling under the Qun.
He’s well acquainted with sex and comraderie and other kinds of affection, but Dani makes him feel cherished; he feels protected - which should be silly, given how she’s less than half his size, but he does - and when he’s with her, he’s not a Qunari, he’s not Ben-Hassrath, he’s not Tal-Vashoth, he’s just Bull; not The Iron Bull, but Bull, spoken in that crisp, soft, lilting way of hers.
“Bull?” her tones carries more than a hint of worry.
“You’re so beautiful,” he mutters, and pulls her down to him.
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ma-sulevin · 7 years ago
22 for Dad!Cullen :)
22. “You make me so happy.”
Cullen/Asha Trevelyan with a special guest appearance. For @dadrunkwriting
The silence of their chambers is interrupted only by Asha’s soft, regular snores. She’s stretched out flat on her back on the bed, head half under one of the pillows, one hand resting on her stomach.
She’s beautiful, exhausted as she is, but for the moment... Cullen only has eyes for the newest girl in his life.
He rocks gently back and forth in the soft chair Josephine gifted them, his arms cradled protectively against his chest. In them, swaddled in a soft green blanket knitted by Rosalie, Maisie sleeps.
Looking at her makes his chest ache, but he can’t look away. Her little nose is so tiny, a little red, so perfect. Her eyes, when she manages to open them to look back up at him, are a stormy gray color that he loves but knows will change. Her hair is dark and surprisingly thick, standing almost straight out from her head as though it, too, is surprised it’s there.
She shifts in his grip and yawns, little mouth stretching wide to show toothless pink gums, before she sighs and settles back down. Her eyes stay closed even as her lips pucker for a moment.
She’ll be waking up soon for another feeding, and he’ll have to wake Asha then as well. But for now, both of his women are sleeping, safe and protected in his sight.
He can’t resist shifting one hand to Maisie’s face, running his thumb across her fat little cheek.
“Our little princess,” he murmurs, voice pitched low enough that no one else stirs. “Sweet Maisie. You’ve made me the happiest man in Thedas.”
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vir-tanadahl · 7 years ago
For the DWC, “It’s just that… Well, my favorite character just died.” for whichever ship you'd like. Happy writing!
Thank you for the prompt, @zolamoonshadow !
For @dadrunkwriting
Solas x Lavellan, fluff.
Send me prompts?
Solas silently watches as Isera wanders around the house with her book in hand. Every few minutes she would open the book, scan the pages, and abruptly shut the book with a loud sigh. He isn’t sure if she has turned the pages in the last few minutes. He suspects that she is rereading the same page over again.
She turns on her heels and heads back down the hall, the soft pattering of her feet continues as she walks. “Isera,” he calls after her not moving from his place at the table. “What?” She called back to him, her voice high and strained.
“You will fall into the apartment below if you continue your pacing.” He announces as he watches her appear from the hall. She clucks at him and rolls her eyes. “Don’t be mean,” Is her retort to him.
He sighs leaning back into the chair. “What is troubling you?” He asks as he pushes the chair back and motions for her to sit with him. She grumbles but slides into his lap. “It’s nothing to worry about…it’s silly,” she mutters as she wraps her arms around his shoulders.
He lows his head to brush his nose against hers softly. “It is significant enough to have you pacing about the apartment.” He whispers. Isera nods her head and loudly sighs. “It’s just that…” she mumbles, “well, my favorite character just died.” She admits turning her head away from him and a warm red blush across her face.
Solas chuckles watching her try to hide her face. “Oh? What led up to the death of your favorite character?” He asks his hands playing with her hair. Isera glances at him to see if he is genuinely interested in the topic. Solas continues to watch her with interest nodding for her to continue.“Okay so,…”
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antioxident · 8 years ago
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Here are the rest of the winners of my giveaway! From left to right:
@kickerwrites‘ Oc Dutchess, @dansewithmeee ‘s Oc (OMG I never asked his name D: I’m so sorry! ;-; Forgive me ) @zolamoonshadow ‘s Oc Chana Levi.
I had fun guys! Really got me out of my art block! Thank you again for participating!! ♥
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove​ @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose​ @youaremynewdream​ @asoulonfire​ @alchera​ @dragynfox​ @rawrzimon​ @queensoledad​ @roksanalyasin​ @fenharel-em-halam​ @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy​ @alleiradayne @findsarahh​ @ariannadi​ @talesfromthefade​ @for-the-love-of-solas​ @seigephoenix​ @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar​ @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou​ @stargeant​ @randomnonsensedragonage​ @funkypoacher​ @sasshole-for-rent​ @soetzufit​ @fen-harel-alasnirelan121 @buttsonthebeach​
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PST/7pm EST if you would like to participate tonight!!
NOTE: Due to work and holiday travel, we will unfortunately not be able to honor prompt list change requests made today.  
Kick-off also may be a little late tonight!! But please feel free to start writing/posting at the typical 4pm/7pm start time, and your work will be reblogged! ^_^
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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fadekhat-blog · 7 years ago
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Love is not without limits. When you burnt my world, my heart went with it. Though I may live, you will die alone. @dadrunkwriting for @zolamoonshadow!
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the-overth1nker-blog · 8 years ago
Tumblr Stats: Feburary
Posts made: 36
Notes: 54
Followers gained: 12
Followers lost: 2
Current followers: 10
Follower retention rate: 83%
Average Notes per post: 1.5
Average posts per follower: 3.6
My top post this month: Faction History: The Gunners
My biggest fans: @killfujoshis @zolamoonshadow @logically-pastel @aliceaviatrix 
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @findsarahh @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher @sasshole-for-rent @soetzufit @fen-harel-alasnirelan121
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you need to change your prompt list, please send a LINK to gala asap! ^^
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
Team North America/Australia headcount!
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @findsarahh @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher @sasshole-for-rent @soetzufit @fen-harel-alasnirelan121
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you need to change your prompt list, please send a LINK to gala asap! ^^
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @findsarahh @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher @sasshole-for-rent @soetzufit @fen-harel-alasnirelan121
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you need to change your prompt list, please send a LINK to gala asap! ^^
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount!
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @vir-tanadahl @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher @sasshole-for-rent @soetzufit @fen-harel-alasnirelan121
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you need to change your prompt list, please send a LINK to gala asap! ^^
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @vir-tanadahl @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher @sasshole-for-rent @soetzufit @fen-harel-alasnirelan121
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
PSA: Unless you’ve already sent a link to Gala, due to holiday time constraints, we’re unable to update prompt lists today!! So sorry!!  (But anyone who’s sent Gala a link already today or this week, you’re good!!)
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @vir-tanadahl @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher @sasshole-for-rent @soetzufit
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you’d like to change your prompt list, please message a direct link to @galadrieljones asap!! Due to the number of people on the team, we unfortunately cannot honor prompt list changes indicated only in reblogs.
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @vir-tanadahl @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you’d like to change your prompt list, please message a direct link to @galadrieljones asap!! Due to the number of people on the team, we unfortunately cannot honor prompt list changes indicated only in reblogs.
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness @long-liv-prairies @ladydracarysao3 @littleblue-eyedbird @silent-of-spirit @thewildelf @fenfelassan @dorianofminrathous @elevanetheirin @bi-otic @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332 @wrenbee @nilesdaughter @jawsandbones @ladylike-foxes @superfluouskeys @love-in-nature @cordkitty-ish @fatale-distraction @myshadydreamland @idrelle-miocovani @ladydragon1316 @guileandgall @teiranlavellan @distractthegoddess @shift-shaping @therealmnemo @aurianavaloria @nerdanel01 @andrasteshaircurlers @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions @lavellanlove @right-in-the-vhenan @dawnofakatosh @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @vir-tanadahl @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow​ @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you’d like to change your prompt list, please message a direct link to @galadrieljones​ asap!! Due to the number of people on the team, we unfortunately cannot honor prompt list changes indicated only in reblogs.
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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dadrunkwriting · 7 years ago
DWC: Team North America/Australia Headcount
@5ftgarden @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin @christophertherobin @kaoruyogi @redinkofshame @royalfreckles @roguelioness​ @long-liv-prairies​ @ladydracarysao3​ @littleblue-eyedbird​ @silent-of-spirit​ @thewildelf​ @fenfelassan​ @dorianofminrathous​ @elevanetheirin​ @bi-otic​ @whosafraidofthebigbaddreadwolf​ @tel-abelas-mofo @rue332​ @wrenbee @nilesdaughter​ @jawsandbones​ @ladylike-foxes​ @superfluouskeys​ @love-in-nature​ @cordkitty-ish​ @fatale-distraction​ @myshadydreamland​ @idrelle-miocovani​ @ladydragon1316​ @guileandgall​ @teiranlavellan​ @distractthegoddess​ @shift-shaping​ @therealmnemo​ @nerdanel01​ @andrasteshaircurlers​ @dartheames @fanofmanyfictions​ @lavellanlove​ @right-in-the-vhenan​ @dawnofakatosh​ @wildlingtothebone @katalyna-rose @youaremynewdream @asoulonfire @alchera @dragynfox @rawrzimon @queensoledad @roksanalyasin @fenharel-em-halam @fadekhat @harbinger-of-whimsy @alleiradayne @vir-tanadahl @ariannadi @talesfromthefade @for-the-love-of-solas @seigephoenix @irlaimsaarlath @theweepingstar @zolamoonshadow @suzumicchi @fadedforyou @stargeant @randomnonsensedragonage @funkypoacher
Please reply to/reblog this post (with a message, not just in the tags) by 4pm PDT/7pm EDT if you would like to participate tonight!!
If you’d like to change your prompt list, please message a direct link to @galadrieljones asap!! Due to the number of people on the team, we unfortunately cannot honor prompt list changes indicated only in reblogs.
Also, remember that if you’d like to join, or you have questions at all, please just contact one of us!! We’re here to help. You can also check out our FAQ!
Thank you! <3
-your admins (@galadrieljones@thevikingwoman @ma-sulevin and @5ftgarden)
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